. , - ; . . , . . . , _ . . ! 4' y.- " + i , . .y - ' - P- wl 16 THE OMAHA DAILY 131.1. . TUESDAY , .IDLY 26 , 1S87. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFIOE , NU. 12 , PEARL STREET. ' Dolfvered by rm'rier In any port at the city at twenty cents per weok. Id. W. TaT0N , Manalor. T1LEP1IONES : : 8retarssOmcz , No , tit It10fT EtlrIOf No. 2L MINOIt 1dI TION. N , YPlnmhing Co , Reiter. tailor , Summer goods cltcan. Thomas Mooha was yest0rdtty tined for disturblug the penco. ' Fine coupes for ladies calling. Wm. . Lewis , tolephommO 128. Ol1co 410Irotut- ) i. t way. There have boon 1,000 pounds of solder used In the building of the county's new court house. t The city marshal is proddhte those r who have not paid their annual license , t the ycttr being up Juiy L 'ho K , t& P nine defeated the Garner Chit ) Yestcrday by 18 to 1. The winning club is contemplating ti contest tvlth the Illayno club witlda a week. 'rile funeral of the little son of ? tr. nil Mrs , .I. SV. I'eregoy will be lucid at 10 o'clock this morning from the faintly residence , No. 725 First avenue. 'rite sale of tickets for Langtry will continence SVedueday at 0 o'clock , This is the first thou this celebrated actress has visited Couicl linu s. Charles Smith mold .1. Thomas were itr- rested for lighting near the transfer. Smith wns discharged and 'l'honas had t0 foot the bills , which amounted to $10. There was a crowd of ofibnders to be 11 disposed of in the ) olive court yesterday morning. Most of thou were ordinary cases of tog mach drink tad too little work. The front of the building occupied by the Council IiluOs Savings bank is being remodeled told now plate glass being put in. It will be a handsome front wheu completed , County Clnrk Shea has received from \VTther's farm in Kentucky a thoroughbred - bred mare , a beauty , ' 'Vanity Fair , " which promises to be very speedy. She is a valuable animal. Special couuutmication of Bluffs City lodge , No , 71 , A. F. & A. M , , thus Tues. day evening , July 20. Work on first de- 'rec. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order of te W. M. The trouble among the euards seems about sottlod. The company last night . was drilling as usual on Pearl street , in 'x front of the BEE otinco , and Captain Mosshuer was In command , The plans of the now fire house are drawn. It Is to be located on the site of No. 4's 'present ' building on Broadway. The building will be brick , 25x120 feet. It will be two stories , with five stalls on the first floor , and sleeping rooms above. This evening there will be a nicetinq at the Y. M. C. A , rooms of all interested in the establishment of a chttutau n as. sembly here. The enterprise as ptaanned Is extensive , and will need the hearty cooperation - operation of many in order to snake it a success. . , i Leave to marry was yesterday given James II. Stanwood and Miss May Alice i' } I Saudi , both of Omaha. Another couple made harpy by the ofiiclation of a Coun- cif Bltills magistrate--Frank Barbenu and Miss Lulu ' llansen-'Squire Briggs tying the knot. \v , N , Young's daughter Maude , aged about twelve years , died yesterday after. r 110011 about 5 o'clock. She had , been seriously ill for some time , and two 1 weeks ago her life was dispaired of , but she rallied and there were hopes of liar recovery. A relapse a sudden sinking and death came quicicly , b 1 t The ceilings of the two court rooms of , this county's now house are about coat- plated , On one of them the decorators have already commenced work. Tito plasterers are rapidly covering the walls. Other workmen arc engaged in putting t the finishing parts onto the tower. ' 'ho carpenters will soon have a chattco to work , For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr. Rico's new invention. It makes a mom of you in five minutes , No. pain. No. 11 Pearl street , For female diseases and chronic diseases oases of all kinds , call on 1)r , Rico , No. 11 Pearl street , Council Blull i , Iowa. Personal Paragraphs. John T Stewart has returned from the I Cast. ' Mrs , Prof. McDermid is visiting her mother and friends at Lincoln. 11cr son , lloward. accompanies her. i Mrs , A. P , Ilanehott is quito ill with r fever. She was sotto better yesterday , and hopes are entertained of a speedy recovery. Mr. Adams , late of the Omaha Herald , is to assume the duties of the city editor of the Nonpariel , while Col. Copson takes n needed rest. Superintendent 1VyekofT , of the institution - tion for the deaf and dumb , is in Illinois , whore ho has been quite ill with typhoid fever. lie is now recovering rapidly , and hopes to be able to return hero by the latter part of the week. K ltosccrans , an old citizen , sold his residence on Bancroft street , during the beginning of the boom , for $1,500. , With time cash to hand he started for California - nia , where ho has bought a hotel. lto ports are to the effect that ho le making money rtgtidly. When you arc in the city stop at the Pacific house , Street cars pass the door every fifteen minutes for all the depots. Mcals 50 cents each. Polaonod by Corn fleet. A family named Robinson , living at the corner of Mill and Center streets , is suffering frog poisoning supposed to be caused by eating corn beef , which was bought already prepared for the table. Souu after partaking of it one of the daughters was thrown into violent spasms. Others of the family were less seriously affected. All arc now doing well. J , \V. & K I. . Squire's abstract books are a marvel of systematic accuracy. have YOU seen their now lien book ; it is a monster and contains 000 pages , Pacitic house is the nearest hotel to the majority of read estate ollices in the city ; t2 per ay. "A Fare Knockdown , " Carrie Lawlor , one of Welsh's hack drivers , was arrested yesterday , charged with It tvny elahucd that he had been falling to turn over the fares received by hhn for the past few days ? and lead been "blowing" the money in , lho affair was fixed uh ill some way old the driver let go. It is understood that ho made good the amount claimed + by his employer , At the l'acitic hlouo ' will save from I 50c to $1 per day. try it and be con , v'iuced. * , Too I"onU or Horses. Sheriff Dan Farrell was hero yesterday with ii prisoner , hoary 1hltmor , who hail taken a cluanto of venue from Mills to this county. SS iutnmr is colder indict inont for horse stealing , and will regain in the county jail hero until the uuxt term of court , Ono thousand of , two anti three-year-old steers for sale.S'ill give credit to reliable partioe. Enquire of A , , a. Greonamnyor , 023 Mynster st. , tole- . , 411 , TlE [ BATTLE 0E TiE KEGS. It Is Renewed With an Opanln ; Piro of Inlunction Arguments. DEATH OF TWO OLD SETTLERS. Mrs. Joseph at imst ( liven Mntrltuun- Iai ir'rcedont-Dcclalons ht Uncle Sari's - Merry l'nrty Court-A Watching the Itegatta , 'rho InJnncton { CaACa ' Judge Carson sat yesterday patiently listonmg to the arguments iii the saloon cases , ' ! 'here arc ninny of these , and while they are divided rip In classes , in- vulving in some respects dill'erent questions - tions , yet In time male they are of time same general character , 'lute arguments made yesterday involved principles which tdlipcted all the cases inure or less , ' 1'hc chief battle was , however , in regard to 1Ldouiey & Fruul , of the l'aellie house billiard rooms , A putitiou had been Illwt asking for a lctnpnrar , y writ of in- uuctiou against theln , mad oinking Henry EIsenutn also a defendant as trustee fur the owners of time nr'one ty. A douurrer was filed ng.tiust . his being nettle a defendant , amid this brought about It disenssioi of the relations of tire owners of property , the oeutipants of which were charged with selling liquors in tfelmtdon of haw. Jacob Sizes it ppeiued for the state , ' idbts Ov'ortouin Its Coluucl Sapp teeuirl it , lht the oilier side where Sapp d' ; l'usoy , Mr. Ilnldene and Mr. llyusler , In support of time demurrer it was clammed that tie petltiOtl fur tut injuacuou could not be directed against limo owner of properly , unless it wms : alleged that he acted in col- htsion with the mom tvho were selling the liquor , or that it WItS { s'itil his kiiowledge anti consent that limo property was thus used for illegal purposes. 7'ite petition nut allegint ; either of these conditions , the demurrer should be _ sustained. The attorneys claimed tht the owner of suclm property was , under lute ; rofmibition law authorized to cancel a lease after a ltnmi hettrhmg of an injunction against a tetiant , but there way no authority for his cancelling a lease before a teal hear- ing. It was declared absurd to Issue a temporary writ against the owner of the property , restraiuuig bin front hating any liquor sold m his place , so long as a truant was m posses- smotl , and the 'owner had no rower to throw bin out , It unmounted simply to compelling the owner to sit ( town in his building with a club , and keep the tenant - ant from selling any strong drink. After a final hearing the owner hind power to cancel the lease , but having no such 'mower ' before , it was not right to place him under an order of court compelling him to do something which ho could not do. In regard to the injunctions issued against buildings , the attorneys for the defendants , and especially Mr. Haldene , made such Injunctions apponr very ridic- ulous. Ile illustrated his idea by suppos- iug that in ease of a dead dog being a nuisance , a judge should issue an injunction - tion restraining the dog from giving forth an ttnplCacant odor. Thu dog was ntmi- mate , and would continue to emit its smell to high heaven. It was equally absurd to issue at injunction against a pile of brick and mortar , restraining it from allowing itself to be used : is a place for the sale of liquors. The brick and utor- tar could not help itself. The injunction could not in gout sense issue against an iilanimato object , and could only issue against the owner of the . It could not be directed towards time owner unless alleged that lie was willingly a party to niaintainiug the nuisance , Mr. Sims cited authority showing that the supreme court had decided the question - tion , and In hits favor. Just such a petition - tion as that in controversy had been in time contest for two years , and had stood in every court and every case. The questions were taken under advisement - visement by Judge Carson. The con- tour't ' of court cdtsos were continued until Wednesday. It is not expected that there will be anything very dotindte resulting from this legal warfare until the close of the week , and perhaps not then , Every possible question is being raised by the defcnso. The Old Settlers Dying. Two of this county's oldest residents wore buried Sunday. One C. W. McIntosh - Intosh , of Crescent township , was aged 71 years , and hind resided hero since ISIS. The other , henry Wade was a resident of lioomer township , and had resided in this county , for over forty years. He was father-in-law of lion. . AxtolL a - - . I. S , Mrs. Joseph Win , . One of the dirtiest family washings ever hung on the court line was that of Joseph ys. Joseph. Each charged the other with infidelity , and time details of their home troubles ware aired fulhy at the trial some weeks ago. Judge Carson has been thinking over the mutter , and yesterday decided to give Mrs. Joseph liar desired freedom , anti also to give her the custody of the child. She lives in Omaha , wle her husband remains here in time employ of one of the agricultural implement houses. Uncle Same Court. F. M. Hunter , clerk of the United States court , yesterday received two der visions from Judge Lover One was in the case of A J. Crittenden vs , the Fire- men's Fund Insurance cony. In this case a trial by jury resulted in the plain- tiff's favor , but a motion was made for a new trial , Judge Love overrules this motion , thus nllirming the judgment in Mr. Crittenden's favor. Mr. Critten- den had the policy In controversy assigned - signed him it being upon property bar longing to itlr. Cregier , at Logan , who turned the insurance over to his creditors , 'rho other case in which a decision was rendered was that involving the McMahon - Mahon property , which was recently foreclosed under a mortgage. Judge Love orders a stay of proceedings until a further hearing can be had at the next term of court , which 01)0125 September 1 , Watching the Regatta. A merry party tilled the sleeper which went out front here Sunday night for time Spirit Lake regatta. The party coasts- ted of Annie Bowman , Stella Bullard , J. J. Shea and wife , Mrs. Weis and daughter , E H. ? lforrlam and wife , Mr , and Mrs. E. H Udell , Miss. Oliver , John Plummer , F. T. Seibert , Charles Bans , C. Ii. Cooper , W. IL Olenaeher , IL C Co-y Fred Loomis , Mrs. Bullard and dafghler , F. J. Duty , wife and two nieces , F' , A , Sprat gnu , Herman Bnordorf , Idlss Faris- wort Lizrle Brown , Fanuio Fairer , George A , Crane and daughter , Miss Campbell , Mrs , ! less. Other agents may talk as hard as they please about the Ilardman piano. It gets away with them for all that. ! 'hose ulanos are hard to beat. 'l'ime Mueller Music company sell alwtty1only the best. The Story ura Lot Watch. Philadelphia Call : "For some lima , " stud the doctor , " 1 havn been attending a colored man on 1Vood street. There was no money in limo case , but a true physicist flavor thinks of that , and I keIt pegging away tit my man until 1 got hlnt on time turn , Then he fell back agaln and 1 began to think his mmd was diseased-that is , that ho was brooding over something , nnd that plays the mie chief with medicine. You take the case ofabeautifulairl wholoses her hair from , , , . .d . . . fovr , IIer recovery is retarded for weeks if you give her a looking-glass. "Nell , I kept quiet and made myself fricndlg and one do } thin secret came out. Jae waited until lie was alone wltit 3110 , nod than ho asked ate to gn to it closet in the room and hunt up a black stocking. I did so and Imnuded it to hint , nod ho took thorefrom something that looked like a bundle of rit'ss. ' Itetuoving ; the rags disclosed a roil of paper , tied with old ovine , nnd lust tit' tvas a piece of eluunoi + , and inside of timiut a beautiful gold watclt , 1 load been walehftug these proceedings with considerable hmterrst , nnd when I saw time watch 1 jntnped at once to time conclusion thnt my indent wits about to flake restitution for a rob- bery. I was mistaken , " , l ou'x ' ntvay 011 ; boss , ' said he , witim a smile , as lie evldeutly read m y thoughts , ' 1 didn't stole Ihtt ; st'ntch ; I found 'uui. I picked rip that tvtttcli 'bout a year ago on the corner of 'T'hirteenth and Markel , \l'nunynmkar's , nnd i rant to give 'uni back before I ( lie. ' The story looked 11x)13' ) , but It till turned out naturally enough when 1 questioned him , lie fotitui the watch and brought it house and told tie one about it for fear of being robbed. Ito didn't advertise it beaatso in had no utouey to pay for the advertisement - tisement , nnd ho didn't rnal ( time pators to see if a reward bud been ofbred , simply - ply because nether ho nor any of his huuily could road , So lie hid the watch T11 n closet and did nothing at all , " 1 vxanlincd time watclm and saw that it was a Im13''s tvntch , mutt valuable. On the inside of the case was elgrarct a data and time mine 'Sarah ,11ltilda : Shreve , ' hero ryas a clew. 'hat do you wnut : the to do with this ? ' I asked , lie replied thmt , 1 wns to lied time owner , and return mho ovate ! ' with or without reward - ward , told ho seemed actually grateful as i carried it mlwuy "SS'heu i reuunad to my oflicc I got out time directory and wrote a letter to every Shreve iii the city , about a half dozen , detnnliug time ciretunstnnecs fluid asking for Saraim Matilda , 'r'ime next dray 1 Rot a letter from a Shreve , telling ale that time ow ncr of time watch was now time wife of a proutineut cozen-never mind his name-nnd lived tit Seventeeith told Pate , ' 'hat afternoon i called on the lady , told may story , and she identified time watch beyond question mind told how she lost it coming from Broad street station - tion , "She was 'ratilied at its recovery , ntmd surprised wean she heard where it had been for a year , and I am liltppy to say that her gratitude did tint stop at words. 'I'ho next day site called to see my patient , amid left a liberal present behind her , and she has been a regular caller ever sumac. 'lime result is that my mat is getting well , and it looks now as if his modest future was assured. I tell you ties story just to illustrate what good policy honesty is. He alight have realized - ized 20 by selling the watch , but he re- ststcd the temptation , amid he will realize tan times that amount now. I think there is a good sound moral to this story. " Adventuroa With the Grizzly hear. Ifitrper's Magazine for August : Few persons believe n grizzly will attack a a mat before he is imself attncked , l was one of these doubtun g Thomtmsos until two years ago , when was thoroughly convinced by occilar demonstration that some grizzlies , at least , will attempt to make a meal o0 a tnau even thought he nmay not have harmed then previously. 1Ve were hunting in the Shoshone mountains - tains in northern \Vyouing. 1 had killed a large elk in the morning , and oe going back to the carcass in the afternoon to skm it we saw titnt bruin had been there ahead of usbut had lied at our approach. Without the lelst : apprehension of his return - turn , we loaned our rifles ngainst a tree about lifty feet away , and commenced work. There were three of us , but only two rifles , ? .Ir. Ihllmuunn , the photographer - er , havinn left his in camp. Ile luul tin , ished takuiig views of time carcass , and we were all busily cnglmged skinning , when , hearing a crashing in the brush and a series of savage roars and growls , we looked tap the hill , and were horrified to see three grizzly bears , an old female anal two cubs about two-thirds grown , charging upon us with all the savage fury of a pack of starving wolves upon a sheep-told. Titcy were between us and our rifles whi ut we first saw them , and we sprang to our horses , which were picketed a few yards bniOW , supposing , of course , that when the bears reached the. elk carcass they would proceed to oat it , and pay no further attention to us. Strange to say , it was the carcass to whielm they paid no attention. They still came after us ; we had no time for light , and could not even release anal mount our terror- stricken horses , Our only chance was to fight for our lives , and with one accord we all three grasped our hunting kuives ttnd dashed at them. SS a tltroty our hats and yelled Ilke Commiiches , and the savage - ago brutes , seeing themselves thus boldly confronted by equnl numbers , stopped , raised on their haunches , growled , snapped their jaws for a few moments , nnd then walked sullenly back up time 11111 into time brush , 'I'tmis gave us an opportunity to get hold of our rifles , and then it was our turn to charge , ' 1'o make a long story short , we iilled : the old female and one cub ; the other escaped into the jungle before we could get a shot at hhn , 'lima resolute front we put oa alone saved our lives. Time grizzly is pnrtially nocturnal In his habits , and mtpparently divides his labor of obtaining food and his traveling about equally between day and night. It is not definitely known to what ago ha lives in his wild state , : but he is supposed to attain to twenty-five or thirty years. Notwithstanding time great courage and ferocity of this formld.tble beast. Ito will utter the most pitttble groans and howls when seriously or mortally woo titled. Another instance of n grizzly making an unprovoked attacked upon a inn was vouched fur by a nnum whom I know to be strictly truthful. Two brothers were prospecting in a rtingo of mountains tains near time head wates of the Stink , ink Water river. Time younger of the two , though an able-bodied man , nnd capable of doing a good days work with a 'tick ' or shovel , was a weak-minded tints the elder brother never allowed hint to go any dishutco away from camp or their work alone , lie , however , sent nuu one evening to a spring , a few rods otlto bring a kettleful of water. ' 1'hospring was in a deep gorge , amid the trail to it wound througlm some fissures in the rock. As the yofng n11m passed under a shelving rock an immuenso end tenlale grizzly , that h1 i taken up temporary quarters there , reached out and struck n powerful - ful blew at his head , but fortunately could not reach far enough to do him any serious harm. 'rlmo blow knocked his hat ell , and lair claws caught his scalp nnd laid it open clear across the top of his hood iii several ugly gashes. lime farce of time blow sett himn spinning rtround , and not knowing enough to be frightened , he attacked hersavmugelywtth time only weapon lie had at hnud-tlte camp kottlo. The elder brother heard the racket , and , hastily catehimmg lup hits rifle , found his brother vigorou l y' beta- boring the bear over the head with time camp kettle , and the bear striking at him savage blows , ally one of wlilci , , If site could have reached him. would have torn his hoed from his slmouidors. Three but. lets front time rifle , fired in rapid snorer ston , loosened liar hold upon time rocks , and she tumbled lifelessly into the trail. General Donaldxon's Mistake. From Tito Century for August , we quote the following war anecdote , by R tL Eddy : Prior to the battle of Nash- vile Itfajor General James L. Donald- cop who won honors In time Mexican war , and who died In the spring of 188) ) ) , was gnarlermastor under General Thomas , lie once told mu the following ineldentm f tyingoccaslon to purohasomules , fo r . . . . . . . , - - a r'r. , yybyr d 'WHaIP . .YY.u.w , irr - , _ _ uetr'aLwz 1 :3 : .a/ , Ob-- I r4dLQ.Q d&i REAL ESTATE. Vacant I.ots , Lands , City lieeldoncas and I'm'tns. Acre property in western part of city , Ali selling cheap. Re P. OFFICER , Real Estate & 1 Insurance benfi Boom 5 , over Oflicer k Pttsoy's flank , Counci Blutrs. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. ltrondway , Council thugs , Opp. Dummy Depot , N y p w rn N Horses and mules constantly on hand for sale at retail or in car loud lots. Orders prutuptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission , Telephone 114. Snl.trrtat & IiOLEY. Oppusdc 1)umuly Depot , Council Bluffs. LATEST NOVELTIES lm Amber , TortoiseSltell etc.Hair On Dements , As L 3 well as mho ; newest nov , ' hair ; ' ds , ] fait' goods r madetoorder Mrs. C. L. Gillette 29 Main St. , Council B41fi's , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mall orders promptly attended to , Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway-The Manhattan , Tcicpiionc No. 33 Na. 015 Main Street , Telephone No , 93. ST. FRAN CIS AOADETIY Cor. 5th Ave. & ith St. , Council Bluffs , One of the best Educational Institit tenons in the west. Boarding mad day school conducted by the Sisters of Charity - ity , B , g , M Board mid tuition for a term of five mouths , t75. For further particulars address SISTEit SUI'ER1OIt , St , Francis Academy , Council Blufs , In. the army , lie ordered a person in witont he had conlidonce to visit time contiguous uorthnrn states , umdvertently saying to him , ' 'ltuy t us nmuy as you can"-uot supposing ho would lie able to secure mote thaut a few thousand at the most. Some weeks afterward , just before time attack upon Hood's nrnly , General 1)oi- aldson , on meeting his agent , inquired haw ninny mules Ito had been able to se cure , 'I 'o the antnzemcnt of the general he was inforlued that 20,000 , or more had beeu obtained Upon which time astouishnd general exclaimed : "I am a ruined man 1 shall be court marhdcd : mid driven from the army for not limiting you in the purchase , You have procured many times more than I had any idea or intention - tion of purchasing ; but the fault is not mine , not yours. I ought to have been pattioular in my orders , " In an extremely - tremely disheartened state he event to hits home believing that such a thought , less act on his part could not be overlooked - looked by the commanding general , lie bud scarcely reached his ! mouse before - fore a messenger came from General Thomas for Gctcral Donaldson to conic immediately to headquarters , This seemuied to be the sealing of his fate , and in a state of trepidation bordering on frenzy ho appearetl before General Thomas , whom ho found in a mood , an- parently , of great depression. Scott tar Doialdsou iii entered h presence General Thonias salt : 'Donaldson , how mammy , mules have you" With some per , tubatton ho replied , "Upwards of twenty-five thousand , " " ' ! 'wenttire the sand did you say ? " repeated the general. "Is it possible taut you have tlds number ? Donalsom , accept my heartfelt thanks ; you love saved this arntyl 1 can now have transportation and can , fight flood , and , Twill ado sp ut onto. " ! , r ' ' ' 1 , ' N PE YI SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE. Special advertisements , such as 1.ogt , Found ioLnnnFor Sate , To Rent , Hants , Boarding , etc , , will bohtsorted In this column nt the low ratcoiTEN CEN'I"JPElt LINE for the first laser. lonned .ifvo'onusl'erllnoforoachsubsoquont lesortion. I.cnvo advertisements nt our otnro No. P : t'eari meet , uo.tr Broadway , Council Biutls WANTS. Foil SALE-1lnines piano , good instrutnent. will sell cheap for cash , 107 Iroadway roit SALE-Uasoline stove , a bnso burner coat stoyo , carpets anti furniture. No. 307 Broadway. OST-A Brass hub ban ( ' . Suitnhio reward Leave at flee office , Couucd BluiT , or itcimrod's store , Omnlui , TANTEB - Situation as bookkeeper by , , young man who can give satisfactory rom- erencas as to asporionco , bnbils mind rosponsf- bihty. U , D. Bee ounce , Council Blutte , ANTED-Situatfon as salesman in grocery etoro. Itofereur es alvou. D , U. ' . , Boo omco , Council Bluffs. TILL soil two carriages on tong time or will V V trade for horses , William Lewis. SALE-Or Trade-Six sections of good rJit In Lincoln county , Net , . , on U P. railway. Call on or address Udell Dros , ft Co. , 103 Pearl at „ Council iihmffa , Hasa complete line of IidSElIllIll1l MiI1illI1v , Large hats imm white , black and alt colors. Pat tern bonnets , hate and togtmes , a specialty , No 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , --AND- FINE POTTERY. Prices J'ey1 Low , w. S. HOMER & CO. , X0. 23 MAIN ST , CO UIVCIL N L UFFS , IA : Creston iloilse , Main Street , Council Bluffs T Only Hotel in the . City with Fire Escape , Electric Call Bells. Accomnlodullona Firtt Class , Anal ICntcy llcnaouablo Max Mohn , Proprietor BEST LIGHT LIVERY IN TI CITY. The finest of driving horses always on baud and for sale by MASE WISE. ESTABLISHED 1858 D , H , McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WOOL ANU rolls. highest JGn'Iwt Pricers , Pi'outp ! t"ta'ns. 820 and 8:2 : Mmtiu Street , Couicl Bluffs , Iowa. E , S. IIAR4VETT , Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Refers to any bank or business house in the city , Collections a specialty. JOhIN Y. STONE. JACoa Sills STONE & SiMS , Attorneys at Law. Practice in the State and Federal Courts Ro mns 7 and 8 Shugart Beno Block , COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICER J' I'USEY , BANKERS 500 Broadway , Council BlufFsIowa. Established ISSL N. SCIIUIlZ , Justice of the Peace , Otbuo over Amerlcan Express , N . 419 ' ROADVTAY 'N , n rl r a , . # , _ , . , I BROS. 1 . , 401 , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OUT ALL Suffirner Dress Goods , White Goods Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , tea Etc. OUR STOCK OF' CARPETS , r Are Large and Well Selector ! Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best , ' New Goods are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF La ce Curtains. CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC. Work one ernpetent or ment Mail Orders Promptly Attended e H. R ' os os. Council Bluffs. . . attention given all orders N. B.---Special by mail , ' 'r - - - BEST MAKES AND IIIGIEST [ GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will final it to their interest to call onus. . We ' fail to ' aatlsfaclion. inctrumenta Tuned and Repaired. no 'or gh'e Over 20 years' Experience Bt Piano and Organs { 'York , Swanson Music Co. No. 320 liroadway , Council liihtifs , Iowa oo-r , Real Estate Broker and Dealers Cntutcil Ulufrs Ol1Tce , Masonic ' ' , , 111 ' 'a , 'I'etnplo Onutba Olileeo , North iGUmshed a l'articular tutcntlou givcu to . In- 'esthtg funds tir awn resi- dents. Special hargalne fu Iola & acre properly la Ihumthu & Council - cil Ulutls. Correspondence solic- ilcd. BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL ; t Best $2.00 a day house in the west. t LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE ROOMS and , 1 ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES I Regular : : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates. SPECIAL PRICES for 30 DAYS On Furniture , hIousellold Goods , Stoves , etc. , to malco room for Fall Stock , Goods Sold on hlstalllhenty. A. . MAND EL , Nos. 323 and 325 Broadway. Council Bluffs , Iowa. r ' No. zoi Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa A COMI'L13'1'1.iS : mlt'1MLN'l' Groceries ; . ' , , Both DomesUc and. Foreign , r fri