Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1887, Page 6, Image 6
* * i V " OMAHA DAILY HEEJ tfltlDAY. AUGUST 5. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OmCE , HO. 12. PEARL STREET. r , PelJTcrtd ty carrier in ny part of the city at twenty ctnU per w tk. B.W.TiLToir , - Manage. TKLEFHONBSi BuffiNVPfi OFTICK. No ( tt WlORT EtllTOK NO. 23 , M IN Pit MKN X10N. K. Y.Plumbing Co. Rcitcr. tnllor. Summer goods cheap. Havcrly's minstrels are to appear at the opera house on the evening of the llth. llth.Fine Fine coupes for ladles calling. Wm. Lewis , telephone 128. Olllce 141U Hroad- way. Regular meeting Fidelity Council No 150 Hoynl Arcanum at 8 a. m. Business of importance. W. A. Gronowcg , secre tary. tary.The The various medals won by the scull ers , Sadler and Livingstone , are dis played at the Manhattan. They arc beauties. Frank Peterson , who was kept away from police court for some time , WHS vis ible there yesterday again , and was lined for lighting. The funeral of Chris Koenijr , the butcher , took place yesterday afternoon. It was attended by the butchers wearing While aprons. Persons wishing to enter the Cottage Home hospital during August will apply to cither Airs. J. P. Casady. Washington nvonuo , or Airs. E. D. F. Fisher , Uraut Street. Saturday , August. 0. at 8:30 : p. m. , Elder I ) . K. iJodson , of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints , will preaeh at the Streetsvilli ) school house. Citizens and strangers invited. One man , brought in as a vagrant , on being asked the usual questions yester day was able lo give his age as about thirty-six , but could not spell his own name , nor tell his nativity. Yesterday Mr. Edward Saner pur chased , through J. U. Tipton's agency , lot 3 , in block 1U , Grimes' addition , upon which ho will erect a nice home during the summer. Mr. Saner is general deliv ery clerk at the postollico. George Uopcr was arrested for being drunk and for fighting , lie looked at the judge yesterday out of ono eye , and was quite indignant that he should be charged with being drunk. He didn't care so much about being known as a tighter. The shower which touched hero yester day morning seemed to be only the drip pings of a heavy rain which laid the dust couth of here. Ono of the railway boys coming in yesterday morning reported a drenching rain , and terrible thunder etorm all along the line from Kansas City to Nodaway. Surveyor Hrodbcck will to-day look utter the motor line crossings and get the correct angles for them. Sow that ar rangements have been completed with the Milwaukee road , it is to be hoped that the crossings will shortly be completed , nnd the road will then bo in running order , everything else being completed. To-night the band concert at Lake Manawa will draw a crowd. Hacks and other conveyances wijl be in readiness to convey those who desire to attend. The band should be well patroni/.ed in this enterprise. The boys have had a stormy time of late , through no fault of their own. They have shown themselves a most worthy organisation , and have aided materially in various public enterprises , The Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers of this city and Omaha enjoyed their annual picnic yesterday alter- noon and evening at Lake Manawa. Each dummy train from Omaha during the afternoon and tore part of the even ing brought members of the order and their friends , and in consequence a large number enjoyed the picnic. The rain Bomewhat marred the pleasure of those remaining during the evening. The board of trade seems to bo sleeping - ing at the very tirao when it should be awake. There are a number of enter prises which should receive the attention of this body , which has done so much in the past to advance the interests of the city. A meeting shook ! be held at an early date , and a full attendance had to take action concerning some of the moves now on foot , in which business men generally are interested. The Union Veteran Legion has ar ranged to have a pleasing entertainment Monday night next. "Tho Fighting Chaplain" Lo/.icr is to bo hero , and will deliver one of his inimitable lectures , in terspersing it with songs and recitations. He is said to be a host in himself. The entertainment is for the benefit of the Legion , and as such should bo gener ously patronized , aside from the fact that the entertainment will of itself bo one of special interest. The tickets are only twenty-five cents , and children half price. The old soldiers of Omaha and the sur rounding country are invited to attend , nnd a happy evening is assured all. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the majority of real estate oflices in the city ; f 3 per day. For Hunt A suite of live rooms , nicely located , for light house keeping. Apply at 41 Main street. Personal I'araurapba. Mrs. F. H. Stewart has gone east. J.J. Steadman and wife have gone to Spirit lake on a pleasure trip. J. J. Uhss , the Omaha milliner , was over on this side yesterday , greeting his friends. Judge Fuljer and wife , of Bowdlo , Dak. , are visiting her sister , Mrs. Robert Warburton. W. H. Oaks , cashier of the Silvar City bank , was in the city yesterday. Ho now goes to Spencer , la. , for u short rest and reason of recreation. Cole & Cole have four gilt edge inside residence lots. Very choice property at a bargain for parties desiring to build. Inquire at 41 Main street. Kmnnolputiaii Day. Yesterday was a gala ono for the col ored population. Emancipation dayis always observed here , but this celebra tion was far ahead of any previous ono. There was a largo delegation from Omaha , accompanied by the colored band. The procession was quite a showy onr , consisting ot a goodly number on foot , distinguished by bright red badges , a number of carriages well tilled , and adorned with lings , a big band wagon in which a large number of children wore seated , gaily dressed , The procession wont to the grove where the exercises wore held and the sports had. Addresses appropriate to the day wore given , vari ous games indulged iu , and refreshments served. All Eccmcd to have a merry tirao. Ono thousand head of ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A. J. Grccnamaycr , 023 Mynstcr fit. , tele- v 211. t Wanted Two coed boys to work in dining room at Kiel's hotel. Apply at onco. _ For Sale A Standard bred stallion for one-fourth its value. Will sell on time , Five years old. W1J1 show 3:85 gait . A. C. Arnold , Deuison , la. When you are in. the city stop at the Pacific house. Street cars pass the door very fifteen minutes for all the depots. ' la 00 cents each. LOVE PEEKS THRO' ' THE BARS A Bridegroom Spending His Honeymoon in Jail For Forgery , THE COLORED FOLKS' DAY , AQuarrclnome Couple Held Together By it Ilnny Schurz Still After Fees Picnic * and I'er- ftonalfl. A Honeymoon In Jail. The course of true love rolled Into Judge Aylcsworth's court yesterday on n writ of habeas corpus. The chief hero ine in the romance was a young nwn named Charles Wilkins , whoso home is in 1'acilic Junction. Young Wilkins be came acquainted with a tender aiaideti at Glenwond , Lulu C. O'Ikien , who is only sixteen years of age , and whose mother , now MM. Elizabeth Reynolds , is a widow. The acquaintance dated back to the winter months. The mother learn ing that the young man was given some what to drink , and that there were other habits which rendered him objectionable to her , ( orbitt his going with the girl any more. After this their meetings wisro on the quiet , but they continued despite - spite the mother's protestations. Last week the young folks decided to marry. The mother of course would not consent , and so there was little use of consulting her about it. Young Wilkins sent a friend to County Clerk Kobinson to got a lieenbo for them , but this friend learned tnat it would be necessary for sonic one disinterested to make allidavit that the parties were of ago , or the written con sent of the mother must bo produced. Young Wilkins then came himself. Ho was told the same thing , and informed the clerk that if ho would make out a cer tificate for the mother to sign hp would see that the signature was obtained. The blank was prepared , and Wilkins wont away , only to return about supper time with it signed with what pur ported to bo the autograph of the mother , triving her consent to the mar riage of the girl. The license was ac cordingly issued , and the young man went off to get the knot tied. There was a circus in town , and all the justices and the preachers seem to have been in at tendance , so that the couple had to wait for the show to bo over. About 11 o'clock at night they found Justice Tolles at his house , and with some dilliculty they al layed his suspicions sullicluntlj for him to take the fee and tie the knot. Then they hurried away to 1'acilic Junction. The girl not returning homo the irate and anxious mother started on the war-path. She found the bridal party about sunrise. She had a warrant sworn out and the bridegroom arrested on the charge of uttering a forged instrument , she having never signed her name to the certificate purpcrtmjr to bo her consent to the mar riage. The same justice who married them tried the ease. Ho decided that the young man should bo hejd over to await the action of the grand jury , and placed the bonds at fr > 00. Not being able to furnish them the bridegroom went to jail with a good prospect of spending his honeymoon there , us the grand jury does , not moot until in October. Ho secured the legal hcrvices of E. Starbuek , who liled an application for a writ of habeas corpus. The hearing was had yesterday. County Attorney Genung , of Hastings , and I * . If. Kellov. of Glonwood , appeared for the state. The prisoner was present in custody of Deputy Sheriff W. A. Haw ker. ker.The evidence taken on the preliminary hearing was introduced. It consisted of a complete rehearsal of the courtship and marriage , interspersed with racy bits of opposition on the part of the mother-tn-law. The young man claimed that although the mother of the girl had ordered him away from the house , the girl had told him about a week before the marriage that the mother would give her consent. When he got the certiheato from the county clerk , for the mother's signature , ho thought it was bettor for the girl to ask for the consent than for him to do so. Ho took the paper to the house whore ho thought the girl was , but she not being there ho lett it with a wo man to hand to her. Later in the day the girl handed him the oertitieato all signed , and ho did not know but what it was all right until the next morning when the mother hunted him up and raised a row. Judge Aylcsworth after hearing the arguments , decided to remand the young man to jail , and refused to lessen the amount of the bonds. The mother seems determined not to lot him enjoy the mar- riano relations i which ho won by such subterfuge , and insists that eho will prosecute her new son-in-law to the bit ter end. The girl seems devoted to him , and testifies , so far as she can , in his be half. _ To Excursion Parties. The excursion steamer and barge John M. Abbott is prepared to fulfill engage ments for excursions on the Missouri river cither day or moonlight parties. Capacity 400 passengers. For terms and other particulars inquire of L. P. Judsou , O'J'J ' Sixth avenue. An Overheated Home. A tall , black haired young man , a Frenchman , stood before the police court yesterday morning charged with whip ping his wifo. Ho gave his name as Tom Lafoy and residence No. 225 Tenth ave nue. His wife , a slender little woman , with a baby in her arms , came into the room just as the case was called. The husband took the babe out of her arms and handed her a chair in a gallant man ner , as if to conciliate her , but the cour tesies apparently came too lato. Despite an impediment in her speech , she rattled oil'her story of abuses at a terrible speed. If half that the woman told is true the fellow needed a whip instead of a jail. She said he was a terror to her. She had to got up in the morning , chop the wood and get breakfast while ho slept , but she was willing to do this if ho would only treat her like a decent woman and netlike like a dog. After doing all kinds of work bhe was slapped and cursed whenever ho got a little mad about anything. Ho had driven her from the house in her night dress and she had been once knocked down by him .tho blow in her face caus ing the blood to form a pool on the tloor. The other night she ran out of the house with her baby in her arms because he was slapping her , and wont to seine neighbors. Ho chased her and insisted on her giving the baby to him. When asked what ho had to say about all this , at 11 rut ho declined to suy any thing , but when ho got started no was quite talkative. Ho charged the woman with going to places which ho did not deem proper , and going against his wishes often expressed to her. If it was not for the bnby ho would skip town and leave her. If the baby died , which it would if it didn't get bettor care than she was giving it , ho would leave at once and not wait to bury it. Her own sister had udvlsod him to leave her. Judge A vies worth tried to effect some reconciliation , but was not very success- ful. The woman at last said fcfie did not want him lined or scut to jail. She needed his support , and there scorned no other way bnt to mukc another trial , The judgii advised them to avoid both getting mad nt the same time , and thought they could got along if they could stick to thii ud nyf oaeget mad at a time , Sj thus keeping their turns they might live together. The two wont off up the street , the man carrying the baby , but so far ahead of the woman who followed behind that It Scoineu Iho couple were not going home in a very loving frame of mind. The rows between them have been a Krent disturbance to the neighbors , but tliero seemed no one to care for the woman and her baby if the man was locked up. After IIU Feri. In the superior court yesterday the taking of testimony in the case of Justice Schtirz against the county was concluded. The arguments will bo made this after noon. Among the fees claimed by him , and which the county refuses to allow , are some for cases which ho tried during the absence of Judge Aylcswortli. It is claimed by the county attorney that the Informations were liled , and the warrants issued by Clerk Uurke , ot the superior court , and that afterwards when Justice SchurK came to try the cases ho entered the fees for information , warrant , etc. , on his docket. The other side of the statement is that the clerk drew these papers under the direction of Justice Sehurz , and that the cases being in Schur/'s court the fees certainly belonged to him. Yesterday a number of attor neys were called on to testify concerning cases in which they had bison engaged , and an attempt made by the county at torney to prove by them that in these cases there were not so many continu ances as were charged in Justice Soliu 's fee bill , and that bonds were not liled , although charged on the Uockct. There was not much headway made on this line of defense. Those matters had been quite fully explained bv the justice. The ceiling of one of the court rooms of the county's new mansion is finished. The decorations arc quite showy , and the countvevidentiy isgottingitsmonov's ' worth from the artists. The work "of decorating the colling of the other court room will now commence. The other work about the building is progressing well. well.Tho The jewolrv man who worked Council Bluffs recently and who has been visiting other cities in this vicinity , was arrested at Denison the other day , and held tor trial in the sum of sftfOO. Ho can easily pay such bail from the proceeds of catch- in } ' suckers. It is estimated that the fellow took about $7,000 from his corner sales hero alone. Justice Harrctt yesterday officiated at a quiet wedding in the parlors of the Ojdcn house , the contracting parlies being P. II. Swift , ot Lincoln , and Miss Lucy D. Thompson , of Omaha. A. Lowcnthal , of Omaha , was com plained of yesterday for not taking out the necessary license for doing scaven ger work here. A man was picked up in Hayliss' park yesterday , who seemed to be either sun- struck or dead drunk. Time decided in favor of the drunk theory. Ho gave his name as Al. Wilson. Heialer's , coolest barber shop in the city , 503 Hroadway , Melehior IJros. ' col- bratcd chairs and new lixtures. At the Pacific house von will save from GOo to $1 per day. Try it and be con vinced. J. W. and E. L. Squire load money. The Study of Things anil Hooks. "Manual Training in School Educa tion , " by Philip Magnus , in Popular Science Monthly for August : An objec tion is sometimes raised to the introduc tion of manual training into elementary schools on the ground that , as the chil dren of the working classes necessarily loayo school at an early ago , and spend their lives for the most Dart in manual work , such time as they can give to study should bo occupied iu ottior pursuits in cultivating a taste for reading , and in the acquisition of book knowledge. This ob jection is duo to a misconception of the true objects and aims of education , and to an imperfect knowledge of what is meant by workshop instruction. To as sume that the education can bo given through the medium of books only , and cannot bo equally well obtained from the study of things , is a survival of the me dievalism against which nearly all mod ern educational authorities protest , lint there is another and more deeply-rooted error in this argument. People often talk and write as if school-time should bo utilised for teaching those things which a child is not likely to care to learn in after life ; whereas , the real aim of school education should bo to create a desire to continue in after life the pursuit of the knowledge and the skill acquired in school , lu other words , thosohool should bo made , as far as possible , a prepara tion for the whole work of life , and should naturally lead up to it. The en deavor of all educators should bo to es tablish such a relation between school in struction and the occupations of life as to prevent any break of continuity in passing from one to the other. The meth ods by which wo gain information and experience in the busy world should bo identical with those adopted m schools. Rio Do Janeiro. From a letter received from a friend on board the Thetis , bound for Alaska , the following extract is taken : Here wo are at last at Hio. It took us twenty days to como from Barbadoes , and it seemed a long time to bo at sea. You know now is the very middle of winter for this place , so the thermometer rarely ever gets above 80 deg. in midday and down to ( id at night. The dew is something frightful , everything is dripping in the morning. The harbor of Hio mid the an- prooch to It are the most beautiful I have over seen. The hills all around rise to great heights right out of the sea. and al most all around Rio the mountains are very high. Wo have taken surface cars to the suburbs of the city , and Jong walKs into the country. There is one hill called "Cancovado , " which is 3,230 feet high and whinh has a railroad up its side to the summit and a pavilion on top. When you arc about nine-tenths of the way up there is a sta tion where you got off and walk along the side of the mountain on a well made road along which is an aqueduct which catches all the water from the mountain , anil carries it to the city. After you have walked about three miles along this road yon como to a bridgecalled the "Devil's bridge , " because It is so rotten that it is very dangerous to cross , so that people frequently fall through , I was told they fall only 2,000 leet or more. Of course wo wont across , but I must con fess I was glad to get back safely , and have no desire to go over it again. The city is a very slow place ; there is no opera , and no public buildings that amount to anything , and the people don't amount to very much , either , bnt the country in beautiful without any doubt , and so are the little parks and squares iu the city. BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL. Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE ROOMS and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Kcgular : Boaitlers : : Reduced : : Rates. NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , Council Bluffs. No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSOIITMENT Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign , Finest Landaus t Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 33 Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 93. LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , TortoiseShclI etc.Hair On nnmcnts , as well as the newest nov- eltlesia hair goods. Hair Roods nmdcto order Mrs. C. L. Gillette 20 ilnin St. , Council ISluH's , Iowa. Out of town work Bblidted , and all mail orders promptly attended to. HEALTH PRESERVING CORSET. CAUTION-no not let olhcil l d you Into buylne worthiest imlta * ' . lloDl.'t thillllieOBHM. NAL COILED WIRK STRING ELASTIC SBC' TION COHSBT and money wIP be refunded lo wearer tfl\j \ four weeks' -veir , It not perfectly Mtlifictory. For isle by DRY COODJ DlAI.BRS.or If not oMtlnlble will mall , rwur paid. HuALTH PRKSBKV1NG. ( t.ij ENGLISH SATTBBN , | i 53 , NURSING , ; ABDOMINAL. boo ) MISSIS , ! C. Schilling Corset Cempanr , Detroit , Mich- FOR SALE. An Island on the Southern coust of Rctts. Coed llshlnfc and bouch for batlilnir. Ixi eitteil In the bVxt Summer Climate In the woild Forfullpiirtlclurs wdilresi , KDWAHU. 11 MKIIUIU , , Mutuiil Lite llulldlnir. SJ NiiBtuu St. , N. V Iliites tl per day. First class restaurant nt fuelled , tit rtmboimule rules. First clat-s and all outside rooms Cor.U'th utul Webster sisOmaha Nob. iith ; and IGth trout ears pass tlio door. BOYNTON FURNICE CO , , Sole Manufacturers of BOYNTON S FURNACES , RANGES THEATERS , With All MODERN Improvements. 47 and 49 Dearborn St. , J. H. MANNY , MANAGER. CHICAGO. roil 8A1.F. ItV HKXItY E. COX. EALQ1MG BASE-BALLSUPPLIES , LAWN TENNIS AND ATHLETIC GOODS. COLLINS GUN COMI ANV , Agents 12 Dotiglua Street. FMNKD.KU. . Carpenter and Builder , FINE CABINET WORK A SPECIALTY Telephone 6CO. 909 South Sixteenth Street. OMAHA DEPOT II. ! . BUKKET. Funeral Director & Embalmer JJ1 M , WUSC. T lapbQQO Xo t SPECIAL NOTIOES. Sprclnt advertisements , such as Lost , Found olxinn , Kor Bnlo , To Hcnt , ft unit , llonnllnir , etc , will do Inserted In thin column Ht the loir ratuofTEN CENTS I'EU LINE Torino nm Insor- Ion nil J . ' ! vo Tent * Per Line fo.- each subsequent Insertion. I.e vo AdverlUomuntg nt our otllce No. U I'carl stieet , Uroadwaji Council Uluffg. _ _ WANTS. _ lA'ANTEISituation by yoiiiiKtmirried man. ' Ilcst of rolurcncei. llualnosa rxixirlonco. Wbolcftulo house uruforied. Address K 1U , UPO olllcc , Council Illulls. _ WANTHD-Sltuntlon by liuly bookkeeper In olllcoor IIH KiUcgtady. Address W U , lice otllce , Council lllults , WAN1KI ) Situation by young man , ro ccrv or clothing business ( irolerred. Three years experience In each. Address U K , lite olllcc , Council Illulls , Iowa. WANTED Situation ns bookkeeper by young tnnn who can > rlva Bntiifactory rcr- erenceB us to ezperlonco , Imblts nnd responsi bility. ' U. I ) , lice olMce , Council UlntTi. Situation us fmlesmnn In irroeerjr WANTED Koforonccs tflveu. 1) , V. T , , Uoo onice , Council HlutTs. , eel ! two ciirrlRRCs on IOIIK time or will W1L1 tor hones. William Lewis. I.nrRo tints In white , black and all colors. Fat tern bonnets , hni.i and toques , u specialty. No 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. OFFICER 500 Uroadway , CoiuicinUulTs.Iowa. Established 1857. REAL ESTATE , Vncnnt Lots , T.nmls , City Hrsldonceq anil Farms. Aero property In western part of eity. All bulling1 cheap. K. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Moom 5 , over Otllcer * Piisey's Dunk , Councl muds. Star Safe Stables and Mule Yards. llrondway , Council lIluftB , pp. Dummy Depot. CD Hi E3 < * Horses iiud mules constantly on hand for sale nt retail or in cur load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. Siiit'Tiu : & Hoi.r.v. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Hluflfe. CROCKERY , LAMPS , JLASSWARE , FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. 23 MAIX ST. , COUNCIL IS LUFFS , I A : Crcston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric Call Bells. Accommodation * Tirol ClaiH , And Kales Reasonable Max Mohn , Proprietor KSTAUUSHED18C3 D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WOOL AM ) FURS. Jllyhcst Market Prices. Proinp Itctitrns. 820 and 8'22 ' MaiU Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ST.FRANCIS ACADEMY Cor , 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs. Ono of the best Educational Institu tions in the west. Boarding nnd day school conducted by the Sitcrs of Char ity , B. V. M. Hoard and tuition for n term of live months , $75. For furtlicir particulars address ' SISTEK SUPERIOR , fit , francis Academy , " Council BiuilB , la. . HARKNESS BROS. , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OUT ALL Summer Dress Goods , White Goods Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc. 4 OTJR. STOOK : CARPETS , Are Large and Well Selected Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best * New Goods .are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF Curtains , CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC , Work Done by Competent Workmen. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to . . cn.ll on us. Iiiitriiiiiciits Tuned nnd Repaired. We never frill to give NIIUi'iicUonV . Over iiO year * ' Experience in Piano and Or an M'orU. i Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Uluflrt , Iowa o. cr. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council ItliillM Oftlco , Itlu onlu Temple. Omiiliti Olllcco 111 . North Ititli street. Particular intention given to Inventing - venting fund * for nun - resi dent * . Special bargains In loin k aero property In Omaliu A Coun cil Itluir * . Correspondence solic ited. E. ( i. BAllffETT , Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council BlulTs. Refers to ny bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty , A. SCUURZ , Justice of the Peace. Ortlco over American Exjirnss. No. 419 BROADWAY , O. B. ALLEN , Engineer , Sur ve ; or , MapPublisher Over No. lit Xorth Main St. llopi , of cities and counties BEST LIGHT LIVERY I3ST The linrht of ilrivinK horses ulwivy * on imml nnd far FUO ! by MASE WISE. JUIIM Y. 6TON2. JM.'OU SIWS tSTONE & S/MS , Attorneys , at Law , - ctlc in the State arid .Federal CourtRoom / Room * t and 8 Shugnrt-neno BlotU- . _ . ' _ COUNCIL J