' I 'Li THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3. 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements under this hpnd.10 cents pe liio for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub paqucnt Insertion , end $1.Mix line per month ho advertisement tnkcn for loss tnnn 25 rents for the firtt Inicrtlou. fcuvon words wll Jbe counted to the Imot they must nm consecu tively nnd must BO pnld In ndvanca. All advcr- tlBomontH must lie handed In before 1 : W o'cloci " "p. in.nnd under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'nrttnii advertising In thc-o column nnd bav in ? the nnswcri addreosod In can ) of THE HEN wlllpipn'onsk for a check tocnnblo them to get tticlr letters.as none will bo delivered eicont on iirerontnllnn of cheek. All answers to advtr- tiscmontg should bo enclosed In envelopes , All ndvertl < cmnnts In thneo columns are pub lished In both morning nnd oronlnir editions of TUB llrr. the circulation of which nirgro- Kntca morothnn 14.1)00 ) pnpcis dnlly , and give- the nilvprtlitTH tint ben jilt , nut only of the city rtrculntlon of TIIK IbK.but nl o of Council IlliiffH , Uncoln nnrt other cities and towns throughout this part of the weft. MONET TO LOAN. i lCHX > , < X > i ) to loan. Cole , 318 B 15th. C37 Tolonn nt U per rent , Vnttnrson MONEY . , ISth street , op. P.O. 323 . TO LOAN atO i > or cent Mnahan $7rxi.OnO , IWU Fnrnam. 6H CPKH CENT Money. V It. 0. rnlleri-on. 11th nt.d Unrnnr. $ W 10,000 In loan on rcnl o tato. No dnlay. Harris & Bampson , 1516 Douglas st. 040 ONKY TO MAN b. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1&05 Fnrnam st. $ , to loan in liny amount nt lowest rate ( il interest. II. II. Ircy. Frcnyor block. 307 307BtS , To loan on Omaha city property BtS $600,000 percent. G. W. Daygcor. . Ex. Hid.C13 C-13 OM'.V TO LOAN On city nnd fnrm prop erty nt low rates. No delay. Calm .V 'ool- y , I'i22 Karniini st. TVIONKV to loan tojmrtlos whhlnir to bull.l. , J.'i8. . S. Campbell , 310 S 10th St. , Chamber of Oommorco , 043 MONEY To lonn. Lowest rntos. No delay. J. L. Itlcu & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank. > ' 57 "MONEY to lonn. cash on nnnd.no delay. fU. J. W. and K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st. Tazton betel building. < " 4 MONEY TO IXAN-Loans of (10 to S100 made on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. , without removal , J. J , Wilkinson & Co , 1321 Fnrnam street , over llurllngton ticket ofllco. 838 nugtt * MONKY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In sums of J 1.000to 15,000 at six per cent Interest. BholcR& Crurab. 045 MONKY TO LOAN on imnroved real estate ; no commission charged , l.cuvltt llurn- ham , lloom 1 Crolghton lllock 041 MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In Hums of f(00 and upwards at lowest rates. Money fclways on hnnd. 8. B. Campbnll. 3IO Bouth Sixteenth street. 047 MONKY to loan on fnrm and city property nt current rules. Largo lonns on glltodged business property . See us. Mnrshnll Ic l-o- bcok , 1(09 Farnam. Telephone 7J. 843 TH ) LOAN Money Loans placed on im- Xprored real estate In city or county for Hew Bngland Lonn If Trust Co. , by Douelns County bank. Ifith nnd Chicago sti. 649 MONKY IX > ANKDnt C. F. Itcod * Co.'a Loan Office , on furniture , pianos , horsos.wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd nil other ar ticles of yalup. without removal. U19 S. 13th. over Illnghnm s Commission storo. All busl- nees strictly confidential. BM foNKY TO LOAN-bytho undersigned , who -I has the only properly orgnnlrod loan tvenoy InOmuha. Loans of 110 tn $100 made on furniture , plnnos , organs , horses , wngons machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business Ktrlctly confldentlnl. Lonns o snndo that any part can lie paid nt nny Imo.each r , payment reducing the cost pro rata Advances raadn on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons Should carefully -consider who they nro dealing y 1th , us ninny now concerns are dnlly coming Into existence. Should you nned money call nd see me. W. n. Croft , lloom t W'thnpl Building 15th nnd Hnro r. 851 flMlE OMAHA Financial Exchange , * * V. ' . rner of llarney and 15th sts. ever Btato National bank. It1 prepared to make short time loans on any available security. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real state. Long time loans made on Imoroyed real ettata t current rates. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Hccurod notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short tlm loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal interest , at collateral Hcnl estate to exchange for good Interest Oonoral financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans of my kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity , Corbett , Manager. 053 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Uiiarantee mid Trust Co. , 1505 rnrnam street Complete nbRtracts fur nished , nnd titles to real ubtnto examined , per ITooiod and guaranteed 673 BUSINESS CHANCES. niO MIT In the fimt growing olty of Mitchell , -L Dak. , a line tHo-rttory solid In Ick building ror.tnlnlng two store ; , onoh'OilIK ) foot and connected with each other , all aliovo 40x1(0 ( loot. Suitable for wholesale grocery or n simi lar business , or for nny kind of retail business ; will bo let to responsible parties altogether or > n parts at a low rent for a term of years. The olty of Mitchell nna the 0. M. ft St. 1 * . H. H. , Iwith sovernl branches , nlso the Northwestern , end Is fnst growing m Importance. For pnr- tlculnra npnly to lionry Hoiiodlut ft Co. , Jill- waukeo , Wls. . or Hitchcock liroa. , Mitchell , Dak. 78l > 3 FOK BALK A complete laundry , Inclurtlng horses , harness , two wagons , twenty horse power nglno and holler , Watson washer , weston wringer , 12x12 dry room , shafting pulleys , stoves , building , eto. , complete all In perfect working order. Inquire of I. S. lion- nett nt the oftlco of C. 8. Dnscoll , 1422 Dodge st. IromlOn. m. top. . m. 758 ttj WANTKD A live business mnn with from $10,000 to (15.001 to go Into a wholesale tiuslncss , HuslnoHs pays : ci 1-3 percent and a lilco clean lino. A good chnnco tor the right limn. Address Y IP , lleo. (181-3 ( * AUK business chance : for Hale , the stock , ' lUturts and good will of a llrst-clasa cloth ing store doing a good business , centrally located , only reasons for selling tr-o owner has other and more Important business. Parties leaning business may address U. It ) , Dee office. TCTOH BALK-Meat market , tools , Hxtures , J. horse and wagon , everything complete. Good location ; good trade. Address U48.Ilee. _ 626aug BJ ' ANTED Parties who desire to buy or seller or exchange stocks of general mcrchnn- dlio , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes , hardware , drugs. Jewelry Improved or unim proved town orclty property , Improved r un proved farms in any pnrt of the united States , to address Krause ft Teeter , 310 S , 15th st Omaha , Neb. 055 WANTKO-Gentiernnn wishing an honest business. 1'ronts $14 per day. 1100 re quired. Will exchange for stock or trude. Cull room t Crounso block , 119 N lath street. 7I2nutTll IiUHt SALK-A good business : smnll capita 1 required ! good reasons foi selling , Ad dress T 44 lleeofflca. ( M " BUSINESS CIlANCE-Nloe clean stock fall and winter dry goods. Bummer stock II closed out. This MOCK ( tin a good town only SO miles from Omnhn. The score has an elegant trade. Terms half cash and balance In notes or good property. Address Stadulman , HI7 ) CBCB street. OiuahH , Neb. 17U TjlOH SALIt 1 offer for sale the United States JL1 hotel cor of Douglas and 10th st. Snld hotel has accommodations for BO boarders and runs In connection n bar with a-full stock of the pent liquors ; will sell cheap on account of slck- s ; Inqulro on premises. 572 12 BUSINESS Cbance-For snle-A stock of dry goods , oluthlug , furnishing goods , boot * nnd shoes ; alno fixtures. With this stock a four years lease of a double store ranbe obtained in ono of the best retail localities in the city. In formation at Dormann't , Cyj South Thirteenth Btreet. 605 KA11E Uusinou chance Tor sale , a itook of general merchandise In the best of shape , located m the bet > t railroad town In Southuru Nebraska. Stock will invoice about (8.000. Bales last year. (40,0(10. ( Call or address. Good JT-.SOU for celling. U. F. Hart ft Sou , Falrbury , Neb. 818 a5 TIIOH SAm Fine stock of fresh groceries , S ! I'ony team delivery wagon nnd harness. Flno location and doing a good business ; 1 jrearloacoon building with privilege of 2 moio , lirntod f W pur mouth. Whole price (1,400. Will take part in city property , If gatlifaetnry , Terms to suit. J , F , Hammond , 117 B. 19th st. 76I > TANTKD-Man with (150 cash as security for honesty , light omce bnslnoyi. ( li to start. AddrcM V 45 , tbli office , 6781J BUSIJfKST amnco-A enlcndld chance for Rood m n In nloon btnlnes * . Cnpltol re- nulroil , t\MO. \ Address for particulars , Y 83 , BooOfflco. 7f i 4. _ _ Tmoitl.MjH-r.lf > irantly nttod up snloon with -aJ restnurnnt nttachrd ; 4 HvInK rooms up itnlrs , and fine lar e kitchen on ( rround lloor. Located In the heart of rltr and dolnir n flno buslne" . I'rlco ta , 00i f 1SO ) cisb , J , F. Itntn- tnond , 117 8. IBth. 7ii'i ' _ ANTKDI'artnor , 1200 ! 10 dttHr18 8- 10th st. 602n8 _ "ITHIH HALK The well-known Hawley house J of 40 riiomi , on account of the donth of mv wife , Will sell property or anil furniture nnd rent house to ricln perron. A ( rood chnncn to mnko money. Address 1'rop , North Platte , Neb. _ _ 473 n7J US1N 89 CHANCF.-1'W will buy ono of the best piiylng nnloons In the city. Ad drcu Ht once , V3o lice. _ 708-4J H HALK Lnw llbrnry , chonp. Wheeler A Whoolcr , Douirlns anci 1.1th si. U > 7 PERSONAL. for your sewing mnchlno JL needles , oil nnd repairs to the SInper Man'ftf Co. 1518 DoiiRlas ft , Omaha. 4IM a26 UIlSO.VAL Homoved from 1211 Dnvcnport Bt. to 311 North 12th , furnished rooms for rent " _ _ 1)K1ISONAL ( lentlomen. nttrntlon. Gno < l bonrd and rooms nt 504 1 * . Ifth st..rtin nnnbly 7bO mm 12J _ PlIIISONAf , The Three yoiini ? gcntlemnn whowprnhuntlnit rooms for so\on will hear something tu their Interest by addres ing V 37 , lleo ofiko. 73J-3 IlEIIPON'AL-rrlvnto homo for Indies iliirlnif contlncmnnt , strictly conlldontlnl , Infuuts adopted , ail ( Jr ess K 42. lleo nlllco. 42'ii ) PEKSONA ! < - ! . Dr Nnnme V. Warren clairvoyant , Mrdirnl "ml li\i ln ss Modluv Boom Mo. B 121 North loth it. .Omaha. Nob. LOST. - . . bay pony mitre uboutHCO Ibs. , slxyeais old , liranded on lort hip , whlto loft hoof , lletiirn .lohn H. Olbb,4-d street , boUu'cn 1-urnaui mid L a\on- worth lloeclve reward , 7fi 4 * STItAYKD OU RTOLEN-Ono bay pony innro weighs nbout 71W , Inst seen on Cass stioot , bet. llth nnd I'UU St. II. Suchssc , 3J.il Snundera street. 73'i 2 STIIAYKD Or stolen , from barn , 12th st , be tween IIiirnoy and Howard , dark brown liorso. Lcavo Information lit police headquar ters , or with llranch ft Co , 1121 Farnam st. 705 3 SEVENTY-FIVE dollars' reward. Strnyed or stolen fiom icnrof 111 N 17th st , n largo ronn horse , about 17 hnnils high , weighing be tween l.l'OOond 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown nm no nnd tall , hind nnklo somewhat swollen- $25 will bo paid for return of animal to owners , at 110 S 14th st.and If stolen the sheriff of Doug las Co. will pay n reward of ( , r > 0 for the nrrost and conviction of the thloJ. 696 FOUND. BTOHAQE. QTOHAfl K Omaha Storage Warehouse , cor. 013th nndl7ard , ample facilities for storage , furniture , wagons , etc. Low rates , advances made. IBRIIO warehouse receipts. 4UlnugRj rfllRST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th nt STOHAOK Flrst-clnss storngo for nice fur- nltur or boiod goods , at 1513 Dodge-it 6CO MISCELLANEOUS. IDKAL'Biitton Hole Cutter-Host In world. Send stamp for prices and flno plcturer H II. S. Co. , Chililcottie , Ohio. 787 4 Moro houses nnd rooms on our WANTED list. Small house property and unfur nished looms in big demand. Great success last month In renting. Wo have more appli cants every day than we can sntlsly. Da > ton & Alford , Hontinir Agency , lloom 1,1301 Doug las st 7ii4 2' (31XTKKNTII street Kmploymont otMco re- Amoved to 220 N loth St. 745 4J GOOD reliable help of either sex nlways on on band nt the Scandinavian Employment Bureau , 1010 Farnam stioot 72.1 7j IADII'.S desiring compotcnt nnd rollabln J help shouln call at the Nntlonnl emnloy- inent ollico , 420 South 15th st , room 7 ii | > - stalrs. t 094-51- DO YOU wnnt a situation us bookkeeper , olork , utc ? Wo can secure ono for you. llocord Advertising Co. , 151J Fnrnnm st. 071-5D BUSINESS CHANCES of nil kinds , farms , stocks of goods , etc. . for snlu or exchange See Hccord Advertising Co. , 151J Fnrnam st. 671-5 WE again call your attention to the fact that we are giving collection of roots special attention. If you have any houses to runt place them with us , or if you wish to rent n house call and see us. Wo rotor you tn Mo- C'ngue llros , bankers , Bonawa & Co , 11th st , opposite postolHco. 710 4 MAo"mvFlC Healing Mediums euro nU kinds of sloUnoos In connection with olalrvov- anco of the pnst , present nnd future. J. H , Pngolor , North Ptato st , mile west of fair grounds. ! ' . O. boxe'q 510 a2HJ DO YOU wnnt the earth ? 70C ynrds ot It can bo had with a premium nt 044 South 17th street , near Lcnvenworth. " 78 TO KXCHANOK For good family horse and phaeton , POacrog of Innd , free from en cumbrance , within three miles of county seat Chun. P. Honjamln , 1512 rarnnm st. S55 fl ASH buyers of furniture , stoves and houso- \J bold goods don't go to the long time hlifh pilcod stores , they go to 117 N 10th. 517 nug 7 EXCHANGE Houth Omaha lot free from TO encumbrance for span of good horses. Cbas. P. Bonjmntn , 1513 Farnarn st 555 0NRY talks lor furniture nnd household M goods at 117 N 16th , Your price for cnsb , 548 aug 7 P OH III NT Square Piano ( d monthly. Bospe. 1613 Douglas. 041 E1OR UKNT Organs , O per month. Hotpo , J 1613 Douglas. nOL _ OL C.-Houso furnishing goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J , rtonner , 1315 Douglas at. 862 F on RENT Square riano.lt montnlr. A Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 601 L'l wnnt to buy or sell furniture , RO to Ferguson's , 715 N 18th 084 FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. TT1OH SALE Harbor shop with two chnlrfl nt South Omaha. Now furniture , all below cost. Address box 213 South Omaha. 78(1 8j BAHOA1N , to Imf an Kinoraon piano worth $ t50. for $ JO cash nnd balnnco 10 notes nt $15 a month aualoitf 5 , 175 duo on It , 1313 Pass BU 777 H _ TPOU SALE Carload of Orejrou horsoi nml - - ' ponies , broken to ride , cau be xoert at Fumy 'a Ham , M06 Cumlutf st. 761 7 * _ FOH BALE Hellnblo horses nt ronsonnblo prices , all warranted to bo flrst-cluss. Ad- dreia lloz 860 Omnba P. O. _ C90-3J FOK SALK Snmll horizontal boiler nnd en- pine cheap. Enquire Cabn St Woolley , ii."J : Farnam tt. 702-0 FOH SALB Furniture , wood will and lease of the host pnylntt em nil hotel In Omnna , Constantly full of OrM-clata boarders. 1'rlro II. .wo. Investignte this. J. F , Hammond , 117 8. 10th. 7 9 _ FOIl RALR-At a bnrtrnln , a A-room house with closets nnd pantry , etc. , lut Si ft'ut east front , ft blocks south or court bouse. Ail- dress V30 , Uoeolllce. CJOtCW * "OKST DuiTBlea at Druraraond A Go's. J-f tiurreys and cabrloleti at Drummond \ Co's. ClnrkRoncarUnt Ilrummond ft Co'g. 1'haetoiK , llocknwnys nt Drumroond ft Co's. Delivery wngons , new and old , at Orummond ft Co' * . Second-hand buftglef at Drtiaimond ft Co's. \Vm. H. Drummond ft. Co. . builder * . 1315 Har- ney st. to a B I ] > Olt SALIC Your choice of tba beat lines of . biiirulos. carriaKOS. phnetons , surroyi , de livery watroni , open anil top one an * hunting wagon , Call and look through or send tor outs nd prlo * to Columbus Uufgy Co. , 1113 llarnny - FOH HALK Car pot nnd furniture , nnd house for r ut , 113 S. Wrd between 1)0117- las and Dodge. ill _ "I710H BALE Furniture of S rooms with pnvl- -L Ugeof leube of bouse , 7078. Itth t > t. 03 FOH BALK -Harness , light double , second hnnd > 12 , KUiN 18th st. _ 618 6J "I71OK SAI.B-CoTorcil waon , second hand , - - ' suitable for laundry or bakers. A. J , Simpson , llth aud Dodgo. 1K 3J BALK One six-foot upright l-Uc * wal- U _ put show eaau , Milton llogon a b < ; n. Ot "I7IOU SALE -8 year old marv.sound and kind X' for fnmlly use ; also bunry and taarneis. fatatilt ) rorreatwitb'JiuUt , fSUC * . ! . , , . SALE About 300 tons of Ice at Flor ence. Addrot * X 49 , Hoe oDIco. 317 a'-'J 8ALK-1IO.OOO brick. Apply to J. N. Hynn.l&OSKnruamst. lit TJ10U SAIE Oil nnd gasoline wngon. team , L1 hnrnojt and route. Cull bet. 12 aud 1 at 1413 Dodge. 815 THOU SALE Ppnn flno matched buy driving - V horses. C. K. Harrison , 415 8 1Mb st , 578 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKO A flr t-rln plutnbor , no ether nocd apply. Htondy work nnd pond WHROS. 21S't N. 16th street. M. A I'llo. 7S5 aj WANTED-A bnrbor ntTia 3.13tli Bt. 123 gj ANTED-Mon tor rallroml work. AN brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 l"arni\m. C75 \\rANTKD ASl tnnt cook 40 per month ! T tcntnstprs t W per mo.j tonms $4 per dnys mrn for Mlauoiirl nnd lown compiiny worK. O'Kccfe A HcOcrr l.nbor Agency. 784 3J IF you wnntnorkot any kind , cull ntUUK S. 15th St. , upetnlr * . 76'J 3j " \V ANTED-Good milker. LlttloOeld. 785 WANTHD Four Ilrit-cinss. sober cornice manors , at John Kponetors , corner ' " nnd Dodge. A7- ! \\rANTCD 2 men nnil 10 teams on the North Omaha power , cor. of 2nth nnd Clnrk st . dooil waifes and weekly pny. hompson ft DuLnnoy. UU 4j VXrANTBD 2 or II rnnvnssora for city work. ' Salary or It'ommissloti Omnhn 1'tnp. Ilu- rcntl. UU n 16th st , Hoom I , upstairs , r.7'J 3 WANTKD A good barber , peed wntros gnnrantccd. Address Fred Michael , To- knranh , Neb. 7514 * WANTKD Di HIT clerk. A pond rospoiHiblo dru vUt will secure situation nt once. Gorman preferred. Apply tu A. Siinstodt , Wnhoo. > fub. 750 1 \\rANTRD Salesmen , n now Invention nceUod In every hoiijo ; 8JO per cent commission - mission or a ( rood salary to rlKht pintles. Ad- dre-s with stamp for teirns the Weaver Manu- fnctuier , : )4 ) N fctnto St. , Chleiisro , 111. ? ! WANTKD ObrldKo carpenters fortho north , ? " ' > , { 2.50 pur day : fares paid ; steady job : 20 shovelorfl for city , $1.7o per day. 1 oxper- loncod boy to strip tobacco , 10 teamsters , J'15 and J'W per mouth , 4 men cooks , 4 dishwashers , : i canvas ers. Omaha Ihupluymuot llurcnu , HON. 10th st. 7702 WANTED All those wanting help or situa tions us collectors , n 9t bookkeepois , nou olllco work , oiiKlnoors , llriimon , porters , wutcti- men , coachmen , toamsters. bartenders , olc. , to npply to the Mutual Kniployment n'-'oncv-11 8 Itith bt , up stairs. 7u3 4j \VANTED-Immodlatoly. GO men for U II * ' work , good WBKOS , ICth st Kmploymont ofllcu,2UN 10th St. 714 2j WANTED A younif mnn for clotlimu store : must speak German ; BKO about is. State salary with board and lodtflntf. Hotoronoo re quired. Apply U. Goodman , Tnlnmu'n , Nob. 782 2 WANTKD A fov'mon of business qiinllllca- tlonscnnUnd omploymonc as HOllcltora. waKesJ2.Wper ) day. at Mrs. Uroga ic Son , Kmp olllco , 3IG So. ISth. 775 ij WANTKD At once , 1 cent ninlcors nnd 2 pants makers. Address M. Uerdoldt & Son , Sownrd , Nob. 78J 8 \\.TANTED flood blacksmith on plow work , T nt IlromQuld , 10 miles from Aurora. J. W. Farrand. W4 ! a * WANTKD-A boy with horse to carry arouto on the Evening Dee In the soutn part of town. no WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Out of city Udlnlnu room irirls (20 , pastry cook $33 , laundress $ -0 , 2 polishers $ W , woman cook fJ. ' > ; In city , 1 dining room pins , laundresses kitchen help- erg , cooks , and lots of elrU to nil nice places In private families , H.fifl to S"i 50 per week Mrs. llrojfii A : Son , MO South 15th. Tele phone 834. ( i.iV.'j WANTr.D-(3ood woman , wlnto orcoloied that Is willing to work , call ut'Ji : Doug- Ins. 770 W ANTKD A stlrl to nsglst In do housework. Apply to Mead & .Inmloion , 318 d. 15th St. 7ia-2 ! WANTED flood trlrl to do irenorul house work. Apply n w cor. California nnd 20th. 733 WANTED 1'nrtlos In need of domestic help to know wo have lots of competent girls on hand and more coining from the east. Try us once and you will come again. Canadian Employment office , Mrs. llrogu It Son. 315 8. 16th st. Telephone 834. 7 S nj W ANTED -Qirls for gonornl housework. Vourclinloo of moo places free of cliariro. . llroga & Son 310 B. IJthst. 72V-5J TX7ANTED-2 lady bookkeepers for city , 2 f laundry girls for Fremont : good wages : 1 tnlloress for city ; 4 dining room girls , 4 dUh- washorschamber ; milds.O female cooks.l second end cook , ' , ' girls forl familyft nd$5 pcrweok ; 1 pantry girl. .1 laundry girls , flO girls general house worn. Omaha Km p. IJurenu , H'1 N. 10th st. ; LI72I WANTKD A girl for general hoimowork. Mrs.V. . W. Illnghnm , 8U S JOth st. 715 H W 'ANT1IU Trimmers at nenlua llros. , Mll- llnory storo. H03 Doutrlas street. 712 W ANTT.D Olrl for gnnoral housowork. In- qulro 626 South lUth. 711 WANTIID A good girl for general house work , ( lorman preferred. Mrs. A. for onson.No. 1018 Cnpltol avenue. 751 4 * WANTKD Girl for gonornl housewoik , 2i > l ; Curalng. 7 : flj W ANTED Good , experienced girl for general - oral housework , PI17 Onus street. 5-J1 WANTED A girl for gonornl housework small family. Southeast corner Callfor nla and 20th st 425 WANTED Two Indy bookkeepers , must bo A 1 quick at figures , must give refer enooa. Omaha Employment Bureau , in Nortl 10th st 102 WANTED Two girls at Doran house , 422 18th St. , near Bt Mary's aye. 024 SITUATION 'WANTED. "A young man 24 yonrs Tf nge with 6 yenri - - * - vnrlod experience lu n largo bank in the east desires less confining employment. Present ont salary no object If chance forndvancomen good Can glvo very best reference. Addros U. N. G. postolllco box 1256 , Philadelphia , Pa. 788 3 WANTKD Situation for n first-class man cook fiom the east ; can ilvo first-dag references. Call at the National nmploymon ollico , 420 S. 15th st. , upstairs , room , . 779 3 \ \ 7ANTKDSituation ns coichmnn.two year experience as bus driver ; understand tin handling and care of horses thoroughly. Y 4 lloo olllco. 70. ! 3 * TlO the business mon of Omaha There is . . great number of competent mon and women out of employment in Omaha , uhc would like a position ns clerks , bookkeepers stenographers , collectors , or any ofllco work nlso younir men to work ns coachmen , team piers , barbers , etc. If you have workfor | them call or address Omaha Employment olllco , 314) ) S. ISth Street , tipstnlrs. 750 3J ASTKADY rollabln middle aged gontlomai from the east wants a situation whore h can make himself generally useful. Can d nny kind of work ; has hail experience In tb produce commission business nnd insurant and Is a reliable book keener. Uotoicnce given Address Y 42 , Boo. 747 2 WANTED Position as governess to young children by n lady wishing u pleasant homo. Address \ 40 , Boo , 750 2J WANTED The Omnhn r.mploymont olllco Is prepnredto furnNh girls for general homework work , hotels nnd roKtnuinuts , etc. : nlso ranlo help of all iludn. Cull or address 314H S. 15th st , upstairs , 753 3J ANTKD-Copylng of any kind to do by a Indy. AddrfasY4l , lleo. 7502J T\TANTED Position as companion to a * V l dy , salary not an objeot Address V 40 , Bee. 7502 * WAN I ED Situations ; employers wanting good steady men for all kinds ot work or business ns assistant bookkeepers , general olfioa clerks , collectors , watchmen , porters , coachmen , teamsters , engineers , flromon , Jan itors , bakers , barbers , farmers and all trades nnil occupations , furnished froo. Mutual Km- ploymcnt agency , 214 a IBtli st , up stairs. 743 4J \\rANTED-Rltuatlon by a young Gorman T T cak * baker as a second 01 assistant to complete his trade. Address II. U , cnro F. W. Fork , Willow Springs distillery , Omahn , Sou. 7163 * ANTED-Would like a position in a flrst- dass photograph gallery , either us prlatur , finisher or retoucher. Best of refer ences ns to ability and character can bo f ur- nlihcd. Have been 8 years intha business , and only objeot In rolng West Is to ho among for mer friends. Address at once Miss M. Mather- son , care Mrs. a F. liodgers , No. 41 Oroy st , Boston , Mass. 076.3 ANTKD-Situatlon with private family , best references givou. Appiy 60.1 B. 13th U ( i 4J " \\rANTKD Position by bookkeeper of cn h- ' lor , ndvertl or , Is n flKt-clrtss nrcoutitnnt nnd desires a situation wit a n good business bouso. Bostraforcticos. Y4l , Bpe. " 37.8 JftlSOELLANEODB WANTS. Pnrtner wlft imnll capltnl In good paying business. Money ull se cured. Call from 11 to 3 V K > ck , ( lees hotel. A. Hoy. Tcr 710 3J WANTKD To rent a coiKOof Ser 6looms , small family , no cIRdren. llofcronco exchnngod. Address Y 43. BoeOrflco. 746 4J \VANTKD Pupils ln 5rnrllih ! ( brnnohej ' i nnd muslo , n , w. corner latu nnd Farnnm , FT " ' ' ' " \\rANTKD to rent By acongregntlon'num- 11 boring about flf'y , a sutablo mrnn to bold religious services Hundny afternoon xnd even ing. Ixcntod botwon Dodge nnd Nicholas , llth nnd WHh streot. Address Win. n. Hughes , 212 ' Decatur street. 7I83 WANTKD Hoom nnd board lu prlvnto fam ily by young lady with references. Address - dress Vila. Hoe. 7532 * ANTKD-A few boarders nt 1720 Dodiro st. Inferences requested. 70J \\TANTKD-Two unfurnished rooms with or ' ' wlthotft board near car lino. Will take rooms for year. Ituferonco exchanged. No children. Address Y 23 , Bco pfllco. 678-2' " \ \ rANTP.DTwo unfurnished rooms with or T without bonrd nonr car line. Will take rooms foryenr. Hnferonco exchanged. No children. Address V 20. lloo olllce. 678-2 * \\7ANTED Pnrtles hnvlng rooms or houses ' to rout should list them with us as wo send out mnny applicants dally , llocord Ad vertising Co . 1513 Farnaiii st 071-5 WANTKD To rent a house ot about 8 rooms , Addiess , stating location ami price , X 72 Boo office. 3 > t ) FOB BENT HOUSES nnd LOTS. FOIl IIKNT 5 roomed house on Pierce. 121 ; 6 roomed Hat I blocks from P. O , , snlbudld location , nil modern cnnvcnlr-ncos. 715 ; 3 roomed housB , tlO ; largo Iwomont , light and diy on line business street , $15 , Furnished rooms In nil parta of thu city from (10 to t."i. Dayton & Alford , Houtlng Agency , room 1 , 1304 Douglas St. 76,12 * FOH HENT A 7 room house with bath room , collar , stable , well nnd cisterr. nt 13.2 S. 20th uvenuo. Nlco place to live. Ernst Krobe. 7fiO 5 * FOH UKNT Cottngo of 6 rooms , 26th st nnd Indiana avenue. 7673 * OH HKNT-10 room house nt 2110 Pierce st For terms npply on promises. 741 OH KHNT-Fino now brick house ; have nil . modern conveniences. 2JO N. ll'tn ' si. * 760 8J FOU KENT 0 room lint with nil modern con veniences. Furniture , good na now , for sale cheap. Wood ft Co. , UOO-8 Canltol nve. 09J ipOlt lll-.NT A cottngoof ( I rooms 2J21 Culd- well stroot. Apply to Potter & Maolood 1501 Karnain strcor. 0 5-2. FOU HKNT Hoarding house nonrO. I'.dopot , fixtures nnd furniture for snlo at half Its vnlue. This Is a bargain. CooperativeLand and Lot company , 205 N. 16th st. 073-3 FOH HKNT Two largo now stores nnd two Hats of live rooms each. City wntor nud gas. On Saunders St. 0. W. Cain. 2iV ) Ohio st 812 FOH HUNT House 7 rooms nnd barn , cor Franklin and James , (2t ) , Apply nt corner. 533 3 FOU HENT Store nnd cemented collar In brick block on I ith St. , mmr 1'arnmi. F. 1C Darling , 4I S. 15th st. j , 7723 F IOIl HKNT 3 room oottniro on 21st and I'nul stieoU. Inquire at B17 South 111th street 001 HKNT A five-room house ami burn on Pleasant st. C. T. Morton , 13.4 Farnnm st. 752 4 FOH HKNT-Two brick stores with base ments 24th mid Hamlllti streets. Desir able location for dry goodffjt&nd drug store. Flats above if desired , nteavitt Hurnhuni , loom 1 , Crolghton block. hJ 674 FOH HENT New store aifM living rooms on Ciunlng st near Saund ( | st. Apply Har ris Henl Kstnto & Loan Co. , ISO'S. 15th St. bS9 FOH HENT btoro room awtahle for grocery store or butoner shopman the southwest corner of 7th mid Paclllo strWts. 675 FOH HENT-Now 5-roonrtfcouso 1 1-4 miles south of P. O hot 20th IhKl 21st sts , $18 per month. Clarksou , Wood * .Cj318 S. 15th. 038 C10II HCNTElegant'.brlolcresidence , 10 L' rooms , modern convonlpncos. Dr. Uraddy , 1104 Farnrnn st. ' 620 F IOIl llENT-Hulf of store. Inquire at 1212 Douglas It. 60S FOH HKNT 0-room house , bath , city water , , Vc. , Colfar et , near Lenvonworth , t4i ; ( ! room houso. pantry , collar , olty water. 2Kth st , near Hamilton st. 12 ; now bnrn , Coif ax st. near Louvonworth , f 5. F. L. Qrogory , 320 S 15th St. 504 FOH HKNT 2211 Douglas st. elegant now brick dwelling 10 rooms , with all mod orn conveniences. Apply to W. F. Clnik , 408 N 15th 774 3 * F Oil HKNT-2 houses. A. Murphy , 4.20 South 14th St. 0 ! > 9 U HENTBarn sultablo for four horses. Inquire at 017 S13th st. 511 HEVT-Stnblo near Fnrnam nnd 17th St. Hoomsl and2 , OmuBa .National bank FOH HENT I'ivo room house , east sidu 27th st , third house south of Dodge , $17. .T. It. HIngwnlt,218 South 16th. 723 IjU > H HI'NT H room Hat. contrnlly located. V Furniture for sale cheap , Address Y 34 HOP. 711 FOH HKNT A 5 room cottngo near cnr lino. Ilallou liros , 1510 Douglas. 403 21) ) FOKilENT OnN Wcor 15th andVlnton,2 stores,20x50. 11 rooms upstairs , suitable lor fmnllloi or roomers. Call nt promises oren on M. Donovan , 2337 S 13th st HOJ FOH HKNT New 10-room house ; all im provements , steam liuat. 0. W. & O. K Thompson , 314 B. 15th St. 1000 FOH HENT ORlce space on ground floor at 1500 Fnrnam. Apply in rear office. .1. S. Hlchardson- 502 a30 FOH nKNT Eight room house on N sldo of Cassst , between 28th nnd 30th streets. In quire of Qeol. Qlltiert , Withnoll building. 012 3 Lot for Lease. Southeast corner l.cavf > nwortli and Park avo. , or wll build to suit tenant. Ilobblo llroi. 35'J FOB , RENT BOOMS. F I OK HENT Nlcolf furnlshua large nnd Bimill rooms. Ill S. 18th. IU4 7 ] FOH HUNT Throe unfurnished room * will two larsro clo'cta. I'nttoraoa & Moore HonmS. OmnhftNntl. Ilk. 671-3 DIINISUED KOOMS-1'artIon looking fo rooms cull and eznmlno our Inr e list Itocord AUvortlslDtf Co. , 1513 Karnnm st. 671- F ( Oil HENT-3 rooms , 110DH S. 7th. 625 FOB RKNT-Furnlshed rnpins for light houso- keeping. C07 i N ITthaia SlltniiJ OH HnNT-llauJsoinoiy-'furnlshod ' front room , 1718 Dodge Bt 4'J _ OH HKNT-A nice larvU/front ! room , nl modern Improvements nhd nicely furnished HOI S 20th St. 6il iil3 _ FOK HENT Itooms with pdixrd. Ml B. IBth. t > ' 7i nug IS * _ OH HENT Furnished rdj > mg with over ; convenlenco iioa ) St. yliry'a nvo. UJ1 OH KKNT Furnished r-iVnsnnt. cool tron room with throe south irJiiUows und Inrgo closet , 1714 Cnllfornln. { ' Ilnlf of ltd lloor for rout , Metwoun ISth nml 1.1th on Farnam. U. F. Gur4dor , furnaces nnd stovt'B. 71D N. 18th. i , U'jod dry stornKO for a f w. more xtovns. ami will put them up m fall. C , V. Gardner. 71H N. Iflth. y.C 311 _ _ _ F OR HENT- rooms nt ll { N 20th st li UHlroBttllT aiilthst. 51. FOH HKNT Two neatly furnished rooms , vary desirable location , private family. Also room for two or three nioo tnblo bonrdors. b. K. corner Twentieth nnd Karnain. 419iiA' _ > OU HUNT A nicely furiiisneJ room at'ill 8t. .Mary 'gave. 4S1 _ F oil HHNT Pleasant room , furnUhod. U13 Chicago st. 107 _ FOH HENT-Offlce room $10 per month , 2nd lloor. 310 B. ISth st. 4 _ FOH HKNT A InrRo room and reception room In connection , known ns St. ( j force's Hall , oppo'lto the 1'uxton hotel , Iniiulru of Gardner A Saunders. fi.M * _ FOH Hr.ST-Olllcos nt 1012 Farnam st. Ap ply to 1'atterson ft Moore , Oinuha National bank , ' iJ FOH HiNT-Ioslrablo : furnlalicii eel rooms with board la private family , tileainnt homo , modern conveniences. & 33i Meaiant treut. . [ 71011 HF.NT-rurnl < hod room suitable for D ono or two Rontlomen. ( K ! : * . ISth M. ita-J * FOU HENT Ono elcirnntly ftirnl hod room Only these that wnnt n cool room need pply. Windows tnolnir south. Apply at oiico 1150.1 Fnrnnm street , Uootn S3. T-0-3 * IpOlt HUNT Furnl hod room" nml parlors 1 with all nioJcm conveniences. 7lH South & ( * si. Tjia FOH HFNT-Nlcoly tarnished front room at 1U2 Howard st , MI B.IJ FTlt HKNT ! Nicely fiirnlMnvlrooms for tnmlllei or single person. 714 N. loth Stroot. 4 l.n. _ FOK HKNT- Furnished front room orn suit ot two rooms with bonrd If desired. 117 8 7th St. 5S1 3J F KENT Desirable furnished room for * gentlemen nt BJ9 Howiml et. 69 1OH HUNT Furnlthcd rooms , houpo nml 1 furniture new , all modern conveniences , i'H Karnain . arj n 2 J I710K HKNT A InrRO front room In new J- house bath , and latcn modern Improve * nctitf , 1013 Webster stioot. 12. ! FOIt HKNT Klomintly furnMied rooms sin gle or pinutte , with mo of bntht rlootrlo lells In ovrry room. First clnsn rustnurnnt nt- nchrd , nt Norris European liotol , corner Idtli and Webster. Wfl IFyourwnnt inlco eleht room cottnRo nml liertiitltul cnst front lot near enr linn. Cullen on F. K. Hurling 116 S l..tli et. who can sell > ou ono on very eu y torms. 77.1 a Foil lir.NT FurnMicd rooms , n. w. corner Ifth nml FnriiHin. HUIL. OH HUNT . ' ] rooms a closets for lieu nkoop- Ing. lu.'O I'lcrco. 71J : > ' 1011 HKNT Furnished looms , desirably lo- cntcd , cool nml pleasant , en BUlto and liiRlo , 424 North Seventeenth stroot. 413 2J * UVJH HUNT Furnished rooms , en oulto , In I ? prlvuto rnmlly , uioilern convcnli'iiccs. Apply to Leslie & Leslie , 18th nml Doilgo st . 74S filOK ItENT rurillshcd rooms , 1812 bodijo. 1 } 7iVl HENT-1'nrt of olllco room. Inquire at Fgf , Don plas st. t'13 ' F OH KENT Pulto of furnished rooms for Kontlomon. A. Hospo , Jr. ,315 X. 17th. Foil ItENT-Nlcely furnlshoa looms , to gen- tlcmcn only , 22J N. ICth St. . lloom 2. ' ,113 "IjlOK KENT Furnlshe.l rooms for t'ontlo- -C men. Apply at Collector's otllce , 10111'ar- nntn. i l .11 FOH IIEN'T Nicely furnishnd rooms , with or without board , modern convcnlcno-js , 813 North 15th. B'JJ K 2 * UENT-Wnro room cor. 14tt and Call. FOR Ifornlnon flclt Line , tor particulars on- julro nt Union Nnt. bank. 183 F I OH HKNT Elegant sulto of rooms , referen ces tequlred , lu)7 ) Douglas st 107 F OH HENT.--Ni.eoly furnished room. 1823 Dodge. 110 1J1OH HENT An elegantly furnished south -L' front room , 1703 Douglas st. 203 a2J RKNT Furnished rooms 1615 Dodgo. Fc 031 F Oil HENT-Nlce rooms nt 18.51 Farnam St. , ono block west of court house. 207 FOH HKNT A sulto of very desliable fur nished rooms Apply at 171.3 Capitol avo. , opposite Trinity cathedral. f07-3 * TJ1OH HENT Tno largest store room In town. -U Inquire at the Argus olllco , Albion. Neb. 461 sepia * "IT1OH HENT Furnished front rcom , near car -L1 Hno at corner of Dodge nnd 21th streets. Inquire of A. H. Comblook 1523 nrnam st. FOIt HENT Furnished rooms , bnth. modern conveniences , 401 Nortb 15tn street. 512 2 FOH HENT-NewlV furnished room. All conveniences. Prlvatu family. Nonrbusi ness. 101.5 Capitol ave , 3717 * OH KENT Two furnished looms. 1607 Cal F ifornia. 710-3' FOH HKNT Furnished room with bonrd for gentleman ; rotoiouoea loqulied1724 Douglas strc t. 700-6 * EOH HENT Newly furnished room , board if desired ; 1720 Dodge st 704 EOH HENT Single room for gentleman. Modern conveniences. Inquire 6J4 N Ifilh 410 FOH UKNT tor S unfurnished rooms , suita ble for housekooptng.ono block from court house * , on lllt-h street , between St. Mary's avo. and llirnoyst , modern conveniences. Hofcr- dices required. M. F.Martin , owner. ltJ F OH HENT Furnished loom , 1621 Dodge. 418 FOH TlKNT-2 elegant rooms , nicely fur nished on street car line ; modern con veniences. Gentleman and wife or gentlemen. Excellent location. lU17Cass. 071 FOH HENT Sulto of 4 nlco rooms sultablo for housekeeping , references rocpilred , l th st , Just north of St Mnr/.s ave Water , sewer connections , gas , folding doois &c. 5'J4 FOIt KKNT Front room with board , 1812 _ Chicago st. 015 5 * FOH RENT 3 rooms suitable for house keening , southwest cor. 21st nml Nicholas St. SO' . FOH lU'.NT Furnlahod rooms with board , 190.J. rarnam. 6f5 all * FOH HENT Two rooms furnished for light hoiiBokoeplng. Apply at 809 Howard st.UtiU UtiU FOH HKN1' Nicely furnished room , lO.'l Dodge st. inii FOB. SALE HOUSES LOTS. ALL the following prices are sc\eral hun dred dollars below market prices nud must be sold : Mlxl50 on North 15th st. near Grace st , In Pad- dookplice , f3,5w. Mxl 12 on North 13th st , near Grace , in same addition , east front , (1,700. RSxlX ! on Noith 16th st , south of Grace st , , corner. (14,500. Block 4 , lloyd'J add , comprising 10 lots , ' ' I'Jux'lBI , corner of Mnpln nnd Saunders st. near Lake st , wont front , $10,0 M. 1 Won Howard by HO on Pleasant St. , (10,000. Any reasonable offer fortho nbovo property will be entertained by the owner , na It positive ly must bo sold. All on easy terms. Mitchell ic Leyonmnrck , 1516 Dodgu st _ 781 8 rpHK best lot In Mayn't place on ftlrd Just o IT X Loovenworth J-J.7UO only (700 cash , bal. easy 773 3 SALB Nice largo corner lot , ana blank FOU oil street cnr line that is In constant opera tion. Lot Ilc3 elegantly and commands flno view. Owner is leaving town and must soil. Price fno. Small cnsh payment , balance ensy. Inqulro n. o. corner 15th and Chicago street. FOU hAl.r.-6tj ( acres of good land being section 21 , township 10 , range 'J , wost. This land Is situated In Howard county , this state , close to the U. P. , nnd new station on the II. Ac M. branch. Can plow at least t In rt > - fourths , balance excellent pasturngo. No bettor soil in the stnto , a rouk bottom creek runs across the OYtremo southwest cornnr. Splendidly adapted for general Inrmlng or nock purposes. Prlco 50.00 per acre ; ' $ or more casn , balance long time. Aildrnss at once. George N. Hinks , 215 S. J5th St. . Omaha. Nob. _ 717.6. \\7K Can o for n tew days only > > Lot lOil fi Iso's addition for ttOX ) Lo 171 fllse'8 addition , $ G.3QO. fllockl Iloyd's addition , SS.VH. One third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years. Itomlugton & McCormlck. 220 Soutn nth st 406 OH SALK SpUndldOO ft smith front lot on Popploton uvo near 21th st , with good house only ( J.300 This is n great bargain nnd must be taken quickly. F. K , Dnrllng , 410 S 15th 773 2 T'OH TIIADi : South Omaha lots nnnr the X7 7 the park on Syndicate Hill , to CTclmiiRO for Improved residence property. Will nay cnfth dltloronee. S , MoK. St John , 31U S 15th st 740 4J _ f _ FOH SALH-50 No , 1 farms within n radius of 2.J mllog of Omaha , Alur. a low good busi ness chance * In two llvo towns. .1. II. Sllvls , ItealKitato and Loan Aeont , Hlkhorn , Nob. 573 A Ug 8 _ RAHK opportunity for Investment For the next ,1U days aero lots In Arlington Ili'Itrhti , nbeiutlful lnoation two miles south of post- ollico In lleatrlce , Nob. , will bo sold for t50 ! per aero. Addrofi Hex Iu62. _ 528 a 2J FOU 9ALUAt a bargain , fl-room tiutiso nnd half lot on Davenport st. near 27th. Owner must have money nnd will soil nt n grent bar gain. Only ? VJO casli required ; bulanco long time. Address X 02 , Dee otllce. : i)0 ) BAIK1A1NB oxtrnordlnary Corner and 210 foot front on h'outh 16th it nt | 75 per front foot. Ono of the most beautiful full lot ) In Walnut Hill worth ( I.WM ; lora \ for f&OO : (4 ) cash. J. F. Hammond , 117 B. Iflth. 7 'J FOH BALK A corner lot , south front In Or chard mil , for (55'J. Jamca Btookdale , 113 \.llilhst. 771 mtt'O beautiful eont front lots fronting Hnna- -L com park , city pnys for all paving , &o. There Is money la these , F , K. Darling , 410 B 15th st ' 77(3 IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V , Crum. 1SON ISth st. Idu lots U ot n inllo of U , P. depot for sale or trade. 0 room hou e for rent. Two 10-room homes for rent , snloor trmlo. Idlrwlldc. llr _ 8I * L V. CrumJiiO N 15th St. ON 15hundred ft on Lrnvrnwnrtti st ju t olT Park avn for ( lO.IW * . I4.ini cash , balance Cisy. F. K. Darllll ? , 4IH S 15th St 7TJ 2 BAH7lATNS-ln come choice lots In Wise & rarmaloo's addition. Inside property. Wo make some peed oilers In other liuilness and residence stulT nnd In ncres no nro .lio t.oss. Marshall A I/obeeklDCI.l Fnrnim. 7W HKUK Is n bsrgnln. Lots 3 nnd 4 , In blocK 4. South Omnnn , tWJ. Ti-rms half cash nnJ bnlnnco rnty. MarMmll & Lobeo' , 1509 Far- nnm. Telephone 71. SSS "IT10K SALE-Or trnde , 25 lots In the we torn JL' pnrt of Omaha near the llenson cur Imp , price fAill cnch , * - > 0 duo on contracts paynblu in 8 quarterly pnymrnts , will trade Interest In rontrncls for NouraaKn Inu't MoCullouh .V Co. , 1800 I'nrnnm ft 1000 42l'l'CIAIj lnisine * lots on 13th , corner of C Hlcltory , 100x140 can bo gotten rhnp nnd on very en-y terms , F. K , Dai ling 410 8 16th. i7t ) 2 Ij'OH SALC Corner lot on Virginia nvo with J1 two good houses , chimp at J7.001 Terms easy , lloiiecs rent for $70 per month. S. 8. Cumploll,310 S. 10th st Chamber of Com merce. I7U _ TT'Asrr.HN Nobrn kn fmms to oxctiango for JH Omnhn property. Patlcr on St Moore , Omnhn National Hank , E4J 171011 SAL ! : Ono million ncres of land In No- JL' braska. Sprculator's landsrailroad lands , ranches , mid fnrms In nil parts of the stato. Send tor pamphlet containing descrip tion and prloo of oor one thousand farms. A flnotopOKiaphlcaliunpiif HIP stnto sent free upon npplicntlnn K. II. .Amlrne , for 10 years ( Irn'l Innil Agent II. \ M. H. H. Llghth nnd P streets , Linzolu. Ncbraskn. 240 Hl'.NT-I'mnintied loom In ( Iraunlg blk. 1,1th nnd Dodiro Rt. Inqulro of Davis * llethcrlngton. Mlllard Hotel Milliard room. 291 OH SAIII Lot f.0xl26 . feet nnd 3 room house , fM)0. ) Dnmlnlum st , between 15th mid 13th. Charles Klngc , So. ( Jmnhn. Ml a2 * rPIIIJ nicest row of three brick llnta In the JL c-lty on ono of tlm best streets can bo had nt n tinrgaln If taken at onco. Active Heal Ks- tat * and Property Kxchunge154 Uodiro st. 5S1 31 Legal Notice , To whom Itmav concern1- You are hurebv notified that Martin Quick purchased of tint Treasurer ot Douglas County , Nebraska , the Treasurer's CurtllU-ato of Tax Snlotolot number eight ( M In block number lour bundled mid th'rtv ' 1410) ) In Irand ! View Addition to the City of Omnhn as mirvojod- platted mid recorded , the same bulngsltuntedln Douglas County , State ot Nebraska : that said Martin Quick purchased said lot on the 4th day ot November IHXV thnt said lot was taxed In the tame of one Moore ; thnt said lot was taxed for ho year 18SI ; that the lime tor redemption will 'tplro on the 5th day of November ls 7 and that ho said Mm tin Onlck has sold and assigned the J'rcasuror's Certificate of Tax Sale to Charles Corbott , who now owns the samo. CIIAIILES COHIIF.TT , Dy U. 0. Hut batik , His Attorney. Omnhn , Nob. , July 10,1787. Jyl020-2 Notice to Conl Dealers , Sr.Al.KI ) Proposals will bo received at the olllco of the county clerk up to U o'clock noon of Saturday , August Oth , 18S7 , for fur nishing Douglas county with hard coal , about 100 tons , moio or loss. Coal to bo delivered at the court house or county poor fnrm ns It Is needed. lllds will also be received nt the same time mid plnco for furniMilin. soft coal to the county , to bo delivered in quarter , halt and ton "otn. "otn.Kach bidder must accompany his bid with a cci tilled chock lu thu sum of one hundred dot- ars. The right Is reserved to reject nny nnd nil bids , lor further luloimntlon call utcounty Clark's olllco. Dy order of the bonrd. C. P. NKIIDHAM , County Clerk. Omaha , Neb. , August 1st , 1887. aldr.t Notice. Hlds will bo received by the bonrd of public .andsnnd buildings at nny time before August 15,1837 , at 2 p. m. , for donations for the location for the "Nebraska Industrial Homo. " Usual rights rosored. . lly order of said bonrd. July 20 , lbS7. G. L. LAWS , Secretary. ju29d-to nugIS Proposals lor Sealed Bids. TIIK School Hoard of South Omaha will re ceive sealed bids for the erection of a high school building up to 2 o'clock of Saturday , August llth , 18S7. Plans nnd specifications may bo soon at thu Stockman oillco. Thu board reserves the right to reject any nnd nil bids. lir Onntm or SCHOOL BOAUDCirr or Soorn August 1st , 1SS7. BldlOt Notice to Contractors. SKALED Proposals will be received at the ollico of the county clerk up to 13 o'clock noon of Saturday , August ( ith , IRdi , for grad ing , ns follows : Commencing at N. W. corner of Section 8 , Town 14 , Hnngo 13 , thcnco east on section line one aud ono-lmlf miles : about 4,000 ynrds moio or less. Each bid must bo accom panied by n deposit of twenty-five dollars. The right Is reserved to reject nny and all bills. bills.Uy order Of the board. C. P. NKIIDHAM. County Clerk. Omaha , Neb. , August 1st. 1897. uldpt rno is rmAC n i < iT.iD WITH in * orftonintT or THIS coUHtar wiu , BEH fir KXAMIVIMI lias MAT THAT THH CHICAGOROCK ISLAND&PWFIC RAILWAY IIjr reason of Its central position g'o o relation to lints Fait of Chicago , and continual' lin.-s at terminal points Writ , Northwri.it nud Southwest , Is Uiu tru mlildlo link In that transcontinental pjstrm vrliloh Incite * and facilitates travel and trafflo between tb * Atlantic and Pacific. The Hock Island main line end branches Inclado Chicago cage , Jollet , Ottawa , LaSatle , I'anrla , llunosco , Molina and Hock Iilanil , In lllliuilii Davenport , Huscatlne , Washington , FalrflchJ. otturawa.Olcaloota , West Lib- ertTIowaCltyDc Holno-InJlanolaWliit rs t , , Atlan tic , KnoTTtlle , Audubon , Ilarlan , Outhrle Centra and Council UlulTs , In lowaj Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. Joseph , Cameron and Kansas City , In Missouri : Lcarunirorth and Atohlson , In Kansasi Albert Lea , MlnnrapollJ and St. Paul , tn Minnesota | Watertown and Sioux Falls , I Pakota , and hundreds of IntenueUlato cltloa and towns. //Tho Croat Rock Island Route" " Guarantees * peed , comfort , certainty and gaiety. Its permanent wajr Is dlstlnjmlslifd for lu excellence. Its bridge * are of stone and Iron * 1U track la ot noll4 teel.Its rolllngstoclcperfect. Ilspas enceroiulpm nl nafcall Ihe safety appliances that experience has pnjl useful , and for luiurloui acoommodatloni | j uiu ir- p&supil. Its Kipreis Trulm consist of superior Ifiy Coaches , elrfrant Pullman raluce i'arlorand 81eilug | Cars , fiuperb Dining Cars , proTldlng delicious inoals. and ( between Chicago and Ht. Joseph , Atchlnon and Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. Its man- Bioincnt Is conserratlre , Ita discipline eiactlng , "The Famous Albert Lea Route" rirtneen Chicago ami Minneapolis anil Rt , 1'aul Is tba taforlto. Oter tlila line feolld Fait Kzprco Trains run dally to attractive tesorts for tourists In Iowa and Minnesota , and , via Water-town and Hloux Tails , to tha rich wheat and Krai In ft lands ot Interior Dakota. Via binccn. and Kankakee , the ItocklBtanil offers superior Inducements to tra\etrs ! l > etwpen Clm lunatl , Indian apolis , I.af rttto ami Council Jllulfi.Rt. Joseph , Atchl- son , Ldarenworth. Kanias City , Ht. 1'aul , and Intermo dule points All patrons ( especially lidle and chil dren ) receive protection , courtesy anil k I mlly attention. For tickets , maps , foldera , coplen of Western Trail , or Any desired Information , apply to principal otTicea In the Unltiul State * ami Canada , or Jiln , at Chicago , ft. R. CABlt , I. ST. JOHN , E. A. IIOtBROOI , Ul lUlllUUUI IVUIllll U. S. DUI'OSITOHY , Omaixa , ISToto. Paid up Capital $200,000 Surplus 42,800 II. W. Ynlcs , President. A. K. Tou/.iiliti. Vice President. \V. II. S. Hti lius , Cashier , DWF.OTOItS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , II. W. I'ntos , Lewis S. lleed. A. E. Tou/.alm. UANIvINcT"oi'TICE ' : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th aim Farnam Sis. A General Bunking Business Trunsncto IP. % VA < JiiiK"o\vi : Veterinary Surgeon OIIlcc , 417 S. HIM STK.ari' , OMA11A , NEURAlpKA. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. DUMMY Til A INS. Itunnlng llotween Council Illuffs nnd SontU Omiilm. In addition to the stations mnntlonod. trnlnn clop at Twentieth mid T only-fourth Bit ton , nml nt thu Summit in Omnhn. Wont ward. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee &SI Paul Bj The Best Route from Omalta and. Council Bluff * to } THE E LST Two Trains Dally Between Omaha and ' , Council Bluffs Chicago , AND Milwaukee. St. Paul , Minneapolis , CcdarKapidi Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Ticloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other important points Knst , Northcnlt . . nnd Southcnst. tor through tickets call on the ticket Bfront at 14011 nrnnm st , In Pnxton hotel , or at Union 1'aciflo depot. 1'iillmnn Sleepers and the finest Dlnlnff Cnra In the world are run on the main line of tbo Chicago , Milwaukee ) ft Ht , Paul Hallway and ev ery nttontlon Is paid to pasoenirers uy court * * Otis emplo } PCS of tbo company. 1L Mn.r.Kii. Oonoral Manager. J.K TUCKKH , Assistant ( loneral Manager. A. V. It. CAIIPENTEII , General 1'asseuvor and Ticket Agent. CEO. B IlKArroim , AsslstantQonoral Passen ger and Ticket Aircnt. J. T. CI.AIIK General Suporlntendcnt. 0 - CHICAGO Norlh- NorlhWestern Western The only roail to take for Des Molncfl Miir- ihulltown , Collar Itiinhlt"Cllntnn , Ulxon , Chica go , Milwaukee ami till jiuliits cant. To the | iuo- plu of Nitbrnskn , Cnloriido. Wjouilnt' , utnli , Idiilio , Mivailn , OIOKOIIVn > hlnRton , nnd Ciill- loinln , II ollurri superior udvuntHKes net poriSi- bio by uny ( ithur line. Among a few of the numerous points of su- pnriurlt ) cnjoyul by the patrons of this lend iiflvii'dii Dnialiu nml O'llcngn.nro Its two trains inlay ol DAV COACIIICS , which uro the Illicit that hiimnn nrt nml liiKniili } run croutu ItH l'AIACKiSIKiriMi : : OAKS , uhluli are moduM of LOiiiluil nml c-U'jMUico. ItH I'AKLDIt DIIAW- IMI IIOOM CAHS , iiniuipnsvnil bynny , nnd Its widely colotJiatoil I'ALATIAI , WNINO C'AltS , the I'ljinil of which cannot lie founil owhoru At Council Illullstlie tnilns of thu I'nion I'uclllu It ) , connect In Dillon Depot with the < < o of the 4'hlciiKU As Noithwvtitorii lly. In ChlcHrfO thu IraliiH of thh line nmlcu cluso conncitlon with tliosiior nil ca tcni hues. I'm- Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Clnrln- nntl , Nlnirnrn I'nIK Ilulfulo , l'lttsliuii.'rorontii , Mnntreal , Doiton , New Vork , I'lillailolphln , Itnltlmoro , WiiKhlnRton nnd nil points lu thu cuBt , nsk for n tlokotla thn "NOIirilWKSTItllN. " If you wlxli the IKIBI nccommoilatlon , All ticket ai < ont8 aoll tickets \ In this line' H. iiuoinrr , u r WILSON. GUI I. MnniiK < r , ( lonl , I'usa'r Air nt W , M I1AI1COCK."C"K0' L. H. HOLLK8 , \S'u6Urn Afcnt , Pity 1'iws'r Agent , Omaha NolnasUa. DBEXEL & MAUL , ( SiuvviVJia to John (1. Jacobs. ) At tin ; old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Order * Iiy lulpcrapli solicltetj arid protnptljr t-Y- to. Telephyjte No , W5. . "