Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered bjeniTler in nnjpnrtof thocltrnt
twenty rents per week.
II. W. TILTON. Manager.
Btpmrfs Omcr. No. 13 ,
NIOIIT Ktinoit No. 23.
MiNuit .MINTIU.\ .
Holier , tailor. Summer goods clioau.
Mrs. Clnppo , of Omali.i , sang a solo nt
t\a ] \ morning surylcun in the Congruga *
tloniil church yesterday. It was one ot
the most pleasant features of the service.
As the Kov. Collins was sick anil tin-
nblo to bo present ills place at tlio meet
ing in the tabernacle tent on Fourth
street was lilled last night bv Hev.
The younp ladies of the Congrcga-
tionaj church will next Thurxiiiy even
ing give a tri-color lawn party at the
residence of T. J. Evans on Oakland
This city is full of gamblers who have
become stranded. Some of them went
broke nt the races , others on cards , and
many of them have run their limit as tlm
gambling houses in Omaha have closed ,
and they have spent their last cent in this
Rev. McCrcary in the Methodist church
yesterday morning stated that the ladies
of the church were $80 short in the
amount that they had some time ago be
gun to collect , and as it was such warm
weather he proposed to divide it into
Miares of $1 each and get subscribers
then and there. It took less than live
minutes to sell the shares.
General J. M. Tuttle , state comman
der of the ( J. A. It. , will arrive this even
ing from DCS .Moines. lie will be met at
the depot by the committee on invitation
and escorted to the ' 'acille house where
a reception will bo held this evening
uniler the auspices of the Union Veteran
legion. To-morrow evening he will be
entertained by the Grand Army of the
Republic in Masonic hall at a camp lire.
In accordance with the cutting down
policy the detective service of the Union
racihe has been lopped oil' , and Valen
tine , Fero and others who have been
after crooks and doing secret service arc
now alloat. Mr. Fero has been a resi
dent of this city , but owing to the change
hhs now departed with his family for his
old homo in Wisconsin. He is an ex
cellent detective and has done some
sharp work in this part of the country.
It is the conjecture of bomo that the man-
airement of the Union Pacific has lopped
oil' this branch of the service with the in
tention ot hereafter putting on a new
force , but it seems more probable that it
is in accordance with the new policy of
cutting down expenses.
I nll > ! iitly Waiting.
The Manawa motor line remains in a
comatose condition. The road is not
yet completed , thcro being about
1,800 feet of track yet to be
laid before the end of the line is reached.
The cause of this is that the rails have
not yet arrived. In regard to the
motors , it is stated that one of them is
about ready for use while the other will
be put in order as soon as it lies in
the power of the osden iron works.
Whether or not the dilliculties in re
gard to the crossings have been arranged
and agreed upon is not a settled fact. .J.
K. Graves , although he has been expected
to arrive every day for over a week uast ,
has not yet put in an appearance. It is
now stated that ho will probably arrive
in the morning and hopes arc entertained
that he will bring good news in regard
to the crossings. It is positively asserted
by those in a position to know , that the
matter has been settled and that the via
duct plan of crossing the railroad tracks
has been abandoned , and that they will
bo grade crossings , but whether this is
the cat > c or not , remains to bo settled by
the arrival of Mr. Graves.
When yon arc in the city stop at tlio
Pacific liouflu. Street cars pass the door
every liftucn minutes for all the depots.
Muals 50 contsench.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A.
J. Greonamayer , Creston House.
A Fatherly Target.
The Dovanoy's had n row Into Saturday
night between themselves , at their homo
on Tonih street , which gave their neigh
bors quite a fright.
The son and tlio father had n lively
round in which it is said that a cousin
named Trncy took part. The older Do-
yanoy knocked tlio son out of time in the
lirst round but the young man reinforced
himself with his father's cun and about
twenty cartridges. One shot caused the
old man to disappear in the darkness ,
munh to the discomfort of his wife.
The ollicer with the patrol wagon
found Tracy and young Dovanoy and
fi took thorn early Sunday morning to the
1 city jail. It is claimed that Dovaney
Jlf then stated that the darkness of the night
ii- wan the cause of hir. father's still being
* ' alive , if such was found to bo the case.
The police made u thorough search for
the father , but ho was not to bo found.
Wo will close our store at 8 o'clock
every evening except Saturday during
fp July and August. PAUKS & SON.
J > F
11 J. W. & E. L. Squirn's abstract books
Rro a marvel of systematic accuracy ,
liavo you been their new lien book ; it is
a monster anil contains 000 pages.
The Female Hnrbcr.
Few men in this city who indulge in
the luxuries of the tonsorial artist are
nwaro of the fact that Council lilutl's for
the past seven months ha's had n female
barber , but such is the case nevertheless.
She came from Kansas City and was con
sidered a fair artiste. She was the draw
ing card for some time.
bho was very talkative , like many of
her sisters not in the profession ,
and like the majority of her
brothers who follow the same trade.
Hut being in tlio employ of a male bar
ber who is not considered very cominun-
acative , the delicate manipulator of the
razor was told to hold her touguo. This
she deemed unprofessional anuon Satur
day night as she received her stipend the
cruel and hard employer mentioned the
fact that ho had gown weary of being
talked to death and ao they called it
" . "
_ _
Fcrinnnl lnratrariliR.
S. T. McAtoo Is sojourning at Colfax.
Simon Kisoman left last night for the
M. Hilgert , of Sious City , was at the
IJoohtclo yesterday.
Major J. 11. Marshall , now of Wichita ,
Kan. , is at the Huchtelo.
Miss Maud Koyr.s , of Omaha , visited
friends in the ItluIVs yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Ktng and daughter , of
Uull'iilo , N. V. , are at the Ogdon.
T. B. Hiiirhcs , Frank Fox and John
Maloncy left lust night for Colfax.
N. A. Gray and W. R. Kedman , of
Villisca , were in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Kimball returned
yesterday from the east and a visit to the
watering resorts.
Mrs. George Uudio leaves to-night with
her daughter on a several mouths' visit
lo her old home iu the oast.
u. ; .
Its Corner Stone Laid With the Usual Sa
cred Bites.
An Irate Son Shoots at His Mother
The Motor Mite Kxcrclsliiu Pa
tience The Female Harbor
ilollickliiK HnmblcrH.
The Corner Stone Iiald.
Yesterday was an Important day with
the Catholics. The laying of the corner
stone of St. Peter's church , the now
church of the German Catholics , was the
event which drew together a largo num
ber both from this city and Omaha. The
procession was a long and imposing one.
The Catholic societies of this city , St.
Joseph's society nud thoCatholic Knights
of Omaha , together with numerous
priests , the city officials and prominent
citucns were in line. There wore two
bands , the Fifth Kegimeiit band of this
city , and the Union I'acilic , of Omaha.
The procession was formed on Pearl
street and Fifth avenue. The line of
march was up to Hroadway , then to Glen
avenue and along Piereo street to the
place of ceremonies. The sidewalks
along the line were thronged witli pee
ple. To add to the life of the scene the
salvation army came out for its regular
Sunday afternoon parade , and until they
turned oil'at liryttnt street to go to their
hall it seemed that they were forming a
part of the procession. Their crude
music and peculiar uniforms wore in
strange contrast with the line of society
regalias and the carriages of robed
priests and altar boys.
The ceremonies attending the laying of
the corner .stone were in accordance with
the ancient usages of the church. There
were the prayers and blessings and the
consecration of the spot by the priests
marching about the walls of the founda
tion. Key. Father McMenomy , who con
ducted the ceremonies , sprinkling the
entire distance iiroiimi with the holy
water. A shady canopy had been ar
ranged tor the mayor , city ollicials and
priests , and after the ceremonies of lay
ing the stone , the sermon , or address ,
was delivered there , while the crowd
stood in front and about the church.
There was a relief from the sullbcating
heat which had prevailed for days ; a
cool breo e was stirring , and an occa
sional cloud shaded the sun. The showers
held off till just the close of the services
and then the sprinkle was a light one ,
and all returned home without inconven
ience. The crowd showed its apprecia
tion of the emerprise and hearty cooperation
eration by contributing liberally toward
paying for the completion of the beauti
ful edilico.
The reverend gentlemen present were :
Kev. 1 $ . P. McMonomy , Key. K. J. Healy ,
of St. Xavier's church ; Hev. Father
Adolph , O. S. B. , pastor of the now
church ; Hev. Peter Knssens , O. S , U. ,
and 1'ev. Adelbert Mueller , O. S. H. , of
St Henedict's college , Atohison , Kan. ;
Hev. Stephen Lyons , O. S. li.of Creston ;
Kov. Father Davis , of this diocese , to
gether with the following from Omaha :
Hev. J. Daxacher , Hov. P. F. McCarthy ,
Kev , W. McManus , Hov. U. A. SlaiVel ,
Hev. G. I. Glaube , Hev. M. P. Dowling ,
Hov. 11. Y. Higgs.
The parchment placed in the stone
was in Latin , the translation reading as
follows :
"On the 17th day of July in the year
of our Lord 1887 , in the lllth year of the
independence of the United States , in the
ninth year of the pontiticatc of Leo XIII.
the vicar of Christ and the infallible head
of the one holy Catholic and Apostolic
church , Most Hov. Peter U. Kcnrick ,
metropolitan archbishop of the arch diocese
cese of St. Louis ; Hicht Kev. Henry Cos-
grove , D. 1) . , bishop ot the diocese of
Davenport ; Hight Kov. Innocent Wolf ,
D. I ) . , O. S. U. Abbott , of St. Benedict's
monastery at Atchison , Kan. ; Hev.
Father Adolph , O. S. 11. , first rector of
the parish of St. Peter's at Council Bluffs ,
in the third year ot the administration of
Grover Cleveland , president of the United
States ; William U. Larraboe , governor of
the state of Iowa ; William Gronoweg ,
mayor of the city of Council Bluffs ; m
presence of the Catholic clergy uf this
and neighboring cities , of the mayor and
city olliciuls , of various Catholic societies
from this city and Omaha , and u largo
concourse of the faithful from this and
neighboring cities ; Very Kov. Peter
Kassens , O. S. B , from St Benedict's col
lege. Atchison , Kan.preaching the sermon
on the occasion ; Hev. Bernard Patrick
McMenomy , rector of St. Francis
Xavier's church , Council BluIVs , being
duly authori/.ed by the bishop of the
diocese , with solemn rites , according to
the canons of the Holy Homan Catholic
church , blessed and laid in position the
corner stone of St , Peter's church. "
There wore also placed iu the stone
copies of the Council BluIVs and Omaha
papers , various Catholic religious papers
and journals. The stone had on the face
the initials "U. 1. O. G. D. " These express -
press the ancient motto of the historic
Benedictine order , and reads "that God
may bo glorified in all things. " This
order now boasts of a history of over
1,400 years and is still nourishing as full
of vigor as ever iu the titill more ancient
The address of the day was by Hev.
Father Kasscnu. Ho spoke briefly. The
address was an excellent one and full of
earnestness in the defense of the church.
He congratulated the citizens of Coun
oil Blull'H OH having one church about
completed and another being started.
Ho congratulated the Catholics on in
creasing the room In which to worship.
This church wus dedicated to St. Peter ,
the prince of saints , the btandcird bearer.
He wanted the scripture account of the
incident loading to Christ declaring that
Peter was the rock on which he shall
establish his church. Christ handed to
Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
Christ established the church and gave it
the authority to preach and baptize.
Hcnco the church spoke with authority.
It wus a church which was to last for all
time , for Ho declared that the gates ol
hell should not prevaid against it. It waste
to last to the end of all agea. Christ died
for all , and hence the church was for all
all. He established but one church.
That church was to teach truth , and
as truth cannot nhangu , MJ the church
must bo immutable. Heresies were con
tinually springing up. but the old church
had kept on preaching the same doc-
trineswhile heresies died or were crowd
ed out by new ones. As in the days ol
Christ men yuvo all sorts of answers to
the query as to who Ho was , eo now all
sorts of unawers come to the queitiou ,
Which Is the true churcht There are
111:1113 : * who deny the divinity of the
church. Some called the Catholic church
anti-Christ. Thii could not bo. She had
stood for 1000 years ; title had the long
roll of martyrs , her saints , her record in
all countries. Could she be the minister
of Sat.-in J It was not possible. Maoauloy
said she had stood such assaults as no
other organisation could have survived
Such men gave the Catholic church al
human praise , but denied its divinity.
The ohureh could not have so long ; stir
vivcd unless it was divine. She hac
ihown that aho must havu been divinely
protected , and did. Sbo was indeed the
sponsor of Christ.
At the close of his address HOT. Father
McMenomy congratulated the German
on the auspicious commencement of tboi
church. Those niemben ) bed been undo
his pastorate tor nineteen years or so
'I hey had arrived at age and wore able to
malntatna home of tbeir own. He hoped
they would bo blessed In all their efforts
aim prospered , lie spoke very tenderly
of the past relationship , and gave them
its best wishes and God's ' blessing.
After the ceremonies were over tlio
clergy , with the mayor , city ollicials and
Jthcr promincnts repaired to the Bechtole
lotol where a sumptuous repast was
spread by Mr. and Mrs. Bechtclo. Iho
isltiug societies were entertained at the
oclcty hall and returned to Omaha lust
A Scorn of Years.
Yesterday was the ending of the Twcn-
loth anniversary services held during
ho past week at the Broadway Meth
odist Kpiscopal church. The Methodists
originally worshipped in the "Cotton-
vood" church in the roar of the Ogden
louso. The present church is the alto
onoe occupied by the most extensive
jumbling house of Council Blurt's and
was built in 1800 , the Hov. E. 11. M. Flem-
ming laying the corner stono.
Ofthefotmcr pastors present yestcr-
ay there wore Hov. Joseph Knotts , Hev.
dr. Flnmming and Hev. O'Xeil. The
< cv. Mr. Collins , of Dos Moincs , not bo
ng able to be present on account of sick-
less.Hev. . H. II. O'Neal , of Clarinda ,
preached yesterday morning.
In introducing him the present pastor ,
lev. McCreary , stated that Mr. O'Neal
viia pastor of what was then known as
ho "Cottonwood church" on Broadway
icar the Ogden house , twenty-four years
igo.Mr. . O'Neal is a largo gentleman with
itige side whisKcrs and is a good talker.
10 said : "t invite your attention to the
ccond verse in the 'Jlst chapter of Hev-
; lation : 'And 1 , John , saw the holy city ,
Now Jerusalem , coming down from God
out of heaven , prepared as a bride
idorned for her husband. ' "
lie then said that man was made for
oeiety ; that a man can bo perfect only
n society and that these two taken to-
Cether with the word of God furnished
ho principal thought that ho should
akc up.
First of all society has two extremes in
IID social state. The wildest , the wilder-
loss ; the other , a city. Ho then do-
cribed the wilderness in the wildest
tate. In a city the brutality of a s-avago
ife has been superceded the wilderness
he jowest , the city the highest. In ro-
erring to this city twenty-live years ago
ic spoke of it as a wilderness as com-
> arod with it now ; it was the frontier ;
n coming to the west from civili/.ation
one reached the wilderness. Society
comes up out of savage life. The history
of the world shows this great tendency
p raise in a better condition of social
ife. Since the Hood men have been busy
continually building cities. The poole -
> le as if protesting ncrainst the
wilderness have been building cities.
The world has never yet built or seen its
deal city or society. All communities
lave been built upon hard external con-
litions. Ever since Cain went forth and
luilded the tirst city , the experiment has
> ccn continued. Ho then referred to the
ineient cities which have now been de
stroyed , with nothing left to show where
hey stood. A cancer is eating at the
icart of London , Paris and our own
great Now York. It is still true to-day
.hat here wo have no continuing city and
ve seek one to come. It is a question of
ho highest moment and fascinating in-
orest , shall humanity ever rcah/e its
own tendency ? Is there no escape from
he wilderness ? Must humanity ever
apse again into the wilderness ?
After the services , the exercises wore
concluded with the Sunday school anui-
Furnace heating is one of our special-
ies. Wo handle the goods of the two
argcst furnace concerns in the country.
COLI : & COLE , 41 Main st.
J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful
abstracts of title and deserve the success
they arc enjoying.
Notes From Ncota ,
NEOLA , la. , July 10. Dr. S. N. Har
vey is visiting at Grant , Neb.
Henry Huslin is enjoying his vacation
at Spirit Lake.
John W. Butler will leave shortly for
Jtilosburg , Col.
Jimmy O'Neill was in town yesterday
serving garuishco notices in some
cases against I. T. Van Ness , formerly
doing business hero.
Alma Pattoo , wife of Edward Pattce ,
died suddenly to-day. She has been in
failing health for som'o time past. She
leaves a husband and two children. Mrs.
Patteo was one of the oldest residents of
this part of the county.
Kiltie Stapleton , eldest child of M ,
Stapleton , died to-duy. Only a few
weeks ago her mother died , since which
time she had been sicK. This is a sad
blow to Mr. Staploton , now left with a
family of small children to care for.
For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr.
Hice's now invention. It makes a man
of you in live minutes. No. pain. No.
11 Pearl street.
At the Pacific house you will save from
fiOc to 11 per day. Try it and be con
A Joint Kun.
The Council BluIVs ramblers and the
Omaha wheelmen yesterday had a joint
club run to the lake.
Aftci' a ride about the city the run was
started at 1 o'clock from Bayliss park
and dinner was served at the hotel , the
Omaha wheelmen being the guests of the
'cyclers of the Bluffs.
Among those from Omaha were : C.A.
Bornoy , Edward B. SmithF. T. Mittauer ,
Guy E. Mead , ( Jcorge J. Kosters , Dr. G.
W. Williams , H. B. Mulford. H. H.
HhodcM , A. E. SchdeidcrMyron Wheeler ,
Bert Wheeler , G. O. Seribncr , G. W.
Howard. Edward Lytte , H. C. Miller ,
Walt Morris , W. E. Coombs , Frank
Clarke , Frank AJlnrd.
For female diseases aud chronic dis
eases of all kinds , call on Dr. Hico , No.
11 Pearl street , Council Blull's , Iowa.
rriccn Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
KO. ZU MAiy ST. ,
Justice of the Peace.
Ofllceover A mcrl can Kx
Vacant Lots , I.nmla , City IteiMencrs and
riirmf. Acre property In western part of city
/.U sellingcheap. .
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
ttoora 6 , over Officer & I'uaay'a Bank , Counc
&faVW tr
/ 0U * rKv / * * * <
CT.VC - W WxUgcrJ&H
CV XJ/IT ; , finrfSfy < & * * - -
inpeer , Surveyor , MapPublisher
Over JVb. 12 Xorth Main St.
countrmniis , of cities oud counties
In Amber ,
etc.Hair On
nnincnts , na
well as the
newest nov
elties in hair
lliiir poods
niudcto order
Mrs. C. L. Gillette
20 11 Bin St. , Council lilutl's , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
One of the host Ktlucational Institu-
.ions in the west. Hoarding and day
school conducted by the Sisters of Char-
ty , 1J. V. Al.
Board and tuition for a term of live
months , 75. For further particulars
St. Francis Academy ,
Council Blufts , In.
Mexican War Veteran.
The wonderful efficacy of Swift's Specific u a
remedy and euro for rheumatism and all blood dis
eases , has never liiwl a more conspicuous Illustration
than this caae artorcls. The candid , unsolicited and
emphatic testimony given by the venerable gentle
man must be accepted as convincing and concluitvo.
The writer IB a prominent citizen of JIl.olsslppl. The
gentleman to whom Mr. Martin refer ! ) , and to n horn
ho Is Indebted for the advice to which ho owes his
final relief from years of differing. Is Mr. King , for
many years the popular night clgtk of tbe Lawrence
lloutit ! , ut Juckion.
JACKPOW , Miss. , April 19 , lfS7.
Tnn SWIFT Brccmc COUIMNT , Atlanta , On. :
Ocntlcmen I have been nn Invalid pensioner for
forty yearn , having contracted pulmonary and other
diseases In the Mexican War , but not till the 1st of
Ilarch , 1873 , ell JI feel any symptoms of rheumatism.
On that day I was suddenly stricken with tlmt dis
ease In both hips and ankles. For twenty days I
walked on crutches. Then the pain w as less violent ,
but It shifted from joint to joint. For weeks I would
lie totally disabled , either on one side of my body or
the other. Tbe pain ne\er left mo a moment for
eh'von years anil set en months that Is from March 1 ,
lb5 , wlicn I was first attacked , to October 1,1B89 ,
htn 1 wasctire * ! . During thos eleven years of In
tense puttering I tried Innumerable prescriptions
from various physicians , and tried cvcrithlug rug-
gested by friends , but If 1 ever received thv least
iH-neflt from any medicine taken Internally or ox-1
ternally. I am not aware of It. Finally , about the ,
drat of September. I made arrangements ( a gn to I tin
Hot Spring * of Arkansas , having de < palrr < l uf every
ether remedy , "lien 1 accidentally met an rid ac
quaintance , Mr. King , now of tin ) Lftwrenoo Ilousa
uf Ibis city. lie had onoo been a great gulTcrer from
rheumatism , and , an I lupivoseo. hod txvn cured
by aTliltto Oot Bprtnrn , Rntvthea I met him be
told mi ! tbat his vl u to the ZIot Springs was In vain
he found no relief. On his return from HotSprlngB
he hcnnl , for tlio first time , of the S. S. 8. an a remedy
for rheumatism. Hatrlort ItaniUIX b ttlra inKle a
complete euro. De > urul ye r8 hare p * cU since , but
be ban hul no nturn of thudlenue
I ImmiHllaKly retnrncd to try It. In September I
took four boUlM , anit by the lint of Oot * T I win
well AH farm the rheumatism was cnnrernoit. All
l ln had dj ap | > are < l , and 1 IUVB * T JILT A rnixac
or IT since.
I have mi Interott In making Dili itatement other
than the hni > e that It mny direct mime other sufferer
lo a sure source of relief , anil If It tins thin reoiill I
am well rewarded fur my trouble. 1 am very ro-
tiwctfully uuu truly your frluod.
j. u. n. siiuTiK.
Fur sale by all ilrUfglttn. Treatise on Blood and
BUu DUeiuc * uialltd frte ,
uTuc SWIFT Krrcmc Co. ,
[ t Drawer 3. Atlanta , On.
OAUTION-Do n t [
l ii" l i rou lov |
t > uylnir vorthlesl Imlt4f
Honluthlllll > i90KISl-
TION Co I T n < l montr
will be nfundtd to < f
after four wc kl ( weir , II
not p ifectlf utlihclcty.
rot itlt b DRY GOODS DEALERS , or If not cbttlntbu
III mill , noiiirr P * ! > 1 > HKALTII PRESIKVING | i 15
tiuo | MISSIS. lc.
Schilling Corset Company. Detroit. Mich ,
TERRE HAUTE. 1ND. I * School ot Engineering.
Well endow ed , He'iuiwt ilfparlniPiiti of Mvch.
unlriUnilCUIIKrucini-rritip , ClrrtrUlly , LliriiiUlry
nd Drawing. Klfiuj * fhopn Bin ir UriM. ;
I'or CiUlojue , uUJU" T. C. ULMJKMI ALL , J'r .
Will l flntfjim what they need A FULL LINE
ie INSTALMENTTRADE , ty ud < lniilug
Co * iie. f *
Rpoclnl mlvortlsomi'tits , such as Lost , Fo.uid
lolxinn , For Sulo , To Hcnt , Vvnnts , Honrdliiir ,
etc , ivill tiolnported In tills column nt the low
rntoof TEN CENTS PER LINE for tlio first Inner-
ioniiml . ' 'IvoCoiitarerLUioro.-uncUaubsonumt
Insertion. I.curo adrcrlUoincnta nt our olllco
No. 12 I'mrl ' sheet , llroadwiir , Couucll
" \\7"ANT1'D fiood , itunily. sober barber. No.
ll South Muln street.
'ANTKD Situation IIB pressinsn. Five
years' oxponunco. Adilruss I ) . A. It. , Boo
office.WlI.Ij pay fU.M ) per day to a KOO < ! llvo nmn.
Must bo n liunl worker find K'VO ' small
bond. Address X. 11. , Hoc otlico.
WANTKD Situation by yountr man as clerk ,
llclcrcnce * Riven. Address Com lea
Doiirke , No. 101V Fourth street.
WANTKD-Sltuatlon In store or olllco by n
ynunir nmn. Hoferenccs furnished. Ad-
drees UuV , lloo oltico , Council HIiiMc.
WANTIU-Olrl for Rcnernl housework In n
amnll family. Apply at No. 103 S. FlrEt
FOH KENT Coal shodl. office und Males , one
live-room Mouflc. U. Mnyne , t296th vu.
FOH SALK-Or Trade-Six sections of peed
land In Lincoln county. Net ) . , on U. P.
rnllway. fall on or address Udell llros. & Co. ,
103 Pearl St. . Council Jllutfu.
Council Bin ITS , Iowa.
Established 1957.
Has a complete line of
. „ . !
I.nrffolmls III white , black nnd nil colors. I'At
torn bontiotH , uiiui and toqnos , u specialty.
No l&ll Uougliis St. , Ouinha.
E. S. BAllNETT ,
Justice oi the Peace ,
415 Hroadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation * * rirst C'lasx ,
And Kales Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
The linest of driving horses always on
hand and for . alc by
Star Sa/e Stab/es and Mule Yards.
Jtrotuiway , Council lllullfi , Opp. Dummy Depot.
Horses auil mules constantly on liantl
for sale at rtstail or in cur load lots.
Orders promptly lilled by contract on
short notice , block sold on commission.
Telephone 114. & Hoi.r.r.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Hinds.
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
orriCRS :
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No.
Na.0l5 Main Street , Telephone No , 93.
Attorneys at
ctice in the State and Kedera Courti
Room * 7 and 8 ShugArt-Ueno IMock.
For Everybody to Come to
] \ Mid-Summer \ Sa e ! '
We shall close out without regard to cost
In Summer Dress Goods ,
Wash Goods , Hosiery , Etc.
Come Early
And Secure the Best Selections ,
We are Headquarters for
Carpets of all Kinds.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
cull on us.
. ,
IiiitrnniciitK TIIIKM ! niul Repaired. % Ve never rail to ivc inlM'aolIon
Over 20 years' Experience in I'iano and Or an Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Blufl's , [ own
C. J" .
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
C'oiuifil llhills Office , Masonic
. .
Temple. Omaha Oillcc , .No 111
iVorlli Kltli Htreet.
Particular attention given to In
vesting . randtor lion - resi
dent * Special uarKiilu * In lot * * < fc
acre property . In Omaha V C'oiia-
cll I . ! I nils. C'orrcspoadetice solic
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : : Boaulors : : Kcduccd : : Kales.
On Furniture , Household Goods , Stoves , eta , to make room
for Fall Stook. Good.s Hold on fnKtallnientH.
A. J. MANDEL , - - Nos , 323 and 325 Broadway.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
. . .
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,