Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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OeliTcrtii by rci-rlcr m nnypnrtof thftcltym
twtnty ctnU per wook.
! ! W. TILTOK , Mauaccr.
BrpiNFFfOmcr. No. 4A
NIWIT Kunoit No. 2X
N. Y.l'lumblnjz Co.
The city council will meet to-night.
Reltcr. tailor. Summer goods choao
Finn coutii's for ladies culling. Win
Lewis , toluphonu K'ti. ( Jllice 1 llU Hroad
way.Kd Mott Is putting np nn addition tc
tils Oakland uvcnuc rrsidcnuo.
8. Swnnson will begin this week to pu (
a new addition to his ( Jen avcnuu home
The W. C. A. meets nt 'A o'clock thn
nfturnoon at the residence of Mrs. J. T
Jcft" Hughes has hrcn arrested foi
being drunk and disturbing the peara 01
July 20 , he having until now kept out o
the way of thu olllcurs.
Tiio funeral of .lolm Tierncy took ) ) lnci
yesterday iifternoon from tlio Catholic
church. Many mourners followed tin
remains to their last resting place.
Jim Vi'soy slipped and fell oT ( tin
( lummy train yesterday after it arrivcc
nt tlie IJroadway depot , but contrary t <
reports , only sustained ; v slight
The Congregational sociable this wecl
will bo held Thursday evening at tlio resi
deuce of 11.V. . Tilton , No. , V.7 Fifth ave
nuo. Mrs. Tilton , Airs. Ilarkness am
Mrs. Hrown will entcrtnin ,
To-day a change in the management o
the Singer oiliee in this city takes place
Mr lliMillor , v/ho has heretofore bcei
managing thu Omaha office , will taki
charge , and George Doilson , the rccen
manager here , goes on the road in north
cm Illinois.
The eight-year-old son , Otto , of Mrs
Cole , who Is in the county jail with the
man Andrews , awaiting action in theii
cose for residing together as man ant
wife , has been taken charge of by th <
police , the parties who tiuve taken can
of the boy since his mother's incarcera
tion having become tired of caring for
Judge Ford , of this city , is coniideni
that ho has found a hole in prohibition
big enough to drive a license ordinance
through , lie claims that thu act of 18 ? (
amending section 40 ! ) of the code ,
whereby cities and towns are given au
tliorlty to regulate and license , or tax
and prohibit beer and wino saloons , has
never been repealed. Ho has been spend
ing a great deal of time looking np the
history of flio legislation , hunting up au
thorities , and is conlident ho is right.
The newspaper friends of Frank Clark ,
who howled so lustily because his credi
tors sought to secure their claims , were
the first and only ones to scatter thn re
port that he had skipped the city. The
roasting they cave him was hotter oven
than the weather. Now they hasten to
take it all back , and apologi/o for their
hasty injustice. They try to rnako it
right by declaring that he only skipped
over to Omaha to purchase new furni
ture for the hotel , and they
vouch for his having the hotel run
ning better than ever in a day or two.
The proposals of the gas company and
of the electric light company.for lighting
the htrcots. will nroDably come up bcforo
the council at its meeting this evening.
The gas company has kept its proposal
very quiet. It has been in the hands of
tlio committee but kept secret. It is un
derstood that tlio reduction granted by
the gas company is very small. The
proposal of the electric light company
has already been published 111 full. There
is little question but that tlio electric
light system gives bettor satisfaction to
the citizens , and if this system cm bo
secured at a reasonable expense , the
majority will surely favor it. The chief
objection on the part of any of the alder
men seems to be against macing con
tract for so long as five years. They say
they expect great improvements In street
lighting within tivo years , probably les-
Beninglho expense greatly. „
For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr.
Rico's new invention. It makes a man
of you in fiy.o minutes. No. puin. No.
11 1'carl street.
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate oflices in the city ;
f 3 per day.
The Motors About Ready.
John llauser , who has been hero try
ing to put the two motors in working or
der , left last night for Dubuque , ho being
in the employ of the Iowa Iron works ol
which J. K. Graves is president. Ho sue
coeded with the motor "Council Bluffs'
Bomo time ago and tlio motor "Omaha"
was yesterday steamed up and run or
the track west of the Ogden Iron works
It still leaks a little about n couple ol
bolts which can easily be remedied bj
any boiler maker. After which the mo
tors will anxiously await the completion
of the Manawa crossings.
Personal Paragraphs.
J. 11. Woodrow. of West Side , was ir
thn city yesterday.
M. Collins , of Atlantic , was at the Pa
cilic house yesterday.
Thomas A. Clark , the UnionPacilic
locating engineer , left last night foi
One thousand head of one , two ant !
three-year-old steers for sale. Will givt
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A
J. Greenamayor , 023 Mynster St. , tele
For female diseases and chronic dis
cases of all kinds , call on Ur. Uico , No
11 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , lowu.
On tlio Missouri Illvor , Tuetulay , Au <
Rust 2.
The. proprietors of the steamer Jolir
M. Abbott , and barge W. G. Block , ca
pacity -100 , will give a moonlight cxeur
sion on the river , starting from uppoi
Council 11 luffs landing at750 ! p. in. , ant
returning at 11 o'clock. The Fifth regi
ment baud will accompany the excur
sion , and those wishing can engage ir
dnnclng. Conveyances will bo in at
tendance to carry excursionists to ant
from landing , starting from the Pacilic
> house at O'0 ! ! p. in. and returning at-11
o'clock. Hound trip tickets ( or 75 cent !
from Pacific house will be on sale u
| Bushnoll's Monday.
When you are in the citv stop at thi
| Pacific house. Street cars pass lha dooi
every fifteen minutes for all the depots
I ' Meals 60 cents caelu
Ituum Tor More Flam.
J. D , Warren , the cvniur of the nov
row of Ihitd almost completed on Fifth
avenue west of Sixth street , arrived yes' '
I tcrday morning. Mr. Warren is con
\ nectcd with the Simmons Hardware
I company of St. Louis. In conversation
with a representative of this paper he
stated that ho expected his building !
would bo completed now very shortlj
und that there was a good demand foi
tonomnnt houses with all modern con
venlenccs , these. Ho is of the
opinion that thcro is room in Counci
Hind's for u largo number of such houses
and believes them a good nayiug invest
Better Vehicles , Mora Business , and th
Public Well Accommodated ,
Another Accident For Ijnck of i
Danger BlKnitl DclnyR of the
Motor Liini ! A Demand For
Alorc Flats.
Among the Ilacknipn.
There Is probably no city west o
Chicago that has the reputation of ha *
ing 60 many line hacks as Council Hind's
This city now has a belter class of hack
than many cities more than double it
population. That these hacks receive
liberal patronage can readily be seen b
the way new ones arc continually addc
to the large number already In busines ;
The hack business la like everything else
People patronize hacks in goodcouditioi
while they prefer walking or street carte
to hacks that are completely worn ou
with age and hard usage.
It is onlv a few years back that Couti
cil lilull's did not have a hack lit for da ,
use. They wcro all "night-liners , " ani
the proprietors took great pains from e *
posing tliPin to the sun's ravs else the ,
should fall apart. In the "night liners' '
many n dark deed was done , Hut th
days of "doing np" men seem to bo :
thing of the past , nt least in Counci
Hltills , it being a long while since an.
extensive case come to light.
The hack business is an old one ii
this city , but it does not seem to hav
added any more to the financial pros
perity of those engaged in it than an ;
oilier line of business , none of them hav
ing retired from business millionaires.
Hack in the forties there were sucl
things as hacks hero but they wen
limited to one or two vehicles. In fact
the same can be Maul of them throughou
the fifties. In 18oG John Dohany ran i
hack line In connection with the Mis
souri river boats that landed passenger
at a wharf near what is now known a
Lake Manawa. It was then a profitubl
business. Theodore Bray and Tom Skin
ner both were in the hack business , bu
all the old timers have gene into bom
other lino.
Jake Rogers ran a 'bus line for lifted
years and sold out to Harry Ueecroft
who atlil continues it. During the tim
Rogers began operations thcro were ;
number of liacks , but they were patron
ized by the rough element. Three-card
monte men and others helped destroy th <
bettor class of patronage and the bus !
ness died a natural death fourteen year
In 1870 W. R. Vaughan attempted t <
run a line of Hcrdics , but they "wen
out" for want of patronage.
In 1882 Harry Hnccroft started up th
hack business that had remained dcai
for at least live years. After a while h
sold out to Mike Wcatherbco and sinc <
then the business has fallen into th
hands of William Lewis , William Marlii
and others. Heecroft has lately enl ;
been running one hack , but is agaii
coing into the business and expect
another new coach daily. Hy degree :
new , expensive hacks were placed on thi
streets. They cost in the nuighborhoot
of ? 1,200 each. Two years ago Wiilian
Welch entered the fie'd ' with lirst-clas :
vehicles , and these men have been con
tinually adding line coaches to theii
slock until to-day , no city of its size cat
boast of such a quantity of line hacks a :
this city.
Recently several cabs or councs lmv <
been put on by both William Welch am
William Lewis and run in conncctior
with their hack lines. The people of tlu
jity havn't taken very readily to thn cab !
is yet , but in time they will , no doubt , b (
Found preferable to the larger hack foi
uarties of two. The cabs cost $700 te
(000 ( each.
It might not bo amiss to state in con
ncctlon with this article that the gold
mounted hack of William Welch soon on
[ ho streets daily cost $1,450. The double
harness cost $150 and the team aoou
(500. ( Making a total investment o
(3,000. And "till people will kick at boinf
charged 125 cents for a ride in it.
The New Street Lampi.
The Sun Vapor Light company an
busy putting in their now lamps in thi
street lamp posts on the outskirts of th
city which have heretofore been lightci
by gasoline. There are over forty lamp
in now and by Wednesday all of the 11
lamps on hand will bo in place. The
are to put in 200 in nil and by next wcel
the portion of the city in which they ar
located , will bo lighted by the new com
Too Baring With Lanterns.
A two-scatod carriage was upset am
greatly damaged Saturday night o
Fourth street , between Fifty avenue am
Story street. The occupants wore mor
or less injured by the upset , and had i
not been for the horses getting lees
much moro dura ago would have neccs
sarially followed , as the horses started o :
on H run.
All this was caused by obstructions i
the street not having a danger signal dis
In building the sewer a barrel was sc
in the ground at the end of the cxcava
tion. It was only slightly above th
ground , and the horses were ou th
barrel before they saw it. Had th
proper signal boon displayed no damug
could have arisen.
Several accidents have lately bcci
caused by this neglect , and more car
should bo taken by persons making ex
nig Hollies Move Slowly.
Seine little stir was occasioned by th
report on the street yesterday that a me
chauic's lion had been filed on thu Man
awa motor railway late Saturday even
ing. That everybody in this city has be
coma more or joss disgusted with th
way iho motor line lists been allowed t <
remain in its uncompleted condition i
well known , but that a lion should bi
filed against it was quito surprising t
many , as Mr. J. K. ( iravcs is known t
bo a very responsible man financially
That Mr. Uraves is a man who takes :
good deal for granted , is found in th
fact that ho anticipated , according to hi
own statement several times repeated
no trouble in making the motor lin
crossings over the four trunk railways
Hu has built many miles of railroad am
It scorns should have been forearmed a
well as forewarned.V hen the state rail
road commission were called to this cir
at his request to settle , If possible , th
dilliculties In regard to those crossings
Mr Graves was not only of the Imprcs
sion that the commission would decide ii
his favor but was confident of the result
The decision was apparently much of
surprise to him and has , no doubt
caused him much trouble. It has alsi
caiucd those who subscribed to the bon
us fund to hold back their payments es
pccially because nothing seemingly ha
been done recently in building the crosi
ings. It is true , that he has had men a
work finishingtho line , depots , eio. , a
well as putting the motors in runnin ,
order. But whithout conncotio
at the crossings what bcucfi
eay they , is the motor line ? I
consequence of this feeling those mtci
listed refuse to turn over any moro of th
bonus money. They already hav
handed Mr. Graves $3,500. As they r <
fused to paj'to the Chicago Lumber cou
pnny Mr. Grave1 Orders , or even acccp
these orders , this company hnyo tiled i
Hen , describing the entire roadbed fron
the Ninth sfrcct starting point to iti
terminus at hotel Manawa. far $3,132.04
A BEE representative , saw S. P. Maccon
iitll , Iho lumber company's reslden
partner yesterday , but that gontlemar
was extremely reticent. Finally ho said
"Tho only reason of this was that those
guaranteeing aid for the road refused t <
accept orders given by Mr. Graves am
to secure our company wo took these
stops. AH there seems to bo i
difference of opinion among these gentle
men in regard to their obligations , w <
saw no other way of securing ourselves
These persons , in our opinion , an
equally responsible with Mr. Graves and
wo thought this the bettor way. to sccun
the company , while dealing with si
many. Mr. Graves is a responsible mai
himself , but thcro might bo some hitcl
in a settlement , that this move on oui
part will now obviate. " Mr. Maccon
neil stated that ho was satisfied of thi
great difficulty Mr. Graves had hud hi se
curing material for the road , and of tlu
trouble attached to the crossing questions
tions , but ho trusted the road would soot
bo running. It now transpires that al
though it has been rcportoi
that even-thing had been arrangot :
satisfactorily with all the roads
that it is a question still , a
which strret the crossing of the Milwnu
kco track will be nnulo. This queslioi
may bo settled shortly. That all the
roads have agreed to allow a crado cross
ing , is certain. Hut it has not yet been
put in black and white. After this , mticl
time will of necessity bo required befon
all of the crossing can bo made. Sonu
of tliptu are in stock , but whether tin
greater portion will have to bo made t (
order remains to bu scon , by the appear
unco uf them on the ground.
At the Pacific house vou will save frou
COo to $1 pur day. Try it and bo con
A Dwelling Place.
"Lord , thou hast been our dwelling
place in all generations. " This was tilt
text upon which Hov. ( ! . W. Crofts yes
terday morning preached an cxcellou
sermon. In his prefatory ho pictnrec
vividly the situation in which Moses wai
supposed to bo when he gave utteranci
to this beautiful psalm. Kvcry gem o
literature , every sparkling truth , win
born of human experience. It was no
constructed by mere intellectual power
but sprang forth from human feeling
All the memorial days were memorial- -
of sacrifice and sufl'ering on the part o
those who had arhievcd great things
Had it not been for sorrow and suffering
for pains und death , for struggles and ad
versity , thcro would have been no Shakes
peare , no Tonuyson , no Longfellow ,
Language was merely thu holding h
tangible and permanent form human ex
periences. Words were more cups hold
ing the wonderful wino of life. Tho.i
wcro not the wine itself. The expuri
dices through which Moses has passei
developed in him the wonderful truths
which lie had so beautifully expressed it
this psalm. This earth was a good dwel
ling place for tlm boJy , but thu sou !
needed a resting place which earth dii
not atlbrd. For the soul there was i
dwelling place not made by hands. Tin
great yearning for such a home of tin
soul , common to all earnest men , led
Moses to cry out in the words of the text
Thu first feature of thu utterance whicl
attracted attention was tltu permanence
of this dwelling placo. It was the thing ;
unseen which were real : iud lasting. Tlu
things seen would pass away. The work ;
of man , earth itself , the stars , oven thu
sun would pass away. The dwelling
place of the soul was eternal , because ii
was God. It was a dwelling : place , too
where love abounded. Money could no1
buy u homo. It could only buy u place
It was not the costliest housu "that was
the truest home. There must be thai
love , without which no palacu could bo a
homo , and with which a hovel might bu :
heavenly ono. It was a homo when
thcro was advancement and progress.
There should bo great comfort taker
from the thought that as children of God ,
made in his image , there was such :
dwelling place awaiting all. The reall
y.ation of such a future should lift one tc
such a height , that like Moses , he couh
stand upon the mountain-top of faith
and look eomnlacoutly upou the storms
of life below him.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lead money.
Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Counci ! Bluffs.
Ono of the best Educational Institu
tions in the west. Boarding and chy
school conducted by the Sisters of Char
ity , B. V. M.
Board and tuition for a terra of livi
months , $75. For further particular ;
address SISTIill SUPEU1OU ,
St. Francis Academy ,
Council Blufts , la
Attorneys at Law.
Practice in the State and Federal Court
Rooms 7 and S Shug.ut-13eno Block.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts
Highest Marlift Prices. Promj.
820 and 8-J2 Main Street , Council Bluffs
EnpeerSufvejofMapPublishef , ,
Over Jfo. 12 JVbrW. Main St.
M'ipB , of cities and countlei
All people ofdrPei > tloirari ,
Khould learn to leuxtnen oat tuelr days.
Wuenlinllgestton nmfcoin call ,
ir conillpation , won * than alt ,
Make * lite a burden , bearln mind.
In AHUANT'S bEI.T/EU he-iluis'll. flnjr *
_ m _ And otheri vufferlntf free
Icbrooio ditcMci , rrem&tur
+ & &Sg $ ' decline ot TOUD ( or Old ar
Y * * viilUfeljr cured ty pr
* t _ Jtorne'i ( unuua Klttlr *
1 Munelle Hell. Thouwnil
In everTfcHUU In luUuon | bare been cured
Ut.trl.-l'3317 jnitantlj I'atenledI andI ioli II
yruri. Whole farallr can nrar aame belt. Klertrl
Hu rMrlr.fre with male belta Aiold worthier ur
llatluni and bofut roruralUn Klcetrle Tr M. fo
KygKire. < 70(1 r'ireit lnr a. Hrn < t namp forp.mphln
Ol. W. 4. Hg i , iMVtNTOIi. 181WUMH AV. , CHICAGO
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Kegulnr : : Boaiclers : : Reduced : : Rates.
On Furniture , Household Goods , Stoves , etc. , to make room
for Fall Stock. Goods Sold on Installments.
A. J. MANDEL , Nos , 323 and 325 Broadway.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
A C < mi L.iTC :
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
In Amber ,
etc.Hair On
niiiiiciits , as
well as tlic
newest nov-
elticsin hail
JfOOl .
Hair pooih
niadcto order
Mra. C. L. Gillette
20 Mfiin St. . Coundl Ulufis. Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 33
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 93.
let othen lead you Into .
buying worthlcts Imlta.
TION OORSKT ami money
wllbe \ refunded to wearer
after four weekt' wt r. It
not perfectly sattifactory.
Foriale by DRY Goons DRALKM.or If not obtainable
Till mall , poMajrr paid. 1UALTH ritBiCKVISG. ii t $
V > og ; Missis.ijc.
RerillllpR Corset tomptny , Dotrott , MIcU.
The Best and Safest
Vapor Stove Made.
C. W. Sleeper , heud of St. Marys' Ay
James & Smith South , Omaha.
( HJCAGO , ° _ ° PR
In fire to eight
d r or money
Positive Cure refunded , Wo
_ _ _ _ _ will contrict to
curtvrptr ill eipenie uf menu coming btre arm
tntk * no charge. We r { flruncUllr r t > onilblit.
Write ui for proof * of our * K. "ur lle mrdr 1 t > -
lolutelr unknown ( a tnr 1'liTilctin or Quick ou
firth. COOK REMEDY CO. , llooin 17 Utllmuu
Building , Oauht , Neb.
. . vit *
onlr an. In tb werld Hn < r tl
atonMnuoni tlKlrlt A Megnit
t. IdeAMfe , Powerful. Durable ,
l. feoUT * . Tol4 fraud * .
JfW W *
Specln ! nilvcillKemonla , such u Lost , Fo.incl
' oI/onn.Kor S.\lu , To Hunt , V nnt , Honnllnir ,
etc , will lioinsorloil in thli lohitnii nt the loir
ratoofTENCENTSI'KU LINE rorthoflret In orIon -
Ion nndIveConts rerLinofo.'cauh aubio uont
Infortion. Lcrtvo rulvorllsonieiiU nt our offlca
Mn. U Pearl street , near Uroailwur , Council
: ) - ! ns tmloslmly In store.
AiUlicBsfi"nith iivcnuu.
WANTED Situation us buokkccprr by
jounif man who can nlvo sutlaructory rcf-
prcnces HB to experience , Imblts nnd rcsponsl-
bility. 0. U. lice olllcu , Couiu-ll lllinrs.
Situation m snlcsmnn In irrocory
WANTKD Ilefcreiiees vlvcn. i ) . U. T , , lleo
office , Council lluilla.
W1L1 , sell two carrlupeg on IOIIK time or will
triule lor horses. Wtlllnm Lewis.
JK SALH-Or Trade Sir sections of irood
lanil In Lincoln county , Neb. , on U. P.
railway. Call on or niMresj Odoll llros. & Co. ,
10) 1'cnrl st. . Council llhiI ( < .
ling a complete line of
1 *
Largo huts In white , black and nil colors. Pat
U rn bonnets , hni.i and toques , a specialty.
No ISM Douglas St. , Oiniiliu.
500 Uroathvay , Council liluirs.Iowa.
Established 1857.
Vncnnt Iot8 , I.nnda , City Itoeklcnccs nnd
Km ins. Aero piopcrty in western part of city.
All belllnir cheap.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Koora C , over Oniccr & Pueoy's Hunk , Counci
Star Safe Stabfes and Mule Yards.
llruiuluay , Council ItlulTs , Opp Dummy Depot.
. P
pa. -
Horses nnd mules constantly on hand
for sale nt retail or in car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. SHLUTIU : & BOLKY.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council b luffs.
/Vires Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
J\T0. 23 MAIX ST. ,
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation * First Clans ,
And ItntCH Kcasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
The linest of driving horses iilwavt * on
hand nnd ( or sale by
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best ,
New Goods are arriving and invite
Work Bane by Competent Workmen.
Klail Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
N. B. Special attention given all orders by ,
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
IiifctniincntH Tuned niul Repaired. We never fall to give MillHfacllon ,
Over ! 2O yearn' Experience Inl'iano and Orcan Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluflrt , Iowa
O. J" .
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council II hi ID * Office , ManonU )
Temple. Omaha Ottlcco , 111
North I ( it U street.
Particular attention given to In-
YCKlliiK fund * lor neil - roni-
dciit * . Special bargain * lit . lot * < V
acre property In Omaha \ C
ell lllulTi. Correspondence solic
Justice of the Peace.
Oilico over American Kxpros .
Justice of the Peace ,
410 Broadway , Council Binds.
Ucfer.s to any bank or lmsiit- ! home In tlif
city. Collcctluni