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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. JULY 25. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. fA- TEIIMS or sunsciurrtON i Dnllr ( Mornl.iff Kdltlon ) Including Bumlny DEB , Ono Vcnr . $10 01 ForBlx Months . 6 ( ) KorTlirco Months . 2W Tlio Omahn Hmnlny DKE , mnllo.1 to ntiy itddro&s , Ono Veur. . , . . . . 200 OMAHA Omoe. No. mi AND OH PAimu S NIMT von * Ofrtrit , Uoo\r tt. THIIIHNK IIUII.IIINO. WAHUIMJTON OrrlCX , NO.MJ FoUllTIl.VTIlBriltlT. cnnntsroNnnNcn : AH commtinlcntiorn rolntlnir to now.1 nndcdl- torliil tunttor should bo nd'ItuMoU to tlio KU1- sun or THI : IIK.K. IICRlNrfS J.F.TTEItSt All lHi lnc i letters nnd retnlttiincos should 1m iMrcssod to Tne IIKIC I'uiii.isniNn COMPANY , OVUM. Drafts , cheeks nnd po lc > tflco onion to bo inado payable toihaordcrof tlio company. THE BEE PUBIMIHTSPW , PROPRIETORS , E. HOSEWATER. Knrron. THE DAlLiY BEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btate of Nebraska. I . , County of Uoiulos. fs > s- Oeo. U. TzRchucic , secretary of The Jleo Publishing company , does solemnly swear tliat the actual circulation of thn Dally Uco for the week ending July ! . 1837. wa as follows : Saturday. , ! uly IB U.200 Bundav.July 17 H.SOO Mnndav.JulylS 14.WK ) Tuesday. July 10 1H.H1K ) Wednesday , July HO. 13.SXX ) Tmiruav. Jnlv21 WHO Friday , July 23 13'Ji-i Avernco 14.075 OF.O. H. T/.BomrcK. bworn to nnd subscribed In my presence this2:3d : day of July , A. D. 18S7.N. . N. P. Frit. , fSKAj , . ! Notary Public. State of Nebraska , ) , . Donelns County. | ss Oeo. B. Tzschuck , belnc ; first duly sworn , deposes and says that lie Is secretary of The Heo Publishing company , that the actual averapo dally circulation of the Daily Bee for the month of .luly , 18W5 , 12,314 copies ; for August , 1880 , 12.4M copies ; for Septem ber , 1880 , 13,030 conies ; for October , ISSfl , 12t , 9 copies ; for November , 1880 , 13,34s copies ; for December , 1880.13'jn ? copies ; for January 18b7. 10.2CO copies ; for February , 1887 , 14,108 copies ; for March. 1887 , 14,400 copies ; for April , 1887.14,310copies ; forMay. 1887 , 14.2-.7 copies ; for Juno 1837,14U7 copies. ORO. n. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 1st day of July A. 1) . , 1887. [ SEAL. | N. P. FKII. . Notary Public. i THE rumor that Council Bluffs is to 1 ohango its name to Manawn is stoutly ' denied by tlio enterprising citizens of our sister city. Now that Robert Garrett has gone to Europe it is to bo hoped that tlio Balti more & Ohio deal will bo off , or that sorao other person bo allowed to handle tlio cards. WHILE the prohibition movement , is Crowing stronger every dav there is no indication that the saloonkeepers are Jotting up on the quantity of croten they nro putting in tlio whisky. EVEUY member of the city council is | individually responsible for Ibis actions , nnd cannot excuse himsQlf for sup porting illegal measures or jobs because Bomo other councilman advised , or askec1 him to do so. THE citizens of Nebraska City arc fully up to the standard in the hanging business when they once get their hands in. Two hangings in two days without corroding the limit , is at least Keeping up the reputation of the place. TDK Kov. Dr. Savidgo would bo doing the proper thine if bo would use his tal ents and energies on fallen men ; particularly those who have f.illen into the h iblt of loafing while their abused and neglected wives support them. AN enthusiastic admirer of Carl Sohurz feelingly refers to the ox-Missouri states man as in poor health and compelled to work very huril for a living. If this keeps up it will not bo surprising to hoar of Mr. Schurz cngago in chopping cord wood for six bits a day and boarding himself. THE late Sylvanus Cobb , Jr. , was in his way and day a most successful story writer. Few Americans romancists have boon moro widely read. His most notable production was "The Gunmaker of Moscow , " which was translated into rJOveral languages , was dramatized , and was deservedly popular both as story and and pluy. SHEUIFP McCuLLAM , of Otoo county on Thursday remarked that in order to take ShollenbtTgcr from the jail the wiolj would have to walk over his ( McCullam's dead body. In the very excellent repoi of the lynching of Shollonborger printed in the BEE this morning , we fail to find where the sheriff's body , either dead 01 alive , was walked over. Tim boodlers of Chicago are fully con vinced that that city is no longer n gooc Bummer resort. Hospital Warden Mo Gariglo , true to the instincts of thi boodler race , has skipped to Canada. If others of the profession follow suit , the Chicago directory will bo lessened and reduced to above the size of a sp ellinj. book. THE American fishing vessels on the Dominion coast have been pursuing a yery careful course this season and it ia noted that the situation is in very favor abio contrast to that prevailing at this date a year ago. They have kept awaj from Canadian ports and out of the for bidden waters , and but two instances o any trouble have occurred , neither o which was at all serious. When boll parties to an issue nro willing to bo do cout nnd fair , the probabilities of a jus adjustment arc greatly increased. MR POWDEKLY having bean widelj quoted as saying that he would exclude all foreigners cxcopt such as on mo tc this country provided with sufficient moans to sustain them elTes for a , year lie has written to the editor of aScruutoi paper denying that he ever made any Biich declaration. What Mr. 1'owderly thinks , according to his last letter , Is that the emigrant should not conic hen until ho is sura of employment withou robbing another of it. We think Mr Fowdorly will find that his last proposi tion is oven less creditable to his goot BOUSO than the ono which ho denies bav ing made. An emigrant cannot bo sura o employment hero cxcopt upon a contract nd to make a contract to perform labo here would exclude him. Mr. Powdorlj correctly says that "statesmanship of tin highest order will be required to handle this prcblnui. " It remains to be scoi whether ho will bo oue'to contribute anything practical to its who solution. In I'crinnylvitnln. Tlio disclosures made by a $ ow World correspondent regarding the ctm Htlori of ( ho mining population of Penn sylvania must silence the boasting of liojo who contrast the Independent and well paid labor of the United Slates with .ho hard lot of labor in England , for ex ample. Wo do not recall anything cited > .y Mr. Porter , as the result of his hives- .igations among the mining districts of England , which shewed that tlio opera tives in the mines of that country are subjected to greater hardships , priva tions and injustice than are those em ployed in the mine. * of Pennsylvania , and it was no part of the mission of Mr. Porter to make matters that caino under Ins observation appear less re pulsive than they really were. The investigations of the cor respondent in Pennsylvania , and ho seems to have prosecuted them with thor oughness and with an honest desire to get at the exact facts , show that the white miners in that slate are to-day being sub jected to conditions of living infinitely worse than were those to which the slaves of the south were subjected to , and under which most o ) them have been placed in a position that renders escape by any effort of their own impossible. Miserably sheltered in hovels that could be rebuilt every year for the rent ex acted , compelled to purchase everything they use at company stores and pay enormous prollts therefor , subjected to rules and regulations which are not only destructive of their independence , but a means of petty robbery by those charged with their enforce ment , plundered of their small earnings by every mean and unjust device that a grasping Ingenuity can invent , denied all opportunities of education and elevation , these unfortunate miners are the most varitable serfs now to bo found In any civilized country. If these disclosures do not bring about some legislation by the state for the re lief of these people Pennsylvania will be dishonored before the world. Thoroughly as her legislators nro believed to bo under the control of the corporations , it cannot bo that they will close their oars to the appeal that comes up from the mining regions of the state for some measure that will ameliorate the hard and degrading lot of the thousands of men , women and children who are now the helpless creatures of a grasping and heartless tyranny. Some thing can certainly be done to give these people a measure of what belongs to them as human beings Iving in a free and enlightened nation , and to restrict the power of the soulless despotism that now holds in bondage both their bodies and their soula. The great wrong cries trumpet-tongued for redress , and the party that controls the affairs of Penn sylvania will be false to its history and to its professions if it shall fail to heed the cry. The Torus Cattle Trail. A dispatch from Denver a few days ago gave a circumstantial account of the action of a number of Texas caitle men in turning back 50,000 iiead of cattle that were in tlio trail from Texas to Wyoming. It was said that the herds were started under the mistaken supposition that the haid winter in Wyoming , Montana and Dakota had made cattle scarce there , and when it was learned that such was not the case the decision was reached to turn back all the cattle still on the trail. This action the dispatch said , would practi cally do away with the cattle trail which has been in use for many years , while disastrous consequences to the Texas cattle interest from this section were pre dicted. Later advices throw some discredit upon thin information , Ono of the most extensive cattle raisers in Texas charac terized both' the statement of facts and the deductions as absurd , While it is probably a fact that there is no domnml for a great many cattle that have been driven up from Texas , and some of those might bo driven back as far as the In dian territory , there was not the slightest probability that they would bo returned to Texas. Another Texas cattleman took a similar view , saying that even if there is no sale for the trail cattle they can bo successfully wintered in western Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado and the Indian terri tory. He saw nothing in the situation to alarm Texas cattlmncn. A San Antonio dispatch says stockmen there give no credence to the Denver statement , which was erroneous in the lirst place in report ing the number of cattle on the trail much larger than it really is. It is significantly stated , however , thai Texas breeders very generally recognize that the old days of the trail are over , and that the only salvation of south western ranchmen lies in homo slaugh tering-houses and refrigerators , which they are preparing to build. A move ment of this defensive character has been talked about for some time past , and if it is really ripening into a practical under taking the result will be awaited with a great deal of interest by the cattle inter est of the whole country. It would in augurate a new competitive force , the probable influence and effects of which cannot be estimated with any degree of certainty. But it does not appear , at a superficial glance , that any of the ad vantages would bo largely with the cattlemen of the southwest in such an enterprise. Very much would depend , of course , upon improvements in breeding , care , feuding and so on , which are doubtless to be attained , but for a considerable time , If not permanently , the advantages of competition would be with the cattlemen uf the northwest , at least so far as the homo inaiKet i < con cerned. If it is no longer expedient or profitable for Texas cattlemen to dnvn their cattle to Wyoming there is plenty ol room to winter them in Nebraska , Western Kansas , Colorado and the In dian territory , and those wintered in the llrst two state will be accessible to large and growing markets. It is ju t possible that investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in slaughtering houses and re frigerators might in time become profit able to the Southwestern cattlemen , butihe immediate promise of such au enterprise is certainly not Muttering , and wo hare no doubt that those who keep out.of it will have reason to eongratulate themselves upou their superior judge ment. Uv Wonder what lort of a "combine" it was between the Republican and the Herald which prompted the latter to re linquish all cl.tiin upon the city printing ? Miller and .Mi/S.'i.a : : editor was at Lin coln during tmi whole legislative session making frantic oQbits to revise the city printing clause of the charter which re quired the council to take into consider- ntion the city circulation of each bidder. Chang of the Herald nnd Ktig of the lie- publican pooled issues in the charter light , and made city printing a specialty. They howled about the pretended job which the Douglas delegation was trying to perpetrate in the interests of the BEK. Hut when the job is put up to make the Republican the olll- cial paper without competition nt moro than one hundred per cent above the price at which anybody else can adver tise in that sheet , the Herald is as mum us an oyster. There is no "combine" between Me- Shane's jmpcr and the Republican , uv coorse , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUB emigration commissioners of Now Yorn seem to bo badly in need of reform. They appear to have become completely impregnated with the nuti-lmmigralion theory , nnd evince a tendency to do things both Illegal and inhuman. Of the latter class was the case of a young woman who recently arrived with her child from Co penhagen. She had been sent for by the father of the child , who proposed making the woman his wife , nnd who is living In Duluth. She had a ticket to go to that city and money. Yet it was proposed to send her back on the ground that she was a pauper , that the child was born out of wedlock , and that the father is under no legal obligations to take care of cither the mother or the infant. The case was taken to the stale court and dis missed for want of jurisdiction. It will doubtless be taken to the United States court , in which a decision has already been rendered that the commissioners can exclude no one but convicts , idiots , lunatics , or persons likely to become a public charge. If the court should adhere to tins recent deci sion , as it undoubtedly would the woman would be allowed to go on to her desti nation. The zeal of the emigration com missioners has taken the wrong direction nnd evidently needs to be restrained. Perhaps the wiser plan , however , would be to replace them by men who arc capa ble of bettor apprehending their duty under the law and who will not so en tirely take counsel of their prejudices. THE intimation that the BEE'S de nunciation of certain councilmen is purely selfish and inspired by resentment over the city advertising controversy is wholly untrue. If the BIE had simply been scheming for its own interest there would have been no fraudulent contract with the Republican. The fact is , that the BEE has from the oulsct taken a posi tion squarly against the arbitrary nnd illegal course of the council with regard to the police commission. We have con demned without reserve the policy of obstruction inaugurated by the council bosses , nnd we have done this knowing that wo would incur their displeasure. The paltry wrofit of the city printing is not in controversy. The BED receives double the rate f/om private patrons which the city has paid for its advertising. But wo Insist that in lettlngtiie printing contract , as in all contracts , the council shall con form to the provisions of the charter. We have denounced BeclielaudMauvillo , especially because the former used his position as president of the council to improperly influence the city clerk lo hold back the advertising of ordinances passed in the middle of June for nearly live weeks , and entered into a conspiracy to promote the fraud which Taylor and Kothakcr have been engineering through the council. We have denounced Manville - villo because ho has shown himself to be an unmitigated fraud in connection with this job. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE apparently unrelenting attitude hitherto maintained by the British gov ernment towards its Irish subjects , has suddenly relaxed. The ministry is wav ering , has already made concessions , and the advocates of liorau rule are jubilant. Ghdstono is in the ascendant once more , Parnell and Dillon are satisfied and their feeling of triumph is so exuberont that they are proposing and drinking toasts to the health of the queen. Coercion has received its death blow nnd can never again bo seriously enter tained. The modifications proposed in in the pending land bill will tend to al leviate the distress in Ireland instead of helping the landlords. The commis sioners appointed to act as intermediaries between landlord and tenant have re ceived instructions to readjust their last scale of rents according to the decrease in values. The prospects now are that Ireland will receive the coveted boon of homo rule much sooner than was expected. Travcllyan has gone over to the Glad stone camp , and Goshen , who did so much to defeat Gladstone in tlio last election , is wavering. England tried long to maintain its seventeenth century policy in Ireland , but failed in the face ol modern enlightenment. THE escape of the condemned mur derer , Quin Bohnnnan , from the Ne braska City jail , was no doubt largely responsible for the lynching of Leo Shoi- lonberger , the convicted murderer of his own daughter. The people of Otoo county have been put to enormous ex pense in the trials of desperadoes ind criminals , who have finally escaped jus tice and given a new lease of life through technicalities of a trivial character. Lynch law is , of course , to bo deplored. In this case , as in many others , the people ple had become a gi'ovatod at the law's delays and the opportunities afforded for escape. They feared that Shellenbergor might follow in the footsteps of Bo- hannan , and they accordingly took the law into their own hands. It is certain , however , that they did not hang an inno cent man. As a sensational news center Nebraska City probably has no rival in the west. More really startling sensations have occurred there than in any other town in Nebraska' A few year's ago , if we remember rightly , two negroes were lynched thero. Uohannon was tried and cou doted thcro , and while under sen tence of death made liij escape. David Hoffman , the train wrecker , was legally executed on Friday last , nnd the next night Lee ShcKonborger , under sentence of death for the murder of his daughter a horrible crime in itself was taken from jail and lynched. Still another sensation was the big defalcation of County Treas urer Simpson , is now in the peni tentiary , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIK board of public workH should in vestigate the causes which have nearly ruined thn Tenth street pavement. When pavement Is torn up by private corpora tions , It should bo rqpluccd ns pvrfectly ns originally put oown. * CIIAXO MoiiHissnv is Indlgnantbccnuso ho is referred to as n rowdy editor in connection with I'ug Hothukcr , If a man docs not want to pass for n rowdy ho must not associate with rowdies nnd net the rowdy. WILL nny councilman explain why the bonds of the police commission , which wore Hied more thnn six weeks ago. have not been approved ? A MILK-AVAGON is abroad In the streets of Omaha bearing the legend : "Pure Mils. " ABtrango Inscription if true. BossiSMin the council must bo smashed , and combines again H good government broken up. STATE AM ) 'TBUlliTOllY. Nclirnsku Jottings. Otoo county is the paradise of chokers. The hemp crop in Otoo has been har vested. Shcllonbcrgcr to Hoffman "Hot there , Dave ? " The O'Neill Frontier has entered upon its eighth year. The Cutnlng county fair will bo held in West Point , September 1-1-10. Pluttsmouth is offered three miles of belt railroad for a bonus of $20,000. Michael Ailelinan , of Madison stumbled off a blind liorsu and broke his nock. The tempovnture of the here and here after is about a stand-off for Nebraska murderers. Ole Anderson , the Brown county wife murderer , will join the majority before Thanksiving. A severe wind storm last week did some damage to grain fields in the north eastern counties. The Brownville Enterprise , by F. J. Tell't , is the latest effort to vitalize the ex- capital of Neuiaha. A sand drift ditched a train near How ard city last week. Only a commercial tourist was injured. A " " crook from "queer" pushing Chicago attempted to unload his surplus on the rustics of Phelps county. He was jailed. \yilllam Benden , an old and prominent resident of Fairbury , died suddenly Fri day night. Ho had boon ailing only live hours. Frank Rczahcck , the Plattsmouth boy whoso log nnd hand were recently crushed by the curs , died nl blood poison ing Friday. The Klklioru Valley extension will bo completed to Seward to-day , and an old-fashioned celebration is liable to break IOOKO. The bridge which is to span the Missouri - souri and give Sioux City a slice of Ne braska trade has alreadv been mortgaged for fl,200,000. HI Nebraska has snnt three red-handed representatives to the Chicago of eternity in seven days. The crop of murderers is crowing healthfully less. The first round th the Knox county seat light gave N < obrara a plurality , with five candidates in tlio. field. The second round is booked fof August 13. An active member ot the anti-novorty society sledged a safe in the Paul lum bar yard in Fremont and enuuli/.cd the distribution of wealth by taking § 2(5. ( Fremont has a directory population of 8.225. a phonominnl doubling of numbers since 18t5. ! This is directly due to the eligibility of the town' as a matrimonial market. The annual camp meeting of the Grand Island district of tile Methodist com mences to-day. The faithful nro promised a season of salvation and urban recrea tion at reasonable rates. A man named Bonzon assaulted Her man Wilgohs in Wlsncr , and seriously battered him with an iron bar. A dog started the fracas. Bcn/.en was bound over to the district court. The campaign in Burt countv is widn open. Candidates arc as thick as skcotors on the bottoms , and newspapers are harvesting an extensive and timely crop of five-dollar announcements. Hastings has an ollleial dog killer. He wears a revolver , a shotgun , some clothes and a ferocious brow , and his majestic strides have not been equaled since the Wahoo rangers rushed the grov/lor "ycaha and yoahs ago. " The republicans of the Seventh judicial district , being largely in the majority , do not relish the species of "reform" that places n democrat on the bench as an of fering to non-partisanship , it is there fore settled that Judge Crawford must go. go.Tho The hairless hundreds of Hastings are 4)oartily ) in favor of the anti-hat-tipping societies. The man who works his arm \vith a puniD-handle motion and brings his cady below the bolt in an effort to keep up witli the fashion nnd appear po lite , longs for the return of tlio way-back tip nnd the minting "howdy. ' It is terribly embarrassing for a bald-headed man to doff his tile and display a barren dome in public. The editor of the Culbortson Sun has been tendered a poultice of the criminal libel law , and is arranging his business for a fall vacation in Hycrsvlllo. The Sun spotted some transactions by Perry & Crews , real estate agents , which did not appear strictly honest , and at once pounced upon them with all the raging licat of a summer resort. The firm was thoroughly baked , but the Sun is now nursing the blisters. W. W. Phillep , a bilious resident of Ayr , gives promise of developing con siderable ability as the Mulimttan of the Blue Valley. He talents in this line at tracted attention in Chicago , and ho was nt once invested with the honors of the Nebraska bureau of the Inter-Ocean. His last effort was a whopping fabrica tion ol the condition of farmers in the southwest. lie saw famines , droughts , chinch bugs , measles , mortgages , money tenders nnd other human parasites stalk ing through the land arm in arm with red-handed ruin. Prompt measures should be adopted to reduce his swelled head. i I The destiny of Plattsmouth hangs by the ballot box to-day. It Is n question of building a live city or relapsing into a village cemetery. Two bond proposi tions nro to be voted on , the paving of Main street and the1 ' .Sewering of the creeks. Tlio Journal srrauts In scriptural tones , .i'Shako off y'ppr sluggishness , scrape the mots from'your ' backs if thcro is any there , anil bo' ' true , wide-awake , vigorous , enterprising , hope-inspiring citizens. Give un tlio day for the good of your town and carry'tho bonds , nnd if successful you will borproud of yourself , proud of your neighbors and proud of your town. " Bordeaux ; a lively young town in the northwest corner , threatens to pluck the wild and wicked plumes from Broken Bow's sombrero. A few days ago a prominent citizen was hung in efllgy for inviting a preacher to town. Near the town a man is holding down a claim with a double-barreled aliotgun , while just across the line in another fellow with n load of lumber. This state of affairs has existed now about two weeks. The man with the shotgun holds the claim , but the moment ho abandons it the fellow with the lumber will jump it and get his im provements started first. The man with the shotgun haw failed to get lumber. Friends supply the pair with food nnd the matter has resolvent itself into a ques tion ot endurance. The uipu with the shotgun has the weight of. th'o' nrjumont in his favor at present. Inwa Item * . i ' ' , ' Algona is boring for natural gag. Tlio parties shot at the clrcuS nt Clin ton nrn improving. lowaus will nriiy next Sunday for the success of prohibition In Texas. The Methodists will hold n cnmo meet ing at Five Mile grove , near Atlantic , August I ) to 10. M. J. Fahoy , of Mttscatlno , was drowned by whisky nnd water , too much of the former inducing him to jump Into too much of the latter. The ftato veterinary surgeon reports thnt the disease among horses nnd cattle at Columbus .Junction is the result of im proper feeding nnd has been greatly ex- acgcrated , Hans Brookman , who mysteriously dis appeared from Toledo , October 0 , 18SO , ind for tlio supposed murder of whom attempts navy been mndo to indict sev eral parties , has returned to Toledo. Ho had been in Kansas nnd Indian territory. According to reports just received by Govoinor Larraboo , thcro are In the state 80,373 acres of land used for poor farms , nnd the value of this property Is esti mated at fl)01-100. ) The total number of inmates in the poor-houses are 1,764 , 1,001 mtiles and GU3 females , of which 157 are under 10 years of nge and 482 over 00 years old. DaKotn. Pcnmngton county has a cash balance of sfl3.881.83. Burglars are doing a profitable busi ness in Sioux falls. Boston men of means nro investing in Aberdeen real estate. Wheat hi Webster county will average thirty bushels to the ucro. Y'ankton rejoices that railroad connec tion with Otnnha is one of the early cer tainties. The executive board of the Farmers' Territorial alliance was in session nt Huron last week. The jury at Webster , in the case of William M Evans , ex-treasurer of Grant county , returned a verdict of not guilty after being out about twenty irlnutes. The verdict meets the approbation of the entire community. No Wonder Hue Is Tired. Ke\c York World. The latest reports about the affairs of the National opera company intimate that at last the woman who had the tact , persevcrenco nnd liberality to carry the enterprise forward to an artistic if not a financial triumph has become wearied of the burden nnd Beeks a release from the entire responsibility. When others have subscribed Mrs. Thurbor has aid up. When others promised Mrs. Thurbor performed. When applause was loud Mrs. Thurbor was in seclusion. When trouble was rife Mrs. Thurbor was to the foe. It 5s high time that those who hayo reaped her triumphs and evaded her cares should now bo com pelled to share her embarrassments. Wo are aware that the affairs of the company are in need of readjustment. We should like to see Mrs. Thurber press for a settlement at once , and receive her deserts for the past before she incurs any further responsibility or worry for the futiiro. In the course of some remarks yester day wo had occasion to flagellate the American people for base ingratitude to those who assume the risks and .suffer the annoyance of leadership in public affairs , whether it be to save , govern or please the people. Wo regard the indifferent attitude of our countrymen and women toward their own national opera as an other evidence of their increasing indif ference to anything and everything which does not directly bring them gold or promise of reward. Ilarticssluj ; Mnirnrn Illvcr. ffew Yuri : World. A number of the business men of Buf falo have enlisted a scheme to utilize the water power of the Niagara river at or near that city. They propose to offer a prize of if 100,009 for the best plan for ap propriating as much of that power as may be needed for mechanical purposes. Inventors or engineers in all parts of the world will bo free to compote. A con siderable amount of money , it is said , has already been subscribed. The project is an enterprising ono , and it is to bo hoped that it will be successful. The same idea is practically carried out at the little city ofScliaflhauscn , two miles above the Falls of the Rhine. At the lower end of the city the current , eras as much of it us is wanted , is turned on a small army of turbine wheels , and the power is distributed by a large system of towers and belted along the line of the water front , whence it is taken off later ally to the numerous factories using it. A modification of this sjstem would bo needed at Buffalo , no doubt , owing to the greater difficulties of the larger river. If the difficulties are overcome the en gineers will probably want to wrestle with the problem of utilizing the Falls themselves. They will find an ( esthetic as well as physical obstacle to overcome hero. The Worfet Kind of Gamblers. Clevtlttnil [ Miller. The lesson of the late coffee corner has scarcely been road before a new attempt is made by another gang of speculators to artificially raise the price of this article and compel the public to pay a largely increased cost for one of the daily necessaries of life. So far the effort has met with success , and the price of cofl'co has largely increased. Of course there Is no law against nny mnn or syndicate buying up all the coffee or flour or grain they are able to pay for. Whatever evil the community suffers be cause of the ability of a single man or company to buy nnd keep out of the market ono or moro of the necessaries of life , it must submit to as inevitable. But the practice of buying wheat , corn pork , cott'eo , and other articles upon margins , by speculators who thus tie up and con trol the food upon which society exists , should bo made unlawful , as it is against public policy , and the offender should bo severely punished. Syndicates formed for purely specula tive purposes are conspirators the public weal. They are among the worst enemies of the bread winners of the world. The speculator is the shark of society. Ho preys upon mankind , produces nothing , and should bo treated us the worst kind of a gambler , who plays with stacked cards and loaded dice. Stopped n Kunaway. A horse to which was attached a phaeton ran away on Eleventh street. The horse started from In front of the Windsor hotel. A lady whoso name was not learned was in the vehicle. At the corner of Howard nnd Eleventh strcot * Colonel Forbes rushed and caught the frantic animal by the bride. It was a courageous act and warmly npplaused by the bystanders. Are you weak and weary , overworked and tired ? Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine to purify your blood and give you strength. The improvements on the Scward street M. E , church will cost about fJ.OOO. The building is to bo made just double its present capacity , and it will be some eight week. * before the work will be finished , The huao , drastic , griping , sickening pills am fast being superseded bv Dr. ' " Pellets. " Pierco's "Purgative . JO TIIAVKL. " \ TIIAVKL..f An Omalrnu AVrttci of Hli Trip In the W.oat. SAiior.XT , Cole , , July 21 , [ Cot respond- cnco .of tlio Bin : . ] In traveling from Omaha to Denver through the South 1'latlo country ono cannot but bo im pressed by the wonderful development of that section wrought by the enterprise nnd business melhods of the B. & M. Hallway company , During an entire day ono rides through Nebraska with the way lined on both sides with highly im proved farms , stretching north and south as far as the eye can reach , with prosperous towns at intervals of n dozen miles or M > . It is difficult lo realize that this grand change from a bleak and deso late pratnc has been brought about in n very few years. Had the North Platte country been similarly developed by the Union Pacific , Omaha would have n population of 200,000 and the state 1,500- 000. Nebraska is fortunate in having the aid of the B. & M. in her up-building , but unfortunate in that her chief city is so little bonofilled thereby. A glauco nt the map shows what this powerful company has done In the build ing of branch roads , and also shows these roads connecting with n broad , black line \vhich crosses the Missouri rirer at Plattsmouth and stretches across Iowa and Illinois to Chicago. Will the North western accomplish a like transforma tion in the North Platte country , cross ing the river at Blair ? LOVE'S rouxc ; DKKAM. Coming out on the Uio Grande yester day from Denver a couple evidently newly married occupied a sent In the sleeper directly In front of mo. Much billing nnd cooing finally produced hun ger nnd the husband took a package of fruit from his satchel. Each took a large California plum and when half eaten the husband proposed an exchange. Let jt bo hero recorded , to the credit of the bride , that she hesitated , though for but a moment , then ho finished his plum in n dainty , delicate fashion , while ho swnl- lowed hers witli n yum-yum and gusto interesting to observe. Ihen she pro duced a small lace-embroidered handker chief and wiped her mouth , when the handkerchief was at once seized by the young man who swobbed off his bristling red moustache with it. This Denver & Uio Grande road strikes one who has not been accustomed to narrow gauge lines as being a sort of toy affair operated for fun and not for a profit. In knocking things oft" the track , however , Its engines seem quite as efficient as these of larger growth. Just before reaching Pueblo ( where wo wore served with n yery poor dinner ) vcstor- dny , n young man attempted to drive a team ncross the track in front of UB , to find the hind end of his wagon thrown into the air and himself pitched headlong. The team dashed over the prairie with the front wheels and the train was stop ped as soon as possible and the young man taken aboard nnd brought to town. He was COVKHEU WITH ULOOU from two quite severe cuts in the head and complained of a'scvcrc Injury to the hip. hip.The The Atohisou & Santa Fc is pushing a line to completion which parallels the Denver & Uio Grande for many miles , so that the latter has been compelled in self-defense lo convert its line into u broad guago , which work is bcinc car ried on with a large force. Certainly no cue would want lo ride in Ihe little cramped cars of a narrow guajre road where the same coinls are reached by lines of Hie ordinary width. From Denver to Pueblo the scenery nlong the Denver & Kio Grande rivals in dreary monotony with the Southern Pa cific from Lathron lo Los Angeles. Soon after leaving Pueblo the road enters the mountain puss Ihrough which the Ar kansas river dashes and foams over the rocks. Hero Uio sconcrv is wild and picturesque beyond description. At one point , where the rocky walls rise on either side about a thousand feet , the railroad track perched on a narrow ledge along side the boiling river , hero compressed to n width of fifty feet , the railway ollicinls , hastening to post nu ignorant puulic , have erected a white sign with the word "Gorge" uaintcd thereon in broad , black letters. This would seem to be an un called for bit of enterprise , for if a pass enger ever travels over that part of the road and fails to recognize that particu lar locality as a gorge , he will bo too blind to read the sign. At the entrance to this wonderful canyon on open ear is attached to the train , in order to afford the pas'-engers a clear view of a section of railway scenery unequalled in the country. . AMONG TI1U CLOUDS. That is , unequalled , except on this same lipe of road , beyond Salida where the ascent of the mountain is begun , the train winding up the canyon , around rocky points up , up with a grade , at times showing a rise of 220 feet per mile , until we roach the summit where the only growth consists of a few stunted pines. A marvel ol engineering skill is this road bed. Ono shudders to thing of the consequences of the breaking of a coupling or any similar accident.J. . J. T. B. m An Anecdote of Hill Tweed. FMlatleliiMa Kuith American , The trial and conviction of Jacob Sharp have revived memories of the Tweed days , and many stories of "Big Six" are again in circulation. It . ecms real tunny , but still it is a fact that the dignified and ponderous Bill Weed wss tuniultuonsly fond of practical jokes. It was delightful relaxation to that very busy man when he could find time lo go to the little club-room of the Stable Gang over George Butt's Hotel do Horse , on the corner of Bayard nnd Elizabeth streets , and concoct nnrt carry out some came to bo played upon a familiar. U here he would meet congenial souls nnd would enter into the spirit of the "grand guys , " their romps and horseplay like a eahoolboy at large. One day a noted judge entered with a long , thin package under his arm , which , upon unwrapping , proved to he a halt' dozen glass "putty-blowers. " These were so suggestive of possibilities thai Tweed lauglu d hcarlily ever their more exhibition. They were passed around , and a waiter-boy wa dispatched for am munition of peas. The windows of the club-room , which was on thn second floor , were arranged with blinds that served to mask the conspirators. Helmut these each sharpshooter look his station , weapon in hand. The first unfortunate that came in range was the dandy driver of a spirited horse before a rod-wheeled , light pleasure wagon Hi.i girl lived op- posit" , nd wn looking out of her window witn admirincr eyes upon Ihe dashing fellow who drove un in such capital form. The young man knew that tint nyos ot Dnlnware wore upon him "The horflu'H nostrils , " directed Twi-od , And the horse rojoupon hi * hind Irusand shook his head , and darted forward in n manner a.together unaccountable ) to the alarmed dude. Ho tried to step down nnd out , but the capers of thti horse pre vented , and the dandy seemed a * if he felt that hn was cutting a rrdictilons figure. He coaxed with honnyud words of onde-.uiucnt , but to no purpose until a .ittle consequential Irulirnan , with high collurnnd a frock coal a ilzo or two too large , stepped upon the scene. Then the driver urn ! H respite , and tying his horse to a post ninl/Ud / into tl.c lioitio The Irishman was w.iMu ) ; with ft sway ing motion , his hands crowed behind He looked as if he owned it block of hoi > e.s , but ho didn't. In u moment ho had jumped three fuel In the air and was out into thti middle of the street , where he uiciied up two cobblestones , holding one-In tuclv.liaml , nnd looking. In every direction for his uilscen enemy.- Ho wrinkled his nose ami In 'many ways gave evidence of the unerring aim of one of the stable gang. Pretty soon ho got nnother centre , and then ho shook his head , smiled , dropped the cobbln- stones and walked elY with both hands covering his nose. Ho was no hop. Ho know when ho had enough. A colored gentleman , both hands In his trousers' pocket , n neglige air , nnd a whitn necktie had the gooduc. s to take the Irishman's place. In n Micond ho opened his nmple mouth nnd exclaimed : "Umph , yah , here now , dar. " And then ho win Red and next corrugated his nose. He commenced to peel olV Ills coat , but was admonished by a pro voking sting on his car that Horace Grccley , who was n wise man , was right when ho said that "it hurts to kick against nothing. " Ho smiled a ling of truce nntl hastened away from the spot. And so It continued "for an hour , the shooters screaming with delight over tlio curious antics of their vlotiuis , and Tweed nt last surfeited with fun , taking his departure possibly to caucus or a nominee for governor of the great em pire state , or to approve of a scheme whereby a million would bo ndded to his gains. * A DATTLE IN ACOURT ROOM. How Two Georgia l.nwycrs Rcacntcd i ho lilc. Atlanta Special to the Kansas City Star : "If you see anything of stray ink boltles , glue pots , Georgia reports and bibles , please leave them with Uio clerk of the superior court. " This notice is to bo found posted on the front door of tlio county court house This morning a fierce Imtllo was waged in the superior court room. Since yesterday morning Judge Van Epps , of the circuit court , occupying the superior court room has been hearing a case in which there is a great deal of loeal interest. The prosecution is represented by Colonel George T. Fry , and the de fense by Colonel L. W. Thomas. Colonel Fry began his argument and stated some thing about the suppression of testimony. "Say , look here , Colonel Fry , " ex- clamed Colonel Thomas , ns he sprang to his feet , "if you. mean to accuse mo of witnholding nnd suppressing any testi mony you tell what is downright untrue. " The Hush of rage dyed the cheek of Colonel Fry ns he turned upon Colonel Thomas and fiercely broke forth : "Colonel Thomas , if you moan that I have told nn untruth you are a liar. " A Georgia report came llyintr out of Colonel Thomas's band straight at the head of Colonel Fry. Over came a code from Colonel Fry. Then followed "Greonlonf on Evidence , " Georgia re ports and bibles flew thick and fast and when the books gave out Colonel Thomas picked up n glue bottla and'sent n double- twisted curve , which struck n juror and ruined his coat. An ink bottle CHIIIO uext within reach of Colonel Thomas' hands , nnd this .vus sent after the glue pot. The bottle missed Colonel Fry , but the con tents gave" him a copious shower of copy ing fluid. While Colonel Fry was dodging the ink and duo bottles tles ho stumbled over a juror's foot , and as ho fell to the floor his eye fell on n spitloon. The large , lioavv spittoon was quickly seized nnd raided high in the air , but Colonel Thomas was out of am munition , and the spittoon was rather a dangerous weapon. A number of other lawyers interposed and Colonel Fry was disarmed. When the smokf ! cleared away and the battle ground could be viewed calmly and dispassionately , not an ink-bottle , nor a glue-pot , nor a book of any kind was on the tables. Colonel Fry spent something like half an hour removing the ink stains from his hands nnd face , while Colonel Thomas snnt nboy after nn cxtrn supply of cuffs and collars. Col- anel Fry a new straw hat was ruined with ink stains. Both parties apologized to Uio court , and Judge Van Epps replied in a tired voice , the exertion of dodging having been too much for him in such warm weather : "Gentlemen , I will decide about the contempt of court in this mat ter later on. Colonel Fry will you please proeee.d with your argument ? " The colonel began right whore ho loft ofl' . THIS LOVELY COJIl'LEXIOH 13 Tllfl UEfcULT Ol' USINO HACAN'S Magnolia Balm. It h ndrllslitfu ! LIQUID for the I'AOE , r MCK : , AlUIrt anil HANDS. Overcome ! llful , Kuuburu , Kallowui-tiii , Iteriuent , Alolh-rinche * nml overklml of SKIN Dlnfliiurcmi'iil. Applied Inamamcnt. t'lui- lint Lo Dcirctcd. I'UIli : and HARMLESS ! Tftko It wllh you to tlio Seaside , Iluuntalui anil all Ilnrnl lleiartu ; It I ] sn cleanly , re f resiling and restful after a Lot thltu , louy ramltlo or fa bulb. TRY THE BALM ! 1 ( lullI Iff ( iiuuiuiuu i/uuiit U. S. DEPOSITORY , Paid up HOPKINS'r Surplus . 42,000 II.V. . Vales. President. A E. Tuuzalin , Vicfi-I're ldcnt W. 11. S. Hughes. \V. V. Morse , John S Collins , II. W. YatfiR , LLWIS S. Koed. BANKINlTnFKICB A. K. Ton/aim. : THE IHON BANK Cor. 12th and Farnum Uts. A (3 ( en oral Hankin ? liuntncHS TratiBae.te HOPKINS' PHIGE $25 A COn. GB , VANDERVOORT , Iff 10 DodyoSt , , Oinulut.