TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. AUGUST 1. 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Takes Another Tumble Undoi Heary Pressure By Bears. NO SUPPORT FROM THE BULLS' Corn Stubborn ami Steady , Out Prices Blcp Down a Pen Onts Again Heavy Provision * Quiet Quotations. CHICAGO rnonucE MAUKKT. CIIICAOO , JtilySO. [ Spuclal Telegram to thollKK.1 The pressure of August wheat upon the market carried prices down K@fc. ? St. Louis declined n full lr , and other homo markets were J < @ % o lower. Cables \vero ste.tdy , and no alteration In prices Is men tioned. Ihe general public Is lending the market no support whatever , and the bears are aggressive , and ns the bulls nro apparently - ly unwilling to stand n. serious loss on In * vestments , the speculative values look shaky to disinterested observers. The semi-panic In Wall street Is felt also on the produce exchange , though the shipping demand for foielgn account prevents ( \Ecrlous slain lingo In values. The seaboard clearances for the lint live days of the week aegioate , : 1CC7,000 bushels , against IW.OOO bushels lor the corresponding - responding period luht week , and western point receipts lor the wcekaro not materially larger than last week. Statisticians nro guessing on an Increase of about 1,000,000 mislicls In the visible. The maiket did not bi'i'iii to have been fully ublo To digest the loud of long whcnt that caino out yesterday , mid the opening this morning was oil' ) @ % e as compared with yesterday. The phrase "limpness , " describes the tone of the market , and the tone did not undergo auy decided change for the better up to 1 o'clock , though Hie break of } { c from the opening figures In August was recovered and the first and last quotations were Identical. Thoie was a good deal of changing over of August contracts Into later months. iuul the difference between August and September averaged lf < Slc , thuiiuh at one time It \va > > ! ic. Kluvator companies arfi making It an object for holders to keep wheat here , a circumstance which accounts for tint siniiik- KII In the premium. Local stocks are getting - ting down ton lower limit than warehouse men like to see. August opened at77cand fluctuated between P7Ji < pVSc. ( closing at G7 ; < c. September opened at TOJ 'C , sold down to O'.i c , and closed at the bottom. October opened at 7J , ' fc and closed at 7lJ < c , these prices bului : the extremes. The volume of trade was nhovii an uvciasa. A lair degree of activity in thu cash market was reported , mid lake engagements for 2.5,000 bushels wi-ie given out to-day. Coin was stubborn and steady , though prices again slipped back n peg , May , us usual , ruling the stroiitrest in the list of futures and alone closing a fraction higher than yesterday. Tratiu was rather quiet and the market was destitute of new or sensa tional leatures. The crop news was ot the name character that has been drlrtlni ; in all too week. It is contradictory , but in the main going toconiirm reports that the crop 1ms sustained considerable damage In certain sections. August corn opened at 87 > 4'c , ranced 31i@KXc ; , and closed at S7 c. bcp , tcmber opened at : tSc. . sold down to StXc- UD to 88c and closed at SSJfc@iXc. : ! Ocio- lcr opened at 8yc , sold off to : ; ' . % c andhack- , to the opening price , closing there. May started In at 31 c , sold down to 41 } < c and up to4i ; c , closing there. There was quite n little rally right at the close , caused oy.the buvlng In of shorts by local scalpers. The oats market was again heavy and de pressed by reason of largo offerings of moro than the usual propoitlon of consignments having to bo placed In store. Provisions closed the week In a quiet man ner. Not much interest was manifested to day , and with regular traders about the only business transacted was dimming over or making provision for maturing contracts. The cash product was also slower than usual. In the general market , however , a Htrong fcullntt prevailedond September the pivotal future was unchanged for lard and 2) o hleher fur short rltis. Lard for Septem ber sold at S0.07J.tt0.70. ( and short ribs at 38.15rt4S.SO , closing at S6.r > 7 * for the former nnd 5tU7JfMS.20 $ forshort ritis. August lard was 10@l'J > { c and August short ribs eei'er- ally lOc under September. October lard closed at S0.72'fti.75. ( nnd October short ribs ' at 8.05 , and advance of lOc. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , July SO. ( Special lelegram to the UKK.J CATTI.K Trade was fair for Sat urday , and the light run was about all bold nt an early hour , nnd prices about the same as Friday. Values are 25c lower for the week. During the week the best native steers have sold at S4.2. > @ | I.67X ; largely around , S4.40@4.50 ; prime , 1500 to 1400 Ib. steers al 3.bO@l.l5 , and aloui ; there ; .some grassy but useful 1200 to 1300 Ib. steers went as Ion ns * 3.25(33.50 ( , and feeders ot 1000 to UGu Ibs , nt S2.8502.IH ) , an occasional lot ns high a ; 83.25. Texans have .sold within a range ol 82.5003.50. Native butchers' stock has ruled steady at very low prices. There has been nn active demand the past week for stock' ers , with an advance of about 25c. Stocli bulls are not wanted. Feeders , especially those that fed In distilleries , have tilled theli orders. lions Trade was active , with little or nc chauio In prices as compared with yester day. The bulk sold around about S5.fiOii ( 6.85 , a few lots at $5.40 , and one or two lot ; IS5.45. Common mixed. S5.1505.25 ; Ilghl sorts. S5.i5QV40 : ; light-light and prluu chunkv pies of UO-lb. average , corn fed , will make 15.50. LtVK BTOOK. Chicago , July SO. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , steady ; shipping ste rs $3.30@4.00 ; stockent and tralorn. 82.00(33.10 ( cows , bulls and mixed , Sl,35 < g ,75 ; Texa cattle , 82.600:1.40. : Hogs Receipts. 05.000 ; market steady louuli and mixed. * 5.J005.30 ( ; packing am shipping , 85.15fi5.45 ; light , S5.0001.40 Skips , 83.0005.00. 8heop-R 'celpts. 8,000 ; natives , S2.5004.20 western , f3.2V 83.55 ; Texans , 82.7503.30 lambs. 84.00(35.00. ( National Mtook Vni-cln. Knst Ht Ijouls. III. . July 30. Cattle Hecelpt NX ) ; shipments , nonu ; market .steady : tal to cholco heavy native steers , S 1,0004,25 butchers' steura , fair to choice , 91.40 ( 4.03 feeders , fair to ijood , S3.0003.SO ; stockers fair to good , 'J.OOa.So. Hozs Receipts , 100 ; shipments , none the market was strong ; choice heavy an butchers' selections , S5.i.,05.43 : ; packers an Yorkers , medium to prime , S5.0005.IJO ; plgf common to good , S4.5005.UO. i City , Jnlv : . Cattle Receipts COO ; Hhlpnuiiits , 1.200 ; good of nil classr fitfitdy wood to cholco corn-fed. 8:1.7001.00 : cnmmnu to medium , St.iV(4H.t' : > 0 ; stocken S2.0W"i40 ( ; feeding steeis , S-4.50@3.00 ; cows 81.4002.W ) . Hogs Heoelpt * . 7,000 ; shlpmouH , 8,500 the market was weak and 5c lower ; roiiuuo to choice , 84.WKij3.2. July ! 50. ( Special Tclognu to the HKISTOCKS. | . The market to-da was merely a continuation of what It hr been till the week , blocks came out free ! on stop orders and exhausted maiglnsan ovoiwhelmed buyers und further sharp r cessions occurred In values. Grangers we : sold heavily on the prospective rate war , tl result of the opening of the Minnesota < Northwestern , and declined 2QJ , ? pjr uon Heading was txiso attacked ! < avngely an dropped " % percent from the opening prlct : mid touched 4S'f , The old stand-bys wei weaker than the noii-dlvlileiiders and Cl caco , Hiirllngton & Qulucy nud Hock Isliin broke 1 pnlut. Alter declines of 103 poin had occurred , the shorts began covorln : There Mas also some new buying , as prUi Iiavo reached a point where con.servatlve li vostors were Induced to take hold mode ntoly , and rallies of K02 points weio wl nessed , but In many Instances did not ho ! and thewaiket closed weaic and feveris ! with net declines extending from & < 3'JX I11 cent , the latter being on Manhattan , \\lii Northwestern showed -t\i , St , Paul 2 , Omal JK , Heading 3 , Michigan- Central W , Lai iior'L.ack wanua'J. Loulsvllh ! & Na ; vllle was steady. Taking the market on the whole It was an active onu for two hours , th sales aggregating 2ftj , 8 Miate ? , Including 35,81 shares of Heading , 27,400 shares of St. Paul , 23,15'J , of Lackawanna , 15,835 of North western , 10,100 ot Western Union , 18,410 of NewTiugland , 11,33) ) of Louhvlllo & Nash * vllle. The closing prices to-night , compared with June 80 , ghow declines ranging from IXfiW points. Manhattan leads. Now Eng land shows UK , Michigan 10K , Canada Southern 9i < , Cleveland , Columbus , Cincin nati < k Indianapolis OK , Northwestern S" , St. Paul Ojtf. Union Pacific 6J { , Missouri Pa- clllc7K. Chicago , Uurllnuton & QuIncyT'l , Texas PacIllcHK , Lackawanna 7 , Western Union 3X , Jersey Central OK , Heading 2K. Wabash common 1 , Northern Pacluo steady. UovKKXtiRTrs-Uovormnont bonds were dull but steady. YUSTKHDAT'8 QUOTATIONS. u ! S. ' 4K's coup.'lOSJf do preferred..142' | Pacilio ffa ot'OJ. . 12-3 N. Y. O.v 100K | Canada South'n' ! 50 ' ' ' " * ' ' ' ' ' Central Paclllu. . X > } { o ! T. . . . . . . . . . . . ! . 24V Chlcago&Alton.W PacllicMall ! ! v ) * w 4h i wtl t * ltr M UWlIIUAIlllllft * ! * * ' 7K do preferred..101K P. , ! > * E -S C. , H. A O ISSK'I'ullmanl'aLCar.HO ' D. , L. * W l'y ' % HnadlnK 4SJf 1) . &H.O S7'f ' Rock Island . . . .127 Erie 2SJ/SL L. & S. F. . . . SOda } / da preferred. . . . GO do preferred. . . . 73 Illinois Central..121 C. , M. & SLP. . . 70V do preferred - - ' * * " / ot * 1 tv L/ * i ' i Lake Shore Hl'ni ' do prcferred. . 103 L. it N COV Texas Paciiic. . . " Michigan Cent'l. . 81 Union Puciiic. . . . Mo. Paclllc 07 \V. \ No. Piiciiio : ! 2 , < Vdo preferred. . M do preferred. . . . 5SJ ( , \V . U. Telegraph 70 MO.VKV On call easy nt J@5 per ccut. , closed ollereil nt 5 per cent. FlltME MKnCAMTILE PAPEU 5XC tO per cent. STKni.i.vo ExcitANan Acllvo nnd un ol- tlccl ; actunl business RtS4.SJ for sixty day bills and 4.fc4 } < ; for ik'iiiiuul. I'llODUOK MAUKKTS. N Chlontro. July 80. Following quotations nrntho ! ! :3Ucloslni : : liRiires : Klour Stcaily and unchanged. Wheat Weak with limited demand ; opened i'e'o ' lower and closed Jfc below yes terday ; cash , C7 IJVlOc ; September , C'J 11-lCc ; October , 71Hc. Corn IJuled quiet the Rreator part of the session with the feeling easier , closing XW ] { c below yesterday ; cash , ! 57Kc ; September , as ta-ioo ; October , SV.i'fc. ' Oats Declined } ( ( &Hc as compared with yesterday ; cash , ttJ cbiptonihor'i ; ) > > c ; May , ! 0\'c Hyo Dull nt44c. llnrloy Easy ; Snptenibcr. C5 < c. Prime Timothy Soeu Si20. Flax Seed-Sl.OGK. Whlskv-31.10. Pork Dull and unchanccd ; cash , Slfi.OO. hard Quiet nnd steady with n slight clinnire ; cash , Sfl.r > 7k : Suptembcr , 50.07) ) < @ 0.70 ; October , 80.75Art.77K. Uulk Meats Sliouliiurs , ! > 5.SO@5.90 ; shoit clear , S8.OCtS.45 ; sliort ribs , 8S.07 } < . Uuttcr Firm ; creamery , 17 < j$23c ; dairy , Cheese Easier ; full cream Cheddars c ; Hats , 9t4'TMiJ ( < c ; Young Americas , O 10'ic ; Hklms , 6X4'"c. ( ! ' ECKS Dull nnd unsettled nt 10@llc. Hides Steady ; henvy rcon snlte < t ; 7Vc ; light do , ? ? ; < 3c ; salted bull hides. Oc , greei ! salted call , be ; drv Hint , 12l3c ; dry calf , lilggHc ; deacons 40c each ; dry Balled , lOc. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 country , solid , quotable nt 4c ; No. 2 , 3c ; cake , 4c. UocuinU. Shipments. Klour , bbls . 10,000 23,01)0 Wheat , bu . ( Corn , bu . IbO.OOO bS.OOO Oats , bu . 811,000 111,000 live , bH . 4.UOO aOOJ Uarluy , bu . 4.000 1,000 New York. July .W. Wheat Receipts. iriiUO ! ( ; exports , 214.700 ; spot lots declined HwClc nnd options K@ t'c , closing heavy nt about the In.sldo rate ; uuciaded red , 70 ® b'J'ic ; No. 1 red. nominal ; No. 3 red , 77c In elevator ; SO'4@Mc delivered , 70 > c t. o. b. ; August closlnu at 78jfc. ) Corn Soot lots very dull nnd a shade lower , closing steady ; receipts , .20,000 ; experts - ports , ttJ.100 ; ungraded. 45H@4fic ; No. 2 , 45c In elevator , 46c delivered , August closing atI5c. . Oats Js'QJ.i'c lower ; receipts. 40,000 ; ex ports , fiSJ ; mixed western , 3'J@aCc ; white wf-stcrn , s@41c. Petroleum bteadv ; United , 57Vc. K irs-Llilit demand ; western , 12@14X- 1'ork Dull and moie or lets noiiuuiii. Lard Dull ; western steam was quoted at SG.DO. Hutter Firmer , with fair demand ; west ern , 15@Kc ; western creamery , 17(7W.5Hc. ( Cheese Quiet ; western factoryr > ( if3 > ic. Minneapolis , July CO. Wheat Closed weak ax dull ; Xo. 1 liard , August , 71c ; Sep tember. 72c ; No. 1 northern , Aucust. 70c ; Septoinber , Tic ; No , 2 northern , August , OSc ; September Cc. ! ) On tracK : No. 1 hard , 73c ; No. 1 northern , ? Jc ; No. 2 northern , 70e Flour Market quiet ; patents , J4.1004.20 ; bakers. S3.20fa.BO. : ? Receipts-Wheat , 78,000. Shipments- Wheat , 21,000 , bu ; flour , 24,400 bb.'s. ' Ijlvorpool , July .10. Wheat Quiet with demand poor ; holders olfer moderately. Corn Quiet but btendy , with demand poor. Now Orleans , July 80. Corn Firmer ; mixed , 47KJ43c ( ? : white , 55e , Oats Dull and i Corn Meal Firmer at S-.25. Ilo/ Products Dull and dJooping. Pork 815.50. Lard S0.02K- Hulk Meats Shoulders , 55.80 ; long clear and clear rib , C3.12K. Milwaukee. July SO. Wheat Dull ; cash , CSKe ; August , Osjfc ; September , Corn-liillNo.3 ) ; , r" . Oats Weak ; No. 2 white , 29c. Jy > Drooping ; No. 1 , 4Sc. Harley Lower ; September , 03c. Provisions Quiet ; moss pork July , S15.00. Otnolnnatl , July SO. Wheat Dull ; Ni > . 2 red. We. Corn F lr demand wltho market steady ; No. 2 mixed , 4Wc. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 old , mixed. 30V < fc. Hyo Demand moderate ; No. 2 , 47c. Pork Easy at 315.M. Lard Scarce nt 80. : ! Whisky Steady at 81.03. 8t. Ijoulu , July 29. Wheat Dull cash , COKc ; .September 70 c. Oats Weak ; cash , WXc ; September 2l5uC. Corn Firm : cash. ! Mc ; September , WKc Pork Steady at 815..V ) . Lard -Higher at 50.33. Wldsky-81.03. Butter Uuohauged ; creamery , 10Q23C dairy , 14lUe. City. . July W ) . Wheat Dull No. 2 red , cash ; ; Olc bid , C3c nsked. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , casli , SB' , , c bid. nskeit ; July , iift cS Aiicttst , B c Oats No. 2 casn , 2 OMAI1.X IAVK BTOOK. Saturday , July 80. Cnttle. There was a falling oil in the run of cattl to-day of : X ) head as compared with yester day. There \\cro no especially now i feature in the niiuket. There was a very fair dn maud tor good corn fed native steers at abou bti'idv prices. Uutchers stock was slow will a light demand. HOC * . The receipts of hogs wore liberal for tin last of the week , there bolus . ' gain of 70 head ovpr yustorlay. The iiuality of the hog ; was not as good as yo.steiuay by consider able. The market opened svlth the buyer trying to buy about 5c lower than on ycstci day. WhiloaN.vIoadsmayhavobeon Bol tnat much lower , it Is to be doubted If th market could bo called 5c lower , when th quality of the hozs was taken into consider : tion. The top to-day wai 5.15 and there wa nothing > old yesterday above that. Every thins was sold out early in the day. There wore none In nnit nothing doing o : the market. Receipts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4C Provnlllni : Prloos. It- Showing the prevailing prices paid for llv < ItId stock on this market : Idh nhoicosteers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..53.0034.00 h- Choice steers. 1100 to ISO i Ib * , . . 3.sso ( < fi.W : ) her , Fnt little steers IKX ) to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.COft 3.70 lo Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1100 S.OOC < i3.S. Good to cholco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7503.00 Common to medium cows S.0003.50 tiood toehold ) bulls. . . . . 1.7.V > i'i' Ooodtofcholco heavv hots . , 5.15SS. .5 Good to choice mixcilhogs. . . 5.05 0.2 } Roiireseotnttro Halo * . NATIVE 8TKP.II1. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 04. . . .1087 SU.73 OS..15W Sl.OO COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 0. . . . 'JU S2.C5 No. AY. Shk. Pr. No. AT. Hhk. Pr TO. . . . 181 bO ? 1.115 OS. . . . 243 Kl S"1" ' l'J..l J 4.SW 5J.-(78 120 6.15 70..20S ICO ft.OO 73. . . .215 0.15 71..2a'l 120 & .05 03. . . . 217 40 5.15 BO. . . .IS 40 5.03 71. . . .22) 120 6.15 71 . . L0 100 f..05 M..I.SW 40 6.15 07..iM 100 fi.U5 09. . . . 200 2 0 6.15 7H..21S llrt ) 6.07 } < 70..2.M 40 5.15 05. . . . 21 80 0.07 C'J. . . . 201 40 5.15 57..2.VJ 40 B.10 M..205 240 5.15 r.1..ftM 100 6.10 71'i4l 240 6.15 7(1. ( . . .214 1'JO 6.10 Ca..2. > 3 bO 6.15 70. . . . 'Jll 40 5.10 71. . . . 243 200 6.15 B1..S100 ! 5.10 00..2.V ! 100 6.15 03. . . .SW bO 6.10 n.r . . . .2-l 40 5.15 6.'f.'rfl 200 5.10 00..2.M 120 6.173 &i..yra 100 6.10 M..STU so B.njtf C5..2 : > 9 HO 5.10 C5..204 200 5.17K 05..U50 2SO 5.10 00 . . .2M 120 r.17 > jf 71. . . .217 120 5.10 6.2 ! > S 40 5.20 04 . . .2.17 120 5.12K M..UG : < fcO 5.20 CM . . .211 100 5.12' $ C5..250 40 5.20 CKJJO bO 5.12' $ r > 8..2.-.4 40 5.20 77 . . . 'J.W 40 5.1'JK M. . . . 2n 40 6.20 7. < i..l-JO 120 5.12K 77..2i'J : ' bO 5.20 75. . . . 2 18 80 6.121 $ fS..L' . 5.22 } $ CS..2o < I''O , - 40 J 5.1-i ( KI..21H ) 5.25 Mvo Sioulc Hold. Showlnntliu nunibar of head of stock sold on thu markut to-day : CAT TLP. . O. II. Hammond fc Co . CO C. 11. llniiiiuoiul & Co. ( shipped direct ) . 140 l,0lll ! . H Conklln &Co . 71 Total . 2J IIOO8. Anplo American Packing Co . 1,850 Sinilios&Co . fOl A i inour & Co . 1,0.10 Hao 1)103 ) . 214 Total . 3,007 Shipment * . Showing the number of otcittlo. hos ntul shoup slilpp.'d from the y.\rds during the day. CATTU : . S . C. , H. & Q . Chicago HOOS. 10 . H. I . Jolict uoitsr.s. 5 . N. W. . Cedar Haplds AVcokly Itc < ; ilpt ) ° . Showing the olllcial receipts of cattle and hogs at the yards during the past week. CATfLR. IIOOS. Monday , July 25 . 4-.I4 - 1,30'J Tuesday. J uly 20 . 0:0 : 4,2sri Wednesday , J uly 27 . TC8 ,5 IP , Thursday , Julv US . 4u : li.yio Frldav , July 29 . O."j 2,8 > 50 Saturday , July : ,0 . ! W4 , .VJ7 'iota ! . n04 : ; Il,5j7 AH sites of stock m tins nnrkot are made per owt. llvo weight llulu3 othurwlsti statotL Dead hogs soil at Kc onr 11) . for all woishts "Skins , " or ho s woUhlni : loss tlnn 10J lts. no valuo. l'ri'nint ! ; sows nro duokdi 4J lot. and stii SO Hs , by thouiiblio Inspoctor. flvo Stock Note * . Quality of hogs poor. About everything sold. Hot ; maikot about steady. Cattle market unchanged. Liberal receipts for Saturday. O. M. Young , liurlln , Neb. , sold a load of 27i-lbhogsatS5.20. : ( Iporco K. Stener , Kalrfiold , la. , was In lonkluc over thn market. M. II. Jeffrey , Osceola , was at tlie yards and marketed n load of ho s. 11. H. Miller , Wayne , was in ana marketed two loads ot hogs of bis own feeding. C. F. Way , Ord , was In with hoas ; and re ports that they aic still paying Omaha prices. Mr. Hobertson , of the firm of Robertson fc Mutton , liliifl aprlngs , c.nno la wltli a load ot butcher stuck. A. C. Vlridu. of the firm of Virgin & Nel- BOH , was In with threi ) loads of c.tttle and a load of hogs. Henrv Lincoln the Chicago ho ; ; buyer for Squires A : Co. , st > po 1 off hero on his rotuin from the west. J. II. Johnston , \\ell-kuo\vn stockman of lilalr marketed two loads ot hogs. Ono load of 233 Ib hogs brought J. II. I'orter , of J. H. Porter & Co. , old time shippers to tne Kansas City market from Wichita , Kan. , was In looking over the yards with a view of shipping hero In the tuture. Among these having stock on the market were tbfl following : A. Dexter , Arlington ; Green & U , , Greenwood ; F. Jllake , Ayr ; 11. K. Paluiertoti , Wllcox ; M. G. Smith. 1111- dreth ; Sncll & A. , Ashland : F. Kropf , Schuyler ; J. Anderson , Columbus ; Halo A : Way. Out ; J. W. Conn. Pliittsmoiith ; 1'atter- son ik U. , Council Uliilts ; Hell it Cross , Car son ; VnndrnlT Uros. , Hrndshaw ; McCIoud & Price , Waco ; W. / . Pollard. Aurora ; J. lluck. Crete ; Snowdon it IX , Hitvonim ; N. C. Tiumbull ; J , M. lirown , liromlluld ; G. L. Smith. Ulysses. Thn following had stock on the market ; T. W. Lowry , Firth ; JRIIIOS Cummiiigs , T.\l- ninge ; J. U. Smith , Ulalr ; U. ( irovesuor , Tekamah ; Farrlncton & Son , I1. McMullen , Ij\ons ; H. lilaco , Kcnnard ; l.atta & ( i. , Craig ; J. Askwig A : Co. , Oakland ; Flndlay it A. , Marnc , la. ; J. K. Uorsoy , North licud ; Hay State h. S. Co. , Hay Stain ; J. U Steph ens , Waterloo ; 1' . Murphy , Ho urs ; Dover it G. , Newman ( iiovo ; hhephard it B. , Creig- ton ; Ley & Peters , Stxntou ; Fuller S. it F. , Lindsay ; HnnoS. it I ) . , Kluln ; P.tckant L. &G. Co. , Creighton ; C. C. Clitton , Cedar OMAHA AVIlomCS VLB MAIIKKTS. Genera ! I'ruiliiOR. Saturday , July SO. J7ic following nrc tl\a \ i > rcrt nt which rouiitl lotvofmoducc arc sold In tills mtir- Kct. Kct.Kons The receipts continue light and the market is lirm at lit : . llUTrnii The receipts are lighter than they have been for somiitlme. Cholcn butter Is extremely scarce and is bringing high prices. The best dairy butter is soiling at 14ilGc ( per pound , talr to good , ll@loo ; in terior , t ) < aiOe. CIIKKSI : Fancy full cream Cheddars. single , lOc ; lull cream twins. lOKc ; Young Americas , lie : brick cheese , 100 Ibs , In case , now , 12c ; Llmburgcr. 100 Ibs , in case , now , lie ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , new. We. POUI.TKT There Is a very fair demand for good stock. Old fowls sell well. If choice , at $ " .00(33.50. ( Largo spring chickens sell at 82.50@'t.OO. POTATOKS The receipts of potatoes dur ing the past few days liavo been very light and the market Is a little tinner , good stock moving at oofflosc. UKUIHES The market is almost bare of berries of all kinds , and only an occasional shipment is tecelved. TOMATOES Homo crown stock has not yet put In an nppoar.inco. but there Is an abundance of MUsuuil .stock. Good stock is moving at SI. 50 per bushel , LKMO.NS There are some very fancy largo Mulori lemons on Urn market which are sell ing nt S'J.X ' ( ) . Choice Messina lemons are moving nt 8.00rT8.5i. ( HANANAS Choice green bunches are firm at . . . MKI.ONS Watermelons S20.00@25.00 per hundred. Musk melons are $2.00 per dozen d for fair stock. K ) Pp.AriiKs The market Is well supplied s with California stock welch Is selling at ss Sl.50ffil.75 per box. s PLUMS Good California plums are mov- rd \ns \ at S1.60Q1.75 per box. re PEAKS There is a large supplj of very e good pears In the market ; cholee Bartlett pears lire going ut Si MXJJ J.75 p"er box. AiM'i.ES Good Missouri stock It selling at S'-.50 ( 3.uo , according to quality. CKLKUT There is now plenty of good CP ! > cry cornltiz In , which sells at S6@lOc per doz. Grocer's Iilst. . < v , i , . ' , . , 3oc ; Arbuckle's , roasted , 25'ic ; McLauuh s XXXX , 25.i 'c ; Uilwortli's ' , 25c ; Hed , . CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , pci A. ? < J , VUIKUIUIU | M.ai3Kl LtUU , 0-t,3ini-i.u ; apricots , per csse , S3.50(33.CO ( ; peaches , pei ease , S4.vX35.00hlto cherries , per case 55.50 plums , per casp , Si40(83.50 ( : blue berries , per ca e , 81.85 ; egg plums , ! Ib. per rase , SJ.5Q ; pineapples , 2 Ib per case. 83.2135.75 ; i ju mackerel , per doz fcl.SS ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , | 1.55@1.00 ; U I pooscbcr'rlo' , per rasp , SXOO ; 3 Ib string beanp , per case , 81,70 ; 2 Id lima bean ? , tier case , Sl.oo ; 2 Ib marrmrfnt peas , per case , $2.40a-5.0 ( ; a Ib early Juu peas , per ca o , 82.7. ' . ; 3 Ib tomatoes , S'J. .V < ia.W ; J Ib corn , i'j.r > o. \ l'novi ioxfl Hams , 12i3l2 > { c ; breakfast bacon , 10 > 4@10 'c ; bacon sides laftfWMiC : dry salt , Sd c ; sliouIdfJ * . 7e : dried beer hums , 13 < ( ll4c : dried beef regular , 12) < chaiiis ; a , Si : heavy stable , 54. SvutM'-No. 70 , 4-eallon kegs. Sl.32tiU.nri ; New Orleans , per gallon. 8s < ij4fic5 maple syrup , half bbls , "old Unit1 , " per gallon , 70c ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , 810.00 ; hnlf-eallon cans , per doz , S..ftO ; quart cans , S3.00. CANDY Mixed , s llc ; stick. 8H < PKc. CuACKr.ns ( larneau s soda , butter and Icnic. 4fe } : creams , 7Kc ; ginger snaps , 7K : Ity soda , 7 } < e. I'ir.Ki.KS-Medlutn. In bbls , S7.00 ; do In alt bbls S4.00 ; small , In bbN , Sf.00 ; do In alf bbls , S4.50 ; gherkinsin ubls.SU.OO ; doin alf bbls , $5.00. StWAU-Uranuhted,0& ( < MKcconf. ; A , 00 Vc ; white extra C. nk 5jfc ; extra C. % c : yellow C , SXCwsc ; cut loaf , xnvdered , 77xc. DniKi ) KniMTS Apples , now , } /'s Gc. vaporatPd , WMbrlng. 17'fC < rlSe ; raspberries , c : evaporated , impaird , c ; new currants , ? 4 < 3 c ; prunes , 4 > $ ( A < 5/c : citron , 25c ; ; ral- ins , London lavcrs , jl.75 ; California , loose uiscatcls , S1.G" > ; new Valencia , 7'4c. lluriNEii LAI-.D Tlorce , 7e ; 40-lb square ans , 7e ; 50-lb round , c ; 20-1 b lotind , We ; 10-lb pails , 7Ke ; 5-lb pails , 7 c ; 3-lb mils , 7 ? c. ToiiAcro Lorlllard's Climax. 37e ; Splun- id , DSc ; Mechanic's Delight , 40c : IjCKi-'L'tt te lever's Slur , 37c ; Corni'istoni1 , : > 7c ; Dttim- iiiml's Horse Shoe , 37c ; T. J. , yie ; Sorg's jpoarhead , : ! 7c. TIAS : Japan , per Ib , 20050c ; gunpowilT , " > @ 'lo ( ) : Youne Hyson. 30@50c ; Contou , C5Q Oc ; Oolong , H005c. fjpnoral Slarkcts. _ _ _ Cologne spirits , ibb proot , SI.10 ; lo 101 proof , S1.12 ; spirits , second quality. 01 prool , 81.10 ; do 18s proof , 51.00. Alcohol , 88 proof. 82.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled vhlbkles , Sl.00istl.50. ( Jlu blended. S1.5T © .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.oour..oo $ ; Ken- ncky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00@S.5u ; lolilon Slieaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 1.50(53.00. ( Drandles. Imported , S5.00@H.50 ; limiestlc , Sl.3003.00. ( tins , imported , S4.5iuj ) ( j.OO ; domestic , 55l.250.0i. : ) ( Champacnes , Im ported , per case , S2S.00@tti.00 ; American , per case. S10.U0010.00. HIDES Green butchers' , 5Ji0i c ; green cured , 7Kc ; dry ( Hut , ll@12o : dry salt , ! ) ® Oc ; green ralf s-kins , 740 ; damaged hides , wo-tlurds price. Tallow Sc. ( SrenRO Prime vhlte , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IKc. Sheep lolll , 25075C. llr.AW IlAKinvAun Iron , rate , 52.70 ; ) low steel , special cast , 4 } < c ; crucible steel iVc ; cast tools , do , I2(91bc ( ; wa.on spokes ) or set , S2.00ft83.50 : hubs , per set , S1.2. > ; fel- .ron weil es , Oc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4Vc ; spring stci'l , 4ii5c ( ; Hurdon's horsu shoes , 84.75 ; Hurdeu's rulllo shops , S5.75. Harped wire' in car lot * . Sl.OO per 100 Ibs. Iron . nails , rates , 10 to 50 . ,52.00 , ; bleel nails , s--- - - lo Dry I jit m bcr. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIllllS. ' 12ft 14 ft 20 ft 22 ft 21ft l7.BDl7.fiO 17.5U 18.M 10.80 02.W 2x2 17.SU117..1U 17.TO 18.WI 1'J BO 22.60 L-J.BO 2x8 17.-0'I7.M 17JVV18.NUn.r ) > 0 22.6U 17.40,17. , ,17.60 , - - - - - - - X"J.M 4x12. . . . is6o' ! ' IH.W'18 ' Oft IH.IM'.L'O.OO SLWM..VJ ) 2xHx8 . 1S.,18.50 ) , . aioo 110AI1US. No..l , com , sis 519.05 No.8 , com , sis 17.50 No. 4 , com , sis . , i : > ,50 No. 1,4 &C in , 12it 14 ft , | 6licll 510.00 " " " " " " " ' . No.2 , "V1" 1B.OO cnii.iNo ANP PARTITION ; 1st com , \ in White Pino'Celllng SS4.00 Clear , ? in. Norway PIne Cellingl 10.00 simxa. A , 12,14 and 10 ft 523.00 H , " " 20.50 C. " " 15.01) ) n 11 13.00 STOCK BOAIIDS. A12 inch s. Is 540.00 No. 1 , com. 12 in s. I s. , 12 & 14 20.00 ' ' Ifift 1D.OO No. 3 " " " 12 & 24 ft 18.00 ' " " 10ft 17.00 FINISHING. 1st and 2d , clear , IJf inch. s. 2 s 550.00 Hd , clear , 1 Incn.s. 2 a. , 845 : itf , 1J ,2 in 47.00 U select , 1 inch , s.2 s.,830 ; 1& IK , 2 in 37.00 POST * . White cedar , t In. , " 43. , I2 } < c ; 0 In. qrs. , lie C.E.MAYNE. C.H.TAYLOR. TAYLOR & MAYHE , General Insurance A ! ( Tire , Liplitnlnc anil TornadoJ N. W. Cor. 13tU nnd Harrier Sts. , Omahu , Neb. Telephone C2t. " ' "li SURVEYORS OfBc , Sooth Omaha I loom S , Hunts BullalnN'lntb Onmha UOs.mG.orer Cummcrclal National Ilank. THE NKW DEPARTURE DRUMS ( varomadowllb patent double acting rolt nit " - folding knee rest. LUUt , .nubBUntlal . nd hundsoinc. U ccl In the b t BaniH and Orcbeilras. UncqualcJ for tone , tnrpai * all oiliera la Bnlih anil appearance. K nearest Music dealtr does not keep thi-ra , write to us for Illustrated Catalocn * . LYON A HE At * , Chicago , III. THE BANK OF COMMERCE 01O North 16th Street , Paid in Capital , . . . - $100,000 Or.O. E. HAUKEH. President. HOUT. L. QAHLICHS , Vlco-rrcsldonU F. U JOHNSONCashier. D1UECTOUS : SAMUEL H. JOHNSON , QtO. . H. lUFlKEll , ItOIlT. L. QillLIUIIS , W\I. SttVLUS K 11. JOIINWjJ. . A Renernl banhlnir business trnnsactoJ. Interest aliowoJ on ImoUppo Union NatioMl Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , ft' . . . . . $100,000 Authorized Capital. . . & 600.OOC W. W. MARSH , President. ! J. W. ItttouPKK , Cashiei Accounts solicitcJ nud prompt attentior given to all business entrusted to its care. Pay 5 per cent on tiine deposits. No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av enuc and 10th sis. Telephone No 812. D.S. DEPOSITORY. Capital $ OOO.OO ( Surplus 100.00C Herman KounUe , President. John A , Creighton , Vicj-PresiJ&nl , . ' F , II. Divis , Cat'.iler ' , . 1 , , W , H. Me crulerj A t.-Caihler , , * ' ' S . ' ' ' ' ' , . . ' . . t , ' . . ' ' . . , . . . ' _ , . * . V . _ . SKIN TORTURES That Del- nil Oilier Ilcn Speedily Cured by C'tillc'.irn. HUM1MATINU Kruptlon . Itchlnif neiJ llurn- Inir Skin Tort\irc , l. < nitli'oiiii > Sore , ntul uvory SPPCK.M or Itcnlnir , t-culy , I'linply , liiher- Itml.ScioriiloiisiiiiU Uontni.'louiIl < i t3c * of the lllood , HMu nnd Sonlp , with Loss of llnlr , from Infnucy to old HBP , nro poMtlt cly cured liy Otm- cnu , thu irruatSliln Cum , nud CirrieriiA SoAi1. nnoxiiulslin Hkln llc iitlllur. externallny , nml Crnrrn \ Hmii.vBNr , thunow Hlood llurlflur , lulonmlly. < ; OVIKF.I : > WITH suur.H. 1 ha\olccii nllllctrd rliitu Inst Mnrch with n Skin dlsOMSo tlio doctor * called iozuuiu. : My fnco win covoied with CIlllS nnd Forc , nnd the Itclilnrnnil Imrnlnir wnro nltno't nnbrnratilc. Booliiw > oiu 0'TKTUA , UKMKDIKSSO highly roo- oiumundcd , concluded to irlvo them a trull , uslnir thoCi'TicuiiA nud CUTiomtv 80A11 oxtotimlly. nud Uf.soi.vr.NT Inturniilly , for four nionilm. I mill mjM'lf cttrod , Ingratitude for which 1 make this publlo PlHicracut. M S. CI.AUA A. riir.iiiiicir. : IlnoAi ) llitooK , CONN. sc.M.r , r.\ct : , EAUS I wns nIHIctod with Kc/om A on the 5culp , Pnco Kais nnd neck , which the di UfTiiHt , \ \ here I ot jour romoUlcs , pronounced ono of tlio irortt ousos thnt hud cnmu uudvr hU notice. Ho nd- vl ed mo to try jour Ctmri'itA ' Hr.MKiur.-i , nnd after tlvodavs u omy sculp nnd part of my face wore. entirely cured , mid I hope In nnotliur week to hnvo my ours , neck , Mini tlio other imrtol my ftuo ourt'd. IIKItMAN SLAUIi 120 11 4TII fcTUEST , NEW YOIIK. is : cuitHD. Ci'Tiri'iu stmiils nt the hca < l of Its cln s , rgpuclatry IB tlil tno cnso with the Ol < Ttctm\ SIMP , lluvo liuil nn iimisiinlljr couil Mile tills iiiiiiiiior , o l up to tlm | iruviilcnco ol nn niwrn * vnli'il form of llcli tlirouitli tomu luciilltlvs lu thnrotintr ) ' , In ulilcli th. > Ooricinu KCMI.MKS proved Bntlsfnclorv.w. . w. u iiAitmca , DitigtfisL UNIONTOW.V , Kv. ClFTtCUKA ItlCMKDIKH Polilnvi'rywhero Price : Criici'iu , BO cti. ' DAP. I'Act * . : Ilr.HOl VK.NT , fl.OO. 1'ropnrpil by Tin ! DiiriiNII CIIKMH M , Co. . llo lon , Jluss. bond for' How toouretklu Dlsenscs. " fTirv the Onuploxton niul Skin by rtillUUIIASuVI1. HOW MY SIDE ACHES , AcliliiLSlio = i nnd hack , Hid ui.d Kidney - noy Tallin , Ithcnnmtlc , Sciatic , NPII- ralitlc. fclinrp nnd Shooting I'nlin , ru- Hovod in one mlniito ! > } the Ciitlciiin Antl-1'nln I'laslor. Cannot full. At < lr'irgsts25c. ( | 1'ottcr Drutf & Chem ical Co. lltmon. VPPPQTI | l V u bul dill , The wonderful efficacy of Swift's fi ] < cclflo us & remedy and oure for rlieumntlum nnd all blood dU- case , has never had a moro con plcuous Illustration than thl < arTords. The c.iujlil , uii ollclksl and mi > hatlo testimony git en by the vonorahlc gentle man intut 1 > 9 acccjitcd at conTlncIng and concltulro. The n rltcr la a prominent citizen of Mississippi. The pentleman to whom Sir. Martin refers , anil to w bom hols Indebted for the tulvlco to \ > hlch ho ones his final relief from } can of ruffiTlug , U Ilr. Klug , for many rears the popular ulb-ht cloik of tbo Lanreucu House , at Jackson. JACHIOX , Ills ? . , April 23.1S37. Tnn SWIFT SpEcmo CoarAST , Atlanta , Ga.j ( Jrntlcmcn I have been an Invalid penilcmor for forty 3 earn , having contracted rtilmonary nnd other diseases In the Jleilcan , War , hut not till the 1st of Uarch , 1673 , did I feel any djmiitoms of rheumatism. On that day I wat tuddenly ftrickcii with that Jli- COBO In both hips and nnkles. Tor twenty days I VTalked on crutches. Then the pain was less violent , hut It shifted from Joint to Joint. Tor celts I would be totally disabled , cither on ono side ot my body or the othir. The pain never left men moment for i Icveii j oars and scirnmontliR Ihntls from Mnrch 1 , 1675 , when 1 WIIH llrst attacked , lo October 1,1S8C , \ hi'H I wniiMiriil. Durlnx thcso clo\cnfnrs of Intense - tense Furrerlnp 1 tried Inntimerablo prescriptions from'various | > h > slcl.\ns , and trlLMl CM.Ttiling SUK- centril by friends , but If I ever rcecheit the Ifust lii'iipllt from uny inedlclno taken Internally or ex. trrunllr , I nm not iiwnioof It. finally , nliouttho flrat of September. I mailu nrranftemenu to go to the Hot Springs of Arkansni , huMng despaired of every other remedy , when laccldcnuilly met nn oldno- qualntnnre , fir. King , no\v of the Lawrence IIouo of this city. Ho hod once been n great auiTcror from iheuniatlsm. nnd , na 1 eupiio&ed. had been cured lir R vim to not Spring' , liutvnon I met him he told mo tli.itlilsvltlt tn the Hot KprlnRSWiH In Mxln ho found no relief. On hlfl return from HutSprlng * ho hoard. fi > r the llrst tlmo , nf the B. b. H. as n remedy for rheumatism. Ho tried It und nix bottlei made a nnnplitte cure. Sot ernl rears have passed since , but be has had no return of the disease. I Immediately returned to try It. In September I took tour buttle' , orul by the first of October I wai well ns far as the rheumatism was concerned. All pain hail disappeared , and 1 uivc hot VULT A iwi.sus or IT SIICE. I hnvo no Intereit In makhiK this statement other than the hope that It may direct Homo other suircrer tonruro ( .DUIXH of relief , nnd If It has this result I m well rewarded for my trouble. I am > cry re spectfully uud truly } our irkuU.J. J. M. H. lUnm. For Bile by all druggists. Treatise on Ulood and Skin Diseases mailed frets. TDK RWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer 3. Atlunta. Oa. F. WACItKROW , Veterinary Surgeon Olllcc , .117 S. Mill .STK3CT ; , JMA'HA. NKKKASKA. FOR SALE. Anl limil on the Southern const of Mn achu PottH. ( iood llshlni , and bench for bathing. Ix ) filled in the bp-.t Siiiniiii'r Cllmnte In tlio world Fur full imrtlt'lnrs iidilrt < s8 , KDWAHI ) . II MRUUILI , , Mut tin ) Life IliillilInK , NH WU St. , N. Y OMAHA DEPOT BALDING BASE-BALL SUPPLIES , LAWN TENNIS AND ATHLETIC QOOD8. COLLINS GtrN COMPANY , AgentH 1312 Uoufflas Street. Alinr ftlBRB" ° UH" nlrcd ' nr nuincr n ied. Those win SURE GuRE- - t rocelM'd any Wllki U V 11 fa h , ncT.t a and nru inn Inlind shape ulth byphllltlc Iniiiiuc , HIcun lull tlvrly euro In flt e to 'l > rlii < Uyn. Oorrenpond wlih u * conk liKMUDV CU , Itoom 17 llelluimi llulldlni ; Omuha , Neb. FRANK D. HEAD , Carpenter and Builder , FJNECAIJINKT WORK A SPECIALTY Telephone 000. UOt ) Soulli Mxleuutli Struct. The COOK nrMKnr c you. an If by ir.uitlr. In 1 fl\etoclRliid.i ) , TIII ] Krinrdy l alisoluti-ly i unknuuu to aiiyonu nillfclilo of our Company H U no linnitiu , and nn purtruiree lo ilo wlm * wo any We nrr flimurlally rfMpotiiiiltli * i will makr hull clad rnnttni'is 1 host1 having fcynh'HMcTrouhh' * uliitulil corrpnK ( > nd * Ith us It wlh cost > uu nothing lo knuw nl k"lu'cl ) that o iirur.'lUli e anil ilo miat nerlahn Addrrai , Cooh i'.r.vxur Co. , Itoom 17 llc.lnun lIullillliK. Umaha , Neb , Funeral Director & Einh.ilmer 111 X. ICthSt. Tolouliono Xo.l . R. JUS DON INSURANCE x AGENT Herclmrm' Kutloual Ihmk Uulldmir , Hooml Up-Stnlr . Telephone No. 375 , Omaha , Nebraska. Ptoenlx. lan&on. KniflunJ , _ , rlroinciis.N'ewurk , N. J . . . I,5.'ilii6d31 Ulen'i l-iilk OlenVttlli.N ; V ' 1,4/V" " ' Olranl. Plillailelpiila. I'a , , Wuitubtiur New YQt > < N. ' OMAHA JOBBERS * DIRECTORY Implements. PA HltER , Wholctnle IoUr la AerlotiKtirnl ImplctiiGnts , WnjyonBi rJTU es and 11ucfff . .lonc fttooU bctwbvu 9th _ ln > li'lli.Omnlia ' , tivlt. _ IjlXlMiKIt 4 TffKTUALF CO. , Agricnltural Iniplcmetits , Vnfon .r rrliiBpa. nngglo' . Kto.Vhol v\l < > , Onxh . \Vhotcoala Dtnlcrs In Asfficulturrtl Imilomcns | ( , Wl.OU.t'lj uniUW , Jones dt Artists' Maturial. A. JTOSPK , Jll.t Artists' MntcHals , Pianos and Orpnna , UU Douxlni Street , Oraahn. _ Buflders' Hardware and Scales. ' Tools niul lUiffnlo flculgt. IliU lioujlnnu , . . . _ UuiAlu , Nob. Books and S A. T. KKXYOJf P CO. , \ > l ( i olnlonnil He all liooksullui'j nnd Slutfonur- ! , 5 Doiifi'in 8t..Oiiii\lin , Noli. Ti-lephono 601. Boots and Shoes. CO. Jobbers of Hoots niul Bliocs. 1(11 Furnannt. , Oninhn. Nfh. Manufnctorj , Hmnmor irf t. llontim. 7. . T. LlMJAKt ACO. . , lo Kulibcr Hoots ami Sliitoi ItiibDur nnd Olk'd ' riothmir nitil I clt Hoots nud "horn till llm-ni'v fcM-t Beer. STOIiZ , C ILEJI , Lnpcr Jtcor lirowcrs , 1M1 North Itth Strccti Oranhii , Neb. Butchtrt' Tools. LOUIS HELLFAt , Uutchcrs' Tools and SupiilicB , Bautaiio CctlnKi of nil kinds alwajslu'lock. 1315 Jonuart.iOmnriit Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLAJtJfK JiJtON. C CO. , Oninlia CORCO and Spice . .f.Cofft > ov'plre ! < . flaking rowdor. Kl.tTorlnB ffr- tract * , 1-nundrjr Ulue. Ink Ktc. Uli-10 Uarre/ Uriel.Onmlin. Nob. JSAGLE VOKXWR WOltKS , John Epencter , Prop. llanafectaror of Oalvanlioil Iron and Cornice. 353 nnd 10,1 anil 106 N , lOlb - . Ornnb. . Neb. .0 BOLTE , Uunufactiirorn ( > [ Ornamental Galvanizcil Cornices , Dormer \Vludoni , Kiratj.HoullcS-kyllftH.ctc. 3108. 12tli t. , Onmlm. WESTE11N COKN1CE WOltKS , C. Spoclit , Prop. Galvanized Iron Cornlcon , etc. Ptirul'i Improve cntMotalleSkylkht. S03 nnrtilO H Uth "t Om Carpets. OllLtITA CAlirET CO. , Jobbou ot Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , l.liioleiimn , MntllnRS. Kto 1511 DoiiK'Bf ' a Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for MIC Manufacturers nnil Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lumps , Chltuuoyi , etc. Offlce , 917 South 13th eU Omahn , Neb. CLOTH I NO M. ELGUITER'S Hnmiunth ( Jlotliiinr Honsn , Corner l < arnin nud Tenth Striia Omaha. Neb. Commission and Storage. I ) . A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Butter , Eggiand Produce. CoatlKr.mania solicited. UoudquHrtrrt for Htunewnro , Dcrrr Roii'i and ( Jrnpo llaikott. Kit DoJue itreot , Omaht. JllDDELL < K RritDELL , Storage and Commission Morcliants , epcclaUlen Unttnr , Kw , Choo , 1'oiltry , Game , Oftlt-n. etc. , etc. 112 S. illli St. 1'EYCKE BROS. , Commission Iforchants. Frultn , 1'roduco and Pravlilona , Oniahn , Neb. Protliicc Commission Jiercliants , Ponlty. Duller , ( Inme , Kiultn , etc. 130 8. 14th it Omnha. Ni'b , Coal ancf Limt. Uco. r. I.AiiAUII , ITCH. C. F.OOonMAN , V. 1'iei. J. A. NUNnrm.ANn , Her. nnd TTIMS. OMAHA COAL , COKE C LIME CO MlA NY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 303 South Thirteenth Street , Omnha , Neb. o.v , c co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Slilpporn of Cod 'and Coin , Cement. t'Udttr , IJmn , H > ir. I'lrv llrlck. Drain. Til * nnd fewer I'lnu. omen. I'.nton tlut l. Karnnm ft. . Onmlia , Nnb. Cigar * and Tobacco. MAX MEYER C CO. , Jobbers of Cipars , Tobacco , duni and Ammunition , 313 IntX S 1HU U , 1090 to l'J54 ' rarnain m. . OniAha.Nab. WEST < St FRITSCUER , Manufacturers of Fine Ciarars , And Wholesale Dunlerii In I.cnf Tobaccoi , No . 103 mul 111) N. 14th ntruct , O'linha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goods , FttrnishinBr Goods & Notions 11IK and 1101 llouelnn , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. Distillers. DlBtlllonnf I.lqnon. Alrnholand Spirits. Importer * and Jobbers olVlm > sanJ Liquors. WILLO nrSI'Jlf\fS DISTlLLE'f CO. niul ILER C CO. , Iroportcrs nnd Jobbert of Kino Wines and Liquors. { Sole maiinrcturt > rH of Keuntid ? ' * ICa t India Ult- lorn und Domriilc I liwirn. 1112 llnrne ; St. Furniture. JiEll'EY .C HTOXE , AVliolesale Dcalois In Fnruiluro. Knrnam ft. . Omaha. Neb. CHARLES SUITERWK , Furniture , Nodding , Upholstery , Ulrron , otc. 1M(1,1308 ( und 1210 Knmnm nt. , Omaha. Groceries , T'AXTOX , ( JALLAcJlER tO CO. , Wholcsalo Groceries and Provisions , Nos 70i , 707 , TO ) and 711S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McVORD , llUAItY ct ) CO. , " \VitolesaIo \ UrocorH , I'ln nnd Leavonwortt * Rt9.Omahii. Hardware. LEE , FRIED cO CO. , Jobbers of Hard warn and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Akrmit * tor Ilowu mill Miami I'atrdorlo Omnha , Nrti w. .r. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Sfoul , Eprlrjga Wagon Htnck. llardnuru Lumber , I c. I' and 1211 Iffirni'y vt , omrtliti. Wholcsalo Iron and Steel , and CarrlnveVnnd Htncll , HWIVT Ktc. 15IJ UMcl UU I.CdVPD urill > lM IlinnliJ. Nrti. MILTOX'JlOUElitnti A'O.VS , Stovps , Ifanpp" , FurniMJcs Tiles , Mantlm , Urato * . llrnoOonOi. liil ui.U tSU i' Ktreet. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORS Iron Works. "riKRHNQ' Iron Works , / / . K.NAH'YKH , Miuiufiu'titrliii : Dealer in SmoUuStncks , llrltcalnj ; , Tnnk and ( lone nl Itnllvr It0iilrln | , l.lll D.U.e V. It. MCMANIX. ( \ St'LLtVAN. OMAJ1A WIRE .C1ROX WORKS , MnnuTtclnror * of ire nnd Iron Kaillnirs , Desk itnlls , Window UuariK Flower Hinn li. Wire S l n , I3t .N.l'Hb. ' Order , l > r mall promptl ; nltondivUo. Lumber. OMAHA rVMUKR CO. , r > d l ' . All Klodt of JlulldhiR1 Mutorinl at Wholesaln. 15th Street and Union 1'artno Track , Omaha. LOUIS JtRADFOltn , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Snsli , " , Kto. YniiU Corner7th and Douidu j Curnn Vtliand Doiulas. co. , Lumber , IIS.llfhptrretOniahiNau. f.Coliu-ttcr. Manaror. C. J\r. DIETZ ] Lumber. rth and Cntlfornln Mrci'U , Omntm , Neb. VRED W. GRAY , Lnni bcr , Limp , Cement , Etc. , Kto. Cur.Clb and ill. . HOAGLAXV. Lumber , T. W. HARYEYLUMHER CO. , To Dealers Only. ,11 Oltloo. HP3 Farnnm itrcctOmilin , Ci US. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpotn and 1'arqnet Flooring , tlth nnd llouglaf uuinlia. JOHX A. WAKEFIELD , Lumber , Ktc. Iniportid nil Aiucrlcnn Portlnud Oini'nt. Acunt IcirMllKsokoo llrdrnullc Crmuut und lleit yulnrj Whlli'I.lrao. Live Stock. UXIOXSTOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omnlia. Limited. John K. lloyd , Bipcrlntondenb Lhe Stock Commission. McVO Y HROS. , Live Stock CoinmisHion Morcliiuits. ilnrkct rurnielicd free iinii | > | illntliin. Ktn knr < nna fcpdcrs fiirnl HO't on iriiml tiirnm Ilo urrncei , Oinah'i ' . ' .Hlioniil Hunk i > nd Bnutli Omnha Nutlcn-U. Union Htuck YHidK , South UnmliK M. JtTRKE l ) SOA'.S , Live Stock Commission. Opo. Ilurku , t Union StooU Tanji , 8. ( imnhn. Telephone 6C1. SAVAGED GREEX , Live Stock Commission Morcliantn , BhlpmeoU of nny and nil kinds of Slock L'ulou Stock Vnrrln. Omnha , Ni'li. Millinery and notions. I. OTiERFELDER , | ! CO. , Importcra nnd Jobliera of Millinery nnd Notions , 121'innd 15IS llnrner St.eot , Omilni , Nob. Notions. Wholeaalu Dealers la Notions and Furnishing Goods , Ml and 06 H. Tenth Ht. , Omaha. Overalls. . . JrANUL- COMPANY , Mnnnfnctiirers of Overalls , Jeans 1'anti , Shirts , Etc. 1103 and HOI Duuflm Btrt t OmahH.Neb. PAPEIL CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wliolesalo Paper Dealers. Carrr n nice Htoci of 1'rlntlnK , Wrnpplng nnd Writ. \nit \ imper. apuilnl iitiontlon tUon to inr loader onlcrs. which vIU bo ihlniiod direct from mllN. All oroora will rorclvn prnonnl iittcntlon. WOBUsr. iiiton goou goods and loir prlcel. lilt and 1UU Printing. REES PRINTING COMPAN Pt Job J'yintorg , IMank Hook Makerg , And Uooli lllmlpn. ! ( > , nnd 1M South rourtooatll itraet. Omaha , N l > . WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Truo. I'rcnon nnd I'rlnti'rs'rtunpllcn. 01 Houth Twelfth Street. JiROWNELL l ! CO. , llanufnctnrcrj and Dcnlrrn la Boilers& ( encrnl Marhlnory Bbeet Iron work , Btaam 1'unipf.Saw MUM , Aoiat ShifttniUodfa Vfaodipllt Putleri , Belllai , ata , Aliowaioni , t rep n , uil9 al UM. UH-tlUU * * * Tcnwortbst. Omnha CJrURCHILL PUMP CO7 Wholesuio PiimpK , Pipe , Fittings , BteamHnd Water SuppliM. llcnilqiurtcri" for U Fo-i K'o'i ijo.vln. lllltaruuni > t..Oniaba. N b. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. IJnllndny Wind tlllit ; nli > ni unil WMer Puppllet , yiumblnu ( looJr Ili'ltlnir. llo.o. 1118 and VM Far- nam bt. , Oumlri. H. K. Kcllon , Munagur. 'I plophnno No. 'JIO. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes und Engines , Steam. Water , Hallway and Milling Suppllca. KM ! KO , D.'iandWl Farnam St. , Ou.nhn , Ncti. Rubber Goods. OMAHA ItUJlHEIt CO. , Mnnufiicturer and Dealer * In all kinds of Kiihbor ( footls , Oil rinthlne nml l.entlmr llBlnno IKH r rnam Su Safes , Etc. P. IIOYER cC CO. , Aptenta for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.s' Klre and Hutu r I'roof Hut" ' . Time lock , VmilU and Jill Work 1IHI Knrnim utreut Oiniilm. N b. _ G. AXDREEN , Oinaliu Safe AVorkH. MannfncnirnriKif Klriinnd HoritlarrroofSafee , Vaull Doors , \\nrk.Miutirrrt and Wlro Work. Cur , llthniiilJuckson Hit Uinahu , Neb , Sash , Doors , Etc. M.ArJHSItIl01l'V CO , , Wliolenalo Miiiiufactiirora of Sasli , Doors , lilinds niul Monldlnprs , ll'nnon oSlce. Utli .inJ l a.d t3..O3.5ha.y- BO TTN MA NUFA ( 'TV It IG CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moultl'nin Slnlr Work nnd Interior ll-ird Wood Finish Jualui'tiiud. N. K fr Bill and lmcn ortubt . Onmh'i , Nell. _ \ l'I ' Lincoln , Neb. Tin ) 'net knniMi itiul t popular hotel In tlioKlnln. l.oriitlon ci'iilniiiiiiitinonls ) | | ) ! tliKl chiHS. lpiuliiiurlcrg | | foi comimTLinl moil aii'J nil iiohticul unit inilillu v'liilifiriiiL'S H. r. H'HJOKN ' Proprietor. School , County nnd City Wn will IHIJ pneo fortHino. Maao t4uwgst rutu * Corrt-npouilcnco eolltltol HTULL JiltOS. , . ' Iff