Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1887, Page 7, Image 8

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Eemains Quite Bick on "Very Dis
couraging Boar Talk.
( V BnlRO InCorn on Dull Talk About
the Droagbt Ilttt Little Doing
In Provl lon General
CIIICAOO , July 1C. [ Special Teloirram to
the UEK.I No decided Improvement has
yet entered the wheat market. It is still sick ,
quite so. The predictions of 70c for August
seem In a fair way to bo verified. Before the
speculative day was ten minutes old the
market was within } { o. of It August opened
at7U > < c. There wore sales sparingly
and then prices dropped straight to
The talk In pit centers was on about 12,000,000
bushels of old wheat In elevators here , with
the usual set phrases about the country bolng
on the Vflrtro ot harvesting a crop of un
known proportions , but certainly ono ot the
largest ever known , etc. The receipts to-day
were only forty-seven cars , of which forty-
three were winter ,
Corn was llrm though the receipts weru 120
cars. August opened at U7c and kept close
to 37c for half an hour. Afterwards corn was
strongly bulled on "drought , " and the
Bhoots In August This option
went to 37 K during the hour ,
but nioro deferred lutures remained
very steady , The corn crowd was also tak
ing light receipts for Monday. Wheat was
helped up to 70c , partlv by the bulge In
corn and partly through the strength contri
buted by purchases by local scalpers on the
basis of a largo decrease In next week's
Short ribs opened at 88.15. fell to I3.07X ,
and recovered to 88.15. Again there was a
moderate trade in them. Uotoro noon the
shorts In corn got pretty well tilled up , and
from 37& the market went back toS7tfcfor
August , and stayed there or thereabout with
0 goofl deal of persistency. Wlnln August
was making an advance of Xc , September
only moved c , proving pretty conclusively
that there was a "short" demand for August.
The receipts Monday are estimated at 100
cars. Anything In the sliapo of a general
rain between thls.ttmo and that will knock
the pins from under1 prices In very short
The session developed nothing out of the
ordinary In wheat. After thu sales at 70Kc
nbout 11 o'clock the tendency was to lower
prices , though little changed hands after that
time lower than 70 c. News , either locally
or from the outside , was very scarce. Tlioro
was a vnry little showing ot dispatches from
tlio northwest Indicating good progress In
harvesting and a fair outcome per ncro. At
1 o'clock wheat closed at 70f@70jc. ; To
ward the close a heavy tone made Itself
manifest In ribs , August being at a stand
still at 88.13K-
CIIICAOO , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to the UUK.J C.VTTJ.K As Is customary , the
general market actually closed on Friday
night For the week past trade has been
very unsatisfactory for sellers , with a decline
on the ordinary run of fat cattle equal to
ISc per 100 , making the price on the best fat
cattle as low , If not lower , than for any tlino
this season. Texas trade has ruled fairly
good the past week. Values have dropped a
point or two ono day and then advanced n
point or two the next day , native butchers'
stock selling all the week at about the
lowest prices remembered. The stocker and
feeder Undo la sulTeilng from drought In the
country and the low prices for tat cattle.
Itcpmts from parts of Illinois and Wisconsin
say the drought will rum farmers and par
tially those who follow stock raising. A
load of stock came In to-day from the
droughty section In Illinois emaciated from
the want of Iced and water. The cows nnd
calves bold at S1.40 , the hnlfors at Jl.SS , and
the steers at 31.75. It Is said that as high as
20 a ton has been paid for hay in some parts
to save the young Jean siock and the cows
from staivallon. Shipping steers , lissu to
l.MX ) Ihs , 33.00(84.10 ( ; 1400 to 1,1550 Ibs , Si.40@ :
4.20 ; ti50 to 100 ibs , gU.OOQS.rx ) ; stockers nnd
feeders , Sl.5fKiftl.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed
Sl.50i7iH.GO ; Texas cattle , yearlings am
mixed , 1.75@3.1U ; steers , S2.40fi3.30.
llooh The market opened with another
big boom on. The "pluugers" rushed In and
paid as high as S5.7."i for ono lot. whllo others
of tlii : same Ilk paid as high as 55.70 , nnil
nearly all of the early lots rualbcd 55.000
6.05 , but later on , and esuecially about 10 to
11 o'clock , lots that cost the "plungers" 95.00
@ 5 05 , were freely ottered at srj.SOinn.O.'i. Of
course salesmen who held on to the last were
left and had to sell against thu speculators'
loss or carry tils stock over until Monday.
During the week values have advanced 35 ( < i
40c and the legitimate demand has been
good. It would seem from to-day's events ,
liowftver , that a halt has been called In the
advance for the present.
NRW Tonic , July 10. | Special Telegram
to the UKK.J STOCKS The market to-day
was dull with on 75,111 shares traded in.
London was a fair buyer of Heading , Lake
tihoro and its usual specialties , but the gen
eral disposition was to go slow. Shorts were
the principal buyers , and advances of , ' @l
point were recorded. The bank statement
showed an 'increase in the reserve of
S1.75.G50 , nnd brings the holdings of the
banks above legal requirements to $7,933,100.
The feeling in the room rcgaidlng the future
Is still mixed , but many of the best posted
were Inclined to buy good stocks on breaks.
Money was easy , nnd 8500.000 in gold arrived
from London today. Closing .prices , com
pared with those ol a week ago , show de
clines of > { @ % except on Manhattan , which
advanced 5 points. Uuslnuss with Chicago
etock houses was generally small , some not
trading In more than a lew hundred shares.
OOVKIINMKNTS Uovornmout bonds were
dull but steady.
U. S. 4's coupon .1-.7VC. & N. W 110
t ) . S. 4W'8COiip..lOSJf do preferred. . .
l'acUlctrsot'ttt..lM ! N. y. c.
Canada South' ! ! . . 50 % O. It. 08
Central Pacltiis. . 37) , ' O , T. .
Chicago A Alton. 150 Pacific Mall. . . . . .
do preferred..101K P. , D. &K
O. , M.&U 14. $ Pullman Pal.Car. 141) ) „
D. , U * W 183 > * Heading M
1 > . Alt.0 28) Itock Island , . . .12 < J
Erie aide St U AS. F. . . . US
do preferred. . . . 09 do preferred. . . . 70U
Jllnols Central. . IM * C. , MT A MtP. . . 87
B. * W 20 do preferred. . 120 }
AT 28 } St P. A 0 60
ake Shore N > do preferred..HOJf
1 * AN C-Ji Texas Paclllo. . . . 29K
Michigan Cent'l. . boj UnionPacUio. . . . 55 ;
Mo. I'ac.tio 101 SV.St LAP. . . . IS ; '
No. Pacific do preferred. . 32.
do preferred. . . . W. U. Felegraph 70,4 "
MOMET OK CAM. Easy atSQl per cent" ;
last loan closed ottered at 1 per cent.
UTKRI.IKO ExonAnor. Dull but steady
nt I4.K ! ( or sixty day bills , and
for demand.
Chlcmco , July 16. Kollowing quotations
are the 3:30clo8lnic : tigures :
Flour Dull and uncnamod.
Wheat l.ouer ; opened about the same aa
closliiL' lirurcs yesterday , declined Wo under
fair oiTerln.8 , later improved ; \'c , but ak'aln
became easier and closed ? @Hc lowertnan
VHSterday ; cash. COO-lOc ; August , 70 MCc ;
Beptember , 73 5-lOc.
Corn StroiiR ; opened @ ? ? 'c higher than
closing figures yesterday , ruled strong , ad
vanced and closed } fo higher for August and
KC hk'lier ( or Uflptumber than closing UKures
ot yesterday : cash , 3Gjfc ; August , ar 'c ;
tieuteinber , 87 13-10c.
Oats Dull nnd weaker ; cash , Coj o ; Au -
uet , ia c ; September. 'XXc.
Rye Dull and weaker atISc. .
J.arley Firmer : September. fi.W(2 ! (
Prlm Timothy Seett-SAiXXgaUt.
Vork Steady and prices without material
change ; cash * quotable at S16.51X317.00.
Lard-Stoadv : cash , BO.ODK .IU ; Au
gust , 8.67 < ia ) .70 : September , SO.bO < afl.82f.
Bulk Meata Shoulders , e5.U030.00 ; short
clear. * S.6.V.t ,60 , ; short ribs , | y.l'J > < < i < Nl5.
Butter Very llrm for fanrv' grades ;
creamery , M QWHo ; dairy , ISXQlGc.
OUe M Firm ; full cream cUeddars , S.
8Vo ; flats , BW 8 > fc. Young Americas , OQ
BWc ; skims , 6300.
Tc BsVeaic at llK(912c. (
'Hldcs UnohanRcd ; heavy RreeD salted ,
7XC ! light do , 7KM c ; salted bifll hides , Cc ;
green salted calf , Sc ; dry Hint , 1213o : dry
calf , 13 < 3Uc ; deacons 40c each ; dry salted ,
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , solid ,
quotable at 4o ; Mo. 2 , Sc ; cake , 4c.
RocotDts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 18,000 13,000
Wheat , bu 29.000 1C9.000
Corn , bu 61.000 145.000
Oats , bu 80,000 85,000
Rye , bu 5,000 7,000
Barley , bu 1,000 None
New Vorlt. July 10. Wheat Receipts ,
125,500 ; exports , 4W,000 ; spot heavy and In
some cases it trlllo lower with moderate trade
reported : options declined k@ ? c at open-
liiB , later reacted J/@Jfc , ctosinR weak ; un
graded red , 0(3sf ( c ; No. 'J red , Sl tWc ;
August closing at B' . c.
Corn Uecelpts , los.ooO ; exports , 1.000 ;
spot quiet , stonily ; options a trllln better ,
moderatelv active ; ungraded , 4 K < 34.r > Jc ;
No. 2 , 41fc In elevator , 46 > 043 > 4c deliv
ered ; Aunuit cloilnat45 ( > fc.
Oats lU'celpls , SStX)0 ) ; exports , none ; mar
ket generally llrm ; mixed western , 33 } 337c ;
white western. 80g43c. (
Petroleum Steady ; United closed COVc.
S--Steady and nuiot ; western , fresh ,
Pork Mess , 815.25@1Q.75 ; now mess,51G.2.j
(31(5.73. ( (
Lard A trifle higher ; western steam,87.05.
Butter Quiet and steady on choice stock ;
western , lKjt20c : western creamery , lC(320c. (
Cheese Unchanged and dull.
Minneapolis , July 10. Wheat AVeak ,
closed lower ; No. 1 haid , cash , 73c ; August ,
73)c ; September , 74Jfc ; No. 1 northern ,
cash , 72c ; August , 72/c ; September , 71Jfc ;
on track , No. 1 hard , 74c ; No. 1 northern ,
73o ; No. 3 northern , 71c.
Flour Dull , easier ; patents , $4.10@4.25 ;
bakers , 83.20@3.8u.
Kecolpts wheat , 110,320. Shlpments-
Whear , 14,000bu ; : Hour , 80,275 bbls.
ilwaukee. : ' July 10. Wneat-Qulot ;
cash , 72 > fc ; August , 72c : September , 73Hc.
orn-Steady : No.3,3 < 5Kc.
ats-Firm ; No. a whlto , Sl c.
Kye Weak ; No. 1 , 64c.
Jiarloy Higher ; September , OlJ c.
Provisions Firm. Mess pork July , 815.00.
Cincinnati. July 1C. Wliuat Dull , nom
inal ; No. 2 red , 74c.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 42c.
Oats Irregular ; No. 2 mixed , 30@31c.
Ryo-Diill ; No. 8 , C5c.
Pork Firm at 816.23.
Lard Quiet at S0.37X.
Whisky-Dull , nominal at 81.05.
St. Louis , July 10. Wheat Market
weak ; No. 2. red. cash , nominal ; August ,
l c ; September , 7.5c.
Corn Firm ; cash , 33c\ } \ August , 33J8'c ;
optembur , SIJ c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 25 } e ; July , 2lc ;
\ngust , 23c.
Pork-Firm at 815.50.
Butter Steady and unchanged ; creamery ,
0@10c ; dairy , 12@lGc.
Kaunas City , July 10. Wheat No
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 29c bid. 30c
sked ; August , HO c bid : September , 31c.
Oats No. 3 , August , 21 > f c bid.
IrtvorpooJ , July 16. Wheat Demand
) oor , holders offer freoly.
Corn Dull ; demand has fallen off ; new
nixed western , 4 per cental.
Chicago , July 10. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 400 ; steady ; shipping
tcers , 33.00@4.SO : stockrra and .cedprsJ 1.50
@ 3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
1'exas cattle , Sl.75Ci-33.SO.
Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; opened lOo hlcher
ml closed with the advance lost ; rough and
mixed , S5.30Q35.C5 ; packing and shipping ,
HM5.fa5.70 ; light , $5.CO@5.CO ; skips , 53.75
Sheen Kecolpts , 200 ; steady ; natives ,
53 > 0@1.15 ; western , 83.00(33.80 ( ; Texans ,
2.bOo3.70 ; ; lambs per head , 31.60 ( < :3.80 : ,
Nntioni-l Scoot Yards. Kast 8t
. < > uln. III. . Julv 10. Cattle Receipts ,
00 ; shipments , 090 ; market was steady ;
air to choice heavy native steers , 84.00ii )
4.30 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , S3.GO ®
.00 : feeders , fair to good , S3.00a3.bO ( ;
tockers , fair to goon , S3.ou@.J.90.
Hogs Ri-celpts , 700 ; shipments. 800 ;
trongor ; choice heavy and butchers' selec-
lens , 5.50(35.70 ( ; nark Inu' and Yorkers , mo-
lum tocholco , 85.2Xg5.50 ; pigs , common to
good , 84.bO@5.20.
Kansas City , Julv 10. Cattle Receipts ,
,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; steady ; good to
choice , corn fed , 83.50@3.bO ; common
o medium , $3.25(23.40 ( ; stockers , S2.10S3.50 ;
ceding steers , S2.8.V.i.20.
Hogs Receipts , 8,000 : shipments , 4.500 ;
Dpenml strong , and 510c higher , closing
weak with advance lost except for light ;
good to choice. S5.30J5.40 ( ; common to me
dium , 85.00 ( < f5.25.
Saturday , July 10.
The receipts of cattle were light and as
compared with yesterday show a falling off
of 300 head. Good medium weight native
bteers are a little strong and In better de
mand but there were no very good ones in
to-day. Western cattle are dull and do not
show any advance. Common grassy cows
and small steers are not wanted by the butch
ers and are very slow sain. There was some
nqulry for fecdeis and several loads chaugei
The run of hoes was heavier than tisua
'or Saturday , The market opened at an ad
van co and active. There was a good demand
and the pens wore cleared before mid-day
1'hu market was a strong 5c higher ant
closed with a firm feeling.
There was nothing doing in the market
lattle , . - 200
Uoga 5,200
iloises 30
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for 11 vo
slock on this marknt :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 UH..S3.Sra3.93 ( !
Choice steers , 1100 to ISOD Ibs. . . 3.70@'I.S5
Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.20f < * :3.55 :
Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 3.40 3.00
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75(3:1.00 ( :
Common to medium cows 2.00@3.50
Uood to choice bulls lOOMiM
Light and medium hogs 5.00it)5.l5 ( )
Good to choice heavy hogs 5.20@5.30
Good to choice mixed hogs 5.10 5.20
HepreaentatiTo Hales.
No. Av. Vr. No. Av. Pr.
15..12 < W 83.BO 45..1113 83.80
10..10SO 3.80
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
11. . . 1063 83.50 3..1113 83.50
No. Av. Pr.
I..lb70 52.75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. . . . MO 83.25 3..1076 83.00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8. . . 1027 83.40 81. . . . 008 83.00
34. . . . 9i .8.75 7..1123 3,15
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
09..253 80 85.00 66..229 80 85.20
G3..211 200 5,10 73..239 180 6.00
b0..200 5.10 C4..2.M 80 6.20
76..210 2ijO 6.10 64..240 120 6.20
72..207 2t > 0 6.10 54..201 ICO 5.20
85. . . , ! ) 40 5.10 59..845 100 5.20
S3..230 bO 6.15 01..231 120 5.20
71. . . . 235 bO 5.15 71..23U 160 5.20
77..213 100 B.15 TO..23S 60 fi.20
63..2.M 40 5.15 07..239 _ 6.20
63..254 400 1.15 69 . . . 'JOB 800 6.20
bl..24fl IfiO 5.15 07..31 130 5.25
N..184 160 5.15 70..225 40 5.25
< R > . . . .234 20 5.15 57..271 120 6.85
07..33. bO 5.15 01..240 ICO 5.25
CO..210 IfiO 5.15 70..339 5.25
70..209 U 0 5.15 C9..243 120 6.3 ,
53..SIO 120 5.15 < V4..243 130 6.25
63..185 80 5.15 C1..2C3 60 6.23
Otl..3a : 120 5.15 50..371 80 6 25
01).318 ) 240 C.15 05..344 100 6.25
01 . . .211 1MO 6.15 05..8II 40 6.35
70..814 40 6.17H M..264 80 6.23
C5 ! ! ! a5'J * 4 * 5.30 Ca'.V.WT 525 *
03..241 bO 6.20 03. . 231 M ) 5M
54.01 ICO 5.20 75. . . 237 1 0 tM
SS ; : : : ir IS fc S S S
73. . .ISM-IM 5.20 TO . 802 - 6 W
71 . . .234 40 6.20 CO. . . .255 120 i'sn
07. . . . 250. 200 8.20 M..M W AM
Oa..2.0 ! Ii20 B.20 ' ( SO. . . .530 120 n.80
57. , . . 245' 120 S.20 BJ..I5W- 40 .5 30
05. . . .853 00 8.20 _ M..285 120 8.30
Live Stock Bold ,
Showing thDrtumbor of head of stock sold
on the market t'j-day :
J.D.Clark . . . . 'rj
( } . 11. Hammond < fc Co .
Local . i . . j [ ,
Sfflft ( SbCo . < . , . M
Total . J
Anglo-American Packing Co . 3-so
Armour & Co. . . 5 '
Squires & Co . .1"J
Shipment ! .
Showing the number of o.ittlo. nocrs and
sheep alilppd from the yards during the day.
0 . R.I . P-'iV150 '
3 . C. U. &Q . Chicago
iioos. . , ,
10 . .It. I. . . Jollet
Weekly ItecolptH
Showing the receipts of cattle and hogs on
each day of the past week.
Monday . . . . . . 053 2,315
Tuesday . 2.0.T5 4 , 7
Wednesday . bM 4,010
ThurMlay. : . WO 4,4W
Friday. . . . W3 ton ! , :
Saturday . 812 MOO
Total . . . . . 4,700 23,201
All sales ot stock in thu market are mada
per cwt. ll o wolzht uule othorwlsostatoJ.
Dead hogs sell at J < c per Ib. for all weights
"Skins. " or ho s welhlnc loss than lot ) Ibs ,
no value. Pregnant sows are dockoJ 40 IDS.
and states 89 Ib * . by thu nubllo Insyoctor.
Live Stock Noted.
Ilogs booming.
A big day for Saturday.
Western cattle continue dull.
The hoe market reaches 55.00.
J. J. Miller , Valley , marketed hogs.
Native corn foil steers In bettor request.
Snell & Aguew , Ashland , marketed a load
of 25c hogs.
J. G. Hall. Olbbon , marketed a load of 303
Ib hogs , at 83.80.
John Lemke , Millnrd , was at the yards and
marketed a load ot hogs.
The receipts of stock this weelc show a
slight gain over last \\eek.
K. W. Hanks , Shcltou , came In with ono
load of cattle and ono load of hogs.
James Dclanev , Marenao , la. , was at the
ards and marketed four loads ot feeders.
The receipts of hoes In to-day
iverc 8,000 , while the receipts huro \ > ere 5,200.
Thomas Akin , ti heavy live stock shipper
f Noith Uend , was In looking ovui the mar
L. T. Martin , of Chicago , of the firm of
Haitln Bros. , was among the visitors at the
. ards.
11. II. WIrtAnsleywas here and marketed
L load of 2 > 3-lb hojts at 55.30 , the top price
! or to-day ,
James Uauloy , a prominent shipper of Ash-
and , came In with two loads ot nogs which
sold on the market.
J. Ji. Ilronks , York , camn In with a load of
corn-fed steers , ot his own feedings , that
'opped the market.
A. W. Jieahm , Cortland.a frequent shipper
: o these yards , was hero and sold a load of
255-lb hoes at S5. : .
Mr. Uarr , of the firm of Green & Barr ,
ireeuwood , was In aud sola u load of hogs
at satisfactory prices.
On Monday heavy hogs sold at S--S5S3.00 ,
.e advance In the market for the week
amountinc to all ot 30c.
Mrs. J. G. Martin , the wife of the well
known commission man , left for Chicago
last night on hearing of her father's illness.
To-day : t telegram was received announcing
Ills death.
General i'rnduce.
Saturday. July 10.
JTic following me the prices at which
round lots of produce are sold lit , this 7iiur-
' .ct. .
Koos The markpt continues veiy weak
and dull. Stocks were moving - , > to-day mostly
at lOc.
UTTJ'.I. There Is very little of any choice
butter coming In. Cieamery , fancy. 10@lbc ;
creamery , choice. 14- . ' ' * ; dairy , fancy , 13(3 (
14c ; dairy , choice , ll@18a ; dairy , lillr to
good , 10@llo ; dairy , Interior , 7 © ! > c.
POUM HT Theio is a very fair dumand for
good stock. O'd ' fowls sell well. If choice , at
3.25@3.50. Laiso spring chickens sell > at
S'i'iOiaa.OO. Then. area few ducks coming
In whlehsoll at S2.7o ( . < i3.oo , accoidlngto size.
Piceons , 75c@51.0U.
( .ASH : There is very little doing In this
Ino ; weather is too hot just at present.
Snipes , perdozen , 7.ic $ l.ou ; plover , 75c@
gl.OO ; prairie chickens , S2.fiOC .3m * '
CniitK : The market at prcsenr , is very
lirm , and If the diy weather in the creamery
districts continues , may look for much higher
prices than those quoted belowf Fancy full
cream cheddnis , single , lOc ; lull cream
twins , lO c ; Young Amoilcas , lie ; brick ,
cheese , 103 Ibs. In case , new 12c ; Llmburcer ,
100 Ibs In case , new , lie ; Swiss , fancy Ohio ,
new , ISc.
POTATOES The receipts of new potatoes
are heavier and choice stock can bo had in
CAMFOKNIA BEANS New white beans
from California have arrived In the market
ana are sclllne at 3.10 per bushel.
UKKIIIKS There wereoulv a few berries
of any kind on the niaiket. Theieweiea
few red raspberries in which sold at $ .M per
24 pt case. Blackberries are not plenty a
54.00 per 24 ut ease.
TOMATOKS The market Is well supplied
with uood stock which is selling at 00@1.0C
per box.
OHANOKS There are a few Los Angeles
In which nresolllUR at $ o.OUper box. Hod I
S0.00@6.50. Naples oranges , choice , 200 s.
per box , SO. 50 ; Naples oranges , Impeilal
100 s. , per box. 80.50.
LKMO.VS There are still a few old lemon : ,
in this market which are being sold as low
as $7.00(37.50. " Good choice new stock is
quoted at" S3.50@8.50 per box.
LF.MONB The weather Is very warm all
over the country and the recelcts of lemons
at the ports of cutty are very light , hence the
market Is advancing rapidly. There are still
a lu\v old lemons in this maiket. which are
being sold a" low as S7OOCA7.r.O. Good choice
new stock Is quoted at S8.00@3.50 per box.
IJAXANA.s-Stock now arriving is mostly
too ripe to ship. Choice trreen bunches are
llrm at quotations : Port Llmon , per bunch ,
S3.00@4.00. .
APPLES A few very choice California ap
ples have arrived on the market and are soil
ing at S2.00 per bushel box. Good Missouri
stock Is quoted at 34.00 per bbl.
berry season Is nearly over. Rluebeiry ar
rivals are falling otf. Blueberries , per box ,
| 1-752.00 ; plums , per one-third bushel ,
WATKBMELONS Melons of all kinds are
very scarce. Watermelons , per hundred ,
835.00 ; canteloupes , per dozen , S3.50@J5.00.
VF.OKTAitLES Cabbage , home grown , per
crate , 84.00 ; cucumbers , perdozon,4 o ; pota
toes per bbl , 83.503.ou ; onions , per. bbl ,
SS-W : crook-neck squash , per one-third bu.
DOXf cLt- > *
PHACHKS There are no southern peaches
of any account coming In and California
peaches are not very plenty , llalo's early
are selling at 51.75 per box.
PKAIIS The market war well supplied
w.ltJifJodu.arIett-1cars' ? ! wh'ch ' are selling
at 3.50 per 40-lb box.
PLUMS-Thn market Is fairly well supplied
wltUKood California stock , which Is 'hold at
81.75 per box ; prunes 81.75 per box.
liberal quantities and selling at 40c.
going 1"1cVVV . i ( . , lt VerylBrf , ° . Una "eads are
Grocer's List.
- ' standard , per
? trawbe les , 2 Jb. per case ,
fttcrrl.M' a lbP r case
wS ttIlBr .nl. ? pcar8case
. . ,
' ' ! apricots
1'2q' , per case
- \ q' .s. ,
f ? ! ? ? ® ' u Caches , per case. 84.1W ®
, * . \ # & . ! , per case , 85.50 ; plums , per
caMJ3.4038.6ojblueberrlespercaseSl.b5eeg :
plums , 2lD. per case , 83.50 ; pineapples 3 Ib
B c se 8.20@5.73s I lb. mickeroXP doz
Perdoz,81.65@i.60 ; aibl
- Hams , 12Q12 > { c ;
bacon , WJ/awWc5 bacon sides , . .12liJXd !
dry salt. wHj/et shoulders , 7 c ; dried txwf
hams , ISHQ ; dried beef , reRular , 13K < 1 :
hams ,
Woomtnv r-Two-hoop palls , per dor ,
S1.45 ; 3-huor ' $1.05 ; No. ItiiB. 80.50 ;
No. a tub , 85. „ o. 3 tub , SI 60 ; wash-
boards , SL7t . ( ( sorted bowls , 83.25 ; No. 1
churns , 89 ; -Churns ( , $3 ; No. 3 churns ,
7. „ . . .
STAHCIT af\v \ br Gloss , 6Jfo ; Graves Corn ,
C > { c : Oswec * Cites. 7c ; Oswego Corn , 7c.
MHOOMI Ukw 4 tie , $3.00 ; No. 1 , 83.25 ;
No. 2 , 82.001 fh ? y stable , 84.00.
SYBUP Ncv7 t 4-callon kt-gs. 81.82(31.85 ( ;
Now Orlcanfb'pcr gallon 3S040o ; inaplo
syrup , half bbHj rold { tlmp. " per gallon , 70c ;
1-gaI.on cansj-.aer doz. 810.oo ; Tialf gallon
cans , per dor.9X90 ; quart can . 83.00.
CANDY--Mlx/M. / 8 } < ( &ilc ; stick. 8K(39Mo. (
CHACKMi' MSirneaii's soda , butter and
picnic , 4Kc < fjtfjyns , 7Kc ; ginger snaps , 7Xos
city soda , 7 } * .
PICKICLB ln uum , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In
half bbls , 84 oovsmall , In bbls. SS.OO ; do , in
half bbls , 84.50j chcrklns , In bbls , 89.00 ; do ,
lu half bbls , 83.00.
SuoAn-Granulatcd.eYfWXc ; conf.
0 > < c ; white extra C , 5 rti $ , { c ; extra C.
67(0 ; yellow 0. 5 Q5 c ; cut Ic
powdered. 7@7 , ' < c.
DIIIKU FIIUITS Apples , now , Ws , , . _ ,
evaporated , 50-lh rhnr , 17 > * j@18c ; raspberries ,
cvajiorated , 2701330 ; blackberries , evaporated ,
SWsOKc ; pitted cherries , HHl2c ; jieaches ,
new , H's , 7kfc ; evaporated , peeled pcnchrs ,
c : nvaporated , unpnied , c ; nnw currants ,
OW < i 7c ; prunes , 4X54Jfc ( ; citron , 3. " * ; ral-
slns , London Inycis , 81.76 ; California , loosu
TOHACCO Ijorlllard's Cllma'c , 87c ; Splen
did , i e ; Meclianlc's Dellsht , 40c : LepcettA
Meyer's Star , U7c : Cornerstone , H7c ; uruni-
inond's Horse Slice , 37c ; T. J. . 3lc ; Sorg's
ijpnarhead , 37c.
TKAS Japan , per 11 > , 20 ( ? ? " < OB ; cunpowdor.
25oc : ; ; Young llson,80 ( 50c ; Congou , GJ@
70c : Oolong , 30S ( 'c.
Gonornl Alarlcots.
SPHHTS Cologne spirits , ibb proof , 51.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , SU1 < > ; do IStJ proof , Sl.Ofl. Alcohol.
ia3 proof. 553.10 per wlno gallon. Redistilled
whlikles , S1.00@1.W. (5ln blended. 81..V < a
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. 82.00(30.00 ( ; Ken-
tueky and I'unnsylvanla ryes , 82.00li.5U ;
( .olden Sheaf boiubon and rye whiskies ,
815003.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.00@8.BO ;
ddinestlc , 81.8tX { : i.oo. Gins , imported. fc4.6n@
0.00 ; domestic , 1.25@i.oo. : Champagnes , 1m-
> orted , per case , SJ3.00Q3.J.OO ; American , per
case. 810.00 ( < tiri.OO.
HIDES Green butchers' , O iWOc ; green
cured. 7Mc ; dry fltnt , 11@12c ; dry salt , 0
Oc ; green calf &kinsKc ; damairedhides , two-
hlids price. Tallow Be. Gieasc Pilmo
vhlte , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , l > c. Sheep
pelts , 2. > @ 75c.
HEAVV llAnmvAitB Iron , rate , 82.70 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; cruclblo steel
OKcleast tools , do , rj ( ( < l6c ; waoii spokes ,
jerset , S3.0003.50 ; hubs , per sut , Sl.8i ; fel
ons , sawed dry , Sl.CO ; tongues , each , bOc ;
axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , pcrlb , C@7c ;
cell chain , per Ib , 0 @iic ; ; malleable , S ( < 51c ( ) ;
ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth ,
4i < c ; spring steel. 4@r c ; Unrdcn's horse
slioes , 4.75 ; Bunion's mule shoos , 85.75 ,
JJarbed wire' In car lots , 84.00 pur 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 60 S2.CO ; steel nulls ,
Dry Lumber.
2 ft U ft 18 ft IS ft 30 its3 ! f Jst ft
- - | -
4x8 IT.ffl 17.nOll7.60 1K.50 Ifl 50 OJ.50 .I..r ,
17.50 n o ] 18.50 19 60 % ! .liO' ' ! .6U
17.70 17. M. 17 Jill 17.50 1(1.80 ( ID.fiO 2J.6D S3.6C
4xr. . IHUOII8.001HOO 1U.OO''O.OO i.GU ) 21.50
Uxl-HxS . l8.COaiB021.OJ.51
No. 1 , com , s'fl S..7..V..7. : 819.0Q
No. 2 , coin , sIS 17.6U
No. 4 , com , 3.1 s . ' . 13.50
No. 1 , 4&Gldil2ifcl4ft , rouch 519.00
No. 2 , " ' ' ) ' . ' . - " " " " 18.00
' " "
1st com , % in.WlIlto PlnB'CeilfnK".SUOU
Clear , % In. gforyiay PlnoCeillug 10.00
A , 12. Uand'lC ' ff..8.1" ! ? . ' ! ' . S22.00
U , ' " ' " . ' 20.60
C , " " " 15.00
D , " " - r. 18.00
A 12 Inch s. IjBir 840.00
No. Lcom. * li n,6.l.s. , 13 t14 20.00
" U r > t 10ft ly.oo
No. 2 " "CT.'Vl , 12 & 24 ft .18.00
i u . > ! ! it ,
if ft . .17.00
" " praisiiixo.
1st and 2d , clear. l > i Inch. s. 2 s S30.
id , clear , 1 Inc. ) , s. 2 s. , S45 ; l f , lh'47.00 '
B select , 1 iuch , a.3 s. , 830 ; lf , l > i , 3 in 37.00
White cedar , C in. , &s. , l2Me ; 9 In. ors. , lie
Ulckcns Famous Blind Girl Still
Boston Correspondent of the Now York
Sun : It is just liulf a. century since thu
popular heart of the country iirst went
out in pity toward one who hus over
binoo luon refravded us tlio most Hl.lietcd
of liunuin kind. Miss Jiridgman is now
a woman of lifty-sovcn yearsand she still
makes her homo for the { jreater part of
each year at the Perkins institution for
the blind , where she- first received in <
Htructum fifty years ago in the use of Ian
( jungo from the Iat9 Dr. Howe. In form
nnd feature she is not unlike many
women of her ago , except that a rare
delicacy of organizationboth mental and
physical , impresses every one who meets
her. Although not robust , she lsj-iclom ! (
ill , nnd her health is probably as good as
that of most' ladies of her age. Slid
dresses plainly , and her appearance in
this respect is best described as old-
The question always asked iirst by any
one who has not heard the story of
l.auro Uridgman's life is , iiow was the
iirst idea of word and language con
verted to her mind ? Miss liridgman's
inlirinitics date from the second year ot
her childhood. A severe attack of scarlet
lot fever destroyed the four senses o1
sight , hearing , taste and smell. Her
sickness continued for nearly six months ,
and it completely wiped out all memory
of her early infancy. Aside from this
circumstance in her case , it is said to be
a fact by competent investigators that no
case is known of a person who can trace
anything in memory back of the seconc'
year of infancy. So in Laura's casi
there never has bno\i \ the faintest recol
lection of the use of the two chief sansos
which she lost. In much that she says
and writes she often refers to the beau-
tics of light nnd sound , ( specially of the
former , but she has no adequate concep
tion of cither , llow can siio have ? How
can it bo possible to convoy in words
oven n vagun impression of the beauties
of a landscape to a mind which cannot
do more than dimly wonder
what tho" - great principle of
light mas i bo ? Or ho.v can
any idea of 1 ftrand harmony bo brought
to one wtioaj4nly conception of sound
must bo gained by the trembling of the
floor under a friend's footstep , or the
concussion of'afr following a cannon-
shot ? A great deal of patience was re
quired to teaeh Laura the rudiments of
word signs. "It'was accomplished by at
taching to every article in common use
its immo in nuwjd letters. Having mas
tered that iflmv-jfho readily learned tlio
deaf-and-dunuiingor alphabet signs for
the same bbjcots , and thereafter her
progress was remarkably rapid.
Scientifically considered , Miss Hrldg-
man's case5 presents many interesting
features boaviilfupon the degree of skill
which the trui-iing of a single faculty
will devolopo. Tlio senses of enioll nnd
taste have in some degree returned to
her. She can detect pungent odors , and
knows the difl'orcnco by taste between
articles of food which arc dissimilar , but
neither souse is 11 source of pleasure or
much profit to her. The destruction of
hearing and sight was so complete that
oar-drums and eyeballs are gone , the
latter removed by operation some time
after her illness in order to stop pain
and inlluinmiition. The scnso of touch
which remains to her has reached n much
higher degree of cultivation nnd porcep-
live iK > wcr than was ever attained in
( mother human being. Dy sense of touch
.alone , which interprets the waves of air
upon her taco , she- can toll'in walking
on the street whether buildings abut
closely upon the sidewalks or there is nn
open space intervening. More wonder
ful still , she can pcrcolvo in the same
way and other inmates of the Perkins
institution have tm | same powcrwhcther
A fence lining the walk is made of pick
ets or Is made of solid boards. Mr.
An.igon , the director of the institution ,
says that Laura nnd two or thrco others
of the blind inmates are able to perceive
accurately by means of rclleutcd hc.\t or
air waves whether n building they may
bo passing is of brick or wood. Some
time ago several scientists , ono or two
Harvard professors nmong them , made
nn interesting test of Miss Uridgman's
delicacy of touoh. They undertook to
measure the distance at which she was
able to detect the separation of two
points. Tnko , for instance , two
pins and hold them together with
points sldo by sido. Touch the person
with the linger tips and you will bo able
to feel but ono point. Gradually separ
ate the ulns and note the distance at
which you can distinguish two points in
stead of ono. You will find it varies from
nn eighth to a sixteenth of hit inch , Two
very nno neckties were used in oxporlm-
moil ts with Miss lirulgmaii. and the tils-
tonco at which she could distinguish the
separated points was infinitesimal. With
most people the tip of the tongue is oven
more sensitive in touch than the lingers.
In Miss Uridgman's case this rule does
not hold good. A rare treat for Miss
Uridgman about a month ago was a visit
to the Wnltham watch factory. There she
found delicacy of workmanship which
her exquisite sense of touch could appreciate -
ciato and take delight in. She became
wonderfully enthusiastic over what was
shown her , and when a watch movement
was presented to her she was quito over
joyed. Much of her spare time s'nico
then has been spent in carefully putting
together and separating the delicate
mechanism of wheels and springs.
Wno ti rxiCjUii- ( D WITH T oitoo ArnT OT Tmi
Ily reason of It * central position , cloro relation to linn
Kast of Chicago , and contiuuouj Unoj at terminal
points West , Northwuftt nnd fiouthwpit. It the tnio
mlddlo link In that transcontinental pyetem which
Im Itc.i and facilitates travel anil traffls between the
Atlantic and 1'aclflc.
Tlio Rock Island main line and brunches inclnda Chi-
CHRO , Jollct. Ottawa , Lahille , Frorln , Geneieo , Mollno
and I'.ock laliind , la Illinois | DaM nport , Muscatlne.
Washington , lairflold , OttumwaO.ilcatoGi * , West Lib
erty , Iowa City , Den Molno.ln < llanol'vAVInteri t , Atlan
tic , Knoi lllo , Audubon , llarlan , Gutlnlo Centro and
Council lllults , In Iowa ; OalUUn , Trenton , St. Joicpn ,
Cameron nnd Kanias City , In MN'ourl : Lea cmiorth
nnd Atchlson , In Kansast Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
Bt.ranl , In Minnesota ; Y/atcrtoun and Sioux Falls , In
Dakota , and hundrtd * of Intcruuvllato cities and towni.
VTho Croat Rock Island Routo"
Ouarantces speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Its
permanent way Is distinguished for Uflcxecllenco. ltd
LriJKOS uro of ttono and lion , lit track Is of olid
Heel.Hi rollIiiK stock porrrct. IMpa < acnK reiiulpmont
has all tlio tatety appllinccs that o-tpcrlenco has prored
useful , and for luxurious accommodatlona Is uniur-
] > ased. Its r pre s Trains consist of superior Day
Cnache.rleg nt Pullman 1'alaca 1'arlorand Sleeping
Cirs , su | < oib Dining Can , prorldln ; delicious inrals ,
and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlson and
Kansas City ) rcntful Redlining Chair Cars , ltd man *
acoment U consonratlre , Ito illsclpllno exacting.
"The Famous Albert Lea Route"
Between Chicago and Minneapolis nnd St. 1'aul la the
favorite. Ovorthlsllno bolld Kast Kxptes * Trains run
dally to attractlro resorts for tourists In Iowa and
illnncrota , nnil , > la Watirtou n and Sioux Tails , to the w he xt and grazing lands of Intt rlor Dakota. Via
Kencca and Kankakeo. the Ilock Island olfrraHuperlo
Inducement * to traveler * bctnocn Cincinnati , Indian *
apolls. Lafayette and Council IHurTi , St. Joirph , Atehl-
ron , Lca > cnworth , Kansas City , fit. Paul , and Interme
diate point * All patroni ( especially ladles and chll-
dren ) rucch ojirotoctlon , courtesy and kindly attention *
For tlcki ts , mapfl , foldfm , copied of Western Trail , or
Any doslred Information , apply to principal ofrlccs In
thu United Mate * and Canada , or address , at Chlcaeo ,
R. R , CABIC , E. ST. JOHN , t. A. IIOlBnOOl ,
Chicago , Milwaukee &St , Paul Hy
27.c Rest Route from Omaha and
Council Rlnffn foj
Two Tiains Daily Between Omaha and
Council Bluils
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapid
Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesvillc ,
Beloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast
, and Southeast.
Tor throut'h tickets call on the ticket acront
at HJ11'limum st , in 1'uxton liotol , or at Union
I'nelno depot.
Vullnuiu Bloopers and too llncst Dining Cars
In tlio world tuc inn on the main line of the
ChlcOKO. MllwHukcoik St. I'aul Hallway nnd ev
ery intention Is piiid to passengers by courteous
ous employees of thi ! company.
R HI I i.i.Kit. ( H'nuial ManitKor.
J. F. TUCKKII , Assistant General Manager.
A. V. K. C Mil'ENTEii , ( lenoral I'liBSongor and
Ticket Agent.
lino. K IUAtioun , AssistantGonorulPassen-
( for nnd Ticket ABCiit.
J. T. CLAIIK , Qenural Superintendent.
Thel7 read to take for Doi Motnef Mar-
Ihalltow * . C dar RapIJi , Clinton , Dlxoa , Chica
go , MUwiukee and all points east. To the poo-
iilo of M brnskn , Colorado , Wyomlnpr , Utah.
Idaho , Nermda , OrCKOn , Wo hln ton and Cali
fornia , H ofl rs superior advantage ! not postl-
bU by vnr other lino.
Amonff few of the numeroui point * of !
perlorltr njoyed br the ptitroni of this road
between Oman * and rhloajro , nre Itt two train *
Adnr of DAYOOACIIK8 , which are the Di.est
tliothumnn art and Imtfonulty can create. Itl
PALACE SLKEPmG CAUS , which ro models
of comfort and elegance. Its PAULO It DRAW
ING HOOM CARS , unniirpnsseil br ny , nd lu
wldelr celebrated PALATIAL IHNINO OAKS
the equal nf which cannot bo found eltowbere
At Council Bluffa the trains of the Union Paclfto
Ky. oonneet ID Union Depot with those of the
Cblcnt o & Northwestern Ily. In Chicago th
trains of this line mftke close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , . Cincin
nati. Nla ar/aUi , Buffalo. Plttgburcr.Toronto ,
Montreal. Botton , Now YorK. Philadelphia ,
Battlraora. Waihlnirton and all points IB the
. .
It you wWi MM best acoommodatton. All ticket
airents MO ck Tl * thw line.
Oii ! .MMsfW , , Owl. * * ' * Anal
" "
W. M. BAKXXJK,61110"01 H. BO1X.8.
Incomparably the Boat.
Agricultural Implements.
Whol i U t > oal r In
Arrlcultural Implements ,
G-rmscs and Hnir l a , Jon n Htftt , b tvrp n Mb
_ and I0tu.0n.aha. Met ) . _
Agricultural Implements ,
Wagnnd.Carrlagu , Buggies Hie.Vhol alc , Omaha.
Wliole a1onoi1orln
Agricultural Implements ,
i and BuflM , 901,90.1 , W nnd'.W , Jonc § it
Artists' Material.
A. 1TOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
ttll DouRlm Street. Omahn.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bulldora'Harilware&Scalo Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tooli * nd lluffalo Scales. llOu Uouglaaab.
. . , Omaha. Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
jr. v. MORSE dj co.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
1111 Farnam tt. , Ouiahii. Neb. Manufactory Bummw
treet , lloiton.
z. T. nxDsisr ci > co. ,
Wholosr.lo Rubber Boots and Shoos
linbuor nnil Ullod Clotlnntr mill 1 ult Ilools niul
Rtiors. 1111 lliirnnvr'lKvt.
Luger Boer Brewers ,
1511 North Uth Street. Omaha , N b.
Butchsn' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
HUUKB Caalnn of all klndi Rlwaji In itoek. U1S
Jon < ) * t..Omaha
Coffee , Spicts , Etc.
Omaha Cotree and Spice Mills.
TcaaCoffe s , Spleen. Baklmt 1'owder. Fl > TorlnitK
tracti , l-aundrr Blue , Ink. Bte. Hlt-16 Hurt ?
8 treet , Omuha. M b.
Cornice. .
John Epenctcr , Prop.
Mannfaetarer of ( UlTaoIiod Iron and Cornice. 89
and IDS and lei N , 10th it. , omaka. Neb.
Uanufacturari of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , finals , Wetallo Skylight , etc. 810 B.
12th it. , Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
Oalranlied Iron Cornices , te. Spsct's Improrod Pat
ent Mntallo Skylight. Hat and HO 8.12th au.Omah * .
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , BugSt
Linoleums. Huttings. Rte. 1(11 Douglas street.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for -ho Mauufacturors and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 117 Bouth Utb It ,
Mammoth Clothing House ,
Corner Kurimm and Tenth Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Batter , Eggs and Produce. Consignment" solicited.
Headquarters for Btonewaro , llerrr Korea and
Urapo Jlaskuts. Itlt Uod 0streetUmaba.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Bpeclttltlei lluttor , KK' . Choose. Poultrj , Game ,
Oysters , etc. , etc. 112 8. ilth 8U
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce nnd Prorlilons , Omaha , Ifeb.
" WIEDEMAN < & CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Duller , dame , Krults , ato. 230 8. litlllt ,
Omaha. Net ) ,
Coal antf Lime.
Gnu. fc.l.AiiAun , I'rpn. C. F. OoonuiNT.Pits.
J. A. 8UND iiI-AND , Seo. and Treaa.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
309 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
, T. J. JOHNSON < CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shipper * of Coal and Coke. Cement , Plaster ,
Uiue. Hair. Klre Ilrlck , Drnln. Til * rtnil P w r Pipe.
Offlcfl , Paxton tlotol. VaniMci it. , Umaba , N b.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Qnni and Ammunition , 315 toK3 B. 1Kb it. , ION to
1034 rarnamst. , Oniiha.Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Aod Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Noi. 108
and 110 N. 14th street , Omaha.
Dry Ooods ,
M. E. SMITH < C CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102 and 1104 Douglas , cor. Ilth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Distiller * nf Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importer !
and Jobbers of Wines anU Liquors.
CO. and ILER Jb CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobbers of Fine Wines and Llquori.
1olem nuf etur isof Kennedy' ; Bast India lif
ters and Domestic Liquors. 1112 IlnrnejBU
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1206.IMS and 1210 Farnam St. . Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOD. 700,707,709 and 7118. lOtli Ft. Omaha , Neb.
McVORD , li.lLtlDY , V CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
and Learcnworlh ets.Oranh ; .
Jobbers of Hardware nnd Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agents ( dr JInwe Scaiti ,
an < l Miami Ptnrdert o. Omaha.r * b.
W. J. RROATCir ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprluio , Wacon Rlnck. Lumber , etc. 1201
and 1211 lUrney St. , Oronhit.
Wliolcsalo Iron and Steel ,
Wmron nnrt Carrliae Wixxl Stnctc , Henry Ilrvr < 1w r ,
Ktc. l.llMiJ UIU hoatcmrortliH. . Umaha. Neb.
Stoves , RanpCB , Furnaces , Tilrs ,
MaDtUiUrato , ilrnt Hoods , lai and 13.3 rarnaa
Tron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrooibt nd Cast Iron Bulldln * WorX , Iron Malrt , and Olrderi.Hieom Kntilr.m. llrais
SforkUi < n ral Foundry , Uncliloe ami lllaiksmll. !
Work Ofic anJWot.iU. I' . U . iidii.iit.eet.
.11. .
nnrifnctiirlnsr Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
s Tunas. itnd Of nornl Holler lleptlrlni ,
I U4 IK > utla i.roct.Oii. .li .
X. II. MrMANtli * . c SULLIVAN.
Ire mid Iron Knlllnsrs , Desk Rails ,
Wjiiilnw ( luard , Flower MHmln , Wlr 8l n , Rta
17JN. Kth. OrilT | ir mMl promptly u n.le lto.
llo'U Alt Kind * of
flnildlnir Material at Wholesale.
IBth Street nd Union Taciflo Truck , Oman * . .
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Llmo , Snsk ,
Peers , Kto. Y -Corncr7th nnd Doualasi Corntf
Vlbnml IhiujUi , >
" * *
Wholesale Lumber , ;
8148. lUhMrect.Om-.hi. , Nob. f. Cilpetier , M n I M
13th iind CnllforclA ? ( reet , Om h . Ntb.
Lnra ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Ctb and Donilas ill. ,
To Dealers Only.
_ Office , 14W Farnam street , Omaha.
' "
CffAS. R. LEE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpet ! and J'arqnPt rioortng. 9th and Doogltf
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American I'ortlnnd Cement. Rtavl
AientforMllwaukee llTdraullo Cement and lies !
_ Uulncy White Llino. _ '
Life Stock.
Of Onlaha.
Limited. John F. Poyd. BipcrlntflPiUPt ,
Lift Stock Commission.
M. It Ult ICE , li SONS ,
Live Stock Commission.
_ O o. Durko , Manager
Union Stock Yards , B. Omaha. Telephone Mi.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment ! of nnr and all klndi of Btoek solicited.
_ , Union Stock Tardi. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery mnd tntiont.
Importer ! and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1J13 and 121S Hsrnej Btve t , Omaha , Neb.
Wboleial * Dealer * In
Notions and Furnlihjng Goods ,
403 and 404 B. Tenth gt pmaba , , _
Manufacturer * of Overalls ,
7MDJ Panti , Shirts , Kto. 1101 and 1104 DougU * Bkrtta.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry a nice utork of IMntlflst , Wrapptnl and WrtV
na paper , fipeqlul attefltjon Hltcn M car loadbr
rders , which will bo shipped illrcct from mills. All
orden will receive pcrional KltentloD. Wjirnlr
ntee food goods afii low prices , lilt and lliia
Job Printers , Blank Book Maker * ,
And Book Binder ! . 100 and 108 dquth
strast.Omaba.No b.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers la Tjpe.Prenes and Prlnt rs'Hupplles. Ut
Bomb Twelfth Street.
Ilanufactnreri and Dealers In
ngines , Boilers & General Machinery
Bneet Iron work. Steam 1'umpi.Saw Mills , i.Ci
Shafting , Dodf Wood split PalllTt , Btlttajr. !
Also wif ons , lenpan , uilD alottM , UlVllHi li i
veaworUist. Omnh
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Bteamand Water Supplies. Headquarter * for UaJl
KOMtCo'a Ooo/ls. Illll'arqsm St..Oniaha. Neb.
BaUadarWInd Mllist eteatn and W tr
Vlumbln * Goods. Bulling , lioie. VIA abd
cam at. , Omaha. 8. K. Y elton , Manager ,
Telephone No. 210.
Pumps , Fipos and Engines ,
Btoam , Water , Hillwor and Jlllllnu Supplies. XMk
WO , KB and B24 F rnam at. . Omnhii. Neb.
Books and Stationery.
A. , T. KKNYON C CO. ,
Who oinlo unil Ro'all '
Booksellers and St.itioncrs ,
1522 DouirlnH Hi. , Omahn , Nob. Tolophone- .
Corrcciionilenco collcilod.
Safes , Etc.
P. ROYER < S > CO. ,
Agents for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire mnd llnmlar Proof ( Ufei , Time Ix > eki , V nlM
na J ll Wort. V ) Kitrnnm tr et Omaha , N 6.
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufnctnrcrnof Klroand lorglarl roofSiife .y ujl
llourt , JHII Work.Miutirra and Wlru Work. Cor.
ink unii Jackson m . , Ouii.hii , Neb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wkoletalo ManuUolurtra of
Bash , DoorH , KliiidH and Jlouldinfra ,
llranch officeUIU aud liorrt sts.Onii.b : ct .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Monld'j.ici.rtUIr Work and Interior Hani Wood Ktiillfc
Juil oixued. N. K. cor. tib nnd LvaTCDWurtbfit * .
Ooiaba , Keb.
Johnstown , Neb ,
The best accommodations for travefirn.
The Lest hotel in town.
F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor.
Lincoln , Neb.
Tim best known nnd most | K > iniar ! hotel In
tlm Plato. Iocullon | < ' ( iitinl.iil'I'oniliiicicH ' ' Uist
class. Hc'uUiiuurluia lor comumclal men aud
all polltlciilundpiihllounthuilnirs
E. 1 % IIOOOEN. 1'fO.irletor.
Remarkable for powerful nyrnpa
thctic tone , pliable action and ab
solute duramlitv ; 80 years' record ,
the be > t Ruarantce of tiie excel
lence of these instalments , , .