Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . * MONDAY -TULY 18. 1887.
Advertisements under this head , 10 cents pe
Inn fi > r the first Insertion , 7 cents for each nub
sequent Insertion , andI.MR line per month
ho ndtcrtlfomcnt tnkcn for less than 25 cents
for thn Or t Insertion. Seven words wll Jbe
counted to the lines they must run cotnecu-
tlvoly and must bo imld In mlvanco. All ndvcr-
tlpomctitH must bo handed In before 1 : ' * ) o'clocn
p. in.nnd tinder no circumstance1 ! will they betaken
taken or discontinued by trlcjihone.
I'nrtms Rdu-rtislng In tliifc column and nav-
Ing the answers nrtdre ed In care of TUB urn
wlllppa | o nflk fern check toennble them to get
tnolr lettersas none will tie delivered OICCDI
on nro entntlon of check. All answers to navor-
tisemonts should bo unclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns arc pub
lished | n both morning and cvonmg editions of
The IIFR. the circulation or which
aggregates more than 14.000 papers
clBlly. nnti gives the advertiser the
benefit , not only of the city rlrculntlon of The
Urn but also of Oouneil Bluffs. I.licoln , and
otner cities and towns throughout this part of
MONKV to lonn , no tommlsiion. Cole. 310 8
16th. 903
760.000 TO l.OANntfl per cent. Llnali.m 4
$ Mnhoney , 150U Fnrnam. 179
. . CENT Money.
It. C. Patterson , 15th ntd Ilnrnnr. 181
, to loan on real estnlo. No delay.
$ Harris i Sampson , 1510 Douglas St. 2jJ
ONKY rO I/OAN O F Davis Co , real
M estate nod loan agents , 1505 Fnrnam st.
, To loan on Omaha city property nt8
$500,000 cent O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Fx. Hid.L .
ONnV rb LOAN-On cltv nnti farm prop
erty , low talcs. Stewart & Co. , Hoom 3
Iron bank. 1 > 1
MONEY to loan to parties wtshlnir to build.
B B. Campbell , 1)10 ) S 101 h st , Chamber of
Commeito. 750
VCONEY to lonn. cash on delay.
TU. J. W. and P. L. Bqulro , 1413 Furnara St. ,
rnxton hotel building. US
ONI'.Y TO LOAN-Loans of $10 tt > $100
madoon furniture , pianos , horses , wngnni ,
etc. , without rcmoMil , .1. J. Wilkinson * Co. ,
1324 Farnnm street , o\er nurllngton ticket
onice. MS nugfl *
MONKY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
orty In sums of $1,000to $5,000 tit six per
cent Interest. SholcsA Crumb. 107
TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission charged. Lenvltt Hum-
bum , Hoom 1 Crelghton Hlock 17J
MONKV to loan on Improved city property
nnd fnrms from $1,000 up. at lowest rate-
Apply to Win. II. Loach , Real Ketato Agent , 1509
Farnam. 6t > 4jyl9
MONKY TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of (500 nnd upwards at lowest rates.
Money always on hand. 8. 8. Campbell. 810
South Sixteenth street. 168
TVfONEY to loan on farm and city property
nt current rates. Largo loans on gilt edged
business property . Pro us. Marshall Ic i.o-
beck , 1509 Fnrnnm. Telephone TJ. 281
SPECIAL Wo have nn order for a large
nmount of mortgages In sums of $5,000 nnd
upward which we would like to nil at ones.
Parties desiring loans on brick business blocks
will do well to see us. Central Loan nnd Trust
Co. . 1B11 1'arnam St. _ 884 18
frlM ) LOAN Money 1/oaiis placed on irn
JL proved real estate In city or county for
New England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , lath and Chicago sts. 175
FIFTY Thousand dollars to loan to parties
wishing to build.
§ 50,000 to loan on unimproved city property.
FlOO.dOO to loan on Improved city proporty.
hpoclal rates for the nextJW days.
Odell Hro3 & Co. , cor Farnam and l th.
L _ 152y29 |
MONKY LOANED nt C. F. Hood & Co ' * Loan
Ollico , on furnlturo , pianos , borscs.wngons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of % aluo. without removal. 819 8. l.'lth.
" over Illngham a Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 1M
MONKY 1O LOAN by the undersigned , woo
boa the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , hones , wagons ,
machinery , fto , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part can bepnid nt any fme.onoh
payment reducing the cost pro rnta Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
and see me. W , R. Croft , Hoom 4 Wthnell
Building 15th nnd Harnw. 177
F11HE OMAHA Financial Exchange ,
JL N. W. corner of Ilarney and 15th ita , ,
over State National bank.
l prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loam made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans'made on Improved real estate
at current ratei.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Bhort time loans made on second inortffHjr * .
according to marginal Interoit. at collateral
Rcnl estate to exchange for rood Interest
bear inn pnuer.
Uencrnl financial business of all klndi trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
any kind , without dclny or unnecessary pub
licity , Corbett. Manager. 178
MIDLAND Guarantee und Trust Co. , 1605
Fnrnam street Complete abstracts iur-
nlshod , and titles to real oetuto examined , per
fected und guaranteed 618
TTKM'R hundred and forty acres school land
J- In Hamilton county. Nob. , to trade for
11,500 grocery stock. Address Holdon & Mason ,
Central City , Neb. l S 19'
TARKhiiilno88olmiicet for t-ale. the stock ,
JLV lUtures nnd good will nf a first-class clothIng -
Ing store doing a good business , centrally
located , only reasons for selling tbo owner hits
other and more Important business. Parties
meaning buslnuss muy address U. 18 , Roe office.
'nenoral neent for Nobrnbkn for
TV World Type Writer 10. Ilnpid , simple ,
easy to use. Writing equal to f 100 machines.
A good biiHlness for live m n. Addrvss Day It
Lettert5 : Murray St. Now York. Z5-Z-9-10
TTlon SALK A boarding house and furniture ,
X1 doing good business , 40 boarder * , good
reason for selling. Cell at Carrie * VoUiitn.
15th and Capitol ve. Erpoilton Bulldlnf. 1O9
Sl'KCULATOUS opimrtunlty. Information
on stocks onlv telegraphed under rode t
any subscriber. B , bhormtn FlU-h , 10 Wall It ,
N. Y. TUjy S2 *
FOIl SALK A first class hotel property , two
itory brlok In excellent location amd doing
nn extensive tiuilnen. Vvr particular * ad
dress H. 8. Lilly , real ( itat Utaler , Hroken
How , Nob. 158 21
FOlt SALK A good hotel In thr live town ot
Chadron doing a good business on vert
easy terms Full particulars by addressing M ,
U. Langworthy , Lubk , Wyoming. 713 Jy 22J
W ANTHD-Purtner , 1200 ; (10 dally. 918 H
10th st. 002U8 *
TM'HINK.HS chances. 5 or 8 boarding and
J > lodging houhc'i for rent and furniture foi
tale. Several of these are rare bargains. ROOII
I , over lta > inond's jewelry storo. V24 18
FOH BALK Meat market , tools , fixtures
horse and wagon , everything complete
deed locution ; good trade. Address U 48 , Ileo
OH KXCHANOi : A stock of hardware li
Council lllulTs for Omaha real mate. A
II Comstock , 1523 Furnam st. 50i
WANTED I'nrtlM who desire to buy or sel
or exchnnge stocks of genernl mcrchnn
diie. dry roods , groceries , boots and ( how
hardware , drugs , Je elry Improved or u lm
provi" ! town or olty property , itnpnivodor un
prord farm * in any part of tbu United Maiof
to addreci Kraut-e 4 Foeter , 810 8. 15th et
Oiiiaha , Neb. _ Ml
J ARMS , lands , store stocks , hotels. UJIMIU
fattoilcs , Ice cream parlors , buslnei
cham-os for tain and oichango Call and fft
1'roprrty adertlind at rate of 50 cents pe
mouth Ho cord Advertising Co. , 1 > U Farnam
OLD EKtablished Iluslntss For Salo-Owlni
to a change in our liuilnosi wo will sel
on fnvoroblo terms our long established men
market business at No. 414 South Uth itruel
will rent the building , nnd soil or rent all th
fixtures , also heroes or wagons for sale at
bargain. This U one of the butt oitnblishe
markets , and a good a location as there Is li
the city , ror particulars nnd terms Inquire a
abo\e. 11111 k Huotilngor. \ 1S
TTTOR HALE Law library , cheap. Wneeler i
X1 Whet'lcT , Douylas ana 15th tt. 941
_ _
Vbll 8 A l.KA No. 1 saloon , toe box cheap , i
1 No. 11 JO Farnam it. 7 $
JilOIt SALR-Hntaurani , flrit-olasa builnen
, good location , cheap If told nt once , on ai
co u n t of ilckue't , .Adareii X 10 Pee887. . 1 *
Oil SALK-A food buslnelli imall oaplt
required ; good rvaioni for lelllug , A
IrMI T 44 DM ofiot. . . , lit
BUSINESS CHANCE reliable buimesi
man Of means and experienced In bank
ing , would Ilka to corre pena or converse with
mun of means relative to banking business In
this oily , or upon satisfactory arrangements
would Invest In established bank. Cnn take
vlth him the account" ; of several country
banks , ns well ns some ( Ity patronage. 1'nrtles
of meann nnd meaning busting ! address HOT
798 Omaha.
\\7ANTit-Ocntieman wishing an honest
TT bitslne s. I'rollts f 14 per dny. 1100 re
quired , Will exchange for stock or trade. Call
room 4 Croitnso block , 119 N Ifith street.
7ft ! nug 11
_ _
FOR SALK niegant Ice crenm pnrlor com
plete. Hoom 4 , over Raymonds lenclry
store. V2.3 18J
FOR SALIVA hotel well fnrnl'lioil nnd doing
bis bjslncis. Address U 70 , lloo office.
BAIiT ! Hoarding house , inquire Mndtlo
houso.2128 10th. 8'17 18J
will hnlt Interest of
13KIISONAI 150 buy
J pond cash paying , well established ollico
business. J. B. Johnson , 318 B 16th , room 4.
WiH 18 j
r.HSONAfj-ttcntleiTKMi , attention. ( Jood
boaril and rooms at 604 B. 18th t.reasonably
78 nuff 12 ]
> I2HRONA j-If you want a desirable , cen
I trally Ideated office you can Qrid It nt 'J13
B 15 * St. 76
- ' home for Indies during
confinement , strictly conl ( < lenti l , Inhints
ndontcd , addre K 4.1. Ileo otlicn. 42Jn"i
, Mrs. fir Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant , Hrdlcnl nnd business Medium
Boom No. 8 121 North 16th st .Omaha. Nob.
iTHAYEH ' Spun of ponies , binck mures 4
jcnraold , from Mlllnid , Net ) Hetuin to
Cii * . I'oppunhniri'iii Mlllnrd , Neb. , nnd tret re
ward. "SI li > J
FlVEdolh.rB1 rcniuil. Strn > ed or
SKVKNTY ftom rear of 111 N 17th st , n largo
roan horse , about 17 hands high , neighing between -
twoen 1,8(10 ( end 1,400 pounds , redlch brown
iimno and tall , hind somtwlint swolli n-
tZ'i will be paid for return of anliunl to owners ,
at 1)0 ) h I4th st.nnd If stolen the phrrifl of Doug
las Co will pay n reward of $50 for the arrest
and con Ictuin of the thief. 6I(8 (
STOHAGK Omaha Storage Warehouse , cor.
Kith and I/nrd , nmple facilities for storaire ,
furnlturo , wagons , etc. low rntos , ad\nnee *
made. Issue wnrohouse receipts. 4M aug OJ
LMHST-CLA8B Storage at 110 N 13th H.
TOHAOK First-class storage for nice lur-
S' nlture or box'ed goods , atlSU Dodge-it.
Mild. DDHANT Clarlvoyant from lloston.n
reliable In nil affairs of life , unites separated
lovers. 822 N. 18th It. room 1 591 J28 |
A 5 months old female child to adopt. Ad
dress XU Bee office 8 h 18.1
MORTOAHE notes bought. I have an Imme-
dlnte purchaser for some good paper ,
amounting to $5,000 or $10,000 nnd secured by
first mortgage of strictly Insldo properly. Can
take notes running for dlflrrcnt periods Cat
at once. J. A. Hlcbtand , HO , Arlington block
1511 Dodge. 740
rpo EXCHANGE For good family horse nnd
X phaeton , bO acres of land , freq fiom en
cumbrance , within three miles of county seat.
Chas. P. Ilenjamln , 1512 Fnrnnm St. f > 55
/1AS1I buyers of furniture , stoves and house-
v./ hold goods don't go to the long time hltrh
priced stores they go to 117 N I0th. 547 aug 7
MORTflAOEnotes bought 1 have apurchas
cr for some good paper nmountlng to
$ ,5,000 or $10,000 aid secured by first uiortgngo
of strictly insl.lo propertj- . Party will buy notes
runnlnir tor different periods. Cullatotuo. J.
A.HIestund , K9 , Arlington , blk , 1511 Dodge
EXCHANOK-Houth Omaha lot free from
TO encumbrance for span of good hoti-cs.
Chas. P. Benjamin , 1512 Fnrnani st. 505
M ONKY talks tor furniture and hnusehoU
goods at 117 N IBth , Your prlco lor cash
613 nug7
TjlOK TRADE Forms , city lots , stock of mer
E1 chandlsc , etc. 1'arrottVllllnmson , 14th
Douglas. 2M >
. WILLKTT8 Trained male sick-nurse
Telephone 370 , Y. M. C. A. rooms.
26031 *
TAKE NOTIBB-W. C. King 4 Co , House
Slorlng and liaising , address 1320 Tierce Et.
749JyJ *
pools and Tnults cleaned nnd deni
animals removed by .lohn Nelson , garbagi
collector for 4th ward south of Douglas st , 1411
Homer st. Telephone 539. G91jy 2
" \fOKTQAGE notes bought. I have an Imino-
iL dlate purchaser for some good paper
amounting to fbOOO or $10,000 nnd secured by
flnt mortgage ot strictly Inside property. Can
handle notey running for dillerent periods. Call
at once. J. A. lllestnud , 110 , Arlington block.
1511 Dodge. 740
TnOKRBNT S < v.mre I'iftno J montttly. A
X ; Bosp .1513 Iiougiat. It"
rpo parties having houses for rent. Kontnl
JL Agency , llonawn & Co. . IBit. , opposite post-
office. We have turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend them. McCagua Ilros.
FOIIKENT Organs , f J per month , iiorpe ,
U13 Douirlai. 187
Ol. C.-IIouio fiirniBhlmr goods , nil kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Donner , 1.115 Douglas st IMl
F IOU KENT Hquare , ft montalv. A
Hoipe.UU Douglas. 187
JF you want to buy or sell furnlturo , go to
/.Ferguson's. 715 N Hth. 190
FOIt BALK Now elevator , coal sheds and
omoo , with rram and coal business at Oak-
dale , Neb lluslnesx profitable and good rea
sons for oiling. Address for particulars Lock
llox 88. Fremont , Neb. 7511ij
FOR BALK Team , wagon ami harness. Con
make $ - . ' < ) per wrek , working four days In
the woek. Iteiuon for sc < lllnr ( , can't attend to
work. Address Thomas K. MuNamnrn , 714 N ,
16th St. 85' ) 1U-
FOU fiALK-Cart , prlcu $14. 1515 Douiflas st ,
4th floor. l < 09 16J
H ftAL12-Mc4iuin sized second hand safe.
Apply to Crane Ilro's Mfg Co. 619
TpOH SALK Bpan of nice young horses. For
-C sale on time payments. M. F. Martin.
TTKK SALK Furniture of 8 rooms with privi-
-C lege of lease of house , 707 S. 14th bt
SALK One six-foot upright black wal-
1 nut show case , Milton Hogers Sc Son. 'J09
TjiOH BALK Oil and gasoline wngon. tonni ,
L1 harness and route. Cull bet. U and I at
1413 Dodgo. 815
FOR SALK Or trade a noavy snnn of mules ,
will trade lor horse and buggy. Address U
71. Ilee office. 89720 *
SALK-A first-class riding pony. HIT
quire , 1420 S 5th Bt , 097 IS *
F j > OH fcALK 1'alr ponies , buggy nnd harness
1150. C. H. Spray. 619 N. mil 410 1HJ
FOR SALK Span flno matched bay driving
homes. C. F. Harrison , 418316th it.
iRSALE Ulnck mare , 10 years old , per
tectly gentlo. Also pbentou. Inquire ol
Mrs. Sampson , Nelson st , second block wastol
reservoir , Walnut Hill. M 18J
E STRAY Ono Iron gray pony mare , flndei
will recelvo reward by returning tt
1122 Sherman n\o. 910 18 *
FOHHALK I'ony , harness and cart. Inqulrt
802 I'ark ave. 756 17J
F fctudobaker buggies at Seaman's.
Ktudebakcr phnetoni nt Seaman's.
8tud haker carriages at Seaman's.
Studebaker spring wagons at Scnman'i.
Btudebakordraft wugoni at Seaman's.
Corner of Farnnm aad Uth in.
Fl\e ear loadi just received. K2 ] y 24
- . to i Tl Shetland Mountalt
ponies. Fancy colors. Largest herd li
Ameilcn. Sample pony free. Rare opportun
Ity Encloin stamped mlf-addiessed envelope
Ilyrpn Van itaub , Iloerne , Kendall Co. , Texm
ANTRD Agenti-World Type Writer $10
Rapid , ilraple , yasy touio. . Writing aqua
to $100 machines. Illg proflti , Send for olrou
lars. Day & Lester , 14 MUiray St. , New York.
a \\7ANTKD-Men for Iowa and Missouri D
d 'T 0 , O'Weete , Labor Agency.309 6. llth it.
WANTED A flrst cio s watehmakor nt the
Omaha National 'Loan office , 1805 Doug-
ns st. 793 16 *
WANTKD Young man to drhe horse , ono
well acquainted In the city , 9JC store ,
2011 Farnnm st. PM 16
\1TANTED-A good boy about 17 yours of
TT nge , one that Is not nfrnld of work.
Ptendy position to the right boy. Apply 1108
I'nriiaiii Bt. Ooo. llen. tK. in
WANtliD-Aeents Manhattan Llfo Ins. Co.
of Now York. Oood contract to live
ngonts. Address Western Mansger , Ooo. W.
illggs , DCS Maine ? , la. 7VO 1CJ
WANTED-Oood man to handle good paying
tm lnoF8. Hut little cash needed. Call
till Monday noon at U02 N I'lth at. R. S. Smith.
8fi2 1C *
_ _
\\TANTEn-Men for Wyomlnir. wages $2.03 ,
TT fiji ; nnd { 2 50. Albilgnt's labor agency ,
1120 Farnam , V > "
\VANTED-I'renod brick grnder , address X
> ' 1 , lloo ollico , 841
\\7ANTED-A flrot-clnss barber , no other
TT need apply. John SchlckctanNo. . 104
Main street. jylS-3t
V\ANTED-At Western Cornice works , 10
* cornice makers 5 tin roofers 5 slaters ;
none but flrst-ilass men need apply. 5flr > 10
8. 12th U C. Spocht. 7.2 ( IS
ANTED-Hnllrond laborers for Colorado ;
wage' for teamsters $ .TI ( tier month nnd
botrd ; steady work. Albright's Labor Agency ,
1120 Fornam. 637
\\/'ANTED A smart active boy (12 ( to inyenri
old ) , to nttend podn fountain. Mu t llvo
with parents und unquestioned as to linncty.
None other need apply. Jno. W. Hell , drug-
gl < t.S. 10th st MB
WANTED-Thrco young men of Intclll-
geneo and buslnel > i < ability. J , M. Trench
Ic Co. , room 1C , Hushman block. C.14 16
WANTIHl-GIrl to do general bousownrK ,
1717 Chicago 81 95.1 19J
WANTED Oood girl for general houscn ork
with two In family. References required
Apply nt 2201 Fnrnnm st. < < 47
AVANTKD 2 girls and 1 hov to work Incnndy
> factory fl.'iO nnd 4.5) ) pr week , boy can
learn trade If he likes. Omaha Knip llurcaii
11UN Ifith ft. fi.Ti HI
WANTED Girl or woman , 1510 Cap axonuc.
IHgjBnges pald. _ G4 16'
" r
" \\fiNTKD-8girls for"prlvnto families , hc )
TT tels and hoarding IIOUFOS ; good
Scnndltiavlun Employment llurcru 1610 rarnnm ,
H21 1I1J
\yANTT.I ) A peed girl for kitchen and gen-
TT era ! housework. Apply nt once liild Cnl-
Ifm nast.Mrs. (1. Q. Wnllaco. 779 16
_ _
WANTED Flr t class second cook , German
preferred , ut the I.uropoan Hotel , (142 ( 8 ,
ItOhst. 81 tin
WANTKD Experlenoed girl to mark and
bundle clothes. Ouiabn laundry , 004 N.
16th. H04 NIJ
WANTED Good girls for general work and
20 dining room girls , and good coolc for
private family , 150" ) D'lvcnport st tO'i lfi _
rANi'ED A good nurse at 1109 South Kith ,
' SKI in
ANrKD Oood ( lernian girl for kitchnri
work. ( Jood wagei. Apply at 1034
Dodge. 801 1CJ
WANTnO-2.)0 canvassers , ladle" or gentle-
men , wages from $1 50 to $5 per day.
Omaha Knip. Ilurenu , 11U N 16th st CH2 10
VVANTED-OIrl for general housework
T Mrs. II. 8. Smith , 2208 Cullforniu street.
77(1 (
IJANTKD Conk mid Inundrcis nt n. c cor.
T 23rd nnd fas * st. CIS I'l '
wANTEDGIrl at Kmmot houso. 371
WANTED A neat girl to care for children
and nsslst In second work. Mrs. Hobert
Pinis , cor 23d st. nml M. Mary's avo. 8711
T\7ANTEI-(5ood ( girl for dining room at 1015
T > Harnoy st. ( -94 18 *
WANTKD-Oood girl to find work attho
Kmploymont Agency of the Swollsh
Luthcrion church , pleaeocall 50U N I'Jth ' st.
91 i 18J
\\"ANTKO A good girl for general hou e-
' work , must be good pliln cook. 1917 Casa
st. 510
WANTKIl-Fpwing grls nt the Omaha shirt
_ factory , 308 Ninth. 9J2
WANTED Immediately , good girl for gen
einl houEOWork , 424 North 17th stroet.
92S 10 *
r ANTED Two girls nt Doran house , 422 B
18th St. , near St. Mary's nvo. 924
WANTSD-Sltuatlon by Stenographer-
Typewriter : will furnish machine. Ad
dress X 21 , Ilee oftlco. KH-1'I *
WANT12D Ily oxporlenced and competent
stenographer nnd typewriter H po
sition in K. It. or othot olhce. Address X 22 ,
Bee onico. 917.19 *
VVANTKO-Ritiiatlon by young man , good
hahitsi , to learn hardware or dry uoods
business. AdilrossX 1'J ' , lioooHlco. 933 IHj
II'ANTED Situation by steady young man.
' two your oxporteaco In haidwnro nnd
groceries. Address X 20 , Ileo ollice. 9J 1SJ
SITIMTIONS-Tboso wishing situations
should place their names on our books.
Kecoid Advertising Co. , lr > l.l Uarnnm. 88,1 18
WANTI'.I ) Hy two glrN , 0110 second work ,
nnd "no tiousouork in llrFt clans tnmlly ,
apply Scandliuu Ian Kmploj ment lluruan , 1GIU
Farnnm st. 9.1 10 *
\\TANTKI ) Situntlon In a grocery , liavo had
' > experience us salesman , can gl\o city
reference. Addicts X n , Ileo ollico. WO 10 *
WANTKIl Sewintr by the day In private
families. Inquire 2029 Farnam. 8,13Oj
WANTF.U Attrst class dressmaker would
like n few engagements In prUato fami
lies. AdoresS IT 28 , Hoo. 7411 IB *
alO CONTUACTOKS-We are prepared to fur-
me-h any kind of laborers you want. City
Labor Agency , n w cor , liitli nnd Fainam.
U round lloor. 269
W'AN'I RI-Pltuntlonsfor lOgirli for general
housework. City Labor Agcnc > , n w
cor. ICth and 1 arcam. Ground floor. 26.1
WANTnn-Dy a family consist Ink' of hus
band , wlfo nnd two children , nnd possibly
governess , rooms nnd bonrd in a pri\ ate fam
ily. In n good location. Tnrrns liberal and ref
erences given. Address X 24 , Hoe office.
WANTKUPollvery horeo at once. Must bo
client ) for cash U V. Mostollei ft Co ,
no cor. I'.tli and Mason eta , 8. * it
" ANTF.lT. Small house or pnrt ofhousoln
respoctablelocality. Twoln family. Ad.
drou U U lice. C53 IB *
WANTED To axohnngp , anlmoflt now Hnck
for gooa horsoi C. K MaynolL IX A. T.
Co , N W cor. 15tO nnd Fnrnarn.
WANTED-Chcrt of carpenter's tools In good
condition. State price und where can bo
seen , X 17 , Ilec. 94U 19j
WANTED-2 unfurnlshod rooms with bonrd
In private family , near buHinc&d center.
Address , stating terms , A.V. . S , , lloo ollice.
WANTKD A man and wlfo to rent n hand
somely furmshod basement and board
ono person for sumo. Only reliable patties
with reterences need apply. Address X 14 , Hoe.
90(1 ( 19J
WANTF.D To trade good city lot for stook
of drugs. Cone 4. Johnson , 724 N. 11th
street. 919 21
WANTIID ( lontleman roommate. fSO a
month room -m-l board. Must bo u
Chri tli\n. Address X 12 , Bee office. yPOlsj
'ANl'DD Ily young man , room and bonr'-l
In Christian family , not to oxcncd | 27 a
month. Address X 12. Ilee ollico. | > K ) 1H |
FOU HUNT 0 room boarding house full of
good paymir boarders two blocks from 1' .
O. Furniture for sale nt 1400. AUo 8 room
boarding house , fornlture for * ale , $150 7
room house with 32 boarders. Kent f.T > 00.
Good will and furniture fJOO. 3 large unfur
nished looms. Also 1 flat In Ilrownell hall , (118 (
Bo 16th street for rent , Co operative I4ind &
Lot Co.,205 tT. ItUast. 9J919
T7Olt HKNT ( l room cottage ; 5 room cottage ;
J 4 room cottage , good locations , IMwaras ,
over Itaymond's Jewell y store. 92.1 IS *
OU HNT-On N W cor 15th and Vinton , 2
store * , 20x40 , U roams upstairs , suitable
lor fauilllei or roomers. Cul ) at promises oren
on M. Donovan , 2,137 S 13th st. eirj
TnOTl ufjTr 3"room oottaife on Jlst and 1'tful
-LT streets. Inquire ut 617 bouth 13th street.
OB HKNT New house , pe\en looms , city
water and bath , 27th and Parker st. In <
quire 1709 Jaokiou t. aiO 19 }
FOH RHNT 9 room house ana barn , 17th and
Center § U. , house beated by hot water ind
all modern ImproTemets , (65. Also a 7 room
house a * abOTe CM. J , L. Weliaani , 319 U. 15tb
U t , .
F OH Itr.NT - House of 5 rooms and kltoheu ,
Apply 1207 1'aclflo st 1)17 ) 15J
ijiOH RrNT Flat of ,7 ropmB. Cor. Wth und
: : Howard sts. Apply 510 P. 18tu St. 76918 *
cofingos , 4 rooms , o"nrh , "in "Clock W
south frout with alley , city wnter. etc.
Tlili week if IISO each and very easy terms
E. T. ( ladd k Son , 1523 Farnnm it. Itl IB
FOR HKNT-ItHlf of Etorcu Inquire at 1Z13
JDoUulRSJlt. 913
FOU RENT New store nud living rooms on
Cumlng st near Saunders St. Apply Hnr-
rig llcnl Fstntc\ Loan Co. . KM S. 15th st , 8 , S
FOH HENT More room suitable for grocery
store-or butrner shop , on the southwest
corner of 7th nud FnclHc sttceU. 675
Foil HENT A bnlomem , irood place for
barber shop , e w corner lOtli and Leaven-
worth sts. 818
l oiuiUNT-H-room house , 1037 N 20th. In-
JL } quire at 017 8 Utli. f.05
r OH RENT-Two brick stores with Inuo-
ments24th and Hamilton streets , Deslr-
nblo location for dry goods and drug store.
Flats above. If desired , Lcarltt lUirnhnm ,
room 1 , Crclghton block. 674
FOIt HKN T Two Inrge new stores nnd two
flats of te \ rooms encli. City water and gas.
On Saunders st C. W. Unln , 22oO Ohio st. 812
FOH RENT-Ontco < < ,2 front offices In Omnlm
National bank to rent. Inquire Room 1
and * . . tKM
FOH KENT New 6 room house" , pantry ,
cellHr , city water eto , $ . ' . ' per month. F. L.
Gregory , ! l.o'S 15th s' . 607
101t RENT On Monday next two looms fur
nished for light housekeeping. Applv lit
f03 How nrd ct , 9'il
T7 > OU KRNT 2 offices , upstairs , ( routing on
i1 15th st. Apply , Kellcy , Stiger * Co.
FOH RENT New S-roomed house. 22H Chi-
cmost . $00. J. 11. Klngualt , 213 S. r.tti. .
. Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
4Sx-iH ! ! t.onvenworth and 1'aik UNO.or will
build to suit tenant , Hobble Ilros P.5J
T710R RENT-Thrco room house , liomi S 7th
Jb 345
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished fiont
room , 1718 Dodpo St. 94
rooms. Heioicnco
luqulrod , I'lll ) I edge st. 9J1 17J
FOR RENT Furnished rooms with board ,
1'JOJ. I'ariiam. 6T51B *
> OR KRNr Sunfiiinti-hed rooms and hall.
E Inquire 1423 Siuind < M . 801 1R |
1710R RENT A plcninnt furnished front room
-L1 nt 24J1 Chicago ft t5S liij
FOR HENT Furnished , elegant double rmr-
Inri , nil mo lorn linpiovomonts. In Knr-
bach block 01 will rent setmrntely , would like a
dressmaker , nnd i ocotvo part of runt In work.
Also rooms at 1110 N 17th. Fowler Ilros. * Co ,
418 S 15th st. SI9 16J
[ 1OR RENl'-2 month furnished or unfit ?
nlfihed. 101 N. ISth st. 8,19 1CJ
VJR RKNT Nicely fmnlshed io ms , to gen
tlemen only , 2/0 N. Ifith bt. . Room 2. 1148
E OH HUNT Furnished rooms for gontlo-
men. Apply at Collection office , ion I'ur-
nm. KII
FOR HENT Furnished rooms , 1811 Dodge.
877 ugl *
Itn.NT-Furnished room In Orounlg blk ,
per inth and Dodirost. Inquire of Ilavla , V
Icthorington , Mlllantllotol llilllard room. 2SI1
R KENT Two well furnl'hed rooms with
flist class board if desired , pleasant locn-
Ion , private famllv. S E cor 20th and Fariinra.
56U JylPj
OlMfENT rurnlshcdTobnisVrsTir
FOR HENT 2 front rooms furnished , chonp
for the ounimcr , ISIS Farniiin. Ml I3j
IT OR lirNTFurnUhcd rooms , 1 large front
L ; rooms , 2 back rooms , now house , new
iirulturc , watei , gas , bith room nnd steam
heated Apply to 2J17 Douglas st. 8S3 18 |
FOR HENT Rooms , cottages and houses ,
Irom 15 to H" > per month. Our method of
outing the cheapest and bust in use. Record
\iUertlsitig Co. , 151 i Parnnra. 88.1 18
FOR HEN T-3 unfurnished rooms In good lo-
oiilllv nonr cm line suitable tor married
"oujilo. Address S 10 , lloo ollico. 812
F 'OR ' RENT-Pnrt of offlo e room. Inquire
1212Dou glas it , 913
FOH RENT Furnished front room , near ear
line at ( ornoi ol' Dodge nnd 24th streets ,
nqulro ot A. H. Couihtock 1523 Farnam st.WI8
FOH HKNT A furnished room for gentle
men ; pleasant and cool , at 809 Howard st.
$10 per month. 47J.
HKNT-Ware room cor. 14th and Call.
Iforni'i on Belt Line , tor particulars en
quire at Union Nat bank. IBi
FOR HKNT-2 elegant rooms , nicely fur
nished on Ftroot car line ; modern con-
\enlencos. Uontleraen only. Kxtelleut locn-
lon. 1917 Cnss. 071
FOH HKNT Elegantly furnished rooms sin-
ffloor cnsulte , with use of tinth ; electric
bolls In every room. Flmt class restaurant at
tached , at Morris European hotel , corner IBth
imd Webster. C50
FOH HKNT Suite of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. , 315 N , 17th
FOH HI.NT Nlco room with board for two
gentlemen , with homo comforts , 812 South
22nd , 733 18
FOH KENT Nicely furnished rooms , with or
without board , modem convenience-
North 15th. S9'J25
HENT Nlco cool furnished room on
ground lloor , goutlemon only , 1701 Capitol
n\e. M4.19J
FOH HKNT Large , cool , finely furnished
rooms with first class board on car Hue.
1718 Cuss st- OOJ 1HJ
F OH HENT Nicely furnished rooms , JOIJ
Capitol nve. 907 18J
FOR RENT Desirable rooms , 1811 Cap ave.
U14 21 *
FOK HKNT Newly furnished room , 2025 Fnr-
nuin street. 724 18
MOH HKNT-Nic-ely furnislied rooms , all
L1 modern Improv omcntd , 2WJ ) Farnnm st.
748 19 *
FOH HUNT Hooms rnnglnir In price from $8
to $25 nt 1021 Fiirnini tt. 817
F I OR RENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen
ces required , 1107 Douglas su 197
FOR HKNT Large front room with aloovo ,
east front , sightly and Ixtst location , four
minutes' walk from court house , nil modern
Improvements , board near by. Address I' . O.
110x308 791
JrOH RENT Furnished room , 2453 Charles.
800 2u |
FR HlINT-Hooms with board. 504 S. 18th.
; t > j aug 12 *
F HKNT Three unfurnished rooms to
tnmlly without children , tit 1122 N 17th st
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished largo room ,
1707 Cass l 845
FOH UKNT-Onico. room 1,2d Hoer , 318 S 15th
st. Inquire at 17 HUth st. fK (
ITOR HUNT rurnlahcd room modern conJ -
J ? venlc-nces , 310 N 15th St. 910 1BJ
FOR HUNT Largo furnished rooms , gn ,
heat and nil mocjern Improvements. Now
house , now furniture , 1707 Dodge street. 35.1
FOH HI N Store room for butcher , 19th and
Mason. 2t > 9
T7\ \ I OH RENT-Oince room $10 per month , 2nd
JJ floor. U10 S. 15th st. 410
_ . . HENl'-Nlcely furnished room. 1921
Dodge at. , 198
HOICK LANDS-15 per aero. | PO mnKe 1st
year's paymonton 100 acre < . Wrltn for in-
formation. W. F 1'alno , hidnoy. Neb. C' JJy23
\ VK Cnn so for a few days only
Lot 10(1 ( Glie's addition for $0 , J.
Lo 171 ( Use' * addition , f > ,3il.
Rlock 1 Doyd'i addition , J'.VO.
One third cash , balance 1 , - and 3 years.
Remington & McCormlck , 220 Soutu 15th st ,
SPECIAL-Etogant lot 50x150. Rees place , on
Park ave , a short distance s of I.ouven-
worth , $4,500 , K oaih , bal easy , cheapest thing
on the avenue , J , A. Hlestitnii , r 9 , Arlington ,
1511 Dodge. 519
AOHKAT Dargain-OTxlO north l th
at. , H cash , balance 5. 1 (
and 15 year * . If purchaser Wll | build Im modi
ately , only f 1,000 cash will lin roqulied. Inter
cst 7 per cent. Apply 0 LOreon-15JV ( Farnam
it. , fojo agent. 75 Iflj
WE have special bargains' In 4 to t room ret
idenoei and lots In South Omnhu on verj
tur terrai , E. T.Oaott * Sou , 1U3 Farnau
meal. . ; ; . . - '
T710H 8ALF--At flrst cost , two corner lots In
J South Omaha. No commission. Terms
easy. Owner must leave the city , Address u
63 , Ilee ofllco. 792 16J
\Y7EOFFKH-flofthe llnest lots one a corner ,
T T | n block 36 , South Omahn , If taken this
week , can bo bought for $100 loss than market
E corner lots and one ndjolnlng them , block
20. South Omalm. facing on the park , -W to
$ JJO below mnrkit vnluo.
Also In block 21 , one corner nnd ono adjoin
ing It , same terms. Must be sold this week ,
For prices nnd terms call on E. T , Undd & Son ,
152J Farnnin Bt. 783 16
SPECIAL Dargnlns Home 8 rooms , barn ,
etc. , all new , Denlso's addition , $ J,70t ) ,
$1,000 tush , bnlnnc'tt good time.
Four 4-rooin nouses In I.ouo's ndditlon , now ,
$1,500 each , $20) cash , balance to suit.
llou o 5 rooms , bain , full lot. Yntrs .V Heed's
subdivision , $2,500 , $750 cash , bnlance to
suit.Lot In Ambler Place $650 , M cash.
Corner lot , Snundcis & Hlmcbaugh'a , within
blocx of llcnson line , $650 , 4 cash.
Two lots , on corner , Grand View , nlco build.
In ? site , $2,000 , 'i cash , balance long time.
Lot In Hosurvolr , eouih front , very cheap at
fl. R. Ball & Co. 113 North 18th ft 7T ! >
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on I * V.
Crum , 120N 15th st ,
100 lots > 4 of a nillo of V , P. depot
for snle or trade.
9-room house for rent. TwolO-room houses
for rent , sale or trade. Idlswlldo. Ily
815 L V. Crum. 120 N 15th st.
PARTIAL list of selected bargain * . J , A.
Hlestiuid. 1511 Dodge street * $ J5,000ono-
third cash , tor 44 foot on Douglas. 126,000 ,
$10,000 cash , for n good corner on Chicago ;
Impiovemouts rent lor SI,700.
$ -6,000 , $8OOJ cash , for full lot , corner .louos
nnd 12th 11lls is n good thing
$11,000 , $4,000 cash , for n good business lot on
Cumliig ,
$ l,60ii , $1,600 ciiso , for 23 foot on Diuenport.
f"i,70J , J1 , 00 cash , lor n superb lot , 50x17
on I amain.
$4.WO. 1,500 cash , for 50 leet on Park avenue ,
in Itres' Place.
$ . ' ,000 , f Id00cn h , fornn rn t front on VIr-
gliilnn\oniit < , In Hnnecon Place
JJ.'OII , $1OW cash , for a full CO fool lot ill
Isaac \ Leiden's.
$ M W. $1,400 dish , lor ! 0xl40 , on 20th street ,
( c'lblo line ) in Hiirlmch' * 2nd ; improved.
$ lSiO fora beautiful east front In KllbyPlaco
1 his Ha decided baigalii. 'I ernis easv.
$2,300 , SbVI cii li , for a lot In Kountro Place.
$1WO , $ iOO cti'h , for couth trent in IJH\oil-
port's sub ; ju t went of Kount7A Place and
Sauiidois street.
Jl.riCO , $ 00 cash , lor another south front in
Dmonpoit's sub. 'I his is n simp.
$1 , X1. $ SX ) cash , tor n. lot on Davenport
strcot , In llauthnrnc.
$ l,4')0 ) , $500cnsh , for n magnificent M feet ,
Botith front lot In Lowe's. Commands n view of
the city.
$ l,9Vi , $600 cash , for 3 sightly , south fronts ,
co , nor lloulovard nvonuo nnd Corhy street ,
rrolghton Heights. You ought to foe the
\lew from these lots.
$ J 2UO , $ 0 cash , for 1H7 feet , south by 100
en t ; n corner in Kendall's ; will make three
good sonth fronts , ono block wust ot Snundors
treot and Ouk Chuthnm.
$ ! H)0. ) $ iijfl ca h for n good south front In Mo-
If you wish to buy n lot or sell first mort-
ngo notes , irlvo mo n oill.
J. A. Illostand ,
Room 0 , Arlington block , 1511 Dodeo Rtreot.
rpwr.NTV-SIX improved farms and 40 < | imr-
-L ters w lid land In Northeastern NohrasUiv
'or ' sate or oxchunge for Onmhit property ,
"attcrson JtMooro , Omalm National Dank.
\\T 0 SHIUVEIt-Buslness property. flSi
1J6 ft. with ! 1 new cottages on Cumlng
ear Saunderfl , f 12,000 '
Full lot facing on 2 streets.with 8 room house ,
within : i bloelis of Court House , ( I. ) , ( > 00.
48x ) < 0 ft. w llh .1 8tor > brick business block , lets
han 1 block from P. O. , MS.OOJ.
40\(8 ( with now3 story bricn , " blocks from P.
O. , f 10,000.
Corner , nth and California , 121,000 ,
2 , ' > cl't'on 14th near Ijoutrlnp. imptovemcnts ,
cuts for ti 10 per month , 110,000.
Full coiner lot , Ninth and J.oavonwortb , im
proved , f HMXiO. .
The best business corner on North Sixteenth
itri'ct , IfJ loot ou Sixteenth bj ( x ! feet deep ,
I IgMj. eight foul front hy Cfl feet deep , on
Douglas cast ot T olfih ctrect , fPO.OOi ) .
Full cornel lot on Faincin ist ot I'lghth
.treet . , fJ..f.OO. .
Thirty thieebj one hundred mid thirty-two
eet on Nineteenth , near Webpter , with 10-
oem house that rents lor ? .W per month ,
Full corner lot on Cumlng street , paved ,
sewer , eto , $ ) ,800.
i.'ZxHQ ft on Saunders near Hamilton st.
COvIBH It facing 2 streets , 2 good cottages.lron
fonon In front , shed , flowers , etc. , on 1'ierco
nenrL'Oth.f 8fOO.
132xl8J ft , corner on 10th st , south of Dodge ,
Flno business corner , ( it\132 ) U on 10th st ,
soutn of Ciipitol nve , f Of ,000.
1'or location , terms etc. , call on or address
iV. ti. Shrlver , opp. P. O. 41
FOH SALE Or trade , 2fl lots in the western
pnrt of Omnhn near the Ilcnson line ,
price f 400 each , ( 50 due on contracts puyuhlu
In 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest in
contracts for NcDrasKa land. MeCullocli .V Co. ,
l&OO l-'urnsm et. 1000
Tj OIl SALIJ-Cornar lot on Virginia arn with
J1 two good houxes , cheap at f 7.00J. Terms
easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. 8. S.
Campbell , 51U S. 18th st , Chamber of Com
merce. 27J
rpWIJNTX-SIX Improved farms and 40 quar-
Jters wild lund In Northoastcrn Nebraska
for sale or exchange for Omaha property.
I'attoison & Moore , Omaha National llank.
HOI'SK and lot , 6(1x140 ( , corner. South Iflth.on
grade , tfl.r/00. Nicest emt front corner in
I'lulnview , $1,60J ; f.VX ) tush , 1,2 and 3 years.
- Rome choii'O lots in Wise A
I'liimnleo'sttdditlon. Inside proprity. Wo
ninlto Mime wood offers In other Imsinoss nnd
residence stuff and In acres w u are ho boss.
Marshall \ Lob ck,150J 1 uriiiim.
rpWTNTV-SIX improved farmland 40 qimr-
-L tors wild land In Northeastern Nebraska
for tale or oxcnango for Omaha property.
Patterson & Moore , Onmlm National ilank.
EX 1 HA Lot on I'artmni , Inside , high and
sUhtly , sl/uBOxIR7 , $ 'i,700 , one-thlid cash. A
lot Just east of it sold recently for | iono. ! Kur-
nam Is now being pavo. ) tiv this lot. J A Hels-
ttind. HU AillriKton , Till Doilgo Gltl
SPKCIAI , bargains if sold soon , 5 high ,
sightly bouth front lots In Crolghton
Heights.VII1 sell together or separate , llhrt'i
( iieat Western Real Ustato Agency , Ciclghton
block. 2SO.
FOH SALK-f.O No , 1 Inrms within a radius of
3.J miles of Omaha , Alar , n tew good busi
ness ohaiiccs In two live towns. J. U. SIlTla ,
Houl Estate and I/oun Ag nt , Klkhnrn , Neb.
579 Aug
ATIM IMI'HOVKI ) of 1 ) acres near Central
City , for tale , or will exchange for Omnlm
propert ) Inquire of J 0 I.iuoar , 1101 Doug
lass streetotlloc of N. Y. Life Ins. Co.
720 18J
SPKC1AL Ono of the very Hncst east front
lots In Kllby Place for Jl.ViU. The lot next
to It is held firmly nt JAW ) , whllu a corner lot
ID the next block , lying DO better , sold some
time aKO for $2,400. If you want to make an
investment nt once consenntlvo and goofl
paying , In the lint cud of the city , hare Is your
opportunity. J , A. Ulestand , H. 0 , Arlington ,
1611 Dodge. 6111
"U1UH BALK 1 good delivery wagon , beo-
X1 und hand . . . . $ 50
1 good delivery wagon , second hand 75
1 neat light buckboard " " fO
1 good strong buokbonrd " " CO
1 top end spilng buirgy " " . . . . . . C5
1 Miry light top box buggy , Meadlmhcr
make. no
1 two tout Dimioeiat wagonsecond hand CO
1 top box buggy " " Ml
1 Moadlmber jumpBuat buggy 120
1 no * custom-made box top buggy . 125
1 new cart . 45
1 nearly now Simpson buckbonrd , with
ton . 110
1 side spring top box bngiry . . , 75
Jobs all painted and In good repair. Win. H ,
Drummond A Co. , 1.115 11 unit * y Et , 751 19
HKItK Is a bargain. Lots 2 and 4 , in blocK 4 ,
Bouth Oimmn , fOO. Terms half cash nnd
balance easy. Marshall & Lobeck , 1509 Far *
num. Telephone 73. 2N2
OH SALK-Or trade Wo haxo several line
residences , all near street car lines ami
pa\ed stiectHlbat wo can foil on small cash
jmyiiH ntc , or 111 take part in tmdo Thete
places hnvo R,8 and 9 rooms. Also , wo ham
some of the best lands in the state to trade for
merchandise , located either In Iowa or Ne.
I ) i us k a. Call soon befori this ( bunco Is gone.
Purl. Fouler J > . Keiinard. 1007 rnrnam. JTJOJIO
'l/iOIl SALK A lew tmrjains. ifoime of 9
J-1 rooms lots of closets , well , cistern and
barn , close to paved street and street car le 9
tnan one mile from poitnfllee , rents for t IS W
per month , fl.OuO ; Jl.Mx ) cash , balance In tuo
For Pale A house of 4 rooms , cellar , well
nnd cistern , lot 67iixl47i. ! This Is In Uelso'n
add , close to launders street and KounUe
p'are Price IJ.VJC ; toOO caih and t&00 Nov. 1 ,
1C < 7 : bnlHiicoto suit.
For s | e- Hood house of 7 rooms , cellar , well
nnd cistern , lot 3bAtUO. 1 hi * Is on N. lUlhitrtut
nnd less than a mile from postoftlca I'rlcu
( % 500 ; $2,600 cash , balance In one , two uml
three yearff.
For Sale--A nuw hou ° o of C rooms , south
front , lot 75x1r > 0 , one block from Cumlng street ,
In Walnut Hill. 1'rloc , fd.Ufj. Uooa terms
Would like lo call your attention to the fact
if you are looking for che.u > Ion I have tuc
cheapest you c n find In tuo. market , and | r
almost every add to the city.
JtitUBB Stookdale. 113 N. 16th i-
171 It
FOIl BALE Ono million acres of land In Ne
braska. BpecHilatbr's latidsj'nltronil Inndi ,
ranches , ami farms In all parts of the
itnto. Send forparaphlet containing descrip
tion and price of o\ crone thouinnd frtrms. A
flno topographical map of toe state lent free
upon application. K. II , Andrus , for 10 years
Oen'l Land Agent I ) . A M. H. It. r.lghth aad P
Btrects , Llngoln , Ncl'raika. 24J
S VKCIAli-3 beautiful , high and sightly south
fronts , car. Ilonlo ard ave nnd Corbmt. ,
Crolghton cheap you can't help buy.
Ingtncm. Them lott must be sold , nnd with
the motor cars running hard by In n low days ,
will bo sine to prow a good paying Invest
ment. J , A. HlostnnJ , H. 9 , Arlington. IM1
Dodge. M
BIO nAHOAlN-One hundred fret front on
South Eleventh at , corner lot , only $5,000 ,
rarton time. V. U Vodlcka.SJO South 11th u
SriX'IAl.-S lots , IJ2xtW , c t < cor Kendall's
Addition , Just wp tof bntinders st and Oak
Clint hum , only $2 , .HH ) . The o lots will make 3 H
fiotiti. ono a corner 44x107. With similar lots In
Oak Latham at $2sno nnd $ .1,000 ; these lots are
unquestioned bargains. Terms easy , J , A.
Helitaud , 119 Arlington , 1511 Dodge. 619
IMMKUlXTU sale wflluTkoTToM or less on\f \
ti or I blocks from r.Tuhange bid and
Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen
houses under contract In sumo block. fwant
what they nro worth. I don't want fancy prleej
I want to sell quickly. H. U. Ilranch. ZOO
I'ropnants for District I'nvlnir Boutin.
City Treasurer's Olflce , I
Omaha , Nob. , Jino 25 , 1W. I
SK\LKD PHOI'OSAI.s lllbo received uttlill
ofllue until July 25,1 ( < 87 , at U , noon , for the
purchase ot fll.UHM of District Paving llonds
nf the city of Omaha .Said bonds me dated
July 1,1 7 , and will bo due in one. t o , thiee ,
four , tl\t > , six , sovcn , eight and nine > ears
fioiu their date , n s.mllnr amount becoming
duo eiuli > eai : are In sums ot live hundred
nud OUR thousand dollars ouch , mid hour Inter'
est from their date nt the rate of six per rent-
iim per annum , payable annually. The pilncl-
pul and Interest are both pttjnhlo nt the ollico
of Koiinuti llroi < , In New Yoric
Said bonds are Issuud under the charter pow
er of s.ild city , nnd will bo delivered to pur
chasers , on pnj mcnt therefor , nt the city
treaauiy In Omaha on August 1,1HS7 ,
llnls will IIP addressed to the undersigned nnd
marked "Piopmals for Dlsttlot PnMng llonds. "
and mu t state the full name and address of the
blddci , the amount of said bonds doslred ( a
similar amount duo each year from one to nfno
years ) , and the price proposed to bo paid , with
accrued interest.
' 1 ho right Is reserved to reject any nnd nil
bids. JOHN HUSH , Cit } Treasurer.
' . ' .
Jiin''C.-d IQt
Notice * to Contractors ,
Northwest corner Fifteenth and Center streets ,
bealed bids will bo received until July 2J at
thonffleeof P. J. Creodon , opera house for
material and workmanship leqtitrcd In tno
erection nml completion of u two story frnmo
duelling. Mnko bids on building above founda
tion 1'lans nnd specifications can bo seen at
the nboMi ollico. The right is rcscMod to reluct
liny or all bull. JOHN MUl.VlllIM.
Omuhn , July 11 , Ib87. 3t.
O2 1lTB'Sr jH D
820 South 16th street , Omaha.
Room 28 , Paxton Ulock , Omaha.
313 South 14th Street.
Hoom 8 , Frenror HlockOpposite Poslofflpo.
Physician and Surgeon ,
214 S. Uth et.cor Farnam. lion L'ank Build
ing Telephone 504
Room 822 N. Kith St. , Omaha. Office hours
U to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence , G05J N. 17tli St.
O. S. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
Office , N-W Cor. Mth and Douglas.
Office Telephone 405 ; Res Telephone , 42
Surf/eon and Cyn < rcnlogist.
Office Hours tOte U-JU > 4-7 to9.
OfficeKiUT Howard direct , Omitha.
Svirfjeon. an
Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st.
Office Telephone , 405 ; Res Telephone , SC8.
Itesldenco , No 1407 Jones street. Offlco , With-
neil lllocK. Telephone , lesidoncu 125 , olltco
Hsmcoopatlilst ,
Office , 813 S. 14th bt. Telephone , 580.
J. V. COKNISH , M. D. ,
Cor. 20th and Lake Sts.
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Manufacturers. Nos. 108 and
1063.14th street , Omaha.Neb. l.K. Falrlle , Supor-
intcudent Uluderr. Tvlophone Na 26J ,
U. S. Mail Chutes
In office buildings , enables ten
ants to mail their own letters
without leaving the floor on
which their ofiicca are located-
In UBO in sixteen cities.
TURING Co. , .Rochester , N. Y.
sole makers.
Carpenter and Builder ,
. Tolciphono CCO.
ao9 Sotiili Sixteenth Street.
.S. lAth St. , Onuiliu , .Veli.
Capital , $300 , 000
Loans r > Iii4le on Heal INIato.
School , County and Munlcitml Donda Nu-
PresiUenU View I'reS
ROUT. L. CUiu.iciiH , F. II. J < IHNK N ,
becrctur ? Truaiurer.
Vfit. A PAXTON , lUMi * T Ci.AitKc ,
\V o , MAUL , L. U. WIUMAMI. '
r. u. JoiiNbo.- < .
Uunnlnv ; between Council UtulTritiiulSontfi
Omnlm. lit ndditlon to the stations tnrn-
tlottfd , trains s-top utTwontlethandTweniy *
fourth bticots , nnd at Summit , in Onmlia.
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED pioposals will bo reouUed nt the
ollice of the county commissioners up to
noon of July 22nd , A. 1) . 1887. for building a
-.ounty hospital in Omaha , Douglas county , No-
iraskn , accoidlng to the plans and wpcullca *
-Ions on file in the county commissioner's
Kneh bid mustbo accompanied by n certified
check In the amount ot flvo hundred dollais.
The right isroborredto reject any and nil bids.
Ily older of the board.
ISLAL ) C. 1' . NKI.DIIAM , County Clork.
| nlM5w (
Notice to Contractors.
The bonid of I'ululc Lands and llulldings will
receivii bids on or btiloro .Inly B'lth. 1SS7 , nt 2p.
m , for building workxhop lor Nebraska 1'cnl.
tentlary , Incliidliu ; bollois , steam IjuRlIpg ap-
paiatus , bnth tubs ! , plumbing uiul scwcrftgo , lit
accordance with tno plans and hpacltfcatloni on
Illo with Commissioner ot 1'iiblio Lands unit
DuildingR. Usual rights rdeerved ,
Ily order of the board. O. L
July lilth , 1887 JyI4iri Micretnry
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will IHI uicoUed h > the Board of
I'ubllo Lands and Buildings , up to July 2oth.
1S7 , nt2 p.m. , for steam he rilingpliimhinif
nud soHeingo for liisano Hospital , nt NorfolK ,
Neb , uccuritliig to plans and eix-clllcatlous now
on Ille with Commissioner ol Puhllo Lands and
llulldings , IIU'lit rosorvcd to reject any or all
bldi. Ily ordei of the boaid , U. L. Lvws ,
July l.i , 1X87. j > 14d.l Boorotary.
Notice to Architoot * .
riMIK Hoard of Public Unds and tlullding ! }
Jwill rocelve plan * and tpeoiftoations at nny
time before August 11 , IKN7 , at 2 p u. for tha
hoHpltnl for Uio Incuraijlv hiiane , it Hastings ,
Nebraska. Building to be a threo-Etory brlok ,
with stone baaeiueut.and not to ooctuver f7ri-
000 , Ir.cludinjf steam ) > utlnf and plumbing.
Itlght reserved to rejcwt any or nil plant ) sub-
initttHl. Ity order of said bo > r < 4. July 0,18S7.
July 8 to Aug 1 0. L. I-AW8 , Secretary.
Proposals for Lumber.
S E A LKD Proposals will brreiolvfnl at the of *
tlllcft of the hucrvtary ol the board of C'duorv
tlon , until 5 p. m. , M ndn.v , July Hth , 1HS7 , for
supplying the boaitl of oauuutinn of the city oV
Omaha , dtirln'f the ensuing jenr , with Innujcr ,
to beilellverea at such times and plac'os and In
such quantities us the boani may direct.
The board rosoi ves the right to rejeot nny oc
all bids.
Uy order of the committee on supplies ,
Jjllil7t CiiAULKsCoNovnt , Hocrotary.
Ilio partnership huretoforo existing botwion
11 Itosiinblntt and L Levy. Is hereby iniitiiiilly
dlssiilvnd , Mr. II lUmonhlntt retiring from ilm
business uf said Hnii , Mr. L. Luvy remaining In )
thn = 11 Id buKinos , nnd who asxunies nil the 1 la
bilities of the- said linn.
Legal Notice ,
State of Nebraska , ( 'ounty ( if Douglas 8. S.
In the district court of Douglas county , Ne
briiBku ,
To William K. Viilmer : You nro lierehy notl <
fed thut you have boon sued in the abovq
niimod court by Anna Palmer , the Henonil
nntnre of which Is to obtain n dlxonu from
you on thn grounds of uilultnry and oxtrema
cruelly towiinls B-ild plalntitf. nnd unless you
unkwor to said patltlon Imrnln tiled ugatiiHt you
on tins day on or bofuro the IKth day of Aug-
u t , I8 > * 7 , the amo nill lie tivkon as tiuu , anil
jiiilgmeut rendered uguliiHt you uucoidlng to
Die notttion hoicln fllod agnlint y u tin * Juno
" ' " '
Jly J. W. IAOVS , liii'rAltV.
j 2.1Jy 2 Bin
Proposals for Stationery , Supplies and Printing
SKA LIU ) I'ropoimlh will bw rocol\cd ni the of
Ileo of Iho bccriitary ot the board of tdiu
nation , until 5 p. m. , Moinliiy , July IHli , IH7 ,
tor siiiuthing tuo bonrd of education of till
cll > nf Oinahu , duilng thv oriHiilric VOHI , vvllU
btntionori fiuppllort nnd printing , to bu iloilvoi <
ed at MU li tlmcu und plucjg and In tiuch ' | iinrtll
tlo K may be K quired for thu U H of | hil
echonU , iind iinthe board mar direct.
'lhi > boiud reserve ; the right to rojuct any o *
all bids.
Dy ortler of thn committed on ouppjlea
ijlld't CIUIIHH COJ OYIH , Heorotiiry ,
HIlllwUU rrtuulurn lMy. NtrTou }
t MiabKHlt-tc..b. tiiirl ! < wlln V.LI'
rtery Jtnown rtmMr. JIM dlKoverwl a