Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1887, Page 8, Image 10

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    " * * * ,
' * '
Monday ! Monday ! Monday !
Monday ! Monday !
ijf Man * ' Veiling at lOc , Worth 50c-
While Swim Flouncing at All
K Prices Pongee Sllkn Wool
Drews Good * .
Pongco silk patterns at $1.7C , worth
| 8.60. Grope cloth and French twill sa
teen at 7& & cents , worth 85 conts.
, Ono case , 89 inch , all wool nun's voil-
9L itift which Is worth 50 conts. On Monday
Will soil a full line of desirable shades at
10 cents. Nona after Monday at this price
ftr - nd not more than 13 yards to each cus
WOKl'll 50 CENTS.
$1.75 , f 1.75 , f 1.75 , f 1.75.
40 suits Pongco silk at $1.75 per suit.
18 yds in suit. Worth $3.50.
AT 71c ; AT 7joj AT 7Jc.
1 case English crepe cloth at 71c , cost
to import 23c.
1 case twilled satteons at 7Jc , worth
$3.85 PER SUIT ,
WORTH $7.50.
All of our French tufted zephyr com
bination snita that wo have been selling
At $0.00 $0.50 and $7.50 reduced to $3.35.
These suits will bo shown on our silk
The biggest snlo of the season will bo
too white and colored Swiss flouncings
Which will bo offered on Monday at
prices that will surprise all.
All the 54-inch white and colored Swiss
flonnclng that wo have been selling at
11.00 and $1.25 reduced to 75c.
All tlio 51-inch white and colored Swiss
flouncing that we have boon soiling at
fl.75 and $2.00 reduced to $1.00.
All the 51-inch white and colored Swiss
flouncing that wo have been soiling at
$3.25 and $2.50 reduced to $1.50.
All the 54-inch Swiss llouncing that wo
have been selling at $3 , $3.25 and $3.50 , on
Monday the price is $3.10.
All the 5i-inch Swiss llotinclne that wo
have boon selling at $3.75 and $4.00 , on
Monday $2.05.
All the 64-inch Swiss flouncing that wo
"havo boon selling at $4.50 and $5.00. on
Monday $3.25.
5,000 yds cream and ecru lace striped
India lawn at 15c , reduced from 25c and
2,500yds striped India linou at 15c , re
duced from 35o.
The IJettH Cane.
OMAHA , July 80. To the Editor of the
BEE. Low and James Bolts run off D.
D. Hoxsio's horses on July 27th inst. Mr.
Hoxsio had agreed in my presence to
trndo for a light bay horse provided ho
had a guarantee from Lew Betts that the
horse in every respect was sound. Low
Betts agreed to meet him at 2 p. in.
( same day , 27tb iust. } , hitch the bay horse
in Mr. lioxsio's carriage , which he did ,
and drove west from under Sixteenth
viaduct , a street first or second north of
nail works. Said Betts drove the bay
borso about 150 foot up the hill ; horse
ttapgorcd ; 01 or man run to rescue the
horse ; brouglu him back to camp bleedIng -
Ing at the nose .d mouth. Mr. Hoxsio
in his prcsoitV focblo condition know
enough not to accept , looked around for
his two horses , they were gone. Low
Bolts oxnrcssod his surprise and told him
he would got a bettor horse , which ho did ,
from his brother , "Jim" Bolts , and put
, harness on the llca-bitten gray and
started Hoxsio home. To-day the gray
horfo would sell for about $15 or $20. Jim
Belts is hold for $1,000 and Sam Bells for
| 1,500. Case will bo tried 2nd proximo ,
2 p. m , , before Judge Bcrkn. The Belts
h yo a previous history in Iowa.
Proposal * For Purchase of First Bap
tist Church Property.
Sealed bids will bo received at our of
fice until Friday , August 5 , at 5 o'clock
p , m. , for the purchase of lot 4 block 75
in the city of Omaha , being UUxl20 on the
corner of Davenport and 10th streets , and
now occupied by the First Baptist
church. Bids to include the purchase of
Duilding thereon.
Right reserved to reject any and all
bids. For particulars apply to
Real Estate Agents , 1509 Farnam St.
Mrs. Wasniar'a Funeral.
The funeral of Mrs. Charles Wasmor ,
formerly Miss Lillie Soxanor , occurcd on
Friday in Grand Island , Neb. , her late
homo. It was one of the largest funerals
overseen in that cltv. The services were
hold in the English Lutheran church and
Atthogravo the local Licdcrkranz so
ciety rendered some of its most effective
mortuary socialism. Mr. William Sox
anor , the grief stricken father of thn
deceased , relumed last niirht and his
wife , daughters and other relatives will
como to-morrow. The latoMrs. Was-
tner left four little children which of
course adas to ttiu sorrow of her sudden
| taking off. _
I ' The German Piny To-nljjht.
f This evening the Gorman theater com-
\ puny will appear in two of their most
I entertaining plays at MeU garden. Both
ot thcso plays are most amusing and will
bo produced with all the excellent mem
bers ot the company in the cast.
a Most.
The lull m the real estate business anil
the comparatively small number of trans
fers during mo late excessively hoi
weather has made it necessary for the
county clerk to reduce his staff in tin
recorder's ollico. Several of the employes
were laid off yesterday , and unless tin
business of the ollleo increases shortly i
nuicber of others must .also seek othei
fields and pastures new in the way o
employment. Most of the ladies am
gentlemen who have left the ollico wil
embrace -opportunity afforded b.i
taking a vacation hero um ! in otlie
places. _ .
Ladies wishing good girls can bo sup
plied with reliable help tor general house
rork , chambermaid i , second girls , etc.
by calling at Miss Kennedy's Liuploy
Wl North i'ilteeutu street.
What the Hccrotnry or tlie Conmil -
lon Jlai to Bay.
Howard H. Smith , member and secre
tary of the police and lire commission ,
was met by n reporter of the HER Inst
cvcnlntr. It is unnecessary to state that
very shortly after the questions of the
prevailing temperature were passed
something was said about the difficulty
between the council and the commis
"It places us In a very embarrassing
position , " said Mr. Smith. "Wo have
done everything that wo thought was
proper to conciliate matters. In my
opinion this trouble has arisen from a feel
ing among certain conncllmcn against
the commission. It is not Scary nor
antl-Suavy , it is oouncilmcii against the
commission. To-day , continued Mr.
Smith , "I met Councilman .Ford and ho
said that there were three now
men appointed on the force who
were entirely unlit for the po
sition. 1 asked him why ho did not make
his objections before the appointment
and the matter would then bo con
sidered. "
"II the charges against Chief Sorivoy , "
asked the reporter , "had boon made oc-
fore his appointment would ho have been
appointed t"
"Most emphatically no , sir , " replied
Mr. Smith. " "If the charges
were proved to bo true. lou
must recollect that Mr. Scavcy came to
us recommended by some ot t'.ic oldest
nnd best citi/uns in the city. There WAS
no objection to Ills appointment and wo
iscd our discretionary powers. It is very
trtnge to mo that before n man is ap-
minted nothing is said about him but as
eon IH he irois an ollico the whole city is
ifter him. Why do not people who have
hargcs against applicants for position
nako their protests against certain ap-
loinlmonts they know of before they are
nude and we will consider them. Our
lid so fat Is to have the applicant como
jotore us. Wo have his recommenda-
ions as to character , etc. , and where
hero are no objections what do you ex
pect us to do ? "
How about the nineteen appointees
ately made ? Did they all appear before
ho board ? "
"Yes , sirl and we examined their phy-
ical condition as far as wo could very
losely , while at the same time having
heir recommendations. "
"How many applicants were there ? "
"Over one hundred , and we selected
hose who wore the best men In ouropm-
on. "
"Do you intend to make any discharges
rein the old force ? "
"Wo certainly do. In fact the old
orco is not in existence.Vu have
2alled upon every man who
has been and is a policemen to make an
application for appointment and I think
hey all have done so. Wo have made
10 appointments except the chief and his
Icptity chiefs , Cormac and Green. Wo
lonsldur all the old force subject to ap-
lointmcnt under the commission now. "
"How about dispensing with the scr-
ice of some of the old force ? Will there
e many let out ? "
"Yes : a great many. "
"Will you give the number or the
lames ? "
" 1 cannot. The names are already In
he hunds of Chief Seavey. He has
} cen ordered by the commission to nn-
ounce them to the policemen on Mon
day morning at 7 o'clock. "
"Aro the men to be discharged to suf-
or their 'exits' for cause ? "
"Principally. Wo have examined the
coords of every policeman now on duty
n the city , and wo think wo know what
o are doing. "
"How about increasing the force ? "
"What can wo Uo ? Wo are
talked in every stop wo make.
For instance , some $9,000 has been ex
pended from the police hinds so far. Ac-
ording to our estimate there will bo
jnly $32,000 for the rest of the year
which is hardly enough to support the
irosent system ofpolice , not to say any-
hine about the mon we intend to havo. "
So suburban taxpayers have no'show1
under the present condition of affairs ? "
"Mono at all considering the present
ituation of affairs. "
"What is to bo done then ? "
"Nothing that I can see but to bring it to
ho courts und wo are working that way
now. In my opinion the citizens are bo
soming disgusted with this cmbrogllo
aid want it decided ono way or the
other. "
Good Advice.
"That corner sold for $1,500 six years
ago. Now it's held at $17,000. If I
hadn't been a fool I might be independ
ent now. "
"Yes. and six years hence you will say
the same thing about South Omaha cor-
icrs. Think of the army of mon those
mmcnso packing houses will employ
who must live near their work. That
proncrty is the best investment that can
possibly bo made. Call on C. . Mayno ,
solo agent , and secure a lot. You won't
regret it. "
German ladles * School Society.
On next Wednesday evening there will
bo a concert and ball at Metz's garden ,
accompanied by a dramatic entertain
ment in which a number of talented
young people will take part. . The drama ,
which will be produced is "Die Zartll-
chcn Vcrwandton , " by B. Bencdiv in
four acts. The entertainment will bo
? iven for the benefit of the German
Ladies' School society.
Eden Discovered.
"Paridiso Found , " by William F. War-
rcn , president of the Boston university ,
locates the garden of Kdeu at the North
pole. Hut tlum Mr. Warren has never
seen those elegant residence sites in
Brigg's Place , on Harnoy , Farnam.
Douglm , Dodsjo , Capitol avenue and
Davtuipnrt streets , for which the C. K.
Mayno Heal Katatu and Trust company
are agents. Free carriages and gentle
manly salesmen always ready.
Answers to Correspondents.
X. X. The population of South Omaha
is about 20,000. The packing houses now
being built will employ over 3,000 hands ,
iioth the population and price of prop
erty must double within a year.
MECHANIC. No , the Motor line to
Benson will not use the Kcely motor.
The road will be in operation within four
weeks. The Kcely motor won't.
H. G. II. The 0. K. Mayno U. E. & T.
Co. are sole agents for South Omaha
Syndicate property and have a few choice
lots left.
ISM.C. The town of Benson , the only
place reached by street railway whore
acre property can be had at reasonable
prices , was not named aft r the worthy
rabbi. It took its nurne from its founder ,
Krabtns A. Benson.
A New Firm Incorporated.
Articles of incorporation were issued
yesterday to the W. C. Ivcs Co. , n now
real estate , loan and collection agency.
The members comprising the lirm are W.
C. Ivcs , W. J. Conucl and W. O. Locke.
Their capital stock is fdO.OOO.
An Arotlo Wave Co mine
for the men who attempt to undersoil
Coover iWiUts. .
lee Ibs Host Mluu. 1'ftt. Flour , . . . .92 7 !
Hnuis H
ai hats best lautnlry sono. , . 1 0 (
4 Iki pruni" < s -
CicnnsColuuihla river > almun 1 ( K
3cans sanliiiiH ' . . . . . K
4 IhSKOOil tea ! t ( X
8 Ibs Di'it rreatn ( iliceso 1 W
L'holci * family mackerel , pail , . . . a !
' * t ! ir ' 2
" "
' CoovEu'tfe WATTS ,
N. E. cor. lUth und. St. fclnry'i.
Special Sale of Silks at 1619-1621 Douglas
Foulard Hllki in Elegant Patterns
Fancy Check anil Plaid White
Goods Special Bargains
In Every Department.
SO pcs Foulard Silks , strictly nil Silk.
Elegant patterns , OOc yard , worth 75e.
Not more than ono Dross Pattern sold to
any ono customer.
40 pcs Plain Silks , 83c yard , worth 75c.
All Desirable Staple Shades.
22 pcs Fancy Check nnd Plain White
Goods ; sold till season at SOo , 2oc nnd)35c. )
Wo will close them Monday nt lOc yard ,
Monday only :
CO pcs White India Linens , 5Jc per yard ,
worth 15o.
CO Pieces White India Linen , Nice
Quality , 13 yards , $1.00.
12 yards Fancy Stripe Crinkles , 75c.
All Our Fine Fancy Crinkles , Monday ,
12c per yard.
00 dozen Fancy Knotted Fringe Towels
20c each , worth 33c.
Wo are Closing Out Lot Goods at
Special Prices to Make Room for Fall
1519-1521 Douglas St.
Miss Freeman's Case.
For some time a suit of a somewhat
novel character has been pending in the
district court , which , by the decision of
Judge Wakcly , has now como to u linal
termination. The claim was made by
John A. Dodge that u conspiracy was en
tered into between Helen E. Freeman
nnd Lizzie Dodge , the wife of the com
plainant , for the purpose of swindling
him nut of his property , and to that end ,
he was induced to make a deed to Miss
Freeman of all his real estate in Omaha ,
he supposing at the time that the paper
ho executed was only a mortgage.
Upon the trial , it was denied by Mre.
Dodge , who was subsequently divorced
from the complainant , that any con
spiracy was ever formed , or that Mr.
Dodge had been in any manner imposed
upon or wronged , it was alto contended
by Mrs. Dodge nnd Miss Freeman that
the deed executed to Miss Freeman was
made in good faith and for the full nnd
fair value of the real estate conveyed as
jt was then considered. After a full hear
ing of the case before Judge Wakely a
decision was rendered in favor of Mrs.
Dodge and Miss Freeman and the petition
of the plaintiff was dismissed at his costs.
Auction Hale Extraordinary.
1 will sell on Wednesday afternoon , Au
gust 3 , at 1 o'clock p. m. , corner of 14th
and Jackson streets , ono thousand dollars
lars worth of tine Household goods , the
contents of p 0 room house , line Silk Vel
vet 1'arlor sots , line folding Beds , Car
pets , Reclining chairs , Parlor and Cook
Stoves. This will bo the finest sale of
the season. Don't miss it. ficmcmber
the time. D , S. M. Frotwell , Auctioneer.
Law and Order. ,
There will be a meeting of the Law and
Order league to-morrow night at Trinity
Catuadral at 8 o'clock.
W. C. T. A.
The regular , monthly mooting of tlio
W. C. T. A. will bo held in the parlors of
the First M. E. church Tuesday evening ,
Aug. 3 , 3 p. m.
Personal Paragraphs.
W. D. Hill , Beatrice , is in the city.
J. B. Grant , of Denver , is in the city.
M. S. Davison , Fremont , is in the city.
R. E. Douglas , of Lincoln , is in the
city.T. .
T. R. Wliittaker , Delta , Nob. , is in the
" W. U. Smith is in the city from Butte ,
James Monet , liutto , Mt. , is at the
Charles 11. Smith , of Mead , Neb. , is in
he city.
George II. Martin , of Lincoln is at the
F. A. Harmon , Fremont , was in town
J. D Clarke , Papillion , was in the city
Thomas Wilkius. Broken Bow , is at
the Can field.
James N. Kilran , of Hartington , is a
Cozzens guest.
M. K. Turner , Columbus , is registered
at the Cozzous.
L. L. Shearer , of Woiser , Idaho , is at
the Metropolitan.
J. M. Marsh , of Grand Island , was in
city yesterday.
W. D. Mathews , of O'Nioll , was at the
Millard yesterday.
W. P. Burbane.Chadron , Nob. , is at
the Windsor hotel.
Edward Blewott , Fremont , was at the
PUN ton yesterday.
Colonel Fletcher and family left for
Prnscott yesterday ,
J. 11. W. Hawkins , of Lincoln , was in
iho city last evening.
Dr. J. O. Moore , of Oakland , Nob. , is a
guest of the Canlleld.
J. E. Rlggs and wife , Lincoln , took tea
at tlie Millard last evening.
E. L. Bnhrcr , of Signor'sRanch , Wyo. ,
is quartered at the Metropolitan.
Dr. A. W. Barber and J. W. Foster , of
Douglas , Wvo. , are at the Arcade.
N. C. Abbott and A. J. Carnish , Lin
coln , were at the I'uxton yesterday.
D. C. Dunbar and tfifo left last night
for Saratoga Springs to spend the heated
George Lehman , proprietor of the
Grand Pacific , of Columbus , Neb. , is at
the Cozzons.
Mr. J. A. Brvans loft lust evening for a
short visit nt Chautauqua Lake and other
points in the east.
Mrs. E. F. Tiffany nnd her son Everett
have gone to Yellow Springs , O. , to pass
the rest of the summer.
Miss Florence Hawley , of Nebraska
City , is visiting her friend , Miss Kathrine
Barker , at 2303 St. Mary's avenue.
Mrs. George Gay , wife of the proprie
tor of the Metropolitan , has gone to
Rockford , 111. , for a three weeks' visit.
August SchaefTor , of Max Meyer & Co. ,
is oil'tor a month , visiting his folks in
Tell City , lad. , and other friends m the
Ex-Senntor II. F. Clarke , of Bellevue ,
and his cousin Isaac Clarke , of Papillion ,
were in the eity yesterday on their waj
to Spirit lake.
Joe Drukkcr , a diamond export from
St. Louis , has arrived in Omaha uud will
have chi > rge of the diamond department
of Max Meynr & Co ,
C. \Vcstordahl , formerly marshal ol
this city , and the last ono who ever was
elected by the people , arrived in the chj
to-day. Ho has been in Waco , Tex. , foi
live years as general manager of the
Singer Manufacturing company at tlu
point named. Mr. Wcstcrdahl intends tc
remain here.
The University of the Pacific has addot
to other branches a professional schoo
for students of elocution , kludcgartuun
A Hitch In the Underwood Negotia
tions liooian-Up.
Underwood & Co. , of Chicago , have
concluded that they will not locate ns
packing house mon In Omaha. Their
reasons are that tlio title to certain portions
tions of the * property about to bo trans
ferred is not good. Judge Lake , who had
charge of the abstract proceedings , cor
roborates this. Ho says that through the
property about to be transferred there
are streets and alloys Uid out which be
long to the city , nnd in fact some of the
packing house buildings are on
this city property. Mr. Underwood
telegraphed him that his part
ner would not accent any transfer
as long as the least cloud was on the
"Cannot this bo remedied in some
way ? " asked a reporter of the BKE.
"Only by the city council vacating
these srctets and alleys and I donotthinK
thov can do so under the now charter
which only provides for the widening , ex
tending , etc. of streets , but says nothing
about vacating streets. "
"It is reported."said the reporter "that
a petition has been circulated by the
residents ot Park Wild against the
establishment of any packing house near
there. "
"I have heard so too , " said Judge
Lake. "Mr. Kountze is very active In
the opposition. "
"So you think the Underwood & Co.
packing house is 'oil' ? "
"Yrs sir ; and 1 am sorry for it ; I am
in favor of having all the big invest
ments wo can in this city. "
J. D. Her was also seen by the reporter.
Ho was rather wrathy and expressed
himself quite forcibly on newspapers m
general and reporters in particular. The
substance of his remarks was that if anyone
ono in the world wanted to do anything
they must keep aloof from newspaper1
men. Ho forgot that newspapermen in
this country were especially selected out
of 50,000,000 people to find out just what
people do when the "doings" were of
public interest. Mr. Her said that
the negotiations between himself nnd
Air. Underwood had not as yet fallen
through. Ho was arranging matters with
the parties.
"How did the nowpapors injure you ,
Mr. Her ? Didn't they always uphold
thcso packing house enterorises ? "
"Oh. yes , but you see the publication
started Kountze and others with their
petition. Now. the papers said they
would kill 4,000 iiogjj a day at the now
packing house. That is all bosh. You
: now the Boyd capacity was only 1,500 ,
ml these men would not como near
hat. "
How about the title to the property ? "
It is true that there are
itrcets and alleys through it
nit that difficulty can bo arranged. 1
lave consulted authorities on the subject
nd it can bo .settled amicably. "
Mr. Bcchol , president of the council ,
was seen and asked if ho had heard of
he ditliculty about the transfer of the
iler property to Underwood. Ho said he
tad , and tint question was an important
me as far as the vacation of streets and
, lloys were concerned. He had informal
alks about the matter with some of the
members of the council , but so far they
'iad made up no opinion. They had con-
tilted City Attorney Webster , and ho
aid that if the streets nnd alloys were
aid out under the old town site
aw they could bo vacated. If
.he property in question was an addition
; o the city , no vacating of streets or al-
eys therein can be made by the council.
On investigation it was ascertained that
, ho property in question was on the
'original plat , " but what will bo done by
ho council cannot at present bo deter
Mr. Kountze could not bo found , but it
s understood that hois fighting the pack-
ne house location very strenuously.
iVhat the outcome of this matter may bet
t is hard to toll.
How tlio Earth Is Being Shifted in
Suburban Places.
Not to mention the grading of streets
within a stone's throw of the postolllce ,
his kind in the outskirts is simply pro
digious. Drive north or south , cast or
west and ono can sec teams and teams ,
crapors and scrapers , nnd horses and
mon makm "Old Mother Earth" know
hat her position is transitory. Who
would some time ago that the beautiful
hill owned by A , E. Tonzalm , flip great
railway man and Boston capitalists , lo
cated between Hurt and California strcrts
and just east of Brown street , would bo
"evened ? Its trees so valuable on a sec-
ion like this whcra trees are really of
exceptionablogrowth , are being cut down
and the grader is getting his "wont in"
for leveling purposes. On the corner of
Lowe anu Mercer avenue ex-County
Commissioner B. P. Knight , with his big
machine , seventeen teams and seventeen
men , lias excavated 55,003 cubic yards of
dirt and transferred the name to a filling
placo. all within u space of three and
one-half months. Ho is now engaged in
grading Underwood avenue on the Pat
rick farm , in the shade of the old home
stead "Happy Hollow. " This street is to
bo eighty foot wide and ono and a naif
miles long , reaching from Vista street to
Mavliold. There are two of thn great ma
chine dirt raisers in operation nnd two
wheeled hcrapor gangs. Fifty men and
thirty-two teams are now at work there ,
but the force will bo increased to-mor
row. It will be pushed , too , for Mr.
Knight intends to nave it completed by
the middle of September. He is also at
work on Eureka street in Walnut Hill ,
just west of the Bell Line railroad , and
will follow the latter work with the grad
ing of Mercer avenue , from Lowe avenue
to the junction of the former avenue with
Eureka street. The grade of the junc
tion of Lowe and Mercer avenues will bo
lowered three and one-halt foot , Mr.
Knight also has a force of men at
work on the Bellevue road fix
ing the grade from F street
to the south county lino. In fact it is
giading , grading all around and a spirit
etherial spheres looking down upon
Omaha would think that half the world
was removingdirt hero and theotltcr half
waiting to got in its seraporn.
Ilenney Buggies at Armstrong , Pettis
& Co.'s 1808 Izard st.
WANTED To employ nn experienced
chemist and labratory man. II * . T.
Clarke Drug Co. , Lincoln , Neb.
Nine floom Flat Tor Rent.
A 0 room ilat for rent ; furniture ior
sale at about 40 per cent loss than cost.
Has been used only n month. Flat is
centrally located. Has steam heat , hot
and cold water , gas and nil modern im
provements. Apply at Wood & Co. ,
1400-8 Capitol avo. _
Omaha Commercial Collciro.
Write Rohrbough Bros.1 for circulars
and specimen of penmanship. Over 500
students last year.
For bargaiin in Hnnscom Place lots
sco George N. Hicks , 215 , S. 15th street.
For Investment or residence purposes
Hanscom Place oilers the safest and best
chance of anything now on the market.
George N. Hicks , ' . . ' 15 S. 15th street.
Choice llauscom Place lots for sale .b > '
Hicks. ' .
For Hanscom Plucojots f > ee Hicks.
Marriage I'cense was issued yesterday
to John S. Long and KMT B. Sturgeon )
both are residents ot Uumlin- und both
81 years of age. , . , -
L. 0 , Jones Goes Fishing and Brings Horns
a Big Oatcb of Boots and Shoes.
Oront Shoo Festival at laoOFarnam ,
Thursday Ijactlp * ' Too Htlppcrs
t 4Oc Men's Wigwam Slip
pers at OOc.
L. 0. Jones & Co. scorn to bo in several
places at ono and the same time anil not
withstanding the intense summer heat
keeps things remarkably active at 1301) )
Farnam. Their latest venture is the pur
chase of a largo stock of boots and shoes
nt Eureka , 111. , at i.bout one-half their
actual value and which will bo sold at
prices that will make shoes lly. The goods
will bo on exhibition untilThursday when
the sale will commence. Ladies1 and
Misses kid too slippers , turned soles , will
bo sold at 49 o. Ladies' kid and goat
button shoes at OSc. Men's tap solo vig-
warn slippers , GOc. Ladles $5.00
and $0.00 hand turned French
Kid shoes $3.50. Men's calf button and
congress shoes at $1.47 , $1.03 and $3.40 ,
worth double. Ladles' best quality serge
shoes , lace and button COc. Children's
shoes from ICc up , and the entire line at
similar prices. All shoo wearers arc
cordially invited to call and examine
thorn on Tuesday and Wednesday , but
not a shoo will be sold until Thursday
A Heavy Failure
C. E. Maync hasfailed to sell all'thoso
beautiful residence lots in Brigg's Place
on Harnoy , Farnam , Douglas , Dodge ,
Capitol avenue and Davenport streets ;
has some splendid lots left. They are
rare bargains.
C. E. Mat/nc has failed to dispose of all
the South Omaha Syndicate huuls. Only
a few choice business and residence lots
left , however.
G. E. Maync has failed to raise the price
of acre property in Benson. It is still on
the market at original ligurcs and is the
only acre property reached by street
What's In a Name ?
Erasttis Wyman has made Statcn
Island the most beautiful suburb of Now
York. Erasing Benson has made the
town of Benson the most bcautifnl resi
dence suburb of Omaha. Had their
outlandish names anything to do with it ?
Dr. Hubert removed to Granite Block.
The cheapest ton (10) ( ) acre garden natch
about Omaha for sale. C. E. Mavno
Ucal Estate & Trust Co.
Morn Excitement Over the Motor
Do yon know where the new motor
line is going , building by night und by
day ? It goes to Benson , where money
can bo made faster than any place in
Omaha. Acre and ton (10) ( ) acre lots for
sale cheap.
North Presbyterian Church , corner Nich
olas and Kami dors streets 1'renejiinjc at 10:30 :
a. m. Sunday school nt I'-i in. Young pee
ples' meeting at 0:30 : p. m. No evening ser
I'rosbytciinn Church , corner lodio ; and
Seventeenth streets , services at 10SO : a. m. ,
and 8 p. m. Kev. A. II. Doan , ot Monmouth ,
III. , will preach In the murnln ? . Kov. W.
W. Allcrburv , secretary of the Sabbath
committee of New Yoik , will speak in the
evening on thn present aspect of the Sunday
question in this country and Kurope. All
person * interested In this question are In
vited to attend and leant what is being done
on this great subject
First United Presbyterian , 012 North
Eighteenth direct , Kev. Kdwln 1J. Graham ,
pastor. Public worship at 10 : 0 a. m. and 8
p. m. Satibnth school at noun.
Central United Presbyterian church. Sev
enteenth street between Dodge and Capitol
a\enuu Services at 100 : : ! a. m. and 8 p.m.
Services conducted by llov. Thomas AIc-
Cacue. Weekly prayer meeting on Wednes
day oveiiincs at 8 o'clock. Young peonies'
prayer meeting on Sunday evenings at 7:15. :
All are Invited.
Hillside Con 'relational. Hev.ll , CCrane ,
pastor , Omaha View. Subject of mouilnc
prelude"Prohibition In Texas. " Sermon
on "Temptation. " Evening lecture at 8.
The nniuvetsary of Sunday school at 3SO. :
First ConercKatlonal Tabernacle. Seven
teenth and Capitol avenue Services at 10uO :
a. m. Preaching by the Kov. C. S. Billings.
Sunday school at noon.
St. Mary's avenue Congregational Rev.
Wlllard Scott will pnsach In the morning at
10:10 : ! o'clock. No evening service. Sunday
school at noon.
First ftaptlst Strangers' Sabbath Home.
Corner Fifteenth and Davenport streets. UHV.
A. W. Lamar , pastor. Preaching at 10:80a. :
in. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at IS in.
Prayer meeting Weilnehtlay evening nt 8
o'clock. All are cordial Invited. Seats free.
lioth-Kden Haptlst , Kov. II. Li. House , pas
tor. Preaching service at 4:15 : p. m. at St.
Mary's avenue Congregational church.
Preaching by the lluv. Dr. Woods , late of
Minneapolis , Minn. , Sunday school at ' )
o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock. Strangers welcome. Seats
Kov. Dr. Tyler , of Now York city , will
preach In the Christian church , corner of
Twentieth stieot and Capitol avenue buiulny
morning at 10UO : o'clock. CUM
Seward Street M. E. . Twenty-second and
Sewara streets. Kev. Clinrlos W. Savhlge ,
pastor. Sermon lor Sunday evening : "Tho
City's Curse and Us Cure. "
SONG sniivicn.
Tlio meeting nt the Young Men's Chris
tian Association on Sunday alternoon at 4
o'clock will be In the nature of a song ser
vice. A special programme has been pre
pared and nil who come will undoubtedly
have a treat. The invitation to attend Is ex
tended to everybody.
T. M. C. A. '
The Y. JF. 0. A. Is keeping up all of Its
meetings during the waini weather , and the
attendance and interest Is larger than ever
before. Drop Into some of their meetings
nnd see If you do not enjoy It.
Welsh services will bo held Sunday , July
ul , at the residence of Mr. James ( iritllths ,
1.71S Dodge street. Preaching at7XJo : : , in.
by the Kev. David E. Edwards , o Wales.
Sunday school nt20 : ! ! n. m.
Kev. 11. H. Tyler will Pleach nt the Cvn-
tlna Chapel. In Walnut Hill , on next Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Doctor leaves
our city Monday for his church In Now York
Auction ! Auction ! Auction !
I will sell on Tuesday morning , August
2nd , 10 o'clock a. in. , at No. 010 Colfux
street , between Leavonwortli and Grant ,
a fine lot of household goods , line ear-
pets , Dagistan rugs , portiers and drap
eries , easy chairs , etc. , all as treed as
now. D. S. M. I'liBTWKr.r. ,
This three-story brick house , nine
rooms , all modern convenience , can bo
rented for forty-livo dollars u month.
Architect ? nnd Sunerintcmlonts.
Hodgson & Son.
Oflices Iron Hank , Omaha , Loan < L
Trust BuildUig , Minneapolis , Melsdn
Building , Kaunas City.
To Homo Seekers.
Wo have several now ilx-room houses
which wo are selling at from $3,000 to
$3,500. Wo only ask fc00 ! cash , nnd the
.balance can bo paid Stiff or * 30 u nlonth
or the same as you now pay for rent
Brown A : Crcigfiton , S. K. cor. 10th and
Douglas. *
Jllils will bo received by the board of publlo
lamU and buildings at any Uino before AUK HA
IB. I8S7 , ui2 p. in.fordon Moii8 for Hie location
for the "Nebraska In-lustrjal Home. " Usua
rlKMta reserved , lljr order of said board. ' ,
JulrMilboT. ' ' 0. L. LAWS , secretary.
-W ugl3
Medical & Surgical Institute
N , W , Cor. I3tli street and Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Neb.
Telephone No. 780.
Established for the Treatment of all Chronic
and Surgical Diseases.
13th St. , Cor. Capitol
1 A * Dcsltrnlns- persona , tnklnir ndvantniro of our reputation , are con *
I JO "II Tl fl Bt.mtly sturtliitr bourns MoilicHl Ksttibllslimi-nts to dccoho Btrunpora
\ Cll \JJL\JJHf visltltii : the city Thcsu pretenders usually illsapin'ur In n four
weeks , lluwnronf thorn , or tliolr runners or luronts. Tliu Omaha
ilccllcnlnnd Surplcnl Institute Is tlio only c tubllsliuil Mcdiciil Institute In Omtitm , and I ho succusd
vlilcli IMS attended us In the past In clloctln rures wlicro others linvo failed Is the ln'st evidence
of our skill and ability , and our standing und reputation among business men Is the best evidence
of our Integrity nmliopori ! < ll > llity.
Thouph wo hnvo thousands ot letters nnd te-tlmonlnlg from pntlonl"o do not jiublleh them
first , licraiiBO It Is considered unprofessional ; second , wo never use the names of patients ns
reference , cither In books , punurs , circulars or conversation Wo do business on our merits nnd
skill , believing thnttho miurmtudo of our luislnrss , our superior advantiiK'i'a , reputation nud oi-
) crlenco , places us foej end suspicion or the necessity of publishing testimonials.
Wo Invite nil to correspond with or visit us before taklmr treatment olsowncro , believing that
n visit or consultation will convince liny intelligent perfon that It Is to their advtuitnuo to place
homsolrcs tinder our cure ; that wo Have supeilor advant-.k'cs and facilities for tieatliiK ppi'clal
diseases , which , combined with on a acknowledged ability , experience uud reputation , should
make onr Institute the llrst rliolco
The Commercial Hocord , says : "Tr. McMonntny , the pioptlotor ot the Omnlux Modlrnl Instl-
ute , Is beyond adonbt otio of tlio most skillful specialists in the estrrn states , anil I * \\oll lilted
iy nature. , education and experience to 1111 the ic-ponslhlo position vhlch ho occupies. In the ,
rcatmcnt ofdlscascsoloman and dlsease ortho in I nary anil sexual orKims iptivuto dlsoasesX
10 probably hus no supeior In the L'nltnl fatates. We pei onally Know him to bu icllabtu nnd
Prontod carefully , 'Wilfully nnd felontlflcallj by the Irttesl nnrt most approvcil mrthniK Tr. Mo-
> leimmy has for.M.'ais devoted a lar c portion of his time to the study and treatment of thifl
class of diseases , nnd has sp.ued neither time nor money to perfect himself , and In fully supplied
with every Instrument , appliance and icuiedy ol value In this douaittnunt of medicine nnd eut
( joiy. '
Separate Consultation Rooms and Parlors for Ladies.
Hook on ni-icttscn of Women , Free-
And all diseases of the thrnnt treated by ( " ( impressed Air , Spray * , Medicated Vapors , etc , applied
uy means of the latest Inventions In apparatus lor that puiposu.
lly a Safe , Painless anil Certain Operation.
Private Disease Department ,
The Only Relmlle Medical Institute nutldnrj a snccittHy of
Caused by Overworlc , or Worry , tlio Indlscretioni of Voutli.or Kvoo es of ilpor yours , or whatever
over may tend to Ion or thn tone ol life's vital forces , cniHlnir ner\ona mill physical ilublllty or oz
Initiation , seminal uouUnuss or Incontinence ( spurtnatorrlura ) , ami piumaturn ilocay , followed by
tlio lonjr train of symptoms which tlio millei or knows but too wull , are cured by our now rtstor-
utlve treatment , renewing vitality and vleor , ami restoring vital , physical and mental power.
Tluitioiitiiiont of this chits of diseases lias until very ruenntly boon neglected by sclontlflo .
educated phyclclans , anil has boon In the hands of Patent Mellulno vendors and lirnorant mou
thiiinliit ? to have onoinodluino thut wm a spcclllo and would cuio cvury caso.
Many aioBtlll Imposed upon by olTers to nu.iratitoo cures or Rlvo lurio sums of money If a
failure. Ismaile. All Intollljront pnrsnng know that tlieno 010 simply trops to catch tlio unwary.
Thouith these devices have been repeatedly exposed by nowcpapcrs , victims are still to bo found.
Wo know that thousands siincrliiK Irom the olfucts of these viens have been disappointed so
often that they aio discouraged and have almo-t given up hope of ever boliiK cured. To all suoU
\so deslio to eay thut so lonir as they eontlnuo to experiment with specific remedies or appliances
roprcscutod to euro such , they are HUcly to meet with nothlnir but disappointment. No
tivo ca os nio exactly alllw and no one remedy huiovor been or mercun be prepared to meet tha
requirements of \\olia\emailoacareriil8tiidyof these dlsoasos In all their vailoun form *
nnd complications , and with the aid ol almost unlimited experlonco in uaantlnjf treatment to Individual -
dividual cusof , wo ur < ; enabled to euro after otliors have utterly failed.
Wo were iiiunnir tlio llrst to snake a specially ami study nf this class of discuses , anil lo treat
tliotn upon scloullUi ! principles. Wi < also treat Strictures , filoot and Vnrli ocelo. All Contaploug
and Illood , troni whatever oiuso produced , successfully tioiitcd. Wo c n rcmovo
ivpnllltlu poison fiom Iho sjstom ulthout mercury , or injury to the system.
" Allcomtuunlcitlousconlldontlul. Cull and consult us or send name and postoflluo nUdrcjg
plainly wiltten and enclose stamp , nnd wo will send jou In plain wrapper , onr
BOOK : TO is rEi3sr ,
Upon Private , Special and Nervous Dlsousos , Somlnnl WoiknoFS , Snmimturrtupn , Imiiotoncy ,
Syphilis , Gonorrluun , ( Hoot , and all dUca cs of the Gcnlto-Urlnary Organs , or tcnJ history of
jour cnso for nn opinion.
Persons unahlolo visit us may bo tre.Uol at their homes , by correspondence. Medicines and
Instruments sent by mall or oxpiess , scomoly pnckod from obain vatlon , no marks lo Indlcnto
contents or sender. Ono personal Interview pruforicd If convenient , liooms and board for the
accommodation of initloiils.
The Physicians and Surin-ons of the OMAHA MEDICAL AND SUUUIC.Vr , 1NST1TUTE-
Drs. MoMonaui ) , Coo and Sinclair III.
In Hie Future , Visit I'aliciils in All I'mIs of the ( Jity May or .Mlglif.
In the past wo have been obllirod to lefusu to do general practice anil visit patients at their
lionu'S. but , \vohu\o umUoariiin oiiicntsto add to our stall of ptiysluluiti , o Hluill bo oblu tp
answer ah calls In the cltj or country.
OUR on ici : is ones DAY AND XKIIIT.
Andonoor moropbjtlolans may bocahcd without delay Wo linxohud years of
In hospital and pi ivate practice , and In tlin treatment of all kinds and classes ol dl eiise , unit
shall lirlntr our united skill , ability , knowledge anil energy t < > the a'd ' ot ovorv Invalid placed.
under our CMC. Wo arooonlldent that our advantages uud our success \\hlcommend us to u\cry
lutollhfout. thinking perbon. _ _
Our Charucs arc $2 n J'Mt In Aim J' < irt of the Clly , Day or .V///if. /
No Physician , however well educated ho may bo , can do justice to his patients
tionts unless he is in possession of the latest inventions in Medical ,
Surgical nnd Electrical Apparatus.
OUR orricr AXD < : O\SULTATIO\
Contain a complete supply of Sui ' { leal Instruments.fplianecs for l.xiunlnliiK' Olsonsi'9 , Kur
Snoculuin.Ouhthalnil copC8 , Mlero'cnpos , New Apparatus for Appljlnir l.liotilelty or Miitfnet-
Ism New nnd Improved ViiiHirUi-r Inhaler , Atomi/or , Klc. In fact , the llnest and inosi valuable
collection of Medical , Snrulciil an 1 Anatomical Apfmr.uim to bo lound In iinj llobp.tal , IiiUiuiury
or Medical Institute In the country
. „ , Ilaro MIL Club Poet , Tumor ? . Cnnoort ,
Slral _ , Viiricoeelii , Inverted Nulls. Wen * und '
t Curonlo Discuses < il the I.HIIK * . Iluntt. lies' ' ) , luopil. ? kln , Sculp. Stoiimrli , Liver ,
KUnt-yai HIuddor.Nurviig. Hones. I'.lo , us I'anilysls , EpUuinv I itsi , ycujtulii. Dropsy , llrluht'8
IOUSOT"I ) | ? ! > Ci Worm. I'loora or 1'ovor Sore * , Uyspopslu , lliilanoi , Uozum.i. Cuivaturo or thu
Siilnc.C'omrnctoil Mmb3 , Kto.
rg'-ItrrircK ' , .Sin-ilfiil . % IM > II < IIICCNI Supjiorlc'rt , 'lrii * * < > N , l.lf. j 3
Wo have u Onico .MnKer In our uiupluy nnd tniiko a special Iiiktruacnt for each ciiso.
C3pA < ! lreii i nil Lcllcrfc lo
'Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute .
, , . . . ,
' ' :
- . .TMrleenth.St'Cor.Capitol Ave'OHAHA.lEiJi ; :
, . . , . , , . , :