Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1887, Page 6, Image 7

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    , ' 1 IM .A . . . "
: ' 0 Y PE i 17. 1S87.-TWELVE PAGES , , . .
Tm SUNDAY f3E 1.
De hcrcd by cnrrlcr mn any pnrt of the city at
, , twenty cents per week
H. N. TILTON , Manager.
' . LOBTmvss Orncr , Na t3.
ltlonT EV1TOll No. al.
N. YPhtnibing Co ;
Hefter. tailor. Summer goods cheav ,
Hodda has moved into his new
335 Avenue I' ,
wed was yesterday iron to
rson and Lhristiau Igetcrson ,
lty ,
ugh , of the deaf and dumb
mproving his residence on
stlnko boy , who was aeon.
shot by his brother the other
esting easily and it seens that ho
; cover ,
work of Ilttlmq up the club rooms
progressed so far that the pmnters
qaners arc expected to begin work
Monday. The Improvements arc
ng along well , but from now on the
k will show up ( aster. 'oho rooms
. be elegant , The- papering mud dcc-
tons , as selected , arc very rich ; and
arnishiugs will be in keeping.
non you arc in the city stop at the
fie house. Street cars pass to door
fifteen minutes for all the depots.
50 cents each.
o thousand head of one , two and
o year old steers for sale. Will give
edlt to reliable parties. Enquire of A.
J , Greennmayer , Creston house.
For female diseases and chronic dis
eases of all kinds , call on Ilr. Rico , No.
11 Pearl street , Council B1ufLs , Iowa ,
Personal Paragraphs.
or ko Turk , of Eiseman's People's
, Store , s the proud fattier of twin boys.
Mrs , it. May , of Cincinnati , who was
visiting Mrs , II. Friedman left yesterday
for hehome ,
V. B. Crane , of Carson , is at the Cres
t ton house , looking after the interest of
the Des Moines Leader.
E. C. Brock , the well known representative -
ative of Peregoy & Moore , came in otf the
road yesterday to rest up at the Bluff City
Bummer resort. '
S , B , J , Bryant , of Atlantic , is in the
city and at the Creston Ilotiw. Ile in
tends to remain hero some time working
up a co opcrattvo system of libraries at
reading circles.
DJames L. Monaglian , of Chicago , editor
of the Switchmen's Journal , and grandmaster -
master of the National lodge , has been
Bponding a day or two in the city. Ho
has been shown around by J.1' , hurley ,
who did not miss taking him to the lake ,
Mr. Monoghan is enthusiastic over Man
awa , and in fact , over the city in general.
Ed. L. Howe has decided to drop the
grip which he has for seven years been
oarrying through Nebraska and Iowa ,
and on the first of the coming month
will engage in tire hotel business at Des
Moines , The farm will be Kittiemttn &
Howe , and they wlll open the now hotel
Gladstone , a line fivc story building , fire
proof , heated by steam and furnished
with all the latest touches , "Ed , " as lie
is familiarly known , fir lie was born
here , has ninny friends and acquaintances -
ances , and makes new ones easily. With
his large experience on the road , and his
knowledge of the needs of the traveling
public , he will doubtless see that these
needs are suppled. His many friends
hero will not forget him , and when in
Des Moines will surely try the now hotel.
J. { V. & E. L. Squire's abstract books
are a marvel of systematic accuracy.
Have you seen their new lien book ; it is
a monster and contains 000 pages.
For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr.
Rice's new huvoition. It makes a man
of you in five minutes , No , pain. No ,
1 car ! street.
At the Pacific house you will save from
IIOo to $1 per day , 1'ry it and be con ,
Church Services ,
Gospel service at Harmony Mission
Chapel today at 3 o'clock p , in. , con ,
ducted by Mr. St. John , of the Presbyterian -
rian church. Sabbath gcliool at 4 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at
8 o'clock , topic , "Charity"-1 Cor. 13
' Chap.
Services in the Congregational church
this morning. Subject of the pastor's
+ sermon , What the Lord has Done For
His Vineyard , " A cordial invitation is
extended. No evening services.
The pastor of the First Baptist church
will preach at 10:30 a , m. on "Tune Discouragements -
couragemonts and I ncouragements for
Christian Work in Council IllufT. " Seats
free. Union services at the Fourth street
tabernacle at 8 p. m. All invited ,
At the Presbyterian church this morning -
ing at 10:30 : , Rev , Stephen Phelps , D. D , ,
" pastor , will repeat his Ihacoauiaroato ser-
' co on , preached before the students of Coo
college , Cedar Rapids upon his retiring
! , from e presidency of that
. devotion ability us a preacher ,
and his to , and interest m , the
young , evinced by his connection with
the college , will appear in his sermon.
All especially the young , are cordially
Invited to be present.
At the North Main street Baptist
church there will bo , ) reaching at 10:30 :
a. m , , by Rev. Woodburn , of Omaha.
Sunday school at 980. ; Preaching in tlio
e 'evening by ltov , Mr. Mills ,
, Services at Oakland tabernacle at 11
1. 'in. ' Subject , "The Third Angel's
Message , " of Rev. 14 ; 613. At 4 p. m. a
bible reading. Sulject , "Tho Lord's
Day" At 8 p , m. , "Who clanged the
Sabbath ? "
St. Paul's church--Devine services today -
' day at 11 a. m. No evening services.
. Subject of sermon by the rector , "The
RI hteousnoss of the harisees. " Sunday
J school at 0:30 a , m. You arc cordially
Invited to attend ,
Rev. H , H. O'Neal , D,1) . , of Clarinda ,
la. , will pro tai at the Methodist church
Ibis morning. Anniversary Sunday
school at 19 nt. Addresses by former
pastors. No services in the evening ,
ltev. M. 1) , Collins , D , D , will preach
atthe Tabernacle on Fourth street this
evening at 8 o'clock ,
For a well made , finely finished and
lovely toned piano , see the Hardinan.
We are satisfied it will please , and you
will buy no other. 'rho Mueller Music
compnay endorse the guarantee given
by the factory.
_ _ _ _ ,
We will close our store at 8 o'clock
every evening except Saturday during
July anti August , PARKS & Sw.
A now bridge across the Thames im-
l mediately beneath tho. Tower 1sw
.buildhlb. Its construetitnn is peculiar.
There will be three spaits , the central
k oiio'2OOfot long , between high towers
which will cocain stairways and by.
drum elevators capable of carrying a
large number of passengers at once to
the top of the tower , 135 foot above high
water , where there Is to be a foot-bridge
for also when the central span of the nhnln
bridge is open for the passage of yrssels ,
Mrs. Lucy Swactliarb'r Js a duly nc
credited voter it Alfred , N. Y. NewS
' -S York girls generally ; vote In hot wci thcr
. ' tar the led cream , Cuudy Iylatd and cob-
. . , . . .
' lD RC i STONE DY ,
St. Peter's Catbolie Church Will bi'Started '
With Due Ceremonies Today ,
A Man With Two Wives Gets Rid or
One-The I'ropnstlons For LightIng -
Ing tire City lflth Llghtnlag-
Fell From a Stairway.
St. I'eter'a Church ,
To-day will be one of morn than usual
interest with tire Gcrtnan Catholics of
the city. The cornerstone of their new
church is to bo laid this afternoon with
appropriate ceremonies. The Catholics
have taken hold of the building boom
with a great deal of enterprise and determination -
mination , 1'11(1 other Catholic church is
fast nearing completion , and this ono
starts today. The Geruutn Catholic society -
ciety has had many struggles in getting
their plans thus far along , for they had
little to encourage them w the hnehtiloncy
of the enterprise. The ladies , in accord-
ancu with the well-known rule of church
building , hind noon faith than their
sterner brothers , turd for a long time
have been giving socials nod entertainments -
ments in order to secure small amounts
of money , which thus put together
amount now to a snug amount. Witht
the Inspiration of their example turd time
ahtsl ) ) given b then , time society has now
fairly startcd on the enterprise , and the
future opens tip encouragingly.
the ceremonies attending the laying
of the corner stone will be of the usual
character , in accordance with time ancient
tennis of the church. A lame delegation
is expecte(1 from Ontaha aua the procession -
sion will be an imposing ono. It will
form shortly before 3 o'clock this after-
noel at St. Xavier's church , on Pearl
street , amid proceeJ to the site of the new
St. Peter's church , ' 'lto Fifth regiment
band Rill furnish music. 'limo Omaha
societies wi11 bring sons bands with
thorn. The Ancient Order of llibernians
and the Catholic Knights of Omaha will
be present , and tow same societies of tats
city will also be in the procession. A
large number of prominent clergymen
trom abroad will be here. Invitations
arc extended to the mayor and city otli-
cials with other prominent citizens to
participate , Captain I ) . J O'Neill will
act as marshal , with J. Howarth and
Charles Coimeyer , of Omaha , as aids.
'the procession will march along Pearl
street to Broadway , then to Glen avenue ,
and from there to the church site.
Bishop Cosgrove is unable to be hero
and hu authorized the pastor , ltev.
Father Adolph , to select someone else to
lay the corner stone , ltev. Father Mc-
Menomy has accordingly been selected.
Such a selection is peculiarly fitting , as
those whlo are uniting in the huildinn of
this church are his spiritual coil ? ren ,
ail have for so long been a part of his
( leek. The happy relationship which has
so long existed between them causes it
to be highly appropriate that lie should
be the one , of } dl others , to servo in time
stead of the bishop in thus laying the
corner stone of the building in which his
children mire hereafter to worshiit ) . It is
also a peculiar befitting selection because -
cause Feather McMcnomy is himself so
closely identitted with church buddingen-
turprses , ' 1'liu esteem in which he is held
by time public at largo also makes this a
pleasing recognition of his position , lie
has been in ill health for several days ,
but it is hoped that lie will nerve himself
for the duties of the day , and be able to
carry them through.
The sermon is to be prcacied : by Rev ,
Father Peter Kussens , 0 , S. II. , of Atchison -
son , Kan. , ox-president of the college
there. lie arrived last evening in cow-
pan with Rev. Father Adaibert Mueller ,
D. D. , one of the professors of the same
college , A grand sermon is expected
from this learned divine. 11ev. Stephen
Lyons , D , D „ of Creston , and numerous
outer clergymen are expected.
After the ceremonies Mr , and Mrs.
Peter Bechtold will entertain the visitors
and the promineuts at the hotel which
bears their name.
The Police Book.
A young colored man , L. C , Booker ,
wits arrested } estcrdayfor going through
his partner , named Richardson. The two
had been to Sioux City with some of
Planter's horses , and on their return
Booker managed to steal from his corn-
rate a pair of pantnlooms , am undershirt ,
a vest and a razor. Time dusky victim
could have stood it all had not the razor
been stolen , lie mad Bookorarrested amid
sent to the county jail for thirty days.
Gus Nelson , a hard looking fellow was
yesterday sent to the county jail for
thirty days. The charge was vagrancy
but that is supposed to cover all round
Yesterday afternoon Officer Stevens
noticed a man surrounded b a gang of
dung fellows who were drinking freely
at his expousc , and apparently prcparmn g
to get what little money he Ind ,
If favorable oppbrtnity pre ,
sented itself , The officer took time
man in charge , as ho was quite
drunk , and as ho started to the station
with him the mnn eimtimed that some one
of the party had got his pocket book.
The fellow was so drunk that not muehi
reliance could be put on his statements ,
and the fact that ho load about $10 in his
pocket indicated that lie had not been
robbed. Thai young fellows were brought
up and questioned , but no arrest wits
made as there seemed little evidence to
be got at against then. The drunken
mnn clammed that they took a pocket
book out of his pocket , and put in its
place a photograph of John L. Sullivan.
Lime buys say that they were guying Emma ,
but took nothing from him. ' 1'hcy no-
count for his having the picture by sayhnn
that lie picked it up iii the saloon an
put it in his own pocket.
"Two" Many Wives.
Yesterday morning Justice Barnett
wont to Ouiahn as a witness in a divorce
case , hi which lough Thompson was the
defandat. Baruett's testimony was
short , but it was decidedly damaging to
Thompson. It was in brief that Hugh
had come to his ollice ht this city last
January , in cotupttny with a woman ,
and had the justice marry them. This
was in fact a charge of bigamy , ttia man
already having it wito. The first wife on
the strength of this and other testimony
was granted a divorce , and was allowed
possession of thuiratloptedchild.'Tlwmnp
son was ordered by the court to pay its
first wife $25 a month until the stun of
$500 Is reached. He is a water works inspector -
specter in Omaha , and gets $ th ) a nionth
'f horu is seine doubt about Thompson
bean g prosecuted by time first Mrs.
The npsou for bigamy , although there
seems to be ma strong case against him.
If she should succeed in sending alai to
the penitentiary she would cut oil her
alimony supply.
Cost or Electrle Light.
The following is the schedule of propositions -
ositions of time electric light and power
company for lighting the city with dice.
trio lights :
Fttot pAIIir nod , 7IIPNIGIIT.
First-Sixteen lightson court house , M.
B , church , Masonic temple our Bloomer
school , at $14,59,1 or ntonlh light
i five years' contract ; total , . ' ,761. ,
Second-Sauna on a three years' con
tract , $10 per month per light , $8,019.
Third-Nine morelightsoupole. , l0.GO
per month per light on five years' eon-
tract , $1,181.
Fourth-Nino more lights on poles
$12,00 Ii r month von light on three years
contract , 2,22)6. )
Fifth-'Lime above twenty-hive lights at
$15 per month per light on live years'
co tract-l,00.
Sixth-Time above ttentyfive lights at
$10,60 per month perlight on titreeyettrs'
contract , $ ltiJO.
Seventh -The above > r.'antylve lights
mulct seven ntoro on ( ales , $1dG0 par
mouth per light on live years' contract ,
Eighth-Tlme above twenty-five hgitts
and seven more on poles , $10.25 pcr
month per light on three years' contract ,
$6 240 ,
Ninth-Tho above twentyfivo lights
and fifteen more on pales , $14.50 per
nmenlh per light on hive years contract ,
Tenth-The above twenty-five lights
and fifteen more on poles , $10.00on tree
years' contract , iii 080 ,
Eleventh--'lim above 25 lights and 35
more on poles $14 per month per ligimt on
live yctrs contract , $10,080 ,
'ltvclfih = l'he above 25 lights and 35
more oft ) ) oles , i l6 per moonlit per lighten
on three years cemtract , FI0,8J0.
Thirteenth-For 2811ghts on 7 masts
150 feet high , $20 per mouth Per Light on
ten years contract , $6,720. Addition on
poles ? 16.50 on ten years contract.
F'omrteontlm-For 100 lights on poles ,
$12.60 per ntonlh per light on ten years
contract , $ lOg3.
Fifteenth-For 100 lights on pones ,
$13.6 ( per month per light on live years
contract , 1000.
Sixteemiti'i-For 4 lights on court house
and 21 lights on poles , $14 per month per
light on live years contract , $ 1,200. ,
Seventeeth-Saunoon court mouse and
91 lights of poles , $15,50 per mouth , per
light of tlircn years contract , * -l,0,0.
.Eightcenth-For 4lights nn court house
and 21 lights on 6 masts , $20 per mouth ,
per lmglil on three years contract , pro ,
wmicd , that at time expiration of the contract -
tract , the city trill ether purchase the
masts at threegnarlers of their cost or
cuter irate a new contract satisfactory to
bout parties for the unexpired portion of
time ten years , $6,720.
How to bight the City.
Since the electric lights have been
plitcad tt the top of limo court house
tower there has been much interest e'c
cited in the question of what it will cost
to light the entire city in this manner.
There seems to be no quostiou as to the
desirability of having such lights in va-
rions parts of time city , but the query has
been whether the city could all'ord it. As
to the question of cost , the propositions
of the eenuiitry are given elsewhere.
There arc several propositions , difl'ariug
as to the number of lights tumid the
length of time for which time contract is
to run. It now costs the city about 00
a mouth or X6,000 to light the city by gas
and oil. { Viers other towers are put rap ,
so that time lights will bap over each
other's circles , the etli ct wil1 be much
more brilliant.
A Bad Pall ,
Miss Eva Campbell , a young Irdy from
Neola who is attending the teachers' institute -
stitute , met with a painful ncekdeut at
the home of Mr. Hoover , where she is
stopping , She , with numothcry'ouug lady ,
was sitting on the stairway which leads
to the room she was ocoupyinn , and was
lemiming : against the tailing , when it sud-
tienl.l' gave way and she fell to the
ground , a distance of ten feet. She was
tt first thought to be seriously injured ,
but last evening was quite conmfortable ,
and bids fair to be omit in a few days.
High Credentials , Always 1)nshing
and Always In Trouble.
Oscar J. Ilarvey , says a New York
World special from 1Vilkesbarre , Pa. ,
late chief of the horse claims division rat
the third auditor's otlico at tVmushingtou ,
was recommended for a position in time
treasury , department by { Vhitcltw : Red ,
of the New York ' 1'rbuue , cx Goveruor
Hoyt , { Vaynu McVeagh , Samuel J. Ran ,
dallV , , E. Smith and Robert E.llanag-
han , ltnrvey was mu republican until the
last presidential election , whenit is said'
he voted for Mr. Cleveland. At the time
of Ids appointment to the treasury tic-
partntcut 1m1r. E , G. Scott , a weli kituwn
writer and lawyer , a brother lu-law of
Judge Stmtloy 11'oodwardmid : the autimr
of "llevelopmuent of Cuustitmntional Liberty -
erty in Amcrica , " tiled clmarges against
him , alleging general rascality. A go'-
arnlmeit agent Cattle here to investigate ,
but ham fell among Harvey's friends mind
returned with a favorable report.
Upuu tim dmui. of his father some years
ago he borrowed sums taggreguuug
$ ; io,000 on limo strength of the supposition
tout he was provided for in has father's
will , the estate being valued at . , i00,000.
Thu fact was , however thud his portion
had beet , aid over to lnim and but little
was left tint in the will , The Publie
knew nothing of this , and as lie was one
of the executorr he mauared to keep it
dark until hum had gained his purposes in
time way of obfuning lours. fie was but
twenty years old when he graduated with
highest honors at Lafayette college , at
Easton , I'a , Among his classmmatcs wns
William E. Smith , assistant treasurer ,
and to him he is largely indebted for his
first apnontniant to time United Slates
treasury department. A after be
left college no was elected Professor of
nmathenmattcs amid Iigher ) English in time
{ Vyouing seminary at Kingstonopposite
this city.
In 1875 ho went abroad tor travel amid
study. He was well supplied wth lunacy ,
hired a valet and conducted himself like
a young lord of thin realm , lie made the
acquaintance of noon of letters , distiti-
gulshed politieiams , musicians tmd artists ,
nil of whom were favorably impressed
with time young American , lie cut a
great swell in London and Paris , and was
qumto a social lion among the
nabobs. In 1879 he ounded
time "liarvop Prize for English" at
Lafayette college , an nmumd prize of
$90 in gold to the student of time junior
class exeellinmr in English studies in the
year , which is still extant , lie also con ,
trbuted a collection of valuable books
to time college library , aid was recording
secretary of the Alumni association from
3874 to 1899. lie was admitted to the Lu-
zcnne count bar May 16 , 1870 , and is
still a mower of the bar association ,
lie has lumen a director of the Masonic
benclit association of this city since 1870.
He is also comsollor of time American
institute of civics of whicii Chief Justice
Waite , of the Uuited States supreme
court is presidout.
lie was married Juno 23 , 1880 , to Fanny
Virginia holding , of West Chestert I'a. ,
daunhter of 1 bcn it. and Martha P.Sndttm
Holding. Ho met her for the first time
in this city while she wag a guest of lien
uncle , tierE. . J. Sinth , a dmsthmgumshcd
clergyman of the M. E , churclm , now ho.
cmdcd at Bufftoo : , N. Y , Time latter opposed -
posed young Harvey's advances , especi
ally because ho was uwaro tint he had
just settled a case in which a pretty
young girl figured as defendant ; sloe having -
ing clmarged llarvoy with betrayal , lime
wedding was a grand alrntr. It took
place at time home of the bride in West
( , heater. A special car , with an extrava
gaice of flowers and rare plants was
chartered by Harvey , and a'magniicent
band made things merry for time guests ,
The couple came to this city and set ,
tied in a handsomely furnished house of
the husband , which shortiy afterward
was sold out by the slterilr.
Expensive Fans ,
Boston Post : A dealer in fans of the
more uxpnnsive as well as the cheaper
sari told me that I'e sold about $000 ,
. .
ttu ® _
iI i
I / T1fl1ttflI I
raiiw ,
.a/ , Zr : oa-
1 : -
® M-- ( Ltrr. + tlgnu x d
worth for the last Ilarvnrd class day , the
finest being of wilite lace amid worth $10
to 00 , mud time least cxpensmro bringing
from $1 upward. Time June weddings
caused a good demand for the higher-
priced article. Time gauze fans , which
are now hi such favor , seem to be very
appropriate for the season , undJulmeit
mmoro in keeping with warm weather
lhmi : time showy fans made of ostrich
feuthe's : , which hove a certain heated
look. It has 'thrnys scented to umc that
Japanese excel to the pictareesqueness
of their fans , and how they ctui he aG
orded at such low prices is one of time
wonders of thin day. A few of these bril-
liautly colored fans pl teed on time walls
of a room light it Up lively , mind for a
country house I laiow of no more appro-
! , rimtc deem'atium. For actual fmuuiug ,
Inowcver , the old fashioned ) alum leaf is
the most ellective in raising the wind.
The German. Benevolent Order of
Ilarugari has 400 lodges in twenty-tlmree
states , over 35,000 muuihers and K7t0,000
in the trcasury. Lint year it maid out
$85,0(10 ( to sick and destitute members
and $75,000 in bencliti.
A new method of nnakinn car wheels is
in use iii Wilkes-Barre , lri. , by which
thrca amen who formerly made eighteen
car wheels a day can now make ome
every minute or 720 a tiny. A steel case
is used instead of ens of sand. amid when
removed the wheel is at once ready for
time axle ,
A young New Orleans woman is preparing -
paring to go into the house decorating
business , amid this fall will olrer her sr-
vices for grnimiing woodwork , for wall
and ceiling painlimg , and for decorating
fireplaces. this artist reclutly painted a
wisteria vine in full bbosabni around the
frumc of s bed room door , 1'he vine
sprang front the melding of the wall amid
chanmbered up time jamnb , sliowimg delicate
tendrils : and cltm tcrs of bloom on both
woodwork and wall.
Cabinets on top of the nprmght piano
nmsy be pretty enough-and elrcctmve , too ,
but they ruin _ the tone of the instromeut.
Emiocit Platt , who died at Cheshire ,
Conn , , last Monday , was the first
Anmericmni to learn time trade of brass-
D IneerIurve orI a U IS er
Over ho. 12 .Mirth lhlutn St.
ccentvmaps , or cities and counties
Prices Ferp Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
.NO. 23 DI 1 LV ST. ,
Co UXCIL BGUII'S , IA : : r.
Justice of the Peace.
Otllceoven A P.triean ] sxptrbs ,
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards.
Broadway , Council Inuits , Opp. Dummy Depot.
lfurses and mimics constantly on hand
for smile at retail or in car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on connmission ,
Telephone 114 , Sr.I'TEIt & ;
Opposte Dummy Depot , Council Blur.
Cor. 5th Aye , & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
One of time best Educational Institutions -
tions in the west. Boarding mind dny
school conducted by the Sisters of Charity -
ity , B , V. M. ,
Board and tuition fpr 'a term of five
months , $75. For tardier particulars
address SISTEfl SUPERIOIt ,
St. Francis Academy
Council Blufs , Ia.
Vacant Lots , lands , City itesldoncos and
Farms. Acre property in western mart of city.
All t oiling cheap ,
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Itoomu 5 , over Olnccr , & ' Pussy's Bnk ; , Councl
N CTIC = .
Speclaa advm-tisemcnts , such es Lost , Foand
; 'oLnanFor Sale , To Rent , Nants , noardinr ,
etc , wlll bofneerted In this column at time low
rateof TEN CEN'rs lit LINE forthu flrst Inscr-
ionmind .elvoCOnts PerLhmafoeach subsouc ; t
insortlon. Leave advertlsenments at our oiaco
No 13 Pearl Street , near iiroadway , Council
' ' ) - as prossulan. Flvo
WAN'I'Et-Smtuntlon Address D , A , ii. , moo
ounce.W 1LL puy $2.60 per day to a good live mnn.
Dhmst be n bard worker mind give small
bond , Address X , ii. , nee 0111co.
WAN'fP ,1)-Sltmmtion by young man mis clerk.
mtererenecs given. Address diaries
neurke , No , 1012 Fourth stroct.
WANTED-Sltndiun in stare or office by a
young mnn , nererences furnished. Address -
dress DeV , lieu otlico , CouncI ! litmus.
j\/AN'1'l'sD-Girl far gunornl liuusework in a
T , eumnlifamily. Apply at No. 103 S. Flrst
FOR RENT-Coal sheds , euico mind scales , one
five-roomm house. 0 , Mayne , N'SJBthm ave.
Foil SALE-OrTrado-Slx sections of good
land in Lincoln county , Nub. , on U P.
railway , Call on or address Odell tiros. do Co. ,
lo3 Pearl St. , Connell lnuna.
Connell Bluffsfowa.
Established 1557.
Has a conplote line of
MiI1jiiiv (
a 1 ,
Lnrgohatshmwhite. black and all colors. Pat
tern bonnets , lints and toques , n specialty.
No 1611 Douglas st. , Omaha.
Justice of the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluff's.
Rotas to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty ,
Creston Hoilse ,
Maio Street , Council Bluffs.
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Aceonmodnttons FU'i + t Class ,
And hates itemisom8ble
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Time finest of driving horses always on
hand and for sale by
In Amber ,
$ etc.llalr , On
: ' . dl nanents , us
: "tY : 11CWCSt 110V
cities In halt
, flair goods
madeto order
M r C. L , Gillette
20 Mrin St. , Coullell Bluffs , Iowa , Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No , 418 Broadway-Time Manbatmnn ,
Telephone No.
Na , 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 03.
OLIN Y. STONE. JAcoa stilt
Attorneys at Law.
dice in 'lime State and Fedema 'Couttt
Roams 7 and 8 Shugart-Reno Block ,
x.x. x
For Everybody to Come to
We shall close out without regard to cost
In Summer Dross Goods ,
Wash Goods , Hosiery , Etc.
Come Early
And Secure the Best Selections 1
We are. Headquarters or
Carpets oft11 Kinds.
= d.d.asi.rlIv.I1 - sr aaaaL.IROS.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
N , B.---Special attention given all orders b y
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Instrtnncnls Tuttcd 811(1 Repaired. 11'c never fall to give sati laction.
Over 20 y'ears' Expericnco In Piano and Organ to'o'k.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Bialys Ollico , MasonIO
Temple. Omaha Ollice , No 111
North 16th street.
l'nrtieuiar ttitenilon given to lu
t'esihtg fund' for non resi-
detly. Special bitrgal11s In lots.
acre property In thuaiut & Coumr-
cil Blulls . , Correspondence uahIc-
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : : Boaiders : : Reduced : : Rates. ?
On Furniture , lIousellold 000(13 , Stoves , etc. , to make room '
for Fall Stock , Goods Sold on Iiistallinents.
A. , MAN DEL , Nos. 323 and 325 Broadway.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
No , zoi Main St. ? Council Bluffs , Iowa 5 )
A COaIi'La'rJ : : As ( ) 1t't'MENI'
Groceries ,
Both Domestic and Foreign , ' . .
' , ) .