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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1887)
rn'STtjVfjCx * " * ' < ' < > - f r- > - * r . - , - , . . . . . - . - - v ; - - . - - - - - , - ' , - * . . . - - - - , - - * - " _ 4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * . SUNDAY. JULY 31. 1887.-TWELVE PAGEa BPEOIALsTOTIOES ; Advcrtltcmcnts under this head , 10 cents po inn for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub inqucnt Insertion , and ( I. Ma line per month tie advertisement taken for less thnn Z5 cents for the first Insertion. Seven words wll fte counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must bo paid in advance. All advcr- tlsemcntK must bo handed In before 1 :30 : o'clocx p. m. , nod under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone , Partins advertising In these column ananar- Ing the answers addressed in euro of TIIE HEM will please ask for n check to enable them to get tficlr letters. ns nonn will be delivered exceot en orofnntntlon of check. All answers to advor- tuemonts should lie enclosed In envelopes. . All advertisements In these columns nro pub- llihed In both morning nnd evening editions of The , the circulation of which ggrcgatci more than " .MO Papers flally , unfl given the advertiser the benefit , not only of the city circulation of The BEE but also of Council Illuffs. J.Ucoln , and otncr cities and towns throughout this part of tbe went _ MONET TO LOAN. > 1,000,000 to loan. Cole , niO 8 lOth. 003 M ONEY Tolonn nt 0 per rent. Patterson Bros. , 15th street , op. P. O. 323 760,000 TO LOAN atfl per cent. Llnahan $ Mnhoney , 1609 rarnara. 179 6 PRK CENT Money. It. 0. Patterson. 15lh and Harn r. 181 $6un,000 to loan on real estate. No delay. Harris A Sampson , 1618 Douglas st 252 ONEY TO LOAN-O. P. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1606 Farnsm it 169 , to loan in nny nmount nt lowest rnto $500,000 of interest. II. H. Iroy. Frcnzer block. 307 , To loan on Omaha city property at $ percent G. W. Day , . o. cor. Ex. Hid. 1,0 M 'ONEY TO LOAN On city and farm prop ' erty at low rates. No delay. Calm * Wool- ley , 1322 Fnrnam st. 54ia27 ) MONEY to loan to parties wishing to bull.l. 8. H. Campbell , 310 8 16th et. , Chamber of Commerce. 760 MONEY Tolonn. Lowest rntes. No delay. J. li. HIco AJ Co. , over Commetclnl Nn- tlonal bunk. 267 MONEY to loan , cash on delay. J. W. nnd 11 L. Squire , J41J Farnam it , Pftiton betel building. 12 M TO LOAN-Loans of (10 to flOO made on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. , without removnl , J. J. Wilkinson & Co. , 1321 Fnrnam street , over Ilurllngton ticket onice. 032 nugi ) * MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In sums of 11,000to (5,000 nt six per cent Interest. SholcsA Crumb. 167 MONEY TO LOAN on improved rcnl oitnto ; no commission charged. Lenvltt Ilurn- bam , Hnom 1 Crelghton lllock. 173 MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In sums of (600 and upwards at lowest rates. Money nlways on hand. 8. B. Campbell. 310 Bouth Sixteenth street. 168 MONEY to loan on farm and city property at current rates. Largo loans on gilt edged business property , fee us. Marshall ic Lc- beck , 1609 Fnrnam. Telephone 73. 281 LOAN Money Ixiani placed on improved - proved real estate in city or county for Now England.Loan i Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 16th and Chicago sti. 175 MONEV LOANKD nt C. V. Heed t Co.'s Loan Office , on furnlturo , pianos , horscs.wngons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 810 B. 13th. over Blngham s Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 160 MONKY TO LOAN-bytho nndersigned , who h s the only properly organized loan Meney in Omaha. Loans of (10 to (100 made on furniture , plnnoi , organs , horses , wagoni , machinery , * c , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loam to mndo that any part can bepald at any imee ch payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances madoon fine watches and diamonds. Persona should carefully consider who they are dealing with , many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money can nd sec me. W. H. Croft , Boom i WUhnell Building 16th and Harnoy. 177 TII1E OMAHA Financial Exchange , No. - 5 ° rnerof , , " ey and 15th iu. , over State National bank. Is prepared to make short time loans on any T llable security. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real state. Long time loans made on imcroved real estate at current ratei. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loans made on second rnortnr . according to marginal interest , at collateral rates. Iteal estate to exchange for good Interest bearing paper. General financial business of all Kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on band for approved loans of any kind , without delay or unneoetsary pub licity. Corbott , Manager. 178 OP TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trutt Co. , 1605 Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , nnd titles to real estate examined , per- footed nnd guaranteed 678 BUSINESS CHANGES. WANTED A live business man with from (10,000 to (15,000 to go Into a wholesale business , - Business pays 33 1-3 per cent nnd a nice clean lino. A good chance tor the right man. Addresi Y 33. Bee. 681-8 * RAHK btiilnoss chance : for sale , the stock , fixtures and good will of a first-class clothIng - Ing store doing a good business , centrally located , only reasons for selling tbo owner has other and more Important business. Parties Beanlng business may address U. 18 , Bee office. 349 FOH BALK A boarding house and furniture , doing good business , 40 boarders , good reason for selling. Call at Currlo ft vellum , 16th and Cooltol nve , Exposlton Building. 339 W ANTED-Pnrtner , (200 ; (10 dnlly. 1UO 8. 10th St. 602a8 _ Oil BALK Meat market , tools , fixtures , horse and wag-on , everything complete Good location ; good trade , Addresi U 46 , Bee. _ _ _ \\TANTED-Pnrtles who desire to buy or sell T T or oxchnnge stocks of general merchan dise. dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes , hardware , drugs. Jewelry Improved or unim proved town orclty property , Improved or un proved farms in any part of the United States , to nddrcls Krnuso it Foster , 316 S. 16th st Omaha , Nob. _ 601 WANTKD-GcnticmAii wishing an honest business. Profits (14 per day. (100 re quired , Will exchange for stock or trade. Call room 4) ) Crounsoblock , 119 N loth street 722 mm 11 FOlt SALE-A good business ; smnll capita required ; good reasons for selling , Ad dress T 44 Bee office. 716 US1NESS CHANCE-Nloo clean stock "of fall nnd winter dry goods. Summer stock all cloiod out. This stock Is In a good town only so miles from Omaha. The store has an elegant trade. Terms half cash and balance In notes or good property. Address Sta'lclman , 1917 Cnss street. Omaha. Neb. 179 WANTED An active man with a few hun dred dollars as partner m n well estab lished and paying laundry business. For Information mation address C. P. Storrs , Itoora 8 , old city hall building. 10th nnd Fnrnam st. 3U3 3IJ WANTED-To sell n good paying business on account of poor health. Address It. H. B. , general delivery. 477 31 * OH flALK-1 offer for sale the United States hotel cor of Douglai and 10th st. Bald hotel has accommodations for 60 boarders and runs in connection a bar with n full stock of the best liquors ; will sell cheap on account of sick ness ; Inquire on premises. 672 12 BUSINESS Chance-For sale A stock of dry goods , clothing , furnishing goods , boots and shoes ; alto fixtures. With this stock a four years lease of a double store can be obtained m nno of the best retail localities in the city. In formation at Dormant ! ' * , 609 South Thirteenth street. 605 RAHK Business chance For snlo. a stock o I general merchandise In the best of shape , located in the best rullrond town In Southern Nebraska. Stock will Invoice about (6,000. Bales last year. (40,000. Call or address. Good reason for selling. B. F , Hart & Son , Knlrbtiry , Nob. 618 u.V ANTED-ManwithdfiO cash as fecuilty for honesty , light ofllco business. (15 weekly to start. Addret * Y 20 thlsollice. 676 3IJ F I OH 8ALU-A No. 1 saloon , tee box cheap , at No. 1120 Farnam st. 279 TjHW 8AIE-Th6 wi-ll-known lUwley house X of 40 rooms , oil nocount of thu death of mv wife. Will ell | iropery ( or sell lurnlturo und rent hoiiM ) to ri.l > t rerton. trond-clrniipn to make money. Address Prop , North Plutic , Kob. ' ' - < 3 uJ- Jit SAI.U-Law library , cheap. Wheeler' & Whoultr , Douglas ana 1Mb si , 941 PERSONAL. . IjRrtBffNAlj-BcnuToryourecwInir maohlnc i needles , oil nnd rei > alr to tbo Blngor Man'fg Co , 1618 Douglai gt. Omaha. 4CT mta TIUIISONAL Polld Mexican silver cpoons nro JL the bent and chenpcnt. No pinto to wear off ; will Uxt allfotimn ; | 2 per dozen fortcn- ipootu and It for tnhl < > i > noii9. Pee them at Mooiljr'g China Btoro. 803 North ICth it. M9-31 PKltaO.VAIv Homovod from 1211 Davenport et. to 811 North Kth , furnished rooms for rent. 684-12 * _ MBS. HEnrjLUND , phyilclnn nnd mtdwlto COS N ICth. 440 illj _ TJKBSONAL Gentlemen , attention. Good JL bonrd and rooms At 604 B. 16th t. , reasonably 7CC nug U'J _ I3BHSONAL Prlvato home for Indies durlnir confinement , strictly confidential , Infants adopted , address K42 , Boo ofilco. 4 'nt KB80NAL Mm. Dr Nannie T. Warren clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium Boom Mo. S 121 North 16th st .Omaha. Neb. livj LOST. 08T Constable notice book with papers und billion Slllth st. ; return to Hoom 1 Gun- nlngham blk and got reward. B33 IJ _ SEVKNTY-F1VK dollars' reward. Strayed or stolen from rear of 111 N 17th st , a lartro ronn horse , about 17 hnndg high , weighing bb- tween l00ond 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown ninno nnd tnil , bind nnklo somewhat swollen- fS5 will be paid for return of animal to owners , at HO S 14th st.und If stolen the sheriff of Doug- la Co. will pay a reward of S.V ) for the nrrost and conviction of the thief. 690 TIAKBN WP-Came to the rssldenco of the subscriber In I'nlon precinct , Douglas county , about first of July , ured heifer white on under side of body , curt of ono horn broken supposed to boil years old , owner in requested to prove property , pay charges or she will bo dl > posed of accordlnK to law. Simon Ilort ? , IrvlnKton , Neb. 30. fl , 13. 20. 27 FOUND Apockctbnok containing nulto an nmount In cash and a great many papers. Owner cnn have faino hy calllnir on Co-Opera- tire Land Sc Lot Co. , 305 North 10th St. , proving property and paying costs. Please say advcr- tlscd. 611 1 STORAGE. STOKAGK Omnlia Btorngo Wnrehoueo , cor. lilth nnd lard , nmplo facilities for storage , furniture , wngons , etc. Low rates , advances mndo. Isfluo warehouse receipts. 4Vj n\m \ OJ 1J1IHST-CLAS3 titoruffo at 110 N 13th ct , M. 184 S' TOHAO.K ' Flrst-cluss storage for nice mr- ulture or boxed voods , ut 1513 CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME SEYMOUn-Fortuno teller nnd clairvoyant. Tolls past , present nnd fu ture. 605 N. 16th. 379 3IJ MISCELLANEOUS. EAiill-S desiring competent nnd rcllnblo help should cull at the National employ ment ofllco , 420 South 16th st , room 7 up stairs. 091-5 * OLENTY of good girls waiting for first-class J- places at Miss Kennedy's employment office , 121 N. 15th st Call Monday morning. 007.31. DO YOU want a situation as bookkeeper , olork , etc ? Wo cnn secure ono for you. Ilocord Advertising Co. , 1513 Farnam st. U71-5 | | BUSINESS CHANCES of nil kinds , farms , stocks of goods , etc. , forsnloorezchnng'1 , Bee Hccord Advertising Co. , 1613 Farnnm st. 671-5 IVfAGNETIC Healing Mediums cure all kinds 1T1. of sickness in connection with clairvoy ance of the past , present and future. J. It , Pagelor , North State st , mile west of fair grounds , P. O. box 683. 610 a ° 6J FOH TUADE Omaha property for a new stock of furniture. The property Is n lit tle over ono mile from P.O. D. L.,6078 13th St. 245 nl DO YOU want the earth ? 70C yards ot It can bo had with a premium nt 644 South 17th street , near Lonvenworth. 278 TO EXCHANGE For good family horse and phaeton , 80 acres ot land , free from en cumbrance , within three miles of county seat Chas. P. Benjamin , 1612 Farnam st. 655 / 1 ABH buyer * of furnlturo , stoves and house- \J hold goods don't go t the long tlmo high priced stores , they go to 117 N 16th. 647 aug 7 TO EXCHANGE-Houth Omaha lot free from encumbrance for span of good horses. Chas. P. Bonjnmtn , 1518 Farnam st 655 M 1ONEY talks lor furnlturo nnd household goods at 117 N 18th , Your price forcnsb , 648 aug T FOIl TRADE Farms , city lots , stock of mer chandise , etc. Pnrrott & Williamson. 14th Douglas. 285 JF. WILLETT8 Trained male sick-nurse. Telephone 376 , Y. M , C. A , rooms. rooms.it6031 F OR KB N1 Square ftano ( J monthly. A Hospe. 1613 Douglas. 187 TTO pariiss laving houien for rent. A ; * 2' ' -L Agency , Benawa & Co. . 15st. , opposite post- office. We nave turned over to them our rental lift. We recommend thorn. McCague Bros. 188 Tjion KENT Organs , (3 per month. rio p , J ? 1(13 Douglas. 187 Ol. C.-Houie furnishing goods , all kmdi : cash or installment ; lowest prices at J , Bonner , 1315 Douglas st 189 F I O It RENT Square flano , ( t montulr. Hoipe. 1(13 Doug-la s. 187 you want to buy or sell furniture , go to J. Ferguson's. 715 N 16th. 190 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALK Hell able horses at reasonable prices , all warranted to bo first-class. Address - dress Box 360 Omaha P. O. U90-2J FOH SALE-Small horizontal boiler nnd en gine cheap. Enquire Calm ic Woollcy , 1322 Farnam st. 702-6 FOIl SALE At a bargain , a 0-room house with closet ! and pantry , otu. , lot 25 foot east front , 6 blocks south of court house. Address - dross Y 30 , Boo olllco. 620030 * BEST buggies at Drummond & Go's. Surreys und cabriolets at Drummond Sc Co's. Clurkson carts at Drummond & Co's. Phaetons , Hockaways nt Drummond & Co's. Delivery wagons , now nnd old , at Drummond & Co's. Second-hand buggies nt Drummond Si Co's. Wm. H. Drummond &Co. . builders , 1315 Har ney st 602 a 9 I/OH SALE About : 0 tons ot Ice at l-'lor- r once. Address X 49 , Bco office. 247 a'-'J FOB SAIU- > The finest and most reliable fnm ] ily and road horse In Oinnlm. Can bent the best of them on 16th st W 111 sell for casher or trade for real estate. F , B. Kennnrd.114 nnd 116 S. 16th st 325 IOH BALE Your choice of the best lines of 1 buggies , carriages , phaetons , surruys , de livery wagons , open and top one fin * hunting wagon. Call and look through or send tor cuts and prioo to Columbus Buggy Co. , 1113 Hnrney 239020 FOH SALE Second hand ouggy at a bargain. Apply tit W , T. Seaman's , cor llth and Farnam. 587 31J FOH SALE Carpets and furniture , and house for rent , 113S. 2Jrd between Doug las and Dodgo. 414 OH SALE-Good family horse , drives cither single or double , 1310 St. Mary's avo. 141 201 "IJIOH BALE 100 cattle , 100 head grade year- X' ling steers , 30 head grade two year old sucrs. Gco , P. btever , Box 400 , Falrfield.iowa. 388 31 FOH BALE Furnlturo of Brooms with privi lege of lease of house , 707 B. 14th St 209 FOH SALE-IUrness. light double , second hand (12.1704 N 18th 91 019 6J FOH BALE- Bay horse , weighs 1,000. Inquire H. F , llumunn , ITI5 Leuvcimortli. 493 IJ FOH SALE-Twclvegood milk cows nt a bar gain is taken toon. Anply at Shoff Bunnvll'a grocery stone , 11)10 ) N , 16th sr. FOH SALE-Covered wagon , second hand , sultnblo for laundry or bakers. A. J. Simpson , 14th und Dodge. 163a3J . . SALE One six-foot upright blare wnl- nut show case , Milton lloiruri .V on. 909 FOK SALi : 0 year old marosound and kind for family u e ; also bufricy nnd harncn. talilu lor rent with U itulls. IJIT Cuaa st. 973 17OII SALK-140,000 brick ] Apply to J. N , JP Klynn. ISOo.Karuain M ; 144 SiOIl DALE Qll und a ollnu wacon. tctm , harness > d route. Call bet. 1 and 1 at 1113 FOIl BALE Bpnnflno mntchort bar driving horson. C. F. Harrljon , 418 S lith it. 676 WANTED MALE HELPi \ \ Hfty men for railroad "work in Dakota , (2.00 per day. Cnll Sunday. Moore's Employment Agency 809 South iota street. OTI-311 WAN'TKO Canvasser , n man that wants tn work and make money. A good thlnir ; no book business. Inquire of T. K. Foley 814 8.13tlnt 633-illJ WANTRD Throe good coou for railroad cnmps in Colorado , Albright's labor ngonoy , 1120 Farnnm , C90-1 ANTKD-Strong boy at 204 N. 16th St. Apply Monday morning. 701-30J ANTED-Gord It. It , blncksmlth ( or grade. Tracklayers (2.25 per day. Men for Iowa , Ml'sourl nnd Nebraska Teams , teamsters. O'Koofo& JlcGcrr , the Labor Agents , E09 So. llth st. 700-311 WANTF.D-A good advertising solicitor ; steady work nnd good pny to reliable party. Cnll Monday from 1 to 3 p. in. , nt room iit.Crclghton block. C74-31J ANTED-Men lor rallrond work. AU brig Ill's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm. 675 W ANTED A good cutter and fitter Immedl- atcly. 108 North Tenth street. C05.3Q * WANTED Four first-class , sober cornlao maters , at John Eponotcrs , corner Tenth nnd Dodge. 472 n2 " \MTANTKD-lmmodlntoly colored man ns TT waiter and middle aged woman to help In kitchen , good salary , 107 N 12tn. 021 ij WANTED An energetic man or woman In every town and city to net ns permanent local nffont to sell our celebrated tons , colTeps mid snltci. Address The Congou TOH Co. , 301 nnd.atfl North Commercial st , St. Louis. 082-31 * \\7"ANTiD-20 : men and lOtcntnson the North TT Omnha sewer , cor. of 20th and Clark sts. Good wages nnd weekly pay. " homppon * DoLnnoy. 6V2 4J \\TANTBD-U or 3 canvassers for city work. TT Salary orjeoinmlsslon , Omahn Emp. IJu- rcnu , 119 n 10th st , Hoom 4 , upstairs , 670 3 " \A7ANTKD-Good blacksmith on plow work , TT nt HromlleUl , 10 miles from Aurora. J. W. Farrand. 664 3 I'ANTKD 10 good bridge carpenters. Al- brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 rnrnnin , M8 WANTED All those wantlnir help or situa tions ns collector.nss't bookkeeper , ncn- oral o III co clerhs , engineers , Iliomon , watoh- mon. porters , drivers , tonchincn , farmers , ete. apply to the Mutual Kmploymont Agency , 214 South ICth st. Upstairs. 593 IJ " 17ANTED Mon for railroad work In Col- TT orado , wniros for tcomsters (30 per month and bonrd. Albright's Labor Aironcy , 1120 Farnara st 294 WANT13D-A boy with horse to carry nrouto on the Evening lleo In the soutn part of town. 146 WANTED FEMALE HELP. TtrANTKD Girl for general housewotk , In- T > quire 711 S. lith ) street 1187-lJ _ WANTED Girl for general housework la smnll family. Must bo good , plain cook. Call at : ; 3IO St. Mury's nvo. r.35-l < WANTED-A girl for general housework , must bo a good washer , ironcr nnd plnl'i cook. Apply on Monday , August 1st , 2'IU St. Mnry'8 nve , cor. Convent st. OU'j-31 ' * VirANTED-A female cook nt the Southern V > Hotel ( th and Leavenworth. 5'JO 3IJ ITANTHO-Good lady cook nnd 2 dining- T room girls , steady > \ork. Apply 604 N 10th W'ANTED Good girl for general housework nt 82 , ' S 24th st , Mrs. Louis Holler. 614 31 * W ANTED-Good girl for gonoi-nl housa work , ait ; N 19th. 653 : "ANTED Ulrls for housework in private families. (3.50 to (5 per week. Lots of nice places. No olllco fee. Mrs. Brega & Son , 316 S. 10th st Telephone 881. 648 31J T\rANTED-A smart business woman 30 years TT of ago to tend stand nt fairs this fall ; ad dress Y 21 Bee olllco. 560 3)j WANTED-Good , experienced girl for gen eral housework , PII7 Cnss street 631 ANTBD-OoodglrUof all kinds , cook for private family , (4 to f5 per week paid. Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport st , [ 67731 TlTANTED-Two Swedish girls "for boarding T T house , 20J1 Harney st. 63J ] J WANTED Out of city 2 dining room girls (20 , pnstrv cook 930 , laundress (20 , Z polishers (50 , woman cook (115 ; In city,4 dining room girls , 3 chambermaids , laundresses , kitchen helpers , cooks , and lots of girls tn nil nice places In private families , (3.50 to (5.60 per week Mrs. Brega A : Son , 316 South 15th. Tele phone 884. 625 31J W ANTED Girl for general housework , cor. Corby and 19th sts. 622 Ij WANTED At once experienced cook , fo- inale , good wages apply between 4 and 5 p. m. , inquire 101 N Utb st 481 WANTED A girl for general housework , small family. Southeast corner Califor nia and 20tb st 125 WANTED Two Indy bookkeepers , mun bo A 1 quick nt figures , must give refer- Omaha Employment Bureau , 119 North W ANTED Two girl * at Doran house , 422 B 18th St. , near St Mary's avo. 924 SITUATION WANTED. W'ANTED A situation by a young man 22 years ot ago ns a drug clerk. Hnvobud four years practical experience in tbe retail Irug business and can give good reference from former employers. Address N. E. Itoyd , Maitland , Mo. 083-31 * WANTED-Would like a position In a first- class photograph gallery , oitber as printer , finisher or retoucher. Best of refer ences as to ability and character can be fur nished. Have been 8 years in the business , and only object In irolng West Is to ho among for mer friends. Address nt once Miss M. Mather- Fon. cnro Mrs. S. F. Hedgers , No. 41 Grey st , Boston , Muss. 076-2 WANTED A good position as chninlier- maid or second girl. Cull at 121 N , 15th st , employ tnont office , 007.31. WANTED-Sewing by the day in private families by an experienced dressmaker who understands cutting , fitting and draping. Address Y 28 Bee oltico. COO IJ WANTED Position ns Janitor or watchman , by steady married man. Address V 27 Bee olllco. 562 3IJ WANTED-Sltuotlon with privnto family , best references given. Apply 6'ji ' : S. 13th St. U34 4J WANTED Position by surgical obstetrical invalid and trained nurse. Call at room 0,310815th. U2S HI * \\7ANTED Situation -Employers wanting I general oltico clerks , collectors , cish lors , assistant bookkeepers , engineers , tlromon , coachman , porters , teamsters , burtonc'ers , barbers , bakers and all trades and occupations supplied tree. Mutual Employment Agency , 214South 16th , upstairs : 597 IJ IXT'ANTKD Sowing' ' private families , cut- TT tinw nnd fitting a sneclnlty , satisfaction guaranteed. Address Y. 21 lice olllcc. 6MK11J \\TANTID ! Position as bookkeeper or dry TT goodsclork. Hurry G. Aukony , ll'll h. 17th St. 667 3lj WANTED-Placo in private house to take care of horses und milk cows. Apply 1016 Harney st. 553 31J MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Two unfurnished rooms with or without board near car line. Will take rooms for year. Iteforonco exchanged. No children. Address Y 29 , Hoe office. 078-2 * \\7ANTED Two unfurnished rooms with or TT without board near car line. Will take rooms for year. Hofcronco exchanged. No children. Address V 29 , Bee olllce. 678-2 * WANTED Parties having rooms or houses to rent should list them with us as wo send out many applicants dally. Hocord Ad- vertlslng Co. . 15U Farnan. st. 071-5 WANTKD Two young men want room ami board within ton blocks of Puxton house at (50 a month. Address Y 31 , Bee olllcc. 070-31' ' WANTKD Two gentlemen with references , for board nnd room In private family ; (5.00. Christians preferred. Address Y : ! . ' , Boo. UAO-1 * PEHSONAL Gontlemnn wishes room and partial board In prnate family ; slate terms nnd particulars. Address JournalUt , Bco mace. \V ANTED-Bonrd : a respectabh gentleman , TT just from the east who is used to the comforts ot nlce-qulot homo desires board ana room in a prlvato family , address Y ' - " > Bco office. 68-J31J WANlED-To rent a houseot about Brooms. Addicts , stutlng location and price , X. 7 : ' Bee olBoe. , 396. WANTF.D-To buy ono good delivery horse' appjy 604 North,18th. . , 60331' . WANTED-nonrdlnR per es. good box stalls , extra care rtnulro nt barn No. 1922. cor Dodge nnd got h. . _ ? * I3 31 * AVANTED-2 roopi . nfurnlshcd by man nnd TT wife , without children , for luht house keeping within wnlking distance nf l'o ton lce. llest of reference. Stmfc price. Address X 57 , Bcoonico. 4M3IJ FOK RENT HOUSES and LOTS. IlKNT 0 roofo lint with nil modern conveniences veniencesKurnlturo , good ns now , for tale cheap. Wood * Cq , 1406-8 Canltol nve. CTO Oil BENT A cottn'sre of n rooms 2521 Cnld- well street Apply to Pot'er * Mncleod IMP fnrnain strco.y. , M5-2. FOH HKNT-j-Bonrdlnu house near U. i' . depot , fixtures nnd furniture for snlo nt half Ita value. This U it bnrgnfn. Co-operntlvo Land and Lot company , ! M6 N. IJtb. st. 073-Z FOB BENT Flat of fi roomi. Inquires R cor 17th and Loftveiiworth stft , 691 EOIt HENT-2 rooms 2nd lloor , $10 , i ) rooms 2nd lloor (10 ; 4 room 1st floor , $18 ; 1 largo room , f ir > . largo room $10 ; restrurnnt Inundry Ac f.'iO ; all unfurnished nnd tn good locality. Co-opcrntlve Land & Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. | (129 ( 1 FOIt BKNT Two large new stores and two flats of live rooms each. City water and gas. On Snundcrs st. C. W. Cain. 2200 Ohio st. 818 _ F ! OH HUNT House 7 rooms nnd barn , cor Franklin and James , { 20 , Apply nt corner. 683 3 FOH HENT 0-room house , bath , city water , &e.Colfax st , uo r Leavenworth. 141:0- : room house , pantry , collar , city'water. 2th st , near Hamilton st , (52 ; now burn , Colfaxst. near Leuvonworth , (8. F. L. Gregory , ! KO 8 15th st. [ M4 F I Oil HEN 1' Barniultablo for four horses. Inquire nt 617 S13thst. fill FF F Oil HEVT Stable near Farnam und 17th St. Koomsl and 2 , Oinnba National bank 430 _ OH KENT On NV cor 1,1th and Vlnton , 2 stores , 80x60 , 11 rooms upstairs , suitable lor families or roomers. Cnll at promises oren on M. Donovan , 2 U7 S 13th st 8'JJ ' FOH HENT 3-rootn cottnio on 21st and Paul streets. Inquire nt 617 South 13th street 801 _ THOU HENT Two brick stores with Imso- JL' mcnts24th nnd Hamilton streets. Desir able location for dry goods and drug store. Flats above If desired. Lcavltt llurnhnm , loom 1 , Crelghton block. 674 Ti Oll HUNT Now store and living rooms on JL1 Citmlng st near ! -nundcrs st. Apply Har ris Ilenl Iletiite \ Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th st. 8S9 Ij OK HENT Store room sultnhle for grocery JJ store or bulcnor shop , on the southwest corner of 7th and Pacific streets. 675 FO"lTirENT Now ( rrooiii"Tiou80 1 1-t miles south of P. O betaith nnd 21st sts , ( IS per month. Clnrkson , Wood & Co. , 318 8. 15th. OIt HKNT Second lloor , 1001 rnrnnm.por 101 h . M. BlguHcr. 67631 _ PALE-Cottago of 4 rooms Cnn bo moved. M , Mgutter , 1001 Farnam st. 67631 FOIt ItfiNT Sroomllat , 1st lloor , Inquire 615 SSIdst near Mason. 563 at * _ FOH HENT 34 room brlo.t hotel on llth st , rent (100 furnltUF for sale. Ionse5yrs ; 7 room boarding hoti o ? 0 , 30 steady boarders , furniture forsnlo (3,10 ; 18 room hoarding house opposite Ml'lard hotel , making (50 profit per WI > OK , furnlturo for Rnlo (1,400 , rent 161 : 11 room flat rent (40 , furniture for sale , (200. Co-opernttvo Land & Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. EjlOlt HUNT Elegant , brick residence , 10 -L1 rooms , modem conveniences. Dr. Grnddy , 1104 Fnrnnm si. ' < ' 02 F I OH HKNT-Hulf i of store. Inquire nt 1212 Douglas St. 1 7 913 F iOH HENT DoslinBle rooms nt 2227 Dodgo. i 395 31 FOH HRNT-Olncos , 2 > front offices In Omnhn National bank to rent. Inquire Hoom 1 nnd ? . 80J FOH HKNT-New 10-rpom house ; all Im provements , sionm1 heat C. W. & G. K. Thompson , 314 8. 16th st 1000 Oil KENT OnicA'spncp on ground floor nt 1.103 Kurnam. 'Apply ' In rear office , J. 3. Blchardson- 602 nTO FOIl HENT Eight room house on N side of Cuss st , botwconi28thnnd 30th streets. In quire of Gcol. Gilbert , Wlthnoll building. 012 2 FOH HENT-7-room house , 36th nnd Half Howard. Inquire II. F. Hnmnnn , 2715 teavenworth. 490 IJ F OH HENX-3 houses. A , Murphy , 420 South 14th It. 999 CHOICE Lot for Lease. Southeast corner 48x8Vi Lcavpuwortb and Park aye , or will build to suit tenant. Hobble Bros. 359 FOB RENT BOOKS. FOH HENT-A Hat of four rooms , sultnblo for light housekeeping. Henf (25.00 per month. Inquire 213 N. llith , Grny's Photo Studio. 680-31 FOIt HENT Very nicely furnished rooms. House now , with nil modern improve ments , nt 22U6 Douglas st. 617-3IJ TfU5U Itr.NT Three unfurnished rooms with -L two largo clopcta. Pnttcraon & Moore , Boom 2. Omaha Natl. Ilk. 672-2 F1 ItNTSTtET ) ttowii r "i9J ' looking Jor rooms call nnd examine ollr Inrjjp 1111. tocord Advertising Co. , 1513 Furnam st. 671-5 OK HKNT Finely furnished rooms , first- class board , on car line , 1718 Cass st. o3.r alj FOIl KENT A nicely furnished front room , ono or two young men , Price reasonable , nqulro 2210 Cup nve. 656 31J roil KENT-3 rooms , IKMVi 8. 7th. 625 F I OB RENT Furnished rooms for light house keeping. C07M N. 17th st M9n2J F IOH HENT Handsomely furnished front room , 1718 Dodge St. 949 FOR HENT A nice largo front room , all modern improvements and nicely furnished 601 S 20th st. 213 F I OK HENT Booms with board. 504 S. 18th. 785 aug 12 * FOH HENT Nicely furnished room In nice cottage , (8 per month , 404 Walnut st , eight minutes walks southeast If. P. depot 310 F OH HENT Furnished rooms with every convenience. 2KO St. Mary's avo. isi FOIt RENT Furnlshod pleasant , cool trent room with throe south windows and large closet. 1714 California. Half of 3d lloor for rent , between V.'th and 13th on Fnrnam. C. F. Gardner , furnaces and btnvcR. 719 N. 16th. G-jnddry storage for a few more stoves , and will put them up in full. C. F. Gardner , 71 N. 16th. 311 F I OR 11KNT-3 rooms at 1019 N. 20th &t. In quire at 617 S 13th st 512 FOH HENT Two neatly furnished rooms , very desirable locution , privnto family. Alao room for two or thrco nlco table bourdcrs. S , E. corner Twentieth and rurnnm. 419 u25 * I IOH HUNT Elegantly furnished desirable 1 rooms. All conveniences. Private family. Near business. 1616 Capitol ave . 371 31 * H HENT-A nicely furnished room at 2511 St. Mary's nve. i 421 171OII HENT Single' room for gentleman , -L ? Modern conveniences. Inquire 0-1 N H > th 410 i EOH KENT 4 or 8 unfurnished rooms , suita ble for block from court house , on 19th street , between St. Mury's avo. and Hirnov st , modern conveniences. Refer ences required , M. l'Martlu , owner. 103 HENT-Furnwhod room , 1623 Dodgo. 438 , - FOH HENT-3 rooms and hall unfurnished suitable for housekeeping , nil modern Im provements , 1019 Howjird near 17th , over dry goods btoro , Inquire M store. 478 1T > OR HKNT 3 'clefrunt rooms , nicely fur- Jj nlshed on street , cur line ; modern con veniences. Gentleman and wlto or gentlemen. Excellent location. 19)7 ) Ca s. 971 FOIl HENT-Nlcely furnished room with board , roforcnco required , Inquire 1914 Farnnm st 485 nlj FOB HENT Suite of 4 nlco rooms suitable for housekeeping , references required , Wth st , Just north of Ft Mur/.s nvo. Water , sewer connections , gits , folding doors ic. 5'JI OH KENT Front loom with board , 1812 Chlcugo st. Oils 6 FOR KENT Nicely furnished largo and email rooms , in P. 13th. U24 IJ l/ioii RENT 3 rooms suitable for house -L1 keeping , soutnwe.-t cor , 21st und Nicholas , st . 6M _ OH HE.NT-2 furiiuhcil south front roomi.eii suite , two or three gentlemen , 202' ! Ht Mary's avenue. , , TmoTt HKNT-Furnlshed' room suitable for -L' pee or two gentlemen , 623 a 18th at tat 3IJ HUM HEN'lVAn elegantly , furnished * oUth -L1 Iron t room , 17U3 Do ughuM. , 'HUlaiJ RENT Furnished rooms 1015 Dodco. OH HBNT-Handsome , cool rooms , good In- cation for business gentlemen ; also shady lawn , 1505 Capital avenue. 45731 * OR HKNT Largo front room suitable for three gentlemen , with or without board 2403 St. Mary's nve. 670 3IJ FOR Itr.NT-NIco rooms at l l Farnam it. , ono block west ot court house. 267 FOll IIF.ST Nicely furnished rooms lias modern conveniences. 20:9 Furnam. 004.1 * FOll BKNT Nicely furnished front room , nlso back room , second floor with use of bath. COfl N 17th st. C01 31J FOB BUNT Furnished roomsbath , modern conveniences , 401 North 15th street. 63331 * FOB HF.NT Pleasant furnished room with bonrd for two gentlemen. 2007 Cnss st. Ciq-31 * FOB Ul'.NT A suite of very deslinble fur nished rooms Apply at 1712 Capitol A\o. , opposite Trinity cathedral. H'7-3 ' * F IOH HENT--rurnl hed room over Leslie & Leslie's drug store. CM Tjl I Oil BENT Tno largest store room In town. * at the , Nob. - - Inquire Argus office , Albion 401 sop 13 * FOH BENT Furnished front room , near car line nt corner of Dodge nnd 24th streets. Inquire of A. H. Comstock 1523 Fnrnnm st. _ V3S OH HKNT-Plonsnnt room , furnished. 1410 Chicago Et. 107 TflOH IIRNT-Offlco room 110 per month , 2nd JL1 lloor. 310 b. 16th St. 4110 FOB BENT A largo room and reception room in connection , known as St. George's Hnll. opposite the Paxton hotel , Imiulro of Gardner A Saundcrs. i-JQ 4 * FOB HUNT Offices nt 1012 Fnrnnm st. Ap ply to Patterson & Moore , Omahn National bank. 203 TflOH HUNT. Desirable furnished eel rooms - - with board In privnto family , pleasant home , modern conveniences. 63j , Pca ! unt street. 440 3J 1J1OK BP.NT Nicely furnished front room nt -C H12 Howard si. 657 nij : , . . liNT. ; Nicely furnished rooms for F8S families or single person. 714 N. 1'Jtli Street. 421.0.8 * HKNT Furnished rooms , 701 S. 17th. 6' 31J FOIt HKNT Furnlshod front room or n suit of two looms with board If desired , 117 B 17th st. 6N > 3J TT10H Itl'iNT Dcslrnbla furnished room for J- gentlemen ntflUO Howard st. C > F OIt IICNT rurnlshod room , 1523 Jnckson. 678 31J Foil HENT Furnished rooms , house and furnlturo now , all modern conveniences , 2214 Farnam st 202 a 2J FOR HENT A largo front loom In now house hnth , and latest modern improve- incuts , 1018 Webster street. 122 FOH KENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin- gloor cnsultc , with use of tiath ; electric bolls In every room. First class restaurant at tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner 16th nnd Webster. 650 F4JH RENT Furnished room In Oretinlg blk , cor 13th and Dodge st. Inqiilrn of Davis Ac Hothcrlngton , Mlllard Hotel llilllard room. 291 FOH KENT Furnished rooms , 1812 Dodpe. 760 FOIt Iir.NT Part of oHlce room. Inquire at 12I2Iouglns st 013 if OH HENT Suite of furnished rooms for gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. ,315 N. 17th. VvO POH HENT Nicely furnished looms , to gen tlemen only , 22J N. 16th St. . Hoom 3. 943 FOIt HENT Furnished rooms for gentle men. Apply at Collector's olflco , 1013 Far nnm. 063 31 FOH KENT Furnished rooms , 1816 Dodgo. B77flUgl * FOIl RENT Nicely furnished rooms , with or without board , modern conveniences , 318 North 15th , 899 a 2 * FOB WENT Ware room cor. 14th and Call. Ifornla on Belt Line , lor particulars en quire at Union Nat. bank. 184 FOIl HENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen ces required , U07 Douglas st 197 F OK JtENT-Micoly furnished room. 1C23 Dodge. 119 F I OK KENT Furnished rooms with board. 1903 , Fnrnnm. 6(5 all * FOH HENT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Apply at 809 Howard st FOH HENT Nicely furnished room , 1921 Dodge st. 19S FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. FOH HALK-640 acres of good Innd being Ecctlon 25. township 16 , range II , west. This land is situated in Howard county , this state , close to the U. P. , and now station on the II. & M. branch. Can plow at least three-fourth ! ) , balance excellent pnsturngo. No bettor sollui the suite , n rook bet lorn creek runs across the extreme southwest corner. Splendidly adapted for general farming or stock purposes. Prlco 58.00 per aero ; M or more casn. balance long tlmo. Address at once. George N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th St. , Omaha , Nob. 668.31. , v 0. . , - . . > . , . . , - . . . _ - l in Plalnviow addition only llfM. wiHMIw nu'.C i ! carriage ai part of first payment. H. W. Huntress , 1500 Farnaro St. 64030 * \\7ECaneo for a tow days only Lot 100 GIso's addition for $0,433. Lo t71 Glse's addition , $8,300. Block 1 Boyd'g addition , $ S,5U One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years. Hemlngton & MoCormlck , 220 South 15th St. FOH SALE-60 No , 1 farms within a radius of 20 miles of Omnhn , Alsr. n tew good busi ness chances In two live towni. J. II. Pllrls , Iteul Estate and Loan Agent , Elkhorn , Nob. 679 AUg. 8 RAHE opportunity for Investment For the ' noxt.X ) days acre lots in Arlington Hclirhts , a beautiful location two miles south of post- olllco In Beatrice , Nob. , will be sold for (150 per aero. Address Box 1062. 628 a 2J FOH SALE A now 6 room house good cellar and cistern , lot 00x131 Shlnn.s 3d add , lot 12 blk X , price ( .1'KW. terms ( KOUOcaMi , bal 1 , a , nnd 3 years. Address H D , 2912 Charles st. 428 31J BAHRAIN Ono hundred feet front on BIG South Eleventh st corner lot , only (5,000. Partontlmo , V. L. VoJIcki , 6 0 South 13th st 198 F OH SALE- a bargain , 6-rootn house and half lot on Davenport st. near 27th. Owner must have money nnd will sell at a great bar gain. Only (500 cash required ; balance long tlmo. Address X 2 , lloo otllco. 339 IF you want to buy , sell or trade , cnli on L. V , Crum , 123N 15th st. 100 lots M of n mile of U. P. depot for sale or trade. 9-rooni house for rent Two 10-roora houses for rent , sale or trade. IdUwlldo. Hy 816 L. V. Crum , 120 N 15th st. LOTH block At South Omahn , only I'JOO. i ) lots In Albright's Annex , only f 1'MO. Lots In Muhonoy Ic Mlnahnn's add , adjoining Tow- Inr's Pucking house and U. & M. depot , f.VX ) to $000 each. Llnnbnn & Muhoncy , Boom 13 , IVJ'J Fnrnam St. 4S 31 ABGAlNS-ln some choice lots in Wlio & Purmaloo's addition. Inside property. We make some good otters In other business and residence stuff and tn acres wo nro , ho boss. Marshall & LoLcck.lGO'J Farnam. 799 LINCOLN Place -I have a customer for a lot In Lincoln Place at reasonable price. W L Belby , 11131 Farnam. 4U5 nl H1 Hi ; la a bargain. Lota 2 nnd 4 , In block 4. South Omaiiu. $9011. Terms half cash nnd bnluncc easy. Marshall & Lobock , IM'J Far- num. Telephone 73. ' Ki FOB SALBOr trade , 25 lots in the western part of Omalni near the Benson ear line , prlee $400 each , $ 10 due on contracts payable In 6 quarterly payments , will trade Interest Iu contracts for Nobruska liin'L. McCilllocn & Co. , 1500 Furnam at. IglO I/'OK BALK Corner lot on Virginia nvo with J1 two good houses , cheap lit f 7,001 Terms en y. Houses rent for $70 per month. 8. 8. Campbell , oIO 9. ICth st. Chamber of Com merce. 273 FOB" BALK Ono million acres of laud In No- braska. Speculator's lunds.rullrou'l ' lands , ranches , nnd farms In all parts of the state , Send forparophlct containing descrip tion and price ol over onr ; thousand farms. A tine topographical mnpot the state lent free upon Hpplicntlnn. K. H. Andrus , for 10 years Gcn'l Land Agent B. & M. H. It. I'.ighth nnd P streets , Lincoln. Ncl'raaka. 240 EAH'I IIUS Nobruska farms to exchange for Omuhu property , I'lUtersoii i , Moore , Omnha National Hank , 641 S'OITH Omnhn lots tot rnde for Improved city . - ' or farm property , 1st. mortgages'etc. Lin- iihun X'Muhoney , Boom 13,1609 Furnam st. . ' . - , - 48a 31 f'OII SALB-Klgnt lois , Lyman und Dwlght'g addition. 2 blocks south of Hunecirm park , M. iigutter : , lOOl Furnam. . 676 31 SALB Lot 8 , title * Place , between envcnworth street nnrt too 1'ogr ' Knrin , ftrit-clns residence site lot , Is roverrd with Cue shade trots nnd ( tut right for grade , can sell for only tl,4.'iO it tnkon quickly. lor Sale-Splendid business lot on Vtnton street , near Twentieth , fotty feet frontage , only t..OOO. A bnrgAln. Tor Sato 100 foot south front In BnrtloU'ft addition , ncur corner of 1'urk nvotuio nnd lipftvpmvorth strwt , only W.UOO. This property Is worth to-day f7.6JO. Tor Sale Lot 10. blocks , Potter'snddltlon. Flto for a cosy liomp , only f 1.650. Call ami sro It. 1'or Snlo-Throo nlco enst front lots In Lenv- cnworth Terrace , only 13,000. 'Ihls property is situated on A Kcntla rlso between LPHVCH- worth und Karnam streets , and Is scvernl hun dred dollars less thnn lots across the street anJ In the vicinity. Don't let this slip. > or SnloTwo lots In Tnbor Plnoo , corner of Lowu nvonuo nnd Howard street , Just thrco tilockswcst of the elegant now houses now DoIng - Ing erected In West Omaha. Tills will iniiko n Bt'londld ' slto for two residences , only f6OJO. , Call atul let us show you this. 1'or Snlo Choice corner in West Omaha , on T.owo nronucWxl55 feet , only $ ; i,900. Tlicro Is JiiM SI.COO clear prottt In this for some ono. Tor Bale Spit-mild plcco of trackage prop erty , lUxlt4 ( icet , on Bolt Line nnd l.onven- worth street , only $1,000 ; one-third cash , bol- unco ono nnd two yours. For Sulo-llcaullful tenth front lot on Popple- ton avenue. ll n < com Place , f2,700 , only (700 cnsh. It will pny you to Invontlgnte this. For Fnlo Lot " , block 7 , Hnnicom Plnce. This lot Is fiOxlTl tect , cnst front , surrounded by clo- gum hou od on both side * . Owner Is out of town nnd must liavo money. Cnll and lot us nnmo price on this lotto you. For Salo-Ten choice corner and cnst front lots In Vimdercook tnrrnco , on l.owo iivcinio , nnd between rurnum and Lcnvonworthstreets. These lots Join Potter's addition on the south , nnd can bo sold at prices ranging from 11,400 to Jl.coo. Uhoro Is $500 prollt on onch ono of these lots. Call nnd secure ono before they urn nil tnkon. For Sale HnrRHlns In rtcro property. To In- vectors 1 olToru cliolcu trnut of twenty acres , close to Ml3ontl Pnclilo railway ; only two blocks fiom the locution of the now Implement manufacturing building Hint will employ 100 men. The Northwestern railway nro now grading for their line to the stock yards , di rectly onst ( if this property. Ihesn norcs nro high nnd sightly , commanding n magnlllcont vlow In every direction , 'Iho land Immediately joining this property has been plnttcd into lots und sells for SHOO to flflO per lot. I run offer this property In tracts of two , five or tan acrei at $700 to Jt > 00 per ncro , only one- fourth cash , balnnoo one. two nnd three years. Don't lot this slip , but call nnd let us show you the property.ou cnn double every dollnr In vested. George N. Hick ? , UfiS-11 215 South Fourteenth ptreot. " AHOAINSln llnnscoin Plico- Doiiutltul south fiont lot on Popplcton avenue , $ -,700 , only ? ; oo cash , balance 1-MJ nnd 4 years , Klcgunt resldonco lot , number 21 , In block n , Huiipcom 1'ltico , on Delaware street , only S-.FOO. Ono of the finest residence corners In thu city. 101 by 110 foot , south and cnst front on i'opplcton nvrtiuo nnd Delaware street , one of the finest views in the city. Call and not prlcn , Seventy-five cnst front on flunno street , Just the place for n largo house or a block < if throe nonces , wntornnd jruson street , only (5,000. Ulegunt corner , It'll ' by 1MI root , south nnd oaet trout , on Dunne nnd I'opplcton avenue , just right for grndo , a tiargaln if sold quick. Corner Delaware and Woolworth nvenue , 100 by 150 foot , south and west front , fuolng linns- com Park , on grade , beautiful vlow , price Splendid east front lot on Dunne street , MX 160 toct , about two feet above grade ; Just the place for an elegant rostdcnen , Only f JWO. Corner 'Ihlrty-thlrd and Poppleton avenue , Bouth nnd west front. Prlco only $ . ' ,750 , ( TOO cash , balance 1,2 , : i and 4 years. Corner Thirty-third and Popploton nvenuo , south and west front , just the place for a cosy home. Prlco only * . ' ,7M ) ; ftuo citsh : balance , ono , two , three and four yearn. Nice cast front lot on Delaware street , in block 7 ; elegant houses on onch side ; Prlco only (7,050. Elegant resldcneo silo in block 17 , on flcorgla avenue ; full cast front lot 55x150 , Just right lor grade. A bargain at fi,300. : Lot 20 , block 10 , Hanecom Place , on Georgia avenue , surrounded by nlco houses. For n few days at | ' ! ,708. The nbovo list comprises only n portion of the choice residence lots 1 olfer for sale In Han- scorn I'lnce. They are nil high and slightly , commanding a magnificent vlow In every di rection. Water and gas are already in front of this property. A bcautltul natural park of sixty acres of woodland ana lawn ; splendid neigh borhood , and direct access by two lines of street cars , nil combine to make Ilnnscom PI n co a beautiful place for a homo , and , most Important of all , the title is absolutely perfect. I will bo pleased to bavo all those looking for choice building sites call at my ofllco nnd ride out and see this property. Uoo. N. Hlcki , 215 Bouth Fifteenth street 663-31 KOUNTZE PLACE. Corner two lots 64x124,11.000. Wlrt Street , South front 50x124. (2.100. llarker Sc llurr 12J2 Farnnm street. 888-31.1 WOHTH LOOKING UP. Ono of the finest homes In Ilnnscom Place , east fiont , corner , very sightly , house 10 room , Harn' and all other Improvements. (8.600. Call soon. Choicest lot in Prospect Place , south front , at much lower fliruro than surrounding lots. Bargain for u few days only. 100x242 , east front , on Madison avenue , frontIng - Ing Hanscom Park , finest building spot in town. 60x132 in heart of city , 6 fine brick flats , renting for S5,000 per year Easy terms. Six very choice lots in Lowo's addition , over looking the city. Terms right Best bargain on Leuvcnworth street. Lot 140x 112. Streets on three sides. For a few days only nt a low price. Knsy terms. A corner lot In Kirkwood , east front , ono of too best. Low price. Five south front lots In Houscl & Stebbln's addition. Seventy-five feet cast front on Vlrglnln nva nno , north of Leavenworth. Two lots on Farnam , south fronts , best build' ' ing sues In the city. Very cusy terms. Vand'ercook"Terrace , Oxford Place , Orchard Bill , Hawthornu , etc. Wo nro listing only desirable property , nnd shall bo pleased to show any or nil of It to per sons seeking Investment. Alexander & Brlg- liam , 1408 Dodge street. 680-31 TjlOH BALK-Lot 50x125 foot and 3 room . * - house , ( WO. Domlnlum St. , between 15th and 13th. Charles Klugc , So. Omaha. KM n2 * rilHI' nicest row of throe brick data iu the -L city on one of the best streets cnn bo had at n bargain If taken at once. Active iteal Ks- tulo nnd Property Exchange , 15J4 Dodge St. 681 31 SPECIAL bargains If sold soon. 5 hlgn , sightly south front lots in Crolghton Heights. will neil together or separate. Hart's Great Western Heal Estate Agency , Crolghton block. 2tiO. Irno ii rxAcquAixTFD WITH THE oF.ooiuriir or mil cou.sinr WILL BEE IIT EJJUIU.IKU THIS MAI- THAT TUB CHICA60ROGKISLAND&PACFIGRAILWAY ! Ily rcaion ot lt > central potltlo-i clo. relation to llnei F.ait of Chicago , and cotitlnJJUl llno at tcnnlnil points Wc t , NorthWBit nnil Haatliwi'it , li the true middle link in that transcontinental rystem which ImtU't and facilitates travel and traffla bftHeen the Atlantlo and PaclUc. The Itock Island main line and branched Include Cbt- rno. ( JolUtOttawa , l.a ( > alle , l'corl , ( lenctco , llollno and Hock Itfand , In Illinois ] Davenport , Muscatlne , Waihlngton , i'alrflcM , UttumwaOilalou a , W t Lib erty , Io a Cltjr , IciMutnciiIndlanolaWlntercvt , A tt n- tic , Knoirllle , Auilubon , ll.irlnn , ( luthrlp Centra an4 Council IiluITt , Inlowai nallatln , Trenton , Rt. Joseph , Cameron and Kansas City , In Missouri ! Lt&ven arth and A ten I ion , In Kansaii Albert I.c , lllnneapolls and Ft. PaulInMlnnrmtaiVatertowri and Slonx Kailsfa Itakota , and hundreds of InUnncdlato cities and towns. VTho Croat Rock Island Route" Guarantees sprcd , comfort , certainty and > afetr. ) It ) Tray lidlstlnffUl'Urdforlticxcelleiu'o , Its Cirnmncnt of ktono and lion , HII track is of polld > rolll/ijrstock norfcrt. ltip scngcrcrialiim nt liasnll ( lie fatttr ri'lUnce that upcrlonco lias pivvoJ useful , antt ( or luxurious aceociiuodfttlonB In uiu i-- rartcd. lit Dirrc.a Trains contlst of superior Uiy Coaclics , flc'ltaiit I'ullman 1'ulaco 1'arlcrand bleepLlj Cam , ui < rl > IMnlnif Can , vroTldlnc dellcloni meals , and ( btt ecn Clilcogo and St. Joseph , Atchlemi ami Kansas Clt ) ) restful ItrcllnlnK Clmlr Cars. In man- KKtment U connTTatho , IU discipline exacting. "The Famous Albert Lea Route" Pctneen Chicago and Minneapolis and Et. I'.iul Is the faTorlte. Orer thlillno Solid > 'ast Kxprcsa Trains rua dalljr to attractl\e resort ! fur tourlsl in Iowa and MlmusoU , and , vU Watertown and Sioux Falls , to th rich brat and wailng lands of Interior Dakota. Via bcncca and Kankakeo , thu Itock Itlnnd often > u | > erlor Induccmentii to traveler * between Cincinnati , Indian- apolls. I.ufajUto and Council HIufTs. 8t. Joieph , Atclit- ton , I nrcnworth , Kaniai Cltjr , Bt. I'aiil , and Interme diate pnlntt. Al ! patrons ( | , si > laUy Uiiks and chil dren ) rvcclrp protectioncourtesy and Llndlr attention , Cor tickets , mapa , foltlen , copies of Western Trail , or any desired Information , apply to principal omcei la the I'ulted Butts and Canada , or address , at Chicago , ' B. R. CASH , [ .ST. JOHN , I. A. HOIIIOOI , I rtQTNlANHOOD'Y ° " .Ulf"1'llnl" b % * 1 uutiicf.Scrvni I ) lirjlt > cuiiM'd through rrroiKaml bud jiructlrdv CURED. HiALC'UlVlocu.tlt bl.LouU THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. DUMMY TUAINB. Hunnlng Dotwocn Council Illuffs and South Omahn. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets , and at the Summit in Omaha , Westward. Knstwnrd. COUNCIL. HMJFI'B. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OK THE Chicago , Mil waukee&St , Paul Rj The Best liottte from Omahn and Council Jiluffn tel THE EJ.A.ST ? Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council Blulls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapida Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsville , Beloit , Winona , La Crospe , And all other important points East , Northeast , und Southeast. ; 'cr through tickets call on the ticket agonft at 1401 Ftt'rnftm at , iu 1'jyton hotel , or at Union 1'nclflo depot Pullman Sleepers und the finest DnunET Cam In the world are run on the main line of tbo Chicago , Milwaukee &St Paul Hallway and ov. ry attention Is paid to passengers by courto * ous employees of the company. H. Ml 1.1,1:11. : General Manager. J. F.TucKEit , Assistant General Manager. A. V. H. CAiii'F.NTKit , General Passenger and Ticket Agent GEO. 1 ! lUAFFonn , Assistant General P&msa- ger and Ticket Agent J. T. Cr.AUK , General Superintendent. THE CHIC AGOAND North- NorthWestern Western Sliort Iiin.e ia , Tlio only rend tn take for DPS Molncs Mar- shalltown , Ocdur llaiildc , Clinton , Dlxon. I'hlca-r go , Milwaukee and all points oast. Tn the people - plo of Nebraska , Colorndd , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , .Nevada , Oregon , Washington , and Call' fornlii , It oirers superior advantages not possl. bio hy any other line. Among a tew o'Hie numerous points of suj P"rlorlty enjoyed by thu iiutronsof this road between Omalni und Chicagoare Its two trains a day of DAY COACHES , which lire the fluent that human art and Ingsniilty can erouto. It * PALAOKE SLEEI'ING CARS , which are models of comiort und elexunco. Its PARLOR DltAW- ING ROOM CAHS , nh urpii8sed liynny , and Its wMuly celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAII8 , the i-quulnf which cannot bo found eHewhoro At Council Illuirathu trains of the Union I'aclHo Hy. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chlco & NorthuPHtera Hy , In Chicago tha trains of this line ninko close connection wltlt thosoiif nil eastern lines. 1'or Detroit , Columbus , Indlunupolle , Clncln- natl , Niagara Fulls , Uulfiilo , I'lttshurir.Toronto , Montreal , llo'tnn , New York , Phllotlulphln , Ilaltlmoio , Washington and nil points In the cast , ask for a ticket fla Iho "NOHTIIWEbTlIltN. " If you wish the liest accommodation , All ticket agents toll tickets via this line' II. HUGIIITT. . E P WILSON , Genl. Manager , Gcnl. Puss'r Agent Cnlcugo , III. W. M IIAIICOCK , L.R. BOLLKS , \Veatarn Agent , flty Pnss'r Agent , Omaha Nobruiku , Notice to Architect * . riMIl' Board ot I'nlillu Lundft nnd llulldlngs * will recuhn plans nnd Hpociflcatlons ul any tlmo before August 1st , If47 , at2 p in. for IhJ hospital for thu Inonrahio Insane , nt Hnittlnvs , Nebraska. Buililltig to bo a thrt-o-htory tirlck , with suine hiisiiinent , and not to cost over (75- UIO , It.cluillnx Heam ) u > iitlng and plumbing . Rleht rmijrved tn rf-Joci nny or nil plannsub mitted. By order of culd board. July 6,1887. . July 8 to AUK 1 U. U LAWS , Secretary.