Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1887, Image 1

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Boveraor Thayer Instructs Sheriff Me-
Oallum to Do His Duty ,
Ttio Condemned Man Realizes Thnt
Ills Case Is Hopeless and ScnUs
Connotation In Religion
A Warning Note.
Com mutation
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 19. I Special to the
UKK.I Governor Thayer , after duo and cnro-
ful consideration of the plea made for the
commutation of the sentence ot Hoffman , the
Nebraska City train wrecker , who Is under
sentence to hang on Friday of this week , the
22dof July , to Imprisonment for life , ren
dered a decision to-day which Is published In
full belosv. The decision embodies the gov
ernor's Instructions to Sheriff McCallum to
enforce the sentence of the law. The letter
to the sheriff of Otoe county tells the tale :
D. W. McCallum , Esq. , Sheriff of Otoo
County , Nebraska City , Neb. Dear Sir :
Having carefullv considered the reasons pre
sented In favor of a commutation ot the sen
tence of death to IniDrlsonment for life In the
case of David W. Hoffman , 1 nin constrained
to Inform you that 1 find no sufficient reason
for Interfering with the execution of the
sentence imposed upon him by the court.
The deliberate wrecking of a train and the
destruction of human life Is a crime so
wanton and atrocious , so cruel In the plan
ping and Its results , that , in my Judgment ,
the severest penalty inflicted by the law Is
none too severe lor all who are concerned In
I have been reminded that the accomplice
of Hoffman In the perpetration of this fiend
ish deed , has escaped with a comparatively
light sentence. I have nothing to do with
that. Hut the fact furnishes no Justification
for my relieving Hoffman of the fate that
awaits him. An example must be mado. with
the hope that It may deter others from the
commission ot such deeds , and thus secure
safety to the travelling public against the
perpetatlon ot such crimes. You will at
once communicate my decision to the con
demned man. You now have your duty to
perform In this ense ns thu Inw directs.
Very respectfully > ours ,
Murderer HofTmixn'B Warning.
NnmASKA rrv , Neb. , July 19. jSpeclnl
Telegram to the HKI : . ] Hoffman has at last
reall/ed the hopelessness of his case and Is
anxiously seeking tor spiritual consultation.
Ho was baptised In the Methodist Episcopal
church and since has devoted nls time to
reading the bible and praying. To-day ho
sent out the following letter addressed as a
special to all papers :
A warning to all young men : 1 write
these few lines hoping tlmt some young man
whom I have played with may read them
and a warning take from me and never tip
the poison of the bowl to his lips. Oh I
young men , when yon take the first
glass , set It down and think , oh think ,
deep down In your hearts , how
many graves It has idled ; oh I how many
children's fathers It has torn from them , and
how many poor wives luft alone In sorrow
andgiieffor the loss of their dear beloved
husbands ; how many poor mother's hearts It
has broken. Oh , young men , turn from that
brand nnd slntul path ; oh , stop and think of
one who was free and hnppy , whoso henrt Is
overflowing with sorrow nnd grief , almost
Inld In bin lonely grnve from the effect of
liquor. Oh , young men , take wnrnlng from
them before It Is too late , Is my prayer.
The execution Is to take place nt 10:30 : n. m.
It Is believed here that hu will receive a
Details of the Accidental Shooting of
Elinor K. Thompson.
Fui.i.i BTON ? Neb. , July 19. fSpeclal to
the BKK. ] Yesterday Elmer E. Thompson ,
the well known young ranchman , shot and
fatally wounded himself. Thompson was
standing conversing with a friend and
reached In his bueey to secure a Winchester
rille. In removing It the hnrcmor caught t
and discharged thu gun , the 40-callbro bullet t
passing through the oed board of the buggy
and entering his body below the pit of the
stomach. He is still alive but with nochanco
of recovery. Thompson was from Maryvlllo ,
Mo. , where his father , who Is hourly ex
pected , still resides. Thompson was married
about two months ago to a St. Louis lady.
His wife boars the shock bravuly. Drs. Shug ,
of Columbus , and Smltn of this place , are In
attendance and located the ball this morn-
Ing. Omaha surgical talent has also been
sent for. Thompson Is well known through
out the west nnd at St Louis and was every
where popular.
North Nebraska Veterans.
NottFOLK , Neb. , July 19. [ Speclnl to the
BKE. I A general meeting ot the North Ne
braska reunion committee wns hcld'.ln this
city Inst evening , nt which arrangements
wore made for the forth-coming reunion ol
Nonh Nebraska veterans In this city Aueust
245-27. General Kautz , a regular army ofllcei
of Fort Niobrarn , and a noted caalary officei
of the war , waa selected as commander ol
the ramp , which will bo known this jear a9
camp John A. Logan. J. M. Coleman , ol
Nellgh , wns nppolnted adjutant. Arrange
meats nre In progress for n detachment ol
regular troops from Fort Nlobrnra , nnd t
bnnd of Sioux Indians train lloscbud agency
General II. M. Prentles , ot Shlloh nnt
Helena fame , has promised to be present
and General Tuttle. Grnnd Commando
Lucius Fnirchllds with other promlnen
state officials nro to be in nttendnnco. Thrci
prl/es will bo offered lor the band tourna
inent 5100 for first. 875 for second and IS
for third. Thuro Is a promise of A Urge at
tendance and the committee nro worklni
with n will to mauo the reunion pleasant nn <
successful. The rnllroads will give hnl
rates for the round trip.
Fatrlmry Votes nondn.
FAinnunv , Nob. , July 19. ( Special Tele
crom to the UEK. ] At nn election held her
to-day to vote on bonds In aid ot the Donvo
line of the Chicago , Kansas A Nebraska ral
nay , the Hock Island , a light vote wn
polled , ns there was no opposition. Thor
were only six votes against In a vote of 2I
The amount voted wns 811,000. The road I
almost grndod through the countv nlronds
and the election wns simply to fulfill tli
ttown's promise to the rond. Two roadi ai
being built out of Falrbury fat this tlmo an
ho boom Is Immense ,
Colfax County Teachers.
bcnuvi.Kit , Neb , , July 19. [ Special Tell
ram to the UKF..J The Colfa * County Teacl
crs' Institute convened yesterday for a thre
weeks' session , wlin W. T. Howard , superii
tendont : W.V. . Drummoud.of PlattMnoutl
and A. U. Hughes , of Schuylor , as Instw
tors. There are about titty lu attendauc
i1th more to follow.
Drowned In the Elkhorn.
COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , July 19. ( Special Tel
gram to the Bicu.j-Constantlnu 1'ohl.thirtj
live years of ace , cousin of Kmll Poll ) , i
Columbus , was drowned In the Klkhorn ye
terday at Stuart In Unit county. Ho wns i
the butcher business and was a linn uiuslcla
nnd public spirited.
Stnrtnd a Fire With Kerosono.
FUI.LKUION , Neb. , July 19. jSpecal to U
IlKK.I A young daughter of a farmer name
Carruthers , living twelve mllci from th
place , died to-day from the effect of bun
received from the explosion of a can of coal c
vJth which she was trying to start a lire I
tlio Ultcheu stove.
Harper' * Quarter * Changed.
CINCINNATI , July IB. The United Stat <
Judge hab ordered K. L. lUrper taken to tl :
Payton , 0. , jail , and be Was transferred th
afternoon. Tlui la supposed to be done '
prevent the jrantlug ot too many sped
The Standard Works at Constable
Hook Destroyed.
JHIISEY CITY , N. J. , July 20. A fire In the
Standard oil works nt Constable Hook broke
out at 12:80. : The flames are .spreading and
half of the town and all the factories are
threatened. The loss will reach 5100,000.
8 a. u. The lire Is still rngintr. The barrel
fnrtory , supply house and warehouse are en
tirely consumed. The small buildings and
tanks In the yards are nllre. The whole fire
department Is at work. The loss will be
very heavy. There were six heavy
explosions , but fortunately no lives
were lost Hundreds of workmen will be
thrown out of employment Booth's lutu
bcr yard and the Standard match factory are
In danger. The cause ot the fire Is un
known. The Standard Oil compnnj 's pos
sessions Include the Tidewater Pipe Line
company , the Polar Oil company , the Ocean
Oil company and other absorbed companies.
Work Is carried on thuro by night
as well as by day. There are forty or fifty
oil tanks on tlio Hook , and on the water
trent are the manufactories of the Uayonno
Chemical works and Oxford Copper and
StilDhur company.
The Sun says ns It was eolng to press the
fire was spreading to the T. &b. C. White
Sulphur works , with prospects of entirely
destroying them.
NKW YOHK , 3:30 : a. m. It Is Impossible to
get further news from the lira for sometime.
It Is still burning fiercely ns seen fiom heic.
A nijt Elevator Burned ,
MINNEAPOLIS , July 19. The St Anthony
elevator , triple structure , the largest In thn
northwest , located two miles east of this
city on the Manitoba railway , was totally de
stroyed by llro to-night , together with the
contents , about 1,100,000 bushels of wheat.
The loss on buildings and machinery will be
250ooo ; on grain , $8sooo ; Insurance un
known. The wheat destroyed was one-tenth
of the visible supply of the northwest out
Sldf ! of DulUth.
The origin of the fire Is not known. Two
watchmen were on duty In the engine room
at the time , but cannot tell the cause. About
591,000 bushels of the wheat burned wns
owned by Washburn , Crosby & Co. , and
fully Insnrcd. It Is also believed that the re
mainder Is covered by Insurance.
Unco Gulps of Civil Sorvlco Reform
In the I'onaion Bureau.
NEW YoitK , July 19. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE ] From n union veteran who for
live years was an employe of the pension
bureau , who was four times promoted , as ho
says , "without nsu of Influence or pressure
from any quaiter , " nnd who was dismissed
by the secretary at the request of the com
missioner of pensions , who admitted that
there were no charges agnlnst him , the
Washington correspondent of the Tribune
has received some Interesting statements
respecting the methods of General Hlnck ,
the lively 'physlcnl wreck" nt the head of
the pension bureau. Ho charges Hint no
single republican has been appointed In the
pension bureau since March 4,18S."i , nnd tlmt
the civil service commission Is so constituted
nt present that It can grind out democrats
for that otllco every time. In June , IhbO ,
fourteen men were examined for three vacan
cies nmong the principal examiners. Nine
passed. Of these Thomas F. Dennis nnd
John C. B.assldy stood hrst nnd second.
They and several others were doing
duty ns principal examiners at the time , but
Black declared "Not a nmn lu this office gets
ono of these places. They go to the good
democrats from the outside. Black wanted
the entire eligible list to select nom , but
Commissioner Trenholtn refused the request.
When Trenholm was inndu comptroller of
the commission , Oberly promptly furnished
thn list as requested , nnd In May n violent
southern sympathi/ln * democrat , S. M.
Longbhnw , of Alabama , was nppolnted. Ho
failed to got the required grade In the civil
service examination ns grnded by the regular
examiners , and appealed to the civil service
commission , who raided his grade In one
bianoh enough to bring his geuernl nveingo
up to the minimum. Dennis nnd Bassidy
were both given to understnnd thnt it tlwy
would mnko no noise they could go to the
held as special examiners and bo retained in
ofiice. They ncecptcd the offer. Mnny moro
cases ot HKO kind exist , and nn Investigation
into the methods of appointments In that of
fice would show a well devised scheme to
evade tlio law.
Wind andtilRhtniiiK Do Deadly AVork
In West Virginia ,
WHEELING , W. Va. , July 19. The exces
sive heat culminated last nlcht In n tcrritk
storm. The rain and wind were heavy , de
molishing shade trees and fences , and for an
hour there was not n second's intermission
between the flashes of lightning. At Graf-
ton the lightning was the most severe ovoi
experienced. Mrs. Carr was sitting In a
room with her three children , when the
bouse was struck by lightning , which set lire
to the bed In the room. Neighbors runnine
to extinguish the flames found that Mrs
Carr had been instantly killed and the throe
children severely burned by the electric bolt
The residence of George Dion was olsc
stiuck aud o largo hole knocked In It. The
Inmates were slightly stunned. A greal
number ot barns throughout tha countn
were struck and partially demolished. The
losses aggregate considerable.
Thn Knights' Convention.
Nr.w YOHK , July 19. A Phlladelphli
special says that General Master Workmai
l" Powderly , before ho lett the city yesterday
said that ho would undoubtedly say to th
convention that meets In Minneapolis tha
the proceedings bo held with open doors. I
reporters were admitted during the transat
tlon of the regular business of the conven
tion he thought the public would have 11101
confidence In the order , and the proceeding
would surely bo moro accurately reportei
3- tlmn they had been beforo. Powdorly re
ro uiaiUcd that ho would resign his position.
II. Business Troubles.
Sro NKW Yorttr , July 19. The schedules of ns
ro signmcnt of Gardner & Co. , chair nnd sctte
9.Is mnnufacturers , were filed to-dav. The.
Isy show liabilities of SS9,83.l ; nominal asset !
y , 5115,040 : actual assets , S27O5t.
lie hrKiNorrni.n , Mass , July 19. A petltio
reid In Insohency was filed nt Plttsheld to-day f (
the llurlbert Paper company , of South I.e
The concern Is largo and the oldest estal '
llshed and was supposed to bo sound final
n dally. _
heo Weather For To-Iay.
eo NebrasVa Local rains , followed by fa
n weather , southerly winds , slightly warmer.
Iowa Generally fair weather , except ral
ic- In western portion , higher followed by sti
tlonary temperature , winds becoming soutl ,
Eastern Dakota Generally fair weathe
variable winds , becoming warmer.
yof Triple Mnrdorrr Fatally Wonndcc
of OIL CITY , Pa. , July 19. John MoNern
laborer , aged fifty , killed his wlfo at ml
in night with an axe nnd mortally shot his fo
in James , aged twenty-one. When the polii
arrived no shot Officer George James In tl
groin and he will die. Officer Worden the
shot McNerny In the back , from thu clU'c
he of which he w 111 die.
ils Death of It. SI. T. Hunter.
ns KiciiiioSD , Va. , July 19.-R. M. T. Hunte
oil speaker of the national house ot represent
in tlvt > 3 In ISS'J , subsequently United States so
utor , for a time confederate secretary (
itatu and confederate senator , died yestc
day. _ m
's '
'Want Another Pay-Day.
, LiTCiiriKLn , 111. , July 19. Fhe hundn
't'o ' cmpo ) > esof the Lltchtleld Car and Machli
lai works struck to-day for a fornlghtly la pla <
ol a mouthly vaj'-day. . , \ ,
The Tournament at Kearney Proves a Big
Mayor Finch's Address of AVolcomo
llccord Breaking by the Local
Tomn The Other Con
tests In Detail.
Rnarnoy Ontdoon Herself.
KKAIINHY , Neb. , Jltlv 19. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEM.J All companies were In
the parade today , Including the Thurstons of
Omaha. John C. Clcland ot Stanton re
sponded to the welcome address by Mayor
Pinch In an eloquent and earnest manner ,
lie was greeted with rounds of applause
from congregated hundreds who listened to
him. Twocan ago ovury fireman In our
state thought Grand Island had outdone any
other city In the state In her locoptlon ot the
members of the statetournament ! , and last
yenritwr.s the universal opinion that the
good woik done by Fremont could not bo ex
celled In the state. However , when It comes
Kearney's turn she seems to have protited by
all the soocl deeds of her sisters and has
completely outtlono them all. In decora
tions and proper arrangements for the com
fort of all It seems that more could not hue :
been done. In the first place It was feared
that the city would bo in darkness , but the
active council and wide awake major not
their heads together some thirty days betoro
thotlmo for thu touinament and decided to
ha\o electric lights In time lor the boys. O.
W. Frank of the Kearney Canal company
TV as the man who would undertake the
seemingly Impossible jot ) , and In less than
thirty days ho had a djnamo shipped lu-ro
from Chicago , put up all the poles , strung
the wire and got all things In
readiness so that the light was
tarucd on last Filday evening. Great credit
Is due the ma\or and council and Mr. Finnic
for this etllcleut and active work , row
cltlus can beat Kearney when It comes to
dispatch of business.
The committee ot arrangements , consistIng -
Ing of John Wilson Chieto as chairman ,
Warren 1'ratt treasurer , W. A. Howard sec
retary , nnd H. Jt. HI nek , H. I ) . Smith , G.
Kramer , J. F. McNeu.I. L. Parrott , O. I.
Tuttlu , Ll. Handles A. K. Altkeu. George C.
llav , 11. Gibbon , 11. IJ. Goei , 11. W. Scott
nnd P. S. Porter , have moro than done them-
behes proud In pros Idlnu nil necessary dec
At thu Intersection of Wyoming avenue
nnd Tenth street tour largo niches \\eru
erected spanning the street each way. Irom
ttu ) pillars that thu arches rest on are Inigo
poles limning up In an A shape and attached
to n high ling pole In the street cunter. The
arches nnd other pnits ate connected In vari
ous ways by ladders and otlioi paraphernalia
usually used by liremen and the whole beau
tifully decorated and festooned wltti bunting
Hays , hose ami e\eigreens. Pending
aio water buckets a\n * , noziels , tutmpcts
nnd other things used by the noble
liremen. Around the largei ling polo In the
centre Is the speaker's stand. Nearly every
business house In Keaiiusy Is decorated In
honor of the occasion , as well us many
dwellings. Some of the business houses nro
decornttd In a manner not usually seen.
Your conespondent has noticed some that
deserve special mention : The First Na
tional bank , J. II. Iiwln A ; Co.Major Finch ,
F. W. Carpenter it Co. , Crocket , Finch A ; Co. ,
W. A. Downing , D. Uobror. It. It. Greoi , Ja .
Wulther. S. Walbach , C. J. Ilinke , A Co. , C.
A. Monroe , C. 11. Cook , nnd iiinn > other-1.
The glorious rain that fell Saturday night
has out the ground lu peed condition lot
comfoit. and everything bids fair to make
this the best tournament that has ever met
In Nebraska.
The \V. C. T. U. of this city has rented nil
the spnie rooms it can hnd In ttie city nnd put
beds In them for tiio visitors. In addi
tion to lodging they will iur-
nlsh meals. This , with the nnmoroui
hotels and boirdlng hoti'es will furnish
nmple accommodations. In on so , howe\er ,
that is nolsulUclent cltl/ens will open tlieli
houses. Special nrraiiKcmonU wuio mido
before hnnd lor the accommodation of nil thu
ten u is.
At 8othls : : ; morning the grnmlparnde was
conducted In the following order :
The stnto ollli'ers nnd board of control of
thu .stain lirem ui'.s association , mnyoi and
city council and tire bngadu board iormed
tor procession on Twellth street east ot
Nebraska avenue.
The following Is the line of march :
Commencing nt Twoltth street , south on
Nebraska avenue to Kallroad street , theiieo
west to Wyoming avenue , thoneo south to
Eighth street , thence west to Colorado nvo-
nue , thence north to bouth Kallroad street ,
thence east to Wyoming avenue , thence
north to Grand nvenuu , thence west to
Adnms street , thence north to Kloventh
street , tlimico east to Arthur avenue , thence
south to Tenth btieut , thence east to grand
The entire procession was under the com
mand of C. H. Cutting us chief mnnshnll
assisted by P. F. H. Schars nnd Hon. A. G.
Scott who managed the whole program In
, most excellent "hape.
When the grand procession halted at the ,
Brand stnnd the following speech of welcome >
wns mndi ) by Mayor C. C. Finch : "Gontle-
mon , nud ns 1 have the honor of being n i
member of our own llru department , 1 will I
add , Fellow Firemen : Inttho name nnd on i
behalf of tliu citizens of Kcnrnoy , I take
pleasure In extending tooti , ono nnd nil ,
a cordial nnd hearty greeting. Wo nio glnd I
that > ou are hero. Wo welcome jou with
open nuns , nnd hope that joumay have a
nicu tlmii. It Is thu desiiu of our citl/ens ns
well ns the hredopnrtmeiitthat > ourvlsltmny
bo mnde pleasnnt nnd jour stav enjoyable.
Weotii you the freedom of the city and
trust that thnt freedom may be excelled only
bvour pleasure. Wo welcome ton. "
The reception committee consisting of G.
H. Cutting. H. K. Gron , L. S. Irvill. W. K.
Unrnuy , H. Gibbons , H. D. Smith , W. F.
Pickering , C. U. Finch nnd J. C. Hiuo Imvo
spared no time and means to see thnt all matters -
' \\erouroperly attended to that would
enhance the comfort of the \lsltois. Kil
Finch , captain of the hook's running team
1ms nmdu himself \eiy useful In vnrion <
wayb towards making the tournament a suc
30 cess so tar. All his boys as well as thu Wide
Awake hose company are making evei v en
deavor to make eseryono feel perfectly ni
home. In the afternoon :4'i : class , hook nnd
n ladder , hrst piIze , fc OO ; second S100. thin
5V ) . the entries wore : G.V. . Holdre n's No
or 1 , Holdroge : York , No. 1 , York , nud Pro
teetlon , Kenrnny. Yoik took hrst money Ir
'b4JJA Kearnev second in 4i' ( , nnd Holdregt
In 6J. Tin Kearney team beat Yoik a trim
on the run , but could not scale thu laddei
fast enough.
Next came tln hose race , 41 class , with th <
ilr William Nevilles. Pitittsmonth ; Pncillc- "
Grand Island : G. W. Dorsey , Fremont : G I
in Kramer's. Kearney , nnd J. C. Cle
land's , Fremont , nnd prUes ns in tin
ta , hook race nboNfl. The tlmo wis as follows i
" Cleland's 4' % Pacific's 44' , Neville' * 47 1-5
Kearney's 40 , and Dorsey's 43 3-5. The Ne
vllles made n tine run , but the coupler be 3B
came entangled In the hose and fell down B1.
The Kearney hnvi thus make the finest rec
d.iy ord ever made In the stato. When Ton ;
iy Cornelius made his lightning connection tin
Id- air was rent with \ocifarous shouts. Not :
man tell out of Kearney , all running clca
311 through on the rare. The best of tcellni
ice ho prevailed among the different teams , am
joined with the victors In wishing a cram
en good time. The weather could not be nlcoi
and everything so far Is running smooth ) iry.
To-morrow Is the green race , liuldurmon'f y.s
nnd couplers' contest. Pi Izes for the formei r
for the latter , bailees.
er , The ladles of the Presbyterian church hav
ta opened an out and out loan exposition It
in- their church parlors , where can bo foutu
inof many things rare and of Interest to all.
ur- The usual number ot cane racks am
other devices run nt such places are on ban
ns \ \ thn usual number of blind me
and other petitioners for public clmritj
Owing to the new law of the legislature Ins
winter the gambling machines are coi
tie gpicous for their Absence.
ice Good order has prevailed BO far aud a
joeuii ) to be decorum. . ' - ,
A Fcmnlo Lawyer Threatens to
Scratch n Reporter's Knee.
CmoAao , July 19. | Special Telegram to
the UEE.J The selection ot a Jury to try
the boodle case Is drawing to a close , not
from any apparent desire on the part of the
defendants to hurry It up so much as from
their Inability to prolong It much longer.
They are fast drawing to the end of their
peremptory challenges and once they are
exhausted It will not take long to find four
men who , In the eye ot the law , are compe
tent to try the defendants.
There wore no sensational features about
the examination of talesman to-day , but the
exciting Incident of the dny occurred Just
after the Jurors hnd been taken from the
court room. Miss Kato Kcano , the
female lawyer , one of the counsel for the
condemned anarchists , rushed Inside the
rnlllng In a highly excited manner nnd
approaching George Hell , the Tribune re
porter , exclaimed : "You had better bo care
ful before you write any more about me. Von
are nothing but a dirty , miserable whelp , and
If you ever svrlto another word about mo I
will mark your face for you. "
Then Miss Kane squared off as If she
meant to eat up Mr. Uell then and theio. Mr.
Bell , w ho Is six foot two sat there , reading a
paper and did not venture to lookup. Miss
Kane was not done , however. She hissed
out a few moro cutting phrases and every
body looked to see If the unfortunate re
porter's hair was standing on end. It wasn't
though ; ho still read and as ho read ho
smiled abstractedly.
"I won't bo scandalised and held up to
contempt by you" Miss Knno hnd got this
far , when Judge Jamieson put one hand on
the desk in front of him and said :
"This discussion must end , Miss Knno ; wo
can't have It here. "
' 1 thought court was adjourned , your
honor , " exclaimed the lady , "but I don't
propose to be ridiculed and scandalized by
such a low , contemptible thing ns that , " nud
she pointed to the rupjrtoilnt six-footer.
"Stop It right there , " yelled Judge Jamie-
Miss Kane weighs a peed deal , however ,
and It was a matter of speculation how it
would have ended If the lady had let out her
right or used her parasol vlgoiously. The
newspaper man was the first to leave , hnw-
evei , but Miss Kane was after him. She fol
lowed him Into the elevator and down the
street , threatening to mnr his beauty if ho
mentioned her name. The repeater finally
Wattorpon and thu ( Jomini : Content.
Nr.w Yonic. July 19.-Tlio Herald prints
nn Intel view witli Heury Wntterson on poli
tics In general. Wntterson says the demo
crats nro bound to renoniitinte Clevelnnd
whether they like him or not , ns there Is no
ono to contest ttio field with him. Ho said :
"At ono tlmo I thought the republicans ,
would enter n dark horse In the race. He-
cent Indications , howo\er , point to there-
nomination of lilaluc. In tlmt event wo
shall have the old light o\ci ngnin , with some
material variations. Theio will bo less per
sonal scandal nnd cnlumny , and more old-
fashion party bitterness. The Mulll''nn let-
tei box is nn exploded mnga/lne , nnd Presi
dent Cleveland's ninr jage Knocked Mnrm
llalpln ns high ns a kite
The real issues are g ierlng with greater
posltlvoness nnd clearness. The tariff for
onu tiling : It is handled by the protection
ist side ot the controversy with creator abil
ity nnd possibility than all others put to
gether. The solid M'Uth for another thing :
nnd as to thls.jt'iu republicans have flamed
an indictment which ; though specious , will
fccrvo them for a policy through ono moro
campaign , anyhow , nnd two such questions
stoutlv maintained cannot full to produce n
gieat do il of feeling. 1 think , on the whole ,
the advantage will bo with the demociats.
Theio Is not , In my judgment , nnolhei re
publican piesldcnt wrapped hi thu folds ot
the bloody shirt. "
The Shoo Trailo.
CHICAGO , July 19. Two hundred delegates
\\eropreseiittlils morning whan the annual
convention of thu National Association ot
boot nnd shoe retvllcrs wns called to order.
All the principal cities of the country weio
loprcaunU'd. Among the subjects
to bu considered is the
effect upon the retail tindo of tlio extensive
sales of boots nud shoes by dry goods houses
throughout the country. Chicago delegates
will strongly urge that a boycott bo placed
upon wholesalers who sell to dry goods
houses. This question Is linblo to be n thoui
In thu side ot the convention nnd will proba-
blv lead to nn nnlnmttid discussion.
G. G. Pioree , of Chicago , piesented n plnn
for enlarging the association , which was
adopted. Knch ot thu vice-presidents tor the
vnrlons stntes Is to carry on nctl\o work in
his territory , his expenses to bo paid from the
general treasury. A resolution was adopted
declaring it not ndvlsnblc tor retailers to
pntroni/e jobbers or manufactuiers whore-
tall from factories.
Illinois' Chinch Bug Scare.
Si'iu.iorini.n , 111. , July 19. An alarming
letter wns received hero to-dny from Prof.
Forbes , stnto entomologist , In which ho
stntes thnt chinch bugs Imvo obtained n foot
hold In the northern portion of Illinois to
Mich nn extent ns to assure an Immense num-
her ot them next year , unless weather unfn-
vorablo to tholr development should Inter
vene. Ho says the danger from this source
threitons to dnmn.'o the wheat nud coin crop
of Ibbi to nn extent in comparison with which
p'onro-pncumonln ' and other recent outbreaks
ofcontngeons diseases nmong domestic mil-
mnls will bo insignihccnt. An Investigntlon
In thu southern sections of thestnto dovelopes
thu fact tint theio Is no Interruption ot the
chinch bug devastation In tlmt dlicctlon.
S by Old , Pa. July 19. A meeting of the
employes of tha Philadelphia & Iteadiun
railroad was held Inst night nt Port Richmond
mend , for the purpose of protesting ngalnsl
the suspension of old engineers nnd hretnei
because of their retusal to bu examined ns t (
, theli e\eslght nnd capability to rend nm
- write. As a re ult ot the meeting tlio crews
of elpht coal trains this morning refused t <
tnko out trains , nnd coal traffic on the load l !
piactlcnlly suspended. The men declare un
less thy company lecedes from Its posltloi
there w 111 bo a general stilko along the eutln
: line.
Mnrthqunlccs In
u KL PA O , Tex. , July 19. Close upon tin
o heels of the news of the earthquake at la !
ir vlspo , comes details of a still greater calam
ire Ity at Uacarlac , a town twenty miles fron
o llavlspo. It had before the catastrophe 1,20
Inhabitants. When Hnvlsoo was dustrojoi
: the town wus badlv shnken up. blnce thei
- the town of 13-icnrmc has been visited by
10 succession of shocks tlmt have reduced th
: whole town to ruins. Most of thu people et
\ caped as they lied the country terror htrlckui
3- on the urat disturbance.
1. Montana Murderers.
Ey HUTTK , Mont , July -1'J. ' ( Special Telegrai
10 to the IEI.J ! : A special from Dillon says
10a Henry Grnbhorn shot his wife , killing he
ir Instantly and made two unsuccessful at
ig tempts to kill himself , the bullet mere !
id denting his skull. Jlu had been jealous som
irt time.
time.Hart , the Houlder murder , who mimlcre *
y. his prospective fnther-ln-lnw , will swing r
, Houldcr Friday next , the governor lufusln
, to respite him.
ron AHtorni nt Baltimore.
id n UAI TIMOIIK , July 19. The storm yoste
idd dny nftcrnoon was followed by another calmest
d almost equal force about ! l this inornini
id Se\eral houses on Cumberland street
idy. struck by lightning and unroofed mid the
y. contents almoit'entlrtly destroyed by rail Hnilompaik , n most beuitlful resort with !
stn thu city. tils | morning presents thu nppea
nill anco of desolation. XJnrOofed houses are I
ill been nil over the western section ot tli
Ibo , and the aggregate dainn Q Is heavy.
Omaha Wins the First of tbo Series With
St , Joe.
nnlttmoro nnd St. Louis And Wash
ington nnd Detroit Pint Tlo Guinea
Alt the Clubs With Two Score *
Other Sports.
Omaha on Top.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , July 19. | Special Tele
gram to the KE. | Manager Alexander ar
rived from Kansas City this morning and
put a quietus to the revolt of the players lined
yesterday by threatening to relcaso them If
any more complaints were heard and they did
not go In and play the game to-day with the
Omuliiis. The result ot tue game was an
easy victory for the vlsitois , who played In
good form , outnlaylng thn homo team both at
the bat and In the Held. Following Is
ST. JOK POS. AII. n. in. ro. A. K.
Urlmblecom rf 4 0 a 1 0 0
Isaacson Ib 4 0 0 10 0 0
Sunday If 4 0 1 3 0 J
Robinson 'Jb a 0 0 8 0 3
Urcnnau cf
Ike 8b
Daniels p 4 1 3 0 a I
Uolnaglo ss
Bellman c
Totals a3 1 7 ii4 10 j
OMAHA. ros. AH. it. In. ro. A. E.
St. JOO 0 00000100 1
Omaha 0 23001110-7
Runs earned St. Joe 1 , Omaha 2.
Two-base hits Daniels , Dador.
Three-base hits Daniels.
Left on Uases St. Joe 7 , Omaha ft.
Double plavs Hader and Walsh , Walsh ,
Messltt and Dwyer.
Struck out Daniels 1. Harper 2.
First base on balls Hrimblccom , Sunday ,
Uellnmn. Walsh , Messltt.
Hit with ball Koblnson nnd Iko.
Passed bails Uellmnnl , Unndlo 1.
Wild pllches-Unrpor 1. Daniels 1.
Time of L-nmo 1 hour 33 minutes.
Umpire Yo
Western LCUKUO Games.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , July 19. ( Special
Telegram to the HKI : . ] Thu meeting of the
Western league to-daj which adjourned at
midnight was productive of some rnther
stnrtllng results in the matter of officers , nn
entire clmngo being made , President Throw
resigning nnd ilr. E. E. Mengas , of Knnsns
City , tnklug his place. Secretary Murpliy
was unanli.iously bounced and H. E. Me-
Kelvy , of Omaha , chosen his successor. This
notion Is the result ot the decided nntlpathy
ex-President Threw possessed og.ainst Mur
phy on ncconnt of the Len\enworth meeting ,
coupled with thu hitter's refusal to remit n
line of &J5 imposed on Dave llowo
some time since for ouestloulng the
decision of ox-Umpire Hunt on strikes.
The change was not accomplished
without somethings of a struggle
nnd cnused n long and nnlmnted discussion.
At last It wns evident tlmt if President
Tlirew did not resign a split would occur on
the seciotnryshlp question , so ho tendered his
resignation and It was promptly accepted.
After the election of Menges , the considera
tion ot Murphy was resumed. The question
wns put to n vote nnd ho was removed ,
Omaha , Lincoln. St. Joe , Hastings and Den
ver voting for his removal. McKelvy was
then unanimously chosen. Murphv wnu not
niesent. It is practically settled that
Wichita will comu into the league , as the
club has offered to pay $100 to visiting clubs
nnd accept n ST ( > Kimrnntce. Robert Mc-
Cllntock. of Denver , was appointed n com
mittee by the leniiio to visit Wichita nnd
close tlio contract , nnd ho lett
tor there to-night. 'Iho hist
league tame vvljl probably be
played In Wichita the first of next weok. All
danger of either Omaha or Lincoln with
drawing fiom the league is now ended.
George Kny snld to-night tlmt there was no
danger of Omaha's withdrawal from the
league now nud he wns glnd ot It. The
eighth club problem being settled the lenguo
was now In excellent condition , nnd ho
thought n new state of affairs would bo In-
nuurnted. Mr. Tlirew , of Lincoln , said tlmt
now Murphy wns out ho had no fault to find.
Lincoln would stny In the lunnuo nnd piny
the best ball It know now. At the conclusion
of the meeting the ulub represontntlves In
dulged In n mild champnlgne supper In honor
of th sntlsfactory results achieved.
Lincoln Dofontn KansasCltv. .
KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , July 19. [ Special Tel
egram to the UKE. I Lincoln won to-day by
superior ball playing , the Kansas City in
field making eleven errors , all costly. Crane ,
the regular second baseman of- the homo
team , broke a finger In practice just before
the game commenced and Catcher Graves
played very poorly In the vacant position.
Tlio fielding ol the visitors was line , but they
accomplished little at the bat. There were ,
no brilliant ulavs , Nlchol's line pitching
being the sole feature of the game. The
seoro was ns follows :
KansnsClty 1 00001010-3
Lincoln 2 0001203 * 8
Earned runs Knnsas City 2 , Lincoln 3.
Two-base hlts-Joyco , Lo.'g , Ulngo. Three-
basu hit-Mansell. Struck out Lillle. Hns-
snmaer , Graves , Nichols , Lange 2 , Rowe ,
Herr. Double plays Legg , Graves and Me-
Keon. Left on bases Kansas City 7 , Lin
coln 10. First basn on balls Hnssamner ,
Joyce , Nichols , Heekluv. Slmfur. First base
on errors Kan > as City 1 , Lincoln 7. Passed
balls Rlngo 1 , Hoover 1. Wild pltch-
Sw.ut/el. Tlmo ot game 1 hr. 45 mln.
Umpire Henecl. _
Journalists Down tha Ijnwyors.
NOUTII PL VTTK , Nob. . July 19. [ Special
Telegram to the UEK. | The pro-is gang and
nttornoys of North Pintle played a game of
Inso ball here this ntternoon. Score :
Pi Inters 13 , ntlornovs two. Desulto Johnny
Afraid -of - thoRailroadCommission , the
newspaper men seam to bo able to down the
lawj ers.
Northwestern League Gxmes.
10 DES MOINF.S. July 19. [ Special Telegram
to thu Finn. I The game between Des Molnes
nnd Minneapolis clubs to-day resulted u follows -
lows * *
Des .Molnes 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0- !
Minneapolis 0 00001 10 1- !
Haso hits Des Molnes 13. Minneapolis 9
Errors Minneapolis 8. Hattuilus Do
Molnes , Wells and Saico , Minneapolis Klopf
and Krelg. Umpire Naiior.
Milwaukee 3 , Kau ClatroO , at Milwaukee
in Oshkosh C , Su Paul 5 , at Oshkosh. LaCroast
10 , Duluth 7 , at LaCrosso.
The American Aisoclation.
m HALTIMOUK , July 19. The game betweei
: the Baltimore and St. Louis teams to da )
ar resulted as follows :
t- Haltlmore 0 1010001000000
tly St. Louis 0 0010001000000
10 ( Called on account of darkness. )
UunoKLYN , July 19. The game bctwcei
Ml the Urooklyn and Louisville teams to day re
Mlat suited as follows :
Hrooklvn 0 00000002-
Lonlsvlllo 0 03205200-1
Niw : YniiK , July 19. The game be
tween the Metsopolltans and Cleveland teat
to day resulted is follows :
Metropolitans..0 -
ot Clevelaiid 1 0 10 11000-
Sre National
ilr . July 19. The game be Qe
n. tween Piiladepua | ! ! and Plttsbura to-day r <
In si-lied as follows :
„ „
ir- Philadelphia 1
irto Plttsburir l 00000300-
hu Pltohfirs-Feuuson nnd Gahln. Hns
' 10. Errors-
hlts-PI'Uadelphla 18,1'Htsburif
Philadelphia U , Plttsbnrg 5. Umplrc-Sulll-
van.NKW Ynm < . July H' . The came between
thu Now York and Indianapolis teams to-day
resulted as follows :
Now York 0 3330001 0-10
Indianapolis 0 03000100 3
Pitchers-Welsh and Hoyle. Hase lilts-
New York 17 , Indianapolis 0. Krrors Now
York 3 , Indianapolis : > , Umpire Powers.
WASHINGTON , July 19. The game be
tween the Washington and Detroit teams
to-day resulted as follows :
Washington. . ! 2
Detroit 0 100000010 2
( Called on account of darkness. )
Pitchers Shaw and GoUom. Hnso hits
Washington 12 , Detroit ft Errors-
Washington 4 , Detroit-I. Umpire Manager
Gatfnoy , of the Washington club.
UosroN , July 18. The game between the
15rston and Chicago teams to-day re
sulted as follows :
Hoston 3 00100000-3
Chicago. . . . 0 00000000 0
Pitchers Clarkson and Dally. Hnso hits
Hoston 8 , Chicago 4. Errors Uoston S ,
Chicago 1. Umplie DarlltiK.
Thu Itowcrs nt Grand Rapldfl.
GKAHII HAIMDP , Mich. , July 19. This wns
the opening dny of the ninth nnnual meeting
of the Northwestern Amateur Rowing Asso
ciation. Theto were four events , each ono a
mltu nnd return ,
Junlorslnglo : Won by Mr. Watt of Syl-
vans. Mollno , III. , In 14:7J : : RdwnrdTelfer
of Owashtanong , Grand Kapids , second In
14'i6 : ; Dudley Wateis , same , third , in 15:11 : ;
Frederick J. iilnlr ot the Grand Hirers ,
Lansing , Mich. , fourth in 15:3. : ! .
Junior D.MM : There wore two starters ,
Grand Ktvers of Lansing , and Detroit. De
troit wns 14:24. :
Junior doubles : Thorn wore three starters ,
Council Hlulfs , E. R Sadler and O. A. Liv
ingstone ; Grand Utvers of Lansing , C. A.
Coryell and F. U. Blair ; Port Huron , le-
linn and Dennis Lynn. Jr. I'ort Huron
won In 13:3SX : ; Council Uluffs , 14KX ;
Grand Illvers , 15:5 : > f.
Juniors : There were three starters ,
Owashtanong , DetrolU and Grand Klvors.
The OwAsht.anoncs won easily In the re
markable time of 19:27 : , capturing the bronze
prize offered by Commodore Perry.
Monmouth Park Uncos.
MONMOUTII PARK , July 10. The weather
was threatening , the attendance fair and the
track heavy. The following Is the summary :
One mile : Cambysess won , Fuzzlo second
end , Ordway third. Time 1:40. :
Tin ee-quai ters of n mile : Los Angeles won ,
Austrletino second , Borllndu third. Time
1:18. :
Ono mile : Drymonopolo won , Estiella
second , Uarnnm third. Time 1:40. :
One and one-quarter mile : Kale won ,
Tonbooker second , Saxony third. Time
2:18. :
Three-quarters of n mile : Miss Mouse
\son.luubrock _ ! second , Diako third. Time
Hurdle , OIHI and three-quarters of a mile :
Mentmoro won , April Fool second , PullliiK-
np-Laf-Wlll third. Tlme-aM. ; !
Trotting nt Detroit.
Dr.TTOiT , July 19. This was the first day
nf the summer meeting of the Detroit Driving
club. The following is the summniy :
S Ttrot : Hondo lint. Kosallno W likes second
end , Valkyo thltd , Problem fourth. Host
time 5:2" : .
2:20 : class : Patrol first , Tom Uogers second ,
Judge Davis thlul , Pilot Hey louith. Uest
tlme-2l0. :
2l8paclnc : : Argyle lirst , ChnrloyFrlel second
end , Touimv Lynn third , Denny fourth.
Hesttiiuo-2l7K. :
Corrlcnu'fl Suspension.
CHIC.MIO , July 19. The suspension of
Edward Corrlgnn by theexecutlvo committee
of the Washington Park club , UcDarlnc him
from nil tracks controlled by the American
turf congress , has called forth a great deal
of comment to-day. Secretary Bruster claims
tlmt there was no animosity against Corrlgan ,
but on the other hnnd It is nsserted tlmt Corrigan -
rigan and one of the judiccs , L. P. Tarlton ,
of Kansas City , are not on speaking terms.
The Inference is tlmt Coiiignu , seeintf his
horse being nddresscd by Tnrllon , was not
open to severe criticism for buisting out with
nn order to liny no attention to the judge's
remarks. The refusil of the mnnageis of the
club to net In the llngiant cnso in which
Hankln's horse Jacobin , wna pulled , un
doubtedly , It Is sold , for gambling puiposes ,
Is being strongly contrasted with tlio mens-
nies taken ngainst Corrlgnn , whoso honesty
has not at nil been In question.
Cnrvor Bents Illn Ilocord.
TiiBXToif , N , J. , July 19. W. F. Carver ,
the celebrated rllln shot , to-day broke his pre
vious record of breaking 1,000 glass balls In
and onc.half . Ho
forty-live minutes. accom
plished the feat in forty-one and onc-hnlf
minutes , nnd only missed twentv-four out ot
1,0"A Ho used a repenting rllle , two men
landing besides himself.
Moro Reports of the Frightful Mor
tality From Heat.
PnTsmmo , July 19. Five fatal cases of
sunstioko were reported to-day at noon.
The thermometer registered 84 o. A good
breeze Is blowing , with some indications of
rain. The mortality ot children In Pitts-
burg nnd Allegheny during the past six
weeks is something nppalllng. In June M > 9
children under five years ot ago died , nnd
since the 1st Inst thuro lm\u been 509 deaths ,
making a totnl of 1.1H7 In six weeks. Of
tills number nearly 75 per cent were babies
under twoears of age.
At Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI , July 19. Although the "hot
spell" was broken Inst nluht , nnd the
thermometer only reached 91S to-day there
were thliteen deaths reported to-day. Most
ot tliobo were poisons who were prostrated
It wns icported to police headquarters up
to midnight for the entire dav. lorty-live
cases of sunstroke , sixot which were fatal.
At AiiK"HtaGn.
AUOUSTA. Ga. , July 19. The excessive
heat terminated to-day by n henvy wind
storm. During the pnst six dnys there have
been several fatalities from bent , thu mer
cury ranging Irom 100 to 104.
Another Knilrotu ! ColllHlon.
N. M. , July 19. Near
Ponch Springs , Ariz , , last night nn cast
bound passenger train on the Atlantic &
Pacific roart ran Into the rear end of n freight
train , wrecking the enzlne nnd mall ear of
the former , nnd the caboose nnd two freight
pars of the latter tiain. The fireman of the
passenger train was killed nnd the engineer
severely Injured. A number ot pasbeimora
were badly shaken up.
Hxiteotnd to Rud the Strike.
PITTSIIUKCJ , Pn. , July 19. A ConnolNvlllo
special says that the miners of the Anmlga'
mated association nnd tin Knights of Labor
both held delegate conventions nt Scotdalc
to-day nnd resolved to resume work on ren
dition tlmt the coke operators meet their com1
mlttoes to nn-uigo a scnlo of WRges. Th (
general opinion Is that this will nnd the great ,
coke sttlku and there Is much rejoicing.
President Jurnroz1 Dnntti Colnbratcd ,
CITV OK MEXICO ( via Gal\eston ) , July 10
The nnniversnry of the death of Prosldenl
Jurnroz wis observed with enthusiasm yes
terday. Thn observance , which excelled It
every particular nil former coinmeinorntloi
, passed wlthont trouble In ntn
nu qnnrter. Mnny American residents pnrtlol
u- pated In the celobrntlon.
ta Colored KnlchtK Ti-inplnr.
e- Sr. Louts , July 1' ' . The colored Knight
em Templar grand cotunmdurny of Missouri , em
bracing the states MUsaui I. Arkansas. Col
5 orndo , Kansas , Iova nnil Wyoming ternton
4 met here tn-dav. Theio nre thirty command
cries represented.
Q- Will Support Kornn.
e- Oi.KVEi.rtS-n , Jill19. . Delegates to th
0 democratic convention nio horp I
4 bio numbers. . Senntpr Payne
30 lilmsdU thin evening as . supporter of toe
gressuian tfaron.
Page Ooanty People Worked Up Over a
Peculiar Discovery *
Arrest of a Mnn For tin Old Murder ,
lltit Not HutlluliMit Kvldonco
Obtained to Hold Him
Iowa Mow.
Arrested and
DKS MOINK * . In , , Julr 19. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.K. ] The people around Mora *
man , 1'nco county , Imvo boon considerably
worked up for tluio ever ttio disappearance
of n nmn from tlmt neighborhood nearly
) cnr ago. It appears that a man by the name
of Letgett had two men working for him ,
ono nf thmu having and us in if a team of hid
own. The men were In tha habit of qu r-
idling and lighting between themselves no-
cording to tlio stories of the neighbors. One
night ono of the neighbors heard thorn tight *
Ing , but not wishing U > mix un In the
muleo did not go ueur. From that
11 mo the hired man has not beou
ecn , but the team nnd all
his belongings were at the place. On belnjf
asked what had become of the man , Letgetfi
said they had a row and the man loft. It wna
thought at ttio tluio that something waa
wrong , but nothing was done until a short
time ago , when a neighbor llvluj : near by
found his dog playing with an object ono
morning which , on examination , resembled
a human scalp. and scattered nround the )
yard WAS hair that looked like a man's hair ,
The supposed p and hair were taken to
Hawkins , Mo. , whore physicians pronounccii
It the scalp and hair of a man. A fevv
days after thin occuranoe the same don
brought to his master's home a bone that la
supposed to bo a bono from the lower portion
of a man's Ice. The matter was brought to
the notice of Sheriff Skluner , who consulted
with Countv Attorney Stockton , the result )
being that on Monday a warrant was swoni
out for the arrest of Hugh Tailor , the othcQ
man that was working for Letgett at tlia
time of this man's disappearance , lint there ?
being no evidence to warrant holding him ,
ho was dlsclmigcd. Thn tiuo Htato of tha
matter bids fair to remain a mj stery.
Clcvolnnd Visits llln Old Homo and
KtartN for Washington.
FAvnrrKViLu : , N. Y. , July 10. This
beautiful village , the boyhood homo of Groveq
Cleveland , was to-day brilliantly decorated as
a slirn of popular greeting to the republic's
president. Large delegations Iroiu Syracuse *
and adjacent villages and towns cunio In
during the forenoon , until the village streets
\\oro io\ercrowdcd with cuiloiiH crowds *
The old Cleveland hoiuu , school anil
academy which ho attended were suitably
decorated. The presidential party , Including
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and Secretary and
Mrs. Falrchild , drove hero from Oo/uiiovla ,
Tlioy reached hero slioitly before noon. A
committee of old acquaintances icceivcdnnd
escorted the president. A public reception
took place an hour later in Clinton parlr.
The president on beini ; introduced to the )
lai.'u assemblage , m.idn acknowledgment bv
a formal bow and brlnf speech. Then ho ami
Mrs. Cleveland stepped to the trout of the
platform and for two hours received the
salutations ot the people.
At 1 o'clock not moro than 1,000 of these
present had shaken the president's hand anil
as it seemed Imposlblo to greet them all per
sonally ho made n short speech In which ha
rpt rred to the scenes nf his boyhood. Sec
retary Falrchild was then called upon anct
responded lirlelly.
Alter dining with Mrs. Hoyt about 8
o'clock the party stalled on tholr war bacli
to Co/eiuivla. Thov will tnUu a special train
at C0 ; o'clock this evening for Washington ,
making a brief stop at Cortland , wheio Colonel
nel Lament will join thorn.
Stnrtcd Tor WjiHtilneton.
, X. Y. , July 10. The Piosidont
and Mrs. Cleveland and Secretary and Mrs.
Falrchild arrived hero at 10 o'clock this oven-
Ing. They cams Irom Cn/enovln , a distance
of 101 miles blnce 0:30 : p. m , The car did not
slop , but was taken to South I'ort station.
Whem the chief executive and party wens
aboard a Till I man car on the tegular train
lor Washington , Piesldcnt anil Mrs. Cleve
land planted at Llncklnen phicu , Oa/unovw.
this atteinoon , a white pine tree In honor oil
his \ Iblt to the homo of his boyhood.
Our Hold on Hawaii.
OTTAWA , Out. , July 10. [ Special Telo-j
ginm to the BKI : . I Colonel Powell , ndjiitn'i
general of the mllltla , who was sent recently
by the Dominion government to Hawaii to
report as to the possibility of developing
trade between that kingdom and Canada ,
says ho believes there Is danger of complica
tions between the British and United States
governmentsv\ \ owing out of King Knlnkaun'9
tin eaten Ing to ulace himself under the pro *
tectlon of the Hilttshnr ships now at lion *
olulu If his subjects persist In their demaiuH
for constitutional letorms. The .British
government , Powell savs , has all It ran do la
manage Its domestic nfulrft and Is not likely
to think of extending her majesty's ' posses
sions In ttio Pacltic.
WASHINGTON , July 10. iSppclal Telosrara
to the Hii"lt : ] Is true , " nnld a state de <
"that the United
partmcnt otTlelnl to-day ,
Mates will not have n very formidable naval
foree at the Sand wlch Inlands when our vessels
anlNO there , but I do not think wo need an *
prehond any serious results on that account.
No country of any consequence can aftord to
Interfete with our rights there. Wo must
retain our foothold In Hawaii. It Is of moro
luipoitunco to us than to uny other country. "
_ _ .
WfintH It lle.ntorrd.
Cinrxoo , July 10. A new attempt waa
made to-day to pievent the Illinois Central
railroad from obtaining possession of the
Chicago lake front. I'rovlons efforts had
been made to sfcuio from iurther enrroach-
ments that portion of the shore running
paiallel to the business portion , but now on
behalf of the property owners of the poutb.
side between Fifteenth and Sixteenth
streets , near whom are some of the most pa
latlal residences In tha cltv , the state attor
ney general prays In the .suiierlor court that
tln > railroad hf > enjoined and Do eompulled to
restoni the Inko fiont lolls original state.
It Is stated that thn Intention of the railroad
In lilling In thr Inkii between the ahovo
streets is for the purpose of erecting mam *
moth w arehouses , etc.
A Bl WhlHlcy "Trust. "
i , July 19. A largo number of die-
tillers mat here to-day to discuss the orgnnt-
yntlon of n whisky trust on the plan of tl'O
Standard Oil company , the l > hm being to
nnlto lu a monopoly all distillers west ot the
Ohio river. It is understood that the schema
t will bo In operation In n month and tlmt the
e adopted is the "Western Dlstllleis nnd
Cattle Feeder's trust. " The stock Is to ho.
apportioned among members according to
the value of their plant Instead of capacity.
' 1 ho amount of stock tobn Issued , It is said ,
will be itbont four times the value of tha
combined plants , which is estimated fit
SlO.WXJ.OdO. and It Is to l ) ( listed , It possible ,
on the Now York nnd Chicago eselmnurs.
Tim trustees will have absolute control ol the
production. _ _
l Kllllll/Ull | ( SllllH.
SAI FiiA.rTciM'0 , July -Acconirnniln >
tlons wem secured this morning for Queen
KuploUnl and theremolndorof the Hawaiian
rojul party on board the oteamship Austiallu
which bulled for Honolulu this nfturnoon , the
nueen having decided not to wait foi the
United t > l-.u s ( tuisir UoAhler on i\ilch ! ac-
coiuiuodatlons woie Undtred her ,
Stenrnnliiv > ArrlvnlM ,
Nr.w Yonif , July iV. [ Kpuulal Telegram
toltho Unf ] Acrlvcil- Htnto of Ne
from tiliis/ow , And the Wyoming.
' ' * '