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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1887)
I- - - . - . - . - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - _ _ _ _ . _ ; , . , ( . - ? . 1 V r- ' -II--- L ' - . - . 1t" - - , - - " - p " . - - - t )4 , . , 4' , . . . I . . . # . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i - 8 - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SIJNDAY JTILY 24. 18871-TWELVi PAGES. 0 isic ANOIIIER "ROCK. " 3t. Peter's Oatholio Ohurch to bo Solemnly Blessed This Morning. I DENOMINATIONAL DEVOTEES , . , Ttio IJuIkIInz iinil tile Varhih-rIg. nntorN hr the Good % 'ork-1tcv. . . p. j , Boyle the } 'Irt - tmfl4tur. Catholic Church. ; ; At 10 o'clock this niorititig t now . ' church of the CatholIc denomination wilt be blessed. It is one of the neatest little edIicos devoted to religious wQrsIIii ) ik : 11 the state aiiI jg situated on w1itt the "ton' ' say is a focal point for the most , proniltient and wealthy tnuinbors of the p. , . Catholic ( lenonlillation in tl.i . city vh' . Lcavetiwortli street near 1Iii1 Sherl. ' dan avenue. The building is of a : peculiar Gothic t1esiij , cowbiii Ing the household tnd 1)ubIie building featurc , so adroitly mingiwl that were it not for the cross that always points the way to the Itonie of this world and a great liornafter for the Catholic believer1 811(1 the stained wintIo' - one might think lie was observing a resi ( lonco ( If one of O'naha's wealthy citi. Tens. The construction material is presseti . brick , tue trunmings stone , and the fur. nisliings inside Pifle aIII walnut : uut not a drop of paint having touched the editiec from pew to Pulpit. 'I'Iic dimensions of the building nrc 5OxtJO , there is but one gallery , and that in the rear , sIdeh Is re&.Iy the orzuti loft. 'flie xiain altar will be of Gothic style also , cml formed of rare walnut wood. It is of utmique desIgn , being a triparte construction , the centre containing an elaborate oil ltint- ) : lug of "St. l'eter rccemvhu. the keys froxii Our Lord , ' ' while time side nltars , as . In all Catholic churches , arc devoted to . St. .Joseph toni time Blessed Virgimi Mary. These arc the gifts of Mrs. Johii A. Creighton , and viIl be stamidimig moan. meats to her religions sincerity , mis the costly altar lii St. 1Imllowuna's cathedral Is to that of her huiientcd sister , the late Mrs. Elward Creighitoti. Back of the altar s an irregular window of stained glass , the gift of the lion. .Johui A. Me Shmanc. It Is of lanLutiful and npptopri- ate design , fully in keepimig with the inir- poses for which it was donated. Following around to the right can be found other windows givan by staunch friends and parishioners of this church. such us i1. I. Murphy. 1'.itor . and Ann \Velsh , I' . Mantilug , In niemiiory of M. Kennedy , Andrew \Iurtilmy , J. J. Mahoney , Frcu Dellono , W. A. I. Gibbon , .1. A. Linna , han , Andrew Smith , A. J. Miillin , II. C. : Cushing , .J. J. O'Connor , John Keneally , 1) . J. O'lonahmoe , Mrs. E. boil , Joliti M. , -Mulhin , J. U. Lee , In Memory ofVinnio l1. Boyle , E. l4aron and F' . .i. MeShmane. 1 The stations of time cross pictures , repro. enting twelve eventful periods in time life of tIm Saviour , vih1 be very costly. 'rliey arc oil copies from the fatuous ori.imial designs of Jieschank and are time gift of I'.lr. ' , ) . L. sLi1es , ot r Davenport , In. , vhmo also furnishes mitost i of time vetmncnts for time clerical cero- uonies. In fitet , this geutlemiiun , alt - t though a non resident , has been exceed- I Innl' active s'ithi ' 'tirsc aiitl powu" in placing Omaha's iiuw clairehi on a solid rock. Altogether this now cluirchi Is oiic of the ornaments of time city , and the ; ) ur- : lslmonurs iiuiuber time wealthiest Catholics iii Omaha. Rev. I. J. Boyle is recognized - nized as the orator of his church in this state , and to his iiidmfatignble work is really duo the erection of this emliticu. ho was called from Fromoiit for this I charge. anl very sooti lie hint the fohlow fi lug luics uiling hmimii : lion. , Jolma it. I NeShnime , Ilomi. .Joini A. Creighton , lion. John ! . Miles , Frank Murphy and Mrs. John A. Croi"hton. who are the prhmneipal benefactors oi St. I'ctcr's. . 'The actlngcommlttco under the articles 1 of inoorlornLtloI& arc the Right Reverend 4 Bishop O'Connor , Vicar General ShuofYeI , I Rev. I' . J. Boyle , F'rctt lellomm and J. A. Linnalnium. Of these the 1)151101) is lresi : dent ex-ofliclo , Fattier Boyle , treasurer l anI Mr. l4Innaian ) , secretary. 'l'liis parish was started Iii 1886 , tIme Ilomi. .Joimmi A. MeSimane. Fred lellone , W. A. 1. ( Jib. , hon and J. A. I4imlnnthmntn being the origi- untors of time juovezilcut. No I church building was secured or occupieti , however , until tIiO lrescnlt i tine building was constructed in which the lnlrishmtouers vilL worship for time first time. it Is to cost $2OUU , InQEt of which amount has aircatly been i : paid. Thu sermon to ttay will be dcliv- crett by the lastor , Rev. P. .1. Boyle. Farniur's grand Iii"li mass will ho stlilg , I the singers beig priiIcially , fromu I tim junior members of St. I hillomuonis's I cathedral choir nintler tim direction of : rrof. Longucil , front Montreal Canada. TIlE CIrYI'ItINTING. Another 1nJunothun/gatnB tIne City -Grmnutot fly Juao SVakeloy. Judge \Vakoly yesterday granted a ro trmtInIng order , returnable next Vcdnes- I dayprohibltiug the city fromii advertising In the Onialia Republican. 'l'his injunc- I. tion was Issued owing to tine fact that the i city council by resolution laid directed i all city officers to muivertiso in the liepub- lican in spite of time mujunction issued by 3 Judge ( hoW two vocks ago. . The charter reltIhra ( thu olileinil adver- tisimig to be let to the lowest balder. 'l'iie order of the cIty council makes a contract - ? tract with the licput3licau without invit- lug biit. Under the charter every contract antI every resolution iiivolvimmg tInt expeinti- ' turo of niomnoy must be smmbiiiittvtt to time iunyot for his approval. 'I'hme muuyor has : in thus case beau ignored amid time resolu- tton hiss hot bccmi submitted within forty- eight hours after passage as required by 1 law. It is also munintainmed that t Ito order of time city council wzt5 ii violation of time : s1mirit of tIme Imijmmuctiomi granted by Judge z tiroll Such arc tito grounds upon wimlcit J Jutlge'akely granted tlmi lust imijune- tion. - Disrhct Court. : Asa G. Pettibone ima begun suit against the Union Jacihic , Omuttlia & Southwest- i - cmi , Chicago , ilurllngton & Quincy amid the 11. it : : M railways to recover Iosscs- ion of lot No. ) , In block 27 , city of Onialma , iiiitt time rents that have accrued f dtirlmig the time of ibe unlawful 1)05505- 4 iou. iou.Eben IC Long brings suit agiiiist his I clmiktrcn , Aniiie ( i. , hattie it. anal ( 'buries U. Long , to recover title to bUOO worth Ar- of real estate , the samnt , as 1w alleges , I. having itceit hotmght : uuitl paid for by his owmt lunacy uttiti tleetlcd to lmis vlc. iio , I : liowevuir , ( Iyumic lmi April , lSSl , the child. i . * roll , two 01 lIOIii itQ 110W of ago , ask Qr ii division of tIme property on the - ground that it belonged to their mother. I- I4 4 1)eath ot William flew , Jr. - . News coimmns from \\'ood l4ake , Nob. , of the dcnttim of'illiamn Dew , jr. , caused . : . by a fall from a Iipjse. lie was a youmig i , . . . inumi of twenty , the son ef'illhuu , . flcv , the contractor anti bimmlder who for. I nicrly lived on 'l'vemmty.t imird timid Iaven- l ; port streets , In tlmis city. lie was a . . bright young mmmii , and vlimle in Omimaima . was a carrmuir of time thiE : and wa dlstlii- , gulslmeul fur his faithfulness miuti dli- . ol inoy. 11W stitlttoim death is a great blow to his varcuts. . JolmnGrmiut slag and steno pavciuent , . rqon 26 v1fl1ock , . Tel.821. , . . : . .i . PADOOIEELRI L. ' MONDAY , MONDAY , MONDAY , MONDAY , Grand Clearing Sale of Summer Goods. All odd lots , and all kinds of Summer G-oocls that we do not intend to carry until next season.wi1l be sold regardless of cost price. We call seoial attention to the Figured Lawns at 2c and 3o per yard , as being remarkably cheap , and the designs and colorings are the best manufactured. Also , we call special attention to the Embroidered Robes , at $3.13. Embroideries at 9c and Sateens at 12c. Bed Spreads at 69c , and White Goods at lOc. We ask.all of' our customers to come early and get a good selection , and we guarantee to have kinds and quantities of goods just as advertised , on Monday , at 8 a. m. N. B. FALCONER. DRESS GOODS , 6c. DRESS GOODS , Ole. DRESS GOODS , O3. We have 12 pIeces grey mixed Mohtiii' Sulthncjs , 27 inches , and L ; pieces Lace Bunting , also 8 pieces Fancy Suiting that is wor'th fm'om 1Cc to 83c rem' , am'd. On Monday our price is Ole. White Goods. VThito Goods. Odd lots and patterns of white and fancy striped goods that we have been selling at 18c , 171c and 20c ; reduced to lOe. Figured Swiss. Figured Swiss. Two pieces to close out all of our Figured Swiss. These goods come in white with white dot and figures ; white with colored dots and figures ; cream and ecru with white dots and figures also cm'eam and ccruwitli colored dots and figures. Figured Swiss that we have been selling at 3Cc , 371c and 40c , reduced to 25c. Figured Swiss that we have been selling at 40c , 421c , Oc and COc , all reduced to 8Cc. Embroidered Robes ! ho season for Embroidered Robes Is nearly over. We have about 85 robes left that we have been selling at $4.75 , $0 , $6.60 and $7 ; for this sale Monday we make one price on the lot , $3.18. After Monday these robes will be sold at their regular prices. EMBROIDERIES ! 9o9c9c9o 20,000 rards Fine White Embroidery - broidery , also a big line of "Kings" Tucking , all at 9e pete yard ; worth from 121c to 1Cc. LAWNS. LAWNS. 2c 2o 6,000 yards Printed Lawns In a very large range of good patterns - terns , will be sold Monday at 2c per yard ; they are worth Ce. Only 12 yards to each customer , and none after Monday at this price. LAWNS. LAWNS. LAWNS. . Ce. Sc. Cc. 25,000 yards fine Printed Lawns , elegant patterns , new designs , at 31c , worth 8h. Not more than 20 yards to each cus- tomer. ing was called for atul time hid from time herald was reported to be time cheapest. On mnotiomi time printing was awarded that paper. Mr. Copeland otrored a resolution that tIme chnmreii near time Lake school be fitted up with seats for tine use of time school. Adopted. _ _ _ _ IT. P. METhODS. Two Cases in VhIcti the Present Reform - form Costs Money. There has beeni a great deal said about the economy which is being practmced by time present imianaomncnt of the Union l'aciilc railroad. By way of exomplihica- tion , it is said that Mr. I'otter huts abel- lislmed a nuimiber of the minor olilces and itiiosed their duties upon emuploycs whom he has scent lit to retain. Tlmis fact has beeni strongly attested in time case of time abolition of the superfluous supernumeraries who , for soimmo time lmckl easy positions in time offices of time division superimitcnidnt on Tenth street. 'l'ime offices whelm knew theme once . are how OCCiiJletl by time l'ullmmman Cur corn- puny , and time employcs inc now walking tue streets , working for other comimpammies , or acting as preferred clerks in other do- pirtmmmemmts of time Union Pachile. One of time iirst supernumeraries to go sviat Mr. l'mursons , who tried to lint ! some- timing to do acting as truinmuastur. lie felt a victim fme months ago , and time duties of his Position devolved upon the duet dispatcher Southern , who held his iositlomi timithl the first of time present mouth. From the time of I'itrsons' re- tiremnent until time end of , Tumie , Southern porfornmed time work of traimimaster mind gemieral dispatcher , mmntt iluriug that period be successfully handled , it is damned , the emmormous amount of work which do. volved upon time road In the months liii- mediately preceding the cmiforccmemmt of tIi inter-state law. It Is claimed that this kept hitii UI ) night alter imight , and further , that in six weeks lie retired at night less than half a dozen times. When time miei' admuinustratmon caine iimto Pwe the otliec of gemmeral dispatcher , imelti by huimmi , was abolishmmh , though the other title of train muster , which tiescendeti to imimim from l'arsons , was retalimed. South- era was receivimmg $150 imer niontim. lie was smicceetted by Mr. Baxter with a sal. ary of .j2OO iier mommthm , and by another gen- tlcmmiau imained ( libimoy , whose wages are : i5O ICm muonthm. Baxter is nioniinally the general dmsimtcher and truimumnmuster , timotmghm , as before nicutiomied , time former otlico imas beemi abolished. 'l'hme work of both these POsitiOuiS Is ttoimo by Gibimoy In time mime of Baxter , 'immlo it is chuminiud time latter does little more titan make a mnoiithly trip with time iay-car. ) 'l'hme salary of both Baxter umud ( lbnoy amoimumts to t35O ver nmonmtfl amid timey , joimmtly , it is elaimnoui do emily time work formerly done by Southern for less thmamu half time sunc. : Another case urged mmgainst time con- sistuumley of time reform mnovenient is timat of the l'ute ' rouidmnmuster , F'itzireraid. This man Imad cimargo of time trumcl from Council Iiltmili to Valley. Exports recog. iiizeti time fact that , timougim a mmciv coiner , lie was one of time most competent mcii timat ever tilted time position on the road. lie was iuil lOO Per montim , but under time miew regime was transferred to Ski- ney mmmiii a trtickmmn : from Sidmicy was brougimt iii to stmiplmtflt imium at a salary of i5O lC nuommthm. In these two cases it is cluuimued timuit favorites have supplanted time oIlier People at an iimcrcused cost to the road of nearly 3OO per umiontli. Real Estftto at Auction. \\TO arc ifistructcml to sell at auction on \Vcdncsdiuy , July 27th , at 10 a in. , omm time ground , 481x10'J ' foot on liamicroft street imear 11th , belmmg lot I In block 3 , ( tminn's athiltion to time city of Omaha , 'l his isgood property anti shommiti receive careful consideration. Remember , Wed- imesday morning at 10 o'clock . on time grounds. Brown & Urcighuton auctions ecu-s. - Charles Kaufmuaummu has returnati froni his visit In Europe. 'anti will give his per- sonmul attention to his tire insumu-imnee amid real estate and loan business at 3O2 DougLas street. ' , . ' . ' . , : ' _ . 't. , ' , . , . . . . ' Sateens. S a teens. Sateens. 12c 123c 12c If you want to get a handsome Sateen dress , come Monday and get some ofoum' flew French patterns - terns of Sateens at l2ic. Others ask l7je for the same goods. Towels. Towels. T ow e 11 s. 50 dozen fri ncy Turkish Towels , worth ICe each. On Monday we will sell them 3 for 2Cc. 100 dozen Knotted Fringed Turkish Towels , fancy colorings. These Towels are sold over town at 8Cc. Our price at this sale only ICc each. Turkey Red Damask. 2Cc PER YARD. 1 case Turkey Red Damask , guaranteed fastcoloi'snnd worth 42e. Our price is only 2Cc pet' yard FANCY MOMIE LINEN TABLE SCARFS. Odd lots of Mornie Linen Table Scarfs with open work ends , knotted fringe , that are wom'th from 130e to 8Cc. We make a price to clean out the lot---25c each. Odd lots of Momie Table Scarfs , very long , handsome ends , at 371c Many ot' this lot is worth $1.00 and $1.28. Mosquetto Net. 100 bundles Mosquetto Net at 2Cc per piece ; regular pm'ice 4Cc. Huck Towels. ODD LOTS SLIGHTLY SOILED Thatwe lrnve been selling at 2Cc , 30c , 3Cc and 40c. All put in at 01'io price Monday--only 20c. FEATHER PILLOWS 100 pairs Feather Pillows at $1.26 per pair , worth $2. Geese Feather Pillows at $2.76 per' pair , worth $4. DOWN PILLOWS. 50 pain's Down Feather Pillows at $0 pci' pair , worth $9. Arlington , Neb. , s'as joiimed in vedluck to imimu yesterday by ,1uil.rc i\lc'milloelm. 'i'hmere is here rare mnateritis : for a pretty roimmance. liois- way hack in ' 'Ole'ir. . giiuimy" yotimig Ziegler 'oim thin gmrlisim love of tlmms yoummg mna iti eldOVei ivit it all time graces and ihysicmml bennmty of time Greek immuthien. I 10w time crowded east gave time : uu bitiomis young mumim : no chance to rise , and ime determined to go to time fur vest to carve omit a home. mmml to do this was forced to Part whim imis pronmiseil bride. how time years passeil and Iimmmn- : ciml : success crowned imis etForts. ttmd hOW , in time riieness of woimmmnimooti : sine coimies to time svest to jiin time lover ot her glrlisim tinys aimul be VOi to hminm. Uncalled For Assnmmit. Air. John Ithy , time venerable amid vcll knovn agricultural dealer , was sitting quietly in a chair iii frommt of tmis Place of bmisiumess on I Imrney : street lust evening , 'imemm alomg caume mm Immurty of yommimg blotuis bent eu mischief , In passimig Mr. Eby one of these fellows suddenly turned anti dealt time old gentiemnuum a powerful blow 0mm time face cuttiimg lmirum badly. Tlmcmi time coward anti his conipanmons ran : uvay. It is runmom-ed that time assailant is the scion of a well known Sarpy county funnily. whose imammies are imroiiuiimemmtlY iieiituhied with reUblieitfl ) politics here- aloumts , 1111(1 time cmmtmse of tIme assault on- timumtted hum seine adverse criticisms made by Mr. Eby on certain schemes time rela- tlvcs of time assailant laid inmammgurated. Young at time linshimoss. A. J. Carroll , ' .l'lmomas Simeeley ( colored ) , and Freti Freeman were imp boforc Judge Iterita yesterday charged with stealing citrars from a store emi time cornier of Eleventh and Javcrmport. Carroll Is IS , Slicely 1.1 , amid Freeman 18 years of age. 'l'imey took a key amit ! entered the store. Carroll got 15 tmuys in jail , nnml the other live were bound over to time district comurt in $100 etcii. : They wilt probably go to time reform school. lXttttetI , Yesterday afternoon a gasoline stove exploded at Kessler's mall om , Somitim 'J'iminteemitim street. 'I'ime lire mlclamtmmmelmt quickly quenched time blaze. iii running to time tire Chief ( imlliguumi : 'a wagon struck a little girl vhmo rmum out in tine street us inc wemmt tearing by. 'lime girl ivts : knocked down but net seriously mnjuneul. Conitimimeti. BenjamIn B. Pimikimmumi , who s'as ar resteti On a tlmargti , of forgery , was exumm- : limed bcfomo .Jumhgc Iterka yesterday : mfter- imoon. Pinkimamu rcqmuestcd a coumtinua- tiOll of his case him time nmbsemmco ot imis at- torne3' , until Tuesday , which ss'ums grunted. Pemnnnl I'nranralhms. Governor Timayer was iii time city yes- tcrtiay. liomi. J. \Vestonm , of Beatrice , is in time city. Dr. .lolmn Fl Jenkins , into of Cimarlos- ton , lii. . is in time city amuui expects to lo- cute iii North Omnaima. E , 0. Stebbmns , a promhiiemmt young gcntienmaim of Crete , is him time city , the gumest of imis friend , J. M. loughmerty. Itohert 'I'imnh , A. l. Sibley , C. L. Iiosve amid \V. It. Rock , of St. Loimis , h. .J. Mur- piiy , of Neu York , are at time Millard. Majon 'mV it. lisse { , it lawyer from Carthage , Iii , , Is in (1w ( city. lie is immak. mug mu totmr Of time vest S'1ti.i time view to locatiumg. G.V. . Melvin , U. S A. . S. Wheeler , wife amid Mrs. ' 'imecIer , of Albany , I. . X. A. KVimita anti rife , amid Mrs. Edna \\'hmite , of Detroit , Micim , .G. I. 1 homing nimtl fimumuiiy ofVcst Vlrgimmiut , arc mit the Puixtoum , - For Eccimauge. Sonic very desirable 1ot In xcin tugo for mmmortgagc mmotemm. ' : . . J. A. : : . ' . . i' : ! toom'tlArhiutbzm Block. ' . . . . Ileimiiy liuggtes , at' Armtroug , PctIt t ¼ . Co 'ii 1d8littd St . . . . , . . . . . ' . ' , - : . - . . : ' . , . ' . . . , . . ' : : , Elegant Down Sofa . Pillows , size 20x20 , at $2 each , worth $2.25. Bed Spreads. 90 , li-4 crochet Bed Spm'cncls at 6Cc each , would be cheap at $1. 2 cases 11-4 crochet 13cc ! Spreads at 871c , worth $1.25 , I case 11-4 Mai'seilles Bed Spreads at $1.28 , would be good value at $1.78. I case 12-4 white Mnm'scillez Bed i' rends , also colored Marseilles Sjreads at $2.57. worth $4. I case 12-4 white Marseilles Bed Spreads at $3.48 , worth $5. Ladies' Belts , 200 Ladies' Leather Belts , all kinds and colom's , that we have been selling from SOc to $1.28 , Monday , the price will be 17c each. Canvas Belts. All the Canvas Belts that we have qeen selling from l2leto 20c for Monday the price is only 73c each. : q : B - - ; EPA3L a 0 EJ : a S BOARD OP EiUCATION. The Appointmnemltot time Stantihtig CommimnnittOeS-I Imor Business. 'I'ine boutu-ti of wimicatiomi convened last evciiing at their misumal place , cornier of Smxteem'mthm and Capitol avenue , President Ii , T. Clarke in time chair. All time menu- ucm.5 were presemit except IL G. Clark. Anctition svas received from Rev. A. \v. Lamar musking for pem-nuissiomu to luremuchm on time high school grounds thmning the summer btmt time requmest was not grnmmted. Several applicathoumS for time position of janitor were read anti referred to time coimummuittCe Oii buildings maid lroperty. Applications for positions as teachers vcr referred to time conmmmuittee on teachu- em.s anti text book-s if uceoumpanied with ccrtiiicatcS , amid thioscwitimuumt certilicatcs vere referred to time superiimtemmdent. An tupplicatloim froimm h. A. Collins for a Positiomi mis director of music was referred to the superintoiidcnt of schools tumid also an apilmCuttiOn for time SnumflO Posltiolm from J. C. Ewiiu of South Bctmd , lint. l'rcsidcnt 11 , ' 1 . Clarke announced time following standing comuumnittccs for time yeai : l'immarscol"'mV. . Young , cimairnian ; hugh Clark , E. A. Paunititulec. henry Lmmmesoy and II. ' 1' . Clark. Jimtiiclui y-Ii. J. Davis , chaIrman ; D. V. Simolcs anti Vi11iam Coburn. Ciuimus--litiglt : (1. ( Clark , cluuirnutin ; Ii. J. lavis and henry Lmmucscy. Teachers and text bookS-Villiam Ca- bmmrmi , chmuulrme-mm ; ¶ 1' . V. llhmuekbtmrnV. . B. Copelauct , J. J. Smiville and B. A. mu-ma- lee. _ Buildings mind property-Henry i4tmz esey. cimairman S. K. Felton , Frederick sT. Gray. Morris Morrison amid II. 'r. Climrke. New territory-Morris Morrison. cimitir- man ; D. V. Simoles , J. A. McClure , S. K. Felton and J. .J. Savihie. Rules , forums unit printlng-"mV. A. Kolley. cimairmunu ; 1' . % \ . Blackburti amid J. A. McClure. SuiLies-'I' . W. Blackburn , chairman ; B. A. I ntrmuelee W . B. Copelaud'illimmmu Coburn amid \V. A , Kelloy. Matinal trrminmug-\V. E , Copeland , chairman , 11. J. Davis and U. V. Shmoles. Time ( ibis for coal wore opened aimd re- fuireti to time secretary on Supplies. Soy- oral comumnuimleatholms , ammiong timemn two on lnimubcr , were also referred to time same coiuiflhittee. A eommmmnunictutioui was reuui by time see rotary regartlimig time laYmilclit of tIme recent - cent school eiectmon costs , and umpoil immo- thou at r.Ir. Coburum a special coimummuittee coimsisthimg of Messrs. ( hay , Morrison amid lavis were IiliOimitCtl ) to confer witim time city council au time mutter. 'l'hie bitis for primmtuug vcro opened and referred to commumuittee cmi primiting. Mr. Gray presented a resolution timat time comitract for time new school house at Onmahia Viov be given to Rice & Bassett nit an advance of SOO over their bid , time miter walls to be tour incites thicker timamu called for in the contract. Passed. Mr. Livescy oIThred a resolution order. lug all miccessutry repairs on school Inmhld- imigs be auntie mis far as possible before time opeiming of time schools. l'mussed. 'l'ime secretary was niutimorized to adver- tim for bitis for time inmrclmase of time Izarmi school iroPorty. A nesolutiomi was offered by Mr. Mor rLsoit that a page be ciiiioycd to run errantis for the cucumbers of this board on time eveuuhmigs of their sessions , imis pay hot to xcccd 1 pcr ovatitmug. Pmisstui. A rcsoltmtmomm : ts alTered by Air. Copeland - land askimmg that tue board be appor- tioumni muimmong time yarious schools of time city. t'assctF. A resolutiomu relating to piacIii' ' new rimige in time Cats school referreJ'to the irolmcr commmiiuittee. Arcsoiution was oiThrett by Mr. Siuolcs asking that a vacant roonu in time Qualoy scimool be titted up with seats and imomuted i)3 ranges , ammti a rooms be fitted up In time busemnent fur the accommodation of time jaiuitor , timat it room be' also fitted up in time l'utrk school for time nmcconinnodation of the seioIars. Adoptcml and referred ' to committee on new territory. Aresolmitmon was ottertal by Mr. Davis asking timrmt time ralary of time secretary of the boarti Iio increased to $1iO. Re- ferremi to committee OL ) jumdlcmnury. ' 4 repQrt frornt1o Qn1wc9 on pt. . . . - ' i' ' . . ' . - - . . ETANGLEfl AT IiitST. An Irish Girl Emmmuiutos tIme Exnmmmple or Qimeomi VIctorIft In l'roposlng. liciury M. Grossa , a weil to do German at Scotia. , Nob. , has lived for lifty.nmno years iii time happy state of celibacy , ammd imavinmg imo wife or cimildren to squander the fruits of imis frmigahity , lie Inns ( unveil amid waxed fat in pelf. But during nil timcsc years of bachielor prosperity time little god of time bow has only beomi quietly ripening a Plot ( lint would lmopo- lessly estrange time obdurate heart of time old celibate , Ella Moran , a shmrewd , quick-witted daughter of Enin , became acquainted with time fatherly icmmtsclner. Sine heard of hits wealthm , and tine symnla- timies of her young heart vcnt out to time lonely old mnun who mail notiming to cimeer luau but his gold. Pity is akin to lobe , and ore Ion" sue muunde to hum a tieclura- non of lieupussloim , declarium" lie was imer Ideal of muanly beauty amid flme ineunuma- tion of nit that is mioblc 'lime old iumtuim , unused to the ardent vocabulary of tine divine passion , simrauk iii mmstommishmmueiit , bunt time lu-him beauty was imot to be put oIl mu such a imuammner , but pressed the suit with all time pertinacity of her sex , anti time blnndmsimnuuciits of her race , Time long-slmmimiberimug afThtmtions of time old mnnuim were linaily aroused , and , as time Poet fittingly expresses it , "lie iirmt emimtmnrcui , then pitied , then emubrtceui : , ' ' Then followed mill time happy scenes of courtship , with moonlight wnuhks anti talks , saudwicimeth with kisses. But time newly acquired liberties of comnrtshmip knew not timeir proier bounds. and era mummy happy months hind Passeti Iiss [ Ella witim tears in lieu- eyes , told iminu time old , old chestnut , that lie nmust marry her inuniediately , Sine fur- timer told imini ( lint Ito must also Imer half of mis property. Credulous as it cimilti , amid mmmircad iii time tenets of American law , I he gmullanmt ohm lover gracefully - fully accepted time situmitmomi , and imurnied otrto get tine necessary docmmmmients. Time nnarriumgo Incense , time tumswers to time var. iouls reqmmiremt'mnts of wimicim bait been kindly prepared by another hmanmi , was drawn Ii ) ) lU dmio forum. ltumt wheim lie vas unformed tlmtt this was time oniy doe- timuueimt necessary to make lminn mdi rigimt svithm tine young Italy , nimid timmt : no deed of Property was at nil requisite his stirpriso was emily exceeded by his mioligimt , and hue immnrried from tine commrt iiommo yesterday to daunt his bride anal counsunnuinate time inmutninionial conmtnact , 'ntis imuuja'nect yesteruiay mmmiii ore this it is suipposeti hue Is back at Scotia , itud time sweets of court- shni hare been suIersetled by time rap. ( tires of time Imommoynnoomi. RAN iWAX. The iamnnnge Donoby a Farmnmev's Rimimaway Toammi , Tinere was considerable of mu sensation on Cumnnng street last cveniitmg about ? o'clock. A farmmier driving a team lost control of the anmmmnuis at Tsventy-smxthm street. Tue man , whose namiie was Kmipp , was intoxicated , In front of Burbee's , barn nut Twenty-sixth street , Kap ) ) was tiunoyii out and imls head battly cut. lie was removed to St. , Joscpim's inoslitnuh , ' .l'hme fnigiutcueti tentimi eontinnmncd on down Cunmilug , imear 'I'weuty-hirst rmnmi- lung into a burgy imi whicim was \Vihiiiun \\'nulker aind ii Goy wimose nanmuc was met learnieth 'J'tne boy sustained mu sprained ankle amid \'aikor s le' was broken. lie was taken to hits 'Inommie in Walnut miii , Time team turned on 'I'wenty-lirst street anuul at time corner of Izard one of tIme horses fell ilcud , Darling tine nuiad run of the team It collided with several veimicles anti It ahpcarS it shaft mud pen- ctrntcm.i time chest ot one of tine nmnimnais. ' , l'o until to time excItement on time street two blacksmiths near Barber's barn got into a fight. Ileyouul a few brmmlses ( lucre was little uianumgc , 'J.liere ivero tic ar- rests. Jnliicd ut 1435t , ' , Miss Maggie B , utica , a hitunnisorne youiig wonmumtii of tweuitysIx , wimo caine to Ohunmina froimi Osceoit , Vigimmlao imneot lieuamutuceit ! , ver ; ( iorge Zic'glmr , of TroniJnIc A mniong * . he Groet'rymtm. CooerVatts . . ( him wish groeer.ymnuemm , com.not. Nmnmeteenthi amid St. ? uliry's : avemmuti , to be arrested for uniudcrt'lhinng time other grocers. 1Jo ( Ib.s best Minim. l'mit. ibm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 loaves of lireaml..2 'I lbs l'nmnmmes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . good Jtnoomnns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ibsgoodtemu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.oo 1 lbs rho collije. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 bars best Latnindry soap. . . . . . . . . . . 1,00 8 lbs Raisins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 2-lb cammsormi Beef. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.oo 5 1-li ) cans Lobsters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.oo 6 1-il ) calms Smhmnon. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 S cans ? ultistnrti Sardines. . . . . . . . . . . . I .00 l'tnil lime of Fruits anmit Vegetables comm. SttIth' oim lnuiul. : - 1' till hug ot Cross & hilmickwehl's jellies. Janus , iiickles , etc. . Auction of Ieal Estate-\\'e 1mm-c boeim milstrtnctetl to sell at public ahnctionm onm Satmmrday , Juiy 3dtin , at 10 a. iii. eu tine lremnnscs , ( tie following desnrabic ) rop- erty , being time Nonthm 1 feet of the \Vest -3 of lot i9 tim 1edic'k's ( 2nd : uiditioi to time ' city ' of Onninina with two small menses. 'l'inns property is situnuteil on South ui5tht street ( formerly Colorado ) 200 feet somntii of Leavenworth street , amid Is about hmuif a imiiq ! from time Court llommm. This is good inside property , auth hnotnd ! bring omit spirited compel muon , llommmemmmbtmr Satunntuay imnorning , J mnly 8Otim at 10 o'clmck Olm tii grommimti. ' [ 'ermns nmt t hue of sale. Brown & Crcighton , auctioneers. - - Contiactors' Meethmntu- , 'fincro will be a regular mncetimug of thin iitmiiuiing Commtrictors : Maternal Jnr- nuisimers' i'rotu'ctive association Monminy afternooim at 2 o'clom'k at Clark until , 14th St. , bet , Douglas and Dodge. Contractors unit ! i\iuteniai i'mirnishers are urgently retluestul it ) .Omfl tine asso- ciatiomi. 1l1Nmuv : Ltvmssv : , I'residcnt. 'l' . V. llin , Sec'y. Notice to Contrmnc'tom's , Seniemi Proposals will 1)0 received iny i\emmtleissohumm ! amid Laurie , architects , J'ax- tea bmnnlding , mmnnthl \igmist ; ( hit nit mmooti for time commstrmnm.jtmoji of a iriek Commvemnt lttuilmhiin' to be erected mit time cornier of l5tlm tmiuI Cntsteular sts. , Omnnainn. Pianis anti SiCCilicatioums can be scczi at time oilico of the nurchmitects. - - Where Is My Brotlmc'r ? I want to knmow vhmm'me may bmotiiom is. his auntie is .Josohdm . % lomonm , au Armiuimui : , fromni Syria , 'J'nmrJey. 1 smuv iuhimi iist : in ( 'imicagn about , Jmmno 10 , lIe loft ( on limit- lingtomi , Ia. , auid is traveling ( mcmii omme town to munothmer. If amny one i'ees au Arab ask minim mis minnie anti mf it ma Josepin Moroun , wriuc to inc. l'titer Moron , 910 5 , lOtim st. . Omaima , Nob. Hurry W'ilkeabcatsjoimaaon , tine fastest - est pacer in time world , Solomunmm owes imns inudl ljrotlmtr , son of thmmn Migimty ( j'eorga \'ilkes , nmow standiumg at Spnimig Valley Stock Famnn , Ommnahnu , Nub. , at i'lueticamn Anion minI Auctintil I viIl sell nit No. S03 N. ild ; street , on SVedmmestiay mmnornuiuug , , lmmly 27 , at 10 o'clock um. iii. , time emntiro eommteats of aim 8 rooumm imommco. hie'l roommu sets , carjnet. , etc. . etc. lonm't mmu6s timms bale. I ) , S. M. FJuITwm.r. : : , Atmetioiuc'r. ( , , - % Iort gage Not . 's. I cain oxcimangu ; onmmo very gooti lots for muiortgage notes. . .1 , lIImsTANI : ) , Itoonu ( I , Anhlngtomm lilock. Matmdo Marti ( nec Itecce ) inns now neatly the latest smmmmmmnur styles miami nmvltes , mill to call at time old stumut. lrtsmmmknumg Parlors .1 numd 5 Jacobs' block , 1.lm unit ! Cuimtul ave. Lnuthmes wlshlnmgrohiableumelt' sinomilti call at Miss Kate JcummmeUy's cnnploytmmcmmt otUco , 121 N , 16th at. - - - . . . . ' ' AmhiItect and fknDetlnmtniuIemmtq. . . . .Ilougsomm bun , ' Qilices Irpn hank , Omnumium , & . Trtmst. liumblimug , . Alm2mnitatio1i b , . ticuim , : BuliUdn,4ansCit. ' . . . . . , , ' . . ' : . . . - - - - . . ' . COMING TO OMAfl , . Perklmiq & Qntelir 1)ea Maine. , 'ifl Opium ii Crockery ilomn.e . hen' . Time large tlommbie store room nuet to time ttercimnummta motel In time nitiw l'muxton bmnilmlmmng on F'arnnmum amimi Snxteemmthmatreets , hints been lemuseml for a term of years to Messrs. i'erkimis & Jutcin , of les Moimics , 1ou'a , who will pint iii one of time ihiost crockery stores in time west. Mr. l'nxten is lhtmisiuming time room necortihmig to tine wisiie of tine firmu who will interim time store as it sinotilut be , in perfect accord with Mr. l'nixtoit's elegmmmmt block. Messrs. P'rknnns & ( atchm vlhi be ut valuable uucquisitioum to Ommiulma , as they mmre mu very smnbstnnmtlal amid prognt'ssivt thrum. They 110W imnuvo a large wholesale unitE retail estuibhisimmnient iii ies tlohnies. Time store will opemi limnainess abomnt Sop- toumbem' lttlm ammii svhli be iii eimurgo of Mr l.aummumnu , time resideumt umemuber of time tnrmu , Tiiti IoWa State liegister says : Thus move will iii mio way iimterfere vlt ! time large busimioss of time intnmnse inn timid 0113' , uS tiney mire ummnv imavino time fhii rooms nun time h'emklmms tuiluiimng nidjuininmg ( menu eu time imortin reuittutl amimi humid- soiiieiy shelved preparatory to their re- mnmovnul into time umeiv quarters ( ink fall , % 'inemn coimipleted thme3' 'ihi imuivo tito tmnest crmelery store in time sycat ; time retail rmommms ) behmmg ainmmoat three timumes time en- IacltY ) of their Pneseuit roomins , mmmiii time iitthnm"a i'il1 be of tine macat nmmodermm itimt ( nrtistIc deigmi. 'l'hnms is omme of tine ilrw s-e , as ni city , take especinmi pride iii , tiney nit mull ( hues htviimg kept nit vitim , anif eveim , aimt'mui of time gruwtim of ommi city. \ lieu tiuilO.S mire hard they retiomnble timeir onmergies for trade ; time reamnit is , timmfl tinti3 , ' mn0' ' oiiipioy six to sevemm linen Cli tim u-oral , amid their trailo extomuls beyond time hnimuits of our own state into time state. ' mmmiii terrItories nitijoiniming , nuiti west of tis Cittilucit NOTICES. , . I ii msnm : ut : in i A N. First l'nited l'resb'terlan , 002 orth Elgtmtcommthi street , 11ev. Etiwin Ii. ( irainanmi Iistor. ) l'mmbhic vorsimhi , at 10:80 : a. mum. mind ii p. iii , Sabb.utlm school at mnooun. i'arkAvenmmo l'rcstytenianm , 'i'roxehl's hmaiI Leavnui worth Street , umear ' 1'wennty-alxthi l'reacinlumg by time pastor , 11ev. Jalmmm ( ortlou. at lee : : ; nn. anti S , . mum. Evenhing sumi'Ject "Sabbat h Observnumcc. " Summndny scimool 110011. Seats fret' . l'm'esbyterian , cormier anal Sovenr teenthu stree0 , , services at 1OP : a. iii. , itreacim ; himg by 11ev. J. N. ihyd. Smmndiiy school a moon. Yoimnn PeOple's itwcthiig at 7:1 : P. inn. No evemming service. Soutlmwest Presbytemlami , 11ev. lavhtt 1 Kerr , Pastor. Servict's mit 10:80 : a. inn. mmmd 8 p inn , At time muiormmimun service receptiomm of nn.'niubcrs timid time Lomtl's , mnqncr. 11ev. J. if. \Vilsomn of time Casteilar clmmmrehu vlhi lrtacim In- tine cu in I n n : . Sabbat in scm moi at imotmmm. 'i omm a 1)0PiO ) S munecting nit 7:1t : , p. itt. tii murun svel. canine. Church cornier 'rvcntiethm amid Lentvemms ontim streets. CONe liEn AiIONA I. . Flrst Conregtutlomuai , 'l'nibenmnacie. l'reachi. lmng at 10:30 : a. inn. by 11ev. Lowini (1regmry of Lincoln. Sabbath school aU naomi. i'rayer nmwcthing at S o'clobk iVednes. . clay evening. No evenming service , . Illiishde Conzregationah. 11ev. ! ! , C.Cran pn'tor. l'reinudo nmnnmi sermnmon at 11 mm. ni , , 'C Ii rist I nun jT tm I a n I ii .1 apamn ' ' 1venm I u tinemmme : "loes It l'ay to be Itchiglomis ? " imAI9'isT. First hinittist. Strangem's' Smmbhatlm lIonu& , Cornet i."ilteenmtim anti Iavemnport ) htreets. hte , A ' .V. Lnimnmr , hstmr. ) l'reachhnmg mit 10nO : a. III. ninth S I ) . nm , ! tlomuiiunn timumime : 'flno lii tile I 'I mu in ( it C I v I in g. ' ' 1'etm' lung timemuit' : ' 'ommme or Satmmm's : 1)c. Vl't'S' ' ' Snultnatim mclnooi at I inn. l'rnyot uineeth ing Ved mnestlay eveun I 1mg at S o'eloclc , 'monm in g m'eople's j ii itVOi mnmeeti in Sti im ii tv , nit 7i' : , . iii. it.hi nine cordial invited. Seats I roe. ( 'alvary Baptist , Smimmmtivrs : near Cmmnuiutnig 5t reet S. I ' n emuiI n I ii g nit 0 : ( J mu. mi. t , ianA . \V . ( lum k , SmmLtJect : "IV mitcim- Itminess , " Evcmuhmmn servict , at S it'd nek , S mnhjcet : ' \Voni tie n-fl il I lock. ' ' Sunintiny selnool at 11 : fl. Alt an-c ocr- dlauiy Invhteth. Ilehim-Etlon laptlst ! , Rev. 11. I. 1 Louse , pas- her , I'remmcinhing service at 4 : i5 t. mm. at St. : ui , ave in tnt , Cotngregnmt I a m m mm I elm mm ich , h'roaeiminn.r by thit 11ev. u1r. F'o'.ter _ Smnmm. tiny school at :1 : o't'lniik. t'raym'r uncoiling ' ! 'lnnnrday uvumninig nit S o'clock , Slr.mmngers yelcoinme. Seats free. Mm.rmn'u'sr. ' ' Seward Street .M. E. , 'I'weunty-sccontt auth Sewarim smroets , 11ev. ClmarlesV. . Savidgt' pastor. Scrmn noun for S in umtlay even I in : ' ' i est ' - IVonmnen. " CA ri i m m.i C' . St. I'cten's. Oleniumc'serviccs arnml blessing ( if ( 'imimrvin at 10 mn inn. ! 3ermniomm by time iator lIes' . 1' . J. Boyle. i.rrimiitA : N. St. nluira's , cornier of North 't'uvemnty.hirst amid linmm'dette stnects. Services nit 10:30 : a. nut , ninth S p. tin. Smnimttay seinool nmt U mm. inn. tIitJ . veek sem'vlce , ivctimneaulniy , at S p. an. Strangers wt'lcomt , . ( lImIER Ciii imc'nias. All Srmlnmts' , earlier of Tnenty-fnftlm and howard. loriminmg servIces at 7O : ain't fl inn. 1'enlmm bomig,7:30 : o. nit. Smmnclay schmhjo at 14:45 : a. 1mm. l'hmti elnoir tnt btn's will 5ltIf I henry Smnnart's 'i'nn ieminn ) aunt Jmmbilate In ( k anti ltanunby's antinonim , 'Oln , lmniv ! A mmnhuible \trs. iynnnimn vhhi sling I Joltlomn's ' 'Ncnrnr ; ( od to ' 11 cc. ' ' 'lakin I-'nnnmanmn nm mmd [ 'ark n'eiuine or St. Mary's nvenntme cars to 'Iweuty. fittim street. iVelsin servlct's vmhl be mdii Smmintiay , Jijl y 24 , at tine reshtlence of Mr. Jamnmes ( niflith 1,7t2 ho.lga street. l'reacinlimm.r nut 7:3 : p. n'n ity tIne Ecu' . I mavImi E. Edwands , of IVales I Sunintlay school nit 2 :80 : p. mu , DIEI ) . IIELQUIST-iu this city . ) mnly 2.1 , at t p. rn,0 Anita , wile at Nils llelqmuist , aged 40 years , Eu mmionmthnt mmml 14 ittlyti. Fmmmncrmmh from tineir residence , 'l' . ejitit anal Frannkhi mm streets , ihiunthay , J imly 25 , at 4 p. nn.Frlend-m linvited , Smiitlcs amn(1 nnmtiax. Below is giveum a list ci births and ( tentims in time city during time woeki . . mnllm.I.lns. To Filinniore and Ninma limirgc , ISIO iVebster streti mm elm-h. 'l't ) 1. 11. amid E. .1. KIrk , Clarkjmear Nortim Sixth stied , ii girl. ' 1(1 A 1' . Mci'lnerson , 'l'inhi ty-tlnlrd and ' JIawar(1 streets , ii girl. 'l't , A. Ulmuistenmsomm , 1007 'I'svcnmty-sevcnth aveunmie , a boy , 'in Lr"n'F.o ) and Coat Aimmoitl , l'uyounty. settan , . ii sti ( 'Ct , it tiny. i. , , 11 imnn , a unit il am'y Cm rnsmcn so mu , ( I 1 Cent icr strict , a by. mtr.'rmms. 4 inetntVldcll , 7n Santim 'I''ulmtib ag. 2i , inn ut rut Li I Ii tnt ' .mt . .10mm 51. ( 'lamm' . thi. N nim. , tm , , ' iii di s. euro- iro-splimal nnnt'um himgltis. Albert E. irt'sm , I i : , Smut tlt'venttm , mme 1 year. i'intlt'm' , n. m , , mm ! mann. Nay Siimittsonm , Tinirtuetin anti tiuiey , nmo 20 years , typinoiti tcVt'r. L(1mri . 'i Itelnell , 819 Sonntin 'I'wwnty.hlrst , atttj 10 mnnoxm t int , onn it I in g amid d I arm imoca. Lomnit , hiine , 1019 Cmmiifornmha , age 14 darn , ohnolermi himtmnnmtmnnu. Litninnie Fiinncy , 'l'n'ennty-ciu-intim mmmd Fat. . unnunm , itgi , 6 yuars mu tnm I I. . .1in an Jimnrcin , orthi ltgimtceuttin , ago I yea ? , ( al I his. ( 'ei the lhiimnntnack , SuttOn Sevointoemmthm anti Frederick , age it nmmonmthns , olnolemu innf.unittmm.mi , Non able in'asi'ig , , nit 'Ilnoimupsoun & Little's Palace saloon , 4\umg. 2 , ( on' lnorse , bnn"gy aummi inmnmncs : Vt : I ml cml mm t I ,0It. ( ( 'i'i ( le is $ I ; si x for 15. For sale nit Max 'ih'ytr's , 'I'lmommmpoim & Littie' , 4ii I thu-ti lntel ijai , I , A. Sewiinl ( & Co.'s Fimmunoes. 'Vesterminy tine oil iin'nmm pf L , A. Stewart on Sommtim Sevemntvomnt it street , gnt'nm : i nnmortgngt : to time lPmink of Oninalnm : of timis ci ty attn mini i m t i mug tO l1lt1)7. 51) ) , imimmi miii at lie rte to rtiitnves : mm tin9 east to tine : mmnmonmnt of j'iuI 0(10. ( is' ; ii comnsetlincmnce , It is nun. miuimmnicitI I lait all conusignn ameunts to ( mcmii : mro meld until fumrtimer imintice , by eastern ptrties. : Ordered Omit. tt Town. , foinmnimio l'imulcr amid 't'imonunms htnitclifl tWo SmmieiotmS ) cinn.nznctems , sln ivtnrp fo mm in ii b rni in Ii ng nromm in ml t inn 'i ty i a a ut nina lts Way , svere mni , laufot'e , Jmmnlgti hitnrhut ytsturdniy. 'l'hnoy i'cro ortlc'ntmmi out of t wmm , s'mtlm imnstuctimimns to go us nimnnck.- . ! ) olbiQ. ' y us ) , . : . . 'l4ittic : ( JI Gutt.ysiiiru' ) ' In' tQ- . .i i't ! ; p'ni 1.i iiiC't ) ! u\'cmmimS hmereafto , . , ' , I I