Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1887, Page 8, Image 9

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S . 0 . ESUNDA iiThY ; 17 ,18s7.1wEL1TE PAGES , ' . . . : .
Tbe Grana Oloarhig t1o of 'Drj GoodB ,
0 , Still .Cnt1nue
. ,
liox SuIte Mnrketl flown to Less
Than unit Cot-'rhey Must Go-
: Vo Don't Vttnt Tlictii ,
If the ladles arc Intorosteti In good
goods at vcryow ! rice we would advise
; 811 to call at our store the coniing week ,
ask to see the great shttightor In Box
BuIt. They are marked dowii at less
than half what they cost. 'rliey must go.
W don't want thciii.
Monday 20 tlCCCS Chocked Naitisook ,
70 yard , worth 1jc.
IIOflhty % (0 ( pieces iiioro of those elegant
quality lWlIIt J4Indns , white only , 6e ver
yard , worth double.
MonliLy ( 35 iilcces fine White Goods in
Stripes , Plaids an'l Checks , 18c yard ,
Monday 7 pIeces fine Bleached and Un
bleached extra wide Table Damask , &Oc
per yard , worth 85c.
Monday 50 dozen elegant Turkish
Towels , beautiful colors , 15c cacti , worth
Monday O dozen Ihicachied Daniask
Knotted Fringe Towels , size 20xiO , 20e
each. it knocks them all out.
L Monday another great cut In Parasols.
: ; Monday 100 Fancy I'arasols , caUli ,
worth $3.50 to 9.OO.
Monday hO Satin Coochilug Parasols ,
reds and wines ouly , $1.25 cacti , vorthi
t2,5O. *
Monday 50 black Satin Laced Trimmed
Parasols , :1.89 : each. Ilusn.
Monday 25 1)CS Zchiyr ; Crinkle Scer
. suckers in Dark Colors 71c yard , worth
215 pcs. Fancy Stripe Crinkle Seersucker
12 yards for 7&c.
10 peg. 1tciifres'racquard Ginghams in
Finks only , 7c per yard , worth 15.
I Bale 3Oinchi Uubleachcd Muslin , 10
'ards for 1.O0.
1 Case 80 iuclt Bleached Muslin , 14 yards
for * 1.00.
25 pcs. Foullard Silks , all now and dc
sirablo patterns. We will close them out
quick at 40c per yard.
1,000 yards Pongee Silks , l2jc per yard.
flow is that for low. Take any number of
ynrds you want.
a pcs. Black Silk Grcnadlnes ; they cost
to Import $1.15 pCr yard. We will sell
them Monday Bpcs. only : iSOyards at
87 + c per yard ; they would be cheap at
25 pcs. Plain Silks all good Dcsirablo
Shades , Monday , only 35c per yard.
Monday all we have left ot our Sum-
iner Silks you can take them away at
224c per yard. Don't toll any one.
10 Doz. Clilidrens' Straw hats , choice
25c ; 25 Doz. Baby Bonnctts to close , 40c
each. Cheap. BENNISON BROS.
Itesolution or Master Carpenters of
To go Into effect on and after July 18,18S7.
Some time ago a portion of the master
carpenters entcrcd into an agreement
with the journeymen carpenters to cstnb-
lishi 9 hour as a working day at a uniforni
rate of 80 cents per hour for first-class
cnrpcnters , no distinction to be made between -
tweon union and non-union men , said
agreement to take ciTect on and after
July StI , , 1887 , journeymen carpenters
agreeing to force all master carpenters
to adopt the nine hour system who had
, . . notslgncd the agreement1 so that a uni
- form custom iiiiglit prevail.
And whereas , we , the master carpenters -
ters , having ascertained by a committee
appointed for that purpose , that a majorIty -
Ity of the master carpenters still work
their mon ten hours , be it resolved that
we consider said agreement null and
void and adopt the following resolution.
Resolved , By the undersigned , that
nine hours be considered a ( lay's work on
all working days of the iveok at a nfl-
form rate of UOo per hour for firstclnss
carpenters , antI no distinction be made
between union and iion-union mcli ;
master carpenters reserving the rv'lit to
mdc their men according to tIie1 abil-
ty. Men will be hftll for the number of
hours they work nnl no more.
It Is further understood by and be-
twccn the master carpenters that any
journeyman carpenter leaving his present -
sent employer by cause of this resolution
wilt not be employcti by any of the undersigned -
dersigned master carpenters , but sakt
lournoynian must return to his former
, employer.
John F. Coots. R. Stevens & Son , S. G.
Stevenson , J. G. Sabsbury S. MeCloud ,
V. Knock , M. 1' . Murphy , Ii' . ii lirayton ,
J. 13. Tyreul , 1I Jaeobbergcr & Son , 11.
w. Hedding , henry Sanguin John 11.
Uqart , A Rosonbiiry , It. It. Fallandos ,
r D. Buchanan , Laty & Benson. G. M.
Buck , John Culley , Boelimo & Bennett ,
Smith & Potter , A. W. Phelps & Son , C.
M. Partdrigo. henderson & l'arish ,
Arthur & ilurd , G. (1. ( Ackerman ,
G. E. Ackerman , J. E. Knowles ,
k'ank 1)oiitl , Sliaw & Field , John W.
Owin , Ii. P. SImmons , J. ' .1' . Ocheltree ,
George C. Bassett , J. C. Gladden , Fred
( hrIstensen , henry F' hanson , Ilamht-
ton Bros. , Carl Lessman , C. 11. Cush-
mon Worting & itenolds A. J. Vanctcr-
ve , tOmuiOlis i Slihids , rtnk : lAnd , J.
Weedor. J , P. Iicnckson , H. . 0. hiaher ,
Pcttir Mesling , I. louglass , John Ball ,
Ball Itros. , l'ettcrs & Scm , William
Gatonisphy. JOhN W. GWIN ,
JO C. GLADDEN , Secretary.
A ew Slioo Store.
( ostcrdav Norris , Wilcox & Ribbol
opened thor shoe store to the lubhicnot :
because they were reuty : to receive visitors -
ors , but accorLing to previous announce-
meat the ) ' felt obliged to ( to SO. The
bo ts and shoes on display yesterday
would do credit to any establishment and
when they get their stoc all In llaeo ,
thought It will probably not be the largest
it wilt be one of she finest assorted stocks
a the city.
'Xhey are locatt'th at 1517 Douglas street ,
Pitch's old stand , and as each member
of the firm Is an old resident here they
wilt no tloubt do a good business. Mr.
T. B , Norris , the senior member of the
Iltmn , was with A. 1) . Morse for three
years , Mr. J F.Vileo. . for ten , and C.
M. Ribbol formerly held a position with
Mr. Morse for three years. All three arc
young men who have 11111(10 ( iziany friends
and It is their intention by square dealing
to liolL those friends and make many
: Luo o , amid the hEm : believes they wIll do It ,
* 11 members St. Leo branch 29 , C , K. .
A. , will assemble at St. Mary Mmtgdallnu's
cbool ball on to-morrow ( Sunday ) . at
1 * o'clock minon , whence tirny vmhl pro
ced to the depot and take thin 1:15 : p. mu
: trami to Council Bhtmirs to participate Iii
the ceremonies Qf the Illying of the corner
nor stone of St. Peter's ( lermuan CatholIc
church. T. A , Corritm : , President.
r -
Important Meethiig of A. 0. 11. Society
Next Snmulay afternoon an important
meeting of the above society takes P1:1cc :
on Stuiitav afternoon at the s.oclcts lmal
. , 1ltii and Jackson sts , commencing at l
o'clock sharp. when the Impressive ccmm
monies of instahhimig the newly clectec :
.olflccrs Tui hum eiitiiug eur svIhI be per
'ormeil. Alt the memuburs arc speciafl. .
. zotUlcdtob present.
: uy Qrter.O ( time roUting preIdeut au
: . . . . 0
, . . :
. :
, ,
. . -
'k , . . -
' .
- -
Statement or p. E. 11cr Regarding
the internal Itcvenuo Department
anti ( ho Willow Springs Distillery
To time Editor of ttid lhnn : As my con-
Vclsation has been grossly nmistatcd by
the \Vorld , amid as It appears to be with
Intent to injure the excellent reputation
that our CoiiIptIty : has borne for years , I
( icefli it iiotiilug nioro titan right ittiti jims-
thee that the ItIIJIIC ) should know the facts
in time case so far : ts I can give them. On
lily returti , thin 7th of July , frommi Call-
fornia and the west , where I had been
for nearly a month , I received a note
fromim Collector Calhoun , asking mima to
cmll : : tt his oihieo as he ( lelreL to have a
talk withi me on imiutters of Imuuortanco
to myself. I at once called at his ollico
amid iiml a bug convoratiomi with hilimi ,
wiiereiii lie told mime ot the transaction In
question as it was reported to lihimi. 'l'iie
collector said ho did not fully
unierstanl time case himself and did not
know what was In It. I was nmuch stir-
prised us Mr. 1)ennis has been lii my
titnlloy for a great many years , and we
have always 101111(1 ilifll trustworthy and
accurate us vell as just between ourselves -
selves mid the govcrimmuent. Ills duties
at time ( listillery are to look after the
goods in time warehouse , to exatimbic thicmit
daily thitt : no leakage occurs In packages
( whicim is often the case ) amid to roll titcimi
ztiitl get tiieni ready for the gauger , lie
doing tim munimimal labor. At the same
time lie is Instructed by time comnp'mny to
look after its miitorests and see that the
goods arc properly gauged and proofed ,
amid that mm mistakes occur either
against us , iii favor of us , or against the
goverimmiment , ill other words lie hims : to
work with our interest iii view mis well as
time governnient and to assist the govern-
nmcmit ohhlcers in hiandhmn" the ) aekugcs so
that they can gauge atmif proof them at
will. As I knew nothing about time niltir
and felt comilident that our Mr. Dennis
would do lie intentional wren , I asked
the collector as a favor , before further
proceedings , to millow his ollicermi in
charge , Mr. Dennis , Mr. Sucssemmbacii ,
our superitltciltcflt. amid Mr. Iloboim our
head distiller to come to his olhico amid
talk the matter over in a way that we
COtilL get at the facts in time case and see
whether anything wrong had been coin-
mltted or miot. lie told nie as the matter
had been turned over to Mr. l'ritclmett ,
United States attorney , it would be
better to have hilni and Mr.
Patrick present an'l we would hold conversation -
versation in their oflico. 'lime collector
cLthlCl Mr. I'atrlck asid.i and after a little
consultation agreed to grant my request.
He at once telephoned hlib ollicers to
come up 1111(1 1 telephoned Messrs. Sues-
senbachi , liobon and Dennis , and a short
time afterwards they all arrived antI met
at his chico when lie introduced m to
time newly appointed officers , which was
the first acqUttmimtamiCe I had with them ,
After that we went over to Mr. Prit-
chmett's ofliec and the gauger , ( I do not
recollect his name ) , told his story first
which wag. as near as I can recollect ,
about as follows : The five or six packages -
ages mentioned ivero rolicti out on the
floor to be regauged. In time re-
gugo it was discovered that
one of time p-cknges was a little
scant of forty-seven gallons , wimilo another -
other was a little full of forty-seven gtI-
lons. but in either case not enough to
chaimgo time tax or make any change in
time stamp. Mr. Donuts sogrestct he
could miS well make them all run overt by
pmiting a timid part full mit of tIme hack-
age that ran strong into time omm that was
scant , which was ( lone before time gauger
mtutt storckoeper , mmnd before they lmal
tmnie to tell Imim not to do so. Of course
jim doing this it made the packages run
even. As I understand time case lr.
Dennis at the same time explained to time
gauger thatit would make no ( lilYercnce
iii time tax , neither would it make any
( lifThrcnee to time distiller , and
he saw no harm In doing so.
After time gauger had stated the
case in time presence of all of us , I
asked time storekeeper if that wmts correct.
My recolleetiomi is that lie replied tlmat it
was , so far as he saw , but ime made time
remark lie was not in there all time time.
I then asked Mr Dennis if time statcument
ivus correct and lmo replied it was. Timen
I said to time collector if that was all I ( lid
not see where the govermimont was do-
fratmded , or where any fraud was in-
tetided , either by our own men or by the
oflicers , at time same time it was a little
irregular amid 1'lr. Dennis should net
have done it. My immstructioims to Mr.
1)ennis have always bean that lie should
do notlming contrary to tholaw , wlmich I
believe lie admitted in their presence.
Then I mmmdc time remark to time
collector , tlmat if that wmts all there was
. if it time govermimmient was not wronged ,
simply a little irregularity , and .1.
wits perfectly willing to let the case rest
amid leave it to his own good judgment ,
and that I did not consider I was to
blame in amiy way. Time miext day while
lumiciming with Mr. Fred Davms , hitch.
cock , the editor of the World , cammie over
to our table and asked mc what I knew
tibotit time report timat there was sonic-
timing wrong at our distillery. I told hini
timmit I knew nothing about it other than
irhiat 1 timid just heard and that was timat
Mr. Dennis , in the presence of time oflher ,
hmmid taken a thief part full of liquor from
one package and put it into another in
order to make the packages gouge alike.
how true it was I did hot know other
titan what 1 hind heard , ami(1 that as it thid
not change time taxable gallons
the government was mmot defrauded.
Of course I did not explain to hum
time detamis , as I thought at time time they
vero not of importance. That evening
time World caine out with a niost villain-
ens report , at which I felt very much
hurt. Time following day a reporter of
the World cmtme to see mmommnd I told imimu
timiLt I thought time \Yorld tint mae a great
iimjusticc amid was very unfair in its state-
uiimmts , and as Mr. hitchcock and myself
imatt always beemi friends , as well US was
his father , I coul'.I ' not imnugimme what
should cause such missiateniemuts. 1 also
said tlmat time cimnimgc from one barrel to
time otimer was mmmuie : in the iresence of
time gauc'orbat I mnuio ito stmcim stitomimciit ;
as time STorlti alleges , tiimtt the gauger
ordered 1)enmiis ) to do it. lIe-
gtrthing : a special revenue ageimt beimmg
in Omualmut or it time distillery 'tressed in
overahiswe kmmcw nothing about It mtnd tim
story must imave origimuated him time fertile
brain of time repOrter. As to the assertion -
tion that It is a practice at the distillery
to ciiamige goods from one package to mmmi-
other , it is entirely false , amimi if any order
vas issmC(1 ( to siezo time distillery , amid
then another not to sieze but allow iio
goods to leave the distillery , we have mio
kmmowlcdgo of It wlmatever 'l'lmo ( IiStmi-
lory is ruimning as usual and goods are
being shipped out every day just
fus heretofore. Regarding their state-
meat that it was mm plan to
justify time large numimber of clman'cs in
time revenue department hero , ummiI that
time collector lund vut in green hands , I
positively dummy mimuking such a stuttemuent
119 1 kmiow but few of time now oflicors itp-
pOifltCL. 1 ( liii atmnit that Dennis mnlglmt
be tecimmilcally guilty its lie ( lilt what lie
simouml not inivo ( lone , but mis it was done
umider thmo eyes of the othicers I was satis-
liect there was po wrong intended.
From time above any omie can see at a
m glance time injustice with vhicim we imztve
bcemm treatel : tmml time gross mniSrolrcSCutmt
tions mmmdc of my conversation.
1' . E. Im.EI1 ,
, President Willow Springs Distg. Co
Tiiculcdlcatlomi of time Fmrst Free Meth
OliSt ( chmureim , corner of south Eleventh
L amid Center , will take hilace next Sab.
bath at 11 ii. iii. BiimOi ) K P. Hart will
r ohhiclate. Coimmo amid hear lmimti. 'I'lu
bishopwmhl aio preach at said church or
Friday , Smmttmrdmmy and. Sunday evenings
Eyerybodyeomc , .
Arnmy Ncw , .
The new barracks , whitclm has , been In.
course of erection : for mimic time back ,
at Fort Omaha , were yesterday morning
completed , and emi 1\Ioimdmmy \ * ihI be put
iii readiness for occtmpnncy. They arc
at time soumtliwest corner of time PtrtLdo :
groumuls , and will imecomimmmiodato fifty
mmmcmi. Tlmey were built by 11. amid A.
Jmtcoberg and cost 4,600.
Simmuniary requests have Imeen male as
to time tiimio at wimieim ; mrade takes vlaco
at time fort that time ammnoimncoimieut is imere
made that time parade takes pinee every
evening except Saturday night amid
ttstutliy mit about three quarters of an
hour before sunset.
Lletmtcnauit Abereromblo , wimo has been
at time ilot Sprmmmgs for several umoumlims
limist , spciit yesterday at time fort.
James ? slcNulty , it member of K. corn-
puny Second Imifantry. was brommghmt to
time irnst yesterday. lie imad been at time
range practicing with his couiipntiy wlmemi
imo immet witim an accident which was at-
tentted witlm lock jaw. Dr. Cable was
called amid attemidedlmlmr.
Time Food Qimestion.
Solved by Coover & Vatts , N. E. cor.
lOUt amid St. Mary's ave. Econoimiieal
housekeepers know timis and trade with us.
Best Minn. I'at. Flour..2 75
limifli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 lb I'rtmncs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1lbrca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
.1 lb Good Coilce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
:3 : camms Sardiumes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Cimoico F'arnily Mackerel , pail. . . . . . . 85
0 lb liest Satin Gloss Starelm. . . . . . . . . fiG
13 pkgs Corn Starch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
2 ( both liroomims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5,000 Matches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
27 liars lkmst Laundry Soap. . . . . . . . . 1 00
MI staple and fancy groceries at corresponding -
responding prices. Come amid see us
amid we vil1 rove thmat you cami save
money by trading at our cash store.
Coovamm \VA'rs. .
Attention , Kuilghuts.
All members of Forrest Lrnfre 84 , K. of
P. , arc requested to meet at Pythagoras
immthl , Tlmirteentim anL Center streets , Monday -
day afternoomi next at 2 p. ni , to atte'ul
time funeral of our late brother , Andrew
Gramibeck. Members of nil K. of Pledges
lodges In time city respectfully lrtVitCi to
attemid. J. A. , JOm1NSON , C. C.
v. ii. Si'AULDING , K. of 11. S.
Going to time ILiuft' .
The corner stone of the now Catholic
church of St.Pcter will be laid in Cotmmmcil
BlufFs thmms afternoon , and time ceremonies
will be attended by a grand procession of
elvie and religious socletme. Among the
former will be time Cmutimolic knights of the
city , to the miumber of 100 , and St. Jo-
seph's society fromjSt. Mary Magdalene's
oimurch , mmimmubering about seventy-five
members. Botim of these societies will
leave at 1:15 : o'clock this aftermmoon , hay-
iumg specially chartered mm mmniber of cars
for time trio. They will be imeaded by time
Union Pacific band , with its now uni-
Y _ M. C. A.
Bible class at 0:30 : a. m.
Services at the jail 1 p. mu.
Gosoel service at 4 p. m.
In time evening time Y. M. C. A. with hold
a gospel service at the First Congregational -
tional cimumreim taberimaclo , lcd by Rev. J.
\v. ilawthurst , of Chicago , his subject
being : Bunyan's "Pllgrimmi l'rogrcss"
with illustrations from imis panormic
paimmting. with wimicim thic ollicers of time
association Inuve secured him for cuter-
tainments on Menday and Tuesday even-
inurs next. Every one welcome to these
nmeetm nga.
Porsoumal Paragraphs.
B. Fhinn , of Lincoln , is registered at
the Millard.
William R. Mend , of Now York , is
aniong time guests at the Millard.
Mr. Isaac hail , vitii McCngno Bros. ,
left last evening for Los Amigeles , Cal.
0.V. . Noreross , of time Norcross Bros. ,
builders , \Vooster , Mass. , is at time Mu-
Mr. George \V. I-fall , assistamit seere-
tary Union liutcific railroad , left for
Cheyenne luitt evening.
Mrs. I. M. Turner and duuughmter , Miss
Neva Turner , leave for time east next
Momiday afternoon emi a visit.
Mrs. George W. Kellogg and Mrs. C.
Cary left this imiornmmig for Limmcoln , Neb. ,
to visit friends for a week or two.
Licuitenent Cimittenden , time newly ap-
PoimmtCd cimief engineer of time Depart-
mmmcnt of tIme Platte , vmil arrive in this city
this evening. _ -
United Presbyterian , Park avenue and
Grammt streets. l'reaclming at 10:30 : a. mum. and
8 P. Iii , Sunday scimool at 12 in. All are wet-
First United Presbyterian. 012 Nortim
Elghmtecumtli street , 11ev. Edwin 13. Gralmamim ,
pastor. Public worship at 10:30 : a. mmm. and S
p. in. Sabbatim school at mmoomm.
Park Avenue Presbytriau , 'rroxehi's Imahl ,
Leavenworth street , near 'l'woimty.sixth.
l'reach at 1oi0 : a. am. Sunday school at noon.
Seats tree.
North Presbyteriamm , Saunders street , 11ev.
Wmmi. 11. henderson , pastor. l'reaclmlng at
10:30 : a. iii. by the pastor. No oveulmig ser-
vice. Sunday school at noon. Iouimg ieo-
pie's mnectimig at 7 p. mm. Strangers mimade
weicoiiue at nil time servIces.
Orcimard lull I'resbyterhan , Felton's hail ,
on West llamnmhton street near Lowe avenue.
Summday school at 3 p. iii.
Centrai lJiiitetl PresbyterIan Presbyterian ,
Sevonteemmtim street between 1)odge ammul Cap-
itoi aveimue. eniees at 10:30 : a. iii. amid S p.
In. Setvlces conducted by 11ev. Joimim Vll-
ilaumson , 01 Behfoumntain , Omio. ) Veekiy
prayer mmieetiumg at S o'clock Wednesulay
evcmmlmis. Youmnic peonies' prayc , immeetiimg
Sabbath eveniimgs at 7:15 : Alt are Immvited
Presbyterian , corner Iodgo and Seven-
teentim streets , imrcaciiing by 11ev. M. Mmiil-
gami. Sunday school at miooim. Young
people's mmmecting at 7:15 : p. mmm. No eycmmimmg
Suimthwest Presimyterian , 11ev. Davitt II.
Kerr , pastor. Services at 1Oiu : : a. mum. amid S p.
imm. Sabbath school at mmooum. All are vei-
coimme. Cimurcim cormmer 'rn'ommtlettm aui
Leavemiwortil streets.
First Concregational , 'I'mi berumhcle. Preach-
iimg mit 1O:0 : a. am. by 11ev. J. l. Mmile. :
Sabbatim scimool at noon. I'rayer umeetimig at
S o'elobk Wednesday evenIng.
No eveuming service.
St. Mary's Avon no Commmrozational. 11ev.
\Vilar4t ( Scott wIll preach at 1O : ) a. mum. ,
eveimi ii g service omitted imuitll Soptemmmbem- .
School at noon. All welcoimie.
First Baptist Strangers' Sabbath home.
Corner Fitteentim and lavcnport streets. 11ev.
\V. Laimmar , pastor. l'reaciming at 1oo : :
iii. aimut S P. If. 'doriming timeiume : "Time
holy bpirit'S Work In Regeneration. " Evomu-
Imig thmenio : "how Christ Treated time
loubtcrs. " Sabbatim scimuel at 12 iii. Prayer
mmieetiug Veutncsutay evening at S o'clock.
All are cordial Invited. Seats free.
Calvary Baptist. Preacimlng at 10:30 : mm. m ,
by 11ev. A. IV. Clark. Smmbjeet : "Our
limity to Ciuhldimood. Evening service at S
o'clock. Subject : "Time Manima a Type of
ChurIst" Sunday school at 11:45 : All arc cor-
dlaily InvIted.
Unity , corner of Seventeenth and Cas
streets , 11ev.V. . E. Copeiand , pastor. No
EcrvicC until next September
Botim-Etleim Japtist , 11ev. IL L. house , pas-
tor. l'reaciming service at 4:15 : p 1mm. at St.
Mary'savOmmUe Conregational cimurchm. Smuim-
day cimooi at : s o chock. l'rayer mneetiimg
'l'hursda3 evening at S o'clock. Strangers
welcome. Seats free.
Seward Street M. E. , 'I'wcnty-second and
Sewaru streets.
11ev. J. K. Held will preach at the Cynthia
Chapel on Walnut hill to-immorrow nlgimt.
iOI itob ntu' iioo. . , .
. . . . . 0
- - - - - ,
- - - - -
. 0 TIlE DEtl ) ARTIT.
Additional Facts Onn.cornlng. the
Frank P. Cuirriut , Career.
Time rcnmuumns of Mr Fra'flk ' F. Cumrri r ,
time deceased pImdtograhmoiwimoso death
ivas ciirotmiled imm yesterday's ilnu , lie In
time tinIcrtaklng roomims.of Prcxol & Maul.
So far its enim be ascertained , Mr. Currmur
is wIthout a relative Iii time worlum. Timis
fact was hrett4 ) yell ( lemimonstrated yester.
( lay lii a canvass mnado ntnoimg niany of
tIme eitlzcmms , who , thmoroughly commvcrsamit
with his cnreer wimiie In Omnahmru , knew
mmothming about Imlin before his arrival lit
this city. Time fact was further stremmg-
timened by t talk with Monroe J. Poland ,
of time Ileralti , ivito was a
playmate of tim deceased artist.
According to Mr. l'olamid's stmtemmmemmt : ,
Mr. Cmmrrler was born him Concord , N. IL , ,
amid about 1805 went to Moumtpehier , Vt. ,
where he opemmcd a pimotograpimic gallery
or , ums It wits tlmcn called in that part ot
time 'salon. ' '
eotuiitry , a huimotoraiutmio
lie continued mu bumsncss there for a
colmlle of years , being timen a nmmim : of
tveimty-lIvc years of age. He remnovet
to Nebraska abutit 1808 amid locatcl him
Omaimu : , where lie huimmimedhiutely worked
imito mm lucrative and cxtcimsive business.
Misfortune , lmovavcr , mmevor kept far
away from time little nmatm. It
was particularly near lminm whmcmi
at time higimest poimit of success.
It was in 0mm of hums gloouumy vmtlle.ys timat
miontim foummid lminm , imimmtteuiuleul : smi'o : by
Indies of elmarity amid uuitlmougimt of
by less timami half mu dozen people mu the
world. For a maim wimo imuid kmmowmi so
many micoPlO , who mimade so ummany fmiends
amid briglmteimed so mimaimy homes by time
faces of loved ones wimlehm his art enabled
lmhmn so well to reproduce , Imis lifeless re-
nmitimis tmnmtttemuled iii a private morgue is
cmii emiding wimiclt it is not consoling to
Jim time absence of relatives time phmotog-
rapimers of this city sviil give their ( ha.
ceased brotimer a respectable burmal ,
probably omt Monday.
lited Frotim time Sun.
Yesterday afternoon about four o'clock
a maim was pecked U ) In an Insensible
condition on the road between harris &
F'isiier's slaughter house and Sotitim
Onmahma. lie was brought back to the
latter place , where ime soon after died.
Coroner Drexel held aim inquest and time
facts were developed timat the dcccsed
was named lgnnz Laimttda. lie hind
worked ( ltmrimmg the day In Fowler's ice
house , and shortly before four o'clock
left time imoimse to go to his home which is
situated near time site of Simceley's burncd
packing house. Wimcmm about half a imillo
from the latter place ime was ovcrconmeby
the imeat and died. Time verdict was In
accordammec with time. facts. The tIe-
ceased leaves a wife and timrce children.
Captain V. A. Van Norman , an old
citizen of Ornaima , who tins kept boats for
hire at. Cut Off lake for years past , has
just received two fine clipper row boats
which ho will place emi Cut Off lake.
Five rumore of time same kind will arrive
soon. Time captain is aim aeconmnmodatimmg
gentleman and deserves and will get a
liberal patronage.
Mr. C. S. Iliggimma was arrested thus
mermiing , clmmmroel with sclhiimg liquor
after 12 o'clock. hearing continued
until Monday time 20th.
Iloso Bros. snecial stationary sale , 1521
Dodge street.
l'hme great opportunity to get iirst class
statioummury rut very low. prices at Rose
Bros. ' sPecial sale , 159 1 , flodgestreet.
have you been at Rose Bros. ' great
stationery sale , They will saveyou from
25 to 50 per cent on every inurcimttse. Time
sale will only last a few days. 1521
Dodge street
Stationary at 25 per cent discount at
Rose Bros. , 1521 Dodge street.
GItA1iECK-Ammdrew Granbeclc , aged 35 ,
died Friday. July 15.
Time deceased was a nmember of Odd Fei-
lows , Rmuigiits of Pytimias , Order Chosen
FrIends , 1)aulsh Brotimerimood amid 1)anlsim
associatIon. Funeral Monday at 8 , . nm.
fronm time late ruusldeimce , corner Eleventh and
Vinton , wider time auspices of time Danish
Members of time Danish association
will meet at their halt at 2 p. mu. , Mon-
titiy July 18 , to attend time funeral of
Andrew Crammbcemc Uomnmmiittee.
On the Grounds of Fraumul.
In the district comrt ycstarIay Judge
Groff remmdcred his decision sustaining time
injunction enjoinhmig time City of Ornaima
from awarding time contract for time city
printing to time Republican publishimmg
company. The decision was veriai , mind
very brief , amid time Imijunetion was gr.mrmted
emi time grounds timiut the council did not
take an aye amid nay vote on time awarding -
ing of time contract , and timat time award
was obtaimmed by fraud.
Taken to Des Moines.
L. Simaw , who has been in jail here for
ten days past , lucid on suspiciom ) , atid
who is waumtcui at 1)cs Moines , Ia. , for
burglary and gratid larcemmy , ivmms tumrimed
over to tIme aumtimorities of timat city yester-
( lily miftorimoon , a writ of habeas corpus
Ia his behalf imaving been mienmed.
There will be a workiugnian's concert
to-day at time Casino , at whmicim time price
of admission will be chmamigcd.
Mr. Cimaries Taggart , of this city , fcr-
marly of thin Union Pacilie hmeadcjuartcrs
clcricmml force , umimd more receimtiy of time
real estate iirmii of Quirk & ' .l'aggart ,
leaves timis afternoon on mm tmmp to Irclammd ,
vimere lie vihl spoimd mibout tour mmiontlis
tlumrimmg wimichm time lie viii re-vmsit his ol
imonme itmiul miieet with umammy of Imis olti
frieuids. lie vihl be accoimipammiad by Mr.
Joimmm Tommer , well known among the
older of Ommiaha's citizens ,
Transfers FhIuiy 10 , 1887.
Josimua Stowman et iii. to time New
York and Oniatma Lan. ! nnmt' rust
comumpammy , lot 14 , bhk 4 , Marsh atL
S and U tik 15 , 8 blk 148 , 13 , 16
amid 18 , bik 20 , Ilauscem place ;
- 5 and 20 in ltumr Oak.U and 5
Bang's stub in hiumrr OaIc ; e 100 o
ii i of 14 blic 2 , l'ark plaruil lotS
blk 5 , l'ark pluice ; mm 7Oof mm 147 ,
lots I and 9 , Clark iiace 'iv ( I. . . . . . 1 00
Jacob 11. Ilemmdrix amid vhc to same
cohmmpamuy , 7 , 8 , (3 amid 10 bik 4 , hillside -
side No. 2 , 10 bik 10 , hiammscoou
place , tt 31 hlumir Oak , iv d. . . . . . . . 1 00
Wniiliaiu , E. Wrlgimt amid wife to Ly-
mmmamm 'l'ower amid Ceo , , V. 'Loomis
49 amid 50 , Winmlsor llftCO , 'V d. , . . 4,000 00
Jolmumsoti ltobeulaix to Cimas l. Sitt.s-
bee , lease , No , 1515 , 151' ) St Marys
aye , I year---------------------- 1,0o 00
Juinms Corner and wi' to John A.
luieSlmanc titLx150 on west side of
Shmeriuhaum St at 5 e corner of ilaims.
coin parV. w ml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,000 (10 (
Edwin N l'ark and wf to . hlmirve
Foreman , 1 amid 2 l'auks so
oltilgises , wI-------------------- 1,10000
IIarve3 Foretmamm aunt wf to Oscar
ii ltammny I and :1 : Parks stmb w 0. 1,650 00
Joimmu it Uungate truist"O to Edwin
IuI l'nrk 6 bk'l Iledfortt piace deed 450 00
Caspar E Yost and \vute to Chmt
'roimupsett. 1 , blk 6 , Lake's add , q
cU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
Alicuustus Kommntze mutt wile to
F rank lleiovme , 4 , bikU , Noummmtgo .
-3dsY . . : . . . . .
- ' ' - - ' : - - : ' . '
- :
JameaGMiner uud wife to John
. 0iea , 3 bik 0 , Stmlpinmr SIttings
add , w uf. . . . . . 2,200 00
( .hoorg ( \'nhinco I and vife to
Francis 3 iflammmy , 3 , . , lk I , Del-
hommo'u. add , v ul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 00
Jas M iooiwortm ( amid wife to Jas
( .1 MinuriJ , bik 0Suhphutmr Sprlr.s
null , y (1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 00
N iCimolas hiunmel , Sc , amid wife to
Johmmm Levhs. 1 , bik 7 , l'Ialnvlew ,
wui . . . . . . . . . . . l0 , 00
L 1' l'ruyim nuud wife tO Alfred it
luuimaumi , lot 23 bik 1 l'rtmyim's sub .
8 113je park w ( I.'i.o 00
Alfred it Immmmhmumi ) : amid vifo to
Animic E Slmav , lot 23 bik 3 113110
park wul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 00
mliii l IcCagume , exr , to Ciaumdiuis
ly 'fluouimas , a 40 IL of lot 12 bik 4
stub of Joimmm I itedick's add , exr's
( ieetl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,4fi
( litutileim IV hItmil to iVii , 'I. ' Stotts , lot
13 lY A Iteti mek's add IV ( I. . . . . . . . . . 1,4)0 : 00
Fred liaiiard to Udora 1 Stotts , lot
17 lulk u Mavuto place 'V ul. . . . . . . . 2,500 00
41011 1' Vaum Chester to M E ( lastomi ,
will , lot 2-i bik 1 ulihia.oi l'laco. . .
Citftomi E Mayimo 1111(1 wife to liar-
risen K Custer , hot 7 ( ilk I
Mavmmo's 1st aiti to Valley , wd . 414 00
Frank J Bates amid wife to htcmmry
' 1' Bates , lot 25 bik 2 Vummmdercook
'retrace , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 00
, Ioimn S CauuIiiekL ( simmgle ) to Henry
Y iimit , lot 2 bik 17 Wilcox 2imd
iiul&t , ivui. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,150 00
lh'rmry I Bates rumL ( wife to Ilobert
Kerr , hot 25 blk 2 Vammdorcooic
'l'errace. wul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 00
George IV l'atlmr rmmm(1 vIle to Marshall -
shall S Beebe , lot S blk 1 l'ottur's
add , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 00
Vu'imutimlop ( I. auth Frederick Itay to
MiitOmm lleiiuimix , twenty-seven
lots iii Florence , e e. . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 00
Mamis Mortt'mmsoim and wife to Robert
Il. Yoemmmamm , e' ' 1 Vtmi : Caummp amid
Eliy'S sub. bui M Simimmim's addu-
tiomi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City of Onuauia to ( ieore W. Wilson ,
a strip adjoining 5blk 8-10 Oimmaima ,
uleeri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 00
hleimry heal and vito to Jaimies ( I.
Bhmimey , 4 , blk 79 , Sommtlm Onmalia ,
'S.I. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3SO0 00
AuimisUms Koummmtzo anti vife to .Iamm
Kotcra , sY1 blk 12 , Ktz. : m , ss. 0. 600 00
E i mu , or 1) Bloomim dcl d at imgie , toimn
I Otmg lot 10 blk 3 1oster's 11(1(1
wtt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50000
Natiman Simelton amid lfe to 0V A
l'utnaumm Crammier , lots 1 blk
5 Windsor 'retrace iv d. . . . . . . . . . 1000 00
.lohn .1 JIarhimi amid \'iilimuum ' 1' Rob.
lnson to 'flmcoulore 1)eisimmg , tease
lot'21 oftiux lotti5 him e ( mum sec 10
15-10 , imer ammnum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 50
Timeodomo Cramer to George IV A
Pmmtnammm Craiumer , lot 7 l'rumyn's
sub In l'atulsen's add , ( I 1 00
Otis Ii Bailout aim wile to George
\y A I'utimammm Cranmer , lot 8 Lmik
12 Myers , Richards & Tlhlen's
add v d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 00
Oniatma Iteal Estate 'rrmust Co to
'rimos 'tV ' Robinson , 80 blk 4 , Saun-
ders' anti , \V I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 00
'Flios C Jeifries ( sing ) to A F'oos ,
S 1111(1 ii , tuik ii ' S Omaha , W D. . . 1,800 00
City Waterwor'ks Co to Amnericamu
Wmiterworks Co , several certain
pIeces of land owned by said
company. ( Deed considered
valuable ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Edurar it 1)ustin ( u.limg ; to lhyron 11
hhmulioy , 5 , blk i0 , Prospect place ,
WD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,06000
George 11. Boggs and wife to Peter
Benz , a 3 sw 3 amid o 3 nw 10 ,
10 , 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d,80 00
Georgehl. hlogga mmd wife to Whl-
Jiammm kClabtmnde , lease s4 sw 3 amid
0 4 nw 10 , 10 , 11 ( tuer anmmtmimm ) . . . 8.35 00
ills Maimy Escimpes Prom time Now
York l'ollce ,
Time 1)OhiCC have ' 'slipped up" once
more on time capture of Felix Roomicy , time
parricide wimo for six years hums eluded
timeir grasp , 'l'Imo last timn(3 vts : a few
( hiLl's ago , when lie was scemi iassilmg
witiuiii gun-shot of time Ninetcemmthi l'rc-
duct station house by a citizeim svhmo in
lmis iitste : to tell time police let imini pass on
aiRi lost sigimt of imimmi for good.
The itursuit of thus miitmrderer has been
mm. strange game of hmkle-and-seck , It will
he sevcmm 3-ears umcxt Cimristnmas since
Felix lloonoy killed imis fatimer , old
Timomuas Rowicy , a sweeper iii time street-
cicanimmg department , in a drunkemi ligiut
: tt No. 407 west Timirty-nintim
street. Time old mmm's ( lentil imamiscul
for a suicide a wimole month , and bcimmga
Roman Catimolic , lie va buried in umicon.
secratecl aroumimd as a self-mumrderer. limit
time nmurdcrer cvcnttmaliy broke up time
fanmmly in a gemicrat quarrclaiid time truth
caine out. F'43l1X had hiel by timut timime.
His sister Bridget hind sent him away emi
time ( lay of time flmnermml with (10 ( cents. all
time money sue himd : , amid her cmmrse , Time
police foumud that ime imul : hidden for a
tinic at time hommio of imer tirotimer-in-law ,
imi Mott street , within a stone's throw of
police imcmutquarters , limit wimemi ttmey vemmt
for i'inm timere time bird had flown. 'I'lmey
followed lmimn mtlommg time tow-patim to
Tremuton , N. J. , amid svcre an imour behind
hmimn there. Timeim lie led them a cimaso
through cute state after mumotimer , and was
limmahiy lost altoiretimer imm time sotmtlm.
Years passed and. time parricide 'en-
ttmrcd back to hula old liituimts in New
York. Time police lund beeti expecting
lmimu iuiL swooped tlowum upon his old
riimjrtymijithm , Street qimitrtcrs omico more
just beimiuiut time. Apparently Rooney
Imad grown to like time gnmmme , for while
time ofliccrs vere raging over timeir ( hisap-
1)Oiimtuimcuit he cmmmmo : back as one of time
crow on mmmi eastern tralul ) scimoomier and
passed a wimoloumight nuder his nmotimer's
roof. Sergeant 1)evcry , who lmns been
immitiring in his search , reached time pier
with mu squmad of police unit aim lmoumr after
time scimooner lmad samied away with time
murderer on board. That i'as in ltst :
Novemmiber Nothing was imcard of time fmm-
gitive again uuumtil a few : mys ago , when a
eitizeii rtistmual into time Tlmirteexmtim street
station hmoumso amid breathlessly told 5cr-
ireuit : Selmmmmittbergcr timat Itooney hind
juist gone along Sixth aveumimo. Time latter
hmuid passed time mimformummuit without rccog-
nizing iminm. Time sergeumlt : stunt immemi omit
Oil time double quick , hut time mmnmrdcrcr
imad ommco niore cScltled.
Time imolice are tr.viumg to imide timeir chin-
grin at this last failure , bitt himei1ect-
tinIly. Captaium iVashbuirn vemmt out of
ollice uiceimly rcgrettiiitr that lie hiul : umot
put his liarui on timis mmitmrdcicr , Captaium
Cuirpeimtcr , his successor , took time imiatter
ump as omie of time traditiomms of time precmimct ,
amid hopes yet to cmltmmre : time Parricide.
A Youthfui Ijiotm Slayer
"Time nerviest deed I imuve kumoivui offer
for a ion" vimiio was 1)erformnet a few
weeks ago by a little bit of : t boy iii
\Vutshmlimgton 'l'erritory , " said Leroy i'ratt ,
time coummmmmcrcmmil traveler , yesterday to a
Samm FrmuumCiSC ( ) Exanmimmer reporter.
' 'In a ruide stut'e , over the rougim immoumrm-
tniui road from lortim Ymkiimmiu : to Ehions-
burg , in F'eurmmary last , I aumd mm lot of
others were traveling. Time smmow was
'cry ( led ) amid it was prettY cold. Yo
imu : [ got witimimi about a mmmmlo of Elieims-
bumrg viticim is time mumitial trahimmg poiimt in
time littitas Valley , * imen we saw at time
roudstdc : miext to a iov mumarsim a monster
wild animal suspalmiet Pmirtiy to a beimt
willow tree. time other hart resting emi time
ground. TIme skimi had been freshly
tmmkemm oil' ,
"Mcii , boys and even woman were
stuumihiimg iim groups , tilseussimug sonmetliiiug
eagerly , 1)owmi time prmlmcilmi street vrms
a bigger crowd ndvmuimcimmg toward us ,
iieuictl : by two little boys ( traggmug
sotmmctimmimg over time simow.
"It provet to be time hide of our big
ss'Ihti ammiimmni-a genuine Caimformmimt lion ,
and s'hmmt : do you siipposm ml mmmemstircct : ?
Nine feet front tip to tip , TIme oldest
one of these boys , mark youm , was only 0 ,
aimul tuG otimer youmnger. 'lucy laid goime
out iiummthmmg aioimg time river amid un time
swaimmu for jack rabbits. 'they killed
several. amid at lcmmgthm , ommmiimg out to tue
roadside , were aipmilei to see time lion
standing tlmeru looking at them amid preparing -
paring by his threatcrmmimg gestumrcs to
coimme forward and attack tlmaimi. Vltimout
IL second's imesitittion Johnny Singlctomm ,
who carricul the ommiy gummm , let fly a cimmirge
Of shot at imiuii. 110 imlt imiimm tuitmmmmb in tic
immani , titen ima let go the otlmer iarrei , antI
killed hmimmi ultuojumr timnmm a pit right there
iii 1i i tracks. . " ; . ,
II\I.1 ,
p , ,
. S
, . - 'D
. . .
I I .
a i a
, -
A iloimmance tim Five Chapters.
San Francisco Chronicle : "Wimo was
timat in your box time other muiimt , ? ilohhioI' '
asked a bonutifuil biomide being fraumiei.L by
mmatimrc to support time struggling immillimmers
lit time expense of time head of time fanmily
first amid sonic other maim after , to a
brunette ieimmg ) of time samne Riuld.
"Ohm , that was ilIr. Smith , of New York.
lie's awfully tmandsonmc , istft hmc , Josier'
' 'lie's just splemidid. "
"lie's of good famiiy , too. "
"lmmtroluco nme , Woii't YOU ? "
' 'Ohm , lie's poor. ' '
' 'l'oor tiuingl' '
D"I'll tell you what we'll do I'li keel )
him for time Santa Cruz trip nun you camm
imava him for the springs. "
Chapter If.-Ixtract from a letter from
Aimgustums Caisar Smith , Samm Frammciseu ,
to his sister in New York :
' 'You vihl he juleastul , nmy dearest smsto
.ruiOiV ' thmat I mum progressing finely iii
California. I have just met a most
charming young ladyMiss Molimo Blank ,
wimose father has devoted mmmny years
most succcssfumliy to dohlarculturc. She
is mmmcli strumcic witim me , ammul it scenms to
be ( htuite genuine. She imas invited imie so
strommgiy to go to Samita Crmmz while her
family is there timat I trust to cnmmsuuim-
nmatc the mnatrimmmomiiai scheme very short-
ly. I feel that I ommly need speak now to
bo accepted. Congratulate inch"
I1I-"ilow lme ? tlollie ' '
Cimapter - was , ?
' 'Vhmo ? ' '
, 'S mum tim , ' '
' 'Snmmtim ? "iVimat Smuitim ? ' '
' 'Smitim. of New York- "
' 'Ohm , lmc ' , VLS splentliui. The first two
svceks we imad aim elegant tim. ' '
" \Scll , ybum remmiemmiber your promise. "
' ' ' ' '
'Vhmat niout'e'
"To give hum to mc , "
' 'Certaimmly. You cami imave imim. lie's ,
mull right ; very picasamit mind mmgrccahlo
until lie proposes to marry you. Timeim lie
is no good. JMOk out for iminm. Il : mmmamlu
eight holes in time saint wmtim imms kmiecs at
Santa Crux iumplorimmg inc to becommie Mrs.
Smith. ' ' IV.--Extract from a letter from
A. C. Simmithi to hmi sister :
"You will iti paimiett to learn that I
found time i\lollie hilmim a I told you about
lt little fool. I coumldn 't Stfiid her mutter
two weeks' acquaintammce You vould
umot hiitve liked her , I kmmow. I have become -
come snmittemi wmtim a true amid umoble little
wcmnan , Miss Josie - , who is iii every
respect the mtumtitimesis of Gmat coquette.
She will nutke a lovely little wife-anti
sue is ( ltiite :15 svctitiiy. : I mmiii imap.y timis
time , for 1. know she loves inc. "
Clmaptor V-ilrief note from A. C.
Smitim to hums sister :
"Mv IEAuEsr Sms'rmim-Striko : fattier
for 250 for inc to get home with. Your
mmml'ectionato brotimer , Gus. ' '
- - - - - . - _ _
Sot Aside for Sale In Prohibition
New York Stun : " % 'imat elThct uloes
proimibitmomm have on oumr business , did youm
bay ? ' ' aimsvered OflO of time hmmrrest wimole-
sale liquor dealers imm New york to time
reporter. ' 'iVeil , as to time voiummmc of
trade I domm't kumow timat it imas mumy ap-
lrccumubio efhct , except to increase it.
Prolmibition , imowcvcr , in any pmLrtmeuiar
locaimty does Inwo a very npreciablo
ciiect mu time demnaumd for a machi lower
grade of goods than under a license law.
\Vimero it is juist ; mis much an oil'cnse to
sell good liquor as poor liquor , of coumrse
time average mmmii is goimig to mmmake time
best lroiit ime caui out of time risk lie rumms.
Timerefore hue sells ioor liquor.
' 'Youm see , ' ' continumed time dealer , ' 'thmitt
iii a 111:1cc : where licenses are grtmmteul- :
New York , for imistancc-liquuor sc'lhiumg is
an mtrt aunt in a Plutee viiere mrohmihmtmun
prevails it is mm crimime. amid tlmere is all time
dmil'erormce lit time world between being mimi
artist amid mu criimiimial. ' '
' 'how does proimiimition ei1ct : time sale
of hmmmporteut hitiumors. stmchu as clmuiui-
' '
' 'Champagmme , ' ' was time reply , ' 'is a
drimmk ot time wealtimy. It is mm luxury. It
is hmirgely coumsuimned jim social chubs timid
in rich mmmcii's hotmes , ivImmmim are heyimmmd
time reach of l)1tiu ! tJitiofl. 'l'tmeso buy it
by time packages frommi importers , foe tIme
state prohmibitnry laws canimot amid do not
interfere witlm time sale of inmi)9rttd : Ii-
qumors iii time original paekuges. : Timat is
iii 1dmmirmo , Rimode Islmtmmd , or loiva , time
ricim mmmii can go riglmt iimto time store of
mum importer of liquors nmmd publicly ( riCr
his case of eimmmtmpagne : s'lmhlo time uoor
mmmli , goiumg to a saloon ncxt door for a
glass of lager beer , llnds timu door closed
aunt iutLs to imtmiit aroumimd mm back cmmtry for
a drimuk of imoor whmiky
"lImit time smile of ehmutmmmpagno is allecteul
by pruimibitmomm , for mm good deal of ehmani-
pagime is sold in time lmiglier class of ros-
taimrumits amid hotel diimimm' roommis ; amid
tlmmit camummot lie very wefl carrieui orm
openly wimuro prohibition prevails. 'l'lme
mmimmn who used to order his bottle of claret
or clitmmipagiie : mit time imotel uhiuuimig roommi
is now imilotcd after dinner , or before mt
if he prefers , to sonic mnysteriouls : ixid
earufuiiy ! guirtiet : mupmrtmmmeimt : , 'hmcre hue
satiates hms thirst for limtuxmetmmts : by one
or two svigs of mvlmlsky Of course , iii
sumclm cases the whmisk-y is probmibly good.
Time whisky takes time plaeu of cimammiptgne :
bccumse : it is less buihky , tumid , therefore ,
easier , to conceal , amid a ktthe of it goes tu
long ivty : , a ummumeim longer m\:13' : titan eimnumm-
pagna woimltl imavu gommum with time drum ier.
"lea sir , as soon mis tue large liquor
firnms imcmr : timat tu state imuj.oiuu for uro-
hibition timoy coummit mmpou it its mumotimer
immmmrktmt for their poorest grade of corn
"Yes , time sale of lager beer iS afleeted
s'ery commsiuieraiiiy by lmm-iiiilbltiuui in sormio
of time states , ' ' said mu gcmmtlommman sveli at- :
( itmmiiitCd vitu ) time imrci'r.y trade ,
I. "Wheueyerproblbitiuu comes mu , incmny
of , time PcOPlfl stop drinkimmg lager beer.
I lucy drmimk hogwash , mdtmii ivitim perhaps
two per cent or so of milcoimol. 'They
( lrmmilc more milcoimol iii time end tiumimi ii
they haul , takemi healthy huger beer ,
made by Nev Xork breweries witim a
rnpumtutioim : to lose , but It takes them
lommgcr to do it , amid mnmkes : timemmm sick
whemi thmtiy tire through. Vimere time ordi.
nary drimmker in a place like New York
woumid take two or timreo glasses of lumvor
bcer amid be satisiled , tumid be Imitaithmy mmtt
imuippy amid sober , time drinker 1mm a proimi-
bmtmomm , tomvii _ swallows a gallon of imog-
ivastmtimid then has a good detui mimoro
nicoimol in imummi timmun time other mnmmmm , but
imas hiatt no satisfactioum omit of it.
"No ; wimen I say flint uroimibitiomi af-
fccts time trade I only mmmeiii : timat it : itIects
emir trade witim tiiosc itnces wlmieim pro-
Imibit time sale of good , imenithiy imger : beer.
1 lie general commsuimiptiomi ot Hint excel-
letit beverage is largely on time incremtse
So is time consummuptiomi of imogwash wlmero
prolmibitiomi prevails. ' '
All That's Nice F'tr 11cr , Ilut Miser
For mhic Massc.
Elmzmtbetii Cuty : Stmmmton : in Opemm Court
Iii timis so uremmme nmomimcimt of time ummtiomm'mi :
POiitiCli : crisis time thtiOm1 amimi imer suitv
are jtmmmkctimmg nroummmd iii their royal
yacht emi time coast of Frammee. , s'idle pro-
nosimmg to celebrate imer ycmr : of Jmmbileo
by levyimmg imev taxes out imer people him :
the form of peimmmy amid imoummid coimtribu-
tmoiis to iuiii ( [ It iimonmmmmmemmt to
Prince Albert , wlmo never littered -
tered omie lofty semmtiimmemmt , nor
Porformimcd ommo deett of lieroisnu , it
fairiy reprcscimtett cmi time page of history ,
'lime year of jmibiieeh wimilo iuiuter time eyes
of time qmiecim lieirishm subjects tutu being
cvhctd front their imol'liimgs ' itt time pohimt
of time bmyommet : ; titeir cottages Emuirmmcd to
time groimimmi ; : uged : umml imeimiless mmmcii mumut
womimeim arid mieiv-borim cimmldren alike lefi
croumclmiimg oim thm hmigimwmys : , nuder
bridges , imay-racks : immd imedges , crowded
Imito r' ' ' imotises , ml Is mimmd lrisomms , to ex
piate the crimmmes gmowimig out of lioverty
on time otto lmand umuiui patrmotismmm Oil time
other.VImtIu the queen hots laid up for
herself mmrmul time iimmmumnmorabie progemly
10,000,000 dumring time lust iifty years ,
ivimile time dOmiiutiOum of time lmuboruumg
classes in Great Britmuimi hiss beemm gmowlmug
steatiihy worse.
A nmore littimmg way for time queen to
celebrate imer jumblice wouului be time seat-
torluig ammmouig 1mev umec'dy suibjects the miii- !
lions Imoartled iii imer irivute : vaults , hut ,
utmstenmi of this , whuat does time qtieumm lure-
POSe ? \Vithm imcr kno'vledtie aunt coumsent ,
couiimnmttces of ladies arc forummeul iii every
dflumumt3' , town ntmd village him mull time cob-
miles iimidcr imer hag to soijeit peumimy aunt
POuiuil coumtriimuitiomms to be pliwed itt lice
disposal. Ladies tru ) fromim imouiso to hmouise
beggiumg uemumuies for time qumceui frouum ser-
vmimts : 811(1 tIny laimorers. ( ) mme cdiett :
at time door of mmmi Aumicmlcmii : lady
a faw mImmys siumee , moat asked
of time nnuil ( vimo oiuumctl ) : time ihoor
to see time scrvaiits. After wimee'iimng '
timemim omit of a few eimce alma nsked for
time mistress , lmOiiig to ohtmiim : tromim imer a
P0(111th at l..nmst , buit site imeumig tot Ainer-
ican , declined mnmkhuig : a donation , omm time
groumlut thuat time qilecum vau3 ahummmIulmtly :
mmble to erect a muoimumoumt to l'rinco
Albert imerseif. Situ timomigimt it wommia be
more sumitabbe for time queen to give a jum-
hilce olThring t her people imttiter timmun
they to liar. Iii reply to time reummark that
it ; vould arouse good feelimig if time umeo-
PlC eomitribumted , site said : ' 'Vhmy SimOtmlt
there be good feuhiuig ? For fifty years
time poor of Emmginimtl iuii'e bcemm imixed
imervily to so uport her majesty , ttiil to
unike : nmtrriugo : : settleimmcmmts emi miii her
( 'ii I ll m'OiI , amid iv imi I o S ii e im as lieu mm groY-
11mg iuummimoimssl.y ricim I imey hmtvo : I > eoum grolv-
iuij.r stem'lmIy : poorer timid poorer. ' '
'l'luo lmtmiie.s who stnrtetl this womnan's
Li utul iuitenuicti it to commme'hmck : to the pee
Pie Ill time forni of charity , \V luau it was
lemuruied that time niono1 ivas to go to the
ercetiomi of a rmmumnhuiiemmt , time coumipidmmts :
liceammue so Joittl hunt , at time ( lmmL'eIu'S colmi-
umimuimtl , \i r. l'omisommby mimformimemi them t hmat
ouuly 1500 is'ouitl be expemmdeml mu ( imat
1'ii3 , ammml time remmmtmiuiicr , mievotemi to
eimirity. : It us evimbeumt thmtt royiity : is look-
lug fttm II. most gemmerolus ouupoumrimmg by
I Ii a i to ml e. 0mm t ) ( i ( ) 1 \V ( ) iii 8 mm , v lie it
mtsked U , trive mu PumliY to time timuitl , said :
' 'here , Ms ; , take two ; sure , I've kimowum
' '
wimat it is to ss'mnt : rum3'SCit , somumetimmues.
Ammotiwr JUe.y : ! ivmmtosv stiul : : ' 'Oh , yes , I
cmmm : spui : ( I a 1tImmiY fem time quiecut. t
viuitly s'itim : t large fmtmumiiy nmumst imavo a
great struggle to make time euiths imituet. ' '
Ittauiy stick stories mile repeated with penis
of laughter.
Time comimpbetmoum ( if ; ; : fmiciiltiti :
imas caumsed 1 aummt around Imlereed to jim mmmii
froumi J0 to 'i50 ' Imer micro , timitt is still rus-
DR. OTTERBOURC. liti a.,4 tI.41. Si , . , cumuli , itlt
A imucuttu CRAOUATt mit Miacisi , h IPICISI. pimctmimoiui,4 t , , Ir6 . ) t'tm.le , 5ao. , nl -
mhtIti.r , .u,4 Ii , ImprItNtr Sr ioiI.iIi * , . . , . , , s.m
( itvit. , , , . ' , , , t. , . . . t , t4 , .m I t.ut , , it' ' . ot po. u )
. t.ti , , iflonl 1)-.4'r' . ic. r
, , tut.L Cligotitiw ltsi..aiI , Cl taM's tMrflL Ajr. EUMI
ii , , , 'I Or I . .i.t Alt . .cdi. lit. e.p.dslly .rjr'4 ( r ' ct , I , , .
, Ihtg..m ma. . Na m.J..l.uor , . w''pu lI i4 aoti , .
k..t , . , , m'o. ; , , , , t lril.4 51 l1Ir lol
.0t. ) m.dI. . , S.t , n.rnItr ( C. . torn iit or
I or , i , , , , .r . , . . ; . out , , .alt I 1t11 k..An uoM4'lA loPOiIot
qc , , , ion. " . . 'I ntttt'tUtl tlr , u nI..t. to gt I Colt 'tory of
, ho , r ( 00r ol OO.1. ( ' 4 troS. , VrdS 9.11.4
'i.rU.,54'7 ' 5.urr ol. . t. . ? f.o f 17 , . .Il.
mm. U s , n.tois.$7ln p. ia.
. . . . .
. , . 'O
. . .