Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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THE OMAHA DAILY , BEE : flfQNPAY , JULY 18. 1887. _ _ : _ F7
i . "Wheat Remains Quito Sick on Very Dis
couraging Bear Talk ,
A Htilco In Corn on Hull Talk About
the Drought Hut Mttlo Doing
4 In I'rovlHlons General
CIIICAOO. July 10. [ Special Telegram to
tlio Hni' . | No decided Improvement 1ms
yet entered tlio wheat inaiki't. It Is still sick ,
quite so. Tlio predictions of 70c for August
Benin In a fair way to bu verlllcd , iletoru the
npeculatlvo day was tun minutes old the
market was within KC of It. August opened
at7i ( < c. There wcio sales sparingly at
and then prices dropped straight to '
The talk In pltcenters was on about 12,000,000
bushels of old wheat In elevators here , with
the Usual net phrases about the country bulng
on the vfTtfo of harvesting a , crop ot tin.
known proportions , but certainly onu of the
largest ever known , etc. The receipts to-day
\vcroonly forty-seven earn , of which forty-
three were winter.
Corn was lirm though the receipts wcro 100
cars. August opened at 37' c and kept close
to ! ! 7cfor half nn hour. Afterwards corn was
Btrongly bulled on "drought , " iiiid the
Bhoots In August. This option
went to 37J4c during the hour ,
but moro delened lutiircs remained
very steady. The corn ctowd was also takIng -
. Ing light receipts tor Monday. Whuat was
' > helped up to 705c , pnrtlv by the bulgn In
' corn nnd partly tliniiiuli the strength eontrl-
Imtcd by purehasi's hy local scalpels on the
basis of a lareu decrease In next week's
Short ribs opened nt SS.15. fell to S3.07K ,
nnd recoxered to 8.15. Again there was a
moderate tiadc in thi'in , lieloro noon the
> * horts In corn got pietty well tilled up , and
Yrom 87J the market went back to i > 7'.fc ' tor
August , and stayed there or thereabout with
n uood deal ot persistency.Vlnln August
was making an adv.ince of Kc , September
only moved * e , provlnir pretty coneluslvely
, that there was a "short" demand lor Auirust.
The receipts Monday urn estimated nt 100
cars. Anythlni : In the shape of a general
rnln between this tlmo and that will knock
the pins from under prices in6ry short
The session developed nothing out of the
ordinary In wheat. After the sales at 70 fc
nbnut 11 o'clock the tendency was to lower
t > rlces , though little chanced hantls after that
tlmo lower than 70Xc. Nevis , cither locally
or from the outside , was very scarce. There
was a very llttlo showing ol dispatches from
tliii northwest Iiidlr.-Uing Rood progress In
harvesting anil a talr outcome per acre. At
I o'clock wheat closed at 70'4@70jc. ' { To
ward the close a lieavy tone niado Itself
manifest In ribs , August being at a stand-
fltill at SS.1' %
CHICAGO , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to the Bii.J : : OATTI.K ' As Is customary , the
general market actually closed on Friday
nlt'lit For the week past trade has been
vnry unsatisfactory for sellers , with a decline
on the ordinary run of fat cattle equal to
C5c per 100 , tnaklnc the prlco on the best fat
cattlu as low , If not lower , than for any time
this season. Texas trade has ruled fairly
good the past week. Values ha\o dropped n
| > olnt or two ono day nnd then advanced a
jiolnt or two the next day , nutlvo butchers'
htock sellliiK all the week nt about the
lowest prices remembered. The stocker anil
feeder trade Is snlleilng from dioncht In the
country nml Ihn low price * tor Int cattle.
3eport.s ! from parts of Illluolsaud U'lhconsln
say the dimwit will mill farmers and par
tially those who follow block rulslni ; . A
load of block came In to-day from the
llrouchty bectlon In Illinois emaciated from
the want of Iced and water. The cows and
talves sold at 81. 10 , the hnifers nt 51.25 , and
the steers nt 91.75 , It Is said that ns high ns
$20 n ton lias boon paid for hay In soinn parts
to save the young lean stock and the cows
< rom starvation. Shipping steer * , l'i5U to
j.MX ) HH , : i.(10C' ( 4 10 ; 1'JUO to 1150 ! Ibs , 53.40(3 (
H.W ; 050 to 1'JOU Ibs , SU OU3.f)0 ; stockers and
Tenders , Sl.rxxsaOO ; COWH , bulls and mixed.
51.50@J.GO ; Texas cattle , yearlings and
jnlxotf $1.75@3.10 ; steers , Jj2. ® : ! .30.
lions Tlia market opened with another
lft boom on. The "plungers" rushed In anil
vaid as high as C5.75for ono lot , while others
jot the same ilk paid as high as , " ) .70 , and
Jiearly nil of the early lots reall/.cu S5.GO@
D.05 , but later on , and especially about 10 to
11 o'clock , lots that cost the "pliincpn " 8r .00
05.ft\ were freely ollered at 55.50S..G.5. Of
course salesmen who held on to the last were
left and had to sell against the speculators'
loss or carry his stock over until Monday.
] ) urlng the week values have advanced 35 4
Oo nnd the legitimate demand has been
cood. It would Hcem trom to-da\'n events
Iiowover. that a halt has been called In the
dvanco for the present.
Nr.w roitif , July 10. iSpedal Telegram
to the UEI.J : STOCKS The market to-day
vas dull with on 73,111 shares traded In.
liondon was a fair buyer of Heading , Lake
IShoro and Its ustml specialties , but the
eral disposition was to go slow. Shorts were
yho principal buyers , and advances of
| ioint were recorded. The bank statement
Showed an Increase iu the reserve of
$ lo75C50 , nnd brings the holdings of the
banks above legal requirements to $7l S,100.
U'ho fooling In the room regarding the future
Is still mixed , but many of the best posted
vrcre Inclined to buy good stocks on breaks ,
jMonoj was easy , and 8500,000 In gold arrived
from London to-day. Closing prices , com
uarotl with those ot a week ago , show do-
tllnes of > { @ % , except on Manhattan , which
Advanced 5 points , linslness with Chicago
ptock houses was generally small , some not
trading In more than a few hundred shares.
OovKitN.MK.VTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
BJ. S. 4'a coupon ,127 V C. AN. W .
TU. S. 4X'scoup..lOS { doprcfurrit..l4" ( . > .J
1'acltlo iVs ot ' 10. .124 N. Y. 0 . 10 J ) <
Canada Sontli'n. . 5flV > . lU&N . OS
Central 1'acllio. . 87XO. T. .
ChicaKO&Alton.l.0 1'acllioMall 4S'J
dopreferreil. . . . P. , 1) . A : K 3Sl
i C. , If. A Q iwji 1'iiMmnnl'al.Unr.WU
| | p. , U& W iyji ( UeitdliiK W }
D. 411.U i J'lKock Island . . . . ! !
Erie 31 St. U AS. F. . . .
do preferred. . . . O'J ' do preferred. . . .
Illinois Control. .WJi 0. , M. A StP. . . 87
S. , U. A W 20 do preferred.
K. AT 'JS , ' < st r. A ode
J akuSboro Ul > do preferred. .
L. AN M' Texas 1'aclilo. . . . i9 ! > 5
Mlchltcan Cent'l. . bi'.J Union 1'acillo. . . . "
Wo. raellle 101 \ \ ' . . St. hitl' . . . . * n,4
Wo , I'acltlo ! M ? do preferred. . WJi
do preferred. . . . \V. U. Telegraph 7G ; > *
MONKY ON OAI.I , Kasy at2Q4 per cent. ;
last loan closed olfcred at 1 pur cent
1'itiMB MKKO.\ . ; < TIIE PAPEH 5k'Jt3 ( per
STKnu.HO KXCUANQK Dull but steady
kt 54.W ror bixty day bills , nud f
tor demand.
10. Following quotations
Ait ) the 2o : : ! closing iiKiircs :
Klour Dull and uneiianiced ,
Wheat Lower ; opened nlxiut the same as
closlnir licures yesterday , doellned Ko under
fair otTerliiKs , later improved % o , but again
became easier antt cJosrtl ? B@ > JC lower than
viMlarday ; cash , COO-lOo ; August , TO MCc ;
ritipteinbur , 7J .VltV.
Corn Strong ; opened > / @ ? c higher than
Closing Ugures yesterday , ruled strong , d-
ir'anced and closed KC higher for August and
J c hither for September than closing ttutires
ot yesterday ; c.isb , UO c ; Atigust , E7 sc ;
Beptembf r , U7 Kl-lOc.
Oats Dull and weaker ; cash , CC.Ve ; Aug
ust , ! i5J < c ; September. 20 > 4C ,
Jye { Dull and weaker at If * .
JJarloy Kirmer ; September , K
J'rluiH Timothy Seea SS-HTsija.
Flax Seed-Si.1HKG1U-
Whlskv > .
I'ork Steady nnd prices without material
anKKjcash , quotnbloat flfl.WOt 17.00.
Lard-Steady : cash , Sfl.O-JXvfl.tVS ; Au-
cust , 40,07 > { C' < i5.70 : Sentember ,
Hulk Meats-Shoulders , S5.vKXa .00 ; short
Cl - r , P..VisvS.r50j short ritw , | S.liK ! S.15.
, Butter Very lirm for fauov urades ;
-TSjjeamery , HHQlWi ? : dairy , laUtOllOo.
Chcoso-Flnut tull cream cucddars , I
flats SJAftSJfc ; Toung Americas , 0(3 (
t"Mc " ; skims , ft x : .
F.CK < WcaK at llkQISc.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy ereen saltert ,
7Kc ; light do , 7 iyvc ; sailed bull hideOo " ;
Kreon salted calf , be ; dry Hint , 12 < tfl3c : drr
calf , 13Jl4c ( ; deacons 40o each ; dry salted ,
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid ,
quotable at 4c ; No. 3 , 3c ; cake , 4c.
Hecnlht . Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 13,000 13,000
Wheat , bit . 2'J.003 If/J.OOO
Corn , bu . 01.000 141.000
Ont , bu . bfi.OOO M.OOO
Hye , bu . C.UOO 7,000
Uarloy , bu . l.ouo None
New Vork. July 10. Wheat Flecoipts ,
12.,500 1 ; export ? . 4'AOOO ; spot heavy and In
some cases it trlllo lower with moderate trade
repoited ; options declined } f@\c at openIng -
If Ing I , later reacted * i@ltc , closing weak ; un
graded f red , bO'fflSTjtc ; No. 2 led , ai ; < SJc ;
August closing at 8i'c.
Corn Kecolpts , 10 ,000 ; export ? , 1.000 ;
spot quiet , steady ; options a trllln butler ,
moderately active ; ungraded , 4iWG > 0 c ;
No. 2 , 4IJfc In elevator. 45 (345 ( 0 deliv
ered : August closing a , .
Oats Hecelpts , 2-J,000 ; exports , none ; mar-
knt generally lirm ; mixed western , 8.'l } < (337c ( ;
White western , S'
Petroleum Stonily ; United closed 00 > fc.
Kggs Steady and quiet ; western , fresh ,
1'orK Mess , S15.25@l5.75j now mcssS10.25
Lard A trlllo hlcher ; western steam , S7.0'i.
Butter Quiet and steady on choice stork ;
western , lofiwoc : wcstoin creamery , IC&SOc.
Cheese Unchanged nnd dull.
Mlnm-npolK .luly 10. Wheat Weak ,
closed lower ; No. 1 hard , cash , 73c ; August ,
7 ; > > /c ; Septemljcr , 74Jfc ; No. 1 northern ,
cash , 72c ; August , 72'c ' ; Seitember ) ,
on ttack , No. 1 hard , 7le ; No. 1 northern ,
Tito ; No. 2 northern. 71c.
Flour Dull , easier ; patents , 54.104.2o ;
bakers , g3.20 < : ,
Hecelpts , llo.R'JO. .Shipments
Wheat , 14,000 bu ; Hour , 20,275 bbls.
Milwaukee. July If , . Wheat-Quiet ;
cash , 72Kr ; August , 7''c : September , 7j ; ) c.
Coin Steady : No. : i , r/.J c.
Oats-Finn ; No. 2 white , H
Kui-tt'iMk : No. 1. 51c.
Jtitrloy Higher ; SnDtomhor , ui .u.
Provisions Firm. .Mess pork July , S15.00.
Cliiolnnatl. July 10. Wheat Dull , nom
inal ; No. 8 red , 7-lc.
Coin Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 42c.
Oats Itregular ; No. 2 mixed , S0@31c ,
Uyo-Dnll ; No. 2 , We.
1'ork-Flrm at 810.25.
Whisky Dull , nominal at Sl.O. " .
Ht. IJUHII , July 10. Wheat Market
weak ; No. 2 , red. cash , nominal ; August.
71c ; Sejitember , ! c.
Corn Firm ; cash , S3j c ; August , 83-tfc ;
Soptembiir , 'HJ c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 25 > fcj July , 24c ;
August , 235 < c.
1'ork Firm at 315.50.
hard -sa.V ) .
Whisky-81.0r .
litittcr Steady and unchanged ; creamery ,
lG@l'Jc ; dairy , I2@10c.
KatiHAH City , July 10. Wheat No
Corn Sto.idyNo. ; 2 , cash , 20 fe bid. 30 ?
asked ; August , : ! OJ c bid ; September , 3tc.
O.its-No. 2 , August , 21'fc bid.
I/iviTool , July 1C. Wheat Demand
poor , holders oiler freely.
Corn Dull ; demand has fallen olT ; now
mixed western , 4s per cental.
Chicago. July 10. The Drovers' Jour
nal reporls as follows :
Cattle KcrelpH , 400 ; atcady ; Rhlpnlnc
steers , 83.00 ( < { 4.20 : stockers and feeder * . Jl.50
(33.00 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.50@2.CO ;
Texas cattle , S1.75ff.M. ( ; :
Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; opened lOc higher
nnd closed with thoadvanco lost ; rouzh and
mixed , : ; nacklne and shipping ,
S545.0t5.70 ; light , S5.SO@5.GO ; skips , S3.75
Sheen llecolpts , 200 ; steady ; natives , ) ; western , S.T.OOf < ? 3.60 ; Toxons ,
82.SOg3.70 ; lambs per head , 31.50 < 33.fiO.
Natioiii'l Stout VnrdH. Knst Ht
houlR. III. , Julv 1C. Cattle Kecelpts ,
100 ; shipments , 000 ; market was steady ;
fair to choice heavy native steers , 84.00 ®
4.r q ; butchers' steers , fair to choice. S3.5054
4.00 ; feeders , fair to good , S3.00&3.0 ;
stockers , fair to good , 82oo@a.90.
Hogs Hecelpts , TOO ; shipments. bOO ;
stronger ; choice heavy and butchers selec
tions , 85.50(85.70 ( ; packing and Yorkers , mo-
dlum to choice. S5.3 : > @ 5.50 ; pigs , common to
good , 84.M5.20. )
Kantian City , July 16. Cattle Receipts ,
1,000 ; shipments , i.uoo ; steady ; eood to
choice , corn fed , 8.i.50 ( < 43.80j common
to medium. { 3.25(83.40 ( : stockers , 32.10jK2.50 ;
feeding steers , S2.23@3.20.
Hoes Kecelpts , S.OOO ; Bblompnls , 4.500 ;
opened strong and 5(310o ( blither , closing
weak with advance lost except for light ;
peed to choice. 55.30@5.40 ; common to me
dium , 55.00e5.25.
Saturday , July 10.
The receipts of cattle were light and as
compared with yesterday show a falling oil
ot 300 head. Good medium weight native
steers are a llttlo strong and In better de
mand but there were no very good ones In
to-day. Western cattle are dull and do not
show anv advance. Common glassy cows
and small steers are not wanted ny the butch'
ers anil are very slow sale. There was SOUK
Inquiry for fuedeis and several loads changed
The run of hoes was heavier than usual
for Saturday , The marke.t opened at an ad
vance and active. There was a good domain !
and the pens were cleared beloro mid-day.
The market was a strong 6c higher anc
closed with a lirm fecllne.
There was nothing doing In the market.
Cattle 200
Hogs 5,201
Prevailing Price * ,
Showing the prevailing prlco * paid for live
slock on thin market :
Cholco steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs..SS.SM.m ?
Cholco steers , 1100 to UOt ) Ibs. . . 8.70Qi.S3 :
Fat little steers 'JOO to 1050 Ibs. . . . S.2uYii3.fl5
Corn-fed range steers 1800 to 1400 lUOfas.GO
Good tocholce corn-fed cows. . . .
Common to medium cows
Uood to choice bulls . . 2.00MB.S1
highland medium hops r..OOW.\l.'i
Good to choice heavy hoes 5.20ff5.H ( ; )
Good to choice mixed hogs 5.10 5.20
IleprcseiitniiTe Hale * .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
15..12SW 83.80 45..1113 83.bO
! U.10bO 3.SO
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
11. . . 1063 3.50 U..1U3 $3.50
No. Av. Pr.
I..lb70 Si.75 !
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3. . . . 010 S2.25 3. . . . 1070 S2 GO
riKDins. : :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. . . 10 > 7 S3.40 SI. . . . OOS S3.00
34. . . . t l 2.75 7..1123 8,15
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
G'J..2.13 b ( ) S5.00 6ft..220 W ) 55.20
CS..2H 200 S.10 T3..SX ) 100 S.'JO
W.200 S.tO C4..2.-.1 bU 5.20
70..210 2SO & .10 04..240 120 6.20
W . . .207 20 5.10 W..2411 100 5.20
bTt . . .I'M 4(1 ( 5.10 6'J..24.r ICO 5.20
] . . . .2IX ) t-0 5.15 G1..2 ; ) ! 120 5.20
71..22.5 SO 5,15 T1..22U IfO 5.20
77..213 100 5.15 Tt ) . . , . ' . ! M 5.20
OS..C'M 40 5.J5 67..229 fi.'JO
CS..2.-)4 400 615 60 . . .2iT l 000 6.20
81. . . . 240 160 6.15 f.7..22l 120 C.25
S0..1&4 ICO 5.15 T0..2a40 fi.25
CO..224 2 > 0 fi.15 57..271 120 6.25
07..2m 80 6.15 C1..240 ICO 6.25
Oil..210 IfiO 5.15 70..839 6.23
TJ..209 120 6.15 CO..843 120 6.25
53.21ft 120 6.15 ftl..24H 120 6.23
O . . . .li > 5 SO 5.15 C1..2C3 N ) 6.2
GO..SIM 120 5.15 M..271 80 6.23
0'.t..218 210 5.15 M..241 100 6.2.1 }
91 . . .211 200 5.15 f > 5..aU 40 5.2.1
70..214 40 5.17 O4..2t > l bO 6.2.1 }
M..22U 100 6.20 5'J..803 200 6.25
02..U2U 5.20 m..241 5.23
fw'i..250 40 6.20 CO. . . . 237 6.C5
Oa..244 SO 6.20 C8..2SI FO 6.23
01..201 ICO 5.20 75..237 120 5.23
70..228 6.20 59..240 ICO 6.23
01..241 6.20 63. . . .236 6.23
C5..2M ICO 5.20 60.230 M 6.25
69.279 80 5.2Q 79..028 60 5.23
TJ..V20 120 6.20 60..80-J 6.80
71 . . .c : : * 4Q 5,20 oa..ci5 lao &BO
07..2W 200 6.20 08..263 60 6.SO
C2..C.V ) liM 5.20 rfl..Q30 ICO B.M
67..215 120 5.20 57..807 40 5.BO
Co..253 CO 6.CO M..2y5 120 G.30
Lilrc Block Sold.
.Showingthe. number of head of stock sold
on tlio market to-day :
J. 1) . CInrk 12-J
. 11. Hammond A Co * 0
Local lt !
Swift A Co 04
Total 220
Anglo-American Packing Co 3,230
Armour it Co K f >
Squires A : Co 1,105
Total 5,001
Showing the number of cattle , hoes and
sheep shipped from the yards during tlio day.
C K. I Chicago
3 C. 11. &Q Chicago
19 .It. I. . Jollct
Weekly Kccclpts
Showing the receipts of cattlu and hogs on
each day of the past week.
CATTLE , nons.
Monday 953 2,315
Tuesday 2on : 4.5S7
Wednesday NVi 4,019
Thursday I'.iy 4,402
Ftldav W2 2,037
Saturday 212 5,10'J
'lota ! . . . . .4,7CO 23i'01
All silos ot stock in this market are made
per cwt. IIvo wulglit unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs soil at MO Per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or hogs weighing loss than 103 Ibs ,
no valiio. Pro nant sows are doc'.coJ 40 Ibs.
and stags30 Ibi. by tliaoubllo Inspector.
fjlvo Stock Notes.
Hogs booming.
A big day for Saturday.
Webtein cattle continue dull ,
The hog market reaches 53.80.
J. J. Miller , Valley , marketed hogs.
Native corn fed steers In better request.
Snell & Agnew , Ashland , marketed a load
of 25c hogs.
J. { } . Hall , ( Jlbbon , nmrkuted a load ofC02
Ib hogs , at S" .yo.
John Lumko , Mlllnnl , was at the yards anl
marketed n load of hogs.
The receipts of stock this week show a
slight gain over last week.
K. W. Hanks , Slielton , came In with one
load ot cattle and one load ot hogs.
James Dulanoy , Marcngo , la.yas at the
yards and marketed four loads of feeders.
The receipts of lioirs In Chicago to-day
were 8,000 , while the receipts hero were 5,200.
Thomas Akin , a heavy live htook shipper
ot North Ucnd , was In looking over the mar
L. T. Martin , of Chicago , of the firm of
ilartln Bros. , was among the visitors nt the
II. II. Wirt.Anslcy.was hnro and marketed
load of 253-lb hogs at S5.30 , the top prlco
or to-day.
James Danloy , a prominent shipper of Ash-
nnd , came In with two loads ot hogs which
old on the market ,
J. li. Brooks , York , camn In with a load of
: orn-fed steers , ot Ills own feedings , that
oppml the market.
A. W. lieahni , Cortland.a frequent shipper
o these yards , was hero and sold a load of
255-lb hoes at 35.30.
Mr. Harr , of tlio lirm of Oreon < fc Barr ,
Ireoiuvood , was In and sola a load of hogs
, t satisfactory prices.
On Monday heavy hoes sold at § 4.85(3)5.00 ( ) ,
lie advance In the market lor the week
mounting to allot 30c.
Mrs. J. . Mai tin. the wife of the well
nnwn commission man , left lor Chicago
.ist night on hearing of her father's illness.
"o-tiaya telegram was received announcing
is death.
General 1'rodiioo.
Satutday. July TO.
JTlie following arc Ilia prices nt whlvli
round lota of produce arc ioW in this nuir-
Ailt *
Enns The market continues very weak
nil dull. Stocks were moving to-day mostly
UUTTKU There Is very little of any choice
butler coming in. Creamery , fancy. 10 ( lSc ;
creamery , choice , 14Q10o ; dairy , fancy , 13 ( < $
Llo ; daily , choice , ll@12o ; dairy , talr to
jood , lOQltn ; dairy , Interior , 7@9c.
POUM IIT There Is n very fair demand for
good stock. Old fowls sell well. If choice , at
33.25@3.50. Large spring chickens sell at
J.Wgi.OO. ( : There are n Tew ducks coming
n which sell at 52.75 ( 3.00 , according to size.
iL'eonp , 75c@St.OO.
GAMI : There Is very llttlo doing In this
Ino ; weather Is too hot just at present.
Snipes , per do/en , 75cC < * 1.00 ; plover , 75c@
51.00 ; prairie chlckoiiH , S2.50C < t3.00.
CIIKE-.I ; Thumarkut at prewent , Is very
lirm , and If the dry weather In the creamery
districts continue.- ! , may look for much higher
pi Ices llian these quoted bulow : Fancy tull
cream Cheddars , Blngle , Ue ) ; lull cream
twins , lovc ; Young Ameilcas , He : brick ,
cbcehe , 10J Ibs. In case , new 12c ; Llmbtirger ,
100 Ibs In case , new , lie ; Swiss , fancy Ohio ,
new , ISo.
POTATOES The receipts of now potatoes
are heavier nnd choice stock can be had iu
bulkatOO@i' > 5c.
CALIFORNIA. BBA.NS New white beans
from Calitornla have arrived In the market
anil are selllnir nt S'J.10 per bushel.
liKituiEH There were only a few berries
of any kind on the mniket. There were a
tew red raspberries In which sold nt S2.5U per
24 pt case. Blackberries are not plenty at
S4.00 per 24 cit c.ise.
TOMATOKS The market Is well supplied
with uood stock \\blcli Is selling at 'JO < vl.OO
per box.
OitANar.s There are a few Los Angeles
In which aiesellluK at S5.00per box. Kodi ,
Sf .00@0.50. Naples oranges , choice , 200 s. ,
-r box , S0.50 ; Naples oranges , Imperial ,
LOO s. , per box , 50.50.
LOIONS There are still a few old lemons
In this market which are being weld ns low
BH S7.0U(7$7.50. ( ( iood choice new stock Is
quoted at SS-SOQaSO per box.
liKMONs The weather Is very warm all
over the country and the lecolpts of lemons
at the ports of entry are very liuht. hence tha
market Is advancing rapidly. There are still
a few old lemons in this market , which are
being sold as low as S7.00(7i:7. ( : . ' > 0. Good choice
new stock Is quoted at & .00 ( 3.50 per box.
UANANAS Stock now arriving Is mostly
too ripe to ship. Cholco crccn bunches are
linn at quotations : Port Llmon , per bunch ,
APi'i.KS A few vcrv choice California ap
ples have arrived on the market and are sell
ing at 52.00 per bushel box. Uood Missour
stock is quoted at 54.00 per bbl.
berry season U nearly over. Blueberry ar
rivals art ) falling otf. Blueberries , per box ,
Sl.75ft2.oO ( ; plnuis , per one-third bushel
WATERMELONS Melons of all kinds are
very scarce. Watermelons , per hundred
S35.00 ; cantaloupes , per down , S2.50@3.00.
YKOKTAIILES tiaubago , home grown , pe :
crate , 54.00 ; cucumbers , per dozen , 40c ; pota
toes , per bbl , 82.50 < S3.005 onions , i > er bbl ,
53.60 ; crook-nuck squash , per one-third bu ,
box , 51.25.
PKAciir.s There are no southern peaches
ot any account coming In and California
peaches are not very plenty. Halo's early
are selling nt 81.75 per box.
PKAIU > The market was well supplie
with good Hartlutt pears , which are selling
at3.50 per 40-1 b box.
I'LUMS Thn market Is fairly well supplle *
with good California stock , which Is held a
$1.75 per box ; prunes 81,75 per box.
liberal quantities and selling at 40c.
CAULIKLOWEII Very large , tine heads are
going at 1.25@l.0 per dozun.
Grocer's List.
COFFKE Ordinary grades , 19S'20Kc ; fair ,
OOC lc ; prime , 21Q23 ; choice , WJ24 ( ; ; fancy
5rwn and yellow , 23Q25c ; old governpient
ava,232bc ; Interior Java , 24@2fic ; Mocha ,
Shfrtaoc : ArbuckloX roasted. 26J c ; Me-
LaiiBlilln's XXXX , 25 c ; Dl worth's , 25c ;
Ked Cross , 25fc. }
CANNKD OOODS Oysters , itandard , per
case. ? 2.90 < 33.lOj strawberries , 2 Ib. per case ,
82.40(52.45 ( ; raspberries , 2 Ib. per case ,
52.40(22.4.1 ( ; California pears , per case ,
54.80 ( 4.40 ; ptlcots , per case ,
8t.50 : : iCOj txtaobefl , per cas g4.lM > g
5.00 ; wulte clicrrles. per case , SS.rx ) ; plums , per
case1 3.4038.60blueborrles.percjweS1.83itg ;
plums , 2 ID. per case , 82.50 : pineapples , 21b.
per case. S3.20Q5.73t 1 Ib. mackerel , per doz ,
11.35 ; i Ib. salmon , per doz , Sl.553i.GO ; 2 Ib.
gooseberries , per case , 12.00) ) a Ib. string
beam , nor case , 81.70 ; 3 Ib. lima beans , per
rase. SLGO ; > Ib. marrowfat peas , per case ,
S2.40@3.50 : a lb.6anr June poas. per case ,
5175 ; s Ib. tomatoe * fi2.i5 2.SO ; 8 Ib !
corn , 82.60.
PIIOVUIOKS Hami , 12 < 312 > { c ; breakfast
boards , 1.73 ; assorted S2.25 ; No. 1
rhurns , S9J No. 3 cliurns , No. 3 churns ,
STAJtcit Mirror Gloss , . ; Graves Corn ,
0 > jc : Oswego Gloss. 7c ; 0 io Corn , 7c.
HUOOMS Kxtra 4 tie , S. 1,52.25 ;
No. 2 , S2.00 ; heavy stable , )
Svnur No. 70 , 4-galloti ? > . S1.32Q1.5S !
New Orleans , per aallo , 5@4Gc ; maple
Byruji , half bbls , ' 'old time L > er gallon , 70c ;
l-gallon cans , per doz , i ifl ; half gallon
cans , tier doz. 53.50 ; quart < . S3.HO.
. . . . . tlck. UMQOMc.
CRACKKHS Oarneau's xla , butter and
picnic , 4Kc ; creams , 7Xc ! ginger snaps,7Xc ;
city soda , 7 ; < c.
PICKKI.S .Medium , In bbl ? , S7.00 ; do In
half bbls , 54 00 ; small , In bbls. S3.00 ; do , In
half bbls. S4.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , 89.00 ; do ,
Iu half bbls , 55.00.
SuoAii-OranultttedflY < R6Vc ; conf. A.Bff ?
CVc ; white extra 0 , 5 f < iC , { c ; extra C.
6 c ; yellow C. r > { @ , , 'c ; cut loaf , "
powdered , 77 , ' < ; c.
Diiini ) FntiiTS Apples , new , jf _ . . . , . ,
ovopora'.cd , 50-lbrlng , 1718c ; raspbeirtes ,
evaporated,27@2So ; blackbttrrliN , evaporated ,
H'/QDWcj ' pitted cherries , UX@l'-'c ; peaches ,
now , kf's , t.lfc ; evaporated , peeled peaches ,
- new currants ,
ron , 25c ; ral-
_ _ . . - , , California , loose
muscateK 81.05 ; new Yalenclas , } tc.
IKFIXID { IjAnn Tierces , 7c : 40- square
cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , c ; .20-lbiound . , 7'jc ;
10-lbpatis , 7 < c ; 5-lb palls , 7c ; ! ) -lb pi alls ,
'VonAcco Lorlllard's Cllmav , 87c ; Splon-
dld , ! ie ! ? ; Mechanic's Delight , 40c ; hepgntt iV
Meyer's Star , 37c : Coi ncrsloni',87c ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoe , 37c ; T. J. . 3lc ; Sorg's
Spent head , 87c.
TP.AS Japan , pcrlb , 20 ( . ' " > 0e ; cunpowder.
2rrr,0c : Voting llvson , S0y50c ? ; Congou , fl- > @
70c : Ooloup , a
_ - pirits.lbs proot , Sl.lOj
do 101 proof , § 1.13 ; s-plriK second iiiallty ] ,
101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18s proof , 5I.OH. Alcohol ,
Ito pioof. S2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whl.skies , 81.00ijl.SO. Gin blended. S1.5 ( ' < 3
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.OUi3fi.oO ; Ken-
tueky nnd I'ennsylvanla ryes , 2.00@(1.50 ( ;
( ioldon Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
SLPiOfOi-OO. llrnndles , imported , S5.OUrtW.50 ;
domestic , Sl.0(43.00. ( ( Jlns , Imported , t4.50@
C.OO ; domestic , t.25rtji.iX : ) . Ch.impacnes , Im
ported , per case , Sib.00@o3.00 ! ; American , per
case. 310.00 ( 10.00.
llinr.s ( ireen butchers' , 5J @Oc ; crcen
cured , 7 c ; dry Mnt , HM12e : dry salt , ! @
10c ; green ealf skins , Be ; dainaired hides two-
thinls price. Tallow 8c. ( iteasc Piimo
white , 8c : yellow , 2c ; brown , l c. Sheep
pelts , 25@75c.
HnAW HARDWAIIK Iron , rate , 52.70 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4Kc ; crucible steel
CKcleast tools , do , I2i ( lbc ; waon spokes ,
Br set , 52.00(33.50 ( ; hubs , per set , 81.23 ; fel-
oes , sawed dry , Sl.CO ; tontfuo. % each , tOc ;
xlos. each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , < V37c ;
oil chain , per Ib , 0 > $ @ 13c ; malleable , bailc ( ) ;
ron wedges , Co ; crowbais , Oc ; harrow teeth ,
\ a\ \ spring steel. 4(35c ( ; liurden's horse
iocs , S4.75 ; Hurden's mule shoes , 55.75.
Jarbed wire' In car lots , St.OO per 100 Ibs.
ron nails , rates , 10 to 50 S2.GO ; steel nails ,
' 2.75.
Dry Ijuuibcr.
12ft n ft 10 ft . ' 21 ft
Xfl \i'.w ri.ta BaOl 19.BO 03.AO S3.BO
Xfl8 17.50117.50 I7.W ) Il l 50 S2.0 . ' .
\8 . n.0i7.r)0i7.r.o ; | IlI I IV.W Z..iO.L-J.M
vlO . ItsB ) 19.5U SiKtffiM
xlS . IC.UO IMWllHUO , ,
xlbvS . 1S.&I I8.50i | .no H.M so fib ii.i.o'aoo ) '
No. 1 , com , sis . . ' . S19.0Q
No.3. com , s Is 17.60
No. 4 , com , s 1 s , j 13.50
Xo. 1 , 4 & 0 In , 12 & 14 tt. rough ? 19.00
No. 2 , 18.00
.st com , A In White Pine Ceiling 834.00
; ie : r , i8 ! in. Norway Fine-Celling 10.00
V , 12,14 and 1C ft , ,
J ' ' 20.50
y ii . ' . ' . , . . . . 15.00
ii 'i " 13.00
A 13 inch s. Is S4C.OO
No. 1 , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12 & ,14 20.00
ii " itift in.oo
No.3 " " " 12te24a 18.00
' " " 10ft 17.00
1st and 2d , clear. 14' inch , s. 0 s
M , clear , 1 Incti , s. 2 s. , 845 ; l / , IK,3 In 47.00
1J select , 1 inch , s.2 s.,8 : ; 1 , IK , 3 In 87.00
White cedar , C In. , H . , ; In. qrs. , lie
1IJ12 Poujjlns Street.
Homffipathic Physician &Surpeoii ;
onicuuiul roaldcnco. lloom 17 Arlington Hook
24Di lKU St. 1st building Wen of Postofllce
Telephone 38
Merchants' National Ilnnk Building , Itooia 1
Telephone No. J7.r > , Omaha , Nubraska.
Phoenlr. Ixindon , liiiL-Imul (5,72) ) )74.1
Firemen's. ' Nuwnrk , N. J 1,5M,8M.3I
Olcii's Fulk Ulon's Falls , N. V l , ! i S3.
Olrnrd , Phllnflclpnia. Pu l B.I OH.
WestcbbSter Now Vorn N. Y . . . . 1.3 ,5t ! .OS
Of House Fnrnituro , every Wednesday
and Suturtlay nt 507 S. 13Ut St. ,
HtlQix. m.
Itotight and sold. Furniture sold on tiino
payments. Cheapest piano to buy urni-
turcand housuhuld srooils in tliu oily.
Itntosfl porilnr. First ol s roptnu rant nt-
tnclied , nt reasonable rnton. First clnss nnil nil
outiklo rooms Cor.luh anil Webster its.Omnha
Noli. 13th anil IStli struct cars DUBS the iloor.
Successors to Jno G _ Jacobs ,
A.VD i.MUAI ! iK.S. :
At the oldstanu 1407 Farnam st. Orders
aph soiiciteil and promptly at-
to. Tcl-ephonu No. X.
\mo n r < Af rAHTiD itn IIIK ornanAriiT or tmi
comi r irtu. tt nt ixAaixua mi * TIUT nn
By reft ton of Its central portion , cloo relation to line
Last ot Chicago , iiml continuous line * at terminal
points West , Northvtvtt nnil Bouthwejt , Is the trut
middle Ilnlc In that transcontinental ajmtun which
lavltr. anil facilitates travel nud tmlllo between the
Atlantic amll'aoinc.
The Iloek Island taaln line nnd branches Include Chi *
citKO , Jcllet. Ottawa , I.aKAlle , reorla , llcneioo , Vlollno
nnil UocU Inland , In llllnolit Davenport , Muscatlna ,
Washington , Kalrfirld , OttumwaOskMoonx , West Lib
erty , Iowa cityPe Molne , Inctls.nolaWlntewt , Atlan
tic , KDotTllIn , Audulion , Ilarlan , ( luthrlo Contra and
Council IllufTs , In lowat flallatln , Trrntun , Bt. Joseph ,
Cameron and Kanras City. In Mlssonrlt Leavenworth
nd Atohlion , InKanian jUUrt , Minneapolis and
Bt. I'aul , In Minnesota i Watortonn and Bloux Palls , la
Dakuta , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and town * .
. ' . 'Tho Great Rock Island Routo'V
Cluarnnter * fpeed , comfort , certainty nnd nifety. Ill
war lBillttlnKul 1icilfi > rltsncclli > nro. Its
rlilgcf nro of ptono nnd Iron. Its track Is uf solid
eteel.lts rolling stock inrfect. Itspastvn etTfiulptnunt
lias nil thunafetjr appliances thai ciporleiico lias iiro\ed
useful , and for luiurlous Accomnxxlatlons Is unftur * , lt KiprcRS Trnlm consist of Biipitrlor Pajr
Coaclio , elrpant rullmun 1'nlaro rarlornnd Sleeping
Cars , superb Dlnlntt Ctt , proTlitliiK ili'lloloui inealu ,
and ( between Chicago nnd Rt * JoM'ph , Atchl in and
Knn.ns City ) restful Ilcclliilnj ; Chair Cart. IK man
agement Is conservative , Its illsclpllno exacting.
The Famous Albert ton Routo"
H tttcen Chlcnpr ) nnd Minneapolis and Rt. 1'anl Is tha
favorlle. Otorthlsllno Hand fast Kipnsj Trains run
dally to nltrnctho ui orti fnr tourUts In Iowa and
illnnrota , nnd , lx ( Vntert01 n nnd Sioux Kails , to the
rich wheat and f-rfltlng land * of Interior PakoM. Via
Suiica nnd Kankakuo , the Kock Island olTers8Ut > crlor
Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian
apolis. Lafayette nnd Council l.lttfTs , Ht. Jovph , Atchl-
Fen , Loarenwurth , Kansas City , Rt , 1'aul , and Intermo
dule points. All patrims ( enH'clally ) ladlis and chll-
ilrrnri'celroproti'ctlfenrourte ) y nnd kindly attention ,
For tickets , maps , folderroplf \VMtorn Trail , or
any ile lrrHl Inforinatfon. npply to principal oRlies Jn
tbo United Stated and Ctuuula , oraddrces , atChtct o ,
R , R. CABtt , E. ST. JOHN , E. A. IICIBROOI ,
Chicago , Mil waukee&St. . Paul Rj
TJic Rent 4Routc frnm Omaha and
Council Rluffs to' .
Two Tiains Daily Between Omaha and
Council Bluffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Beloit , Winoua , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast
und Southeast.
lor through tickuts call on tlio tlckot ntfont
Ht HOI rurnniii si , In 1'nxton hotel , or ut Union
1'iiclfio ilopou ,3
I'ullmitn Sleepers mill the finest Dlnlnjr Curs
In the world uru mil on the nmln line of tlio
Clilcnjrn , Mllwiiukco i : St. I'uul Kullway imJ in'-
ery nttuntlon Is puld to passuntfers by courte
ous oinplo ) CCA of tin ) coinpiiny.
It. .Mi 1. 1. i.u , U one nil Munauor.
J.l'.TiiCKKii , AsslstanldiMinrtil Mnnnircr.
A. V. K. C vitro TEH , OonorHl I'lisseitKer anil
Ticket Agent.
( K llEAtFOitl ) , Asslstutit General I'lisaon-
Ber nml TleUet Audit.
J. T. CI.AHK , Oenoral Superintendent.
The only rend to tAke for DCS Molnes M nr-
thnlltowB , Oeditr Hiiplils , Cllctin , Dlro , Clilcn
fro , Milwaukee HIK ! all points on-t. To the peo-
tlo ) of Heornsku , Colornilo , WyomlnR. Utah
Idulio , Nevada , Orcson , Wn rilnKton nnd Cnll
fornln , It ofl ri superior Rilvantatfos not posal
bio liy any other lino.
Amontr few oftlia numerous point * of u-
perlorltr enjoypil t > r the patrons of this ronil
between Omaha nncl Chicago , lire Jta two trains
ixilnjr of DAYCOAl'HES , wblch are the flnest
that humnn an nml Imrenultr ccn oroate. Iti
I'ALACKSLRBPINQ C'AUR , which are models
of comfort nnil elepance. ltd I'Allt.DK DltAW-
INO HOOM CAHS , unsurnniifefl bjr any , and Iu
wlrtelT celebrntoil I'ALATtAh DiNlNO CAHS
the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Cannot ) Bluffs the trains of the Union Paclflo
Kr. oonneot In Union Depot with those or the
CnlunffO * Northwcitorn Jty. In Chicago the
trains of thla line make close connection with
those of all eaitern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara Sails , Buffalo. Pittsburir .Toronto ,
Montreal , Beaten , Now Yoru. Philadelphia ,
BaHlmor * . Watilnfton nnd all point * IB the
ea t , Mk Mr a ticket via the
If you wtoh tk best acoonimodatton. All Moke
agent * Mfl Moketl Tla this line.
R. HUOHlTf , . P. WILSON ,
OM.L ifMHWOT , p al * PMt'r Agml
Ca * ° '
Wetters Agent. City Pats'r A ent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Incomparably the Beat.
Ami Mhen fuir from
. ncrrouB ileblllty ,
ronlo rticta-vca , tittmalurw
llno of yuuntf or old i
nlUveljr cuied bj Dr
lornc's ftnioiu Klretro.
A nTeland on the Sou thorn coast of Mnssachu
Otis. ( Jood flshlnk anil buaoli for liatliliiR , Lo
catcil In tlm best Siiinmi > r Climate In the world
For full imrtithir * iiiMruns.
KDWAHI ) . 0 Miilltllr : , ,
_ _ t utunl Llle llullilltig. S. XutBau St. . N. Y
IIM a , 1'ud dlOsruit from all
, lseop nai > . wllliB lf.
, . Inif liul in center , adart4
i\t \ to all p slU DS of lti <
ff . lodyirhll th ball to.tiitcup
fMC preo e back tb lnt a-
a fines Juat aa o P.e' P"
does with the finger. wittI { ] ktPrMiar " > " "
maubemsMurelr OUT anil nljbtMi < 3 ratflca cnrt
c rt U It U SM7. dur t > ! _ dA p _ t lb7 n'U.i-1' '
Agricultural Implements.
Whottule I'oiUr In
Affricnltnral Implements , 'NVntrons ,
Cf-rrlagei and llttcclPii. Jones Mr.ot , trtwo.u JUl
ml llHh.Onmlui , .Nub.
L1X1XGKR it ) ytETCALF CO. ,
Agricultural Implements ,
Wftgf > nt.r rrl > igc . llugglci. Hie. , Wholnnlg , Oman * .
\Vtiole alol > oaler In
Agricultural Implements ,
t anil Htwlpn. lUIl.Q3VOi nnrtin ; , Jnnc tt
Artists' Material ,
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Artists * Materials , 1'ianos mitl Orpnna ,
1M3 Dounliit ytrcet. Oniahn. _
Builders' Hardware and Scales ,
MffChaulca'TooUnnil ItuCnlo 8ralu § . UC Douglas it ,
.ft Omaha , N l > . _
floods and Shoes.
jr. r. MOUSE tC co.
Jobbers of Hoots ami Shoos.
1111 Karnaui it. , Omaha , N b. Manufactory , Bumraot
nitnet. lloHim.
7. . T. LI * \ Until < ( ' CO. ,
Wliolesr.lo 15nbber Hoots nml Shoos
Kiibuur nnil Oiled Clotliinir iiml 1 'lt ' Hoot' nml
Phor 111 ! Hn'tiiM t'i'H
Beer *
sToit/r ,
liOffcf JJecr Brewers ,
North Hth } < tref t. Omaha , Neb ,
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Ca lngi ( if nil klndi nlwnjitu aloe * . HI !
JoiiB n. , ; > ninna
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coirvn and Splco
TOSHCntrees.Spleen. UakliiR I'ondnr.
iicidrr nine. Ink , Itic. UU-
Bircut , Onmhn. Nob.
Cornicp. .
John Epenctor , 1'rop.
Manufacturer of UaUnnltcd Iron and Cornice. 93
nnil 101 nud 106 N , 10th Omnlia , Neb.
Unnurncturcrn of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowe , Hn l .UclnllrSkjllhttc. 8108.
12tli ! . , Onmlm.
C. Specht , I'rop.
Onlrnnlrcd Iron Cornlcp , etc. Bpoct'ilmrroTort Put.
nt tlptnllc.Skyllitht. MM andbtO H 1'ali t..Oni lm.
.lobbgn of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , Mattings , Itto , J511 DoUElas trcrt.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for * lin Slaimfacturors and Importer ) of
( irockory , Glassware ,
Lnmps , Clilnincrs , etc. orflce , 317 Eoutb llth it
Uaiatm , N b.
Mammoth Clotliliiff Houao ,
Corner I immm null Tonlli Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Commission and Storage.
I ) . A. HURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing.
Batter , RcKiainl 1'reduce. ConBlKntneniB eoliclted
llcmlqimrtarn for Hlnnewnro. Uvtrr Iloirn uncl
Urnpa llniketi. 141i DoilgaslreotOmalia.
Stovajjo and Commission Merchant * ,
Kpoclulue'Uuttcr. . Kfgt , CUeeiu , Po iltrr. Guiaa ,
Oritcrn. etc. , etc. 1128. lull St.
Commission Merchants.
FrnlU , Produce anil rroTltloni , Omaha , Neb.
CO. ,
Produce Commission llerchants ,
Toultr ; , llutter , Untne , Fiultn , tc. S30 S. lltblt
Omnha. N n.
Coal ana" Limt.
Ucu. I. l.AiiAini , 1'rcn. C. F. OonnUAN , T. P | | .
J. A. HUSUEiiLAKn , Moc. and Treun.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Conl.
7t South Tblrteonth Street , Omaha , Neb.
,7. J. i7O7.IA.SOy ,0 CO. ,
Mannfacturers of Illinois White Limo.
And Shippers of'oal ami Cnkd , Cement. l > liutcr <
IJino , llalr. Flro Ilrlrk , Driiln , Tlla nml "ewer I'lpe
OHIce , I'.nlon Hula I. Varniim H , Oni.ilin , .N l )
Cigart and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , 'J'obacco ' ,
Quni end Ammunition , 315 toTC ) S. Ulh it. , 1020 to
llHt Pitrnnmit .Omiha.Neli.
Mannfacturera of Fine Cicars ,
And Wbolesnlo Dealer * In Leaf Tobuccoi , Nos. 109
nnil 110 M. Mlh itrnet , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITir C CO , ,
Dry GooilH , Fiirnlshiiifi : Goods & Notions
1103 anil HIM Douitlnn , cor. llth St. , Omahn , Nob.
Dlitlllcri of I.lqunm , Alcohol nnrt Spirits. Importers
ami Jobtemof WlneHttnUlilquon.
CO. and ILER ttt CO. ,
Importers nnrt Jobbore of Fine Wlnei and Liquor * .
8ulemanuf eiur riin ( Kenneilr'i Halt India Ult'
teriHiiU Dunioillo I.lTU'r . 1112 HarnarMt.
Wholesiilo Dealers In Fnrnituro ,
Knrnaiu at. . Om b . Neb. _
ClfA JtLES .S7/7 1'ERICK ,
Furniture , Ilodtlinp , Upholstery ,
Mlrrori.Otc. 1208.1203 and 1810 rarnam Bt. . Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wliolpsale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noa. T05'OT,7OTanil7llS. IQtli St , Om h , Neb.
MuVORD , U.UADY ,15 CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
lth und I , ranwortb eli. , Omaha.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nailfi ,
Tinware , r-buol Iron , Ktc. Acenl' for Howu ScHl
anil Miami PuHdorlo Opiaha.NVb.
Hcftvy Hardware , Iron nnd Slcol ,
rVncon r Unck. Hardware Lumber , ute , 1X1
and 1211 llarnvy st , Uruaha ,
Wliolcsale Iron and Stool ,
Waecn and Carriage Wood KtocS. IlPHvr llurdware ,
Kic. 1J1I anil 131J l.estecwcrlh K. . Omsli , Neb.
Stoves , ISanpos , Kurnncrs , Tiles ,
Mantlts.Uratei , IUHK lfKx1 ) . 1J31 und 1311 KJtnt
Iron Works.
\fs + * r * * ff
, .
v 4 >
Iron WorHs ,
Wrought tnd Cuit Iron Ilulldlns Work , Iron hlhlrs ,
lUIIIud Dearui and Girders , Steam KujMnes , Hra s
WorUi.u ral totnitj , Mtcbloe and n'ackimUb '
Work Offlca ! Vfottt , V.f. KT. ndlTlh stum , _
" " " " "
JLJC. SA irr/J/i , " '
anufiirturliur Donlor In Smokp Stnckg ,
llrltchlnRj , Tnn , nnilUom < Al Holler llopulrliir ,
111S Douvlai street , Omnlm ,
F. II. MCMANl'P. 0. St'U.IVAX.
Mnniifnetu-prii of
ire nnd Iron Itallincrs , Desk Itnlls ,
\Tlinlow OuaiiK I'lowo. .M ( m1Vlru SUni. Klo
171 N. lllh , Onli-r tir mnll rmmpllr attiMuiiMlo.
OMAIFA iiUMnmi co. ,
Denier. . Alt Klnilnof
fluildingr Material nt Wholosplo.
Hth HtrfU ami Union Pacific Track , Onialm.
J. O I "IU 2iIiA J > FOIil ) ,
Donlor in Lumber , Latli , Limp , Sash ,
Ioor , Etc. Y rJCorner ; th nml Douglas I Cornel
Hh ninl llouzUn.
Wholesale Lumber ,
lltS.llthiitr.d.Oniiilm.Ntib. j.Colpotior. lU nater.
C. N.
Ulh nnd California ! Ur Tl , Omaha , Neb.
Lnra bcr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto.
Cor.Olb unit noticing Hi. , OmaUa , No ) .
Lnmbor ,
To Dealers Only. |
offlc . UMraniniin ,
CyiAS.'R.'LEilT il
Hardwood Lumber , ' '
Wood Carpets and I'orqud Flooring. Dili nnd DouglM
Wholesale Lumber , Ktc.
Impnrtnl and Aniprlcnn 1'nrtland Ccmi'nt. Btat <
AivnlforMllnniikrn llvdrnulln fcuiunt and Host
( Julncy
Lint Stock.
Of Omaha.
I.lmUo.l. . John K. Uoyd , S'jporlnterlent. j
Lint Stock Commission. : L
2tf. JtURKK ! ' .SO V.S' , '
Live Stock Commission.
_ floo. Iturkp , H u ccr
Pnlnn Stock Y nl , H. Dunlin. Teltplione MJ.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Ehlpmtnti of nnr nntt nil kinds of Jtocv tollalted.
Union Stock Vnrrtu , Oiuahn , Nrli.
Millinery and fictions.
Importers and Jobbvra of
Millinery and Notions ,
H13andl51511arney Pt.eol , Omalm , Neb.
. " Ronfxso.NorioH co ,
Wlioleinle Uonlers In
Notions and Fiiriiishini ? Goody ,
40.1 and 405 8 Tenth PI , Oiimhn ,
Overalls ,
Mannfactiirers of Overalls ,
loans Pants , Shirts , Klc. IIOS and 1101 Doiulng Streat ,
Wholosftle Paper Dealors.
Carry a nice stuck ol I'rlntlriH , Wrapping and \VrlW
Inif pnppf. Specliil ntlcntlnn l\on tD rnr 1o.ul or
orders , which will lie shlppoil dlri'ct fro'n mill' All
order" will receive ponfimnl ntiuntlon.Vnguaf -
nnton good gboJs and loir prloo < . lilt nnd 1UI
Job Printers , J'lank Hook Makora ,
And Hook lliudora. K" ! and lOfl .Soulli KuurluORtll
street. Omabi , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers In Trpu. Prr and Printers1 Supplies. KM
houthTnelttli Street.
, , , _ ' r ,
Mannfncturers nnd Doi lorn In
nirllioR , JJolloM iV Oenoral Mnchlnnry
Bh ut Iron work , Blttnm 1'ump. . Saw Hills , Aern *
BhaftlnKDodgoToodspllt Pullaya , Uolllru , ulo ,
Alsowarons , scrapar9unil3 ttlaUdl. I41l-lltjj < f
rennortnit. Onmha
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btoamand Water Supplier. Hvailqimrters fur ilaj (
frotitt.Cn'a Uoo'ls. illtlurtium i t. , t > raabo. Iscb ,
Dallatlnr Wlni ) Mlli i nleam and Whter Pupplles.
fluniblns ; Qoorts , lleltlng , Ilisa. KI3 nnd VX > Far *
uamst. , Oninna. fi K. Kelton , Blunncei' .
Tvlepbone No. 210.
Pumps , Pipes and Hnprdiea ,
Btcam , Water , lullwny and Jlllllrnt Suppllti. Ktft
ajO , UK and tM Karnnm Bt. , Omaha , N b.
Books and Stntionery.
Wlio'oinlo anil Re all
Dooksullcrs and Stationers ,
la-i si. , Onmhu , N ili. Telitphono C01.
Safes , Etc.
P. JtOYEK & CO. ,
Apents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1
riro nnrt Hiinr'ar ' Proof Hnfoi. Time Ixickn , VnulU
_ nd.ltll Wor . ltd ) I nrmra tr t ( ) m li , Nab.
G. ANDRE EN , if
Omaha Safe Works.
MnnufacUirernof Fire BIH | HorKlurProof flufea , Vnull
lei ) > r > , \VorkMiuluirs nnil Wlro Work. Cor.
lUhiiniljM huoii Ht . Umalm , Nub ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M.A. DISItJtOir < U CO. ,
Wholesale StnimfncUirors of
Snsli , Doora , Jtllnds nnd Monldlnps ,
Ilrniich oHonl tb nnd litrd Us. , Ocs'4r.K'J.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Hould'npn.Stiilr ' Work find Interior llnrrt Wood Flnlih
Jull UMent.l. N. K cor. tr. and l , a enworthBl .
Omaha. Nub. _
Johnstown , Neb ,
The best accommoilaiions for traveler * .
The Lest hotel in town ,
F. O. riUTZ , 1'ioprictor.
Lmooln , Neb.
Tim host known Mill ninHt i > opulHr ho'vl In
thuatnto , l.ucatlonc'jntrulnppolntniunts ! Ilitt
clans. Ilciuliimiti3i | for roniniorc'Iul mou HtiJ
all piilllkal ami publlo putlinrlnirs
K. I' . KUUar.N.I'roprltitor.
School , County and City
Wo will pay hulip ! t pi lee for eatno.
' , rorn > pen > Jonc | olltcd )