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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1887)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE ; MONDAY. .JULY 25. 1887. M SPECULATIVE' MARKETS , Bears OHmb on Top of Wheat and Stay Thcra All Day , ALL FUTURES ON THE DECLINE. Com the Only Cereal Which Ito * Firm and n Blight lin- | iroTowint lu Priced Noted General Quotations. CHICAGO I'uonucu MAUKET. CHICAOO , July 23. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.I The same forces were at "work to-day o * for several days past In wheat. foreign rroorts werudlscourajlngtoholders. The seaboard cities show moderate tucelpts and limited shipments. The winter wheat .points show largo receipts. Keporls on the general crop are very discouraging to these who predicted n failure. At the opening to-day August wheat sold icnuder yesterday nt 70 , ' c , Septempcr % c under at 72c , October 'Jfc under at 73Kc , and December } fo under t 70 > tfc. The bears were on top utid they fitayed there , and at the noon hour wheat features from August to December were % @ Ho lower than thlily-four hours before. The receipts were US.OJO bushels and shipments ( Ki UOO bushels. IHit this I net could not counteract the ireneral tendency , tit Louis look In 22,000 bushels and Now York nnd oilier export cities showed more iccelpts than clearances. Wheat for August closed nt New York nt noon % e under yesterday , at fcOJSfe , and the same nt St. Louts was MG lower at 71 ' c. The last half hour of the session foil nil all grains decidedly weak. The heaviness also affected corn and caused it to sell oil about ! J o from the noon quotations , closing as fol lows.JulySO.Ve , August : U5Jfc , September S1X < ! , October 37c , .May OTJfc. Just before Vho closing nt 1 o'clock wheat declined sharply and the closing prices were from Ic to \lc under yesteiday , as follows : July CvXc , August C'J c , September 11U < \ October 7Jc , December 75 ? < c , May ti\c. \ Corn was the only grain which showed any iirmness at the session to-day. Wheat dragged down and oats dropped down , hut corn was linn and In good demand and nt a trllle bettor prices than at tbo clo o on Fri day. At 11 to-day prices for fntnio delivery were just on n , pat with those of one week ago. The range to-day was from 37c to U7 ( c Jor August , from S7X to : J7K for Septem ber , from 373c to ic tor October , and from f Xe to 40e for May. Provisions were moderately active nnd n steadier feeling prevailed. 1'ilces of hogs were higher , hut outside orders were light. Packers , ho\\uver , nin the market to suit themselves , nnd had brokers bid the prices of lard and short ribs tin slightly nt the openIng - Ing and then foict'd them down again by Belling all that buyers would take. The last Bales were at 5@7&o advance on short libs , but at the name prices a.s yesterday for lard. September ribs opened at S8.07) < , sold to $8.15 , but declined and closed at the opening figures. January sold at S5.W ! < . September lord sold nt 56.07 WMtUO. I'ork was slow at ellghtly lowet prices. Shipments of pio- ducts to consuming points were liberal. CHICAGO MVE STOCK. f ! CHICAOO , July 2a [ Special Telegram to the BIK.J OXTTLI : The few natives nmong the fresh receipts were sold out about the Hamo as on yesterday. Tuxans were not nil Hold. There were plenty of buyois , but salesmen were asking more than buyers thought tlio stock was worth. Taking all thlnus Into consideration there was little or ; , w no change ns compared with the close last night and salesmen were glad to bu nblo fo say for tne tirst time In many weeks , that plnco about Thursday cattle sold n shade higher , closing at a good 10@l.ic. bettor than one week ago. Uurlni : tlio week prices have ruled about ns follows : Mxtra steers , 1WX ) to 1000 Ibs. , 34.80 ( 4. : ; cholco to Inncy , $3.85 < < i 4.2fi ; native graspers , 53. 3.50 ; Western steers , 3.5 $4.10 ; Texas cattle , S2.10@3.45. Tlio quotations to-day WITO : Shipping Bteers , MM ) to 1500 ID * . S3.GO ( < i:4.35 : ; 1200 to 1350Ibs , 33.a.105 ; OW ) to 1200 Ibs , 33.10f < J3.SO ; atockem nnd feeders , S1.40 ( ' iWJ ; cowsbulls jtnd mixed , 8l.25@t.OO : ; bulk , SAir T'l'exus cattlrt. U)7 ) head , strong , Bteets , 8.30 ; cowsSl.OOtSi3.40. Unas Trade was quirt on account of the light run. vlUi an advance of a. good r c on light Heavy sorts wt-ro only steady. Tlio bulk ot the dales weru between 85.1K:15 ( : ( or mixed and heavy , and S5.40@5.43 tor assorted light. The ceiiunil market closed father weak , with unsold stock In the hands of speculators. A light run Is looked for liext week ou account of the low prices of 'The ' past week. Values chopped UOc per 100 > dunni ; the week. FINANCIAL. . Nr.w VOIIK , July 2.1 ( Special Telegram 'to ' the UKK.J STOCKS The market to-day was decidedly lighter nnd lluctuatlons were insignillcant nnd changes unimportant , the Uast sales being at nearly tlio same as a week . 'ngo. ' Few operators appeared In the exchange - change and the two hours' trading was the dullest period witnessed this year. < The bank statement slioweu an Increase In { reserve ofr > 7l,225 , making the holdings of the banks S3 , U7,500 above the legal requlro- Iments. The statement foiled to stimulate ( trading and had no effect on values. Itwa V eaid that Elijah Smith and his following ! § o Vere buying Vlnion 1'acille , Oregon Naviga tion and Northern Pacinc , with view to liolp the Union Pacific get control of the Northern Pacific. Many of the Chicago Jiouses did not get AU order to-day and were vlncllned to the opinion that lower prices 'tmnst ensue before any good comes out ot 'the market The total tales were 2S.3SO share * , Including 4,000 shares of Lackuwana , ' 0,700 sliurcs of St. Paul , 3,100 shares of Uoad- ing , 1,450 shirtMi of Louisville & Nashrllle , V.Q10 Hharcn of JTicino Mall , 3,000 shares of Western Union. MONKY On call easy at 3 per cent. GOVF.RNMKNTS Government bonds were dull butstetdy. VKHrKHDAV'8 QUOTATIONS. .TJ. S. 4' coupon . &N. W TJ. S. 4W'i coup. . 108)i dn preferred. . . 1'acltloiiW . . ! ' . N. Y.O CauadaSouth'n. . M O. . JkN , . in Central Paclllu. . : ! 7 O. T. . 2flH PacltloMall13 do preferred. . . .IfllK P. . D. &K . C. , it. A U . U3 } < ll'ullinanPaLCar.lMH llock Island . . . 120 Krc : SI St L.&S.F. . . 3SJ/ dnprefornsl. . . . 70 do preferred. . . 77J Illinois ' Central..12 : ! C. , .Nil A St. P. , SS/V * W ' ' ' ' ' 1U do preferred. ,121 , K * T. . . . . . . . . . 27 St"p.t O 60 V ako Shore * * * * W 7 $ < * o preferred..Ill l AN MK'l'oxas PaclUo. . . Jlehlgan Cent'l. . Union Pacific. . . . Ha Paeltlc W..St. LAI * . . . Sa Pacllla do preferred. 81 . . . . W. U. Telegraph 76)4' MKncANTiiJ ! PAI-KK 5KGW P r c nt. HTKIIU.VO KxonANOE Dull but steady ' M 4.Kjjf 'for ilxty day bills , and I4.S4H' Tor demand. I'llODUCK BIAKKKTS. Cblcaco. July 33. Following ( juotatlons sue the Siaocloblnr ttcures : Flour Market steany and prices 6@:0o easier than former quotutons. Wheat Weak and hrvy ; opened Ht3o _ jwrr , and with slight fluctuations declined % ( lc more , and clowxl 40 lower than yester day ; cash , oci'c ; Atuuat , CO c ; September , 71Vc. Corn Opened firm , advanced ke , bccimo easier , ruled weak , and closed -Vclower than vestorday ; cash and Auguit , S7fc : ; Baptum- OaU-Iower ; cash and August. 24 c ; Sop- tembcr , 2c. Kyo-QuIetat4Se. jpirley September , 05c. Prliiin Ttmothr Scea Quotable at S3.15. WbUky-SLlO. Pork Nominal and quiet ; cash , S15.00 ; ' ' -Pricfs ruled _ SXQSc hUher but " 8 ' Hulk Moats Shoulders , S5.SOi3.f"0 " : short Clear , S9.30(7ia.nsj ( short rlb , T.vx 'i.OO. Uuttcr Firm wltu upwanl tendency ; creamery , 17U@2l c ; dairy , 13 18c. Cheese Firm : fall cream ebeddars , 8f@ PC : Hats , 8X < j40c ; Young Americas , ) < ( ! } 9ic ; skims , 6<. Kegs Oulet nt 11VQ12C. Hides Unchanged ; heavy grcon salted ; 7tfc ; light do , 75iC < , Sc ; salted bull hides , Cc , gri'nn nailed calf , be ; dry Hint , 1231 * % : dry calf , 13 < < J14c ; deacons 40c each ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid , quotable at 4o ; No. 2,3c ; cake , 4c. ShlpmenU Flour , bbls . 13,000 25,000 Wheat , bu . 622,000 Corn , bu . 5 ,000 M.ono Oats , bu . 151,000 12.1,000 Kyc , bu . 4 , ( 0 4,000 Barley , bu . 2.000 Now Vork. July SJ. Wheat HoceinK 178,000 ; exports , 107.000 ; spot delivered X@ Ji'e ami options J ( < Xd closlnc weak at near lowest ; tincrailL'd red , T/fet SU'c ; Jso. a red , SWQtA'Kc ' In elevator , SlJjQ'fi c uo- llvcrcd , ai > ie I. o. b. ; No.l red , nominal ; U red , Auinist , closed at * 'Uic. Corn HdMc and options MQTfc lower. closing weak ; i coolpts 157,000 : export-S 1,000 ; ungraded , 4V < fr SKe ; No. 'A < 5c In elevator , 4r > K r > Xc delivered ; An ust closed at 45's'c. Oats X@\4a lower and moderately active : receipts. 41,000 ; exports , none ; mixed west ern , :5lfar7c : ; ; white western , 2'J@43c. rotroleiira Steady ; United , closed 67Kc- K cs-Flrm with lair Inquiry ; western , 13 I'ork Dull nnd nominal. Lartl A trltlo lil hcr but very t/ulet / ; west ern steam , iG.'JO. lintlcr Firm and qulol ; western , 1021c ; creamery , KVC-le. Cucese-Flrni ; western. 7@ c. Cincinnati , July 23. Wheat Quiet ; No. Corn Kaslcr nnd Iow r ; No. 2 mixed , 4a Oata-Dnll ; No. a mixed , 20c. Itic-Uull ; No. 2 , 4'J . I'ork ( Julut nt SlO.oo. Iard-lu talr demand at SG.32& . w Wlnsky-81.03. Milwaukee. July 2Viieat : ) Weak ; cash and August , TOc : September , 71Xc. Corn Dull ; Mo. 3 , nominal. OntH-Easlcr ; No. i ! white , sa c. Jtyti Steady : No. 1 nominal. IJarloy Steady ; September. G2c. 1'rovls.Ioits Firm ; mess pork J uly , S15.CKX Ht. Ijiiitis , July S3. Wheat Weak nnd lower ; 2 retL cash. 70JiTlc ; July , 7 Auiu t , 70 70 ; < c ; September , 72J4'@T Corn Kasy ; cash. inlKc ; August , Sc ; Suutuuibur , 34e , Oatfl-Kasy ; cash , 323 c ; July , August , ! l % ® } Mo ; September , 21c. I'ork Finn at 815.50. Whisky-Steady ut 81.03. Lard Qulctat0.35. Butter Stronc and higher ; creamery , 18 ® 22c ; dairy , 13alSc. Kitisas City. July 23. Wheat Qukt ; Nd. 2 , cash , ( Rife bid. Cl fc asked. Corn-quiet ; No. - ' , cash , 31Kc bid , ; Au- ust , .TysJc hid ; September , iilj c. Oats No. B , August , aijfc asked. lavorpool , July 23 , Wheat No de mand ; holders offer moderately. Corn Dull and lower : now mixed \\csl- ein , ! ! ; U i'd per cental. AltniiRnpolls , July CJ. Wheat Quiet nnd weak , with little disposition to operate ; No. naid , 1 casli and AUKUit.TJh'c ; Septem ber , 7. ! > c ; October , . ! c ; No. 1 noithern , cash and August , 7tJ ; September , ? J c ; No. 3 northern , cash and August , G'JJ.fc ; September , 70Kc. Ou tntcic : No. 1 haul , 74c : No. a nortliuin , 71c ; No. a northein , TOc. Flour Dull patents , 34.10@4.'J3 ; bakers , .s. Receipts , 77,000 bu. Shlimieiits-Wneat , 2,000 Ou ; flour , 10,000 bbJs. ' Now Orleans , July 23. Corn Quiet but linn ; mixed , 47c ; no yellow offered ; white 55c. 55c.lW Products Hull and drooping. I'ork . . . . -5515.73. Lard-SO.CJK. Hulk Meats Shoulders , S5.SO ; long clear Mid clear ribs , ? H.oo. MVE STOCK. Ciiloacn. July 23. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Kocclpts , 1,000 ; market nominally stoadyUsJilppini ; steers , 83.10(3.1.3o ( ; stockera and tecders , $1.40 ( 3.00 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , Sl.iat.oOj : Texas cattle , Sl.lHK23.UO. llogs Receipts , 0,000 ; market btroui ; nnd 5c higher ; ronah and mlxi'd , § 5.20ij 5..5 ; ; packing and flhlppini ; , 85. 20tf5.4U { ; lik'hl , S5.20GJ5.45 ; skips ! > 3. Wi S.Od. Sheep Ifpceipts , 3,000 ; market steady natives , Sl.W4.20 ) ; western , S3.25r < . j ; Texans , S2.75iU.W ( ! ) ; Iambs per head , 51.50 ® 3.70. 3.70.Nntiounl Stock Tnrds. Kast St. Limits , . lit , July 2a Cattle Kecelpts , 1,000 ; shipment * . 1,000 ; talr to choice native steers , 53.8.V34.25 ; butchers' steer * , fait to choice , 83.30@3.90 ; feeders , fair to good , SIOOC ATO ; stockers , fair to good , Hess Kecelpts , COO : shipments , 1,000 ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , S5.i' : < @ 5.4.V packers and Yorkers , muditnn to prime , S5.lOu5.M ) ; pigs , common to good , i4.GOis ( 5.10. Kansas City , July 23. Cattle Uecolpts , COO ; shipments , 1,500 ; good to choice com fed , § : t.40@3.70 ; common to medium , fc2.Wi23.30 ; stochers , 2.00(32.40 ( ; feeding steers , S3.noau.PO ; cows , S1.40@2.40. ilogs Kecelpts , 4,000 ; shipments , 1,500 ; Kood to choice , 3.25(3..40 ( ; ; common to me dium , 55.00 5.20. OMAHA ItlVK STOCK. Saturday , July 21. Conernl. The run of cattle 1ms been heavy dnrintr the past week at the principal markets and prices have been going lower. Keceipts of hogs have been lUhtcr this week than last , butwas nottinexuecled to the trade as this Is a busy time oC year and deliveries are not as treons a month earlier. The quality ot animals has not been as good , prices being high , shippers have not been aa particular about sorunsr , which circumstance may have helped to break the market here and else where. Prices kept tip well until Friday , when they could no longer stand tbo strain ot big receipts. Cattlo. There was one train of crass rangers In to day , but aside from them there was nothing In to maku a market The range cattle were hardly fat enough for the dressed beef trade and ft is most too early tor such cattle to bo In demand hero for feeders. They were nil rrshlppcd to Chicago excepting' three loads. There was some Inquiry for good handy fal uativrc. but there were none in. The market is a little tinner on this class of stock as It Is wanted foe tne dressed beef trade. Hoes. The receipts of hoes to-day were liberal for tbo last day of tlio week , although there wuro only n llttlo more than half as niiuiv In as yesterday. The market opened active at an advance of lOijjlSc and conUned linn. The buyers were nil on the market o.uly anil everything was sold by tlio middle of the toreuoon. The market closed stroug. Sheep. There was nothing doing on the market Receipts. Cattle. 300 Uogs , . 2,400 Prevailing Price * . Showing the prevailing prices paid for lira stock on tbls market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . > a70 ( 3.SO Choice steers , 1100 to 130U Iba. . . a K ! .70 Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 9.20(43.50 Corn-fed range steer * 1300 to 1400 3.433.M Good to choice coru-fed cow * . . . . 2.73(33.90 ( Common to medium eowtx. Hood to choice bulls Light and medium hoes 4.0305.10 ( kxxt to choice heavy bogs Good to choice mixed UOKX 5.00(35.15 ( Representative BTKKIiS. No. Av. Pr. 15..103U S3.35 COWS. No. Av. Pr. 8. . . . WS 2.00 ROOI. No. Av. 8hk. IT. No , AT. Shk. Pr. 74..1b1 60 J4.'J5 50..370 ICO $3,10 74..203 240 5.00 ( Q..271 SO MO 75.-TJ 200 5.00 A1..2tH 1GO B.10 n5..197 40 ( xOO SS..26 ? 00 5.10. 71..1W 400 W)0 ) Ofl..2ia 5.10 M..IW so 5.00 &i..2 a a > 5.10 2J..25J 40 5.05 43. . . .860 120 6.10 ( H..U2.5 SCO 5.05 C0..26S t > 0 6.10 7J..22-J 160 5.05 71. . . . 81 240 5.10 71..216 40 5,03 CB. . . .235 5.10 71.231 ICO 5.05 CO..SW 0 74..209 160 5.03 tO..2-W 00 70 . . 204 130 5,05 M..253 40 CO . . . M 100 5.05 C1..2SI 100 9.13V 59..231 120 5.05 73..06 * .MO 6.12 } . 01..250 240 5.Q3 75..X71 ' 40 5.15 Showlngthu number of head ot stocl : sold on the market to-day ; CATTLE. O. H. Hammond & Co. IS Local 1C Total Tl nons , Anglo-American Packing Co 1050 A rmour fc Co lO-'X ) Squlres&Co WJ5 Total Shipments. Showing the number ot cars of cattlo. hops and sheep shipped from Uie yards during the day. CA.TTLK. No. cars. lit. Dest. 14 Milwaukee Chicago noas. H .U. 1. Joliet All sales ot stoctt in tins market are made per c\vt. llvo welglit unless otiiurwiso stated , Dead hogs sell nt Ko ix'.r lu. for all weights "Skins , " or hos woUhlne ! os * than 10J IDS , no value. Pregnant sowaro docked 41) ) liu. and sticaSJlUs , by thooubllo Inspector. Weekly Receipts Showing the odlclal receipts of cattle and hogs lor each day of tlio past week. CATTI.I : . noos. Holiday , July 13 3C5 710 Tuesday. July I'J 814 4S. Wednesday , July 20 051 4,012 Thursday , July 21 ! WJ 4.00J Friday , July 22 2i : i 4ll : ! Salurday , July SJ 270 2,510 Total 0CJ4 20,110 Comparative Prices. Snowing the prevailing prices on the hog market lor tliu opening and closing of the past \\eck and for the closing of the week before. Monday Saturday Saturday July 18 July if July Id llonvy ruttiSS tleht Mlxuct * j.lOi fjlvo Stuck Noted. No cattle market. Hogs ailvaiico 15c. An active l\oi \ market. Fourteen loads of runners received. Fred Kropp , Schuyler. suld a load of 317-lb F. C. Bliss , llowclla , marketed a load of hogs at § 5.10. The first of grass range cattle for this sea son were In to-day. The Big Horn cattle company had in 270 of cattle from Kock Creek. The receipts of the past week compared with the week before show a falling oil of 1.0S3 cattle and 2,7S2 hogs. Mr. Adams , of Cliic.igo. a member of the commission linn of George Adams & Uurkc , was among tlio visitors at tlio yards to-day. The following had hogs on tlio market : A. 1 > . Kenyon , Howard ; John Wigging , Columbus ; Halo & Way , Ord ; G. H. Warren , t Co , Ginfton ; K. S. M. Whluey , Tamora ; T. U. Mureli , Hell wood ; W. C. Moore ; S wanton ; A. Mandleb.tun , Hladcn ; J. M. Younu , Lnwienco ; Wilkinson it O. , Avoca ; ,1. Cuinmlngs , Talmaue ; L. L. Doaiie , C. Kedlon , Scotia ; 11. H. Oalkner. Plum Creek ; H. 1J. Welker , St. Edwards ; C. C. Clifton , Colon ; A. M. Spoonor it Co. . Hooper , F. C. Heiss , Ilowolls ; M. Nelson , llartlngton ; K. M. Hank , Weeping Water ; Glllett & K. , Heatrice ; G. L. Sniith , Ulysses ; C. H. Har mon , Hiverton ; H. Guntl A Co. . Ayr ; Too- good llros. , Crete ; Vandrull Uros. . Irad- pliuw ; Fred Dlack , Hastings ; Clark & Co. , Wcston. _ OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. General I'nxluce. Saturday. July 23. flic following nrc the pricesit which round lots of iinxluce arc sold In Vila nutr ia. ia.Koos Koos The receipts are light and stocks are moving mostly at lie. llUTTKic-A large portion of the good butter that is cumlU ! ; arrives lu such poor condition that it has to be graded as poor. Creamery , tancy , IGrtJltJc ; creamery , choice , I4@lfic ; dairy , fancy , 13 ( < § 15c ; dairy , choice , 11@ I'JJ c ; dairy , fair to good , 10@llc ; dairy , in terior , 7f'Jc. ( CIIEESB Fancy full cream Cheddars , single. lOo ; full cream twins , lOKc ; Young Atnerica-s , He ; , 100 Ibs , In casn , now , Uc ; Llmburcer. 100 Ibs , In case , new , He ; Swiss , funcy Ohio , new. lite. POTATOKB Good home grown stock is in liberal supply and selling for the most part at 50e. HIIHIJIKS Hrd raspberries continue to ar rive In small quantities but not In very good shape for reshlppinc. They are selling nt S2.50 per 24-qt case. Hlapfcberries are not plenty and are selling at S2.50 per IG-qt case. POTATOKS The local tanners nre bring ing in auood many which they sell direct to the retail trade or the consumers. Choice stock is sellicig nt 50aCOe but some very talr stock has been sold as low as 30c. UBUIUK.S There were a few red raspber ries In which broueht S2.50 per 2t pt cases ; 2tqt eases of blackberries are selliue at S4.oa POUT.TUY Tliere Is a very fair demand for good Mock. O < d fowls sell well , if choice , at S.25@3"r : ] > 0. Large ttprlng chickens sell at S2.50(53.00. There are a few ducks coming In which sell nt f 2.75 ( 3.00 , according to size. Pigeons , 75e@Sl.00. G.VUK Ttiero Is very little doing In tills line ; weather is too hot just at present Snioes , per dozen , TScSl.OU ; plover , 75c@ 51.00 ; prairie chickens , Si.ViujUJW. Ai'PLB-s Iowa homo itrown apples are comlnu in nnd good stocc is selling at $2.50@ 3.50 per bbl. TostAToKs The supply ou the market Is liberal. Good stock Is moving at $ i.OO per bushel. TOMATOES The market Is well supplied with Kood block which Is selling at < JO@l.OO per box. OIULNOES Naples oranges , choice , 200s. , per box. SG O@7JO ; Naples oranges , im perial. 160 8. . per box. SX50@7.50. ( LK.MOXS T.'iers are some very fancy largo Slaiori lemons on thn market which are sell ing at S'J.OO. Choice Messina lemons are moving at SS.OO@ .50. BANANAS Choice urcen bunches are ( inn nt quotations : Port I.imon , per bunch , 3.X4.0U. ( ) W.VTBiutuixiss Melons of all kinds are very scarce. Watermelons , per hundred , 535.00 ; canteloupes , per do en , ? 2.50@3.00. K.S Cabbai , homo grown , per crate , 34.00 ; ciicumhcrs , per dozen , 4Uc ; onions , per bbl , StM : ; crook-neck squash , per one-third bu. box , SI.- " * . Qt Ai'Hs There were a few erapes on the markrt from Southern Texas. They sold at per 10-lb box. PEACHES TUera are no southern peacnes ot any account coming In and California peaches nre not very plenty. Halo's early are selling at 1.75 per box. PKACUKS There are not many peaches coming In and they sell Immediately on ar rival. Delaware peaches have put in an ap pearance on the market. There have been a few in from Missouri which sold at 51.25 per H-bu box. Karly Crswfords have arrived from California nnd sold quickly at 82.00 per box , or $1.7.ri in round loK PLUMS There was a Urge supply of Cali fornia plums on to-day's market. There were three varieties , the Hradshaw , Purple Duane and Washington. They sold at $1-50 @L75 per box. PBAHS California pears an plenty and ot very icood quality toi this Ri-a.'ou. Chulcfl IJartlets were gelllnp at 53.00 per box and tbi < poinmuii VMintlea at S2-60 < 8Aii PLUMS Tk market Is fairly well supplied witn good California stock , which U beia at f 1.75 p r box ; prunes 81.73 pei box. PKAiw-Tta market U well supplied with good Bartlett pears , which are celling mt 3.00O.X35perMb box. Claps Favorita are sold at the same price. Grocer ' Ijtot. CorrKK-Ordtaaiy grades , l9.V 20Mc ; fair , SO ( Uepniu .aiO i ; choice , itti4 ( ; fancy craca and yellow. K3 < 3 Jc ; old eovernii > cut Java. 23Q j : interior Java. 24g&c : Mocha , 2Si OOc : Arbuckle's. roasted , 2c ! ; Mc- I.nughiln's XXXS ; jc ; Ull north's , 5c ; 1UM Cross , 23Ke. CA.NNKD GOODS Oysters , alaudard , per case. SiSOiailO ; strawberries , a Ib. per ea-je , t3.40X JL49 ; raspberries , aib. per case 83.40 ® a.l5CalJfornlapears , pec case 84.aHS4.J ; ap ricots , case , 8i50 < 33.CO ; peaches , case. 54. 00(3 ( 5.00 ; white cherries , per case , 85.0 ; plums , per casl3.4Xti3JOblue berrtes , percaeJLbSr ; eg plums , a lu. per case , 82.30 ; pineapples , 3 Ib. per case. 83.3033.73 ; 1 Ib. mackerel , per doz , 8L33 ; 1 Ib. fialaoa , p r dca. 8L55O1.6U ; 8 Ib. footyberrto , perwse , oo : a Ib string bean * , per case , tl.TQ ; I Ik lima beans , per cast , $ L ; 1 1& , mnowlat ptM , S2.4Cxa2.RO ; 3 Ib. early Juno. pea , per case , S2.75 ; 3 10. tomatoes , SliV XSOt , corn , S2.50. rnuvisioxs Ilams , ISJflaKc : breakfast bacon. lOtfCtflOXci bacon sffee. 12Kf t'-'Xc : dry salt , & < * ( & % : shoulders , ' , e ; dried beef hams , 18i4l4c ; dried beefeji gular , hams , picnic , 8 } < ( [ tOc. WOOI > KNWAllE-TwO-llO nils , per doz , 81.45 ; 3-hoop palls , S1.C5 ; ( Si r . 1 tub. 80.50 ; No.atub.S.S.50 ; No. 3 tit S4.M ) ; wnsh- l ( wards , SL7.5 ; assorted boMi chtiru * , 81)7 ) No. 2 churus , 9tjf No. S churns , STAHCII Mirror Gloss. ! > wA Graves Corn , Cj/o : Oswego Gloss. 7o ; Osgiko Corn , 7c. HnooHS-Jixtra 4 tie. S3JfT No. 1 , 52.23 ; No. 2 , 92.00 : heavy stable , 00. Svnur-N'o. 70 , 4-gaHonp ] > k i. S1.32 < 31.35 ; Now Orleans , per gallorkitfyvWCc * , mnnlo syrup , half bbls , "old tlmeI.W'r ? gallon , TOc ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , flow ; half gallon cans , per dor , S5.50 ; quart cans , 83.00. CANDY Mixed , 8 $ < < ? nc ; MICK. SJ QOKc. CnACKF.ns Garneau's soda , butter and picnic. 4 c : creams , 7 > c ; glnncr snaps,7Kc : cltysodn , 7kc. PIOKKI.S Medium , In bills , 37.00 ; do In half bbls , 84 00 ; small , In bbls. 100 ; do , In half bbls , 54.50 ; ehcrklns , In bbls , $9.00 ; do , lu half bbls , 85.00. SuoAlt Granulated. 6 'raOtfc , ; conf. A.OtcZ f > Vc ; whlto extra C , 0it0c ( ; extra C , " 'B ; yellow C. t Xc\ \ cut loaf , " fQ'Jkc ; pitted cherries. llM@12c : peaches , now , if's , i. ' c ; evaporated , peeled peaclirs , c ; evaporated , unpnred , c ; new currants , CJ7c ; prunes , 4X ( 45/u ; eition , 25c ; rai sins , London layeis , 51.75 ; California , loose muscatel' , 81.05 ; new Vnlcnclas , 7Mc. KKFI.VHD LAIIII Tierces , 7o : 40-lb square cans , 7e ; W-Ib ) round , c : 20-lb round , 7 > | c ; 10-lb palls , 7Kc ; 5-lb palls , 7 c ; 1Mb palls , 'Von.vcro Lorlllanl's Climax , 37c ; Splen did , Site ; Mechanic's Delight , 40c : Lepgett & Meyer's Star , 37c : Corncrsloue , : i7c ; Orum- " Horse Shoe , 37c ; T. J. . 3lc ; Sorg's Sjiearhcad , ! ! 7c. TIAS : Japan , perlb , 20YiI50c ; cunpowdcr. 2. @ ) c ; Young Hyson , 80rt50c ( ; Congou , C. ? f/ ) : Uolonif , rJV ? R.\/ _ Dry Lumber. IHMK.VSIO.NS AND TIMIIP.US. J , . ' . . 12 ft H ft 18 ft IS ft 20 ft 23 ft 34 ft 4x8 V'M IB w'o2.rjO, ' , 2x10 4xl ! ! IC.OO IMW.1HOO . 2x18x8 13.60 1U.W11R.M no.ums. No. 1 , com , sis 519.05 .No.2 , com , s Is No. 4 , com , H 1 s 13.50 FKJfCINfl. No. , * In , 12.V14 It , rough 5J10.00 No. 2 , ' ' " " 18.00 1st com , Jf in Whlto'l'ine Ceiling'.8.UOO Clear , X In. Norway PinoCcllIng 16.00 SIDING. A , 12,14 and 10 ft. § 23.00 U ' ' 20.50 r. 15.00 " ' 13.00 STOCK BOAIID3. 13 Inch s. Is S40.00 9. l , com. 12 in s. l s. , 12 & 14 20.00 ' " " " 10ft 1 . ( X ) S'o. 2 " " " 12&24U 18.00 " 10ft 17.00 FINISHING. st and 3d , clear , 1J < Inch. s.-B s SW.OO dclear , 1 Incn.s. 2 s. , S45 ; 1) ? , 1J4.2 in 47.00 H select , 1 Inch , s.3 .s. , ,0 ; ijf , 1 % , 2 In 87.00 I'OSTS. Vhlte cedar , C In. , HsIS'i&UOIn. . qrs. , lie DIRECT PROFESSIONAL Ct DS. A. s. cHUBcirrxi. , Room 25 , Paxton Btofkj Omaba. W. J. CONNB L , 313 South 14th Street. . D. HOLLIES , at lloom 8 , Ulock , Opposite 1'ostomce. PHYSICIANS. DR. C. KOSEWATEK , Physician and Surgeon , 214 S. 12th St.cor. Farnam. Iron Hank IluiIJ- inn. Tuiophone SOI. DK. EMMA 3. DAVIES , Room 322 N. 10th st. , Onaha. Office hours 9 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m. DR. ELEANOR STALLAHD DAILEV , Residence , 605 } N. 17th St. O. S. HOFFMAN , Iff. D. , Office , N-W Cor. llth and Douglas. Office Telephone 465 ; Res Telephone , 48 JOS. W. HAENSUALL. A. M. , M. U. Specialist. Surgeon mul Gynecologist. Office Hours , IDto ll-Sto4-T tf > 9. Offlco. Rirngeillockistu and Banter W. J. GALBRAITH , o.n.d. Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st. Office Telephone , 465 ; Res Telephone , 60S JAS. H. PEABODY , M. X > . llosldenro.No 1407 Jones street. Ollico , With null lllocK. Telephone , rosiJonco 12o , olllc < 612. XL. W. CONNELL , 21. D. Srlomcoopatlilct , Office , 313 S. 14th st. Telephone , 589. J. V. COBNISH , M. D. , PHYSICIANS SURGEON Cor. 20th and Lake Sts. DR , A , F , JONAS , ( Alr ttiw.v OfHco : ArllnKtnn Hlock , Hooms'Sand ' ll.Doilfc St. , next to 1 * . O , OMcc himra. 9 to II a , ro. , t to 4 p. in. FINE JOB PRINTING. RKCS PBI.\TI.\G CO. , Printers , BooWlcBinders Amd BUuak book Maaufacturw * . N < x. 108 and 106a.Utb itrcet. Oinaha.Nob. .IV. ; Falrllo , Super- latendeutUlnderr. Tolophoa o. S3. GEO. J. Hardware , Nails , Tools , Cutlery , Stoves , Tinware nd Window Screens. Lawn Mowers , Screen Doors , Gasoline Stoves , Tin Roofing , Guttgn in , Sponting and general Job Tinn rc ; 2203 Cuming Street , Omalia , Neb , M. R. RISDON INSURANCE x AGENT , Merchants' National Rank- Building , Kooinl Up-Stalrt. TtlophoneNo. 'J75. Omaha , Nebraska. - Pkoentz , Lnodon. Knaland . 15-1T7 < .13 Firemen' * . Nowart , N. J . Glen's FalU. Olen'a Falls , N. V . , I,4 Olrard , PhtlHdclpniH. I'H. . . . . WMtcbkstor New Vork N. Y . . . BABY'S ' SKIN , nranlll c nnil nirlh Humors S | cc llly Cured by C'litlciiry. F OIlcli-nn lnirtlicsklniMidsonlpof hlrth l\\t- niors , foriillrtylnu liohlUK , burnlmr unit In- IHniatlnn , for ciirlnp thp tlr t sjuintoms of Ec/omn , l'sorlnsl , Mllh Crust. Scnld HoHil , Scrottiln , nml otliur Inhorttcil kln mul blixjil itl'cnicft , CCTICUIH , tlio K'i' ' 'kin cure , Hint CUTICIIHA S ( ) * ' , uu nxiiuHlto gkln lienutlllor.ox- turnnlly , nml CUTKTJII v HC DI.M-.NT , the new blond purifier , Internally , are Infallible. Ab o IUtClniUr ° MY OLDEST CHILD. Now nil yonm of OKO , when nn Inlimt ilx mouth otf , wu iilinoUeil with n virultmt , mil- IlL'niuit fkln illseaio. All onllnnry roniinlius fnllimt , wo culled our fnmlly phyfleliin , who t- tvmptcil to cure It , hut It pprcnJ with nlinost liicreilllilo rnplcllty.unlll tlm lower I'orlloti of the little fellow's prrton , from the mlildlo of hla L cl < down to Iil5 knco < , wna one soldi rush , iitfly , pnlnful , hlolvliod nnd initlleloli * . Wo nnd no rcjt nt nltrht. no pcnco uy dun. Tlio jilij M- cmn dlil not kuow then , and elm's not know now. what It was. 1'ttmlly wo woioudvlii'd to try Ciitk-uni llonicdlcs. \ \ Illiout the knowl- ctlffo of our physician , I procured n box ofCutl- cura and a cuke of Uullcurn SOHII. Thu effect WAS SIMPLY MAUVELOUS. Usltifrtlio two totfcllior , fli t * H lilnR him tlior- oiiKhly th Cullcura Soap , then anointing him with Uutlcilnu I'rom the flrst Hiiplluiitlon n chnnffo for thn hotter iipponred. The doctor cnld wo hml no further nvcit Mr hint , nml cent- cil his vl lts. In three or four weeks a com- iiloto cure wnsrroiLlit , Icnvlnic the llttlo tol- low's pprMin ns white nnd hcnlthyni tlioiifrh ho lind never oci-n itttnokcil. In my opinion your vnlunhlo rcinnlles i\ved his life , and toclny ho li a stronir , hpiilty child , pcnfcctly well , no ro- pltltlon of the rtlscHSo tmvlDK over occurred. von are welcome to tnako usi > of thH you tuny decin best. OEO. H. SMITH . Att'ynt Lnirnml r.i-l'ro * . Att'y , Aslihinil , Ohio. C : J. Q. Welst , Uriiffslst , Ashlnnd , 0 ( JUTirai.Y KLMK1MKS. SoM ovorywbeto. Prlco : CUTICUH\ cents ; RK-oi.vr.MT. JI.OOjSoAi1,25 cents. 1'iopnroil liy POTTEIl DlICO AND ClIEMICAl , Co. , HOStOIl. Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases. " UPO Cutictirn Soap , nn oxrjulslto perfumed - BABY fumed Shin llenutlllpr , BABYRheumatic Rheumatic Fains. Neuralgic , i-'olutlc , Sudilcn , Sharp and NorvoiMl'nlnsand Strains relieved In ONK viMrrr. by the CL'TICUIU ANTI TAIN I'UASTKII. Wiirrautcd. At nil drupglst-"i cents ; Qvo for HI. 1'otto" and Chcinlenl Co. . lloalon. CAPITAL PRIZE , $153,000. " \Vodo hfruby certify thnt wo suporvlso the HrrniiKPmomg for nil the Monthly nntl Scml-Au- mini Drawing of Tlio Loulslunn Stnto Lottery Compnnynnil n person mnnniro nnrt control tno ilrmvliurs tliomsolves , ami tbut the 9.11110 are comlncted with honesty , fulmars und In peed faith toward nil pnrtlc" , nnrt wo authorize the Company to H e this cortlflcnto with ffto'iiin- llesot our signatures attached , in Its advortlso- ments. " COMMISSIONERS. We the undersigned Hanks nnd Bankeis will pay all I'rizcs drawn in The Louisiana Stitto Lotteries which may bo presented nt our coun ters. .T. If. OOI.F.siiv.pros. Louisiana National Ilk riKKIti : lANAix , I'rts State Natlomil Hit A. 1IAI.IU'IN , Pre . N'our OrloniH Nixt'l'lunk UA11L. KOIIX , I'ros. Union Nntioniil Ilimk. U NTRECEDKNTElTATHTACTION1 ! OVER AJHILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louiaania State Lottery Company Incorporated In lVfor ) ! ? > youHby till ltr ( Islnlurn for educational nnil charitable purposes with a mpltnlnf tl.OOUon > to which n reserve fund of over fiVJ.UXI bus since bu n added. llrnnovorwhcliulna populHr vote Its fmnclilic n _ tnnao a part of the pieentstue cunstltutlou uituplevl UeccmLcr''nil , A. 1) . 187' ' . ' . Thu only lottery over voted on and onjorscd by tlio people of liny etatu. It never icnlos or postpones. Its Crnnd Single Niimbor Urnwlngs taltoplaoo monthly , and thu Seml-Annuat Urawintia reijularly every x months ( .luno and Dccom her ) . A SPLENDID OPrOKTUNITY TO WTN A FORTUNK. Kl tlith Or nil Dmwlnar , clnss II , In the Academy ot Music , Now Orleans. Tues day , Aug. V , 1837 207th Monthly Drawing. C'AIMTAI , FKIKE , 15OOOO. IS Notice-Tickots are Ten Dollars only. Halves , S5. Fifths , S2. Tenths , St. MST Of I'llIZES. 1 CAl'lTAL PltlX.K OF | 1M,0)0. . . . $150.000 1UIIANU I'lllKUUI11 W.OOU. . . . 50,001) ) KillANO PItlX.UUF . ' 0,0)0. . . iO.OOU 3IAHOB PKI/.KSOK 10,000. . . . M.OOO 20 PHIZES OF 1,000. . . . M.KK1 ( 51) " iOO. . . . 2riXW ( 100 ' : M' ) . . . OT.OCO an wo. . . . 40,000 600 100 . . . 50,1X1) ) 60000 " 50. . . . 00,000 APPIIOXIM 1TION' r I7ES. 100 Approximation ' Pri/.es of f : ) . . . . J3H.OOO lM " " 2W . . . SUMO 1UU " " ICO. . . 10,00fl 2.17J Prizes amounting to ! , Application for club rates should ho msno on ) jot theolllconf th company In New Urleiui . For further Infoniiattnn wrlto clcitrly. filvlng rul ililre s. 1 > OSTAI , NOTKS.eipress moncr imlnrs.oi Now York Kxclianire In onllnajr letter. Currency \ > f express ( atourexpcnseladdpsse.l OULUANS.LA. OrM. A. BAIII'IIIN. Atltlrcus Registered letters to KK\V OHIJKANS NATIONAL BANK K W Oltl.tUMS p & -\r TJIr TI f T > That the presence of K lit M ll JU. -Cj < . 11Cj U uanentoBaavniitiird and Earlr , who ar In cbarita of the drawinjs. Is aituar * au of absolutn fairness and Inleirmr , Ibat th chances are all eiinal , anil tbat DO one eaa possibly tflTlne hat numbers will draw a Prise. ItUMKMtfKIt that the purulent of all prlies Is GUAUA.\TIBD : ny ronu XATIIIVAI. HAXKSO ! weir Orlcunx. and thu Tickets are sUned by the president or an Institution , whose charturi'd rUhts are recoil * nlied In th hlzliest nuirta : therefor * , bewaru o ( anr Imitations oranonrmoas schcmiM Mexican far Veteran. The wonderful efficacy of Swlft'i Bpecine M a remedy and euro for rncumatlim anil all blood dli- cams , baa neTer hail n more cutnplcuous Illustration than this affords. The candid , uniollcltoit and emphatic testimony fftven by the venerable geutU > man must IM accepted 01 convincing ami concliulrc. The writer Is a prominent cltlun of Xlsslstlppl. The gitatlcnian to whom Mr. Mania ref en , and to wbom lie U Indebted for tha ajrlce to which he owm hU final rrllof f/inn yean of ( ufffrlns. li Mr. King , for many yearn the iwpalar ul ht clerk of thu Lawrence Houfcf , at Jackson. JACCBOS. Miss. , April D5.1S37. THE Bvtrjrr Srcouno ConrANT , Atlanta , On. : Ofnl/ / n I hare been an Invalid pensioner for forty yean , bating contracted pulmonary and other disease * In the Uailcaa War , but uot till the 1st of March , 1375 , did I feel any symptom * of rheumatism. On that day I woa suddenly itrickan with that dis ease la both hlpa and ankles. For twenty days I walked on crutch * * . Then the pain was less lolent , but It shifted from joint to Joint. Fornrekslwould lie totally dliablrd. either oo one side of my body or the other. The pain Mier l ft me a moment for eleven years and aven months thai U from March I , 1379 , when 1 waa flret attacked , to October 1 , l&i , when I was cured. During Uwse eleven years of In- tensu sulTcrlnK 1 tried Innumerable prescriptions from various phyalclauav and tried everything KUK * eetteil by friends , but If 1 ever received the least lienent from any medlclna taken Internally or ex ternally , I am not aware of It. Filially , ntoultho first nt September , I mule arranKemenls to go to tha Hot Springs of Arkansas , hnvlnf de palred of every olhtt ruinedy. when I accidentally met an old ac quaintance , Mr. KJnc , n w ot tha Lawrence House of this city. He hod one * been a Krrat sufferer from rheumatism , and , a * 1 supposed , had been cured by a visit to Hoi Springs. Bat when I net hbn ha told ma that hia vteli to the llot QprtBgi wu In vain he found no relief. On his retnrn from Hot Springs be beard , for tha flrit time , of the 8.8.8. M a remedy fur rheumatism. 11 * tried It and six bottles made a complete cure. Several yean bav * passed since , but tie has had no return of the dispose. 1 Immediately returned to try It. In September I took four bottles and by toe first of a.-tuLerI wan veil asfarastb rt niiuilsni was concerned. All | .aln baa dUapptoieO. and 1 BITE nor FKI.T i rwuos oy rt OUICK. I bav * DO Interest in making thli statement other than the hope that H may dlrwt some other sutTercr to a sure source ot relief , and If It has this result I am well rewarded for my trouble. 1 aoi very ro- tpicUalJy and truly your friend. Tor tal * by all draaisto. Treatise on Blood and pkta rii" " " * mailed frm. TBI Bwm 'Srectno Co , Drawer 3 , Atlanta. Oa. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Imp/emcnts. PARKER , Wbo1 nla Isi r In Affricnltnral Implements , Wiurons , CrJTIagci and ItnralM. Jones street , tetwegn Otb smUOlti.Oiurthn , Nub , L1N1NVER C JlETUALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , WitEnn > .Carrlngc . nug ln , Htc. . Whol i > lo , Omh . PARLINORENDOR FA MARTIN Wholesale Donleni In Agricultural Implements , ( Vn < fen na Btiijelei. 901 , na , IO5 smllO. ' , Jones ft Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Orpans , ! 113 Doiinl.n * drool , OtnAlin. Builders' Hardware and Scalts. Bu Ililers' Hardware & Sea lo Kcpal r Shop Mechanics' Tools and lUiffato Ncalos. 1 < 06 Douglas sk , - OniMia , Kt\ \ > , Hooks ttnJ Stationery. A. T. KF.NYON t co. , Wlio'oinlo nnil llo'all ] ! ooksollor-i anil Stationers , loSJDouplm st.Omalm , Nub. Toli'phone 01. Cortcspoiulonce solicited. Boots and Shoes. w. "r. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1111 K rnara t , Omaha , Nub. Manufactory , BummOf limit , ISuntuu. / . T. LlMJtiJUf d > CO. , Wholesale Rubber Boots anil Shoos llubuor mill Olietl ClothuiK mul I clt Hoots nnd Plini-n. llll llnrnin "ttppt Beer , STORZ iC ILEIi , Lsffer Beer Brewers , liSl North I'tb. Stre t. Omaha , N b. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , Husago Casings of all klndi alwajs In stock. UU jnm'siit.Ouiaba Coffee , Spices. Etc. CLARKE lUiOS. C CO. , Omaha CORCO and Spice Mills. Tes.Gotrc sSplre . Slaking rowdnr. FlHTOrlnirEc- tracts , Laundry Man , Ink. lite. HU-tillittreej flrcct.Oniubi. NBb. Cornice. EslGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Eponeter , Prop. Manufacturer of OnlMinliwl Iron an3 Cornice. (23 Uodiennd 109 ami 105 N. IQili St. . oiaaUn.Neb. RUEMPING < DOLTE , tlannfactnrors of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals. MetnllcSkyllghtetc. 3108. 12ii : t. , Oomlm. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. fJalTanlurt Tron Cornices , etc. Rnect's Irarrnvpd Pnfr ent Metalic Skrllght. CO } anil 510 H l.Mli rt..Omaha. Carpets , OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jnbbern of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloth ? , Linoleum * . Matllnga. I3te. J51I Doutfat itroft. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent ? nr 'he Mut > ! ficlnrcrs and Importers ol Crockery , lilassware , IxiDips , Chlmncjs , etc. OlBcc , SIT Buuth 13th st. Omaha , Neb. 3fjSLG U'l Tii'S Mammoth Clothing Honse , Corner Fnrnim anil Tenth Streuin , Onabs , Kelt. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Bntttr , Kcxand IToduev. Consignments solicited. Headquarter * for Sti > ne r r > , i ) rrr Uo re nnd Orapo llalkoll. 11U IXxlcei treat. Omaha. Ill I ) DELL d > Storage ami Commisoion Merchants , cUltlos nutter , 15wv Cheese , Poillrr , Gaiuo. Ojstcrs. etc. . ate. 1U 8. illli SL _ PEYCKE EROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and ProTliInns. Omaba , Neb. co. , Produce Commission Merchants , roultrj , llutur , aame , Fiulu , etc. > W 8. luhit OimliK. Nub , Coal ana" Lime. GmoT ijAukllrres. C. F. J. A. rlUNUKKLAKD , Hoo. and Tr . OMA1L.I COAL , COKE L13LE COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. a South Tblrte ntb.Stie t , Omaba , Neb. J. J. JOUSSOy a ; CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shipper * of Coal and Cnke. Cement. Plaster. IJme , Ualr. ftru nrlck , Iiraln. Tile anil S r I'ipo. faitoa Rolil. Farnam it. , Ointha , .N b. oiM" Kll. C'igart and Tobacco. MAX MEYER CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Qane and Ammunition , 71i torn 9. nth ! . , 1030 to 1024 rarnatuit .Omiha.Neh. WEST t FR1TSCUER , Manufacturers of Fine Citrars , And WboleiaU Uoaieri In I at Tobacroi , Koe. tOt nnd 111) ) K. Itth atnet. Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH e CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishinff Goods A Notions 110 : and 1104 I > onila . cor. lllb SI. Omab.N b. Distiller * . DliUlleranrrJiuora.AlrolinlanilSplrlu. Importer * and Jobberaof WlatoanU l.lquort. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLS ? CO. and ILER < G CO. , Importer * and Jobber * of Fine \ lae aid tJqnon. aolvmanufactureriof Ktoo dr't Bui India mi- ttrt ami ItouifitlcU'jnori. ill ! Ilaraer Bl. Furniturt. DEWEY tC STONE , Wholesale Dealers In Furniture. Farnau , < Omaha. Neb , CHARLES SUirERTCK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Minors , etc , UM.UMand 10 Farnam lU Omaba , Grocerits. CO. , Wholesale Groceries and I'roTislons , Moo. TOi.TOT , WU and Til 8. ICtll At , Omaha. M b. McCORD , BRADY tfl CO. , Wholesale Grocers , LEE , FRIED < C CO. , Jobbers of Hardware nnd Kails , Tlnwsrt , Sheet Iron. Ri . Agent * fur H " Scal , and Miami PowdcrlV.OmahaN b. W , J. BROATCH Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , VTanoD file k. Hardware I.rmiber , etc. IMV and Ull JUrncy l. , pnuha. F.DNKY F.DNKYIron Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock. Heavy ! Ur < 1nire. JUc. lilt and llll IQtf owurth St. , Omahn , Nb. . MILTON ROGERS J5 SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , 'J'iles , QraUs , llrUiOcods. UOI aua lin Karnn Btrett. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Iron Works. - VIERLINQ Iron Works , Kid Oast Iron rjulMlntf Worts , Tron . Ilalnnp , llcmiis nnildlrtlprn , Pionni Knslno < . lir * i \Votk , ( Unoral ffunmlrf , Uncliluo uixl lUnrkMiillh Mrtil. Qglc anJ\\uit > , U. I' . lty.anditu iut. . U. K.SAWYEK , llnuufiictiirlnir Dealer in SmnUcStncks , , T ni . "nil llcnornl Holler UooalrlniL K. II. MrMANIIS. r. St'I.MVAN. O.lM./rl. WJRK P IRON WORKS , Mmniniclti > r "f Ire and Iron lialllnijs , Desk Itallg , Wliulow Ou rd , flower SinmH. Wlto sum , Kta mill prumptlr Lumber. OMAHA TJUMIIER CO. , Dealer All Klndi of Jlutldliiff Material at Wholesalo. Hth Street and Union t'ncino Track , Omnha. LOUIS BRADFORD , ' Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Llino , Sank , DOOM , Kte. Yanl GaruorTth nnil Doaclust Cornat Vth nnd U u < l i . C1I1CAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 81IP.llthftrcotOmohnNt l > . r.Colpotter , Mannaer. C7X DIETZ. * Lumber. I'lh nnd California turecls , Omnho , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lnm bpr , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Rtc , C'/r.Clhnna nauilns Hi. , Oiunlm. NJ > . JTOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. UARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. OlDco , tlrtl FnrimmrtrcfUOmntia. . R. LEE , Jlardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets anil 1'nrquot Flooring. 91li nnd lonnta _ Oninhn. _ JOITN A. WAKEFIELD , AVholcsulo Lumber , Etc. Imported nml Auicrlrnn 1'orlUiul Comi-nt. Hl V Agent forMllwBiikou llT.lrmillc Ct'uiiut unil Hunt. Uulnry WlilloMmo. _ _ Liifo Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omalia. Limited. John P. Bord. B'lpertntcnlent. / . ' Stuck Commission. M. BL'liliE ,0 SONS , Live Stock Coinnilssion. noo. llursp , Mansgor Union Sloes : Yard' , S. Omn ha. Telephone ! fi. SATAGE D GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipments of IDT anil all klnila of Stock solicited. Union Stock ardn. unmha. .NuU Millinery and tntions. I. OBETl LDEJr JOT . ' ' Importers and Jobbers of i Millinery nnil Notions , linnnd I.'IS Hsrney St.ect , Omaha , Neb. Notions. T. T.tNsdx'NOTJOy CO. , Wholesale Dealers la Notions and Kiiruislilui ; Goods , 40.1 ami 4Xi ( S. Trntll si. , Orantm. Overalls. M.iNUFACTURING CO AMP ANY , llanufiicturers of Overalls , ns l' nH , tihlrti , Elc. 1102 and 1101 Dun lan Htrtet , umali.i , Noli. PAPER CARPKNTKR PAPER CO. , Wbok-salu Paper Donlors. ' arrj nice clock of I'rlnllnir. Wrn'ppliiK i'i 1 VTrtt- liui paper. .Kpurlat iitliintlnn plvon In i-nr lo.idor jrtlora. wblcb will b slilpiiuil direct from inllN. All orders will reoulTu iierjonal attention. WORuaf * antoe ' touU eooils n I lur prices , lilt nml llll * Printing. 'REES rRiNTiNG Job Printers , Flank Hook Makura , And Hook lllndem. Mi mid UK Fimtli tuurtuonill ati et. Omuht. Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIO % Auxiliary Piihlisliors. Dealers InTrpePro" i anil rrlnlors'SunpUo . W bnutli Twulf th MtreuL Putiips. BROWNELL C CO. , llanufartnror ) and Doalcn In Hollers Ar ( fOiipnil Miirhlnery Sheet Iron work , Htaim I'limpf. tUw Mill * . Aoiae Ehaftine , Dodge Woodiplt | Puliars , BelUnf , aio , Alsowagons , sprapars.itnda aliUss. UlMluLav yeoworthst. Oamhi CHURCHILL PUMP CO7 AVholesalo Pumps , 1' Rtearaand Water Suppliei. lleadquartera ; for foMtCo'aUuo'li. IlllVa ruan at. , Omaha. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. nallsilsy Wind stills : ritcam * nd Water R | Plumbing ( locdn , Ueltlnt , llose. 918 anil o nain St. , Uoinlia. B. K. Feltnn , Manager. TvlephnnuNo.m A. L. STRANO CO. , Pumps , Pipes nnd Engines , Steam , V/stnr , linllwivy nnd Mlllln ; Hupnllct. IM * DW , Viianil 104 Karniiin t..Oaiaoa. Neb. . Rubber Goods , Wnnvitactarer nnd Dealori In all kind ; ot Hulilicr ( iooiln , Oil Clothlnr nnil UMilior llntiliii ! IHIS Karnani Pt. . . . J..H Safes , Etc. P. BOYER CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe A Lock Co.s' nr nd llunrlar Proof Saf § , Tlmo l irka. VanlU _ nd J il Wort. IIU1 rarnam itruul OiimUa. N b. G. ANDREKN , Omalia Sufo Works. MaDHf clur rBo [ Ciroitnrt BarclarrroofBafei ! , VnuXJ Docra.JullVor , hliutIer and Wire Work. Cor. lllhmidJar > ouU . . Omaha. Nab. A , Doors , Etc. . / Von Vv'holeula Manujclurer of Sasli , Doors , ItlindH and Honldinpa , Ilranch oaice,12tb and ItarJ t . , - BOITN MANUFACTURING CO.\ \ Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Btirtfs , Mo U'jiri.8lalr ' Work and Interior Hunt Wor.d Klnlat , . o4. M. B. cor. Bib and LeuvcaworthMta. Omaba , Nan. THE CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Thi ) host known nnd mot popular holnl In tin , biato. Ixcntl < -i'iiti--il.upOliitinciiU | Hint clnss. llomliuartef | ! < lur coiuinurulnl men ftii'l ' School , County and City \Vo will pay highest prlt-6 "owsst latiu , rjprrcdpou'lfnce ' HTULL JillOS , , LINCOLN , NU . .NSTALF ENT DEALERS WlllOivl jun wlmi they nied-A FU LL Lt N 1 OF INSTALMENT GOODS olj iiily lu : Hip INSTALMENT TR OE. by ; IHSIAUICMT iTkiUUf' tlOfftV CV. . LfK' . ! ' > . ' .