Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1887, Image 1

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    ' n
Comments of Leading New York Journals
on Curtis' Speech ,
Ilia Trilmno Tlilnkn tlio Mugwumps
Arc Getting Keady to Desert the
Cleveland Ship Facts
Frankly Admitted ,
Lenders on Curtii.
Nr.w YOKK , August I. [ Spec I al Tele
gram to the UKK.J In concluding Its edi
torial on tlio address of Mr. George William
Curtis before the National Civil Service
league , the Times savs : "When all allow
ance has been made for the president on ac
count of the dlllicultlcs of his task aud the
tiemendous pressure of pollticaiis' activity
and party Ineitla , It would bo well If ho
could bo Induced to rolled upon the sources
of his strength. What carried him to his
present position was nut yielding to party
pressure , but resisting It ; not seeking to ad
vance his own Interest , tlio expedients of
practical politicians , but relying confident
ially for support on an honest , courageous
and faithful performance of public duty.
This made him stronger than his party and
advanced him to his present place. So far as
ho has continued to display the same quail-
tles , ho has maintained and Increased his
strength with the people , and wherever he
has lapsed from liimnoss and energetic self-
assertion , IIP has suffered a loss In that popu
lar esteem which makes him necessary to his
party and tlie politicians ot his party neces-
hary to him. If anything should destiny his
hplondid chances for further service to the
nation It would bo the yielding of his per
sonal sense of right and his staunch adher
ence to principle to the derelict demands of
party expediency.
TliuTrlbuiiesays : "Aro mugwumps getting
ready to desert the Cleveland ship ? It cer
tainly looks so , and judglng'from the speech
which George William Curtis delivered at
Now pott yesterday ho will bo the lirst man of
the contingent to retreatover the can ; : plank.
Such U the verdict of the head and trout of
tlio mugwumps upon Mr. Cleveland , now
that he has been president two years and live
months. Tills interesting band ot reformers
will hang their heads ami array themselves
In penitential sackcloth as they reflect upon
what sort of man It Is , on their own confes
sion , that they helped to place In the white
house. In supporting Cleveland in 1SS4 they
were not to bo understood as suppottlng the
democratic paity. That was tlio remarkable
unction which they laid to their souls. They
have at length discovered Mr. Curtis cer-
UUnly has that the whole U greater than ono
of Its parts that the dog wags tlio tail , not
the tail the dog ; that tlio democratic party
colitrols Cleveland , not Cleveland the demo
cratic party. "
The Sun says : "As between George Will-
lam Curtis , mugwumps , and a lareo number
of democrats , It must bo said that Mr. Curtis
hews a greater disposition to toll the truth. "
The Woiid says : "Tlio trank admission of
facts long Ignored by the mugwump support
ers of tlie president Is dliectly in line with
what tlio World has been saving for a long
time past. The president lias been a re
former in words chiefly. Tlio very general
partisan reconstruction of Its service has con
tained the precedent under which tlie repub
licans would again sel/u the ollices upon a
change In the administration. If the reform-
era had been earlier with their criticism , and
moro prompt with their regrets , It is possible
that they would have less ground now for
disappointment. "
they Adopt Some Interesting Reso
lution * nt Philadelphia.
. . - Pnir.AtinM'iiiA , August 4. A solemn re-
* tiulem mass for the repose of the souls of deceased -
ceased members of the Catholic Total Absti
nence Union of America was celebrated this
morning In the cathedral. At a subsequent
business meeting a committee composed of
one member from each subordinate union
was appointed to prepare a plan for celebrat
ing the jubilee of Pope Leo XIII. The most
Important business of the day was tlie read
ing and adoption of tlie report of the com
mittee on resolutions , which is quite lengthy
and contains mostly pledges of lurther exer
tion In the cause ot temperance. Ueferenec
is made to Ireland In the following resolu
tion as a part ot the report :
Resolved , That while wo welcome as true
cltl7PiiH tlm coming anniversary which com
memorates cherished tradition ; and hallowed
memories of American liberty , forever asso
ciated with Philadelphia's Independence
hall , wo ali-o hall beforehand as lovers of
liberty the world over and children still of
divided Gaels , the coming delaration of Ire
land's independence , and pledge anew to
kid Us coming by our ellorts unceasing , our
resources unfailing and our undying devo
Tlie report concludes with this resolution.
Hrvilved , As an additional means ot tur-
thcrlng our grand , o'tir noble and holy under
taking , that the union recommend to all
societies the formation ot cadet corps and
the seml-contonntal celebration In April ,
1868 , of the signing of the pledge of our nat
ional temperance apostle , Father Theobald
A resolution providing that the convention
tupport the legislative movements for the
entire restriction of the liquor traffic , after
tome heated discussion , was stricken out.
The committee on the golden jubilee of
Pope Leo XIII recommend that an address
signed by every member of the union In
America and a copy of the proceedings of the
convention translated into Italian and be
presented to the pope. Tlio election of
officers resulted as follows : President ,
Kev. Thomas J. Canaty , of Worcester. Mass. ;
vlco-presldent , Uov. U'honms K. Walsh , of
Notre Damn college. Indiana ; treasurer ,
Hov. Philip J. Corrliran , of Fitchburg , Mass. ;
secretary , Philip A. Nolan , of Philadelphia.
Death of Consul Frances.
Sr. THOMAS Out. , August 4. Allan Fran
ces , United States consul , who was
struck by a hose cart at the recent railway
disaster hero , and badly Injured , died sud
denly this morning , being solicit with
paralysis of tlie heart. 116 had been confined
to his room ever since the accident , but his
condition was not thought to bo crit
ical. Frances was seventy-three Venn
old , and was for twenty years United States
consul at Victoria , II , C. , and lor the past
three years has been United Stateseoiisul at
St. Thomas and Port Stanley. Flags arc
floating at halt mast on all public buildings.
The funeral will take place hero to-morrow ,
Canadian Fisheries.
NKW YOHK , August 4. An Ottawa spechl
says : W. Alfred Lausier , who has beer
circled leader of the liberal party In the
f Dominion parliament , In a speech at a meet
Ing held at Somoispt , jpiterday , said it hail
always been the desire of hlmselt and the
liberal party lo r-ecuro renewal of recipio
city with the United States. McDonald's
government , ho contended , had always
thrown every possible obstruction In tin
wav which tended to provpnt any nego
tiations which might prove satisfactory.
An Ottawa special to tlio Herald , says the
department of fisheries was. Tuesday , noti
fied ot the.sel/ute of two American 8loop <
named Fanny and Jnmcs A. Gariield. They
were caught In Quortdv bay.Now Brunswick ,
hound .for Kastport , MP , , with cargoes ol
herring , and had neither entered nor cleared
nt any Canadian custom house. Both vessels
were released on deposit of a small sum. The
department has Information that there Is al
the present time o\er SIX ) American fishlns
vessels in the vicinity of North bay , Prince
l.d > Mvrds Island , very few ofhlcli have se
cured good fares. Somu have abandoned
their lulling voyaso and ccno home. Mack
erel are very niintiful and the Canadian lish
crmen are securing large fares.
TOMONTO , August 4 , A cable froir
London to tfto Globe fays : "Fresl
jirouossls for the settlement ot tin
Ushirles question have recently been submit
IrA to IheiOYOrmaebt bj the authorities a1
Waiblcflcn. Tti jr w r t tpproved at Ot
aud tun been favorably received b :
ho imperial government , but are still under
otisideratlon. The details of the proposals
are not known , but Is Is understood that a
nero hopeful view of the possibility of
speedy settlement Is now taken at the white
louse. ' , „ . ,
ST. JOHN. N. B. , August 3. Yesterday
the cruiser Intrepid seized the llshlug boat
Gold Dust , belonging to Blanclmrd , tlm sar-
line packer , at Kastport. Maine , while Ink-
ng In Ilsh al Falrhaveii , Deer Island. 'Ihis
boat has been running all season without
having complied with the law by entering or
clearing at the custom houses , bho was
towed to St. Andrews and orders are awaited
from Ottawa.
McNainara , of Iilnooln , Goes Under
and lllsapucnrH.
Li.vcor.v , Neb.fcusust 4. [ Special Tele-
giamto the llKK. | The firm of E. J. Me-
Namara , plumbers and gas litters in this
city , was closed to-day by attachments In the
lands of the sheriff. It was about the noon
lour when the ( list attachment was made
and the rush began later In the day , when
the numerous small creditors presented their
claims. There Is at present some f',000 In
attachments out , and the firm's placn of busi
ness Is In tlie hands of tin1 sheriff. It Is
iTenerally understood that McN'amara lias
left without leaving his address behind him.
At least thn otlicers have been unable to find
turn to-day and no one seems to know of his
whereabouts. It was stated this morning
that Chicago parties had a claim of SI.300
against tlie stock , and It is evident that it
will bo much more than absoibed by the debt.
The first attachments served weie all for
small amounts. < .
Hull and Wind Play Havoc nt St.
ST. EmvAitns , Neb. , August 4. | Special
Felegram to the BKK.J About 0 o'clock this
iftcruoon the clouds fathered In the west in
that peculiar way that denotes the approach
of n cyclone or some other equally disastrous
freak of nature , and in a few minutes the
storm bioko In all Its fury In tlie village. But
Ittle damage was done bavo by the hall ,
mrdly a house being without moro or
broken windows. The storm seems to have
spent most of Its violence In the country
west and south of here , several houses being
razed flat to tlie ground , while the corn and
other grain In the tields Is totally ruined. At
tills time It Is Impossible to give a true report
of the damage done , but It Is known that
several persons were badly injuicd , as the
lectors have been sent for in haste to attend
Heavy Ilnln at Cortl.ind.
Coim.ANn , Nob. , August 4. [ Special Tel-
ehram to the BII : : . ] The diought in this
section was broken tills evening by a steady
rain commencing about 0 o'clock. At this
writing , 10 p. m. , It is still latttlng hard. Al
though the drought has been long and ,
the corn crop will now uuko a fair yield.
Business at Howard. > , Neb. , August 4. [ Special to the
Br.K.J Thieo cars of corn have been shipped
out on the new road by A. D. Hick , and a
car load of wagons received by J. Babson ,
btdng the lirst business done at this point
over the line. The Moiris lock factory Is
complete except the machinery , which will
arrive this w eek.
Copious Showers.
LINCOLN , Neb. , August 4. Copious show
ers have fallen throughout tlie South Platte
country during the past foitv-oiuht hours
and the rain Is still falling. The corn crop
was beginning to need rain badly. The
bhovters are timely and show a good effect.
A Hoosler Celebration.
DKS MOINKS , la. , August 4. [ Special Tpl-
egram to the Bi'K.l The State Association
of Indianians held their annual reunion hero
to-day. Tlio Ilooslers were present In great
abundance with noted speakers from differ
ent parts of the state. They celebrated In
an old fashioned Indiana wav with speeches
and old fashlnod games of tlfty years ago
amid great enthusiasm. Among the speak
ers was Hon. George W. Jones , of Diibuquo.
who was the tlrst white man to set toot In
the state and afterwards the lirst United
States senator from Iowa. Ho was surveyor
general ot Wisconsin when that included all
of Iowa and the territory west of tlie Kocky
mountains. Though now 8-1 years of ago he
made us lively and vigoious a speech as anv.
The Hoosier 'association embraces several
thousand of the leading people of Iowa.
Hadly Cut With n Mower.
ItosF. HIM. , la. , August I. [ Special Tele
gram to the BUR. | A llttlo son , four years
old , of Alonzo Perkins was in the field
where his father was mowing this afternoon.
The boy started back to t the house but laid
down In the grass and weeds and went to
sleep. Soon afterward the reaper came
along and the father not seeing him ran Into
him cutting his lect and legs very badly but
nut fatally.
Ono Hundred Kegs of Deer Seized.
Si'iuiT LAKE , la. , August 4. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. | Under a search war
rant Issued to-day by Justice Hunt , over 100
cases of beer and several packages of other
liquors were seized this afternoon. They
were consigned to two Germans and an ap
plication for temporary Injunction against
their sale will bo argupd before Judge
Thomas to-morrow. The case excites gieat
interest In the vicinity.
BATir. N. Y. , August 4.-J. & J. C. IJohlo ,
drv goods and notions , of which Jonathan
Kobie Is. senior member , made a general as
signment this morning. It is Impossible to
get the liabilities. The failure Is supposed
to have boon brought about by Itobio's &hort-
ago in the soldiers' home accounts.
LONDON , Ont , Auzust 4. Th Ontario
Investment association Is financing em
barrassed. A special general meeting of tlio
stockholders was held to-day ami n partial
statement of the assets and liabilities
submitted. From general Information it Is
learned that over 8100,000 paid up capital
stock has been lost to the association through
faultv management and lo scs which could
not bo avoided. Charles Murray , manager ,
has loft for Omalm.
Many widows whoso funds were Invested
In this association will suffer severely from
the deprecation of stocks consequent upon
the losses sustained.
PritADKi.rniA , AUTiist 4. Jamps Hogg ,
hoslnrv , has failed. Liabilities golUXX ) , with
S33.000 assets.
Cunningham A Hon'n rjahllltlca.
Nr.w \ onic , August 4. Schedules filed
to-day In the assignment of William
CunnlKham & Sons of this city and Philadel
phia who recently attempted to corner the
prune market but failed , show liabilities
Sl,07. ' .isn. contingent liabilities 335,175 , nomi
nal assets Sl'J734Sl and actual assets § 0iy-
A nelllscront Nurse.
NKW YOIIK , August 4. Colonel Lafayette
Dimming' ' , need flttv , was shot and slightly
wounded by Mrs. Klleu Harvey , a profes
sional nurse , twenty-live years old. The
colonel refused to make any clmrgo agalns !
her , hut said utter ward that her husband anil
horselt tried to blackunll him out ot
Colored ClerlcH.
CHICAGO , August 4. The confer
ence of the African Methodist Episcopal
church of In spssion here. Thirty-
six congregations are represented. Kepnrts
made to-day snow all churches to bo In good
fin tnclal condition. The conference lasts
until ncxt'luoaday.
Mrs. Cleveland Lunched.
NKW Bp.worsn , Mavg. , July 4. Mrs.
Grovcr Cleveland lunched to-day with A
W. Nlckenou at his rtMdonco at Grfat lllll.
A largo number of invitations were Usucti
and the eccaslon was a notable one. v -
[ t Results Very Disastrously For the Un-
regtmerate Bourbons.
The AVorst Hot-Hack the Party Rvcr
Ilccclvcil In the State Texan Pro-
hihltlonlKtH Snowed Under
Virginia DninoorutH.
Kentucky Democrats Scored.
LOUISVIM.K , Ky. , August 4. [ Special Tel
egram to the URK.J Tliu democrats begin to
teel uneasy. Bradley , republican candidate
for governor , has gained 2i,00o ) hi seventy
coiuitlL'H heaid fiom , out of 111) ) In the state.
The republicans claim tlio state. If Utickni'r
is elected it will tnku a microscope to find his
majority. PAT. o. HAWKS.
LOUISVIM.K , August 4. fPres3.Ther ] are
no lottirns this morning In addition to thosn
In the morning papers. A very fair Idea of
the situation Is contained in the estimate ot
the Courier-Journal , which says : "Ad- returns this morning do
not nlve any Indication of
a ground swell. As far as wo can judge the
democratic losses are duo to the contidencu
and Indifference In our party , and unusually
good organization on the part of the lepuo-
llcans. With the Information obtainable this
morning we do not doubt Bncknor
will have 2,000 moro votes ttmn ilradley. "
1IH ) Commercial's summary says the gross
republican gain &o tar as heaid trum Is
The Kentucky Hlcctlon ,
WASHINGTON , August 4. [ Special Tele-
eram to the Br.i.l : A private dispatch re
ceived here this morning trom Kentucky
states that while the election Is still In debate
there Is not the least doubt that It Is the worst
set back the democrats ever received In the
state. It Is said that the surprise In the re
sults are due to the tact that Buckner , the
democratic candidate , was about the poorest
democrat tor the position that could have
been selected by the dominant party. The
republicans , on the other hand , nominated a
man who was Buckni'rs. superior In e\ery
respect , and as a consequence party lines
weie In part obliterated.
LntniiViLu : , Ky. , August 4. The Courier-
Journal has reports from seventy-four coun
ties out of 119. These cast 77 pir cent of the
entire vote of the state in Ibb-J , when tlio
Cleveland majority was 34S 9. In
counties the reduction of Cleveland's vote
has been 0.2US. Applying the same rate to
the remaining counties and Huckner's vote
will bo n.UbS. This will leave a democratic
majority of 24,851. The returns during the
last twmity-four hours show that the reput-
\ 'caus do not maintain their previous cain.
Virginia Democrats.
HOANOKI : , Va. , August- ! . The democratic
state convention assembled at noon to-day.
John S. Harbour , chairman ot the state ex
ecutive committee , called the convention to
order , and then made a speech. General
John Geode , ot Norfolk , made periiu-
nent chairman and addicssed the conven
tion , declaring in laver of the Ttlddlebereer
bill as the finality in the settlement of state
The platform endorses the administration
of President Cle\ eland , demands a repeal of
the Internal revenue sjstem. favors raising
< levenuo requisite for the support of the
government by a tariff on Imports limited to
the necessities of an economic administra
tion and equitably adjusted in itsapplication ,
approves tlio action ot the special session of
the legislature In its negotiations with Brit
ish holders of state bonds and pledges the
party not to concede any better terms than
otteied. The party pledges Itselt to urge
upon congiess the justice of Its practical
recognition ot Virginia's equitable demands
for compensation tor her past
munificent concessions to the ter
ritory ot the federal government and also
tor the loss to Virginia by the dismember
ment ot her tenitoiy and the consequent 10
Unction of her taxable values. The platform
reasserts the determination ot the party to
"liberally provide for our disabled soldiers
and declares that the states should provide
tor tlio widows ot soldiers who died in de
fense of the state. " The party is pledged to
support the public school system , roster
agriculture and protect labor , as far as prac
ticable , against convict competition. The
platfotm declares against pauper Immigra
tion and tlm granting of lands to railroads.
It piotests and askslecislathoactlon against
the unnecessary absorption into the treasury
ot the United States ot the cmreney of the
country in tlio shape of revenue collected and
withheld from circulation as unwise and
danpeioiis to the continued prosperity of the
people. "
Much IH Snid to Uo the Condition of
Texas Prohibitionists.
. CHICAGO , August 4. A special from Hous
ton , Tex. , says : Election returns on the
prohibition question are coming In rapidly.
All the counties In southern Texas are glv-
Ing largo majorities for the antl-prohlbl-
tionlsts. The present leturns carefully estl
mated indicate that prohibition has been
snowed under by a majority of 85,000. A
special from Austin speixks less contidently
hut indicates that piohibltiou has been do-
Four \Voimt , Tex. , August 4. The pro
hibitionists admit their detect In the state by
15,000 majority. The antl-prohiblllonists
claim 50,000 majority. Sixty-one towns give
4,017 majority against prohibition.
A Waterloo ForTo.xus Prohlbltloniala.
GAi.visroN , Tex. , August 4. The elec
tion upon the amendments to the constitu
tion took place to-day. The amendments
voted upon are brielly as follows :
First , to prohibit the manufacture , sale or
exchange of intoxicating liquors except for
medical , mechanical , sacramental and scien
tific purposes.
Second , U ) change the compensation of
members of the legislature.
Thiid , To authorire tlio legislature to Inves-
the permanent state university fund in other
good securities besides United States and
statu bonds.
Fourth. Empowering the legislature to
provide for the assessment and collection of
taxes In unorganized counties.
Fifth. Empowering the legislature to bet
ter protect the purity of the uallot box and
provide * for the registration of voters of cities
containing 10,000 inhabitants or more , and
In such counties as the legislature may deem
Sixthly , proposes a now article enlarging
and defining the duties ot the judiciary de
partment and the courts.
All interest centered In the prohibition
amendment The light for and against Its
ratification was conducted with great vigor.
Never In the history ot Texas has sucli a can
vass been waged. It was no party Issue.
Thp ablest men of both parties being arrayed each other and able men trom abroad
taking part. For months the question
was discussed from every platform In Texas
until tlio alignment became sharply drawn
and the tension exceedingly taut. The re
sult , however , has been \Vaterloo to tlie
prohibitionists. The returns thus far re
ceived Indicate that the amendment has
been detoated by u majority approximat
Ing 40,000 , , AU largo towns gave
majorities against the Amendment except
Fort Worth , which cave a majority of IDS
for It. The total vote of the city is 1,155 for
prohibition and 3,7-I'J against it The other
amendments receive majorities except the
one increasing the pay of legislators. The
News returns up to midnight from 450 polllug
precincts indlcato that the prohibition ,
amendment is defeated by 50,000.
rtultlmore'u HcforiiiPrs.
BAI.TIMOIIE , August 4. [ Special Telegram
to the UKK. ] The select live of the Keform
league ol this city met In secret conclave In
\Yatmlngton yestsrday , made a formal com
plaint to the president against Naval Olllcei
Kasln , Postmaster Brown , Appointment
Clerk Uleglns , Indian Inspector Thomas anil
Special Treasury Agent Mahon , for theli
partisan peifornxangesajt the primaries anil
invention held In Baltimore last week.
iiasln Is boss of Baltimore , and no ornamen
tal boss , either. Ho and his subordinates
above named did the principal wire-pulling
at the primaries and hoary work al the con
ventions. Senator Gorman Is roundlv cen
sured by reformers , but no seems Indifferent
to their threats. The rank and tlio of local
democracy , although well pleased with the
result of the election , are curious ) to know
what the president Is going to do with the
complaint of the reformers.
Some Startling Testimony Before the
Pacific Investigating Committee.
SAN .FKANCISCO , August 4. Daniel W.
Strong , of San Dieao , testified before the
1'acllic commission to-day , lie was ono of
the original stockholders and a member of
the lirst board of directors ot the Central
PacUtc road. Ho was asked If lluntlngton ,
Hopkins , Crocker , Stanford and Miller did
not icallv compose the board and manage
the road regardless of the wishes of the ma
jority. The witness stated that there seemed
to bo a disposition to take advantage of tlio
stock subsidies ami finally ho concluded to
resign from the board. Ilo made application
for his stock but did not receive anything
for It. During the construction of the road
through the Sierras Stanford and Crocker
"wore to nllldavits that the foot hills
Commence at Arcade Instead of Dry creek.
'I ho subsidy was 810,000 per mile for the toot
lulls section , a distance of twenty-two and
a half miles , lluntlngton and Co's affidavit
which T. D. Judah and witness refused to
sign , cave SS-.OOO per mile , while there was
not a cut or filling of three feet the whole
distance , and Sttone further said regarding
tins matter : " 1 think either lluntlngton or
Crocker asked me to slim it Shortly befoio
construction was begun ; ! was asked to testify
that the laud was foot hills , when I had al
ready testified It was valley land. I simply
refused. "
Strong also denied having received several
sums of money , amounting to about 510,000 ,
the payment ot which was credited on the
company's balance sheet In
The Haddouk Anniversary.
Sioux CITY , la. , August 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J Last night being tlio
anniversary of the assassination of Knv.
( icorge C. Haddock , the cltl/ons of this city
held a memorial meeting. Speeches were
made by Congressman 1. 8. StiublP , of Le-
Mars , and Judge C. C. Cole , of Des Molncs.
Congratulations were offered on the success
of the efforts to enforce prohibition in the
past six months , and tlio general prospeiity
ot the city durlnir that time. The Law and
Order lent ! no endorsed Governor Larrabeo ,
and approved the candidacy of Judge Lewis
for supreme judge.
A SttcueqRrul Opciation Performed
anil the Outlook Farnrahle.
Piiii.Ar > ni.i'iiiA , August 4. The Medical
Record lias a special cable of the last opera
tion purlormed yesterday , on the throat of
tlio crown prince ot Germany. It says after
the operation the condition of the larynx
was satisfactory , voice good and general
health excellent. The Medical Record report
says everything appears lavorablo save a
marked tendency to a recurrence ot this dis
ease which makes the outlook not as en
couraging as It might be.
New York Heralds Seized.
{ Copyright 1S8T l > u James Gordon IJcnnftt.l
PARIS , AtiEiist 4. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the UIK. | Great excite
ment was caused at half past 11 , after
the opera , when , a tall , military-looking com
missary of polled ; In. full warpaint , entered
the Herald oflice and In the name of the
law soiled all the Heralds of July 14 , con
taining the famous and Irrepressible "Boul-
anger March. "
Monflnlgnnur 1'orHlco's Mission.
LONDON , August 4. In the commons this
evening Thomas M. Sandys , conservative ,
asked whether the government was aware
that the object of Monselgneur Per.sico In
visiting Ireland was practically to make a
political , though nominally religious , Inquiry
Into the condition of tlm country. W. II.
Smith said the government was not rocnl-
zant of the papil mission , having had no
communication from the pope on the sub-
led. King llarman , under secretary tor Ire
land , in reply to a question bv Patrick
O'lirUm , denied that Mr. Collins , of Boston ,
had been watched. Tlio luggage of Mr. Col
lins , upon his arrival in Ireland , was
searched in common with that of other per
Stanley Hoard From.
LONDON , August 4. A dispatch from St.
Thomas says : "Letters received at Stanley
Pool from Henry M. Stanley announce tha't
the expedition arrived at Aruwhlml Falls
Juno 18 , that all of the expedition weru well
and preparations were being made lor the
overland match. _
Refused to Si ii the Warrant.
TOHONTO. August 4. A detective who is
after MeGarigle , telegraphed from St.
Catherines to-day that the Judge there re
fuses to endorse the warrant Issued from
hero. He Is now on his way home. The
attorney general of Ontario , it Is said , has
also refused to sign the warrant and a man
damus will be asked for to compel the judge
to sign the warrant.
To Receive Prlnuo Ferdinand.
SOFIA , August 4. The government has
ordered that the state yacht , which Is devoted
to the use of the prince , and which at present
Is moored at Kustchuk , bo prepared for the
reception of Prince Ferdinand , of Saxe-
Prince Ferdinand will go on board the
yacht at Crlsova , as he does not wish to
touch any place in Roumauia.
Advised to ( < > to Scotland.
LONDON , August 4. Dr. McKenzIe has ad
vised the German crown prince to postpone
his visit to Kins in order to try the bracing
alts of Scotland. Tlm queen has urned the
prince to stay at Balmoral. The prince lias
sent an agent tobck-ct a residence for him in
the highlands. 'Ihe princess' health Is ex
Emperor William and the Pop p.
Br.w.i.v , AiiKiistt 4. The pope has sent an
autograph letter In reply to one recently re
ceived from Kmperor William. Both letters
are couched In very alTectini ; terms. Km
peror William -wrote that It was a crand
thing they were able in their old ago to es
tablish peace between Prussia and the Vati
Upturns to England.
LONDON , Aueust 4-Slr Michael lUcks-
Beach has returned to England. His eyo-
Is slowly Improving.
At. Ferry Writes to Ilia Seconds.
PAIUS , August 4. M. Ferry has written
his seconds as follows : " 1 remain ever
ready to give satisfaction to General Bou-
laugcr or accept arbitration. "
Strike On an English Hallway.
LONDO.V , August 4. A general strike of
engineers and firemen of the Midland rail
way began at midnight New men have
been secured for passenger trains.
Will Not Obstruct.
LONDON , August 4. The Parnnllltes at a
a meeting to-day decided to oiler no obstruct-
lan durini' the report stage to tlm laud bill.
AH Indian Scarp.
MINNEAPOLIS , August 4. The Journal's
Allkln ( Minn. ) special says : Ono hundred
Indians In their war paint are camped near
here trying to secure the release of squaws
arrested yesterday for committing depreda
tions. Cltlieus near the camp are much
alarmed and preparing to move unless tlio
Indians ate removed. Trouble U feared ,
A Suspicion That Van Pelt Has Made His
Peace With the Prosecution ,
Pathetic Appeals Hy Colonel SIttnn
and Lawyer Hardy The Jury
Auks For A Hccess Uoucral
Stiles' Argument.
Drawing to n Close.
CHICAGO , August 4. [ Special Telegram to
the BKE. I It was intended that Chicago's
great boodle case should go to the jury this
afternoon , and with that end In view Judge
Jamleson opened to-day's proceedings at
8 o'clock. But scarcely had Mr. Hardy got
fairly launched Into his smooth and plausible
two-hour argument for the defense when the
prospect of tlio extra work became too much
for the jury. Shortly before 10 o'clock Juror
Meserve sent In an appeal to Judge Jamleson
asking that it recess bo taken at the close of
Mr. Hardy's argument until I o'clock this
afternoon. The jury feared that they would
bo talked to death by the four lawyers. Sev
eral jurymen were feeling Indisposed and
did not wish to be hurtled to the and of the
case. They wanted another day of It. After
due deliberation Judge Jamloaon minted the
request. Mr. Alexander Sullivan who
was to speak this afternoon was also feeling
unwell and he joined the request for an easy
session to-day. At 10oO : o'clock when Mr
Hardy had finished the court took a recess
till 1 p. in. At the afternoon session General
Stiles occupied two hours aud another ad
journment was taken till to-morrow morn-
Ing. To-morrow Mr. Sullivan aud Mr. Grin-
ncll will make the closing arguments for
their respective sides and the case will go to
the jury early In the afternoon. It was Inti
mated to-day that after a verdict has been
reached In the omnibus case Mr. Grlnnell
will make a statement In regard to the con
spiracy to get Tale , Varnoll's friend , on the
jury. Mr. Furth > iiann Is authority for the
statement that the lirst Intimation of the at
tempt to pick the jury came from one ot the
defendants who gave the prosecution a "tin. "
Mr. Furthmann positively refuses to toll
which one ot the twelve boodlers had thus
tried to curry tavor with the state. It is be
lieved , however , that it was Van Pelt ,
as It Is not likely that Khelm who
was known to his co-defeudanta to
be weak kneed , was in the
confidence of Varnell. Whether or
not Mr. Grinnell intends to reward Van Pelt
for his opportune and mobt important squeal
cannot be known until the boodlers are
called up tor sentence , or perhaps not until a
recommendation tor pardon for little Van
Pelt is forwarded to the governor. In the
first two speeches for the defense not a word
was said about van Pelt or Varnell. Both
Colonel Munn aud Mr. Hardy apologi/cd
and begged lor Dan Wicii and tlio former
painted "Buck" McCarthy as a noble , gener
ous fellow who never \on thoughtof wrongIng -
Ing the people of Cook county , although ho
did accept a "present" ot S150 from Tom
Kvers , the horse dealer. Oohs Wasserman
and Oliver have been pleaded for and an ac
quittal has been urged fcr Cas elman. Cells
and McClaughrey , because there is so little
evidence against them that there Is giound
for a reasonable doubt , but no excuses or pa
thetic pleas have been oll'ered lor Van Pelt
or Varuell.
Fully an hour before the time appointed
for General btiles to begin his talk to the
jury this afternoon the crowd com
menced to arrUo at the court
hon = o and formed a double Hue in
the coriidor leading to the court room and
many ot them never got any further than the
barrleis placed to keep out tntiuders. In his
speech General Stiles said : "There is a fact
which a good many men knew , a good many
more suspected aud a good uunv " more be
lieved , namely , that a combination" con
spiracy has existed In this county for a great
number of years , having its headquarters In
the county commissioners' room , embiacing
from seven to twelve county commissioners
each year , with membi'is scattered about in
different places , boodle employes , boodle
contractors , boodle meichants , boodle doctors
and boodle lawyers , and jou have not heard
the whole story and you probably never will :
but you have heard enough. 1 think , to sat
isfy your minds that a conspiracy existed to
defraud the people ot Cook county and to
rob the county treasury. " General Stiles
further said that they knew that a conspi
racy existed among the board ot aldermen.
Destructive and Fatal Flames at
BAi.TiMoitn , August 4. A fire broke out
this mornint : In the extensive cracker bakery
of James D. Mason , which was entirely de
stroyed with all Its contents aud machinery.
The lira spread to the adjoining buildings ,
and before it was extinguished , It bad de
stroyed the double building occupied as a
cracker , cake and candy factory , stove ware
house , book and stationary store , containing
a large stock : the upper floors of the
grain and produce commission house and a
tinware house fronting on Chailes street.
The agricultural warehouse was paitly de-
stoyed. William Schulte , foreman of engine
1" , was on ono of the lower floors of tlm
building when * the lire orlicinated and was
crushed to dcith by the floors above giving
way. Chief Engineer Houneck , who was
also on the same floor , was seriously injured
and Is not expected to live. The entire dam
age is now estimated at upward of $500,000.
Wisconsin Forest Fires.
MIUVA.UKII : , Wis. , Auirust 4. Advices
from Green Bay state that forest fires have
been raging all along the line of tlio Green
Bay , Winona it St. Paul road and have
caused considerable damage at various
points. Sherwood forest , a few miles this
side bf Mernllan Junction , suffered from PX-
tenslvo tires and thousands ot dollars woith
of propelty was destroyed. At Lynn , Bat-
bur's saw mill burned to the crouud with
ronsldeinble stock. The loss Is unknown.
Rain effectually dampened everything to
day , BO there Is now no danirer. The
marshes all along west of Grand Rapids and
near New London , were on lire , and consid
erable damauo was done by the burning of
sevcial farm buildiucs and fields of grain.
Grass Hnrned Up.
Jour.T , III. , August 4. Fires are raging
In Manhattan township and in Chaunahan
township. Hundreds of acres of pasturage
and stubble fields have been burned , and also
a largo area ot wood. Farmers are ll htinu'
lurlously. The creeks have all goue dry.
Fire at Syracuse.
SVRAOUSI : , N. V. , July 4. A fire which
started at 12:10 : this morning damaged the
extensive saddlery hardware manufactory ot
Frazer A Jones to the amount of S 100,000 ;
fully Insured.
A nnrnlng .Mine ,
DETHOIT , August 4. TheKvenlnc Journal's
Calumet special says : The Calumet and
Hccla mine is on lire at the sixteenth level.
Immense volumes of smoke are Issuing from
shaft No. 3 In the Helca branch of tin-
mine. The miners have none down to shut oil
the lire from the Black Hills portion. .No
lives lost.
Pensions Granted.
WASIIINOTO.V , August 4. Special Tele
gram to the UKK. | The following Iowa and
Nebraska pensions were urantcd to-day :
Kllza , mother of W. F. Hough , Hubb.ird ;
Sarah , widow of Warner 0. Moore , Cleat
Lake ; Peter McXalr , Mlle ; Charles J. Reeil
( deceased ) , Iralrtleld ; Hlrara Atkinson , Ran <
dolph ; George William Servns , Avoca ;
George W , Morton , Coin : George A. Shef
field , Crescq : George A. Madison. Ottumwit ;
William 11. Grliiman , Uccorah ; 8. Hay. le ?
Molnes ; S. W. Marlng , Nevansvllle : Fran
cis ItocU , Mt. 1'leasant ; John W , dpooner ,
Luvereno : J. 8. Floyd , Kacle Gnne ; A , C.
Rlcketts , Fan-held ; it. II. Nelson , Nowmar-
kat ; V. A. Baker. Cromwell ; John J. Frtscr ,
Kessauqua : M. M. Logan. Emerson ; George
Kebo , Keokuk ; Jotia Who , Vllllsca. In
crease : Andred Mick , Redding ; F. M.
Lucas. McVelKh ; D. A. Campbell , Clinton :
John Ward , Council mulls. Itelssuo : Kd-
win Week , Acklcy ; William Prlton , Gour-
In Nehraska : May G. , widow of Samuel
niackstonc , Tokomali ; William \V. llursh
( deceased ) , Dresden ; Charles It. Draup ,
Valpniiso ; Charles Oolschloiral , Oakdale ;
Hannan Glade. Acd.i ; Samuel M. Waters ,
Galena ; John Blair. Cowlus ; Mlle M. Hur
rah. Chadron. Reissue aud Increase : A.
( J. Sweet/or , Chndron ; CharlesMalr , Omaha ;
J. J. Marvin , Fall City. . _ _ _
Postal ( JhiingCR.
WASHINGTON , Aueust 4. [ Special Tolo-
cram to the Br.K.I The following star
schedule chances In Iowa wore made to-day :
Carbon to Cumberland : Leave Carbon
Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 : ! > 0
p. in. , arrive at Cutlbert atrtHO : p. m. ; leave
Cumberland'luesdays , Thursdays aud Sat
urdays at 7. a. m. . arrlvti at Carbon l'J'30 p.
m. From August V , 18 $ ; .
Little Sioux to Moorhead : Leave Little
Sioux Wednesdays and Satindays at 7. a.m. ,
aulvo at Moorhead at 1'J m. Leave Moorhead
Wednesdays aud Satuulnysat 1 p. m. , arrive
at Little Sioux I p. m. Fi-im AtmustO , 1SS7.
The following mail uiessfHirers serxlcoi
have been discontinued : Malvcrn , Mills
county , from Wabash. St. Louis 1'aoilic
railroad to the Chlctco , HiirlltiKton ifeljulucy
railroad , from August 13 , Ibj9.
William P. Ross has been commissioned
presidential postmaster. Wilton Junction.
The following postolllccs have bi-en dis
continued In Nebraska : Parkvulle , Donu-las
countv. special mall to Omaha ; Walnut Hill ,
DouKlas county , from Omaha.
Pennsylvania National Guard" .
WASHINGTON , Autrust 4. [ Special Tele-
eram to the Br.K.I The National guard ot
Pennsylvania will co Into camp in Lebanon
county on Saturday ext foi one week. Ten
thousand men will be under arms and Lieu
tenant General Sheridan and staff will Inspect
them by special invitation. Lieutenant
John HUi'low , Jr. , Tenth cavalry , has been
ordered to report to Colonel Elwell S. Otis on
the 'JOtli inst. , for duty during the encamp
Pensions Granted.
WASHINGTON , August 4. | Special Tele
gram to the Bir. : I The following Iowa and
Nebraska pensions wore granted to-day :
Hannan Glade , Oakdate ; Samuel M. Walters ,
A Ida ; John Claln , Galena ; MlloM. Harrou ,
Cowles ; A. G. Swetzer ( rpisstio and In
crease ) , Chadton ; Charles Ma'r ' , Omaha ; J.
Marvin , Falls City.
Siamese Princes In Washington.
WASIIINOTOV , August 4. The Siamese
princes and suite reached Washington at 8
o'clock this morning. They visited public
buildings and places of Interest In this city
to-day and will pay their respects to the pres
ident to-morrow.
Consul Miller Dead.
WASHINGTON , August J. The stajo de
partment Is informed of tlio death of Vice
Consul General Jolm T. Miller , at Rio de
Postnl Changes.
WABHINOTON , August 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK.J Benjamin J. Nichols
was to-day appointed postmaster at Plato ,
Cedar county , Iowa , vice F. A. Baldwin ,
resigned. _
Harvey's Brother Refunds.
WASHINGTON , August 4. Tim pension
ollico has received from a brother of Oscar
J. Harvey , the treasury defaulter check for
51,700 fraudulent pension claim which had
been Issued to him.
Capital Notes.
WASHINGTON , August 4. The secretary of
tlio treasury appointed the following inter
nal revenue gauyors : John S. Carson , at
Belleville , 111. , and Emauuel L. Now at
The comptroller of the currency to-day nu-
thorbcd the German-American National
bank ofPekin , 111. , to begin business with a
capital ot 8100,000.
Tlm president came In from Oak View this
moininir , anil a cabinet mectlu : was held at
the while house at the usual hour. All mem
bers wem present except Sccietary Bajard
and Attoiney General Garland.
lawyer Fotintlcroy Ohtalns Writ
of Error From .Justice Miller.
ST. Louis , August 4. A Post-Dispatch
extra printed late tills afternoon has a des
patch from Black Island , Lone Island sound ,
which says that P. W. Fountloroy , one of
the attorneys of Hugh M. Brooks alias Max
well , presented to-day the case ot his client
Justice Miller of the United States
supiemo court , who Is stopping nt Ocean
View hotel , and obtained from him a writ ot
error In the caso.
HI.OCK ISLAND. It. 1. , Aimust 4. Justice
Miller , ol the United States supreme oouit ,
granted a writ of error In tlm case of lluuh
M. BrooKs. alias Maxwell , the murderer ot
Proller. This stays proceedings until the
supieme court meets In October.
Commercial Cahle Umnorn.
Nnw Yonic , August I. The rumor cur
rent this morning that John MacKay had
sailed for this city after acquiring Jamo Gor
don Bennett's interest in tlio Commercial
cable aud arranged lor an advance in cable
rates to lorty cents a word , were ascribed in
Wail street as the cause of the rise in West
ern Union. Vice-President Dccastro , of the
Commercial cable , did not believe the rumors ,
and George Gould and President Green
would not talk about it. Tlio Kveninz Post
says a gentleman who is interested In the
Commercial Cable company told a reporter
that he had no doubt the long cable war was
Capture of a Noted Hnrglar.
Jimor.Y CITV , N. J. , August 4. Detec
tives to-day arrested Georeo Farth , a noted
burglar , who is wanted for the burglary of
Falrchlld A Co.'s Jewelry store in Bridgeport ,
Conn. , on Julv 17 when the safe was broken
open and S15.000 woilh of diamonds aim
jewelry stolen. Ho returned to-day from a
professional trip to Europe which is said to
Imvo been successful. In his lodgings a
startling array of burglar * tools was found.
Ten pounds of dynamite cartridges were
found burled In the yard. The defectives
say H Is the moat complete outfit they e\er
saw. _ _
Minnesota Indian Outrages.
AITKIN , Minn. , Auguit 4. The squiws
confined In jail for threatening to kill a
white woman have bcou lelcased , as the au
thorities wore In awe of the bucks , who had
assembled in lirire numbers. Couriers havn
arrive from Willow rivvr bearing the Intelli
gence that Indians are killing stock belong
ing to settlers Indlin Agent Sheehan , of
Brainerd will ho consulted anil decisive
measures taken to stop the outrages.
Callfnrnla'H Wheat Collapse.
SAN FitxNcisfo , August 1. The losses of
the bull clique by the collapse of the corner
are uow estimated at between 5fi,000,000 and
Sl,000,000. S Ulemoiits are being made
through the Nevada oank. All rumor * con :
corning tlio bad effect ol the tnllmn on that
hank are flatly denied by Vlco Provident
Brainier. Tno call hoard has been discon
tinued until further notice and there uro no
quotations on wheat.
Fatal Wrock.ln Virginia.
RICHMOND , Va. , August 4. An accident
occurred tills afternoon about a mile west ot
Greenwood on the Newport News & Mis
sissippi Valley road , by which a lirst class
roach and two Meopors on the Lnusvllln ex
press were thrown from the trick. Baggage'
master Pftltavtay , of this city , was killed and
aboutadoien pabstitigi.'rs InjUied moru 01
less seriously.
Such Wa8 the Giuno Yesterday Between
Kansas Oity and Omaha ,
Fine Playing and Much Enthusiasm
All Around The Cowlioyn Hail
to Flfht Hard Sport In
Other Fields.
The audience at the ball park yesterday
nfteinoou to MH > the gtmo between the
Dmaliasnnd the Kansas Cltys , was only fair
in size , but tlio gamu was ono of the lluust ,
he most brilliant Interesting played on tha
ocal grounds this seoson.
Both teams were on their mettle and tha
stnuulo abounded with gllttoilng plays from
the opening to the close.
Healy pitched a meat game , using extra
ordinary judgment , the Kansas Cltys retiring- ?
n ono Inning , the tiftli , on the lirst four balls' '
pitched. They made but four actually hltsf
Jlf of film In the entire game. His line work/ '
.n . the points , however , was maiiod to acer-
lain extent , to two wild throws to lii t , botll
of which woio very damaduir. Mosslll ,
Uwyer , Walsh , Handle , Bader , Tussolbaolo
Mid Jant/en also handled themselves
in an admirable way , especially
Messltt and Jaut/on , the former making ona
ot the most phcuommtal one-hand cathes. InJ
the llfth Inning , ol a hit trum Howe's ba (
ever scon upon a ball Held. He nuulo onq
stop , too , that wap of a circus order , andj
elicited a perfect bedlam ol applause. Jaiit-
zen , the six-foot back-stop , caught one of tha
prettiest games aver seen In Omartn. He wita
a perfect stonu wall , catching throughout
without an 01 ror , and doing the work with )
but llttlo fuss or feathers. In fact the whole
nine plajcd with a vim and dash and perfect
tlon that was uxhlleratlng to behold. Thq
cowboys , too , as the score and the rosulf
probably signifies , plavcd a magnificent
came , but three errors being recoided against
The umpiring of Mr. Henglo was cxcojx
tlonally good , but one deeisiou inciting any
thing that resembled a kick , and that was fn >
tliu ninth , when he proclaimed Hualcy sata
on a fly knocked to left Held and scooped up
along with a handful of hay by the agllo Mr } '
As is customary on the homo grounds , the
Omalias wont lirst to the bat , and despite tliu ,
tact that Walsh opened up the music bv rt' '
corker to renter , and Messctt got his base enl
ono of Nichols , they were retired without'
The cowboys woio presented with goosa
eggs In tlio llr > , t and .second , although they
succeeded In getting men on bases In both/
In the second thoOmahas mndetwo tallies' .
FusMjlback took his seat on a throw ot pltebj
to first Jant/en hit safe to right , and stele
second and thin ! to the Immense delight ot\ \
the audience. Jant/on reminds ono of a
irlratl'o as ho uutold himselt between the
bases. Walsh was on hand with his second ?
sate hit , Jant/eu ciosslng tlio piato. Walsh ]
stole second In line t > tylo kept right ou tit
third and homo on a wild thro wet Loggta
second , which also got bv center Held. Mos-
sitt made the th'td ' out on a high flv to left.
In the third Dick Dwycr hit the ball tor
clean three-sacker , but was loft , llaudloi
was put out from pitch to titst. Bailer goft
his base on live balls , and Dwyer was run ]
down between thiid and home. Gcnuls got
out on a fly to short. i
For the cowboys , Tllllo's altltudlnous fly.
was Inglorious- ! muffed bv Glnuen. Ho was ]
forced , however , by McKeon's Int. llassa- '
maor's dilllcnlt foul was nlcelv cared for by ;
Fnssolback. .Sunset Mansell was presented
with lirst by Healiiy , who followed this up
with a wild throw of Klncos' short tnliolip
hit , and McKcon reached home. Lccg , how-1
ever , dashed the Missouriaus' hoped by a
long fly to Badi-r.
In the toiirth Fusselbach hit safely to center - %
tor unit stole second , hut .lent/en and Hoaleyi
wore quickly disposed of and tliu cowboys
nuain came in , but to go right out again , lor ,
notwithstanding Nichols safe hit , they were
prevented from scoring by the Miarp holding
ot the Omalias.
In the litth , sixth , seventh and eighth the
local gladiator drew elegant blanks , but the
visitors , in the .same iuiiingf , , added two
tallies to their scoie.
In the llfth McKeon fanned out , Uassamaer
hit clean to center , Mansell followed witli
his second base on bills. Kiugo then brought
HasMiiimer in by a line dilvo to loft , Maiibclll
taking third on tlm siiue , ami scoring on ]
Logg's out at first Howe's fly to confer wai1
capitired by Messitt with one haudaftnrat
hard run. This was the feature of the game ,
and for fifteen minutes the uproar was talrly
In tlio seventh McKeon drove the ball
safolv to left , went to third on Healy's second
end wild throw to Dwyer , and tallied after
Ilassamaer's long fly had settled In Bailer's
baskets. This was their last .score , as In the
eighth they were sent to the bench In one ,
two , three order.
In the ninth inning the Omalias came In to
do or die they died , but not until after a'
most heroic effort to tetrlevo their ebbing
fortunes. Ih-alcy's lack of judgment was
the straw that broke the dromcdaiy's back.
And this is the way tlio jig went up.
Tuss lback was extinguished on a hit to
McKein. Big Jant/en made his second t > afe
hit. and went all the way loiind to thiid on n
wild throw by llassamaor. Healey hit fj
high fly to left , which Liliio scooped up from
the' giound , aud Jaut/en was prevented
from coming in. The umpire , however , de
cided Healey sato. Heio the only Inhar
mony nt the game occurred , the cowboys ,
making a gentle kick , but It didn't
uo , and after lining Mauscll 910 ,
tlie strife went on. Walsh ster *
ned up to the bat ana there was gore In botll
optics. The first ball pitched he lilt how , so
hard In fact , that it went tliiougli Howe , anil
Jaitt7cn scored. Healey , too , injudiciously
osiavedtocomo In on the htiokc , but was
caught at the phto , Walsh In tint mcintlmo
gaining second. .Mes&ett then Knocked a
hi-autitul long llv to center which Hcddy
Mansell unluckily got his clarupu upon , anil
the Omalias name was Dennis.
But the scoio will mine plainly reveal
wlmt a beoutihilhtnigglo _ it was. Hero It Is :
OMAHA. i'os. AII. it. mi. ni. us. rt > . A. ic.
K'insasCity 0 ( J 1 0 a 0 1 0 * 4
Huns turned Omalm 1 , Kansas City 2.
Threii-baso hits IMvjer.
Double plays IIO\M > , Itlngo , McKoon.
Struck out Bylloaley y , Nichols 1.
Itaso on balls Hy Hfa'iivS ' , Nichols 2.
lilt by Ditched ball-McKoori.
Lett on bases Omaha 7 , Kansas City 7.
Time ol game Two hours 'and forty Min
ute * .
L'iripiio llcnglo.
Till ] UAOKS'XIJXr Wl-iK.
Full List of tin * lOntrlcH.
The becond annual meeting of the No-
briska association of trotting hone brooders
will b held on Weduo-idny and Thursday ol
ni'Nt week , mid promisui f > bo 0110 of the
moit InU-ri'sting eventsever Imld in tlm btato.
I'ollQttlng N a list of tjni intries ; ;
KlltSt HAY. Wi : KiSIAY ; , AL'OUSr 10.
.No , 1 Fur two'year-oW