f 'rv ' f " "H THE OMAHA DAILY BEE3 THURSDAY , AUGUST 4. 1887. WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF IT , Interviews With Citizens on the Moynih&n Protective Night Watch. * THEY ARE ON TO THE SCHEME The Compliments of the Governor ol Minnesota to the Governor of Jscbrnt-ka General City News. Moynllinti's NlghMvntch Scheme. The reporters of tlio HIB : interviewed & number of well known business men upon tlio Moynllmia scheme of forcing n so-called nifjlitwnteh upon this city , through tlio "combino" conspirators oi tlio city council. The opinions expressed below represent the gunornl.sontinient in this community : Mr. Vlnyaid , of Vlnynrd & Suhnolder , Jobbers of notions We want ti good DO- ice force under tlio control of the city , nml do not fnvor n nliht ; wntch or any other additional nrunnl/ntloii. It would bo n , bad move. The first tiling you know the puoplo will have to take it in their own hands. Any ono in favor of Jaw and ordur will object to the night- watch scheme. Mr. Kobinson of the J. T Robinson Notion Co. Have not civen much thought to the niKhtwatch scheme , but it docs not strikes mo as a good tiling. Wo ought to have a good police foron that would work in jiiirmony and in wliieh them wore no divisions. Mr. Kiikendall , of Kirkendall.Tones , & Co. . jobbers of boots and shoos My synv p.itliy is with tlio police commission in this contest. Would not take any stook in anything that the present city council might propose , unless it was c.irefullj looked into. Am ashamed of the police quarrel. Understand that some of the coinmissioneisarc out of town , and hopu they will eomo back with good muscle nnu lay out the disturbers. Mr. Allen , of Allen Uros. , jobbers oj groceries in regard to the proposed night watch , would say that originating ns it has and being1 backed by the coun cil , there would ot necessity bo a bad feeling between it and tlio regular force , which would bo a fruitful source of trouble. Ifvomust have two organisa tions , let them take dillcrcnt parts of the city. Would bo glad to sec niesunt force Increased by half. M. L. 1'arrotte of W. L. Parroto & Co. , jobbers of hats , caps , etc. The best thing we can have is a good police force nnd if any ono wants a special night watch they can hire ono independently , the same as wo have ono for this block. Mr. ( iilmoro of Uilmoro tte Ituhlowhole- Halo clothiers It ought to bo settled whether the commission or the council is in the right , and then let the right ono go ahead and put on a good forco. Do not think it would do at all to liavo two or- gani/ations , as there would bo a natural enmity between them that would break out in trouble. It has struck mo all along that tlio council was in the wrong. Krnst 1'oyckc Think the regular po lice force , if properly handled , ought to bo sulllcient to protect Omaha s business houses. Tlio idea of payinga private in dividual for a private police force is de cidedly thin. C.V. . Hamilton , of the United States National Hank The regular police force , if wo arc to have ono , is all that is needed. If anybody wants a private night watch , lot him liiro it and pay for it. Milt linrlow , cashier of the United States National bank A private night watch , such as the ordinance in question con templates , would bo a superfluity , unless the regular police force are employed simply for street ornaments. 11. W. Yates , president of the Iron bank We've no use for any such thing. W. II. II. Hughes , cashier of the above bank Knows nothing of the Moynilmn bill und cures less. Fred Davis , cashier of the First Na tional bank Didn't think the city was suiVoring for a private mchi watch. What she most needs is an organized , regular police forco. Herman Konnt/o , president of tlio First National bank Omaha's police force should bo properly organi/.c'd. Wo have n police commission whoso business it is to regulate our police affairs , and the people are exceedingly anxious that they be allowed to execute the functions of of their otlico. The people are serfcitcd with this tomfoolory. 1'liilii ) Lung , tbo boot and shoo dealer- Mr. Moynihau might go to. liiisiness men are taxed heavily 'enough to support an excuse of a police force , let alone Liu- ing called upon to pay fora private foreo , which could never bo made olliciont un der any circumstances. Harry Doul Thought tlio prescnl police muddle had bettor bo htruightened out before they go to monkeying will : nnvthiugelho. E. L. Stone , of Dewey & Stone We don't ' want any of Mr. Moyuiliau's po liuomon ; tlio regular force will take can of us. It they fail , we'll hire and paj for our own private watchmen. W. T. Seaman Don't wan't it , Wouldn't' touch it with a ton foot polo. Uon Wood I haven't any use foi Moynihan not the remotest. Luther Drake Wo have no use foi the night watch. C. S. Kaymond , the Jeweler I'm in favor of all the protection we can cot , but don't baliovo wo want a night watch. J. 11. McShano I don't want anj notoriety in this matter but my private opinion is we do not want it. Mr.Hoycr Don't want it in that slmpo , I think it is auout time the busincs < men should get together and put an cud to this feCitiuhil. A. J. Hanscom I don't see any use foi it ami 1 fear it will bring on a conlhcl with the regular police. Tom Rogers Don't think wo want it , Personally I would not vote for it. 1) . S. Itarrigor-'Doirt think wo need it , I thinK the police and fire commission should appoint all our policemen. \\illhuu Wallace Ono of the besl things the city can have is a good police forco. I nm opposed to a night watch. Mr. Hongluon , of Smith & Co. , job bers of dry goods Am not in favor ol disturbing the old force unless to increase it , and then it must bo under ono head , A thing with two iicads is no I'ood. J. C. Canaan It is a d Mi.uno thai the council should try to undermine the police 'commission. Would rather you would not print such strong language as coming from me , but that is the way ] foul. We don't want any night watch 01 anything else but a good police force Tifo disturbing element in the counei might bo made to { resign. Mr. Curtis , of Omaha Rubber Co. DC not know any of the parties engaged ir this matter and hcnco have no persona feeling regarding it , but cannot see the least reason for a night watch. Want r first-class police force under ono head Mr. Heard , of Hoard & Otis. 1 am no in favor of this nigtit watch. Those things are usually more for the benefit o some interested parties I am in fuvo of having a good pollen force that woule bo adequate to protect the city. Charles Kitchen I hava given tin matter but little attention , but 1 don' think wo want any merchants' polico. Hlohard Kitchen Wo don't want t < have anj thing to do with thorn. J. K. Markoll Wo don't waul an ; merchant polico. A , U. Snowdon I hnretlv know wha to" say on the subject. My opinion however , that the block watchmen shottli bo orcnnizi'd ami bo responsible to th mayor for their actions. I cannot he the necessity of any merchant police. O. Ely Wo don't want any mordian olico. ? ilajor J' , P. ClarksoQ-Tno morcUau police business Is all nonsonso. Wo don't want anything to do with It. Milton Rogers Speaking for myself I will say I will have nothing to do with any merchants' police. 1 gave them to understand so when approached on the subject. S. 1' . Morse Wo pay taxes for a reg ular police force ? .Why , then , should there bo an extra forco. 1 utteily refused to have anything to do with the mer chant polico. Jacob Williams of Tro.xoll & Williams Wo don't want any such organi/ation. In the first place it would bo the cause of trouble between them and the regular force and then again tlio organization pro posed don't look right to mo. Thonws Swift 1 am in favor of all tlio police wo can get , provided they are under the proper authority. * If the mer chants wH ! pay for these men all right. If they won't , why , then wo will have to drop tlio police. INTnit-HTATi : WAR. How the Uovornor ofMlnncBOta Treats the Governor of Nebraska. Charles W. Kdgcrton arrived from St Paul , Minn..yesterday morning where ho wont to .secure the return of the man liar- tig.ui , who was charged with defrauding the Commercial National bank of this city out of a largo amount of money. Charles lost his case in St. 1'aul. The requisition of Governor Thayer of this .state was en tirely ignored and Ilaitigan was allowed to go free. The matter may not rest hnro however , for it is said the refusal to give Harligan up was so flagrant an abuse ol justice that Governor Thayer will demand a re-hearing from Governor McGill of Minnesota. In case of a re- refusal no more loimisitions will be sent from Nebraska to Minnesota and no more ackno\vlcdg d by Nebraska from Minnesota. This promises to be a very lively little warfare between the states. It seems there would bo nodilliculty in the matter whatever were it not that Humphrey Movnihan , of this city , the "chief of po lice in his mind , " went up to Minnesota , and by his freshness and promises caused trouble that resulted In the refusal of the governor to give up Hartigan. Hit. DINbMOKK. A reporter oilled upon Dr. Dlnsrnoro with reference to the matter and found that the gentleman had not heard of Gov ernor McGill's action in refusing to al low H.irtigan to bo brought to this city. When told that Mich was the case ho seemed annoyed and disappointed , tn reply to the insinuations ol a morning1 paper , ho said that ho never had an idea of kidnapping Hartigan , because that was an infraction of the law and if lie could not bring Hartigan down without breaking the law ho would not bring him at all. Neither was it true that sullicient money had not boon furnished the detcetivo who was working up the caso. Every time the latter wanted nioney ho telegraphed for it and received it in the same manner. Ho far as ho saw , the failure to allow Hartigan to como jioro for trial probably ended the crim inal prosecution , but it did not terminate the civil proceedings. Ho had llartigau's property in Minnesota attached and the 3:1 so would eventually bo heard in the United States court in that state. AN OLiIJ TIM IS "IOSHEU. " Presence of the Veteran Ball i'laynr of the \Vcst in Town. Henry Anson , of Marshalltownja. , reg istered at the Paxtou yesterday. lie is the father of the chief mogul of the Chicago club , and an enthusiastic admirer of base ball , llis coming hero is an event of record for the first base ball games ever plavcd in this city were against the Mar- shalltown club. Then Mr. Henry Anson , now hero , was on the third base , A. C. Anson , now captain of tlio Chic.igos , second end base , and b. It. Anson , in the Hold. A. C. is known as the "big man , " aiid rightfully , too , for ho is the largest m.m now playing in the le.iguo. Mr. Auson loft for Denver last night. After the Plumbers. Inspector Duncan Is engaged yesterday in notifying all the plumbers and gasfitters of the city that their applications must bo filed with the examining board before next Tuesday evening , as after that dat. sections 1 and 2 of ordinance 1120 will bo strictly enforced. These sections are as follows : Section 1. No person , persons or corpora- lions shall open , uncover , or in any manner make any connection with , or lay any water or pas pipes In connection with tlio plpus of the City Waterworks company or Gas Com- puny of the City of Uninlia , or Introduce into or about any tuilkUn , or on any grounds , nny water or K'is ' pipes , or do any plumbing woik In any miikllne or on any grounds for the purpose of connecting such pipes or plumbliiK work with the pipes of tlio City \Vator\vorks company or cas com pany , or of pieparlnir thorn for such connections with the view of having such premises supplied with water or gas , or \\hoshallinnko nuy Additions to or alter ations of any water pipe , bath , water closet , stop-cock or other fixture or apparatus for tlio supplying of any premises with water or Kin without being duly licensed to portorm such work by the city council of the city of Omaha , nnd without having tirst obtained a permit for dolni ; such work. Sue. 3. Any competent mechanic of at least 21 years of aire and having a permanent established place of business , with experi ence in plumbing and eas littincr , upon application - . plication to the City Cooncll , may uuon ap proval of his application and the payment of ten dollars ( S10) ) for the year or unexplred part thereof , ending In all caseH on Decem ber 31 , receive a license as plumber and gas litter , authorizing him to lay water and cas pipes and do all work in connection with the t > amo. ACTION Trotting HorscH. Grand combination auction sale of trotting bred horses at Omaha , August 10 and 11 , tluring the forenoon of each day of tlio Trotting Iiorto Breeders' mooting , the get of such sires as Almont , No. JW Hamblctonian , No. 10 , Saturn 2.005 , and stock close in kin to Volunteer tlio sire of St. Juhon , 2:11 , and others below 80. This stock is contributed by members of the association and will not bo otlbrcd simply to see what folks will bid on them but will bo sold to the highest bidder without reserve. Fuvorablo terms announced days of salo. D. T. HILL , Sec. ! ' . M. WOODS , Aulionecr. A Novel Pinafore. W. O. Sanders , John Booth , of the opera house , and Elliott , the plumber , have in contemplation with the money subscribed , a naval-operatio so home both novel and interesting. It compre hends the erection of a boat seventy-five feet long on Lake Manawa to act as the stago. On the shoro.a short distance away , will bo erected an amphitheatre for the audience. On tlio boat it is intended to produce Pinafore with an excellent cast. Mr. Saunders will bo the admiral ; Mrs. Calm , Josephine ; Mr. lirigham , Ralph ; Mrs. Henry Estabrook , Buttercup , and Mr. Estabrook , Doadoye. The chorus will bo selected with the greatest of care , and their entrance will bo made sailing across the water from ono of the islands , just as if the boat lay In the channel ut Portsmouth , Deiuncrrulo Outrage. Postmaster Gallagher was seen this morning sharpening his knife on the iron railing in front of the Strung build ing. A man who was passing and know the gentleman saici "Somebody's head is coming oft' , The postmaster is sharpening - ing UP hjs tools. " Another man said , "This admlnistra. . tlon is too penurious altogether. Ji cunnot ntloid to givu u postmaster i \\hutatoue,1' . A RAKB OPPORTUNITY. To Secure Valuable Inlde Property In the llrlKhtoit City In the State. While Hastings and other towns In the central part of the stale have bcon for months advancing their real estate , plat ting additions and doubling up on prop erty , the city of Kcarnoy , with all the ad vantages nnd more than all surrounding citlcp , has bcon pursuing the even tenor of its way in a clean , substantial growth , such as it lips en joyed since its very foun dation. But the city of Kearney , without any eflbrts to advertise and create a boom , has attracted In the past thirty days more attention than any city In the slate.aud it has been because the keenest , sharpest men in the state have soon and realized that Kcarnoy had every induce ment for business and homo seekers and was certain to advance in every way from tills time onward. Add to tlio fact that has been known for years that Kcarnoy lias the most extensive and the richest of outlying agricultural country , add to this fact the additional ono that there has bcon developed there the greatest water power in the west outside of Minneapolis and the wonder ceases that the shrewdest men in the state are attracted to that city. There has been thus fur but two sales of lots in Kearney , but on August 11 the best opportunity of all is given people to invest in the city that cannot fall to double itself in a year's time. Already eligible business lots are eagerly sought and ono of the prominent attractions in this coming sale of the llth is that the projectors have placed in the list of lots to bo of fered seven business lots that are located on tlio principal business street , directly opposite the elegant now hotel. There has been an active demand for tlicso lots , but all private sales have been refused and they will bo sold on the llth in con nection with the residence lots. Tlicso residence lots are eighty in number , im mediately opposite the Third ward school building , and arc among the most handsome lots in the city that have never before boon placed on the market. That they will 1)0 ) eagerly taken at the sale goes without saying , and people who view the city and its prospects will with out doubt bo buyers and will not have long to wait to reali/o handsomely on such purchases ot strictly inside property that is the very choicest remaining in the original plat of the city. A visit to Kear ney will satisfy any that the oppor tunity for speedy and sure investment is given in this sale , and any desiring fur ther paiticulars should consult the adver tisement in the BEK or J. S. Harrington , Kearney , or Pace & Rhodes , the auction eers , at Lincoln. Going to Talk Harmony. City Attorney Webster told a UKE ro- portcrycsterdaymorningthat ho had bcon requested by William Pa\ton and some other citizens to attend a mooting soon to be held , at which some attempt will bo made to ollect a compromise between the council and the board of lire and po lice commissioners. The meeting has been called under the auspices of a num ber of leading merchants , who have also invited tlio members of botli boar Is to bo present. It is claimed that the result of the gathering will bo an agreement which will bo satisfactory to all con cerned. The absence of Messrs. Hartman - man , Smith. Bennett and Gilbert from the city will have the cilbct , possiblv , of delaying the immediate settlement of the case. Saratoga News. The Rev. Mr. Millagan has 'boon granted a month's vacation by the Sara toga and Cherry Hill church , of which ho is pastor. The Band of Hopoassisted by the choir of the Omaha View church , gave a very enjoyable concert at the school house on Saturday evening last. The Sunday school will give a "melon eat" at the school house on Thursday evening , which moans a good croud , and a good time. The picnic of the Imperial club at Pries lake on Friday will bo the e ont of the bC.iBon. No pains are being spared to in- suroagood tune , for which purpose the Second Infantry band will bo in attend ance. Underwood's House. It now transpires that Underwood's in tent in purchasing the old Boyd's pack ing house from J. D. Her was to enable him to open up business as soon as pos sible , though not to remain in it at that place. His ultimate object is to build at the stockyards , where ho will bo sur rounded by places of the same kind. When ho builds at the latter place ho will sell out the house mentioned. Nego tiations are now pending with regard to the sale , which has not yet been declared oil' , though several days will bo required before the matters can be brought to d close. The Stockyards company have oflcrcd inducements to the packer , and it is thought that these will bo accepted. Plro Tip * . "Spud" Farrish of No. 8. says that ho was not engaged in any fight on Sunday last except as defending Krehmcyor. Ho commenced no trouble and , got abused because ho didn't. Chief Galligan is in Chicago. A letter received from him to-day states that probably ho will hayo his eye operated on in that city. To-day is % 'scrnb" day in the different houses , and things are looking like new pins. An Art Gallery. Assistant Secretary Gibbs , of the Omaha Fair association , says that the board is now in contemplation of erect ing an art gallery , 40xltO feet , in the fair building , and to have it ready for the next show. This will make an interest ing feature of the coming attraction. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbti powder never varlet. A marrel of pur ty.itrength nd vrholeaomeneis. Mara eooa omtcftl than the ordinary ktndi , and cannot t > < old ID competition with tbn multitude of Ion coit ihort weight alum or pboiphate powder * told.pnjr . Ifl cwm. BorAIi BAKUU I > OWV4 tf DR. POWELL BEEVES , 314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. PKIYATB : IHSIT.NSA it v. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special Diseases. The Old Itcllablj Spuolnllst of rauny yenrs ox- pcrtonci' , trout * with womluiful fcuccoss nil J.UNJl. THIIOAT , CANCKIt , IMhKS IMS TO- LA. HL'PlUHi : , enroll without KNIFU Oil Treats nil forms of Thront I , ntr , Ncrvo nml Illood dlsrnscH , nil Cnronlo diseases iiml Do- foiniitloi far In mluuico nf nny InMltution In thu country. ' 1 linso wlm cutitoinplato K I"K to lint Sprlnirs foi-tho trontinonl of miy 1'rlwito or Illood disease can be curoil for ono thud the cost M. our I'rlxntoDlipousnry , H Soutli loth Btrnrt , Oiniihn , Neb. KUrrUHi : cmcd nlthont pnln orlilndoranco from business. I AfllCQ Hy thlttrontmcnt n pure Lately LHU IkO Complexion , free from sloum s , IrecltliB , blitnkhoiuN , < > rilptlon , utu. , llillllunt l cs nnd perfect health can tO had. fif That "tired" f eoltiiK and uli fomnlo weak- nosaci promptly cured , llloutlnv Headaches Nervous Prostration , ( lenoral Debility , Sleep- le sness , Depression nnd Indigestion , Ovarlon troubles , Inilatmuntlon and Ulcorntlon , Falling and DlHplncomrntp , Hplnal weakness , Kidney complaints and ClmtiBu of Life Consult tu old Doctor. CVC Ilin CIO Acute or Chronic Inllam CIC mill CHiliimitlonof the llyvllds or Ulotio ftnd tar or Near SlKhtednesa , Inversion of the LUU , Scrofulous Ejcs , UltnrntloiiR , In- Humiliation * , Absioos , I > imm > ? of Ylslouof ono or both eye , nnd Tumori of Ud. UV Inllninitmtlon of the Knr , Uleorntlon or Catarrh , Intcinal or Kvternal Deatnesn , or Paralysis , Singing or Homing noises , TUIckutici ) Drum , etc. IICDUflllC Debility , Bpormntnrrha-ii , Som- nCillVUUw Iniil Los e8 , Nlxlit Kml 9lons , lx ) s of Vital Power , bleople ne < < l Despond ency , Loss of Momorj , Contusion of Ideas , lllurs llil'oio the T.jes , Latitude , Lnnptior , ( iloomlnehs , Depression ol Hplilts. Aversion to Society , lluslly Discounted , Luck of Conll- dunce , Dull , Listless , Unlit for Study or Ilnsi- nc s , nnd llnds life n burden , Safely , Perma nently and Privately Curud. ff. a s iiso most horrible In its icstiltB- completely eradicated without thu use of inoreiny. Bciofula , Ilrislpelas , Fnvcr Sores , Illotuhee. Plrnplen , L'lcoia , pains tn the Head and Hones Sjiilillltlo Sere Tfnoiu.Moutli nnd Tongue , ( llnmiulai hnlarpcmcnt of the NcuK , Illiouiniui-m , Cntnrih , etc. , Permanently Cured When Others Have Failed. Kidney nnd Hladuor troubles , | Weak Unck , liunilnir Uilne. Fioqueucy of Urinating , Urine hl'h ( coloied or milky Ecdlnicntnnstnnclinir , ( ionorthu'ii , Gleet , fjstltls , etc , promptly "uud safely cund. Clinores reasonable. PRIVATE DISEASES Bloet. Btilcturo , fenilnal eml'-lons , loss of sex ual power , weiiKiiesi ot the sexual oiKnns.want ot deslro In male or fonvile , whether from im prudent habits ot younK or Rexu.il habits In mature j cars , or nny cnuso that debilitates tlio sexual 1 unctions , speedily uud permanently cured. Consultation free nnd sttlctly confidential. Medicine tent free fiom obseivatlon to nil parts of the United States ) . Correspondence receives prompt attention. No letters an- s ored unless acaomnanled by four cents In Btamps. Send stamp for pamnhlct nnd list of questions. Terms strictly cash. Call on or ad dress i > it. IMIWKI.IJ itKivis. : No. 314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor. ISt/iSt. and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NEB. run TUB TREATMENT OF AU. CHRONIC < ® SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AND APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES , TRUSSES , AID THE Hew VAKICOCEU SUSPENSORY CLAMP COMPRESS. B * t f.fllltlM Kppimtu * n 1 rfmllM f ir inre .fiil Irrntmrnt of vrrr form uffl eUiMl"ulm | > / Mulled lor PitrftrHllrFiitnitnt. Wimu o IIKCULAM on licfurmllle. and ] ! irn Clul F t , CarvmurnoflhaSpliif Hc ! < Tumor. Conor C.t.nl , nronclllli , Inhll.lioii , tlo < trMir I r.l..l. t.il-p.v | M liwt , IJI.dJ.r , t. . . Lmr , bklu , Ami llo ! < * l , tn.1 . allburcxal Oj > .iatlons. Book on Diseases of Women FREE. Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKIMl A SPtCIALTV OK PRIVATE , SPECIAL and NERYOOS DISEASES. All Illood DlBtii tec ffullr trfHtfJ , fivpMUHc I'olon rrmotrJ from thflt ) item wiiltont merciir ) New UfMorttite frt tlmeut fur Lotsef Ml ( Tuner 1 ertout unubl * to vlmuimiy lelrftlr 1 tt home , by t rr ponJencf A 1 1 win munlctt font ( nnh < ltiitlat Ht Jl * clnoiorlnitruiiicniitent ty nmllurtinrtu , MturHr ptrked , na mark * t > lutllc t cmtrntipr nAert * in | trK > nl mieivl w [ r * frrrd tall and roruull tu or Kttil lilitorof your cme , wlUi itamp , and wa will KuJ In pltiu wrapper , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! Upon Private , rwctal n& rftrroun P aK. Srnttnal wtaVnew , B wmatnrrliirA , lni [ ten , Hy\ \ hill * , ( janoirhaa , Cltct , aud * ! co ele. Room , for | iatlrnU. AilJrr.t , OHAIIA MEDICAL A MJIHiH'U , INSTITUr , or Dr. McMenany , Ccr. 13th st. t Capitol Ar,0nidoa , Neb. Medical liooks or Papcra Freo. The proprietor of ttio Omaha Medical and Surer- c l InsUtuto Im publuned Tuluablt let of books and papers upon clirunlc nnct survlcal dl efticinnd deformities , and ttio methods ot euro will oil Have ElTenhlmino repntutlun ot belnjf the mo i skill. lul und luereiiful ipeclallst tn tbo west , nnd tuiida the liutmui ) BU celebratud tbtt luodlclnes are ent to and putlcntf received from ev ry iitnteln tbe union , Among tliebooki Is one upon the dl oa - os of woiuiin : onu upon nerrous , 0peclHl and private disease ! of tbe seiual nnd urinary organs Tarloo > ccle cured by surgical oparutions , and tln-lr latel j Invented clump compress miipentor ? for tbo relief and cure of mrlcocelt , nervous eilmnslloii und ei- ual debllllr , new restorative treatment. Papers unon siiridcril braces , riles , canrprs | mriil ls , tits. Klectrlcltrand t lie new nmunotlc batterr for home use : catarrh and Inhalation , etc , Unllkn most books Issued bv doctort tret , ther do not consist of testimonials xlth fictitious nsnsei und Initials , or rubbish or that kind , but tire pliiln desrrlntjons of disease * symptoms , new discoveries In meillclnn , uriierr and electrlcltr. and are well worth tbn pe- au al. and cm be obtained free bf HddreHHlnc tbe Omaha Medical anil Huritlcal Institute , 13lti ttrect and Cipltoi Aven'ie. Omaha , Nebraska. STECK PIANOS Remarkable for powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability ; 80 years' record , the best guarantee of the excel lence of the e instruments WOODBRIDGE BROS. ; OP EX A HOUSE. J. B. HAYNES OFFICIAL- STENOGRAPHER TJIIltD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. 87 Chamber of Commerce. mm & m SURVEYORS , Offlccs.Soath Omaha Uoom3 , Hunts UulMIng , Ninth * OmaUa Ro m 6. ovtr CmamercUl Xntlohal llant. * TMUnot ; * utkfuna < pruiI D > raustlvi K.nnturo P - / . h roai iaao < l , > c.htTlugtrlwlU vaia D reuM , ku dlKOTtred a mmrJg il FHIf to hli fellow tuftrarth OAK ) ? W i Mw IfAVRM ODDS AND ENDS , The busv season being over and things not so rushing any more we have now time to look after the stook that is left , and find that we have accumulated during the season quite a few odds and ends.1 These consist of some single suits , one or two of a kind , and quite a lot of suit pants. Verv frequently we sell the coat and vest from a suit and then the pants are left. We have placed them on a counter bv themselves , and though the price was formerlv very low we have marked them down still further. There are some verv fine goods among them. We will sell them onlv as thev are. That is , make no alterations as the price is so extremelv low that w cannot afford to have the expense of altering them , but those who will find a fit in this lot will get the goods at about one third their value. value.MENS FURNISHINGS. As unusual bargains in neckwear we offer 100 doz. elegant scarfs at5c ; retailed in all first class houses from 50c upward. 100 doz. extra fine silk and satin scarfs , Tecks and Four-in-Hands new and choice patterns , at 25c , the most of them were sold at 75c Another invoice of those Pique Scarfs at 25c a dozen. This will be the last of them this season. We cannot fill mail orders on this last lot. All goods marked in plain figures and at striotlv one price at Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. During July and August , our store closes at G:30 : p. in. , except Saturday. Business and Residence Property. In the Heart of the City. This is a Chance of a Lifetime for Investors.1 Having engaged in mercantile business , I have deckled to sell about one half of my real es tate in the center of the "Future Great" of the Platte Valley , the Queen City of the PJains , and shortly to become THE MINNEAPOLIS OF NEBRASKA. The Seven Business Lots are across the street and fronting the new $75,000 hotel , now nearly1 completed , and the Opera House , to be built immediately. The Eighty Dwelling Lots are adjoining the $10,000 Third Ward School House yard , and' are being connected with the main streets by sidewalks , being distant only seven blot-Its , or three fourths of a mile nearer the business part of the city than any other additions that have recently been put on the market. INVESTORS , DON'T DROP ALL YOUR CASH In distant additions around Omaha and Lincoln , which have already been boomed enough for ten years , but Come to Kearney , where the boom has just commenced. The progressive and enterprising element will soon make Kcarnoy the third , if not the second city of the state , by utilizing its GRAND WATER POWER Developing the Summer Resorts around its silvery lakes , and last , but not least , establishing the most Magnificenta Chautauqu Grounds in the west. Kearney's natural advantages are without a rival for five hundred miles. TERMS OP SALE Terms on dwelling property , easy , and made known on day of sale. Terms on business property , as follows : One fifth cash , and balance in four annual payments , the last two to be forfeited if I do not erect a five story brick , 85x100 feet , adjoining property fora bank and wholesale house. For further particulars , inquire of PACE & IU1OADES , Auctioneers , Lincoln , Nob. , or W. G. Albright , Omaha , Neb. , or J. S. HARRINGTON , Kearney , Neb. Free excursion for investor ? , from all points in Nebraska , who purchase and pay for $ i200 worth of property. Dr. Haughawont : Omaha Dental Asso ciation. ISest sets teeth fO , fully war- ranted. Teeth without plate , bridge work and crowns of every approved kind , insertidby the most satisfactory method , llollman block , cor. 18th and Farnam streets. DR. OTTERBOURC , C < r r Illb < 0 4t Hu. , UXillt , ill * . amount m mcicm. io SPECIU. PMCTITIONCR Authorlt 4lo ! r * t U Oirtml.r ou iHl | fl l II " ( bflk.r ! * Ill l pmdi. < , f ! . ' l.fU i bcmlui M.nknt.i ( nlehlluix al IxbUilr I" " of uiual po r ) Nervmi. I ll1lj ! ( mun r c. Curn KuararteoJ or 111011.7 * tit ea.a cm L > Ra and MM- l.nr. .r. iiD | > l M r.rcial ! ) iifparedforfachlo' lT dMlc N Injurious or Ktlw ioua oomMjUtid. | UM-d No tima leu from bu.lncM r.u.ut * t Aitlanr * Ittatcd by lelltr aqd tiprnc UAdlclnaKM t 'f * ' a from Miai-r brtakaic lor a t-ranl .lamp HI mall VntK "iMtl 0 Xl * l ni 1 aT cciiTni. , " aea srtiriiiH ii.t u * NI to < uu u i f dix.x btau your w "ml kl for IMiiia Orilcil tllcJ OrrlCiHoiu. II , , uaeuCft.NctToUlDtbtinycani'ed tlirounh trrorn anil bad i > racilct _ CURED. * , ot.Luttitf SOUTH SIDE RESIDENT TRACT ADDITION TO FRIEND , NEBRASKA. At Auction Sale , Thursday , August 4th , at 2 p. m. , Sharp. Sale without Reserve to the Highest Bidder. Friend , Nebraska , has two thousand people. Is on the main line of tl e H & M road 38 miles west of Lincoln. The K. C & W. railroad is survejed through the town bonds will be toted for itand the division station on the new liiic will be at Friend. The town ib one of the bct-t shipping points in the slate. Terms of Sale One-third cash , balance on easy terms C. C. PACE and UiN O'KHODES. Auctioneers , Lincoln. WlU'lIC A ; FISJlIll UN , Proprietors. New Model Lawn Mower Five Size * . Will cut ItlyJicr grnxa th > tn any < ittic > : Jlaa noci/tutl/'or ni > iii > licltij , tlnroUilit/ ! and c $ e ofoperdtioii. This is the latest improved Ma chine in the Market. Low J'rlccs. Ncml for chvulttra. PHIL STIMMEL & CO. OMAHA , JfHItllAfiKA. State Ayentit for J'orlcr'n lluulny Tool anil Jobbers of Ilindiny Twine. DIAMOND MERCHANT , FINE WATCHES , Siriu.i.s-0 Sii.vrii.