THE O1VIAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. JULY 18. 1887 * ME DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Tinva or fluuscntPTioMi Dally ( Mornlair Rdltlon ) Including Hundny BEP , Ono Your . $1000 ForBli Month ! . & f KorTlirno Monlhi . . . . . -CO Tlio Omahn Fmidiiy lire , mnllcxl to nny ftddrcia , Ono Vcar . BOO OK AHA ornci : , No. 814 AND 9W FAitfAM Snirr. New roun urptrR. lloov r.1 , Tninnnr Htm.iiiMo. WABUi.Nato.v orrict , Nu.MJFouiiTEiNTtiSruiii. COnnESPONDENCEt All communications rulntlnito news nnd edi torial tnnttor Pliould bo luMruised to the EDI- roH or TUC BEE. BUSINESS I.ETTinSt All biulnn8 li'ttorn anil remittance ! iihould bo Mdre&vnl to Tin lice I'uiiLUniM ) COMPANY , Ouuu. Draft * . ehoolcs and poilodlro orders to bo undo payable to tliuord ro ( ttiocoaipuny , THE BEE POBLISHIlTiiiPMT , PHOPHIEIOHS , E. K03EWATEU , Knrron. THE DAILY HKE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. BUto of Nebraska. I . . County of Dotulns. f 8 > " Oeo. li. TzschucK , secretary of Tlio Ben Publishing company , does solemnly swear thixt tlio actual circulation of tlio Dally Uee for the week cuulns July 15. 1887 , wns as follows : Saturday. July 9 . U.200 Hundar.July 10 . 14.200 Monday. July li . 14.515 Tuesday. July 12 . W.tKU Wednesday. . ) uly 18 . 13.W.5 Thursday. July l-l . li. ! < o Friday , July ID . .13HtM Averaeo . 14.073 OP.O. ) . T/.SCIIUCK. Sworn to and subscribed In my presence thin 10th day of July , A. D. 1837. 1837.N. N. P. Fnir. . f SEA 11 Notary Public. State of Nebraska , I , Dotielns County. [ 8S Ueo. 11. Tzscliuck , belnt ; first duly swnrn , deposes nnd says that ho Is secretary of The Lee Publishing company , that tlio nctnal average dally circulation of the Dally Dee for the month ot July , ISbC , 1S.SU copies ; for August , 1SV6 , li-,4W conies : for Septem ber , 180 , 13tfiO cojiies ; for October , 1SM5 , 12IW9 copies ; for November. Ibbfl , 13.H1S copies ; for December. 1KC. Wsn copies ; for January 1887. in'im copies ; for February. 1887 , 14,198 copies ; for Atnrch. I i7 , 14,400 copies ; for April , lbS7 , 14yiO copies ; for May. 1WJ7 , 14,327 copies ; for June Ib87 , 14,147 copies. Oio. : B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 1st dayot July A. 1) . , 1887. ISEAL.J N. P. Fnn , . Notary Public. a Manitoba wave rolls over this section of the country pretty soon , Omaha is liable to lose its reputation as u sum mer resort. IT Is gratifying to know that Colonel Dan Lament was not compelled to send out an olllcial denial of tbo accident to the president's train. PUE.SIDKNT CIEVKIANI > haa hadnlucky cscapo in a railroad accident. IIu won't be so lucky in 1888. Tlio republican en gine will knock him clear oft'the track. IN the absence of any startling information mation regarding the war situation In the cast , wo stop the presses long enough to reiterate that the Omaha base ball club won a game on Saturday. Tun people down in Nuckolls county are evidently possessed of the improved custom of dealing out justice to murder ers. The lynching of the man Coonnid , who murdered Farmer Sullenwas , -was per formed with neatness and dispatch. Ex-GovEKNOK FobTnn of Ohio having allowed it to bo publicly proclaimed that ho thinks Sherman u better man to nom inate than Blaiue , it will bo well for the friends of the former to keep a vigilant watch on the future movements of Mr. Foster. JAY GOULD'S son Edward , aged twenty- one , has just made $50,000 in Wall street by selling 10,000 shares of Western Union , and ho is at once credited with being a very bright young man. It strikes us that a ten-year old boy could huvo done the same thing by means of "pointers" from "tho old man" Gould. IT would bo a good plan to beautify nnd adorn and otherwise render attrac tive the parks wo now have before we got any more , With a judicious expenditure of a reasonable amount of money cTcry yrar Haneom park could easily bo made one of the most beautiful spots in tlio country. It Is a shame that it is neglected nnd allowed to return to its original con dition simply a grovo. IT makes little dilVerenco to what polit ical party defaulter Harry , of the treas ury department , belonged. What is wanted in the treasury is a system of carrying on the business of the govern ment where fraud can not bo perpetrated. If there la any place in this broad dominion - , minion where business principles and methods are not employed it is thu treas ury department at Washington. THU Nebraska state firemen's associa tion , which is to bo held this week at Kearney , promises to bo an enthusiastic success. All the larger towns in Nebraska - ka , as well as quito a number of the smaller ones , have well-equipped lire de partments. The representation of lire- men will consequently bo quito numer ous. The contests between the various towns will no doubt bo very exciting as the money prizes are sulliciently largo to induce them to make their very best cQ'orts. Those who visit Kearney on this occasion will see ono of tlio ( inust towns in the west , and they will bo cordially welcomed and entertained by her hos pitable citizens. A coMi'KKUKKdiVR plan of geological survey for the present Usual year has been submitted by Major Powell , di rector , to the secretary of the interior for approval. All the important work that has been entered upon will bo continued , and some additional Investigation is pro posed. As a part of this work none is more interesting than the survey iu the rich mountain region of Colorado , and in what promises to be an Important coal , petroleum and natural gas field in the near future in Montana ) There ap pears to bo no doubt that this territory is ' rchly { supplied with these involuable re sources , which if developed to the prom ised extent must in a few years attracl to it great wealth and a large popula tlon. This gives strong incentive for a vigorous exploration , and as the work i' now In charge of Dr. Peulo , tin veteran explorer , Dr. Hayden hay _ , Imj retired because of falling , health , it is expected to be. pushed witt great energy und zeal. The results o explorations in the Koqky mountain re gion l.yina within Colorado have- beet ' important und of most encouraging I , promise , and it is intended to piuu the I * . work la that .quarter. . ' ' . ' , The Utah State Movement. The action of tho. constitutional conven tion of Utah , recently hold , haa attracted widespread attention , and the move ment it inaugurated for giving the terri tory statehood Is receiving extended dis cussion by the press. Very generally this is not favorable to the movement , notwithstanding the fact that the con vention took what upon Its face Is a most distinct and positive attitude against big amy and polygamy. Kach of tlieso prac tices is declared by a section of the con stitution adopted to be a misdemeanor and is forbidden , severe penalties being prescribed for a violation of this section. In order apparently to more forcibly at test tiio sincerity of the convention , com posed , it should be said , wholly of Mormons , it is provided that the section shall bo operative without the aid of legislation , hat the offenses prohibited by It shall not bo barred by any statute of limitation within three years after their commis sion , and that the power of pardon shall lot extend thereto until approved by the president of the United States. It is 'urther provided that this section shall not bo amended , revised or in any way changed without the approval and ratili- oation of congress , which shall bo pro claimed by the president , and if not so ratiliud and proclaimed the section shall remain perpetual. But this seemingly plain and straight forward action , which on its face does lot suggest anything in reserve , is de clared by the Geutilo population of Utah to bo a trick , and this view is generally ac cepted. It is maintained that since such iiu altitude is wholly inconsistent with a chief tenet of the Merman church its assumption by members of that church nnnot bo regarded as sincere , those telling it believing that as soon as state hood should be secured tlio constitutional provision could bo disregarded by the Mormon officials who would bo in tlio control of all departments in the state government , the national government being then powerless to interfere. Pri vate expressions of members of the con vention are quoted to sustain this view , and the general spirit and policy of the church are cited to show that no confi dence whatever can bo placed in any thing proceeding from or directed by that influence , it is said that the car dinal object of the church is to secure political power , for which purpose it is ready to make any promises or conces sions that may bo asked , but having obtained which , it will keep its agreements only so far as its interests require it should. The non-Mormons having declined to take nny part in the convention , the results are naturally as sumed to have boon directed by the church authorities. It is quite possible that there is some warrant for the distrust with which the action of the convention has been re ceived , but it may fairly bo doubted whether in dealing with the question of the admission of Utah as a state congress - gross should bo asked to go below plain and palpable facts to seek out possible motives , or bo required to consider as sumed designs which are as likely not to have as to have existed , [ t is possi ble to bo to the last rational degree greo hostile to the whole system and policy of the Mormon church and yet see that there might be circumstances under which congress , following the well defined line of its constitutional duty , might not properly take cognizance of these. The duty of congress is to admit to statehood any territory having a sufll- cieut poulatlon for the election of a rep resentative in congress , when a majority of the people of such territory ask to be admitted , tlio only condition required by the constitution being that "tho United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government. " This condition is undeni ably political , and unless it could be shown that the conduct and policy of the Mormon church are unrcpublican congress would doubtless hesitate to create a precedent by making them n reason for refusing statehood , aa the gentiles of Utah demand. If plural mar riages arc unrcpublican , as well as un christian , the people who support that system cannot bo given the rights of citizenship under a state organization ; if they are simply the latter they cannot properly have any weight in determin ing the question of statehood. With regard to what might follow statehood in the case of Utah , that is a matter which must take care ot itself , subject to the operation of the forces and influences which the now order ot things would inevitably produce , or which are certain to come in time. The idea that the government Is at all likely to bo tricked to its ombarrasmcnt or disad vantage by a few thousand Mor mons who are opposed by 00,000- 000 of people is 01 e that a , little calm reflection is likely to dismiss as bordering on the ridiculous. It might happen that for a brief time the Mor mon control in tlio state government would tolerate a lax execution of the fundamental law against bigamy and polygamy , but at best their power would not bo long continued , while it is not im probable that those people , who * nt least seem not to bo entirely fools , would see for very potent reasons it would be wiser to respect the compact they had themselves drawn. In any event wo cannot see any good ground for the ex aggerated fears which the Gentile popu lation of Utah and those who echo them profess to entertain in this matter. In othur words , we do not think tlio nation would bo In an.v serious danger from tho. few thousand Mormons in Utah in case they become citizens of a state in stead of a territory. The question of making Utah a state will , however , Do immediately influenced moro by considerations of policy than of equity. If the democrats conclude that they cannot justly continue to deny state hood to Dakota they probably will not hesitate to make a trade that will give them Utah , and perhaps the republicans would not rojoot u proposition of this kind. The Mormons evidently see this opportunity and are preparing to take adrantago of it. Snu Krniiolsco and Omaha. San Frunoifcco wants a nyw postolTice , but it does not want It bad enough to raise a bonus for Uncle Sam. At the last session of congress $350,000 was appro , printed for a postotlico site in the Cali fornia metropolis. Commissioners were appointed to invite proposals ro n prop erty owners on the principal business streets for a piece , of ground having a fr.outagu.oi 373 feet. . , Wheu the Lour sot for opening Iho bids had arrived not a single proposal had been received. The reason for this lack of interest on the part of San Francisco property own ers Is tersely stated by the Call of that city as followsi That munificent appropriation of ESTjO.COO , which Cleveland thoueht would bo snapped up as a hungry Adirondack trout snaps nt a lly , Is not such a ureat pile , after all. Fifty- yard lots are still linn , with an upward tou- doncy. The commissioners advertised for bids and did not get them , and tlio necessary conclusion Is that the amount of money of fered for the site Is entirely too small. * * * * * * * * * * If wo are to have a nowpostofllco , conprcss will have to try again and Increase the limit of prlro for the site. This experience will convince the president that San Francisco property has an appre ciable market value nud that there Is no great amount of speculation In llfty-yards at 8350,000 , Inasmuch as property is selling on Market street at from S2,500 to 84,300 a front foot , tlieru3h | to sell Uncle Sam 275 feet front for 5350,000 has not yet become apparent , nor is the government apt to be overwhelmed with bids on these terms , # * # * Philadelphia got a Sl.000,000 for her post- ofllco site aufl there Is no piobablllty that any available or proper place , of sufliclent al/e , can bo bought hero under 000,000 or 8700,000. It might just as well bo realized now as at any othur time that Sail Francisco has ceased to boa vlllaco and has become a city , and tliat she Is lully entitled to the same consideration at ( lie hands of tlio fed eral government which other cities in the Unitoil States receive. Tiiis is indeed suggestive , parties in Omaha who have so persistently urged the council to donate Jetlerson square for a postolllcc site on the strength of representation that tlio general govern ment would never purchase grounds for a public building will now realize that such generosity is entirely uncalled for. Omaha is not as largo as San Francisco , but she is entitled to tlio same considera tion in the matter of federal buildings. If the government desires a new post- oflico site at Omoha it can be secured for less than . < 350,000. The probabilities are that the present site will bo ample and the building will be enlarged at an early date. Paying the Debt. The honesty of the American people has been abundantly vindicated by tlio policy that has been pursued in paying off tlio war debt. More than fifteen hun dred millions of dollars have been paid since thu rebellion ended , the reduction of tlio interest-bearing debt last year amounting to 1121,000,000. This splendid record luus placed the credit of the nation as high as that of any other country , and every citi/.en of the country is justly proud of it. All the redeemable bonds having been called in , there was fair promise that for the next four years there would bo a ces sation of debt paying , and that mean while the people could bo relieved of a part of tlio tax burden which they are carrying. There is very great need of this , and there is no urgency for any now Hellenics to reduce the debt , lint there is a class of financiers who have grown into the belief ahut nothing is so essential to national prosperity as to pay the war debt , and they would load just as much of this as possible on the present genera tion. Some ono of these has'como for ward with a proposition for a refunding scheme of some Kind which will leave a quota of bonds optional for payment each year , and as congress is always full of men who are eager to figure TIS finan ciers , doubtless this proposition will receive - ceivo the attention of some such. It would certainly seem that the gov ernment should take the rest m the mat ter of debt-paying which it can justly do under Us contract with its creditors , ami use the opportunity for cutting down the war taxes. The bondholders are not anxious to ba relieved of their in vestments , and if they were the interests of the masses of the people who are not bondholders should be first consulted. The war taxes must conu down , and anything that comes in tlio way of this consummation must bo swept out of the way. There is no good reason why the next generation , which will share all the benefits ot the preserved union , should not pay its fair proportion of the cost. We can go on paying the debt according to contract , but there is no necessity for any expedients that will load additional obligations in thu present. Tnr.KK is very little probability that the effort of a San Francisco editor to bog in Governor Stanford for presidential honors will receive anything more than the merest passing attention. The vir tues which the editor claims for the gov ernor do not necessarily mate him avail able as the candidate of the republican party next year , chiolly by reason of the fact that liberality witli money largely obtained by most questionable means could not bo made useful for campaign purposes with the masses of the republi can party and the votars of the country generally. The inquiry which the oppo sition would certainly make as to the methods by which Governor Stanford se cured ills wealth would result in disclos ure which it would bo found quito impos sible to explain awav. The republican party would simply invite disastrous de feat by putting forward such a man as its standard bearer. If it lias reached the point when it must have a plutocrat for Us presidential candidate , it should by all means select some one whose millions have not been secured by methods which honest people cannot approve. Governor Stanford id not of this class. Itnncwing the Assault. * The strife orer Chief of Police Seavoy has again been renewed. The assault on the chief comes from the same old com bine , The pretext is a petition and reso lution numerously signed by Grand Army of the itepublic veterans ana sol diers , endorsing the appointment o Sonvey and commending the mayor am the fire and police commissioners for BUR taining him. The petition is denounce ! as a piece of ImposUiro.aud an onslaugh is made on Soavey for alleged miscon duct as a Mason while in California This Is followed up by a demand that the council take stops to uunisli him for per aonating a police oillcor. For our part we fail to FOG how the veterans' petition can affect the standing of Seavcy ns u police olllcer one way or the other. Whtlo it Is true that the names of many of the signers are not to ba found In the city directory , the list com prises some of thu best known and res pected ox-army oillcc-rs and volunteer soldiers. Tbego veterans hare ft right to endorse Scuvoy as chief , but the fact has no boar ng on his fitness.for the placo. Stripped of all side Issues Mr. Seavoy is legally nnd in fact chief of police. Ho has been duly appointed 'by' ' the police and lire commission which has exclusive author- ty to make the appointments. Seavoy ms the same right to personate thu chlej of police as Mr. Howard Smith has to icrsonatc the secretary of the police and ire commission. It was the duty nud > rovlnce of the commission to ascertain whether Seavoy was qualified for the ilaco before they Wide the appointment. They cannot no\y displace him oxccpt upon charges of neglect of duty , inotll- clency or malfeasance in olllco. The city council can lake no stops to displace Seavoy , They have no control over the police , nnd are not respon sible for IU government. All they can do is what nny citizen nay do , prefer charges against him be fore the police commission. The core of this tiresome controversy s that the charges of immoral conduct against Scavey would have ofl'ect upon ho better classes of the community , if they did not originate with a gang which s notorously in bad odor nnd disrepute. Tun boom of Governor Hill , of Now York , for the presidency lias taken on new lifo. It is assorted iu that state that tlio friends af Hill are at work openly in opposition to the re-nomination of Presi dent Cleveland. It Is nrgued that the lag upldodo und the president's declina tion to go to St. Louis has already done much to weaken him in New York as well as in many other parts of the north. [ f thn New York convention to select del egates to the national convention was lield at the present time there can hardly bo a doubt but a large majority of the representatives throughout the stale would bo found advocating the nomina tion of Hill over Cleveland. At present tlu'ro is no enthusiasm in the kmpiro state for Cleveland while there is any amount of it for Hill. Governor Hill is more upon the order of a small bore pol itician than a man of much breadth of itleas , nnd it might bo that ho would bo the weaker candidate of the two. Tin : Hcv. Dr. Savldgo delivered a very able sermon yesterday to the industrious young clothing gontli'inen who earn and are certainly entitled to a half day's holiday out of seven. The Dr. should next try his hand on the grand army of able bodied citizens who loiter upon the street cornori six days and n half out of seven. THE oat meal monopoly.which appears to have become pretty firmly established in this country , threatens to extend to Canada A movement is on foot there to organize for co-operation with American manufacturers iii regulating the product and prices. This is the sort of commer cial union which cannot be commended. BOSTON is becoming quite English in the extreme. Tlio city has purchased 155,000 Gladstone bricks to bo used on the new court house , the bricks coining from the kilns of the "grand old man. " This may bo considered "specimnn brick" as to how Boston can ape the English. THAT fraudulent printing contract was signed and scaled , but it has not been delivered yet. KdKorH Jiuvo llnttnii Cnwicr. Has there not been enough of this talk concerning the relation of editors to would-be contributors 1 An editor is a man who buys literary work. Why is he not at liberty to buy what he pleascs.and to leave what ho pleases , just as a person purchasing calico may tuke or leave what lie will ? That an editor does not want a manuscript is always reason enough why he should not take it , und ho is no more bound to examine what is sent to him if he doe.s not than a customer is bound to examine every piece of goods in tin1 store. There is too much sentimen tality mixed witli what is n matter of business , und every un trained fledgling scribbling nonsense feels that ho has a moral right to demand that the editor to whom ho scucls his trash shall waste time examin ing it. Tlio editor is undur no obliga tions of this sort whatever. Asa mutter of fact , an editor usually docs examine Vrolty carefully thu manusuriptsent him , but he does it for his own benefit and at his own will , not to oblige the writers or to ( Hseliargt ) any obligation , real or fancied , toward them. Authors , actual or would-bu , would save themselves much heart burning and bitterness if they could once got this principle firmly into their heads , and cease to fancy all sorts of wild and absurd wrongs , which not only do not exist , but which could have no basis of existence. Authors have , of course , their inalienable rignts of being honestly nnd courteously dealt with , if they are dealt with at all , but they have no sort of claim that any editor who has not made proposals to them shall givn any attention whatever to them if ho is not inclined to. Serious Clint-cos AmUnst Railroads. Cki'rtwil foaikr. There is no doubt that some of the rail roads are gradually growing indillerent to such portions of tlio inter-state com merce law as do not suit them. Two or three have decided to ignore the long and short haul clause at competitive points , ou the ground that thu "conditions and circumstances" are not substantailly similar to those OMstmg nt other places , and the Chicago & Grand Trunk has been giving commer cial travelers specluj rates , in defiance - fiance of the section pf the law forbid ding discrimination. The defense of the company us that the o patrons deserve lower rates because ot thu inferior ac commodations theyput up with on cer tain occasions and uecanse of the largo amount of business which they bring to the railroads. The saiue excuse must be given for discrimination iu favor of heavy shippers , and , if th'j law can be nullified for such Reasons it is of little account. The , most extraor dinary violation af this tatuto which has yet been charged ngaijist any road is said to have been committed by the St. Paul , Minneapolis & Manitoba line , in the vicinity of St. Thomas , DUK. It la alleged that the farmers of that section are refused cars to ship their wheat un less they soil It to a certain elevator com pany and that by the use of passes as freely ns before the passage of the interstate law the railroad has succeeded in mu/.zling the local press. This picture may bo over drawn , but the farmers evidently make it in good faith , and thu case should be vigorously investigated at oncu , If any railroad company in the country is guilty of such infamous wrongs it scould be mniloto sullur the full penalty of tbo law , and If thu common carriers nra not careful they will get into hotter water than thuy have ever felt ynt. The pres ent lnter-sato commerce law may bo in- oflloiont , but one can bo passed thai will do the work intended. . ' [ STATE JOTTINGS. , Kcnrncy has n real estnlo boom. Sownrd's caunory is in operation. Hebron has a Masonic hall under way. Wlsner'a now rolling mill has startcil up. A current event in O'Neill a our rent by lightning. Lightning rousted n inulo nnd a steer nt Stromsburg. Norfolk Is trying to resurrect a street railway company. Fremont expects soon to enjoy calls from mail carriers. A nnturnl cyclone cnvo has been dis covered rr Vork. The dog killer is scuttling useless bnrks In West Point. Lightning is turning in considerable business to tlio coroners. The Elkhorn Valley road Is fifteen miles away from Soward. lit. Rev. Bishop O'Connor has dedi cated a church at Atkinson. West Point continues to bank on the building of thu Milwaukee road ( rom Omaha. Tlio work of grading for the stock yards and Hacking house tins commenced ul Fremont. George Hapon , aged twenty-eight , wns nnilcd to the roof of n house in Lodge Polo by lightning. Members of the Fremont Silver Corset bund are strictly forbidden to chow gum during dress reheursuls , Ligiitning killed three horses and burned a barn belonging to Leo Woods , near O'Neill lust Monday. Willie Bonning , a David City lad , gave up a leg while playing brakesman in the Northwestern railroad yards. Charles Searlcs , a switchman , wns in stantly killed in the yards at O'Neill. Thursday. Ho was thirty-eight years of ngc. ngc.Another Another installment of Sioux bueks from Pine Ridge have started for Kuropc to join KulTalo Hill nnd whoop up the cf- fete monurchs of thu east. Charles Wnterworth , a worthless , Ingrate - grate son. robbed his mother in Nemalia county of tlio family horsu , cashed the animal nnd loft the country. August Volwlno slipped and fell head foremost Into a well near Brainrad. His head was crushed on the rocky walls , nnd death was instantaneous. The shallows murmur not and the depths are dumb concerning the recent habitat of Quiu liolianan. The jail yawns und the gibbet creaks in vain for an echo. The Union Pacific company compli ments the Grand Island fire department by tendering the members n special train nnd n free ride to nud from the Kearney tournament. The Wood River Gazette sees wonder ful benefits growing out of the location of Armour In Omaha. This means that Omaha will bo to Nebraska what Chicago cage has been to Illinois for years. _ A fool mule in Fremont attempted to climb a telegraph polo and hang him self on the wires. His lly brush proved too briuf for a balance polo , hnd ho was forced to content himself with the gut ter. ter.Thu Thu young son of Mrs. B. L. Bador , of Holt county , went out with an old army musket loaded for wolvus nnd was brought homo a corpse. As usual the bov and the gun arc inseparable only in death. A herd of thirty-four horses belonging to Messrs. Wyatt and Abmgton , of Cliuyuiinu county , wuro stolen re cently , driven to Holt county and sold to farmers , the thieves realizing a largo profit. Some heartless or poverty pinched mother in Hastings dropped her baby on the doorstop of the Hoglu residence. It fell to kind hands , and Mr. and Mrs. 1 logic propose to adopt it. The babe is about three weeks old. A sportiye bull in Wnyno charged on the town fire engine while thu machine was being tested. The boys turned the hose on the bull's cyo , und after four suc cessive charges the animal retired to the liuld thoroughly coolud. Adam U'uu/.ul , of Dakota county , ha d two horses and a hired man. The trio disappeared together and wore insepar able companions until they fell into the arms of _ the Shorifl of Wayne. The h. m. was jailed and the animals pastured. A reward of ? 300 clean cash will bo paid by parties in O'Neill for the return of Oakley Burress , n horse lifter of con siderable ability. He picked up a band of ponies , auctioned them oft' and pock eted thu proceeds without consulting the owner. Hon. C. 1) . Caper , of the Butler County Press , has sold a half interest in the paper to Mutt F. Muury. The new firm propose to put the Press in the forefront of country journals and extend its inllu- encc for good among the producers of thu state. Dr. J. L. Goudy , a slightly esteemed citizen of Richardson county , appeared in court in Falls Citv last Wednesday to answer the charge of perjury and horse lifting. The accomplished and versatile doclor gavu bonds to appear for trial nt the next term of the district court' Springfield , Sarpy county , will have a constitutional blowout next Friday. There will bo a street parade and music by thn band , a salute of 100 anvils and clanging of bells , a speech by ox-Senator Van Wyek and a big dinner , races , shooting matches ana base bull , a balloon that won't go up and a display of tire- works. A revolting exhibition of human de pravity developed in Grand Island. A man named Andruw Flynn was arrested for public soliciting for hl.s wifu that ho might live oil'thu proceeds of her degra dation. The pair arc steeped in deprav ity and drink , and hail from Kansas. Flynn was lined $50 and costs and the woman $10. A couple of Crete's young dudes at tempted to play thu detective on a young woman by assuring her they had "got on to her racket. " She was dreadfully beared apparently nud the kids chuckled under their collars. Nuxt morning's proeeud- iiign did not warrant much laughter. Thus kids wuro taken to court anil fined for their sport. The Columbus Democrat"Omaha is destined to lie the meat packing center of America. Lying at the point most ac cessible to all of the live stocK territory of the great west and now having at tracted thu capital of Armour and others , its great future is assured. And thu growth of tliu metropolis of Nebraska is a benefit to all the balance of thn state.1 Dixon county has , according to the as sessors'books , 1,131 horses , 10,710 hnud of cattle , irx ) mules and asses , 74 ! ) sheep , 11,087 hogs. The value of personal prop erty Is placed at 107,7-1 ( i 75 , and of real $1,071,577. There urn in the county (5,020 ( acres in wheat , 30IDS , in corn. 11,932 in oats and 33l > 18 m meadow. Thuro are 81,827 fruit trues , 1,70,050 forest trees and U.-'OU grape vine.- ) , A cowardly , cold blooded murder was committed on the highway between Nel son and St. Stevens , Nuckolls county , last Tuesday. Henry Sully , a young farmer , recently from Fort Madison , Iowa , wliilo returning from Nelson , where lie tmd gold a load of hogs , was shot In the back and instantly killed by an unknown man who was riding with him. The niurdorur took Sally's money und disappeared. A church sociable and hugging bee. nt Klk Creek broke up in a row recently. A withered remnant of n man , aching for a smack at n sweet .sixteon or thuru-- about. " , blow In fifteen cents unit was blindfolded , Tlio managers ran his wife against him and the squeeze ho gave hur uiudu her back nohe , Whuo. thu baudugo wns removed and ho discovered the swindle ho howled like n wlldinausmoto the manager on the jaw nnd choked the treasurer till he refunded , A sickening Mory of hcnrtlcssncss comes from Wllber. The Prospect fam ily , man nnd wifu , living In the southern part of the town , shamefully abimed the mother of Mrs. Prospect and cast her out to starve. The marshal found the old lady in n stable in a horrible condition- destitute of clothing , covered with filth , nearly starved to death and her limbs partly eaten by vermin , It is astounding that a man and woman in good worldly circumstances could deliberately commit such n crime a crime that would shame Satan. Laws are inadequate to punish such villainous inhumanity. The Nebraska Signal at Fairmont has put on n summer suit of the latest pat tern , nnd comes out n cheery , robust model of Industry , thrift nnd vigor. The successful career of the Signal Is n credit alike to the publisher , Mr. J. B. I'.ra/.el- ton , nnd the enterprising people of Fnir- tnont and Flllmoro county. It has been n vigilant ntul consistent opponent of monopoly , fought in the ranks of the people and voiced their sentiments on all occasions. As a consequence it has re ceived the solid support of the commun ity , ns its well filled pages of news , com ments and "ads" nmply testify. The expeditions work of Sheriff Pcnn in ridding Ouster county of the lawless heretofore draw out severe criticism from ono of the homo guard editors , whoso idea of an anicml's duty is to lot his cannon rust , wliilo the bail man fills him with lead. That was the courageous way of giving thu crook a chance for his life. Before the sheriff started on the late ex pedition which resulted iu tllu sudden demise of a horscthief , the fighting editor was invited to go along and participate m the scrap. Unfortunately thu valiant scribe was behind in his work nnd unable to witness the slaughter. The invitation worked n wonderful change in his tune. There was a wild circus lime down in McCook ono evening last week. A io.malo acrobat refused to tiny her laun dry bill , anil Invoked the aid of the can non ball looser. Together they cleaned out the laundry , knocked the mauglurs rit'ht and left and made on" with the linen. This precipitated n trial of strength be tween thu fakirs nnd thu town. A grand rally and assault was made on thu tented field by the officers nnd a PQSSO of mus cular citizens and u free light followed. Ono , whoso ? ealp was plowed by a Dago bullet , revenged himself by knocking down five of thu "Hoy Rubes , " nnd forcing the surrender of the re mainder. The outfit was jailed and the bill paid with a largo addition of danutgcs. McCook hits the bullsoyo every time. David D. Dobur , n robust , romantic corn-puller , residing eighteen miles from Hastings , walked into town a few davs ago , to commune with his girl. The day was hot , the road dusty and David was very dry when he struck the city. In stead of bowing at the shrine of Ids lady loye he threw himself nt the noz/.le of a beer keg and stayed with it several times. Ho then betook himself to the bower of his intended and rested his brewery on the doorstop. There wore sounds of mirth and song within and it grated on his soul. David routed himself and with n mighty kick called for admittance. This annoyed the company and two of them fell upon David and caressed him hip and thigh and polished his face a deep , debilitated carmine. The greeting con vinced him that ho was not wanted there immediately. He dragged his weary frame townward , fell into the arms of a policeman and paid $5.UO next morning for his bunk and breakfast. THE NATIONAL SCHOOL. EXHIBIT. 1'raoticnl Illustrations of the Train ing of the Kyoaml Hand. Chicago Tribune : The keynote of the symphony which makes up thu harmony of thu grand exhibit of thu great work of the schools of the states of which Chicago is the metropolis is industrial , or as its more utilitarian friends style it , manual training. It is this purpose behind thu thought , the unity in diversity , that this exhibit. "Wo learn to do by doing , " might well bo blazoned all over the great hull whoso wealth of beauty voices the keen intellectual life of its day vocalix.ud by the sensible phase of utility. The State university , with all its classic dignity , brings thu product of her thought materialized in artistic de sign , ingenious model , and manual skill , and places it beside the fruit of industry by which thu feeble-minded have their mental powers germinated , invigorated , or developed , us the need may bo. The SU to Normal sshool , with its orofes- sional order , and the Cook County Normal with its Americanized Ger man aspirations , bring here uvi dences of the way in which the anchor the imagination to life through hand and eye , and place them beside the works of genius and art which the deaf , the dumb , the blind have wrought out under the inspiration of modern methods of utilr/ingttiidcnlightenmtctho defective Nor is thin nil. Thu exhibits of skill in nrithmatlcal processes , graphic geogra phy , graphic history , and ready writing show that not only is there no loss in power of mental development but there is a positive gain m intellectual results. The woou carving done by pupils in thu Illinois asylum for thn feeble-minded js of a tuiprcior quality. It Is the only institution where work of this kind is done. Two fine butternut doors , elabor ately carved , have been made for the in stitution by the pupils. The girls make all the dresses used , while all the laundry work is done by the boys and girls ; sixty acres arc also tilled by the boy.s. The Colorado state institute for teoble-mindcd exhibits some useful wearing apparel made by the pupils , some maps , and re markably well written compositions. It is a notable fact that the penman ship is uniformly good. The school for thu deaf and dumb , a private institution undur the direction ot Miss McCowan , must not bu passed by , Thu lady begins her work with very young pupils , be- twuen thu ages of four and livu , and by teaching llinm to observe thu movements of thu muscles of the throat and face teauhes them to articulate sounds. Thu little group around hur answer her ques tions very intelligently. Miss McCowun uses the kindurgartun methods. She be gins to leach writ'ng by using the whole arm movement by means of which she hrhigs about woifdor-iul results. Her pu pils puss from hur training into the nor mal or hich .school , nnd find no dlllicuity in gulling along after she has given a tow instructions to teachers. 'Iho school work done In arithmetic nnd languages in the Illinois institute for thu deaf nud dumb compares very favorably with Hint done by pupils in our best schools. Thu water colors and charcoal and crayon sketches aru particularly lino. The Wis consin school for tiiu deaf and dumb , lo cated in Dulavan. accommodates 100 pu pils. The board of managers , executive committee , house supply , as well ns the executive force und finance committee and president of Iho institution aru wo men. Thu work is excellent und is ur- ranged in a methodical and pleasing manner. Hand and school work is well reprcsunted. Tlio Illinois institution for the educa tion of thu blind exhibit. * some iiMiful household articles , uueh as rag carpet. * , brooms , and muUruSu ! > , along with its hchool work. The work done by pupils of the Wh- cousin school for the blind in clay model ing , designs in colgrs , and ncoUiuworkK' , is of u tiit Interest to visitor * . A div fcectt-d nwp of the United Stati * is so ac curately put together thcU one marvels at the dulluucy und proc'slon of the touch UiHt fiupplluH night. Onn little composition closes wth } this puthetie sontgnce : "I havti raadp so runny mis- Ukra thnt I do tipl think I can finish , " and yet the writing is in n bold , free ; , straight und legible. Thu Chicago West Division High school lina nn extra ordinarily flue botnnlcal collection on exhibition. Manyof the specimens arc rare nnd all are ncntly kept niul well mounted. The drawings of vegetable sections under the microscope demonstrate that the pupils nro carefully trained In the use of hand and oyc n desirable thing In the study of the science. TJ o manual-training department of tlio hlg-i. school shows very creditable work in wood , demonstrating by the first fruits that the idea of grafting it upon the sys tem was n thoroughly wise proceeding on the pait of its advocates. Three out of the six towushlp high schools of Cook county are represented. Professor Night- ingnlo , of the Lake View high school lins fitted up his department so that It re sembles n well-furnished library. Any visitor who will stop to examine the records can see the record of nny pupil connected with the Institution , ns well as gain nn idea of the methods used , The drawing , which Is done entirely from objects , Is of unusal merit. The zoology class wtv.k and outdoor sketches merit more than n passing notice. Souio very line work done by tlio Cu-sur class bear critical inspection. Tlio Jell'urson high school devotes about half the space al lotted to it to handwork done by pupils at homo. The Kvanston high school exhibits some excellent mechanical drawings and superior work in clay modeling. Of the division high schools of Cook county Princeton is the oldest. Its art department is limited in quantity but line in quality. Several line crayons attract a crowd of ndmlrors about them. The Knglcwood high school art department comprises ovury depart ment of art. Wisconsin , always in the van of educational work , is represented by two of its state normal schools , Oshkosh - kosh and Whitinvntor , ns well as by sev eral high schools. The work on exhibi tion is peculiarly fine. The blackboard Illustration is only ono feature out of many worthy of a special mention. The Muscatino ( In. ) hit'Ii school seems to have given considerable attention to business forms , of which it gives some linu speci mens. It also shows some good mechan ical drawings. Thu Omaha high school has a manual training department and the first year's work is on exhibition. It compares favorably with that of older institutions. The most interesting work of the entire exhibition will be men tioned in connection with elementary education in the city , town , nnd district schools represented. For cramps and colics. The original Brown's Ginger. Frederick Brown.Phil- adclphin , IS-'S. Sold by druggists every where. The Care of Hwlno. Practical Farmer : There is no animal kept on the farm thnt is not bettor cared for , so far as relates to health , than the hoc ; he is frequently kept In n dark cellar , or In a cellar with only n small amount of light from one side of it , nnd during much of the time he is compelled to wallow in a mixture of water und manure , from which comes a slouch suf ficient to destroy the health of any ani mal in it short time , but n.s tlioa hog is to bo kept but a few months before ho Is to bo killed and sent to market , the farmer usually gets him oll'lus hands before disease has ad vanced sulliciently to become fatal ; but because death from disease deus not como before killing time it does not follow fhat iliscaFe lias not made its apearanco to an extent to lesson the profits In producing the pork , if it does not reduce the market price of the pork itself. The time has come when fanners should understand that hogs should not be kept in a dark cellar , half-filed with manure , from which is constantly escaping gas of the most poisonous nature. Another mistake is being niado , which is in feeding everything to swine without regard to its nature. The feuding of olty swill is not only highly disagreeable to the whole neighborhood , but it is getting to bo a practice that is highly dangerous to the life of the hog ; largo numbers have been lost during the past year by this practice. There seems to bo but very little doubt that the hog cholera has been spread in this way It would bo well to inquire whether the public are to bo rnadu to suffer thnt a few men may have the privlcgo | of producing diseased pork at a profit by feeding city swill. If H person feeds city swill to his hogs , with thn full knowledge Unit there i great danger that they will have the oholern , should he secure pay for them out of the public treasury when thuy have thnt disease ? Should there not bu some understanding about it , so that when u person know ingly foods his hogs in n manner to pro duce. cholera , he in not to make otliurs pay for his loss ? If the state is to stamp out disease among farm animals , should thuru not be eoinc measures taken to prevent thu spread of by the feuding of im proper food ? itsounifvory certain that thu hog cholera bus become HO prevalent that U is dangerous ( o fued to swim ; any thing that has raw pork in It , and an swill always has more or'less uncooked skins of ham and other portions of the hog In it , is there nny prospect of stopping the spread of thu cholera HO lonir us city swill iu fed to hogs iu all parts of the stutn ? Ho who cxpeulH to have huallhv hogs at thu present time must keep tlicm in irood , cluan , healthy quarters , and feed them with food that is free from thu germs of disease ; it is also important that In ; should buy his pigs where ho knovvs thu stock to bo huullhy. For fear of K lug a day's work , many persons put off taking physio until Sat urday. The better plan 18 to not delay but taku it as soon as needed , It may BUVO you n hnnl spull of sioknoss. If you want thu most benefit from the luiut amount of physic without causing you nny inconvenience , loss of npputltn or rest , take St. Patrick's Pills. Their action on thu liver und bowels are thorough , thuy give a freshness , tone und vigor to the whole system and not in harmy with nature- . HACAN'S MAGNOLIA BALftrl , For llin I'arr. N'rrU , Arm * iirt lliinilN , Uarimlchli's * l.liinlil. Ouarouunl I'UJ.X.M ! turlul ; lluiiukiiK , Iiiitantlu Jr/.Kr.l urn , ' AVwi Ibtiilr , ! . llhiminiiiiilirfully.uiooclr , .tuli. I'ljulilit and Ili-llrain hbhi. A 1'curl Complexion \ llngtU IUi the Llmli of Urn H'IA . A I nl > 11 I it r Nrrk , Arm * ami llani ! , H ) lu UMI IMini'Ii-N ' , llloicln ) , , hMiiluirn , \ Valurluuiilarbrioli , dni' . KMillMVnroi , und fcll hlilN II.IOI IhllKS M,1 ulUlctlonii urn rmnoWd. liluri.liiK from n hat nulk nr rlrtr * one It linun iflats IT K t < > ! " 1 rtlirthrA nlt r uiUt Ik I. lli-jilioiilil novrrta wltLoutlt. < ; j e tfau JJAL.1l a Trlnl I