Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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The Hearing of the Oaso Against the
Tramway Company ,
Opinion ! of Representative ( Jltlzons
on tlio I'olico CoinmUsInn and
the Council General City
The Two Flonds.
The hearing of the argument in the
c.-xso of the Omaha Hallway company vs.
the Cable Tramway company , exceptions
on both sides taken to the report of the
late commission appointed to assess
damages , began yestcritay morning before -
fore Judges Drawer and Dumly , in the
United States circuit court.
General John C. Cowin , solicitor for
the Cable Tramway company , presented
their executions to the commissioner's re
port , accompanying the sumo with a
running argument of a fore ! bio character.
Briefly the Tramway's grounds for ex
ceptions arc :
1. Tlmt commissioners liavo found that
plnlntllT company will sustain damages In
the sum of 8dG ; .i"i , as the result of Inac
cessibility of reaching tholr cars by reason
of location o ( defendants tracks. Commis-
nloners ought not to have assessed any dam-
aces for such reasons , ai this docs not In law
nuthorlio any damages , the defendant com
pany having the same right to construct Its
lines upon tlio streets as plaintiff has.
2. Said report Is ImdnQnlto and uncertain.
Jt does not state In what respect the plain
tiff's lines are Inaccessible.
8. That commissioners have assessed tlio
damages by a speculative estimate on the
business and profits of said company at pres
ent and In tlio future , when estimate should
have been based upon the actual damage to
plaintiff's property by depreciation ot value
ot their property.
4. That commissioners certified that num
ber of pasienirers upon plaintiff's lines on
Tenth street where said lines are paralleled
by the defendant's lines to bo 1,203 per day ,
and that revenue derived from this source Is
SttJ.oO per day.that 75 per cent of said amount
would be carried by cable lines as the result
of the Inaccessibility of reach In if plaintiff's
cars , and applying same rule on Twentieth
street , and upon said basis have estimated
the total daily damages at S2G.05 per day or
sum ot JSjCUiS.1) per annum. Commissioners
should have found that of the 1,200 passen
gers on plaintiff's line on Tenth street , not
more than twenty or thirty pet on and otf where
they are paralleled by defendant the rest
get on and off where they are not paralleled ,
lionco there could be no damaKcs , The
same can bo aald of Twentieth street. They
havo'assossed damages at 30 per cent ot total
arapunt received from all passengers ,
whereas they should nave reported only on
those seeking access to plaintiffs cars when
Interfered with by defendants. The com
missioners have also. In making their esti
mate , taken as damages 30 per cent of the
total receipt , whereas only 30 per centot tlio
not proceeds of 30 per cent ot 40 per cent of
the amount received bv the company , as CO
per cent of their receipts go to pay oxuenses.
5. Commissioners have no authoilty to
assess damages over a period of thirty years
at a certain sum per annum ; In fact , have
no authority to assess damages at all by
reason of the premises stated In their report.
0. No damages can be assessed upon
ground * of Inaccessibility of reaching
plaintiff's cars until after defendant com
mences operating its line which parallel
7. The amount of damages assessed Is ex
cessive , oppressive and unwarranted , under
the facts and In law.
B. For that the method of computation
adopted by said commissioner In ascertain
ing amount of damages Is unwarranted aud
0. The certificate of commissioners set
forth plaintiff's damages by reason of Inac-
cesftlbmtv ot reaching their tracks by reason
of defendants tracks on Tenth aud Twenti
eth streets will amount to 83,63.3. ! per an
num , to bo assessed annually for thirty
years , making total damages they are to re
ceive by defendant occupying the same
meets for seven blocks , sass.OGT.iiO , is grossly
excessive. And evidence does not show their
property will suffer any depreciation In
Taluo by reason of elements upon which
Bald damages are based.
10. Fpr that the commissioners should have
found the defendant was willing to build
double track on Twentieth street , and allow
plaintiff to use It tree of cnnrge.and that they
will not be entitled to any damages u 1th re-
Bpect to Twentieth street
In all of which particulars said defendant
appeals therefrom to the judgment of this
honorable court
Solicitor for Defendant
Judge Woolworth followed with a
lengthy and exhaustive argument in sup
port of the plaintiff's exceptions , which
Hro herewith presented in svuopsis :
1. That commissioners find that "at the In
tersection of Twentieth and Curnlng streets
the plaintiff has constnicted crosslncs for
their tracks and extended them northerly a
low feet , Indicating an Intention to extend
their line to Twentieth street Buyout !
Twentieth and Cumlug wo ( hid part of a
cable line constructed. As the commission
ers did not learn definitely the Intentions of
the plaint ! ! ! as to said extension , no damages
were allowed ( or cost of crossing. Should
plaintiff bo prevented from using said crossIng -
Ing by reason of defendants tracks , the com
mission so find that said defendant should
compensate plaintiff for expense Incurred In
labor and material. "
Whereas , They should have found that
construction of defendant's works on Twen
tieth , noith of Cum In ir , was unauthorized by
law , and Interfered with rights of plaintiff ,
and should bo enjoined , and works removed.
a. That by their report the commissioners
find that the annual damage by reason of de
fendant's lines on Tenth and Twentieth
streets is StG33.Q5 ) ; when as they should have
found that the construction and operation of
defendant's road operates adamatto to plain
tiff amounting to $ i&0,000.
In all which particulars , the commission
ers' roportas said complainant Is advised. Is
erroneous , and complainant appeals there
from to the judgment of this honorable court.
J. M. WooLWoimr ,
( ED. K. PitiTcinnr ,
Comtilalntant's Solicitors.
Late in the afternoon the arguments
were concluded and the case wus sub
mitted to the judge , who will weigh the
points and give 11 decision.
\Vliat Was Done lloforo Juilgo Itorka
There was a full delegation before
Judge lierktt yesterday morning , and as
they seated themselves in a disconsohtta
row-along the benches running the wust
sldo of the court room , the court called :
"Mike O'Hrien , " and a bloared-eycd
bloatud-fuced old bum answered to the
"You are charged with being drunk.
What have you to say ? "
"Soir , 1 nivor knew a thing , " replied
Michael , and his looks did uol boliu his
" \Vcll. I'll tell you something. You
can consider yourself labeled for two
days over the hill.1
"Suro "
thing }
And O'Brien sadly returned to his scat
on the bench.
"Fay Revoro. "
And in response to this poetical cogno
men a regular daisy bloomed fortli ' .n the
dftrk and odorous court room , in the
shape of a young girl , attired in a neat
unit well lilting tuilor-mudo suit , with a
jaunty hat , ornamented with a blue jay's
wing hanging coquettishly on her left
auricular , who emerged from the crowd
of lazzaroni , and demurely took her stand
before llio judgo.
" are charged with being drunk
nnd kicking up a light. "
"Well , your honor , it Is an error. 1
fr neither got drunk nor kick up anything ,
lot nlono ti light , but my luw.vur , the lion ,
J. W. liyler , will arrange my muttersami
the Ucveru superciliously returned to hei
"Fat Doimhuo yon are up for commit
ting a nuisance. TWluu Iwyo you to bay
" '
' 'Not much , judge , only I must have
fiomjiuwtmlialig * t to , for J
have no rccomembranco o' the occur
rence with which you nro vainly en
deavoring to refresh mo memory , but "
"Thero that'll do , wo'vo no time to
listen to any spread eagle addresses.
Throe nnd costs will probably assist you
in avoiding hereafter ncdostrianizing in
"John Patrick Cnhlll , did you resist on
"Am ns Innocent as n now born babe ,
your honor. I simply inquired of the
rep when ho pinched Donahue here , if
ho had Ivor arristed a burglar or u thafo ,
and ho says , bo gob , I have one now , I'm
thlnkiu' ; an' brought mo al"ng wid 'nu ,
that's all there Is of it , yer honor. "
"Sevan fifty and costs , John Patrick ,
ami you nro excused. "
Hero tlio quiet and harmony of tliopro-
cccdings were Interrupted by Chief
Soavey leaping from his scat near the
judge , rushing into the lobby , and seiz
ing some follow , who had been annoying
the court by loud talking , by the nape of
tiio neck and a reef In his breeches , aud
throwing him head first Into the street.
Then a conulo of officers were sic'd
onto him nnd ho was loaned up. His
iiamo was John Uowcy , and ho wanted
to bet $10 that ho could clean out the
whole force at one time , but finding no
takers ho was jammed back into the
privacy of cage No. 1.
"George llouilrlck's"
And George was on deck smiling like a
basket of chips.
"Did you diaturb the peace by trying
smash Olllcer Newman in tlio jaw ? "
asked the court.
" 1 don't know whether I disturbed the
peace , your honor , but 1 did make a
sashshay at the peeler's mug , and I'd a
got there , too , hadn't they doubled up nu
"Ten days , George. "
"Thanks , awfully I"
"William Harrison , you nro charged
with being a vagrant and begging on tlio
"Hut its false , judge , I was a trifle full ,
but am no vag nor beggar cither , and it
you'll let mo oil' this tune I'll leave the
city immnjitly. "
"Let him out then , quick , 'Whalen , any
man that pronounces immediately after
that liostonltm fashion is entitled to his
freedom. Ta tn , Harrison. "
"Tra la "
, judge.
And then , after the disposal of a hand
ful of drunks and box-car sleepers , the
docket was closed with a bang , and the
mor ning session was over.
What Homo CltlzniiH Have to Snv
About Each.
O. J. Karbach. If I had my way I'd
kick the council out because they arc not
acting within the intent of the law. Wo
made the law for the police and tire com
missioners , and there is no fault to bo
found with the lire department because
the chief of that is an Irishman
and there is fault found
with the police chief ' because
he is an American. If it was a question
of morality the council is now sustaining
an official wlio is one of the worst men
in town and ought to bo in the peniten
W. A. L. ( Jibson Hoth sides are wrong.
Its a very bad mistake. The council
ought to show some disposition to yield
to nuikn a compromise , and the commis
sioners arc in the wrong in endeavoring
0 retain in position , this bono
) f contention. I think Mr. has a
good suggestion. It is that a number of
lie loading citizens meet and agruo upon
1 basis of compromise and endeavor to
jet botli boards together to ratify it.
John M. Thurston 1 have not thought
f the subject. That is a question
which 1 have religiously endeavored note
o consider. I have not read the papers
m it. But I think that 1 am ruther couu-
cilmanioly inclined.
C. I ) . Dormean I think the council is
IF. The people I think are willing to
upport the commission. The Inw was
lasscd to separata the police from the
ontrol of the council , ami it is not
'air ' that the council should now attempt
o defeat the wishes of the people ,
harley Green told mo that it was ha
who drew up the commission clause
and ho said it was fashioned after ono in
Jlevcland , Cincinnati or some other city ,
and it was the intent to separata the
commission from every other body.
Two Thousand Behind.
R. E. Woodward , of tlio firm of Gray
& Woodward , Btcnm shovel , atyork on
West Farnam street , swore out a war
rant yesterday morning before Justice Hoi
sloy for the arrest of his partner , W.
Gray , for fraud. ( .5 ray lias been accust
omed to collect the firm's monev and pay
otrtlic hands , but Saturday evening ho put
about twenty of the hands off with the
statement that ho had no funds. That
Woodward knew to bo false , as Grav
had collected $3,000 of the firm's money
which ho had not accounted for , and
when called upon for a settlement Mon
day , refused to settle or furnish any ex
planation as to what disposition ho had
made of the money. Woodward spent
half the night Monday night looking
up a justice , but had to retire without gett
ing out the necessary papers for Gray 'sdo-
tontion , who , ho thought , was preparing
to jump the country.
The Army.
Colonel Henry , received iho programo
for the division competition of army
marksmen , which is to commence
int his city September 1 , that is ,
the preliminary practice for the com pe
tition will commence on'that day , though
the regular competitive work will not
commence until the Gth of the sumo
month. The contest will last till the 15th
of the month. The list of prizes com
prises u gold medal for tlio best marks
man , three smaller gold medals for those
loss distinguished and eight silver medals
to tlio ramainini ; members of the team in
the order of their standing. There will
also bo given u silver medal to the man
making tlie best score m skirmish firing.
This competition will comprise four
teams from the departments of Texas.
Dakota , Missouri and tlio Plattc , and
each of these teams will consist of twelve
men with two alternates.
There is an interesting feature m con
nection with tlio coming competition of
distinguished marksmen at liellevue next
month which must not bo overlookedand
it is that this department has a larger
representation of marksmen of this
peculiar distinction than any
other department in the country ,
according to tlio most reliable tables fur
nished ; tno number of distinguished
marksmen in each department , together
with the proportionate representation is
us follows : DDopartmcut of the east ,
eight men , with two men in the contest-
department of Dakota , four , with ono in
the competition ; department of the
Platte , eleven distinguished marksmen
and three in the contest ; Missouri , two
men with ono in the team ; Texas ,
seven with two on the team
Columbia , three with competition.
California , four with ono In the team
Arizona , two witli ono in the competi
tion. The aggregate of the last figures
gives a total of twelve men. three ol
whom , the largest representation In the
contest , will bo from this department
This distinction , wlillo duo lareoly to the
greater number of regiments in iho de
partment may also be attributed the pro
iicienny earned in their practice on the
target by the soldiers in their prac
tice. In this division competition
there will bo representative : ] of the differ
ent regiments in tills department. From
tlio Eighth thnro will be live , fron
tin ) Sixth two , from the Seventh two uni
tlio Fourth tour. ,
' General Crook arrived ycsterdaymorn
IDS from a
) ouglas , DuChcsno and Bndger.
With reference to the second place
mentioned the general said that the
> lace was largely barren and It was llko
lying on a road. It was Indeed a god-
orgiven place.
The general had had but ono memor
able episode in his Journey and that was
vhen n cloud burst not far
rom him. Hesldo him ran a
a little stream which inside of an hour
nd a half became a maddening , rush-
ng torrent. It overllowed its bounds
and wrought considerable damage , bo-
ides compelling General Crook's party
o move to other quarters. The
general goes to-morrow to Fort
McKinnoy. Tills will bo his first
isit since 1870 , and his visit at that time
was occasioned by his business in the
iold in his campaign against the In
dians. _
Public Works.
Considerable nnnoyaco is being cxpc-
lenced by residents of Farnam and Day-
nport streets , by the rejected curbing
tone , which tlio contractor has allowed
o obstruct the street.
Contractor Urannan Is in Cleveland
ind telegraphs that ho can send 1,500
eet of llurca curbing on Wednesday
icxt with a guarantee of 1,000 feet per
dny every dav.
Architect Meyers approves of the sub-
titution by the contractor of Ohio blue
aiid-stono for all ashlar work window
leads , door jams and all exterior work
above grade in the now city hall ,
Attention Company.
All cx-pioncers of war are requested to
meet at the ollice of M. U. Risdon , north
west corner of liUh and Douglas on Fri-
luy evening , August 5 , at 8 o clock p. m.
harp , for the purpose of making ar-
augcmonts to especially entertain our
lioneer friends during the reunion of the
j. A. R. in September. Let every ex-
pioneer of war m thu city bo present.
S. S. AucnMoKDi ,
A Dnroltct Plumber.
Robert D. Duncan , inspector of plumb-
ng , swore out a wnrrantycstcrday morn-
ngf or the arrest of A. C. Lichlinborger ,
a plumber of 110 South Thirteenth street ,
or cutting a street without permission ,
and failing to make proper returns of
work , as required under n recent ordi-
lance. Inspector Duncan finds his hands
till those days in watching all the points
iovcrcd by his extensive territory , and ho
s always up aud on the go.
Fire at South Oinnha.
A cottage at the west side of Soutli
Omaha caught lira from a gasoline stove
'esterday afternoon and Iho llames spread
o quickly that before the flro company ar-
ivcd on the scene the building was past
aving , and the entire structure burned
o the ground. The house was the prop-
rty of John Doe , and was occupied by
ho family of Charles Sprague.
School Matters.
Messrs. Redmond and Thompson of
chnol district No.33 , came into the county
uperintendent's ollico yesterday morn-
ng nnd made a detailed statement of
heir expenses during the year. They
wondered that the law was so lax as to
allow directors to handle money without
accounting for it , as was done in the case
of district No. 03.
An KtUtor's Tribulations.
The case of the state vs. J. B. King ,
city editor of the Herald , for criminal
ibel , as charged by Isaac Brown , conies
ip for preliminary hearing before Judge
ierka this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder never varliii. A ranrvel of pur-
ty.stlength and wholesoinenoas. Muro econ
omical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be
Bold In competition with the multitude of low
coit ihort weight nlum or phosphate powdcrg.
Bold only In o ni. UOYAL DAKI.NQ I'owuin Co.
101 Wall-it. . N. Y.
All people odjr9 | > otlc wiijit ,
Hiimikl leurn to lunutnuno it tliclriluys
Whenlntllgenioii iniiko m ( ah ,
Orconallimi'on , worse nil.
Makei Ille 11 hiinlnn bcarl n mind
ID AllllANT'9 SKI/lV.KIl he ilti | = 'll. flnjro
87 Cliumbur of Commerce.
'llu ' * Tul different 'rom all
others. U cup eUap . with belt *
adjuittng Bull In crntrriulaiiU
| U lf to all utilUons of ( ha
body while the bail In the cup
, - presses back tba Intas-
9 tinea [ H t as a person
does with the finger. * itrfltaiit > r sw lueHer-
nl t TieM tecurelj * Ij and rlrht , ind rullcsj core
certain. UUeujr'dunMn nnd cheap Sent bTiniUl cir
culars trie. aWltiullOJ TBCb * CO. , Caiujt , lib
ny Dr. Snedlker's method. No operation ! No P < ln |
No Detention from business. Adauted to children
well a * urown people. Hundred ! of nutograpa
eitlmonluls on Hie. Allbtulneis itrlctly coutlilen
tlul. CO.SallLTATlOX I'lllJB.
Room C , 1511 Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob.
SelecTiToie School ,
314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Established for the Scientific and Speedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
The Old Ucllnblj Specialist of mnny years ex
perience , trcnlg with wnnilorftll succe" nil
JL.UN11 , THIMiAT , CANCElt , 1'll.KS. KISIO-
LA. Hyi'TUKK , cured without KMFU Oil
Treats nil forms of Thront Lunjr , Nerve nnd
Hood illscmnen , nil Clirnnlo ( llsenirs nml De-
ormltli-s far In atlvanco of any Institution In
hu country. Tlinso who contumpltito golnif to
lot Sptlnifs for the ticntmont of miy 1'rlvnto
or lllood ( ll cn ocun tic cured foronn thud the
cost nt our Private Dispensary , ! ) U South ISth
street , Omnlm , Neb.
UUl'TUHK cured without pnln orhlndorauco
'rom business.
Ily this treatment a pure I.ovoly
Complexion , freu Irom slowness ,
rfoulos , blnrkhemls , eruptions etc. , llillllnnt
Kyos nnd perfect health can bo hnd.
t5P"That "tired" fcollnir nnd nil fomnlo weak
nesses promptly cured. Illontlnt ? Headaches ,
Nervous I'ro'trntlon , Generftl Mobility , Sleep-
ossncss , Depression and Indigestion. Ovarlon
troubles , Inllatnmntlon nnd Ulcctntlon , Falling
nnd Displacement * , Spinal wonkness , Kidney
complaints nnJ Change of life. Consult th
old Doctor.
EVE Hill E ID Acute or ChronicInllnm
HIE All II C Animation of the Kycllds or
ilobo and tar or Near HlKhtodness , Inversion
of the Lids , Scrofulous I < j en , Uloiratlons , In
flammations , Abscess , Dimness of Vision of ono
or both eyes , and Tumors of I.ld.
f3T Innammntlon of the Ear , Ulcorntlon or
? ntrrh , Internal or Bxtornal Dcafncvt , or
'aralysls , Singing or Koarlntf noises , Thickened
Irtnn , etc.
LICDl/nilC DebilitySpermatorrhoea , Bom-
ICltfUUdlnal Los ci , Night Emissions ,
joss of Vital I'ower , Sleeplessness , Despond-
< ncy , Loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas ,
llurs Ik fore the Ujcs , I.ffMtmlo , Linguor ,
iloomlrjcss , Depression ol Spirits. Aversion to
Society , Kuxlly Discouraged , Inek ot Conll-
Icnco , Dull , Listless , Unlit for htudy or llust-
ness , nnd llndt life a buidcu , Safely , 1'orma-
icntly nnd I'rivatnly Cured.
Dl nhn 9 CVIUDIscixscF.Syphllls-ndl-
BLUUII QL u8VII1bfK o mo c horrlblo In
ts results completely oradlcalod without the
no of mercury. Scrofula , Kryslpelns , Fever
'ores ' , Ulotches. IMmples , 1'lceis , pnlns In the
lend and Hones , Syphilitic Pore Thront , Month
ind Tongue , Claminlar Knlnrgoment of the
> 'ucK , lilionmnti-m. C.tturih , etc. , Permanently
JuredVhon Others Have Palled.
IOISJCDV Kidney nnd Illaddor troubles ,
JnlifAlflj Weak linck , lliirnlng t'rlno ,
' 'rociueney of Urinating , LTilne high colored or
nllky bedlmentoiibtaiullntr , ( lonorrbii.'a , ( fleet ,
Jystltls , etc , promptly and saloly cured.
Charges reasonnliio.
gleet , stricture , si'iulniil I'lnif Kni" , loss of BOX-
HI ! power , weakliest ot the sexual orgatH.want
of iloolro In male or female , whether from 1m-
) rudcut habits ot Doling or poxuul habits In
mature ycari , orny cause that debilitates the
exual lunctlons , speedily and permancntlr
Consultation free nnd strictly confidential.
Medicine sent free from observation to nil
uirts of the United States. Correspondence.
rccelxes prompt attention. No letters an-
scored unless ncoompanlod by four cents In
tumps. Send stump for pnintihlct nnd list of
questions. Termstrictly onsh. Call on or ad-
Ircss I'H- l'OU'F.1,1. ICKKVUS ,
No. 314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Cor. 13th Sf. and Capitol Ana. . OMUHA , NEB.
l > * t far lli lift | > partlui iil rcmMli-t f triuccfMfnl tmtmrnt * f
tvniy r rm offluimet wulriiigKtnlicil | or hunflc l In ntfurut ,
> \KtTK run < iRCt I in * n i I Worm I Me 4 Arttl llrncr * 1 lull f-f (
rur\nturoorifioSplii IMfp Tumor * Cnnctr Cmturrri , ) lili ,
InlmUllon , I 'f-rtilclljr ' l'r ! v i , l.nlen > KltlnrjDladJei , Lie ,
Lar , Sklu , u4 Itloxl , atiJ ult bur lr l Oirtlluiii | ,
Hook on Diseases of Women rRKI ! ,
All m < w > 4 l > lMaM > iir > cewAilty tr Atrd. PrpMMlIr Tolvtn innovM
from ltie > tcm ulttmut IIITCIIIV Nnv UotorftlitoTrrHtinvnl for
I tMufittil 1'nncr. IVrtetit uimbld to vlntin m .v 1 ImtfJ at
ttomf , by LnrrciMiru1fiirc All cfiiuininlf tioiii ( 'niitdriitlil ) KedU
clntor ln triintfplllt'iit by tin 1 1 or eipriM , tcurply pnrkcd , no
iiiarkt to ItulicftlA rouletiti ftr * # udiT Unnj frooimt ( ntrr lcw j r
ferwl Call Niidconiull u , orMi > I lilMory of your c e , with it imp ,
auil MO nlll HiiJ In ilalit rj | > p * . ( , out
UpAii rrivct , Sp rlut nnd Kfirvouii Plvftwi brintnut wrnlinf * *
B [ cmiaU > irli < ri. Iin | tttnry , bvphllh , Ooitotiliua , bUet , nnj * * !
mc 10. Jtoomt for patit-ut * , AJ lre i ,
Dr. McMtoamy , Cor. 13th st. & Capitol AT.ondoa , Neb.
Medical Books or Papers Free.
The proprietor of the Ociiulm Medical and Burnt-
cat luitltutelmi piibllKied a vulnuble get of bouks
nil papcri upon tlimnln unit ur lc l aisnlifi nnil
deformities , mitt th mothoiia ot aure irblotilia o
alien him tno reputation of being tbo mo t fklll-
la I anil mici'iitul iiec-lnll t In th * went nnil
naile the linllUilo > o celohiuteil that medicine * lire
eat to and putlenn received from every Ktat In
the union , Amontc the books Is one upon tlio diseas
es of womniKonc upon nerrou. . "P clal and prlvu'o
dlneaD i of the sexual nnd urttiary or ant ; varlco *
tele uiirinl by nur < lcnl openitlon * , ami tlit-lr latel y
Invented clamp compress nuipunsory for tbu relief
and cure \arlrocole , nnrvous eiliiiuitlon unit sex
ual debility , now restorative treatment. I'apert
unon siirtfical bracan , riles , canceri * paralysis , tlt .
Klectriclty and the now magnetic battery for homo
use ; rmmrrhanrl Inhnlntlnn.etr. Ilnllkn mest bonks
Isrued by doctors Ireo , they do not cunsUt
of testimonials vrltli fictitious namei mid InlilnU ,
or rubbish ot that kind , but are plain dcscrlntlons
of diseases , symptom * , new discoveries In meillclno ,
urvuri and electricity , and nre "ell worth the i e-
aunal. and can bo obtaineil tree by addrt ilnK the
Om'ih1) Medlcnl and tturzlral liKtltute , 1.1lb st eel
and Capitol Avepuo , Omahn , Nebraska.
Ibe Original and Only Ovnnlne.
( Ufc ud nwtti Rdltlil * n w rt of nrarthlMi Imtutloni
lnfl u " bli to LADIES. A k jo r DrucaUt M
l'iUll" rt EilJI.B' ' nJ " ollitr.or fieloif < o
* *
( iu > 2 "for rmlc.l. ( n MlaJU rctuni n.iUl.
Co. ,
PAPER. * hlAMUr Cfcfinlfot
MAME HA r/kMBdl. n Hanaro , rhUttdik.H * .
aid bj llraicUU T rywfcerfc * ' "CblehMI
or1 ! K lt b" Pennirojji 1'llU. T n utb -
Importer's Prices
The busv season being over and things not so rushing any mor
we have now time to look after the stock that is left , and find that
we have accumulated during the season qnite a few odds and ends. * *
These consist of some single suits , one or two of a kind , and quite a
lot of suit pants. Verv frequentlv we sell the coat and vest from a
suit and then the pants are left. We have placed them on a
counter bv themselves , and though the price was formerlv very
low we have marked them down still further. There are some verv
fine goods among them. We will sell them oulv as thev are. That
is , make no alterations as the price * is so extremelv low that w
cannot afford to have the expense of altering them , but those who
will find a fit in this lot will get the goods at about one third theij ) ,
As unusual bargains in neckwear we offer 100 doz. elegant scarfs J
at 15c ; retailed in all first class houses from 50c upward. '
100 doz. extra fine silk and satin scarfs , Tecks and Four-in-Hands
new and choice patterns , at 25c , the most of them were sold at 75c y
Another invoice of those Pique Scarfs at 25c a dozen. This will be
the last of them this season. We cannot fill mail orders on this last lot.1
All goods marked in plain figures and at striotlv one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
During July and August , our store closes at 6:30 : p. m. , except Saturday.
, P
Business and Residence Property. i
[ n the Heart of the City. This is a Chance of a Lifetime for Investors.1
[ laving engaged in mercantile business , I lioye decided to sell about one half of my r al estate - '
tate in the center of the "Future Great" of the Platte Valley , the Queen City of the Plains ,
aud shortly to become
The Seven Business Lots are across the street and fronting the new $75,000 hotel , now nearly * *
completed , and the Opera House , to be built immediately.
The Eighty Dwelling Lots are adjoining the $10,000 Third Ward School House yard , and
are being connected Avith the main streets by sidewalks , being distant only seven blocks , OB
; liree fourths of a mile nearer the business part of the city than .any other additions that have
recently been put on the market.
[ n distant additions around Omaha and Lincoln , which have already been boomed enough ;
for ten years , but Come to Kearney , where the boom has just commenced. The progressive
ind enterprising element will soon make Kearney the third , if not the second city of th
state , by utilizing its
Developing the Summer "Resorts around its silvery lakes , and last , but not least , establishing ;
the most Magnificenta Chautauqu Grounds in the west. Kearney's natural advantages are
without a rival for five hundred miles.
TEEMS OF SALE Terms on dwelling property , easy , and made known on day of
Auctioneers ,
J. S. HARRINGTON , Kearney , Neb. j
Free excursion for investors , from all points in Nebraska , who purchase and pay for 200
worth of property.
Dr. Hauphfiwout : Omaha Dental Asao-
ciation. Teeth without pinto , brhlK"
work ami crowns of every approved
kind , insorttdny the most satisfactory
method. Hest su s teeth ? 0.00 , fnllv war
ranted , llollmau block , cor. 13th and
Farnam streets.
DR. OTTERBOURG. Illk ssl Dt4t 8U , OViHi , Me * .
Autlioriudto trtit .UChronle. t ervwii til 'fpfl l IHt * Kt"
( k > Urr i ll lij ' . ! ! > . < r .UfU ) 5 < mn > l
Wtiki.i. . . ( nlihtlOM > ifi < < iu l tlMllty ( lo o ( iii l | ) Ivl.ilrlr. Hlj lt ) > inlrr > to. Ciat u r iit < lor niunty
> rundMl. Ch rT6ilow Tho11) * * ' * fur d Af .nu Ifp
lenc. r > liutxuui.i All m licm < i > Ml > 'ly > r p r J fat i lo-
t'tidalltlu ' or | .l" tl t't""P ° u"d4r0 ' * < > l > m *
lint fruiu buJn M riltniU II djfjlpp Uekt .l L/letter KIII ]
fiprrH. Urd'rUi ' nt . rrv li ttn im or br kn .
for t < 1U Muofi will in.III ntt "U .t OK M , A" I MST
QlliTlj . " .nJ V Il'r01I1iUoo xt.Uill ) l Ml liUtorjt of
dix > M But. joiu- IIK ! nud for uml ( Melt U1 J
promiitlb * cr oti l. ellUrf la p f ftnor b/nmll.
Orncillovu. Hlo It > ' „ 11. iu > 47 K p.
Ml HKD. ATlotlraol
. _ . .tro ture l > cc / , Herrotu
I > ttiilt7IxxtM iiliooJ , 1k tloilrliHltai vu
CTBTT known rciuoar , his dl cqT rwl a plrapla
ra , wEfeh be wUJ sr tllo af ( fr l .
Imported an 1 Bottled by Mihalovltch Klctchcr& Co , , Cinincnati , O. For Bale bv
tlie following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; Illake , IJrucc & Co. , Atller & Hell
er , Frank Dellone ft Cp. , R. R. Grotte , Fain IJL-S itipptled by Gladstone Urns. & C
Sample bottle free. For sale by all wholesale acl re lull druyyisu , liquor dc.ilcrb u
wine inerchanl * .