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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1887)
FroC.A"Mfe' ! . * > ' ' ' ' ' - IHB ? OMAHA DAILY BEE3 : SATURDAY. JULY 23 , 188V i IDE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat and Corn Both Bring Lower Prices in Chicago. THE FORMER CEREAL VERY DULL I Out ttio butter Traded In Intensively By iho "Country" A Hbnrp Drenk la Outs 1'rori * r Ion * Stronger. V i CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. C.licAno , July 23. [ Special Telegram to the IJKK.I Wheat and corn worked off K@ Xc , and for different reasons. For the llrst . , . named cereal several large selling orders f came on the market early , and as It lucked Btrong supuort values cased off. When the pressure of speculative offerings was re moved the market reacted , but toward the close the tone changed again to weakness , fend the final range was within , ' .fc of the In- llde figures of the day. The opening prices were Me off and these pioved to bo the out- tide. August began at 70Xc , declined stead ily to TOc , rallied to 70' c and sold oil to70 > { c , where it rested. September opened at 72 > c , tcceded to 71Kc , reacted to 72)72Yc ) ; , and tlosed at 72 > c. October opened at 74c , de- llncd to 73Kc , wont back to 7i : ; < c , and rested tt 73Jfc. December ranged 77 ( 70Xc , and closed at 70c , an avcrago net decline for the day of KC. The operations In the pit were on a rather restricted scale and the market had no genuine support from any quarter. CftMcs reflected the dullness In the foreign markets , but It Is noticed that wheat Is selling here and at other American Markets 8@5c below Liverpool and London quotations. It would appear from this that the drag Is on this side tin water. There has been a decided let down In the foreign de mand , but nevertheless continental and English buyers are nibbling at American stores all thu time. Thev am continually taking s little , but are not anxious bidders for property. Corn was lest active than yesterday , but on the whole business was of a satisfactory volume. The leading local operators having made their scalps were seemingly resting to day. but the country continued to take n lively Interest In the proceedings. Buying and selling orders wcro received from tiiu country in about equal numbers and appar ently for about equal amounts. The local weather conditions decided the complexion of Interior business as a rule , and as the city eentlment seemed to bo bearish to some extent , values settled , Cash and August corn were In especial request and until late In the day showed relatively the greatest stH-rmtli. The Initial trades in August wore At 37 c , an advance to : t7c was scored , and then the market suffered a decline to 37 c. This depreciation was lollowed by a rally to 87 137 0 and a subsequent decline to 37Kc , which was the bottom and closing. September opened at SSc , sold tip to 3S e , elf to 87c , up again to 37KQSSC , anil down once more to : ! 7o , closing at ! i7@tf7fc. October ranged irregularly from 'iS c to 37 % , closing at the Inside. May rested at BUJfc , an average net loss as compared with yesterday of K ( < $ % c. Late futures drained heavily all through the session , and failed to develop backbone at any state. A eond shipping trade was reported and charters by lake tor 805,000 bushels are reported since yesterday. Other markets wore inactive and featureless. Thcro wasqultea sharp break In near fu tures of oats to-day , and forcash property , tlio weakness resulting mainly from the large offerings and the lamer estimated receipts for to-morrow. Trading was quite liberal In the speculative market and the closing prices were at the bottom , seller the month being nominally Ic lower. Most ot the trading was in August and September , which closed at a decline ot % @ % c , with October and May Jfr off. off.In In the provision pit a stronger feeling held control. Short ribs , which were In active de mand to fill short contracts , recovered sharply from their late weakness , and by the firmness which they exhibited led thu entire market to Improve Us tone. Traders acted as If they believed the situation unfavorable to the short Interest and that a tailing oil In the late unexpected receipts ot hogs would bo followed by better prices for the product Hogs to-day were In moderate supply and higher. In short ribs , tlio day's advance , based on yesterday's closings , amounted to SOc , the range for August delivery being from $7.77 } $ at the opening up to S7.92 > , at the close. September suort ribs were luQlSJ c over August , and October about the same an August Lard averaged 2 > c higher , with a fair business In changing over August to September at a premium of 10@12J < e , and to October at 17K < a20c August sold ut 50.W } ' 8.fi7X , and closed at SO.57.Vf. CHICAGO LIVE : STOCK. CHICAGO , July 23. [ Special Telegran to the UEK.J CATTLI : There was a chang to-day lit the wearisome Iteration of botl buyers and sellers of 'Mull and lower" to that of a "brisk trade with an advance of about lOc on tno ordinary run of fat cattle. " Matlve butchers' stock and Te.xuns sold somewhat quicker , and Texans made more money then yesterday. Itain , It Is reported , has fallen freely In many parts of the droughty territory , hence a revival Is anticipated In the sUocker and feeder trade. .Shipping steer * . 1850 to 1500 Ibs. 83.004.35 ; 1200 to 1850Ibs , : ) .40@4.00 ; Ittu to 1200 Ibs , | 3.10@CO : ( ; stockers and feeders , 91.706JH.IO ; cows , bulls and mixed , 1.25@t.OJ ; ; bulk , S'J.OO@.00 : ! ; Texas cows. Sl.85 < isi45 : steers , ? 2.0o@t.30. ; Iloos The market was antlvw and a good Be higher all around , perhaps In some in stances niro light sorts sold lOc higher. The bulk stld at 85.2005.85. a tew lots of heavy at 95.80 , and undesirable sorts at (5.10 ( 5.15 ; Yorkers , SD.3T > < < | 5.40. LIVE STOCK. Chicago , July 23. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Kecelpis , 5,500 ; market strong and 10@15e higher ; .shipping steers , 3.iO ( < M.i5 : ; stackers and feeders 81.70(33.10 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.U.Vg'i.OO ; Texas cattle , 81.BO3.80. ( ! Hogs Receipts , 15.000 ; market strouuer and all sold ; rough and mixed , 85.15ui5.30 ; packing and shipping , 85.20C45.S5 ; light , | 5.155.S5 ; skips , 83.00@5.00. Hheep-Kecolpts. 3,000 ; market steady ; natives , 82.75@4.80 ; western , 83.OOJ13.flO ; Texans , J3.00s3.90 ( ; lambs per head , 81.50 ® 3.75. 3.75.KanHaaClty. . July 23. Cattle Ilecelpts , 1,000 ; shipments , 1,600 ; good to choice corn fed , SIU'-XJO.TO ; common to medium , 82.90(33.30 ( ; stockers , 82.0U&4.00 ; feeding fiteers , 2.50&'A90 ; cons , 81. Xtf3.40. Hoga-Uccelpts , 0,000 ; shipments , 4,500 ; strong and 5c higher ; good to choice , 85.1.r > @ 6.25 ; common to medium , 8 .00@5.10. National Stock Yartla. Kant St. IouU , 111. , July 23. Cattle Kecelpts , 700 ; shipments , 8,000 ; talr shipping to choice native steers , S3.b5g4.Ko ( ; butchers' .steers , fair to choice , | .i.35@3.80 ; feeders , fair to food , jaoCx.'WO ; stockers , fair to good , * 2.00 < ft2.80. Hoi HecelpU , 8,000 ; shipments , none ; choice heavy and butcher ? ' selection * * , S5.30i ( 5.40 ; packers and Yorkers , fair to prime. $5.0out5. 0 ; pigs , common to good , 4.WXit FINANIHAU NKW VOIIK , July SB. | Special Telegram to the lir.K. ] STOCKS There was little of Interest In stock circles. The market opened quiet and easy , with llttlo disposition to trade except for a small sum. I'rofc islonaU who loaded up yesterday eudeavoraU to se cure their protits , but found the market too limited to stand a selling pressurn of even a fair magnitude , and their etforts resulted In a decline of Vftjf per cent , the weakest stocks being New England , Krixdlng , and Louisville & Nashville. The only feature to Iho trade wns the buying In of 5,000 shares ot Lake blioro tor Cammack. Despite the buy- lug ot these proptrllo * , they did not hold up and followed the majority of the 1UU Lon don opened buoyant , but it was only temporary - rary , and before the close weakness set In. The Baltimore it Ohio deal continues to haunt many traders , and they' cannot gel over talking about It. Humors of fre h negiv tliilous with strong parties were clrculalr. ! , tut the lialtliaore & Ohio deal h&s ceased tc > e a factor in the market , . and ihould uerei have been one'as only a few unimportant roads were to' bo boncflttcd by Its' consumma tion , and to expect llmt the Grangers and trunk lines would bo effected Is nonsensical Mr. Ivcs has sued Mr. Garrctt for 8200,000 cash and 81,500,000 of Cincinnati , Hamilton A Dayton stock deposited as margin on the deal. The suit , while affording food for the eosilps , has no bearing on the market. The market remained heavy , with no Improve ment In the trade until the close , when the sales were the reverse of yesterday , and at the Inside figures of the day , with not de clines of k@V per cent. Speculation In the west continues dull , and Chicago bouses are doing next to nothing. The total sales were 120,094 shares , against 157,670 shares yester day. Money closed nt 5 per cent asked , the last loan at 4 per cent. UovKitNMKNTS Government bonds were dull but steady. YESTKltDAY'S QUOTATIONS. U. 8. 4'scoupon.127 0. AN. W 11CK U. S. 4K'8coup..lOSJi do preferred..140X Pacllic ts ot ' 95. . 123 N. Y. C 109 , CanadaSouth'n. . 55J < O. U. AN. . 97 Cen tral Pacl lie. . 87J < O. T. 20X ChlcagoAAlton.150 PaclfloMall 43'4' ' do preferred..IGIJ P. , I ) . , t E 01f C. , 1J. AO143 ? < .l'ullmanl'alCar.l.lOH ; & Uock Island . . . .12S ne St L. AS. K. . . . : )8K ) do preferred. . . . G'JX do preferred. . . , 77 ? ? Illinois Cen tral..m C. , M. A 8t. P. . . 80 % I. , B. A W 20H do preferred. . 121 K. A T 27K St P. A 0 50 > LakeShore WK do preferred..llljf L. AN G2 < ] Texas Pacific. . . . 2T" Michigan Cent'l. . B5H Union Pacitic. . . . Mo. Pacific 102 } * W..SI. L&P / No. Pacific 1J < do preferred. . 82 do preferred. . . . W. U. Telegraph 70tf } MEHCANTILB PATEN 5X < 80 per cent. STKRI.INO EXCHANOE Dull but steady at 34.8-jJf for sixty day bills , and 14.84)4 for demand. MAllKUTS. Chlcaso. July 22. Following quotations are the 2Wcloslujt : : ticures : Flour Steady and unchanged. Wheat Dull and heavy ; opened M@fc ) lower , declined S < f < tJ c , advanced J < c and closed about } c lowi-i than yesterday : cash , C'JJ/c ; Atmust , 705-lOc : Sentoinber. ? JS-10c. Corn Lower ; opened about X * below yes terday's closing , was steady and advanced ' /c , later became easier upon Incicased oller- Ings , chaiiKed some and closed 1A@ % < } lower than yesterday ; cash , 37c ; August , 37 , ' c ; Seolembcr. 37 IMCc. Oats \Veakand lower ; cash , 2.j'J-lCc ; Au gust , 25)40 : St'ptoinber , 25 fc. Kyo UnclmiiKcd at-l.ic. IJarloy Dull and heavy ; September. 05c. Prlum Timothy Seed ( juotablo at 2.10. Flax Seed-Si. ISK'Ql. 14. Whlskv-81.10. Pork Unchanged ; cash , quotable at $15.00 15.50. Lard Stronger : advanced 2 and Clear , S8.30MS.25 ; short.ribs , 87'JO. 0c ' ; skims , iX@5c. Kegs Steady at ll@HKc. Hides Uncbanged ; heavy itrecn salted ; 7) 'c ; light do , 7t8c ; saltnd bull hides Oc , green saltud call , He ; dry flint , 1'AjiUio : dry calf , 13@l4c ; deacous 40c each ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid , quotable at 43 ; No. 2 , 3c ; cake , 4c. Uocolots. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 18,000 20,000 Wheat , bu . 39.000 179,000 Corn , bu . 91.000 Oats , bu . 13,000 109,000 llye , bu . 1,000 2,000 Barley , bu . 3,000 1,000 New York. July 22. Wheat Receipts , IDO.bOO ; exports , 254,000 ; spot declined % ( < $ lc and options lidfcic , closing weak at about lowest ; ungraded red. 7784tfc ; ; No. 3 red , 78cNo. ; 3 red , 81K@Sl c iu elevator , b2KQ kn delivered , 82@82 c f. o. b. ; No. 1 red , nominal ; 2 red , August , closed at 81C. Corn Eecoipts , 132,000 ; exports , 75.000 ; spot shade and options ) @ % o lower , clos ing stronger with slight recovery ; ungraded , 45$46c ( ; No. 2 , 45o lu elevator , delivered ; August closed at 45 } c. Oats ) < ® tfc lower and moderately active ; receipts. 50,000 ; exports , none ; mixed west ern , 34(337c ( ; white western , S9c < $43c. Petroleum Steady ; United , 59 , ' c. EK H Steady and In fair demand ; west ern. 1'AuJH } . Pork Steady and moderately active. L and creamery , I9fi-0c. ( ! Cheese Quiet and tiruily held ; western. Minneapolis , July 22. Wheat Weak ; lower for futures and cash fairly active ; No. 1 hard , cash , TJffc ; August , 72Vc ; September , 73Xc ; No. 1 inn them , cash , 1loAugust \ , 71Kc ; September , 72c ; No. a northern , cash , G'.ic ; August , GH.KC ; September , G2Xc ; on track : No. 1 bard , 74c ; No. 1 north ern , 73c ; No. 2 northern , 71c. Flour Quiet ; patents , | 4.10@4.25 ; bakers , { 530cJ 3.85 * Ueceipts Wheat , 70,000 bn. Shipments-VVneat , 12,000 bu ; flour , 5,000 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee. Milwaukee. July 22. Wheat Weak ; cash , 71c ; August , 71 0 ; September,72tfc. Corn ( Inlet ; No. 8B7c. Oats Firmer ; No. 3 white , Kyo Dull and nominal. Barley Unsettled ; September , C2e. Provisions Firmer ; mess pork July , 815.00. Olnotnnatt. July 22. Wheat In fair demand ; No. 2 red , 73 < B7d } < c , Corn Stronger ; No. a mixed , 44) < (345c. ( Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 mixed. 20) c. Hye-Qulet and lower ; No. 2 , 4950c. Pork-Oulot at 810.00. Lard Firmer at S0.32) Whisky-91.05. St. Louis. July 22. Wheat Easier ; No. 2 red , cash , 71c ; August , 71) c ; Sejitombar , - @Kc lower ; casli. 33 } < @ 3lc ; Au gust , Si/c ; September. 34Kc. Onts Lower ; cash , 24 < o ; July , 24 } e Au gust , 23) < c ; September , 2 < 24)tc. Wlilsky-Steady at $1.05. Pork-815.50. Lard -H. 30. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , lOigSOo ; dairy , 12&1GC. Liirerponl , July S3. Wheat Demand poor ; holders offer moderately. Corn Dull and lower : new mixed west ern , i shillings per cutital. Nnw Orlenim , July 22. Corn Quiet but firm ; mixed , 47c ; no yellow offered ; white , 55e. 55e.Ho ; Products-Dull and drooping. Pork -815.75. Lard-$6.02K. Bulk Meats Shoulders , SS.tO ; long clear nud clear ribs , OMAHA JU1VK HTOCK. Friday , July 22. Cattle. The run of cattle was very light to-dav and there were hardly enough In to make a mar ket. The market Is weak and the tendency toward Inner prices. The cattle that were lu were sold , _ _ _ _ _ Hog * . The receipts ot hogs were liberal for Fri day. Thu market opened n little slow at about yesterday's close. There were no hogs to speak of sold at yesterday's closing prices and thn sales that were reported ware made earlier In the day , on a higher mark-fit , so that while this morning's sales looked lower , they were lu reality no lower than yester day's close. A little later In the morning the market firmed ttpand was uctivu , theaavlcea from the east being more favorable. The bulk were sold out Iwfore mid-day. The mnrkut closed 5lfc. ) lower than It opened , There were blx loads of late arrivals left un sold. _ Shoep. Thcro was nothing doing on the market itttcclpts. Cattle. 200 Hojs. . . . . . ' 4.40C Prevailing Prlont Showing the prevailing uricaj pal.l for 11 vd stock on this market : Choice steers. IDOO to 1WO Ibs. . . . 53.7033.80 Choice steers , 1100 to I30u Ibs. . , H.OOdi.J.70 Fat llttlo sitwa 900 to 1050 lti. . . . 3.20 < m50 Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 3.40 3.55 ( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75(33.90 ( Common to medium cows 2.00(33.60 Uood to choice bulls Light and medium hogs . ' . . . . . . Uood to choice heavy hogs 4.953MO Good to choice mixed hoc ! . : 4Wip,00 Ropreajcntativfl Halo * . NA.T1V * STKr.IIS. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. & . . . . 974 Sa''O 15..10SS ? 32r 1..1000 3.20 10. . . .1153 3.00 WKSTEltN STEUIIS. No. Av. Pr. 20. . . . 1305 53.13 COWS , No. Av. Pr. No. AT. Pr. 17. . . . 10(4 $2.25 18. . . . lib * S2.75 1..14GO 2.60 STAGE. No. Av. Pr. 9. . . . HMO 82,30 No. Av. Pr.CALVKSNo. . Av. Pr. 13. . . . 285 83.90 24. . . . 159 84.00 COUN-FED TEXAS HTEE11S. No. Av. Pr. A ) . . . .1201 $3.50 BOOK. No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 75. . . . ' . ' 08 200 S4.N ) 03. . . . 203 40 S4M 73 , . . . S10 120 4.85 05. . . . V:63 : 200 4,05 G9..U2L 40 4.S5 65. . . . 290 40 4.D5 70. . . . 200 120 4.85 CO. . . . 207 340 4.95 71. . . .223 ICO 4.85 C2..243 200 4.IV. 7M..243 100 490 05. . . . 234 NJ 4.95 03. . . .259 120 4.W ) 03. . . .241 120 4.95 73. . . . 200 ) 5.90 71. . . . 285 1(10 ( 4,05 68. . . . 2M 4.90 01. . . .254 120 4.95 O2..2'i5 40 4.00 W1..281 80 5.00 OH . . .SIM 40 4.90 70..2.V ) K ) fi.tK ) 5C..241I 120 4.90 Bit. . . 802 hO 6.00 Gt . . 214 4.90 1W..279 340 5.00 64 . . .2-17 4.90 70. . . . 280 S ) 5.00 08. . . .2(17 ( 200 4.90 ( Ki.242 40 5.00 80. . . . 215 4.90 72. . . . 229 80 5.00 75. . . . 234 120 4.90 74. . . . 237 120 6.00 0''J 40 4.90 05. . . . 254 ICO 5.00 C5..22U 2SO 4.00 08. . . . 28:2 : 100 5.00 85. . . . 1W 4.90 00. . . . 290 6.00 0.1. . . . 240 70 4.00 07. . . . 2W 80 6.00 52. . . . 257 80 4MX 47. . . . 291 40 6.00 &U..258 ICO 4.05 65. . . . 277 5.05 C7..22J 80 4.95 OJ..25G 40 6.05 03..2S01 40 4.95 08. . . . 272 fcO 5.05 H4..2H3 100 < 95 C1..T01 200 6.05 125. . . .247 2SO 4.95 04. . . .800 8T 6.05 75..22a 40 4.95 C5..2G7 100 6.05 03. . . , 2.S3 80 4.9'i ' T2..2.57 80 6.05 72. . . . 210 200 4.95 57. . . . 208 80 6.10 77.'VJ9 120 4.9 00. . . . 313 5.10 04. . . .231 4.95 CO. . . .299 120 6.10 70..2L'0 100 4.93 5'J..2b7 120 5.10 Mvo Stuck Sold. Showing thu number of head of stock sold on tlio innrket to-day : ( ! . II. Hammond & Co . < " < < < Shippers . 10.1 Local . CO . , i ' Total . ll noos , AnRlo-Amorlcan Packing Co . 1157 Armour Ac Co . 1073 Squtius & Co . 154H O. 11. Hamuiona & Co . 414 * Total . 4187 Held over . 100 Shipments. Showing the number of cara of ciUlo , hogs and ahuup ailppil ! Irom the yards during the day. CA.TTI.K. Nn. cars. Kt. Dost. 2 . U. P . Lincoln HOGS. 27 . . .K. I. . Joliet All sales of stocic in thu market are made per cwt. live welirlit unless otherwlsn stated. Dead hogs sell at lie per Ib. for all weights "Skins , " or ho s weighing less than lee Ibs. no value. Pre nant'sowsare docked 40 ItH. and stauabOlb * . by theoublla Inspector. tilvo Stock Notcw. Hogs close higher. LlKht run of cattle. The cattle trade Is almost stagnant. ,1. S. Smock , lleemer , marketed hogs. W.V. . Klock , Uradshaw , topped the hog market. K. It. Oamnicl , llcrman , was a visitor at the yards. J. W. Conn , Plattsmouth , was [ In again with hoes. E. 11. Gilbert , Dewitt , was in and sold a load ot 5c hogs. Fr\nk Taylor , Columbus , was In and mar ketud a load of ho s. Mr. Aldrltt. Friend , was In and sold a load of 1155 Ib natives at S3.00. C. C. Clifton , a heavy shipper from Wntioo. was looking over the market. There WM some 3c cows on the market yesterday but they did not sell. Johnson & Cook , Wakefield , well known shippers , had liogs on the market. John Kotubertr , Scrlbner , Neb. , was at the yards to-day looking after feeders. B. J. Tierney , Alnslio , caiuo In with two loads of hogs which sold on the market. John Iteece , Greenwood , caino In with a load of hogs whicn sold on the market G. F. Powell , a shipper from near Crcigh- ton , wns among the visitors at the yards. George Burke , of M. Burke & Sons , loft this afternoon on a business trip to North Platte. 11. Cook , Underwood , la. , was hero with a load of hogs , his iirst shipment to these yards. Mr. Hake , of the firm of Hake & Brass , North Lolip , was looking over the j arils yes terday. J. P. Suulres & Co. , the Boston packers , were the heaviest hog buyers on to-day's market. Mr. Stahl , ot Klock it Co. , Bradshaw , wns oti the market with a loan ot ( hogs and olio of cattle. Guthrie & Oskamp , the well known ranch men and feeders , hud two loads of cattle in from their feed lots at darks. J. M. Strahan , banker , pork packer and teedei , ot Malvern , la , , had three loads of hogs In from his ranche at Wayne , Neb. Among those having stock on the market were the following : lUiynolds , 1' . & Co. , Friend ; A. W. Johnson , LoomisiA. Keohler , Stranc ; Walker Bros. . Wavcrly ; 11. K. Pal- meiton , Wllcox ; A. Mandlebaum , Blue Hill ; ton. la. ; Uhodcii & / . , Loveland ; . u. Smith , Blair ; Al Dexter , Herman ; 11. B. Miller , Wlnslde ; Thompson & C. , Wake- Held. Held.The The following had stock on the market : F. A. Harris , Sterling ; T. W. Lowry , Firth ; B. J. Tlrney & Co. , Ansley ; James Odgers. Unadllln ; J. Buck , Crete ; Spelts & Kostcr- man , David City ; J. S. Harmes. Firth ; D.iv- Idson & W. . Hazard ; C. Kudat , Norfolk ; Morrison & M. , Fulletton ; F. Taylor , Dun can ; Dodge Uros. . Wood Kiver ; L. Stephens , Waterloo ; J. K. Dorbey. North Bond ; North American C. Co. , Nye Wilson M. Co.NeliEh ; D. lloiibein , Scribuer ; Wood Cones , Pierce ; Bell ic Carson ; II. Hainner , Mlnncola ; A. Jenkins , Maoley ; Wilkinson & G. , Avoca ; J. A. Kills , Trumbull. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. General Produce. Friday. July 22. fl\c \ following nrc tfic prices nt which round lulu of produce are sold In this mar- Ul. Ul.Koos Koos The receipts are not heavy but the market Is very uueveu , blocks moving at 10 ® lie. lie.BUTTEiiThe BUTTEiiThe receipts are light and the mar ket a llttlo tinner. While good choice or tancy dairy butter will sell as high as 15c , there Is little coming In that can be graded as such. A large portion of the good butter that Is coming arrives lu such poor condition that it has to bo graded as poor. Creamery , fancy. 10@18c ; creamery , choice , UQlfxj ; dairy , fancy. 13 ® 14o ; dairy , choice , 11@ 12c ; dairy , fair to good , lOQllo ; dairy , In ferior , 7'Jc. CHEESE The market at present , Is very linn , and if the dry weather in the creamery districts continues , may look for much higher prices than those quoted below : Fancy lull cream Cheddars , blngle , lOc ; full crrain twins , 10Vc ; Yuung Americas , lie : brick , cheese , 10J Ibs. In case , new 12c ; Llmburgcr , 100 Ihs In case , new , lie ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , now , 18c. POTATOES The local farmers are bring ing In a good many which they sell direct to the retail trade or the consumers. Choice stock Is selling at 50iJOOc but some very fair stock has been sold as low as 30c , UEHIIIES There were a few red raspber ries in which brought S2.50 per 24 pt cases ; 24 qt cases of blackberries are selling at S4.00. 1'ouLTHT Thcro Is a very fair demand for good block. Old fowU sell well. If choice , at S .253.50. Largo spring chickens sell at 82.10yj3.00. There are a fuw ducks comlnc In which pll at S2.75 3.00 , according to size. Pieeons , 75c@Sl.oo. GA IH There Is very little doing In this Hue ; weather Is too hot just at present Snlties , per down , 75c < 3fcl.ou ; plover , 75c ® 81.00 ; prairie chickens , 8iW : i.oo. APPLES A few v , ry choice California ap ples have arrived ou the market and are sellIng - Ing at 83.00 per bushel box. Good Missouri stock Is quoted at 54.00 per i > t > L TOMATOES Xhe'tnarkut Is well supplied with good stock whlcji Is selling at 90C$1.00 ( OKANOES Nhplc's oranges , choice , 200s. , per box. SC.50B7. ( . ) Nanlea oranges , Im perial , 1009. , per bux , 0.50 7.50. LEMONS The srtpply on the market Is lUlit and prices Very linn. Good choice stook Is quoted nt S .M < 28.75 per box. BANANAS Choice croon bunches are linn nt quotations : Port Llmon , per bunch , . . . WATERMELONS Melons of all kinds are very scarce. Watermelons , per hundred , 535.00 ; cantclqupeJi , per doren , 82.60(33.00. ( VEOETAiii.ES'-Cabbago , homo grown , per crate , $4.00 ; cucumbers , per dozen , 40o ; onions , per bbl , S3.60 ; crook-neck squash , per one-third pn. box , 31.25. CHAPES There were a few grapes offered on the market this morning from Southern Texas. They sold gl.60@l.GO per 10 Ib box. PEACUKS There are DO southern peaches ot any nccouut coining in and California peaches ore not very plenty. Halo's early are selling at S1.75 per box. 1'i.inis Thn market is fairly well supplied with food California stock , which Is held at 1.75 per box ; prunes 81.75 per box. PEAKS The market Is well supplied with good B.trtlctt pears , which are selling at * 3.00@3.25 per 40-lb box. Claps Favorite are sold at the same price. UAUI.IEI.OWKII Very larcc , fine heads are going at 81.25(91.60 ( per dozen. Urocnr'n List. COFFKK Ordinary ifrades , 19.S'Q20Vc ; fair , S0@2lc ; prune. 21 ( < $ s } ; choice , ! tt24 ; fancy green and yellow , 23@25c ; old govern i ent lava , 23Q2SC ; interior Java , 24@20c ; Mocha , JS(330c ( ; Arbnckle's. roasted , 25Jfc ; Mc- Lnughlln's XXXX , 25 c ; Dllworth's , 25c ; ed Cross , 25Jfc. CANNED ( loons Oysters , standard , per 'asc. ' 82.9073.10 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per , > 2.40ci)2.45 ) : MRpberries , 2 Ib. per case 82.40 ® : .43 ; California pears , per case * 4. 0@4.40 ; ap- Icots , caseJH.50ii.)0 ( ; ( ; peaches , cas" , S4.W ( $ .03 ; white cheriivs , percase. § 5.60 ; plums , per sse,83.40(33.60blueberrlespercaseSl.b5eig ( ; ; ) luiiis , 2 In. per case , S2.50 ; pineapples , " Ib. lercasr , 83.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib. mackerel , per doz , l.5 ! ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , 81.55 1.00 : 2 Ib. gooseberries , per case , 82.00 : 2 Ib. string eans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per ' so. 1.00 ; 2 II ) . marrowfat peas , percase , i2.406iii.fiO ; 3 Ib. early June peas , per case , 52.75 ; 3 ID. tomatoes , S'J.45 < ( j2.50 ; 2 Ib. lorn , 82.50. PKOVISIONS Hams , 12 < J 12J c : breakfast nacon. 10U@10Kc , bacon sides. 12'f@12Kc ' ; dry salt. W'iSj/c : shoulders. 7 fc ; dried Duef iams , 13 ® Ur ; dried beer , regular , 12J < fc : nuns , picnic , 8 > ( a9c. WOODKNWAIIK Two-hoop palls , per do/ , S1.45 ; li-honi ) palls , 81.05 ; No. 1 tub. SOJiO ; No. 2 tub , S5 50 ; No. a tub. S4.50 ; wnsh- uoanls , 81.75 ; assorted bowls , 82,25 ; No. 1 churns , 59 ; No. 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns , STAHCII Miiror Gloss , 5Jfn ; Graves Corn , /c : Oswcco ( Jloss , 7c ; Oaweeo Corn , 7c. llnooMR-KxUa 4 tie , S3.00 ; No. 1,82.35 ; Nn. 2 , S'-.OO : henvy stable , S4.00. Jjvnui' No. 70 , 4-gaIlon kegs. 81.33@1.85 ; New Orleans , pur gallon iSt MGc ; nmiilo byrun , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; l-gafltin cans , per doz , 810.t ; half gallon cans , per doS. . " > .50 ; quart cans , 83.00. CANDY Mixed , 8K@Hc ; btlck. 8X@9J < Jc. CiiACKr.ns ( larncau's soda , butter and picnic , 4Kc : creams , 7J < c ; ginger snaps , 7 } c ; city soda , 7jc. . 1'ICKEI.K Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In half Dbls , S4 00 ; small , in bbls. 88.00 ; do , in half bbls , $4.50 ; gherkins , lu bbls , 89.00 ; do , 'II halt bbls , 85.00. SuoAn-Granulatcd,6 ? < < 36) c ; conf. A , < X9 Xc ; white extra C , ri ( ( 5.'fc ; extra C. M { @ Xc ; yellow C. 5)5&e ) ; cut loaf , OX@ c ; pov/dered , 7@7fc. ) DIIIED Finn rs Apples , new , } ? s , CJfe ; vapora'.ed , 50-lbrlnir. 17Kgl8c ( ; ; raspberries , vajiorated , 2728c : blackberries , evaporated , Jf ( sOJj'c ; pitted cherries. llX@12c ; peaches , ew , ! 's , 7 c ; evaporated , peeled puachrs , c ; evaporated , nnpireii , c ; new currants , W@7c ; prunes , 4 } < (34fu ( ; citron , 25c ; rai sins , London layers , 81.75 ; California , loose l muscatels , 81.05 ; new Vnlencias , 7kc. KKFINED LAIH > Tierces , 7c : 40-lb square cans , 7e ; 50-Ib round , c ; 20-lb round , 7c : 10-ib pai.s , 7J c ; 5-1 pails , 7 c ; 3-lb palls , "fJ c- cToiiAcco Lorlllard's Climax , 37c ; Splen did , HSc ; Mechanic's Delight , 40c ; Leegett & Meyer's Star , 37c : Coi ncrstone , 37c ; Druin- nioixl'fi Horse Shoe , 37c ; T. J. , 3lc ; Sorg's Spearhead , 37c. > TEAS Japan , per Ib , 20Y/Z50c ; gunpowder. 25@nOc ; Young Hyson , 30Qi50c ; Congou , 00@ 70e : Oolonir , BOQMc. _ Dry Imtiibcr. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIll',118. 12 ftll4 ft'16 ' Itjld ft 20 ft22 ftsi ft 4x8. 17.BO IT.fiO 17.60 18.50 1U.50 02.50 22.HO 17.BO 17.50,17.50 , 18.50 IB 60 J & ! .M | ! E.50 ! 1x8 17.70 t7.M 17.50 18.50 li.50 | 22. txlO 17.50 17.50 17.60 18.50 19.611 ' . . .50.60 18.00 IH.OD11H.OO 1U.UU OI.OOLSO 24.50 1S.6H 18.50 ! 18.50 2(1 r > 0tel.0l ) ! .00 11OA1IDS. No. 1 , com , sis . 319.0fi No. 2. ' com , sis . 17.50 No. 4 , com , s 1 s . 1H. FKNCINO. No. 1 , 4&Gln , 12 Ai 14 ft , roueh . $10.00 No. 2 , ' . ' " " . 18.00 * CKIT.irfO AND PAnTITION. lit com , % In White I'ine Ceilluit . 8-UOU Clt-ar , ? in. Norway PinoCelllng . 10.00 A , 12 , 14 and 1C ft . S22.00 u , " . 20.rx ) U. " " " . 15.00 1) , " " " . 13.00 STOCK BOAI1D8. A 12 Inch S. Is . S4UX ! ) No. 1 , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12 * 14 . 20.00 " " " 10ft . 10.00 No. 2 . 12&24ft . 18.00 " " " 10ft . 17.00 FINISIII.NO. 1st and 2d , clear. 1'f Inch , s. 2 s . 350.00 3 < I. clear , 1 incli. s. a s , , 845 ; 1Jlk , 2 in 47.00 13 select , 1 inch , s.2 s,830 ! ; Itf , IX , 2 In 87.00 POUTS. White cedar , C In. , KS. , I2 } < c ; 0 In. qrs. , lie mo is rxicgciixiitD WITH THE oitoomrnT or rat * COV.NIBI WILL Kit HI ULUUSU.011113 aUF THAI ID * CHICA60ROGKISLAND&PACIFICRAILWAY Ily retion ot IU central position , close relation to llces Kalt o { ChlcaKO , and continuous lines at terminal points West , North * wt and Southwest , Is the true middle link In that trnnncontlnentai yitrm which InTltrs and facilitates trarel and trafflo between the Attantlo and 1'aclflc , The Ilock Iiland main line and branches Include Oil- c co , Jollet , Ottawa , L8ille , fcorla , Oenuco , Moll no and Rock Iiland , In IlUnoli ; Dattnport , Muicatlne. Waihlnzton , Falrfl ld , Ottumwa.Oikalooia , Writ Llb- ertyIowaCitjDc MotnesIndIinolaWlnttr et , Atlan tic. KnoiTllle , Audnbon , lUrlan , Outhrlo Centre and Council Bluffs , In lowai lOallatln , Trenton , St. JoMpn , Cameron and Kansaa intjr. In lllnourlt Lcarenworth and Ateblion , In Kansui Albert ! . . Minneapolis and Bt. raul.lnHlnnnotai VTatnrtown and Sioux Falls , In Dakota , and hundn > dot Intermediate cities and towns. ' /The Great Rook Island Route" Guarantees speed , corafprt. certainty and safetjr. Its rermancnt war Is dlitlmrnuhed ( or Its excellence. Its bridges are of stone abd Iron. Its track Is of solid st clItsrolIUgitockperfect. Itspa enKere < iulpment bas all the > afct j appliances that ciperlence hai pror id useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is uniur * pasiod. Its Exprots Trains consist of superior Par Coaches , elegant I'uIImin 1'alace Parlor and Elceplng Cars , superb plnlnc Cars , proTldlng delicious meals , and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlson and Kansas Cltj ) reitful Reclining Chair Cars. IU man- aicement la centersatlre ; IU dlKlplliie exacting. "The Famous Albert Lea Route" Between Chicago and , Minneapolis and Bt. Paul Is the farortte. OTer this line bolld Fast Express Trains run dally to attractive retorts for tourists In Iowa and Minnesota , and , Tla Watertown and Slonx Falls , to the rich wheat and frratlnglands of Interior Dakota. Via Btneca , and Kankakee , the Ilock Iiland offers superior Inducements to trarelers between Cincinnati , Indian * apolls , Lafayette and Council IllutTi , ( it. Joicph , Atchl- son , Learenworth , Xaniaa City , Bt , I'aul , and Interme diate points. All patrons ( especially ladles and chil dren ) rccclre protection , conrtf y anil kindly attention. For tickets , maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , or any dcilrtd Information , apply to principal olUcti In Un United States and Canada , or aJJrm , at Chicago , R. B. CABlt , I. ST , JOHI , [ . A. MOIIIOOI , DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno. U. Jacobs , A.M > At the oldstana 1407 Karnara st , Orders kytcK'Krupli solicited and promptly at tended lo. TeUpuon * No. 2J5 , 1ECHICAGOAND North- NorthWestern Western The only roml to tnfco for lies Moltics Mnr- Imlltown , Oi'ilivr Itnrldf , Clinton , Dlxon. Chlcn- 0 , Mllwaukpo and nil points east. To tiio | < u < v lo of NetmisKii , Colorado , Wyoming , titnh , ilnho , r > oviida , Oie : oii , Washlntrton , nnd L'nli- "ornln , It oflcrs eunoriorndx anlngcs not i'O ' sl- lo by any other Hue. AIIIOIIK n fowof the numoroiiR points of su- jcrlorlty enjoyed by tlio patron * of this road ictwcon Uiiialiii and Clilcngonro Us two trains id.iyor . DAY CO AC I IKS , which niotho llnosl lint tntmntiiirt nnd liiRJniilly cnn creutu. Itg Al.ACKK BI.KKI'IKCl CA11Svhlch are models f comtort nnd eloKanco. Its TAltLUU DHAW. I NO UOOM C'AHSniourjms5iMl bynnv , and Its wMclycelohrntcdl'AIjATlAh DIN I NO CAI1S , the piitiRlot which cannot bo found clsuwhcro At Council Illnirsthc trains of the Cimm 1'ncltlo < y. connect In Union Depot with the o of tlio ; hlcaio Ac Noithncstcrn ly. ( In Chicago the mlns of tills line tnnko close connection ltb : hosoof nil PHiti-rn linos. Tor Detroit , Coliunljiis. , Imllnnnpolls. Clncln- mtl. Nln iirn I'alls , llullalo , I'itlabiirir.Toronto , ilontrenl. lloston. Now York , I'lillRdulplilit , Inltlmoro , Wnshlnirton and till points In the ast , iu-li for u ticket /la tlio "NOHTIIWKSTKHN. " f you wl li tlio bust nicoinmoilatlon , All ticket Kunta roll tickets via this lino' 1. iiuGiirrr , u. r. WILSON , Oenl. Mnnniifcr , Oonl. I'ass'f Agent Clilcngo , 111. IV. M. DAIICOCK. L. It. IIOM.KS , Western AKcnt , City ras < 'r A cnt , Uninlia , NobrnsKa. THE HIGAGO SHORT LINE OK THE Chicago , Mil waukee &St , Paul Ry The Heat Route from Omaha and Council Illtiffs toj THE E A-ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council Dlufl's hicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapids Hock Ibland , Frceport , Rockford , linton , Dubiiquc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Heloit , Winona , La Crosse , And nil other Important points Knst , Northeast , and Southeast. For through tickets call on the ticket Bffont i 1401 Furnam tit , In 1'nxton hotel , or at Union 'aciflc dopot. 1'uliinnn Slocpors nnd the finest DlnlnK Cars .n the world nru run ou the main line or the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway and ev ery intention Is paid to passengers by courte ous employes of the company. K. MtU'Elt. General Malinger. J. F TUCKKII , AsMKtniiKienerul Manngcr. A. V. K. CAIIPKMKR , General VaBSenjcr and Ticket Agent. ( ] KO. K HEAFFOitD , Assistant Ocneial Passon- KOr nnd Tlulict AKOiit. J. T. CI.AIIK , General Superintendent. THE RAILWAI TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Arrive | Leave Omaha Omaha ONION PACIFIC. Depot 10th and Pierce fits. I'acinc Express 7M : ni 8:20 : pm Denver Express SjaopmlOj-w am 'Local ' Express 11:00 : am 5:05 : pm Except Sunday. B. & M , n. n. K. Depot 10th and Paciiie sts. Mall and Express 5H9 : pm 10:05 : am Nlcht Express 10:00 : am 7:45 : pm o. n.A Q. . Depot lOtli and lVlne SH. Mall and Express 0:90 : am 0:00 : pin Chicago Express.v. . S:40 : am K. C. St. J. & C. B. Depot 10th and 1'aclUcs Mall 0:55 : prn 8:4U : am Express. . 7:00 : am 8:50 : pm C. St. P. M. A O. DcpotlStti and Webster st Sioux City Express * 4:45pm : 9:15 : am Bancroft Express iflair Passenger :40pm : :35pm : Except Sunday MiSSOUIU PACIFIC. Depot IStli ana Webster st Day Express 6.25 am ilW : > ni N Ight Express 5wpui : : 0:10 : pm " Incoln Express tiqoam , 6:10 : pm DUMiUV TUA.1NS. nunnln > : belwoon Council Bluffs and South Omaha. In addition to the statlmis men tioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty- fourth streets , and at Summit , In Ouiaba. Westward. t fllilAHU JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. CHURcTifLL r uwEii't Wholesale rt lcrlu Agricultural Implements , WnjronB , Cr-rrltKO ua lluiilpn. JonM Mrcct , between Mb i3 lOlh.Omshs , N b. LININGER C METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , s , HucflM , Bte. , Whol s lo , Om 'h 4 IM RLINORENDORFM MARTIN Wtiolofttto Dealers In AffricnHnral Implements , rranoni nd DuRRlcf. 901 , 103 , HU nndtOT , Joneitt Artists' Material. tyW * * n. * * * * * * * * * * * w + fr i * . i i > - 1n u4. IIOSPE , JR. , Artiste' Materials , Pianos and Organs , M3 IVinglns street , Omihn. Builders' Hard wort and Scales. Bnildors'Hardware&Scalo Repair Shop Mechanlcs'Toolt ami Buffalo 8 U . l < pO Douglas st , a _ Omaha , Neb. Books and Stationery. A. T. KFNVON < CO. , Who'oialo unit Re.nil Booksellers and Stationers , J522 DonglRs t. . O m film , Nob. Tolrphono 801. Corrcsponilenci ) solicited. Boots and Shots. jr. v. MORSE c co. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. lilt Farnam tt , Oumha , N b. Manufactory , Summer direct , Boston. Z. T. LlSDbEX .0 CO. , Wholesale lluhbcr Hoots and Shoos Hitliucr mid Olltfil Clothing ami I'clt llontit niul Sliorn. llll llnr'i v StriM't. Beer. STORZ cC ILER , Litter Beer Browcra , 1S71 North Hm Street. Omatia.Neb. Butchers' Tools. Butcher a * Tools and Supplies , Sausage Casings of nil kinds alwajilu stock. 1315 Jo t-sel.Oniahik Coffee , Spices. Etc. Omaha Corrco and Splco Mills. Te . Coffees , 8plcr , linking Ponder , FI TortncEr- traas , lAUDdrj HIMa. Ink , Rtc. 1M-10 llarooy Street , Omaha. Nob. Cornier. . EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Eponcter , I'rop. irrafactnrcr of Onlvanliod Iron and Comic * . lHilo and 103 and 106 N , lOtb St. , omalia , Neb. RUEMP1NG < BOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Window * , Finals , NetallcikrllnUte > tc. 310B. IStl it , Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spccht , Prop. Oalranlied Iron Cornlopn , etc. Spert'ilmprflTPd Patent - ent Mpiallcskrliglit. K and Ml ) S l.'lh t.inaha. ( Carpets. 'OMAHA'CARPET co. , Jobber * of Carpets , Curtain ? , Oil Cloths , Huffs , Linoleums , Mattings. Etc. 1H1 Douflai street Crockery and Notions. WRIGJff Agent for 'ho Manufacturers and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , i Lamps , Chtninoja , etc. Office , 317 South lth it. Omaha. Nob. CLOTHING M. ELGU'lTER'S Mammoth Clothing : House , Corner Farnam nnd Tenth Streets , Omnha , Neb. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Batter , Kczsand I'roducc. Consignments solicited. Ueadquarten for Stoneware , Iterry llozrs end Urnpo llaskets. 1411 IkiilgnstreetOrutbs. R1DDELL C RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties Butter , Y.fti. (1iccc ( , Po iltrjr , Uarae , Oj'Ura. etc. , etc , 1128. Ilth8t. _ _ PEYCKE BROS. , Commission IferchantB. Fruits , Produce and Provision * . Oni tt , Neb. ' WTED EMttf tt CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultrj , llutlcr , Game , Kiults , tf. WO S. Uth it Omnha. N b. Coal ana" Lime. Oao. ir. LAIUOII. rres. C. F.JOonMAX , V. Pies. J. A. HUKUEUI.AKD , Bee. and Tr a . OMAHA COAL , COKE < & LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. X Sooth Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. J. , T. JOHNSON d ) CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois * White Lime. And Shippers ot Coal and Coke. Cement , I'lasMr , Ume , Hair , rira Brick , Drain. Til * and Sewer Plpn. OfDco. Parton Hofil. rarnam ft. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone Ml. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER fi CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Gum and Ammunition , : | 5 toK3 8. llth st. , 1090 to lM ( Farnam St. . Omaha , Neb. WEST O ; FRITSCHER , Manut'acturera of Fine Cigaro , And WhAlesalo Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. IM and lit ) N. < .4th struct. Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH d ) CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishins1 Goods & Notions 110 ] and 1104 nouzlas. cor. 11th St , Omaha , Neb. Distillers. Distiller ! of Liquor * , Alcohol and Pplrlti. Importer * and Jobbers of Wlneiaoti Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE' CO. and ILER & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Fine Wln e and Mqunra. Bolemanufnetnrcrsot Kennedy's Bust India Bit ters anil Oumrstlc Mqunrs. Ill ] llarner ft. Furniturt , DEWEY' STONE , \YholeMiile Dealers in Furniture. Farnam it. . Omaha. Neb. CHARLES SllirERICK , Furniture , Hoddintf , Upholstery , Mirrors , etc. 18)8.HOB ) and 1210 Karaani > t. . Omaha. Croceries , PAXTON , GALL AC HER & CO. , Wholesale Groceriea and 1'rovlHioiiH , Noc.Taj,7l7.709nud7llB.10thH..Oin ( h .Nib. McCORD , li.KAD Y , ! CO. , Wholesale Grocers , lln nnd I.eavennortli Ms.Omaha. Hardware. LEE ; FRIED c co. , JobherH of Hardware nnd Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ke. ! Agent * for IIowo Hrai and IJIaml PowiterL" , Om h , Neb. W. . / . BROATCIF , Ifeavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprlngj , Waion flock. Hardware Lumber , etc. 1'MX and 1211 Ilarne/ . , ' cC GIBBON , AVholesnlo frnn uiul Steel , Wat on nnrt Ccrrlsve Wood Stock , Ue Tj Hardware , Kic. IZIJ auq l'j l.tmcn Tufttist. , > Jm hH. NCH. MILTON BOGEliS MSONH , Stovea , Ruinro.i , Furnacosi , TiloH , Mantlvi.Urates , llri M Hoods. 13i Mi'.d 1373 K rn Slfftt. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIREGTORt Iron Works. 1'AXTON 0 riERLING Iron Works , Wrought and m t Iron nnlldlng Work , Iron 9Utrs ) J Italllnir. llf ms nnd Ulrdvrs. steam lCn ln i , Uraaj , | Work , ill nflral ITounJrr , Mncnlns anil IllarismlUl 'I . 1' . U.K. SAWYER , Mrtniifrtctnrlnsr Dealer in SinokcStackg , Ilrltchlnu ? , Tunk'.und ( lone l Hollar Hepalrlnc. _ Hni > o.Ue > trfot.Omi > li . V. It. MCMANU9. & 8UU.IVAW. , OMA1LI WIRE C IRON WORKS , Ire and Iron Kalllnsrs , Desk llallt , Wltidnw Ounrflf. Klow r Rtnmli. Wlr Slfni , KM IMN.lOh. Orilcr hymMI pnimptly ntHnJodto. Lumber. OMAIFA TJUMRER CO. , Dcnte'1. . AIIKlDiUof Unlhlliigr MRtorlnl nt Wholest.lo. lath Blrcet and Union 1'ncino Track , Omaha. " LOUIS 11RADFORD , Dealer in Luiuhcr , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doon.Kto. Yanlt-CorncrTth and Douflai ! Cornw tlh nd Douslitt. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , UIS.l4lh > tr * tOmiihaNab. f. Colpeticr. Lumber. Uth and nitlfnralA ftntts. Omnha , Neb. JFREU W. GRAY , Lnrn hrr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Rtc , Ccr.Slh and nouilai iu. , omnhu , Nov , UOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. IL4RVEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlf * . U03 Fnrrmm street , < Dm h . COAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Cnrptti and I'nrqnrt Flooring. 8th and IonM Omnhn. " JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale- Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Crmenl. Rtat4 Agent for Mllvrnukvn Hydraulic Ccmuutund llest . ( Julncr Wliltnl.lmo. Lira Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John K. Dojd , Buperlntocdont. LIU Stock Commission. M. ItUliKK . ( > SONS , Live Stock Conimisslou. _ Ooo. llutke , Manngpr JDnlon Stock Yards,8. < imnh . Teliphono 6M. SAVAGE C GREEN , Live Stock CoiumiHsion Jlerchauta , EhlpmenUof nnr and all klndi of Stock ullolttd. Union meek Vardi.Oicaha. Neb. Milliner/ and fntions. I. OBERFELDER .C CO. , Importers and Jobber ! of Millliiory and Notions , 121S and 121S Harnej Bt.oct. Omnha , N b. Notions. J. T. ROBIN dJr"JfOTION CO * Wholcmlo Dealer ! In Notions and Furnishing1 Goods , 40.1 and 405 S. Tf nth SI , Omnha. Overalls. CANFIELD'COMPANY * COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , leans Pants , Bblrts , Rtc. 1103 nnd 11W IJoujlus HtretL Omaha , Neb. PAPER CARPENTER PAPER CO , , Wholesale Taper Dealers , ' rryn nlcoetnrkof rrlnllns , Winpplnit nndVrlU Ina iiaper. Bpcclal attention itlvoii to car lo.-iclof. orilers. which nlll bo ihlppeJ ilirrct from mill" . All orders will receive pononnl attontlon.V iimrj nnlee good goods and low prices. 1114 and HIM Printing. Job Printers , Wank Book Makora. And Book Illuders. 100 and JW EoutU Fouituentsi street. Omnha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary PubliHhers. Dealers In TT pe. Prcnai and Printers' Hupplloi. 101 Boutti Tweirth Ptroet. Pumps. JiROWNELL .0 CO. , Manufacturers And Dealers In Uoilors & ( ienerul Machinery Sheet Iron work , Steam 1'umpr. Saw Mills , Aetna BhaftlDK , Uedn Wood split Palltra , Baltlnf , ( , Aliowatoai , serap nandtal tltt. Tenworthst. Omaha CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Purapx , Pipe , Fittings , arn and Water Ruppllts. Headquarters for Ma FowtOo'a < > oo < ls. llll yarnsiu st.lmahn. Neb , U. 8. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. tlalladsT Wind Mllm ! rteam and Hitppllea , blnirdoodii. llcltlng. llo c. Hl > und VJU ur tiam si. , Umkhn. r ) . K. I'fltor , UnciUKcr. Tulrpbnno Nu. 210. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Kn inos. Steam. Water. Railway and Milling Sn | > i > licr. Et * RUund 24 Karnam st..tit.i lin. Nel. . . Rubber Goods. Manufacturer and Dealers In till kind tor Uuhbcr ( iomlH , Oil Clnthlne nnd I.cnlhrr lldlMim. I > H rariuim St , Safes , Etc. P. BOYER tf. CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Louk Co.s' fire and lliirK'ar ' Proof Hnfes , Time Ixick , Vaults ) , ftudJ&U Worn. lOii Karnarn ttruet Omaha , Not ) . G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. Manufacturers of Kir * and Uortl.r Proof Sum , Vault , IJocrs.J.II Work , Htiutiers nil Wire Work. Dor. Uth and Jackson Bts , Omalui , N b , Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A DISJBRo'llr CO. , Wholesale Ununfacturcisof Sash , Doors , lilliula and llouldiiifi'S , Drnnch oWce.Uth and lr r.l iU.OBBhayt ! . BOHN MANUFACTURING COH Manufacturers , ot Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouM'nuK.StuIr ' Work and Interior Hard Wuud Flnlsk Just open * J. N. M for. 8lti and LcnvecwurtbdU. Oinaba , N b. THE CAPITOL HOTEL . Lincoln , Neb. Tim 1'cst ' kiKiwn ui.d tu i > . - 1 | ! Qiiiliiiliotcll'i | tlif ) j-lito. I.DCiUliiu cuiitral.apiiaiiitmentii Qdt cla B. Hrniliiiitrtt | < rti for L0i > nii > ic'nl ! rotn auil nil ] iulltk'iil uuU imlillu trnthmlnire , K. I * . HOiJKN. ( ( 1'ioprluor. School , County ar.d City \Vu will pny liliflicsi jn lee lor Fiuiii' . &jJ&ZC. r-0 .lN7 , Mii'lont lowest into * . Ciirrciifmilenre solicited HTVLL J > HS. . LINCOLN , NKU. W OEVELOPED PAR I S of the bndr eu ! r ( U and ttirnetheiitfl , . Full l' to ulati ( talcd ) free. 'atUIK WKU. U ) . , i'-uPa ! ? , H , J.