Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1887, Image 1

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Besolutions of the National Veteran Asso
ciation Presented to the President.
Cleveland Receives Them With n
Short Speech Washington citi
zens Arc Indignant Over Al-
A Grand Army Repudiation.
WASHINGTON , August 3. General Hosc-
crans recently received from Charles Whitehead -
head , chairman ol Iho committee on resolu
tions of the National Yetcran association ,
of DCS Molties , la. , copies of resolutions
adopted by that association repudiating Iho
utterances of certain members of the 0. A.
It. In connection with tlio proposed visit of
the president to St. Louis while the Grand
Army etica'mpment was In progress there ;
commenting on the president's veto of the
dependent pension bill ; condemning the ef
forts of those who seek by the rebel flag epi
sode to rekindle the flames of sectional hate
and contention , as unmanly , unpatriotic aud
meriting the contempt of Intelligent men.
The resolutions also compliment
General Black's administration ot the
pension office. General Rosccrans was
requested to deliver the copies of these reso
lutions to the president and General Black ,
To-day he called on the president , and In
presenting the resolutions , expressed his be
lief that they are In accord with the views of
ft vast majority of the G. A. H. as to loyal re
ft pec t to the chief maghtrato and the Impro
priety of denouncing him for what ho be
lieves his official duty. Ho also thought
the statements commanded the assent of that
much laiger body of ex-union soldiers not be
longing to Iho G. A. II. society.
The piesldent , replying , said : "Without
reading the resolutions presented by you In
nuch a gratifying manner. 1 have only to
Bay , judging from the tenure of your
remarks , the action ot Iho veterans
mentioned Is In thu direction of the acknowl
edging of a duty which devolves tipn them
us veterans to emplinsl/.o the value of their
services in tlio Held by a patriotic service at
Jiome , and demonstrate the same bravery
shown In battle by courage no loss conspicu
ous when the freedom and patriotism which
In peace Is the safety of American Institu
tions. Understanding this to bo the purpose
of the resolutions , 1 am glad to receive them
nt vour hands. "
Hosecrans In a letter to Commissioner
Black inclosing a cony of Iho resolutions ,
Hald : "They am replete with palilotlsm ,
good sense and a just denunciation of dis
loyalty to the country and treason to Iho
spirit of Iho soclely ot the Grand Army man
ifested In recent attempts by certain officers
and members of thai association lo raisu tor
a partisan purpose nn outcry aqalnst the
chief nmcistratc. When it Is romcm-
beied that largely more lhan half the rank
and Illu of the union army wore either dem
ocratic or merely union men , It will oo
plainly seen why the G. A. It. as a republi
can machine , was a miserable failure ; why
It , at a late time , only revived when non-
paitisar.slnp was made fundamental ; why
the hypocrisy of violating this principal , by
taking itmait partisan advantages In the
choice of Its officers , post and com-
manderlcs , and the paying of special
public favors and honor to comrades
of republican persuasion , has hlthoito cre
sted such a disgust of Its spirit as to prevent
the society from including double and possi
bly triple Its present membership and com
manding universal icspect for the self-con
trolling loyalty which covered with glory Its
members during the dark days of "the wai
for the union. "
WhIUihead , in the letter to Itosecrans , asks
the general to present these resolutions in
the name of at least 10,000 ux-uulon soldiers
of Iowa.
The Mormons arc Intcrentod.
WASHINGTON , August 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.K.I Thus far In the trial of
Dr. Crawford for the allowed violation of the
Edmunds law prohibiting fornication the defense
fenso has confined Itself to urglnir that the
act does not apply to the District of Cfllum
bla , but solely to the territory of Utah. It if
the design of Crawford's counsel to attempt
to break down the act on the ground of It :
unconstltullonallly. It Is probable thut thi :
case may bo carried up 10 the United State :
supreme court to lest this question. It I :
Bald hero thai tlio Mormons aio anxious t <
have a test made ol the act in this case am
that they are willing to back Crawford will
all Iho funds necessary lo secure the oplnioi
ot Ihe court of last resort on this question
The trial of the ras on Its merits Is set fo
Saturday. At present the proceedings an
bcloro the nollco court only but If the verdlc
is against Crawford It will certainly bo car
rled to the district supreme court and tin
opinion Is freely expressed lhal from them 1
will go as high as it can bo taken. For thi
reason the trial is of national Interest and 1
Is being watched closely by the best lega
talent here. _ _ _ _ _
hiving Like I'rlnccH.
WASIUNCITON , August 3. [ Special Tele
cram to the BKE. ! The citizens of Wasb
ingtonareup inarms against the local gov
ernment. This government Is composed o
three commissioners appointed by the presl
dent , and they have almost absolute contro
of the expenditures of funds and police roc
illations. It Is charged with precise spec ill
cations that the board has been guilty of tin
most llairrant extravagance , and that wlthli
the last six years 8300,000 of the water fund
have been squandered and misappropriate !
One uf the board is an engineer officer ot Hi
nrmy wllh exceedingly luxurious tastes. H
recently purchased a horse for his personr
use for which 85,000 was paid out of the dls
trlct funds. Ho also purchased at the sain
time an outfit for his carriage suitable for
prince. At a meeting of the citizens las
night the board was denounced and resoli
tlons were passed calling on tlio president t
change the personnel of the entire board. 1
Is likely that the outcome will boailddii
veslUatlon and Ihero will be a wholcsom
shaking up.
PcnHlons Granted.
WASHINGTON , August 3. [ Special Teli
gram to the Bii : : . | The following Iowa pel
slons were granted to-day : Rebecca , mother (
John W. Sullivan , Troy ; Peter McCalmon
alias Peter McCommerCouncil Bluffs ; WII
lam D. Bunch , DoSoto ; Willis L. Defcin
Boone ; Lebanon Kiniel , Kldora : Blchar
llobson , Coallield ; William Allison , Edd <
illo. increase : Maeun A. Hart. Vlul.
George W. Orr. Doduuvlllo : F.den J. Hart
liorn , Kmmotsburg. Restorations and li
crease : George W. Flick , Gilnnell ; Joh
Toole , Mvuor : Uobert Major , Atlantli
Henry T. Riuuontr , Henderson ; William *
B. llowen , Montezuma : Simon S. Carrel
Oskaloosa ; Sampson 1) . Sarvtr , Busse
Mexican war : Augustus Brelett , Ottiimw
Nebraska : Charles W. llray , Syiacus
Jtolssuo and Increase : William Carter , Ara
Culling In United Scutes Bond * .
WARHINOTON , August 3. Secretary Fa !
child Issued a circular to-day of which U
following are the essential features :
Notice Is hereby given that the Interest ill
September 1 and December 1,1SS ? , on the 4
per cent bonds United States , October 1 , ISs
January 1 , l S , on 4 per cent bonds at
January 1,1W > H , on bonds Issued in aid <
j'nrlllo railroads , bo prepaid on and aft
August 15 , 1 7 , which rebate at rate tv
iier centum per annum on amounts prepal
Notice Is also given that proposals to tl
government of the United States of 4W p
cent bonds of 1M)1 ) acts of July 14 , 1S70 , at
January 20,1S7I , to be Applied to the slnkh
fund , bo received and opened at Ihn oflice
the secretary of the treasury at Washingtt
at noon Wednesday August 10 , Ib s7 , at
each Weuutsd y thereafter until furtli
. notice.
( Secretary Falrchlld said this afternoon ,
explanation of his action , lhat he did
ilmplv because he regarded It as thn be
tblog that oouM bo done under the clrcui
stances. The purchase of bonds , ho said ,
was for the purpose of providing for the
sinking fund and the anticipation of Interest
for the purpose of gelling rid of Iho surplus
Inleron covered by Iho circular amounts
822.310,704. The sinking fund requirements
will amount to about 82,000,000 in addition
to 520,000,000 of 3 per cent bonds already ap
plied to lhat fund. The surplus , said Fairchild -
child , can bo put out only through the cooperation
eration of the bondholders , and If they do
not accept the terms of the proposition made
to them U would seem they were not in very
great need of money.
Army Order * .
WASHINOTON , August 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKK. | Army orders : Major
J. W. Wham , paymaster , has been relieved
from duty In the department of the east and
ordered to duty at Tucson , Ari/ono , relieving
Major Frank M. Cox , paymaster , who lias
been ordered to dtitv at l.os Angeles , Cala.
Captain John B. W. Gardiner , assistant sur
geon , boa been granted one years leave for
disability. Thirty-live recruits have been or
dered to Fort Snxlllng for the Twentieth and
Fiitoenth Infantry.
Department of .Itmtlco
WASHINGTON , August 3. Attornty
oral Garland tins submitted to thu secretary
of the treasury estimates of appropriations
for the expenses of Ihe department of justice
and the courts of the United States tor the
fiscal year ending Juno 30 , IbStt. They nre
somewhat greater than the approptialions
for th ) current fiscal year , but are about the
amo as the estimates Mibmltled to congress
last year and aggregate about 83,300,000.
Revoked Ills Commission.
RAPID CITV , Dak. , August 3. [ Special
Telegram to the BKK.J A Journal special
from Dnadwood says the commission of T.
U. White , deputy United States mineral sur
veyor , has been revoked , owing to thu fact
that he has used thu otlice to thu detriment
of the mining Interests of Iho HUH This
Is a direct result of hiH letter to Iho Loud on
News derogative to the Ilarney Peak Mining
A Cabinet Meeting at Oak View.
WASHINGTON , August 3. A meeting of
the cabinet was held last evening at the pres
ident's cottapu at Oak View , which was at
tended by all the members o\cept Bayard
and Garland. It was impossible to learn the
object of the uieetiiig.
Postal Notes.
WASHINGTON , August 3. ISpeclal Tele
gram to the BKK.J The following Nebraska
postmasters were appointed lo-day : George
U. llodson , Knoxvllle , Knox oounly , vice
Itypd Winger , resigned ; Arthur K. Hum
phrey , Stanton , Stanton county , vice Wil
liam T. McFarland , resigned.
The postollico at Parkvale , Doujlas county
and Walnut Hill , Douglas county , wore dis
continued tu-ilay.
TreTclyan's Kloction a Great Victory
For Dome Kulc.
LONDON , August 3. Sir George Trevely-
an's victory continues of absorbing Inlerest.
The London and provincial conservative
newspapers azree in saying that the elecllon
Is an ominous fact and it would bo unwise to
Ignore or extenuate Its significance. The
Gladstonlan papers are confident that an im
mediate general elecllon would result In the
return of a homo rule majority. The same
view is shared by the ministerialist , ? , which
fact leads to a free oxpiession of the opinion
that the povcrnmcnl , being sure of a compact
majority during the run ot the present par
liament , will not risk dissolution until
the end of the natural term , five
honcH , when Gladstone will probably be deader
or his powers weakened.
The Pall Mall Gazette publishes a now
homo rule scheme purporting to have been
accepted by the liberal leaders. This scheme
irlves Ireland a national legislature and an
executive. There will bo no separation.
The Ulster Irish members will continue to
sit In the Imperial parliament In their pres
ent numbers. The powers of the Irish par
liament will bo delegated , matters to bo con
trolled In Dublin , being clearly defined and
also subiect to revision by tlio imperial par
liament. The land question will bo left to
the Irish parliament. It U doubtful whether
the statement is official. The statement Is
valuable , however , as Indicating the line of
the amended policy of Morley , Trevelyan ,
and lloreourt. which Is probably assented to
by Gladstone and satisfactory to the liberals
Katkoff's Funeral.
Moscow , August 8. Many notable per
sons are arriving here for the purpose of at
tending Ihe funeral of Kalkoff , which will
take place Saturday next. The heirs of
Kalkoff will conlinue lo publish Ihe Moscow
Ga/ette , and will retain Its present staff.
Prius , August 3. M. Paul de Ronledo will
represent thn French patriotic league at the
fuueral of M. Katkoll.
The A'clian Heuolllon.
CALCUTTAAugusts. The ameer of Af
ghanistan's conerals , Haldar and Slkander
Khan , have withdrawn all Ihelr Iroops Ic
Kelal-I-Chilzlo. This acllon Indicates that
they consider their forces too weak to keep
the open field against the rebels.
Cholera at Malta.
LONDON , August 3. There have been five
cases ot cholera and on death at Malta. A
ton days' quarantine against that place has
been established at Gibraltar.
The Cost of a lllot.
Buussnt.s , August 3. The tribunal a
Charlerole has awarded Baudoux S17.r ,00 (
damages for destruction of his glassworks
which were burned during the ilots at Jumet
The Chens Congress.
BEUI.IN , August 3. The final score In the
International chess congress shows McKen-
zlo In the lead wllh fifteen games won , then
being twenty-one contestants.
King William's Congratulations.
BKUUN , August 3. Emperor William sen
a flallerliiK cabinet order lo General Blumen
that on the occasion of the sixtieth annlvci
J sary of the general's entering the Prussia !
army. A portrait ot Iho empeior accompa
nleu the order.
Died On Bis Daughter's Grnve.
BUDA PIISTH , August 3. llerr llalassz ,
Ihe eminent author and secretary of t !
national theatre , committed suicide engrave i
grave of his Infant daughter who died in '
The Imnd Bill Passes the Committee.
LONDON , August 3. The land bill passc (
through the committee of the house of com
mons this afternoon. The bill to allow tin
construction of a tunnel under the Kngllsl
channel , which was rulutroduced in tin
commons , was rejected.
Death of a French Senator.
LONDON. August 8. 'Iho death Is an
nouuccd of Philippe Xavler Pollster , a dls
tlngulshod French general aud senator. 11
was seventy-live years old.
A Subdued Fcellnc of Satisfaction
HIIUI.I.V , August 3. Newspapers In Ihel
comment on KatUotf's death , show a subdue
feeling If batbtaction.
Sixteen Policeman Sunstruok.
PKSTII , August 3. The heat here Is Ir
tense. Sixteen policemen were dlsablei
yesterday by sunstroke.
A Procurer Snnt Up.
CHICAGO , August 3. "Chct" Smith , dra
malic ai'out , who was charged with sendin
girls tn disreputable concert halts at Hurle
and other towns In the Wisconsin plnerie
under thn pretense that the places were n
spectable country theatres , was to-day sen
miccd to one year in the penitentiary. Ill
motion lor a new Irlal was denied.
Crop * Ruined By 8torrus.
OJ-.LEANS , Aujust 3 , The Time
Democrat Coflc\lllo ( MIsi. ) dispatch ay
A terrible wind aud rain storm swept aero ;
Ycll' county this afternoon , levelln
both cotton and corn to the ground , Youu
corn U almost totally destroyed ,
He Bays This is Not a Civil Servioa Reform
Administration ,
A Striking Address By the Great
Mugwump at the Annual Meeting
of the National Civil Service
Ilcrbrm League.
The Spnllq System Still Liven.
NKwi'oitT , H. I. , August 3. George Will
iam Curtis , president of the National Civil
Service Reform league , delivered some strik
ing opinions In his annual address at the
meeting of Ihe leazuo hcie to-day. Mr. Cur
tis said : "It Is now possible to judge cor
rectly the course of President Cleveland's ad
ministration In regard to civil service re
form , and I regret to say that dur
ing the two years and live
months of the administration's existence
while the reform law has been respected
within its limited range , aud while them are
unquestionable and uncouragliiiC signs of
irogress , yet according to Intoraiallon un-
: oubtedly authentic , there has been a very
Igullicant chaniru In the civil service. " Sub-
tantlally , the whole force ot government
employes has been changed , barely enough
izperionced men being retained to allow the
egular transaction of the public business.
iVhlle this result was the desire and
xpectation of a larger and Important part
f President Cleveland's supporters at the
oils , Mr. Curtis could not believe that It
i-as desired or anticipated by the Intelligent
cntlmmit of thn country. If the persistent
iressure for spoils had been resisted firmly
ml no chance tolerated beyond an equitable
ilvlslon between the parties that might have
cen accepted as a permissible com-
iromlso under the dilllcult clrcum-
tances , Mr. Curtis believed the re-
orm system would have been so
Irongly entrenched In public approval lhat
it tlio end ot the second term of the admin-
stration which established It , no succeeding
> arty or president would venture to Intei-
ere. If President Cleveland should tie-
ilare that the geneial political reconstruc-
Ion that had taken place was due to a change
if conviction on his part In laver ot the
polls system ho would be abandoned
ly so largo a body of citl/ens
, s lo bring his re-election Into
erlous peril. The civil service reform league ,
mwever , believed the president , upiightlv
dealing with a vast and complicated ranzo
if duties , had been unable lo accomplish all
' 10 would have gladly done. The league
mist nevertheless emphatically declare that
tdoes not regard the administration , though
Aorttiv of respect and confidence for many
pasons , as In any stilut sense ot the woid a
civil service reform administration.
A business meeting was held and George
iVIlllam Curtis unanimously elected prosl-
Innt. He accepted In a few" brief remarks.
Reports from forty various associations were
uade. The committee on resolutions ren
dered a report at great longlh , embodying In
substance the Ideas sot forth in Mr. Curtis'
Notice Is taken of the violation of the pros-
dent's circular by certain federal oftico hold
ers at recent primary elections In Baltimore.
The Maryland association is requested to In-
vesli.ute , and If necessaiy the executive com
mittee ot the league , in connection with the
itato association , may request the president
o dismiss the offenders If the charges aiu
Among other things the league renews Its
recommendation tliat the application of the
civil service rule be exlended lo the District
of Columbia , the postal mall service , the
mint service , the clerical torcn In the Indian
service , and other offices where a smaller
orce than fitly clerks are required , aim
recommends that assistant heads ot bureaus
and heads of divisions should be Included
within the classification ; that the senate
iliould considernomlnationslnopen session :
hal public officers should bo required lo place
upon Iho public record all appointments , re
movals and resignation * and reasons there
for. Acts which limit the tenure of Inferior
otlicers to four years should bo repealoi as a
baneful pourco of Intrigue and corruption ,
The leas no earnestly recommends to Its con
stituent associations that associations In tho-e
tales in which no civil service law has been
adopted exert themselves to the utmost to
promote the passage of laws establishing the
merit system of appointments.
Baltlinoro Civil Service Reformers
Will Prefer No fllorc Charges.
NEW 5fouK , Ausjnst 3. | Special Tele
gram to the BKE.J A Washington special to
the Times says : Charges will not bo pre
ferred against naval officer Hosin , Appoint
ment Clerk Illgglns , and Indian Commis
sioner Thomas lor undue. Interference in the
recent Baltlmoio election by cither of the
civil service retorm associations of that city.
This Is settled. There are two organl/atlons
In Baltimore which are sometimes con
founded with each other. One Is known as
thu Baltimore Reform league , the other as
the Maryland Civil Service Ueform associa
tion. Gentlemen connected witli the first
named society feel aggrieved because the
rormer charges prefenod by them twc
months ago against the collector of Internal
revenue tor Maryland tor appointing a batch
of convicted criminals to places in his office
have not jet. , as they state , received
even Iho courtesy of an acknowledg
ment from the treasury department.
Consequently , thev have pone out ol
the business of preferring charges
Leading officials of the Maryland Civil S ( r-
vlce Ketorui association , in Interviews wltti
a representative of the Times , took slmllai
grounds. They Insist that a sufficient case
tor action by the president has been made u [
by the public for facts , and that If a trust
worthy commission should bo appointed tc
look into the matter abundant testimony
would bo forthcoming ; that , In fact , the per
sons accused would not attempt to deny UK
charges , being proud of Iho part they havt
plaHl. . They say they can never expect t <
make out clearer cases than they did auaius :
IllKidns aud Thomas when they endeavorei
to prevent their appointment. If clearlj
shown conscript and fraudulent conduc
was not deemed a disqualification for ap
polntment , they consider it unlikely that tin
offense of running primaries would be con
aldercd sufficient grounds for their dismissal
Capture of a Dynamiter.
NKW YOHK , August 3. A ciazy Irishman
whose name the police have not yet disclosed
tried to blow up the British ocean slame
Queen , of tne National line , this afternoon
He rowed up In a small boa
alongside the Queen and threw a bet
tin containing some kind of etnloslv
aboard. An explosion followed , which settir
tojtho shlp.but which was soon extinguished
Ho was captured and taken to the poilc
headquarters , where ho said he was ono of i
band ot men who had effected an omuil/.n
lion having for its object the destructloi
with explosives of every vessel carrying th
British Hair ,
The broken botlle was brought to pollc
headquarters also. It contained kerosenr
nnptha and rntrs soaked In chemicals. Th
prisoner look II coolv. "I was thwarted u
this , " ho said , ' 'Out there are plenty of other
atwork who will avenge the insult to Amer
can vessels and burn e\ery vessel carrylni
the British Hag. "
In court the man pave the name of Conrai
Nooney. When searched a loaded revolver
B box of cartridges and a dagger were toum
In his pochets. also a newspaper clipping li
reference to the Canadian fishery trouble
and an original copy ot the incendiary prc
clauiallon of warning to the British recentl
found posted on Broadway.
Rev. West In Canada.
ST. Louis , Augusts. A special from Lon
don , Out. , lays : Ker. William Thomas At
bolt West , who Is wanted in St. Louis tor th
gurder of Susie Beck , was seen In this elt
last Thursday. Ho hurriedly visited hi
brother , Peter West , who has two of th
poisoner's children in his care. London di
tectlve * are much chagrined , as they ha
taken no lnteret > t in the atlair uutll it wa
too l te ,
Bradley ClalmR to Have Five Thou
sand Majority.
Loutsviu.EKy.AiiKUst 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Iho BEE.J The republican com-
inltlee claim the election of Bradlev for gov
ernor. Sixty eight counties out ot 110 In the
state heard from show nnar 23,000 republican
gains. Gaining In the same ratio In counties
to hear from will elect Ihn whole republican
ticket. The democrats admit it will take Iho
official vole lo decide who Is elected.
LOUISVILLE , August 3. [ PressJ The
Courier-Journal's returns from sixty-four
legislative districts shows the election to Hie
house of forty-nine democrats , thirteen re
publicans , ouo prohibitionist and ono union
labor candidate. There are thlrtv-slx dis
tricts yet to hoar from which
will largely Increase the democratic
list. General S. B. Bucknor , democrat , U
elected governor by reduced majority. The
democratic vote is Indicated by returns now
In as being very lluht. Buckner's majority
Is now estimated at 20,000 to 3.1,000.
Iteturns from Monday's election come In
very slowly. Unofficial reports from fifty
out of 110 counties show a dcmocratl c loss of
7, compared with Cleveland's majorlly.
At this rate Bucknor's plurality will be be
tween 20,000 and 30,000. The official vole
will bo counted by the local olllcers Thurs
LixtNOTON : , Ky. , Augusts. A privatedls-
patch from W. O. Bradley lo-day says : "I'm
elected governor of Kentucky by 5,000 ma
jority. " This indicates the republican
claims as to the result of the election. Until
to-day the republicans conceded the election
of Buckner on a small majority. Itcports
are In from all counties with telegraphic
communication. The democratic loss , as
compared with Iho vote of four years ago ,
In nearly fifty counties has been
fully 18.000. The counties heard from
are nearly all republican. Countlne
them as such , and bislng an estimate on the
best attainable figures , General Buckner's
majority will bo not loss than 12,000.
CINCINNATI , August 3. A Commercial-
Gazette special at muftilght says that news
from seventy-three counties shows pains of
24,000 for Bradley , the republican candidate
for governor , and that thn remaining coun
ties , which are more strongly republican ,
will probably elect him if the pioportion of
gain holds out Fox , the prohibitionist , will
probably get -1,000 votes. The democrats
have reduced tholr claim to Si)00 ) majority tor
Buckner. Only the official count can remove
thn present uncertainty.
Loimvn.u : , Ky. , August 3. Tlio Courier-
Journal has unofficial returns from fifty-six
counties. These returns show a loss from
Cleveland's majority ( ! 14S39) ) of 7,710. It this
rate ot gains and losses continues , the net
democratic loss will bo 13,850 , lo.wing Buck-
uer a majority over Bradley of 21.0S3.
The Great Day of the. State Encamp
ment at Bloomlneton.
BI.OOMINOTON , III. , August 3. To-day
was the great day of the state encampment
of uniform rank Knights of Pythias in this
city. A grand parade took place at 10 o'clock
and had In line eighteen divisions , five of
which were from Chicago. A general review
of the. line took place at the close of the par
ade. Brigadier General Brand inspecting. In
the afternoon an exhibition drill took place
at the lair crounds. Just before the exhibi
tion drill. Custer division ot this city was
pie enled with a handsome banner , the gift
ot the wives of the knights of Bloomington.
Peorla won the firet prize , $75. for having the
largest percentage of membership present ,
every knlitht ot the division being here.
Maroa took the second of S50. A grand ball
this evening closed the second day's en
campment. The majority of the divisions
depart tor their homes to-nlchtbuta low will
spend to-morrow driving about the city.
At the business meetings a eood deal of
business was transacted. Under the new
ruin the Fouith regiment was made to consist
of Peoria No. 32 , Bloomington No Si Mat-
teen No. 24. Clinton No. al , Mount Yemen
N'o. 20 and Muroa No. at , In llionvenlng an
other business meeting was held at Pythias
lodge hall. The election of officers resulted
as follows : First regiment , Dr. Dunn of
llockford , surgeon : Second regiment , lieu
tenant T. 1C. Shutl of Springfield , major ;
Third regiment. Captain John D. Benedict
of Danville , lieutenant colonel ; Sir Knight
Fred llesse , major ; Dr. Augustus Iver. sur
geon ; Fourth regiment , Major C. D. Myers
ot Bloomington , lieutenant colonel ; Major
George Spencer of Bloomington , major ; Or.
Kd Morgan of Maroa , surgeon. The election
of chaplain was postponed. Thn next bri
gade meeting was fixed for Cincinnati at the
same time as the .supremo lodge meeting In
June , ISbS. Resolutions of condolence at tin
death ot Hon. U. K. Cowan , supreme Knighl
ot Pythias , were passed.
Nolllo Grunt's Misfit Marriage.
Nr.w Vouic , August3. [ Special Tolegrair
to the UKK.J Rumors have been current
among intimate friends of tlie family ol
( ioneral Grant for several days to the etfec' '
that his daughter , Mrs. Nellie Sartorls , wa !
about to leave Kngland and take her pcrma
nent abode In Now York. Some of the slorlei
told state that Algernon S. Sartorls , her bus
band , Is not to accompany bur , but will re
main abioad permanently to enjoy his chit
and his races very much in thn same mannei
as has been his habit for several years. Thosi
best Informed on the existing state of a ( Tain
hint that Mrs. Sartons has al last wearlci
of her husband's ' neglect and In spite of tin
fact that she Is almost idolized by her father
In-law she has determined to spend the re
malning years with her own ianiily. Fret
Grant said she was coming with her children
but as regards the length ot her stay ho wai
The Cattle 1'lauue In IHinoln.
CmcAflo , August l. The Journal' :
Springfield (111. ( ) special says : The governo
to-day recei\ed the following cominunlcallot
from the slate board of live stock commit
slonurs :
"Sin : We , as the live stock commissioner
of Illinois , would respectfully report aseri
ous outbreak of contagious pleuro pneii
monla in Cook county. Wo havi
slaughtered over eight thousand heai
of cattle. At the present time cattle ti
the quarantined district are in almost peifec
Isolation. Theio Is no dancer of spreadlni
the disease from onn. animal to another b
contact. 'Iho stables that have been emptici
have been thoroughly disinfected , and not :
slngln case of acute plcuro-pnnumonia ha
been discovered since about the 10th o
July. "
St. Joe ItefreHhed.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 3. [ Special Te
eram to the BKK. | Al 10 o'clock to-mdi
thnro was a heavy fall of rain in this citj
continuing an hour. The weather Is sti
threatening and much more Is looked for bi
torn morning. This Is Iho first rainfall 1
this suction for several weeks and th
drought has nearly ruined the corn cro
here. It Is doubtful whether It can bo save
now. Many farmers in this vicinity and I
Kansas have been cutting their corn for uioi
than a week and feeding It as fodder ,
A Negro Vote Cnmes Bloodshed.
LOUISVII.I.K , Ky , , August 3. The riot n
ported In special dispatches from Manchet
ler , Ky. , saying lhat six men were killcc
proves to have been exaggerated. The ro' '
occurred over a negro vote , and shootln
was done. A. J. Hacker was killed and tw
others seriously wounded. Further Iroubl
may grow out of the matter as friends (
both sides are angry and going armed.
Mm. Avoid * Publicity.
NKW BEDFOUD , Mass. , August 8. Mr
Cleveland , who is at Marion with Gonerr
Grcrlyand wife. Is avoiding publicity )
much as possible , but may accede to thn gor
oral wish for some sort of a reception to I
1 given by the summer residents and citlzei
9 who are very anxious to el\e her a public n
Strong Dissatisfaction of Priests and People
Over Irish Appointments.
Delight Expressed By Now York DI-
vlncn That the Question Will Bo
Drought Up at the Coining
Chicago Convention.
WnntMoro Equitable Hoprcsnntntlou
Nnw YOHK , August ,1 [ Special Tele-
lam to the BEI.J : A Herald reporter visited
several ( ierman Catholic clergymen of this
city last evening for the puiposo ot obtain-
Ins their views regarding the proposed Ger
man-American convention at Chicago next
month. Nearly all professed entire Ignor
ance on the subject matter of the Chicago dis
patch , but admitted that they heard irom
limn to time reports of dissatisfaction among
priests and people of ( ierman nationality re
siding west relative to the appointment of
Irish bishops to sees whcro the majority of
the faithful were Germans. Ono prominent
Homan Catholic rector of a Gentium parish ,
who was averse to the publication of his
name , tor obvious reasons , as ho remarked ,
trom his own personal observations and
knowledge obtained by several journeys
through the western states , said : "I can
easily understand how It Is that my country
men tltoio should think It expedient to call
this convention. We have but a very small
minority of tlio hierarchy of America , wholly
out of proportion to the number of Gor
man Catholics. Take the great stale of
Ohio , for Instance , with Its vast num
ber of Germans attending the Catholic
churches , and say whether you think it just
that Irish and Scotch bishops alone should
rule over them. By all means a German
should have been appointed archbishop of
Cincinnati Instead of Archbishop Elder ,
\\liososympathlos are with hid Irish people
altogether. Then Chicago , Sioux City , Du-
biique , Indianapolis , 1'eorla , Plttsburg and
other dioceses that I mUlit mention , ouirht
by right to have German ordinaries. Jio-
mcmber that our German priests are not
actuated bv anj personal or sellish feeling
In this matter. lUthcr It Is with them a se
rious matter of consequence , for wo have
found that where Irish priests have been
appointed to Gel man , or partly German
parishes , they have systematically Ignored
our German people , and as a consequence the
latter have become disgusted and eventually
stopped going to mass at all. The result has
been that their children have fallen away
Irom the church , mixed marriages have
become lamentably licquent , and grad
ually our German people have been
drilling toward Infidelity , or , what
1 regard as bad , protestantism. Thu Germans
also bellovo In parochial schools , when ouo
of the studies must bo that ot German. They
want their children taught the language of
their ancestors , and Geunan priests agree
with them that this Is a most important sub
ject , for WP know by experience that when
our ( ierman children attend public schools
and study English only , they soon become
ashamed of their nationality and want to be
come even more American than Americans
themselves. "
"Now , " said the reporter , "are these griev
ances confined to the west , and have you In
the eastern states nothing to complain of ? "
"Well , " replied the priest , " 1 do not want
to speak of things here , as I do not care to
have the Irish Kplscop.ite , which , almost
without exception , holds sway OT Jt
eastern dioceses , think that wo are
disattected , for in that event they
would simply unite to crush us. But I am
free to say that the Germans have no proper
recognition In any diocese. Look at Now
York. The aichbishop and his two vicars
general are Kngllsh-speakinp persons two
or them Irish. In Philadelphia the arch
bishop and his two vicars are Irishmen ,
coming from the same diocese of the old
country Waterford. The archepi copal sees
of Boston a nil Baltimore are similarly fixed
with Irish functionaries , and thu German-
speaklnir priests and people are wholly Ig
nored. I tell you that these things must bo
remedied or you may count the next genera
tion of Germans out ot the Catholic church.
1 hail with delight the determination to hold
this Chicago cotuciitlon , and 1 augur good
results horn It. "
McCahp , Who \Vnn Not Drowned ,
Fights ! < \ > r Ilia Reputation.
DKS MOINIS : , la. , Augusts. ISpeclal Tele-
pram to the BKI : . ! Kx-Jusllco McCabe , the
young man who was accused of having sent
a telegram announcing his own drowning
while ho was nowhere near the Iwater , re-
lurned to this city Home time ago. Since then
he has been guved moie or less by many pee
ple. To-day he passed the office H. It. Per-
slnRcr , editor of Persinger's Times , a society
paper , and alter a few remarks proceeded to
pounce upon the newspaper man In John L.
Sullivan stvle. Jiotoro the hrst round was
concluded Constable Polls , who was near , In
terrupted the proceedings and put the ox-jus-
lice under arrest. Persluger comes up smil
ing , however , and announces that he will
prove that McCabe sent the dispatch referred
to and will publish a cut of him In his paper.
The latter announcement has made the ex-
justlco still more wroth and ho threatens
more trouble.
Plow Ilia Ilralns Out.
CEDAK KAPIIIS , la. , August 3. ISpeclal
Telegram to Iho BKI : . ] Pat Greene , at his
own request on Monday , wus locked up In
jail , but ho was not soaiched. This morning
ho blew his brains out In his cell with a re
volver , llo was Ihirly-elglit years old and
was a stone-cutter , living at stoneCity. .
A. Young Olrl Drowns Herself.
Mt' : , la. . August 3. ( Special Tele
gram to the BKI : . ] hophm Kolchner , ahoul
twenty-two years old , committed suicide In
Cone lake , one mile from here , toay. . She
had been lishini ; with a lady friend. Sud
denly she throw her hands up and plunged
Into the lake and was drowned. Ill health
was the cause , _
Killed By lightning.
Una MOINKS , la. , August 3. [ Special Tel
egram to the BEK.I Silas Thuilow , livlnc
about six miles southwest ot Murray , was instantly -
stantly killed by lightning to-day.
Vnncterullt's Poulterer Skips.
Nnw VOIIK , August 3. [ Special Telegram
lo the BKI : . I For about two years H. 0.
Tarns has been W. K. Vamlerbltt'spoulteroi
at Oakdale , I , , I. To-day he Is a fugitive ,
and Vanderbilt Is out about S\000. hasl
t spring , with Iho approval of Vanderbilt ,
Tains took a Mr. Marshall Into ' parlnershlt
and arranged lo open the Idle Hour farm
depot on Forty-secern street , this city. Tht
young men weiu lo pay Vanderbilt STIiO
yearfor tlio fowl and egg output ot the Oali
dale henneries , and make all they could oil
It. Marshall was to have sole charge of the
store and the p irtners were looking forward
to bit : protits , but when Vanderbilt started
on the trip around the world , Tarns sent hl
family lo England. Then ho quietly sold
out all the poultry outlit belonging to tin
millionaire. Porlahlu houses , wlro fencing ,
chickens in incubators , breeders , egg stamp-
eis everything was sold out but the land
Tarns cot allogcther about 85,000. Then he
skipped , but whether to England or not n <
man knoueth.
Captured a Second Time.
i'OMf , Minn. , August 3. August
Dunn , wanted for forgery at Paiker , Dak. ,
was arrested this morning. January if , PVW
Dunn forged a check on stone A Co.
bankers , at the above place. Ho was mix
heard ot at Peorla , III. , where ho lorgfd lw <
checks for 8175 and 8400 on Mo es Pottlnglll
Last spring the prisoner was arrested at Den
[ son , Tex. , but escaped by jumping Irom tin
train whllo passing through Missouri. Duni
will b taken to Dakota this evening and b
dullvercd to the authorllles Ihcre.having consented
sonted lo go without requisition papers.
* _
1- |
Report That They Will Nut Bo
Granted a New Trial.
CHICAGO , August 3. A 1'eorla paper this
afternoon printed the following special from
Galesburg , 111. : "Justice CraU , of the Illi
nois supreme court , who Is now spending a
few weeks at the seashore In Maine , Is re
ported on good authority lo have dropped ,
prior to his departure , In conversation with
one of our business men , remarks to the ef
fect that thn supreme court would not grant
a now trial to the condemned anarchists al
Chicago. It Is stated that the jtidgo said
when tlm en so was heard by the supreme
court , the judges agreed upon a refiml of a
new Irlal. It could not bo learned which ono
of fho judges was writing Iho opinion. Judge
Craig Is reporlcd lo have said Iho
court was quite unanimous In Its opinion ,
hut the decision was to bo kept secret until
the opening ol the September term.
Justice M a L'ruder , ot the state supreme
court , who Is In Chicago , was shown the
above dispatch and said : "This Is a matter
on which 1 cannot be Interviewed. I know
nothing of Judgu Cralir's utterances , but
what I know of him , 1 should bu stronglv In
clined to doubt his havilig made such a
statement. "
Stalo's Attorney Grlnnell and Captain
William P. Black , ot the anarchists' counsel ,
know nothing ot the matter and placed no
faith In it.
Disappearance of a St.
Joe Society Girl.
ST. JosKi'H , Mo. , August 3. | Special Tel-
gram to Iho BKI.J : for the past month the
relatives and friends ot Miss Minnie Blllct-
ter , a young lady about twenty years of age ,
well known and standing high in St. Joe
society , have been quietly nt work trying to
obtain some clue as to her whereabouls. The
matter has boon kept a secret In the hope that
the young lady had simply gone off on a visit
to relatives or friends without tolling any
one. From the young lady's brother yostcr-
day , who Is employed byToollellosoa& Co. ,
are learned Iho lull particulars of ner disap
pearance so tar as they are known. About
thn 1st of Juno Miss Btllettcr , who boards
with her brother at 411 Main street with a
family bv the name of Trimk , expressed her
determination of visiting friends In Kast
Norway , Kan. She started for East Norway
and letters received from her show thai
her visit was a pleasant one. About
the 15 h ot Juno she left Nor
way , stating that Mio was going to
attend a wedding In Oregon , Mo. She loft
for Oregon , coming through llils cltv. Slnco
thai time nothing has been hoard from bar.
The girl's parents are both dead , her mother
having died a year ago last Kobrtury. Her
brother Is the only relative living In the cltv ,
but both have a largo number ot friends. No
letters came from her. and parties Interested
soon began to make comments about the way
she was treallng her friends. It was simply
regarded as a girlish lieak and nothing
stiango was thought of It for a week longer.
When three weeks had passed her brother
began to wrlto to relatives that the girl
would bo likely to visit , but no clue could bo
obtained of her whereabouts. Since that
time lotlers have been soul all over Iho country -
try , but willi the same reply. All ol Iho
young lad > 's friends are now thoroughly
aroused , and grave fears are expressed that
she has been foully dealt with. If some clue
s not obtained soon Iho-matler will bo placed
n Iho hands of detectives.1-The girl is do-
cubed as bomg of dark complexion , about
ive foot high , and of medium build. No
reason can bo assUnod why shu should run
iway from her home , and those who know
lor scout the idea.
S.trtuton Citlzoua Clear the Burg o
a-Touah Oatiflr.
STIIATTON , Neb. , August 3. ( Special Tel
egram to the Bin : . | The excitement has
quieted down here. This morning Morrison
rode Into town for trial , and as soon as he
ook a chancre of venue and stalled from
ho court room ho was taken by the arms
and led to the town limits , where ho had his
choice of two things. Ho wisely chose the
alter , which was to leave the town and
lover show up again. His pal. N. Hewitt ,
was given until 10 o'clock to-night , when ho
took the train wost. Tlm women have gone
and the town Is now rid of the worst gang
that ever entered it. This Is a frontier town ,
but the people will not have its morals cor
rupted by such a vile gang.
Plattc County Toanhers.
COI.IIMIIUU , Neb , . August 3. [ Special Tel-
ihram lo Iho Bci : . ] The Platle County
Teachers' Institute Is making tiiio progress
under the supeivlsian of W. H. Todrow ,
county superintendent , assisted by Profs.
Cramer and Cackus. About cluhtv teachers
were present to-nlirlit. Hon. George li. Lana
delivered a very intcicbting lecture in the
Methodist chinch to the teachers , and al
though the hoiCt > vas almost Insufferable , the
house was tilled and close attention paid to
thn beautiful thoughts for the engagement of
the teachers that woru advanced and clothed
in terse and compact sentences.
A , Fightintc Editor.
NnnrtASKACiTV , Neb. , August 3. ISpeclal
Telegram to the Bee , | George Mauor , a
tailor , visited the StaatsZcltung office to-day
with the avowed purpose of thrashing the
editor , Prof. Blue hdron. The editor was out ,
bul soon returned , when Manor proceeded to
thrash him. In a few minutes Muuer was
pulled out from under one ot the presses the
worst used up man in town. . Bluehdorn has
a reputation as a fighting editor , liaviii'z snv-
eral years ago , while In Lincoln , made his
mark In lhat line , and but a tow weeks ago
chased one of the prominent lawyers of this
place about lown for some Improper re
marks. The recenl trouble crew out of some
remarks in thu Slaats Zeltuug concerning
thu Lelderkranz soclely.
Hot Weather Candidate Crops.
WAHOO , Neb. , August 3. [ Special to the
HKK.J The excessive heat and continued dry
weather are causing much anxiety among the
farmers. Unless It rains soon the corn crop
will bo ontliely ruined and much ot It Is al
ready past redemption. Notwithstanding the
drought , the crop of candidates for office is
flourishing and growing with ama/ng ! rapid
ity. The sentiment In tavor of firing thn In
competent democrats , who are holding office
in this county lliroiigh factional stiife , Is
crowing steadily , and It now looks as If the
republicans were ready to act In harmony
and go in to win.
Snundnrs County Toachern.
WAHOO , Neb. , August 'i. ISpeclal to the
Hun. ] The Teachers'institute of Saunders
county opened Monday night undorvory flat
tering auspices , linn , ) . It. Gllkeson djliv-
ered the address of welcome at the opera
house on Monday night. It. II. Watson re
sponded In a happy way on the part of the
teachers. There are lf > 0 en lolled. The In-
stiluto Is under thn management ot County
Superintendent Dooley and an ablw corps of
_ _
A Wnll-Known Man Dead.
WAHOO , Neb. , Augusl 3. ( Special lethe
the HKK.I Mr.i A. Uold , ones of the old
est and most | highly icspected cltl/cns of
Wahoo and a member of Iho Masonic order ,
died at Ins home last nlirhl and svas buried
to-day with Masonic rittts by Iho .Uisunic
MuthowMiin'N llcnlty Sold.
NOIIPOI.K , .S'eb , August 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.K.I 'Iho receiver's halo of
Charles P. MathawsWl's realty to-dar
brought S 11,000 , Herman Guecko bought his
line residence for 57,000.
The Jury GOSH Out.
.Sciitm.Mi , Neb. , Augiiit3. [ Spoolal Tel
egram to the Ur.K. | The buru'lary casn went
to the jury this atu-rnoon at 4 o'clock and : n
yet no verdict Is In.
Cholera In Chill.
NKW YOKK , August 3. According to the ! report Ihero were 10 , 30 deaths from
cholera In Chill from January to Juno ol
this year , and lh government expended
81,007,000 in ashling tUo epidemic.
Because Lawyer Walker Oalls Him a Many
stor , Liar , Perjurer , Forger and Thief.
JaincNon Hnlil "Sit Down , ' *
Colonel Munn ICntrrnd an Ex- ;
ccptton nnit the Audience
Jumped to UN Feet , *
A Sensation in Court.
CHICAGO , August n. [ Si > cclal Telegram to
tlio BIK. : | The great boodle trial Is rapidly
draw I UK to nil I'lid. The climax of the drama
\rlll soon bo reached. Jmrgn Jamison who
was In court nil lunir before the inocooittiiKS
began , enjoying n cigar niul awaiting the nr-
rtvnl of the company of actors who have tliclr
imrts In tlm play. Somebody ventured to
ask Judge Jamison :
' How about the arguments ; will they be
"It the testimony hasn't killed the jury.Pll
take care thut thu speeches don't. 1 will fix
the limitation for the spuakcis as soon aa
court opens , " replied his honor. Promptly
nt 10 o'clock tlio jury wereIn tholr places and
their names worn called for the fottloth tlrao
by the clerk. They waved tholr bljj palm
leal fans with the vigor of windmills. After
the Introduction of u few unimportant wit *
nesses by the do fen so , they announced that
thulrcasowas closod. The judge then an
nounced that Ihn arguments would begin at
once , and that each speech must bo confined to
two 1 tours. There will bo six speeches in all ,
BO that the casn will BO to the lury on Friday
or Saturday at the latest. The arguments
worn opened by Assistant State's Attorney
Walker. During the course ot his remarks
ho took occasion to bo especially severe on
Commissioner Wion , accusing Film of per
jury In addition to tlio crimes of forgery ana
steallnir. At thin point Mr. Walker polntod
his linger at Wren and dramatically de
nounced him as a molffcter , a llur , a perjurer ,
a former and a thief.
"You're a liar , you'ro a liar ! " yelled Wren ,
turnliu scarlet in the face and trembling
with race.
Walker stopped , turned to Wren and re
peated his statement with greater voiicuieuco
tlian hotoiu.
"Vuu are a llarl" again scroamnd
Wren , rising Uom his beat as If ho
would clutch the lawyer by the throat
and shako him as a dog would u rat. Two
bailills ran and gasped Wion and jniBhoil
him back into his chair. The spectators rose
to tholr loot and the excitement was intense
for a moment , Judge Jamison rose to his
feet , shook his linger In the diiection of Wrea
aud cried out :
"Let that stop right now. Do not repeat
that in this court. "
" 1 will not alt hero and bn abused , " an
swered Wren. The bailiffs still held him to
his chair.
Colonel Munn Jumped to his feet and at
tempted to address the court.
"Sit down , " said Judge Jamlsnn In aloud
voice. " 1 will not hear a speech. 1 want
this stopped. "
" 1 do not desire to make a speech , your
honor , " returned Colonel Munn more calmly
than before. " 1 desire to cuter an exception
to the remarks of Mr. Walker. "
15k Dan Wreii then got to his feet , pushed
the bailills away from him as a slant would
pygmies and retired to tlio witness room In
the roar of the court. The excitement novf
subsided aud Mr. Walker resumed his scath
ing address , Having Wr n and the rest as
hard as over. Buck McCarthy came in and
took Wren's seat , and It was feared that
when Mr. Walker began on him there would
bu a seono of still greater violence , but Mc
Carthy romalnud passive , though very red
and swollen In tlio face. In the afternoon
the lirst speech for the defense- was made by
Colonel Munn.
Frightful Accident at Minneapolis ,
MINNEAPOLIS , August 3. A serious acci
dent occurred this morning at the ruins ot
the St. Anthony elevator In the eastern
suburbs ot this city. The elevator burned
July 10 , and since then a large force of men
has been employed rcmovliiK thn damaged
wheat. This morning at 8 o'clock , twelve
men were engaged In shoveling away ( train
from the south wall of the elevator when ,
without warning , the wall yielded to the
outwaid pressure and the great stone struc
ture loll over upon the men. crushing and
mangling them almost beyond rec
ognition. At 11 a. in. the bodies
of Gus Brown. P. I1. Anderson ,
Thomas Dempsev , Edward Marlccyand John
Johnson had been taken Iroin the debrleaj
and another so far unidentified. A. Krlclc-
son , while vet alive , was removed to his
homo In South Minneapolis. Search Is
beinfi made lor bodies of other laborers.
She'll Turn State's Kvlrtenco.
CINCINNATI , Atieust 3. Miss Josle
Holmes , late exchange clerk of the Fidelity
National bank , who has been In jail In default -
fault of ball In the sum of 810,000 on the
charge of aiding and abetting E. L. Harper
In committing offences against the national
banking laws , was to-day released upon her
own recognizance upon recommendation of
District Attorney Uurnet. It Is understood
that Miss Holmes has at last agreed IP Rive
the government the advantage of her knowN
edgcof the Inside woiKlugs ol the Fidelity
National bank.
Gloomy Dairy Outlook.
CinrAno , Augusts. A special from Elgin ,
III. , says that the outlook for dairymen Is
very gloomy. There has been but very little
rain In that dairy section since the 1st ot
May. The pastures since then have been
shrinking until nowonly raw , coarse slough.
grass aflords a bite. Many lanneis depend
entirely upon feeding on the rack. The
supply of milk shows a decicaso of slxtv per
cent. There Is no hay , no corn , and but
little oats. Farme.rulio rent are In danger
ot losing all they have.
Crops Dry AH Tlmlor.
ST. LouiH.August 3. A special to the Post
Dispatch from Centralia , Ills. , says : The
drouth has been terrlblo In this section of the
country. The crops have been nearly ruined
and are so dry that fai am using every
precaution to prevent hreH. They ha ebeeu
thoroughly alarmed by a tire which In some
uniiccoiintahhi manner started on John Kin-
nuy'h farm and burned tin live acres of crops ,
a mile of Hedge fence and hundreds of yards
ut rail fence.
Frightful I'lnuuo nnd Flood.
SAN Kit.NCICO , August . ' ! . The Occiden
tal and Oilental ste.imcr G.ellc arrived last
night \\lth Ynkohnma papers up to July 19
ondChlnesn news to July 11. A plague ot
sudden death Is raging in Nanking. People
are dying ot every ( purler. There are many
Instances olerv sudden death. The people
are apparently well in this moinlue and dead
in the aftei noon.
Over peaplo lost their lives from Hoods
on the Won Chow river.
A Warrant For SI f ariulp.
Toitosro , August 3. ( 'unstable Bis on-
cite , of pas'ed through here to-day
en route lor St. Catherines with a warrant
for the arrest of McGarle. ! ? thn Chicago
"Ih'odler. " The warrant was Issued at the
mstanrn of James Baxter , biokor , on the
chaign of cuusplncy.
Ay n In Under Arrest.
Niw : YOHK , August . " . George ltidwe.1) ) , a
forger , who was pardoned Iroin nil KnglUU
prison Mid who arilved In the city a few days
HL'o , was arrested this tiKitnlng and taken to
police hendiiuarKTh. At prctn nt thu v
iialust ; ; him hits not been ir.ixdu public.
An KmliOi/.li'r Arrested.
Ntw ; oitu , August -Daniel Desmond ,
elerU for the tiriaof Li * Uoulrlller Bros. , was
arrehtod vcst.-nUy , cl.arg"d with having eu
duiiuK Ui iMSt year KUJ.OOO , ,