) THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH ! YEAE. OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING. JULY 18. 1887. NUMBER 30 ' A BRUTAL MURDER AVENGED , fi . Sensational Micinlght Lynching By Infuri ated Citizens of Nelson , HENRY SALLEN'S SLAYER HUNG. Farmer Coonrnd Taken From Jail anil IIolBteil Into Eternity IJy WillIng - Ing HandR Investigating the Ilavclock Disaster. of n Blurdoror. HASTING , Neb. , July 17. [ Special Tele- cram to thulJii : : . ] Kepoits tmvo just reach ed hero of n lynching at tliu town of Nelson , on A branch of the II & M. In Nuckollscouu- ty , last nitwit. Alttiough lull particulars are not obtalnnblu , tlio ciso ; would seem to be a most sensational onu. hast Thursday Henry Sallon , a fanner living about ten miles \ve t nt town , tlrove to Nelson with a load of hogs &nd disposed of them for about 810. Another farmer named Coonrnd was present when the hoijs weie sold nnd haw Sallon draw the money. When the. latter started to drive to his homo In tlio country Coonrad asked for a ride , which Sallen readily granted. This was the last seen of tlio two men together. About two hours afterwards the dead body of Sullen was found about two miles west of ( own with a bullet hole In the back. The news of the- dis covery was at once Uken to Nelson , and as Coonrad had been seen to leave town with Sallen , a searcnlng party was at once organ ized. A number of citizens accompanied by the sheriff visited Coonrad'.s house and found him in a clean suit of clothes , while at the back of the house his wife was discovered washing tlio blood from the shirt In which tlio dastardly deed was committed. Coonrad was at once placed under arrest and taken to the county jail at Nelson. The threats of lynching were loud and deep , and the sheriff placed an extra g-unrd In the jail. Friday night was passed safely , but last night about mid-night a mob of over one hundred men .surrounded the place and demanded that Coonrad bo surrendered to them. The sherill refused to give his man ii ] > , and the infuriated crowd Immediately ittacked the jail , forcing their way in after b.itterlng down the doors , and secured the prisoner. Coonrad was completely terrilied and plead with tears and heart-rending groans for his life , but the mob was inexorable. A rope was placed about his nook and he was fairly Iragged to the new bridge uf the Kock Is- innd road , and without further preliminaries , was strung up to one of the timbers. After accomplishing its ends , the mob inlotly dlspeisod. The body remained iwlnglng In the brce/es until this morning , ivhen the coroner was notitied and cut it ( own. A jury was empanelled , and after tearing the evidence , returned a verdict that Coonrad came to his death at the hands of. a neb , to the jury unknown. It Is reported that Sallen's wife , who was In a delicate condition , died last night from tlio effect of the news of her husband's murder. _ An Investigation Begun. LINCOLN , Neb. , July 17. [ Special Tele- rraui to the BKB.J the county coroner de- sided this morning that ho would hold an Inquest over the remains of Lr ) , Max Randall , burned In the 11. & M. wreck , and work upon iho same commenced in the afternoon. The lemand that the inquest bo hold was wide- ipread , and the belief was common that there should bu no hidden secrets confined to in Investigation held by the company , but that the nutter should be understood tor the public good. One of the county commission- : rs placed himself In the wretched position that the investigation would bo expensive ind was therefore unnecessary , A written ( pinion trom ono ot the railway commls- ilouers was irlven the coroner , and the lu- juest was then decided unon and a list of names furnished tlio deputy sherill for lurors. At a o'clock the coroner swore In the fol lowing Jurors : Austin Humphrey , W. C. Lane , C. C. Jerome , 0. li. Beach , Major Bo- Dalian and C. C. 1'ace. The body of the dead man was brought to the ofllce. examined and Identified. A largo number of li. & M. em ployes were present and two of them posted themselves on each side of the coroner to whisper suggestive questions to the ofllclal. It was noticeable that the answers to those < iuestlonu always showed up well for the company. William Cornwell , conductor , nnd Poland and Lobby , braKeinen on the extra freight that had the right of way , were nxamined. Their testimony was much is has been heretofore published in a general \\ayandaddcd little light to the subject. 1 hey had the right to the track and were nearly stopped when they found the other train coming on them. Tim testimony ot P. ( ! . Kowboltom , the operator at llavolock , showed that ho was an entirely new man ; that lie had no experience on train work on this road , and but three weeks' experience elsewhere , He received the order to hold the train , and a young man In the depot , not In the employ of the road , turned the signal lamp. The operator did not go out on the platform to fceo If the train came to a halt , but after it passed he notified the Lincoln office. After this evidence , and before any of tlio principal witnesses or those on the train wno were to blame weto heard , an ad journment was taken to S o'clock. When the coroner's jury reconvened In the evening Juden Mason appeared for the rail road commissioners and the hearing was ad' journed to the nollce court room and the i < Jud'ie codducted the examination. Con duet - t lor Norton and hlH brakeman on Engineer Bowser's train , testified that as they were passing llavelock that they saw the dancer signal and immediately commenced settlnc brakes , thobrnkoman running to the heau ol the train to notify the engineer. The train however was not stopped before the collision Engineer Dowser's testimony was straight foiward. He said they received orders a Wawlv , and as they ncared llavelock IK watched the signal and It was white , indlca tine a clear track. He watched It as the en Kino passed thn depot before reaching Uu ; station. The fireman and himself hai - noticed a light down the track , but did no locate It as an Incoming train. A quarter o a mile beyond the depot ho saw It WAS i train nnd he whistled brakes , but could no top In tlinn. He staid on his engine. Judge Makon then recalled the operator a the depot , and among other things ghowei that it was his first night on duty or li charge of a station to receive and send ou orders ; that he had nly three weeks' expc rionco In that work In Dakota , and ha worked only live days in Nebraska , at th Western Union ofllce In Lincoln at 8H5 month ; that he did not turn the signal him self , but a young nmn In the office did. 1 was a rigid examination compared with th one in the afternoon. Tlio jury udjourne at 11 p. m. to complete work , the next day , A Very Narrow Uicapc. NKW YOKK , July 17. A crew under com mand of Captain Thomas were preoarln for a voyage to Porto lllco. In the care ; was quantity of baled hay and 150 kegs c powder. Lightning struck a carboy c vitro ! on deck and exploded It. The blazln liquid flowed into the hoht and crept toy/an thn powder and hav. The panic strlcke ; craw took to the boats , leaving Ctptal Thomas , his mate and the colored femn cook on bonrd. The captain and mate hii ceedcp In quenching thu flames bi-foru U powder vt as reached. Fire nt NK\V YOUK , .July 17 There was a lira i PcekskUl llil * morning originating' lu tt oioehlne shop of Knilor Hros & Allen. Tli total loss Is is estimated at SOU.WW. THE CHOI' OUTLOOK. Condition of tlio Various Grains In Western States. CHICAGO , July 17. The following crop summary will bo printed In this wcek'a edition of the Fanners' Hevlow : The drought throughout the northwestern states is Injuring all the crops more or less. Corn , although not materially damaged so far , is commencing to show the effects of the dry season and must suffer considerably If rain does not fall soon and In sufllclent quantity. As a result of the drought the oat crop Is ripening too fast and will hardly make hree-fourths of an average crop If the drought continues. The estimate of the nvurauo yield of winter wheat In differ ent states from reports of threshing or calculations of probable returns arc as follows : Sixteen counlles In Illinois , 15 bushels. This is a falling off of two bushels as compared with our report of last week. Morgan county reports a yield as high as 25 bushels , nnd 1'opo as low us B bushels. Twelve counties In Indiana give an average of ID bushels per aero. Four Kansas coun ties report a yield of 17 bushels , but the others report the teturns as light to very poor. For the whole state the yield Is un doubtedly poor. Four counties in Kentucky , 11 bushels ; three Michigan counties , 13 bush els. Klovon counties In Missouri report an avcra.'o yield of l'J'4 bushels. Our Ohio report * indicate a fair to good yield ot wheat , but Insures are not civ en. Itcports fioin Wiscon sin place the yield at from 14 to 'JO bushels. Keports ou thu condition of spring wheat are as follows : Nineteen counties In Iowa place the average ; at 73 per cunt. Carroll , Cnss. Clayton , Howard , Keokuk and Madi son countlM cannot st-xte an vo rage , the ciop being almost totally ( lestrood by In sects , Klevtn counties in Minnesota place the condition at 71 per cent. Twelve coun ties In Nebraska report an average con dition of S4 per cent , and seven counties in 1'nkota 89 per cent. Insects are dolnjr considerable damage In some localities to corn , chinch buss having , as we feared , at tacked tills crop after the harvesting ot win ter wheat. The average condition of crops are calcu lated from "our reports received last week. In the different states It is as follows : Twelve counties in Illinois report an average condi tion ot 01 percent ; twelve Indiana counties , 01 per cent ; seven counties in Ohio , 98 per emit ; fourteen Missouri counties report the condition as high as 100 per cent , wlillo thirteen counties In Nebiaska place It at lot percent , and twenty-four counties In Iowa Deal these ngures with an average con dition of 103 per cent. Fourteen counties in Minnesota report thu condition at tin average , of 00 percent , and seven Wisconsin counties report a llKo aveiage. Dakota counties lead the whole list with an avenue ot 120 per cent. Six Michigan counties place their agerago at 101 per cent , nnd Kentucky counties report ing tels week at 100 per cent. Nine counties in Kansas repoit an average condition ol 103 per cent Pastures are suffering from lack of rain. Pot.itoes and apples do not promise much more than bail crop. Hay hardly reaches that tiguro. Iowa's Crop Prospects. DES MOINBS , la. , July 17. The secretary of the Statft Agricultural society sends out the following bulletin of crop prospects : Corn There are complaints from various portions ot the state of chinch buirs working upon the crop , but up to date no material damage Is done. With the earlier cutting of small grain to take it from these pests , the next report may show differently. Its con dition , taken from 1.022 reports , is 114 per cent , the name as in the Juno report. Hroom corn One hundred and thirty-flvo reports glvo its condition at 100 per cent , a gam ot 5 per cent in the past month. Sorghum Ueports show the condition at 05f per cent , a gain ot 1 % per cent over former reports. Winter wheat There are reports of the sale of the finest fields over grown , promis ing ft heavy yield. Other yields will bo varied. Three hundred and thirteen reports give its condition at 8G f per cent , a loss of 5 > / per cent from former reports. Sprint wheat Kight hundred and eighty- four reports give its condition at G(5 ( # per cent , a decrease ot1 % per cent from the Juno report , or two-thirds of a full crop. Winter barley Its condition from nine teen reports Is 14Jf per cent Spring Hurley Four hundred and forty nine reports Its condition at CS per cent , : decrease of 18 per cent trom former reports , caused by the ravages of chinch bugs. Winter Kye Seven bundled and thirty-sis reports Its condition at 82 % per cent , a decrease crease of about 5 per cent Spring Hye-Sevon hundred and thlity-slx reports its condition at 71j per cent , a uo- crease of nearly Ifi per cent. Oats In various localities the crops are damaged by chinch bugs. Tun hundred and eighteen reports give its condition at 82 ] l ir cent. The J IIIIH report was 00 per cent. Flax 444 reports Its condition 7S > po cent , the former report at b5 per cent. Timothy It goes without saying that the crass crop is a poor one. The condition of Timothy from 1011 reports Is 4SK per rent , a decrease of IG i per cent. From the Juno report compared with tlio season of 18SO , the loss In the product of hay alone is nearly 2,000,000 tons. Clover From 005 reports Its condition 091-3 per cent , against 7 per cent In June , 'Weather Crop Bulletin. WASHINGTON Juty 17. The following Is the weather crop bulletin of the signal otlico for the week ending July 10 ; During the weekending July 10. 1887 , the weather has been warmer than usual except In the gulf states , northern New Kngland and on the Pacific coast , the aveiage d.illv excess ranging from 3 to 8 degrees from the middle Atlantic states westward to the Rocky Mountains. It has been slighcly cooler than usual In the cotton region , and on the Pacific coast the average was trom 3 to 5 degrees below normal. The sea son has been slightly cooler than usual ou the south Atlantic coast , and from Luke Superior westward to the Pacific coast. During the week there has been n deficiency in rain fall generally throughout the agricultural districts east of the Hocky mountains , except in Missouri , northern Wisconsin , Colorado and Dakota , wharo slight excesses are reported. The large seasonal deficiency rain tall previously reported in the upper Mississippi nnd lower Missouri vsllej s has been still further in creased during the past week , and it now ranges fiom live to ten inches in Illinois and Iowa. Local showers have fallen In sections of tno corn belt , but not over the outiro area , and the rain fall was not In RUflicient quantity. Theo weather has been favorable for the harvest ing ; of wheat which has boon generally com pleted , except In Minnesota and Dakota , where It Is now In progress , and where all rowing crops were Improved. In New E ngland and the middle Atlantic states the weathur has affected favorably all growing crops. The Indications at 7 a. m. to-day ( July 17) ) . are that showers will occur In tbn next twenty-four hours lu the western portions tions of the corn belt , where they are e really needed. The Pope Love * Ireland. D union , July 17. Manager Perslce of the papal commission to-day dedicated a chapel atWlcklow. la the course of bis remarks ho aald that since ho had been In litiland ho bad boon inspired with admiration for the people lu whoso breasts he bollovod patriot- fun and reverence for thu Catholic faith were deeply rooted. Tno POJKI. he said , loved Ireland and for that reason had sent a com missioner to Inqulio into the condition of tbtt people , Broke iho Blcyclo Ilccord. LONDON , July 17. At Birmingham yester o day Tcmpln won tliu hnlt-mlle bicycle clmnv of plonsUlin and beat the qunrter-mlle grass reo ot ord niadu nt Norwich on Thursday. Wood' otVs sldo lost the tvvcnty-hvo milo championship Vs its race by a ymd. itsn In n Knrthqunkc ? In Italy. In LONDON , July 17 , Slight shocks ot earth' 1C- quake were fell In Sicily and along the Ital tie ian const at 8 o'clock this morning. Mounl Ktnn is In a stale of eruption. No damxio I : reported. at Dontti of an Kilttnr , tie IlAiaromi , Conn. , July 17. David Bat 10 I Moseloy , founder and editor of Hie ' . . , . Herald , died herd to-day aged sovonty-tour ANOTHER BOOM FOR DAVID , Governor Hill's ' Friends Again Pushing Him For the Presidency. THE FLAG OF TRUCE WITHDRAWN. Cleveland's nig Mistakes Open the Aay For A Now and Open War fare on the Executive iu New York. * Hill Comtni : to the Front. NKW YOKK , July 17. [ Special Telegram to the HKK.I Considerable and Important changes In tliu tone and talk ot the New York democrats have taken place within two or ttiroo weeks. It has been growing since President Cleveland revoked the rcbul flag order and changed his purpose with refer ence to the visit to St. Louis. Prior to that time , while the woikers of the party were all sore and disgusted with tlio president , they were In a measure tongue-tied. Most of them had made up their minds that the pres ident would bo renomlnated and that they could not allord to antagonize him. Others still were convinced that a birgnin existed between the piustdcnt and dovernor Hill which woula pruvont them from taking up Hill as the only available man for a candi date against Cleveland. That there has been and still is an under standing between Hill anil Cleveland is now acknowledged by both friends of the presi dent and friends of Governor 11111. It was the result of a dinner confeiunco at tlio hotiso of Secretary Whitney less than a year ago , at which tlio guests were Governor 11111 , Daniel Manning and Smith M. Weed. Ac cording to a well authenticated report , at that dinner Secretary Manning told Gover nor lllli what he thought > f the New York situation in regard to President Cleveland. In the secretary's opinion President Cleve land was sure of a renoininatlon , either wither or without New York's co-operation and as sistance. Ho said to Governor Hill that even If New York should bs salld azal list Cleveland the other states would rcnomlnato him and leave Now York in a most ludicrous and disgraceful situation. Ho pointed out to Governor Hill also the fact that by such a result In tlio national convention , all the governor's chances for such ttdvancomcnt would bo gone , and en deavored to show him that his wisest course as a politician was to accept the Inevitable , sslstlng Cleveland's renoininatlon and elec- on , and then take bis own chances of pres- luntlal succession at a later period. Tlm iscussion of the situation was full and rank. Secretary Manning admitted that lie rank and tile ot Iho party were oxceud- nely sere on tne administration , but ho varnod Governor Hill that before ttiu close if the piesldent's terra there would be such wholesale removal of republican otlico elders who would be supplanted by dem- > crats that there would bu no ground lutt tor lomplaint by the bitterest bourbon and itterost anti-civil service democrat In the artv. At that conference it was understood hat If Governor Hill retrained fiom antngo- ilzlng the president , leaving matters to drift s they might , ho should bo renomlnated for ovornor and should not bo opposed by tlio dministration as a presidential candidate in iW. It was immediately after that conference hat the talk about him as a presidential can- lidato practically ceased. His factotums and near friends suddenly hushed up , and gradu- , lly there came up from the democrats of the tate a united declaration that Cleveland for .iresidont and Hill for governor was a great combination. 'Iho ' commonness of these expressions smacked so strongly of a deal use : o leave no question about it , and it has since icon practically admitted by the followers of poth Bides at the conference. Governor lill , however , made no secret of his Intun- lon to control the next democratic state com mittee , which would give him the key to the situation lu tliis btato next year. He lias also been engaged in laving pipes to secure , 'f possible , a majority ot the next senate , which would glvo him tlio health olllce , the numeration commission , under thu new law that has not yet gone Into Torco , and other important places. Until .vlthin a short tlmo the governor : iad apparently abandoned his de- ilgns on the presidential nomination next year. Tlio it-cent chance in the situ i- ; lon lias been tliu result of the mistakes made jy President Cleveland by which lie lias Irawn on him the Ire and condemnation ot .lie old soldier element and thu patriotio and oval minded people ot the north. Since the ebel flag and St. Louis affairs any democrat 'eels ' warranted In mocking the president , and Governor Hill's friends especially , are encouraging the attacks. Once moio they are talking about Hill for president. They Ray that Cleveland has lost t > o much in popu larity that his nomination would surely be followed by defeat , and that tlio only safety for the paity is to turn to a new man Hill , of course. Lieutenant-Governor Jones last week made a speech in which ho openly condemned the order tor the return ot the flags , and others of Hill's friends have publicly taken similar grounds. The growth of the labor party is also used M a club to break Cleveland's head with. Hill's friends are now asseitlng that If the administration does not want the party defeated next year Cleveland must withdraw in tavor of Hill. LAST OF THE MKUUIMAC. The Famous Fonfedcrnto Gunboat's Armor Hold For Old Iron. RICHMOND , Va. , July 15. [ Special Tele- pram to the HEE. | The bargoLIioVallaco arrived at the Richmond & Danville railroad company's dock , opposite the Kockot , yester day with ! 200 tons of old iron , consigned to the Old Dominion iron and nail works. Tills iron Is what may bo called the remains of the confederate gunboat Virginia , for merly the United States ship Merrimac , which enttuntered the Monitor at Hampton lloads dm Ing tlio late war , causing ono of thu most noted naval engagemunts of mod ern times. The Virginia retired toward Nor folk , but was never m active ser vice afteiward. The armor plates of the Virginia were laid aside at the Cosport navy yard In Plattsmouth after she was blown up by the confederates , and remained there until a day or two ago , when ail of It was placed on the barge , Liziio Wallace , to ba brought to Richmond. It was .sold recently as scrap iron , and was purchased by a northern gentleman , who subsequently sold It to the Old Dominion Iron and nail works. It is now to be taken to Uell * Ule and converted Into nails. Much of the armor plate Shows signs ot having passed through severe rannonaoine , and there are numbers of small plecos well suited to bo preserved as relics of that celebrated naval engagement. noftton Bnya Oladntoita Rrlclcs. BOSTON. July 17. [ Special Telegram to the UF.K. ] Boston has purchased 15.5,000 so- called Gladstone bricks to bo used In the construction of part of the new court house , They are from the kiln ot W. E. Gladstone & Son , Uawardon , Wales. Their trade name U "the brand " first called premier , so , proba bly , when Gladstone was premier of Eng land. The brick is seven tunes larger than the ordinary American brick and weighs six or seven pounds. Its exact dimensions are 9x4 ? 'x3)i inches. On both the top and bet torn are grooves Gxl.i Inches In size and about 1 inch In depth. When the biiuks arc laid tiiebe grooves are closely tilled wllli mortar , Riving added llrmneas to the wall , The bricks are ot a light buff color and theli mission Is to face the two large Interioi courts of the building , where they will m fleet light The prlco paid delivered Is S-l.sa per thousand. Flro at iMtutiiirtr. PiTT.snuiio , July 17. This evening a tin broito out lu the plate department of Ham uiond , t Son's Iron works. The loss Is estl mated at Sl.'AUOO ; Insurance , I1EA.T. Appnlllng Dnntri tilnt of People Stricken Dy the Hun. CIUCAOO , .Inly 17. The hot weather of Saturday waj contluutl to-day and there was much suffering throughout the city , From 7 n. m. until 1 u. iu. the mercury ranged from 00 to 103. The records ot the police department for to-day show tnat net less than forty-live persons were stricken down. Klghtccu have already died. Satur day's list was appalling. The total number of cases cared for by tliu police department was over 100. Thirty have protcd fatal. When a complete record Is made It will bo unprecedented in tno history of the. city. Such a degree of heat has not been oxperl- uticcd lu this city for thirty years. A wind storm followed by a light rain passed over tlm city at G this evening and at 10 to-night the tumperaturo had dropped to GP. ; At 11 o'clock to-night the latest returns show that slxtv-tuo persons have died either In or on tlio way to tlio various hospitals in tins city since Saturday morning. Those deaths weru all the direct result of sunstroke or heat prostration. A niimhur of patiunts in the hospitals are in a state of coma to night and the physicians consider their cases hopeless. At the county hospital the physi cians ami nurses have been woiking almost unceasingly for thirty-six liotus. The crush far exceeds that following the Hayimukot riot. Both Hot nnd Dry. PiTTsnuito. July 17. This was the hottest and at the same tlmo the driest Sunday ever known hero. Through tlio efforts of the Law and Order society every saloon In the city was closed tight For sos'eral hours to day the thermometer reslstered 101U In the shada , thu highest point reached for years. Six fatal cases ot sunstroke and fully a bcoro of prostrations were lepoitcd. A number of sudden deaths also occurred , which may bo attributed to the torrid spoil. Tills afternoon about II o'clock the dead bodies of William Coirigan and John .lentils were found in their rooms In John Dohin's ta\eru on Grant streut. The men weio not addicted to ex cessive drinking , and tlio cause ot their death is shrouded in mystery. At Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , July 17. There were re ported up to midnight forty-eight cases of sunstroke in the city to-day , of which eighteen were fatal , and at the midnight hour there were numerous additional calls for patrol wagons for new casus. The mer cury on thu street durlntr most of the day ranged from 100 * to 101s and the air was very still. People to-night am htandlnir , sitting , even sleeping on thn sidewalks , and the hos pitals aie filling up with patients. At Philadelphia. PIUIADKUMIIA , July 17. With a single exception July 8 , 1870 to-day has been tlio hottest for over thirty years. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the thormoineter registered 103 decrees in the shade , boinit just ono degreu less than that of July 8 , IbTO , and l1 do rees in cater than yesterday. Up to a late hour to-night about thirty ca < ies of sunstroKe - stroKe were luportcd , fourteen of which re sulted fatally. At St. Iiouls. ST. Louis July 17. The city was visited with another day of torrid heat and tlio suf fering was very groat. The thormoineter , "treet leeord , registered 104 in the shade. Eleven fatal rases of sunstroke and fit teen prostrations were reported. The warm broc u continues , and to-morrow promises to be still more oppiessive. In Michigan. Dr.rnoiT , Mich. , July 17. At Kalamazoo three caws of sunstroke were reported , one fatal. No fatalities occurred In this city. According to the sign'.l service the mercury leached 100 ° In the filrndo during thn after noon. It is growing decidedly cooler to night At Chenon , III. CincAoo.July 17. An Intttr Ocean special from Chonoa , 111. , says : The tlieimometer to-day registered 100" In the shade at it p , m. This hot spell has been without a parallel. For six days the mercury has ranged above 100 . To-night at 80 : : ! it is Mg. No iatal prostrations are reported. At Indlannpoli * . INDIAXAI-OMS , July 17. Tlio heat hero wns Intense to-dav , the maximum by thu sig nal service thermometer being 100 , a record which has not been equalled since July , 18S1. Four cases of prostration occurred , two of whlcn lesulted fatally. At Cleveland. Ci.nvrr.Avi ) , O. , July 17. The thermom eter In Cleveland registered O.V at li o'clock to-day , which is the highest nolnt reached this far since the hot season began. Ono fa tality. At GalcHtniri ; , III. CIIICMOO , July 17. The News special from Galesburgs.iys : The heat for thu past six days has averaged 100 * To-day It reach ed lOCr3. Four deaths yesterday and two to day. At .Toilet , III. JOT.IKT , III. , July 17. The record was beaten to-duv. The mercury touched llla ! in the hhado. Two deaths and eUhteeu pros trations. At Fort AV ync , Ind. FOBTWAVXI : , Ind. , July 17. The mer- eury at 10 ln the shade and a number of fatalities was the record of the day In this city. At Whecllntt , W. Va. WIIKKUNO. W. Va. , July 17. The mer cury ranged from mv to lOh9. No fatalities. At Kock ford , III. llontroKV , III. , July 17. No prostrations ha\o been reported. Mercury 104 . HKAVY STOUM IN NKW YOUR. Destructive Work of Wild Winds at the Metropolis. NKW YOUK , July 17. The air was very close this morning. Towards noon heavy clouds filled the sky. Without any warning a terrible wind storm sot In. Thousands of of people out for a day's pleasure were caught iu the wild rush of the elements. Trees were torn up by the roots In Central park , and at the Hattory the wooden fence around Castle Garden , .south side , was blown down. On Sixth avenue two trees were torn up by the loots and carried some distance. Along the river front and bay. the storm raged with crcat fury. Hundreds of sail boats and other eraUs ! were tout. Their occupants ex perienced much difficulty lu making a safe landing. Police patrol boats atoncostoaraed out on the bav to usttt the unfortunates. A crt-w lescned about thirty occupants of capsized sail boaUj As far as can bo learned at D p. m. no one was drowned , but It is pro bable that drowntnire have occurred. Dr. Kdjon , of tlio health board , was among the rescued. They ware taken froiu a sinking boat off Clifton , SUtea Island. It Is said that two sail boats containing eight men were cawlzcd oft Fort Hamilton , but no fact ? can b learned. Fire Met * Drowned. JKIISEY CITV , July 17. Tim storm did considerable damage In this section. A large number of trees and fences were destroyed The yacht Tough , of this city , was salllnz near btaton Island when tliu storm arose , Those on board saw another yacht with five occupants go over. The Touch's crew were unable to render aid and live men were drowned , At CarllHlo , Pa. CARMSI.R , Pa. , July 17. A terrlhln wind and rain btorm , accompanied by hnll , struck tills locality boutS o'clock this aftoinoon r r causln g a great deal of damage. The Clearance Itccord , BOSTON , July ,17. A table compiled fron specials to the. Post from the managers of tin load Inn clearing houses of the United Suite shows that tfi gross eleariiiL's of tlio weel -nding July 10 wc fii'.ViO,7 > r > ,0i4 ! , an lnciea of lo.ttpttrcentorur lliu corrospandiiig peiiot last yuar. IN THE FIELD OF SPORT , The Omaha Olnb Returns to Its Wallowing in the Mire , KANSAS CITY WINS 15 TO G. Prince Defeats Whltt.tkor In tlio III- oyclo llaco Ily n Quarter Second end Uwyor Ilros. Big 1'ur- clmso or Kingston. Another OoTent Rcorcd. ICAifSA < I CITV , Mo.July 17. [ Special Tele- cram to the HHK.I 'llio visitors dropped the third of the series to-day to Kansas City , though not without a struggle. Their base stealing , particularly that of Genius who stole second and third successively , was tine. Tliu trouble lay in the fact that thu Cowbovs pounded Healy unmercifully , knocking him out of the box In the seventh Inning , Jantircn coming In from richt field to icplaco lilm. Four out of live of Omaha's runs were made in the fourth Inning , on Mchsltt's hit to cen ter , Dader's bnse on balls , Jantzen's beautiful three bagger and Joyce's wild throw. The fifth run was made In thu eighth by Walsh's doubhi to lett and Kreliinoyer's slngluto con- U > r. Kansas City had Jovco , who played with the Denver * last yuar , on trial at third to-day , and ho will probably be retained In that position. There was no brilliant play ing and the eoniest became too ono sided to excite much interest. The ofllciat score is as follows : TIIK orriciAt. SCOUR : Ituiw earned Kansas City 10 , Omaha 3. Two-base hltt > McKcou 2 , Hassamcr , Walsh ' . ' , Me < istt. ! Three-base hits Joyce , Mappls , McKi-ou , Jnimen. Lett on Hasea Kansas City 0 , Omaha 11. Struck out Crane , LlllieVnlsh \ , Fussel- bach. Double plavs Legg , Crane and McKeon ; \Valsli and Ftissclb.ick. First base on balls Lillie 2. Mappls 3 , llassamaer , Joyce , Kiehmeyer , JauUun , Ba de r 2 , G"n Ins. First base on errors Omaha 2. Wild pilches HealvS , Jant/cn 1. Passed balls Manpis 2 , Kichmeyer 3. Time of K.imo 2 houis So minutes. Umpire llencle. McKeou declaied out at third m seventh Inning for running outside the lino. The American Association. IJOUIBVILI/K , July 17. The eaino between the Loulsvilla * and. Baltimore teams to-day resulted as follows : Louisville 1 01000100-3 Baltimore 1 00010000 2 CINCINNATI , July 17. The game between the Cinclnnatls and Brooklyns to-day re sulted as follows : Cincinnati 0 00000000-0 BrooUhn 1 00002100-4 ST. Louix. July 17. Thn game between St Louis and the Athletics to-day resulted as follows : St. Louis 0 0001012 0-10 Athletics 0 10000700 b The Prlnce-Whittak T Clinne. The prediction that tlieie would be great sport at tlio ball park yestciday afternoon was amply verified. Theie was great sport thcio and a very large and enthusiastic crowd witnessed It In the grand stand there wuro probably four hundred peoplu , hullts and gentlemen , while the bleaching boards were jammed , and caniageb weiu numerous in tliu oxtiomo outfield. The SeconJ Infantry hand occupied scats In the east wing ot the grand stand. Tlio judges , K. K. McKolvy and the sportIng - Ing editor ot the Br.i : , and the timers , Liicicn Stephens and J. C. Crawloid were chosen and the initial ctent of the dav was on. This was a quarter mllu piofesslonal foot race , two best in three , with George Ken dall , Fred Cunningham and Jesse uutler as the starters , Kendall and Cunningham in scarlet trunks and ShcfUuld sprint shoes , Uutler , black trunks and sandals. Harry Currier was starter , and at tliu ciack of thu pistol the racers got oh" well together , and after asnlundid ( lush Cunningham crossed the chalk line a yard in trout of Kendall. Butler was never In the race. Time 1:57. : Tlio second heat was taken by Kendall in 1:00 : , and the third and race by Cunningham in 1:50. : Following this came the halt mllu amateur foot race witli J. J. Gromruc , F.d Washhiirnc , P. J. Kirby and Klmer Kane as tlio starters , ( irommo winning in two straight heats , iu 2:22' : ' and 2:20 : ; Washburno second , Kirby third. The third event was a tlvo-mlla ama teur bicycle chase , handicap , with John Koyston , Deal \VeiUand Charles Plx- ley to start , Kovston scratch , Weru ftO yards start and Plxloy , the kid , one-half mllu start Pixlev was an easy winner , but the otrugtlo lor second plaro between Koyston and Wertz was sufficiently close to arouse at least a semblance ot enthusiasm. Kesult : 1'lxloy first In lb2'JKaud ; WerU second , 18M : : , 'Iho live mile professional 'cycle chase be tween Thomas W. Kck , Toronto ; \V. F. Knuiip , Denver , and Charles Ashlngcr and 1C d. liullock , Omaha , followed. Mr. Kck made a good beginning , setting the pace nnd keeping In the van tor the fir.st mllu , but here ho buuan to flai ; , and in com pany witli liullock , drooped hopelessly tu tliu rear , leaving all interest conturod In Knapp and Anhinger.who fought bitterly for victory. Ashlngur maintained au unintur1 rupted lead until tne first turn In the last lap , when Knapp throw in a little extra tar and passed him. crossing the chalk line but li ol a second the best of him. Tliuo lft:5SJf. : It might not bo amiss to slatti that Ashlng- er was handicapped bv the fact that ho rode a heavy roadster and Knapp e full racer. Mr. Whlttaker , the Chicago champion , Ir a black jersey suit and old cold sash , now rode out upon tlm track , and wan welcomes by a burst of cheers from the grand stand while the band cracked away at that oh ] chestnut , "See , the Conquering Here Comes 1" But for nonnce the gentlemen of the con voluted brass were mistaken , as the sc < jue will show. The next moment Mr. Prince , In a jcrsej suit of peacock blue and abroad Birmingham Binile , rolled out , amidst the plaudits of hi-- trlends , and up to the scratch , where hi stopped , dismounted and awaited thu uiriva ot his doughty rival. In another moment they were off , and i prettier 'cycle ctiaso was never witnessed Prince got tlio start but was quickly passer by Whlttaker , who led the wav for sevet miles , when positions were shitted for a lai or two , when Whlttakur again resumed tin front , and kept It until the outsnt of tlio l.s mile. Hero the cerulean lined Knglislimai bent to Ms work with almost sum-rhumai vigor , and despite tlio tact that Wlilttakc was splitting lliu brecza at i rattling gait , ho shot by hln with the Hwlftness of a canvn back upon the wing. WhlttakerM nose approached preached closer and closer to the tire , hi naked and very iinsyinmctrical.stilus , woikei like pistons , but all to no avail I While th finish was most tlirllllngly mid exciting ! close , and made amidst the wildest and mo > outhiHiastlc coiititsion ot the dtillL-hte throng , ho shot across tlio chalk linn like . blue streak , jot with but a loot Or two t span\ The next moment the course and ( iiiarter stretch was overrun with people , and thu sturdy victor was greeted with every Im aginable demonstration ot approval and Jubllniicc. There were several gentlemen though who had lost some money were in clined to pronounce the ntlalr a "fake , " "hippodrome " "fraud" and , sundry other undignified names. Wlilttnkor innda the first lap iu II seconds ; live miles , 10 minutes , ami I'rlnco the ten miles In 3lW : ; U blinker , .sn:5t : > 'x ; which , considering thu fact Unit the track was not In m line condition , was first-class work. The afternoon's card was exhausted In n quarter mile 'cycle dnsh , between two boys , Charllo Plvley nnd Charlie Armslo.ul. tlio latter receiving M ) yards start and beliuj beated about that distance. Dxvyor Hros. ' Illi ; Purchase. Ni\v : Yonif , July 17. ( Special Telegram lo the UKB. | The lirooklyn turfmen , Phil lip and Michael Dwycr , have purchased Snc- deckor's great three-year-old colt Kingston , that stood In the way of Hanover's tilumph In ttie rich threo-year-old stakes yet to bo decided - cided at Monmouth Pnik , Sheopshead Hay , Saratoga , Jerome Park and lirooklyn Jockey club luck. This Is n masterly move by the UrooklMi tiirtiiien. With Kingston and Hnno\erln their stable all threo-year-old .stakes are at their meicy and no other stablu Ims an animal that can push Ilamner to bis best. Tno prloo said to bo paid for Kingston was Sro.OOO. The purchasers are reticent borne of the trainers at the track say the pi Ice Is 521,000 and- others . -Jfl,000 , but the weight of evidence Is in favor of S'- THIS WKEK INWAMj 8TIIBKT. Jlow the Mnrket WAH Arounrd From the Prevailing Oppressive Dullness NKAV Yonic , July 17. ISpeclnl Telegram to the BiiK.l This has been another short week on the stock exchange In consequence of the sudden and somewhat trazlc death of Vice Piesldrnt A. B. Hill , which biought business to an abrupt end on Filday shortly before noon. After the first few days had elapsed business dwindled down tolnslgnlll- cant proportions , with operations confined largely to room traders. There came a new phase lu that ever mystifying problem known as tlio Baltimore & Ohio deal , which aroused tiio market from tlio dullness that had become positively oppressive. The stock ot thu Cincinnati , Hamilton it Dayton road , which last sold at 140 , but for which there had beun no quotation for a loug time past , was suddenly olloicd down to DO without a slnglu transaction. This was thu great op- poitunlty of traders , most of whom were on tlio bear side , and they Imptoved it by making a dash against thu list generally with signal success. That numerous nu- favorable riimoig should follow the break in Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dnvton goes without saying. Milwaukee , Lake Shore it Western and Wheeling it Lake llrlo de clined 5 ® points. The pressure to soli was very decided on the way down , and fern n time great deinessloii prevailed. Follow ing the remarkable movement in Cincinnati , Hamilton it Dayton just noted , camu another of an entirely different character , tin ) stock having been bid up rapidly to 15'JX , with sales of 1,200 shares at 135 and 141 at 14' % With tliis shares change there were rumori just as favorable as tliej weiouii- tavorabio on tlio drop , with a complete trans formation in tlio temper of speculation. A number of stocks fully reco\ured tlio early decline , and others partially regained their lodges. The feeling generally was miieh Im proved near the close , and some of the trad ers turned bulls , while others continued to llvht the rise. Such events as hnve mniknd the course of business this week are not cal culated to draw In the nubile , and notwith standing outside conditions are favorable , .speculation Is "confined chiefly to profes sionals , and thn market IH a narrow one. So much has been said and written about the Baltimore it Ohio deal that It has become the leading factor , and from present appearances no settled condition of alia Irs may DO looked for until it culminates. It appears rather anomalous that the whole street could bo waiting on the Ives syndicate and be swayed to and fro by every passing minor in regard to it , Whllo matteis remain as they are , opinions with reirard to ttio future of the market arc simply idle , as prices change with e\ery hour. liullroid bonds were affected more by the fluctuations in their kindicd stocks than by any other cause. The tendency ot prices wns downward until near the close , the decline having been equal to } - ® points , hut finally an improved foe ling sot In nnd a rallv of Kd - points occurred right through thu list. Governments were relativelylirmer for 4 > s than tlio Is. The bids for the latter were lowered considerably near ttiu close , but ask ing prices showed less Impoitant chance. The foreign exchanges weio heavy and lower dining the greater pait of trio week , nnd the decline induced somn further moderate - ate shipments of gold trom London to this side. Hut as the week were along sight rate was advanced and the tone ot the market wns liriuur. The monetary situation was easy and rates foi all loins ranged from } 4 to 0 per cent , with the bulk of business at about 5 per cunt The July disbursement for interest and dividends had their olTcct , and the banks were more llbeial lenders than of Into. THE CLEAR AN UK RBCOKD. Monetary Transactiona In the Coun try During the P st AVonk. BOSTON , July 17. ( Special Telegram to the HiiK.l Tlio following table compiled from dispatches to the I'ot from managers of the loading clearing houses of the United States shows the gioss exchanges for week ending July 10 together with rates per cent ot In crease or decrease , as conumied with gross exchanges for corresponding week In Ibsfi : CAN'T ' DELIVER THE GOODS , The Wearer Oombination iu Iowa and the Union Labor Party. NON-FUSION GREENBACKERS. A Novel Question Uoforo tlm Honnl of llonltli town's Nntloiinl CJunrU Tlio New HolillotV llomo-riio rrolilliltloti I'nrtjr. Our lown Iiottcr. Dns MoiNr.ii , July 17. ( Special to tl. Hue. | The old greenback fusion outfit that has buen trying very haul to hand over the remnant of thulr patty to thu democrats as licretofoic , lias run npnlnst another snag. Thu lender of this faction nro Weaver nnd Gillette , both of whom have boon to congress , by hading votes with the democrats. Tlioy tried tlio bnmu dodge tills > ear , but were de feated In thu Marshnlltowu convention , which ounnl/od n now party made up of Kteenbnolvois and labor men , and took the namu adopted by tliu Cincinnati national convention "Union Labor" patty. Tlio new party declared ngntiiH fusion with either of the old parties nnd determined to stand alone on its principles. Tlio Wuavor-Glllutto ciowd were downed temporarily but detetmined to bring nbout liisiou after nil , and so went to work to seouiu an other convention on the ground that the other was not representative and fair. Taking advantage ot the state meeting ol Knights of Labor at lioouo , they slipped upon them and ran In a notiuo for u now convention to bu hold In this city In August Hut ex-Congressman Weaver , who is a straight-out anti-fusion greenbncker , was not caught niipiilng , and getting together n uia- joilty of tlio htato eoniiiiltluo appointed by the Mnislmlltoun convention they repudi ated the call for a new convention and mid they piojtosed to stand by tlio old. This leaves mattuis as limy were , with a Union Labor tickel In thu field , and lliu Wenvur- Gillctte outfit Btill vainly looking for homo way to dcllvci to the democracy the goods which they had promised but cnn't touch. iiioi'oiir ' ir WAR roisoNors. The stnto boaid of health tor lown In n veiy lively Institution. It Is constant ! } .stir- ling up things for tliu bonulit of tliu public , mid usually very wisely. Ono ol the Inst subjects to occupy It , Is the color ot tliu "blackboard0 , " so-called , in public schools. Instead ot being black , many schools hava begun to use gioen bontds , claiming that they weio much easier upon thu e > eslghl nnd bol ter in every respect Thu board ot henlth had nil Idea , liovvovoi , thai the green coloring matter wns poisonousnnd bo called up n painter who had been using it llu promptly declared Hint it was haimless , nnd to thu ns- tonlshiiu-nt of the medical men put n hand- lull ot It in his mouth nnd beenn eating It Thu doctors niadu n In oak lei stomach pumps nnd emetics , expecting lo linvcn dead man on their hands unless relief was boon ntloided , Thu painter , however , had no use tor thuli services , and still lives toattesl the harmlessness - ness of his mlxluic. So green paint will stay , and before long tlio blackboards ot Iowa will nil bu green. IOWA NATIONAL flt'Altl ) . In a few dnjs tlio National Guards ol Iowa go into their annual encampment The l-'irst brigade leads otf with an encamp ment at Uttumwa , communcing Augusts and Instlnit five days. This brigade is composed ot thn Second , Thlid and Fifth reglment-t and in undei the command of General Wright ot Centorvillo. It includes some of the best soldiers of the state , and will be In good lighting trim after Its outing. Thuio has been n great Improvement In the Iowa National guard In iho hist few years. Tlio quota Is kept right up full , and theio IB always n company ready to talco thu place OH anv that may drop out Thu standing of the state militia Is pretty well shown by tlio 10- ' cent distribution of tlio nppioprlnilon mado. by ihu last congress for the National Gunid. Of tlio S-100,000 appioprlated for tliis puipose , ' lowaieceives 511,031.50 , the sixth hlghesl sum iu thu list. TIIK NIW : soi.mr.ns' IIOMK. The new soldicis' homo at Mai shall town is progressing nicely , and It is boi < ed to liavo it leady for use in December. Theio srcuia " to bu "no doubt now that all of its accommo dations will b * needed. Thoio nre over fifty old soldier.s now known to bo In thu poorhouses - houses of the state , distributed ns follows : In Leo countv 0 , Scolt fi , JacKson , Kuokulc nnd Wiipollo 3t-acli ; Davis , Kiomont , Greene , Hamilton , Jutterson nnd Polk 2 each ; Adnir , Bunion , Buchanan , lieunn Vlata , Ceno ( iordo , Clayton , ( Union , Decatur , Dubmiuo , Favottu , Henry , lluiubolilt , Johnson , Jones , Marlon , Mononn , Montgomurv , Pngu , Tnmn , VniilJuren , Washington and Webster loach. There will bu n good denl ot comfort in the tact that Iowa will soon have a home ho that its old veterans will not have to spend their declining > ems In the poorhouse , or bo the recipients of private chanty , when tliu na tional government neglects ita duty to tlio m on vvliobiived the Union. TIII : STATK MIIUAKV. The advance sheets of the librarian's an nual report to the foveinment shows the Mnto library to be in a flourishing condition. It contains now over iJO.OC'O ' volumes , witli constant additions being made to It Quo very interesting feature of the library In what is known as the "Aldrich collection" ot autographs , photogrnplis nnd ongrnvings ot noted people. There have been many ad-1 ditions lately mnde to the collection , nnil now there is H fine display ri'iiesentlug | kings , ijueens , famous vvairiois , statesmen , lileiary culebilties and otlu-r people ot note. VVOHKINOMlIN'h Vt'AUKH. The advance sheets of tlio annual report ofS Commissioner llutclilns , ot Iho labor bureau - ' reau , present bomo very Interesting statlhtlcs. Ono tnblo ot gront value will be idveu show ing the nvcrago weukiy wages paid artisans nnd mechanics in Ktiropean countries com pared with tliosu received in lown. Taking ; thu tablu foi Kngland , a comparison ct thuj wages tor Iowa , shows nn Incrujsu for the > | Iowa workman of n fouith to n halt abovu * the wages received by thu Kngllshiium. Tliuj Iowa bnckln > er niiikos an nveinge ot 820 petj week ; tlio Kngllshmnn but S7.CiO. Tliu lowi i c irpontur iruls nn nvorngo for Ills , woek' work ot $13.14 ; thu Knglisli cnrpui.tcr get HI but S7.CO. Tlm lown harness manor nuke * nil nveragu ot VJ.oy ) > erweek ; the Kngllsli hniness maker nuts but fcO.G. ! , nnd soon tlnou h Ihn dltrerenl Irades. No better nr- ; guinuiit could lie givnn of the advitntaL'O to tlm workintrinan of a protective taiill tlmn this comparison between tree trade Knginnd and piotected America. I III ! IOWA I-noiIIIItTION PARTY. If theru were place in the country whorox one would imnginn that a piohibltlon party was n superfluity. It would bo Iowa , that for the past few years linn been enforcing a pro- , hibltory statute the best It know how. Due there s no use in Irving to Hatisfy cranks. Although prohibition In thu law of Iowa , there uro prohibition cranks wlio Insist on , keeping up n separate party , as it thu suboct ) | of prohibition had never been discussed hero. Their convention In this city thounsti week wan a great Inrce. There were only cighttrcn members to it , but they looked her- I OUR , tnlkod loud , nnd donned around as 1C they were u thousand strong. Ilk plunging around attar candidate * to nomi nate , they dropped upon Judge Lewis , ( it Sioux Oily , for supiemo judgv. Nobody knows why this Mllletlou was put upon the judgo. llo has ahvais been regaidod as a line man , but the llttlu convention must hnva hart n spite agaliibl him , which they sought to gratify ti > iioiiiliintlng him on tliuir tleKli without his knowlciigo 01 consent A conn- tiy lawyer named Wood , who wns qultu ton- hplctious lu the Haddock trials nl Sioux City , sei'intil to be responsible for Judge Lewis ' misfortune , for he bnlldo/ud the other seven teen Into nominating him , assuring them that tlir iudge wns all right , nnd he bwlluveil bynpnthi7L-d with tliem. It is too much to expect to have n law foih dding people from making tools ot themselves , but It would la n good Idea to have n law that will kt-op tliuiu from trj mt ; to make tools ot other people. A Vnimi : .Man's l > atnl Pill. Df- . MOINI.In. . , July 17 , ( JSpeclnl totho lir.i. . l-Kiauk inos , a yuting man of olgli- ti'oit , was Killed this itltornoon in a very i i culm mnrinor. Whtlu sittluu it ) the tiiiid t torv window ot u liiHliifos nlnek ho wai oveicomitiy thn i'.eut or li l hl Imtiinco aiU ' leJI to the h'luond , broaliluc Inn neck ;