Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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EcllTCitd by raivlcr in nny part of ttioeltrai
twenty cents ptr wick.
U. W. TiLTOJf , . . . Manager.
BBPIKESs OrncE. No. 43.
ailXOU MK.NT10X.
N. Y.Plumlnng Co.
Ileltcr. tailor. Summer goods cheao
Barney Geahl has moved Into his new
store on upper Hroadway.
Wanted Live boy with good horse tc
carry a now route. Apply at once u. '
Bun ollico.
Charles Stobbins is building an exten
sive addition to his residence on Soutl
First street.
Pat Lucy yesterday sold to Dan Car
ngy his ono-sixth Interest in the Paollh
hoiiBo property.
Lost -A brass hub band. Suitable re
ward , Leave at Br.i ; oflicc. Counci
Blull's , or llymrod's store , Omana.
All Interested in the movement for i
Chataiuiua assembly hero are requestec
to moot al the Y. M. C. A. rooms Tues
day evening at 8 o'clock.
The colored people of Council Ulnfl'i
and vicinity arc making extensive preparations
arations for ci'lelrating Eiuanciputioi
day on the -1th of August.
Leave to marry was yesterday given t (
Frank Barbenn and Lulu Hanson , o
Omaha ; also to John Ottoman and LU/.h
Wier , both of this county.
The thousand foot of new hose for llu
dctnrtmcnt hero was on exhibition at tin
Kearney tournament , and .shipped fron
there here , arriving yesterday. It will bi
now put in service.
The tramp whom Officer Hcndricki
shot in the thigh is still being cared fo :
at tlio city jail. The surgeons canno
find the ball and have concluded to le
him keep it us the wound is healing U )
Dr. Cros is now at Hod Oak , but is no
Intending to remain there pcrmaucntlv
He is contemplating going either to Kan
sas City or St. Louis , with preferences a
present in favor of the former city as t
permanent residence. Ho * will coulinui
the practice of his profession.
Chief Templeton , of the lire depart
nicnt , lias returned from Kearney , Neb.
covered with glory. Ho won s-ecom
prixe in the chiefs' foot race , and an clo
gant silver badge now dangles from hi :
bosom. In his hand ho carries a gold
headed ebony cane , which was ulso :
The authorities hardly know what t <
do with the old man whom they arrestet
for vagrancy and for being drunk , am
who , although bugging , had $103 on hi :
person. Tin ; old man lias been cared foi
tit the poor house , but has slipped uwn\ \
often , and hung around the city. He i
blind and quite deaf.
All persons going to Spirit Lake an
requested to call at the railroad ticke
ollico , ' ! ! . ' ! Broad way.this morning at 10:31 :
to procure their tickets aim sleeping cai
accommodations. The Rowing associa
lion lias chartered the sleeper forSundai
and Monday nights at a cost of $ U fo :
each berth , or fO for a section , and $ !
for the state-room. The c-ir will remair
on the tracfc next to the Hotel Orleans
during Monday night.
Spirit Lake regatta tickets on sale .Tuli
21 , 25 and ! ! 0 , good to return on the 30th"
To members of tlio Council Blull's row
ing association a rate of 1 cent a mile ha
been made , making the round trip $4.-in
To all others tlio round trip rate is .fG.35
Special Spirit Lake sleeper will leavi
Sunday night at 7 o'clock. All wishini
berths and tickets call on J. C. Mitchell
ticket agent , No. 421 Broadway.
A move is on foot to organize a stool
company to take the Hotel Manawa , UK
capital to be $15,000 and the shares to bi
f 25 each. The hotel is one of the princi
pal attractions of the lake. Tlio lake i
becoming the most popular summer re
sort in this part of tlio country. Tin
two cities need thin resort , and cnougl
patronage is being secured from then
nlone to keep all the interest alive. Ther
uro many , also , who come from a dis
For female diseases and chronic dis
eases of all kinds , call on Dr. Ilice , No
11 Pearl street , Council Blull's , Iowa.
When you are in the citv stop at th
Pacific houso. Street cars pass , llio dee
every fifteen minutes for all the depot ;
Meals GO cents each.
J. W. & E. L. Squire's abstract book
are a marvel of systematic accuracj
Have you seen their new lien book ; it "i
a monster and contains 000 pages.
Personal 1'arncriiphs.
Mr. and Mrs. I ) C. Bridges spent Sun
day with their friends here.
Mrs. B. W. Jacobs leaves this morninj
for a visit to friends in DCS Moines.
D. O. Finch , of Des Moines. Unite
States district attorney , is at the Bed
L. W. Tulloys and family have n
turned from u pleasant stay at Spir
N. P. IJodgo and his two sons have re
turned from a pleasant trip to Clcii
A. S. Ha/olton has returned from h :
eastern trip anil visit to friends lu No1
Mrs. Dr. Green has gene to Colorad
m the.hope of bettering her health by
climatia change.
H. Ouron , of Silver Crook , has returnc
from Chicago wliero ho has been to dii
pose of some of his cattle.
County Supoiintomlcnt Laird and wil
returned yesterday to their homo in Ca
son , the teachers institute here haviu
Ed. L. Howe , jr. , leaves this mornin
for Des Moines to arrange for the onci
Ing of the now hotel Uoldstone. whit
occurs Monday , August 1 , in that city.
Charles Huntington , one of the UK
carriers , starts cast this morning intern
ing to visit friends in Michigan and si
the sights of Cldciuro and Milwaukee.
J. French , an employe of the watt
works eompary. now goes to Wyomin
to work ior a company there. Mr. Irene
is an enthusiastic Salvation army inai
too.Kov. . T. J. Mackcy , rector of St. Paul
chureih. has gone to Colfax for rest an
recreation. Ho has worked hard an
carried heavy responsibilities , and h
health is somewhat shattered.
Paul Aylesworth , son of Judge Aylp :
worth , goes cast to-day. Ho will vis
witli friends in New York until tlio co
lego year opens in tlio fall , and will r
mam at his books there until next sun
iner.Mrs. . W.V. . Chapman , Mrs. J. '
liroadhuck and Miss S. 1) . lU'hse liv :
boon spending a week at lake Manawi
and have been enjoying them.selvi
hugely. They made several sketchi
nud paintings of the hotel and the beae
For rupture or hernia , call and get D
Rieo'.s new invention. It makes a im
of you in live minutes. No. pain. N
11 Pearl street.
At the Pacific house vou will save fro
8Qo to $ 1 per day. Try It and be co1
vlnced. _
One thousand head of ono , two at
throo-yciar-old steers for salo. Will gl'
credit to rnliablo parties. Enquire of .
J. Urconauiaycr , 023 Myn&tcr St. , t.el
811. . .
Captain Williams Moots With a Very Sa-
rious Accident ,
tonne Men Anxious to bo Soldiers
Tlic Catholics' Pence In the
Foil ml lint The Motor
Cnptnin Williams Hurt.
Last cvoning Captain J. 1' . Williams
was seriously hurt by his horse running
iway on Broadway. Ho was thrown out
and his right leg broKen. Other injuries ,
sonic supposed to bo internal , render his
condition finite serious llu i.s an old
csidcnt anil lias not been in good health
for sorao time.
The Places of Worship.
Tonic nt the Methodist church this
nomine ; , "Tho Phvsical Hash of Chris-
.ianity. ' No services in the evening.
Rev. Dr. Phclps. pnstor of the Prosby-
: orian churcli , will jircacli at the Tabor-
laclo on Fourth street this evening at 8
Services at the Congregational church
his morning. Preaching by the pastor ,
subject , "Purity. " A cordial invitation
's extended. No evening service.
Ilov. Stephen Phclps , pastor of the
i'rcsbylorian church , will preach as usti-
xl this morning at 10W. : ! No service at
light. All cordially invited.
There will bo no service in St. Paul's
jhnrch to-day. Sunday school will be
icld at the usual hour Ulil : ) a. m.
Services at Harmony mission chancl
io-day at 3 o'clock. Preaching by Kuv.
It. Gilbert. Prayer mooting Wednesday
evening. Topic , "Where is My Boy To
night ? " Prov. 10 , 1.
Koligious services at 10:30 : nt North
Main street Baptist chinch. Evening
neuting 8:20 : ; Sunday school 2:30. : Rev.
Mills , pastor.
The pastor of the First Baptist church
, yill preach in his pulpit at 10:30 : a. m. ;
Sunday school at 1'J m. ; young people's
iieeting in chapel at 7 p. m. ; union ser
vice in Tabernacle on Fourth street at
p. m.
Want tofllic Cadets.
The examination of applicants for the
vacant cadetship at West Point closed
u > ro last night. The board of examiners
worn Prof. A. II. Sniff , of Missouri Valley ;
"Jolonol D. B. Dailoy and Dr. J. M. Bar-
stow , of this city. There were twenty-
line applicants , young men from seven
teen to twenty years of ago. Their
lames arc Frank Nichols , Christian
Jennings , Frank Culbertson , of Panorn ;
Leo Swearinger , Frank Chamberlain ,
; , ee Witter and H. P. Kuhn , of Council
IJlufl's ; Nicholas Brintner , of Dray ton :
Leonard Fennur , of Anita ; Thomas
Murphy , of Neola ; Harold Holmes and
William C. Dowell. of Magnolia ; Frank
Adams , of Logan ; T. P. Findlcy , Sidney
Montgomery , Fred O. Dawson and John
W. Tomer , of Atlantic ; Henry Willis , of
Malvorn ; L. P. Monahan , of Stuartj
Elmer Kaullman , of Marsina ; Flet
cher Do Clark , Arthur Chase
uul ( icorgo Graham , of Avoca ,
[ 'rank M. Downer and John Bates , oi
Oakland ; Truman Logan , Fred Raymond
mend , of Red Oak ; Emery Williams , of
Cosoy , Charles Jenkins , of Villisca.
The physical examination was cele
brated by Dr. Barstow. The other ex
aminations were written , and it will take
a few days to mark the papers and make
out the averages , so that the announce'
niont will not bo immediately ,
Congressman Lyman will make his rec
ommendation on the basis of the highest
iiveragc us shown by the examination.
Pennine ; the Claim.
The lost ground claimed by the Catho
lic church , an account of winch was
sivcu snmo time ago in the UKE , was ycS'
terday fenced in. This indicates that the
claimants have strong faitii in thcii
cause. The lot is fifty feet front on Main
street and runs through a like frontage
on Pearl street. The enclosure Is next tc
the old Cathoho church , and by the func
ing is made a part ot the premises. Tin
lot is valued at least at $10,000 cash , anil
if the title proves as now appears it is n
rich find for the Catholic society. The
matter probably will not bo allowed to
rest without a lawsuit , but Rev. Fathei
McMonomy is advised by his attorneys
that the claim is just and can bo easily
Till ) Motor Liliic ,
J. K. Graves loft last evening for hi !
homo in Dubuque , having settled all ar
rangements in regard to the Manawc
motor lino.
Ho says that the crossing question hai
been compromised and that the rallroadi
have agreed to allow a grade crossing. I
will bo remembered that several of threads <
roads at the meeting of the railroad com
mission said they would light a grade
crossing to the end. Mr. Graves further
Mated that the only remaining troubli
was that street on which the crossiti {
was to bo made was to bo settled between
twoen the Milwaukee and Rock Islam
roads. One wants Seventh street , wluli
the other wants Eighth street. The rail
for the unfinished l.bOO feet of track ar
rived yesterday , and will all be laidMon
day. In fact the entire road , roum
houses , switches , turn-tables , etc.wil
all be completed by Tuesday noon oxcop
the crossings , and Mr. Graves thinks the ;
will bo in place this coming week.
Prom the Kitchen to the Police Court
The arrest of Mrs. Harry Skelton on i
charge of vagrancy has caused no littl
sensation among the acquaintances o
the family. Her husband is now in Keai
ney , Nob. , and they have lived hero fo
several years. Her troubles are said t <
be duo to a passion for stimulants , am
the o Hi curs felt that her conduct wat
ranted them in making the arrest. Ther
was much sympathy felt for her by manj
Judge Aylesworth investigated the mat
ter , and knowing her history and he
former good standing in social circlet-
concluded to let Itor go to some of her ol
friends , who will euro for her until he
husband nan send for her. It is nndot
stood that ho is stdl loyal to her and \ vide
do all in his power to see her placed in
right position before the world.
A Sad Slulit.
yesterday afternoon an old man , whit
haired and graudfathorly in appearance
was m so drunken a condition that in a
tempting to board the dummy train tilth
broailway depot ho fell , hurting his fen
head quite badly , and causing the bloo
to flow freely. Ho was taken to th
police station in tr.o patrol wagon. H
refused to give his namo.
Per Hplrlt Lake.
A largo number of Council Blutfo pec
pie have gone and are going to Splr
Lake to witness the regatta. One &pguii
car finely decorr.tod , is to start out th !
evening. Among those who are of th
party staftine to-night are Mr. and Mr :
E H , Odoll. Mr. an-l Mrs. Merriam , Mi :
Julia Officer. Miss Cory , Miss Zurinuel
Ion , Mrs. Lrb , Mlasca Brown Farm
worth. Ballard , WulKvr , Oliver , Cram
Campbell , Mr.x. ami Miss Wios , Mr. an
Mrs. J J. Shoa , Fred I oomis , Dr. Sej
hurt. John Piumer , Charles Haas an
brother , Mr. Cospnr , Mr.II. . . C. Cor ]
Ernest Hart , Mr. and Mr. " . Wllltan ;
Moore , Mr. Olaniacher , Mr- Crane , C. H ,
llannan , Dr. Plnnoy and wife.
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate olllccs in the city ;
f 3 pur day. _
Sirs. Lnnutry Co mi UK.
The announcement that Airs. Langtry
Will appear at the opera house next Fri
day evening will canso a rush for seats
as soon as the tickets are placed on sale ,
which will probably bo Tuesday morn
ing. This is her lirst appearance in Coun
cil BlulVs , and to many It is the first op
portunity presented thorn of seeing this
wonderful actress , and they will im
prove it.
Hlio Got a Ulilo.
A German woman residing away out
Lincoln avenue , last evening swore out a
warrant for two men claiming they as
saulted her. The police took her there
n the patrol wagon. When they arrived
; hcy could find no trace of the men and
: hey could not converse with the woman.
The impression was that she "worked"
.hum for a free ride home.
Ought to Have It.
Mrs. Clarissa Jane Duncan has com
menced proceedings for a divorce from
tor husband , William J. Duncan , to
whom she was married in this city in
1870. She sot up the fact that ho was
convicted in Omaha of a felony , for
which he was scntcncea to the pcniten-
; iary for fifteen years.
llio Sash ntul Door Factor- .
This now enterprise is about ready to
start active operations. The engine is
join ? set , and the boiler will bo put in
Monday. The mill will probably bo
ready to start up by the last of this
Broke An Arm.
Last evening John Steele , of Pony
creek , was thrown from a wagon and his
wrist dislocated. Thocauieof the acci
dent was a nut getting lost- , letting a
wheel on" .
For a well made , finely finished and
lovely toned piano , sec the llardman.
Wo are satisfied it will please , and you
will buy no other. The Mueller Music
Co , endorse the guarantee given by the
Cvcryday ( Scenes and Incidents on
the BtrootH of Gothnm.
New York Letter to Philadelphia
American : A smitten couple were cooing
on the back seat of a Fifth avenue stage
and two young men wcro talking base
ball. Two others wore beside the driver.
This is the best place oven for cooing on
account of the clatter of the horses' feet
on the now Hfth avenue pavement , but
chiefly because hero you can talk to the
The driver from his elevated seat , if ho
lias prolitca by his position , can got a
view of men and women and things
about him impossible from the ground ,
and now views of human nature are
always worth having.
"How much trouble you have making
the horses stop , " ignorance asked after
several "whoas , " and the beasts still
| > ulling gently forward. "When you say
'Whoal' they ought to stop. "
"Bless you , the horses know more
about it than I do. That was a man.
We only slow up for a man it saves
Lime. Now , if it had been a woman ,
they'd a stopped short "
"Do you mean they see who is going
to got in ? "
"Well , hardly but I just convey it to
them along the lines. "
"But suppose it is somebody who wants
to get outy"
"I know it's a woman because she
pulls in a feeble sort of way unless she
cjets mad , " ho added , regretfully. "Then
she fairly jumps on the strap. But I
don't mind the twist on my leg near as
much as 1 do the angry look she gives
me. "
"But you're safe , you know , way up
here. Then you'd rather carry men than
women. You gain time and "
"No , I wouldn't , I'd rather carry the
ladles. Men are too bos y. It's just a
spurt now and then with the ladies. "
While ho was talking the stage was
doing an active business in letting people
ple in and out and making changes.
Each of tile driver's four limbs seemed
trained to some special service , and each
responded to call8 almost automatically ,
"People think wo don't do much busi
ness , but they forget that our class ol
ponplo" and ho spoke with sorao pridt
"onlv ride three or four blocks. These
are rot the sort of people the horse can
carry that ride from Harlem to the Bat
tery for live c.cnts. Now , a horse cai
can make four trips a day , and I make
nino. You see they'll ' have to do prettj
well in four trips to equal me. "
"What is the average ? "
"A take in about 12.130 a trip. "
"And how long is a trip ? "
"A trip is about sixty-six minutes
thirty-ono down and thirty-two back
allowing the rest for the stands. 1 him
three pairs of horses a day , fresh ovorj
three hours. "
"And how many hours do you work ? '
"Twelve hours. "
"It'seasier then , on the horses ? "
"What do yon think of fifteen hours
That was what I tilled for years on UK
horse cars ? "
"Then you like this better ? "
"Not in point of work. Hero we got i
all to do. Then I had an iron brake
Hero 1 use my arms and do Itho couduc
tor's work besides. "
But you have no conductor to obey. "
"Do you think the driver obeys tin
conductor ? There's where your'o de
ceived by good clothes and shiny bras
buttons. That's always the way. Tin
driver , ho's got to mind his time ; that'
all ho's got to do. And if the conducto
hangs him too long on the bell ho can re
port him. "
"How can you tell whether all thosi
people inside are paying their fares ? "
"Oh , one kind of people jou don'
have to watch , of course , I know ; bu
that makes no difference in the stage. "
"You speak like an Englishman. "
"No , I'm an Irishman , but my wife i
English , and she's taken all the brogui
out of mo. There's a woman now gcttim
out. " He began to laugh softly. "She1
forgotten something. "
"How can yon tell ? "
" 1 felt that the door was about to close
then it opened again. If you could se
she's probably looking for her purse o
her parasol. Yon see , I've ' been drivini
for some timo. "
The stiigo bowled along lower Fiftl
avenue. There was a soft wind blowinj
and the leaves whispered above , am
their shadows danced under the elcctri
light beneath.
"I'm alvnvs glad to got down lioro.
think this is the prettiest part of th
whole route. "
Then the stage ran gayly through th
park anil clattered down to Bleecko
street , where the sidewalk was lined wit
men and maids , told oil' as if about t
enter the ark , and all waiting for chance
at the top scats ,
"Say.l Sam , whistle us 'Croppies li
.loon. "
"I don't know it , sah. "
"Oh , yes , you do. Give it to us an
wo'll give you ? 5. "
W hilo Sam was considering the propc
sition a by. tandor explained to the n
porter that the short , thiok ut and vcr
black noprro to whom the offer was mad
had n reputation all over tlui country fo
his marvellous powers as a whistler. I
fact , ho made hl.s living by whistling. I
the summer ho visited the watering place
by the seashore. In the mountains an ]
where in fact that people gathered o
pleasure bcut , lu the winter ho worke
. * < „ oA x 6-stot4 _ . : . u t § < *
In Amber ,
etc. , Hair On
nnmcnts , as
well as the
newest nov-
i Hair goods
nuulcto order
Mrs. C. L. Gillette
20 Haiti St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , ami all mail
orders promptly attended to ,
Prices T'cry Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
jvo. aa MAW -ST. ,
Vacant Lots , I.iuuls , City HosUlcnces nncl
I'nrms. Aero property In western jinrt of city.
All sfllliicheap. . ' j
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Koom 5 , over Oflicor & I'usoy'B Bank , Counol
Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
One of the best Educational Institu
tions in tlio west. Hoarding and day
school conducted by the Sisters of Char
ity , B. V. M.
Hoard and tuition for a term of live
months , $75. For further particulars
St. Francis Academy ,
Council Blulls , la.
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 33
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9 , } .
the larger cities of the south and west.
llu was said to have laid aside a com
fortable store against a rainy day.
Meanwhile Sam had sized the party up
and reached the conclusion that thcro was
not a north of Ireland man among them.
Solemnly shaking his head ho pro
nounced his ultimatum :
"No , sah ; 1 would like do money , but I
can't whistle dat piece. Do las'1 time I
done whistle it a big Irishman lit into me
in do back. Ho wasn't sasoticd to hit me
wul ho fist. Ho sluggr.d mo in do head
wid a tree , hooka Tiyar.
Ho took off his old slouch hut and ex
hibited a deen scar extending clear across
the skull , ana then continued :
"Since dat time I have done omnnated
dat s'lectiron from my ripurty. "
It is a sight to see the "ratcatcher" ar
rive at the hotel at midnight. Ho does
not register , and generally enter ? by the
Hide or servants' door , . Ho carries n
bull's-oyo lantern and.a . bng in one hand ,
or he may strap the Jicht to a bull , while
in the other ho wields 'a pair of tongs ,
Ho descends to the lower region of the
larder , the storeroom and kitchen , al !
now dark and deserted. Tlio ratcatcher
utters alow whistle or squeak , which U
the intimation of one rat to the othei
that ho has found good nibbling , and all
the rodents run out from their hldinc
places in tiio direction of tlio familial
and welcome sound , and daxing thorn bj
the glare of the lantrcn , the man pick.-
them up with his tongs and drops then
into his bag witli sucli agility that seldom
dom any escape. Blinded ami paralyzed
by the light , only the isolated ones at
tempt to ruu , and these are readily cap
turod. The ratcatcher visits the liote
once or twluo \vuok , Unit the same out
Is employed by severitl houses. It 1 :
whispered that ho selU the rats to tin
Chinese v Btanrante , hut ho denies tin
insinuation. Ho sayn j\fi \ PCH | | thp hides
which ho properly cures ana stretches.
fldroitlEomcnts , such us Lost , Found
C.oLonnror Sale , To Hont , Vinnts , Honrcllntr ,
otc.Tvlll lioltisorlo'l In this column nt llio low
rntoofTENCU.NTSI' LINE fortlionm Insoc-
ionmnl ' 'lvoCcnlsPcrUniifo.'Cichsuliso [ < iuont
Insoitlon. Ijcnro mlrorlUoincnts nt our ollico
Nn. 1I'curl ! stiout , ilroiuhvur , Council
_ WANTS. _
WANTED Smart boy nl > out IBycmsufnirc.
with pony , to carry < x now louto. Apply
nt once at Ilco ollico.
\\rANTl'.0 Situation in bookkeeper by
TT young innn tthociuiKlvo mttlsfnrtory rcf-
us to oTporloncu , Imlilts uiul icsponsl-
bility. 0.1) . itco ollico , Council Hlmrs.
. Slttmllon as salesman In irrocory
stoio. HoleroiiL'cs given. 1) ) . U. T. , lloo
ollico , Council Dint ! 8.
VtflLl.pell two carriages on longtime or will
TT trade lor horeea. William Lewis.
Mule or lemalo who undorstnmH
WANTIID . Work light , t'cttlnir up email
orders. X. 1) . , llooolTico , Council Illullg.
" \\TANTin : Oood , steady , sober barber. No.
W M 1 South M nlii sircot. _
ANTIJ'u Situation us pressman. Hvo
j ears' experience. Address U. A. K. , lloo
SALE-Or Trade-Six bectloni of good
FJH In Lincoln county. Neb. , on U. P.
railway. Call on or address Udell llros. & Co. ,
10J Pearl St. , Council lUutTa.
I.nrpolmts In whlto , black and nil colora. Pot
Urn bonnets , tuitj mid toijucs , a specialty.
No 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
E.S. . KA11NKTT ,
Justice o ± the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city , Collections a specialty.
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation * First lun ,
And Itatc i ItciiMumhlc
Max Mohn , Proprietor
The finest of drivinj ; horses always on
hand and for sale by
Star Scr/e Stables and Mule Yards.
llroadwny , Council llluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot.
s ?
CO tm
T = f
fS 3
C < Q CO
( >
_ m _ _ _ _
Horses and mules constantly on hand
for sale at retail or in car load loth.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 111. SHU'TT.U & HOMY.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Hlufls.
Hides , Tallow , Pelfs ,
J/iy/ie.sf / Mat-lH-t Price * . rromjt
820 and 823 Main Street , Council JJlnflfe ,
Iowa .
Attorneys at Law.
Practice in the State and Courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugurt-neno Hlock.
COUNCIL 15i.Ki'd
500 Broadway , Council Hluflfc.Iowa.
Kstalillilied 15iT.
Justice of the Peace ,
Ofllco over American Kxprnss.
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Larg
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best ,
New Goods are arriving and invite
Curtains ,
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Instruments Tuned aiul Ilupnirud. We never full to give siilisraclion ,
Over ! 2O years' Experience in Piano and Or an U'orli.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Uroailwuy , Council BluflH , Iowa
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Couiu-il Itlulft OiHec , jllasonle
Temple. Omaliu Olllcc , Xo lit
Xorlli I ( Mil Mreet.
Particular attention given to investing -
vesting ; I'm nit lor lion - resi
dent * . Speelal bargaiim In lots Ac
acre properly in Omaha & Coun
cil HUill's. C'orrcHpondenee solie-
Best $2.00 a day house in tlie west.
Regular : : Boaidors : : Rorlucod : : Rates.
On Furniture , Household Good * , Stovoa , etc. , to make room
for Fall Stock. Goods Sold on Installments
A. J. MANDEL , - - Nos , 323 and 325 Broadway.
Ooiinoil Bluffs , Iowa.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
A cowMvri : ASS IMMII\T :
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign , , . .