Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1887, Image 4

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DuHr ( Moral.iif Kdltlon ) Including Sunday
BEE. Unii Year. , . $10 M
For Six Month * . . . 6 ' " )
1'orTliron Month * . . . . . , , . . . . "W
Iho Omnha Hmiiliij' DUE , mailed to nny
uJdrwjs , Ono Yonr. . . . 200
OMAHA Orrtrn. No. 014 AND Oil FAIIXAV Pinrrr.
NRW YOHK tirrtrr. , Uoow nft , Tnincvi : linuiiNa.
W.AH1U.NUTUX OmCI , .Nll.61.1 fUUIITII.NtllStUXCt.
All eomrnunlaitions relating to nowfl nndrdl-
torlnl nmttor HliouM bo juMretsod to too KOI-
TOU or ziiic BBC.
All budnc'fl let tern and romlttnncei ( liould bo
Mdreswd to TUB II EB I'uui.isiiiNn COMI-AXT ,
OMAHA. Drafts , chocka und pontonlce order. )
to be uiulo payable to the order of tUu company ,
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Btato of Nebraska. I _
County of Douglas. ( " ' " '
Gco. IJ. TzschucK , secretary of The Bee
Publishing company , docs solemnly swear
that the circulation of tlw Dally Buo
for the week ending July 15 , 1837 , was as
"follows :
Haturday.July 9 14.200
Sunday. Jiilv 10 K200
Monday. July 11 1W.W
Tuesday. July 1'J W.H'.U
Wednesday , July 13 13tt
Thursday. July 11 1H.WO
Friday , July 16 > iasg
Average 11.078
( IF.O. li. T/.RCHUCK.
Sworn to nnd subscribed lu my presence
this 10th day of July , A. D. 1&S7.
N. P. FKir , .
( SEAL. ) Notary Public.
Btato of Nebraska , )
Douglas County.S3 (
Oeo. B. T7.8chuck , bolnf * first duly sworn ,
dejtosM nnd says that ho Is secretary of The
Dee Publishing company , tlmt the nctuM
avernpo dally circulation of the Dally lice for
the month of July. 1SWJ , 1B. ! 14 copies ;
Tor August , 18 8 , 1il,4M conies ; for Septem
ber , IbW , lUuno copies ; for October , ItvSO.
12,089 copies ; for November. 1880 , 13us :
copies ; for December , 18Wi. ii'7 : ) ! ' copies ; for
January 18b7 , 10,200 copies ; for February.
Ib87 , 1-J.198 copies ; for March. lb 7 , 14.400
copies ; for April , 1687,14,310copies ; for May ,
1837 , 14,227 copies ; lor Junu 1887,14,147
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 1st
dayot July A. I ) . , 1887.
ISKAL.I N. P. KKIL , Notary Public ,
DENVKU in beginning to talk nbout
paving her streets. Omnha i the bust
paved city west of Now York.
llOTHAKBH and Morrissey want to
have Soavoy fired. Would it not bo
much bettor for the community if Roth-
aker nnd Morrissey were fired ?
IT is a lively race between the heat nnd
the water us to which will claim the
greatest number of victims. Meanwhile
the coroner smiles with gouhsh gleennd
the undertaker erects a new block of
buildings. _ _
UKEVT minds always run in the same
channel. Kvcry time Uothakcr writes
an attack on Seavey , Morrissey is in
spired with the same thought , and the
two opposing party organs play their
little tune in harmonious accord.
THE Chicago Sunday Tribune reported
moro than seventy cases of sunstroke ,
over twenty-eight proving fatal , in tha
city on Saturday last. The Tribune
ought to publish just ono moro of its
famous articles ou "Chicago As a Sum
mer Resort. "
IF the sturdy policemen of Omaha want
to wear wreaths of roses upon their heads
ns well as badges upon their breasts ,
they will not delay twenty-four hours
longer the complete breaking up of the
notorious clement in the vicinity of Cut-
on" lake. It is n disgrace to the fair
name of the city and should bo closed
out at oueo and for all time to come.
Mit. McSiiANK's editor has discovered
that a party of highly moral nnd res
pectable citizens are nbout to invest in a
kettle of t r and a barrel of feath
ers to bo applied to the body
of the offensive chief of po
lice. This gentle threat the democratic
member of the combine professes to dis
countenance , while at the same time ho
uses language that would encourage such
methods. Hut who is making these
threats ? Do they come from the Moyui-
han detective watch ?
[ N spite of the injunction issued by
Judge ( irofT , the Jlcpitblican keeps on in
serting the olllcial advertisements of the
board of public works. This is the cheek
iest bit of enterprise we have over scon.
\Vho is to pay for this illegal advertising !
Do the impudent tricksters that have
Bought to procure thu contract for ollicinl
advertising by crooked methods imagine
that they will bo allowed to raid the city
treasury without protest ? If they do , wo
give them notice now that wo shall in
voke the power of the courts to enjoin
the treasurer from paying their illegal
claims. _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Now that they are murdering mis
sionaries up in Alaska , let us hope that
three of America's noble sons , Senators
Allison and Vest and Congressman Tom
Itecd , of Maine , who are in that section ,
may bo spared , That either of these
three distinguished gentlemen might bo
mistaken for missionaries is not improb
able , though a look under the seat of
Senator Vest's bugLry and in the pistol
pockets of Tom Keed may disclose a
kind of lluid absorbed only by statesmen.
Senator Allison , unlike his companions
in this respect , may be made a sacrifice.
Now comes a man who on his dying
bed in Ilolyoko , Mass. , is alleged to have
confessed to having seen Miss Jennie Cra
mer , the girl whose body was found in the
river at Now Ilnven , Conn. , in 1878 , com
mit tmicido. The mysterious dentil ol
Miss Cramer , the beautiful daughter
of a shoemaker , was at the time
ono of the most sensational case *
of the kind that over figured in
the American press. Suspicion pointed
strongly to Walter Mallery and hl <
brother , the sons of a rich dry goods
merchant , though they wore acquitted
utter n trial lasting some weeks. Albert
Fitzroy , who makes the confession
stated that ho saw the girl throw hersel !
in the water.
It does not seem probable
that n man with a heart nc
larger than a point of a pit
could have held this secret for this lengtl
of time , when n word from him would
have been at least some relief to the dis
tracted parent * ) of the dead girl and bo
Bides would have averted suspicion from
the Mnllory boys. Tha most charitable
thing to be said of Fitzroy is that hevu :
either n scoundrel or lar.
The lif-Mon ot the n. & M. Dlnniter.
Ofliclnl investigation of the circum
stances attending the fatal nnd destruct
ive collision nl Ilavelock relieves Engin
eer Dowser of the charge of having been
nslcop , and It 19 simple justice la him
that his exculpation should be ns widely
published as was the charge. The re
sponsibility justly rests on the company ,
which had devolved the important duty
of signaling trains upon an Inexper
ienced operator , who in turn delegated
it in this instance to "a young man in
the office. " It was the operator's first
night on duty , and his familiarity with
the business consisted of an o.xporionco
of three weeks somewhere in Dakota.
Ills only recommendation for this ser
vice appears to have been that he was
cheap. In this case the economy of the
1) . & M. managers cost the loss of
one lifo and the destruction
of property estimated at two
hundred thousand dollars , nn expensive
experience which these shrewd financiers
will think about for some time to como.
So far as the public is concerned , this
disaster is suggestive of moro than mere
pecuniary loss. The patrons of the Bur
lington road naturally nsk themselves
why that wealthy corporation should per
sist hi n niggardly policy by which their
lives and property are recklessly endan
gered. The Burlington road has ample
means at its command to pay good
wages for competent employes In every
lopartmont. It is utterly in
excusable in the managers 10
place mere stripplings in positions
of responsibility that require the judg
ment and experience of men. It is bad
enough for telegraph companies to cm-
ploy ' 'plug" operators. The blunders of
cheap operators on commercial lines are ,
however , very seldom responsible for
iiccidental loss of life and destruction of
property. The railroad operator , and
specially train dcspatchor , holds the
lives of hundreds of people in his hands ,
and therefore this class of employes
should bo thoroughly competent , care
fully selected , well paid and not over
worked. The time must coma at no dis
tant day when national and state legisla
tures will prohibit the employment of boys
as railway operators and station agents.
The shortsighted railway managers
never will profit by costly experience.
The Ohio Dilemma.
Both of the political parties in Ohio are
in a dilemma. The democrats , who will
hold their convention in Cleveland this
week , are sorely perplexed to find an avail
able candidate for governor. Had Mr.
Thurman yielded to the pressure to be
come again the leader of the party it
would have greatly simplified the demo
cratic situation , but the old Koman ab
solutely refuses to do this , for the pro
fessed reason that the condition of his
health will not permit him to engage
actively in politics. Even if this excuse
did not exist , Mr. Thurman might find
sufiicicnt reason for rejecting any de
mands the party might make on him in
the shabby way he has been treated
since he retired from the senate.
It is hardly possible that the re
collection of this has failed to have some
inlluence in impelling him to decline a
gubernatorial nomination , llo would
find it diflicult to nlliliato with the men
who are now foremost in the democratic
politics of Ohio , and ho must necessarily
feel uncertain of the support of many of
these unless ho should stultify his con
science by making bargains with them
for a distribution of spoils in the event of
his election. Never has a really worthy
and distinguished party leader anywhere
bcon moro shamefully treated than has
Judge Thurman by the democracy of
Ohio , and it is not diflicult to understand
that now , after the corrupt and lawless
clement of the party has placed it
in nn almost hopeless minority ,
ho should reject the dispairing ap
peal to lend his honored name
and his great ability to give this clement
another chance to plunder and despoil.
Sincerely devoted to the democratic
party as Mr. Thurman unquestionably is ,
and desiring its success under right con
ditions as eagerly as any member of it
can , ho is too honorable and self-re
specting to assist in promoting the am
bition of a faction , now dominant in the
party in his state , whoso conduct and
policy have done so much in the last few
years to bring reprobation upon the
name of democracy. Dnder different
circumstances and conditions , which re
flected no dishonor on the party , it can
not be doubted that if the democracy of
Ohio called upon Judge Thurman to
again become its standard bearer ho
would bo found ready nnd will
ing to assume the task , and it
need not bo said that his doing
so would bo greatly to the party's ad
vantage , But ns the situation stands
neither the tasK nor the associations
would 1)0 congenial to him. Ho could
hardly hope to give the party success
and hi.s own now untarnished fame would
inevitably bo soiled by defeai. There
fore ) ho wisely keeps out of the conflict ,
preserving intact his honor and his repu
tation , and leaving the reckless and cor
rupt element to ilouudor as best it may
out of the desperate situation it has
brought about.
Tim republican dilemma grows out of
the question whether the state conven
tion , which will bo held in Toledo next
week , shall express its preference for
Senator Sherman as a presidential can
didate or remit that matter to the
convention of next year. As
wo indicated several ( lays ago
this issue is evidently causing a good
deal of feeling in the party , and there is
danger that whichever course shall
finally be decided upon moro or less disaffection -
affection \vijl result , Except for this the
republican party of Ohio would bo
entirely harmonious. There is no oppo
sition to the reuominution of Governor
l-'orakcrwho has made a moat creditable
record , and the party is confident of its
ability to re-elect him. There could not
bu the least doubt of this if the disturb
ing question noted were not in the way ,
but obviously there Is sotuo danger in
that. It has thus far served to show to
the country that tnuro is n strong and
very earnest Bhiinc following in Ohio ,
which insists upon having its preference
known. At present the under
standing appears to bo that
pursuant to the destro of Mr. Sherman n
resolution endorsing him will bo pre
sented to the convention. Ho quite nat
urally wishes to know whether or not
the republicans of his state approve of
his candidacy , so that ho may determine
his coursu. The supporters of Mr. Shut'
man insist that an expression can prop
erly bo asked now , while the Blaiuo mo a
with equal earnestness take the position
that it is unnecessary nnd can ns well
wait for the next state convention. Gov
ernor Forakor agrees with the latter , al-
.hough proclaimed as a supporter of
Sherman , Thus If n resolution is intro
duced nnd ndoptcd , ns it probably Would
bo , the republican vote would doubtless
sutl'cr to some extent from the dtsafToction
of Blaine men ; if defeated it might sutler
even moro Inrgely from the nliona-
tion of Sherman supporters. To aban
don the matter would bo to leave
In uncertainty the views of a majority of
Ohio republicans regarding the candi
dacy of Mr. Sherman , with the fact es
tablished that IJr. Blaine has n largo and
devoted following in that state , Such n
situation would very certainly opcrato
to the disadvantage of Senator Sherman ,
nnd the harm done could hardly bo reme
died by the next year's state convention ,
however strong nnd enthusiastic its en
dorsement might bo. Obviously the only
man who can relieve the rapublicans of
Ohio of this dilemma is Mr. Sherman ,
nnd it scorns clear that ho should do it at
whatever personal sacrifice. It is n case
where the welfare of the party must have
precedence of individual interest. A
word from Mr. Sherman will calm
the troubled waters1 , restore harmony ,
and assure republican success. Ho
cannot afford to permit anything -
thing to be done that will perpetrate dis
sension in his party that is surer to
weaken if it shall not defeat it. There
cannot bo n doubt that ho would gain
friends everywhere by advising his
friends in the state convention , in the In
terest of peace and harmony , not to
present the proposed resolution. Ho
would thus remove the only hope upon
which the democrats are now building
and make the way clear to an ovowhclm-
ing republican victory in Ohio next No
Tcllinc Testimony.
The testimony that has recently been
supplied by the principal cities of Maine ,
so clear nnd authoritative in its charac
ter as to admit of no denial , showing
that the prohibition law is being sys
tematically disregarded and that intem
perance openly practiced is rapidly in
creasing , is supplemented by equally
good evidence that prohibition in Hhodo
Island , the last state to adopt it , is oven
loss successful than in Maine. The
Provideuco Journal , nn entirely trust
worthy paper , has been making an in
vestigation with the result of finding
that the good affects produced by pro
hibition immediately after its adoption
are fast disappearing , and that the con
dition of things is really worse now than
it was under a high license law. That
paper says "it cannot bo denied that prohi
bition in Rhode Island , after a year's ex
perience , has been found to be so com
plete a failure that it is no extravagance
to pronounce it a miserable farce. " In
Providence there are now moro places
wliero liquor is sold , under some arrange
ment , than there wore licensed saloons
under the old law , and the same is true
of most other towns. In the entire state
it is the opinion of the Journal that
"there are at least as many liquor dealers -
ors doing business to-day as there were
under the license system. " in New
Hampshire , which has a stringent pro
hibitory statute , matters are no better so
far as the larger towns are concerned ,
and an excise bill has been introduced in
the legislature as a means of at once re
ducing the number of saloons and offord-
ing a ravomio to the state. Only these
who will not sou can bo
blind to the meaning of these indisputa
ble facts.
What is the testimony on the other
side ? Minnesota has but recently put
into effect a higti license law , and the
latest figures show a reduction in ttio
number of drinking places from 2,290 to
1,800 , although the new license fee has
not yet gone into force in all localities ,
The verdict of ono of the most prominent
journals of that state is that "Minnesota
ha.i abundant reason for congratulation
in the method of regulation which she
had adopted. " Similar evidence is fur
nished by other states in which n license
or tax system prevails showing its good
oftects in reducing the number of drink
ing places and keeping those that con
tinue in better regulation. Such testi
mony must carry conviction to all who
are in a condition to bo convinced.
There are two elements with whom
such contrasts between the working of
prohibition and high license cannot bo
expected to have any influence , the un
reasoning nnd those who are in the con
trol of the rum power. But they cannot
fail in time to make such an impression
upon the much larger class of reasoning
and independent people that ultimately
high license will prevail wherever this
class is in the majority.
A Jewel or CoiiHlslency.
A professional liar ought to havoncood
memory. An editor who wants to exert
any influence must bo consistent.
The Jlcjmblican calls for the removal of
Soavoy because of his alleged expulsion
from a Masonic order , which is said to
have occurred in California live or six
years ago. The cause for this action is
ascribed to Suavoy's domestic miscon
duct and the vilest epithets are applied to
Now wo have no knowledge of the
truth or the falsity of the reported expul
sion of Sravcy from masonry , nor do wo
propose to defend or condone his past
conduct. But it does strike us as very
singular that a paper should cat its own
word * and resort to a course opposite to
that to which it was committed less than
six weeks ago.
On the ( ith day of Juio the llcpublican
took position on the Seavoy scandal in
the following editorial :
The Mr. Seavey from Santa Barbara , who
has been acting RS chief of police without
authority , has been Interviewed on the sub
ject ot his elopement. This paper Is tree to
confess that It U not Interested in the details
of Mr. Seavoy's past mlsdupds. / ( cure * t'ery
llMc. tclictncr he eloped with the wives of a
dozen men. Tun main fact is that ho Is act-
iiiKittiout authority In an office ivim him
by an appointing power without a legal
t. On the same day the llcpublican con
tained the following editorial :
We still insist that Mr. Seavey's private af
fairs have noililnc to do with thu chief ot
pollcushlp. Tha main fact Is that he does
not hold the ortlco , has never been properly
named , Is not qualified and is still a private
citlzun. * * * When Ouminlug * turned
over the otllco H was tantamount to a resig
nation. Seavey c uld not act legally and
C.iptaln Uormack , as next In ofllc < \ is In tern-
poi.ity charge and can hold the position until
chief Is appointed.
In 'the face of those utterances the
Republican makes Seayoy'd past record
the pretest for n iialgnant ) ) editorial in
which the council are advised to "liro
him" for immoral conduct In California.
In the same editorial Cummlnzs is de
clared to be the legal chief of police.
Now if the ns-iallant of Seavey really
uollovcs that ho is not the lawful chief of
police , let him test the law on this point
in the courts. Mr. Seavoy will cheer
fully accommodate him. to another free
ride in the police patrol wagon , and take
his chances on being sustained.
The Itco niul the MHHOUS.
The Bii's : : denuuufatlon of the Masons
who originated the cliarccs against Seavey
as "a cang which Is notoriously In bad oder
nnd disrepute , " may prove n boomerang.
The Masons are not In the habit of belnp In
sulted by a countryless creature llo lloson-
wasscr , nnd they have a good memory for
unclassed cattle. KepuMlcan *
The Masonic fraternity has ns yet
never put its reputation in the keeping of
elung-shot rowdies and bummers who
nro carried to their homes in police
patrol wagons. Thr Masons have no oc
casion to consider themselves in
sulted by the HKB'S refer
ence to the Moynllmn gang of thugs.
If they do , the editor of the BKK , who
is a Mason and has been in good stand
ing for more than twenty years , is sub
ject to the discipline of the order. The
Masonio fraternity is not in the habit of
admitting uuclassud cattle into its order ,
nnd any Mason in good standing is not
without a country. In this community
at least anil with the Masons of Omaha
the slanderous assaults of ventursonio
scorpions who have stung themselves to
death wherever they have been , fall fiat
and harmless.
Time KI Call n Unit.
ft is about time that the law-abiding
nnd reputable citizens should discounte
nance the infamous couse pursued by the
Ihntld and Jicpnblican with regard to
our police. Their editors have demoral
ised the council by mischievous nnd vi
cious advice and constant plotting and
counterplotting to undermine the police
commission. They are disorganizing
the police by onnournging in
subordination nnd lawlessness. They
have done this city incalculable
damage by misrepresenting Omaha ns a
place whore life and property are made
insecure by hordes of highwaymen , pick
pockets nnd crooks , when in fact Omaha
is as orderly n place as any city of equal
population. They have given active sup
port to an attempt on the part of the
council to overthrow the police commis
sion anil arrogate to itself a dangerous
dictatorship over its members. If these
papars had not given countenance to
the Monyilian conspiracy , the
council would long since have
dropped the controversy over the
police chief nnd approved the regulations
which the commission had adopted. It is
notorious that the editors of the Herald
and licpnlhcan arq ' 'disappointed candi
dates for the police comtnissioncrship ,
nnd their course is chielly inspired by
malice and vindictivoncss , coupled
with n desire to dominate
over the police force through Mojiuhan.
The prowrietors of the Herald and Itcpub-
licrtn cannot evade responsibility for the
combine which their editors have formed ,
and the policy to which their papers are
committed by them.
IF President Cleveland had been eve r
at Council Bluffs last nightand witnessed
the enthusiastic reception given General
Tuttle , ho would no doubt have seen the
extent of his unpopularity growing out of
the attempt to return the rebel relics.
Hose Cochlan is spending the summer feed
ing her ducks and chickens on her ideal farm
at Vonkers.
Mr. Kobert Louis Stevenson , the novelist ,
will leave Enpland In September for a visit
to the United States , lie has many admirers
In this country.
Mine. Modjeska's great desire Is to make
enough money to enable her to lead a life ot
elegant leisure on her California ranch. She
is weary of changing cars and hosts.
Governor Taylor , of Tennessee , talked
sweetly to a graduating class of Mississippi
girls the other day , and when ho had wound
up they presented him with a liddlo liddle-
stci ! < s tluown in.
Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett Is now on
her thlid visit to Knglaud , which she left
when fourteen yeais of age. She receives
much distinguished attention from noble
and literary lions nnd lionesses.
General Franz Slgel , the hero of the men
who "fought mlt SIgol , " Is now In the west
visiting some of the old battle grounds. The
object of his visit Is to obtain some definite
information about the topography of the
country. Ho Is to write thu story of his
campaign , to be published in German.
Tlio Unco In AYHI-Mjli Kxtlnct.
Silicon Teleuiavh.
Some people claim that the president ought
to go to St , Louis , and that Andy Jackson
would go under similar circumstances. Well ,
well , tlieio are no more Andy Jnrksons , nnd
never will bo. Wo are not cutting that kind
of presidential timber.
Will Tackle ArlHtotlo.
CVifrn0ii TrlliMne.
The Concord School of Philosophy is now
about to sei/o hold ot Aristotle in Its largo
and reckless way and will scatter his dis
jointed fragments all over the United States
and a part of Long Island. Next to Shak-
speare the Hon. Mr. Arl.stotle will bo the
worst used-up man ol tlie summer.
Tlio DIIUR'H ilmmcnt.
Hultimoic lltnilil.
"I'm reduced to despair , "
Quoth the dudt , * , with n stare ,
"When tli prlnco gets his tips troin the wild
Wooly \Vij-u ,
If liull.ilo Bill
Sets the styles at his will ,
Shall the fusiuuus bo altered at Hud Shirt's
behest ?
"Have wosuffercu In vain
All this cerebral strain
In aping the prlnco as ho held us In tow ,
Who , with favbrTuid , praise ,
Now ath'cts the wild ways
Of Buffalo Bill nnd his outlandish show ?
"Must the faHlilop compel
A thoroiighbiuU hwoll.
Who lonus for tiiu light of Imperial smiles ,
Now to hastily snurn
What hfl laboied to learn ,
And come down to homely American styles' '
"Oh I give usa prluco
Whom you cannot convince
That cxeollenco dwells In the wild , bloody
To teach us with care
Knelt new British stare ;
For everything EiiBlHi Is aurely the best. "
Discrimination with a Vengeance.
C7ifr < i/i ( ( Trt > j\tne \
One of the witnesses in the Pacific rail
way investigating committee , now push
ing its labors in Denver , Colo. , testified
that ho had an interest in n Denver news
paper which paid $30 a ton freight ou
papar shipped from Chicago. At the
same time n journal in San Fraucisro
used thu'jauie description of paper puid
only $20 a ton freight from ChlcAgo. Ho
was asked whether that discrimination
had existed since the passage of the inter'
state commerce law , and ropled that It
did , ns the fourth clause of the law had
bei'ti suspended by the commissioners.
No moro striking evidence of the fu
tility of the inter-Htato commerce net
could be adduced than these questions
nnd answers. Hero is n case of discrim
ination so appallingly palpable that if it
cannot bo remedied by the Inw the latter
is proved to bo utterly wcrthlo.'s for the
end sought. Yet It Is in these cases which
exhibit the most glaring evils of a cy.itcm
unregulated by tlio government that the
commissioners incontinently suspend the
provisions of the net. On the other
hand , In cases in which no supervisory
governmental system Is required the law
is allowed to stand.
Under such workings of iho now system
as the above the now law operates a good
deal like the Frenchman's demand for
his deposit in a discredited bank : "If you
have my money I no want It : if you no
have my money I want it. "
Nebraska Jottlnc * .
Grand Island's cannery will bo ready
for the corn crop.
Hastings will put $15,000 hi extensions
of her water mains.
The Missouri Pacific promises to build
n depot in Nebraska City.
Wayne has put $ : J5,000 , into improve
ments in the past six months.
A prohibition paper and waterworks
nrc twin additions to Ord's progress.
Covington's fifty-two voters unani
mously cast their ballots for a street car
Cheyenne real estate men are planning
nn excursion from Omaha and other
Nebraska cities to Wyoming's capital on
Auctist 15.
Abraham Thiessou , the Jefferson
county Mennonite , who went to Uussia
to look after some claims of his country ,
anil spout six months in jail there , has
returned homo. Ills mission was barren
of results.
The Boonc County Argus has it that
"Armour & Co. , "tho great Chicago
packers , have completed the purchase of
property in Omaha to bo occupied by
their immense packing houses which will
bo moved from Chicago before the next
packing season opens. They will do the
bulk of their business there , nnd will
employ 1,000 men. Jt will bo a great
thing for Omaha and Nebraskn. "
The Rapid Citv Republican of Friday
says : "Mr. Franklin , the owner of the
Washington cliim in the Etta district ,
came in yesterday and brought Mr.
Bontly , of tlio committee for preparing a
mineral exhibit , one Hundred and fifty
pounds of tin specimens for tlio Omaha
and Lincoln fairs. Mr. Bcntly will start
to-day , in comvwny with Mr" . Franklin ,
for Hill City , Harnoy Peak , and Barren's
Gulch , for the purpose of collecting tin
specimens , intending to make a collect
ion which shall be worthy of the Hills.
OPC piece weighing 250 pounds has been
promised and will be included in the
collection. "
Tlio death of Frank Coy , the Davenport
druggist , was a terrible shock to the
community. While going down , stairs
into the store , Friday night , with a lighted
lamp in his hand , he slipped nnd fell to
the floor. The lamp was broken in the
fall anil the blazing oil eirvcloped his
clothing in an instant , and spread over
tlio stairs , Ho fought the lire bravely
for some time and succeeded in Having
the building at the cost of his lifo. His
body was terribly burned. The remains
worn taken to Hustings for burial. The
deceased leaves a wile and four children.
It is told of President Potter , of the
Union Pacific , that ho entered the power
house at the Council Bluffs transfer n
few iays ago in search of economy. Tlio
engineer and an assistant were" busily
engaged on the latest illustrated papers ,
but stopped lor a moment to cast a cyni
cal glance at the unknown intruder.
"What are your duties hero , my men * "
whispered Mr. Potter , in a mellow ,
quivering voice. "Why why wo blow
the whistle three times a day , " cheerily
responded the engineer. "Wo can dis
pense with the whistles and your ser
vices , " said Mr. Potter. The order was
promptly obeynd and the whistle and
power house arc now silent and tenantr-
Iowa IromR.
Creston has granted a franchise for a
street railway.
The Story county soldiers' reunion will
bo held at Nevada August 4 and fi.
Edward Russell , for thirty-nine years
a resident nf Ssott county , and nineteen
years editor of the Davenport Gazette ,
has removed to Minneapolis.
There are 203 inmates of the Soldiers'
Orphans' home at Davenport 100 males
nnd iw ; tumales. All but thirty-six of
this number wine born in Iowa.
Rev. C. Cook , of Jessup , aged sixty-
seven , a preacher and drummer , was
married in Sioux City , Friday , to Mrs.
Curtis , a widow of forty-eight , after a
courtship of ono hour.
Tlio Iowa hospital for the insane at In
dependence , at the date of the last
monthly report , contained 701 inmates
HI males and 1117 females. Of this num
ber 101) ) are natives of Jowa , ! Ul of other
states and 311 of foreign countries.
Ben Kersey post G. A. It. , at Union ,
expect to entertain the soldiers of Hardln
county with a grand encampment on the
17th and 18th of August. General Tuttle
and the lion. W. P. Hepburn have signi
fied their intention to bo present , nnd
Governor Larrabeo and General Given
have been invited.
"A veteran observer of the weather , "
says the Burlington Hawkeye , "who has
made a study of climates , lately ventured
the explanation that the increasing dryness -
ness of lown .summers wi.- ; > duo to the in
creasing amount of draining that was
being dono. His theory in brief was
that the hundreds of miles of tilintr that
have been laid in the past few years had
drained the sloughs and ponds that
formerly supplied almost constant evapo
ration and consequent showers. "
Rapid City's assessed valuation
amounts to ? 1,33UCW. :
The total assessed valuation of real
and personal property of Lawrence
county is ? 1,102,850.
Tlio assessed valuation of Hutohinson
county is $3,000,000 a little over $500,000 ,
higher than last year.
The treasurer's quarterly statement
shows that llutcliin.son county has
$18,210.25 to her credit.
The Missouri river is cutting into the
Dakota bunk at a point about a mile east
of Yankton at nn alarming rate.
A itividitnd of 10 cents a share has boon
declared on Deadwood Terra , or f'0,000
in all. This is tlio first dividend that has
been declared on Deadwood Terra since
January , 188U.
The board of county commlsslonora in
creased thu assessed valuation of Aber
deen's city property 150 per cent , or
from $077,220 to $1,09(1,450. ( All other
portions of Brown county were increased
from ! W to 100 per cent. Thu total equal
ized valuation of the county is $7,1W,703. (
One of His Desperate Adventures at
Iilncoln. NelirnHlta.
A brief paragraph in n late paper stat-
inir the mysterious I'.seapo of ( Juinn
Bohnnnon from the Nebraska City jail ,
recall * to a writer in thu Providence
.Journal some incidents In this noted des
perado's life , and one episode in partic
ular which , in 1873 or 1871 , caused ( to
put it flphonlously ) considerable discom
fort to a great part of thu male popula
tion of Lincoln , Nob.
Bohunnon and Me Water * ( at that time
fellow-prisoners in the Lincoln state
prison ) had boon noted for a lone period ,
ns prnlrlo annals reckon time , for their
crimes , fearlessness , ami general "cuss-
cdncss , "
For what particular offense they wore
then confined Is out of my memory ; but
Bohnnnon , then about twenty-two or
twenty-three years of ago had the repu
tation of phootlng two or three men ;
whllo McWaters possessed n much
darker name , perhaps because ho was
an older man , nnd in addition did not
carry with him that appearance of genial
good-fellowship for which so much is
forgivun the western dovll-inav-cnrtf.
That ho was not entirely destitute of
humor , lot the following anecdote show :
At ono point In his career ho quarrelled
with nn iutimato friend , and the charac
ter of the two men made it easily bo-
lluvcd that their threats of shooting on
sight would bo carried into effect. How
ever , they mot face to face in the door of
n saloon , ahd the friend , who Boomed to
have some manliness , hold out his hnud
nnd Hiiid :
"Jim. wo had some trouble the other
night about nothing , but wo have known
each other for some years. Lot's call it
square , " nnd McWators answered :
"That's all right. I have nothing
ngainst you , Come in and have n
drink. "
They shook hands , took their drink ,
nnd as ho left the "friend" put out his
hand and said :
"WellJim it isall right is it ? "
And Mcaters answered :
"It is all right. 1 am a good friend of
yours. "
Ho watched him out the door , quietly
followed him , nnd dcliberrtoly shot him
in the bnck , killing him instantly.
When nskod afterward whv ho did this
to a professed friend , he replied that "tho
blue army overcoat ho were was such a
good shot ho couldn't help it. "
This remark contains the touch of hu
mor ( t ) 1 alluded to.
It is difficult to define a man of this
The ordinary yardstick of morality is
11801084. The action was certainly cow
ardly , but McWaters had proved himself
on many an occasion nn absolutely fear
less man.and no man who denounced the
action would have cared to enforce his
opinion on the subject by argument with
McWaters himself.
The noted character of these two men
( MoWators and Bohannon ) and others
confined with them made the knowledge
of their escape a startling piece of news
to the people of Lincoln , situated about
a milo nnd a half from the prison.
The intelligence was broucht bv n
mounted turnkey , who excitedly stated
that the prisoners iiad possession of the
jail and armory. The news spread fast ,
and in five minutes armed men were on
their way to the prison. Men were scour
ing the city for weapons , and in an hour
Lincoln was almost emptied of its male
One pale facn , I remember well. It
was the jailor's , whoso wife and children
were shut in with the desperate gang.
McWators and Bohannon were the
leaders in tlio revolt , but the releasing of
other prisoners and the breaking into
tlio armory had so delayed thorn that
when they were ready to force an exit
there was u circle of men around the
building through which they could not
On thn ether hand , they hold a supplied
fortress which only n siege could reduce.
Troops were telegraphed for from Fort
Omnhn , nnd nil night wo Jny out ido the
prison. Rltles were discharged from
time to time , nnd I heard of a prisoner's
arm being broken , but no ether damvgo.
There was little sleep , and all night long
the face of the jailor , palo and drawn
with anxiety , llitted nmonc us.
In the morning the troops arrived and
very soon a white Hag ( or something re
sembling it ) waved from a window , and
from another smaller window fluttered n
"Thank Godl It is rry wife , " said the
jailer , and against remonstrances walked
squarely toward the prison.
Before lonjj ho returned and reported
that liis wife and children were un
harmed and that the prisoners had agreed
to surrender and immediately return to
their cells , on condition that no punish
ment should bo muted out to them. This
was promised , their arms were stacked
and they wore again shut up.
Perhaps it was to bo expected from hu.
man nature , but the ringleaders wore
punishod. A week after MoWaters was
shot dead in the prison , nnd a short par
agraph in the papers stated that ho was
attempting to lend a second mutiny.
Perhaps he was , although the stnto-
ttiout was generally disbelieved , but he
died unregretted , nnd I think without
human sympathy.
Bohannon lias shot , robbed , bcon cap
tured , and escaped , 1 know not how often -
ten , and now ho has mysteriously dis
appeared from Nebraska City jail , leaving
his cell-door looked behind. Ho is moro
popular than McWaters , and not so grim
a villian , having moro friends through
geniality and good humor when not
crossed , but his career will bo crime until
the end and his peculiar class is fading
from thu west. May their disappearance
bo rapid.
SciiHiUional Sueno nt \Vciiiltng Fes
tival In North St. IjouU.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : Miss Millur ,
n very popular young lady in North St.
Louis society , nnd living on Warren
street , has had a sad experience. Not
only was she sorely disappointed by the
desertion of a faithless lover at the very
last moment , that disappointment being
witnessed by the clergyman who was to
have aided in making her a bride and by
( cores of guests , but now she has been
compelled to appeal to the courts for re
dress for other wrongs nt the hands of
the deserter. Last Wednesday night she
was to have been wedded at her parents'
residence to a Mr. Brown. Long before
tills day preparations had been made for
thi. ' happy event , hundreds of invitations
had been sent out by the young lady and
her parents. Brown , who is a machmlnt
by trade , working somewhere on Dick-
son street , behaved most admirably.
With his intended wifu hu sut out several
weeks before tlio marriage nnd purchased
carpets , turnituru and all other house
hold effects to fit up a comfortable homo.
Last Wednesday evening cninu. Thu
Miller residence was crowded with
guests , imch bunging gifts and congratu
lations. But when ttio hands of thn cloek
wuro Hearing the hour of 8 the guests
began asking for thu groom , Brown.
Bridu , bridnmaid and groomsman also
grew uneasy and looked anxiously for
Brown. Every footstep heard from the
outside was thought to bu Brown's , and
heads were thrust out of thu winduus and
eyes strained for the first glimpsu of
Brown. The hour of II was reached , and
no Brown came. Ills boarding house
was Ihon visited , but fie wn : not to bo
found The _ cui'stH by this time were
slowly retreating onu by one , each spunk
ing a kind word to thu grief stricken iMiss
Millur. Her parents stood nt her Hide ,
but nothing could soothe her grief. To
thu Millur family Brown's conduct was
unaccountable , ns ho had already pur
chased a house. On thu following
morning a nad denouncement to
the atlatr was furnished when
the girl's brother wont to thu Four Courts
and got a warrant out eharuing Brown
with seduction 1'hu warrai.twas placed
in the hands of thn deputy .sheril ) ' , who
failed to find any trace ot Jio fugitive.
About 2 o'clock vu-iUirday afluriioon r.
young man rushed Into 'lie Chestnut
street police station and asked
Mueller , who was in charge , to Bond n
officer with him , as a man for whom a
warrant was out was nl F. W Itosentlinl'.s
pnr | > et Mure , where ho was itilijiloyed ,
The oxciled , > oung man proved to bn
Miss .Milkr'h brother anil the man at the
carp"t sli ru iionn other than Brown.
OlUuur MiojiticJ O'Maliuy ' was sent with
Mr , Miller , but whim the carpet stori
wnn readied it wns found tlmt the othcl
young man was Brown's brother , who
was settling for carpets that the recreant
bridegroom had bought before the mar
riage that did not occur , Of course IK
was not molested.
A G.IIIIO .Mr * . Mo Duffy Con 111 Not
lmi ) ! > r tnml.
There is ono lady In Indianapolis who
will probably never become an enthusi
astic admirer of our national game , says
the Detroit Free Press.
The individual to whom I refer Is Mrs ,
MoDulVy. I had the misfortune to occupy
n seat adjoining hers during thu opening
game between thu DutrolU nnd the homo
club , nnd the following were tuo remarks
ou the occasion referred to :
" 1 don't see why some women can't
understand base ball. It there is any
thing about it that I can't see through it
will bu straugo"said tdio to her husband.
' 'Who are these big fellows over thurot"
"Why , the 'big four , ' of course , " said
" 0 , yes , how stupid I am. I suppose
that is Jay Gould watching the big four
so closu. Didn't ho sny 'one strike ? ' Ho
is responsible for those dreadful strikes ,
Isn't hu ? Do you think thciuun will strike
to-day ? "
"Groat heavens , woman.aro you crazy ?
That Is the umpire. Can't you keep
quiet anil watch tliu game ? " ho growled.
"Certainly I will , " she said. "But
whore Ls the Detroit team ? I haven't '
seen a team to-day any different from In
dianapolis horses. Do they bring them
right out on the trrounds ? I should think
they would get freightuned in Mich a
crowd as this and kick nnd cut up .1
awfully. Do you think they will ? " .
"It is possiblo"he answered resignedly ,
"There are some kicking teams. " .1f
" 1 uni so glnil 1 am up hero out oi
danger. What did that man do then ? "
" "
"Struck a foul
"Struck n poor innocent fowl ! " The f
hateful thing ! I didn't see any fowl. $
What kind was it ? \ \ hat are they cheer I
ing for ? " M/ /
"Thompson caught a fly. "
"Now Mr. McDutly , don't sit there
nnd tell mo you could .see anything so
small as a lly at this distance. Besides ,
it's too early for files. What do they
want to stop in a game of base ball to
catch flies lor , any way ? Do tell mu
what that man is acting so silly about ? "
"Trying to steal a base. "
"Tho wicked thiefl Whore Is the
base ? "
"Over there , " explained McDuffy.
"That is the first base , that other the
second , nnd this ono , nearest , the third.
"Aro they , indued , nnd that is the
soprnna in the middle , 1 suppose ? "
"Ah , yes , " groaned MoDull'y , you are
getting it down lino. "
"Sue , that naughty man has knocked
the ball clean out of sight. Wasn't that
meant Don't you suppose they'll dis
charge him ? What are they cheering for
now ? Making a homo run ? Well , I
should think hu would , and stay thuro ,
too , after such an exhibition of temper.
What ? Did you say they were going to
whitewash them ? Do they just white
wash them all over face and all ? "
"Ah , " said MoDnfly , savagely , "you've
got it now. That's the way they fix
them , nnd afterward calcimine them ,
and fresco them , and dodo them , and put
on French roofs. How proud 1 am of
you , Mrs. Dully. All you need is a white
wash brush to be n UuMleiljrcd member
of the lime kiln club. "
P"How funny you are , Mr. MoDufly.
I7iil that man say they wuro ( riving the I
visitors geese oggn ? Now , what do they - ,
want with eggs in a game of ball ?
It's getting worse and worse. I don't
see what people go crazy over base ball
for , any way. 1 understand the game , as
far as that is concerned , but there's noth
ing In it. If thuro is anything smart in
bringing out thousands of people to
watch them catch llios , nnd try to steal a
bnso. nnd goose eggs , and mulls , and
crack pitchers , and thu Lord knows what
else 1 can't sue it. Thu next thing they'll
kill somebody , nnd I don't propose to
stay to see it. If you'll just see me to the
carriage. Mr. MoDuffy , I'll go homo. I've
had all the base ball 1 want. "
The disgusted lady departed , to the
evident satisfaction of her husband , who
soon returned to enjoy thu remainder o <
the game in pence.
Or How 1 Make a hiving on'Forty
Smco wu are admonished to relate oux
failures as well ns our successes , perhnpt
I should tell how I didn't make a living
on forty ncrcs. Forty acres nro ample
enough to lose money on if a man cuts In
a losing way. There also may bo fluctu
ations and high or low tidu in farming
as well as speculating , though for n quiet
life nnd facilities for pnr.suing tiio uven
tenor of my way I would prefer farming.
I commenced ou Uvonty acres ns a fruit
grower ; at this , with a good market , I
made some money , or would have but for
spending lariro sums on testing new
varieties nnd oilier experiments. At this
1 became nn enthusiast , struck out for
deup water , nndgot _ swamped. A Hingii'
lar coincidence in this connection wns
thnl these twenty acres were bought
on the tenth day of the tenth month ,
kept ten years to a day , and sold for ten
limes thu first cost. Then 1 invested
iJ.'i.OO : ) on forty acres , nnd hero is where
I didn't make a living , as the first four
years were so.wet that 1 sunk $500 each
year , $520 worth of nursery stock being
nuarly all sacrificed the lirsfc year. Thin
was not all ; my wife nursed an invalid
as thu result of the reaction on a former
robust constitution. But now thu tidu
has turned. About thin time wo had a
fresh cow on rye pasture in winter , from
which wo pold milk to the amount of $1
per 11 ay. Put tins fact and the other ono
together , nnd who could rcsUl the inevit '
able conclusion ? From this wo went
back on fruit and "took stock" in th
"old brindlu cow. Whatever may bu thn
result , our dairying is pursued with the
sami.en ) ot thu former horticulturist ; wo
are workintr it "for all there is in it-1
Adopted bnltur making with varying re *
suits. Thu lirat year our cow.s gave 10-
turns of $ .Vi each , or $28.25 nut peofit ,
This .suoinud encouraging. I have not
kept books much since , but with fourteen
to eighteen cows we last year mailu n
ton ot butter , which at twenty
cents a pound amounted to $100 , whilu
our calves wu value at as much mere ,
Have had sixty head ot cow.s and young
tliiiiirs al once. But how do wu keep su
many uattlo on forty acres ? Our twenty
acres of meadow i.s so liberally manured
that it vlulds three tons of hay | > cr aero
when tliu seasons nru not too dry , I also
rent I'l'i noru.s of poor brush pasture , for
which I pay thu taxes , about $10 pur
year. 1 raise Homo sweut corn nnd
pumpkins , feed our cows nearly the year
round on a mihitanco wo gut nt the
starch mills , raise ourcaKes on skim
milk , work everything on rules of the
strictest economy
1 do not crave the largo farm. With
the favorite Jersey cow.s , a woman who
taxus pride in her ability to mnko prem
ium gilt eil u butter , willing boys nnd
girls to help , good health , and a good
littlu farm , I should have n poor opinion
of myself If 1 could not mnko a fair lv- ;
ing at dairying or gardening , oven with
thu amount of bad luck usually alotted
to thu average of mankind , Onu fact in
this connection should not bu lost night ,
of. With this HYHtom of high farming
and heavy manuring our land must in
crease in productiveness und advance In
value , whllo thu effect of the Mlp-.shod or
skimming process is the reverse.
Otttimwn , Iowa. 1) MOITKT.
Forty ihon left by Ihu wes'-oound train
last night un route lor Chug Wntor , Wyo. ,
where they will bu unirngud laying Iho
railM on thu Cheyenne & 'Western I'oad ,
whiuti was graded last ftilh.