Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    * 2 THE OlVtAHA DAILY BEE : . MONDAY. JULY 18. 1887.
A Matt Namott IMIko Courtney IJiully
At 10 o'clock last nljjht n man wa
found lying on the sidownlk in front of
tlio Windsor hotel. Ho was sonil-con-
Eciousiind the blood wus running from
his badly cut face Into his hair mid thence
upon the sldownlit. lie was taken to tlio
central station. The man , it seems , drop
ped into the Windsor bar with a
companion und eauh ordered a
glass of beer. They wore
not known to the attendant. As
the men raised the clufttos to drink , one
suddenly set upon tfio other and slugged
Jilrn with the glass. At the station an
efl'ort was made to stop the How of blood.
The man was made as comfortable as
possible until the arrival of Uity Physi
cian Ralph , who dressed his wounds.
The right nostril was laid open by a cut
which extended across Km right oyo. A
deep gash extended along the 16ft
cheek. Ulood hud rim down the
man's body and covered him until
ho presented a sickening awpotiraiico.
lie revived somewhat and jravo his name
us Michael Courtney. Ho hsd boon em
ployed in unloading telegraph poles and
knew his assailant by sight only. He
could not imagine what occa ionod the
savage attack unless the man had been
drinking too freely and was viciously in
clined therefrom. Courtney Is pretty
badly hurt.
Ulck Harris/ and Mrs. Emma Oltlion
Arrested Toijotliur.
A man named Joe Uithon rushed
frantically up to Oiliccr Pulaski last
night and wanted his wife removed from
the cheap lodging house on the south side
of Farnam street near Ivlovcath. Gltheu
said ho had watched her and she had re
tired with another man. Tlio olUcor
went to the room indicated and found
Mrs. EmmaGithon and a man
who gave the name of Dick
Harris occupying the same couch.
They were taken to central station and
Hams was booked for adultery while
apposite the woman's name was placed
the charge of "family trouble. " Harris
Is an employe at llor's distillery. Mrs.
Glthen lias borne tlio name of an indus
trious , respectable woman. Gitboii is
given a somewhat unsavory reputation.
Jlo lias been employed a > < a cook at
King's place on Douglas street. Ho
would not support his wife , who worked
and took care of herself and has hounded
and caused great trouble to the woman
( or the last six or eight mouths.
Ilio Weather.
Yesterday was a pleasant variation
from the sweltering days which have
prevailed for a week or more. There'
was a delightful bree/o which refreshed
Omahans as it toyed with the whiskers
of the male portion of the com
munity. While the unfortunate
residents of 1'ittsbnrg , Chicago , Now
York and other eastern cities were all
but suffocating , the people of Omaha
were regaled with a most invigorating
breeze. In nearly every city in the coun
try yesterday it was exceedingly hot in
Omaha it was as pleasant as any day
over experienced at the seaside resorts.
Arrested For Gambling.
Yesterday afternoon Captain Cormick
and Oflicor llarrigan visited Van Or-
man's place at Cut-On" lake and found a
full-Hedged gambling game in progress.
The operator , an man named Charle Ly
ons , and John Dailoy , William Barton ,
Ed Donovan and R Hardy were urrestod
and slated for gambling. Lyon's phara-
phanalia was acizcd also. Lyons is also
a shell man and n strong case will bo
made against him.
A Neighborhood Row.
There was trouble in the neighborhood
of Mr. Uwen Connolly last night. Mr.
Connolly is bettor known as "Whisky
Jack. " Paddy Ward hurled a rook
through the window of Mr. Jack's domi
cile and hit Mrs. .lack on the side of the
head. The the trio had boon drinking.
When the police went down Ward was
out of sight. The woman was not very
much hurt ,
They QuarrnleA
Andy Ruby and L. Kenney wore ar
rested by Ollicor O'Jloylo yesterday
afternoon for disturbing the peace. They
had been to a Sunday picnic , absorbed
too much beer and were preparing to
fight when the oflicer interfered.
Probably Htolun Tools.
John McCarthy was arrested yesterday
by Ofllccr Foley and slated as a suspic
ious character. McCarthy was trying to
dispose of Rome carpenters' tools for a
dollar , and when observed by the police
man ran into an alloy and dropped the
Articles behind an empty box.
Postmasters' Salaries.
WASHINGTON , July 17. [ Special Telegram
to the DBF.I The sixth auditor has pre
pared at the request of Postmaster General
Vllos a table showlne the numbar of post-
offices In the several states whose postmasters
receive a compensation of less than 8350 per
quarter , or less than 31 , 01 per annum. Tills
table Is arranged so as to show the number of
postmasters In each state and territory where
compensation does not exceed 510 per quar-
er , a column bain g addea for each 310 addi
tional up to 5250. The total num
ber of postmasters receiving less
than 5100 per annum Is 00,533 ,
ind of these 23,200 receive less than $200 ,
Ihero tire 2T.,544 In the two trades paying
less than S'JO per quarter. Of these two
trades there nro In New York 056 , I'onnsyl-
ranla 1,72.1 , Ohio 1,170 , In Indiana IMS , In Illi
nois 703. In Kentucky 11,441. In North Care
lina 1,578 , In Tennessee 1.374. Of the hvo
[ ratios Included between 310 and $50 pnr
luartur Now York has 1WV > . New Jersey 445 ,
Vmisylvanla 2,874 , Ohio 1.033. Indiana 1,403 ,
lllnols 1.3SO , Missouri 1,542. Of 50.M3 oflices
hat are Included In the table 58,00. ) pay be-
ftccn $40 and 8230 per anuumaiid more than
Mie half of those pav less that SJIOO per year.
fll Novel Idea to Ho Carried Out In the
White House.
Washington Correspondent Ualthnoro
American : A number of ladies In Wy
oming county , Now York , are preparing ,
It is said , to establish an era of "Jctler-
Bonlnn simplicity" in the white house
which will prove ample for the very
worst croakers against the alleged ex
travagances of the present generation.
Every ouo knows that Mrs. Frances Cleveland
land formerly lived in Folsormlalo , N.
Y. Tlio village Is located in Wyoming
county , and would probably uc-ver have
boon hoard of outside the state but for
the fact that it was at one time tlio rosi-
dcmco of the first lady of the land. Now
the hamlet is stirred from centru to cir-
cuuiforouco , and the whole country wil
shortly know that Folsomdalo exists , ant
thar it is filled with patriotic people.
In all country places there is a system
of co-operation among the inhabitants ,
by whlon a uroat deal of work is accom-
plbhcd at a very small outlay. When a
farmer wants a now barn , no prepares
his timber and calls his neighbors to-
pother to raise thu frame work into posi
tion. This gathering is called a "bee. "
Bometlmns the women of the household
will call their female friends together to
R "quilting boo ; " and again , in the oorn-
Jiusklug eoason , a "husking bco" will at
tract scoresof young pcoplo to a day's
nmusoirmnt and an oviinlng's dance. Just
now Folsomdalo is indulging in one long-
"bee. " But it barn-
drawn-out . i ? not -
raising , corn-husking , or quilting which
the puoyle busy. There is a certain
amount of secrecy about the affair which
elves it a greater charm. All the ladips
n tlio vicinity are engaged in tearing
nto strips , coloring , sowing , and weav
ing all sorts of textile fabric * , and the
eMilt will bo one of the handsomest and
best rfif carpets over produced iu this
The rag carpet will be of the design
Known among the initiated as "hit-or-
ml.W It is pronounced "hitcrmlss" in
Folsomdnle. It is being made to adorn
one of the rooms of the white house , and
will bo limshcd some time this fall. Mrs.
Jlovolnnd's old neighbors and friends
liavo determined to lit up one room in
Llio executive mansion in country stylo.
They will first lay a rag carpet. Then
they will furnish a pair of old brass and
irons , several "rockers" of the variety
used by our grandmothers , a spinning
wheel , and all the other paraphernalia
which go to make up the furnishine1) ) of
"best . " The effect
an old-fashioned room. ,
when compared with the elaborate dec
orations of some of the other rooms ,
in the mansion , will bo striking. The
novel idea originated with ono of the
oldrst friends of tlio Folsom family , and ,
as it will establish a distinctively "Ameri
can" room in the white house , it will
doubtless prove greatly attractive to
visitors , I'speelallv to those who are accus
tomed to "Louis Qnlnzo , " "Queen Anne , "
"Eastlako , " and other styles of modern
Interior decoration. Few of the fashion
able people of tlio present day have any
idea of the manner of "parlor life" of
their grandmothers. The efforts of the
ladies of Folsomdalo will give them a
chance to see a reproduction of the rooms
in which their ancestors entertained
"company. "
Newspapers Delivered by n Horse A.
StrniiKC Story IfTrno.
Indianapolis Correspondence Now
York Journal : In this city , where as a
rule , everything that goes can be seen or
had , there is ono novelty ot which few
other cities can boast. It is a horse that
delivers daily to regular subscribers the
Cincinnati Eiirmiror. This horse , the
property of William Amyst , has been
trained to do this work by his owner ,
and .so thoroughly has he learned his
daily route that at no time in the past
six months has ho forgotten one sub
scriber or patron.
The owner himself has boon the horse's
instructor , and taught thu .sagacious an
imal to know the streets , alloys and lanes
of Indianapolis and the houses of sub
scribers. The horse became famous for
his fast trotting , stopping promptly and
in good time at every place Ho knows
liis business so well that when in the
middle of any block whore there should
bo the last subscriber , ho will turn
around , taking through an alloy for a
short cut to the next patron. The novelty
of this delivery of a great newspaper has
made subscribers for it , by people who
buy it because they like to see the horse
couio once a day regularly and perform
hia remarkable feat of leaving his master
oil'at thu right house. Indianapolis , like
other cities of any size , has all the com
petition that is wanted in the newspaper
business , but when the Enquirer adopted
the now system of delivery something
ot an original and different idea alto
gether from what has over been In vogue
before it knocked out small rivals , leav
ing an exclusive lield for itself.
It is a common thing to see a dog come
to the trout gate for his master's paper ;
but when a horse comes along to give it
to the dog that act supplies the missing
link in the circulation of metropolitan
dailies , and much doubt is expressed
whether or not some other and more
genial device will over bo heard of that
in all respects will supersede this mode
of delivery. Tlio horse's ability may bo
readily estimated when I say that ho de
livers to no less than 420 subscribers ,
scattered all over Indianapolis and the
suburbs , taking over live hours to coin-
piste the task. The memory of this
noolo animal is certainly v > ndorful.
Gentle as a lamb , lie trots in 2.65 when
necessary to have the first package at the
prominent news stand of the Bates
house ahead of all other dalics. So
accurate is this animal in his daily course
that the largo sum of $ < WO has been
offered by an admirer , but was refused ,
the horse costing three years ago only
? 75.
- J. . . .
Cigar Ends Utilized.
"Fullv 75 per cent of my customers , "
said a down-town cigar dealer to a re
porter for the Now York Mail and Ex
press , "cut off the end of the cigar with
the clipping machine. Many appear to
have forgotten the old plan of lilting it
off. Hero is a box full of such ends.
They are of all sorts of cigars , cheap and
costly , domestic and imported. I should
estimate that in this box there are the
ends of nearly a million cigars. What
do wo do with them ? Nothing
in particular. I have given away a
largo number recently to a customer
who loves ilowors. Ho soaks them in
water and uses the solution on his plants
to kill insects. Are the ends used in
making cigarettes ? No. It would not
i > ay to do so at the present price of to
bacco in the wholesale market. Good uni
form tobacco can thus be had at fie or Gen
n pound. Now , the cigar ends are of all
Kort-s of tobacco , mixed with paste , for
all the pointed ends are held together
with paste before being twisted. To sort
out the different kinds of tobacco and
separate the paste would not pay for the
trouble at the above quoted rate for the
raw tobacco. Bould the ends be smoked
in a pipe ? Well , 1 think it would bo a hard
kind ot smoke and make an ordinary
man sick. Good smoking tobacco is too
cheap to take such risks. I kuow of no
other use to which the ends could bo
applied , except for the killing of garden
insects. In Germany , it is said , the
cigar ends are ground up into snuff. 1
do not think it would pay tlio snuff man
ufacturers hero to collect the cigar ends
and reduce them for this purpose. Be
sides which there is so little .snuff used
to-day , compared with what was con
sumed fifty years ago. "
An Old Tramp's Wealth.
The following romantic story comes
from Turner's tails , Mass. : "Homo time
ago it was reported that documents worth
about f 150.000 had been unearthed in the
Wheeling ( . Va. , ) court house , which
were known to have belonged to Level
Gore , an old tramp who had been mys
teriously Killed in West Virginia live
years ago. The report also contained ar
it ccouut of how the old man was fount :
almost dead in the morning from an
assault during the night , and his clothing
and wagon were searched by some
one having knowledge of valuables
in his possession. Sewed in his coal
wcro found papers and several letters
which wore subjected to a careless ex
amination lit the time , but when they
wore found in a pigeon-hole of a desk in
the court house recently , proved to con
sist of promlssoiy notes , bonds , deeds to
Vermont land and other evidences ol
\vo.\lth. It now turns out tha > the mur
dered man was a son of Daniel Goro. o
Charlemont , Mass , It Is reported thai
Lovell Gore wont west twenty or more
years ago with about $3,000 , which he
begged from his grandmother. His
grandfather disinherited him. Gore sot
tied in Wisconsin , and it is suppose !
that sumo of the papers found in Wheel
ing are deeds for land there , as well as in
Vermont. The relatives know but little
of his wealth , supposing at first that ho
died comparatively poor. They wil
take measures to investigate the matter.1
. *
Keep cool and buy your summer
clothing at Polack's slaughter sale
.Men's ' ami boy's coats1 ' Be. 1'JIO Far
nam .st. ,
Pants way down iu prices at i'olack's ,
13W Furnam si. "
A Quiet. ( Jntnumsalrincrt Wiiy omenl-
Inu Popular .Illation.
( Compiled from Hubert Howe Bpncrofs
'opular Tribunals , Vol. 1) ) : The citizens
of Helena , Mont. , had long boon accus-
omed to deal out justice to criminals.
They found this popular way far more
peody and olllciont than the ordinary
aw courts. Time gave them much expo-
iciico in handling criminals , and their
aim , unlmpassioncd methodical way is
veil illustrated in their treatment of the
villains who had attacked George Lon-
Lcuhart was a kind-hearted old man
vho was well known aud widely ro-
pectcd. Ho was found ono morning
ying senseless by the roadsldo anil
covered with blood. On regaining con-
ciousnoss , ho said that while ho was
Iding homeward on the previous night ,
to hart boon overtaken by two horsemen.
Ono of thorn shot him in the thigh , and
vlton ho had fallen from his horse they
tad beaten him to insensibility. Ho de
scribed the men and they were soon ar-
ostod aud lodged iu jail.
On the following evening the citi/.cns
not to talk the matter over. A general
lihcu. sloii was hold , and then they
piiotly adjourned to meet on tlio follow-
ng day. An hour before the appointed
time a thousand men had gathered at the
ilaco ot meeting. A chairman was ap
pointed , and he .stated the general pur-
lose for which they had come together ,
flicro was not the slightest excltmont vis
ible anywhere ; evcryihing wus quiet and
orderly as a camp mooting. A well known
merchant of the town removed his hat
uid moved that a jury of twenty citl/.ons
bo appointed to obtain evidence , to listen
o the arguments for the prosecution and
; he defense , and to declare to the assem
bly the innocence or guilt of tlio persons
iccused. Tlio motion was seconded , and
then carried. The jury was selected and
retired at once to a room to begin its in
Up to this time tlio prisoners had re
mained in tuu jail unmolested. But the
committee had use for them now , and
sent its marshall to bring them. The
marshall with a number of men waitoil
upon the sheriff , but that officer declined
to surrender his prisoners. The marshall
thereupon increased his force , seized tlio
sheriff and his deputies and searched for
thu keys. When these wore found the
ollicors of tlio law were locked in a room
together and a. guard placed over them
that they might not make themselves
troublesome. Ouo of the prisoners was
then taken from the prison ; and between
a double line of citizens was led to the
committee room. Ho made a full con
fession and his accomplice did the same.
The committee , therefore , wont out be
fore the assembly and reported that the
cuilt of the prisoners was fully estab
At this juncture the district judge ap
peared and asked to be hoard. Per
mission was granted ; ho entered a strong
protest agairist this interference with the
3ivil authorities. The judge was
listened to patiently and respectfully.
lie was a good enough man , but they had
licard similar argument s lifty times bo-
foro. They had grown tired of sitting
quietly by awaiting the law's dolay.while
men wcro shot down and robbed day
after day.
Finally the vote was put by tlio chair
man : "What shall bo done with the
prisoners ? " "Hans'them ! " was the re
sponse. Again and moro carcftillv the
question was put : "Is it your decree"that
the prisoners , Joseph Wilson and A. L.
Compton , shall be taken to Pine Tree , in
Dry Gulch , and there hanged by the neck
until they are dead ? " "It is ; that's the
vordiotP'camo from almost every person
It was then half-past 2. A motion prevailed -
vailed that the prisoners be given till 4
o'clock to prepare for death. Through
out the entire proceedings the utmost de
corum and even solemnity prevailed
among the crowd , which had gradually
swelled to 3,000 souls. At no time during
the day had there been any loud talking
or boisterous demonstration.
At the appointed hour the gulch pre
sented the appearance of a vast amphi
theater. It was lined with a dense mass
of human beings , who covered the ad
jacent hills also. The town was deserted.
At 4:80 : the men were taken from the
room where they had been confined.
They were placed in a wagon and each
appeared intent on the words of the
priest that was by his side. The wagon
halted under the branches of the fatal
tree. The rope was thrown over the
limb ; prayers were said ; the horses were
started , and all was quickly over.
Old Ships.
There was very recently , says the Lon
don Telegraph , and there may bo still
atloat , a ship aged ninety-live years ,
named the Cognac packet , commanded
by ono Captain Bulton. She was built in
Bursleden , Hants , in 1792 , and took her
name from the circumstance of having
been engaged in carrying brandy from
Franco. Sue was rigged as a brig , and
is described as being very nearly as
square as a box. The last port to which
she belonged was Harwich , and , if she
has not foundered within a few months ,
the good pcoplo of that town are still
amused with a sight of ono of the oldest
ships in the country yet engaged in
earning money for her owner. The fate
of vessels is very much like the fate of
human beings. The average life of a
ship , wo behove , is about twelve years.
Some perish very soon after they are
born , some struggle through a few years
and then vanish , some go on living their
allotted span pretty defiantly , though
very unhappy in the gales of wind they
encounter , and the misfortunes which
overtake them in respect of the shifting
of cargo , the losing of spars , failures in
the engine room , oto. Some , but they
arc few , survive into a venerable ago ,
float hoarily upon the blue , and with
much creaking and rheumatic straining
of their ancient bones , go on sailing out
of living memory , and arrive among a
new generation , who survey them as bits
of fossilized history , and talk of the
monarchs who have died , the bat
tles which have boon lost and won ,
the marvelous changes which have been
wrought since the old ships first dipped
down the ways of the sawiug of a fiddler
and the huraas of n crowd. Unhappily ,
the life of a stout vessel which has done
her work bravely does not always close
with the honor and dignity ono could
wish. The ocean sepulcher is denied her.
Ilor inveterate trick of obstinate domina
tion proves eventually her humiliation
instead of her triumph. She shows vorv
raggedly at last and is laid by and olfered
to any one willing to pay a few pounds
for the privilege of breaking hr up.
Perhaps if she wore invariably knocked
to pieces her dispersal would only bo
less dignified than her decent interment
by old Noptuno. The hammer would
end her as a melancholy show. A wreck
lying black and bare on the yellow sand
of a shoal at low water is a dismal sight ;
but a good old ship dismantled , lying
alongside a ntiay , gray and with yawning
seams , disdained by the maritime knock
ers , and echoing nursery for the rude and
boisterous sport of mudlarks , is a far
sadder spectacle. An instance of the
base uses to which brayo old ships may
como at last Is to bo found in the La
Iloguo , a vessel long famous as an Aus
tralian liner. She is flow a coal-hulk
anchored off Funchal , Madeira. This
ship was for years ono of the bust
known of the tluo fleet owned by the
late Duncar Dunbar , and must to this
hour be a name as familiar as a house
hold word in many an Australian' as In
manv an KoL'llsti homo. She was built
ut Sunderland in 183 ! ) , and is therefore
only thirty-four years old , a mere girl in
comparison with that venerable dame the
Coguac packet. Y.6ttn ; thirty-four years
she has douo such great and useful work
that it would bolilEetlH for anyone to
view her in her preson't ' grimy and squalid
state without an emotion of pity.
Some ships havi proved noble relics in
their day. Such wa jthe Centurion , the
queer old tub In which Commodore Ali
son cruised in thd' great South sea , and
with winch lie captured tlio tall Spanish
[ 'alleon. Such wan the Golden Hind , Sir
Francis Drake's sJir/ ) / , which lay , a won
der aud a show , fo'r many years off Dopt-
ford , when she wasillnally broken up. A
chair was made butiof her planks and
presented to the university of Oxford ,
which gave rlso tn sCowley's epigram ,
"Drake and his 'ship could not
have wished from fate an hap
pier station or moro blest estate ;
for lol n scat of endless rest
Is given to her In Oxford aud to him in
heaven. " The Golden Hind lias long
since disappeared , but we have the
noblest trophy of all the ages with us in
the old Victory , slumbering dotingly off
Portsmouth. What craft worthy to per
petuate the traditions she servos to ex
tend shall replace her when her time
comes ? The chuntry ought to make
sure , however , that that time shall bo as
long in coming as it is possible for
human effort to contrive. Some may
venture to doubt if the Victory 13
as well cared for as so grand , so
incomparable , so irreplaceable a
relic merits. Familiarity has perhaps
bred a curtain indifference and induced a
lack of that pious care which it is thu
first duty of the nation to bestow on the
structure in which the famous admiral
died. Such a ship as this out to bo as
carefully tended as Westminister abbey.
Even as"an impulse and an inspiration ,
she is of prodigious national value. No
sailor can view her without a stirring of
liis heart's bust blood in him , and ono
feels that she ought to bo clicrishud with
not loss devotion than is dedicated
abroad to the relics and remains
of saints. It is , of course , impossible -
possible to conceive of any merchantman
rivaling in interest the famous ships of
war. lot tlie red en.sigii has its history ,
too , and there are vessels whoso sheer
hulks posterity would have been glad to
look at. There was the liidiaman , for
instanc3 , in which old Nathaniel Dance
beat oli'Linois' squadron ; she would have
richly embellished any tract of waters.
Another vessel the world would not
willingly have lost was the Betsy Caids ,
as rare a fabric in her day as the "lirst
folio Hhakspcaro" is rare as a book in
the o times. She broucht over to Enir-
land William , Prince of Orange , In 1038.
and she went to pieces in a gale of wind
off Tynemoutli , In February , 1827 ,
139 years later. It is supposed that she
was by no means a new ship
when used by the prince , so that she
might have been 150 or ICO years of ago
when she perished , She had been ono of
Queen Anne's royal yachts , and there is
every reason to suppose that had she
been sulferod to enjoy a tranquil old ace
instead ol being put to trade between
Shields and Hamburg she might still bo
in existence , tlio oldest vessel in the
world , and of its kit/d'tho greatest curi
osity. If , however , ,4l\ips \ could speak we
may take it they would choose rather to
die an honorable dcati { at sea than lan
guish on for a few y/ia'rs / in the miserable
condition of a coal hulk. The many , iu
Australia as hero , , wjio remember La
Iloguo in her prime will think of her now
with sorrow.
Mistaken liotpltallty.
I am not surprised'that California has
such a line reputapbn for hospitality ,
says the San Fraiicisno-Chroiiicle. There
is one man gone back to Cincinnati from
San FrancNco fully persuaded that the
Californians are the most kindly , generous -
ous people under the son. A worthy
gentleman of this city , while in England
last year , was the recipient of very Kind
ly attentions from am Australian whom
he met there named , well , say Kaufman.
He had been informed that Mr. Kauf
man would pass through San Francisco
on route to Australia , and a few days ago
he read in the paper as guests at a prom
inent hotel the names of "A. Kaufman
and wife. " Ho proceeded with all due
haste to pay his compliments to them.
He went to the clerk.
"Is Mr. Kaufman , of London , hero ? "
" 730 " said the clerk without
, , a mo
ment's hesitation.
"Mr. A. Kaufman , of London ? "
" 730. Front. "
And with that ineffable grandeur with
which only a hotel clerk can da/.ilo you ,
lie waved the colored gentleman up to
ward the roof with the gentleman's card.
Somewhere about a week passed and the
boy returned.
" 730 not in. "
My friend wont to a ilorist's and had a
handsome basket of ilowcrs .sent to 730.
He wont to the market ami luid the finest
fruit he could buy carefully packed up
to Mrs. Kaulfman , 730. Next day had
gone and no note or message came from
his friend. Ho went up to the hotel a ain.
"Is Mr. Kaufman , of London , in ? "
" 730. Frontl" again without a wink.
The "front" took the card and disap
peared. In about ton days the boy came
down stairs again and said :
" 730 not in/ '
My friend went on to hid store and iiad
some fine wiue sent up to 730. Some
body brought him in a wondertul rose ,
grown in a hothouse in Oakland de
scription need not further go. Ho called
a messenger and sent up this elegant
rose to his friend's who. Next day went
by and no note , no message. Ho waited
another day and then wont up to the
" Kaufman of London in "
"Mr. , , ?
" 730. 1-ront ! "
And "front" disappeared again with
another card.
"Mr. Kaufman will be down pres
ently , " was tlio answer this time.
Presently a stout German gentleman
whom my friend had not known came up
to him.
"You vas the gentleman as wanted to
see moV"
"I beg your pardon. "
" Kaufman. "
"My name vas
"You Mr. Kaufman ? Ohl"
"I vas from Cincinnati. My wife and
myself wo vas very much obliged for the
ilowors , and the fruit.and . thowmo. Most
beautiful. "
"Then vou got them all ? "
"Yaas , and mv v\ifo ; , vas crazy about
that big roso. I never see such a rose.
You vas kind people in California. Joost
for a lectio kindness to ( ho Knight Temp
lars boys. "
My friend had npt fho heart to disa
buse lam , and ho does not dream to-day
that the excessive Hospitality of Cali
fornia arose from a ! mistake in " 730.
Frontl" |
The Dye Ran Out of His $ . " , Suit.
F. H. Temple Bellow , connected with
the editorial staff of Harper's Magazine ,
has complained to the Now York noaltli
department that ho nurohascd a ? fi blue
flannel suit from a Broadway dealer Fri
day , and in half an hour the dye ran
over his hands and faco. Ho was at
tacked with nervous trembling and could
not use his hands to write. HP was kept
busy washing off his hands and face all
day. Ho concluded his letter by saying :
I am connected with the press aim I shall
draw attention to the matter tluouch that
medium , but 1 think the thine needs moro
prompt and drastic treatment than the news
papers can clve It. This ilye can scarcely bo
healthy nnu may be dangerous , and I tulnk
It should bo seen to.
Dr. Edson was given charge of the
complaint. Ho will investigate cheap
blue flannel clothing and see if it is det
rimental to public health. Mr. King , tlio
dealer , said ho could conceive of no cuuso
for Mr. Bellow's poisoning. It was true
that the cheap clothing was not so good ,
nor in any sense as durable as suits
which cost 135 or f59 , but they could bo
worn for some time if the Wnarcr only
showed proper care. Thu dye might bo
poisonous , bo added , but men were not
supposed to got the dye upon the llesh.
Mr Bellow evidently perspired exces
sively , aud so got the dye upon his body.
Wholesale depot for Arcadian ginger
ale and Waukesha water. Meyer &
Haapko , H03-1105 Harncy street.
Go and sco the now No. 14 Kmcr. on
Upright piano at Hospo's , 1513 Douglas.
The grandest and most beautiful piano
ever yet placed on sale.
Engineers' transits aud levels at Good
Spectacles nicely fitted by John Hudd ,
113 N. 10th.
Pensioning HrltlHli
Wo have been in the habit of joorlug at
the senseless extravagance of the Uus-
sian and Turkish administrations , says
Truth , but never , I should sav , either at
St. Petersburg or at Constantinople1 , was
there a worse scandal than was disclosed
on Friday before Lord Randolph Church
ill's committee on the army and navy
estimates. It appears that the cost of the
medical army stall' is 240,000 a year ; but
in addition , there is an item of J&OO.OOO a
year for pensions to retired doctor * and
surgeons. It seems that the medical elli
cors rctlro from the service at forty-live
years of ago and receive pensions for the
remainder of their days. Was there ever
anything moro fatuous ? Everybody
knows that a doctor or surgeon of forty-
live is a man who has Juat thoroughly
mastered his profession ; go that those
officers are packed off at the prime of life.
The idea of the country paying nearly as
much in medical pensions as the whole
medical stall' posts is simply monstrous ,
and such a state of affairs reflects the ut
most discredit upon those who are re
sponsible for it.
Beware of Scrofula
Scrofula Is probably moro general than any
other disease. It Is Insidious In character ,
and manifests Itself In running pores , pustular
eruption * , bolls , swelling ? , enlarged Joint' ,
abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsaparllla
expels all tiaco of scrofula from thu blood ,
leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy.
"I was severely aflllcted with scrofula , ando
oer a year had two running sores on my neck.
Took f.vo bottles Hood's B.irsaparllla , uud am
cured. " C. E. LOVEJOY , Lowell , Mass.
C. A. Arnold , Ainold , Me. , lud scrofulous
sores for seven years , spring and fall , liood'3
Sais.tparilla cured him.
Salt Rheum
Is ono of the most disagreeable diseases caused
by Impui c blood. It Is icadlly cured by Hood's
Sarsapai Ilia , the great blood purl II or.
William Spies , Elyrla , O. , suffered greatly
from erysipelas and salt ihcum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times lits bands would
crack open and bleed. Ho tried various prep
arations without aldj finally took Hood's Sarsaparilla -
saparilla , and now says : " I am entirely well. "
"My son had salt rheum on his hands and
on the calves ot his legs. Ho took Hood's
Barsapai Ilia and Is entirely cured. " , J. B ,
Etanton , tit. Ycrnon , Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by Ml druggists. ? l ; lrforf5. Made only
by C. I. HOOD A CO. , Apotliccarlci , Lowell , Mais ,
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
The Best and Safes
Vapor Stove Made ,
C. W. Sleeper , liead of St. Marys' Av
James & Smith South , Omaha.
The only 83 SEAMLESS
Slum In the world ,
rinmt Culf , perfect lit. and
warranted. Conpri'ssItuttoti *
and I.ace , nil etjlcs tor. As *
ctylisli and durable as *
tliobo cost hip $ .1 or tC. .
I in' $ j Slioes adver-
tlseil liy oilier
KSSSlI lt mp d n Wlum ef tub Sb ]
Hoys all wear the W. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE.
If vour ilcaliT ilots not trcp tliciu , ocnd > our name ua
postal to W. L. I > OUUtAS , Brockton , M | .
For sale by Kelley , Stiver & Co. , cor.
UOdijo anil 15lli-sts. ; ilonry Sargent , cor.
Sowird and Saundors-sts.j S. Jonason ,
404 South 18th street.
87 Chamber of Commerce.
wlioilc-lres n porfcct IS II U X f I
* 1 * H fc I
should wear ono. mil not c.Uok > k > i , btiif ora.
BOUCL3ILB COKSEr CO218 mil 220 Market M. , CblcafO.
Plesant to Taste ,
Prompt in Action
Always Reliable
It "oon'brlngilnto henlthr n'ay '
Tb Turpld l.iverdaj bir day.
And IteKUluict tliuSrOoni ilirounn ,
Krum crownnf haul to lolaofthuo
It eiireilliH IMIuj. It npuniportl ,
Lnit iippetlta It loonroitore * ,
\Vlio rnillloatlirmiehout the Innrt ,
Kee p T.UIHANI'S Sl'.LlV.h.H ntjur t hand
J i ruM.oomblnttl , uuaraitt-dttje
'out } onu In the wortii inncratln
continuoui Xt'ctria .Vujnrlw
/rr it. Scl ntincl'ow rful. Uunblt.
jforUNe > ud ( Hectlte. ArolcJ Irnudi.
OTfr OOriour d. Heflrthlnmp'
is the perfected form of portnblo Roofing , innnufncturccl by ua
1 for tlio past twonty-sovon yours , mid in now in use upon roofs of
Factories , Foundries , Cotton Gins , Ghomicnl Works , llailroad Bridges ,
Cars , Slenrnbont Decks , etc. , in nil pnrta of the world.
Supplied rcudy for use , in rolls containing 200 square feet , find weighs
\vith Asbestos Beef Continjf , nbonb 85 pounds to 100 square feet ,
Is ndnptod for nil climates emd can bo readily applied by unskilled
\vorkiueii. Samples und Descriptive Price Lint free by mail.
H.W. John1 Fire and W tor-rroof Asbvatoi HIirnthtiiR , lltilldlnc 1'elt ,
Atbcttoi HUam Packing ! , Holler CatrrlnK * , Llcjultl 1'alutn , Tiro-Proof ] ' lutn , ote.
VULOAOESTONi MoulJoari tou-Ilod Packing , King * , n k t ( , Shm > t Tacking , t .
Fttahllshnd inSH. 175 RANDOLPH ST. . CHICAGO.
For Sale by ChicnffO Lumber Co. , Omaha , Neb. , nntl Council Hluto , Iowa.
Handsomest and Most Satisfactory for
f3Those ! who have USED THEM will BUY NO
We sell new and second hand
House Furnishing Goods
On Weekly and MOnthlf Payments.
Nos.'IOSand HON. 14thstreet ,
Bet. Dodge and Capitol Avenue ,
Pianos , Organs , Violins , Guitars and Banjos
- FROM -
CRAP BROS. , 219 South 15th Street
And don't buy a piano until you have examined the celebrated Sohmer , which has
received first prize wherever exhibited , and in the east commands a higher price
than those of any other make.
For a short time only we will offer these celebrated pianos at less than others are
asking for a second class instrument. It will pay you to call and see us , 1'ianot
from $200 upwards. Organs frqm $20 upmards.
Small instruments at correspondingly low prices.
1412 Farnam Street ,
- Have the laigestand finest assortment of -
Harness , Saddles , Whips and Turf
Call and See Them at 1412 Farnam-st.
Most Popular First Class Piano made. It stands on its merit * .
Ballet & M Piano | § no Equal
At WholesalandBetaU. AGENTS WANTED
, . ,
Art and Music , 1513 Douglas St.
Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
310 South Fifteenth Street.
1C lotf In rnlncli' aild , fiom f l,9i)0 ) ; t < 00 cash Homo dcslrntilo trnrLnco lots.
down , balance . tu Milt 6 noii-H good trackage , oliriip.
. ,
CiUirnrnlu. IK'xiriO '
Coiner .Will nd
Sc01 al clipun loin In Siiutli Oiniilm , ( lootl burxuinsln nil [ manor tlic rlty.
4 nlcu nuica In lluuUolUcheap. A line iicru \VinIim lou illll
Latest Styles ,
Finest Goods ,
Lowest Prices ,
The UluitrMtonvi'boT M0 " " " 14 from pholovrnpbi Thij nrtjust blo part * rte sit . C > . .inicnt >
udoil not at the plonsurc. ofihour
BpTienrimce when used us a Kreot cnrrlaifu ; Ifcey cim bu ur
ohoBur , Tbo HOLMAN OABRIAaES urn wttrroutol for two ycaro , IJyuty part la absclutuiy iar-
feet. Over IOOO Bold In Chicago lnco March 1st. Btflt to oil 'p rti of the JJnltoiJ . Htnun . und ettf
delivery guaranteed , Hend for qatulouuo qrntolplnsf Ute stylea , obeupeit M rj.o t.
, HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO. , 275 Wabash Avc. , Chlcauo , Uhh