THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. .TTJM 19. 1887. BPEOIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements under this head , 10 cents pn ) m for tljc first llifl ( riKin , 1 < ( jiilB lor each sub Jifqiicnt inscitinn , and.r/n | ) line per tnotilh fie advertisement tnkon for losstnnnZu cents For tlio first Inporllon. Hovi-n words wll ; t > o counted to the line ; tin1) ' mu t run eonsocu- tlrclr and must bo on Id In ndvnneo. All adver tisement * muiubo handed In before 1:30 : o'clocn li. tnnnd tinder no clrcumMnnces will they bo uikon or discontinued liy telephone , Pnrttos advertising Inthw column nnd hnv. Inc the answers nddreised In cnre of l HE HER vrlllpirn c n k fern check tocnntile them to got tnrlrli' none will lie dollvfreil otcoot r on itre'ontatlnn or check. All nn wers to ndvcr- titrmontft should tm rnelofed In rnvolopcs. All advcrtl'cmonn In tbojo columns nro pub- Jlihcd In ' > oth morning and evening editions of tTho IlKK , tlio circulation of wlilch Hgrcgntcft more tlian 14,000 pnprrs finny. and give' tlm iidvertl'er tlio fionoftt , not onlj of tlm city circulation of The IlEK but Klso of Council IlliitTp. Lincoln. nnd ether onion nnd towns throughout this part of the wen MONEY TO LOAN. ; ON'1'V to loan , no commlesion. Cole , 318 S IMh. . TO LOAN atfi per cent Mnahnn 5 ! Mnbonuy , 1WJ 1'arnam. 179 6 Vf.ll CENT Money. R. C. 1'attorpon , 1Mb at.fl Harnnr. 181 $ rxm,000 to loan on real outnto No delay. IlurrlflABninpson , 1MB Douglas St. _ 2K _ " " ONEV TO WAN-O "r Davis "co , real estate nnd loan agents , 1M" > r'nrnnm Rt. _ IC'J $ rMflOO To loan on Omaha city property at8 percent G. W. Dny , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid. _ 17Q TO LOANOn city nnn farm ptop- . , w wart i Co Room 3 Iron bunk. 171 " _ _ ONKV to lonn to parties wMilnir to build. H. S. Cnmpbull.UlO H ICth ft. , Chamber of Commerce. 75U MONEV to loan , cash on delay. J. W. nnd n. 1 , . Sijulro , UK ! runmin , "t. , h J'nxton hotel building. 1 < 2 rONI'.Y TO LOAN-Lonns of $10 to f 100 _ L madoon furniture , piano * , horses , wngong , feto. , without removal , J. J. Wilkinson & Co. , T.K4 Fnrnam street , over Hurllngton tkkot Xlllcj\ Ml nutr2 * _ HONEY TO LOAN on improved city pi op- orty In sums of $ l,000to rfi.OOO at six per cent Interest. Mioles& . Cininb. 167 TMONEY TO LOAN on unmoved real estate ; 4'Jno commission charged. Leavltt Hum * ham , Room 1 Crclghton Illnck 173 Tl/roNIJY / to loan on Improved city property JVJ. nnd farnis from $1,000 up , at lowest rule. Apply to Win. 0. Loach , Heal I'stato Agent , Vnrnnm. 1VTONKY TO LOAN-On city property In A'A gums of 1500 nnd upwnrds nt lowest rates. Money nlways on hand , S. B. Campbell 310 Eolith Hixleonth street. HW "jVf ONI'.Y to IOHII on farm nnd city property 4- > lat current niton. I.nrgo loans on gilt edged business property tre us. iMarahnll A : l.o- Ibeck , irX)8 ) fnrnntn. Telephone 7i. ; 231 ' - have nn order for a large BI'KOJAL-Wo In minis of $5,000 and iipwnrd which wo would like to nil at oncn. I'nrtles desiring loans on brick business blocks ( rill do well to see us. Central Loin und Trust ( Jo. . 1611 Kuril Bin at. 884 18 fipb lXAN Money Loans placed on mj- J. proved real estate In city or county for Mew England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. Kith nnd Chicago sti. 175 Thousand dollar * to lonn to parties ? wishing to build. SWi.OOO to lonn on unimproved city property. 9100,000 to loan on Improved olty property. Hpeclnl rates for the nut 80 dnye. Odell Hros A Co , , cor Fnrnum nnd 16th. 153l/29 ONKY LOANUD nt C. F. Heed * Co.'s lx > an Office , on furniture ) , pianos , liorHPS.wngons , lerBonal property of nil kinds , and all other ar- .teles of valun , without luinutiiu 319 8. 13th. over Hlnghnm a Commission store , All busl- ness etrlctlr conBdentlnl. 180 l/TONEY / TO LOAN-bythonnderslgnedwho "i bns the only properly oignnlrod loan gcncy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to f 100 made n furniture , phinos , organs , horses , wagons , inchlnory , Ac. without removal. No delays , .ill business strictly confidential. Loans so made that nny part cnn bopnld nt nny linn.each jaymont reducing the cost pro rntn Advances undo nn fine watches ana diamonds. Persona Ihould carefully consider who they nro dealing lth , as many now concerns are dnlly coming nto existence , fchould you need money call md ace mo. W. H. Croft , Room 4 W'thncll ' building 1Mb nnd Humor. 177 l HE OMAHA Financial Rzohango , JN. . W. corner of llnrney nnd 15th its. , over Btato National bank. 1 prepared to make short time loans on any HTallablo security. Lonna made on chattels , collateral or real Mate. Long time loans made on Improved real estate Ut current rale * . Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short tlm loans made on second mortgage. According to marginal interest , at collateral rates. Henl citato to exchange for good Interest tearing paper. Genernl financial business of nil kinds trans- Beted promptly , quietly and fairly. Honey a'waya on hand for approved loans of kind , without delay or unnecessary pub- rny . Corbctt. Manager. 178 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. ITIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 Tl. Kurnam Btrei't Complete abstracts rur- Ushcd , nnd titles to real estate examined , per- octod and guaranteed 618 BUSINESS CHANCES. 71OUH hundred nnd forty norcs school land I ? in Hamilton c-junty , Nob. , to tradi for l.WO grocery Htock. Address Holdon & Mason , ontrnl City , Nob. 8,12 10 * "t ARE business ohanoe ; for Hale , the Block , V futures and good will of a flrit-class cloth. ig ( tore doing H good business , centrally cnted , only reasons for selling the owner has ther und moro Important business. Partlei leaning business may address V , It * , Bee office. T1OR BALK A boarding house and furniture , . doing good hualnosi , 40 boarders , irood eason for m-lllng. Call at Currlo & Vellum , 5th and Capitol ave , Kxpoilton lliilldlng. 1139 B PECULATORS opportunity , Information on stocks only telcgrnphnd under rode to ny subscriber. E , Sherman I'ltc'li.ld Wnll st , V. 712Jy KJ H SALE A first-claps hotel property , two . story brick In excellent location and doing A extenslvj business. For particular ! ad- ress H. H. Lilly , real eitate dealer , Hrokon ow , Neb. 158 21 7IOH SALE-A good hotel in the live town of . ' Chadron doing a good business on very feasy terms Full paitIonian by addressing M. ji Langworthy , Lusk , Wyoming. 713 jy J * VANTED-Purtuer , $ UOO ; ( ID dally. 916 B. TT loth st. coina * OU81NKSB chances , IS or 6 boarding and O lodging houses for rent anj furniture for ialo. Beverul of these are rare bargains. Room , over Raymond's Jpwolry store. 924 18 * ) ll BALE Meat market tools , fixtures , hnrt-o and wagon , everything complete , uood locution ; good trade. Address U 4i5 , Hoe , ILMaug 8J l71OREXCHANnE-A stock of hardware In JL1 Council HliitTs for Omaha rual vitate. A , | I Oonutoclc , 1523 Farnam St. fda WANTED Parties who desire to buy or sell or exchange stocks of general merchnn- fllie. dry goods , groceries , boot.s and shoes , tiardff are , drugs , jenelry Improved or unlm- proved town orolty property. Improved or un proved farrai In any part of thu United States , lo addrosa Krausa a Fobtcr , 310 S , 15tb et. piuaha. NeU 601 T ; > ARMS , lands , Itoro stocks , hotels , manu * J' factories Ice cre m imrhim. buslneei Chances for 8aln and axclmniro Cull and Pe . j'roporty adtertlied at rate of SO cents per Inouth. Record Advertising Co. , 1513 Farnam. 8M18 OLD Established llusliiesa For Sale Owing to a change In our Imilnusg wo will sell On favorobln terms our long established meat marknt business at No. 414 South 13th atroot , will rent the building , and lallor rent nil the fixtures , also horn's ' or wagons for sale at a ' "irgnln. This Is ono of the bst established fhnrkota , and as good a locution as there li In ( he city. ' Tor partluulura nud let nil Inquire as above. Hill .V Huntzlngor. 81 18 * .11 BALKPtook of groceries , nueiinswnro and glanaware in boat town In Northern .N'i- ra.-kn. Slock now , in now brick building. In test location In city. Reason for selling , poor .ealth of proprivlor. Audrcs * at once , F. E. lardy. NorfolK. Neb. 918 7ANTKD-A liveenergetic manwjth $ .WO to taka half Interest In a good paying busl- o s. There li money In this for H good lira nan. AddresiXX'tf , llceoinoe. Wlft ) * Al BALE Law library , cheap. Wheeler * Wheeler , Douglas ana 15th it. tn 10R SALE Heitaurant. flrit-claM bullness , rood location , cheap If told at once , on ao- unt of ilokneai , AdOraos X10 Uco , B47 13J FOR BALE A No. 1 inloon , Ice box cheap , at No. 113) Farnnm St. 279 FOR SALF.-A good builnfn ; small capita required ; good reasons for selling. Ad drcsa T 44 Dee office. 718 lJBINr.89 CHANCE-A reliable busmo i man of moans and experienced In bnnk- Ing , w ould like to correspond or conver o with men of menns rclatlxn to banning business In this city , or upon satisfactory arrangements would ln\c > 8t In established bank. Cnn take with him the account" of several country banks , ns HI II n * some elty pntronngo. Parties of menus nnd meaning busln e nddrocs tlox 7PC OmahH. t2\S \ "WANTED Gentleman wishing nn honest business. Profits $14 prr day. $ IOJ re quired , Will exchange for stock or trndo. Call room 4 Croiinsoblock , ll'J N ICth street. " 7 i nug 11 TTIoTt SALE Elegant ice ercnm parlonom- Jplcto. . Room 4 , over Raymonds Jewelry etoro. id 18J FOR 8ALE--A hotel well furnl hed and doing big business Address U 70 , lleo otliee. f06 " 0 " 1/lOR SALE Hoarding house , inquire Llndnle JU lion o.g58 | 10th. 8J7 IfJ PEKSONAli. TJKItPONAL-Wnntod-fo correTpotTd with J gnntlemnn of refinement , who will bo greatly Binlttcn with n > ontig indy ot culture nnd bounty , Addroii X W lite olnco. U" > 7 1 * $1VI will huyhnlf Interest of Kood vash | iavlmr < well otnbllshed olllm buslui'69. J. U. Johtiiun , 016 S l&tb , room 4. HUH 18J _ 1 > : ilPONAfnentlismrn , nttPlitlnn , Hood board utiij rooms ill M)4 ) S. leth tt..rtmsonnbly 7tfl wig U'J fj If you want a desirable , coti- tinlly located ollico jou enn llnd It at U16 8 16th st. U7f > ) ER5ONAI , Private liome for Indies during I tonllncment , strictly contldentlnl , Infanta adopted , nddre'S E 4' ' . lleo ollicn. 42-'aj " 'EHPON'AI. Mrs. Dr Nannie V. Warren . - - clnir\ojant. Mcdlcnl and business Medium Koom fo. 8 Vil North ICth it. .Omaha , Nob. IrsJ LOST. I OST Homo letters nnd papers , valiiablonnly J toowner. Anypcifon finding tlio sumo will bo amply rmvnrdud by returning to K. L , , 022 NlUt list , city. U7C 1 J STHAYKD Span of ponies , black mnrea 4 jeniHold , from Mlllnnl , Neb Return to Crls. I'opppnhagim , Mlllard , Neb. , nnd gut ro- viud. 181 ll'J OST I'lnns nnd ppoelflrntmns for changing ] J the oxposltlon building , between 1'intt's , ub division nnd the exposition building. Ho- urn to exposition building nnd got reward. ' . - : dollars'rownrd. Strnyed or Itolcn from roar of 111 N 17th st. n largo roan horse , about 17 hnnds high , weighing lib- tw en 1,1'OOond 1,100 pounds , redHh brown inane nnd tnll , bind nnklo Bomewhat swollnn- f 25 w III be paid for return of nnlnml to ownois , nt 110 . ] 4tli et.nnd If etolen tbeslierlll of Doug las Co will pay a reward of f50 for the arrest and conviction of the thlnf. B38 rouwD. TAKEN rP-Hny horse about 1101 to 722 North IMh street. II 18 35 n 1 8J STOHAOE. STOHAOK Oronhn Storage Warehouse , cor. l.'ltli and Izard , nmplo fncllltli'S for stornire , rurnlturn , wagons , etc. Low intci" , a'lvnnccs ' tnndo. Issue warehouse receipts. 4'J1 nug 6J LpIRbT-CLASH Storage nt 110 N 13th ft. JTOHAOK First-class stornro for moo fur- 3 ulturo or boxed goods , at 15U Dodge-st. lee CLAIRVOYANT. M1W. PIRANT ) Clnrlvoyant from reliable In all affairs of life , unites separated loyers. 322 N. ICth t. room 1 691 Jy28 | MISCELLANEOUS. W ALL paper bung , lOcts n roll. Address X 27 lieu. W'Jlk A G months old female child to adopt. Address - dross X11 lleo otnce. tb.1 18J Ol'.SS pools and vaults clcnnnd and ( lend animals removed by John Nelson , gnrbiigo roboclor for 4th ward south of Douglas st. 1413 llnrney H. Telephone 539. 691A22 * o KXCHANOK-For good family horse and phaeton , PO acres of land , free from en cumbrance , within three miles of county spat. Chas. P. llenjumln , 1C12 Farnam st. 655 ( \API ! buyer * of furniture , stoves and house- \J hold good ! don't go to the long time hiirh ptlced stores , they go to 117 N 16th. 547 nug 7 rpo EXCIIANGK South Omaha lot free from JL encumbrance for span of good horses. Chas. 1' . Benjamin , 15U Farnam Bt. 555 IADIKS wishing good foraalo help cnn get J thogiimoat the bcandluuvlan Employment Ilureau , 1610 Karnani Bt. 9 0 1H- M ONlV ; talks lor fuinlturo nnd household goods nt 117 N ICth , Your price for unsb , 648 nug 7 FOH TRADE farms , city lots , stock of mor chandlEC , eto. 1'arrott & Williamson. 14th Douglas. 2 S > f. WII.T.r.TlS Trained male slck-nurso. Telephone U7t ) , V. M. 0. A. rooms. rooms.260.1l rpAKE NOTICK-W. 0 King & Co. , llouso JL Moving and Kalslng. address 1320 I'loreu gt. POK KBN'I yquaro finno | J montblr. A Hospe.lS13 Douglas. 187 TO parties having houses for rent. Rental Agt-ncy , Honawn * Co. . 15st , opposite post- office. We have turned over to them our rental list. We recommend them. McCugue Ilros. 183 FOR ItRNT Organs , (1 per month , lioipe. 1013 Douglaa. 1U7 Ol. O.-MOUSO furnishing Roodi , all kinds ; cah or installment : lowest prices" at J , llonner , 1315 Douglaa st IfJ J1OR KENT Hquare riano , ft monthIv 1 Hoipe. UlSDouglaa. 187 [ F you want to buy or sell furniture , go to J. Ferguson's , 715 N 16th. 190 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE Now clevntor , cool Bhcds nnd office , with erain nud coal buslnns * nt Oak * dale. Nob. dullness profitable and good Teu tons for Belling. Address for particulars Ixick HOT F8 , Fremont , Nob. 7M 2'ij < OR SALE McdlumBl7Pd , six-ond bund info. Ir 1 Apply to Crane lira's Mfg Co. 619 TTtOR BALV.-Furnlturo of H rooms with privl- X1 lego of lease of bouse , 707 B. 14th St. 209 SALE One six-foot upright blnoK wal- JJ nut show ease , Milton Rogori Si Son. 909 TjlOH BALE -6 your old mrxrosound and kind Jfor family use ; also buggy and harness. SUiblo for rent with 3 stalls. 1917 Cass St. 97J flOR SALE F.ntlro household f urnlturo ; In- 1 qulro I1W B anh au WJ M\ \ F I OR SALE Nice young horse. For sale on time payments. M. F. Martin. 27t TJiOR BALE Oil nnd gasoline wagon , team , .L harness and route. Call bet Li and 1 at 1413 Dodge. 815 FOR SALE Or trade an envy loan of mules , will trudo for horse and buggy. Address U 71 , Heo offlca. 897 20 1 fOR 1 SALE A flrst-cluia riding ponv. En- quire , 1420 8 Mh It , (19718 * H SALE Pair ponies , buggy and hnrnesi , 115ft U. H. fipray.aiON. lUth. 410 18J "I7IOR BALE Span Hue matched bay driving JU horses. C , F. Harrison , 116 S l&th it. 67 FOR SALE Black mare , Ifl years old , per fectly vcntlo. AUo pheatnn. Inquire of Mrs. Sampson , Nelson gt , tacoud block west of reservoir , Walnut Hill. WJ IfJ E STRAY One Iron gray pony mare , Under will rccelva ruward by returning to lia Bhormat. a.v . 010 M * TTIOR BALE-Pony , harurii atiil cart. Inquire JU 802 Park ava. tM lij OR 3ALK- Studebaker bugfici at Senman'i. Studebaker nhavtoni at Saaaan'i. Stud ti kercnrrinf es at Baaman'a. t-tudebaker spring wagoni at Seaman't , Studebaker draft wagonl at Seamnn'i. Corner of Farnam and llth it * . Tlra r loadi juit rccoirad. tSt Jy : ( WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Flrit-clan nan for Icecream. 116 p r w k | 1 Brit-clali oanvaner for lea and coffee houia , good lahiryt 1 farmhand , | 0 pfif month i 1 cook for baort Order houia , 17 par noeki lacond cook , | (0 per month. Omaha ump. lluroau , lit W. l < tb it ; room 4iprtair ; * . " \\TANNED Foreman for framing Itowo truss bridges E W. tlaymrind , Room 7 , Drown block , opposite the Paxton house , WJCO W ANTED A good barber at once , No" . I3J5 Uo. 13th of 979 ID * \t7 ILIj pny $30 a month to a peed man. Must > ' give small nond. Address X U ) , lleo nlllco. WO .1)J ) AVANTHI ) An experienced salesman In n ' ' clothliif utid fUrnlsliltiK good ) store. Ad dress llox 107 , youth Omalm. ESS 'Oj \v 1 ANTED A butcher at 131 North 12th st. l)7S ) 13 * \VANTKD-A peed India Ink worker at the ' > Omaha Western Copying Co. , HOT S. 13th ft. , Omaha. 969'.III WANTED-Two men of peed addroc to sell bouso furnishing poods. Call 4M : South in th st. Kgfiaj ) _ \\rAN'rii ; ) A peed pirl for ponornl house * ' work , In n small family. None butono willing to work uoud apply. Kmiulro 1113 S. 13th. 071 WANTl'.D A young man thoroughly no- qunlntfd with city : competent to an of- flea ami collecting. Must bo of treed nddre s , nnd furnish saourlty. Itetullors' Morruutllo Aponcy , 12J7 Kiirnnm at. U77 ai * \VAMT.D-Mnn for dairy , apply Iluph Me" ' Dowell , Walnut Hill near Ilt-H llnu.south of Cumlng , H7U 18 * \VANTKD-Mnn to sell Shetland Mountain ' ponies. Tiiney colors. l.nrpo t herd in Atneileii. Siimpld pony fiec. Rare opportun ity Kncloso stamncd scir-iiUlie ( ed oiivclopo. llyrmi Van Haub , lloorno , Kendall Co , Tunis. 914 I8J \VANTnn-Mpn lor Wyomlnir , wnpcs fS.OJ , ' ' $ -V'o nnd JJ CU , Albrlgnt's liiDor iiKoney , 1120 1'ai num. iiyj \\/.NTKl-l'reesed bilcK grader , addrpss X JJ 1 , iieoolllce , 811 A ANTUI ) 5 second cook1 ? , pastry cook , 4 ' dliliwn lipr , all mon ; 'J pnrdenei" near cit > Jn ; porter for hotul out of city. Mrs. llrcgn \ Son , illil Fo. lath. UW 19 * \\-ANTii : ) -At Western Cornice works , 10 ' * Kirnloo mnkpis. 5 tin roofers fielHters ; none but tlift-eliioi men need apply. WH-5IO S. 12th SU C. Spccht 7 22 " \\rANTK.D Railroad lahoiors for Ciiloradnt i wnpoi for teanistors JKi per month and bonril : steiuly work. Albright's Labor Agency , IK'U rarnam ii.17 WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\rANTlU ) Olrl to uo general noifoworK , > V 1717 Chicago st ! W ) 1UJ \V ANTUD-DHInvuslier firliliroTcentrnl City" TT laundn'8 nnd polisher for Krmnoot , all fare paid ; 7 dining room girls , 25 girls for K- oral lioiitpuork , kitchen helpers , | > antry wlrl < ? . liiundre < 4 > cs , 1st anil 2nd unmnn rooka In mid nut nl city , 2 nursu girls , 7 or 8 girls lor very llpht homework in stihurb.s of city. Mrs. tliugn & Son. 3100 . . ; 13 * IT'ANTnO Cook nnd lauudrc&s atn.e. cor. V 23rd and Cas st. 818 1 ANTED-GIrl at Emmot hou e. 373 V\TANTKD 2 experienced girls to murk and ' tlo bundles In laundry- good polishers , etondy work. Omaha laundry , 11N Ilith. 974 ! ! ) W ANTI'll-AtNo. 4ISN20th st , n Blrl for general housework. 971 18 * Ww w ANTKD 3 gills at Wilitles paper box fnc- tory , 1405 Douglas St. I'd ' 1UJ ANTED A Indy cook ut United States hotul. I'M'I NTED-Woman to do washing,518 S llth. UiH 18 Tl/1 / ANTKD A 1 housekeeper , K dining-room girls , 2 pantry girls , 3 second cooks ,4 fl rst cooks , S chambermaids , 1 Corman girl for private family , $4 per week : I > 0 girls for gon'l liousoworK. Omaha Ump. Huroault ! ) N Iftth st 987 18 WANTED A neat girl to care for children and assist In second work. Mrs. Robert 1'urt Is , cor 23d st. and Ft. Mary's avo. 879 w ANTED Good girl for dining room at 1015 Hnrnov St. 894 lb \\7ANTKn ° " 0 < 1 plrl to flna work Bttho i Employment Agency of the KwoJIsh Lutbenon ctiurch , plaasocnll M'J N I''tfi ' ' st. 912 1RJ \\ANTEO A good girl for general hou = e- ' i work , must bo good plain cook. 1017 CUBS st. nio IVANTKD-FowIng grls at the Omaha shirt YV factory , 08 Ninth. 032 WANTED Immediately , good girl for gen eral housework , 424 North 17th street. 9.'H 1C * W ANTED Two girls nt Daran house , 422 S IStli St. , near St. Mary's avo. 924 SITUATION WANTED. "ITTANTHD Situation to Uko pare of a nuin her of rooms lor gpntlomon liv middle aged lady. Address X 31 Hoe office. US4 20 * \VANTRO Position with private family to take care o livery. Strictly tompcrato. lli'St of roforoncoa given. Address X 28 Iloo ollico. t'lTl ' I8 WANTKD-Rltuntlon by Stonograplior- Typewrltcr : will furnish machine. Ad. dress X 21 , Hco oince. s > 3S-l W ANTKD Ily experienced nnd competent Btonographer nnd tspowrltor it po sition In It. It. or other oflicc. Address X 22 , lleo ollico. lllT.i \\rANTED Situation by joung man , good ' ' luihlts , to lunrn hardware or dry uoods business. Address X VI , Bcoollico. 9.1" > 18j ti'ANTI'.D Bltuntlon by stcndy young man , > ' two' experience In hardware and groceries Address X20 , Iloo ollite. MJ 1SJ SITU \TIONS-Thoso wishing Rituntlons should plncn their nnmes On our hooks. Record Advertising Co. , 1513 Inrnam. 8S.1 18 W ANTED Sowing by the day In private families. Inquire 202U I'tunnm. 834 20j \I7ANTED A first class drnssmnkcr would T V like n few engagements in private fami lies. Address U. 28 , Hoe. 743 lSr TIO CONTRACTORS Wo nro prepared to fur m < h nny kind of laborers you want. City I.nbor Agency , n w cor , 16th and Karnnm. ( jround floor. SC'.I " \ 1' A NTEDSituations for 10 girls for general > hoiiRowork. City Labor Agency , nw cor. IGth and Farnam. Ground floor. 263 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \VANTEO All thoao wanting help or sltun tlons as general ollico ilcrks , colloctois watchman , porters , coachman , etc. , to apply to The Mutual Employment Agency , 314 Soul I 16th St. , Slid lloor. OH2 19 * WANTED Uy A family consisting of hits band , wife nnd two children , nnd possibly governosK , rooms und board in n prhnlo fam ily. In n good location. Tenns liberal and ref erences given. Address X 24 , Ilee olllce. JM 18 "WANTED- Delivery horse at once. Must ho > cheap for cash L. F. Mostoller & Co. , no cor. llUh and Mason sts. 82i 16 \\7ANTRD-Chest of carpenter's tools In good T > condition. State jirloe and where cnn bo feon , X 17 , Heo. V1U 1 J \ \ rANTEDunturnlihod rooml with board > T In private family , near business center Address , stating terms , A. W. S , , lleo ollico. 9M-1B WANTED A man and wlfo to rent a hand fiomoly funnelled basement and board ono person for so mo. Only reliable parties wiUi references need apply. Address X14 , Hoc 900 1SJ WANTED To trade good city Tot for .itock of drugs. Cone i Johnion , 7"t N : IBth street , 019 21 WANTED-Hoom and board by n lady , pri vate family preferred. Address stating terms X 25 Heo office. zsit 20 * "II/ANTKD Gentleman roommate. 130 a month room nnd board. Mi'it be a Christian. Addrass X 12 , Hoe office. S.SOIHJ WANTED Hy young man. room nnd board in Christian family , not to exceed 37 a month. Address X 12 , Hee office. two IRj FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTs ! TTOK RENT 9 room bearding house full of -I. good paying boarder * two blocks from P. O. Furniture for sale at f too. Alto 8 room boarding house , fornltura for rale , f.UO . 7 room house with . ' boarders. Rent f.WOO. Good will anl furniture (1UO. 3 large unfur- nlihed roomi. Alio 1 Mat In Hrownell ball , 618 Po 16lh itreot for rant , Co-oporutlvo Land & Lot Co. , aii N. 16th It. U3819 FOR BENT < i room cottage ; 5 room cottage ; 4 room cottage , good location ! . Edwards , ever Haymona'a Jewelry itore. 23 18 * 170HitENTOnN Wcor 15th andVlnton,2 Itoroia0x40,1) room i upstairs , suitable tor fainlllei or roomrri. Call at protnlsei oren on i < . Uonovan. gl37H13thit 803 F 10R RENT-B-room cottage on 21st and Paul atraatt. Inquire at 617 fcouth 13th itreot. Ml RENT New bouse , raven rooms , city water and bath. 87th and Parker it. lii- qnlre ITU * Jaokioo it Mo 19J F I OH RENT \ou ) e and barn naar ilanicom Park. Inquire J. W , Curr , Cth and Vinton. MI ! T710H HE-NT V room hou nd barn , 17th i.nd A- Center it * . , house hcatfc } By j,0t wntcr nnd all modern Improvercsts , tV i Also a 7 room house as above 140. J. L. Xfcplshana , 319 315th street. Jtv. 46T F OH HKNTNowroomli ) use 1 M miles south of I' . O. bet Mtbl list sts , $18 per month. Clarkson , Wood & 31S8.1Mb. FOR RENT-Hiilf of sto V Inquire ut 1213 Douglas it. 2 j 918 "I71OK RENT New store aq .living rooms on * ? Cumlng st nonr aundri st Apply Har ris Heal 1 Unto A. Loan Co. . J. 15th M. b-9 * 1710H HUNT Store room A able for proccrj- J-1 Ptoruor butcnor vhopMitho touthwcst corner of 7th and 1'nclllo ftijplfl , C7S FOR HKNT A biisomcrfl.'Kood tilaco for bnrbor shop , s w corner "loth nnd I.cavun * vorthMi. ' 816 FOKHKNT-n. room house , KwHsTsOth. In- qtllro lit BITS l.lth. ft > 5 HKNTTWO ricu Ptorus with nionts'4th nnd Hamilton Klrools. Desir able locution for diy poods nnd drup Horn. KlnU above If deaiiod , Ixinvltt Uurnhuui , loom 1 , CrclKhton block. 074 FOIl. HRNT Two large now stores nnd t o IJals of ilvo ruotiiB each. City wntcr nnd irns. On Saunders gt. C. W. Caln.'Ja Ohio gt B13 FOH HKNTOfflcos , 2 front odlcos In Oinnna National bank to rout. Imiulro Room 1 nna X. WJ _ _ 371OH HKNT Now fl room hoil o , piintry , cellar , city wntor oto , l-'i per month. 1' . I * G rctfory , 'WO S r > th s . COT _ _ _ 1OU KENT "olllcoa , up Btnlr , fronting on 1 lith Bt. Apply , Keller i Stiver A. Co. FOH HKNT New 8-roomcd house , ffiiis Chi- cu est . $ ( iU. J. H. HIiiKwalt.aiBS. Kith. 77S HOIOn Lot for l/ea o Southeast roriipr C 4-xb"i'4 ( ' l.puvcnworth nnd 1'arlto.or will build to suit tenant , llobblo Ilros ! > 5) ) F OHHKNT ThrooToonihouao , TioflW 8 7th ms _ FOR RENT BOOMS. KENT Handsomely furnished ftnnt room , 1718 Dodge bt. _ 4U 'lIlOKltllNl FurnlshedTooms. Ttuleronco JU icqulrod , 1'll'J ' Dodge SU i'JI 17J FOR lllNT-Nlcely : furnUhod looms , to gen tlemen only , -0 N. llith bt . Room 2. i'43 ' I OR RENT Purnl'hPd rooms for gentle men. Apply nt Collection olllce , 101,1 Far- unm. , C63 31 T7\OR \ RENT-Furnlshed rooms , 1S18 Dodge. fannugi * FOR IlHNT-rurniihert room In Grounlg blk , cor 13lh and Dodito st. Innulro of Davis & lothcrlngton , Mlllurd Hotel Milliard room 831 Ii'OH HKNT Two well furnished rooms with 1 first clnss board if desired , pleasant loca tion , private family. S K cor COth nnd Farnnm. 550 JylPj OR irr.NT-KiTrtiished rooTnB"l812Fodi7C6 7C6 FOR RENT 2 front rooms furnished , cheap for the summer , 1818 Fnrniun. U31 13J "ITIOR RKNT furnished rooms , 1 largo front JL1 rooms , 2 back rooms , now house , now furnltuic , wnter , gas. bath room and Btenm boated Apply to 2317 DoURlnS st. 88 18J FOH ni'NTJ Itooms , cottages nnd houses , from 15 to J < "i per montH , Our method of lentlng the cheapest nnd bcsttinuso. Kecord Advertising Co. , 1GV ! Knrimm. ' ' fKl 18 FOR IIENT-3 unfurnlsheiytooms In good lo- cnlll > nenr car line sulwblo tor married couple. Address H 10 , Iloo olico. 812 FOR RKNT I'nrt of oftlovroom. Inrjulro 2Dou gins st . . . S13 FOH RHNT furnished I front room , near car line at corner of Dodge nnd 24th streets. Inquire of A II , Comstock 1J23 ' rarnam st. W3 FOR HUNT Ware room cor. 14th and Call. Ifornlnon Delt Line , tor particulars en- qulro nt Union Nnt bank. 183 17OR Rf.NT-2 elegnnt rifims , nicely fur- 1 nlshed on street car line ; modern con veniences. Gentlemen only. Kxccllont loca tion. IWCass. * U71 T7IOH RUNT Elegantly furrifshod rooms Bin- 4. gloor ensultp. with use ot bath ; electrlo bolls In every room. First eSiUs rostnurant at- tnched , at Norrls L'uropoun hotel , corner l&th and Webster. 050 OR HUNT Suite of furnished rooms for gcntlumon. A. Hoapo , Jr. , U13 N. 17th , T71OR RKNT Nice room with bonrd for two 1 gentlemen , with homo comforts , 812 South nd , 7J3 18 FOR HF.NT Nicely furnished rooms , with or without board , modern convunlencos , ; I18 North 15th. 89 2G KENT Nice cool furnished room on FOR ground floor , gentlemen only , 17111 Capitol uvo. 1104 Iftj FOR HUNT Lanre , cool , ttnoly furnished rooms with first class board on car lino. 1718 Cuss st- 01 20J F OR HKNT Nicely furnished room" , 1023 Capitol avo. IH)7 ) Ihj F I OH RENT Desirable rooms , 1611 Cup ave. Ill 4 21 * FOR RIINT-Nicely furnished cottage 714 8. 18th st. Call after II o'clock p. m. WO 1'JJ FOR RENT Three nicely furnl'hed front rooms on 2d lloor , l lbi ! St. Marys avo. M024J FOR HCNT Furnlehed looms with bonrd , 1WI , rarnam. MSnll * FOR HI5NT Two rooms furnl'lied for light housokooping. Apply at 60'J Htfward st , UOfl F 1OK RENT -Newly furnished room , 2025 Far nam street. 724 18 moil RENT-Ntccly furnished rooms , all L' modern lmpro\cmonts,202' ) Karnnm Bt. 74S IB' F I OH RENT Rooms ranging In prlco fromfS to J2.nt Irt21 1'arnam at. 817 F I OR RENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen ces required , 1IU7 Douglai SU 197 FOR RENT Large front room with alcove , east front , sightly and best location , four minutes'walk irom court house , nil modern Improvements , board near by. Address P. O. Hox3U8 791 " ] TOR ' HENT Furnlshed room , 2129 Clmrles hOO 20 L | _ F IOR KENT Itooms with board. SD4 9. 18th. FOH RENT Three unfurnished rooms to tatnlly without children , at 11N 17th st 85'J FOR RKNT Nicely furnished largo room 1707 Cuss 845 FOR RENT Office , room 1,2d floor , 816 8 Uj7h st , In.julre . < .H17 S18th st. 86A H1R RENT-1'iirnTshed roo'ra modern con" Tonlenoes , 310 N 15th st. U10 18J FOR RENT Largo furnlslied rooms , gas , heat and all modern Improvements. New house , now furniture , 1T07 Dodge street. 35. ) FOR HENT-Offlc * room iO'-'per month , 2nd lloor. 316 a 15th st * f 430 FOR HENT-Nlcely rurnli eil room , 1921 Dodgost. 198 FOB , SALE HOTlikS LOTS. TJ OR BALE I good dellverr < waron , leo- J3 ondhand fV f f50 1 good delivery wagon , second.bund 7B 1 neut light buckboard " ' ' " U 1 good strong bucUboard " H " u 1 top end spring buggy " i , " Cl Ivory light top liox buggy.Mcndlmbcr make . , 1 two loat Democrat wagon , second hand 1 top box buggy 7 " ' . , 1 Meadlmber jump leat buggy la I noncustom-made box top buggy 12 Inewcart J 4 1 nearly now Simpson buckjobard , with ton jE. 110 1 sldo-Bprlny top box buggy,77. 7 Jobi all painted and In good repair. Win. R Druinmond Ic Co. , 1015 Harney st 76119 A FEW genuine bitrgalbs-aix132 on Chicago it , pavement , only 3 minutes' walk from P. O.splendid II room house , water , gas am teworago. Must be sold or given away 7.500. H.COOouh. U acres all platted and planted with trees can be sold at * J.W per lot , only f50 pur acre This adjoins Highland Pnrx add Full lot and 8 room 2 story houte on Ilamll ton street only 2POO , J W cash. East front lot In Patrick's 2nd ono block from Bftundtrs , | 2 ; ) . easy terms. S beautiful lota In Wilson's add to Kountzc Pl oe only $1.500 each , one-fourth cash. Full lots In SaUnders and Hlmebaugh'a add $ ,175 ; $ ? 7ft cufih. Magnldoent lot in Orchard Hill dirt cheap WO | una-tbird cash. Pome splendid lots In Orchard Hill , yory cheap. Ix > vely home on 22d street , 0 room house beautifully UtilsliiHl , Let us just ihnw you thlifor a homo , $ S , x ) . Very cboan and rery nice , MllchiJlA LuyoniiiHrcK , WStt , lAlii Uodgot CHOICE LANDS-I per acre m maKes 1st Vyear's pAtmont on 100 acres. Write for In- ormatlon. \ \ . V t'alne. Bidtiey , Neb. \\ECanso for n few days only I > Ix5t ion Olio's addition for ; 9,4U Lo 171 OlieV addition , M , > W. Hlock 1 Hoyd's addition , f S.Y . One-third cash , balnnco 1,2 and ,1 years. Remington A McConnlck , U South 16th It L E legnntToTwtlW. Rcos place , on - Park ave , a short distance s of Ixjnvon- worth , Hr < W , 'i cuh , bal easy , cheapest thing n the nxontio. J , A. lllustnnd , r V , Arlingtun , 611 Dodge. 619 Hargnlns House 8 rnnins , burn , etc. , all new , Dcnlse's addition , f , 1,709 , 1,000 I'nsh , balnnco good lime. Four 4-room houses In I.ouo's addition , now , I/-OU each , t'M ) cn h , bnlnnee to suit. House n rooms , barn , full lot. Vales \ Heed's ubdlvlslou , J2,500 , 1750 cash , balnnco to nit , Ixit In Ambler Place fO.10 , ! 4 ca h. Corner lot , Snumleis A : lllmobaugh'ii , within blocit of liciifoii line , fBM , M ea h , Two lot * , on corner , Ornnd View , nlco build- ng slto , (2,000 , > cash , balance long time. Lot In Ruservcjlr , south front , \cry cheap at 1,0011. fl. R. Ball & Co. 113 North 16th st 725 IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on U V. Cm 111 , 12UN 16th St. 100 lots U of n mile of U. P. depot or sale or trade. li room house for rnnt. Two 10-room houses or lent , enloor trade. Idlenlldo. Hy 8IC L V. Crum. 120 N 15th st IJAHTIAL list ol selected bargains. .1 , A. Ulrituud , 1511 Dodge street , f.16,000one. hlnl cnh. for 44 foot on Douglas. $2C > , tHH ) , in.OUO ensh , for a good corner on Chicago ; mprovemonts tent lor fl,70ii J-IVUOJ , J8.WJ cash , for full lot , corner Joncj nnd 12th 'I his is a good thing. $11.0111 , J1WO cash , for a good business lot on Cumlng , $ < , ( > i' ' " ' , f 1,000 cn o , for 22 feet on Davenport. $ 1,71x1 , jl.Mx ) cash , lor n superb lot , 60xlb7 on I'ariiain. ? lfpOO , Tlr > 00cnsh , forfiO loeton Park avenue , n Urns' I'lntp. ( JiiX ) ) , SIliUUca h , for an past front on Vlr- glnln n\enuo , In Hunt-con I'lnco $ . ' .500 , $ IOH ) cash , for a full CO fool lot In snap i-oldeii's" . $1.000 , $1,400 ctth , for : ilil40 , on 20th sticot , CHhlo line ! in Ilarbnch's2nd ; nnpioved , ? 1)0 for a beautiful eait fiont In Kllbyl'laco Ibis Isn decided bargain. Terms easy. tii : > 0 , f S" > r ) ca h , lor a lot In Kouut/e Placo. JI.Sio , $ 'i ' < ca < h , for south front in Dnxun- mrl'H Biib ; Ju't wont of Kounto Place nnd Miundori "ircet.'O.J'flO cash , for another Routh front In Davonpoi t's sub. 1 his is a snap. $ IHU , ( sx ) cash , lor a lot on Davenport Btrcot , In Hnwthorno. Jll,4 ( ) , jniiOensh , tor n nmgnlflcont 1 feet , south front lot In Lowe's. Commnnds it view of ho city Jl)5il ! ) , fCOOensh , for : ! sightly , south fronts , corner lloulovnrd n\enno nnd Corby slrect , Cicl hton Holghts. You ought to tee thu vlon troui thusolots. f22lri , * V00 cash , for \31 \ feet , rfouth by 100 ca t : n corner in Kondall'F ; will nuiko three good south Ironts. ono block west ol Saunders itreet and Oak Chatham. S'Hin. J WO cash lor n good south front In Mo- Cormlck's 2nd If you wish to buy a lot or eoll Drst mort gage notes , give mo n call.J. J. A. Hlcstand , Room 9 , Arlington block , 1511 Dodge street. TWENTY-SIX Improved farms and 40 < | iinr- -L tern wild land In Northeastern Nebraska 'or MHO or exchange for Omaha property. Fnttorson &Mooro. Omaha National Hank. 810 \V n. SHRlVER-Buslness properly. OS * e 135 rt. with il new cottages on Cutnlng nonrSnundcrs , $ I",0M. ( Full lotfnclngcm 2 streots.wlth 8 room house , within it blocks of Court House , J13.000. 48sK ) ft. with.I story brick business block , loss than 1 block from P. O. , $45,000. 40xf.6 . with now 3 story brick,2 blooki from P. O. , 140,000. Corner , 13th nnd Cnllfornln , 125,000. 22x1.1.on ! 14th near Douglas , Improvements , routs for $ -10 per month , $ ' 10.000. Full corner lot , Ninth nnd Lcnvonworth , Im proved , $30,0011. The best business corner on North Sixteenth Btreot , lsi ; feet on Sixteenth by 06 feet deep , . . l IgMy-olght font front hy 6(1 ( foot deep , on Douglas east ot Twelfth street , $ . ; uK.O. ( . Full corner lot on Furnum west of Eighth Btroot , J2r ) . Thirty-three by ono hundred and thirty-two feet on Nineteenth , near Webster , with 10- room house that rents for $50 per month , $7.500. Full corner lot on Cumlng street , paved , fewer , etc , fVuo. r.'xbQ ft on Saundcrs near Hamilton st. $1,100. 6UxlB3 U fiiclng 2 etruetfl , 2 good cottagesiron fence In front , shed , llowois , etc. , on Pierce nenr 2flth , $6,600. I32xltj ftcorner on 16th fit , south of Dodgo. 1120,000. Flno business corner , CflilSft on 16th at , soutn of Capitol nvo , $ nc,000. For location , terms , etc. , call on ornddrcsi W. O. Shrlvcr , opp. P. O. 941 FOR SALE Or trade , 25 lots in the western pnrt of Omuhn near the Henson cnr line , price $4IW each , $260 duo on contracts payable in 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for Nebraska land. MeCulloch .V Co. , 1601) ) Fntnnm st 1000 Ti OR SALE Corner lot on Virginia ave with J1 two good bouses , cheap at $7,000. Terms easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. S. S. Campbell , yio S. 16th st Chamber of Com merce. 373 rpWENTX-BIX Improved farms nnd 40 qunr- JL ters wild bind In Nbrthonstorn Nebraska for sale or exchange for Omahn property , Patterson & Moore , Omnha National Hank. 810 ITIOR SALE-Nico largo lot on It. cur line that Is being operated , I it lies nicely $ < 50 ; $50 cash , balnnco $ b.7" > monthly , Inquire at 101 N. 15th st. 075 19J JI Ot'SU and lot. C0xl40 , corner. South 16thon 1 grndo. $ HTOO. Nicest onst front corner In Plnlnvicw , $ ICOO ; $500 cash , 1,2 nnd 3 yenrs. Ul7 18 BAHOAINS-ln FOIIIO choice lots In Wlso I'armnleo'a addition. Inside property. Wo inuko some uood ollerIn other buslnoss and residence stuQ and In acres w o are iho boss. Marshall & lA > book,150il Farnam. T\WiNTV-BIX \ : Improved farms ami 40 quar ters wild hind In .Northeastern Nebraska for hale or exchange for Omnha property. Patterson & Moorn , Oriahu National Ittink. 810 EXTRA Lot nn Fnrnnm , limlde , high and slvbtly , Hi/o 60ilb7 , J.\700. one-third cash. A lot just cast of It sold receutly for (0,000. Par nani Is now being naveil bv this lot. J A Hols land , HO Arllnvton , 1511 Dodge fil'J SPECIAL bargains if Bold coon. 5 high , sightly south front lots In Crolghton Heights. Will null together or separate. Mart's (1 rent Western Heal Estate Agency , Crolghton block. Ssu. SALE-fiO No-If arms within a radius of --J miles of Omahn , Alar , a tew good busi ness chances in two live towns. .1. H. Silvia , Henl Estate and Lonn Agent , Elkhorn , Neb , 57'J Aug. 8 IMPROVED of 160 acres nenr Central FARM City , for bale , or will lachango for Omaha property luqulrnof J II La/ear , 1101 Doug lass streetollico of N. V. Life Ins. Co. 720 18J RPECIAL-3 beautiful , high and sightly south f route , cor. Houlevanl nvfi. nnd Corby St. , Crolghton cheap you can't help buyIng - Ing tncm. Thnsu loll must be sold , and with thn motor cars running hnrd by In n few days , will bo sure to provn n irood paying Invest ment. J. A. Hiebtaud , It. 9 , Arlington , 1511 Dodge. M9 HERE Is n bargain. Lots 2 and 4 , In blnci 4 , South Omana. tWO. Terms half cnih am balance rniy. Marshall & J.obcclc , 1509 Far nam. Telephone 73. 2C2 FOH SALE Or trade. We have several flno residences , all naar street car lines am paved Etrcctn that wo can sell on umall casl payments , or will take part in trade These places have 6,8 and 9 rooms. Also , wo have some of the best lands In the stnto to Undo for merchandise , located ullhnr In Iowa or Ne braska. Call soon before this chance Is gone. Park. Fowler A Kennard. 1H07 Fnrnam. 1KO 20 FOR SALE A lew bargains. llouso of 0 room * , lots of closets , well , cittern nnd barn , close to puvod street and Rtiout ear , less tnan ono mlUi from poitwllloe , rents for $ .18 50 per month , $4,000 ; 11,500 cash , balance In two years. For Sale A house of 4 rooms , cellar , well and cistern , lot fi7-ixl ! 714. This IH in Oolso'a ndd , close to Satindors street and Knunt/o place Price $3.500 ; (500 cnih and $500 Nov. 1 , 1BH7 : baluncoto suit. For Sale- Good house of T rooms , cellar , well mid cistern , lot 3SXI40. This Is on N. llth street and less than a mile from poitodlco. Prlco , $5,600 ; 2,500 cash , balance in ono , two ana throe years. ForBnlo-A new house of 6 room * , south front , lot 75x150 , ono block from Cumlng street , In Walnut Hill. Price , (3.10J. tiooa teems given * Would like to call your attention to the fact If you are looking for cheap loll I have the chnapcit you can find In the market , and in olmoat every add to the city. James Btockdnle , 113 N. 16th st. 771 U _ SPECIAL One of the very flneit east front lota in Kllby Place for $ IMO. The lot next to His held firmly at 2 , < W ) , while a corner lot In the next block , lying no boltersold some time ago for $2,400. ll you want to mnko an Inveitment a.t once coniervBjIve nnd. gnod paying , In the belt end. of the pity , hare li your otiportlltUty , J , A. lileitand , It , t , Arlington , " 1(1 HA.UiA'lN.-'OuB ntmd > o3 foot trc-nt on Boutb Eleventh st , ooraefiot. only &JKJI , farton Um V. JU Vodlcki , U ) South 13xu it. FOR SALE-Ono million ncres of land In No- brnskn. Speculator's lnudi.inllroa > l Inndi , anchcs and farms In all parts of the tatp Send for pamphlet containing descrlp- lou And prlco of over one thouinnd farms. A Ino topographical map of the state sent f rec ipe n application. R. II. Andrus , for 10 years ien'l Land Agent II. * M , li. It. Eighth and P tree ts , Mnaoln , Nol-raska. 240 SPECIAL- lots , l.txtlU. s o cor - 'adilltlon , juit west of Snunders st nnd Oak 'nat ham , only J''W. 1hee lots will mnko 3S routs , onn a corner 44x10 ? . With similar lots In ) ak Latham atsX ) and f 1,000 ; these lots are nqUoMlnncd bargains. 'lernm t a y J. A. lolsland , R9 Arlington , 1511 IHnlgo. rdli IMMEDIATETnTo wTirtako STet or Io7ronly 6 or * blocks from Txchangp bid and /nlon / Stock yards on favorable tnrun. Sixteen ouse' under contract In lame block. l ant wlmtthny are worth , 1 don't want fancy prlcoi want to sell qulcklr. 11 II. llrmich. 200 lor DNtrlot I'nvitiir Montis. Oily Treasurer's Olllre , I Omaha , Noli. , Juno 2IKS 7. f QEALED PROPOSAL will bo rccolvd at this O onito until July 2.1837. . at U , noon , for thn urcha o it J12.MMO of District Pnvlng llonds f too elty of Omnhn Said bonds are dated uly 1. US' , nnd will bo duo in onn , two , throe. our. live , six , seven , eight anil nlnu lenrs loin their date , a s.uillar amount becoming ue encn > rnr ; are In sums of tlvo hundred nd ono tlntixnud dollars each , nnd lionr Intor. t from their ditto nt tlio rale of fir per eout- m per nnnum , pi\ > able anuunlly , 'Iho prlncl * ml nnit Interest are both piiynblu nt the ollico f Koimtro Hros . In Now VorK. Snld bonds nre l stir > d under thn charter pow * r of sihl elty , ami will bo delivered to pur * hnsors , on payment thcrolor , ( it tlio city ren'iiry In Omnhn on August 1 , 1SS7. Hiils will bo nddrcs d to the umlorsU'iicil nud mrked "Pioposala lor DNirlct I'nMng llonds , " Hid raiift slate the full oatnu mul nddi e ot the ilddor , the amount of paid tuiuilfl do lrod ( n Imllnr ntnnunt duo i-aoh yimr from one to nlno our" ) , nnd the prlco proposed lo bo ) aid , with iuriio'1 Intere-'t. 'I lie right Is re eued to reject any and all Ids. JOHN HUSH , City Tren urnr. _ _ _ _ _ ttnu'ij-dJUt _ 'roposal for Hie Construction of the Superstruc ture of the City Hall Building. 1o * EALEI ) pinposaN will be recoiled bv the un > o dei lgned until II o'clock n. in , July 'Utli , fte" . foi thy i-onst ruction id the siipiM tiiiotuui of tin'Ith Hall lliilldlng. In nceordnni-o with he piano and cpeoltloalloni on Ille in the of- co ol tin * bonrd of publlo works. Hidswill bo mailo on ptlnU'd blanks fuuiNhod i.v thu board , ami to bo lU'companliHl with accr- Itlrd check In the sum of 1 10JO , as nn evidence ot 1:001 : ! faith. The boaid icsvrvos the right to reject any or all bids and to wnivo delectM. St. A. D. IIAI.COMIIE. Chairman Hoard ol Piiblio Work * . Omnhn , Neb. . June 24th , 1 7. jJ7dS .ltw for Qradlng. EALhl ) proposils will bo remixed hy the un- O derhlgni-d until 11 it. in. , July 25th , Ifrs7 , lor grading 20th btrcot , from Cumlng sticct to Iraco stiect. In necordnnce > vllh plans nnd specifications on lie In the oltieo of the bonrd ot pilbllo works , Uiils will bouuule on piluled llanl-H tilinlslicd > y thobonrd , nnd to bo nceompanled by n cur- tilled check In the sum of jr > to pnynblo to the city of Omnhn , ns nn esliloncu of good faith. The bomd resunes therluht td reject any or all bids nud to walvo dofeels ST. A. D. HAi.roMiit : , Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Omahn , Neb. , July llth , ! Sb7 J)11-12.1S-1 Sewer Proposals. SEALED Proposals will bu recolvpd by the J undersigned until 11 o'clock n. in. .Inly 25th , > h" , for the construction of euwors In districts Nos. 41) ) , M , M nnd r > 2 , us IKT plaim nnd specifi cations on III o In thooRlcn of the board of pub ic works. Proposals to bo inn lo on prlntnd blanks furnished by the bomd , nnd 10 lia ac companied with a cortlllod check Intho sum of } 500 , Duynble to the city of Otimua , ns nn evi dence ot good tn'th. ' The board reserves the right to reject nny or all bids nnd to wuhodolects. Sr. A. D. lUtxwinr. , Chairman lloanl of 1'ubllo Works. Omaha , Neb. , July 8th.lb37. Jll-12-lb-l'J Notice to Property Onwers and Lessees , Inpuisunnco to orillnnno No > . 14finnd lt"n , ordering certain streets nnd alloys to bu paved , to-wlt : That onrt of Jones stroi t from the MUnouil rl\or tot'th ' Btieot , In imvliig district No. ( fl. Tlio alley In block 107 , In alley paving district No ! 17 Also thnt partofCasa slieot between ICth nnd 22d streets , In paving district No 1-4. Thnt pnrt of California atiuut butwctm 10th nnd2''d streets , In pavlngdlstrli't No. l.Ti All in the city of Omaha. Von are hnipby notltlod to maUo nil iioc'OH ni3- connections wlthso cr , KIII and water malns.or Intturals , and to complutn Rilchork onorboforo Augiibt lyth. 18i7 , us It Is the purpoos to pnvo the Btri-ot and ulley In Bald al-trlct. No pormltsfor excavations or connections ill bo Issued to nny propel ty OH nor or li'SM. ' s. on nny jiortlon ot said stisets or idlu.vs after grudlng 1ms been cominpiicml by paving con tractors , tfl put the same In tdinpe for paving noruntll such pavingNcompli'ted und ueuopl- cd by the city. ST. A P UAKOMIIK , Cnnlrmnn Hoard of I'ultlln Works. Omaha , July loth , lfS7 , jylAIOTi2fl Notice to Contractors. SEALED proposals will bo rooolved nt the ollico of tlm county commNslonnii up to noon of July 22nd , A. D. 18i7. for building a county hospital In Omaha , Douglas county , No- bruskn , ncuoullng to tlio plans ami speuHca- lions on file In the county commissioner's olllce. Euch bid must DC accompanied hy n crrtlflod chi'Ok In the iimount ot flvoliiindKddolliut ) , Tbo light Is reserved to reject nny and ad bids. Ily onlor of thn board , [ SEAL ] C. 1' . NEhDn\\i , County Clork. 1tdftd6w Notice io Contractors , The bonrd ot I'ubilo I and und llulldlngs will rccelvoblds on or buloro July Uith. tt > H7. at 2 p. in , for building workshop for Nebraska 1'mil tontlnry , Inoludlng bolloitt , strum hnatlng ap- pniutus , bath tutia , plumbing and scwcra u , in accordance with Ilin plans and MiocltloUicinH on illi ) with Comnusslonor of I'nhlio Lands and Ilu Idlngs. Usual rlifhts rdscrvod , Ily oiderof the bomd. O.i LAWS , July 13th , 1887. JylldS t < oorotury Notice to Contractors , Pealed bids w III bo roceUo.l by the Iloa-d of I'ubilo Lands nnd UulldlngR , up to July 2'ith , 18S7HtS p.m. , for Htcarp heating , plumbing nndsoworagofor Insuno Hospital , nt Noifolk , Nob. , according to plans and specifications now on Hie with Commissioner ol I'ubilo Lands nnd Hulldings , Right reser\od to rolcct nny or nil bids. Ily order of the board , ft. L. LWB , July 1J , 1W7. JylldS Seoretary. Notion to AriilutentN. TlHi : Hoard of Public Lands nnd llulldlngs will rocotvu plans and specification : ) at nny time before August lit , IRS7 , at 2 p in. lor tlio hospltnl for tho-lncurablo Insiino , at Hustings , Nobruska. lliilldlng to bo a thruo-story brick , with stone busoinunt.and not to cost over $75 , . QUO , Including stenm hentlng nnd plumbing , Right riHorvod to rojeet any or nil pluiiHsub mitted. Ily order of mid board. July B , 1887. July 8 to Aug I (1. L. 1 < AWS , Seoretnry. Proposals tor Lumber. S BALED I'mposnls will boiecelvod nt the of- Illlco nt the hccioiary ol the bonnl of IMUC | - tlon , until Tip. m..Monday , July IKth , 1W7 , for t-uppl } Ing the board of cducHtlnn of the city of Oiiiahu , durln < r llioenmilng year , ultli lumber , to bo delivered at such times and jilaces and In Biich iiuantltloMis the bourn may direct The board reserves the tight to rojec ; any or all bids. Hy order of the committee on supplies , jylld7t Ci > Aiit.F.8 CONDI Kit , Secretary. Proposals for Stationery , Supplies and Printing , WKALKD 1'roposnlK will bo recolvul ntthcof tlcuof the Secretary ot the board of edu cation , until 15 p.m. , Monday , July lath , | M7 , tor supplying the hoard of iiluciitlon of the city of uruttha , dining the ensuing year , with etutlonriry , supplies and printing , to bo doilver- od tit sucli times nnd places .uid In such < ) iiantl- ties as may bo required forthoueoof the schools , nnd nstho txmnl may direct , The board reserves the right to reject anor all bids. By order of the committee on supplies JylldTt CiiAiiLl.KCoMiVKii , Sccrotiiry. Proposals for Wood and Coal , SKALKD proposals ulll bu recelveil nt the nltiro of the boerttnry of the board of education , until 0 o'clock p in. . Mon duy , July 18th , 1RM , for Hitpplylng the bonrd or education of the city ot Omiilm , dur ing tlio ensuing jear , with uood , iliard und i-otti and conl ( baid nnd Bull' ' , loxi \ dcliverud at Mich tltnns nnd places , ami In such qunull tins as may bo required lor the use of the gcliooH , ami as the board may direct. All coal to bo weighed on the city scales. Thn bonrd reserves the nlit to reject nnr or all bids. Hy onlor of the committee on supplies , jylld7t CilAlil.ii ( , Secretary , rou HAY , STK.UV AND FOR < ; . A. n. itiuNiox : , B enled proposals will bo locolxednt my onlcu 1511) ! ) 1'uruam troct > endorsed " 1'rojnrtiiK lor liny , fitrnw or wood , " until U o'clock noon , "f Saturday , July ZM , for t\lrnihlim and deliiei liw oil tun Iteunlon grounds , btttuerin Cut Oil end Florence l.nkes , by or botore Septcoibef 3 , 18a7or Bovouty flvotonsor hay , more or Ices , Klfty tons of etruw hioroor ICHS , Ono hundred oora of wood , ; oor or IOM. ItlgbX U rosirved to roJe'r.W ' l ° jJ llVy'iB' ' ' CholrwHnUonraorTrudb Ctiaml'ta * on d'jp- pliel THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Arrho i f.pare" Omnhai | Omaha UNION . Depot liHh nnd 1'iereo sts. 7.Vam ; 8:00 : tun PoiiYor Kxpress r.COpm : lo.V : , am Local Express Uoo : nut 6:03 : pm Kxcept bun tiny. n. , v M. it. 11. it. . Depot Hilh and 1'acllic sK Mall ami ICxpnm. . fisMpm JOV5 : ( mn Kxpruss lOgOmn 7:15 : pm 0. H.A Q. It. It , Depot 10th find I'.i'illiu Mall and Kxprcss ' 0:00 : am 0:00 : pin Kxptt'.vs i ( ! : V > um slO : nm K. tSt. . ,1. * C. H. Depot lOlli inul Mall C'f : > 5 pin 3:10 : nm Express 7:00 : m 8M : ) inn C. St. 1' . M. A O. PepotlMli ami Wt'tulur st. Sioux Ulty KxpruM M M.I pin : is am Unncrtift Kxpn-ss IQMOnm * l:45 : pin lllatr I'lissi'tiuvr 7:40 : pin & : " . " > pin * Kxeont Sttmlar Missoiiiu r AIM no. Depot IMhaml Weuslorat Day K\nro < H n.2..ami 1:10 : am NlKht Kxiiii'ss ft swum " : io pm Lincoln 11:10 : nm OiU ) pin DUMMV Huniiliu : liotwpcn Counoil South Omaha. In uddillou to tlm stations men tioned , trains stop .uTwpiillPtlinnil Twenty- lotirth btti'i'ls , mill nl Summit , In Omaha. Westward. KnvlwnriL. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF Till' : Chicago , Milwaukee &St , Paul Rf The Jient Jlontr from Omaha and Council 1\JH/fit \ to' . Two Tiains Uaily Htitwcen Omaha and Council mull's , Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. 1'aul , Minneapolis , CedarRanlds Rock Island , Kreeport , RockTord , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madieon , Juncsvillc , Deloit , Winona , La Croste , And nil other Important points Euat , Northeast . , and Soutiifiut. l > ur through tickets call on the ticket agent t 14 < ll I'lirnan , st | n paxton hotel , or at Union Patina depot. Pullman Hleopejs and the finest Dining Cars In the world am tun on the main line of the Chicago , Milwaukee A , St. I'aul Hallway und eV- ry nttunllon Is jiuid txi pHiit'iigem by uourto * ousomplujctH ol the company. R. MII.I.KII. ( icnornl Munugor. J.K TUIIKEH , AAslstanldeneriil Manager. A. V. H OAlii'KNTEii , General Passenger and Ticket Agent. ( iKO. K IlEAKKOiiii , AssistantQonornl I'usBon- gor and Ticket Agent. J. T. CI.AKK , Uenoral euperlntondent. Thaonly road to take for Dos Mnlnei Mur , ihalltewm , Cadar Rnnlda , CllBVjn , Dlxoa , Chlcn- go , MUwnukac and all points cunt. To th * poo- tile of Katmmka , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah Idaho , Nevada , Or en on , Washington and Cali fornia , It olUrs superior lultautageB not poul- ble by any other lino. Among a few orthB nutneroui point * of iu < perlorlly anjoyod by the putroni of tola roud but ween Omalia and Chlciigu , ur In two ti aim a dny of DA V COACHED , which are tha lin * t thnthumnn art and liignnultr can oraata. Ill PAL.M-KSI.KBI'INH CAIW , which am modebj of comfort and olcganca. IU I'A HI/HI DRAW. IN(1 ( ROOM CAHH , un urpns > ej by any. and Its wldolr oelebratod PALATIAL DINING OARS tlie eijunl of which cannot be found alsouherA At Counoil HlutTs the trnlni of tbo Union Paoinn Itv. oonneot In Union Dnrxit with thosa of tha Chicago tt Norlhwnitiirn Hy In Chicago th trains of thli nn nmko cloi connection with those of all eastern I In on. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara/MIS , HuffKlo , PlttnburgYnr < ) nta , Montreal , Ikxrton , Now Vom. phUadalphla , Ii Jtlmor , Washington and all polnti la tha Kant , an * fw a Moket via the " NOimiWKBTBBS If you wiak tee be"t aconmmoda-tlOD. AU ticket ugenu Mil ttckoll via thn line. \l \ HUORITT , . ! > . WILSON , OorJ. M n r * . OenL raaTr Airenl Cblearo , 111. \V. M. BADOOCK , I * * . BOLUW , We tf ra Afient. , , City I'enT A at. Ouana , Nebrask * .