Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier tn nnypnrtor the city nt
nMntjcents per w ok
H. W. TILTOH. - - - Manager.
Briinrpp Ornci. No. .
N. Y.PlumblnE Co.
Ilcitcr. tailor. Summer goods cheap ,
Tlio city council will meet Momluj
night next.
i'ino COIIDPS for ladles calling. Wm ,
Lewis , telephone 128. Olllco 111U Broad ,
J. 0. Mitchell has lost his black New.
foundlnml pup , and will pay u liberal re >
ward tor HH rutuin.
Uclandcr. the salvntiotiist , who waf
arrested at the Instance of MrH. Hasty ,
has had his cusc continuud until Mondaj
Kov. Mr. Painter of Chicago will preach
every evening this wcok m the Fourth
street taburnaclu. Hu is a forcible pleas <
ing speaker.
The tramp wounded by Ollicor Hen.
drlcks is still at the city jail , but is riv
covorlnc so rapidly that ho will soon be
able to resume his travels.
To-morrow evening Mrs. II.V. . Tilton ,
Mrs. J. K. Ilarkness and Mrs. Drown
will entertain the Congregational social
nt the residence of Mrs. Tilton , No. K' ,
Fifth avenue.
John Morhc , of Crescent township ,
was released from the msano asylum
about three months ago. but his mental
condition is now causing the commis
Monurs to consider the advisabihtv ol
having him returned.
Next Sunday the Dodge Light fiuarct'
RO into annual encampment four mile ;
from Ottitmwa. The boys expect to bt
gone a week. This will give them a new
experience , camp life- with guard duty ,
and foraging for provisions.
A stranger in the citv fell in a fit on
Main street last evening. Ho was taken
to the police station and a physician
called , who pronounced his case not im
mediately dangerous. The man wenl
from one spasm into another , having aix
or seven during the evening.
The new hotel , ( loldstonc , at lo
Moines , of which Ed Howe , a Council
DlutTs boy , is one of the proprietors ,
opened yesterday afternoon and the first
meal was served yesterday. Mr. Howe's
many acquaintances and friends in this
vicinity will watch with interest his ca
reer as a hotel man. The now hotel is
live stories , is lire proof , and is elegantly
lilted up.
Joseph Wells has been chosen as Sun
day school missionary for I'ottawattamio
county. This county was at one time
the banner one in Sunday school work ,
there being one-half of all the children
of the county enrolled in Sunday
schools. A missionary , or county su
perintendent was at that time employed ,
and was kept busy organizing schools.
The work has been allowed to rest lately ,
but now it Is proposed to start it up
afresh. Mr. Uclls has been engaged
heretofore in Y. M. C. A. work. It is be-
hovctd that ho will prove the right man
lor the right place.
Pacific house Is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate ollices in the city :
$2 day.
pur _ _ _ _
Gooit for the Soul.
A chojce lot in "Regatta Place , " on
Which , in your little cottagn or tent ,
peace with all mankind and your family
Will prevail. Got one.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A.
J. Greenamayer , 023 Mynstcr St. , tele-
Pcrftnnal Paragraph * .
Rev. D. P. McMenomy has gone to Col-
fax for u week's stay.
G. W. Tafllndcr. of Sioux Falls , Dakota ,
is greeting ; his old friends hero.
Mrs. Will Clouston leaves this morning
on a visit to her old homo in Henderson ,
Platt Overton and wife , of Annapolis.
Mo. , are here visiting relatives and old
S. P. Macconnoll , of the Chicago Lum
ber company , lett last evening for Chicago
cage on n few days business trip.
Prof. L. Roberts has returned from n
trip to Kansas. Mrs. Roberts and tht !
children are visiting in Dos Moines.
L. II. Parsons , a fleet-lingered typo , left
last evening for a visit to his friends a <
Minneapolis after a three years' absence ,
Carey Rood , who is so prominent
among the Knights of Labor , is being
urged as a candidate for the legislature ,
Mr. Daumburgor , a young man promi
nent in business circles in Pennsylvania ,
is here on a visit to the family of II. II ,
H. P. Duller , cashier of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul in this city , leaves
to-morrow with his wife for Chillicothe ,
Mo. , where ho will be station agent.
Mrs. Dr. Hanohott is recovering fron :
her sorloos illness. The crisis is past ,
and there seems to bo no reason why she
should not continue to rapidly regain
II. J. Chambers has returned from an
extended trip through Kansas and tlu
southwest. Ho reports that the hot bias !
has withered the boom in most of tlu
cities ho visited.
For each dollar invested in property
about Lake Manawa there will bo 11 re
turn of at least 200 per cent inside of on <
year. See "Regatta Place. "
"Rpgatta Place" lots at auction Angus
8 , at ! ) o'clock , or at private sale by F. J
The Council lilull's boat house stand :
on "Regatta Pisco. "
Hear in mind that Lake Manawa is no
only within thirty minutes drive of Conn
cil UluflH , but Omaha as well , and thi
day is not far distant when 300,000 pee
pie in these two cit'cs ' will take great in
tercst in this the only breathing spot ii
western lowu or eastern Nebraska.
Shot a Unnimjr.
The Avenue restaurant on lowci
Droadway was the bcenu of an exciting
cplsodo last night about 11 o'clock. Tin
proprietor was startled by a noise in tin
vicinity of his coop of chickens. Hi
could just discern the form of u man am
ho iirod at him with a shotgun. The fcl
low tumbled , and the alarmed restau
ranter , getting a light and help , won
out to pick him up. It proved to be i
"dummv" and clad in a pair of the pro
prietor's best pantaloons , the rear o
which were riddled with shot.
To Excursion Parties.
The excursion steamer and barge Join
M. Abbott is prepared to fulfill engagements
monts for excursions on the Missour
river either day or moonlight parlies
Capacity 400 passengers. For terms am
other particulars inquire of L. 1) . Judson
020 Sixth ftvonuo.
When you are in the city stop at thi
Pacific house. Street cars pass the dee
every fifteen minutes for all the depots
60 cents each.
At the Pacific house you will save fron
oOo to f 1 per day. Try it and be con
vlnoed. .
_ _
J. W. and . L. Squire lead money v
She Shields the Man Who Ruined Her anc
is Sent to the Reform School ,
The Work to bo Hereafter Done at
the Transfer Vinegar \\orke and
Scale * Factory Among ttio Nc\v
Enterprises A Lost Man.
Griffin Acquitted.
The sensational case in which Dati
Grlllin was charged with making a brutal
as auU upon Ida NVyckhofT , fell to pieces
yesterday. The information was lilcil
by the elder sister of the unfortunate
girl. The case came up bcforo Justice
Schurz yesterday. Ida went upon the
stand and swore boldly in Grlllln's bcv
half. She denied that he had ever treated
her Improperly. Of course this knocked
the bottom out of the case , and Grlllin
was discharged. As soon as this feature
of the case was disposed of , the girl was
taken before Judge A\lesworth , where
un apolicalion was filed for haying hot
senl to the reform .school. Evidence was
taken showing hur relations with Grifiin ,
and the order was made ; out sending hci
to a place where she will be given v
chance to recover from her fascination
for the young man. Shu objected tr
going , and when she found that thu noxl
train would bear her away , made as si
last request that she might sco Gnllin
once moro.
Cnr Clt'itnliiK Yards.
The Union Pacific has now com
menced the cleaning of its passongoi
coaches on this sitlu of the river , that
work having heretofore boon done in
Omaha. Now when the trains arrive
hero the coaches are not taken back
across the river , as heretofore , but re
main , arc cleaned up and made ready
for going out again. The yards for this
purpose are quite extensive , provided
with tracks and with water pipes , with
storehouses and other conveniences ,
There are in the gang thus transferred to
this side , forty-two men , under the
charge of John Flemming. There arc
tlnee outgoing and three incoming trains
dally , averaging ten or twelve cars each ,
Ten of the men will bo engaged on sleep'
ers , the others on the regular coaches ,
These men live in Omaha , and work on
this side , but as soon as houses can be
furnished , and the changes made they
will doubtless move over lo this side.
The roundhouse will bo completed
within two months , and then the engines
will remain on this side , as well as the
coaches. The change will be a helpful
one to Council Ulutl's , and as such is wel
come. _ _
AVants to Make Vinegar.
Mr. Howe , of Tonawanda , N. Y. , is in
the cily looking for a site for a vinegai
factory. He wants about ton acres ol
land localcd wilh good railroad facililics ,
and purposes building at once if he can
secure such a site at a reasonable price ,
'the factory will employ twenty-live men
and have a capacity of from hfty to sev-
tmty.fivo barrels a day. Sioux City and
Omaha have both been holding forth
some inducements , but it is believed that
equally favorable locations can bo se
cured here , and on some accounts this
point seems more favorable to him.
A. Scnlen Factory.
Negotiations are pending for the re
moval from the east , and location in this
city , of one of the largest scales factories
in thu land. Some local capitalists have
bccomo interested , and it seems very
probable that the enterprise may be so-
cured. It is reported that the Dierke
works may bo purchased for this pur
pose , and the buildings enlarged so as tc
accommodate the needs of the concern ,
Mr. Shugart has the matter in hand , and
it is progressing as rapidly as it is possi
ble considering the magnitude of the
A MlMlng Man.
Andrew Castles left his homo on Nortb
Eighth street , Council Bluffs , on the 20th
of July , to go to work for Mr. Hamlin
cutting curbing on South Fifteenth
street , Omaha. He left his tools at Mr ,
Sweeney's , shop on North Eiftcontl ;
street , on the 21st , since which time
nothing can bo learned concerning him ,
His wife is very anxious , as their babe is
quite sick.
Cheap Ride.
Purchase a lot in "Regatta Place" to
day and thereby secure a free ride to and
from charming Manawa.
The Drum Major.
Yesterday morning there was quite t
large gathering in Justice Sohurz' courl
room to greet the well advertised drun
major , Carboe , who was arraigned for a
hearing. He was brought up from the
county jail and scorned red headed in a
double sense. Ho was indignant aboui
having been kept in jail since Saturday
without having been given a hearing
Ho had some rights and ho had been
taken advantage of over since ho struct'
the city. To hear him talk and sco thi
flash of his eye one would easily be let !
to believe that he was greatly abused
There wore several charges for him tc
meet. One was for stealing a drun
major's uniform , belonging to Johr
Deckloy , and of the value of | 50. He
pleaded guilty to carrying this off , bin
denied that it was worth any suet
money. Ho wanted a chance to provi
that it was not worth such an amount
Tlmro was another charge , that of ob
taining $50 worth of clothing of Motcal
liros. under false pretense that he hu :
money in the bank , and against which IK
drew a checfc. Ho concluded by thu
time that lie had better secure on attorney
tornoy , and when hn hud done so hi
withdrew his plea of guilty , and had hi :
cases all continued until to-morrow. He
then returned to his jail quarter * .
Auction Sate of Lots.
"RegattaPlace , " Lake Manawa , to-d.v
at 3 p. m.
The lliver Kxcurnlon.
There was a rush at the Pacific housi
last evening , to take conveyances for tin
river bank , where the John M. Abbot
was in waiting to take the excursionist
on a moonlight trip up the river. Tin
crowd was either larger than the mana
gers expected , or the number of convoy
uncca less. Not moro than half of thosi
who desired to go could Eocuro seat :
in the busses and carryalls. It was i
tun , and many concluded to staj
ehind , wait for some better opportu
nity , and spend thu evening at Lake Man
awa. Instead of starting at 0:30 : as an
nounccd , it was long after 7 o'clock be
fore the start was had from the hotel
The Fifth regiment band furnished tht
muslo. A barge was towed by thi
steamer and on this a canvas was spreac
for dancing. It was a merry party whicl
thus started off and they were not ox
pouted to rcturu before midnight.
Regatta Place.
Is the choice spot in which to buy i
lot. Get one ut auction sale this after
Wanted Two good boys to work li
dining room at Kiol'a hotel. Apply a
, ouce.
Accident to John Abies.
The well known labor agitator , Johr
Ahles , "the learned blacksmith , " mol
with qulto a serious accident ycstordaj
afternoon. He was thrown from a wagot
at Underwood and his shoulder dlslo
catcd. He rode to this city to secure sur
gical help hero.
IJont Houses.
Omaha and Council lilufft boat house !
arc located on "Regatta Place. " The
friends of these two famous club ? arc
thinking of getting hold of all lots ad
joining thu boating grounds.
Itcpubllcan County Convention.
Chairman J. M. Matthews , of the re
publican county committee , has issued u
call for a convention to mutt at the courl
house in this city Wednesday , August 17 ,
to select eighteen delegates to thu state
convention. The primaries are to bo held
on the Saturday preceding.
For Rent A suite of five rooms , nicely
located , for light house keeping. Apply
at 41 Main street.
Pumps , pumps. Wo carry a heavv
stock of well and cistern pumps of nil
kinds. Cole & Cole , 41 Main street.
A Man IJOSCH One-quarter ol' Bis
HrnliiH and Still Mvos.
New York Correspondent Cincinnati
hnquircr : How much brain a human
buing can lose and still go on with the
ordinary manifestations of intellect and
have good masculine action and unim
paired nervous force is a question which
has often bothered the minds of theorists
and anatomists. There has been and still
is a wnlo divorrtiy of opinion on the sub
ject. In some instances brain has been
removed without any perceptible diminu
tions of any power , and then again even
the loss of a small amount of brain bus
hcen known to unbalance the mind , to
change the disposition or bring on com
plete or partial paralysis.
There is an excellent opportunity for
investigating this subject at the Dlack-
well's Island hospital , and if the patient
can only bo kept where fre
quent examinations and tests can bo made
there may be a considerable light thrown
on the problem. The patient is Robert
Corlield , a ship-calkur , about thirty years
of .igc. He lias been in the hospital about
live months , and has been
closer to the gates of death than
ninety-nine men out of a hundred
could without being carried through. He
was injured in a quarrel while at work
in the shipyard. Ho was lying on his
back by the side of another workman
under the hull of a vessel when Ins com
panion madu a discourteous remark.
There was bad blood between the men ,
and as soon as the words were spoken
Corfield rolled over and struck at his
companion with a hammer. Tlio blow
was returned with interest. Before Cor
field could gut on his fcut the other man
had seized an ax , and with a vicious
swing brought it down on his head. The
ax struck at an ancle and glanced oil' ,
making a ba-1 wound.
His assailant was in a mad passion ,
and the ax gleamed in the sunlight as it
again came down by a strong arm and
sank into the prostrate man's skull. Cor
lield was found , with the ax in his brain ,
about fifteen minutes after being struck.
Ho was carried in a boat to the Hospital.
The hemorrhage was promptly checked.
Opium and stimulants were given , but
the wound was so extensive that thi-ro
was no hopu of saving the patient's life.
There was a steady collapse as the uilect
of the great shock increased , until at
last the attendant , seeing .fib
sign of life , called -for the
dead-box , and the body was removed
to the deadhouse. This occurred early
in the evening. The following morning
an undertaker was called to take the
body away , and , to his great surprise ,
found Corfield breathing quietly. Dr.
Deard , the house surgeon , came quickly
to the spot , and could hardly believe the
evidence of his senses.
Corlield was surely alive He had run
a chance ot being buried alive but for the
fortunate discovery. Then came the
battle to save his life.
It seemed like u useless waste of skill
and time to do anything , but as long as
the man was alive the attending surgeon -
goon picked up his tools and went to
work. The scalp in the neighborhood of
the injury was cut in several places ,
loosened with a knife and turned away
from the oonn over a space about ix
inches square. The condition of the
bono was enough to take thu heart out of
oven an ovursanguino surgeon. But thu
bone forceps were quickly at work. Chip
followed chip , and pieces of the skull
were tossed on the Hoer with the same
port of a twist that a dentist jerks out a
The throbbing brain pressed upward
when the skull pressure was taken awuv ,
and as the surgeon kept on cutting it
seemed as if the brain would come
through the opening.
About as much of the bono was taken
out as a medium-sized hand would cover.
Then the hunt for splinters began. They
seemed to be everywhere , and were so
minute that many times when they
seemed to bu all gone a careful washing
would expose more of them in the brain
substance. This part of the operation
was tedious indeed , and unsatisfactory at
the best. The gash In the brain was not
exposed , that being deemed useless , on
the ground that it was not probable that
any of the bono had been carried by the
sharp point of the ax into the brain any
distance from the surface.
The patient rumaincd in seemingly
cataleptic condition day after day until
the time lengthened into weeks. There
there was neither improvement or retro
gression apparent. The wound was
healthy , but did not heal , and there was
a profuse discharge of pus. These con
ditions wore maintained until it became
ovidunt there was something foreign in
the brain. Dr. Beard decided to reopen
the wound and thu original line of incis
ions were followed with a knife. Ether
was not given , there being no necessity
for it. When thu brain was opened the
outer edge appeared good , but on the in
side there had been an alarming destruc
tion of tissues. The brain seemed to be
decayed. A quantity that did not resist
the slightest pull was removed.
Thu surgeon was astonished to lind ,
deeply imbedded in the brain , a splinter
of bone , the length and thickness of an
ax's edge , which had evidently been car
ried through on the point of thu : iv.
Search was made for other pieces ol
bono , but none were found. It is esti
mated that over one-quarter of the brain
substance was removed during the opera
tion. After the wound was closed the
patient was given stimulants at short in
It was a long siege , but the patient go !
beyond the danger line in time. He be
came conscious after four days and
seems to be perfectly intelligent. The
only sign of the loss of brain appears in
the patient's inability to speak. He
seems well in every other way , and it is
thought that the power to talk will come
back. Ho is slowly recovering strength ,
and an cfibrt will bo made to keep liira
in the hospital for several years for ex
What n Well Known Restaurant
Keeper Says.
4 ! BUOADWAT , Now Yoru.March 12,1881
Sotnu weeks ago I took a severe cold ,
which settled on my lungs. I suffered
great pain , considerable fever and worsl
of all found myself with a racking cough
In the evening I went to my box ol
Allcock's Porous Plasters , intending tc
use them on" my throat , chest and back ,
Unfortunately my wife had given all th (
plasters away , and the consequence wai
that I spent a sleepless night.The pexl
* day I applied an Allcockrs Porous pjaa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boaidera : : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. W
Na. GIB Main Street , Telephone No , 93.
Cor , 5th Ave. ft 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
One of the best Educational Institu
tions in the west. Boarding and day
school conducted by the Sisters of Char
ity , 13. V. M.
Board nnd tuition for a term of live
months , $75. For further particulars
St. Francis Academy ,
Council liluiis , la.
In Amber ,
etc.Hair On
nanients , as
well as the
newest nov
elties in hair
Hair ( roods
niadcto order
Mra. C. L. Gillette
20 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Attorneys at Law ,
actice in the State and Federal Court
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
tcr , to my throat , ono to my chest and
one between my shoulder blades. Hy 12
o'clock my breathing was much easier ,
cough almost stopped , while a gentle
perspiration indicated that the fever was
almost gone. In two days I was entirely
cured. J. L. JONLS.
The Cause of Cyclones.
"The Instability of the Atmosphere , "
by M.S. Shaler , in Scrlbnor's Magazine
for August : In cyclones wo tind the
largest manifestation of that euerpv by
which the superheated lower air whirls
upward from the earth through openings
which it has rent in the higher cooler
layers. In its fundamental cause the cy
clone is essentially like both the lessur
classes of whirls , the dust whirls and tor
nadoes , but the tiela of its work is vastly
greater , though the energy which it ex
ercises at any one point is less. The con
dition which load to the formation of a
cyclone are as follows : In those hoatcd
portions of land an < J sea where the cir
cumstances permit the air to
remain for n long time tin-
undisturbed , it becomes very warm and
charged with moisture ; the hotter it becomes -
comes the moro moisture it contains , and
the less it permits the heat radiating from
the surface to pass through its tuxturo ; at
the same time the upper air , deprived of
its usual share of ritdicnt heat , becomes
abnormally cold ; finally , as iu the dust-
whirls and tornadoes , the lower air
breaks through the upper and rushes to
ward the sky. Although at its beginning
a cyclonic btorm is probably of no greater
6170 and of much less ascending force
than a tornado , there are several reasons
which makes it dill'erent from that
of the smaller whirls. In thu first place ,
the Hold of heated air which causes the
cyclone is far moro extensive than that
which produces the tornado , though at
the same time the diflcronco of tempera
ture between the upper and lower air
may bo less. The fcrcat bulk of th& lower
stratum of hot arid moist air permits the
cyclone to grow larger , but the less as
censional force of the lower air makes it
rather less violent in its movements.
As soon as the ascending current
brings a portion of the heated air from
the surface into the higher level it ex
pands and the force , originally In the
form of heat , which kept it in the state
of vapor serves to Increase the ascending
column iust as much as would the direct
application of heat RufHclent to vaporize
the wator. Thus wo have two sources of
force to impel the air in the cyclone up
ward. Both these forces appear In the
tornado , but there the original heat of
the lower air is the principal cause of the
" 1 Would That 1 Were Dead ! "
cries many a wretched housewife to-day ,
as , weary and disheartened , she forces
herself to perform her dally task. "It
don't seem as if I could got through the
day. This dreadful back-ache , these
frightful dragging-dpwn sensations will
kill mol Is there no relief I1' Yes , madam ,
thuro Is. Dr. Piorco's "lavorlto Prescrip
tion" ia an unfailing remedy for the com
plaints tg which J pur iux. is liable. It
will restore you to health again. Try it.
All dru IgglBtS.
Special advortUoincnti , such i > § Lost , Fount
5o Loan , For Bale , To Ilont , VSunts , Bcmrdlnir
etc. , will bolneerted In this column nt tlie IOM
mtoof TEN CENTS PKK LINK fortbonm laser
lonauil VlvoConls PcrLlnofo.-cnch subsoquoni
Ineurtlon. Lenvo ndvcrllsomcnts nt our offlcr
No. It t'carl ttioot , near Uroadnar , Council
WANTUn-SHuiUloti by yoiinir mnn , fro
corv or clothing business preferred
Thrco years rxpurlonco In each. AddreBB U 1"
Hoc ortlcc , Council Illulfs , ( own.
WANTHI ) Situation ns bookkeeper bj
younir innn who can Klvo BatUfttctory ret
orcnucs IIB tooxperlooco , lntbltH nnd rosuousl
bility. G. D. Ilceoincc , Council lllutfa.
Situation an salesman In Rroeerj
WANTKD , llofercnccs given. 1) . U. T. , Uct
otllco , Council lllutTs.
tell two carriuuea on lonp time or wll
WlUy lor Uoreua. William Lewis.
lias a complete line of
LargebatHluwhltB , black and all colors. Fat
torn bonnetn , hau and toques , a specialty.
NolSH Douglas t. , Orattbo.
600 Broadway , Council lilufls.Iowa.
Established 1857.
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Kcslilonccs and
Fnrms. Aero property in western imit of city.
All tolling chcup.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Itoom 6 , over Officer A 1'ueoy's Dank , Councl
Star Sa/e Stables and Mule Yards.
Ilroadway , Council lllulls , Opp. Dummy Depot
3 s-3
c/a pa
Horses and mules constantly on hand
for sale at retail or in car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. SHUITKU & HOLKV.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council UlufTs.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
ATO. 23 MAIX ST. ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
lllyliest Martlet Prices , Promp
Return * .
820 and 82 Main Street , Council Hlufls ,
EnpeefSufve0NlapPublish6r , } [ ,
Over Ifo. 12 Xorth Main St.
Mnps , of cities nnd countlei
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation * I'lrsl Class ,
And Rate * * RcaMonalilc
Max Mohn , Proprietor
The finest of driving horses always on
hand and for sale by
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best , ,
New Goods are arriving and invite
Curtains ,
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Initrumenlt Tuned nml Repaired. We never Tail to give nutUI'iicf Ion.
Over 2O years' Experience InPlnno and Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluff * , Iowa
o. cr.
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Ilium OflU'o ,
Temple. Oinnlm OflJcc , No ill
Norlll ptitliBtreet.
Particular attention given to In.
venting fund * for non r real-
dent * . Special burtfiiiiiH In , loti &
acre property In Omaha & Coun
cil II I u ( ft. Correspondence solic
On Furniture , Household Goods , Stoves , etc. , to make room
for Fall Stock. Goods Sold on Installments.
A. J. MANDEL , - - Nos , 323- and 325 Broadway.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
A. scnuux ,
Justice of the Peace.
Oflice over American Kxprei * .
Justice of the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council BlufTi.
Refers to any bank or business house in tht
city , Collections a Specialty.