. - ww..viT { , , , " . , r 1a . . y. . , . , 79. . , ( s 1 HE nArLY B a . fl'1 E s. A , JULY 19. 1557. ta THE nAILY BEE . 0 UNCIL BLUFFS OFFIOE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET , Dellrcfcd by cnrrler rn ntty part of the city at tm enty tents per wk. H , W , TnTo r , Mana4cr , 'flL1:1'IIoNCSt : Bes1NyssOmee , No. 43. thou Eonol No. L MINOR M1NTION. N. Y.Plumbing Co. ] tester , tailor. Sunnner goods chcan. David ' 1'ostcvin has arrived from the cast. cast.A A case of scarlet furor is reported at Air Swausuu's , curner of Sixth turd 13th avenue. Work on the now sash and blind fac dory of Messrs. Strock Bros , is progress. tug finely , 1. U , 1'ctcrson and Christina Ubcl were yesterday married byJusticc Schurz at his ollico. Wanted , at once , 100 to 200 barrels of carrots. Call on or nddress J , Y , Fuller , 30 i'carl St. , Council BhUlk. The tricolor lawn social to ho given by the voting ladies of the Congtega tionrd church tit the residence of ' 1' , J. Evans is to be Friday evening instead of 'Thursday cseui11gg , as forhierly au flounced. Thu steamer "Lady of the Lake" will now be supplied svlth life preservers ptir- ohased through Messrs , Oliyer & Gtahaml , 'limey are large ones 1111(1 have beet iq- apected by the goveruutent , so tlmt they ' holy he relied upon. Jack 1Vashingtou , acolored man , while drunk , staggurel ( III ) to a private residence denco aud nisisted on time door beumig opened , lie trim ! to unlock it withm his , hoot , but before he had got through ) the patrol wagon came tip mid he was taleu in. It cost hlut $ S.1O in court yesterday. - Charlie Ileisler is lilting up No. 603 I roiulway in fine shape for his new barber - ber shop awl bath rooms. Ile expects tO open up there the last part of the week , and is Joh1J , to have as line an establishm merit as the city needs in thus line. Ile is already receiving his new furniture , itlcluding four of Molchoir Bros' finest chairs , ' 'Iio rowing association is preparing to Reiul quite a delegatlon to Spirit Lake t to attend the regatta. The club will be ' represented in the double shell race by Sadler nut Livingstone , who won the Moline race and came in second at Pull. man , The excursion rates from here are O.35 for the round trip. Thin patrol wagon is now being used to considerable advantage as a hell to the police. It is a great saving of both j time and strength , andreiablcs time oft - t beers to cover successfully a larger tern. I Cory. With the new alarm syston it is w an easy platter for a policeman to turn ± ht a call , haul ( lie prisoner over to the patrol wagon , 1111(1 gel him to jail withn less trouble that the old way of hauling ' them along the sidewnike wth a crowd e following asking questions. The service can be made still more efleetuul by havuig : a stable next to the police station , with I' horses antt driver in readiness to start mi the jtiiiip the moment it call conies in. t'he water pipe in lfaylisq park rans through it hldden ice tank so that the drinking water is ; ( ways quite cool. r Solna Omaha visitors wlio took a drink of the hydrant water in the park were greatly puzzled itt finding Council Blulrs water so cool , and so clear , while the Water across the river was so hot and so muddy. They had noticed the difference in clearness before , but the wonderful coldness of the water here never struck them so forcibly. They went houlo in blissful ignorance of the fact that the park cotnniissioners pack the hydrant with ice iota furnish the public even colder water Iluui comes front the northeast - east corner of most wells. Notice. We wilt close our store at B o'clock every evening except Saturday during July and August. I'AiKs t SoN. S J. W. & E. L. Squire's abstract books area marvel of systematic accuracy. Have you seen their now lien book ; it ms a monster and contains 300 pages. Po rson a I I'A ra gru ph c. E. Pratt is the proud father of a new boy today. J. Reiter , the tailor , left last evening for New York city to purchase his hill stock. Airs , Frank Yenawmo was out yester day for the first tine in three months. Now that she has somewhat recovered she will go east in a few days. ( 'rank B , llooro , the engineer for the , new wagon bridge , returned yesterday niornhngfrom Montreal , where 110 hits been looking after the new bridge just being competed over the St. Lawrence , about eight miles froth the great Victoria bridge , This now bridge , of which Mr. Moore 1s the engineer , costs tour and a half millions. It will ho ready for the running of trains next Friday. From the r photographs It nupears to be a wonderful piece of engineering , 4r. Moore is an engineer of national rn ) utation and the fact having been secured by the bridge company lucre is one of the strongest assurances of the success of the cbterprisu , j.v _ & E 1 , . Squire make beautiful abstracts of title and deserve the success they are enjoying. r For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr. Rico's new invention. It niches a nnnu of you in five minutes. No. pain. No. 11 Pearl street. The United Staten In Prophecy , Is our government noticed in the phello scriptures ? Are we to have a union of church and state in this nation that shall result ht religious persecution ? ' Is the spirit of intolerance already abroad in the land ? So say the elders at the Seventh Day Advent tabernacle on Oak. hand uvemie. This subject was intro. duced last night and will be concluded tonight. It would scent that all shntfld be interested in such questions. The speakers handle their subjects like .lei who think they know whereby they epoak. Meetings continue every night throughout the week. _ - - At the Pacific house von swill save from roc to 1 per tiny , fly It and be con- vinced. For female diseases and chronic ills. eases of all kinds , call on 1)r. Mice , No , 111'earl street , Council Bluff's , Iowa. Ile % mist Reform , t pj4Tho Ifough boy , who was arrested for stealing X83 from henry DcLong's store , was in court yesterday , flu is also on the charge of stealing a gold watch from Goldsteiu's. 'flee boy has been m some scrapes before , and Ills friends have begged oil from having him sent to the relornm school. lid has caused so pinch trouble , mid hits shown such fickle at- tcmpts at doing better , that this time It seems lee will have to go , lie has waived exaniinntinn and been sent to jail to await the action of the grand jury , which meets In August. - - - - Prospect Park continues the choicest Inside hill lots. A big bargain to parties for improvement. Uthor agents many talk as hard as they please about the liardumn l'iamo. It gets miway with them for tilt tlmtt. These . ianas are hard to 'beat. The Mueller ua I Co , sell always only ttlo best. . si TIIc FOR TIIE SALOONS. Three New Informers Swear that Prohibi tion is not Prohibiting , GETTING READY FOR COURT. , t lclghbnrly I 'hht over the Front Gate-it 6011 Goes hunting for Ills Father wIth it Gun-The Guards lcnefit-General Tttttlo Ilere. New Saloon 1)ctrctlves. There fins been little public attention drawn of late to time saloon injunction cases , There has been no change noticeable - able iii time situatiomm , and matters have uppnrently drifted along with patiemt svaitiiig out both sides for the coming of time 36th of July. Tlutt was the date fixed for the court to take up the eases , and it was expected at the time of adjournment ( lint by ( hint date time two informers would be able to he here to testify. Unfor tunutefy for the prosecution awl for the Informers , the two loon were seuteuteed in Ommaha to thirty days In jail so they cannot be here until time first week in Aagu3t. There seems to be no certainty of their being here , for tlwy are tlmreatcn cd with fresh arrest on other charges as 50011 as their time is flit. In view of the tnt- eerlaintvof 9cclmrillg theta as witnesses the prosecution has beer gathering up freshm evideumees by other witnesses. There have been three young mom from the eastern part of time county-farniers'boys -tvlmu have been sauupling the liquors found an smile about the city. They were busy during time week of the races , and now they have signed n batch of allidaa' vits , relmatimg thnir experiences to time ell'ecl that prohibition is not prohibiting. i'ho nanmes of these new witnesses are Charles Doran , 1Vilhaa E. Alexauler and John F , handy. It is said bent they will be on hand without fail tvlueu ( lie saloon cases are called up on the 23thi , amti their atlidavils are now of file , 'these niidas'its will b0 tmscd to strengthen the 'tldavits sworn to by Darville tumid isle- Laren , who are in jail at Omaha. Notices have been served on the first batch ( of saloon amen , thud time time depo- silioms arc to be taken of Sniith and the other informer who gathered time facts last winter for the first bundle of cases. 'l'Imcse depositions mire to be taken withm a view of havhmg the tenmporaryinjunctions made permauint , 1'he allidavits of the three new mfonucrs will be used to secure - cure temporary writs of injunction ngainst the now batch of cases. Time sank witnesses will be used on time stand iii the trial of the cases for contempt of court. The serving of notices yesterday gave rise to numerous reports m to what hew move was beitlg taken by the pro. Ihbilionists , but the above arc time facts in brief. Over the Front Gate. Senn moutims ago Mr. Casson rented a house : uul proceeded to occupy the preffl ices. One tiny "Sandy Points" Adams , an old umui who is well known in the coil mtumitycamc , to hint to rent the barn out ( lie premises. The barn was not very well fitted for residence purposes , but Adanms wanted to reduce his expenses , and so Cassell let fiipi have it fora month for : l4. There ( vas no chuimmey to the barn , and a stovepipe had to be run through time roof. 'l'imo owner of the premises , learning that Cassell had sub. let the barn for this purpose , objected , and as Cassell did not find the Adams family very congenial neighbors , notice was given then to move out. instead of (1e1ug so they wo11tto the agent for the Imouso and rented the barn of mint , so that time owner was ttius securing a thou- ble revenue front the premises. Cassell had a lease of the entire premises and Adaius find a lease from the same party for the barn , Eachu felt that they bud rights which Dmust not be in- ( entered with by the other , and of course war soon broke out. The trouble arose over time trout gate. 'flue Casselis resisted that if time Adams fanmily were bound to occupy lute barn they should not reach it by the gate in grunt , but must crawl through a hole in the suite fence , or go through a rear wagon gate. After arms- lug huinself with hums written document he proposed to show his authority and defy the Cassells. lie left time barn by time roar way , came nroumil the lot to the front , and was going to nmarch triumphantly - antly throughm the froutgatewuen he mot an ep1)using force in the form of Mrs. ( 'asseil , Sue had wired time gate and stfod braced up against IL Adapts first tried to kick it down , and then it ble ensued. 1 hu w'onman held her own amid the gate , too , and whet the skiremish wits over Adams had to climb the fence , a defeated man. She had marks of Adieus' lingernails upon her throat. Slue had been hit in the stomach , amid find a bad bruise on her side. Being a sickly , delicate wohmun she was compelled to take to her bed mind remain there for three days. She was able to appear in court yesterday - day against Aduus. : She unrrated tutu circumstances , and showed time marks on tier throat and hand as proof of the Maurer in wluch she ltad been abused by Adaams. Adams went on the stand and swore equally forcibly that he has never touched the woman , he ad- nutted having a squabble at the gate , but denied having lit her. Adams was lined him $5 cud costs. Than a matte the Ilne li liter than ho would otherwise have demo on account of time wily both Parties 1)ad ) been had to believe that they had time first right to the premises , Whoa yon are m the city stop at time Pseifie house , Street cars pass time door every fifteen minutes for all the depots. Meals 50 cents ouch. One thousand hoed of ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A. J , Greenamtuyor , Creston ! louse. A Tarnliy itow. J. D.n'eny was before Judge Aylcs- worllt yesterday morning for mu hearing. Ile is time young tumtmi who cumsed : such a stir in time neigliborhmood by shooting at his fmulmr. It is lenrncd that young Daveumy mid his wife ! mare find a great dual of trouble with tune rest of the fam- hhy. Time wife had often hmade talk about time other members of her husbauu's ' gauntly , chargmmg them with various impurities - purities of life , and arousing considerable - able indignation. They would talk back , and her husband would stand up for his wife as utgnhnst his own folks. A family w ar has been going on with little pros- iects for a truce. Young D aveny cola- bratcd time F'ourtlm by gng over to tiuo old folks' noose and Licking up a row , while drunk. A night or two ago he got drlnik magalll , atlil Luttiilg a freshly filled bottle of whisky started over again. This thee ! me was just full enough to wtllit to make up anti be friends again , instead of fighting , but when he came unto the house time old gentleman rometnberhig the provioas threats con. eluded lie had conic to carry thorn into execuhou , lie did not give huts son time to profFr time olive branchm of old rye , but jumped outto hhn and threw hint out , It was fin no gentle tuunner , either , as Is nvideueed by time blaclened eye and swollen lip of time young moan. Young 1laveuy gathered himself up , arnied with a shot gun , weft hunting for the old man. lie saw his form in' the darkness and mired , seating mho old man'Dadly. . The pollco took' the enn in , and kept lupm beluud ) the bars , lime judge concluded timat limo best way to dispose of the ease waste to nut the young : non under # 300 bonds to keep time 1)estce , and take front him a promise to swear o0' drinking and stay eimtirely away from the old Iolks. The wife was also given a warning to control her utlruly nueumhcr , and stop gassiping nbnut her husbaid's relatives , - S - - Battle Fine Tuttle , General J , dl. Tuttle , conmmander of the G. A , it. , miepartmmetit of Iowa , arrived - rived in this city last evening to mttlend time soldiers' rally , which takes place lids evening hum Dfasoaie hall. lie was met at the depot by time cmunitteo on invitntton aid with the Dodge Light wards , headed by the Fifth regiment band , as a guard of escort proceeded to time Pacifc house where he was received by the reception committee. 1'Imo gencral and time commultees repaired - paired to the hotel veranda. A large crowd filled time street anti ex- teumled down Pearl street , After the general humid reviewed the 1)odge ) Light Guards the Fifthn regiment baud discoursed - coursed a sort of national potpourri in which ions incorporated nil the old pat- riotie war tunes to which time boys had so often nlarehied. Jluijor Lyuman , nessntan front this district , then addressed - dressed the crowd briefly. Amen g other thmrgs lie said twenty six yeas ago we who are now called old veterans were bo3 s like those 1 see before me ht unifortu , but mt was just such boys ss'huo main the soldiers of 1801 amdlli. , him those youm „ cr days 1 letrmed well the lesson to obey orders , mid it is because of having lemurned well that lesson that I tuppear before you tonight. I do not want mummy of time thmlghts to which I may give utterance here to be chargal against the U. A , it. or the tJniotm Veteran legion , I alone nnn respousihlo for thou , Use- ully I anm not a belsalionalist , have 11ot often partmciptutcd in the old soldier , ' doings - ings ; utd never mum such meetings as the min rcceimtly hold oil time battle field at Gettyshnrg , where , as corm win llubbard so aptly- expressed it , the blue tumid time grey met and slobbered over each other , 't'he account of time meeting of the old l'hhiadelphia brigade and I'ickett's division - sion on the broody field where they fought etch other so desperately reads we1L It is even poetical. Too have all read k. Perhaps you have also read time sequel. IVhen time 1'hilmt- dolphin brigade visited liichmond as time guests of I'lckett's ' division , to time credit of the cx cnnfedorate soldiers be it said they treated them hmospitnbly , but in the public nmeutings that were held , it was publicly denmamded by the speakers that time llag of omit union btu amended , that the stars and bars of time cmmfederaey be incorporated in the glorious old stars mml stripes we fought to defend. And that is time spirit of time south. 'T'here is mot time love for the union there that tlemen would have its believe. And now before 1 introduce General 'I'uttlo let me tell you in v few words why he has so endeared himself to us. When the cohunittee in charge of time national reunion at St. Louis proposed to iumvite the Limn who occupies time presidemtimt chair to smt as our chief presidingoiVicerGeneral7'ultle was the first .man to object , and we honor i0rh for it , 't'housands of Iowa soldiers have followed hnu on the nutrclm and through many a bloody battle field , amd are ready to follow him again if need be , butt we would not follow hium past the chair in which as the revietvutg ollicer , sat the man wire by the grace of the solid south , and a few accidents , is now the president of time United States , Sonic have charged that we do not show proper respect to time counnmumder iu- chief of time army of time nation. The charge is not well founded , we do respect - pect the ollico of president. We revere the chair wlmicit has been tilled by it 1Vusluingtom , a JefFrson , tu Lincoln , anti a Garlleld , but we do not revere the present incumhent. And when this same man was attemut- ing to commit a rape on the American flag and return t0 the southh time captured battle lhtirs and the trophies of tvur , Gen- erul Tmttltu was the first niau to erg unit ! And now iii time nano of Abe Lneohm Post G. A , It. and the Council of Union Veteran Legion , aend all the old soldiers of this vicinity uud all the good ncopie of this city' I bid a hearty welcome to the brave General - oral fmttle , thin hero of Fort Don- elson , the enn who so galiantiy led the Second Iowa over time ranparts in a vie- lorous charge , turd who min so mimy fields led so plumy of our Iowa soldiers to victory. 1Volconme , Genernl'1'uttle' Gemmeral Tuttle then arose anti cx- pressed Iris thanks in a veiny brief m ii- lier. lier.lie was lastevcning entertained by the Union Vcternm legion , 'Po-day nail this evening he will be the guest of Abu Lincoln post U. A. B , The Guard's ncnelt , On 'I'hursuay night at the opera house the Fifth regiment bawl is to give a cou plimentary concert for time benefit of time 1)odgo Light mar h. Au exiuibition drill will also be given. Time following programinte has been arranged as follows. I'AitT I. 1. Overture-'I. Elegate".l'ettec. Fifth regbnent band. 2. Companydrill. , . . . Iodse Lllhtluards , 3 , Thesleual-"Euphoniunmsolo"Brooks. Jlr. Follett , 4 , Waltzes-"lleleaa".Pettee. Fifth regiment band , 5. Company drill.Uodge Light Guards , O , Selection-'lteeoliectlons of the War" Beyer. Fifth rcgimemt band. lnteriuission. 7. The forge In the forest-Descriptive Micimaeles. Descrlpthon-Night gives way to mmorning -Time birds awaken-Time morning pray sr- ' 1'he steeple tell strikes-'l'ime blacksmith be. gluts his work at the forgo and anvil. s , Company drill. , . . . . . .Dodge Liglmt Guards. e , Cornet solo-"Sea Flower Polka"Rolhlnson. Rolhlnson. A. A. Covnlt. 10 , Marching tnhlitary-"rhmeTurkisimPatrol" Micbacies. Descrlptive of time ahil roach slid passhng of time turkish patrol. 1'iftlu reginiett band. 11 , Contpatydrill. . , .Uodge Light ( .nards , 1. , Gavutto-"Stephaulo".fiedgo. Flftlt reghnnnt hand. An Mxpensivo Bath. On Stumday J , Ii , Aikens , a traveling mat representing I ) . Al. Steele & Co , , of Omaha , went in bathing mtlake Manawa. instead of leaving his valuables , as numerous signs direct , whim those In charge at the oflice , tic took then witlm hlnm and left thomu in his bath house. Duriag his utbsence in time water it appears - pears that sonic unknown person svout through Iris clothes and relieved him of X25 , _ _ Pacific house is the nearest ! motel to the amajority of real estate ollices in the city ; e2 per tiny. ST1 FRAN CIS ACADEMY Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th sb , Council Bluffs. One of the best Educational Institutions - tions in the west. Boarding and tiny school conducted by time Sisters of Cline ity , B , V , AS , Board and tuition for a term of live montlms , * 5I'or further particulars address SIS'1'1R ; SUPERIOR , SL Francis Academy , , Council , lilufs , Ia , t ttttl C ri1'i r& p er ' " r ' s 11 _ ' , . , e Gw' " 4. . 2A4 - tlW r. . / i ca.S & 0 \ ! ' ' A 1. CarrI1 , V of 1.C. C. Re ALLEN , 1 i neer urVe of a u Is er Over ? mo. 12 North ) fiili St. cottntvmnps , of cites and counties LATEST NOVELTIES 1n Amber , TortoiseSllell etc.llair On nalnents , as well as the \ ! t Ilewest novelties - elties in hair goods. hair genus madeto order Mrs. C. L. Gillette 20 Maiu St. , Council B1u0's , Iowa , Out of town work solicited , muui all nail orders promptly attended to. CROCKERY LAMPS , GLASSWARE , --AND- FINE POTTERY. I'rfcrs V 49g/ Lot , , , . w , S , HOMER & CO. , NO. 23 .ITALY ST. . , COUNCIL 11 t : UF1''S , IA : REAL ESTATE. vacant Lots , Lnnds , City Itesidonces and FnrmL Acre Property In western part of city. All soiling ehtcup. R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Room b , over Ofncer a ; i'usoy's lank , Couucl Bluffs , s , } i , y ii ll „ t' . " . .t 1 ! I' . _ fI I l I i e t.t T.u.i.m. . i. t U Ique.r r.e..n YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. ( ) winr to tb. DIIINl1L eiJaTlt'1TT of the cloth ( which our patents cover errlo.iveiy ) will at rreeti art , . . . MStifIT IXTCatea thine wore ytryuire. no b.eakme in. by e.il.rdt.rb.iu worn t.nd.y.Irnot O.nnd them. . ; PFRFEeT F17'TiNO , HEAIrhIFat. and ferrortat.te Covet ever worn. Sold by all Olst cJ. . , dealer. . CILOTTY nuog. , Chicago , Iii- A 3 SHOE. EINTLCMEN The only S3 SEAMLESS Shoe in the world. Finest calf , perfect at end Y warranted. ConKreaeliudon .1' 0 H .mid Lace , alt etylee top. As 't Itylish end durable as y those cosung Its or tG. 0 to W. L. nnniLAS ( h S2.au anOEexcele 0V the $3 Shoe. adicr- aby utber ttot t 5 , l pmitliS3 , o 9 [ x , . , . .a Ma , tlead a Nu.w eNul em..J nays all wear mio W. L. nOUiLArS es SuOE. poitsiirto V.'L . , lOVOLAS , lirockyton , malt. For sale by Kelley , Stiger & Co. , cor. DOdge Iumtil5thm-sts. ; henry Sargent , cot. Seward and Suunders sls , ; S. Jonasoa , 401 South 13th strt oL Plesant to Taste , Prompt in Action Always Reliable It loon bring. into healthy play Thu Torpid Liter dny by du And iteguialoe the System lluougl ; From erownor head to eoie er eh s. It cures the flies , It omen , pore. , lost appetite II .omr.etore. ; w't.e in ntlle. thrni hmt the lend , Keep TAaitLNT b 5KLTZitlt neur at band. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL : THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS au a i'ad dia.rent fromn aim other , is Cup bate. with Reif. . . . , adju.dngS.llinc.ntaradatta 1Rastl keit to all p.dtiona of ha 7BVltl ywblletb.IilIIa inihecup re a beets Int.a .w finger.l"WittmhP light ° euoreU .lam . nlLhelnt eccurtiiy.rand atgh.ana a r dialcy re . . . . mail.67n il4euydanbieandehe.p.aenth certain. sai fk . Wd LIITOI TsLM CU. , VIu , lt. . ' ' SPECIAL NOTICES. NCTICE. Spaclat advortisonients , such as Lost , Foptd ; "A0Lean , lot- Silo , To lent , wants , Itoarding , etc. , will ho Inserted iii lhlt column nt the low rntcof'fEN CEN'T'S PEIt LINK fertho arst inter- lonand rlvoConte PerLlnofoenchpubsomeant insertion. Leave adverlisemeuts at our cOlce Nn 18 ! 'earl street , near itroadway. Council Ulutra WANT ! . JANTED-iInlo or fcmnlo who totdorstanda cooking , work llKht , geltng up etunll Orders. \ . B. , Hoe olilce , Ceencll Jtltare. UTANTEI-Good , steady , sober barber. No. T V All South Main Street. W - proesntnn , Five r years' exporfoneo , Address I ) . A. n. , lee office. TENT-Coal Sheds , onlco and scales , one ate-reomthouee. 0 , Mayne , $ "JGthave. 'l 1of SALE-Or Trade-Six sections of good 1 land in Lincoln eomay , Neb. , on U , P. railway. Call on or address Odoll tires k Co „ 103 Pearl Ft. , Council iiitiff. OFFICER E 1'USEY , BANKERS Council BlulrsIowa. EStabllSlted 1857. lint a coutploto line of , , ) I ) 1 , Lnrgeliutsluwhite , black nil all colors. Pat tern bonnets , loud and toques , n specialty. No 15i4 1)ouglae St. , Omaha , E. S. BAR NETT , Justice of the Peace , 411 Broadway , Council Bluirs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Coliections a specialty. Creston Hoilse , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Fire Escape. Electric Call Bells. Acconuaodatlons First Class , And harem Reasonable Max Mohn , Proprietor BEST LIGHT LIVERY IN 'I'I ' E CITY. The finest of driving horses always on hand and for sale by MASE WISE. Sfar Sale Stables and Mule Yards. Broadway , Couttcll Bluas , Opp , Dummy Depot. . r. N t7 cv p r ly In horses and mules constantly on hand for sale at retail or in cur load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract on short nopco. Stock sold on commissioum , .I elephone 114 , SIn.rTm u & Bom.Ey , Opposite 1)ummy Depot , Council Bhli's. X. SCII Ul f7 , Justice of the Peace. Ouiceover it meri can Expmems. Finest Landaus Coaches aul ( hacks in City. Fry WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway-Time Manhattan , 'feiephonc No. Na.615 Main Street , Telephuone No , 03. OulNT. BTOIII. JACOB 5110 SOME & SIMS , Attorneys at Law. dice in the State and Fedt rd Courts Roms 7 and 8 SI > ugart-Reno Block , COU.'CILBf.UFf i P THE ' xxxxal 1 al CROSSINGS xxxx d ARE ALL RIGHT ! For Everybody to Come to M HARKNESS BROTHERS'r * rn ; r SPECIAL s , We shall close out without regard to cost .t everything In Simmer Dross Goods , Wash Goods , Hosiery , Etc. Come Early t And Secure the Best Selections ) We are Headquarters for Carpets of all Kinds. = i niaaioattJ V idia..rS .L lROhtd , 7 Council Bluffs. . r N B.---Special attention given all orders by ' " , l mail. t BEST MAKES AND RIGIIEST GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purclmsc instruments will find it to their imterest to a call on us. Instruments Tuned and Repaired. Ye never Utilto , give snilsla4'tlolt Over 20 years' Espericnco in Piano iutd Organ IVorl4 , Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Iflmfl , Iowa o _ - - - - dbr , Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council ahdrs Ohik'o , Dlusonto c lbugllc. Omahul 4/11Icc , 1'o ' 111 . Northl lath street. . Particular attention given to in. vestltl „ funds far noa rest- ( testis. Special bargains fu lot. & acre property In Onullua & Cumin- cif Ifltdld. . Correrpondellco colic- lied. - - - ' . BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTELS y Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE ROOMS and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : : I3oafders : : ReluccI : : Matey. SPECIAL PRICES for 30 DAYS - On Furniture , IIousellold GOGl5 ( , Stoves , etc. , to Blake room for Fall Stoch , Goods Sold Oil If4tallnumtS , A , . MAND EL ) - - Nos1323 and 325 Broadway. V Council Bluffs , Iowa. No , aoI Main St. , Council Bluffs ) Iowa , ' ' ' , ' ' ' t COM1'LC'1'1 : iSSOR'I'MIN'1' Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign , . ' . - . . . . . , , , . . .edaaa..ose.V.Ww.e.