Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1887, Image 1

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Thej.Eiist at tba Present Time Between
Germany and franco ,
Iho Relations nctwenn Kim I a anil
Germany are Quito Strained Hou-
lanRcr Writes n I/cttcr AV'hlch
Causes a Sensation.
France Ocrmnny and Utissln.
iJr.m.iN , July 10 , The tension of feeling
toward Franco has relaxed slhco the French
fete day has passed without the occtirenco of
nny anti-German demonstration. Tlio ac
counts In the German papers of Incidents In
Paris on Thursday represent that the rcpres-
v. slon of popular outburst was solely accom
plished by the presence of such mascsof troops
nil along the route traveled by President
Qrevy and his ministers on their way to tlio
review at Long Champ , ns had never been
seen In Pnrls since tlio days of the Empire ,
andythc papers seem to prove thatthe populace
were in readiness to make n demonstration ,
&nd that the extraordinary precautions taken
by the government , although successful In
paralyzing the Chauvinists , had given a
fectltlous rxsyect to ttio calmness which char
acterized the day. The German nmbaasy in
Paris was specially guarded. Thoieturn to
the Cciman people of n calmer mood
toward France can bo assured , however , only
by the cessation of a systematic persecution
of German residents In French towns , yet
the tendency seems to bo all the other way.
Minor German employes are being hunted
out of their places at the rate of ono hundred
weekly , nnd it Is estimated that Germans
holding situations In France , who last year
mimcred U.2,000 , have been decreased
one-half within the past six months.
Constant . streams of appeals 'for
hclo against the outrages being
perpetrated upon the Germans nro being
made to the German ambassay at Paris. appeals were made the subject of an
oral diplomatic representation to M. Florons ,
the foreign minister , by Count VonMunstor
on Wednesday last. The count has followed
his oral representation with a written re
monstrance to which the French
minister , M. Florens , will have to
make a written reply. Minister Florens
Is also asked by Count Yon Munster If Ills
government Is powerless to deal with the
organ of the Boulangcrists , the Le' Dcfonese
National , which declared that the German
functionaries in France wcro all spies , that
the central nest of reptiles was the German
nmbassy , and that Count Von Munster him
self was under the direction of nspy adminis
tration. Florons has made verbal promise to
Interfere and use every power
of the government to prevent
nssaults on the Germans In the future.
Since Count Von Munster made these re
monstrances the German consulate at Bor
deaux nnd Kouen report street attacks upon
Germans In these cities , and the Bordeaux
consul complains that the windows of his
residence have been smashed. Gorman
papers of every party concur in the opinion
that'.tho situation Is lntolerableand that it is
absolutely necessary for ttio French govern
ment to Interpose resolutely to stop German
" baiting , "
The chief topic of Interest in Berlin after
the Fiench situation Is the unceasing depre
ciation of Russian stocks. The fact Is now
recognized by both political and financial
circles that the movement Is not led by the
speculators , but has definite olllclal Inspira
tion and Is a part of the government cam
paign of retaliation against the Uusslan nnd
anti-German economy policy. During the
last fortnight the fall In Uusslan securities
of all Issues averaged dally t ) per cent. The
return to economic friendship will not bo as
sisted by the latest Russian order dismissing
all Germans employed In commercial
and banking firms In the region of
Bt. Petersburg , Moscow and clsewhcro in
.Russia , nor by the government's refusal to
adopt the concurrent edict of the professor
ot Dorpat university , that it would bo un
wise henccfotth to conclusively use the Kus
sian language In classes , which rcfusa
caused the pioresoors without exception t <
resign. The enforcement of the govern
ment'a edict will be postponed for thirty'
one years , but after that tin
last German school In the Baltic
provinces must bo extinguished. Tlu
National Zeltnng announces the successful
police raid on Berlin socialists yesterday
evening , when seven persons , forming the
central committee of a secret society of dem
ocratH , worb arrested. It Is reported thai
grave evidence of treasonable conspiracy
Los been obtained against them.
BoulnnRor Causes * Sensation ,
PAIHS. July 10. Boulangcr has written t
letter to Deputy Saur thanking him for hii
expressions of attachment and friendship
Which , ho says , are becoming rare. Coutinu
Ing , the letter says the writer will do hli
duty dcsplto the hatred and defection o
former friends. It was sufficient for him U
remain a friend with those who wish Franc <
to bti respected nnd who place their country
above party Intrigues , llo himself has bn
ono aim to proclaim to Fienchmen tlia
they can nnd must ralso their heads and as
Biiint ) the only nttltudo becoming n gtca
people. Tim letter caused a sensation In tin
deputies. It Is repotted that the general wll
bo called to account for It
Wounded While Making Evictions
s DUIII.IN , July 10. A tenant named Byrm
J > and two bailiffs wore seriously woumlci
while the evictions at Coolgranney wei
Y being effected. At the Kerry assizes thre <
murders and two "White boy" cases wer
positioned , the counsel for the crown declai
Inn it would bo impossible to otitnln a jur ]
9 which would do its duty. Judge O'Brien do
' " nounced Kerry juries.
Austria Does Not Object.
VIENNA , July 10. The circular prepared
by the pope In reference to electing Princi
Ferdinand as prince of Bulgaria has beet
presented to tlio Austrian govornmcnt.Coun
Kalnoky , Imperial foreign minister. In re
ply ho will say that Austria does not objec
to Prince Ferdinand and will not exercisi
her right of veto If the prluco attempts to ou
cupy the throne.
Envoy Loaves Turkey.
Co.NSTANriNoi'i.i : , July 10. Sir llcnr
Drummond Wolff , special English onvoj
ordered to lea\o Constantinople , the sultai
refusing to sign the Egyptian comcntior.
has started for London.
Minister McLcnn Coming Homo.
1'Anis , July 10-Unlted States Mlnlstc
Jicl.ean will sail for Now York the SOth Ins !
Washouts In Now Mexico.
. . . : , N. M. , July 16. A speclt
to the Democrat from Benson , Ariz. , says
\ & The heavy rains the past few dayb cause
fictions washouts on the New Mexico , Ser
ra , ralroads. It will be three or four week
before twins can go through to Negates. Tit
water has run down from the mountains In
large volume , drowning considerable sloe
In the valley. Cattlemen , however , fe <
jubilant o\er Iho heavy rainfall , which wi
Insure good feud next full and winter ,
Crowds With Itnndn Oallirr to Sleet
Him Wherever Ho Oorq.
WATHI-.TOWN , N. Y. , July 10. The com
mittee of reception to the president at For-
estport was composed equally of republicans
nnd democrat : ) , the former vlcin ? with the
latter In an endeavor to make the president's
sojourn In the vlllago pleasant. At Boon-
vlllo the crowd cheered the president nnd his
wife ns they stood on the rear platform of
the car. At Port Lcydon the crowd ngaln
cheered them , At Glond.ile n stop was made
for water and the people on the depot plat
form crowded forward to shako hands. At
LowvlIIo a salute was fired. The president
steeped down to tlio platform nnd was In
troduced to such as could crowd forward In
three minutes' time. At Cmthago n largo
crowd was assembled and the depot was
handsomely draped. At 10:40 : the party
enchod Watcrtown , having nude tlio run of
l\ty-sU miles in ono hour nnd forty min-
ites. There was a crowd of people at tlio
lopot In this city when tlio train with tlio
presidential party drew In , and nearly
ill expected that n short stop would
: > o made. A few minutes before
iho train arrived n telegram was received
saying the train would not stop because the
president was not well. Tlio train , how-
ver , was run through the city slowlv.
President and Mrs. Cleveland stood on the
oar platform of their car and bowed to tlio
U'ople. at the depot. A cheer went up as tlio
rain passed. Tlio president was nntlooUIng
tartlciilarly well to-day , and Mrs. Cleveland
ivas evidently suffering very much from
ivhat l.s technically known In tlio country as
n sty on her right oyo. One thousand people
.veJcomed the president nnd party at Cl > -
; on. President and .Mrs. Cleveland stepped
down from the train , followed by Secretary
and Mrs. Falrchihf , Uev. William N. Clevo.
'and , the Misses Hastings , and Mr. and Mrs.
liritton. The party .Immediately proceeded
o the steamer St. Lawrence , President and
Mrs. Cleveland returning the salutations ot
the crowds. The stuimer pulled out amid
cheers. The St. La\ueneo was decorated
with flags. She barely touched nt Cla > ton
and Uound Island park. At Thousand Is-
'and park a salute was tired. At each place
he president nnd Mrs. Cleveland showed
heir acknowledgments. They reached
Thousand Island park at 1:20 : and will dine
nt S p. m , on board. The party will return
to Clayton at 0 o'clotk where a special train
will bo taken.
Discourteous CanuckR ,
CAPE VINOHNT , N. Y. , July 10. When
ho steamer Lawrence , with the presidential
parly , made her way In the direction of
Thousand Islands park she met the Canadian
steamer Spartan from Montreal to Toronto.
The steamers passed In close proximity , but
the foreigner made no sign ot recognition.
To Invite the President.
ST. Louis , July 10. Mayor Francis this
morning appointed a committee to carry nn
nvltatlon'to President Cleveland to visit the
city of St. Louis during the fall festivities.
Un this committee were appointed presidents
ot various associations having In charge tlio
fall festivities , and many prominent citizens
representing the union and confederate
soldiers and business men. The colored
citizens arc represented by one of their race.
The delegation will start next Saturday.
Many Prominent Foreign Onlalala
Expected to Ho Present.
CHICAGO , July 10. ( Special Telegram to
the BKK. | General C. S. Bentley , who with
General A. L. Chctlaln sailed for Europe
May 25 , to extend to foreign governments in
vitations to send as guests repicsentative
military organizations with stall and com
pany o Ulcers to the international encamp
ment to bo held In Chicago in October , has
returned to the city. Ho said the results of
his European trip are satisfactory , and the
outlook lor the encampment is most encour
"Invitations " ho continued "
, , "wero per
sonally extended to the oftlcials of England ,
France , Belgium , the Netherlands , Denmaik.
Norway , Sweden , Itussla , Austria
nnd Switzcrlaud and through the
courtesy of the department of state
ot the United States , Invitations
have gone forward to Italy , Spain , Bra/.ll ,
Mexico. Japan , and China. It Is not expect
ed by the management that each of these in
vitations will be accepted , but that n number
of thorn will , seems absolutely certain.
"Advices have already been received , " the
general added , "that detachments of troops
will bo sent from Norway , Sweden , Den4
mark.Belgluin.ttie Netherlands , Switzerland.
and It Is thought two companies of crack
Euelish troops and detachments from the
famous St. Cyr military academy of France
will be granted permission to come. " Al
together the outlook Is very promising lor
the attendance ot foreign troops , and as to
American militia , there have already been
largo numbers of entries. Ono of the In
teresting features will be a lar o aggregation
of bands which have been entered to bo
present ,
The Question or Students' Fares.
CHICAGO , July 10. A committee of three ,
composed of the presidents of colleges to
day waited upon Chairman Aboott of the
western states passenger association nnd
presented a formal request asking that re
duced rates ho granted college students and
professors taking their vacations. Abbott
informally teplled that in his opinion such
action was contrary to the provisions ot the
inter-stato act , which specially mentioned
ministers of the gospel as the only class entitled -
titled to special rates , but promised to lay the
subject before the association at a future
meeting , when a formal reply would be
Blven. _ _
Fire at Center Harbor.
CKNTKK HAIUIOII , N. II. , July 10. The
Center house , a lar c summer hotel , burned
this morning. Tlio wind was. blowing hard
at the time and the flames spread to adjoin
ing buildings which arc burning. Assistance
has been asked lor from neighboring towns.
The Indications nro that thn greater part of
the town will be swept away. A dispatch
from Boston at n p. m. says tlio telegraph
oflico has been burned cutting off all commu
Forest Fires.
PiTTsnvita , July 10. Telegrams from
Brockwayville , In the lumber regions ol
Pennsylvania , report forest fires raging In
every direction , and fears are entertained
for n number ot settlements which are
threatened with destruction. A largo foiue
are at work fighting the flames , but so far nil
efforts to cxtluquish them have been fruit
Prohibition In the South.
CHICAGO , July la To-day at the national
convention of the Women's Christian Tcm <
perance union Senator Colquit , ot Georgia ,
said in the twelve southern states there ware
fewer saloons to the population than In any
other dozen status , not excepting Maine ant
Kansas. Local option has been adopted lu
Ueoruia and Alabama and prohibition Is u
complete and permanent success.
Steamship Arrivals.
PLYMOUTH , July 10. ( Special Telcgrnir
to the BKK.'I Arrived The Noordland ,
from Now York for Antwerp.
NKW YOIIK , July 10. Arrlved-The Celtic
from Liverpool.
SOUTHAMPTON , July 10. Arrived The
Uaiuuionio , trom New York for Hamburg.
Found a Dynamite Mine.
MIUVAUKKK , July 10. A special from
Albany , Wls. , to tbo Evening Wisconsin
staters that n mine containing 4SO pounds o
dytuimlto was found at Mcmtello , where a
construction party of the Chicago , Mllwau
koe A St. Paul road wns building a llni
nuio3 the track ot the Illinois Central road
Fire nt Iiilu
MILWAUKKE , July 111 Fire at Foudu Lac
Wis. , to-day destroyed McDonald and Stew
art's store houses , residences of Charles John
son and X W. Bullock , the Cotton street M
E. elmrrli and three small houses occupiei
by families , L > ns S-0,000 No Iniurauce.
Dr. Max Randall Dead and His Son
Slowly Dying.
'ho Coroner Undecided About Ilold-
tnK nn Iiitleat--Suii9troko | nncl
JMorpliIno Do Deadly Work
The Wreck's Fatnl Itcsult * .
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKK | Dr. Max Itandnll , the
tan so terribly burned In the B. & M. wreck ,
icar this place yesterday , died at 4 p. m. at
lie Trcmont house after thirty-six hours ot
ntunsesulTerlng. By the dead man's side
ays his son , burned and swollen boy on d
ccognltion , unconscious nnd undoubtedly
lowly dying also. At 10 o'clock to-nlzht
hu boy isyctallvo , but the physicians hold
orth scarcely no hope. The relatives , who
veto summoned by telegraph , surrounded
ho bedside of the dead and the dying , nnd
ho scene was heartrending. The IIK
ailed at the coroner's office and found the
fllclal undecided as yet as to holding an In
quest , but It Is probable that ono will be
eld. Public opinion demands It , and on
every hand the sentiment is that the fcnr-
ul accident should bo probed to the bottom.
Klther the engineer ot the train is guilty of
iiauslaughterthrough criminal carelessness
or the railroad company Is uuilty of working
ts men beyond human endurance. In the
afternoon tlio company had an investigation
of Its own , and It Is understood that Kn-
; lneer Bowser , of the regular train , is clven
ho blame , but an investigation of that kind
nvestlirate.s nothing , and the public know It ,
ind the public further demand that the
burled secrets of the corporation be uncov
ered. It Is the almost universal opinion that
iCnglncor Bowser was asleep at his post , for
10 saw neither the signal at
ho station of Uavelock and saw not the
.rain ho ran into , althoiuh the track was as
straight as an arrow for miles. Tha conductor
if the train saw the signal and with the
} rakeman set fifteen brakes on the tear of
.ho train before the crash came , but received
no lielp from the engineer. The prevailing
iplnion is also that the train men in many
Instances are worked beyond human endur
ance , and the public seem to believe this a
case of that character. The people In dis
cussing the matter believe and peak out that
n good Intelligent jury should bo summoned
t > y the coroner and put the responsibility
where It belongs without the railroad com
pany being judge and jury nnd custodian of
Iho fpcts themselves. The good of the pub
lic and of every lailroad man is rcali/.ed to be
nt stake In this accident , and if it Is not
fixed to the bottom there will be a storm of
Indignant protests that will not down at the
pleasure of the railroad management. The
people of Lincoln want the truth known ,
and If the coroner should fall to hold an In-
questitmaybo expected that Judge Mason ,
as one of the railroad commission , will take
the matter in charge. Nothing for some
time In the capital city has created so much
discussion ns ttio tragic death of Dr. Randall
and the almost equally certain death of Ills
son by cremation in a wreck for which Kn-
gineer Bowser or the railroad company is
directly responsible.
The Lone PI in Clinntanqun.
LONO PINE , Neb. , July 10. [ Special to the
The managets of the Long Pine
chautnuqua are very Industrious in prepar
ing and beautifying the grounds. They have
n foreman and from twenty to thirty-tivo
men at work building the necessary houses
and the grand pavlllion , arranging rustle
seats all through the beautiful grove , con
structing toot bridges over the Pine river ,
cleaning out rubbish and trimming the trees.
Generally the Initiation and llrst meeting of
these western chautauquans the crowd Is not
so great , but everything about the Long
Pine cliautauqua is giving evidence to the
effect that there will he 3,000 people in atten
dance. A great number of tents are being
shipped hero now by people along the line
preparatory to coming , and hundreds of cots.
Everybody north of the Platte should take
an Interest In this matter and give It their
approbation if nothing else.
Attempted Burglary.
KNOXVK.I.K , la. , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to tlio liii : : . 1 Mrs. S. Horn and daugh
ter , living In the eastern part of town , were
awakened from their sleep near midnight by
a loud knock at ( he door. As they wore
alone they wore frightened and ran into the
bedroom , the room they usually occupied ,
where they were nearly stifled by the fumes
of chloroform. It would aopear that the
perpetrutois supposed the occupants to be In
the bedroom and thought that they could put
them to sleep and would test thn soundness
of their fileeo by knocking The. attempt
was thought to bo for thopurposeof burglary.
The ladies gave the alarm whiflhbrouiht ! the
neighborhood to the scene.
LilRlitnlne and Rain.
PI.ATTK CENTEU , Neb. , July 10. [ Special
Telegram to the BKE. 1 Lightning struck n
wind mill tower on the Powers farm , three
miles west of 1'latto Center , and Injured a
wind mill expert , Andrew Wlchter , while at
work adjusting the mill , llo was badly hurt
and the wind mill tower was demolished.
It is mining hard , which will bo of great
benefit to tlio growing corn crop , which is the
best we have ever had. Small grain Is all
Ho Was Smooth.
ViNTONja. , duly 10. ( bpcclal Telegram to
the BKK. 1 Harry Bradley , a nice looking
and a smooth talking salesman and agent ol
the Dondar McCormlck reaper , nt Andrew ,
Jackson county , sold two machines , collected
the money and with an adopted daughter of
farmer Jule aged 17 , fled to Dubuqii" , where
he was arrested this ntternoon in bed by a
deputy sheriff of Jackson county.
Denth or Alsnlom Dennis.
VINTON , la. , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.r. . ] Abs.ilom Dennis , born in 1SOO ,
died at Dewltt Thursday nluht and was bur
led to-day by the Masons , ot which order ho
win a prominent member , lie lived In New
York during the Morgan excitement , though
not a Mason then , and claimed that ho Irovo
the stage that carried Mor/an when he es
caped , llo said that Moigau wont to Canada
helped by Mason money.
Crazed by Heat.
DunuQUE , July 10. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] John Farley , a baker , aged 23
left his employer's ( Mulgrew's ) shop lasi
evening complaining of feeling unwell , llo
afterwards visited his brother's and his dis
appearance was discovered this mornln ? ,
when a note announcing his attention o :
drowning himself was found In his room
Ills clothes were found on the river bank. It
Is supposed that the heat affected his mind ,
Starting the Insane Asylym.
Nonroi.K , Neb. , July 10. ( Special totlu
BEE. ] Contractor Howard and Architect F
M. Ellis staked out the grounds for the now
Insane asylum additions yesterday , and on
Monday active work will commence on the
kitchen and other outbuildings , the con
structton of which are necessary for the op
eratlon of n hospital. These will bo com
pleted to that patients may bo received late
this fall. The foundations for the wines
will also be put in before the close of the
soasou. _
Sad Death at Holdrege.
UOLDitEQE. Neb. , July W.-Speclal | t (
the BEE.J N. Duff , the popular drut am
grocery merchant ot this city , died last nigh
from an overdose o ! morphine. The deadly
poison was taken about 8 o'clock and twc
hours later ho expired. The deceased cami
to Phelps county and located in Pbelpe Center
tor about live years atco , and was one of th <
lirst to remove his builne'ai to Uoldreje on
th ° gro'riml.
It up. iiyt
ears ) o in ndvnnco.nmt
VflK , V10 'rullyf l
' > rns defended
110 , "eant Miller's
- - . . ifoMmft MO volnn-
ho advent of HID ll. * M. r s | % ?
uminer ho built hla tlno bnok b !
shed It handsomely. ThO iNtrndor , 1 year's
mong tlio most popu ! r cltlzoiJice otlico.
wan n member of the school boCOT "J
iast tlircu years , Ho leaves h-ei > rcpnre < )0" fur-
mall children. iorers you wanr 'City
llunry F. Davis , a farmt , )6th ) and Fa p am.
upervlsor of tlio county , Nob. , July li > . ildronnmipo\0- ,
Br.E. I Signal Service Agorl m n private r * ,
Iho Crete observatory , has notlln'u1 ) e0r1j'cnd ' * ,
hero tint ho ran now send to Norn. 95018
weather predictions by telegraph , nt lit , . A-
ponso ot the government , If the city will
make nn Investment of S15 for signal iMgs.
The oiler will bo accepted.
Dig Crops In Etkliorn Valley.
WISNEU , Neb. , July 10. | Special Telegram
tu the BEE. ] The farmers In this vicinity
nro in the midst ot harvesting a magnificent
crop of wheat mill oats. The stand of corn
never was better at this season of the year In
the history of tlio Elkhorn valley , and the
fears of damage by drought Is clo.uod away
by n heavy rainfall to-day. This insures tlio
largest corn crop ever Known hero.
flountrons Rain In Gairc.
CoitTMNi ) , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. ] section w.ts visited
this evening with n long needed rain , with
prospectWf a steady pour all nleht , thus as
suring Gaei ) county ono of the largest crops
it has had for years.Every one Is jubilant
over the prospects.
Killed Her Instantly.
GIIKYKNNI : , Wyo. , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bur ; . I AJiorriblo accident oc-
cuncd nt Atkins station , fifteen miles east ot
Cheyenne , this morning oy which the three-
year-old daitzhtcr of John C. Brooks lost her
life. Mr. Brooks , while engaged In some
work on the railroad , left a heavily loaded
shotgun standing In the corner of the room
of the railroad pump house near his dwell
ing. During his abseoco h < s children while
playing In the pump house , knocked the gnn
down and discharged It , the load taking
effect In his daughter's head , killing her
Additional Particulars of the Hcnrt-
Henrtlns'Accident : ,
ST. THOMAS , Ont , July 10. The number
of people killed in the railroad disaster hero
yesterday is placed at nineteen and the In
jured at about forty. After the collision oc
curred the passengers commenced emerging
from the car windows , every available
means of egress being taken advantage of.
A majority ot the passengers in the car next
to the engine got out when the engine
plunged Into the train. .Engineer Donnelly
was found in the cab with his nand on the
lever still , as if endeavoring to make the air
brakes work. To add additional horrror to
the already sufliciently appalling af
fair , a section ot , the freight train
Into which the engine nf 'the passenger train
plunged , consisted of two ears containing
tanks tilled with crude oil , and the car loaded
with barrels ot refined oil. and almost before
the passengers heard the crash of the collis
ion it was followed by a tremendon.s explos
ion which could bo heard for miles. A
pyramid of red tire and black clouds towered
up in the air In a moment , sheets of fire
reached out and enveloped the cars nnd
dwellings and warehouses In the vicinity.
Burning oil was scattered in nil directions.
As soon as the crash cfone the utmost con
fusion aiose , nnd thqsflnoks of women and
children were hcartiendlug.
Among the killed arc ( ho following :
Mils. K. SMiTiiKUiwuiil child ,
Mies. S. FIIAIXK and child ,
S. M. 7. p.AI.ANJJ and child ,
Mil * . J. Bovr.i : and three children ,
HEIIMAN PoNbroiin , of the fire depart
The list of the Injured Is now supposed to
number fifty , among whom several me not
cxnected to recover.
The total number of'casualties reported up
to 11:30 : a. in. is fully 100. No further deaths
have been reported. It Is almost impossible
to learn how the Injured arc progressing. An
Investigation will bo held In regard to the
cause of the accident. ' , It Is reported that one
engineer had been drinking , but it is claimed
that the main cause ot the disaster was the
failure of the air-brakes to work.
Important Civil and Criminal Dusl-
iiess nt Rapid City.
It Arm CITV , Dak. , July 10 , [ Special Tele
gram to ttio BKK. | The second week of the
district court hero , Judge Thomas picsuling ,
ended to-nlht. Only one Important case
has been tried. Yesterday the judge gave n
decision in the ciso of the city of Hipid
City vs. B. B. Benedict , S. H. Blake nnd 11.
S. Hall , setting aside n deed Issued In 1HS1 by
Benedict ns prooate judge of Pcnnington
county , and trustee of the townsito of
llaplu City , convoy I nc blocks 10 , 20 , 'M and
40 to S. K. Blnko. The court held that Blake
at the time was not In'possession of the land
ns contemplated hj the townsito law of con
gress and Dakota. .The case Is a precedent on
which several , Involving land worth many
thousands ot dollars in Uapid City , will bo
settled. An appeal will bo taken to the
supreme court. If the lower court is sus
tained , the local schooifund : will bo richer by
more than $100,000.
The grand jury returned six Indictments
to-day. John Dandon and James Kernan ,
charged with grand larceny , were nrralgned
nnd clven until Monday to plead. It is
stated on good authority that true bills were
found nL'ninst Porter Warner , editor and
proprietor of the Deadwood Times ; W. 11.
Itonham and It. I ) . Kelly , editors and
proprietors of the lleadwood Pioneer , and
Thomas 11. White , manager of the Dead wood
Mining agency , charging them with criminal
libel. The prosecution Is brought bvGeot.-e
W. Chadwlck , representing tlio Big Bond
hydraulic compnnv and the Dakota Waler
Power company , of New York. 'Hie papers
have tiniB and again called these companies
swindling concerns and frauds. Whlto lias
written letters condemning them. White
is in bad Oder In the Black Hills now on
account of his attack on the Hartley Peak
tin company. The arrests will bo uiado on
Destructive Fire.
NEW YonK , July 10. The Metropolitan
storage warehouse , a five store brick build
ing , burned about 3 o'clock this morning.
The damage Is estimated at S500,000although
it may bo much moro ; Boon after the tiro-
men had got to work ajlerriflc explosion oc
curred , and seven firemen who were on the
first floor were blow * through the windows
to the street , Al | of them wcro severely
burned about the hands and feet. The ware
house contained lurniUire , paintings and
valuable tIt t
It Is stated that tlia bt ( bulldlns was full
from cellar to roof. Tbe furniture stored
In the building was the property of wealthy
families mostly. Manr valuable oil paint
ings were burned. < It id thought the indi
vidual losses will aggregate more than
81,000,000 ,
Fatal Accident.
CHICAGO , July Ifl. A liorrlblo accident
occurred tills morning at the Union steel
works by which three men are likely to die ,
The men were engaged In pouring hot Iron
Into a mold that was damp when the metal
flow and scalded them dreadfully. They
were taken to the county hospital and jihy-
slclans decl are their ( recovery Is out or the
Cyclone In Wisconsin.
WAUPACA , Wls. , July 10. A cyclone at B
o'clock this evening wrenched the opera
house m this city , unroofed two hotels , blew
down the Episcopal church steeple , and
caused other hfinvy damacs. The Cnrran
house was struck by lightning , but no ono
was Injured. Furmers in this vicinity suf-
. . * iirni.
'Somo of the Oonrt ft ot'hPami"iintrT.'l ! (
i 1 1. ilshed roomi
_ 2 front roon,8 ,
_ r tbo summer. 1818 Kama
WANTKD-rurul lied room In
llv for man uml wife , w '
lady. So other tioarilor * . Noa *
areas \ 18 , HOP onico. _ jnted ) and
FOH KENT Two clnirlo ftlrnu
pleasant and oloan , f fl and (3 ,
l TjlOlltKNT KurnUhed rooms , 1 liirD
JL1 room ? , 3 back rooun , now housi
'urnlturp , water , PK * , Itnth room and-
g' ontcd. Apply t-V IlT DouplKg Bt. 8SJ >
? 011 MENTXfns , cottaBos nnd
f < . " " month. Our ir >
Chicago T-J Un' . .tinner Resort.
CincAno , July 10. [ Special Telegram to
10 Bi5i : . | The terribly hot weather con-
nues without any signs of relief. "Wo are
n-lng unusually hot weather , " said the
gnal service man to a reporter. "Wo have
id it straight along now for a month , and
tat Is very unusual In Chicago. In fact our
'cords ' do not show any sunn condition of
lairs to have ever existed here before. Weave
ave had as hot weather bctorc , but never for
> long a time at onco. Wo have hot
'cathcr ' every summer In Chicago , but then
generally lasts lor only two or three days
t a time. The changes hero are usually fro-
iicnt , and when n hot spell strikes us it js
sually over bcforo wo have cot to reali/.o
mt It Is here. This spell Is different In
lat respect. Is unprecedented.
; Is the hottest time Chicago has over had
> r so long a term , and what is more , there
: o no Indications of any let up. It was hot-
T to-day than yesterday , and to-morrow
ill probably bo as hot as to-day. Wo may
twsibly get a shower by to-morrow
ight that may cool it off a
ttlc , but 1 would not llko
) guarantee oven that. We had something
ke this during the summers of 1873 and
> 74 , and again In 1SS1 , but the spoils of hot
cather then were not so long-continued as
its one has been. A cool spell this summer
as been the exception , while heretofore the
ot spells have been the exception. That is
10 only difference between this year and the
revlons ones. The hottest day this year
as Juno 15 , when the thermometer went up
> 06. but it went beyond that to-day , and
'hat ' to-morrow may do I do not know. "
There were half a do7en fetal cases of sun-
trokn here this morning.
In Iowa and the Interior of Illinois and
Wisconsin the heat Is oven moro Intense
tan here , and In many plnoes all worK has
topped. In Illinois and Wisconsin the out-
Hk for the crops on account of the blazing
nn and drought Is very poor. Vandalia.
II. , reports that the drouccht in that section
i the worst for years. Pastures are literally
urning up , and In many instances stocic Is
uttering for water. Unless tnere Is rain
ion the corn crop will be a total failure.
Imllar reports come from all over the state.
Oshkosh , Wls. , reports that the farmers In
I'lnnebago. Fon-Dn-Lac , Green Lake and
ther counties ot northern Wisconsin glvn
ery gloomy accounts of the crop outlook.
'or a week or ten days past chinch bugs have
een working at a lively rate and great dam-
go has been done. On light soil the bugs
ro doing the worst. At Waukesha the har-
eatlngof winter grain has commenced with
10 prospect of but a small yield , and In
lany cases farmers are compelled to cut the
rain for fodder. To add to the dlscouraca-
tent the chinch buss are said to bo attacking
10 corn crop where the small gr.iius have
een previously destroyed.
At Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI , July 10.Tlio maximum heat
> -dav was equal to that of yesterday , while
10 averngo was higher. For the first time
uriiijr the hot terra horses began to fall in
10 streets. Sixteen persons wcro prostrated
I'lth heat In public places and seven deaths
fere reported. This makes to-day and yes-
Jrday twenty-eight prostrations and eleven
eatlis. 'iho signal station thermometer reg-
ttcrod 00.7 maximum , which means from
90 to 102 on the sidewalks.
At St. Ijouls.
ST. Louis , July 10. For the past week it
as been Intensely hot In this city and there
as been much siilfering in consequence.
liough there have been few cases ot prostra-
lon and only , four fatalities up to to-day ,
difln the tnemometer beat all previous rec-
rds this vear and registered 102 in the shade
t 4 o'clock , with eighteen prostrations , three
f which icsulted fatally.
At I'ittsliiirg.
PiTTsnuno , July 10. The mercury was
7 ° at 2 o'clock this afternoon , the highest
lolnt reached this summer. Two fatal cases
> f sunstroke , and a number of prostrations
rom heat wore reported up to that hour. The
ran and steel mills were compelled to close
lowu during the heat of the day.
At Detroit.
DETUOIT , July 16. Yesterday and to-day
las been the hottest weather known here for
nany years , tlio mercury reaching 102 ° In
ho shade. Various parts of iontlicrn Michl-
: an report the mercury from 1)4" ) to 07" , and
t is without exception the hottest weather
or years. _
At Milwaukee.
MU-WAUKEK , July 10. Twenty cases of
unstroko have been reported to the central
lollce station. Of this number three wcro
atal. The day was the hottest ever known
n Milwaukee , the thermometer this alter-
loon reaching lOOdegioss.
At Cleveland.
CLEVELAND , July 10. The weather Is
limply terrhie. Yesterday was the hottest
Inly day In Cleveland lor nine years , hut It
s several degrees warmer to-day , the thcr-
nometer registering OStf In the shade.
At Mnrnlmlltown , la.
MAIISHALLTOWN , la. , J uly 10. Tlio ther-
nometer at 1 p. m. registered 93 * , the hottest
lay of the season. Common Instruments
ccord tiom 102 to KtoS. Out door work is
( radically suspended.
In Central Now York.
SYRACUSE , X. Y. , July 10. At 2 p. m. to-
lay the thermometer registered 100 in the
; liade.
UTICA , N. Y. , July in. At 3 p. m. to-day
: ho murcury registered 08 degrees in the
At Deti Moincp.
DKS MOINKII , la. , July 1C. To-day has
x > en the hottest of the season , the meicury at
.he signal service ollico registering 09.4 , Bus
iness was greatly interrupted by the heat ,
Three Sunstroke * lit Davenport.
DANKNPOHT , la. , July 10. Three fatal
: ases of sunstroke are reported hereto-day :
Mrs. K. Fraeger , Willlum Kbert and Henry
Ueiuiers. _
At riilladclpliln.
PJIILADEPIIIA , July 10. There were five
Jeatns hero to-day from prostration by ex-
: esslve heat _
Tlio Country In General.
WASHINGTON , July 10. Ueports received
it the signal ollico Indicate that the day lias
t > cen ono of unusual and extreme heat In all
parts of the United States lying east of the
Mississippi and south ot the lakes. The
thermometer throughout the entire region
registered 00 degrees or moro. The heated
term has apparently set In much earlier this
year than heretofore , such a day as to-day
being rarely experienced over such n
large section of the country until Auust
A cool wave Is on Its way
east from Nebraska , Dakota and the Lake
Superior region , where the temperature ha ;
fallen ton to thirty degrees , but Us effect wll
not bo felt on the Atlantic coast bcforo Mon
day , and It probably will have lost much o ;
Its lorco on thn way to the seaboard , BO tlia
the declining in temperature will hardly be
more than livn to huven degrees. Atlanta
was the hottest city in the United States to
day with thermometer sliding at 102 degrees -
grees , while Denver was the coolest at Si
NEW VOJIK , July 10. Advices to the Assa
. > * " *
rtiiiiln .1 bl lf Court ilousb , _
W\W ft. wltli.1 utovy lirlck business bloc
than 1 Uoc * from I' . O. , I45.WW. TTf i
40xf with now 3 story brlc , 2 blocks frc * v
0. , 1(0,000. ( v <
Corner , t3th and California , 125.0'X ' ) . * <
S.'xIT.'oti Utli nenr Umitflns. ' -
renti for J.'IU nor month , 10.0. 4 > j ?
1'nll corner lot , Ninth P.tiJ/ .north , In
proved , 130.000. J1110 * < j ? - *
The best business c'-'iy " > , A Slxtconl
L- utroot. Ii3fcot oustx ttlng ( , et dee |
i . some y 4
feet fits : N W feet drop , c
Douirlas tvj'o.ot T HIVp | ret.
„ Kull corneO ; , , llimion , I )
mven , I'.i. , ir'iT nichester , 1
N. Y.'n.- , . 'Many i.rostratl .
reported , but no fatalities.
Indications 1'or Teg street , p vc
For Nebraska : Fair weather , . . .
mi to southerly , slight chances In tempera
For Iowa : Fair weather , varlalilo winds ,
generally westerly , lower followed by no de
cided changoin temperature.
For Kastern Dakota : Fair weather , sllcht
changes In temperature , variable winds ,
generally easterly.
Saved From A liorrlblo Dentil In n
llnllrnad "Wreck.
JTICA , N. Y. , July 10. An accident hap-
) cncd to the president's train to-night
vhllo returning from Clay Ion to Alder
3reck. The train was brought to a stop bo-
'oro the president's party became aware that
hero was nny accident. The engineer had
ils hand on the whistle to blow for a
stllo crossing when the connecting bar to
ho forward driver on the right hand side of
ho engine broke and n huxo plcco of steel
revolved with tcrnblo velocity , tearing out
one aide of the cab and ripping up the ties
nnd cround a.s the enplno rushed alone. A
uigo fracture was made In the boiler , and
ho steam escaped in volumes. The engineer
was found dead beside his rab. Ho had
saved the llreman's life by forcing him up
on top. No other casunlities.
Another Intcr-Stato Decision.
WASHINGTON , July 10. Counsel for the
Missouri Pacific railway company having
made a motion before the Inter-state commerce -
merco commission that It dismiss the com
plaint of the St. Louis wholesale crocors' as
sociation for want of jurisdiction In the
natter of the Issuance of ml lento tickets ,
he commission has declined to take up the
motion : First , because notice was given to
ho complainants , and , second , becnttse Us
object was to roach the merits of the case
and have them discussed and passed upon
nstead of at the customary liual hearing.
The commission closes Its record upon thin
matter with a paragraph of general intcre&t
which nays substantially that the same de
cision will ba made upon all motions ol a
similar character.
New Weather Indication * .
WASHINGTON , July 10. The following
notice was Issued to-day : In order to carry
out the policy of this office of furnishing the
public as far as possible with positive pre-
llctlons of temperature , the Indications offi
cer , beginning with predictions for 7 a. in' , ,
July 17 , 18 7 , will predlctstationary tempera-
nre during the months ot July or August
only when a rlso or fall of three degrees or
ess Is expected. Heretofore they have be-on
allowed a limit of three degrees.
Examining Treamirjr Account * .
WASHINGTON , July 10. By direction ot
Acting Secretary Thompson an examination
of the books and accounts of the disbursing
olllce of tlia treasury department was begun
at 0 o'clock this morning. The count of cash
actually held by each will also bo mado. No
notice of the examination was clven to dis
bursing officers. So far everything has been
round to bo correct. An examination of
the books and accounts of the disbursing of-
licers of the department of the interior are
also to bo made. '
Objected to Hencdlct. ,
WASHING TON , July 10. About three weeks
aio at a meeting ot the Columbia Typograph
ical union , No. 101 , Public Printer Benedict
was elected an honorary member. This was
litghly distasteful to a number of members of
the union and tn-nlght a warm Hit lit took
place over a motion to era so the public print
er's name from the honorary roll. The meetIng -
Ing adjourned before reaching a vote on the
A Commercial Hctisntlon.
GALVESTON , Tex. , July 10. Aprolounded
sensation was produced this evening when
It became known that the old and well known
firm of Kautfman & Kungo had assigned in
laver ot Mrs. Kauflinan. The assignment
was caust l by the unfortunate speculations
of Julius Itungo the senior member , in cot
ton. No statement of assets and liabllltesls
yet obtainable and all is inero speculation as
to how deeply the linn is involved.
Granted ,
WASHINGTON , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to the Bir. : | The following pensions have
been granted :
Nebraska Uonjamln F. Hayword. Ne
braska City ; Daniel T.Johns , Seward ; Henry
Wabon. Plattsmouth : Clnclnnatus C. Mnn-
ford. Wahoo ; Henry B. Anderson , Syracuse ;
(5. W. Davis , Oration ; David T. Amns , Deer
Creek ; William W. Fr.uier. Arnold ; Samuel
A. Arhuckle , Lincoln ; H. Hart , Nemaha
City ; William Martin , Haystown.
Iowa Orplia , mother of Samuel Snmner
Alorvla ; 1'rlscllla , mother of James C. Dean ,
Originals : James Fav , Krnesthurg ;
Kll/abetli K. Ford and William F. MorrPsJ
Tracy : Samuel Lantz , Mn&callno ; Andrew
Piintley , Hampton ; W. II. II. Scott , hen-
ville ; Joseph B , Alien. Wayne ; Thomas U.
Lunc , Des Molnes ; Jp&slo Ankrom. Accney ;
( ieorgo H. Thomas , West Union : L. u Wat-
kin , ( illinoro City : Hewlett II. McKlhoney ,
Des Molnes ; M. McDonald , DCS Molnes ;
Jessie M. Kstes , Colmna ; Andrew Hesner ,
Kdtrwood ; Kobert Bellingham.Kaglo Centre ;
Stnphen J. K.bny , Omaha ; William K. Staf
ford , West Liberty.
I-'Iro In an Orphan Asylum.
NEW I'OIIK , July 10. An hour before day
break n tire broke out In St. Joseph's asylum ,
and nearly live hundred children were asleep
within tlia walls. The servants In charge ,
who , throughout the confusion which fol
lowed , btrnggled with great heroism to pre
serve order and facilitate Iho work of rescue ,
aroused the sleepers promptly and sped them
on their way to the btreet. Police Hounds-
man l.ackoly came to the icsctio nnd
gave valuable ) assistance In removing
the little ones. With his aid tlio building was
soon cleared. None wcro missing , and only
one orphan , nlno years old , was severely
burned. Thohro was soon put out. The
damage was 52,500.
Gladstone nn hooal
LONDON , July 10. Gladstone nt a banquet
given by the Scottish commoners of ttio Na
tional Llbeial club , said ono effect of the
exhaustive discussion of the Irish question
In parliament was the bringing before tlio
Welsh and Scotch people the necessity for
local legislation in accordance with the na
tional wants and traditions. Ono parliament
for the whole empire might bo n grand thing ,
but It did not follow all good on ouo side.
[ Ian Down Hy a Steamer.
DETIIOIT , July 10. Tha steamer City ol
Mackinaw ran down the yacht at tlio head ol
Hello Isht to-night. Five persons aiu re
ported drowned. No further particulars
were obtainable up to 2 o'clock a. ui.
Halloonini ; Over tlio Atlantic.
PAWS , July 10. The Figaro says that Cap
tain Jevls will In Otoocr attempt to niako i
ballron voyngn across the Atlantic to Nuw
York , llo will start trom St. Nuiaiio.
Drink Statement.
NEW YOIIK , July 10. The weekly bank
statement of the associated banks FIOVS ! the
reserve Increased Sl.VN.OOO , and the bank1'
now hold 87t Y7OuO In uwcss of the legal 'X
percent rule.
Flrn at Kanknkoe.
KANKAKEK , III. , July 10. A dlfastrous
tlrn occiured at Manteno to-dav. An uleva >
tor , u Flint mill and two hay barns bfllnnginu'
to Leon Ln/Iere , were burned. Loss , 60,000
Insurance H7.0W ) .
man with good referen-
ipresent > the 4
. .e )
Jropany , of New York
_ _ 2iS--- - - , i '
Depot 'loth Jnd Pacllio sis. I .nn M
Mall and Express " 10:00am ' '
Night Express
D a ttcsK
Mall and Kxpress. . . .
Chicago Kxprcss. . . . . .
K. C. St J. A C. .
iuot 10th and Paclli"- , - , , , , , , _ ' DOU IMI com *
. , . .
Ma. iiotl\.9hlldr.
Looked for Dnr . " .prlJlJA'Jf CO. ,
Months K.\o , Jj v,7ibcr ,
Too Hot for 11.8t
CittcAno , July 10.-IK *
ho Br.i : . | Only n inodcrni 1 "
'or money prevailed durl. tlio
and the markets nro gray < > ; - t-dnL |
easier though Interest rates slj \rlalto.
change. Apparently there Is uflj
paper offered at the banks but parties In
'cllancous branches of trade are borrowing '
Ittlemoru money for the purpose of prepay
ng for an active buslne s dmlng the ff ; CO. ,
nonths. The wholesale merchants nro c '
nrglng their stocks to some extents and ux
) cr dealers are Increasing tholr .
8iip.8jp- |
L'ho outlook for growing crops is yoneij-
regarded ns quite good In sections ofv
west tributary to the Chicago market , „ , . . , . !
" ° n81ti
scqucntly merchants here are encourage ! '
nako preparation for the distribution * fli : ' . " ,
arge quantities of goods and bankers a 17 ' . > $ '
lisiKised to render all the assistance
quired In n financial way. Some money l
> een forwarded to the interior for the
ncnt ot grain and live stock hut
sufficient yet to attrart any
tlon. Shippers of grain have
tented some paper but not In
arge amounts. Bankers are well suj , ' ,
with loanable funds and all parties whd
able to ptescnt undoubted security or co.
erals obUIn all the favors desired. Kates 0:20 : ruled comparatively steady at 0
cent for call and C&8 per cent for time. 011:40 :
oan depending on the amount of money.
quired , the lonidh of time wanted and ' - *
standing of the borrower. Very little p
was offered ou the street and there Is a llt'-.j '
nore money Invested in local securities V ° llw
eastern financial centers. Money ia era * " " *
ually growing easier , and trade in all depa , . . . . "
ncntti Is suffering from the usual mid.sumrrL' ;
lullness. ItaU-n of interest ratiKO from 4'A ;
: > crccnt Foreign financial centers exh > S' <
ittlo life and money is easy In all the i < „ ; :
clpal cities abroad. New York excJ. iVS :
est In moderate supply early In the v > { , , :3r :
and sales between imtiks were made u. , :
and W cents picmlum per $1,000. incroat n'.vi
offerings , however , tended to n weaker feolot
nu and prices declined to US cents disco' 4. :
per S1OCO , and the market closed easy at t < ? : e
reduction. Foreign exchi.nne was In ucttei *
supply owing to the largely Increased shirr
nents of flour , grain and provisions , and tUfl
narket ruled weak. Karly In the week'
shippers sixty days' documentary bills oiv.
London changed hands atISj Q-lbiic. Lat
ter pi Ices ruled weak and declined to 1.80(3 (
4.WJand closed steady at I.SOf@4.Mtf. ! ) Arf <
unsettled and rather weak feeling pravalledl
in the. Now York stock market during the
riast week and prices have averazed lower.
jpcculatois were trading very cautiously and
the bulk ot the business was credited to
room traders. Tne larger operators in WnlJ.
street were doing very little , merely keeping
oven on the market , and outside traders were
not Inclined to do much business , retarding
the situation with considerable distrust *
Some of the leading operators are away ou
their summer vacations , and that also cur.
tails trading.
Earnings for the leadlnc railroads art
well maintained for the season of the year ,
but their stocks do not appear to bo very nt >
tractive to speculator. Foreign operator *
are doing vary little , notwithstanding iho
cheap'nionoy abroad , and advices from Ku
rot loan financial centers indicate lower prices
for the principal American securities. Sales
on the New 1'oik stock exchange for tha
week aggregated only 1,090,000 shares. Con <
shlering all the circumstances surrounding
the nroiluce trade , excessive warm weather ,
conflicting crop teports , rather weak foreign ,
nmikots and the absence of the leading oper
ators at the watering places , qulto a good
business was tiansacted during the wrelj.
lust closed , bomnwlmt of nn unsettled feel ,
Ing prevailed , and prices i tiled with consid
erable irregularities , though the fluctuations
were confined within a nariow range
The season ot the year has arrived when
the now grain begins to reach the leading
western markets , and Chicago commission
houses are now preparing fur lamely ln- >
creased business. Elevators arc being re
lieved ot their old stock , and no trouble will
bo experienced on account of a lack of ele
vator room. Money Is woiklng easier and
batiks lion ; are now In splendid condition to
assist In moving the now crops. Speculative
trade Is gradually improving , though the
largest deliveries are meeting with moro
favor , especially the grain shipping demand
for both grain and provisions lias been well
maintained and stocks have been further re
duced , indicating a healthy trade. Advices
regarding the growing ciops report sotno
damage to small grain by Insects and
drouth , nnd the dry weither has
checked the growth of corn in
some sections , but the damage In
the aggrr&ato is not supposed to bo larger
than usually reported nt this season ot the
year. In fact the outlook must bo regarded
as favorable for Increased production in the
aggregate unless sotno uiitoiseen calamity
should overtaKe them before maturity. Ar-
nvalsof grain at the principal western mar
kets have been comparatively light while tha"
shlpmento have been milto liberal. The ex-
poit movement Is well mnlnfnlned In both
grain and provisions with prospects that
they will bo continued for Mimotlmo at least.
Arrivals of live stock have noa been quite sd
liberal , which may bo duo to the fact that
farmers in some sections are now busily en- , , ,
gaied in harvesting operations. The pack
ing of the west Is not progiessiug so favora
bly and the Increased gained dnrlnj the early
part ot the season has about disappeared.
The ISnstnn Crnze Tor Nude Photo *
BOSTON , July 10. [ Special Telegram to tlm
BKI : . ] Edward ( Ictta. . well-known photo
grapher of South Boston , appealed In court
ve.steiday to answer the charge of pilntlng
and belling indecent photographs. UerU
was held In SW)0 bonds , and the case will ba
continued till Monday. The Inteiestlng his
tory ot thn photographer Chlckerlng and his
fifty or more patrons from aristocratic fami
lies from tlio Back bay district , has been In i\
largo nicasiiio duplicated in the case of Cortz ,
The sanio cra/.o that bewitched youne ;
women of Commonwealth avenue , also led
le.vs aitlstoeratlc maidens of the peninsula
polon of the Huh to seek ( ietx's studio In
bcaccly moio elaborate costume than that
which nature endoucd them. Although
( ierU's patrons were of the lowef caste of
society , their ambitions were none tlio less
strong. They emulated not only the attinc-
tlvo poses or the many well-known pictures
ot the I'arls salon , hut also were photo-
craphcd as nymphs , goddesses mid mermaids.
The yoiinir women , nil ( it whom were fa
miliar witli the statuaty ot lite art musemms ,
nttitudinl/ed ns Creole goddesses , nnd the
outline ol limb , figure nnd feature of ( iert/'tt
productions demonstrates that thn Boston
girl ot to-day does not fall far below the
tnndnrd ot the ( itcck Ideal. Llko their
histerrt ou Commonwealth a\enue , the yonnjc
women of South Boston declare that they
havodonu nothing wroiu .
A Trrrillo Storm.
Niw : YORK , July 10. Advices from Ash
land I'.uk , X. V. , say that n tenltic rain and
thunder storm piuvallcd along the coast this
evening. At PhlllvBburg , opposite Eastern
Pennsylvania , much dnuiRgo was done < ; y
wind and lightning. Houses w ere unroofed ,
trees and ten-es were blown down , and &uv
cial structures were Mrud ; by lightning.
Niw ; YOIJK , July 1C. The sU mcr Kllia.
Hancock , excursion boat , running to Ijny--
KM''i't ran Into n yacht to-nlghl , ' cnpslilng ,
her. Four men io reponcd drovne4t * ' '
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