Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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ioifdnciiB under tills head,10 cents po
Ini for ( ho Ilrgt Inptrtion , 7 eents forencli ub
eiticnt | Insertion , endtlJiOn line per month
tto ndvortl < ( inicnt taken lor iep tlinn 25 cents
Jor the first Intcrtlon. Seven \ ords wll Jb
muntod to. tlio line : they must run consecu
tively and must be raid In advance. All ndvor-
tlf > oincntd iini't be Jinnded In before 1 : T ) o'cloc *
n. m.nnil under no circumstances will they tx >
taken or discontinued by telephone.
I'lirtinRnntertiRlnK Inthcuocolumn nndnnv-
Ing ttio answon addressed In earn nf THE Il
r Yvlllpiensonsk fora cheek toennblo thorn to get
tnclr letters.nx none will be delivered exceot
on iiroRcntntlon of cheek. All answers to Hdver-
ti ttncnls should bo f nrloocd In envelopes
All ndvcrtlFomontft In those columns are pub
lished In both morning mid evening editions
of'i UK Ilf.i : , thu circulation of which ngcro-
tmtes morothim 14.tKOpnpeiH ) dally , and gives
the advnrtlsors Iho bcniflt. not only of the city
rireulntlon or TIIK llKR. but nl o of Council
JlliirTu , Lincoln and other nlllci and towns
tlirouitliont this part of the west.
H.OOO.ftOO to loan. Cole , 318 S 15th.
MONI'.Y-To lonn at ft per rent. Pnttnrtion
Ilros. , 15th street , op , P.O.
7W1.000 TO LOAN ntn per cent. Mnahnn 4
Mabonoy , 1W)9 I'lirnain. BH
fttPKKCKNT Money
H. O. 1'nttorson. lf > lh and Hnrnny. 0.13
$ MiO,000 tn loan on renl estate at.No delay.
Harris * Biimpson , 1511 Douglas at. C40
M ONRY 'JO WAN-O P Davis Co , real
estate nnd loan agents , 1506 Varnam sL
i to lonn in nny amount at lowest rnto
of interest. II. II. Ircy. Frcn/ur block. ; t07
, To loan on Omaha city property atS i
percent O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Kx. Uld
TVTONIJV TO LOAN On city and farm prop-
J'1 erty at low rates. No delay. Calm * Wool
leyTsa Farnam st. 64'a37 )
TVf ONKY to loan to pnrtleB wishing to bulll.
J'l.ONKY Campbell , 310 S 16th St. , Chumbnr of
Coinmerco. f.43
1 TLIONEY To lonn. Lowos-t rules. No delay.
JV1 J. li. Itlco & Co. , over Commercial Nrt-
tlonal bank. KB *
'MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
.TU. J , W and li IBuulro , 1413 Karunm
Taxton hotel biilldlmr. 6
MONRY TO IXAN-I.oani of 10 to $100
mndoon furniture , plnnos , horses , wngons ,
etc. , without removal , .1. J. Wilkinson & Co. ,
I32t Kurilum street , over llurllngton ticket
olllce -TJ nugfl *
MONF.Y TO LOAN on Improred city prop
erty In luiog of 1,000to Iri,000 atgtxtor
cent Interest. BholciA-Crnmb. (45
Tl/f / ONKY TO rOAN on imrroTed real estate ;
JM. no commlRslon charged , l.oavitt llurn-
ham , llooin I Crolghton Illock B41
MONEY TO LOAN-Qn city property in
Rums of 1500 and upwards at lowest ratvs.
Money always on hand. B. 8. Campbell.310
Houth Sixteenth street. 047
LOAN Money 1/oang placed on improved -
proved real estate In city or county for
Mow Kngland Loan A Trust Co. , by Douelus
County bank. 18th and Chicago gt * . 049
MONRY LOANKDutC.F. Hoed ft Co.'a Loan
OBloe , on furnlturopianos , horso8w gous ,
personal property of all Kinds , and all other ar-
tides of Talue. without remnvoL Sit 8. 13th.
over ninpham'fl Commission store , All bust-
ness strictly confidential. 650
T\l , ONKY TO LOAN by the nndersigned , wh
JJ1 bag the only properly orgniil7cd loan
tency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to $100 mad i
en furniture , pianos , organs , borao ) , wagons
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays
All business strictly confidential. Loans BO
xoiide that any part cnn bopald at nny Ime.eneh
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advancnn
xnadn on fine watunes nnd aliimonds. 1'ersona
Bhnuld carefully consider who they are dealing
With , as mnny new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
ml see mo. W. R. Croft , Itoom 4 Wthnell
Jlulldlng 1Mb nnd Hnrney. 051
a HIE OMAHA Financial Hxehiinge ,
N. W. corner of Ilnrney and 16th g. ,
over Btate National bank.
I * prepared to make short time loam on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loang madeon Imoroved real estate
t current ratei.
Purchaw money mortgages negotiated.
Heoured notes tHiught , sold or pxcbanged.
Bhort time loans made on second mortgage ,
according to marginal faterMt , at collateral
Itenl citate to exchange for rood Interest
bearing paper.
Uanenvl financial business of all kind * trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on band for approved loang o :
Any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Oorbett Manaeor. U
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 150
Kuril MM strent Complete abstracts iur
jiisbod , and titles to real estate examined , per
fcctod and guaranteed G78
fpo LKT In the fitst grow'lngTMty of Mltc eli !
JL Dak. , n tine twu-8lory aolld bilck building
containing two store" , each MX UK ) foot and
connected with e&ch other , all above 40x100
feet. Suitable for wholesale grocery or a simi
lar buslne PS , or for nny kind of rotall buslneg * ;
VIII bo let to responsible parties altogether or
) n parts at a low lent for a term of years. The
city of Mitchell has the O M. & St. P. U It. ,
vith sovernl branches , also the Northwestern ,
nnd M fast growing tn Importance. Kor par-
tioulara apply tn Henry Ilenedict ft Co. . Mil-
aukoo , Win. , or Hitchcock llrog. , Mitchell ,
_ JV ) a _ |
TT'OK BALK A complete laundry , Including
13 borfort , hnrneis , two wagons , twenty horse
toowor eimlno ann boiler , Watson wnsher ,
/Weaton / wringer , 12x13 dry room , shafting
tiulleyg. stores , bulkliiif , oto. , oomplotu all in
perfect w rlilnB order. Inquire of I. F. Ben-
riett at the offlco of 0. F. Drisooll , 1422 Dodgn si
from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. 758 J
BAKKboglneiacbanc * ; for aale , the stock ,
fixtures and good will of a first-class cloth
ing store doing a good business , centrally
located , only reasons for wiling the owner hag
other and more Important business. Partloa
Meaning business may address U. IB , Den olBce.
" "
TTIOK SALE Meat market" tools , fixtures ,
Jhorao and wagon , everything complete.
Good location ; oed trad * . Addreu U 48 , lie * .
ANTBO Parties who desire to buy or gel !
or exchange stocks of general meruh-in-
< ll * t dry good * , groceries , boots and shoes ,
hardware , druga , jewelry Improyatl or u Im
proved town orclty property. Improved r un
proved farina IQ any part of the United Htatea ,
to address Krant * & Foster , SIB B. 15tb gt
Omaha , Neb. 665
* T\rANTRn Gentleman wishing u honest
T bnslnes * . ProDts Sit per dny J100 re
quired , Will exchange for stock or trade. Call
room i Croillueblock , 119 N 10th ilrrnt
722 aug 11
FOR AALR1 offer for sale the United States
botvlcorof Dougliu and 10th nt. EUxld hotel
has accommodations for M boarders and runa
in connection a bur with a full * to"kof the
best liquors ; will sell cheup on account nt lek-
nnsii ; luiulreon | premise * 67J 12
liSINESS Chanrp-1'or sole A stock of dry
goodi , clutlilnir , fiirnlshtntr goods , boon
nnd shoes ; also flxtures.Vitu tbl * stuck a four
ytur * leiuo of u double Ktore canbe obtalnotl in
nna ofthubctst ictAl ) loonllllei in the otty. In
formational Iiormann'i , CUO South Thirteenth
drool. CC5
T > . ' .Itr. Ihuinos8 ohnnce For sain , a otook of
J V general merchandise ID the beat of shapn ,
located in the best riillrond town III bouthurn
NeliraNka. Stock will Invoice abont IS.OOil.
Sales last year. flO.Otk ) , dill or addrtitOrwxl
renion fursolllnir. 11.1' . Hart 4 Son , Kalrbury ,
Neb. B18iT >
1 > USlNiSS : \NCP.-ForsHlo stocknxtiim
JundHOixl will of ono of Iho I o < t relitl !
iriocery stortt In Onmna. centrally located.
i for selling partj bat ether bu&lnuti.
I Y W ) , lluo 8(0 b
V\rANTii : ) Man with $150 cnsh as security
vv tor honesty , llgtU ofllco buelniii. ! . ;
wokly to start. Ad 'rtss V 45 , this olttco. 67fi 4J
\\7ANTKD-Purtcor , JNO ; $10 dally. 81 8 ,
„ > lUth 9t. MJitS *
* | /OU SALK The unit known llawloy house
JL of 40 rooms , on account of th dpMth of my
vlfe. Will sell property or tell fiirnUuro and
r ut IIOIIBO to riRhiprHon. A coed thince tc
make money. Address Prop , North Platto.
fi'eb 47J a 71
"IOR PALH Icecream iiarlur with curpete
JU and all futures , ifnnil truje ostabllsne < l
Flckneas Is the CAUSU for tulllng. Price SuOtv
Cott f 1,000 lust iiittnjr. U-jimwn.V Co. 15th et
jP.O. CT ) 4
. OH BAI.IJ-l'Inf stock of fresh groceries
Pony team dehrvy wauon act ) IIHCIHUS.
J'lne location und 'Iqli'i , ' n good buAlneu ; !
> on bulMInglth privilege of Smnie >
Jlcnted IOC V'-r taonth. V'l\v' * P'lro tl.UVl
JJUII t kt part In city propaciy , If U'ketory
rr M , , , K , iuit , J , f. < UrrsiGuJ , , Ii7 e. I'.il. t.
WANTED One or two smart business men
with , * 100 to $ .100 capital to moke % 5,000 b -
fore the snow Olei. Itoom 4 , Crouncc block ,
llithm. 844 10
BU8INV.HT Clianco A splendid chance for
peed mnn in saloon bilfincsA. Cnpltol re
quired , f 1,200. Address for particulars. V 33 ,
Bee Ulllco. 76,1 4.
USINI8S CHANCK-ll.'GO will buy one of
the best paying saloons In the city Ad
dress at once , Y3S llco. 703-4J
Ti OH SALE-Liiw library , cheap. Wbcelor &
Jk' Whctder , Douulas and 1Mb gt. C57
"pEIIRONAL-Fcnd for your sowing mnchlne
JL needles , oil and repairs to the Singer
Wnn'fg Co , 1518 Douglo st , Omaha. 403 a26
> RHBONAI < l oinovp.f from 1211 Davenport
st. to 311 North 12th , furnished rooms for
rent. GM-12'
"OEIISONAL Dentlemen , attention. Oood
JL bonrd and rooms at 504 S. 16th st.reasonnbly
7b6 nug 12j
T > EltfONAIi-Tho ( Three younif pentlemen
Jt. who were hunting rooms for * oven will
bear potnctnlng to their Interest by addressing
Y 37. Hoe olTlco. 7TH-8
T > KHPON.\L-Prlvate home for Ixdles during
J rdnlineinrnt , Rtrictly conndontlal , Inliinla
a-lonted , udiiross E 42. lluo nlllce. 42.'a' )
P RRSONAlTl-Mrii. Dr Narnil * V. Warren
clalrvoynnt. Medical and business Medluui
Boom bo. 8 121 North 16th it .Omaha , Neb.
" lSl' ) Ilrlndlo Scotch torrlcr 10 months old.
Jllinss collar Inckod with dog tux from Decu-
tur , In. Howard will be paid for return of
Biune to II 11. Have n , Ma P. 10th Bl 8I5OJ _
" " '
S Tl7AY"EI Tir"stoTe'n Jiily IPdark bay pony
mute about HCO Ibs. , six yearn old , branded
on loftlilp , wblto loft hoof Heturn .lolin M.
( libb , 4Jd street , between I'limnm und Leinen-
\\uth lleculvo reward , * 11
STKXVKI > - Or7too ! n ? from bnrn. 12th Pt. be
tween llarney mid Howard , durK brown
liorw. Ix'avo Inforiniitlon nt pollee hoailqunr-
tois , or with Ilrnnch & Co , 1121 Fntnam st.
701) 3
. . - dollars' rownrd. Strayed or
tolen from rear of 111 N 17th st , n Inrgo
ronn borse. aliout 17 hands high , weighing bb-
tween 1,300 end 1,400 pounds , redlsh In own
mane and tall , hind iinKle fome lmt swullen-
J25 will lM ) paid for return of animal to owners ,
at 110 811th ftnnd If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co will pay H reward nf 1'iQ for the nriost
and conviction of the thief. OC
STOUAOi : Omaha Storage Warehouse , cor.
13th and Iznrd , ample taellitles for Rtoragn ,
furniture , wagons , etc. Low rnto * , advances
made IHSIIO warehouge receipts. 1KI aug Oj
" ( ( MKST-CLASS Htorsgo at 110 N 13th rt.
2TOIIAOK First-class storage for nice fur-
5 allure or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodge-it
( i no
T'O llooin Renters -Why have your rooms
empty when for the payment of ono dol-
nr , yoitean list your nnmo on our books for
ilz months nnd neciirothn beneot of the best
medium for renting your rooms ? National
' .mplovmont Ollico 420 South 15th street , room
.upstairs. 71H G
Button Hole Cutter Host In wo rid.
Send stamp for prices and duo picture-
D. S.Oo.Cnllllcottio , Ohio. 7874
SIXTEENTH street Employment office re
moved to 220 N llitll St T45 4J
GOOD reliable help of either sex always or
on hand at the Scandinavian Employment
"Uireau , 1HIO Harnam stioot. 7Z3-7J
LADIES deMrlng competent iind reliable
help should call at the National employ
ment onice , 420 South 15th St. , room 7 up
stairs C9Rr
DO YOU want a situation ns bookkeeper ,
elork , etc ? Wo can secure ono for you ,
tecoid Advertising Co. , 151J rnrnnmst. 071-5
RUSINEB8CHANCF3 of nil kinds , farms.
-IJ stocks of goods , etc. . f or snlo or exchange
See llecord Advertising Co. , 1514 Fitrnam Bt
WE ngaln call your attention to the fact that
we are ( tvlug collection of rents spccln'
attention. If you have nny houses to ronl
ulaeo them with us , or If you wish to rent n
jiouso call and see us. Wo refer > on tn Me ,
Cague Hrol , bankera , Bvnawa &Co , 15th st ,
opioaita | postonioo. 710 4
MAGNETIC1 Healing Modlurai euro all kind
of sickness In connection with clairvoy
ance of the pan , present nnd future , J.IK
Pugelor , North State t , mila went ot fair
grounds , P. O. box A83. 510 a28j
DO YOU want the earth ? 70C yards ot It can
be had with a premium at C41 South 17th
Btroet , near Lcavenworth. 278
f 1AO KXCUANOE For good family borae an
JL phaeton , 80 acres of land , fre from en
curobrance , within throe miles of county seat.
Chan. P. Benjamin , 1512 Farnam St. 555
/"AASH buyerl of furniture , itoyes and hoiise-
\J hold goods don't go to the long time high
ptlced stores they go to 117 N 16th. 547 aug7
. > 0 EXCHANOE-South Omaha lot free from
JL encumbrance for span of good horses.
Chos. P. Boujamm , 1512 Farnam st. 553
M ONEV talks lor furniture ami household
goodi at 117 N 16th , Your price for cash ,
548 1x117
T71OUUBNT Square I'lano JJ moulBlr.
JO Uospe. 1BH Douglas. Ml
"ITHm KENT Organs , S3 per monttx. ilotpo.
JC 1613 Douglas. 661
Ol. ( X-House furnishing goodi , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Bonner , 1115 Douglai at 663
F iOR RENT tkjuaj * riano , l < BontDlr.
Hospe. 1513Douirla. 661
FOR BALE Barber shop with two cbalra at
South Omaha. New furniture , all below
cost. Address box 212 South Omaha. 7U 6j
BAHOAIN. to buy an Emerson piano woith
4M. for 9-D cash nnd balance 10 notes at
$15 a month and but $25,1175 duo on It. 1313
Cau st 777 IJ
"I71OK HALE Carload of Oregon horeci and
JL1 poolei , broken to ride , can be seen at
Furay'n Bara , 1505Cumlnjrat. T61 7 *
"ITIOHdALK-Rmall horizontal boiler and on-
JL' Kioe cheap. Knquiie Cuba & Woolley , K-"J
Farnam 3t. 702-A
17 > OH SALB JMrnHnre. good will and l ae of
Jtho boat paying tmull hotel In Omana ,
Constantly full of Jlrst clns * boarders. Price
$1.500. lnvMtizate this. J. V , Hammond. 117
R Ihth. 769
Foil SAI/E-Hocond band extension top. cut
under cnrriige. food oargata. $ B."I. Vf. H
Drummond St Co. , llarney st 625 4
A HA HH opportunity otforod by widow lady
j\ . Two horses , one U the handsome , high
bred , fant trotter and road horse , Chester
Wilkes , got by Oeoree Wllkos , Rire of Harry
Wllies , record V14H.drtm Lhalo Blinker , ttio
dam ot Luco Hemiug , record of 2:24Vi. In fact
I li'ivo hlspedlzreo : Ci stcr la a bay gelding ,
15V ; handi high , weighing fully l.COO poumli ,
ttcnraoldnnd haa a long flowing mane and
tail and free from spot or blouilih of tiny kind.
II j Is without exception the most perfect g u-
tlcrmin'a family nndrond bars * tn the city ; ho
needs no boots or toe weights , has great car
riage and endurance , doct not shy or pull ; per
fectly safe for tno most timid peiponto drive :
theio Is as fine n strain of blood In his veins as
cnn bo traced to nny trotter of the
ave. Ho bns never trotted for nnv
money , BO haa no public record : would
mukti a valuable borne for nnd or track pur
poses : he aluured two tilala when my husband
luuehnstd Him a little oor a year airo In 2- : " . > i ,
and 2,2' ' , ) , dilven by John Hampton , nt which
time bo cnursod coiis'derable , and he Is ns good
now , 1C not better , iiinl will currant bin to be
in fivury wny an lepreitented , und to trot u full
mil * , and tiiu time mown purchaser ;
nlfothb hnndAomp nnd beautiful bay mure
Jllnnie. 7 y ar old ; c n go out any day and
trot la ! :3& : or bolter ; elie w i sired by Nut'
wood , record of 2UH ; I also bold her full ped-
Igiee : they mnkn an excellent pnlc ;
would prefer to sell them to some ponon In tha
country thnt would glVH them n good homo.
Would allow a responsible party a trial of mi
dnjs. to test their speed and driving qualities.
1 will warrant them In every particular as rep-
rcsnntnd , or 1 will pay eip n * lioili coining
and going. The price of the two Is $75H , or you
can have your choice for (40) : that is not neat
m much n * oitherono cost 1'or further infnr-
inati'nn cull at my residence , 3123 Witrmsh av. ,
Chicago , 1IU
F * SALK-Secoml hand very light Suydoi
JLA oiutn buggy In eTcellenl .shape , pilee HOC
W , 11 brummoiidCo. ; , Hnrnoy st b-M 4
FOH 8AIB-Hrlck. Knqulro at yerd , ? 0th
and II. & . a 1 ti'
1)11 ) SALb Your choice of the beat lines ol
InU'ule".1 cntrlHRes , phaetoui. surreys , dt-
livery waitan * , open ml top one flnt hunllnc
it ) > ron , CH | | nd look tlirouirh or send lor cuts
1 ' and price to Coluuibuj llu cy Co. , 111,1 Hnrnoy
. S 27 ! a-'J
" 17OK 8ALK Carpet ) and furniture , and
J1 house for real , 11,13 , rJ b tweeu Doug-
luj mid DoJjjo , < U
FOIt PALr. I'URdoMj line rngllsh pugs and
Italian Oroyboiind puppies for srtlo. Kor
prices and description , addioss llox 2iO Topeka ,
Kansas. 803 flj
FOH HAIK-At a bargain , a fi-room house
with closeU nnd pantry , etc. , lot 25 teet
east front , H blockssouth of court house. Address -
dross Y 30 , Hoc offlco. G20H.TO *
TJToTf 8ALK I'urnlturolif S rooms with'jirivT-
JL1 lego of loose of house , 707 S. 14th St
" 15 KST buggies at nnnnmond It Co't ,
Jtiurrey * and cabriolet )
Clnrkson carts.
Phaetons , llockaways.
Delivery wnpom , now and old ,
Pecond-hond buggies.
Win. H. Druuimund & Co. . builders , 1315 ttar-
ncyst. _ _ K.M a 9
171OH BALK Harness , light double , second
J-1 band $12,17UI N 10th gt 0105) )
1T1OH SAI.R- Covered wagon , second bund ,
J-1 suitable for Inundry or bakers. A. J ,
Simpson , Hth and Dodgo. IVIttlJ
"If.OII BALK Ono six-foot upright blncx will-
-I-1 put show ca e , Milton Ilogers , t Son 'W >
T/OH 8ALHO)0) : ( ) brlckf" Apply to J. N.
J1 Klynn.triOS rnnmni st. 144
TjiOIt SM.U Oil and gnsollno wngon , team ,
L harness and route. Call bet. 12 nnd 1 at
1113 Dodge. S15
FOIt SA1.K Spun fine matched bay driving
borsM. 0. K , Harrison , 41S3l5lhst
" \\r ANTKD A Urn-ohm plumber , no other
v need apply bteudy work nnd irnod wni
215" , N. Ifith street. M. A Pile 7Hi ilj
W ANTHM Men lor railroad work Al
bright's Labor Airoiit'y. 1120 I'm num.
\ \ 'ANTKD ABSistnnt cook $11) ) per month :
* ' teamsters $ )0 ) per mo ; teiims * 4 per day ;
men tot Mis"ouil and lown conipiinv work.
O'KccIc A. MuCcrr Labor Agency. 7b4 ; IJ
IT you wantnorkof any kind , cull nt nil'J S.
15th St. , upstniii' . "I'M yj
ITANTKD-Clood milker. Llttlunold.
> 70. 4
" \\rANT * D 20 men nnd 10 trams on the North
'T Omnlm sewer , cor. of Uutli and Clink sts.
Oood wa/cs and weekly pay. hompfon &
DcLnnuy. u'K ' IJ
V\T ANTED S or 3canviiSBcr8 for city work.
Salary or commission Omnlm Kmp. llti-
icnu , 113ti 16th st , Itoom I , npsUIrs , r,7'J 3
WANTED A good bnrlwr. peed wnuei
gunrnntood , Atldru-,8 Krod Mlclmel'lo-
kamah , Neb. 7M 1 *
T TANTKI ) Drug clerk. A good responsible
" druggist will secure situation nt once.
Gorman urerorrud. Apply to A Saustcdt ,
W.lioo , Nob. 758 4
W ANTED-Throo persona to Instruct In
bookUecpmg. Situutlona in September.
I ) . Smith , linj Cnlcago st. 828 8J
Salegmen , n new Invention
needed In tivory house ; 3W per cent com
mission or a irood salary to right partlen Ad-
ress with stamp for terms the Weaver Manu-
'uctuior , M N State Bt. , Chicago , III. TJlcT
WANTED An exporlencod clothing sales
man , none other need apply. .1. L.
Irandcls & Sons , 502 South 13th Bt. B05
" \X7 ANTED A good salesman to Boll goods In
' slore. Mint bo a man who liag liad or-
iwrlence and can Mtll goods. Apply at once.
M. F. Mnrtln. 017 s 13th st. 816 3
WANTED All thee wanting help or situa
tions as colloctiirs. nsst bookkeepers , gen
llico work , engineers , nromoii , porter * , wutch-
men , coachmenteamsters , bartenders , etc. , to
npply to the Mutual Employment nrcncv-14
SJUth st.upstairs. 732 IJ
TXT'ANTED-OoodpBnt maker nt once good pay
< V and cash every Saturday. D. Lewiv ,
' 'alrmont. Neb. 827 J
W ANTED-A good coat matter at 319 3. 12th
810 5j
" \\TANTED-Twenty-flve laborers on Omaha
' extension Chiongn & Noith Nobiaska
'Inllwnv. tour miles west of Foil Oniiina.
ii es JJ.OO per day. C. P. Treat , Contrnutor.
\\rANTED-A few mon of business nunllilca-
f tlons can find employment as solicitors.
iages 12 M per day. nt Mrs. llieza ft Son ,
imp : ollico , 310 > o. 15th. 77 , " ) 4j
" \\fANTED-At once , 3 cent niakon1 ! nnd 3
pants makers. Addrosa M. llerdoldt &
Son , howard , Nob. 78J 8
\VTANTED Oood blacksmith on plow work ,
TV ut Bromtleld. 10 miles from Aurora. J.
W Farrand. S 4 3 *
V\7ANTED--A boy with horse to carry arouto
' on the Evening Bee In the soutn part of
town. 140
VirANTED-Colnrodglrl for general house-
Vt work lu email family. Wane * J4 00. IDUt )
Farnum it. 813 5J
TIT ANTKD Out of city , dining room itirl and
vv dishwasher for small hotel ; woman cook ,
$ ? ' : pastry cook. (30 : laundress. 20 ; 2 polish-
ersfW : man nnd wife for brick yard , $15 : 5
cnnvassort ) on salary. In city , dining room
girl * , chamber maidsnunn girls , lanndrcsges ,
kitchen helpers , women cooha and 25 uirls for
general housework. fxitsofworK nt Canadian
employment ollico. Mrs. llregil & Son , 3IR S.
15th Telephone 834. 8H 3 *
W 7"ANTEO-Ono good lady cook , 2 dining
' girls , 1 boy. 604 N Ifith. 817 3J
WW AN TEDOlrl for general honsowork 282S
Harnoy St. Mrs. A. D. Morse , 82J 5
W rANTKO A small girl to nselst In general
housework. 435 Convent at. buj 4 *
WANTED Solos lady to go west , good
wages paid and permanent position
given to the right person. Addioss Y.5I Hoc.
7US 3j
w ANTED A good mrl at the St. Jamei Ho
tel opposite IT , P. Depot 7 0 4J
WANTED The Omaha Employment offlco U
prepared to lurnlsh girls for general house
work , hotels and restaurants , etc. : also mnle
help of all Kinds. Call or address 314M S. 15th
BI. , upttalra , 75'J 3J
WANTED Oood woman , white or colored
that U willing- work , call at91J Doug
las. 77(1 (
W ANTED Two good'girU at 1510 Capitol
avenue ; Rood wages. 840 3j
"V\7ANTKT > Oood woman cook andnnddln-
TI Ing room glrL 3Ui ! S. 15th Bt. , up stairs.
Mt 3J
\\rANTKn-The ladioa of Omaha to knon
VT that the best placn to get good girls la al
the Gate City Bmployment otlico , 3l4Vi S. 1511 :
St. , up-stalr < . 812 4 *
TX J ANTED Hood girl to do general house ,
i' work. Apply n w cor. California anil
20th. 732
\V"A.NTKD Parties in need of domestic heir
ii to know we bavo lota of competent girli
on hand ixnd more coming from the east , Tr }
UB once nnd you will come again. L'Hiindlar
Employment office , Mrs. Brega A Son,315 S
15th st Telephone 884. 72S-JJ
\\TANTED-OirU for general homework
v V Your choice of nicn pl cr- free of charge
Mr * . Brcga Sc Son 316 S. Uth Et. 72J-5J
\\7ANTKD 2 lady bookkeepers for city , :
V laundry girls for Fremont ; good wages ; l
tnloroa ! for eitr ; 4 dining room girls , I dish
washers ; 3 chamber mslds.8 female cookfl.1 eec
end cook,2 girls for 1 family . $4 andf.'i per week
1 pantry glrU-l laundry elrh , 50 girls genera
house won. Omaha Kmp. Bureau , 119 N. UHI
at 770 7
W"ANTI'.n A irlrl for ( renoral houaowork
Mrs. W.T. . Illngham. 613 S 18th st.
71r > 3 *
A NT 3 B Trimmers at Oontus Ilros. , ill !
llnery store. 1403 Douglas street. 713
w ANTRIM (5lrl for general houeowork. In
quire 62ti South 1'Jtb. 711
\\TANTKD-A ( rood ( jlrl for general house
TV work , nernian preferred. Mr * . A. riot
enson.No. 1918 Capitol five mi u. _ 751 4
W ANTii : > Olrlfor general housework. Ml
Cumlinf. TOO flj
WANTii : > Two lady bookkeepers , must b ,
A 1 nulck at flKiirea , must give refer
encos. Omaha Umploymeiit Bureau , 119 Nortl
llithiit. _ _ 103
W ANTEO-Two BlrLs at Poran house , 4231
18th si , near Ft Mary's ave. Oil
A jounir raun 2i yean of age with fl year
- < V rnrled ozperlcncd In a large bank In th
PAM dettlres ' ( < K contlnlnr employment I'ru *
ent salary no object if chacca foradvancamen
tro < xi/ can irlve very best rcfeience. Addrcj
II. N . O. poatolDce box 1218 , Pnlladolphla , 1'a.
7S 3
rpotlie busineu m n of Omaha There U
-L rreat numbwr of competent men an >
women out ot employment m Omaha , wh
< Miuld lite a poiltloo at clvrks , bookkoepan
ttpnoirraphorf , eollectora , or any otttoe work
alto yiiun * men to work as coachmen , teaa
steri , barbort , etc. If you have workltor there
o Jl or addros * Omnha Employment offlco , 3141
e.lSthSrreot.tlpatnlrl. 75 ? 3J
- 18y an ot ag <
with two yearn' esporienc * u clerk l
vrocvry Wt , AidrM V 19 , Bu . Mi 6 *
\ \ -ANTRD-Sltnntlons
clortti , lmler :
v toIbrprlYatd family. Host of references.
Addics * Y51 llooolllce. + 7M 3J
\ VrANTKlSituation for ft first-elms man
cook from the east : cnn live nr t-clius
reference ! ) . Call at the National employment
ollico , 420 a. 15th St. , upstairs , room , .
I , 779 3
\\TAN'llll > Situations : employers wanting
> ' uood steady men lor aU/klndsof work or
business us assistant booKkbi-pers , geneuil
ollico clerks , collectors , watchmen , porters ,
coachmen , tcamsttr" , cnglnw + s , firemen , Jim-
Itors , bikers , barbers , farinrrs nnd all trade *
ami occupations , fnrnlihi-d-troo. Mutual em
ployment agency , 214 8 Itth ? t , up stairs. 711 IJ
\\7ANTKIl-SltUtttlon by n young Oernmn
' ' cnk" baker ns a second ot assistant to
complete hlstrnile Addres II , K. eire : FV. .
Fork , Willow Springs dlstlllury , Oniah't , Neb.
" \\7AXTKn-Hltimtlon > loTOinotlvo or sin-
' tlonnry enKlnocr. be t reforoneos. I'i
years' cxperionco. Ad Jrcss Y W , Ilee olllce.
| 7'J7IJ ' !
\\ANTF.D-Sltuiition us coRehman.two yonrs
> ' oxporlonco in * bus driver : understand the
hnniillnir und cnro ol horses thoroughly. Y 44
lluo olllce. _ _ _ 7(12 (
\\rAKTKD-SlttiMlon with private family.
I bot.t referoucos Kivon. Apply 3. 13th
Bt. U.t : 4j
\\JANTIH ) Hy nilddlo-ased mun , stranwr In
' city , the nc'iuiilutanco of young widow or
young lady. Object mutual entertainment.
Address Y tUi Iecaotlcc. ) ! Hltf Gj
A\rANTKI-Sloro In best retail locality , or
* T will buy lenso IT nyeo'sary Addr8 this
ollico Y 47 807 6 *
\\rANTKD-l'artner witu small cnpitii ! In
' good pnylnir builnuss Money ell > io-
cured. Cull from 11 to ,1 o'clock , ( lees botol.
A Hey 710 HI
MAIIHIED couple do lro2 or ,1 furnlslied or
nnfiiriiHieO rooms , snitiible for light
housekeeping with prlvato fninlly. contrnl lo
cation , state terms. Address Y f > 7 , Heo onice.
845 3J
WAN'l KD To rent a cottawu of 5or0 rooms ,
Rinnll fnmlly , no chlUlien lleference
exchiingod. Adfro s Y 43. Hoe Olllce. 74(1 ( 4J
\ \ ANTRD-Puplls In Englhti branches
and muslo , n. w. corner litth and Fainain. *
WANTED to rent Ily ncongregatlon'nura-
lierlng about ilrty , a suitable room to hold
religious services Sunday afternoon and even
ing Located liotwon fVodgo and Nicholas ,
llth nnd 20th street. AJdrcHsWm. E. Hughes ,
2.112 Decatur street , 719I1 *
w ANTED-A few boarders at 1720 Dodco st.
ItofiTonces requested. 70" )
WANTED Parties having rooms or honnen
t < > rent should list them with us as wo
send out many applicants dally , llecurd Ad-
vortlKlng Co..l513Farnaiu st. 071-5
AA7 ANTBD-To rent a house of about 8 rooms.
T r Address , stating location ana price. X 73
Doe office. U'.H ' !
" | 7V > Il KENT-A nlco aevnn-room house with
Jgood barn , city and soft water , with nlco
yard nnd line view Inquire of C. L. Erlckgon
& Co. I2 N Idth St. 830 5
F ° III HENT 3-room cottage at 1038 South
18th St. and Pacllic st 820 4)
TilOUHBNT OnoSnnd one iVrnomed house ,
-L' on Itth street , near Lake street. Apply
to Phillips & Shaw , 2107H Cuiulng St. 83A 5
FOH HENT A7 room house with bath room ,
collar , stable , well and cUturr. at 1322 S.
25th avenue. Nlco pluco to lire. Ernst Krohe.
7M 5'
F OH HENT- Cottage of 0 rfecma , 25tb st. and
Indiana \cnue. W 7S7.T *
JWK IlK.NT-10 room hous * ' 2410 Plerco st
1'or terms apply on premises. 741
FOH HK.NT-Kino new brlAl nouso ; have al
modern conveniences. CO N. sn
n CO 8J
KENT 9 room Hat witii all modern conveniences
veniencesKitrnlturo , ; treed as now , for
sale cheap Wood * Co.,140tWt CAnltol avo. BTJ
FOH HENT Boarding hou near U. i' . depot ,
tlxturesand furniture for snlo at half Ita
value. ThK Is a bargain. Co-oporiitlvo Land
und Lot company , 2US N. Uth St. 073-3
FOlt HBNT Two large now stores nnd two
tlata of flve rooms each. City water and gas.
On Saunden st. C. W. Cain , 2230 Ohio st. 812
TpOR HF.NT Housa 7 roomi and barn , cor
i Franklin and James , $20 , Apply at corner.
(88 3
F OR RENT 3-roora cottage on 21st and Paul
streeU. Inquire at BIT South 13th street
H RENT A flvft-room bouse and barn on
Pleasant stC. . T. Morton , 1324 Farnara st.
752 4
F [ KENT Two brick storon with base-
- menta24th anil Hamilton streets. Desir
able locution for dry goods nnd drug store.
Flat * above If desired. Leavltt Burnham ,
room 1 , Crelgbton block. H74
" 171O11 RENT New store and living room * on
JCumingst near Saunders st Apply Har
ris Heal Kiitato St. Loan Co. . 1120 S. ISth at. BSD
ITtOK HENT Store room suitable for grocery
JH store or butcnor shop , on ttio southwest
corner of 7th and Pacific stroou. 675
FOR RENT Now fl-room house 1 1-4 miles
south of P.O. bet20th nnd2Ut sts , $18 per
month. Clurkson , Wood & Co. , 3IH 8.15th.9SS
tTOR RKXT-Elegant brlolc resldonce , 10
JL' roonia , modern conveniences. Dr. Gruddy ,
140-4 Farnam St. G2M
TfOll RENT U-ruom house , bnth. city water ,
JL ? &o , CoIfr.T * t , near Leavenworth. f 41 : 6-
room house , pantry , collarcity at.
near Hamilton Bt S : new barn. Colfax st ,
near Loavonwortli , $ t , F. I * Gregory , 320 S
15th st 604
FOR HENT 2211 Douglns st , Olngttnt now
brick dwelling 10 rooms , with all modern
convemoncb * Apply to W. F. Clark , 408 N 15th
7743 *
_ _ _
F IOH HENT Barn lultable for four horsos.
Inquire at 617 S 13th st. 511
TOH HENT Stable near Farnam and 17th
JO it Rooms 1 and 2 , Omgna National bank
FOR RRNT Five room bouso.oast side 27th
st. third bouse south of Dodiro , $17. J. R.
Itingwalt. 218 South 15th. 7 *
_ _
If OH KENT Broom Hut. centrally located.
F Furniture for sale cheap. Address Y 34
Bon. 714 B
FOR RENT A 5 room cottage near car line.
Billou Bros , 15lrt Douglaa. 4B ! 2U
F OH KENT On N Wcor Ijth andVlnton.2
stores , 20x50. U rooms up rttnlra. suitable
lor families or roomers. Call at promises oren
on M. Donovan , 2331 9 13tb st. 8VJ
TT10H RENT New 10-room house ; all Im-
JL ? provements , steam heat. C. W. * O. E.
1 bompaon. 314 8 : 15tn st. 1000
TTOH * KENT Office space on1 ground floor at
JP 1509 Farntm. Apply In rear onice , J. S.
Richardson- i i 5U2 a30
FOH HENT-Elght room h IMO on N oldo of
Cuss st. between 2hth ami JUth atroets. In
quire of Ueo 1. Qllbort , WlthflpJl building.a
Lot for Lease. Eputheost corner
\J 43xsiU lx avpnworth oniltPtrk ave.or will
bnlkl to suit tenant. HobbloHros 3Si
. a
FOK HENT Nicely furnished largo nnd
imall rooms , 111 9. Idth. I ' ti.'l "J
TTIUHNISIIED HOOMS-Porties looking for
JL rooms call and examinn our largo list
llecord Advertising Co. , 1513'Kkrnam st. 671-5
p'OU HK.NT-3 rooms , 1106 $ $ . 7th.
T710K HUNT Handsomely furnished front
-L1 room , 1718 Dodge St > 49
FOR HENT A nice largo front room , all
modern Improvements and nicely furnished
Ml S20tbst. 213
TJKK ) Kl'.NT Iourn3 ( with board. MIS. 18th.
-I ? 7S5ailgl2
FOll KENT Furnlalied rooms with every
convenloncQ. SCO St. Mary's avo. 3M
FOH RENT rurnlshed plonsunt , cool front
room with three sonth window * uud Inrge
closet. 1714 California
Half of 3d floor for rent , between 12th and
13th on Karnam. C. F. Gardner , furnaccj anj
Stoves , 719 N. 16lh.
( lyod dry stor ie for a few moro stoves , am !
will put them up mf nil. C. K. Gardner , 71'J N.
16th. 341
R HKNT-3 rooms at 1033 N 20th st , la
quire at 1117 S 13th at. 513
TjXJtt RENT-A large sooth front room nlcelj
-L furnithed In the elegant now Oiropbel
block. Every eonvenlcbcp at Uund. note lo
catioiu 1711 DoUgo street. IO1 5J
FOK KENT Elegantly furnlslied rooon sin
gle or cniulte , with uao of bath ; vlectrlo
belli In every room. First cla s restaurant at
tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner 16th
and Webster. C56
F'OH HUNT rurnUhed rooms , single or en
illto , gas , bath and over > convonlotice ,
8207 Douglas. PI3 8) )
lilOH K'KNT Two noatTy furnishoir roomsj
J- % ry desirable loettlon , prlvato family.
Also room for two or three nlco table boarders.
B. K. corner Twentieth and 1'arnani. 419 ai'i *
F OH KENT-A nicely furnished room at 2511
Bt Mary's ave. 421
FOll KENT Nicely furnlstiod , east front
room , second Hour with use ur batli , f < 03
n 17th st. mi BJ
TPOH HUNT Two comfortable rooms south-
JO orn oxponuro Kitlt blo for two gen-
llemtin , twn blocks tnim potolllce fill. Hetcr-
ClU'eS , address V 51 , Heo ollloo. 7W 5J
TK joti hnve furnished or unfurnished houses
or rooms to rent Ien\o It with Omnhn
lloiifoaml lloom Rental Agency , 3144 S 1Mb
et , room 6. 79-'i IJ
TTOH ItKNT-OnoTurnTshoiT room , Sid" Door
- liont 25U tnpltol live. 1115 ]
EOil RUNT A furnished room at 022 N ItHh
street 7SM 4
"IIUJR UKNT iNloely furnished room for u
1 ? trotltlomun. 1112 N2Sth st. 7i'l ' y.l
FOR HRNT Largo front parlor with twy
window , nnd ivlcoto , also other rooms with
modem conveniences at l il I'lirninn st.oaa
block west of court house. KM
FOR RKNT-Pleiisatit room , furnished. 141ft
Chicago st. l'J7 '
E Oil HKNT-Offlco room $10 per month , Snd
floor. 31(1 ( 8. 11th st. 430
pioii HUNT Three nlco unfurnished rooms
JU u t mi n Ifith t 815 7J
fTOH HKN r-Fnrni"bed hall beil-ioom tor one
guntloiimn , lita Dodge st. 814 5J _
FOll HUNT -A large room and reception
room In connection , known as St. Oeorge's
Hull , opposite the Pnxton hotel , innutro of
( lurtiier ! > t Saunders , WO 4 * _
HKNT-Olhees nt 1HI2 rnrnnm st. Apply -
ply to Patterson & Moore , Omaha National
bunk. 2J
_ _ _ _ _
FOH UINT ; , Doslrablo furiiUlien eel rooms
with board In prlvalo family , pleai'int
home , modern convunlenocB. 53j , Pleasant
stioot. 440 3J
TJlOll ItENT-Vurnished room In Oreunlg blk.
.C cor lth and Dodge st. Imiulni ot Davla 4
Hotherlngton , Mlllard Hotel Hilllsrd room 231
TIHJIl UKNT Ouo eleuuntly furnished room
XJ Only those that want iv cool room need
apply. Windows facing south. Apply at once
nt 1VW Fnrnain street , Itoom 2S. 710-3 *
T/Olt UKNT Vurulshod rooms and parlors
JP with all modern conveniences. 703 South
18f n St. 73fl T
° II KP.NT Nicely turnishod front room at
1112 Howard st. B > 7 B.IJ
TJfOU KENT. Nicely Iurnish dr rooma for
JL1 f amlliei or single person. 714 N. 19th Street.
431.a. 8 *
KENT Furnished frontrboui or a milt
FOH two rooms with board if desired. 117 B
7th st. 5 ( < 53J _
FOH HUNT Desirable furnished room for
gentlemen utSO'J Howard st. 589
FOE KENT A largo front room In new
bouao bnth. and latest modern Improve-
nents , lAltt Webster street. 122
F IOH HENTFurnlshod room , bath and all
conveniences , 1613 Chicago st. 8.TJ 5 *
FOR HRNT-Elegantly furnished front room ,
suitable for two gentleman , or man and
wlfo , | 20 per month. H21 ! i-nrnam. 813 4'
T7KHI HENT Kurnlshod rooms in Uruenlg
X ? block , cor 13th and Dodgo. DavH4 Hethor
ngton , Mlllard hotel bllMrd room. 83
F1 I OR KENT Furnished rooms , n. w. corner
Ifth and rnrnam. 73-1 6j
F I OH HENT--i : rooms 2 closets for hou ekeop-
Ing 1520 Pierce. 71U 3 *
lOU KENT Furnlibed rootni , en suite , in
private family , modern conveniences.
Apply to Leslie V Leslie , 18th and Dodge Bt < .
FOK ItENT-KurnlBhed rooms , 1812 bodtre.
T7Kn HENT Part of office room. Inquire at
J : 1212DOU gla * fit. 813
OR KENT Pulta of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. , 3li N. 17th.
F I Oil KKNT-Nlcely furnished looms , to gen
tlemen only , 2.20 N. IGtll St. . Itoom S. UtS
T71OKHENT-Ware room cor. 14tn and Call-
JO tfornia on Belt Line , lior particulars en
quire nt Union Nat bank. 1M
flOR RENT Elegant lulto of rooms , roferen-
' cea required , 1A07 Douglas st 197
OK HENT-Nlcol * furnished room. 1623
F Dodgo. 119
[ 7OH BLNT Furnished room * 1415 Dodge ,
17 631
KENT A suite of very desirable f nr-
nlsbed rooms Apply at. 1712 Capitol ave. ,
opposite Trinity cathedral. CU7-JI *
Foil HENT Tne largest store room In town.
Inquire at the Argus olliee , Albion. Nob.
461 stop 13 *
FOH HENT Furnished front room , near car
line at corner of Dodge nnd 24th streets.
Inquire of A. H. Comstock 1523 arnam st.
TnOK KENT Newly furnished room. All
JH conveniences. Private family. Near busi
ness. IB15 Capitol ave , 371 7 *
OH KENT Two furnished rooms. 1BU7 Cal
ifornia. 71&-3'
FOK HENT Furnished room with board for
gentleman ; rafcrencea required. 1724
Douglaa street. 703-8 *
F' I OK ' HENT Newly furnlsheJ room , board if
desired , 1720 Dodge it. 704
F IOH BENT Single room for gen tinman.
Modern conveniences. Inquire 024 N Irith
FOR RENT 4 or 8unfurnished rooms , suita
ble for hou ekeeptngona block from court
house , on tilth street , between St. Mary's avo.
and Iltrnov st. modern conveniences. Refer
ences required. M. K.Martinowner. 16J
F OK HENT-Furmabed room , 162:1 : Dodgo.
RENT Suite of 4 nice roonu aulbiblu
for housekeeping , reference ! required ,
loth st , just north of St Mury.i ave water ,
sewur connections , gua , folding doors Ac. 5V4
F OR KKNT-Front room with board , 1812
Chicagojt. 615 5 *
_ _ _
TfjIOR BENT 3 rooms suitable for house
JP keeping , southwest cor. 21at and Nicholas
St. 595
1OR HKNT Furnished rooms' with board.
1UOJ , rnrnam. 6f5 all *
TTHJlt HENT Two rooms furnished for tight
-C housekeeping. Apply at bu'J Howard itKM
II RENT Nicely furnUhea room , 1921
Dodge it. 13i
ALL the following prices are several hun
dred dollars bolowr market price j and must
bo sold :
Mix IN ) on North 15th st. near Grace st , in Pad
dock pi ice , ; ) ,5uu.
finxllJ on Nortb llthst. near Grace , la lame
addition , east front , tl.700.
BSxlJS on North Ifith stsouth of Grace st , ,
corner , J14rXW.
Illock Si , Uoyd'3 add , comprising 10 lots ,
, onnier of Haplo and Saundera it.
near Lake St. , we t front , f 10,001) ,
153 on Howard by 140 on 1'leasant Ht „ $1U,000.
.Anj reasonable offer for tbu above jiropeitj
will bo entertained By the owner , us It positive
ly must be sold. AU on easy terms. Mitchell
\ I.o ) onmnrck. 151 < Dodge 3t 731 U
\\Ti Can so tor a tew days only
> > Lot lOi ) ( Use's addition for J1O ) .
Lo t"l Oleo'ii addition , < 4 ) X
Illock I i lord's addition. V 'll
One third cash , balance 1,3 and .1 years.
llcmlDKton & McCorralck , 220 South 11th It
SAM'At a bargain , S-rooni house anil
FOU lot on Davenport st. near 27th. ttwucr
must bave money und will soil ut a trreat bir- -
train. Only $500 casti rerjulrod ; balance long
time. Address X K ! , Heo olBco TO
extnionllnsry Jornnr Rnt.
210 foot front on ? outli liita st at $ ' , ' > pei
front foot. Ono of the most bountiful full Ion
In Walnut Hill worth 11.20) ; lorsiio for t'JK ' )
f tSOcjoh J. K llauimonJ , 117 8 1'itli. 7i.
FOIl SALR-Or trade , M lots in tn westerr
part of Omaha nenr the Ilemtoa line
price if4 ( ) each , ItSO dne on contracts pnyahli
in 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In
contracts for N'uDrana larvL MeCullocn 1 * Co.
16uv Kurnam bt. 10X )
IK you want to buy , sell or trade , ctG on L. V
Crum.lXON I5thst.
KXi lots H of a mile of TJ , P. depo
for sale or trade.
-room hou for rent Two 10-room housci
for rent , ) or trade. Idlewilde. Ily
bit L. V. Cruia , LM N Utb ( t.
" | 7 < OIl TRADE South Oniitha tot * nnar the
JL the park on Syndicate Hill , to exchange
for Improved residence properly. Will pay
cnsh dlUercuco. 8. McK. fct , ohn , ,11S S IMh
St. 74 ! < 4J
"ITOR BALK A corner lot. south front In OrE -
-E cluvrd Hill. forliAJ. James BlockdiUo , IU
X. 16th st. 771 S
1JHJR SALK-"M No. 1 tarms within n radius of
J20 miles of Omah * . Alar , n lew good busi
ness chance * In twolHo towns. , T. II , Sllvl * ,
Ken ) Estate and Agent , Clkhnrn , Neb.
fiTU Aug. 8
l/'Oli SALK Corner lot on Virginia ave with
X1 two good house * , cheap at 17,001 Terms
easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. S. S ,
Campbell , 310 S. 16th st Cbambor of Com
merce. Z73
EASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaha property. Patterson A Moore ,
Omaha National JUtnk M3
IiUMl SALT. 10 shares Ncbrrska Loan and
b'ld'g awn. Stock lorlr * 11. Valuu with
eirn lugs t'0" > , pa > Ing largo dividends , price f sfl
licit ImlMIng association In the city ? Address
YM lu-ooiiico. t-a ; ui
JT OR S\lU RIO acres of good land being
section 2. " ] , township | fl. range , net. 'J his
land Is situated In Howard county , this Mute ,
close to the l ) . P. , und new station on the II.
AT M. brunch. Can plow at least three-foulthH ,
balance-excellent pasturiigo .No hotter cell in
the stntii , n rock bottom creek runs ncre s thu
extreme southwest corner. Splendidly nd.iptcd
for general farming or stock purposes Price
JBUOpor HITO : 4 or moro cn n , b Hi mice lonir
time. Address nt once , acorgo N. Hicks , 215
S JSth st llmnlm eb 717,8.
Ol'HI.I.Mi llargnlin llntito c rooms , burn ,
C ? ota. , all new , DonUo's addition. tJ,70J ,
$1,00(1 ( civ < h , bnlnticogood time.
Hiur 4-iooni nouses In Lowe's addition , now ,
11"TO each , J20-I cnsh , balance to suit.
Ilouffi r > looms. IIMIn , full lot. Yatc & Reed' *
subdivision , f2,500 , $7(0 cash , balnnco to
Two lots , on corner , Oriind View , nice build-
hit- situ , $ ,1X30 , H ciish , bnlnni-o long time.
11 It. Hull & Uo. 11.1 North ICth t M7 _
"IT'OR SALE One million acres of hind In Ne-
JL brnsKn. Spcculiitm' * l.iiuls.rnilroiul lands ,
lanclios , and fnuiH In nil parts of the
state Send forpnmphlet rontnlnlng descrip
tion and price of over ono thousand farms. A
fine topORinphlcnlnmpof the state lent frcn
upon iipplicnllon. I' II. Anrirus , for ID yean
( len'l Lund Agent II. A M R , H. iighlh : nnd P
stieets , Lincoln. Nebraska. * * )
All person ! are prohitiited from giving credit
to my wllo. Mary Duffy , as I will not bo re-
at'orislblo lor any debts contracted by her.
Omaha. Aug 4,1M7. JAMKS DUFFY.
Sewer Proposals.
SEALRD Propoeals will t rccelvol by the
undersigned until II o'clock a. in. Aug. Oth.
1M7 , lor the construction of sewers In districts
Noa. M , D7 and r > ? , as per pinna nml speolll-
cations on file In theoftlce of the bonrtl of pub-
Ik : works , Proposals to bo made on printed
blanks furnished by the board , and to bo ao
compHnl''d with a cortltled check In the cum of
$533 , oaynble to the city of Or-xhtt , as tin ovl-
denea of good faith.
The board reserves tlioright to reject any or
all bids and to waive detects.
Clmlrman Hoard of Public Works.
Omaha , Neb. , July fcl.TSST. J2729l 3
Notice to Coal Dealer * .
SEALED PioposatS will be received at the
ollico of the county clerk up to 12 o'clock
noon of Saturday , August Bth. IK57 , for fur
nishing Douglas county with hanl coal , nbout
UUU tons , more or lew.
Cool to bo dclivoied at the court house or
con nty poor fiirm as It Is needed
nidi will also ba received nt the same time
and pluco for furnishing ( toft coal to the
county , to bo delivered in ijunrtur , half ami ton
lots.Each bidder must accompany his bid with a
certified check In the sum ot one hundred do )
The right Is reserved to reject nny nnd all
bids. For further information call at county
clerk's onice.
By order of the board.
C , P. NEEDHAM , County Clerk.
Omaha , Neb , , August 1st , 1887. nldjt
llids will bo received by the bonrd of public
lands nnd buildings at any time before August
15,1837 , at 2 p. m.for donations for the location
for the "Nebraska Industrial Home. " Usual
rights reserved. Hy order of suld l > oard.
JulyM , 1887. O. L LAWS , Secretary.
Proposals ( or Sealed Bids.
School Hoard of Routh Omaha will re.
celve ftenlod bids for thu erection of u high
Bcbool building up to 2 o'clock ot Saturday ,
August 13th , 18S7 I'tatiH nnd specincntloiia maybe
bo noun at thu Stockman olliee.
The board reserves the right to reject any
nnd nil bids.
UvORDH.u or Scnoou BoAnn.Cmr OT Soirrn
August 1st , 1887. aldlflt
Notice to Contractors.
Proposals will be received at the
SEALED of the county cleric up to 12 o'clock
noon of Saturday , August th.l37 , tor grad
ing , ns follows : Commencing at N. W. corner
ot Section 8 , Town U. HnngoW. thence oust on
section line one. and one-half miles : about 4,01)0 )
yards more or lens. Eneh bid must IK accom
panied by a deposit of twenty-flve dollars.
The light U reserved to reject any and all
IJy order of the board.
0. P. NKEDHAM. County Clerk.
Omaha , Nob. , August 1st , 1S8T. nld.1t
AND VAR1COUELK , without detention from
business , and the Asahet Mineral flprine Water
whelming ovld nce mailed free by A3AHKL
way. New York.
jl * tlT fTcmr jTB4Odaj bT&
| Harm 'alUe > tMacm Ue Ucla.
ffTruaa.combfnvd. Onarantnttl tb
"only on la tb worltf K9 * rHmf
, cacoatlnooua Xbetrl * < Mavnitu
tR cmrrft. SclentlfliPowerful. Dmabla ,
Frorafnrlahle and Br tlT . AvoM frmida.
'or9.OOO ' crorvd. 8nrt Btnip forpATitpnl6&
vrra tnm aioaurav o * not
mason ot It * central position tirwa rclntton to Itnei
Itut of Chlc * o. ni ountltuiul li da al terralanl
potntt Writ , Marthmit unit Sonthveit. U tU Uu
middle link in that tranirouUncntai nyttcm which
Inrltes and fadlt te trarel and traflc bo t ii Ui
AtUutla and faciSa.
The Hock IiUad main line and branehoi Inelodi Ctl-
raco.Jollct , Ottawa , I.a nMe , Penrln , ( li-nesafl , Molina
and ltoi.k Itlaiid. In llllnolii Darenivjjt , Jluscitlo * .
WatMnxton , i'alrflrW , OttiimwaOik li > o t Yi' it Lib
erty. lawn City , ! > Hoi nifMndlnnola.Wln'orift. Atlan
ta , Knoivlllo , Amliltwn , llarlnn , Oa'.hrle Contra ana
Council lilults. In l wai Gitl-iUn. Tunton. St.JoMsn ,
Cameron ami Kama * Cltj.ln UUiourt ; I.Fa * n urtIi
and Alchlscn.lnKaiuu ! Alt.trt l. , ! tlruii , polli unit
Bt , faul , tn Mlnnmotaj W"aterfi > wn and Ploui Frtlll. ! ?
Dakota , and hundrxii of InKiniodUta cltlci aut townl
. ' . 'The Great Rock Island Routo"
flonrant rptod , comfort , certainty and s frljr. ft *
rntiin nt way l tl tlnpllsi ( ] it for lUne'Urnr * . Ill
are al itnna aud Iron. lUtrvkUol tolUl
ia4aa aajapacr-
vs ful , aiid ( or luxurloua a cnmnbw H u uar.
panxl. IU rirr > a 7r ! ui comL-t ' iur lHjr
Coaeb i , elegant I'uUman 1'sUc * PJ. u ep Jl (
Carl , inn > rb rinlng Can , proTldlnsr " " iic > ,
ixrvl ( bitwr < * n Chicago luitLSt. Joreph , A"'hinon and
X Clt ; ) reitful Reclining Chair Carj. Itn rain-
a < f ment I > ronseTTatlT * , IU ilbrtplina exArtln .
"The Famous Albert ten Route"
Rtw f n Chtcagro anil MtnneanolU anil St. I'&ul U ti
( arorlte. Oifr till. line Holjd Fait Liyrml rnln < rtii
dally to attract ! o lamrtt tar totiruU In Iowa and
Mlnn * ota , and , Tla V/at rtown an t SIoin FtUlc. to t * *
rlfh whratand grailnff lindi of interior UakotA. Via
tSrcaca and Kanrfakre , tta ) l'v ' k UlaAd otltrs aup rlor
Ind3etinrnt < to traveler * b-twpen ( nrlnnatl , Indlan-
apojla. I ifnrtttu atut Council BluJTa. ? t. Joseph , At < * lit-
on. LcafHnworth , Kan&i * Citj. Sc.raul.and l&tt rm -
dUta point * All patrons ( * i dally Kdki and rntl-
drrn ) rcrrlv a prutM. lion , eonrtviyaed kindly attention.
J\r tlrkeli , tnti'i.fold ' m. c5t'l < tt MetUrii Trail , or
any < lclrfd InfontiAtlun , u | > ply to ptlnrlp l otttct * la
this United Butcj and C'4i Ji , or dUrea , atClileaci.
R. R. ct3u , t. n. ict'N , c. A. iiomooi ,
Uu.H * JinO'.IX. . , ; . , O.m. T\l tfui JV
Ily Dr. SrediHor's methfxl. No operation ! nn
pain ; no iJetuntion from bubl'ii'i-t. AilJpted ti
chlldron us well asirrown people , lluntlrrilsn ;
nufoiimpb tptlmomsts on tile. All businus
strictly oonttdutitlul , C'on ult.itlon rreo
Room 6 , } 6H Dougla * St. , Omati.i ,
I.eixrn Arrive
Omahn. Onmhn.
Depot luth and Plurco sts.
Pacino fcxptes-t 8:20 : p. m. 7'iOa. : m ,
Denver Kxpres * 10Va. m. tt'.M p.m.
Miocnl Expre s 5:03 : p. m lliUOa. m.
Kxcopt Sunday.
h. * M. II. ft" ll
Depot loth and Paclilo sts.
Mailand lixprcss 10:05 : iv , m M p. m.
KxprefW :45 : p. m 10:00 : u. m.
0. II. A..Q. II. R.
Depot lotnnnd Pacltlosts.
Mall nnd Express ti.OO p , m. 0M : a , m.
Lhlcago Li press , 8.40 a. m. 6uY > p , tn.
1C C . St J. * C. H.
Depot 10th and Pacific sts.
Mull. . . . 8:40 : n. in ,
Bxprosi 8:50 : p. m , 7:00 :
C , St. P..M. , VO.
Repot 15th nnd Welmterst
Sioux City KxprOR * . , : l.Sa. ra. 4:4p. : . m. '
llancroft r.xprens 4tSp. : tn. HUUla , au
Itlalr Pnsspnger ( > :33p. : in 7tOp. ; m.
Except Sunday
Depot lilth and Webster et
Day Kinross IlilOn. m. (1:2 ( : % a. m.
Night Kxpress m.m. . f > ; tnpiu.
Lincoln Kxpri" njlOjK m. IIill ) iv. ra.
Running llotwi-on Oitmell Illuan and South
Oinulm. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth mm Twenty-fourth
kticctd , nnd lit the Summit m Omaba.
Chicago , Milwaukee &St Paul Bj
27i neat Route from Omaha and
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and
Council Blutlt ,
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRnpid *
Rock Island , Frccport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Klgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Beloit , Wmona , f.a Crcwe ,
And all other 1mportunt points East , Northcajt
und Southeast.
Kor through tickets call on the ticket agent
at I4U1 Farnam st , In I'.vxtun hotel , or nt Unloa
Pnelflo depot.
Pullman Sleeper * and the flnest Dining Can
In the wend me run on the main line of the
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway and ev
ery attention Is paid to ptisoengera by court-
ousttmployees of the company.
It MII.LKU. Oenoral Manager.
J. F Tucxiii. Assistant ( lon ral Manager.
A. V. K. CARPB-ITER , General Paitengcr Ml
Ticket Agent ,
QEO. E UEArmiiD , Asalrtantaonoial POMM *
ger and Ticket Agent
J. T. CLAKK General Superintendent.
11 uiunkJ
Aad Chicago
The only road to tnko for DCS Molnes Mrr-
thulltnwii , Criinr Itniilil" , Clinton. Illxon.Chlcil-
jrt , MllwaUKeo Mid Hll points ea t. Tn the people
ple of Nfbrisku , ColorS'to , Wyomlnjr , Utah ,
lilabo. Aoviula. Uro ron , Wmlilnitton , and luli-
fornin , it oilcis superior udvuutagcs not | nmi-
bio by any other lino.
Among a fnifo' ttio numerous points of BII-
pnriiinty enjoywil by the putrons of this road
liotneen Omahn and C'llcHgo.are It8 two truim
udnyof l\.V ( OAOHES , wfa'ch ' niothn Jlnen
flint hum-in art and Inir ntilty cxn crcnto In
PALAChH HLKHI'INO OAIIS , which urn mixlIs
of comtortunil ele/ance. Im 1 > AUI 11 IlllAV\-
INll IU ) ( I ( Allrf , uiisurpusjied by any. and 111
w'lloly colobraled I'ALATIAl , INNING CAIlH.
the ifjuil of which Citnnntbn found el ° civlieri >
At ( OIIIK I ! lllullHthe truing of the Union Tai'llli
Ily. connect in t'nloii Uejiot with the o ol tin )
Chicago A NorthwcMurn Ily. In fhlca o thu
tniiiixnf this lire innko co ! o c < ) nnr.tlon with
thi > 'of all eastern lines.
KorPntrolt. Columbus. Indianapolis. Cincin
nati. Mairura IVlls , llunrlo , I'lllsliuiif.'L'uronto ,
Moiitruil , ISo ton , New Vork , rhiliidulpbni ,
IlHltlmorc , Washlnrtnn iind ull points In tlio
oiuit , ask fora tlclotIn " > c .
NoiiriiivivntiiN. : "
If yon xU'i the bint nuixinimodatloH , AU ticket
iu-ents6lltl3k < jtsvia this line'
It. 1ICGHITT. K 1'
Oriil. ,
" " " '
W. > I IIAllCOnif.1"1"0 L. H. IIOLL1W.
\\cBUra Agent , City I'iw'r
onil oil Uln dlBt B. * n wmetbcrtccom-
IPOIIIKI/IIII / 't'&r. A dur 8U rajiU o ) ! . /
rilin'l l S'-li1 Jiyilrneglna. and nl Hi * < j (
Tin-oio co..3 iiiiorun. uuao.
JfS ! '