Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1887, Image 8

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fc ' Bov. Mr. Savldgo Holds Up a Crucified
t ? . ' Bavior For f alleu Women.
Boiled DovCi From Gliacd 1'nlnccs of
Hlo listen to Words of Comfort at
the Howard Street Moth-
odlst Churcli.
Iiost Women.
Last evening tlic Kuv. Charles W.
Savldgo , of thu Seward street M. K.
church , Breached the third sermon of the
Sf popular series ho commenced July 10 ,
ft taking for his subject this time , "Lost
* Women. " The church was crowded
from thu gallery to the chancel , the
doors of the class rooms were swung
open and the seats Illlud with interested
auditors. The vustibulu was lilled , and
a great many were turned away who
were unable to liml even standing room.
The audience in the main , represented
the better class of citizens , and was
largely composed of ladies , and it was
intimated thatthero was a goodly sprink
ling of magdalenes. The largo audiences
of Mr. Savidgo show the growing appre
ciation of the people for his fearless
stand against sin. Mr. Savidge took for
his text the following :
John vlll-xl : And Jesus said unto her :
"Neither do 1 condemn ilieo ; co anil sin no
more , "
My subject this cvenlnj Is "Lost Women. "
It Is very posslblo tlmt home people in this
congregation will no shoeked before tills sor-
nion closes. Hut 1 KIVO jou fair w.irnlnic
thai I shall talk plainly , and It' you cannot
Btand plain talk you had better withdraw
now. 1 must confess that during my
denco in this city 1 have .soon so many of the
awlul rofults of the social evil that 1 think it
Is hlnh tlmo wo lay aside a false mode.sty and
speak out ngnlnst It , Even within the past
week 1 Imvo boon called to pray at the death
bed of those lost girls and have seen a
broken lieurtcd ole mother wuup over the
awful ruin of her child. And 1 khow that
the tragedy IMS been repeated beoies and
hundreds 01 times in our own city.
Theru were such women in the Ulblo times.
Head the snventli of I'roverbs and you will
sec how accurately God has taken her plc-
tmo. "i discerned annum the youths a youiiK
man void of r.ndci tatului. , ' . passing
through tinsticets near her corner auu ho
went the way of her liousn In the twilight 111
the evouinc , In the bluck and dark niglii.
And behold there met htm u woman with the
attire ot a harlot. Nio caught him and kissed
him and said unto him , ' 1 came forth to meo
theo and I have foui/d thec. 1 have decked
inviued with coverings ol tanestry ; 1 have
pertnmed my bed with myrih. Come , let us
take our hit of love until the morning. ' llo
uoetli after her stralirhiway as an ox goetli to
llioslaii. liter , asa bird hasteth totheHiiaro ,
andknowoth not that it Is lor his life. "
A lost woman was brought Into the pres
ence of Jesus. The 1'harasees wanted her
condemned ami stoned to death. Jesus said ,
"llo that Is without sin among you , let him
case a stone at her. " And the old
liypocrlts went out 0110 by one and
Jesus stood alone with the woman ,
The God man asked , "Hath no man con
demned tlieeV" She said , "Xo man Loid. "
Then Jesus uttered the words of our text ,
"Neither do 1 condemn theo , go and sin no
more. "
There arc hundreds of lost women In our
own city to-day. Kin thu door boll of this
line house , a black servant admits you , Heft
carpets are under your lt < et , elegant furniture
invites you to rest. You hear soft music
produced by skillful llnucrs , yon say this Is
n homo of wealth and luxury. 1 answer ,
rather this Is one of the fust homes ot lost
woman. She lias an Intelligent face , talks
well on books , travel and current topics , is
yet a lady lu speech and action and could
teacli homo Christian wonum mauneis. She
tolls jou shelias never "boarded" before.
Jiut .she Is in the houco of death and wo
innko the nttiolie-y that before ton years have
cone by the light of life will have KOUO out
You KO further down thn street and enter
another place. The lamps burn dimly , the
eel II n H aid low , poor carpets cover the floors.
The dress of the inmates Is cheap but ( lastly.
Ulrlsdancoandslngthe worst songs you ever
heard , they amoke and swear and rising from
your seat you say. "Where am I , In liellV"
No , this Is ouo of thu last homes to which
fallen woman conies. From hetv she walks
thu streets , next She walks Into hell. When
a woman once falls under the grip of thu
devil no man oao equal her In shame , loas-
ncss , and wickedness.
No wonder jou nslt the question , "Why Is
thliV" In my judgment there arc many
Kiom little girls many are taucht wrong
Ideas of woik. They arc biouubt up In Idle
ness. The mothers think the daughters must
have whim hands ovnn at the expense of black
and scarred souls. They are permitted oven
to bn iishainc : ! of work. If they wash dishes
In a kitchen they want It kept a secret , and
If they keen books for home ntliiible linn they
say , "I'm keeping books for a few weeks
this vacation but pray don't mention It. "
Can you not see the result'/ These
girls go out Into the world without
money poor , but lmmcd of Honest work.
All honor to the girl of to-day who says :
"I will make an honest living if 1 die in the
attempt. "
Tlio love of fine dress is another cause. A
lost woman In this city once said : " 1 do netlike
like the rustle of flllkj it was the lirst note in
my down full. " You will see this showy
dress In the lowest houses In this wicked
city. Far better wear the calico and be pure
than the slk | gotten by mi'iulty. ' It Is not
the diess but the henrt our God looks for.
Again , our children are brought up to see
ttils ovll , and thny see the rosy side only of
this bad life. They see the \\omen wearing
faultless clothing , living In houses of luxury.
surrounded with every elcsanco of life , nnd
these poor children sav , "How happy I" They
do not see tne darn sldo , when the rich gar
ments are exchanged for rags and the hand-
sumo apartments must be given up for the
hovel. They do not see the once gay girl ,
within ten years , die of drink or morphine ,
or a dagger or a levolver , and by her own
hand. Cliildicn learn from what they see
and hoar.
Another cau o Is the wickedness of the
Human heaithen It Is not 'saved and kept
by Divine grace. One has truthfully said ,
' There Is tinder enough In the heart ot the
best man In the wet Id to burn to the lowest
hell If God should not quench the sparks as
they fall , " and what Is true of man is true of
t. 1 know of a family In this city who are
E. well-to-do people. The patents supply the
* wants of the rhlldien most bountifully , and
are very kind to them , lint one of the
daughteis has cone astray. Kven when a
t ' young girl this poor child said , "I would like
to. load the life of a sporting woman. " To-
( lay she Is in a house of shame. Tim human
heart , uusavod by Jesus Christ , is lull ot all
manner ot evil beasts.
The crowning cause of all Is man's awful
, call it "sowinglld oats. " I call It
5 "sowing hell. " God madu man to lie
woman's defence , and every one ot them
ouslit to bo a sir knight to her , but nlasl ho
Is too often rather the viper that stings her
to death. The animals who c.ill themselves
men deceive and ruin , abtiio and fursaku her
at will.
In Nebraska City , a few months aso , a
beautiful German girl was soon among a
company of common ( 'migrants. It was the
old story , tilio met and loved a dashlnj of-
licer In the Russian army , ami tell a victim
to her folly. Her patents sent her from
home , and her lover sent tier to this country
to hide her shame , nromislng to tollnw nnd
make her his wife , olio has waited lor him
six months , tint In vain.
All about us aru men who have the appear *
unco of respectability , yet who Irad women
Into the paths ot sin , Th ro are physicians
In this city who have taken advantage ol
their noble ptofesslon to bouuilo Innocent
girls to ( uln. In this same city some men
who mcau at thu bar have so far forgotten
theiiiMJlves and the lofty principles they ad
vocate as to stand as the tempters Instead of
the protectors of women. I am heartily ghul
that justice is blind , elsu slio would oiten
blush. , ,
Nay , moro : sonio men who attend Gods
house , .who are eu'ii the professed sUiitUru-
Deasvrs of the cioss , are guilty of tills direful
pin. . If Chtlit wore to speak , lip would truly
call you "whlted sopuleticrs" and the worhl
would say "amen. "
In ths | city , several years ngo , a lady v.-as
returning from thu old Lutheran church. She
saw a poor , degraded woman sitting lu her
iloor.anU offered hern paper. The -woman
teculved it ud' told n pa o of , her
( ,
She came hero a poor but coed girl ; ehe
worked very hard ts a servant. One day a
man came to her nnd promised to take her to
n placp where she would not need to work FO
mrd. You know the conclusion , for her rufn
was soon accomplished.
"Now look at me , " she said , nnd surely a
oathsome , nameless disease told herstory nil
too well. "Have the many Rlrls who go to
ruin In this city every week , " she said , "but
et me alone. I cannot be much worse than
1 am. "
That very man Is to-day one of the ( treat ,
rich men of mr city. You bavo often sren
dm and spoken to him. He Is a moral leper ,
and has been the death of scores of girls at
your verydoois.
Then how do these men treat the girls thev
mvo led to ruin otten cast elf nnd spurned
as very dog1 ? . Sometimes , Indeed , they are
uoro generous , 'paying lor good nursing
when the little new llfu routes into thu woilil.
Hut "business" elsewhere
soon calls them ,
and he leaves the city to seek other \lctlms.
flu ; poor , forsaken one takes her child , and
with the world's hiss In her ears goes out to
Ight the battle of life alone.
The man of to day must tiot forcct that
.here will bo a judgment when men's hearts
and lives will bu open to the wet Id , and such
treacherv will lie known by men and angels ,
even as God knows It now. And with shame
and remorse will they try to tilde their guilty
souls In hell.
The true , thoughtful and woman will
ask : "Is there any help tor these \somen. " It
s no light ta k to load the erring back to the
i.tth of rci-tltmlo. She has lost liar beat t and
'looij ' and faith- she has lost all.
Hut some do reform. 1 know of more thin
mi ! good wlso In this city who was once a
est woman. Anil when such a one does
earn to do well she Is the very best her
uvfnl experience makes her caretul , and Urn
; ieat lountaln of her sympathy wells up In
icr heart for her wi etched sisters , and she is
a tremendous power for right and for God.
At the present time the olsters of Charity
ire doing more than all other Christians com-
Jlned lor these lost souls. Why should wo
not tn to save them'/
Hutfln now. Make your homes the best and
iniiest possible. Independence , honest sell-
support , honest productive Industiy Is the
thing tor women as well its men.
Hr.tml the sleek old tigers , who ruin
women , \\lth infamy. Vhlt the man who
supports the house of ill fliino with the same
social ostracism that you heap utxin tint
woman. Let him ho subject to the sanui laws
and Mill's and tieitment that she Is 1m is her
partner In sin. Let him stand so beloru the
"Man must learn to hold the strongest
'orcosol hlb nature tor the service ot love
and lite ; lie must learn to UMJ his tremen-
lous po\\er over thu woman , not to degrade ,
but to crown her with spotless wifeliood and
motherhood. "
Give these women sympathy and inspire
them with hope.
Our dear lord had this love and sympathy
for the teartul repentant ono who came to
urn. Hear his gracious woids : "Neither deL
L condom n tliee. Go and sin no more. " No
larshness nor long sermons from Jesus.
lr James Ludlow tells the story lately of
a Christian merchant who detected a trusted
cleik in a thett and who resolved upon his
reclamation. The good man entered so
acutely into the agunj and remotMj ot the
criminal that he pia > cd "God forgive us. "
Oh , Christ , who died to save that which
was lost , save us 1
Is it any wonder the clerk was redeemed ?
The strength of our sympathy is ever the
measuio of our power to save.
Do yo women of Christ's church sympa-
thlzo with tliu fallen ? 'Tis the mercy o'f ( Sod
that has shielded you from sin and divine
grace that has kept you tiom tailing.
Surely we should have love and sympathy.
The greater the purity ot our characters the
more acute will bo our yearning s > mpalhy
with the unfortunate criing ones. It was
Jeans who eiiteicd most completely into llio
sliamu ol the Magdaleiio.
1'olnt tlio lost souls to a savior who saves to
the uttermost. These women believe in
Christ and ottlmes can bo led to Him by a
wise but kind lieait.
Two lost girls came to a lady In this cltv
nnd bocKed her to go to MM ) a dying man.
When they reached the house , they said to
lier , "Ask him It he wants to gut well ? "
"Ask him If ho wants to go to heaven ? "
and "Can > ou baptize him' . " ' The visitor
turned and asked the company gathered in
the presence ot death to aing. "biug , 'Jesus ,
lover of my soul , ' " said sho. "No" was the
answer. "Wo sam ; tlmt once , tint we're not
good enough to sing It now.1 They kneeled
with her In rmijer and joined In her petitions
with "God have mercy on ml" OUrLoid's
precious llfo was given for these souls.
I would say In conclusion to these women
if I could : Leave your life ot sin. Many of
you have told us that you mo not happy.
Why should you bo wretched through all
oternlt ) ?
Christ will receive you and God will help
you If you will but torsake your sins.
"There's no place where human sonows
Are more felt than up In heaven.
There's no place where human failures
Have such kindly notice given.
For the love of God Is broader
Thau the measure ot man's mind ,
And the hand of the Ktornal
Is most wondoifully llml. "
And to us all God says : "Let him know
that ht > that converteth n sinner trom thn
erroi ot his ! save a soul from death
and shall bidn a multitude ot sins. ' '
St. I'ctors.
The opening services and blessing of thli
new Catholic church was the occasion of a
very large attendance yeMeiday morning ,
comprising Catholic * and persons ot other
denominations fiom all parts of At
10 o'clock the cosy little oditice was tilled to
repletion. The pastor , Hev. I' . J. Hoylo cele
brated mass , and the following youths had
the honor ot being the first acolytes who
served mass In the new church. Hod and
liert Murphy , r. McGovorn , K. Welch and I ) .
Heegnn. tanner's Kiand high mass was finely
rendered by the choir under 1'rof. Longucir ,
thosingmgof MissKatioCrottAgnes llunna-
gan , Nellie Thompson and the Misses le-
witt belli ; ; particularly notleeablo lor Its ex
cellence. The temporary altar was prstusoly
decorated with ( lower * , the credit
of which belongs to Mrs. Andrew
Murphy , Mis. Lyman and
Nora O'Connor. Father Boyle preached an
elegant sermon , his words having particular
reference to the opening of tint church. Ho
took his text fiom psalms xxv. , U. "Loid. 1
have loved the beauty ot thy house and the
place where thy glory dwelleth. " The
reverend gentleman opened by alluding to
thn object ot creation , all of which was lor
tlio glory of ( ! od. From the seraphs In
heavenly realms to the most Inainnllirant In
sects on earth all had been brought Into ex
istence to glorify their creator. Hod need
not have created man did Ho so wish. Sincii
bo did so there was an obligation placed on
humanity to worship nnd glorify the creator.
Man was not lelt without divine assistance
and aids to eimblo him the more easily to
tullilt these obligations. Among these aids
woiochurches. God was present everywhere ,
especially In the temples erected to His
honor. "Heaven is my tlirono and
ttio earth my footstool. " trom
the earliest times places of worship
were leld : sacred oven down to the days ot
the old dispensation wuen Jacob hud his
memorable vision andaiinulntud a stone and
called It the house ot God. The sscredness
ot the place- was shown when the Lord com
manded Mose to take oil Ins shoos became
ho was treading on holy ground. Thu Israel-
Its weio commanded lo build tabernacles. In
fact the construction of places of worship
was as old us religion Itself ,
The speaker then refeired to Solomon's
temple , clving a graphic description of its
grandeur and the sac-redness that surrounded
It. Hero a conclusion was drawn butween
the tabernacle which only contained the laws
and thiiM ) which , according to Catholic heller ,
hold the true body and blood ot Jesus Christ.
The difticidtles under which the eaily Chris
tians had to labor in order to worship their
God formed the succeeding thread ot Father
lloylo's discourse. This gave him an oppor
tunity to dwell on the trials , tribulations
and cruel deaths of the martyrs. Ho said the
Clnistlans of to-day Mioiild bo thankful tlmt
they have tliu privilege ot worshipping ac
cording to the dictates of their conscience ,
and erecting churches at their pleasure in
this free country without tear of persecution
or death. The conclusion was an eloquent
Invocation of divine blessing on those who
bad so generously aided In the construction
ot St. 1'cU'r's church , the preacher's earnes
hope being expressed that each and every
one , no matter how bumble their offerings ,
might enjoy a long , hnppy and prospbrous
llto until they weiu c-.lmly. peacefully and
resignedly transtfiied to tlio heavenly tem
ple of eternity.
There was no evening services because no
permanent arrangements lm\u jet bean
made lor keeping the blessed sacrament , with
out widen benediction cannot tin given. In
n short tune , however , when the new altar
Is put lu place iccular vesper services will be
hold. There will lie mass tnery week morn
ing at 8 o'clock , commencing to-day. Tins
loc.-vljty Is to bo fiulte a Catholic quartets.
Here the city Catholic cathedral will bo
loQited'and On ono side of tbo square there Is
3 laigo brick building of four storlei In
elevation over a stone basement and capped
with a mansard roof , which Is to ba occupied
as a day school by the ladles of the Sacred
An Old German Showers 1'rcaonts on
n Yoiinif Ijftity nnd Arrc t * Her.
Ella Morgan , a somewhat charming
brunette , has been an object of attention
at the police station over Sunday. Her
case is an interesting one , nnd is dlstm-
quished for its lack of criminal nnd.
abundance of Indicioti.s features. She
WHS arrested on complaint of Henry
Gross , a brain-cracked Teuton who is
crazy to got married , on the charge of
obtaining goods under false pretenses ,
Tlio facts as nuar us can bo gleaned are
as follows : Henry ( Jross , n widoworngcit
about 00 , and who has a family of grown
tin children , has taken the notion into
his iigc/l head of late to take unto him n
now wife. To this cll'ect ho has IH'CU in
serting advertisements in the papers
proclaiming his wants in that line. His
liomo is near the center of the state , mid
having received a number of replies from
matrimonial aspirants at Oimihii , ho do-
elded to como hero to plcK out the
llower of lliu Hook for the future
Mrs. Gross. Ho put up at the
European hotel on Friday last.
Thu same evening fate ordained
that Miss Ella Morgan , who lives on
Fourteenth .street near Jackson , dropped
into the hotel on an errand. The clerk
jestingly told her of the old man and his
errand , diseantoil on thu size of his farms
and his Hocks , and told her to pitch in
and "work" the old follow. While they
were engaged in conversation ( Jross hini-
self appeared on the scenu , and was in
troduced to Miss Morgan One look at
thu old fellow was enough for her , nnd
she turned her back on him. Not so with
him , however , hero was us fair
a form ami face aa over ho
could wish , and why seek any
further for a partner. Upon her turning
to leave , Gross gallantly came forward
and ollbred his services us chaperon ami
would not take no for an answer. Alter
much persuasion on Ills part she decided
to cut the discussion short by consenting
to his company. 15oforo proceeding
three blocks the old follow had nnidc a
proposition of marriage tohcr , which she
declined with thanks lint rfgain ho would
not take the answer "no , " and told her
if eho would bo his bride ho would
buy her : i gold watch niul ring ,
a silk dross and any ether
article of adornment dear to the female
heart. Taking everything for granted
the old fellow told her ho would call on
her the uo.xt day and take her to the
stores to these articles , and
asked for her residence. She , however ,
replied that she didn't care to get mar
ried , but added if he could liml her ad
dress she would go with him to make tlio
purchases. Through sonio ruse she getaway
away from him and hurried homo , think
ing she was well rid of him. IJut bo , however -
ever , went straight to the hotel clerk ,
who furnished him the address ,
of Miss Morgan anil next day , to her con
sternation , hu drove up to her door in a
cab. On his being ushered into tliu
house not wishing the lady of the house
to know his errand , she said to him care
lessly , ' ! suppose Mr. Raymond sent you
ill ) to look at the organ. " "No , " said ho ,
" 1 como to marry you. " "Well , " said
she , "you can't ' have mo and 1 won't
marry you. " The old man , however ,
reminded her of her promise of the night
before , and with the visions of n gold
watch and slk | dross before her she
obeyed the dictates of her feminine nature
and consented to go. Thny lirst drove
to Falconer's , where ho ordoreoi n dark
green silk costing $20 , and guve her 20
moro with which to buy anything she
fancied. Their next purchase was a gold
ring , and later ho presented her with n
gold watch. In the afternoon ho called
on hur again urging the nuptials inuno-
diatuly , but HIO ! declined saying she
wouldn't marry tiny man unless ho
deeded her his property. Thu old man
readily assented to this. Ho wont to thu
court house , came bank and got
tier name , ago , birthplace , etc , , and
after a short absence returned to
her again with a paper In his hand , which
upon examination proved to bo n marriage -
riago license , and not a deed to thu land.
Then the fountains of Miss Morgan's
wrath were broken up , uiid she told him
she would never , uover marry him , or
have anything to do with him. "Allea
re.cht , " said llorr Gross , "vo vill see
npoiit dls , " ami hurried oft' to consult a
magistrate. Upon his telling hisston.
ho was advised to have Miss Morgan ar
rested on the chnrgo of getting goods
under false pretenses. According Satur
day evening u * she was returning
to her homo on Fourteenth street
she was nrrostod and lodged in the city
prison , where she has since remained.
Miss Aloruan is not n bad looking girl ,
is about nineteen years of ago , and looks
onUroly out of jilaco with tin ; prostitutes
and drunkards with whom she is con-
lined. Hho formerly resided at Toledo ,
O. , then at Mnrengo. In. , where her
mother still resides. Her mother is n
widow and the girl herself is dependent
upon her own resources , and since com
ing to Ouiana has served in the capacity
of u domestic. She has been hero only 11
fuw months and know of no relatives or
friends in these parts. While n HKK re
porter was conversing with her last
evening , Frank Cotton , n waiter in
the Hub restaurant who had been de
tailed to carry her u snppor , almost
dropped his tray on discovering tl.o girl ,
who is his cousin , whom ho has not seen
since leaving Toledo two years ago.
Miss Morgan has not tlio appearance
of being tough , and nothing about her
talk or manner would indicate that she
is in any way depraved.
Cnnl of Tlinnko.
To the olRcers nnd members of Omaha
ledge No. 2. , I. ( ) . O. F. , and ether
friends , for their kindness at tlio funeral
of our father , wo wish to express our
heartfelt gratitude.
KKltbT-ln this city July ! U atflt5a. : m.t
Frank A. , son ot Adam 11. and Ida Kerst ,
aped U years and IT days.
Funeral to-day at 3 p. in. from the family
residence , 'Jl ? Capitol avenue.
Absolutely Pure.
Tula powder never rarlci. A marvel of | iur <
tr.itrentflU nd whol aoinaneiii Mnru. econ-
omlcil than the orJI'iarr kludi , anil c nnot to
told In coinputltlon vrltb the multliurti til low
coil Ihort weight ahirn or pbo pbut powdi > rt.
Bold onlr to can * . ' UQTAL Uni.NQ 1'owuiK 0
T.V. . Elltaof : Kansas City arrived yes-
John II. Hooj-of Kearney , Nob. , is in
the city.
II. II. Lonflbrldgo , of Lincoln , was
doing the cityo'ustorduy.
J. D. Clark and Hen Gocllsh , or Papil-
lion , were in tlio city .vcsterdny.
D. A. Hopkins , ScluiyU-r , Neb. , nnd J.
3. Hcmh , of Lincoln , were at the Paxton
A. 0.11. Calhbmi. of Koarncy : C. H.
I oiuba. Weeping Water , tire registered
at the Arcade.
Robert Kansnm. proprietor of the Pee
ple's theater , arrived in thu city from
Jlncngo last night.
C. A. Wartman , of Chicago , and
Charles C. Pearl uud wife , of Ainsworth ,
Neb. , were at Iho Metropolitan yester
day.U. .
U. F. Adams and K. Conficor , of llos-
on ; V. K. Crapnor and 1) . H. Howard , of
.incoln ; T. P. Owen and Will Smith , of
i'hayer , Neb. , wore at the Millard yes
terday. _
Wreck Nonr Hellovuo.
The special freight train on the H. &
\l \ , road bound for Omaha which was
wrecked at IJelleviio about 8 o'clock
Saturday morning , consisted of about
twenty cars. Tlie engine and three cars
> assiid the switch near the depot safely ,
) iit the fourth car took the point ( if the
twitch and half of the train was derailed.
The only person killed was an unknown
ramp who was stealing a ride. It is
thought the switch was tampered with by
some tramp prompted to revongii him
self against the road for being refused a
'rce ride.
An Old Tlmo Crook.
Hilly AnUerson , a hunchback Indi
vidual , wa- , arrested by Ollieer O'Grady
ast night and booked as a suspicious
character. Anderson is an old time crook
uul has been cinched time and again.
Tito Natiitorium , Uth and Farnrm sts. ,
will bu closed to-day until about fi o'clock
j. in. , in onlcr to clean the bath.
314 SOUTH I3TH ST. ;
OMAHA , - - NEB.
Established for tha Scientific and Speedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
Diseases ,
Treats nil forms of Tlironr Luiur , Norro and
Illooa discuses , nil Clirouio dlsoaxp * nml De
formities fnr inmilvunco of any Institution In
this country. Those who contemplate K'Jlt'K to
Hot Sptlncs fortlio trontnioiit ot nny I'rlvnto
or llliiod tllsGnic ottn tic cnrud ( oronu thud tliu
cost in our I'tlrnto Dlspcnsiuy , UU South llitlt
sir eft , Uiiialm , Noli , bcrotulit and nil Malig
nant lllooil anil MHlnrlal ( llsoiisi's punnanciitly
eradicated ftomtho sjsloin and a cure I'IIIIIRII-
tnod t'lccrs and Fever eoro" , rcsultlnfr fiom
Varicose VnlnsYcrosl8 of Hones , Old doors ,
Kplthcllnl Cincers and Flstuln gf ovcry kind ,
cop'sriilly ana purinnnontly eurod.
HUI'TL'HK cttri'd without jialn orhlndoianco
_ lly this trratrnont a pure fxivel. Complexion ,
free trom blouness , freckles , tilunklieads , erup
tions , etc. , llrllliant Kycs and perl cot hualth
can ho hinl.
1ST That "llr xlV fooling and nh femiilo weak
nesses promptly cured. Illnatlnir Iluailnohus ,
Nenous Vrostrntton , General Dclilllty , Pleop-
lesanefs , Depression and IndlRPStlon. Ovarlon
troubles , Inllammatlon and Ulcetatlon , Falling
and Dlsplaceinonts , r-plnal weakness , Kidney
complaints nnJ CliaiiMt ) of Llfo. Consult the
old Doctor.
EVE IUn CID Acute or Chronic Inllnm-
CIC RnU CHIlimutlonof the Ryellds or
( ilobo and lar or Near SUrhtednosa , Inversion
of the Lids. Scrofulous K\os , UU-oratlonsf In-
tlnmmiitlons , Al > sco s , nimncssof Vlilonof ono
or both O.VUH , and Tumors of Lid.
if Inttiimmatlon of the Kur , Ulccrntlon or
Cntnrrh , Internal or External Deafness , or
1'arnlyslf , Singing or HourlnK noises , TUIckened
Dr.nn , etc.
ll DUfifC ! DelllltySpormatorrhcn ) , Som-
nLnsllUO Inal , Mght Kinlsslotis ,
LOJS ol S'ltul I'owor , Sleeplessness , Despond
ency , J oss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas ,
lllurs ll(4n-o ( the Kycs , Laseltude , Lunirtior ,
( ildoitilueFS , Ocprcphlon ol Spirits. Aversion to
Society , KHHlly Discouraitcil , Luck of Conn-
deuce , Dull , Listless. Unlit for Study or llnsi-
necs , and llnds llfo n burden , Safely , I'ennu-
iicntlv and I'rl\ately Cured.
Ri nftn . CVIU Diseases , Syphllls-ndl-
DLUUII tt Onlneenso tno t horrllilo In
its riiRtilts completely eracllcntcd without thu
nso of moroury. Scrofula , Kryslpulus , Fever
SOIHS , Illotches. 1'lmplcs , I'lcors. pains In thu
Head mid Hones , Syiilillltlc Sere Throat , Month
nnd TontMio , rliuiil\iliir Knlnrireniont of the
Nook , Ubuiimatmn , Catanh , etc. , I'urmanontly
Cured When Otliurs Have Failed.
IIDIUJIDV Kidney and llladaer troubles ,
UnltlAnls Weak Hack , Hurtling Urine.
Frotueney | of Urinating. Urine hlKh colored or
milky fiedlmenton stnnding , ( ionorrha'n , ( lleet ,
Cystitis , dlo , promptly uiul sately cured.
Cnariccs reasonalile.
lliood I'ol'on , Vnnoiil Taint , ( Hoot , Stricture ,
Bernini ) Emissions , Ln < s of BU.VUUI Power ,
\VeakiiossotthoBoxutilOrtrans , Want of Do-
Rim In ninlior female , whether from Impru
dent tmbllsof young or soxunl habile Inmnttiro
years , or nny cause that doblllates the sexual
functions speedily and permanently cured.
Consultation tire and strictly eonllilentlal.
Medicine hont free from observation to all
parts of the United States. Correspondence
receives piompt attention. No Inters an
swered unless accompanied by four rents In
stiunpa. Send stump for pamphlet nnd llsl of
question * . Terms strictly cash. Call ou or ad-
No. 3H South ith : St. , Umaha , Neb.
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Jlospi-
til , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted thcir'attention
More especially those arising from impur-
dcnce , invite all so sutler ing to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured salely and speedily with
out use of dangerous clru s. Patients
whose cas s have been neglected , badly
treated or paonounded incurable , should
not fail to write us concerning their symp
toms. All letters receive immediate at
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debilitv and
Phjslcal Exhaustion , " to which is'added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Diseates of the Reproductive
Organs , the \\ho'e ' forming a valuable med
ical treatise \\hich should be read by all
\cungmen. Address
DRS. S. & I ) . DAVIESON ,
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo ,
HT nr. Hncdlfcer'i melho.t. Noopcmtlon- p-ilni
No Dflenllon ( rum builnix * . A.UuU'J id children
well at iiionn people. llumlruJl ul amour IPO
eiUmuolali oa Ule. AUtiut'nu * * utrlctlcuiilldol )
i uor , N. n. COOK ,
Room 0 , 101-1 Uoufjltis St. , Omaha , Neb ,
The busv season being over and things not so rushing any moro
we have now time to look after the stock that is left , and find that
we have accumulated during the season quite a few odds and ends.
These consist of some single suits , one or two of a kind , and quite a
lot of suit pants. Verv frequentlv wo sell the coat and vest from a
suit and then the pants are left. We have placed them on a
counter bv themselves , and though the price was formerlv very
low we have marked them down still further. There are some verv
fine goods among them. We will sell them onlv as thev are. That
ic , make no alterations as the price is so oactremelv low that w
cannot afford to have the expense of altering them , but those who
wiil find a fit in this lot will get the goods at abaut one third tlieit
As unusual bargains in neckwear we offer 100 doz. elegant scarfs
at 15c ; retailed in all first class houses from 50c nt > ward.
100 doz. extra line silk and satin scarfs , Tecks and Four-in-Hands ,
new and choice patterns , at 25c , the most of them were sold at 75c
Another invoice of those Pique Scarfs at 25c a dozen. This will beT
the last of them this season. We cannot fill mail orders on this last lot.
All goods marked in plain figures and at striotlv one price at
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
During July and August , our store closes at 0:30 : p. in. , except Satutduy.
Cor. IStli St. anil Capital Ant. . OMAHA. HCB.
run TUB Tnr.ATuc.NT or AU.
A-ID THE Niw VidcooELE
BMt f clllll i . | ip.r.tni n < l r.mlM ! fur lti o ftil Irrfttminl .f
vtry form ordl * % wr qulrtnr M 1lo l or Burglm ! trvttitir lit
Vrnir roK ClRrVLAm on IWbrmllUi . J DrirwA. Cluli Peel.
CurvRlm. cflli. Split * . I'Uei. Tumor ft. U uuir.C Urrh. HrnnrUilft
lnl l Hii. ( i. r.l Mrlolljr , I'ur.lriU , I Uoty. KU.i. ; . llitJJtr. I ; , . ,
tir , feklii , .uj Jlloo.1 , luJ ill fcurtfol O | i Uuul.
Hook ou Diseases of Women HIKE.
All BlooJ IMMtiwt iicoc4 M1r tr fttt. flrpMlllto Totton rtmotrd
from Hie lyitfttn without mcruurjr. N w lU totatlve 'Jrrtlii.ei.t fv > r
loiiof VlUl Ptmtr. l'rnii unablt to rlklliu mt lii ti * tl
lnuiw , by Coi r pondenc , AllconununtftUyni Co n < l iUt MtOI *
cluetor Iniuumtnttftrnt by uinUor irr § . tcourely | ia < U4 , no
niiik l iuJlci l mittrnUor t m1er , Ono i t on | tn ( rv ! rr yr -
feF < ! C'ull < ] u nult iia , or MixJ tiUiorjr of jour CIM , vrtQi tUm i ,
nd u * will i.nd la pUht wr > i > pcr. our
8lM > riuftt rrlnA , lm | > ! fiiicjr , Sjl'MlU , Owuwiilii . , Glu.t , .ml * * I
ctiurlr , llouiu. f. r vU nU. A&lrwl.
OMAN ; MF.nim , A suuuic.u , ISSTITIT , or
Dr. McHenany. Her , 13lti st. & Capitol iv-Doma. Net ) .
Medical Hooka or Papers Free.
The proprietor of the Omaha Medical nJ urgl-
cut Inititiite lias publlsiiMd u Tiiluubla sot or book !
awl papers upon chrimlo au J inr lcal dlieuios mid
clcfnnnltfi's , and the tuothoil * of rur * whloli navu
Klvcii him tlio reputation of bnliiK tlio matt "kill-
zul un < l iiiccciitul ipociullst In tUB wi'it. nna
m ule tlio InBtlimo " ctlpbrated Dial inn'llclnoi arn
Bout to nml imtlentt reuelvud from av ry > ute In
thn union , Aniunv the books Is ono upon thHdl < oui-
p ot woiniinioiiii uiou | nervous , Kpacul HIM ! prlvaln
dl < ica es of the eefiial mill urtnair urguiu ; > Hrlco-
celo curoil ny sinvlritl operutlonv. anu thulr Intel )
InvonleU cliitup coniprois mtsponsory for in. relief
Miiilcuru \urlcociue. . uervous ntliausllOD and sei-
uul cleblllly. new rettoratlvn tresiraent. rnpers
iiron snrKli-'Hl brttccn. rtlus. canfern. pirnlyl * . HU.
Klectrlclt ? aud the unw uiaitnetlo batt.ry for home
u e ; ratHrrh and Inhalation , eta Unlike most bonks
HFiipit bj .doctors fret , they do not conslit
of lc tlmonlls wltli nctlllnin nit mm nnd Inlllals ,
urruliblab of that kind , but ar plain descriptions
of dUeHsonsymptom * , new dUcovertes lu medicine.
urgi'tr mmal.i'lrlcitr. Hndare well worth tb p -
aiiiiil. nnd van l > e obtnmtM free hr ndilr ln < the
Omuhn Medical nml Muritlcal tnultutc , UlU stroat
aud Capitol Avcnuo , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Importer's Prices
/ 1At.LAN.\N Colloiro , lies Mollies. Iowa. A.
\J Homo Hclionl tur GlrN. Full Cournos of
htudy. ripoulnl udvmiliiRiia In MiiKlc , Art , Mini-
cm I.uniMiituus ttnil Hliientlnn. l' ll term bu-
Kins tic'pt. Kill. Addrfsi tlio president , U. it
Thirty-seventh year bruins Sept Cth , 18S7.
> 'or circulars or bpoolul Infnniinilon uiMr
HIIIUCO 1' . Smith. 1. U 1) . Doun , Altnuiy , N. V
nonisciiooi ; : ,
KANSAS CITV M ( > . Kull rtirpi 4i ( iircoinpll lii-U
Tcuihen. I'liulU fscolvuliit HIIV tlino l-nr i lrruir ! : >
ui'l'lylo ' , Ml t ; UiOg.MAi ! I'llnclpnl.
VHUr > ( ; OX , K.V.
SelecRpme School ,
J. fllKU BMITH. A.M.
At Auction Sale , Thursday , August 4th , ut L' p. in. , Sharp ,
Sale withcnit Reserve to the Highest Bidder.
Friend , Nebraska , has two thousand people. Is on the main line oft ! c U. & M. roatf >
33 miles west of Lincoln. The K. C & \V. railroad is suircyed through the townj
bonds will be voted for itand the division hl.itlon on the new line will be at Fri nd. The
town is one of the best shipping points in the slate.
Termn of Sale One-thiid cash , balance on easy terms
C. C. I'ACE and HEN O'KIIODES , Auctioneers , Lincoln. *
WHITE & l-'ISimUUN , Propiictors.
New Model Lawn Mower
Five Sizm. Will cut higher f/ra9 tlt < ti
Hnf/otltrr , Has itocqitalfor simplicity ,
tlnrndilitiami case of operation.
This is the latest Iniprovol jU *
chino in tlio Market.
Low J'ricen. Sand for circulars. r *
Stale Agents for I'ortcr'tt Jlai/ifay Tool
it ml Jobbers of llimlimj
Display at their waroroomn , 1 3O5 nnrt 13O7 F.irnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at thOT ,
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the lon$7 (
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
1305 1307 FARNAM STREE
Watches , Diamonds , Tine Jewelry , Silverware
Thelaigrst fcioi.k. 1'nccj the lowest. Rcpaiilng a bpccialty. Work warranted.
C orner Douglas and Itith treets , Omaha. Lueiui-d Watchmaker for lliu Union
Pacific R ailroad Company.
r > r ISili . "d u.i , . bl > , ulltlK , > "
' l * . I.M . - .
1 In-ttnrlt r < -
a ? Chamber of C ornnicrco.
Incomparably the Coat.
lur , ini'ii.c MM" , in.'l cluvH .mil lor paitluiiUrn.
ifi ; ni'\L , tu.r '