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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1887)
- evTftir 0 THE OlVtAHA DAILY BEE : ftlCWDAY. JULY 25. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAKL STREET. Delivered by cmrior in nny putt of thocltynt twenty cents per wnolt. II. W. TILTOW. Manager. TKrCI'HONE3 : JlCMnrpR Omc * . No. . HlOIIT KUITOIt No. K. ' ' J JM1.NOU MBNTIOX. N. y.PIurnblng Co. Kultcr. tailor. Summer poods chcarj. Al Duvis was arrested for being druuk ntul nslenp on the sidewalk. C. Uloomcr has completed the painting of Ji. Gnylord's now buildlug. Several of the Ramblers took n run to Glonwoud yesterday on their 'cycles. Charlie lleisler will begin to-day to re move IIIH business to No. 003 liroa/lway. Charles Smith and J. Thomas were last night arrested for lighting near tlie transfer. \Vantcd-Livo boy with good horse to carry a now route. Apply at once at IKK ! oflico. The case of Long vs. Clark for the an- pointment of n receiver comes up for hearing to-morrow. Encampment No. 8. Union Veteran Legion , clvo a social this evening , auu literary entertainment. Judge Carson holds a session of the district court to-day to consider the a- loon injunctions and the contempt of court cases. Abe Styro was in jail for disturbing the i peace , ft. A. Momborg was arrested on n like charge , but put up bail until the trial to-day. * On next Friday nicht Mrs. Langtry will aupcar in Pygmalion and Galatea at ] > ohany1s opera house supported by her own company. Pat Murphy , for being drunk , and Thomas Mosha , for disturbing the peace , received a frco side in the patrol wagon last night from the "Q. " depot to the jail.Union Union Veteran legion will hold a so ciable this evening at their headquarters. The principal topic will bo , "Tho Ser vices of the Women of the Nation During the Uebellion. " The public iu general arc invited. JCSFJO Harmon , a resident of Hartlctt , la. , fell from the dummy train last Sat urday night while intoxicated and was severely bruised. He was taken to the city jail where the city physician is at tending him. Charles Taulor , a driver oir Welch's hack line , was last night arrested for em bezzlement. He was not satisfied with an ordinary "rake oil' , " but from all ac counts took the major portion of the re ceipts for himself. The C. E. Mayno , a screw propeller , owned by J. C. Elliott , was put on. Lake Manawa yesterday. She is a line boat nnd will carry probably sixty passengers. She was purchased in Chicago a week ngo and arrived in this city Saturday night. lr. Donald Macrae of this city , vice- president of the lown State Medical society , yesterday received a commission from Governor Larrabeo appointing him n delegate to the Fourteenth national conference of charities and corrections which convenes in Omaha on August ? 5. Lightning recently struck the tali chim ney of the Ogden iron works and injured the same considerably , so much so mat a good portion of it will have to bo rebuilt. After toying with the chimney it played with a window sash and smashed around in general doing quite an amount of damage. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Percgoy arc again called urion to mourn , death having taken their baby boy , aged thirteen and n half mouths. His death occurred yes terday afternoon. The time of the fun eral will bo announced hereafter. The tendcrost sympathy is felt lor the home thus darkened. The young ladies of the Congregational church cleared about if-15 from the lawn party given at T. J. Evans' residence. It is to go into the personage fund. The new personage is nearing completion and nearly all the needed money is raised. The balance needed will doubtless be raised so that the house warming may be under a roof free from debt. For female diseases and chronic dis eases of all kinds , call on Dr. Kice , No. 11 Pearl street , Council Dlufl's , Iowa. When you arc in the city stop at the Pacilk1 house. Street cars pass the door ( ivory lifteon minutes for all the depots. Meals 50 cents each. J. W. & K. L. Squire's abstract books fire a marvel of systematic accuracy. Have you seen their now lien book ; it "is n monster and contains UOO pages. Tlio Oninlm Heat llnnno. That the Omaha Rowing association is tn erect a 11,000 boat and club house on the banks of Lake Manawa Is an assured fact. The club is to have 200 foot west of the Council ItltifYs If owing association and the lease of these grounds has been signed. The plans for the boat housr show it will bo very complete , with voramlus , lockers , and all the necessities for n first-class boat house. The upper floor is to bo used as the club rooms and is to bo handsomely furnished. The plans wilt be on exhibition to-day In the oflico of Odull Bros. & Co. liids tot building the same will bo opened this week and work will begin within ten days. Heating the house with n view tc proper ventilation and health id a science , Cole & Cole , 41 Main street , make r .specialty of furnace heating , represent ing the largest furnace concern in the country. Figure with them on furnace wort. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to tin majority of real estate ollices in the city $3 per day. Now KuirniiOA to Fairmont. Park Commissioner Graham 1ms ob talncd permission to open the road fron : Captain llathaway's residence on Gra h'lm avenue up to Fairmont park. Thii road was cut olV by several property owners fencing in their land and in con sequence deprived the use of about hal : of the park. This valley , through whicl the road runs , has been placed in tin < condition and after it is opened wil nlVord a line driveway. It will make r liner exit than entrance to the park , i being rather too long a hill to climb. At the Pacific house you will save fron 50o to $1 per day. Try it and bo con vinced. AVnter In the Park. Some time ago the park commissioner had water from the ro.-orvoir run up inti Fuinuount park , and a rustic house bull for the purpose of furnishing cool waU- to the thirsty. As plannoil , the wate was to come out apparently from a sprinu Hooks were placed there and cvorythinj possible was done to nibko all the ui vangemcnts complete , but after all th labor it has boon discovered that th water cannot bo forced up to it unless b , steam pressure. It is now proposed t remove it to another place about ten fee lower , as tho'watcr comes up to withl ton feet.of the present required hnirJiU One thousand .head of ono , two an Ihroo-ycar-old steers for ialo. Will civ 1 . credit to mliubln parties. 'Knqniro of * ' J. ( treonamayer , C'J3 Mjnstqr el. , toh . an- ; . - . COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. Lake Manawa Its Glittering and Brilliant Boom" THE FIRST CHILD BORN THERE. Welcomed Homo By a Warrant For Arrest On nn Old Offense Young Chnso to Be a Cadet. The Usual Sunday Boom. There arc about 140,000 people in Omaha and Council Blull's. Enough to build up many times the improvements already Inaugurated at Manawa. In time these new improvements will come and Manawa with its cheap transporta tion , to and from , will become to Council Blull's and Omaha what Coney Island is to New York and Brooklyn. Not more than six years ago Coney Island was too expensive a luxury for many who would have liked to visit it often. The motor line in this city has not yet started up , but 85 cents is the faro tor the round trip to Manawa as soon as it begins operations. And if it receives a good patronage , the faro on this line will probably verv shortly bo decreased as those leadinir to Coney Island were. Besides the large inoioaso iu the num ber of bathing houses erected by Messrs. Odcll Bros. X Co. this season , Louis & Met/.gar have built a refreshment uavll- lion , and there has been added thu steam ers Manawa , Lady of the Lake , Little Gem and the C. E. Mayne. Hotel Man- uwa has been built , by Frank Clark , at a cost of over $15,000. Several cottages also have been erected , as well as numer ous booths , the motor line round house , passenger depot , a large hall for dancing purposes , and numerous other buildings. Besides the club house of the Council Blull's Rowing association. The Omaha boat club is to build a $15,000 , club house , the lease to the ground having been signed , and as soon as thu motors begin making tholr regular trips , they will find plenty of customers from Omaha who will take advantage of the DO-cont round trip rate from Omaha to the lake. All tins goes to show that Manawa booms and with the support of Omaha and Council Blull's behind if. , and the ex cursions that a little later will begin to arrive almost daily from surrounding towns , no doubt about the future success of the same exists. Mannwa'n First Babe. Charles Carpenter is the first father who has had a child born at Lake Man awa. On Saturday , his wife presented him with n line seven-pound girl baby , and as Mr. Carpenter is connected with the Manawa motor line , the child will , in years to come , be known as Miss Mauawa Carpenter. An Old Offense. Edsrar M. Brown has boon arrested by Captain O'Brien on a warrant and has been placed in the county jail for safe keeping. It. seems that Brown seduced ono , Anna Sanp , about eight .years ago , since which time ho has kept away from this cit > knowing that hu was indicted by the grand jury in 1879. Ho probablv thought that everybody had forgotten about the indictment , and returned some six days ago only to be arrested and held for trial. 'Jlhc Comini ; Cadet. The winner of the competitive exami nation for the appointment to West Point as cadet is Arthur Chase , son of L. D. Chase , of Avoea. He is 20 pears of ago and has been employed in the bank of Avoca. His average in examination was \ > 'i. The alternate selected is Frank Cul- bertson , of Panova. His average was 87. The Worst in the County. That the principal road leading to Lake Manawa is in a very bad condition everybody interested knows. But why nhould it be allowed to remain sot Isn't them enough "get-up" to these inter ested to have it put. in oven passable con dition ? Koad Supervisor Wright , of Lewis township , cannot do all the work himself , he claims. Both ho and his own hired help worked all one day on the approaches preaches to the now bridtro , but ho can not get help to widen the road. His tax hat all been worked out and apparently only one way remains to ha\o the mail widened. These who stand in their booths about Lake Manawa , those who look for public patronage tire the ones to ceo that this road is put in proper condi tion without delay. Let these interested on the beach put in $50 ; the owners of steamers on the lake hand over | 20 each. Kach man who carries passengers in his row boat can afford a couple of days' work on the job or a live-dollar bill. Those interested in and about Manawa park ftrwild rait > o $100. By this method the road could bo widened immediately , and many persons wlw now never visit the lake for fear of accident on the narrow road , would swell the patronage and thu subscribers would get their money back inside of a week. The livery mon , as well as the proprietors of the carry-alls , iu a pinch , might bo induced to raise a little money for this purpose. Enough damage has already been done on account of the narrowness of this road to pay for half the work necessary to widen it. For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr. Rico's new invention. It makes a man of you in live minutes. No. pain. No. 11 Pearl street. A Hummer Several prominent citizens have been quietly working and planning for the es tablishment in or near this city of a chautauqua assembly. The plan in its general outline is to secure a tract of suitable ground with the necessary ac commodation's for holding an assembly every summer season. 'I lie first is to beheld held next year. In order to accomplish this itF \ nwcssary the preliminary work this fall. A location must bo se cured , stock subscribed , buildings erected , and what is fully as important as any feature , the arranging of a programme. It Is the purpose to secure leaders und lecturers of national reputation , en tertainments of high order and teachers in sctnnco , art and literature. To accomplish thlj the arrangrmcnte must bo maslo during the fall and winter. as nearly all desirable talent in secured months ahead. Such an assembly would Yfurly draw to this city thousands of puo plo. The natural advantages , togot'.iDi with the railway accommodations , make this a very dnsirablo point for such at ) enterprise. A comraittro has been look ing over the land' * in the vicinity of the city , with a view of selecting a site and securing favorable prices. A mooting if to bo held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to morrow evening at 8 o'clock. All whc are in any wny interested in helping along such an enterprise are invited tc bu present for consultation. Trying to Buy the Motor Ijlne. The rumors of the intended sale of tin motor line have not nmcbnd the ears o inany. Thuro was a pretty solid found ix lion for these reports. Two gentlemen K. O. Lamphero and W. il. Haws , o Kansas City , wore the ones who wore no gotUting for the 'purchase of .the line The first named is a brother of William Lamphero , who is connected with Mr. Graves In the building of the road. These two gentlemen spent several days last week in examining into the enterprise. They became satisticd that Lake Manawa is to bo a permanent and rapidly increas ing success , and that there Is big money to bo made In the motor lino. They made an oiler to take the line oft' Mr. Groves hands and complete it. The prices on which negotiations were pending were not learned , but it Is ascertained that a price was finally agreed upon and the papers ] wcro being drawn up when Mr. Graves concluded that hu would not sell , and negotiations wore broken olf. Thcro is no question but that the line , as well as the other enter prises in connection with Lake Manawa , are prolitablo ventures. The resort is growing rapidly into popularity and capital will not bo slow in investing still further in improvements. MnnufActoricB. The now sash and blind factory of Messrs. Strock Bros , will probably bo in full running order in the next fifteen days. The building which is located on Tenth avenue is completed. It is located on the Northwestern traek just west of the main line and is opposite the Ogden iron works , the Council Bluffs canning factory and the site upon which Messrs. Carter & Sons will begin the erection of their factory shortly. Making this par ticular location quite a manufacturing one. one.Four car loads of machinery have ar rived from Princeton , 111. , from which place the factory has been removed , and two more cars are expected daily. When the factory gets in order it will bo the largest one ot its kind in the west. They will make sashes , blinds , doors , mouldings , stairs and all kinds of in terior work. Already Messrs. Strock Bros , have enough orders ahead to insure work for about thirty hands for the next two mouths. As soon as possible they intend to send men out on the road and work up a largo wholesale trade. This factory will no doubt , supply the larger portions of th'o trade in Omaha and all the cities in Nebraska as well as those in Iowa. It is such institutions , as not alone the sash and blind factory , but all of those mentioned above , that build up a manufacturing city. The Union Depot. There seems to bo little doing about this much desired enterprise. The rail way companies seem waiting for the depot company to take action , and the depot company seems waitiue for the citizens. The citizens are waiting for both. Nearly all the desired lend has been secured for the depot. The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Railway company has appropriated money for a new local depot m Council Blull's , but is holding elf from starting to build , iu the expectation that a union depot will bo started. Other railway companies centering hero need now local depots , but they are not mov ing to inako any improvements , evidently expecting the union depot. It is sug- jested that a meeting of the business nen be held to take such action as is necessary to help thu depot company irowd the enterprise along. The limb icems ripn for action. An Irish Patriot. Mr. Kennedy , a nephew of George ; ? laxsim , has arrived here from Ireland. le was a member of the constabulary , \nd was among those who took elf their jniforms rather than longer aid in any f the evictions. Ho and his associates wcro called upon frequently to protect bailiffs who were serving * writs upon onants. Young Kennedy could not countenance the scenes ot injustice , and rather than remain in a service iu which 10 was liiiblo to bo called upon to pro- ; ect its bailiffs instead of the tenants , ho : hosu { migration. Ho in an intelligent young man , an interesting couvursa- ' .jonalist , and has many thrilling narra- ives of late scenes iu that much troubled and. IVrsonul Paragraphs. J. II. Watson and family have gone on a visit to Keokuk. Charles Hummel leaves to-day to visit liis trade on thu road. H. II. Longbridgo and C. C. Pear , of Lincoln , Ni'b. , were in the city yostcr . .lay.Dr. Dr. Hart has hoard from Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Edmnndsnn. They are at present in Dresden. C. A. Tubbs , formerly cashier of tiio bank at Atlantic , but now of Knoxville , is in the city. D. W. Bnshnoll. William Hauthorne , Dr. T. B. Lac-ey and George B. Brown have returned trom Spirit Lako. Mrs. .Indge Reed is exceedingly low , and fears were entertained yesterday that shu would not live the day out. LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , TortoiscShcll etc.Hair Ou nnnicnts , aa well as the I newest nov- elticHin hair ponds. r. Hair poods " maiiuto order Mrs. C. L. Gillette 20 Mnin St. , Council Hind's , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to. Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 83 Na. 015 Main Street , Telephone No , 93. ST.FRANCIS ACADEMY Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs. Ono of the best Educational Institu tions in ttio west. Hoarding and day school conducted by the Sisters of Char ity , V. V. M. Hoard and tuition for a term of five months , $70. For further particulars address SJSTKR SUPERIOR , . ' .St , Francis Academy- . ' . .Council.-Wliifts , la , & 4.Petaj dy Jb jft&\Cer' it " V 3 4 REAL ESTATE , Vacant Lots , Lands , City KesIJenocs nnd Farms. Aero property In western part of city. All Bcllliitr cheap. K. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Hoom 6 , over Olflcer & Pusoy's llank , Councl IllulTs. ESTAI1LISHED18C8 D. H. McDONELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WOOL FUllS. Ills/host MarlH-t Prices. Promp Iti'turns. 820 and 822 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. OH INK tci tllu DIAIin > tL ELISTU ITT of the cloth ( n lilch ntir pnti'nts covir cxclmivch ) will nt iicrfattlv flr t tlinenuni Kc-inlreinci hrrakliiR In KH\FT RKTI RNKn bv writer lifter helnirMrirn tn luynlf not ruuml the tnoht I'KKFKOT FITTINU. IIKAI.THFUI. nnd CamrnrCnlilp Cornet overworn. Sold by ull Uriit-clais denier * . CltOTTY HllOIJ. . Cblcueo , 111- BRIGGS BEST HOTEL' ' " HOUSE AMERICA AT DAY. HEALTH PRESERVING CORSET. OAUTION-no not Irl othcrl Itid you nto hurine wouhleif I mill- tloni.aiihliliiheomr.1. HAL COILBD W 1KB . ( SPRING FLAJTIC S C. TlnN I'OKMT and money il11 itfunJtd lo tiier ift. i four w ek ' rctt. U not pttftctly Mtllfactory. For sale \iy \ IKV Coous DIALERS , or If not et > taln > l < . will mail. IKHIIer l'l < l. HEALTH miSIKVINCi. tl.lS i-NCLisii SATT N. , NUFSIHG.II HI ABDUVINAI. li.oo ; MISSBb , fsc. rlilllliir Corttt CompiBT , Bttrolt , Mlf h. LAW DEPARTMENT , State University of Iowa. Course of study extends through two school years of nine months each. Ex penses reasonnbl . Gnuhmtion admits teState State and Federal Courts. Tlio next an nual course coiuncncus September 14th , 1887 , nnd ends .Inly 18th , 18S8. For announcements or further informa tion , address tlitJ.V'cu ' Chancellor , ' EMLIN MCCLAIN , > , i Iowa City , Iowa. Howard Collegiate Institute , For Young Ladles reopens Sept " 1. Collcjro 1'ropnrtitory , Clusaioal uml Scientific ( irmlmtt- liiircourKos. For'Circulars editress KMMA O. CONKO. l > rlnclpal > qr II. II. HWWAKD , Secro- tiuyWest Hriilgcwrtlcr. Mnsg. J > cutwsnt PHMIN'AHY PHILADELPHIA . North IlronilSt I'lillndclplila. Ktb year botdns Sept. 21st , 1887. AildroU MH9 U. K. JUDKINS , Principal , who refers by apodal permission to Mr. and Mra.Juliu N. Jowutt , ) Mr. and Mrs. I'lilllp I ) . Armour , VChicago. Mr. nn < l Mrs. Horace F. Waite , ) ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE , TERRE HAUTE. IND. I School ol En9lneeflng. Well mdowcil. well "iulpp d drpirtintnlii of Mfch. anlcal an. . ] Clflj KnfiBeerinR. Electricity , ChrmUtry .ml Drawlnff. Kxtrunlie Hiop nnil I.Hlioratnriti. For Uuioiiic , idJien T. 0. MENUUNIULL , 1'te * . ON 30 PAYS' TRIAL. THIS NEW. ELASTIC TRUSS Hu a l' 4 dldinnt tram ill SPECIAL STOTICES. Ppoclnl nilrertlsomonti , finch ns tnst , Found S.olxmn , For Siilu , To Hunt , VSants , Bonnllnir , etc , n-ill liolneortoil In IlilH rolunin lit the low ratoofTKN CKNTS I' LINK fortlio Orst Imor- Ion mid i''lvoL'ant8PorLlnufoicach subsoiuont ineottlou. I.cavo mlverlNoinciitt * nt our otlluo No. It t'carl street , Urondvmr , Council Uluffs. _ _ WANTS. IOST-A llriiss huh Imni1. Sultnblo rewnnl * Loiivo lit llro oflieo , Councul lllulla , or llolin rod's etoro , Onuilm. WANTEI-Sm rt boy ntmut 16 ycuri ofnpo. with pony , to curry u new louto. Apply at once at lleo olHoo. WANTKO Situation ns bookkeeper liy youittr tnnn who can Rlvo fliill factiry rcf- uroncua at ) to experience , ImbltB and responsi bility , U. I ) , lice o 111 co , Council Uluiti. Situation ns pulostrmn In crocnry WANTED . HofcrciU'og itlven. 1) , U. T. , lieu oOlco , Council I Hu IT 8. " \XTlLli Be" two cnrrlwres on Ions time or will T V trade for horcca. William Lewis. SALK-Or Trxlo Six scc'tiona of ioo < l FJIl In Lincoln county , Ncl > . . on U. P. railway. * Call on or acltlrun Udell llros. & Co. , Iff ) Pearl et. , Council Illiiffo. lias a coinplcto line of , Lartfo hats In whlta , tilnck ami all colon Pat tern bonnet * , hiu.i and toques , a specialty. No 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. CROCKERY , LAMPS , JBimWARE , FINE POTTERY. I'rlces Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JV'O. 23 MAIM ST. , COUXCIL V LUFFS , I A : Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Fire'Escape , Electric Call Bells. Accommodation * First Class And Kales Reasonable Max Mohn , Proprietor BEST LIGHT LIVERY The tinest of drivini ; horses ahvav * on hand nnd for sale by MASE WISE. Star Safe Stabfes and Mule Yards. HroaJwny , Council ItlulfB , Opp , Dummy Depot. en * & . ( -1. _ _ _ _ _ Horses und mules constantly on hand for snlo at retail or in car load lota. Orders promptly filled by contract ou hhort notice. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. SHLUTKK & HOI.KV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council lilufl'ti E. S. BAKNETT , Justice ot the Peace , 415 liroiutwny , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city , Collections a specialty. JOHN Y. STUNK. JACOB SIMS STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law. Practice in the State and Federal Courts Rooms 7 and S Shugxrt-Beno Block. COUNCIL H L OFFICER < t PUSEY , 000 Uroailway , Council BluflTa.Iowa KtUblllbcd 1957. 1957.A. A. SCHUltZ , of the Peace. Oilicj over American Express. No. 419 BROADWAY HARKNESS BROS. , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OUT ALL Summer Dress Goods , White Goods Parastils , Gloves , Klitis , Hosiery , Etc. , Eic. OTJPl S'TOOIEC OF1 r Are Large Well Selected Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best. New Goods are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF Lace Curtains * CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC , Work Done by Competent Workmen. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. BEST MARKS AND HIGHEST GRADES OP Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to cnll on us. Instrument * Tuned nnd Repnlred. We never full to give sntl < * fticUon. Over QO years' Rxnurfcncc in Piano and Organ IVork. Swanson Music Co. No. 329 JJvoudway , Council Ulufl'n , Towa O. CT. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Hlultt Olllfc , * Temple. Omaha OJIlcc , .No . North lUlh mrcct. Particular attention given to In vesting fund * lor non ro l- deiit < 4. Special bargains In lot * Ac acre property In Omaha At Coun cil til u ( ft. orrcnpondcnce nolle- lied. BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THT. BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE ROOMS and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : : Boaiders : : Reduced. : : Ratus. SPECIAL PRICES for 30 DAYS On Furniture , Household Goods , Stoves , etc. , to make room for Fall Stock. Goods Sold on Installments. A. J. MANDEL , - - Nos , 323 and 325 Broadway. Council Bluffs , Iowa. No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A c'o.tti'i.irru AS.son.'i\nr\T Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign ,