Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
> . 'M ' pj < i , II * il'M- ' . i'.i.- * T r TT g f lJTC iJ f * JrB > * * 15"Trl ? . % W " T - * % ? . * v i * V . * * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' SUNDAY , .TOTS 24. 1887.-TWELYE PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES ; AdvottlPcmcnta underfills head.10 coins po Ino fur the first liifcruon , ' cents lor each sub nequcnt InFcrtion , andtl.fiOa line ) > or inontli ho ndvcrtl oinent taken for iops tnnti 25 cents for ttio llrst Insertion , hovrti words wll ; be counted to tlio line : tlicy must run conflccii- lively and must no paid In advance. All adver tisements mii t bo handed in before 1 : no o'clncK ji. m. , nnd tinder no clrcutnftanccs will they betaken taken or discontinued by tclophono. Partuis anvcrtiplng In thcfe column nnd nav- Ine tlio answer * adrtrrpHMl In cnro of THE HER will pieiifo nek fern check to cnnblo them to trot tnrlr none will bo delivered oxccnt on nrcFcntatlnn of chrek. All answers to adver > tmrmontR should bo wrlo cd In envelopes. All advertisements In thcto columns nro puf > - H'hcdln both morning and evening editions of The DEE , tlio circulation of which Bggrcgntcs moro than 14,000 pnpors dally , nnrt gives the advertiser the Iicnt-nt , not only of the city clrctilntlon of The nr.R btic alfo of Council nluffs. Liscoln , nod ntncr cities and towns throughout thli part of the wo t MONEY TO LOAN. M'ONT.Y \ ' to loan , no commission. Cole , nm 15th. tin M'M ONHY To loan nt 0 per rent. Vnttrrbon M Urns. , lljlh street , op. P. O. : i28 ( , ( TO LOAN ntfl per cent. $75(1,0(10 , 150'J Knrnnm. 179 6 PEll CENT Money. U. C. Patterson. 15th ar.d 181 $ M 1,000 to loan on real estate. No delay. Harris * Batnpsoii , 15111 Douglas St. 253 M NF.Y TO I.OAN O F , Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam it. 1 ti'J $ :50'V00 : to loan in any amount at lowest rate of interest. II. II. I roy. Frenrer block. 307 / To loan on Omaha city property atd $600/100 cent. 0. W. flay , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid. _ 170 ONKY TO LOAN- city . nnd farm prop- orty , low tales Stewart St Co. , Hoom 3 Iron bank. 171 MONEY to lonn to parties wl hlnir to build. B. .S. Campbell , 310 S 10th st. , Chamber of Commerce. 750 To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. MONEY - . Hlco A. Co. , over Commercial Nil- tlonal bank. 267 _ MONEY to lonn. cash on tmnrt.oo delay. J. W and FU Squire , 1U3 Furnam St. , raxton hotel bulldlmr. ITS ONEY TO I.OAN-Lonns of 10 to $100 mndo on f urnltirro , pianos , borscs , wagons , eto. , without removal , . ! . . I. Wilkinson jc Co. , 1321 Fnrnam street , over Hurllngton ticket ollleo. C33 nugi ) ' _ MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In gums of $ l,000to ? 5,000 at sU per cent Interest. SliolcBA Crumb. 167 _ MONEY TO LOAN on improved real pstato ; no commission chnrgod. Leiivllt llurn- httin , Hoom 1 Crolirhtnn lllock. 173 MONin' "O .OAN-On city piopcrty In sums of { 500 anil upwards at lowest rates. Money Hlways on hand. S. B. Campbell 310 t-oiilh Sixteenth street. 168 _ MONEY to loan on farm nnd city property at current rnto.s. Largo lonns on gilt rdged biislncs property. Fee us. .Mnrsliall it l.o- bccV , 1HW rnrnnm. Telephone T.I. 231 rpO IXAN Money Loaiis placed on m\- X proved real ostnte In city or county for Now England Loan St Trust Co. , by UoiiRlai County bank. 10th.nnd Chicago Fta. _ 176 IiMFTY Thousand dollara to loan to parties wishing to build. J60.HOO to loan on unimproved city property. $100,000 to loan on Impiovod city property. Special rates for the neititO days. Odoll llros & Co. , cor Fnrnnm and lltth. _ _ _ 152y2fl | MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hood &Co.'s Loan Offlco , on furniture , pianos , horscs.wngons , personal property of nil kmdx , nnd all other ar ticles of vahip , without removal , iill B. 13th. over Hlngham's ( "oinml slou store. All busi ness gtrlctlv confidential. ISO _ TlfONKY TO LOAN by the nndcrslgnod , who J. ' * has thn only pioperly orpnnl/cd loan ngcncy InOninha. Loans of $10 to $100 mndo on furniture , plnnos , orgnns , horses , wagons , machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so mndo that any part can bopald nt nny Imo.each payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances mndn on flno watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many now concerns are dally comlnu tate existence. Should you need money call nd sco me. W. It Croft , Itoora 4 W'thnell ' JHulklhig 151h nnd Ilnrnuy. 177 _ _ mill' OMAHA Financial Exchange. J. N. W. corner of Harney nnd 15th gtg. , over Stnto National bank. Is prepared to make short time loam on any available security. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real estate. Long time lonnsmadcon Improved real estate at current rolre. Purclnifo money mortgages negotiated. Pecured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short tlmn loans mnde on second mortgaga. according to marginal Interest , at collateral rates. Heal citato to exchange for good Interest bearing paper. General financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on band for approved loans of any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Corbott. Manager. 178 ABSTBACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 Farnam street Complete abstracts uir- nlshcd.aud titles to real uttate examined , per fected and guaranteed 078 BUSINESS CHANCES. & RAUK llnslness chance Per sale , Block of Kcncra ! merchandise In the best ot shape , located m the best railroad town In Southern Nebraska. Stoek will Invoice about $11,000. Biilos hist year , f 10,0110. Cn'd or address , ( lood reason for selling. U. F. Hart & Son , Falrbury , Nob. _ 163 'Oj OU i\CIIANOi-2 : : < 0 acres land on U. P. track : i miles west of Clarkri. Neb. , for stock of hardware ? , general merchandise or cattle. Cuddlntfton and Hays , Central City , Nob. ANTKII- Partner w Ith K..OOO to Join n prac- tlcnl man In tiii > lni ? uacklni ? bouso and plant and In woikluir giimo , in a good town , county sent. In northern part of Nebraska , Apply to Mrinifcr & Williamson , 151H Dodge street. ilCS-Si _ \\7ANTni-To trade , Improved farm and " town property for ( took of Koncinl mor- chandlse. Addi CBS , Lock llox''O , Falrburv , Nob. _ _ IIJ 2.J RAHIlbinlnof.s chance : for xale , the stock , llxtures and Rood will of a first-class cloth- Intf store dulni ? a Kood business , centrally located , only reasons for Rolling tbo owner baa other and more Important business. Parties mciinlni ? business may address U. IP , Ileo oftlce. ! U9 _ _ _ IilOW SALK A boarding house and furniture , doing good business , 40 boarders , irood rcnfim for selllnc. Call at Currle t Vollum. IMh and Capitol avc , Kxposlton llulldlni ? . i W \\TANTKD-Partnor , WOO ; flO dully. H10 9. 10th st. 602aS' _ OH SALK-Moat market , tools , niturc" , horse and wairon , overythlni ? complete. Good location ; peed trade. Address U 40 , Ilee. _ ( gCaug 8J T71OII KXCHANOi-A tock oflmrdware In J1 Council lllufTs for Omaha real eauto. A. H C'onidtoek. IKl Farnam at. W3 . . ) Parties who desire to buy or sol ! or exchange stocks of general merchan dise , dry eoods , groceries , boots and shoes , hardwaredrugsJewelry Improved or unlnv proved town orolty property. Improved er no. proved farms In any part of tlio United States , to address Krnufo A Potter , 310 S. 15th st Omaha , Neb. Ml FOIt KALE Law library , cheap. Wheeler A Wheeler , Douirlns aim Uth st. 041 17011 SALE-A good business ; imall caplti required ; good reasons for eclllng. At ! drcs T 44 lieu office. 710 BUSINESS CIIANPE-Nloo clean stock oi full and winter dry voods. Bummer stock all clo < cd out. This MOCK Is In a good towi onlVoO miles fiom Omaha. 'Iho store has ar elegant trade. Toinif hnlfca > h and balance Ir note * or good propoity. Addret * Sui'Jclimui IV17 i'8 Mrecl. Oiiiaha , Neb,1 FOll SALE Hare buslnesi chance Stor building , Mock of giocerles and tlxtiin'H itnMes and out-house * . Flvo years lease o , Ground. Addicts XM , Ileo ollice. ti02l * "iriOH KALE Private boarding house , dolni . ' -L good business and tu prominent location j. lleaaon tor selling given nil Inquiry ; clioap foi ciidi. Call at 617 South 12th cUi'ct Immcdmtely 10125' > . THADE-Cltv real estate fur stock ol Harris fc Sampton , 151U f FOIt BALi : A No. I saloon , Ice box'cheap , No. 11M Faroam t. 373 TrIOH 8ALR 30-room hotel-one of I he best It the North Plttttp country , vlllturnlil 4 Kood cowt , irooj team , uud every ( UlnrJii first cluis , will give a ui u a good bar all AdJrcw P. 0. Iloz Iff } , Albion , 220 Zo " \ rANTr.O-Ocntleman wlshln ? an honest liuinr > iL Prollts $14 pcrday. $100 ro- Jiulrcd , Will exchange for dock or trade. Call loom 4 ( 'roll nsu block , 119 N ICtu ttrcot. ' PERSONAL. . . . .w./ A widow of ! W years of ngo , - good looking , with 1 child , wishes to cor- cspond with a gentleman of moderate moans. n view of matrimony , deference given and equircd. Address X on , llco olllco. Itll 2i 5EdSONAL-A Gorman. 21 years of ago , good looking , wishes to correspond with ome good , respectable girl that wishes to got inrried and bavo n good home , deference Ivcn mid required. Address X G6 , Hco office. P nilSONAL Ilrcfsmakcr from 13lfl Capitol ave rcinmcd to 220 N ICth Bt. 310 MJ T > KHSONAL Oentlcmen , attention. Oood X board and rooms at 6U4 S. ISth st..rcasonably 7tfl aui ? l-'J 3DCHSONAL If you want n de lrablo , con- trally located ollico you can find It at iilO B loth st 078 "pEHSONAL-Prlvato horao for Indies durlnif J confinement , strictly conlldontlal , Infants a-loptcd , iidilrcfs i : 4' ' . Ileo olllco. i-'a-i / - . Dr Nannl * V. Warren PERSONAI/-Mr , Medical and biislnm Modluoi Boom No , 8 Kl North ICth st .Omaha , Nob. LOST. A Imckpkln horsp , phort lilHOk mnnn , IOST lull , 0 yenrs old , branded with Monrr in rinht shoiililnr. Kinder will bo rowiirdod byte to 2id ; and Corby. 357-25 * STIlAYini From West Side diilry , one mlle west of poor fnrtn , n blnck cow wltn 'irokcn horns. Howard for return. J Nchlcpn. , 281 24J LOST'o bay pony mare , 2 nlnd feet white , H years old , pore on fore iptr , whlto ipot on lorehcnil. Hcturn to 1028 S Sid nnd tjct oward. 239 2-SJ 8iViXTY-FIVidollars' : : ; reward. Ftrnyed or stolen from icnr of 111 N 17th st , n laruo roan liorfo , nbout 17 hmids hlKh , wrltthlnir bet - t oen 1,1'COond 1,100 pounds , rnllsli brown nmno nnd tiill , hind nnlilo fomewliat Bwollcn * J2."i will IIP paid fnr return of nnliiml to ownoi ( > , nt 110 S lllh ( t.aint It stolen the shei III of Douir- lus Co. will pny rcwiird of t50 tor the nrrest Biid conviction ol the thief. fiM STOHAGE. i : Omnhn StornRO Wnrcihouso , cor. Ollitli nnd 1/nrd , miiplu Incliltlcs for Murage , 'urnltnrn , wnion , etc. Low intoi , nrtvnncos undo. IfPilo wnrclionso rccoliits. 41lluut'OJ T IHST-CLASS titorago Ht 11U N 13th ft. 1SI First-class etoraeo for mco rur- STOHAOE boxed goods , ntljU Dodcc-at. 18ft CLAIRVOYANT. MHrf. DDHANT Clnrlvoynnt from Boston , 19 icllablo in nllnrfnlrsof life , unites separated lovers. 32S N. 16th it , room 1 D9I j)28 | MISCELLANEOUS. GIHLS WANTINO-Allklndsot positions can bo supplied by calling at Miss Kenneriy's employment ollleo , 121 N. 16th. 35024. O THADE Good residence tiropcrty for stock of drugs. Cone & Johnson , 724 N. IGth St. i35 ! CO B OAHIiEHS-Good board , ! > 0l South 12th street , two blocks from LT. 1' . depot. FOH THADE Omaba property for n new- stock of furnltuic. 'Iho property Is n lit- lo 01 or ono mile from P.O. D. L. , 507 S 13th it. 245 nl HAHHY WILICES beats .lohnson , the fastest pacer In the world. Solomon owns his tiolt brother , son of the mighty George Wllkcs , jiow standing at Spring Valley stock farm at $35 ; OmahH. Neb. 318-24 FOH ADOPTION A healthy Rlrl linby 5 days old ; bornot young Amorionn parents. Ad dress nt once , "Loctor , " llox 454 , Omaha. 337 24J SIXTEENTH st. employment ollico furnish hotels , contractors , olliccg.bourding houses families , Ace. , with llrst class help nt short no tice. These wanting positions should call at Kith st employment office , 205 N IGth. room : i , 1111- Btali s. 14't20 ' DO YOIT want the earth ? 70C yards ot It can bo had with a premium at 1144 South 17th street , near Lcavcnivortli. 278 O EXCHANOE For good family liorso and phueton , M acres ot Innd , free from en cumbrance , within tlirco miles of county seat. Cliaa. P. Henjumln , 1512 Farnnm St. 555 / 1 ASH buyers of furniture , stoves ami house- \J hold goods don't go to the long time hlirh priced stoics , they go to 117 N 16th. 547 aug 7 EXCIIANOE-Pouth Omaha lot free from TO encumbrance for ppan of good horses , elms. P. Benjamin , 1512 Farnam st. 5J5 ONEY talks lor furniture and household M goods ut 117 N Ifith , Your prlco for cash , 648 aug 7 FOH THADE Farms , city lots , stock of : nor chandlse , etc. Parrott & Williamson , Hth Douglas. 2b5 IF. WILLhTTS-Trained male sick-nurse. Telephone 370 , Y , M. C. A. rooms. rooms.I'fiOSl * F uu KB Nl Square Piano $ J moninlr. A Hospe.1513 Dougiag. Ib7 a O parties having houses tor rent , Hentnl Aiiency , llenawa Si Co. . 15st , opposite post- office. We have turned over to them our rental list. We recommend thorn. McCagua llros. 188 TT1OK KENT Organs , $3 per month , { loupe. J ? 1613 Douglai. 187 OL C.-1louie furnishing goodi , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prlcoi at J. Ilonner , 1315 Douglas st Ib9 F I OK KENT Square JPmno , | t moatnlr. Hoipe. 1513 Douulns. 1ST JF yoi want to buy or sell furniture , go to J. "erifuson'g , 71i N Wth. 190 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOH BALl'-Notv elevator , coal sheds and onice , with Brain and coal luislnosn at Oak- dulo. Neb , lluslncss profitable and Rood rea sons for scllluir. Address for particulars Lock llox Ml. Fremont , Neb. 7.M 2'iJ "IjlOltSALi : Horse , harness and phtnton , a -L biirvaln for anyone wantln r anod ( drlvmir or saddle horso. Call at U. J. Mentor's stables opposite Exposition bulldlnir , Capitol avc.1 . W ! > -1 * FOKSALK-vrho finest and most lollablo fam ily and roud liorsn lu Omaha. Can boat the best of them on tilth St.Mllfoll lor ciifih ortradn for real estate. 1' . 11. Keiinard.114 and 110 9. llth ( Pt i-.r ) > TT'OIl SALK-2i-foot Howe scale with cxton- -L slon bourn , lu Rood order , cheap Apply to Welsliand & Mchai ) , orWelshaus , 1'ratt & IlHlncs. 218 . - ? I ? OH BALK Your choice of the bnst lines of 1 buiriiles. carrlaRcs. phaetons , surreys , de livery waifong , open and top ono flnn hunting wairon. Call and look throuirh or send tor cuts and prlco to Columbus Uuirgy Co. , Ill : ) Hnrney g'JB &M I OU rtALK Ono six-foot uprlxht black wal- .1. nut show cast ) , Milton Hoifrrs & Son. Vfi L" > OK SALK-Medium sized second hand aato. L * Apply to Crane lira's Mfc Co. CIV FOH BALK Furnlturo of Brooms with privi lege of lease of uouto , 707 8 , Uth St.U09 " 171OH PALK 8 year old roaro.eound and kind .I1 for family use : also bug y nnd haniC'io. Stable for rent with a stalls. l'Jl7Cassit. 973 FOIt RALK Sixteen head of cholca young horses and marcs , all uood workers mid drivers. Uho above will be found at 11. K , liar- bee's livery and sale barn,2W5 Cumlmr street , known an the Furay stable. K7--4J Ti'OH 8ALE--OII and Ras'illno wniron , team , L1 harness and route. Cull bet. K and I at 141.1 DodtfO. Sl.'i BALM -About : ! 00 tons of Ice at Flor- cnce. Address X 4'J ' , llco ofllrc. 2l7i.7J F I OH HALBO.vored wagon , second handT A. J. SlitU'eon , Mil : and Dodge , 13'ln'IJ TMm SALK-140,000 brick. Apply to .1. N. P Vlynn , 150S Farnam st. 114 FOH SALE-Gxnl ( family norfp. drlvoB either slngUi or double , Ulil St , Mary's avo. 141 201 FOH SAI.K bpan fine malchpd hay driving horses. C. F. Harrison. 413 S 16th it. 5i7a 17Oil SALB- X ? i-tudebnkor buictries at Seaman's. Sludebakor phactomat Feaman' . Studebaker corrtnrcst nCScRmnn'o. tudcbaker iprlnsf MHgons at Seaman's. Btudplmker draft wugoni at Sonumn'a. Corner of Farnam and Uth Bt * . I'lTe car loads jinn ri cclvcd. f(22 ( Jy 24 ' WANTED MALE HELP. \\7-AHTED-Qood rallkcr at Saratoifa Dairy , . . . . 320-25 * T\7ANTKD-4 men with references as solicitors - ' ors , $ .550 per day ; steady employment , Mrs. Hrega A Son.nlO 8. 15th. isfgij WANTED-Salosmcn for filling goods In city. Largo wazes to the right man. I.oy. ell.M'f'KC,2JlN. 13th St. 2S023J WANTED An experienced retail fhoo salrgman , only these having bad several years experience in exclusive shoo store nee < l apply , unquestionable reference required , Chicago lliirgnln shoo Store , 11118 tJouclas Bt. \VANTED-Mon for rallrond work In Colorado - orado , waecs for tonnifltcrs J30 per month and board. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Tarnum st. 231 WANTED-A11 those wanting help or sltua- tions , sitcn as ranches , watchmen , time keepers , clerks , collector ? , solicitors , coach men , carpenters or masons , apply to 011 South ICth st. Mutual Employment Agcnc.7 "IV ANTED A young man for a good poel- ' tlon.mustboa llrst-cluss salesman. J , M. French & Co , , Hoom 10 , I ) usbninn blork. 223 28 " \VANTED-A man to drive a carriage nnd ' * woik around houso. Need not apply without the very best of city references. Call nt the third house on the south side of Calltor- nla street , between 10th and 17th sts. 220 WANTED-A boy with horco to carry n route on the E\onlnellco In the sown part of town. 140 WANTED Men for railroad work , good wages and steady job. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 rurnam. ' .i'J. > WANTEIV Agents to sell the Universal Hut- ton Vastner * : write for samjilo and price. Q. Ilurgctt , box 147 , columbus , Ohio. ill 24J WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED A tlrst-class housekeeper. Apply at Mips Kato Kennedy's employment oflico. 121 N. 151H st. ittO-24 W ANTED A girl to do housework In a small family , at 1112 South llltli st. ! T > 1 \\7"ANTED At Europcat hotel , ono second * T cook and ono good Ironcr In Inundry. 952-20 WANTED Tliteo dining room girls and two laundresses for now hotel In Idaho , 20 nil-around. Pastry cook for Konrncy ; dhli- wa her mid dluiuir room girl for C'cntml City : all lares paid. In oily , girls for general housework - work , f II00 to J5.00 per week , all nlco places : four I'laln cooks , ? "i.00 : twelve imrpo girla. ono second girl , fond of children ; several dining room girls , laundresses mid kitchen helpers. Mr. . IlrcgncS Son , 310 South 15th i-t. 317 21 * V\rANTEI ) Four lndy solicitor * ," per t > day. Mrs. Hrcgn X Sou , 310 South Kith. 168 25J WANTED ( llrls for gcmirul housework , fl to $ , "i per week. lloferoncot ) required. 211 South lOlh it. .Mutual lUnployment Agency. 313 21J W ANTED-Second girl. 101.1 Capitol avunuc. 2.12 27 * " \17AN"IED A girl for u ashing nnd Ironing i and general house work , In a small family , flood wages to the right person. Apply C24 South 17th st. 285 24 * WANTED Two lady bookkeeper , must bo A 1 quick nt figures , must glvo refer- cnco-j. Oinalia Employment llurcnu , 111 * North ICth st. 1U2 W JANTED-GIrl lit l.mmct hou-e. , 373 \A7ANTEn-Two girls nt Porun house. 4225 > T 18th St. , near St. Mary's avo. -4 SITUATION WANTED. "V\T ANTED-Situation by young lady as vest or pant-maker. Addicss".V , 04 , " lloo ot- Hco. 35 24J WASTED A position In wholesale grocery or commission hou o to learn too busi ness , by young man of unquestionable rotor- cnccs , willing to work on WH.TOS until worthy of promotion. Address A 12 , lice oillce , Council Illuirs. 301-2TJ \\'ANTED Situations for 10 nlco girls for > general hou owork In city. L'i'lles want ing gooil girls ( . ' 1111 find them nt our ollleo every day. Mrs. Urcga \ Son , 3l'i ' S. luth ft. 21024 * WANTED In private Inmlly , place as coach man. Itofrrencos first-class. 214 South Kith st. Mutual Employment Agency. 3"224. WANTED A position by a reliable and com petent druggist of cloven years experi ence ; registered In Iowa and NobrasKn. Ad dress X Ul , llco oillce. 3I5-24 * WANTED A good position us miller , Im mediately. Address box 2'j.l , Fremont , Nob. 3.1gflj V\7ANTED Printer who has had 3 year * cx- ' porlonco wants worn In country oillce. Strictly temperate. Address S 49 Hen ollice. 201 2-j WANTED Ily a llrst class dreamaker n tow enTiigomouts in priv.iui fiunl- I'OS. Address U 28 , llco. l'J8 2iJ ( ALL those wnntlng help , npply to Scandina vian Employment tlurcnii , 1(110 ( rarmiin. Wo have n number of girls lor llrst and second work In private families. 27824j WANTED-Sltuntions for men nnd their wives ou fnrms. or In private families or hotels : wo huvo numbers of applications every day. Mrs. Iliega & Son , 310 South 15th. IS'J 24j MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. " \\7ANTr.D-ltysinglogtintlemnn. room mid T T board , strlutlv tlrst-clnss , centrnl locu tion with private family prelcrrod. X (50 ( , lloo ollice. 3d7 "V\rANThl > Furnished room and board for a T ' limn nnd wife In a private lamlly. Mod- crate price : centrally located. Addri'ss seating prlco , W. K. Carlilo. Council niulls , lown , llox 315. 354-24 * \\'ANTED Pleasant room with board for ' two gentlemen ut 2J07 Cuss street. Ref erence required. OTI-24'Q \\fANTED-To exchaniro Omaha property T T for farm land. Patterson llros. , 15th St. , opposite P. O. 32H 28 VITAVrEIJ Hoom anil ooaru in private fain' TT Ily where siirmundlnus are pleasant : good board ; by young lady. Address , X5Slloo Olliee , 2W 24J \\7ANTED-Plano player , 1513 Capitol av- T onuo. Call between 12 and 2. 30420 * WANTED Folding bed , dresser and com mode at a bargain X 50 , lieu ollleo. 2M 24 * WANTED A good horao and top buggy In nzehaiige for a lot within IU mllnd from P.O. Horse must bo about fl yo.\rs , nnd gen tle. Mare preferred. Address X 35 , llco ollleo. 118 25 FOR BENT HOUSES nnd LOTS. FOIt HENT House on Ilnrncy street and furniture lor sale very cheap. Inquire 1120 Capitol avenue. 30J 23 * FOH HENT Fine stores mid residences on Ifith street , at south end of viaduct. Stores 22x50 tcet : good cellar : plate glass tiont ; best location for retail business. Kesldoncos on 2d floor , have six rooms each ; front ami buck entrance - trance ; modern conveniences. Hnrtman if. Gibbon , 1013 I'arnnm st. 300 24 > OH HENT Two houses , 24th st. nearLeav- rnworth. A. P. Tukey , agent , 1324 Far- imm st. 31J FOH HENT Sceonil Hoer of brick building , southwest corner of Tenth and Leaven- worth sticcts , containing eight rooms ; also water closets and wash room. Will poll lessee the steam heating apparatus In laid building. Enquire of J. It. Mnnchester , claim agent , U. P. H'y. , corner 9th and Fnrnam streets. 345 29 FOH HENT A fi-room house on 17th H net. Jackson nnd old Ilrownel hall. 108 24J FOH HENT 8 room liouso and barn , 11117 Webster street. Inquire of P. J. Crcedoti. Iloyd'g opera house. 2as 25 FOH HENT-3-story brlck house rooms , and furniture for dale , lease to April 1,1888 , Inquire nt 010 Colfnx st. ate jaj pOHitENT-OnN Wcor 15th and Vlnton , 2 J1 stores,20x40,11 rooms upstairs , suitable lor families or roomers Call at promises oren on M. Donovan , U , S 13th st. 8'J3 II'OU ' HENT 3-room cottage on 21st and Paul - * - streets. Inquire at 617S-outh 13th street. 901 _ "IJIOH HENT 0 room house ami barn , 17th am ! -1- Center sts. house heated ' - - , by hot water nm' all modern Improvoiccts , $11:1. Also ft 7 room lioune us above $40. J. L. Wclshans , 31U S. 15th street. 467 OH HENT-Now 5-room house 1 M miles south of P. O bet 20th nnd 21st sts , $18 PCI month. Clurkeon , Wood 4 Co. , 3188.10th. uss FOll HENT llHlf of More. Inquire at 1213 Douglas it. ( > | J FOH Itl.NT New store and living rooms on Cumlngsl ncari-aundorsst. Apply Har- rlalleiil EMHleA Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th st. 8S9 IJ1OK HEIf'T Store room suitable for grocery J-1 rtoroor butcner shop , on the southwest uirncr of , th aud Pnclllo etrcota. " 075 TTU1R HCNT A basement , good place for X' bnrbdr shop , & w corner Uth and Leaven worth sts. sin TTlOirHENT-3-room hoiuc , 1027 N 20th. InV -V quire ut C17 Bldtli. tn lT" ; " " -HUM HEXT-Twrt'brlct : stores with base. J.1 menu 21th anl Hamilton streets. Dcslr- nblo location for dry" goods nnd drug store. Flats above If dotted. Loavltt llurnham , com 1 , Crelghton blocV. 074 FOll HUNT To largo now stores nnd two Hats of llvo rooi.i * rued. City water and gas. On Saunders at. C. W. Caln,2 iO Ohio et. M3 F HENT-OrtIcps.2 front offices In Omana - National bapk tq rent , Inquire Hoom 1 and. ? . WJ irOH HENT First clno now 0 room hotiPO , V modern conveniences , 25th st between Decatur and Parker , 25S 28J FOR HKNT New ' 10-room lioiuo ; nil Im provements , Mcnm heat. C. \ \ \ * (1. li Thompson , 3148. IGtti it. 7 IIXK ) FOH Iir.NT-llnsoincnttSSxtO , Hamilton Itros builders , 4H ( H isnh gt , 1M S6 j 0ll lir.Nl-S houses. A , Murphy , 440 South i1 Hth st. W ) FOIl HUNT-NOW f-roomed hoiiBo. S-'H Chi- ciijoet . fCO. J. R King w nit , -18 H. 778 MIIOIOI' Lot for bcoso. Pouthonst corner Vy 48.x5'ti l.cnvrnworth and 1'ark avo.or will build to suit tenant. Hobble llros. WJ FOIt HKN'T-flooil house. 1315 N. 10th. Cull nt hou0or25 ! a luth st. U. N. lllckd. S 3 25 71OU HUNT Ioilio ! of 4 room . bnth room , - ' wiitorworki , etc. , mid furulture for sale. Ktlqulro 'JO'J N. 12ttl St. 275 2IJ F 1 Oil JlKNT-Threo room house , 1I06 ! { S 7th FOB BENT ROOMS. FOH HUNT A nlcp laiyo front room fnriii'h- cd , $10 per month. 1007 ChloiKOSt , a.V.-2. ' ) FOH HHNT-Nicely furnished rooms , nil N. 12th. 3JU-27 * 1J10H UKNTrurmshoil rooms , 015 South 18th -U street. 300-2.'i FOIt Itent Nice room for slnilo Rent with rofurunce , at 9'J ! Park nvouo , on cur line. 3 4 23' FOIl Kent Kuriilnhrd rooms , (0. ( in ami $10 licr month , 1SI3 I'm mini st. IK'i 2C * " " 71OII HIJST-Ilandsomely""furnished baok 1 parlor nnd iilcoyu : also u larjro front room ind two back looms. Hcf. cr. 215 So 2Jd st. "TJ1OH HUNT llniidpoinoly furnlahed front -L1 room , 1718 Dodpu St. Pl'J FOH HUNT 1 nicely furnished room , modern Impimomenta. (05 ( X. 17lli si. 2'JU ' FOIt HUNT -A newly furnished room. 202"i Fnrnam treot. 28 ! ) 20 \\T ANTED Two rooms , furnlsliol or unfiir- ' r nlshcu , by man and \\lte , lor light liouo- t\ecping : lefercnco given ; btato prlco Ad- Ircss X J" , Ileo oillce. 27ll 2IJ FOH HUNT A nice largo front room , nil modern Improvements and nicely f uriiNhed jOI S20th9t. 2li ; HENT HooTns witli boiird. fiOl S. Ifith. 17Hll HUNT Furnished room for ono or two -L Kentlemcn. Iiuiunu corner 10th and llow- ird Pis. 30S 2U * FOIl linNT Nicely furnished room in nice cottiiKO , $ S per month , 40S Walnut bt , ulnht nlniitos wulks southeast L' . P. depot. 310 IJIOH HICNT- iilensant furnished front room , 51(1 ( Walnut St. 302 25 * FOH HUNT Furnished rooms with every convenience. 2itO St. Mary's five , li.'l FOIt HENT A nicely furnished front room for two or three Kcntlumcn , at loasonablo plico. 315orth 15th etifut , 3l'J 21 * FOH HENT 'Iwo nicely luinished rooms , southwest corncf 20th and Webster. 317-21 * "JjlOK lir.NT Two filrnlshcd rooms ulth board -t ? nt 1SI2 CliicnKO strfet. 3lb'-2l FOH 111 NT I'liriilslicd plongnnt , cool trent loom with throe south windows and largo closet , 1714 Cnliroriiln. Hull ot 3d lloor for rent , between 12th and 13th on Furnam. C. V. Uarducr , furnaces and Moves. 71 N. 10th. ii'jod dry stoiuee for n few ranro Rtoves , and will put them up mfftll. C. Gardner , 7111 N. 18th. 311 IJ"OH HVNTNicoly furnished front room 1 with nlcovo : south trout ; 518. llcforc'ncea requited , 1 10 Webster st. 3.'l ai FOIl HENT A Innro front room In new hou f bnth , and latest modern Improve- mrnts , 1U1S Webster street. 122 FOH ItllNT Elpfiantly fuinl'hed rooms sin- ploor onsuite , with use of bnth ; cleetrlc bolls In every room. Flrht cln s restaurant at tached , at Norrls Kiiropuun hotel , corner lUlh imd Webster. f5fl Foil HUNT Sulto of fnrnlsliod rooms for gentlemen. A. IIospo , Jr. , Ul > N. 17th. FOH HENT Nicely lurnishrcl rooms , with or without board , modern convenience , 318 Norlh 15lh. MI'J 25 * FOll HI'NT Nicely furnished front room with iilcovo , nlso other rooms with llr t- clnhs lionrd , 2210 rnrnnm street. 1M-26J 1710H HENT Furnl hed trent rooms with 43 board , 01 ! ) Nortli lUtti street. 10l-21j ! FOIl KENT I art ) unfurnished rooms , suita ble for liousoKueplng.ono block from court house , on I'.ith ' street , between St. Mary't * five , and Il'irni'v st , modern conveniences , defer ences required , M. 1' . Martin , owner. ltJ "HIOIl HENT-Nlrcly furnlsheu looms , to grn- JU tlemcn only , 220 N. Ibth St. . Hoom 2. ! U8 FOIt HKNT Furnlshoil rooms for iruntle- men. Apply nt Collector's oillce , 10ii : Fnr- n nm , G0.i 31 HENT I'urnlshcd rooms , 1810 Dodge. 877augl FOIt HKNT'- Furnished room In OrounlK blk , cor 13th and Oodirust. Innulrn of DnvH > V Iluthcrlngton , Mlllnnl Hotel llifllard room. 2U1 FOH HENT Furnished rooms , 1812 Dodi'o. 7bfl Foil HKNT Part of ollice room. Inquire at 1212Donglaa st. 013 FOH ItnST FmnMied front room , near ear line at corner of Dod e nnd 21th streets. Inquire of A. II. Comstock 152J Fnrnnm st. FOH KENT A nlco front room for ono or two gentlemen , iKIl N. )7th St. 3I22.IJ KENT Ono nlco large luiuishod room ut 15J9 Howard st. 3H 21 ] FOIt KENT Nice front room , llrst lloor , cheap , largo t > ha > 1y yard , -106 Chicago st. 31'J 2t5j FOH HENT-3 rooms , furnished , delightfully situated , convenient to curs. BBSS Chillies ( trjct. 327 21 FOIl HENT-Ploiisaut room , furnished. 111H Chicago St. 197 1KENT rurnlshoJ room M7 Pleasant 8L 2CO 24j I OH HKNT Front oflico room , 2nd lloor.111 iiouth 15lh stieot , Apply toM. F. Martin. FOU ItKNT-3 unfuriiUhcd rooms on Loav- enworth Hicet , between Georgia aviiuuu and Virginia avenue. 272 28 * rOH HKNT Olticcs at 1012 Fitrnam st. AH | ply to Patterson & Moore , Omaha National bank. i- FOH lir.NT-Niee rooms at 1821 Jackfon Bt. ono block west of court house. 207 TjlOH HENT An elegantly furnished south -L' iront room , 1703 Douglas et. 20 ' , ! 27j FOH HKNT Furnished rooms , house and furniture now , all modern conveniences , 2214 Farnam st. " 202 27J FOB KENT Ware room cor. Hth and Call- Ifornla on flolt Line , lor particulars en quire at Union Nat. bank. 183 FOR HKNT-2 clrgunt rooms , nicely fur- nlahod on street ear line ; modem con veniences , ( ieritleroen only. Hxcollont loca- tlon. I'JlTCass. U71 7710H HKNT-Threo nicely furnUliod front -I-1 rooms ou 2a lloor , 1818U fct. JIurys avo. MI24J OH HKNT Furiilbhed rooms with board , lUOll , Farnam. Cffl all II OH lin.NT Two rooms furnished for llpht -L houeokceplng. Apply utWJ llouiird st. FOH Itr.NT-Hooms ranplnff In prlco from | 8 to t25 at 16J1 ruriiiun 6t. 817 FOH HKNT Elegant suite of rooms , referen- ens required , Ui07 Douglas 6U VfJ FOH KENT Nicely furnished largo room , \7o" Casa. H5 FOH HENT-Now and elegantly furnished rooms , elngluorlu fulto. 2.07 Douglas st. 107 24J FOH HENT-Nlcely furnished room , laa Dodge. 11U ' " F'"OlTIUJNT Hoom suitable for lady , or gen- tlomin and n-'fo. Apply 81S South 24th , TJ'OU HEJOUUI : , U16 Howard streou TTion nr.NT-onico. room i < ea floor , sis s mil BUjKiulreiil 17 S Uth st. ' ftf.i _ _ irNlMiiliro room * IO per month , 2nd lloor. 310 g. 16th st. 400 FOH lir.NT-Nlcely furnlihcd room. 1 1 UoJfe st , 1'Jj FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. ritWELVr htinilrcd and nny dollars buys ICO JacrM peed farm hind in Knox county , Neb. , tiOO of wliicli can rest on mortgage ou and. Ono well Improved farm In Knox county , Ntb..of G4U acres for HO per acre , ll.CUOcash. A eplrmlld farm , hou < oo. . , \i' . , In Lo ls county , Mo. , lo ; acres , rented at $215 cash , nt [ 20 per aero. ; tM acres , well Improved , In Antelope count } ' , Nob. , for f 4,000 , only HKH ) cash. A splendid ranch of 1,210 acres , n miles from shipping town In Holt county , Neb. , f S per icro. 485 acres good unimproved land In Pierce county , Neb. , at { 1 per acre , one-half cnsh. ao. 21 Stringer & Williamson. _ _ * FOll S ALK-lly StrliiRor * Williamson , nt IJla DoilKo si. : Three nloo 4. room cottagca , 1U miles n. w , of P. t ) . , II , COO each. Six room house and full lot , Mxl27 , east front on 26th street , one mlle s , w. ot P.O. , ? af < A ) . One nlco laying lot and three stoio buildings n Central park , $2-00 ! , Six room house on Grace street , corner of 10th , fH.lKK ) . Flvo room house on 21st , close to draco street. S-.70iJ. Four room house on 22d , close to darkest , IS.'IH ) . Klcgant well built 7 room hoiiFe , cast front , on lleorgla nvo , clo o to street car , jil.OlO Six room IIOUBC , barn , etc , , on 1'opplcton avenue , -.WO ; n batgaln. Six room house in Iliinscoin plnco , cast front , on Virginia avenue , largo lot , ? < ; ,75 > . Vacant lots In Hnn com place , fl.POO and ? 1.2V ) ; Orchard Hill , J uO ; on la\enport street , f 1,000 and fl.tKW ; : Stevens place , ISV ) ; on 10th street , f-H.'iO : llcdfoul place , fi'fiil ; l.owo's , $1,1.00 and $1,100 ; faherlilau , JC50 : Mirlvor placn , $450 ; Shull's 2d , u largo lot f 1,800 ; Hedlck's eub , f . ' ,700 anil fil.MH , and one splendid loteait riont , 7IIU , on Virginia iixonue , fO , u. ) ; and H'OxHO ' leet , corner of Jack on nnd Park aye- nile , I,2. ! ' " > 1) ) : Oiunh.i View , fl00 : Popplaton park. $1,010 ; on Lake street , 4H\-rj | ; feet , J'1,000 ; Ambler pliico , $ si)0 ) and 5700 ; Walnut Hill , $7r ; HllMdo , f2lHH ) ; KeiidaH'fi , Jl.Oltl ; al o47lcct Iront on Ciiming Rtrcct. under one mlle from P. O. , with il cottages , f7.M ) ' , and magnificent mansion on Dndgn c-t , fll.iUO , and GO leet on Dodge t , opposite P , O. , JM.OOO. ! 1 2 24 Stt ingiT \ Williamson. IfOH sale at iinetlon The north 1.1 feet of the 1 MUttti li of lot ' "J In Hodlck's second uddl- llon located ou south 'Iwenty tilth street , 2'X ) Icet s.oiith of I.cavcMiworlli , with t\\o small houso" , will bn sold at public1 auction on the premies , on Sutmdiy inornliig July illllh , nt to o'clock. This Is valuable ln lda property , licing only half a mllu fiom the couit houso. llrowr. & Ciolkrhton , iiuctlonccrs. ; 1M 2' . ) Tj'tOlfSALT. orlindo i" W. cor ot 7th mid -a. ' Lcnri'iinoith sts. Mortcnsoii & Chrlstcn- EOII , 1114 1'arimm et. Xt" " E Can o for a few daya nnlv > > Lot 10. ) Olbo's addition lor 4i3,40) . l.o 171 Glee's addition , * ii'M. ) : ' lllockl lloyd's addition , fS.WO. One tlilul cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years. Homlngton St McCormlck , 220 Soutn 15th st. SPKCIAIj nnrgnlns House S rooms , barn , etc. , nil new , Dcnlsu's addition , tit,70. ' , $1,000 etili , balance good llino. Four 4-ioom nouses In Lowe's addition , new , Jl.frOO each , f-Oi cash , bnlnnco to suit. HOUPO 5 rooms , burn , full lot. Vales & Heed's subdivision , $2,000 , $150 cash , balance to suit. suit.Lot In Ambler Place ? ft.0 , ' 5 cn h. Couior lot , Snundeis .V lllmebaugh's , wlthla bloeK of llensou Hue , $ ffiO ) , ' 4 cash. Two lots , on corner , llrnnd View , nlco build ing siln , SX)0 ( ) , i4 cash , Imlunco long time. Lot In llesurvi/lr , souih I rout , very cheap at $1,000. It. H. llnll & Co. 115 North 10th ft 725 FOIt SALE ThochancoorTilir ' nrno-2il4 ft. on South luth street , by 140 ft. on Dorcus. Only J7"iPIT front foot. One-half cash , Con- trnct hns been let lor pnvlus Kith st , fiom via duct to Vlnton. M. A 1'pton & Co,15l'J Fariiam. 171OH SALE-BO N'o , 1 farms within n radius of -L1 yi miles of Oinahn , Alsr. a low gooil bus ) , ncsschnnccs In two llvo towns. , T. II. Sllvls , HonlEbtato nnd Loan Agent , Elkhorn , Nob. 570 Aug. 8 HAIKIAIN Ono hundred foot front on BIG South Eleventh st. corner lot , only 15,000. Farton time. V. L. Vodlcka , WJ South 13th gt. 1U8 "ITOH SALE- n bargnln , ( l-room htuiNo nnd X" huf ! lot on Davenport bt. near 27th. Owner must hno money anil will sell nt n great bar gain. Only f " 00 ciwli required ; balance long time. Address X l2 ! , lloo oillce. 33'J IF you want to bnv , sell or Undo , cult on it. V. Cnmi , 120.N 15th st. 100 lots 5 of n mile of U. P. depot for sale or trade. 0-room hoiieo lor rent. Two 10-room houses for rent , sale or tuido. Idl wlldc. Hy 815 L. V. Crum , 120 N 15th st TIWUNTY-SI.Y Improved farms and 40 quar ters wild land In Northeastern Nebraska for sine or OM'hango for Omaha property. PatterinMooru.Omnha National Hank. 810 MTST sell Immediately Good house nndlot on Saunilers St. , south ot I.ako st. Owner can't meet jinj ii.rnt duo on piopcrty. Vou can buy this for (2'JO ) , mid makn $1,000 Insldo of iiO days. Mortcnsen A. Chnstcn'oii , 1411 Fiirnum M. 277 2TJ BAHGAINS-ln some choice lots In Wlso & 1'armalee'saddition , liioldo property. Wo make tome good oilers In other business and residence stun" and in acres wo urn .ho boas. Marshall .V Lobeek,150'J Kariiiun. 7 'J ' FOH SALE Ono million ncrcs of land In Ne braska. Ppcculntor'sliiuds.rallrond InmU , ranches , and fnrniH In all parts of the slate. Send forpnmphlct containing descrip tion and prlco or over one thousand faniH. A fine topogiaphical map of ttio state sent free upon application. K. II. Andrus , for 10 years Gcn'l Land Agent II. & .M. IL It. Eighth nnd P streets , Unjoin , Nebraska. 240 riAWENTV-SIX Improved farms and 43 qunr- .1. tors wild land In Northeastern Nebraska for sale or exchange for Omaha property. Patterson & Moore , Omaha National Hunk. 810 SPr.CIAL bnr ama If sold soon. 5 high , slk'litly south Iront lots In Crehrhton IlolKlit-i. Will sell together or separate , Hart's Great Western Heal KatiUo Agency , Ciolghton block. 2 > 0. H P.IU ; ID a linr dln. Lots 3 and I , in block 4 , South Oinntia. $900. Terms hulf cnsh and bulitnco easy. Marshall St Lobeek , IDO't ' Far nam. Telephone l. -P- FOH SAl.i : Or trade , "r > lots in the western part of Omaha near the Ilenson cur line , prlco ? 4W ( each , J'.ViO duo on contracts pnyabhj in B quarterly payments , will trade interest lu contracts for Nebraska land. MuCullocn , V Co. , 160y 1'111 mi in ft. 1000 FOH SALII-Lot In llenlso's luld , tV-H , cash , lull 1 and 2 years. This is n bargain. See mo about It. James Ktockdnlo , H'l N. ICth 21027 Tj OH BALK Corner lot on Virginia ave with J' two good houses , cheap at ? 7,00) ) . Terms easy. Iliiiixos rent lor ITU per month. H. S , Campbell , . " 10 S. ICth bt Chamber of Com merce. 27.1 rpWKN'T.V-SIX Improved farms and 40 qunr- 1 tera wild lund In Northeastern Nebrif-ka for sale or exchange for Omatia jiroperty. Patterson & Moore , Omaha National Hank. 810 IMMEDIATE sale will taken lots or loss only D or blocks from Kxchango bid and Union Stock yards on favorable tiirms. Sixteen houses under contract In sumo block. iwant what they ar < i worth. I don't want fancy prices I want to Bell quickly. I * 11. Branch. 200 I'ropOHiils Tor District i'nvine HonrlH. City Treasurer's Ofllco , I Omaha. Nob. , Juno 2fj , Isi7. f Sr.ALKO I'llOPOSALS will bo received at this olllco until July 25,1887 , at U , noon , for the purchase ot ; i2Jixid of DlRtiict Pavln HomU of too i Ity of Omiilm Said bonds are dated July 1 , IhW , and will be duo mono , two , three , four , live , six , seven , oifjht and nlno years fiom their date , a s.mllar amount becoming due eucti year ; ar In Hums of llvo hundred and ono thousand dollars each , and bour Inter est from their duto at the rate of elx per cent um per annum , payable annually. The princi pal and Intorebt are both payable at the olllco of Kmintzo llros , In New YorK. Said bonds are Issued under tlio charter pow er of said city , mid will bo delivered to pur- clmnurH , on payment therefor , at ttio city treasury In Omaha on August 1,1837. Hide will bo addressed to tha undersigned and marked "Pioposals lor District Paving llomU , " Hiid miiM slate the full name and address of the milder , the amount of said bonds desired ( a similar Rmounldiin onoli year from one to nlno years ) , and the prlco proposed to bo i aid , with accrued Interest. 'Iho right U reserved to reject any and all bids. JOHN HUSH , City Treasurer. JimM-dTO Notice. In accordance with tlio provisions of on- ! niinco No. 112" , 'the City Council of Omaha wlih thuoccurrcnco of tlo | Mayor , lujvo exempted fiom the operation thereof tlio following territory , to wli : All tiu. ) land lying between Klgth ( Mil ) and Twelfth lUlli ) etrculD , and CximluK aud Ohio btiects , J. 11 , SOUTH A HI ) . . . , City fieri. , . . . THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Arrive i l wi\6 Uinnlin ' Unmlia UNIOKPAOtflO. Depot 10th nnrt 1'lcroo sts. I'nelllo Kxuros R:00 : pm Denver Express OI.'M nut * locat Kxjircjs 11:00 : nm 5:05 : ptu Except Sumlny. 11. * M. 11. 15. H. Pcpot loth nnil I'acltlo s Mull atiil i\pro-is : f : ' pin 10:0.1 : nm lU:00im : ; 7:15 : pm U. ll.&Q. It. U. Depot lOlliTnul I'twlUc sti. Mall and Express 0:00 : nm 0:00 : pm Express 8:10 : nm K. C. St. .1. A C. H. Depot lOtli and l' cliic.i -Mall f > : S5 pm sui : nm Express 7:00 : am 8:50 : pm 0. St. P. M. A O. DcpotlStliancl Webster st. Sioux City Express. . . . . . . . * 4:45pra' : 8:15 : am tinnuroU Expri'sa OMOnmiM5 pm lllnlr 1'as.soiiccr 7:40pm : CiiiOiiuj * Exceut iSutuUy MlSSObIII PACIFIC. Depot 15th niut Webster st Day Express ant Night Express : u Din :10 : pin Lincoln Express..j . . . . lUlOnm 0:10 : pm DUMMY Til A INS. is between Council lllulTaixiidbimth Oinahn. In addition to tlio stations men tioned , trains stov > at Twentieth and twenty- fourth btrcets , and at Summit , lu Omaha. Westward. COUNCIL Dnion National Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $100,000 Authorized Capital 500,000 W. W. MAKSII , President. J. W. KODKFKI ; , Cashier Accounts solicited nnd prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care. 1'ay 5 per cent on time deposits. No 200 Masonic lluilding , cor.Capitol Av enue and 16th sts. Telephone No 842. Cor Iftth ami Douglas sts. Capital Stock $150OOC Liability of Stockholdoro. . . . 3OO.OOO The only regular snvlnirf bank in the state-Five liercent Interest paid on dojiosita. Loans Made on Real state. UtvC. lUnrosPicsldent ; J. J. Hnow.v. Vice President : L. M. lJnv.sirr : , Mnnairinr Hi- rector : JOHN E. WII.IIUK , Cashier. THE BANK OF COMMERCE G10 Xortlt Jfitn Street , Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000 GF.O. E. lUHKBH , President. KOUT. L. OAHLICHS , VIco-Presldent. F. II JOHNSONCashier. DIHECTOHS : JOIINSOV , ( ! ro. K. HAIIKEII , KOIIT. L. UAItl.lUII ! ) , W.M. 8ilV : Il3 F. II. JOMNSO.S. A grneral banking business transacted. Interest ulloncd on lm donci Union TrustCo : ios . 15 in st. , , \ ; i . $300,000 Capital , - , DBiule on Itcal INtalt * . Schoul , County and Municipal liond-i Nu- gOtliltlill. Wl. A. P.iXTON , L. II. WllMAM , President. Vim I'res. Hour. L. UAIU.ICIIH , I' , f ) . JoiiNnON , t-ccretarj Treasurer. DlKliCTOHS : Wn. A. P\TOV , IlKSIIY T. Cl.AIIKf , W. o. MAt'i. ' . J. II. WH.MAMS. lionT. L. ( jAnucit. * . H. II. JOIINEOM. F. H. JOII.NSO.V. Notion to SEALED Proposals will bo received at the olllco of Iho cOuuty cloik up to 2 o'clock p , m. Saturday , July -I , 1W , lor gnullnj ; th southeast cornurnf the court lioneii Krinindrt. A deposit < ) f twill bo required with each bid. " 1 ho right U roscrx ed to reject any or all bldi , Ily ordjr of tliu board. " jy2ldJt , CP. . NittliniAU , County .Clerk. CHICAGO " ti - Western Sliort IS And Chicago The only rend to tnl > o for Des Molncs Mat * Blialltou n , 0 iMar Hardd , Clinton , Dlxnn. Chlca * go , Mllwnukcu mill nil points oiift. To the pcbrf' ilo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , utahi datio , MiviulH , Otcgon , Washington , niul Calw. "ornlii , It ollci.s superior iidutntagcs nut postlf jln by nny othur lino. Among 11 fi < w of the numerous points of 8US icrlorlty enjoyed by tliu patrons of this road ] iclwceii Omaha mid Chicago , ant III two traltiil > day of DA V COACHES which nrotho flnelo hut huiiiniiiirt mid Ing.Miulty cnn create. Its PALAOKE SLKEl'lMl C'Alf , which am modeM if cnminrt iinil t'lojmneo. Its PAHLOIt 1 > IIAW > NO ItOOM CAKtf , iniMmm si'd by nny. nnil It * v'di-ly ' celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAH9 , lie ciiUtiloC which cnnnotbo found cHtnvhoro At Council Illuirs the trultH of tlio Union I'uclfla ly. connect In 1'nloii Depot with these of ( her 'hlcagn AT Noithucstem Ity. In Chicago thq rains of this lire nuikn close oouncctlun with ) huso of nil i > n ti'rn hut's. I'nr Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , ClnclnV , mil , Nlagaia Fulls Itiiirulo , I'lttnburg , Toronto ? ! Mont rout , llo-ton , Now York , Philadelphia * Ilnlllinore , Washington mid nil points In tUg ciiet , nsk for n ticket . 'In tlio 1 f you wish the ! H"-I iieeoiiiiuodntlun , All tlckcj iscnts'oll tickets via this lino1 II. IluGlllTl' , H. P WILSON. tlcnl. Manager , ( lonl , Pass'rAgcnJ Chicago , 111. w. M iiAiirorK. i , . n. IIOLLES , Wcstorii Apcmt , Pity 1'ass'r Agent , Oniiihn , NobrnsUii. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE Ol-'THK Chicago , Milwaukee &St. . Paul B | | The licsi Ituntf from Omaha Council Jllitto ; THE Two Tiainb Daily liclwccn Omaha and Council HlufVb Cliicago , AND Milwaukee , St. 1'aul , Minncnpolis , CedarUnpida llock Island , Krccport , Kockford , Clinton , Dubuqtie , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsvillc , Heloit , Winonn , l a Crostc , And all other Important points East , Noithcast and Southeast. lor tluough tickets enll on the ticket ngont at 14HI Farnaiu st , in 1'nxton hotel , or ut Union PnclUu depot. Pullman Sleepers and tlio Hurst Dining Cars . .i the world are run ou the main lluu of tno * ) Chicago. Milwaukee .V St. Pnul Hallway and ew oiy attention Is paid to paH ougcrs by ous employees of the company. H. : lii'iioral Malinger. .1.1' TUCKKII , AsslstunUionerul Manager , A. V. It. CAiii' , Gonornl Piissengur and ! Ticket Agent. R Gr.o. i : lleu-romi , AssistantQcnoial Passen * gor nnd Ticket Agent. J. T. CI.AUK , General Superintendent. imo ii CfArgiMis'Trn WITH tar. nnoanirur orrait OOUMTHT WILL 8EB IIY KIAMLM.NO THIS IIAF THAT TO9t CHICAGOsROCKISLAHD&rtiinCRAlLWAl Iljr reason of Its central position ' . > < relation to llnef Kait of Chicago. iul conllnijai Ilis at termini. points Went , Northwest ami Mialli e t , Is tlio truc _ mlilillo Unit In that tranironllncnta , fystcm whica , InMtm nnd facilitates tra\cl nuil traClo between tfi * Atlantic nmU'aclflc. . The Hock IUml mnln llmmri't ' branches lncIucl Cit4' ' caKO.Jollct.OtliiHn , ] .aSullo , IVorU , llpnenco , Mclld * nnd Hock Iflaml , In Illlnuliij ] > av , nport , Mupcatlnn Warhlnelon , airfield , ottumwn.Oikaloosii , WiitLlbT tic , Knox\lllp , Auilulion , llarlan , Outhrl * Centre anA1 Council Bluffs , In lovmi ( lillntlii , Trenton , Bt. Jospp , Cameron nnd Kansas City , In Mlfsourli Le&venworf nnd Atctdson.lnKansasi Albert LeaMinneapolis Bt. Taul , In Minnesota ! Walnrtown anil Bloux Full la kota , and hundi oil * of IntrrDiedlato cities and to . ' 'Tho Great Rook Island Route" * Guarantee * speed , comfort , cerbdntr Anil safety. IU war l Ulitloeulf licit for Its ciccllcnro. It * termancnt of fttonn nnil Iron , It3 track M of solldr sterllts rolling fctorki > ecfcct. It paiisengore'iulpmaitf lias nil tlio bafity appliance * that f ip llrnroh il > rOT 4 UMful , anil for Imurlona aeconimodatlona Is u.U'Jr * I > an8eil. Its Kiprc n Tralnt tonslit of superior Uf Coaches , rlegant 1'iillnian I'alreo Tarlorand RIoeilu& ] Cam , superb Dlulnn C.trM , iirorlillni dellcloun mealK and ( between Chlcaeo and ht. Joseph , Atclilson anif Kansas City ) restful Heclliiliiff Chair Cars. Its roan * Affoinint la corners atlvo , Us discipline exacting , . "The Famous Albert Lea Route' * , ; Uetwecn Chleaffo nnd Mtnmapolls anil St. runt U thA fntorlto. 01 or ( Ids line Holld Fast Kiprcis Trains run dally to attractltu ri'ioils for tonrlels In Iowa ana Minnesota , nnd , > In Waterloo nnndBloui Falls , to tha ] rich iftheat and ( rratln lanilsnf Interior DaLcta. Viaf fieneea and Kankakeu , thwllopk Island olfers stiparlotf Inducements to travilrM between Cincinnati , Indian apoll , Lafnyetto ami Cuuncll Iilulfs.Kt. Joseph , Atchl * ion , lxnrnworth , Kan < n City , Ht. I'aul. anil Intermfr. dlato | lnt AH patron * ( mptclally lailUs ami clilt' dren ) rect'Uoprotctlon , court epy nnd klnitlf attention/ Tor tickets , maps , foltlers , copies of AS'cstcru Trail , op any ikMrcd inform itlon , apfity to enters In the UnlUd Slum nnil CaniulaoraJJrtoatClilcogu , R. R. CABIE , E. ST. JOHN , E. A. HOIMOOI , ' 1'iturosAi.s i-oit HAY , HTUAW r. . A. it. UIUMON. : 8 enled proposals will ! > ( rccelvr dot my office ) 15'jtl ' I'linnun etreot , endoised "Piopiisalu for buy , HI raw orwood , " until \'J \ o'clock noon , of Hiitiinlny , July -'M , lor furnmhlnK and deliver- * Inir ( in Ino Huunlon KroundK , bclwcnii Cut OK nnd Florence I/akej , liy or before September 3 , IBflT , of Sovnnty-flvotons of hay , moio or less. Fifty tons of straw more or Icsa. One bundled cord * of wood , more or lesfl. HlKlit Ih reserved to lujecljinv or all bids. Cluilrmnii Hoatdof Tradu Cuiiiinlttco on ti'up * NotUio to Con t motors. ) pioposalg will be received at tha ollico or tliu nounty coimnlsslonoiR up to noon of July 'nil , A. I ) . 1 7. for building n county Hospital In Omaha , IloiiBlasi county , No- brnskn , aec-onlliiK" to the phi'is and siiecllcn. tlons ou file In the county commlaMouor'd omen. Knell bid must no accompanied by a cnrtlQod check In tlid uiiiQiint of flTuhundtrddoliarH. The right Is rc& r'od lu reject any and lulbldi , Ily onicr of tin ) board. fstui , ] C. P. XEKUIIAM , County Cloik. JdlOdfiW Nolioo t < A.r'llllo ( tM. Tllir. Hoard of Public Lnndfl and llulldlncra will rucelvn phmsiuid xpocilleatlons ill any thnu li'ituro August Int. IM7. Kf. p in. tor thn hospital tor the Incuiablo Insniie , ut llanlln/8 , Nebraska. Ilull'llnu- be a threo-vtory brick , with ttono biKumont.and nut to cost ocr $75- UJO , It rludini. Hrnm hcatintr nnd plnmblnir. Illitlit imnrvod to rojert any ur all pliic.llilb' milled , Ily nidorof said liiiurd. July , IhST , July B to Mil ? t ' ! . K LAWS , fieorotnry. W WHEVELOPED ) of the body enlarged and tniulheutJ , Full jurllc- ( iciltil ) free. KKIK ill.l ) . CO. , liuBalo , N. Y. . nt cured. H < > Liilln , < lni'Hir ( clani | > 8 luud. Add V O. Supply Cf llox i'J6 bt. I.Uilln.Mo. GOLDEN SE AUJfKSs i , iiin' : < In : iilav.i n'lid lor iiait'lcuiarn , ,