- - " " ' i T i * > ri * ' * ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. TTJLY 23. 1887. tJPECIAli NOTICES ; Advertisements tinder this head. 10 cents'pe Ino for the llrst Insertion , 7 ce-nts tor each sub sequent Insertion , ond$1.50n line per month to advertisement taken for loss tnan 25 cents lor tUo first Insertion. Sot en words wll Jb counted to the line ; they must run consrcu- lively and must oe paid In advance. All adver tisements must bo banded In before 1 : HO o'clocic p. m.nnd under no circumstances wlUthcybo taken or discontinued by telephone. I'tirtms advertising In those column and nav- Inir the answer * addressr-d In earn of TITE use wlllpicKsonsk fora check to enable them to got ttu-lr letters.ns nonn will be dollvcrort oconl on urc'ontntlon of check , All answers to adver- tifcmnnts should be enclosed In envelopes , All advertisements In those columns ore ptin- llthcdin both morning and evening editions of The IIKB , the circulation of which PxrogateB moro than 14,000 papers dally. nnd gives the advertiser the Tjentfit , not only of the city circulation of Thn Vr.r. but tilso of council ftlnlTs. T.lBcoln , and etnor cities and towns throughout tills part of the Wfit MONET TO LOAN. MONI'.V to loan , no commission. Colo. HIO 8 15th. U03 ; 750.000 TO LOAN ntO per cent 1,1 nahan Mahoney , 1509 Farnam. 179 CENT Money. 6PEU . C. Patterson , 15 llamcr. 181 [ JWiO.OOO to loan on real estato. No delay. l > Harris & Sampson , 1510 Douglas Bt. 252 TO LOAN-O. F. Duvls Co. , rcal , estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. lev $500,000 To loan on Omaha city property atS per cent. O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Rid. 170 ONKY TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop erty , low rates. Stewart & Co. , Uoom J Iron bank. 171 ONKV to loan to parties wishing to bull.l. S. S. Campbell,310 S 10th Et. , Chamber of Commerce. 750 MONL'Y To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J. L. lilco & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank. 257 TLTONEV to loan , cash on nnnd.no delay. OL J. W. nnd E. L. Bijulro , 1413 Farnam St. , Tnxton hotel building. l ONKV TO LOAN Loans of $10 to $100 madeon furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , rto. , without removal , J.J.Wilkinson * Co. , 1321 Farnam street , over Ilurllngton ticket olllco. 6.13aug ! ) MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In sums of 11.000 to $5,000 atsUpor cent Interest. Sholcs.V Crumb. 167 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real stata ; no commission charged. Loirvltt Ilurn- bam , Uoom 1 Crelghton Hlock. 173 ONKY TO LOAN-On city property In sums of $500 and upwards nt lowest rate * . Money itlways on hand S. B. CBinptK'll 310 Sixteenth street. IBS MONEY to loan on farm and city property at current rates. Largo loans on gilt edged titiMlnoss property. Pee us. Marshall & t-o- tieek , 1509 Karniun. Tclophono W. 281 lT O" IXAN Money Loaiis placed on tm- X proved real estate In city or county for Mow England Loan .V Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 16th and Chicago sts. 175 TP11TY Thousand dollars to loan to parties JJ wishing to build. $50,000 to loan on unimproved city property. VlOO.dOO to loan on Improved city property. Special ratoi for the not ! 1(0 ( days. Odell Uros & Co. , cor Furnam and 16th. 1 S3129 MONEY LOANED at C. F. licod & Co.'s Loan Olllco , on furniture , pianos , horseswagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. HI9 8. 13th. over Illngham B Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 180 Tl/TONKY / TO LOAN by the nndorslgned , who JJ-I has the only properly organlred loan ftgency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , wocliluery , Ac. without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid at any Ime.each payment reducing the cost pro rala. Advances madn on One watches and diamonds , Persons Should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many now concerns are dally coming Jntn existence. Should you need money call nd see me. W. u. Croft , Boom 4 W'thnoll ' llulldlng 15th and Ilnrnoy. 177 niHR OMAHA Financial Exchange. Ju > N. W. cornerof , Hnrncy and J5th sts. , eVer State National bank. I * prepared to moke short time loans on any available fecurlty. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real estate. Long time loans made on Ira Droved real eatato At current rate : . Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loans made on second mortgage. Recording to marginal interest , at collateral rates. llcal estate to exchange for good interest tearing paper. Cencral financial business of all Kinds trans- Beted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money ol ays on hand for approved loans of any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Corbott , Manager. 178 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 Farnam street Compluto obstructs tur- nUhud , and titles to real uetato examined , per fected and guaranteed CTtf BUSINESS CHANCES. \\7"ANTEU To trade , Improved farm and ' T town property for stock of gnneral mer chandise. Address , Lock Itox20 , Fuirburv. Nob. 112 25J BAUP. business chance ; for Hale , the stock , fixtures and good will of n first-class cloth ing store doing a good business , centrally located , only reasons for selling the owner has other und moro important business. Parties meaning business may address U. 1 , Ben office. "IJIOH BALE A boarding house and furniture , -I- doing good business , 40 boarders , good reason for selling. Call at Currlo it vellum , 15th and Capitol ave , Exposlton llulldlng. 339 SPUCULATOltS opportunity. Information on stocksonlv telegraphed under code to any subscriber. E. Sherman 1'ltch , II ) Wall st , H. Y. 71JJr 22 * TTIOU 8ALE-A good hotel In the live town of JL1 Lbadron doing a good hualncsg on very easy terms Full particulars by addressing M. 11. l.ungworthy , husk , Wyoming. 713 Jy S3J W ANTED-Purtner , $20u ; $10 dally. 91f ) S. 10th st. FOU SALE Moat market , tools , fixtures , horse nnd wagon , everything complete. Oood location ; good trado. Address U 48 , Deo. tCflaug 8J T710H iycCHANGE-A stock of hardware In JJ Council Itlutrs for Omaha real estate. A Jl Gomstock , 15Z1 Farnam st. 503 A\TANTED-Partles who desire to buy or sell f or exchange stocks of general merchan dise , dry goods , groceries , boot * and shoes , hardware , drugs. Jewelry Improved or unim proved town or city property. Improved or un- jirovod farms In any part of the United States , tonddreis Krauee i Foster , 810 S. 15th st. Omalm. Neb. 501 TT1OH HALE-I.aw library , cheap. Wheeler & J Whetiler , Doujflas aim 15th St. 941 _ FOU 8ALE-A good business : small oplti required ; good reasons for selling. Ad dress T 44 Hoe office. 718 BARE Iluslnoss chance For salo. a stock of general tnerobandlse In the best of shape , located m the best railroad town In Southern Nebraska. Stock will Invoice about $8.000. Pales last year. $1,000. Call or address. Good reason for selling. D. F. Hart * Son , Fulrbury , fret ? . _ 163 26j fTlOH SALE 30-ioom hotel , ono of thuboat in . .ttho North Plutte country , will furnish IMIS. 4 good cows , good team , and everything - thing In tlrst class , wilt glvou man a good bar- Addrest P. O , Uox 6S , Albion , 220 23 * \\rANTEli-Astendy Industrious man with TT fJOOIn cash.cuuflnd a tine paying bust rofsnlieady ostablUhud paying 150 percent on iineitment ; 1 want n man to help mo. Address J' . O. Uox 418. lloatrlco. Neb. 2IB 2i * ? OH BALK First-class restaurant , making : fiWu month , proprietor going to taka hotel . X 43 , lloo oBloo , 2J1 23j hotelW A NTF.D-Partner In a good paying busi ness , must have f 150 cujU. Call nt K S 10th H 2U 23J BUSINESS Chance Owing to the continued nines * ot my wife 1 oiler my barber shop forsulu In ngood , lively little town of fiOO In- Iiabltnnts , shop and fixtures worth about $ r X ) . 3. K. DoLonif. llrttdshaw , Neb. 874 1 * r 'OH ' BALK Ilnro business chance Store bulldlnif , Block of groceries and futures tables and out-bouses. Five years leas * o ground . Address Xta , llceoflice. 2iJJ2.i * WANTRD-Oentlemtn with $151 cash as SP curlty for honesty In uttobllihrd buvl ress , $15 weekly salary to start. Address X U tblfomce. 170 2JJ _ _ _ OH BALK | Cheap , outfit of nutchcr toolsi JL1 und fixtures , ajso a complotcnuill lor a ( . rocerylu shelves , countorh and thowca. c ; will tMKO good horse o.veu I estnto in exc C. Knuwolt,8U ( Vlrffinlac. . . 13 BUSINESS CHANCE Nlco clean stock of fall nod winter dry foods. Summer stock nil closed out. This stock Is In n rood 40wn only V miles from Omahn. Iho store has an elegant trade. Term * half cash and balance la notes or Rood property. Address Btadolman , BlTQn s street. Omaha , Nell. I7 _ FOR SALK I'rlvnto hoarding house , doing good business and In prominent location , lenson for selling given on inquiry ; cheap for cnsh. Call nt 517 South 12th street Immediately. 101 26' TOH BALK-A No. 1 saloon , Ice box cheapat JD No. 1120 Farnam St. 279 W - with $150 In good cash paying Indoor business , well established. 1,8. Johnson.316 a 15th. room4. Ill iSJ ! WANTKD-Gonticman wishing an honest business. Profits $14 per day. 1100 re quired , Will exchange for stock or trade. Cull room 4 Croitnso block , 110 N 10th street. 122 oug 11 PERSONAL. PKHRONA L-Jontlonien , attention. Good botird and rooms ut 604 S. 1Mb su.roasonably 7M aug l''J 13KHSONAL If you want a desirable , ceti- -L trally Incatod oHIce you oan Dnd it at yi8 3 15th St. 97S likltSONAL-l'rlrafo home for Indies during J confinement , strictly confidential , Infants adopted , address V.te , lleo onice. 'aj EH80NAr < Mrs. Dr Kannio V. Warren clairvoyant. Medical end business Medium Uoom No. 8 121 NortU IGth st. .Omaha. Neb. LOST. " THAYiO : From West Td dalry , ono mlle west of poor farm , a black row with broken horns. Howard for return. L.Neileon. | 1 HAVKD-Or stolen on the night ot July 14 , 1SS7 , ono bay mare 7 years old , weight be tween IOUO and lltm , right hind foot whlto to the nnklo , the lull hind leg hns bunch on outside , iiont the knee , has long fear nunr breast on loft arm , bus very small notch In ono eye lid. A ruward of $ . ' 5 will bo paid for Information load ing to recovery of mare. Send all Information to Win Ai v , city marshull , Mo. Valloy. Ia. TOST Largo Ijnv pony mnro , 3 nlnd feet J whlto , S years old , sere on fore leg , whlto spot on forehead , llcturn to 10-3 S 2Jd nnd got reward. 85' ) 2SJ LOST Pair gold cull buttons on Douglas be tween 10th and llth sts. Ketmntoltoo office und roce-lvo reward. 253 2 J STHAYIIO-rrom cor 23d nnd Iard , dark bay horse colt , white face nnd white hind feet ; liberal reward given. N. H. llrown. 344 23J IOST A fawn-colored puc dog , answers J nnmo ot Koko , Heavy seratcfi on fore shoulder. ? 5 reward for return or 8IO reward for Information leading to arrest of tiilof , W. a. Clark , lr lO Douglas st. 155 22j LOST Plans and specifications for chancing the exposition building , between Trail's nub-division and thn exposition bull ding. He- turn to exposition building and got reward. IOSV A lame fat red cow , short horns , Jrathor n wild look. The tinder will receive a reward by leaving bar at 2ilh und Webster Bts. P. J. Creedon. 210 23 SEVENTY-FIVE dollars' reward. Strayed or Stolen from rear ot 111 N 17th st , a Urge roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing b&- tween lCOond 1.400 pounds , rcdl h brown mane nnd tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen- $25 will be paid for return of animal to owners , ut 110 8 14th st.and If stolen the sheriff of Doug las Co. will pay H reward of f 50 lor the arrest and conviction ot the thief. O'JO STOBAOE. STORAGE Omaha Storage Waiobouso , cor. 13th and I/ard , ample facilities for storage , furniture , wagons , etc. Low rates , advances mado. Issue warehouse receipts. 49J augOJ TI1HST-CLAB3 Storage at 110 N 13th Ft S 1TOUAQE First-class storage for nice rur- ulture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodce-st 18fl OLAIBVOYANT. MIW. DURANT-Ciarlvoyant from Boston , is reliable In all affairs of Ufa , Unites separated lovers. 822 N. 16th st. room 1 691 jy28 | MISCELLANEOUS. B OARDEHS-Oood board'DOl South 12th street , two blocks from U. P. depot. 14"i 'JJJ T 10 NUHSES-A bureau opened for above. Register nt 404 N. IGth St. 2'J3 23 > FOH THADE Omaha property for a now stock of furniture. The pioporty Is a lit tle oor ono mile from P.O. D. L. , 507 S 13th St. 245 ul SIXTEENTH st. employment ofllcn furnish hotels , contractors , olllcos.boardlng houses families , iVc . with first elnss help nt Bhort no- tlco. These wanting positions should call at luth Bt employment ofilco , 205 N 16th. room 3 , up stairs. 14 20 T\O YOU want the earth ? 700yaidsot It ciin Jbo had with u premium at ( i-14 South 17th street , near Leavcnnorth. 278 FOH TIIADK 1,000 line Merino sheep this season sheared T pounds per head ; will trade lor woslorn Town or Nebraska lands. 1'ftik. Fowlur&Konnardlti07 Farnam st. 1322 ; ) OKSS pools and vaults cleaned and dead animals removed by John Noleon , garbage collector for 4th ward south of Douglas st 1415 Homer Telephone f > 33. 891 A 22 * mo EXCHANOE-For peed family horse and JL. phaeton , fO acres ot land , free from en cumbrance , within three miles of county peat. Chas. P. Honjamln , 1512 Farnam st. 555 /1A8H buyers of furniture , stoves and house- V/ hold goods don't go to the long time high pilced stores , they go to 117 N 16th. 647 nug 7 /"CHOICE unimproved Inside lots to exchange \J for dwelling of 8 or 10 rooms , with full lot , In good locality. X 41 , Hco Ofllco. 133 22 0 EXCHANGE Bouth Omaha lot free from TO encumbrance for span of good horsos. Chas. P. Benjamin , 1512 11 arnam st. 655 M ONEY talks lor furniture and household goods at 117 N 16th , Your price for cash , 048aug7 POH TRADE Farms , city lots , stock of : ner chandlso , etc. 1'iurott & Williamson , 14th Douglas. < 25 F. WILLKT'lS Trained male sick-nurse. Telephone 371 ! , Y. M. C. A. rooms. .26031 * mAKE NOTICE-W. C. King 4 Co. , House .L Moving and liaising , address 1320 Plerca st 749j > 83 FOB KHNT. Square Piano ( raomnlr. Bospe. 1513 Douglas. 187 TO parties having houses tor rent. Rental Agrncy , Benawa & Co. . 15st. , opposite post- office , We have turned over to them our rental list. We recommend them. McCagu * Bros. 188 TTlORllKNT Organs , IJ per month , dotpe , JD 1513 Douglas. 187 OL C. House fumithlng goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowoat prices at J. Homier , 1B15 Douglas st 18'J F1 IOR RENT Square riano , ft month IT. Bospe. 1613 Douglas. 187 Tf you want to bay or sell furniture , go teL - L.Ferguson's. . 715N Uth. 190 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TjlOR SALE Now elevator , coal sheds and JL' office , with trram and coal business at Oak * dale , Neb. lluslncss profitable and good rea sons for selling. Addiesi for particulars Lock Uox 8fl. Fremont , Nob. 753 25J [ JOB HALE-A nn Inch bicycle : good condi tion ; very cheap. Address X 51 , this olHce. 281 2.J * F ? 8ALR Nice young horse. Tor sale on time , payments. M. F. Martin. 374 TT10U SALE-Or traUo , family horse about JJ 1,100 Ihs , sound and gentle , phaeton nnd harness. W. J. Welshiuis , city mill * . 238 2J U1H SALE-SIx head "of good slnglfTor double driving horses and ono good saddle horse , at 28th and Leavenworth street. John CoMron. 21122J FOH 8ALE-23-foot Howe scale with exton- slou beam , In good order , cheap. Apply to Welsh an j & Moliwsu , or VVeltbnns , Pratt A llnints. 211 27 TOU SALK-Hotcl furniture for S4 rooms , JP tent $ tA ! a month , got 75 boarders , will sell at a bargain , cnusu for solllnif slciuess. Inquire Pacillo house , N lOtb at. 203 2JJ J7 > Olt BALI ! The furniture of a 0 room Oat , jp In a now brick building centrally located. Even thine tlrit class and nearly now. Splendid location for u doctor. Itcnt 110. llrown & Crtlphton , S. E. cor. 10th and Douglas. S33 23 lOt ! p.VLU-Yfiur choice of tbebcht lines of i1 tuiunlcs. carrlugeii , phuatons , surreys , de livery \\aroru , o | en and top ono flnuhunting wnvon. Tall ana l' > ok through or send for cuts aU : price to Columbus Uuggy Co. , 111J Harnor f Otl BALE One siT-foot upright blaoK wal > Jnut show ease , Milton Rogers A Son. 008 "If1 OH BALE Medium sired second hand safe. JP Apply to Cran lire's Mfg Co. 819 TTIOH 8AIE-Furnlturo of 8 rooms with pnvl- JL1 lego of lease of bouse , 707 S , 14th SuZ09 Z09 FOH SALE Oyear old mnrcsound and kind for family use ; also buggy and harness. Stable for rent with 3 stalls. 1917 Cuss St. 973 FOH BALE Sixteen head of cholco young horses nnd mares , nil good workers nnd drivers. The above will be found at H. K. liar- beo's I Ivory and sale barn , 2 , " > C6 Cumlng street , known as the Furay stable. 107-24J fjlOH SALE Oil and gasoline wagon , team , L harness and route. Call bet 12 and 1 at 1113 Dodgo. 815 1/OR SALE About W)0 ) tons of Iceat Flor- JT once. Address X 49 , lice olllce. ' 247 27J F ° It 8ALB- Covered wagon , second hnnd. A. J , Simpson , 14th nnd Dodiro , IGJaJj FF'ou F'ou SALT-UOOOO : brick. Apply to J. N. II > nn. 1505 1'arnani st. 144 FOU SALE-Good family norsc. drives either slngln or double , 1JHJ St. Mary's ave. , 141 201 FIVE hundred dollars buys furniture of n 9 , room house , 4 rooms pays rent and gas center of city. Address , X U9 , Ueo ° fleo. FOU SALE Span fine matched bay driving horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 S l&tb st. 576 FOU SALK- btudelmkor Vuggics at Penman's. Studcbnkur phaetons nt Seaman's. Stndolmkcr carnages at Seaman's. Studebaker spring wagons at Seaman's. Studebaker draft wagons at Seaman's. Corner of 1'arnam and llth sts ; Five oar loads Just received. SJ2 Jy24 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Traveling men i telling harness and shoo tradu to soil our goods. L ibornl commission. Samples Ilirht. Siuldlery hard ware and wklp drummers prore-red. National Harness Oil company , Detroit , Mich. 6HJ gJ WANTED-Salojmon for selling goods In city. Largo waxes to the right man. Loy- ell M'f'g Co. , 2J1 N. 13th it. 28028J WANTED Young men and girls to wait table for their board at the Metropolitan dining null , aoa N. ICth at. 27U22J WANTED 1 first class grocery clerk , 4 cooks for hotel wotk , 1 boy 17 years old to learn candy biiHinuss , $4.50 per week , 2J teamsters for grading , 1 yard man , 1 tlrst class head waiter. Omaha Employment Uureau , 111) ) N. 10th street , "H-l 22 " \\rANTED--An experienced retail shoo ' snlrsmnn , only those Imvlnir hud Hi\urnl yoots OTporlonco In otcluslvo shoo store need apply , unquostlonUHo ruforomo roqtilrcd , Chioago Bargain bhou Store , 1318 Doimlas st. 288 21 WANTED Men for rallrond work In Col orado , wnzes tor toamstois $30 per month and board Albright's Labor Agonoy , 1120 rnrnam Bt. 2'U ' WANTED At once a Mnglu man to do gen oral carpenter work mid icpalilng about n large stock tnnn , must also bo capablti of running 11 small engine and boiler and make himself generally useful about the placu ; must conio well rccommunacd as to elmrnetor nud general ability , and to the right man this plncH will prove u good home. Addicts D. Kemp , Madison , Nob. 25"i 22 * W ANTED Hat bur to buy good parlnsr bop. See business chances. 273 2. ! * t\7ANTED First-class cook. Apnly to Allen ' ft Ilnpp'miow restaurant. 11" Main street , Council llltitfs. 25J 2JJ \ \ " ANTED Dread and cake baker , 110 firoad- < > way. City baKoiy. Council lllulls. 251 2-'j WANTED-Muii to sell Shetland Mountain ponies. Fancy colors. Largest herd In America. Sample pony froo. Hare opportun ity. Inclose stamped solt-uddresscd envelope , llyrou Van Huub , Hoerno , Kendall Co. , Te > xas. 2182,1 * WANTED A young man for a good posi tion , must no a Ilrbt-olass salo-nnan. J , M. Trench & Co. , Uoom Id , Bushmtm block. 223 28 "IVANTED A man to drive a carriage and- ' ' woik around house. Need not apply without the very best ol e'lty references. ( all at tlio third house on the south side ot Califor nia street , botweou IClh and 17th fits. 220 " \\rANTED-Trnvcllng men now on the road T to ( > ell artlclo In hardware , in building line , on the side. Illg thing. No matter what jour line isjoil con soil this. Addirss with stamp , box 500. Omaha , Nob. 23" ) 2.2J WANTED A good barber at once. No. 13'j S 13th St. L37 22J WANTED Clerks nnd others outsldo of Omaha who can do business on the sldo In a quiet way and not Intorlero with present situation , and who want to make ? " > to $15 per wfiekoxtra the year round , should address with stamp , Hiintford Mfg Co. Omaha , Nob. , also u good thins for those out of employment.2Ji 2JJ \t7ANTED-A first-class bread baker , must T ' know something about cakes also. Ad' dress at once , U L. Johnson , 20'J 4th bt. Sioux City , Itt. 215 21J WANTED-A'boy with horse to carry a route on the Evening Iteo in the soutn part of town. 110 \\TANTED 4 men with references as solicit- 'T ors , $2.50 per day ; steadyoniploymout , Mrs. Hrega & Son , 310 S. ifith. 187 23j WANTED Three mon to learn bookkeep ing ; situations. J. 11. Smith , ion Chicago St. 184 231 Y17ANTEO-A good India ink worker at the T > Omaha Western Copying Co. , ItOJS. 13th St. , Omnhn. 068 S3J WANTED Mon for railroad work , good wages snd steady job. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 0)3 ! WANTF.D-Agents to sell the Universal Hut- ton Fustnors ; wrllb for sample and price. Q Hurgett , box 147 , Columbus , Ohio. 11124J WANTED 30 first class stone masons , cor 8th and llrooklyn ave , nt $3.25 per day at Kansas City , Mo. T. M. Watson. 113 2- \\7ANTKD-At Western Cornice works , 10 ' cornice makers. 6 tin roofers. 5 slaters ; none but first-class men need apply. Ms-510 a 12th St C. Spocht * 762 12 WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\7ANTED-Gooa nurse girl , wages $2 per vi woek. Mrs. D. Shales , Georgia UNO. , ilul house So. of Woolworth , \\OBI sldu. 2)7 ! ) 21 "ITTANTED Saleslady to go west ; good V > wages paid. Address X 5J , lleo olhco. 254 22J ANTBD-Sccond girl. 1613 Capitol nvunuo. , 23.J27' W ANTED Middle aged woman for help In kitchen , 107 N Uth st 228 2.IJ WANTED 2 polishers , 2 sturchors , 2 export- oncod girls to mark and bundle clothes. Steady work at Omaha laundry. 1122 N luth st. 22922J W PANTED Good girl for dlntngrootn work at St. Jniuca hotel , oppo. U P depot. 2U5 22j WANTED 2 experienced lady bookkeepers , 20 lady canvassers , 1 dining room glil for Glcnwood , In. , 2 for Idaho , 3 for Grand Island. 4 cooks for city , t" > to $10 par week , 3 chamber maids $15 per month , fl dining room irirla for city , 4 dishwashers , 1 housokeTtporfnr Florence , 1 for city ; good wages. 50 girls for general housework. Omaha Employment Bureau , 119 N. 1UU streot. 2SJ 22 TIT ANTED Dining room girl and chamber- > V maid for Id iho KO , dining room and chambermaid for Central City , pastry cook for Kcftrnoy $25 , polishers for Fremont. All fares paid. In city 2 laundresses , 7 dining room rlrls , 3 girls for ollicers families , 2 plain cooks $5 nnd 23 girls for general housework. Mrs. Droira & Son ,310 P. 15th st 291 2.'j WANED A girl for washing nnd Ironing nd general housework , In a email family , flood wages to the right person. Apply C2i South 17th st. 285 24 * \\7ANTKD-Pastry cook , good wages paid , V > 32 N ICtfa St. 204 22J \\7ANTED-Ono skirt makers and two wulst makers. Mrs. BL t'ettlt , 414 S 15th st , WANTKD A woman to flll position of housekeeper or landlady , that can Invest $ . ' ,000 in purchasing one of the best paying In the country , with a iiret-clau hotel man without family. An interest In ousinoss or salary and security given. Address X. 55 , Ore otiice. 170-22J WANTED A young girl to mind a baby. Apply At Launary , 1513 Howard street 10M2J " \\TANTKD Good girl for general housework , T > 210 Nortn 19th , between Capitol ave and Davenport 171 22J ANTED-Four lady solicitors. $1.50 per df.r , Mrs. llresa Ic Son , 319 South l.Mh. 18H 22J T\TANTKD Two lady bookkeepers , must bo TT A 1 quick at figures , must give refer ences. Omaha Employment Bureau , 119 Noitu llithst 193 ANTED-GIrl at Kramet house. 373 WANTED A peed servant for family ol tbreo. Wages $3.50 a week. Mrs. W. U. .Clark , Sl9t onti Capitol tTsnuo. ' { 23J W ANTRD-rA lady cook at United States hotel. h. _ - 03123 WANTED + jJor general housework- small fan * l/Jlrs. Wright , Eoward st , 2nd house east Ctu iboil. 131 K ANTEU aVroiglrlfl at Doran bouse , 42J a 16th st. , nfefcrSK. Mary's are ! Ui SITUATION WANTED. \VANTKD-Sl | lens for 10 nlco girls for general hltokwork In city. Livllvs want. njr good girls ifWAPd them at our olllco every Jay. Mrs. llrc fr < lon , 3108. 15th ft. MO 2t ANTED-SStaikin as housekeeper by an > ' Atnorlcatt l40w of : n , Is A nlco oook , very ecouomlca4lt afraid of work , Mrs. M. , tlox7&t. City. , ? | 3 S9B 23J WANTEU-nH6&r who has had n year * cx- porlonca yffuna worn In country ofllco. Strictly tcrapcrnw\tAildrQ53 ; S 49 Dee olllco. - ? 2 2SJ V\7ANTKD-Work to do at homo ; a set of i books preferred ! will do It cheap ! good crforrenco. Scandinavian Employment llu- ronu. 1810 rnrnam st. 101 23 WANTlUl-Fltuntlon by n girl to do chamber work In good place ; understands the work , have to no home nt ulght. Address X 37 , lloo olllco. * 128 22 * "IV'ANTED Situation. A your. ? man wants T to work In a family , wnges no object. Ad dress 1613 Jackson st. 20D 2Jj "V\7"ANTKD Uy n Orst-uluss dressmaker > T a lew enxnpomoiits In private fainl- 'C9. ' Address U28 , lice. 193 2lj ) A LL those wantlnir help , apply to Scandlna- * * vian Employment llurcnu , 1R10 Farnam. Wo have a nutabpr of girls for tlrst and second work In private families. 27924J WANTEn-Sltuatlon for young man.Swodo , as yard and coachmangood appearance , lost of references , not afraid of work , no olllco fee. Mrs. llrcga I : Son , 310 South 15th. 16322J \\ANTED Situations for 2 first-class ool- orccl girls , 7 yenri In last place. Inquire Mrs. llrega & Sou. ! ilU S ICth st. 233 22 | WANTED Situations for men and their wives on farms , or in private families or lotels ; wo have numbers of applications every day. Mrs. llroga A. Son , 310 South 15th. 18 ! ) 2IJ "VyANTKD-Sltiiatlons for nurse girls.Vo i > Imve numbers on hand : have also some ( rood Swede nnd Amorioan girls. Mi' = > . llroga .V Son , U1R S. 15th. 18D22J MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. W ANTED I'oldlng bed , dresser nnd com mode at a bargain X 60 , Lieu olllco. 2U ! ) 24 WANTED To make the nciitiuntanco | of a ynunglady , obe ] ct matrimony , by man well situated , owns farm nnd other property. Address X47. Hoe olllco. 217 22 * WANTED exchange n good city lot for a good team. Scandinavian EiiiDioymcnt Uureau , 1H10 1'arnam st. 191 2J * \\7ANTED-To coirespond with a young i * lady of rollnoinont and culture ; must bo young and attractive ; for mutual enjoyment. Address X 40 , lloo olllco. 1JO'j WANTED A good hnr < ! o and top buggy in exchange for u lot within li ! milfl ? from P.O. Horse must be about 6 yonrs , and grn- tie. Mare preferred. Address X 5 , Bed ofliuo. 118 25 FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOU HENT To n responsible fatnily.n largo 8-room bouse in good condition , cuntrnl location. Apply Uoom 21 , Omnhi National bank building. 271 2J TjlOU HENT Afi-roora liouse on I7th Bt. bot. J-1 Jackson nnd old Urowncll hall. 10 ! 22J FOU UENT Flat bf U rooms In now brick building ; all modern Improvements ; very central. The furniture which is nearly now first class and in good condition will bo sold very cheap. IWnt $ ) llrown & Croighton , S. E. cor. IGth and"pouVlns. 234 2J FOIl KKNT On N.W cor 15tu nnd Vlnton , 2 stores , 20x0-ll rooms upstairs , suitable lor families or r/iomers Call at promises oren on M. lonovan ) , < 2i3f-S : Uth st. 8 ! FOU UENT Flat nt 11 rooms , and furniture forstilo at $206. rent S40. Old llrownoll Hall , C18 South WinUnd tloor. 201 :2j F1 IOR HENT 3-roonr cottage on 21st and Paul streets. Inqulio at 017 South Uth street. 901 FOH UENT 93rObto'houso and born , 17th and Center sts. , house heated by hot water and all modern Improveraots , JM. Also a" room streotf house as i'.bovo . < * T < 9.J. 1J > . L. W.olshuns v , , 31'J ' S. 48. 15th FOU HENT Now 6-room liouso 1 1-4 miles south of P. O bet 20th nnd 21st sts , $18 per month. Clarkspn , Wood i Co , , 318 8.15th. 983 "IT10H RENT Hulf of storo. Inquire at 1212 Jt ? Douglas St. 913 FOH KENT New store and living rooms on Cumlng st near Saundcrs st. Apply Har ris Heal Estate & | x > an Co. , ! I20 S. 15th st. 8S9 FOH RENT Ptoro room suitable for grocery store or butcnor shop , on the southwest corner of 7th and Paclllo streets. 675 TTIOR HENT A basement , good place for JP barber fehop , s w corner 10th und Lenvcn- worth sts. 81B n HENT-3-rooiu house , 1027 N 20th. In- ( julroatonsuth. e65 FOH HENT Two brick ntoros with base ments 24th and Hamilton strcots. Desir able location for dry goods und drug storo. Flats above if desired. Loavitt llurnhnra , room 1 , Crelghton bloclr. 074 FOH HBNT Two largo now stores and two Hats of Mvo rooms each. City water nnd gas. On Saunders st. O. W. Cain , 2230 Ohio at. 813 FOR UKXT Olllcos,2 front offices In Omaha National bank to rent. Inquire Room 1 and 2. bOJ FOU RENT New largo brick house , all modern oonvonlenccs.wlll bo finished Aug. 1st , 220 N l th st 174 22J H HENT A 4-room house , s o corner 10th and Pacific. Owen Wlialan. 17J 2j j T710H IlENT First class now C loom liouso , V modern conveniences , 23th st between Decatur and Parker , 258 28J FOHHKNT-A40-room flat , unfurnished , In the heart of the city , respectable locality. References required. 19th street , between St. Mary's nvo. nnd llarnoy. M. F. Mai tin , owner 104 23 FOH KENT llous" , and furniture for sale 1,400 worth of llrst class furniture , us good as new , for $ ' 00 , andO room house for $ V ) per month , good location. Samuel Kat1015i } Farnam st 177 2J "CIOII KENT Now 10-room house ; all im- J provoments , steam heat. C. W. 4 O. E. Thompson , 314 S. 15th st. 1000 F RENT-Ilnsoment. 22x10. Hamilton Uros bulldois , 403 S 18th st. 152 25 * F OH HENT-2 houses. A , Murphy , 430 South Uth St. . W9 F OH HENT Now 8-roonicd houso. 2211 Chi- cujo st . $ eo. j. ll itingwait , 218 s. I5tn. 778 Lot for Lease. Southeast corner \J 48x8Vi Leavenworth and Park avo.or will build to suit tonnnt. Hobble Uros HSU F OH HENT-Clood house , 1315 N. 20th. Call at house or 21 j S. 15th st. U. N. Hloks. 283 25 FOR HENT Hoiunof 4-rooms. bathroom , waterworkHJouit\ furniture for salo. Enqulro 309 N. lift A 276 2lj BHUNT-Thre1.room house , 1108K 8 7th ef.l ! < 345 FOB ET ROOMS. FOH RENT iVariiVSOinoIy furnished front room , 1718 Dbdgo ; t 949 TCTOR HKNT-3 > nl& rooms , 415 South llth -L' street. Inquire at Mou'a Fish , market Popploton olockjt n 22J : "J OH HENT Xht'oji.s'ant room to rent , $10 per month , nt 5V ) Falcvlow st. 211 22J T71OH HENT 2 furnlhcd rooms for bongo- -I ? keeping. 401 North Itith St. 2j'i 23 * "IJ OR RENT 1 ft'cofy" ' furnished room , modern J Improvements. COS N. 17th st. 282 OH HENTA nowfy furnished room. 2023 Farnam street. 2b9 2U WANTED Two rooms , furnished or unfur nished , by man nnd wife , for lUbt house keeping ; reference given ; stuto prlco. Address - dress X 57 , Bco otllco. 270 3IJ TT10R RKNT A nice large front loom , nil JJ modern Improvements and nicely furnishcJ 601 SSOtllBt. 213 OR HENT Large parlor , south front ; suitable - able for man nd wife or ? or 3 gentlemen : also ono sraallor room. 1721 Capitol nvo. 231 23j Fou UENT-itoouij with board. 504 8. Ifth. 785 aug 12 * T710R RKNT-2 nicely furnished rooms , rea- -C able , at32-JN15th8t. 12323 * FOH HKNT-Pleasant room , furnished. H19 Chicago st , 197 pOR HKNT-Furnlabo > I room 437 Pleasant tt If Oil ItKNT-Front office room. 2nd Boor. 81 South 10th street , Apply to M. K. Martin , FOIl ItENT-3 unfurnlshod rooms on l.eav. pnworth street , between QoorBfi * nrenuo and Virginia avenue. 872 28 * _ FOU Itr.ST-Omccs at 1B12 rarnam st. Ap ply to Patterson A ; Moore , Omaha National bank. 8B8 _ OH KENTNlco rooms at 1S.U Jackson St. , ono block west of court bouse. 287 _ Foil IlKST Nicely furni lied rooms , 2d floor front ; double parlors 1st tlnor. 424 North lUli st. 266 2J * _ FOU KENT Furnished rooms cnstilto.sult- nb o for 2 or 4 gentlemen. Also room suitable - able for oflico with bed room attached. N W cor 18th and Howard , Mrs. Wallace. 2fi3 S1J F IOIl tlENT An elegantly furnished south front room , 1703 Douglas St. 2 < X1 27J FFOIl FOIl IlENT Furnished rooms house and furniture now , all modern conveniences , 2214 1'iirnam St. 803 27J _ FOR UENT A largo front room In now housu bath , and latest modern Improve. . incnls , 1018 Webster street. 123 _ FOIl UENT Elegantly furnl'hcd rooms sin- gloor onsulte , with use of bath ; elect rlu bolls In every room. First cla s restaurant at tached , at Norrla European hotel , corner 10th aHd Webster. 168 Oil UENT Suit * of furnished rooms for gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. ,315 N. 17th. 080 FOU UENT Nicely furnished rooms , with or without board , modern conveniences , 313 North 15th. EUil 25 _ _ FOU 11KNT Nicely furnished front room with ulcovo , also other rooms with first- class board , 2210 Farnam street. IdS-Mj " " FOU "UENT Furnished front rooms with board. BIO Nortn loth street ino-24J THOU UENT 4 or 8 unfurnished rooms , sulta- JL bio for housckeuplng.one block from court house , on Iflth street , between St. Mary's avo. and IHrnor st , modern conveniences , liefer- onoes lequlrcd. M. F. Martin , owner. 163 ElOit HENT Iloslrnlils furnished , cool room. with board Modern convenience. 6J , > 1'lcasnnt street. 103 22' _ F IOU UENT Nicely furnished looms , to gen tlemen only , 220 N. 16th St. . Uoom 2. 048 FFOU FOU UENT Furnished rooms for gentle men. Apply at Collector's otflce , 1013 Fiir- Iinm. 063 at FOU UENT Furnished rooms , 181U Dodge. 877augl FOIl RENT 1'urnishod loom In Orounlg blk. cor 10th and Dodiro st. Imiulro of Davis & Hotlierlngton , Mlllnrd Hotel Milliard room. 291 ' F OH UENT furnished rooms , 1812 Dodjro. 700 F IOU HENT Part of ofilco room. Inquire at 1212Douglas St. 013 FOH HENT Furnished front room , near car line ut corner of Dodge and 24th streets. Inrjuho of A. H. Comstock 152.1 Farnam st.9J3 9J3 FOR HENT Ware room ror. 14th and Call- Ifornla on Belt Line , lor particulars on- ( julro at Union Nat. bank. 18d FOR 11ENT-2 elegant rooms , nicely fur nished on street car line ; modern con veniences , ( lontlomcn only. Excellent loca- tlon. 11)17 ) Cass. 971 OH HENT Thrco nicely furnl hod front rooms on2d tloor , 1H18H St. Marys avo. UOU24J F OH UENT Furnished rooms with board , 1003 , rarnam. OfSall * | T\OIt \ HENT Two rooms furnlslipd for light -L housekeeping. Apply nt 809 Howard st. 930 F IOU HENT Rooms ranging In price from $3 to25atl021 Fiimnin st 817 F OR HENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen ces required , HX)7 ) Douglas st , 197 FOIl HENT Two nicely furnished rooms ; bath ; good board ; 25JlSt. Mary's avo. 118 2J FQH HUNT Three plca ant and well-fur- nlAhed rooms for single gentlemen , 439 Convent St. 137 21 F I OH HUNT Nicely furnished largo room , 1707 CUES. 845 F IOR HENT Now nnd elegantly furnished rooms , single or In suite. 2207 Douglas st. 107 21J FOH RENT Nicely fuinlshcd room , 1 3 Dodge. ll'J 'CIOH UE.NT Hoom suitable for lady , or ecu- X tlcman and wife. Apply 845 South 24th. IK ) 24J FOH HENT Hoom , 1410 Howard street. 1242-1J FOH HENTOnico. . room 1 , 2d iloor , 310 8 15th St. Inquire nt H17 S llith St. WJS _ _ 10H HENT-Offlco room 810 per month , 2nd floor. 81R 8.15th st. 430 Vl/ANTED-Two rooms , furnished complete ' tor housekeeping , must bo central and first-class , answer Immediately. X 51 , Boo. | 270 2' . ' FOR HENi'-Nlcoly furnished room , 19J1 Dodge st. 199 FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. FOH SALE or trade S. W..cor of 7th and Loavenworth sts. Mortenson &Chrlston- son , 1414 Farnam st. 277 27 * A I'EW genuine bargains 31x132 on Chicago st. pavement , only 3 minutes' walk from P. O.Bplondldll room house , water , gas nnd sewerage. Must bo sold or given away at $7MM , $1.000 cash. 40 acres all platted nnd planted with trees , can bo sold at $ TiO per lot , only $850 per acre. This adjoins Highland Pant add. Full lot and 8 room 2 story house on Hamil ton street only $2flOO , $800 cash. East front lot in Pati ick's 2nd ono block from Saunders , $3,101 , easy terms. 2 beautiful lots in Wilson's add to KounUo Plnce only $1.500 each , one-fourth cash. Full lots In Saunders and Hlmobaugh'a add , $57. ) ; $ . ' 7r > cash. Magnificent lot In Orchard Hill , dirt cheap , $900 ; one third cash. Some splendid lots In Orchard Hill , very cheap. Lovely homo on 22d street , n room house , beautifully finished. Let us lust show > ou this for homo , f5W)0. Very cheap und very nice. Mitchell & Loyonmnrek , 1)02 ) 23 151fi Dodge st. WE Can so for n few days only Lot KM G Iso's addition for $0,413. I.o 171 Olse' * addition , $0,300. Block 1 lioyd's addition , tS.WO. One third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years. Remington & McCorralclt , S South 11th st " PECIAL Bargains House H rooms , barn , etc. , all new , Donlso's addition , $3,700 , $1,00(1 ( cash , balance good time. Four 4-room nouses in Lowo's addition , now , 51,590 each , $20) cash , balance to suit. liouso f > rooms , barn , full lot , Yates & Hood's subdivision , $2,500 , J750 cnsh , balance to suit Lot In Ambler Place fCV ) , ' / cash. Corner lot , launders & lllmebiiugh's , nlthln blocK ot llonson line , t650 , ! i cash. Two lots , on corner. Grand Vlow , nice buildIng - Ing silo , $2,000,14 cash , balance long time. Lot in Reservoir , south Iront , very cheap at $1.000. II. H. Ball i Co. 113 North 10th St. 725 rpWENTV-SIX improved farms and 40 quar- JL tors wild land in Northeastern Nebraska for saie or exchange for Omaha property. Patterson &Mooro , Omaha National Hank. 810 BVANb * Blackburn suggest that Investors look up the following pieces of property An 11 room house east fror.t , lot iMxIHS on one of the nest residence streets In Omaha. 5 mlnuto cars each way. Pilco 515,000. An ele gant homo. A ten room house on Nineteenth stoast front li'lot. price $7.600. This is lino. A 2. toot business front , covered with brick building , on 14th st , for $ - ,000. A warehouse corner on 9th st full Cflxl32 foot lot for t..0 O'JO. This Is gilt odgo. A neat homo on 19th st near Centereast front 7 room liouso for $2,100. Evans A : IllBckburn , 1510 Dodge. lot 23 MUST Fell Immediately Oood house nnd lot on Saunders St. , south ot Lake st. Owner can't meet payment duo on property. You can buy this for t-WO , und ranko $1,000 Insldo of 30 days. Mortcnscn & Chnstonaon. 1414 1'nrnnm Et. 277 27J mWUNTY-BIX Improved farms and 40 qunr- JL tors wild land In Northeastern Nebraska for sale or exchange for Omaha pioporty. Patterson A .Moore , Umnha National Hank. 810 SPECIAL bargains If sold soon. 5 high , nightly south front lots in Crulirhtou Heights , will sell together or neparato. Hart's Great Western lloal Estate Agency , Crolghton block. 2N ) . HHHF Is a bargain. Lots 3 and 4 , In block 4 South Omana. $ MO. Terms half cnsh and balance easy. Marshall It Loboc ! : , IW'J ' Far narq. Telephone 73. gt > BAHQAINB-ln some eholca lots In Wise & Parmnlco's addition. Insldo property. Wo make some good offers In other' business ant residence staff and In acres wo are Iho boss. . , Marshall A Lobeok.lWW Faruaru. F' IOR ' SAIiR The chance of n life tlme Zrtl ft. on South Irtlu street , by 140 ft. on DorcM. [ Inly $7ft per front foot. One-half cash. COn- : mot has been lot for paving 18th st , from viaduct - duct to Vlnton. M. A. Upton & Co.lilU Furtmm. FOIl SALK-M No , 1 farms within n radius of 3U miles of Oruahn. Al.tr. n tew ROOil busi ness chances In two live ( owns. J , II. Hllvls , Heal Estate and Loan Agent 'iMmrn , N'eh , 57i > Aug. BIO nAROAtN--Ono hundred foot front on South Klaventh st. corner lot , onlr $5.000. Futon time. V. U Vodlok * . 5 South 13th it. CALK Quo inllllon acres of land In No- braskn. Speculator's Unds.rallroad lands , audio ? , and farms In nil parts of the state. Send forpnmplilot containing dcscrlp- Ion nnd price of over ono thousand farms. A Ino topogtnphtcalimipof tno suite lent frre upon application. B. H. Anrtrus , for 10 yenrj ( ioifl Land Agent 0. ft M. It. U , hUthth nail 1' streets , Llnrum , Nebraska , 24U IF you want to buy , sell or trade , cult on JU V. Crum.UiOMSthst. 100 loti U of n mlle of U , P. depot 'or sale or trade. 0-raom house for rent. Two 10-room houses 'or runt , sale or trade. Idlawildo. lly 816 L. V. Crum.l20N\3tust. FOlt SALK-Or trade , S3 lots in the western purt of Otnnbn near the llcnson cur line , irlco $400 onch , $250 duo an contracts payublo n 8 quarterly payment ; , will trade Interest In contract. ? for Nebraska lan'l. McCulloch A Co. , 16W Farnam st. 1000 FOIl SALi-Lot : in Plalnvlow tl.iWO. Lot In Myers. Richards & Tlldun's $823. Lot in Hillside No. 1. south fiont , $ J,500. II , W. Huntress , 150H Fartium st. 241) ) 2J ) FOU SALK-Lot In Dwnlso's ndd , $2,500. K cash , tirtl 1 and - yearn. Thin is n bargain. See me about It. James Stockdalo. 11,1 N. IGih 24 27 POH SALE Corner lot on Virginia nvo wltli two good house * , cheap nt $7,003. Terms ; nsy. Houses rent for $70 per month. 8. 8. : umpbcll , 310 H. 16th gu Chamber of Com merce. 2TJ rpWKNTX-HlX Improved farms and 40 quar- JL tors wild hind In Northeastern Nebraska 'or into or otchanuo for Omulin property. Patterson & Moore , Omaha National Dnnk. 810 IMMEDIATE sale will take Riots or loss only 5 or blocks from Exchange bid and Jnlon Stock yards on favorable forms. Sixteen houses under contract In same block , iwant what they are worth. I don't want fancy prloos Iwant to soil quickly. K. It. Hranoh. 200 plHOICK LA NDS-$5 per acre. $ SO makes 1st J year's payment on 100 acres. Write for In- ormatiou. w. F. Paine , Sidney , Nob. 0 OJy2J Taken Up. Juno 23 , by E. A. Tlmporly , four miles north west of Irvmgton , a little bay pony with throe whlto foot , hip shot , spavmod in ono bind leg and blaied fuce. Ju. 24 Jy. 1 , 8,15 , K.'j Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice is heioby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage , dated October 14th , 1SSD , and duly filed and toconlcd In the olllueor the cnun- y olurk of Douglas county , Neb. , on the HHIi of ) ctobcr , 18H and ovuciitod by Con. ( honor and Etta Mooie to If. J. Abrahams , to secttro the myment of the sum of $4W ! l , and upon which : heru Isnowduo thoHUin of19 9. Default laving been made in ono of the conditions of said mortgage wheioby the power of sale became - came operative and no suit or other proceed ing at law Imvo been instituted to recover "aid debtor any part thoioof , 1 will sell the propnrty thuieln described , viz : Ono lot of househol 1 joods and furniture , at public1 auction , on July Wth , 18S7. attl.e auction rooms of A. W. Cowan & Co. , 507 South 13th street , Omaha , Neb. , nt 10 o'clock a. m. of suld d.xy. Jy9-15222 H. J. AimAHAMS.MortgaffOO. Proposal for the Construction of the Superstruc ture of the City Hall Building. SEALED proposals will bo received by the tin- doislgne > d until 11 o'clock n. in , July uUth , 1887 , forthu construction of the supeistructuro of the ( Mth Hall Ilulldlncr. In accordance with the plans and ppocltlcatlons on flic In the of- ilce of UHI board of public works. JlulsNv 111 bo made onpilntcd blanks furnished hj- the board , and to bo accompanied with ucer- tilled check in the sum of f 10JO , as nn evidence oi good ialth. The board reserves the right to reject any or nil bids and to waive detects. St. A. D. 11ALCOMIJE , Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha , Neb. . June24th , 1W7. ! jJ7d5w3tw X'iorosAi.s rou HAY , STUAW AVOOJ ) rOU 0. A. 11. KKITNION , B culod proposals will bo received at my olllco 1509 Fun mm Btieot , endorsed "I'loposaN tor hay , straw or wood,1 until I'l o'clock noon , of Saturday , July 23d , for furnishing and dollvor- iniron tno llounlon grounds , butuoon Out Off and Florence Lakes , by or bofoio BoptumburU , a7 , ot Sovonty-flvotona of hay , moro or less. Fitly tons of straw nioioor IPHS. Ono bundled cords of wood , moro or loss. Ulght Is reserved to i eject nnv or all bids. EDWIN DAVIS , Chairman Hoard of Tmdo Committee on Sup plies. Notice to Contractors. SEALRD proposals will bo ieeeil\ed at the olllco of the county commissioners up to noon of July Wntl , A. D. 1H47. for building n county hospital In Omaha , Douglas county , Ne braska , accoidlng to the plans and Hpuul'lon- tlons on file in the county commlsslonur's cilice. Each bid must oe accompanied by ncortlflod elieck In the amount of five hundred dollars. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. lly order of the board. [ SEAL ] C. P. NBEDHAM , County Clerk. 1nlOd5w Notice to Architects THE Board of Public Lands and Buildings will rocoUo plans and specifications at any time before August 1st , 1SS7 , at 2 p m. for the hospital for the inourablo Insane , at Hastings , Nebraska. Building to bo a three-story brick , with stone basementand not to cost over $7.- 000 , Including steam heating and plumbing. Hlght reserved to rojoet any or all plans sub mitted , lly order of said board. July o , 1SS7. J uly B to Aug 1 O. L. 1AWS , foci otary. Ordinance Xo. 1438. AN ordinance providing for a sorgcantat arms for the council nnd fixing his pay. Ho It 01 dalned by the city council of the city of Oinatm : Sect Ion 1. The president of the city council bo anil ho Is hereby authorl/ed to appoint asor gcant at-arms for the council , to uttcnil on the lacntmgsof the city council and to porlorm such services as may bo resulted of him by the council at such meetings. Sec , 2. That the sergennt-at-aims bo paid for his services t > for oaoh and every mooting of the council that bo shall attend ana perform bis duties as such soi truunt-at-nrnis , txnd a reii sonable sum to bo dctermlnod by the coumil ; for any extra services porlormed. Section U. This ordinance shall take oIToot and bo In force trom und alter its passaga Passed Junu 2dth , In87. \VM. F HECIIEI. , President City Council. J. n. BottTrtAno. Cltv Clerk. Approved July 2d , 18S7.W. . W. J. BKOATCII , Mnyor. Ordinance No. 1430. ANOnllruiueoto ropoiil Ordinance No. 1391 ontitlnd"An ordinance tc ninond sections 3,3 and .1. of chapter XXV , of the compiled ordinances of the city of Omaha , passed Juno 1,18rt. Do It ordained by the city council of the city of Onmlm : Section ) . That ordinnneoNo , 1383 , entitled "Anordinance to amend sections 2 , llttiidfi.ol chapter XXV , of the compiled oullminces of the city of Omaha , " paaied Jutiol , A. IX If87 , te , and the same Is hoi nby reponlod. Section 2. That this ordlnancn take effect and bo In force trom und after Us pasjititu , Pas-soil Juno 28 , Ii7. WM. V Hmnr , , Piosldont City Council. .1 II. SOOTHAiti ) . City CleiIf. Appiovod July 2d , 1:87.V. \V. J. UltOATCil , Mayor. Ordinanc * No. 1110. AN Ordinance ordering the liylnor of certain waterplpos Inthooltyof Omuha : lie It Ordained by the city council of tlio city of Omaha. Section 1. That the Water Works rampant bo and are hore'by directed to lay water pipes of Biitticlcnt capacity nnd strcmjth on Dark vtreut , fioin NlnetuQiith street to Twentieth atinot and on Williams strec't from Fourth street to Fifth titi cut. In the city of Om.iha. Section' ' . 'Ih.it thU ordlnnnc j shall take effect nnd bo In force from and after Its pussngo. Pasted June 2. " . 1M7. WM. V. DKCIIKI , , President City Council. J. II. SouTiiAUD , City Clerk. AppiovoUJllly , 18S7 , W J , lino\TCII , Mayor. European Hold Hates St per day. First cln s roslauriint nt Inched , at reasonable rates. Klr-tt'cluss and Hi oulsldit rooms Cor.MhandVobiler Kit'iii..aii ! Neb , Uth and lOtb utrcc-t cars pass the iloor. Ordlnane * We. 1409. AN Ordinance ordering the paving of Ornct street , from Slxte'cnth street to Twenty fourth street , In Paving District No. 84 , will codur block ami ordorlug the board ot public works to make a contract for snob paving with the lowest responsible bidder. Whsrvas , A majority of the owners of both ho area ami led front of the lots and real es tate in suld Paving District No. 84 , luivo duly lotlfleil and petitioned the mayor nnd cltv council lo pu\e Hint part of Draco street In snld paving district , Paved with tbo material as hereinafter speH'lllod ; und Whereas , in addition to such designation ot imterlal h > said owners , the mayor nnd city ounull of suld city , do hornby doteiinlno Upon ho material so specified as the material to bo iH'd for such paUtiKi therefore- . IIo It ortlnlnod by the city ooinnjll of the city of Oirnhn : Section 1. That ( lint part of ( Intro street 'loin Slitrenth street to U'wenty.foitrth street n PaIng District No. 81 bo and thosatnols loroby onlorod paved with cedar blocks on n conciqlo base , In aceoiilnuco with the spcclll- cations pix'pnteil by the board of puhllc works ind city engineer , und on file In the oinoo ot said bo ird of public works. See. 2. That the board of public works Is icroby ordered to cause snld work to bo done ind to cuter Into a contract for the same with he Umest responsible blddor under the epocltl- cations iireiuu-cd by said board and city engi neer of said city , , and now on Illo In the olllco if said board , nnd In accordauuo with bids ad vertised for by s ld board und opened before Match 1.1W. Seo.il. Tlmt tlio city clerk bo and hereby is dlrocte'd to deliver I. copy of this ordinance to nny street railway company , person or persons owning or operating any Mi-cct railway upon or notoss any putt of ciild streets , icapcotivoly , und to report his notion In that behalf as early as practicable to the city couucll. See , I ) . Tiint this ordinance shall ( nko effect and bo In force from and utter Its passage. Passed Juno 21st , 18S7. WM. F. IUcitr.tProside'ut : City Council. J. It. SOUTH uu > , City Clork. Appiovod JllllO 22d , " 837. W.J. nttOATCii , Mayor. Ordinance Wo. 1430. AN Ordinance duclurlnc thu nocesslur ot ap propriating curtain prlMito property and lands for the use or the city of Omnha , for the purpose of extending Slxtonnth street from Vlnton street to Door Park addition , and providing lor the appointment ot threu rilslntcievtod troo-holdorsof snld city , toasscst the damages to the owners , respectively , of the propurtv taken bv suchupmopriation. I ) A it 01 dalned by tbo city council of the city ot Omaha ; . Section 1. That It 1s necessary , nnd It Is here- > } declared neoessaiy , to uptiropriato certain private propoity nnd laud for the USD of tha oily of Omiihii , for the uurposoof o.xtouding Sixteenth sticet fiom Vlnton street to Doer 'nrk addition , suld property midland nocc'sary or such purpose liolmr oltuntod In saldulty of Omalm , and described us follows , to-wlt : ' 1 ho west ( X ) loot ol lots 45 , 4l ) , 47 , 48 , In8. E. Rogers'plat of Ok ihoniii. Tno west 00 feet of t'io east flOO feet of the noith 2221cetot tax lot'-M , In sectionilt , town ship 15 , north lange 13 , east of II principal inert- Section 2. That the mayor with the approval of the rlty council , appoint three disinterested roo-hoMrrs of thu city of Omaha , to assess tha damage's to the owners , lospootlvoly , of Bald tropoity nnd lands taken by suchuppropiln- Section ' . That this ordlnnnco take offuot nnd bo In force from nud after its passago. , Pussod Juuu'Jl , 1887. WM. F. llEOiiKt , , Proslclent City Council. J. II. SOUTHAHU , City Clork. Approved June 2J , 1887. BROATCII , Mnyor , Ordtuanoe No , 1431. AN Ordumnco re-ostubllshlnir the curb lines of Seventeenth stie-ut frojn Fat nnm street to Capitol nvenuo , nnd rrpoallng so much of Ordinance No 547 us oontllotg bciowlth : Jo It oidnlncd by the city council of the city of Ouiuhn ; Section 1. That the curb lines of Seventeenth street between Pumam street to Capitol avenue nuebo and the BHIIIO are hmtiby lo-eatubllshod itudlstuncoof tblrtj ( iU ! ) feet tiomthu center inn of tnd ! part of Seventeenth street. Section 2 That so much of Ordinance No. i47nnd so mnuh of nil ordinancci ) 111 confilot lorowlth niohoroby repealed. Section : ! That tlilaordlimneoshalltuko effect md bo In f 01 co from and uttur Its passage. Passed JunoSI , 1 S7. WM. V. HnciiEt.President City Council. J. 11. SotiTiuuu.Olty Clork. Appiovcd JtlilO 22,1HS7. W.J HiioATCii , Mayor. Ordinance Ho. 1432. A N Ordinance authorising the construction - / * - of main soworH In the city otOmahit : Uo it ordained by the oily council of the city of Omaha ; Section 1 That It Is necessary nnd It Is here by declared nccc-snry : to extend the north branch ol the North Omaha sewer from Its prudent tuiinlnuB on Twniiiiotli street north mid woM to Tttnnty-iomth htioot near Patrick a\cnuo. Also the BOUth brunch of the Ninth Omaha sewer from near the Imoisootlon of Twonty-elglilh avenue nnd Chleatro south on Twenty-olghth inomiu to the south line of Dodio ; btrcct. Section 2. That the Hoard of I'ubllo WorhB IS hereby Insti lined to take the necessary steps to caiiH ) suid work to bo donn. Soctlon 3 That this ordlnancu Rhnll take ulfoct andboinfoico fiom and afturlts pu ugu. Passed Juno 21 , Ifc87. WM. F. llLCtim , , President City Council. J U. SouriiAiin , City Clork. Approved Juno 22 , lt S7.W. . W. J. HitoATCti. Mayor. Ordinance No. 1435. A NOidlnuiicode'clarlnir the nocussltv of np- X proprlutluir coitiiln prlMitu propoity und lands lor tlio use of the City or Omuha. tor the purpose of opening streets nnd alloys through u part of Swoo/j's addition and pro viding for the appointment of throe disln- taiusted free-holdoisof aiiid city to assess the damage to tha owners , icspeotlvoly , ol the property taknn by such uppropilatloii. Bo It ordained by tlio city council of the city of Omaha : S < ctlon 1. Thttt It Is neoocnury nnd it Is hovoby declared necessary , t itippraprluto certain pri- vnto property nnd land tor the uno of the city of Omnha for ttie purpose of opening streets nnd alloys through part of Swoi.y's addition , suld propoity and land nouoseary tor mich pur pose belli * slluutcd In said city of Omaha , und described us follows , to-wlt : The west 29 feet of tax lot 20 , In section 10 , township l"i , iango 13. ' 1 howeet2'Jfeet ot lot8A. IT. Sunders addl- The cast 20 feet of lot 3 , block 3 , Sweezy's nd- dltlon , 'I he west 15 foct of tlio oust 32 foot of lot 4 , block 2 , Swoozy'8addition. Thu west 15 foot of lot 1block 3 , Sweeny's nd- Tho'wost 12 feet of lot 2 , block U.Swoczy'B Rd- Tho'cust 33 feet of lot 3 , block 3 , Swcozy'8 ad- 'I'no'uost 15 feet of the oust 41 feet of lot 4 , block 3 , Swoo/y's uddltlou. T ho north W feet of the west 2rt foct of the cast 41) ) foi't of tux lot Jl , In section 10 , township 15. rnngo IJ. . . . ScLtion 2. That the mayor , with tlio approval ol'tho city council , nppolnt three disinterested fi eo holders ot the city of Oinuhu , to ussosi the diimngosto the OIMICIH , respectIvtlyof eald , pioporty nnd lauds taken by suoli approprm- Sectlon 3. That this ordinance take effect and bn In force fiom mid after lUpussaffu. Passed Juno'8 , 1887. WM F. llrciiF.i. , President City Council. J. 11. SouiiiAno , City Clork. Approved July 5 , 18S7.W. W. J. BnoTCti , Mnyor. Ordinance Vo. 1430 , AN Ordinance declaring the nceosslty of grading the alloy In block 111 , Kountzo and limit's addlllon , uud appointing throe disin terested uppriil'Ois to ussoss nnd dotcrmlnu the damages , If nny. to property owners , wliloh may bo unused by such grading , Do U ordained by tha city council of the city of Omaha : Section 1. Tlmt It Is proper nnd necessary nnd It la hereby declared piopor and nocussnry to grade the ulluy to ltd present oitnlilluhcd grade , including nocccxniy approaches thereto , in block in , ICount/o nnd Utah a addition , Ju tbn city of OmuhiL hetotion 2. Tlmt the mayor , with the approval of thn olty council , appoint throe dUlntcrcetud appraisers lo upiirnisu , assess and dottirmlno thodunmgo to property OWIICIH which may bo caused by such gindlinr , taking Into cmisldora- lion In nia'ilng ' hiich nppriilsoinoiits.thu bonollt , If any , to sucli propoity , by lousou of such Scctli'n3. ( That this ordlnnnco shall takooltcct and bu In foico fiorn ami after Its pi : > sagu. Pns rd I unn 2H , 1BS7. \V\i. F. UKCIIKI. , 1'rosldont City Council. .1. II. BnuTiiiui ) . City Clork. Approved July 5,1837.V . \V J , Uiiovrcii , Mayor. Ordinance Wo. 1437 , AN OnJtmmuu locating cortaln adilltlonnl water li > ili' . mis in thu city of Omaha : Ho it OrdulnoJ by the city council of the city of Omaha. ( recHonl. That the City Water Works Com pany bu uud thu biiino Is horuhy ordnrod to pluco nddltU'iial ' water h ) drains In the olty ot Clmaha , as lollow f Ono at thn rornurof Hxod anil North stroots. Ono lit thu voi nor of 1 riinoli and North meuts. Ono at the corner ol ItuncU und Smith Btloeti Soctlon } , That this ordinance shall tuko olloct and bo In force from und utter Ha pvuiije- , Pu" ed June 2.S , 1 . WM. I' . HKClibi. , Prnsldent Cltv Council. J. II. Soi'Timiu. City ( ' ) oi ! . . Approved July8l ! > s7. W.J. line \TCII. Mayor.- Notion t Sr.ALF.D Piopo nU will bo received nt the ullico of ( ho r.ounty clerk up to U o'clock p. m Patmduy , July 2J , laH7 , lor gradlnir tbo gouilic'ftst ciirnurof thuvouit houeo iiroundrt. A iltpogit of C. } will bo loijulrcdlth tucli bhl. bhl.The right Is n''nrvcd to reject nny or nil bids , HJ-.oidar of thu board , ' JyJldM O. P. NlEDllM , County Clerk.