Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    Kplp !
f 1
" Corn the Btrongeat Article Traded in On
'Change ' in Chicago.
Prices Htinw a Marked Improvement
Tlio Wheat Market Devoid of Sea-
atlotial Features Incrcasei !
Activity Iti Outs.
CIIICAOO. July 10. [ Special Telceram to
the UKK.I Corn was the strongest article
on the speculative list to-day and August
. was the strongest as well as the most popu
lar month. The cnrn pit wai filled to over
flowing ana a rattling business was dono.
Commission merchants and brokers wcro In
command and tegular traders who usually
, run the pit contented themselves with swing
ing on the train and going with tlio rest of
tlio excursionists. Aclosu scrutiny of the
weather map did not result to the satisfac
tion of th bears. Drync. s and high tem
perature were the meteorological features of
the wct > tcrn corn bull , and ev'dcnco '
that the croj ) was In danger It It had not al
ready sustained serious damage. A multi
tude of people returning from trios through
Indiana , Illinois. Missouri , Kansas , Ne
braska and Iowa had stories to tell of thtf
terrible heat and burning corn , etc. Telo-
grnphlc nnd mall advices conllrm tlio narra
tions of the travelers and moro cou-
' vlncl ng still were the In numerable buyIng -
Ing orders from the burnt districts.
The execution of country orders occupied
thn attention of a great majority of the com
mission houses most of the session. It was
n feature of the day. August was the favor
ite month with the most bulllshly Inclined
' '
trailers till late , when that option softened a
trlile , closing Jfc under tlin best ligures of
the dav , while May remained firm nt tlio top.
August opened at iJSXc , advanced to SSJfc ,
and under the Inlluenco ot liberal local spec
ulative offerings , receded to 3S'fc. ' A llood
of outsldo buying oraers , accompanied by
considerable ) covurlnu by tlio shorts aud buy-
Inn by scalpers , carried the price to iWtfc.
During the last half hour the market , tlioiuh
strong , was rather more quiet , and sellcrH
wcru obliged to make concessions. August
closed at 3Sc , a gain on the-day of % c.
September opened at 89 e. ranged
at 3UXc , SUJiGlSO c , B9J < o and
3UXc. the last figure given being the close.
October opened at ffJJfc , nold Inegularlv to
10) ) c and cloRud at 3Ufc. May opened at
41c , nold to 43Xc and closed there , an Im
provement of Ic. . ,
Wheat opened J QJtfc higher. Improved
slightly In sympathy with corn , but worked
down Inter 'and closed only a shade higher
than yesterday for near-by deliveries. The
market was destitute of sensational features.
AuifUHt opened at 70c , advanced to 71 > c ,
sold oil to 70kc nnd closed at 70Jc. faep-
tembnr opened at 7c ! ! , advanced j c , declined
to # @ ? % , and closed at 72 c. October
sold down from 74Jic to 74'to and closed at
74'fc. ' The range on December was77J @
77JCC. high 77Kc , low 77 @ 77 c nt the
close. The foreign markets were quoted as
qulot and steady. In thu local cash market
a fair di-greo ot activity is noted.
There wns moro doing In
oats to-day and the market
displayed increased lirmness In sympathy
with corn. In the way ot speculation trad
ing was largely In August nnd September ,
prices showing an Improvement of KC over
yesterday's close. No. U white again sold
rather fieuly to go to store nt 31@33c , the
bulk nt in cunts.
la the provision market the feeling was
n- undecided. Lard showed considerable
strength , but in short ribs there was seem
ingly n withdrawal of the support lately wit
nesced and with freer offerings than were
expected. Prices suffered a severe decline.
In thu last named nrtlclu trade was In a
measure allowed to stand upon Its own bottom
tom , and for thu different futures the clos
ings were 'J5o under yesterday's lost quota
tions. The day's decline In lard was only
% Xc. IJoth lard nnd short ribs opened
strong aud at or near the very best prices o )
the day. Kor August delivery lard ranged
at SO.T8X00.7fi , "for Soptembflr nt SO.bO ®
6.87 . Una for October at SO.T5@fl.ttJK , clos
ing at SO.TO , JO.bO , ami S0.b5 bid for the
months indicated respectively. In Abort ribs
all tlio Interest developed was contlued to
August und September , the former of which
gold from $8.15 down to 58.02 . Both fu
tures closed at the lowest prices touched.
October short ribs were nominally 15c under
Heptomber. Pork was Inactive , cash being
810.75 , the year at 811.50 , and .January at
812.00. In short rlusthu realizing was ( ten
era ) , whllu In lard the prlnclpul seller was a
house said to be the largest holder.
CHICAGO , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] CATTLE The market to-day
was heavily supplied and trade was dull and
lower. There were exceptions , of course ,
but the bulk of cattle snlea were at a. 5@10c
decline. Common grtwsera and all kinds of
heavy cattle were extremely hard to sell at
bottom prices for the .season. Home tidy fat
cattle and some stlllcra sold the same as yes
terday , but the general maikotvaa weak ana
lower. Prices ranged as follows : Ship-
pine steers , W50 to 1500 Ibs. S3.004.25 : 1200
to 1350 Ibs , SaW@3Al.j ; 050 to 1200 11)3 ,
$3.00(93.00 ( ; stockers nnd fcedem ,
S1.70@a.OO ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.35@
E.OO : nlop-fed steers , 84.0.5 ; Texas cows ,
t.SO@3. & : steers , SiMHgii.W.
vlloua The estimated receipts wire 18,000.
Trade was rather slow , with another down
turn of a strong So , maklnc a drop of 10@15o
In two days. Bulk sold between 95.45 and
95.55 , one lot at $5.00 , and common at 8-VJO@
6.85 : lUbt sorts , 85.U5@5.50 ; Yorkers ,
Chicago , July 19. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattl Kecelpis , 10,000 ; shlpinento3,700 ;
TV market slow and 6@lUc lower ; Khipulni ;
, steers , 3.004.'J5 : stockers and feeders. $1.70
03.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.25Qi.CO ! ;
Texas cattle , 81.80 3.SO.
Hogs Hecrlpts , 1'J.OUO ; shipments. S5.000 ;
Market slow and 5o lower ; routh and mixed ,
S5.SOat5.60 ; packing and shipping , S5.40M
6.57K ; KUti 85.i55.67X ! ; skips , 83.00 ®
6.00.Sheet ) Receipts , 3,500 ; market strong ;
natives , 8i.00 : < < 4.15 ; western , J3.lX ( < m5 ;
Texans , 83.0.i ( i3.TO ; lambs per head , 81.50 ®
Drovers' Journal's special cablegram from
London miotcn : Heavy Hiipply of American
cattle : fairgeucral puppllc.i ; values steady ;
beht American beeves , U ( < JllXc Ib , esti
mated dead weight.
HniiHUH City. Julv 19. Cattle Receipts ,
3.r > 00 ; Hhipments , 2 , 00 ; dull nnd weak : 10ii {
15c lower ; nod to clioleo corn fed , 8'l.50Gi
3.75 ; common to meilliun , 5i.l53.40 ; ; stock
ers , 8100(43.50 ; feeding btcors , S'J.CCaiCO ;
cowp , Sl.-tO 2.50.
Hogs Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 1,000
opened Sc lower ; closed 10o lower ; good to
choice > 5.2. > ® 5.U5 ; common to medium
85.10 ; bklps audplKS 1.50 5.00.
Nntionnl Htook YarilD. Enut St.
IJOUIN. III. . July ! . Cattle Receipts
6,000 ; shipments , none ; easier ; choice heavy
nntlvo Blecrs. S4.oo@4.'oU ; butchers' fair tc
9J.40Cj4.00 ; feeding steers , fair to rood
t3.or3.N ) ; stocker ? , fair to Kood,8'-.lOa-j.w (
lions Receipts. 2,500 : shipments , none
fairly steady : choice heavy and butcher selec
tions , S5.45ol5.55 ; packlni ; aud Yorkers , fall
to choice , SV-XX'J-'i.45 ' ; pigs , common to good
84.70(25.15. (
NKW roiiK , July I'J.-iSpeclal Telegran
to the UEE.J STOCKS The stock m\rke :
was more conspicuous for Its stupidity thai
activity. Thecenora ! tone of advices wa
that all the conditions worn right for a bul
movement with the exception of one Import
ant factor , and that Is a most consplcuou
ono tlio lack of a leader with wealth am
nerve to take hold and turn the current
While the bulls ( ire looking for a lender hare
market may take a turn upward , us It fn
quently dors when a bulge Is unexpected
and surprise everybody. But It Is not e >
uected that much good will coine to It untl
fhailaltlmorettOhlo deal Is dqlinltuly sol
tUd and out of the-way. How soon that wtl
lie U U dlfllcult to say. The. opening vra
dull , , with 'rathqr ' a heavy undertone on the
majority of properties. London came In
ueak and , ' < © < per cent lower. Moderate
foreign gelling of Lake Shore , Heading , and
St. Paul was \vllliout marked effect. The
selling of Grangers by room traders who
wcro working on reports of bad crops caused
a general weakness and declines off Ot
point wcro reached. Lake Shore broke ; < per
cunt on reports that It was nutting rates and
had dolled the Inter-stnto commission. West
ern Union , which wai tliu bull card yester
day , was quiet and broke ? „ ' per cent , rallied
K [ > cr cent but lost the advance. Cotton oil
dropped 1 point. The "Three C's and 1" de
clined 3 points , nnd 'Iciincssce Coal IK-
The only property showing marked stroncth
was IIojKlng Valley , which appreciated
IJf percent , but lost K per cent. Increased
weakness characterl/.ed trading and the last
sales of a majority of stocks wcro at Inside
figures. Chicago houses , ns a rule , wcro dis
posed to sell , and there Is said to bo a liberal
short Interest with several of the largo
houses. The total sales were 128,337 share ? ,
against 143,431 shares yesterday.
UOVEIINMK.NTS Government bonds were
dull but lirm.
U. S. 4's coupon .127 f C. & N. W
U. S. 4W'scoup. . 100 do preferred. . .
PacificVsot'05. ( . 124 N. YlO
CanndaSoutli'n. . fifij. O. H.&N. . 7
Central 1'nellUs. . 37 } . . O. T.
Clilcago&Alton.lW ) t'.icllicMall 42 }
do preferred..10Ui P. , I > . &E 31 ,
C. , U. & o 143 PullnianPal.Car.15u
D. , L. & W 13l Reading 55.
D &K.G 2S4' } Hock Island . . . .180
Kno 30St. . L.AS.F. . . . ' >
do preferred. . . . fl'J do preferred. . . . 75
llllnolsCentral. . ! 0. , M. A St. P. . . 85
I. , U. & W 20 do preferred
K. JkT. . . . . . . . . . 27l < St P. & O * 'J
Lake Shore 03 % do preferred..Ill
L. &N 01 Texas Pacilio. . . " "
Michigan Cent'l. . 85 Union Pacllic. . .
Mo. Pacltic 10J , ' < \V..St \ L & ! ' . . . . 18
No. Pncilio : J < do preferred. . HI
do preferred. . . . W. U. Telegraph 70 ; <
MONEY ON CAI.I. Kasy at 4@3 per cent.
nt 34.8-j for sixty day bills , aud 84.b4
for demand.
Chlcaco , July 10. Following quotations
arc th i 2oclosing : ; figures :
Flour Steady and unchanged.
Wheat Not much doing to-day : opened
K@rfe hlirlier tlian yesterday's closing , ad
vanced & ® * { c more , then declined K(2" (
but again Improved some , closing about , , , .
% c hlghur than yesterday ; cosh , G9c ; Au
gust , 7013-lfc ; September , 7213-lCc.
Corn Active , excited aud higher ; opened
unsettled , but Xo higher than yesterday's
closing , declined > c , then ruled strong , ad
vancing with silent fluctuations , and closed
Xc blither for August and Jfo lor September ;
cash , 3bc ; August , 38c : September , 39Kc.
Oats Firm and higher ; cash , 'J0 > icj Au
gust , 2C3-lCc ; September , 2C ) c.
Kye Dull and quiet ot 45c.
Barley September , f 5 } @COc.
Prime Timothy Seea-Qiiotablo at S2.22 ®
Flax Seed $1.15.
Whisky 81.10.
Pork Nominal ; cash , S15.50Q10.00.
Lard Irregular and easy ; cash , 80.07 ®
G.70 ; August. 5C.70QO.WK ; September , Su.bO
Bulk ' Meats Shoulders , 85.906.00 ; short
clear , 58.45(38.60 ( ; short ribs , 17.00(37.05. (
IJtitter Light receipts of fancy grades
caused advance ; other grades In good sup
ply ; creamery , 15J 7pcdniry ) ; , IS &nc.
Cheese Firm ; lull cream clicddars ,
B C ; Hats , 8 | ( f4SXc ; Young Americas , ? fu ( !
Oc : skims , 5@ c.
KggsVoaK at ll ) @ 12c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy ereon salted ,
7M'c ; light do , 7 % ( < i c ; salted bull hides. Cc ;
green salted calf , bo ; dry flint , 12r $13c ; dry
calf , 13@l4c ; deacons 40o each ; dry salted ,
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid ,
quotable at 4c ; No. 2 , 3c ; cake , 4c.
Kecolpts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 17,000 20,000
Wheat , bu 48.000 00,000
Corn , bu 78.000 102.000
Oaf ) , bu 137,000 51,000
Kye , bu 6,000 2' ,000
Barley , bu 2,000 None
New York. July 18. Wheat Koceipts ,
199,000 ; exports , 40,500 : spot shade
stronger , but only moderately active. Options
opened lirm and advanced H@ ! c ; weaken
ed and set back Kc ; closing steady ,
ungraded rod , TOQSflj o ; No. 2 red , 83
_ . _ . delivered , 82 > < c lob ; No.
nominal No. a closed 82 .
; red , August , > u.
Corn Receipts , 108,500 ; exports , 54,000 ;
spot Jo and options filXc hlchor on bad
crop reports ; ungradenT45@46J c ; No. 2 , 5 %
@ 4Sc ( elevator ; 4540J < c delivered ; August
closed at 46 e.
Oats Kecelpts. 103,000 ; exports , 600 ; tftft
Mo lower ; mixed western , 3430c ; white
western , 8S@43e.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed COc.
Pork Quiet , but strongly held.
Lard Opened a couple points higher ;
closing heavy ; western steam spot. 87.02 } $ .
Butter Steadier ; western , 10@10 > s'c ; west
ern crnamery , 15KwlOKc.
(3heese Firm and fair demand.
Eggs Western fresh , 1214Xo.
Minneapolis , July 19. Wheat Quiet
and weak : buyers scarce ; No. 1 hard , casher
or August , 72c ; September , 73o ; No. 2
northern , cash or August * 70c ; September ,
71o on track : No. 1 hard , 74 > c ; No. 1
northern , 73c ; No. a northern , 71 K1
Flour Quiet ; patents , 94.10@4.23 ; bakers ,
Receipts Wheat , 81,700. Shipments-
Wheat , 31,000 bu. Flour , 15,000.
Milwaukee. July ,10. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 72c ; August 72Kp : September , 74c.
Corn Strong ; No. 8 , 37c.
Oats-Firmer ; No. 3 white , 32c.
Rye-Dull ; No. L 54c.
Barley Higher ; September , C4c.
Provisions Quiet.
Mess pork-July , 815.00.
Clmotnnatl. July 19. Wheat-Firm ;
No. 3 red. TCXc ,
Corn Strong ; No. a mixed , 43c.
Oats Weaker ; No. a mixed , SOc.
RyDull ; No. a , 50c.
Pork-Quiet at 810.25.
Lard Firm at 80.40.
Whisky-Active at 81.05.
St. Lenin , Julr 19. Wheat Nervous and
lower ; No. a , red , cash. 72 > < o ; July , 728'c ;
August , TC > Vc ; September , TSJJo.
Corn-Highcr ; cash. July , 4 August
September , 35c. .
Oats-Better ; cash , 25tf < 325)s ; July ,
24'/c ; August , 23 c.
1'ork 815.50.
Lard-f0.50 0.00.
Butter Creamery , 1020c ; dairy , 13lGc.
Kanaas City. July 19. Wheat-Quiet
No. a red. C3o bid.
Corn-Stronger ; No. 5 , cash , 32J./C bid
special August ; 3lic bid , September ;
bid , 33 } c asked ,
Oats-No. , 82cbld.
Now Orleans , July 19. Corn Quiet , bul
firm : mixed. 56 > fa5rc ( ; yellow Sic , white
scarce , held at 55c.
lloi Products dull.
Lard Retined , tierce. SG.50.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , 85.7X ; long cloai
and clear ribs , S\25 ; bacon and shoulder
SO.M ; long clear aud clear ribs , S9.25.
Ijlvcriiool , July IP. Wheat Detrmiu
, poor , holders oiler freely ; California No. 1
7s 2. | .3d per cental ; r d weaturu spring , 0
. &dr < t d.
, Corn Steady : demand fair ; new inlxei
western , 4slid.
, OM All \I1\'E liTOCK.
; Tuesday , July 19.
The receipts of cattle wcro not heavy bu
were double yesterday's receipts. There wu
a little moro inquiry for cuttlo and seveni
bunches changed hauda. The market illus
about steady with yesterday although reports
ports f i om eastern markets Indicated a lo-
cline. Uood coin fed native titeers ot mr
dliun weUht 010 about the ouly klud 10of
cattle sclltne.
The receipts of hogs were fairly heavj
- Tlio marki t opened a little- slow nt a df clln
of about 6c. the salesmen being alow ?
accept thu decline. The bulk of the hog
however were sold before noon and were u
. sold before the close. The market was un
even and whllo some loads may have hold n
- about . yesterday's prices , others sold over G
There w ro a tow la and sold.
- Keoolpu.
ill Cattle. . ' ' . .i 8C
Sheep . 400
Horses . . . . . 14
Provalllnif Price * .
Showing the prevailing price ) paid for II vo
stock on this HiarkPt :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 lb3..83.SO < 33.00
Choice steers. 1100 to ISOJ Iba. . . 8.70@3.bO
Fat llttto steers 900 to 1050 H)3 . . . . 3.23 < it3.G5
Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 3.40an.OO
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75 ® . ' ! . 00
Common to medium cows . 2.00@2. ? > 0
Good to choice bulls . aooftfiM )
Llglit and medium heirs . t > M ( < tr > . \ ! >
Good to choice heavy hoas . 6.20@fi.w :
Good to choice mixed hogs . 5,10uo.20 |
Representative Hi lo .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
: W.,1010 83.-1. ' , 18. . . .1303 53.75
21. . . . 1)03 ) 3.55 107. . . .1294 3.80
20. . . . 1047 JI.CO ' 103..U8-J 3.bO
24. . . . 1099 3.03
No. Av. Pr.
0. . . . 033 2.80
No. Av. Pr.
14..1tlG 81.25
suiii' : : .
No. Av. Pr.
202 . 113 S3.40
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr.
79..1TO 1GO S5.0. ) f.n..2 > 0 40 § 5.2(1 (
75. . . . 205 240 5.10 70..2.V ) 120 5.20
58. . . . 245 120 6.12'rf C6..24U 2-.0 5.20
( i5..28 ; ! ISO 5.15 G4..24I ) 2UO 5.20
( N. . . 2.J5 40 5.15 G1..231 120 5.20
70. . . . 214 100 5.15 ft ! . . . . 220 . . 5.20
47..1I8 ! b ! ) 5.15 ( ® . . . . .Z120 5.20
01. . . . 250 IfiO 6.15 (18. ( . . .210 bO 5.--0
04. . . .229 80 5.15 G8..218 120 5.20
G1..2.M bO 5.15 80. . . . 218 40 5.20
57 . . .2T,3 200 5.15 CO. . . . 271 40 5.25
GS..259 bO 5.15 50. . . 271 . . 5.25
77 . . 214 40 6.15 117. . . . 259 240 5.25
K . . .105 40 5.15 03. . . .281 200 5.25
(58 ( . . .204 120 5.15 51. . . . 2W bO 5.25
79..22D 40 5.15 70..2.U 40 5.25
03. . . . 245 1(50 ( 6.15 03. . . . 253 40 6.25
74. . . . 2:10 : 100 5. IB (53. ( . . . 20(1 ( 120 5.25 "
(53. ( . . . 21 1 40 5.15 02 . . .257 40 5.25
40. . . . 291 40 5.17l C5..258 120 5.25
71..23J 100 6.20 49. . . . 347 80 5.25
55. . . . 291 120 5.20 51. . .275 bO 5.27 }
08. . . .2(51 ( 100 5.2J 58. . . .209 40 15.27) ) $
59..2 : 40 B.20 ( < 0. . . .20(5 ( . . 5.27J *
09. . . . 239 . . 5.20 02. . . . 278 200 5.27
71. . . . 247 bO 5.20 01. . . . 209 bO 6.37K
(55. ( . . . 2153 240 5.20 GO. . . . 205 80 B.27H
69..S49 100 5.20 OS. . . . 279 . . 5.30
74. . . . 202 ICO 5.20 67. . . . 277 SO 5.30
GS..233 40 5.20 63. . . .303 40 5.80
73 . . .220 bO 6.20 51. . . . 310 . . 5.30
(53. ( . . . 283 120 5.20 GO. . . . 314 . . G.SO
74. . . . 241 40 5.20 105. . . . 311 120 B.IiO
70. . . . 233 GO 6.20 60. . . . 307 . . 5.35
Ijivo Stuck Hold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond & Co . 447
Local . 52
Total . 499
Anglo-American Packing Co . 2435
Armour it Co . 444
Spires & Co . 704
O. II. Hammond & Co . 4b2
Harris & Fisher . C2
Total . 41b7
Local . 203
Showing the number of cars ot cattle , hogs
and sheep shipped Iroiu the yards during tlio
No. cars. Rt. Dost.
8 . C. B. * Q . Chicago
14 . R. 1 . Chicago
3 . R.I . Chicago
suur.i' .
3 . C.B. As Q . Chicago
3 . U.P. . Fremont
All sales of stock in this market are made
per cwt HVO weight uuliw otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or hogs weighing ! o than 10J IIH.
no value. Pro nant sowsaro docked 40 Ibj.
and stagaSO Ib-t. by tluumbllo iusueotor.
Ijivc Stock Note * .
Hogs a little off.
No hogs loft over.
A few sheep sold.
Au uneven hog market.
Very good hogs went at 35.23
Not much change In cattle market.
II. T. Richards , Wabash , was in with a
load of cattle.
N. M. Goodoll was In from Western with
live loads of good hogs.
O. H. Dutrow was on the market with two
loads of cattle from Crescent , la.
Plorson D. Smith camn In with eleven
loads of cattle train St Kdwards.
Dufour & Co. , well known shippers , had
three loads of hogs on the market.
F. G. Kleno , the well known shipper of
Alblan , was in and sold throe loads oC hugs.
J. A. Vandriiff , Bradshaw. a heavy shipper
and feeder , was In with two loads of sheep.
Mr. Thompson , of Council Bluffs and his
partner , Mr. Dudley , were over with tlireo
loads of hogs.
W. B. Morrison , Torlr , an extensive
shipper , was In with Thomas Smith of
McCool , with cattle.
T. F. Miller , Fullerton , Neb. , was nt the
yards and topped the market with a load of
3G9-lb hogs of his own feeding.
The number of live stock commission
firms have multiplied so rapidly that the
Stock Yards compauy huvo decided to make
moro otllco room.
Among those having stock on the market
wcro the following : Kendall & S , Capital
Mills ; Hobert Spruce. Hastings ; G. G. Vree-
land , Juanlta ; Morris & H , Anseluio ; C. 11.
Parmnlce , Cedar Creek ; J. D. Parker , Gris-
wood.lowa ; Nye W. M. company , Nlcker-
soti : Fuller S. & F. , Lindsay ; 11. Shut-stock ,
West Point ; Dover & G. , Newmans Grove ;
Morse K. & company , No. Bend ; George
Boetel. Mlllwd ; F. Kropf , Schuyler.
The following had stock on the market :
J. M. Young , Lawrence ; Spelts & K. , David
City ; Schlve&B. , Hong : B. F. btilloy A
compauy , Dewltt ; F. S. Penrc * & company ,
Aurora ; H. Gund & company. Ayr ; B.
Kwlng , Exeter ; Joseph Spelts. Mllford ; J.
Harms , Firth ; G. H. Bobbttt , Ashland : A.
Koehlcr & company , Geneva ; J. G. Smith ,
Blair ; L. Jensen , Weston ; H. Hummer ,
Mluneola ; Wilkensnu & G. . Avoca ; W. W.
Klock , Bradshaw ; A. L. Williams , Crete ;
Morris .t H. , Anielnio ; Ticknor & 13. , Bea-
rlco ; G. L. Smith , Ulysses.
General I'rotluoe.
Tuesday. July 19.
flic foUowtno arc the jirlccn ut which
round tots of produce arc sold la this mar-
Eons The receipts are not heavy but the
market Is very uneven , blocks moving at 10 ©
lie.BoTTKiiThe receipts are light and the mar
ket a little lirmer. While rfond chuioo or
fancy dairy butter will sell as high an 15c ,
there Is little coming In that can be graded
as such. A large portion of the good butter
that Is coming arrives In such poor condition
that It has to bo graded as poor. Creamery ,
fancy , lC@18c ; cieamcry , choice , 14@lfic ;
dairy , fancy , 18(54 ( 14o ; dairy , choice , 11 ®
12c ; dairy , fair to good , 10@llo ; dairy , In
ferior , 7g9c. (
The market at present , Is very
firm , aud if the dry weather In thu creamery
districts continues , may look for much higher
: pilccs than those quoted below : Fancy lull
cream Cheddars , single , lOc ; lull cream
twins , 10l c ; Young Americas , lie : brick ,
cheese , 10J Ibs. in case , new 12o ; Ltmburgur ,
100 Ibs in case , new , lie ; Swiss , fancy Ohio ,
new , I8c.
POTATOES The local farmers are bring
ing in a good many which they sell direct to
the retail trade or the consumers. Choice
ut stock Is Belling at 50(3GOc ( but some very fair
stock has been sold ns low as 3Uc.
BEHWIS : There wcro a few red raspber
ries in which brought $2.50 per 21 pt cases ;
- 21 ( | t cases of blackberries are selling at
- 4.UO.
- Pom.TUT There Is a very fair demand for
of good stock. O > d fowls sell well. If choice , at Lnrgo spring chickens sell at
82.rAft3.00. Them are a few ducks coming
In wlilch sell at 32.75 3.00 , according to sl/e.
, 75oi3$1.00.
° UAMK-ThefeU very little doing in this
" Hue ; weath r U too hot lust nt present
, i Snipes , per dozen , 7f.e@Sl.00 ; plover , 7.r "
l.u 51.00 ; prairie chlpkena , S'i50C < < 3.00.
Arrr.F.s A few very choice California op-
pies have arrived on the market and are sellIng -
Ing $3.00 per bushel box. Good Missouri
stock Is quoted at S4.00 per bbl.
TOMATOES The market Is well supplied
with eood stock which Is selling at UO&l.UO
per box ,
OnA.NdEH-Kodl , 80.00@0.50. Naples or-
300 nge , choice , 200 s. . per box , SO.M ) ; Naples
300 oranges , JouKjrlaJ , 100 a. , per box , 80,50 ,
LKMOSS Tlio sypoly on f the mnrkot Is
llsht and prices veiy linn. Good choice
stoofc Is auoted at 8&U ! ) ( < } 9.75 per box.
BAXAN.VS Choice. Kiecn bunches are
lirm at quotations : Pott Llmon , per bunch.
S3.oo@4.oo. .
WATKKMKI.ONS Melons of all kinds are
very scarce. Watermelons , ir hundred ,
S35.00 ; cantclouppi' . Per dozen , 52.50(33.00. (
VEHKTAIII.KS Cabuajo , home grown , per
crate , 81.00 ; cucumbers , per dozen , 40c ;
onions , per bbl , $3.80 ; crook-neck squash ,
per one-third bu. box , S1.25.
Guvi'KS There were , ft few grapes ottered
on the market this motning from Southern
Texas. They sold $ WO(81.CO ( per 10 Ib box.
I'KACIIKS There are no southern peaches
of any account coining In and California
peaches are not very plenty. Halo's early
are selling at 51.75 per box.
PI.U.MI The market Is fairly well supplied
with good California stock , which Is held at
S1.75 per box ; prunes 81.75 per box.
PIIAHS Thu market was well supplied
with good Bnrtlctt pears , which are selling
ntS3.0C@3.25 per 40-1 b box.
CAUUKI.OWKII Very large , fine heads are
going at 81.25(31.60 ( perjlo/cn.
Crocor'H List.
CoFrui : Ordinary grades , 19 > , ( i20Vc ; fair ,
20ii(2lc ( ; prime. B1Q23 ; choice. 2 < a24 ; lancy
Itcd Cross , ! ! 5 > < c.
CANSKD Goons Oysters , standard , per
casp. 52.90 < a3.10 ; strawberries , 21b. per cas-o
S2.4U@-.45 ; raspberries , 2 Ib. per case
82.40 2.45 ; California pears , per case
S4 : ) M4.40 ; apricots , per case ,
83.50C < ? 3.(50 ( ; peaches , per case , S4.tHi@
5.00 ; white cherries , perc.ise , S5.50 ; plums , ] ier
caseS3.40Q3.50blueberrle.spcrcaseS1.8.'iegg ; ;
plums , 21u. per case , S2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib.
jicreast' , S3.20@5.75 ; 1 Ih. mackerel , per doz ,
551.5 ! ! ; 1 Ib. salmon , per do/ , Sl.5)@l.GO ; 2 Ib.
gooseberries , jitr ease , S'J.OO ; a Ib. string
beans , per case , St.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per
rase , SI. CO ; 2 lt > . peas , per case.
82.4002.50 ; 2 Ib. early Juno peas , per case ,
S2.75 ; 3 lo. tomatoes , 82.45@2.50 ; 2 Ib.
corn , 82.50.
PUOVISIONS Hams , 12 < 7U2) ) c : breakfast
b. con. KWdfllOKc ; bacon .sides , 13)/r/l2Ku ) :
dry salt , bcif.SJ/c ; shonliluis , 7ic ; dried Heel'
hams , 13ifllc ( ; dried beet , regular , 12J c ;
hams , picnic , b } < JS'R. ( (
WOOIII.V\VAKI : : Two-hoop palls , per do/ ,
81.45 ; IMioop p.ills , S1.W ( ; No. 1 tub. SG.50 ;
No. 2 tub , S5 50 ; No. 3 tub. 84.60 ; wash
boards , 81.75 ; assorted bowls , 52.25 ; No. 1
rhuriis , 89 ; No. 2 churns , S8 ; No. 3 churns ,
87.STAHCH Mirror Gloss , 5 c ; Graves Corn ,
Cic : Os\\ego Gloss , 7c ; Oswogn Corn , 7e.
HiiooMa-Kxtra 4 tie , 53.00 ; No. 1,82.25 ;
No. S , 42,00 : heavy stable ; 84.00.
SYRUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , S1.32@1.35 ;
New Orleans , per gallon ! te@4Gc ; mapln
syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , S10.1KJ ; halt gallon
cans , per doz , S. > .50 ; quart cans , 53.00.
CANDY Mixed , 8K < 3iic ; stick. 8)V@9Kc. )
CitACKr.ns Garncan's soda , butter and
picnic , 4i'c ; creams , 7Xc ; ginger snaps , 7 > c ;
city soda , 7 ; < c.
PIOKKI.H Medium , Iti bbls , 87.00 ; do In
half bbls. 84 00 ; small , in bbls. 58 00 ; do , In
half bbls. S4.50 ; churkins , In bbls , 89.00 ; do ,
in half bbls. 85.00.
SuoAit Granulated , 6Vi88Xc ( ; conf. A.f/IS
; white extra C , 5 ( flMVc ; extra C.
; yellow C. 5)Q5Kc ; ; cut loaf ,
powdered. 7@7 } < c.
cvapora' '
ovaporai . „ _ . . . . .
9.C@Ke ! ) ; pitted cherries. HK@l'-c : peaclies ,
new , } i's , 7 ! c ; evaportited , peeled peachrs ,
c ; evaporated , unpared , c ; npw entrants ,
GJf@7c ; prunes , 4j ( 4tfc ; oitrou , 2.r e ; rai
sins , London layeis , ( jl < 75 ; California , loose
muscatels , 81.05 ; now yalenclas , 7Xc.
RCFINKU LAUD Tieices , 7e ; 40-ib square
cans , 7c ; 50-lb loundj c ; 20-lb lound , 7/o ;
10-ib palis , 7Kc ; 5-lb'pall.s , 7 ; < c ; 3-lb palls ,
ToitArco Lorlllard's Climax , 37c ; Splen
did , 38c ; Mechanic's Delight , 40c : Lejrgett &
Meyer's Star , 37c : Cornerstone , 37c ; Druin-
mond'H Horse Shoe , ,37c , ; T. J. . 31c ; Sorg's
Sjiearhcad , 37c.
TEAS Japan , perlb , 20@50c ; gunpowder.
25@30c ; Young Hy sense < if50c ; Congou , w@
70c : Oolong , 30@G3c.
General iMarkoti.
SriiiiTs Cologne spirits , lb3 proot , 51.10 ;
do 10L proot , S1.12 ; bplrlK second ( | ( iallty.
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. S2.00@0.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(80.50 ( ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
St50@3.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.Way.50 ( ;
domestic , Sl.StX&l.OO. Gins , imported. $4.50 ®
0.00 ; domestic , S1.25@3.00. Champagnes , im
ported , per case , S23.00@33.00 ; American , per
case. S10.00@10.00.
HiDKrt Green butchers' , 5X@flc ; green
cured , 7Kc ; dry Hint , ll12c ; dry salt , 9@
lOc ; green ealf skins , 7Kc ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime
white , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , l > c. Sheep
pelts , 25@75c.
HIIAVV UARDWAUE Iron , rate , 52.70 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4Xc ; cruciblestcol
OXc ; cast tools , do , l2C15c ; wason spokes ,
per set , S2.00@i.50 : ; hubs , per set , S1.25 ; fel
lees , sawed dry , 81.00 ; tongues , each , bOc ;
axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , G@7c ;
coil chain , per Ib , < 5 @lBc ; malleable , 8 ( iic ( ;
Iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth ,
4l < c ; spring steel , 4(35c ( ; Burden's horse
pnoes , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. S5.75.
Barbed wire' in car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 60 82.00 ; steel nails ,
82.75. _
_ Dry Lumber. _
12 ft 14 ft 16 ft 1 < J ft 20 ft 22 ft 81 ft
4x8 . 17.8(1 17.5017.60 Ib.fiO ia.fiO,02.M'22.lC , '
17.8017.60 , 17.50 18..W 18 60 22.50 22.61
17.10 17.50 17.50 18.60 1 ! > .M ) 22.50,22.50 ,
x10 17.H ) 17.60 17.60 18.50 19.60,22.50 , 22.6C
18.00 111(1018 ( 00 Itf.OO : U.OO'23.60 ' 24.60
18.6UJS.60 18.60 19.60 20.60 23.9012:1.00 :
No. 1 , com , s Is 819.0g
No. 2 , com , s I s 17.50
No. 4 , com , sis 13.50
No. 1,4 & 0 In , 13& 14 ft , rough 819.00
No. a , " " " " " " " i8.oo
1st com , K > " White Pine Celling S34.00
Clear , X In. Norway PineCoillng 16.00
A , 12.14 and 10 ft 822.00
J | . ' " 20.50
C. " " " 15.00
1) , " 13.00
A12 Inch s. Is 84B.OO
No. 1 , com. 13 In s. I s. , 13 & 14 20.00
' " l ft 19.00
No. a " " " 13 & 84 ft 1H.OO
" " " " 10ft 17.00
1st and M , clear. Itf Inch. s. 3 s 850.00
8dclear , 1 Incti.s. 2 s. , 845 ; 1J { , IK.2 in 47.00
B select , I inch , s. 3 s. . SM ; 1M , IK , 2 In 87.00
POST * .
White cedar , C In. , } * s. , IS c ; 9 In. qrs. , lie
Chicago , Milwaukee &SI Paul Bj
Tito Ilcst Jioittfi frnm Omaha and
Council Rlit/fn to :
T\\o Trains Daily Between Omaha and
Council Blullb
Chicago , -ANi , _ _ Milwaukee ,
St. I'aul , Minnpnpolis , CedarKa'pids
Rock Island , Freep rjt , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuinie , Davenport ,
Elgin , MaclUon , Janesvillc ,
Ueloit , Winona , I"i Grouse ,
And nil other Important points Kast , Northeast
, und Southuiul.
For through tickets cftll on tl10 ticket n ont
at If H Pnniuru et , in I'uxton hutol , or at Union
1'uclflu depot.
I'ullmuu Sloeperi and tlio II nest Dining Cars
In the world urn run on thu muln lluu of Uio
, Milwaukee 4 St. I'aul lOillwny nnd i'V
ry iitteniloii Is pnld to pus oni-ti-a by courto-
ouscmploji'os of thu company.
1L 31U.LEK. ( junoiHl MiitniKCr.
J.r.TucKBii , AsilBtnntdoiioral Manager.
A. V. H. OAWK.tTEX Oenonil rassentrcr anil
Tlckut Agent.
OLD. K IIiArTom > , Assistant Qenorull'usson-
ger anJ Ticket Agont.
J. T. CI.AHK , Qetieral Supnrlntondent.
N.W , Harris & Go. Ik
6BDVDNiiinsT.'aoS7CN.JlNlvfcnw : |
ofConntlpi.Citiea , Tawoi.WHtcr ,
, On. btrpct. U.K. CO. ' * a | > c.
lltr. Usrrtipun'imvs r 1
820 South 16th street , Omaha.
Room 26 , Pntton Ulock , Omaha.
813 South 14th Street.
Attorney at Xja. vr ,
Room ? , 1'rcnzcr Ulock , Opposite 1'oitofllre.
Physician and Surgeon ,
2113.12th St. , cor. rimmui. Iron Bank lliuM-
Ing. Telephone COL
Room 322 N. IBth St. , Omaha. Oflice hours
0 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence , 605 } N. 17th St.
O. S. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
SPliyslclcvsx eua
Ollicc , N-W Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Office Telephone 465 ; Res Telephone , 42
JOS. W. UARNSDALL , A. M. , M. 1) .
Snrffron ntitl Gytitccolofllst.
Office llo r . into 15-2 toT ( tn ! > .
Ollicc. Kaniue 11 lock , nth nu < l Darner
Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st.
Office Telephone , 4C5j Res Telephone , 5C8.
3Fla.yaJ.clan. and.
Residence , No. 1417 Jones gtroct. Office , With-
nell ItloeK. Telephone , residence 1 5 , otllco
01- .
Elonacoopatlxlst ,
Office , 313 S. 14th st. Telephone , 589.
J. V. CORNISH , M. D. ,
Cor. 20lh nnd Lake Sts.
Printers , Book Binders
And DIank hook Manufacturers. Nos. 108 and
IKS.Uth street. Oraaha.Nob. .T.F. Falrlle. Super-
liitt'iuhint Ulndory. Telephone No. i&i ,
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kountze , President.
John A , Creighton , Vice-President ,
F , H. Davis , Cashier.
W. H. Meo-cmieri Asst.-Cashier.
Cor liitu and Douglas sts.
Capital Stock . $150,000
Liability of Stockholders . 8OO.OOO
The only regular savlnirs bank ; m the state-Five
percent Interest paid on deposits.
Loans Made on Koal state.
UtJYC. nxriTON , President ; J. J. Huowx. Vice
President ; IM. . UUNNRTT , Mana mj I'l-
rector : JOHN E. Wtr.iiuit. Cashier.
61O North 16th Street ,
Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000
QEO. E. riATtKBIt , President.
ROUT. L. QAUUCHS , Vlco-Pre ldent.
DIKECTons : JOHNSON , Gio. E. lUnKin ,
A general banking business transacted
Interest allowed on imo deno
3O8S. ISUi St. , Oinaliu , Alcb.
Capital , $300,000
Mndo on Real Kitate.
School , County and Municipal Bonds Ne
WM. A. TAXTON , L. IJ. Wir.riA is.
I'rosiitcnt. Vlc i Proa.
Kccreturj , Troasurer.
\v. (1. MAIII. , 1H. .
Union National Bank
Paid Up Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 600,000
W. . W. MARSH , President.
J. W. RODEFKR , Cashier :
Accounts solicited and prompt attention
given to all business entrusted to its care.
Pay 5 per cent on time deposits ,
No 20k Masonic Building , cor.Capttol Av
enue and Kith sts.
Telephone No 842.
nr Dr. Snedlkor'i melhod. Nonpcratloni No Pain ;
No Detention from builnosi. Aduutcd la children
an well a frown people , Huiidrudd of uio < rupa
teilluiunluU on tile. Allbuilne j itrlctlr conUdea
ll.l. CUN&ULTAT10X KUEt.
i uor. K. u.
Room 0 , 1514 IJoiiRlas St. , Oruih : , Nub ,
3Wf ur r"Wchli Vlil < VuJf'RtEurhT.r irow"iuB Implo
d4fMKO.JMAlWM.roMOffla 8 < ) < liri.MlwVai
Agricultural Implements ,
CllUJlCHftiL VAltKEK ,
Whole l Dc ltrln
Aflrricultural Iruplcmcutg , AVnpons
* Q < > Itniglcii. Jones rln > eU tctwfim Oth
ml HlthOm hii , N h.
Asrriculturnl Implements ,
le.Vholti lf , Omh * .
\YholoMlo I'M '
Ajrrlrnlinrnl Implements ,
(7iUton ( < nn fliiitnlpa. 901m , 90 $ nilM7 , Jonomt
Artists' Material.
Artists' Materials , 1'iaiios and Organs ,
1513 lou lm Ftreet , Onmlm.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Mechanics' Tool ml IlufTalo Hc lt . KOu Douglm tu ,
' Om h . N > U. _
Boots and Shoes.
Jobbers nf Hoots mid Klines.
1411 Farnamtt. , Omnlia , N b. Mauufactorr , Bummot
1. Hoalon.
o co.t
Wholcsalo Rubber lents ? and Slioos
HiiluitT ntul Ollt'il ClotliinK ntul 1'clt llools uiul
Plioos. 1111 llnrnH"J < t'- < " > t.
Lfgcr Uccr Brewers ,
15J1 North 1'lh Hlreet. OraibR.Keb.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Ca.lnsi of all klndl alwniatn itoek. 1315
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Comio and Splco Mills
TOAHOolTeeo , Splce . Iluklni I'ondnr. Flm-oHm
tncla. Ijiundnr Hlue , In * . Ktc. 14U-IS Ilaroer
Streat , Omaha. Nab.
John Epeucter , Prop.
Manufacturer of ( ] nl nlt d Iron anil CornU-e. 2t
IMil e and 103 and 106 N , ICtU f < . Omnba , Neb.
c5 ! VOLTE ,
Manufacturer * of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi , Klnnl > .14etalleSkllKbt , tc. 3108.
nt'i it. , Omahit.
C. Specbt , Prop.
GalvanlMd Iron Cornleei , etc. Bi > ocl'ii Improved 1'nt-
ent Metallc SkTllcht. { M and 510 H I''lh t.OniHba.
Jobbirn of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , RUJTS ,
I.tnolcume , Mutllngi. Kto. llll Doiulai itri'ct.
Crockery and Hotians.
w. L. witiGirr ,
Agent for * bo Manufacturer * and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lnmpi , Cblmoeyi , etc. OBce , 817 South llth et
Umabn , Nob.
Mammoth Clothiiiff House ,
CornoiKnrnnm and Toiitli Btroets , Onmlia , Kch.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing1.
Butter , Ecu and Produce. Comlnumtnts unllcltcd.
lleailqtmrterB for Stoneware , Ilerry nnzoa nail
Urnpo Balkan. Kit lKili streetOmaha.
Storage and Commission Merchant * ,
Specialties Duller , Ktfi , Clieoto , Po iltry , Game ,
Ojilcre. ote. , etc. 112 8. i tu Ht.
_ _ _
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and ProTliloni , Omaha , Neb.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Fonltry , liutur , Game , Fiulti , etc. ZH I. Utblt ,
OniahaJNeh. _
Coal ancf Lime.
Oio. * . iMtiAun , Prci. C. F. aoonVtAif , V. fie * .
J. A. SCNDIKI.AKD , Hoc. and Tr aa ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
a South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nab.
,7. , / . JOllXSON t > CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shipper ! of Coal and Coke. Cement , l'lait r ,
IJme , linlr , riro Brick , Drain , Til * and Sewer l'ip .
nfltce , I'm ton Hotel , mrnam it. , Omaha , Nub.
Telephone fill.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouni and Ammunition , JI5 to 123 B. lllb it. , 10W to
ll t rarnatutt. , Om-iha.Nct ) .
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholeial * Dealer * In tasf Tobaccoa , Noi.101
Mid 110 X tub atr et.Omatia.
Dry Ctoifs.
M. E. SMITH & CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishinsr Goods & Notions
IlUt and 11M nnu Ua , rar. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Dlitlllen of Mqunra , Alcohol and Bplrlt * . Importer *
aud Jopbernof WlBCianai.Uuen.
CO. and JLER CO. ,
Importers end Jobber * of Flee Wine * and Manor * .
Boleirmnutneturnriof ktnnedr Kait India ttlt-
teri and Dnmritle I.lquon. Ill ] llarntr St.
Wholesale Dealci y in Furniture.
Farnum Bt. . Om ha. Ncli.
Furniture , JJoddinff , Ujiholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 12CS. 1308 HndJjlO F rn in _ t. . OreKba.
Groceries ,
PAXTOJf GA'Ll iGnWn < t : " coT ,
Wholesale Groceries and 1'rovinions ,
Kos. 7ttJ. 707.709 ami 711 M. lOlli St , Omnlm. Neb
'McCORD , Jl.HAJJY tl5 CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
13tu nncl I.eavonworlli atii.Omubii.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , ? heat Iron , Hte. AncnU ( nr Hone Bculea ,
unit Miami I'owilerLo..uniiiliii i ) .
If. .A ItROATClf ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Sleel ,
BprlDcs. Wazon Stock , Hardware Lumberetc. 1209
and 1511 Ilarney t. . Onmha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
W2on and Carrlniie Wood Htock , Heary Hardware ,
Ktc. 121 ; unili'J \ \ I.naYCQwortb n. , Oiuahn , Nob.
Stoves , Rancrcs , Furnaces , Tilcn ,
Uantlei.Grateii , Hrai5 ( hxxli. 1X11 und 1323 Kuruam
ktre t.
Iron Works.
N flE
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Ca t Irou Building Work , Iron Stair * .
HailTiiK , Jleami and Olrderi , * icam Knjilnep. lirati
Work , ( loueral Ifouodry , Uacnln * ami IackiioltU |
Work. omc aaiWorM. U. V , Uy.andmuitfeot ,
= a
ii. if. s Air rex ,
nun facttirliia : Dealer iii Smoke Stacks ,
lrltcl > ln nTnnk , unit ( Icnr-nl Holler ltepnlrln ,
Uli l > ou ln Iruql.Oiunha ,
Manufacturer * nf
fro nnil Iron llnlllnijs , Desk Halls ,
Window ( luardt , Flimer * tanJ . Wire Slum , Itto
173N 11th. Ordr hr tmll prrtmntlr tlcn4-.1lo.
Dealer . . All Kind * nf
JlnlMlngr Mntoriiil ut Wholesale , ,
Illh BtrciUan * Union t'aelfla Traak , Onaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash *
I > oori , lito. Yiirdi Corner "th and Douilaii CoraM
_ Vlhaiid Uouilm. _ '
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 8. lllb Mreot. Omaha , N b. r.Oolpeticr , Man gei
Hth and California yirortu , Omnha , Neb.
Lnru ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Eta.
Cor.tilh mid tioutlai Iti. , Omiil'
T. ir. HAltrEYLUMBER CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , U03 rnriium direct , < 3mnii\ ! .
Jfartlwood Lumber ,
Wood Cirpcts iul Pirqnet Flooring. Bill nnd DonglM
WholosHlo Lumber , Etc.
Imported nd Amerlciin I'ortlnnil Cement. Pt t
Aient [ orUllwiukoc . . . . llTdrnullc . . . . Cement und licit
VJulncy \VI.I. 1 IHIA .
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Bojd , Superintendent ,
Lift Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
_ a o. Burke , Uanigar.
Union Stoeli Tard. , H.tmalia. ) Tcltphone KB.
5 1 VAGE , { ! GREEN ,
Live Stock Comniinslon Merchants ,
BhlpmcnU of an ; and all kind * of Block icllolted.
L'Dlou Stock YaM . ( linaha , Nob.
Millinery and fntiens.
Importora nnd Jobbon of
Millinery and Notions ,
151S and ISIS Harm ? dt.eit , Omaha , ? fcb.
jr Tr KoTTNSoJf id 'co7
Wholesale Dcnlcri In
Notions and Furnishing1 Goods ,
40.1 nnd 4l > 5 B. Tenlli St. , Omnlia.
" "
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
lean * Panti , Phlrts , Ktc. 1107nnl 1104 Doujl
Umahn , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
? arry n nice Mock of Printing , Wrapping nnd Writ.
IIIK iiHper. SpcclHl iitlcntlqn ulven to car londoi
onlera , whlc-li will tie ililppod rtlroot from mill * . Al |
orders will locelvu i > c > rsonM ntiontlim. W8guar
nt e rood goods anil low price * , llll and lltlil
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
And Book Binder * . 191 and 1M ( South 1'uurtoonth
itreet. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealer * In Typ , Preiae * and Printer * ' Supplies. (01
Boutli Twelfth Street.
Pumps ,
Manufacturers and Dealers In
iicrino.s , Hollers & General Machinery
Sheet Iron work , Htuam Pumpf.Saw Mill * , Aom
Bhaf Unit , Hedge Wood spill Pulloya , B IUni. ttn ,
Alia waion ) , i r p r , nda altUei. Ull-UU b v
Ten worth at. Omaha
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Buppllaa. Headquarter * for Jlntt
FoiatCn'a Ouvxli. llllt riinm M. . Ouiuhn. Neb. J
HalladT Wind 1111) ) * ) nteam and Water Bnppllof ,
Plunib'iu Goods. Beltlnv. lloie. 01 * ami VM Far *
nam * t. , Oinaba. H. K. Killon , tlanaver.
Telephone No. 810.
rumps , ripen and Engines ,
Btaun , Water , Ktllwnr ( ! Ullllntf Hupphca. Zt
HO , TO and 824 f ra io it..Oai b . N b.
Books and Stationery.
A. T. KKNYON 5 CO. ,
Who ooUnnrt Ro.ill
Booksellers ami Stationers ,
Doufc''t * St. . Om h , Nut ) . Tolopliono C01.
Correnponilunoo Bollcitod.
Safes , Etc.
P. ItOYER < K > CO. ,
for Hall'H Safe & Lock Co.s *
riro and Bnnflar Proof S f i , Tims I ckn , Vault *
, aod Jail Worn. 10M Fnnnm tt et Onmha , Nab. _
Om all a Safe Works.
Manufacturerof Fire and Uarclsr ProofSnfci , Vnull
I oor , Jill Work.Hliutieri and Wire Work. Cor.
lUhfind Jackion Kli. , Umubu , Neb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DIS11ROW D CO. ,
WlioUulo tianufarliirort of
Sash , Doors , liliiuls and Mo
llrnnch office,121U and Iisrd U..Ucc3hsJl .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding.Plnlr Work and InUrior lUnl Wr l rinlili
Jual ui > uiicl. N. B. cor. Rth mid LeuTCnwortuSlt.
Onmlm , Nub.
Johnstown , Neb ,
The bebt accommodations for travelers.
' 1 he best hotel in town.
F. G. FKITProprietor. .
Till ? PiPlTfll IHlTIff
lllll ] ulilllUL IlUllUi
Lincoln , Neb.
The liebt knuwti uinl tao.'t poimlHr hold In
tliu nato. Looalliin'i I'lilnil.upl'olntHionts firel
clans , llrfulqimrturn for coiiiincrclHl men ami
ull pulltlcul utiU tiiibllo KiithiMln 8.
K. 1' . ItOUCiUN TroprlBtor.
School , Couniy ard City
l pny lilwlifst price for snmu.
Mn.lont lowest rnlV8.'f'orrtBponJunce aolinllo (
, . , ; > STULf , JiJiOS. ,
- , " . . . ; ' , ' - LINCOLN , NKH.