Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
7 f . > ' I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .FRIDAY AUGUST 5. 1887. BPEOIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements underfills land. 10 cents pa lm > for the HIM insertion , 1 cents lor oncli sub Reiilicut Insertion , and tl.W a line per inontli ho ndvortl'Oinont tnkcn for loMltmnZS cunts for the first Itifurtlon. hoten words wll Jb counted to tlio line : tlicj must run consecu tively and must no nald In Bdrntico. All adver- Llf > mcntH most bo linnilcd In Ixiforo 1 : : o'clocc li. tn..nniliimicrno tlroum tnnc.9 will they bo tnkrn or discontinued by telephone. Purlins advertising In thcM-column nnd hav ing tun nnswois nildrtwd In care of THE DEH willpicncc n k fern clicck to enable them to pot tnelr letters.a * none will lie delivered except fan oroFonintlnn of clicck. All answersto Rdvor- lisemprits should bo cnolo'od In envelopes. All advertisements In thoto columns nrq pub * lUlied In both morning mid ( toning editions oflitK HKI : , the circulation of which aggre gates morothnn H.noo pnpois dnlly , Mid gUps Ihn ndvnrtfscrstlinticiu'llt.nut Only of the city rlreillntlon of TUB lire , lint nl o of Council HlurfR , Lincoln nnd rithor cities and towns llironghoiit this part of the wot. MONEY TO LOAN. 11,003,000 to loan. Cole , 316 S 15th , | C3t Lf ONHY To loan nt n per cent. Patterson M llros. , 15lh street , op. P. 0. 323 to loan ns low rnte by niiickbiirn It MONEY , MO South 1'ith ft. S"L ° _ ' 7M.WIO TO LOANnlO per cent Llnaban It > Mahoney , 150'J rarnam. 018 6 1'KH CKNT Money. U. 0. 1'Hllorpon. IMh and Harnnr. ; wn,000 to loan on real n tate No delay. $ Harris A Sampson , 1510 Douglas St. 640 M ONEY TO LOAN-lPl' ' ' Duvls Co , real I estate and loan agents , 1005 Farnam st r 11 MXr ) 0 lo loon m miy amount at lowest rate of interest. II. 11. Ircy.J-Yen/or block. JU7 To loan on Omaha city property at8 $600jOOO per cent G. W. Day , B. e. oor. Kx. nld ; > ONEY TO LOAN On city nnd form prop erty nt low rates. No delay. Calm A Wool Icy , ViU Fiirnain st. ni-in * r ONP.Y to loan to pnrtles wlshlntr to bullJ. - 8. 8. Cnmpboll , U10 S ICth St. , Cluinibor of Commerce. M3 To lonn. Lowest rules No dolny. MONI1V . Hlto A. Co. , over Commeiclnl _ Nu- llonnl linnk. " 51 ' ONEV to loan , oaah On delay. J. W , and K. L. Stjulre , 1413 K rrmro It. , Taxton hotel bnlldln ? . 8' ' * ' . TO I.OAN-I.oann of 10 to * 100 MONI'.V niixdo on furniture , plutio < < , horses , wnRong , We. , without romovnl , J. J. Wilkinson k Co. , 1824 Faraara struct , oyer BurlliiRton ticket oniec C33 nugO * TV ! ONEY TO IXAN on lmproy d city prop- i'lertylnBiimsof $1.000to ffi.OOO nt six per cent Interest SholesA Crumb. 645 * ONEY ' 10 lOANon iinprored renl rstatoj no coinmloslon charged. Loavltt Hum- bum , lloom 1 Crelgbton HlODK. 041 MONEY TO LOAN-On city pi-operty In sums of | ! > 00 and upwards ot lowest rnU'S. Montiy tlways on hand. 8. S. Cainpboll. 310 Bouth Bixtcoiith street. 617 fTV ) IOAN Money Loan placed on im- JL prey d real estate In city or county for Mow Encland Loan A Trust Co. , by Douelai County bank. ICth and Chlrngo stt. 041 MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hood A Co.'a Joan o-'J- 001 oo , uiuoooniuniiiiiropinno8 , homeswagons , pereonal property of nil kinds , nnd all | other ar- tlclcs of value , without removal. 119 ! S. 13th. over Ulnghnm a Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. ' 65(1 ( MONEY TO 1.OAN by the nndersigned , who baa the only properly orfmnlred loan agency in Omaha. Loans of f 10 to $100 mudo on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , mnohlnery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so tnndo that any part can bo paid at any Imo.oach payment reducing the cost pro rata Advances made on flno watches and diamonds. Persona should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many now concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see mr. W. R. Croft , Itoom 4 Wthr Building 1Mb nnd Harnuy. 651 iTlK OMAHA rinnncial Exchange , N. W. corner of llarnoy nnd IBth Bts. , over State National bank. It prepared to make short time loam oo any Tallable security. Loam made on chattels , collateral or real Mtate. Long time loansmndoon Imorovea real estate at current rales. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Keen red notrs bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loans mane on second mortgage. Hccordlng to marginal IiiterMt , at collateral rates. Itnnl estate to exchange for goofl interest tienornl flnanclal business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on hnnd for approved loans of any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Corbett. Manager. 053 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Coi , 1505 Karnam street Complete abstracts iur- nlahod , nnd titles to real eatitto examined , per fected and guaranteed 07d BUSINESS CHANGES. foil HAI.E A ooinplto laundry , including hoisios , harnoi'i.two wapons , twenty horse bower enjrlno anil bnllcr , WntBon washer , Wosion wrliiirer , 12 12 dry room , shnltlnff pulleys , stoves , building , oto. , eomnlete nil In perfect working order. Iiiquird of I. F. Hen- net t nt the office of C. F. Dnscoll , H23 Dofitfc st. from 10 a. in. Io3 p m. 7B8 8J RAHK business chance ; for nale , the stock , ( liturcn and good will of a first-clans cloth * lag store dolnir a Rood tnislnccs , centrally located , only reanons for ttelllni ; the owner has other and more important business. Parties meaning buslncBD may address U. 18 , lion office. C54 fTlOU BALE Moat market , tools , fixtures , X borso and wairon , everything oomplcte. Good location ; good trade. Address U 46 , Iloo. C26aug 8J WANTED Parties who desire to buy or sell or eichanKO stocks of general merchan- dlic. dry goods , groi-erles , boots and shoes , hardware , di URH , jewelry improved or unim proved town orolty property , Improved or un proved farms In any pnrt of the United Ptaies , to addrcis Krausa It Foster , 310 S , Iftth at. Omaha , Neb. 65S W ANTED - ( ientiemiui wlslilnx an honest business. Profits (14 per day. $ IIU re quired. Will exchange for stock or trade. Call room 4 Crotinsoblock , 119 N ICth street. 1Z1 aug 11 Foil SALR-1 offer for sale the United States hotel cor of Douglas and 10th st. Sitld hotel ' ' has aocommodallons for 60 hoarders and runa In connection u bar with n full stock of the test liquors ; will sell cheap on accou nt of sick- ncf.a ; Inqulroon premises. 672 li USINESB Chanco-For sal-A stuck of dry goods , olothtntr , furnishing ( roods , bootl and shoes ; al o fixtures. With this stock a foui rears lease of n double store caubo obtained in one of the best retail localities in the olty In formation at Dormann's , cuu Soulh Thlrteentti itroot 605 RAHR nnsinesH chance For sale , a stock ol general merchandise In the best of shape located m the best railroad towu lu Southern Nebraska. Stock will invoice about (8,000. Sales last jear , f 10,000. Cu',1 or address. Good reason for selling. It. F. Hart & Son , Falrhury Neb. 618 a5 BUSINESS CUANCE-ForsMo , nxtim'i and good will of on of the be t rstnll frooery stares In Oiuana. centrally located , reasons fur spilingmrty \ bai other business. Adqro.s * Y N ) , HBO ollicu B03 B * YVANTED Man with | 1W1 onsh us scourltj T ? for honesty , llghi otllee biislncag. $ i ; weekly lo start. Addrtui Y 45 , this otllco , 70 4. W 7ANTI'.l-rurtner , f 00 ; flO dally. 910 B ' 10th 61. 6U2aS * 17IOH SALE The nell-known llawley houst J. of 40 rooms , on account of thn death of mv wlli > . Will sell property or t.oll f iirnlturo ant rent bouse to right person. A good ohancn tc maku monoy. Address Prop , Noith Platte Nab. 473 a 7J _ 3 you SALE Icecreiini parlor with carfnti . and all fixtures , good trude c-dtablUiied ( ilcknosH Is thociiuFo for selling. Price f&Jti Cost JIJXX1 last ipt Ing , Uenawa & Oo. l&th it iljpliof Ite P. U. 833 4 T710H SALE Fine stock of fresh groceries JL1 Pony team delivery wagon and harness Vine location and doing a good business ; year loare on buildlnic with privilege of 1 moi e Itemed $50 per month. Wbolo price 11,400 Will take part In city property , If mitUfactory Terms to suit. J , F. IlatnmouJ , 117 & )8tu ) st. 7 9 ANTKD-OQO or two smart biuinns mo" wilh 100 to $500 capital to make 15,000 b fore the snow liloa. Kooui 4 , Crouuse blocs ictb St. _ 4j I 10 BUR1NKST Chance A inlrndld chance fo good man 10 suloon bueuien. Capltcl re u. . AdJrost for partlculiia. Y Ik Bee Office. 7M 4 , JR SALE Cbeap.-A flno lunch' cimuic. suitable for bar puipo cs , K& & 10tu. ; , FOU SALT ! noftrdlnif house and furnlturo conpletn. Call ats w cor. of IPtn and Ixnnl sts. Mr * . Froernatu S60PJ "I710H 8ALB-A stuck of general more | mn JL ,1iso , store building and lot. in ono of the t > o t new towns In Central Nebraska. Stock will Invoice at picccnt about $1/00. Good rea sons for selling. Address Y 03 , Dee ollice , 674 6J WANTED Partner in Oregon lumber bu l ness. Capital J10,0)0 ) to :0/,00. A tlrst clnss Oregon party wants a partner to estab lish a yard In Omaha. Enquire of K. l'o ' o- water. _ _ _ _ _ J51 ' 3J _ BUSINI'SS CIIANCr.-Jl.Trt will buy oneof the best payliic saloons In the city. Ad diets at once , V3.'i lice 70S-4J FOH ALE Law library , cheap. Wheeler & Wheeler , Dotiirlas ana 15th st. C17 PERSON AIj. 13iHSONAL-Is : there a person In town who I could af-slst a 30-year old. reliable , steady Hebrew In pocilrltig a situation of any kind. Addro s Y Cl , Iloo Ofllco. 818 5j TJF.HSONAL Fend for your sewlmr machine JL nrcdlcs , oil nnd repairs' to the bingor Man'fg Co , 1M8 Douglas f.t Omaha. 4C3 a2 lemovod from 1211 Davenport st. to3U North 12tb , furnished rooms for rent. CM-IS * _ IJEHSONAfOeiitleinen. . altentlon. Good board and rooms at 604 S. 18th st. , reasonably 7fc8 aug 12J j Prlvnln home for Indies during J confinement , strictly confidential , Infants adonled , address K42. Heo offlcn. 4K S - . Dr Nannie V. Warren PEHSONAL-Mrs. clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium Boom No. S 121 North 16th it .Oraaha. Neb. LOST. JUST -Ijulles gold hunting ca < i watch with J brass cap , on 10th and Dodge. I'ludcr will ploasc leave with MrIlcrgman at MUA Meyer's More. BCiJ G | T OST llrlndlo Scotch terrier 10 montlm old. JJllrass collar locked with dogtnxfrom Dcca- tur , la Howard will bo pnld for return of Mtino to II II. llii\cn , 506S. 10th St. f45 fij R TRAYED or stolen July 18 , dark bay pony mare about ICO IbH. , Blx yearn old , brnndi'd on loft hip , wblto loft hoof. Return .lohn M. Olbb , 42d street , between riirnani und Leaven- worth llucolve renord , 70 )4 ) * 8KVKNTY-F1VE dollare' rcn ard. Strayed or stolen flora icar of 111 N 17th gt , a largo roan hoi sc , about 17 h n < ls high , weighing be tween LBUOond 1,400 pounda , redlsh brown maiio and tall , hind nnklo somewhat swollen- $ Zj will bo paid lor relurn of nnlinal to owners. at IJO S Hth st.and If stolen the sheriff of Dong- las Co will pay a reward of $50 for the arrest and conviction of the thief. 6'JB rouzrrj. A llvr and white pointer. Owner can have sumo by ciilltiig nt C19 N. 14th st. and proving property. 910 Oj TUMPED Into my pasture , a rod cow. rope J around horn , calf by hrr side. Spring Valley stock farm , N. L D. Solomon. HS128au411 CLAIRVOYANT. MRS. DUKANT Cliirfvoyant from lloston is reliable In all attain ol life , unites sepa rated lovers. 022 n 16th 1. MOsept 3J STOKAOE. STORAQlXOmaha Storage Warehouse , cor. 13th and Izard , ample facilities for storage , furniture , wagons , etc. Low rates , advances made Issue warehouse receipts. 493 aug Oj BURST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th > t 650 STOHAGK Flrf.t-class storage for nioe fur niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodge-st 800 MI8CELLANEOTJB. FOIl TRADE Wo have Fovoral good house1 and lots that wo will trade at cash prices for first mortgage paper. These hou es are new and range lu prlcu from $3,000 to 7,500. Park , Fowler & Kennard.lBO" rarnam. 8M 7 WHEN you get ready to buy something don't fall to see Itlackburn & Kennedy 316 South 15th St. Wo tmio somothitig good to Rhowyou. b800 TO Room Renters Why have your rooms empty whan for the payraont of ono dollar lar , you can list your name on our books for six months and secure thn benctlt of tlio bos' ' medium for renting your looms ? Natlona Kniploi-meiit OlUco 420 bouth 15th street , room 7 , up stairs. 7it ) S TDEAL Ilutton Hole Cutter Host In world -L Send stamp for prices and line plclurer- H. S. Co. , CbilllcotBP , Ohio. 7S7 4 SIXTEENTH street Employment offloe ro moved to 220 N Kith st 745 4J / 1 ODD reliable help of either ser nlways 01 VJ on hand at the Scandinavian Employmen Bureau , 1610 Farnam stioot 72.I-7J LADir.S de lrlng competent and rellahlo help Rbouln call at Ihe National omnloy- munt ollice , 420 South 15th st , room 7 up- Btalrs. CU-5 ! rnilE gentleman and lady who earned away a L Rmall dog tn a buggy from nth and Doug las ets. can save further trouble by retiirnlnp sumo. bU ) 4J DO YOU want a situation as bookkeeper , clerk , etc ? We can secure ono for you. Record Advertising Co. , 151.1 I'lunnmst G71-5 R ELIAIILE Insurance , llluckburn 4 Kennedy , 1118 .South 15lh st 8796 TlUSlNKSSCHANCES of all kinds , fnrms. JJ stocks of goods , etc. , for sale or exchange , See Hecord Advertising Co. , 161.J Farnam Et. 671-5 W E again call your attention to the fact that wo are giving collection ot rents special attention. If you have any houses to rent plane thoin with us , or If > ou wish to rent a house call and see 113. Wa refer > uu to Mo- Cague llros , bankers , Uenawa & Co , 15th st , opposite postoflloo. 740 4 AONF.TIO Healing Mediums euro all kinds ofslcknossln connection with clairvoy ance of the past , present and future , J. H , Pageler , North State st , mile west of fair grounds , P. O. box 683. 510 a26j DO YOU want tlio earth ? 70C yards ot It can be bad with a premium at C44 South 17th street , near Loavcnworth , 278 T O EXCHANGE For good family horse and phaeton , 80 aci os ot land , f re's from en cumbrance , within three miles of county scat. Chas. P. llonjamln. 1612 Farnam Bt. 555 -OASn buym of furniture , stoyes and bouse- vv heM goods don't go to the long tlmo high priced stores , they go to 117 N 16th. 647 aug 7 qro EXCHANOK-Sonth Omaha lot free from JL encumbrance for span of good horses. Chas. P. Bonjnmln , 1112 Farnam st MONEY talks lor furniture and household goodi at 117 N 16th , Your price for cash , 648 augT T7\OHK \ N1 Ho/Jaro Piano ( d mouUlT. A .E Hospp. 1513 Douglas. Ml FOR KENT Organs , $ J per month , aoipa , 1M3 Douglas. 6 l , OL 0. Ilouie furnishing goodi , all kmdi ; si cash or mitallmeat ; lowest prices at J. Donner , 1315 Douglas st 663 Foil RENT jiano , It mootalT. A , Hell > e. 1513 Douglas. Ml FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I ? Olf 8ALK Your oholne "oTtnViJeit lines of I1 bugiiles. carriages , phnetoni , surreys , de livery wagons , open inJ top ono fine hunting w agon. Call ana look through or end tor cult and prloo to Columbus Bu gy Co. , 1113 Hnrney TTOR SALE Carpets ami furniture , nnd .L' house for rent , 113 S 23rd between Doug- ins and Dodge. 414 IOH SALE Furniture , good will and l aso of L the host pnving sraull hotel in Oir.ana , Constantly full of first -clftsj boardvrs. Price $ l,5nn , Inveetii-ttc this. J F , Hammond , 117 S. Wtli. 769 J7011 SALE -Sprond hand extension top. out under carriage , good oayiaia. | 85. W. II DrummotKl ft Co. , llnrney at , S2f > 4 t. TT ORSALE-Pugdojs ; Hno English pugs and * - Italian Greyhound puppies for * alo. For priced and duicrlpllou , address llox 2CO Topeka , KnnoiiA. b09 9J FOR 8ALR-At a bargain , a 6-room house with clo em and pnntrr , etc. , lot 5 fcot east fiont , 6 blocko south ot court house. Ad- drcas yap , Hueolliea. C20anO F"OH BAiiK Furniture of 8 rooms with privi- Ugt ot Icait of bouio , 707 S. 1UU St 209 SNAP Furnitur * and Icaie of U room ? , a ijlochs item P. O. n. K. Cole , 316 SISlb. MS 19J " ] JEt > T buggies at Druinmotid & Cu'f. J * Surreys and catrlolets ClarkKon carts. Phaetoiti , ItookKwnys. IMItrry WHgons , new anJ oldt S < oonit-bnnil buggies. Wm K. 4 Co. , bulljer * , I31S Bar A JlARK opportunity offered by widow lady Two horse , one in the bHndtmie , high ired , fast trotter and road hnr > o , Clirster Wllkcs.gotby George Wllkos , sire of Harry Wllkes. ruoord2l4'iidaui ; Ll//lp Illlnkc-r , tlio dam ot I.uco Morning , record of2i2l' { , In fact haio hlspoillgioci ClioMor Is a bay ircldlng , 54 hands high , weighing fully l.OdO pounds , 1 years old and has n long ilowlng inane and all and Irpp from spot or bloinlnh of any kind , I j Is without exception the tnot perfect gon- lomttn's family and road horse tn the city ; ho leodsiiouootsor too weights , has great car riage and endurance , does not shy or pull ; per- > ctly nfe for tno most timid person to drive ; hero Is as flno a strain of blood in his veins as can bo traced to auy trotter of the ago. Ho has never trotlod for anr money , so has no public record : would makii a variable horse for rosd or track ptir- > oses ! he showed two trials when my husbnnd lurohasod him n llttlo over a year niro In 2:2 : < J md 2 : " . > , driven by John Hampton , nt which time ho coursed cons'dcrablo , and lie Is ns good now , If not better , and will warrant him lobe n every way as icpioscnled , nnd to trot a full nlle In 2:30 : , and the time shown purchaser ; il > o the handsome nnd beautiful buy inn ro Minnie , 7 yoais old ; can go out any day and trot In 2:35 : or better ; she was Mrod by Nut wood , record of 2:18Si : ; 1 also hold her full ped- grce ; they make an excellent polo toHin ; would prefer to soil them tn some person In tlio ountry that would glvn them a good home. Would allow a responsible party a trial ot ! H dnys.tntcat tnnlr epeoil and driving qtmlitlon. I will warrant them In every pnitlcular as rep resented , or I will pay expanses both coming and golntr. Thn prlco of tlio two Is $750 , or > on can hm o your choice Tor $101 : Ihat l not near as much as either ono cost Tor further Information mation call at my residence , 3128 Wahiish nv. , Cblcnito.lll. FOS 8J FOHSALF.-Socondhund very light Snycler open buegy In ercollonl shape , prlco flOO W. H. Driimmond A' Co. , Hartley st P-1 4 Til Oil PALE -llarber shop with two chairs at A' South Onmlm. Now furniture , all below cost. Address box 212 South Omaha 7Si > Oj BAIIO1N , to buy an Emerson piano orth $160 lor i I ) cash and balance 10 notes at $15 n month and last f2j , f 175 duo on It , tU3 ! Cues st. 777 4J FOIl SALU Carload of Oregon horses and ponies , broken to rlilo , can bo f een at Tuniy's Hum , 2501 Cumlng st 7fil 7' FOKSAIjK Small horizontal boiler mid en- pine cheap. I'nqulro Culm \ Woollcy , 1R2J Fiirnam st 70J-0 F I Oil PAf.E Drlrh Enquire at yards , 20th and II , & . M.It. 1U 8J1 5 * ) H SAI/F-Harness , light double , second hand $12,1704 N I'.lth ' St. 1 6J FOlt SA1 , ! : One Bit-foot uprlghl blncK wal nut show case , Milton Itoctrs & t-on. ODD I OH 8ALK-14VMW ( brick. Apply to .1. N. Klynn , 1505 J'arnnm st 144 TjlOH BALK Oil and gasollno wngou , team , I ? harness and route. Call bet. 12 and 1 at 1413 Dodge. 815 FOH SALE Span fine matched bay driving borbos. C.K , Harrison , 418 S IBtb st. 578 WANTKD MALE HELP. W ANTJlU-nnibers at 1111 S 13th st.M3 M3 Bj W 1ANTKU-6good carpenters. 313 S llthst. WOO 1J WANTKD Oood mule stenographer and typo-writer. Apply Bt once to lllakc , Bruce A Co. 008 4 \VANTKD-4 can\B oer8 , 2 men nnd 2 ladies. > > BaUrles (1.60 to 2 M per day , llHti st Uui- ploymcnt ofllce , 220 N. 2Rtli St , 8H74J WANTED A peed first and second conic , also throe waiters lor track laying trnln. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Karnain st. VlfANTED 1 first-class grocery clerk , 6 shov- i ' elcrs , 10teamsters , 2 dl hwashers , 4 cooks , 2 second cooks , 2 or 3 canvassers. Omaha Em ployment Ouro&U , 119 N. lOtli Bl. 882 4 WANTED A thoroughly competent book keeper. References roqulrod. Address Y 58 , Iloo oDico. 859 5J \\fANTKD Hrst class young man for book- > > keeping. Ono that can write plainly and make plnlii flguies anil will bo willing to loam our way. Must bo tempornlo mid steady State whoio last worked and what salaiy expo ted for llrstsix mouths. Address YC1 , Iloo Oillco. 870 4 WANTED Agents , treasurers and actors diinnteursi. Aildre 3 Manager , room 43 , Jjlndoll hotel , Lincoln , Nob. S72 4j \\fANTED-Nont errand boy nt Melcholr llros. , 1116 i'nrnnm st.,2d lloor. 847 \\TANTED A baker nt the National bakery , 2405 Cumlnp St. 855 Oj W ANTED-Mon tor railroad work. Al bright's Labor Agency , 112U t'arnam. 875 IF you want work of any kind , call nt 314 V S 15th St. , upstairs 75i ) 3J W ANTBD-Uood milker. Littlofield.7G5 7G5 4 WANTED Wo furnish all male holn free to contractors , hotels , restaurants , families etc : also all female help to know that wo fur nlsh them situations free. Partlos In need o help will do well to leave orders with 10th st Employment ofllce , 220 N , ICth Ht 89(15j ( ' WAKTLD-20 men and lOtonmson the North Omaha sewer , cor. of 20th and Clark sts flood AVBtfcs and weekly pay. r hompson DoLnnoy. 5'U 4j WANTI'.D A .good burlier , good guaranteed. Address Fred Michael , Te knmah. Nob. 7514 TIT ANTED Drug clerk. A good rosponsibl > > drugfflst will soouro Bltuatlon at once. 3ermnn preferred , Apiily to A Sansledt Walioo , Neb. 7M 4 WANTED- Three persons to instruct In bookkeeping. Situations m beptombor , J. n. Smith , 1813 Chicago st. 8-'H OJ WANTED Salesmen , u now Inventio needed In nvory IIOUBO ; ! WO per cent com mission or n peed salary to right parties Ad dress with stamp for tormg the Weaver Menu facturer , 34 N State St. , Chicago , lit 734rt WANTED An experienced clothing sales man , none other need apply. J. L. llrnniinls & irons , 5U ( South 13th St. 805 WANTKD All those wanting help or situa tions as collectors , nsst bookkeeper ! * , gen offlco work , englnocis , ttromen , porters , watch men , coachmen , teamstcis. bartenders , etc. , to apply tn the Mutual Employment aironcy , 214 8 Ifith Bt. up stmrs. 732 4j TTfANTED-Oood pant maker nt once good pay i > nnd cash every Saturday. 1) . Lewis , 1'nlrmont , Neb 8J7 Oj W IANTUD-A good coat maker at 319 S. 12th st. 810 r.j \\fANTKD Twenty-five laborers on Omaha extension Chioago ft North Nebraska Hallway , tour miles west of Koit Onmna. Wages $2.00 per day. C. P. Treat , Contractor. tOO 9J " \ \ rANTED A few men of business qualinca- tlonscanilnd employment as solicitors. ? . ' ,50 per day , ut Mrs. Brega & Son , olllcc , 310 So. Uth. 775 4J " \\7"ANTKD At once , 3 ooat makers and 2 > > puiits makers. Address M. lierdoldt & Son , Seward , Nob. 78J 8 \\fAriTED-Aboywith liorso to carry a route > ' on the Evening lido in the soutn part of town. 146 WANTED FEMAI E HELP. ITANTL'D-Two good gllla nt 415 N 15th st > 803 5J \iTANTEO-Colorodglrl for general house- VT work in email family Wages $4.00. 190S Fnrnum st. 812 5j W ANTED A Email girl to assist In general hoiiaowork. 435 Convent st. 8024 * tfANTED A good girl at the St. James HoI - I tl opposite U , P , Depot I'M ' 4J _ WANTED Good woman , wluto or colored that Is willing to work , call at 913 Doug las. 776 WANTCI-Tbe ladles of Omaha to know tlmt the best place to get good girls is at the Date City Employment office , U14H S. 15lh ot , up-gtalrs. 813 4 WANTED Good girl to do general house work. Apply ur cor. California and tOtb. 733 TTTTANTHD-Girls for general houaework- . T T Your choice of moo placet free of charge. Mrs. Urega & Sou 310 S. lotn st. 729-5J YSTAJNTCn S Isdy bookkeepers for city , 2 laundry glrlifor Fremont ; good wages ; 1 talloroes for city ; 4 dining room glrU. 4 dlsh- waiberi3ohaiutermilds,8 ; ) female cooks,1 second end cook.V girls forl famlly$4 and$5 porwcok ; 1 pantry girl , < Jlaundry girls , 50 glils general house wore. OmaUa uinp. Uuroau , 119 N , Itltb it. T70 7 \\7ANTRD-TrlnimeriatOenlus llros. , Mil- ' ' llnery store. 1108 Douclas street. 712 GIRLS , call at the Omaha F.mploj raont Ilu- reau,119 N.ieth it. and get a place for work without chargu. 884 4 \X7ANTED-1 Isdy book.Keeper , t ! laun- ' dressei for Fremont , Jclmmtiormalds , 1 cook , for private famulus , f ) per week ; Udlu < Ing room girls , 78 girls for gonaral housework , Omaha Employment llureau. W ANTED-Onofdod cook , two dining room girls , OD laundrosa , on * boy , 601 N. leth . : . ' . . . ? , ' 8 4J \VANTED-Dlnlngroom girls for Wyoming. ' 120 , second cook forNorfolk , $25 , S pol ishers for FtrmontjfSO.wontsjtrcook for COliira * bits laundress for Central CUT. all faros paid , In City , took andJaundrcrB for inmo liouso. 4 din * Ing room girls , second cook ( nd dlswashur for sanio house , kitchen helpers.lots of girls for nice places In private families , $ to $5 per week. Mr * . Ilrega & Son , 31C s 15th , telephone B8I. 'f 1UI 4J _ _ t \ \ ANTED -At 1608 Dodgoat. 2 good waiters at $1 per week. SViVj gifp at 1510 Capitol avcnuoi good wages. U 810 4J _ \ \ TASTKD Elderly Indy.fnr two weeks to > take care of b-monlhfwoM babv , day and nltfht ' , wages J2.W. Mrs. Selby ; I5U Davenliort St. pv 1055 * \ \ - ANTED- competent Second girl at 17JJ4 Davenport st. ts)7 ) 6J " \\7"ANTiD : A girl to cook , wash nnd Iron tn ' family of three ; no chlMron. Highest wages gixen to competent girl. Apply 18J4 Douglas st " " ' "J W rANTKD At the Canfleld House , pan washer at once , 8814J WW W r ANTF.D-Shlrt makers , 1112 Farnam.MIS MIS 0' I'ANTIJD Girl to do general house work. > Inriulro at 2116 South llth st , f07 10 * AY .rANTED Girl for general housework. In- qulro C2rt South 1'Jth. Til \\7ANTHD A peed girl for goncial house- work. Gorman preferred. Jlrs. A. Sor- otnon , No. 1018 Cupltol avumio. 761 4 * W ANTKD--Olrlfor gonorul houaewoik. 2013 Cumin ? . 7"H flj \\7ANTKD Twolaily bookkeepers , must bo ' i A 1 quick at noun's , must Klvo refer- rneos. Omnhu Kinploymcnt Ilurctiu , 119 North ICth Bt. 1H3 WANTED A llr t cln s plrl for pennrn holHowork with only two In the fnmlly , Mrs. Albeit 1) . Morse , OJ8 llarncy Bt 83) ) 0 \\TANTED A cook nt Oakland hotel. Sutton. ' Neb , Must huvo roteicuues ; Indv pre ferred. 873 10J " \YrANTED-Iindlcg for dramutlo company. T Address MiuniKcr , room 4J , I.lndoll hotel , Lincoln , Neb , 871 4j WANTKD Two ( flrlfl at Doran house , 422 S IBth 61. . near 8U Mary'B avo. l 4 SITUATION WANTED. "ITTANTKD Situation ns housekeeper by n IT dcnslblo , steady woman of < i > . Is nu * x- collontoook nna Inundross and not afraid ut work , country prof on od , Mury , box 7f > 4 city 1)00 ) 5J " \\TANTKD Ilookkoopor wnnw set of books to post up alter 6 o'clock evenings. Ad dress K. < ; . . 1512 CnBS Bt. 893 f.J WANTKD Situation ng salesman In cloth- Inif or furnishing froods store ; 10 years' experience ; best ot reference. AUdioss V C5 , lion ollice. 891 6j WANTED Kxperloncod architect nnd lur- voyor's assUtant ( from Kngmnd ) dofllrog onra omont in Omnha , First clusa testimonials md references. .Addrom Alfred Ileci , care ot Ir. John Kioy , West Hill , 1'latto Co. , Nebraska. 877 10) ) VI'ANTKD Situations for book keepers , ' clorss , bakers , butchers , conchmou , oamstors , portnrg , waiters , cooks.disbwnglier . itc. Orders filled froo. Mrs. Uroga &Son , Ulu 15th , telephone 884. KM 6J \X7ANTKD-Byn man anO wlfo , man thor T ouKlily ao'iunlntcil with Uorses ; gardener ; irlfe excellent cook ; ooeit * Miployinont In a- Ino fnmlly. lioforuncos glv4lO. Address Y 62 , lee ollicu. 'J 870 BJ WANTKD-Positlon by boyU8 years of HRO , with two years' oxpofience as clorlt In grocery store. Address V 4C ! IJeo. 804 C WAN'IKD Situations ; clfenloyors wanting ( rood steady men for air VlndB of work or ' assistant bookKeiipers , general fllco clerks , collectors , watchmen , porters , oachmon , teamsters , engineers , flromen , Jan- tors , bakers , barbers , farmers and nil trades ml occupations , furnished Kroo. Mutual Km- iloymcnt agency , 214 S 16th ajlip stairs. 74 ? 4J WANTKD-Sltuatlon rllfc. private family , best references given. 'Apply COS S. 13lh \ 034 4J WANTKD One of the largest manufactur ing conoorna In tUI * country can use a few moie gt > od solicltorB in tIds city or state. Unexceptionable references required. Exper ience not essential. Salaiy and oomml slon. Addrost Y 69 , Doe office. P53 IOJ \\7ANTKD By mlddle-ago < l maw , stranger in ' olty.'the nonualutnnco of young widow or . oung lady. Object mutual entertainment. Address Y 35 Iloo office. Hl'J 5J D Store in best rotnll locality , or will buy lease If necessary. Address this oillco V 47. 807 ( > * WANTUD To rent a cottage of 5 or 0 rooms , Email family , no children. Reference exchungod. Address Y 43. Doe Office. 740 4j \VANTED-PupIls In English hranehos ' ' and muslo , n. w. corner loth and Barnaul. 7.15 si * W ANTED-A few boarders at 1720 Dodiro st. Referoncosrorjuostcd. 70J \\7ANTKD Parties having rooms or houses ' to rent should list thorn with us as wo Bend out ninny applicants dally. Hecord Ad vertising Co. . 1513 Farnam st , 071-5 WANTED-To rent a house of about 81 ooms. Address , stating location ana price. X 72 Uco office. yii ) FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOR DENT Cottage of 0 rooms , 25th HI. and Indiana nvonue. 787 0 * FOH KENT -7 room liouso on Davenport st. lirounan & Co. , room 3 , Chamber of Com merce 850 4 FOR RENT A nice sevon-room house with good barn , city and soft water , with n nice ynrd and flno view. Inquire of C. L. Erlckson A Co.,312 N 16th St. 830 5 TT1OK HUNT 3-room cottage nt 1033 South X1 1st hat. and I'achlc St. 629 4J FOH RENT Ono 6 nnd one 0-roomed house , on 19th street , nenr Lake street. Apply to Phillips & Shaw , 24 < mi Cumlng st. 830 & FOR RENT A 7 room bouse with bath room , collar , stable , well and cistern at 1343 S. 25th aronue. Nice place to live. Ernst K robs. 760 & TjXIl REST 10 room house nt 2410 Plerco st - 1Kor terms apply on premises. 741 ? Oli UKNT Vine new brick house ; have all ' modern conveniences. 820 N. linnaf. 760 8J FOH RENT A throe-room liouso on 21th street , south of Leavenworth. A. P , Tukey , agent , 1324 Far mini it. b56 FOH RENT House. Furniture for sale. 10 room house 5 blocks from opera houso. Furniture for sale on Tory low terms Cause of removal sickness. Address Y CO , Hoe omco. 853 7J FOR RENT 9 room flat with all modern con vonloncos. Furniture , good as now , for sale clioap Wood A Co. . 140WCapitol avo. (193 ( FOR RENT Two large nojwl stores and two Hals of five rooms each. City water and gas. On Saunders St. 0. W. Calif. K.iO Ohio St. 818 F I OR RKNT 3-room cottairif on 2Ht and Paul streets. Inquire at en : * mtu 13th street IIT 901 & 1OH RENT-A flve-room ttMiso and barn on Pleasant St. C. T. MorfbiS , 1324 Fnrnam Bt. { L 753 * * FOH RENT-Two brick stores with baao- ments24th and Hamilton streets. Desir able location for dry goods ! laid drug store. Flats abore If desired. Ifeavltt Uurnham I , room 1 , Crelghton block. , 874 FOR RENT New itoro and.llvlng rooms on Cumlng st near Hnundcrs > U Apply Har ris Real Estate & Loan Co. , & 0 8,15th st 689 FOH RKNT Store room suitable for grocery store or butonor shop , ott the southwest corner of 7th and Paclllc strooft. 875 FOH RENT-NOW } ouso i i-4miie 'S ' south of P.O. bet2ttfc n421st sts , $18 per month. Clurkson , Wood FCo. , 318 S. 15tb. FOH RENT-Elognnt brlek residence , ior rooms , modem conveniences. Dr. Oraddy , 1104 Fnrnam St. Oil FOH RKNT Mam lultablo for tour horses. Inquire at 017 S 18th st. 611 FOR RENT Stable near Farnam and 17th st. Rooms 1 and2 , Omaha National bank 430 T710H HENT-Klve room liouso , east side 27th -L1 et , third house south of Dodge , 117 , J. H. Hlngwalt. 213 South 16tn , 7.M If OR RKNT 9 room flat , centrally located , C Furnltura for sale cheap. Address Y 3 < tjeo. 714 6 FOH HENT A 5 room cottage near car line. lUlloU UfQi. 1510 Djilglng. 493 Zi FOH ENT-OnN W cor 15th andVinton , : storesaixGO. II roonxs upstair * , suitabk lor families or roomers Call at promise * 01 on M. DonoTun , 2JJJ B lath su 9U FOR RFNT-Now 10-roora boulo ; . all lire , pruvements , steam boat , C , W , & 0. K Ihompson , 314 B. l&tn st. IQiX ) F OH I1RNT omeo space ori ground floor at l.Wi Karnani. Apply In rear offlco. J. S. Richardson' . ti02 n30 Lol for lj aso , Southeast corner \J 4SxS Vi Loavrnworth and Paik avo. , or will hultd to suit tenant. Hobble llros. R59 FOB BENT BOOMS. RENT Nicely fnrnlstiod largo and small rooms , 111 S. 18th. tu'4 7J FOIl HUNT Finu large front room , unfur. nishod , Howard near 17th. Apply Loll- man , First Nat. Hunk. 8 8 OJ FOH HENT 2 or ; l elegant rooms for house keeping : partly f mulshed Apply nl 120 South 15lh St. , room 7. B'.K ) 0 HENT- pplondld suit of rooms in - brick bulldliiF , one block from court house , suitable for doctor , lawyer or roalostnlo omco. Inquire at H. 8. Van lluoron , S E corner 14th mid Douglas sis. KK 6J FOH HENT A cool south front parlor mul small room , furnished , l"KQ Cnpltol avenue , b850J FOH RENT 4 furnished rooms with baths and all modern Improvements , en sulto or single , and 2 unfiirnlslied. Lnll at 161J Chicago streotj 8096 * 17IOH HENT Klognntly furnished rooms sin- -L ? gloor onsulte , with use of bath ; olrctrio bolls In every room. First class roslnurmit at tached , nt Norris European hotel , corner 10th and Webster. f58 FOlt RENT Furnished rooms , single or on "uito , gas , bath and every comonlcncu , 2J07 Doilglns. M3 8 | TT1OH 11KNT Two neatly furnished rmun % J-1 \ory deslrablo locallon , prlvale family. Also room for iwo or Ihieo uleolablelionrdois. S. E. corner Twentieth nnd rarnam. 4Iff a2.'i HENT A nicely furnished room at 2511 V St. Mary's nvc. 421 OH RENT Nicely furnished , enst front room , second lloor with use of bath , 603 n 17th st , N)16J ) _ fTIOH RKNT Kiinilshed rooms with every A ? convenlonco SJOJO St. Mary's ave. 321 FOK HENT Furnished pleasant , cool trout room with three south windows and large closet , 1714 California. Half of 3d lloor for rent , between 12th and 13lh on I'limnm. C. F. Gardner , furnaces and etovcs , 710 N. 16th. Uooil dry storatro for a few more stoves , and will put them up in fall. C. F. Gardner , 711" " N. 16th. 311 F OH HENT-3 rooms at 1023 N. 20th st" Inquire - quire at U17 S 13th st. 512 FOH HENT-A large south front room nicely turnisliod In the elegant new Campbell block. Jivory convenience at hand , note lo cation. 1711 Dodge strcot. 820 5J FOH HENT-Furnished front room or a suit ot two rooms with board if doslrod , 117 S 17th St , 685 9j FOK HENT Furnished rooms , bath and modern conveniences. 401 n 15th st , 80 { BJ FOH RENT Newly furnished south front room , nil conveniences , private family Inquire at 2100 Fnrnam St. 875 7 T71OH RENT Ono nicely furnished front X1 room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Price very leasouablo. Apply at 12lg Capitol avo. 909 8J [ ) OR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms , a w cor , Itiund Loavonuorth. 862 5J F IOIl llKNT-lMrmshod rooms , 712 South 18th street. 854 TpDUNISHKO IlOOMS-l'nrties looking for X ? rooms call and examine our largo list. Record Adyortlslng Co. , 1518 Farnam st. 071-5 ) H UENT-3 rooms , HOlili S. 7th. F > 25 F OH KENT Handsomely furnished front room. 1718 Dodge St. 949 FFOR FOR RENT A nice largo front room , all modern Improvements and nicely furnished 501 S 20th st. 213 IOU HENT-ltooms with board. M4 S. 18th. F 785 aug 12 * TT10R RENT Two comfortable rooms south- J3 orn eTposiiro sulUblo for two gen tlemen , two blocks from postolnco $10. llefor- encos , address Y B4 , Iloo ofllco. 793 5J , TFyou have furnished or unfurnished houses or rooms to rent leave it with Omahn House and Room Ituutal Agency. 311i ! B 15th Bt , rooms , 7954J FOUllENT-OnoJurnlshed room , 2nd lloor front. 2512 Capitol avo. 1U SJ OOR UENT-A f urnlshod room at OS N IBth X ! street. 795 4 F I OH KENT > Nleoly furnished room for a Rontloman. 1412 N 2 < ! th Bt. 791 8J FOH RKNT Largo front parlor with nay window , and aloovo , also other rooms with modern convonloncos nt 1S21 Farnam st. one block west of couri house. 834 F I OR HI'.NTPleasant room , furnished. 1410 Chicago Bt. 19T FF F I OR RENT-Offlco room 810 per month , 2nd floor. 310 8. 15th St. 430 I OH HENT Three nice unfurnished rooms F nt 13.14 n Ifilhst. 815 7J IOH HENT Furnished hall bod-room for one F gentleman , ltl 3 Dodgu st. 814 5J "C10R HENT A largo room nnd reception " room In connection , known as St. George's Hall , opposite tlio Pnxton hotel. Inquire of Gardner it Saunders. WO 4 * FOH HENT Olbci'3 at 1012 Farnam st. Ap ply to Patterson A Moore , Omaha National bankT 2m F OR RKXT-I'uinishod room In Greunlg blk , cor 13th and Dodtro at. Inquire of Davis A Hethorlngton , Millard Hotel Uilllard room. 91 TOU HENT- Furnished rooms and parlors JT with all modern convonloncos. 70 } South IBtnst. 731 7 * Foil RENT. Nicely furnished rooms for families or single person. 714 N. 19th Stroot. 4Jl.a.8 TJ10R RENT Desirable furnished room for JJ gentlemen at SOU Howard st. 699 FOE RENT A largo front room in now boufic bath , and latest modern Improve ments , 1618 Webster street. 1122 RENT-Furnished room , bath and all 1 FOK conveniences , 1813 Chicago at. B.U G * 1i FOR RENT-F.legantly furnished front room , suitable for two gentleman , or man and wife , $20 per month. Ki21 rarnam. 843 4 * FOR RENT-Furnished rooms in ( inionlg block , cor 13tn and Dodgo. Davlsdc Hethor- Ington , Millard hotel blllard room. b3'j _ R HENT FurniMiod rooms , n. w. corner Ibth und Farnam. 721 OJ TjlOR RENT Furnlsbod rooms , on sulto. In .1 } private family , modern conveniences. Apply to Leslie It Leslie , 16th and Dodge sts. 748 FOR RENT Furnlshod rooms , 1812 bodge. 7B6 TTOH RENT Part of office room. Inquire at J 1212Douglnint 913 TTOR HENT Suite of furnished rooms for -C , gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. , 315 N. 17th , FOH RENT-Nicely furnished looms , to gen- tlPinon only,22j N. Ibth St . Room 2. 1)43 FOR RF.NT Ware room cor. 14th and Call- Ifornia on Kelt Line. lx > r particulars on- ( julro at Union Nat bank. 181 F I OR RENT Elegant sulto of rooms , referen ces icqulrcd , 1607 Douglas st 197 FFOR FOR HENT-Nloely furnUhoJ room. 1023 Uodjro. ll'J ' FOH HUNT Furnlshod roomi 1615 Dodgo. 631 T710R HENT Tno largest.storo room In town , X1 Inquire at the Argus ofllco , Albion , Neb. 401 Hop 13- F IOH HENT rnrnlshoil front room , near car line m comer of Dodge and " 1th stroets. Inquiieot A. II. Couistock 1523 arnara st.KH KH FOH Iir.NT-Nowly furnUhcd room. All conveniences. Privatu family. Nearbusi. nu-s llilJ Capitol ave , 3717 * , FOR HENT Furnlshod room with board foi Rontloman ; references roiulrad. 1721 Douglas street. 703-1' FOH RKNT Newly furnished room , board i ! dgelrcd , 1720 Dodge st. 7U4 FOR RENT 4 or 8 unfurnished rooms , enlttt bio for housekeepingone block from courl house , on 19th street , between St. Mary'R ava and Hsrnor st , modern convoniencos. Refer onees required , M. F.Martluownqr. 163 OR HUNT-Furnlahedioom , 1C23 Dodira. 4ta TTlOH HKXT Suitoof 4 nice rooms suitable -L for bousekooplng , roferonqos reijiilrr.l l tb St.tii9t north Of Bt Marave. . Wafer Bower connections , gas , folding doom A.O. 594 FOH REN'T Trto furtilihed front rooms BUltablo for three gentlemen , wi N.nik. % , , * B9& 4J FOR RKNT 3 rooms suttablo for bouse keeping , southwest cor. 31st nnti Nicholas ft 695 FOH RENT Furnished rooms with board. 1P.V1. Farnam. Cffi all * FOR RKNT Two rooms furnished for llfht bouiokooplng. Apply at W9 Howard it 938 < FOR RENT I'ront room with board , 1813 Chicago st. 615 B * "IjlOR Itr.Nr Doslrablo cool rooms with board J In pr'voto family ; ploiisnnt homo , modern convenience- ! , terms reasonable , 635 Plonsnnt st K > l 8J OII KKNT Nieolr furnLihou room , 1921 Dodge St. 199 FOR BALE HOUSES LOTS. ALL the following prices are .several him * dred dollars below market prices and must bo oHI ; Mx\W \ on North 15th st. near Grace st , In Pad dock place , t ) ,5'Jii. ' 63x112 on Ninth nth st , near Grace , In same addition , vast front , $1,700. SxlU2 on Noith ir.lh st , south of Oraoo si , , corner , $14,500. Ulock 21 , Uoyd'a add , coinprtjltit ; 10 lots , frroo. IJUxino , corner of Maple and Saundcrs st near Luke Nt. , west front , $10KU. ( lift on Howard by 140 on Pleasant St. , $10,000. Any reasonable offer for the above property will bo entertained by the owner , as It positive ly must be sold. All on easy torms. Mitchell & Loyonmarck , t51C Dodge .st 781 n mo liXCItANGK-lmprnvoil farms In Iowa Jand Dakota for unproved property in Omaha , W. lliadwuy 424 u 171 h st. S49 Dj T7iUl TfiADi : "South' Omaha fots tioar TFio JJ the park oil Syndicate Hill , to exchange for Improved residence property Will pay cashdilterouco. S. JlcK. bt John , 318 S lrilh si 749 4J \\7ECanso for a tow days only > ' Lot 10(1 ( Olso > addition for $6,43X l.o t7t Gise's addition , td.TW. Block 1 Hoyd's addition , $ SW % One-thltd cash , balance 1 , 2 and 3 your * , Remington St McCormlck , 220 Soutn ISlh st 490 BARGAINS extraordinary Corner nnd iMO foot front on Spoilt h ICth st. nt $7.'i per front foot One of the most beautiful full lots In Walnut Hill worth $1,20J : lor sale for f ° 00 : $4BOcash. J. F. Hammond , 117 3 10th. 7B'J ' FORSALE-Ortraile , 2S lots in the wpstern purl of Omnha near the Ilunson CAI * line , price $41H ) each , $250 duo on contracts payable in 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for N'obrasia land. MeCulloch .V Co. , 1609 Farnam st 1000 IF } ou want to buy , soil or tiado , call on L. V , Crum. 1SON 15th st. 10U lots U of a mile of U. F. depot for sale or trade. U-room house for rent TwolO-room houses for rent , sale or trado. Idlewildo. Uy 816 L V. Crum , 120 N 15th st. FOR SALE A corner lot , poutb Iront In Or chard Hill , for f 850. James Stockdalo , 113 N.10th st. 771 8 FOR SAI.fc-W No , 1 farms within a radius of 20 miles of Omaha , Alot n few good busi ness chances In two lire towns. J. U. Sllvls , Real Estate and Loon Agent , Elkhorn , Neb. 579 Aug B FOH SALE Cornur lot on Virginia are with two gooil houses , cheap at $7,00(1. ( Terms easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. H. 8 , Campbell , 310 S. Uth st Chamber of Com merce. 373 EASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for Omaha property. Patterson & Moore , Omaha National Bank. 43 FOR SALE 10 shares Nebraska I/o n and b'ld'g assn. Stock series G. Value with earnings $105 , paying largo dividends , price $8S Rest building association in the city. Addros ) Y66 lloeotnoo , 82331 LOTS 17,18 and 19 , block 14 , Clifton Hill : 19 Is n corner and fronts Houth on Military ave , $1,6110 , $ CSOcash , bal. easy. James Stockdale , 11JN. ICthst , 8S7 10. IK you want a nice 8-roomed cottage mid beautiful east front lot near cur line , call on K K. Darling , 41R S. 15th , who can Boll you one on very easy terms. 8M ) 3 FOR BALE 40 acres of good land being section 25. township 16 , range U , west This land Is situated in Howard county , this Mate , close to the U. ! > . , and now station on the It. i M. branch. Can plow at least throe-fourths , balance excellent pasturago. No bettor soli in the state , n rock bottom oroek runs across the extreme southwest corner. Splendidly adapted for general farming or stock purposes. Prioo 19.00 per aero ; M or more casn. balance long time. Address at once. George K. Hicks , 815 S. 15th St. , Omaha. Nob. 717.6. S PECIAL Bargain * ! House S rooms , barn. etc. , all new , Donlso's addition , (3,700 , $1,000 cash , balance good time. Four 4-room nouses In Lowe's addition , new , Sl/iOO each , $200 cash , balance to suit. lloufso f > rooms , barn , full lot. Yates & Rood's subdivision , $2,500 , (750 cash , balance to suit Two lota , on corner. Grand View , nice build ing site , $2,000 , cosh , balance long tune. II. It. Uall & Co. 113 North 16th st 837 SALE Ono million acres of land In Ne FOR braska. Speculator's landi.rallroad lands , ranches , and farms in all parts of the stato. Send for pamphlet containing descrip tion and price of over ono thousand farms. A Quo topographical map of toe state lent free upon application. E. II. Andrus , for 10 years Gen'l Land Agent II. & M. R. K. Klgbth and P streets , Llnoolu. Nebraska. 240 Notion. All persons are prohihltod from giving credl to my wife , Mary Duffy , as 1 will not be re aponslhlct for any riehta contracted by her. Onmlia. Aug 4 , HJ7. JAMES DUFFY. _ Notice to Coal Dealers. SEALED 1'roposals will ho received at the oillco of the county clerk up to 12 o'clock noon of Sulnrday , August fith , 1817 , for fur niHhlnir Dourflas uoiinty with hard coal , abou SUHtons , nioro or less. Coal to bo dollvured at the court house or county poor farm as It is needed. lllds will also bo received at tuosamo time and pliico for fiirulfthlnir soft coal to tli county , to bo delivered in quarter , half and tot lots. lots.Each Each bidder must accompany hit bid < rlth certified check In the sum of one hundred do ! lars. lars.Tho rlslit Is reserved to reflect any and all bids. For fuithor Infounatlon call at county clerk's oillco. lly order of the board. C. l . NEGDHAM. County Clork. Omaha , Nob. . August 1st. 1887. aldSt Notice. Rids will bo received by the board of public lands and buildings at any time tcforo August 15 , 1887 , at 2 p. mfor donations for the location for the "Nebraska Industrial Homo. " Usual rights reserved , lly order of said board. July 18. 188T. Q. L. LAWS , Secretary. ju29d-to auglS Proposals lor Sealed Bids. THE School Hoard of South Omaha will ro- colvo sealed bids for the erocilon of a high school biilldlnir up to 3 o'clock of Saturday , August lith : , 1SS7. IMims and specifications may bo seen at the Stockman oliico. The board reserves the right to reject any nnd all bids. livOiiDKii or SCHOOL HOARD , CITY OF SOUTH OMAHA. August let , 1837. aid Kit Notice to Contractors. SEALED Proposals will bo received at the olllcn of the county cleric 1111 to 18 o'clock noon of Saturday , August nth. lbS7 , for frrad- ini ? , us follows : Uominaticinir at N. W. coinnr ot Section 8 , Town U , Hmino I'1 , thcncn oust on section linooiiu and oim-liulf miles : about ( ,000 yards more or less. Enrh bid must lie BOOOIU- panted by adoposlt o | twenty llxo dollars. The ilijlit is reserved to > eject any and all . lly order of tlin tjnnr.1. 0 P. NKEDI1AM. County Clerk. Omaha , Net ) . , Au > rujt 1st. Ib37. ttlint Proposal for Ihe Construction of Hit } Superstructure - structure of ( he City Hill Building. SBMED proposals Id bo rec ld by tlio uiidnr-lfriiixj imlilll o'olooit a. in July ilOih , ] BH7forthn I'OiinInu lion of thtt hU | u tri < cl- uro of the City Hull llulMiii ? In Hocoidanro witbiilans anil specincntlonsonlllu in t'.ic oliico of the board of piililln nnik * llld < will bo made upon pvintnit bUnKK fur- nlsliod by tlio iKiunl. und to b't hfLuiiipaniuil livu oortlllixl chuck In the sum of 11,00'J ' , us a.i ovldencoof good fallh. The boaid rosorxcs the rleht to reject any or all blila nud to waliedelccta. ST A. D lUr.coucK. Chairman lioard ( if i'ubllo Works. Omalia , Neb. , Jiino l. 1W lly onler of the city council tbe time for re- rolvin ; ; proposals , as invltfrt nbo\o. for iou- struct Ion of the uperflrii ( turn of thniilty Hall building , is bpioby oTlumlo < l to 11 o'clock u. ui. - Saturday , Autfust lUth. ST. A. I > . HM.COMIH : , Chairman llourd of i'ublio Works. ; Omaha , Nob. . July llth."ital conrniiATiov NOTICK. To whom It may concern : Nonce is heirotiy ( fivini of n amendment to fh artlclenof liioorixiratlnn ( if iho Ibth Mrnot Methodist Episcopal iluirch , made on the " 1st day of July , IBrfl , whereby 4ho name of corporation wns ehniiKed In tint , of rVtwnril blreot Methodist lipi. cop l wnlcb name said church nrirauluttlon U now Known. CilAg. W , SAVIPUK , 1'jifltorin ChHrjo. J o. li. NKWMAW , bevreiary , liixt THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES- - ; OMAHA. DUMMY TIC A INS. llntwrpn Cuitncll IHulTs and Kouth Onmhn. In addition to the stutlom nuinttonoil , tiiliis clop lit Twentieth nnd Tui > nty fourtk trcots , mid nt the Summit m Omntin. \VoHitvnrit. Hunt ivnrd. WHO n rKAOguiwiiD WITH rn orooau-iir or Tin * OOUNTHT W1U. UB > T KXUUNIMO HUB Mil' TIUI 111 ! CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND &P IFIC RAILWAY Dr reason of lt crntral position. clOM rotation to llnni Cut of Chicago , and cunUnunt lines Bt lennlnil pnlntl Writ , Northwi it * nd Houthwpgt , li the tru * middle lluk la that transcontinental system wulch Intttcs Biul facilitate ! trarel and traffic liotwoon tht Atlantlo and 1'aclAc. The Hock liUnil m&ln line and hranchM Inrlade Chl- c R < ) , JulUt , Ottawa , l.a Sallo , Ffiorla , Ounr.-eo , Kolin ntid Ilock Islnnd , In Illinois ; Iarfnport ( tlntoatlne , Wanlilnston. Falrfli 1.1 , ( ntumiraOiValooia , WeitUb- rrtj.Ioit a CityDei Molne.v Ini1lanolaWlnt n > t , Atlan tic , KnoxrlUe , AuJuUm , llorlan , ( lullirU Orntro and Council llufrflnowAi ! Oatlatln , Trenton , St. Joteph , Cameron and Knniai Cltj , In illiiourlf I aTenwortb and AtchlHon , In Kansas * Albert Loa , Ulnneapolb and Bt.raul.Inlllnm'noUi Vfatertown and Bloux Falls , In Pukuta , aiul hundieds of iat rmedlat oltlM and towni. "Tho Croat Rock Island Routo" f Ouaranteoi aptad , romfort , rf rtalntar and nafety. Its DMrmanuit waIs dUtlnculihpd forlUoxoelleace. Ill fcrljgs an of itono and Iron. It" track Is ot solid Uet.tu rolling stock iwrfert. lt pasn ng r < Kalpmant cut Ml the lafetyarpllanom that xperlrncBhuprov 4 uivful , and for lusurlous acrommodatloni U uiuor- patspd. Ill Expri-s * Trains consist of mperlor Day Coaches , elegant I'ullman 1'alaco Parlor nnd Bleeping Cars , tuperb Vlnli.c Cars , prorlJIng delicious meals , and ( between Chicago nud EL Joseph , Atchlson and Kanias Cltj ) raitful nocllolng Chair Oar * . Its man agement If coaiervaUv , Ita discipline zacUag. "The Famous Albert Lea Route" BetwMB Ohlcef o and Minneapolis and 8t Paul Is the farorlte. Oror this line Polld Fast Exprojs Trains run dally to attractliv rnsorln for tourliU In Iowa ana Ulnnnota , and , Tla Waterloo n andRloai Falls , to 111 * rich wheat and crating lands of Interior Dakota. Via Brnrca and Kankake * , the Jlock Island offers mpertor Inducement * to travelers betwnim Cincinnati , Indtaa- apolls. Lafayette and Council Bluffs , St. Joseph , Atchl- on , Learrnwortb , Kansas City , Ht. 1'aul , and Intarrae- dlate points All pMroni ( esprrtnllj ladles and ebll- drrnrecelropruUctloncourtesy ) and ktndlyattlDtlaa. For tickets , maps , foldon , copies of Wewtrrn Trail , or anr ilcilred Infnr.-natlon , apply to principal offlcns la thu United Btai s and Canada , or addrru , at Chicago , I. K , CABIC , I. ST. JOHN , f. A. MOIBIOOI , THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OK THE Chicago , Mil waute&St , Paul Rj The Jtcst Jttinle from Omaha and Council Jtliijf.1 to ] Two Tiamt i aily lielwceu Utnalia and Council UluUs Chicago , ANI > Milwaukee , St. 1'au1 , Minneapolis , Ceilai RaiuiU Hock. Island , ] ' 'rcepoil , KocUord , Clinton , niihuciu ) : , Uavunpoil , Hl in , Madison , Ueioit , Winona , La And all other important points East , Nortlicait , , . . , und SouihiMd. I'or thiotith iiehoinmlldii Uio llolml ntfonl at 1401 1 arniin , , t ) M | u\lon hotel , ur ut Un on l'iicnc : depot. Pullman Kleopors Niid the finiiSt Dining Cam in the world ate inn on thu main linn of the Chlrngo , Milwaukee ft S ) . Paul Hiillwny and cv- ry iiltentlnn Is pan ) to p d > orijrct ! > y courto OH8oiri'heos | ' of the company. U. Hn.r.Mt. ( ii-neriil Mannger. J. I' Ti.'VKKii , AsAl itiiitCcn < Tal Mannif r. A. V. u. CMTLNTEII , ( icncrul 1'n i-ngur and Tickut ARPIII. DKO. K lls-xmiim. AESIttantUuu ralPas4un. Ker iiinlTlckot Agoiit. J T. CIAKK Oriidral 8uii rlntoiJent. : ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. TIMS NEW IEUSTIC TRUSS , to > ! ! p Mlt < , ia ot I * f t > all rH back lne | uat on > parson . Wiiwti .tjr .ur. . .li f. ill.l. JiJ r 4l l rjr t r , ln UisMtr.dur hi. nj r j > MB ) ; , , . < - > r * laj r , Ux lVQUf.101 Itlffci (0. , OJc. < , IU. J * ' ! _