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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' THIJBSDAY. .TUM H. 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advurtlf > rtnctilB undorthls hcnd.10 cents pn Inu for the first Insirtton , 7 cents for each auu fiicnt | Inrcrtion , nndtl.Mn line prr month ho ndvortlomnnt tnkcn for leestnnnZA cents ror the tint IttMTl Inn. Povi-n wools wJI no counted to the line ! they must run consecu tively and must bo paid In advance. All ndrcr- tlsomcntH must bo hnnded In before I : .10 o'clock p. 111. , nnd under no clrcum tnnccs win they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. I'nrtmn nrtvcrtislntf In these column nnd nnv- Inc the answers nddropsed In care of Til * HER IP Wlllplrnso HPk fora cheek to enable them to got tnelr letters. ns nonn will bn delivered oxcoDt on i recontntlon of check. All answers to ndvor- tiscmnnts should bo enclosed In envelopes. A II advertisements In thee columns are puli- llnhcdln lioth mornlnir nnd evening edition * of The DEB , the circulation of which KirroRntcs morn than 14r > H ) papers dally. nnrt plvcs the ndvcrtl er the Ijenent , not cnl of the city clrciilntton of The tlr.r. but nlso of Council llluJTs. I.licoln , nnd otncr CIIIOH nnd towns throutrho'jt this part of MONEY TO LOAN. MONI'Y to loan , no commission , Cole. .118 S 16th. W03 7&nXX ) TO LOAN ntO per cent. Mnnhan A $ Mnlioncy , lfXU Fnrimm. li'J i' Money. 11. C. rattorran. ir.lh and Harnnr. 181 . to lonn on real o lnto. No delay. Harris * Sntnpson , 1,110 Douglas Bt. S.VJ ONKV TO UAN-T FTTiiTH Co , real M estate nnd loun agents , 1W5 t'urnum st. lea . To lonn on Omnha city property ntU $600.000 per cent. O. W. Dny , B. o. cor. Ex. Did. 170 ' ONF.Y TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop , orty , low intes. Stewart & Co. , Hoom 3 Iron bank. lil M O.S'EY to loan to jmrtlrs wMilnir to build. B. H. Campbell , 310 8 lOlh St. , Chniiibnr of Commorco. 760 M ONEY to lonn. cash on delay. J , W. and E. L. Squire , 14K ) Furnam st , Taxton hotel bulldlnz. 17U MONF.Y TO LOAN Lonna of $10 to $100 madeon furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , . , without removal , J. J. Wilkinson 4 Co. , 1321 Fnrnnm street , over Hurllngton tiiket KK "Ug ! ) M ONF.Y TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In aiimfl of ftCOO to J6IHX ) nt six per cent interest , MiolcsA Ciiimb. 107 centM ONF.Y TO LOAN on improved real ostnto ; no commission charged. Loavltt llurn- ham , Hooin 1 Crclghton Mloek 173 MONKY to loan on Improved city property and farms from fl.tlOO up nt lowest rate. Apply to Wra. B. Loach , Heal Agent , IMI9 l < 'nrnam. ( > o4Jyl'J MONEY TO I.OAN-On city property In nums of t ! > OD ami upwards nt lowest rntrs. Money nlwnys on hnnd. 8. B. Campbell. 310 Houth Sixteenth street. 188 MONEY to lonn on fnrm nnd city property nt current rates. Large loans on gilt i dged business property. Fee us. Marshall & I.o- beck , 1509 Farnnm. Telephone 7.1 281 fTU ) LOAN Money Loans placed on im- JL proved real nstatn In city or county for Kew England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 18th and Chicago su. 175 MONKY to loan on Improved city property at 0 per cent Money on band ; do not have to wait. Have a complete set of abstract hooka of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Real Estate and Loan Co.aMB.l.rth8t. lifl TillFTY Thousand dollar * to lonn to parties J } wishing to build. fftVXX ) to loan on unimproved city property. $11)0,1100 ) to loan on Improved city property. Hpoclnl rntos for the neitW : days. Odell llros & Co. , cor Farnam and HUh. TV/fONEY / LOANED at C. F. Itcod * Co.'s Lonn 1TJL onico.on furnlturupianos , hoiscs.wngons , personal property of nil kinds nnd all other ar ticles of value , without removal. SIB 3.13th. over Iltngham's Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. ISO MONKY TO LOAN by the nndorfltgned , who bas the only properly organized lonn agency In Omaha. Loans of tUI to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons machinery , * o , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans to mndo that any part cnn bnpnld nt any tme.each payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances madn on fine wntuhcs nnd diamonds. Persona ah nil Id carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many onw concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see mn. W. It Croft , Hooro i WMhnoll Building Kith and Hnrnuy. 177 mjlK OMAHA Finaneial Exnhange. JL N. W. corner of Harney nnd 15th its. , over Bute National bink. r Is prepared to make short time loans on any * available security. Loan * made on chattels , collateral or rear estate. Long time loans made on Improved real eitate Kt current rates. Purcha o money mortgagea negotiated. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loans made on second mortgage. According to marginal Interest , t collateral J-atos. . llonl citato to exchange for good Interest liearing paper. General financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money always on hand for approved lo ni of nny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Corbett , Manager. lit ABSTBACTB OF TITLE. 11)1AND ) Guarantee and Triift To. , 1MJ Farnam street Complete abstrHcts iur- JilBhod , and titles to real estate exumlnod , perfected - fectod and guaranteed 678 BUSINESS CHANGES. RAHKbualnosa chance ! for sale , the stork , fixtures and good will of a tlrat-class cloth ing Itoro doing > good Itiuslncss , centrally located , only reasona for lelllng the owner haa other nnd more Important buslneHA. Parties meaning business may address U. IP , Bee ofllco. U4'J FOlt BALK A boarding house and furniture , doing good business , 40 boardcri , good reason for selling. Call at Currlo ft vellum , 15th Mid Cauitol aye. Hxposlton Uulldlpg. 830 Sl'ECULATOltS opportunity. Information on stocks onlv telegraphed under code to any aubscrlber. E. Shoriunn 1'ltcb , IU Wall st. TISJy S3 "CHUlt BAT.K 'Boot nnd shoo atock Including X' 6 years lease of store , liest location In Pinto and oily. Addrcs * T 10 Dec office. 175 Jy 17 _ _ TpOH SALE A first-class hotel pi operty. two story tirlck In excellent location and doing ' an extensive Duslncn. For partlcuinri aa- drons II. a Lilly , real eatat dealer , Ilrokon How , Nob. 16881 _ T71OH SALn-A good hotel In the live town of J } Chadron doing a good business on very eaayterma. Full particulars by addressing M. It. Lnngworthy. , Wyoming. 7111 JySJ WANTKD-Partner , 1200 ; $10 dally. 910 B. 10th st. W.'ns * TTHJK BALK-Meat market , tools , tlxtures , JC liorso and wngon , everything complete. Good location ; good trade. Addr * si U 40 , lice. "IjlOll SALU-J 00 takes one of the bast local- JL' ed boarding houses In Omnlm. lleut onlv 40. lU'gular run of boarders > . Adilrosa n M , Hc oflico. &M U T71OH SA1.I5 A first clnss business with long JL' ehoap loate on the building. In M flrst rln * locntloB. flood reiuon given for atlllng out. Inquire at the llrvnrii Advurtlblng company , 11ii : Kuranin at , Oinahi , or 118 South liltli at , Lincoln. Nob. _ 737 14 WANTIH ) ( l ntlrman within * an uoncot hualncsa. I'rollta ( It per day. f 100 re quired , Will oxuhango for stock or trade. Call room I Crouu o block , 11V N I'Uh ' itreel. 723 MrANTKD-rwtnMfor ttrxt-clHsi bakory. Tf Capital required , $ "iOO. ' .looil chnc fern n good baker or live young raan for th * uugon. Ocricau picferrod. AiMrtPS 1 } W iloe ontci * . TTUIK KXCHANOE-A stork of hardware In J. ' Council lllulfs for Omahti rent state. A. II Comttoc * . H l Fnrnam at. IM riMIKKK will probably b * Xl.OJO or morn nl- J. londlng the North N > nraska soUllcn'r.- Union si Norfolk Aug. 1127. Pnrtles deilrinr ' .jfthootli privilege ! on the groii'idt for any rpu- tatdo buslnesii ihould aJilroi * n. U. Wliiainan , Norfolk , N K KO IB WANTED-Pitrtlea wlui'rtpitre 10 buy or tell or exchange t > tnrk of grnvrvl mprohan i dlic , dry cocda , rrocerlot , boots and fhom , liBruwnroiiriiga , Jewelry imprurod or ustm- piovn.1 town orclly properly. Improved er un proved farna in any part ol the United Mmr-i , to aridreii Kriue i Fetter , Bin S. 16tb t. fiinahs. Neb. Ml Oitt VA K-Lmr librury. ctinxp. " " VuwUr A Wb * ) r , Ikiu.-ln ua IClh it. ? 4I ,1l SALK-T-Flrit-cltii rcdaurmit , I < _ irOO to 1400 tacnth. Proprlrlor going lot ke hotel Aug. 111. Addrea U ei , Hmofr yic . 770 ti' OH 8ALK- food builnelt : i < nil ! caplli rtaulred : fen reaiou fat idling. Ad M 7 44 Hit fioe. ' ' , ! FOH BALE -A No. 1 aalodn ( Jpo box cheap , at No. 112i ) JTarnnm t. 278 PERSONAL , . 1)hH30NAL-Totho ladles of Omnhai Wo lia 5 KOO < | rcsrcctnlilo idrls that wnnt places In private fnmlilcs. Omaha Kiiiployment lliiroau.119 N. inih st. 774 13 I lHlPONAL Oontloinen , nttrutlon. ( Jood board and rooms ut 6'Jt ' i ? . Uth St. , reasonably 7M nug 12 ] _ I > iHSONAL-If : you want n deslrab'e ' , ccn- trnlly located oltico you can Cud it at ilia B15th st. 1 < 75 _ _ llEHSONAL-Prlvnto homo for Indies during J confinement , strictly confidential , Infanta adopted , addrc a E4 , ' . lice olllcn. < 2.'n.1) EltSONAI/-Mrs. Dr Nanma V. Warren clairvoyant , Medical and business Medium Boom No. B 121 North 18th et. .Omaha , Neb. toil LOST. .N From Clny Centre , Nob. , atenm Obrow n ponies with end spring top buggy. One cut on right nrm , branded O on left shoulder. Other branded on right hip , tcnrred on right shoulder. M. 1' . l.lotcli A Co. 7fi7 15 STHAYRD Span of ponies , blnck mnres 4 years old , from Mlllard , Neb. Itcturn to Crlf > . I'oppenhaireii , Mlllard , Nob. , nnd get re- wnid. 781 IPJ LOST Hook with 6 contracts In between Omaha and South Omnhn. Hcwnrd. re turn to ( lust Half. South Umalia. C95 14J ObT-lllack nnd tan dog with collar this Jmornlng : reward given : return to IBS Hurt st. 618 HJ LOST July 4a dark rod cow with white spots. Finder will please return to owner , 15th nnd Uoiiglua nnd get reward. N. D. Falconer. I'.VKNTY-FIVK dollars' roivnrd. Btrnycd or toltn from icnr of 111 N 17th st , n largo roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing be tween 1,1'OOoiid 1,100 pounds , redlsh brown mn no nnd tail , hind ntiklo somewhat swolh n- J2"i will be paid for return of animal to owners , nt 110 S 14th st.nml If stolen the sheriff of Doug las Co. will pny a reward of 150 for the nrrost lid collection of the thief. CM IOST On Klghtennth , Hhcrmnn UTO orUrace J ft. , "SpecltloationE. " 1'lcnso return to HUM North 10th st , or 1' . J. Crcedon , architect , opera house. M. T. Murphy , contractor and builder. Wo STOHAGE. STOHAOK-OmnhaStorngo Warehouse , cor. 13th nnd Iiini , nmple lacliltles for Bturngo , Turnlturn , wagons , etc. Low rntos , advances inndo. Issue wnrehouao receipts. 4'J3 nug Oj WHIST-CLASH Storage at 110 N 12th Ft. 1TOHAGK ' First-class storage for nice fur- S' nltuio or boxed goods , at IBM Dodgc-at 189 CLAIBVOYANT. MIW. DDHANT Clarlvoyant from Boston , la reliable In all affalrsof life , unites separated lovers. 822 N. ICth st room 1 C91 Jj28 | MISCELLANEOUS. MOHTGACli ; notes bought. I have an Imme diate piirchnxur for pnmo good paper , amounting to f.VOOO or $10OCO and secured by flrst mortgage or atrlctly Insldo property. Can lane notea running for dlfierent periods. Call at once. J. A. Htcatnud , 111) ) , Arlington block , 1511 Dodge 740 EMl'LOYKHS-ln need of clerks , bookkeepers , correspondents , watchmen or other help should loon over our list of applicants. No charges. IlccordAdv Co , 1613 Farnnm. 713 I'J M10 KXCHANGi : For good family liorso nnd Jphaeton. . HO acres lit land , free from en cumbrance , within three miles of county sent. Chas. 1' . Ilonjamln , 1512 Fnrnnm St. f 55 /1ASII buyers of furniture , atovcs and house- \J hold goods don't go to the long time high priced stores , they go to 117 N ICth. S47 nug 7 TYfOKTaAOEnotes bought 1 hnvo npurchas- -1L er for some good paper amounting to ! i,000 or 110,000 nnd secured by llrst mortgage of strictly Insldo property. 1'nrty will buy notes runnlnir for dllTciont periods. Call nt once. J. A.lllestnud , HO , Arlingtonbill , 1M1 Dod-o. EXCHANOE-South Omahn lot free from TO encumbrance for span of good horses. Chas. P. Benjamin , 1512 Farnam st. f > V > M ONP.Y talks lor furniture nnd household goods at 117 N ICtb , Your price for cnsb , 04rt nug 7 FOH THADi : Fanne , city lots , stock of mer chandlsu , etc. I'urrott JL Williamson , 14th Douglnx. 2.v > F. WIl.Lr.TTS-Trnlnrrt mnlc slck-nurae. Tnlephone 370 , Y. M. C. A. rooms. 200 31 rpAKE NOTICK-W. 0. King & Co. , House JL tloving nnd liaising , addreii 1320 Pierce it OESS poola anil vaults cleaned nnd dead animals removed bv John Nelaon , garbage collector for 4th ward south of Douglns st 1415 Hartley st Tele phone fhW. U9jy23 ] MOHTOAOK notes bought. I hare an Imme diate purchaser for some good paper amounting to fbOJlior f 10,0(0 ( nnd scoured by flrst mortgage ot strictly inside property. Can handle notou running for d ilTercnt periods. Call ntonce. J. A. Hluatnud , 11 U , Arlington block. loll Dodge. V40 Foil KENT. Squire Piano I.I moninlr. A. Hoepe.l6Uix > ugai. : Ib7 rilO parties having houses for rent , Itental JL Agency , Henawa & Co. , 15st. , opposite post- office. We have turned ever to them our rental Hut. we recommend them. McCagu * Bros. IBS TTUm ItKNT-Organi. IS per month. Hospe. JC 1513 Douglas. Ol. C.-HOUSO furnishing goods , all kinds ; e cash or installment ; lowest prlcei at J. Ronner , 1315 Douglas at. 189 _ I Oil RENT Hquare riano , ( t montolv. Hoaoe. 1613 DougUa. 187 I K you want to buy or aell furniture , go to J. Ferguson's. 715 N l tb. lee FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IP OK SALI-f Mcdlum sl/od second hand aafe. 1 Apply to Crane Hro'aMfg Co. Oli ) OH SALE-Horae nnd buggy , 20 HP boiler 8 H P engine. , nil on easy terms. Corner 13th and 'mrd. 4 : > 5 1:1 : ] FOH BALK Span of nlco young horses. For Halo ou time payments. M. V. Martin. 274 TJ10H 8ALK Furniture of 8 rooms with privi- X ) loge ot lease of house , 707 8. 14th St. I1OH SALE A second-hand Sblpraan engine In good running order by John C. Kilner , York. Nob. 60S 17 Fffi SALE Furniture and leas * ot six rnoma In Cat , 07 B. 13th St. Hoom No. 3. "irOIl8ALE ! One six-foot upright black walL - -L nut show oa o , Milton Ito ers & on. Wi 8ALR A nrst-clnas rllin ? pony. En- .julro , 1420 S 6th st , W7 IS- fOH BALK Pair ponies , buggy and harness , 1 SIM , u. H. Spray. tfi N. PJth. 41UIHJ TCTOlt SALE A good horse , top buggy nnd JL' harness , can be scon in burn roar of 2015 Capitol ave. 700 14 T7HH SALE Span line matched bay driving JC horse * . a F. Harrison , 4133 Whit. 578 FOR SALE Now elevator , coal shcda and offlcp , with from and coal business nt Oak- dale , Neh. lluslcega profitable and good roa * sons for selling. Address for particular * lack Hex 80 , Fremont , Neb. T53 S5J FOH HALE Pony , harness and cart. Inquire HU Park avo. 78t 17 ] OH PALP.- Studolmkor bugg.e * at Reaman'a. r"tudobHker phaotoiiaat Senmnn's. Studcbuknr carriages at Seaman's. Mtmlebskrr spring \vagoim nt Soaman'a. tStudcbnker draft waguns nt Seunau's. Corner of l'rnam and llth at * . Flrr ear loads just r clve 1. KH Jy ti WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKU-On * or two good men to enimire in n steady and profitable business. Call before Friday uoon at LU ! N. 13th st. H. s. Hmlth. 78' ' ) 54 ] \\7ANTED-Awoodturuer , ( Into Cm I'lnr- V > ing Mill. 'Jili mid PougUi. ' , ; .t' ) , j \\7ANTED Parrlugo trlnunor ontitclnrnt VV OIK-O. Wio. H. DrUmuiMid \ Co. 1315 Hnrccy et , 7i ! i'l \ \ bTAN'lKD-MenTorlown. vi r.oar Kimsaa City. D. C. O'KfPfe , WflS. Illlnt. Ik-.l-llJ \l ANTED -At Woklern Cnrnlfe work * , 10 ' i-ornlr * ok ri 6 tin rooftn. .6bttrri ; lian but Urft-cUii uion ui < d upply. W-'M S. U'llut 0. Hpsclil. Cg ffl _ WANTED l.ahorr for Coiorndo oear I'en- vrr , nnmpmir wnrk , got i ware * for good men , farm puM , hlp rrrry d y. Mr * , Btfgak .S nUI ai6th up l lr , 7H 14J A.NTD- | : oo1 KilUlier will p y Ury , 1CJ1 N. 15IU IU ' M U WAN1ED-A good foundry moulder. \ > y John C. Kllner. York. Neb. M7 17 WANTED-Hnllroad laborers for Colorado ! wages for teamsters S H tier inontli nnd lionrd : steady work. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm. Bn " \\rANTED-Agcnt8 Mnnlmttnn Mfo Ins. Co. of Now York. Good rontrnct to live ngcnts. Adilrc's \ \ estern Manager , Oco.V. . llfgg _ , JJcs Motno , la. yulOJ WANTED A few persona to Instruct Inc . . . Hook'k't'Pn'r | ' K ° 0 < 1 situations. .1. II. Smith. 1013 Chicago st. 797 15 ] WANTED-Two men ot ( food address cap. . . . ftl ) ! ° of jelling n line of specialties Call 424 South 10th st. 8g 13 * " \\7ANTKD Hood man to put In stock gen T ornl mcrchnndlse ; small country town , store rent flO per inontli ; lieu o fro : Binnll capital required. Address postmaster. Foster. N o. 60114 ] \V ANTED-A gents with small capital. Cull nt 1111 81.1th st. 711 13 ] V\7 ANTED Young man to work In chop house- , understands cooking , 87 per week. 1 iimn for Inrrn ut Florence , ! ! nmlo cooks out of clt > , 4 for city teamstersf-5 per month , teams IJ.50 per dny. Omnhn Employment llurciui , 11U North 11th. 772 IS ANTKI-At ) city steahi liumdry , driver andolllco help. 777 13 WANTED Three young mon of Intclll- Kcnco nnd business nbillty. J , M. French & Co. , room II ) , Oushman IHouk. 8J4 10 WAN'lED Traveling men visiting harness itnd shoo trade , to Bell our goods. Liberal cotnintsslon Samples light , faddlery hurd- waio nnd whip clrmimm preferred. Nntlnnal Harness Ull compmiy , Detroit , Mich. Kil-l'l * \VANTKD-10 bricklayers , corner 20th ftnd * Hnrnriy , wages $4.60 lor B hours. It. II. Llvosoy , Omalm. C53 14 ] \\7ANTED-A peed salesman to solicit orders vv from business men ( no canva'sliig tit icsl- donees ) . In each town In tlio south nnd south' west.Vo solicit mply fiom good mon , who wish to oiirn n salary of not loss than ? 21 n wi'ok. M. 1) ) . 1' . Co. , 18 I'cnrl St. , Oinnil Rapids , Mich. 507 WJ WANTED Younir men or Indies us canvas sing agt for publishing Co. Wnsres,50 per day. Mrs. llrcK i. Son , 1110 S 15th et. " \"irANTED 45o per hour for good stone cut- T tnrs. Apply to W. II. Tyler.LincoIn. Neb. 335jylOJ WANTED FEMALE HELP. "WANTED ( llrl for general housework In atnnll family. No children. aiin Cnli- fornm street. 7W ( 13j VXTAN'I I.I ) A peed girl for kltchon nnd gen- v oral hou oHork. Apply at once 1810 Cal ifornia st Mrs. ( J. a. Wnllnco. 77310 \\7ANTKD-2nlce girls for second work. * 4 ; T T cooks for prlvnto / < onrding houses , f5 ; Boconil girl , ; chnmbermnlds for Medicine Lodge. Kan. , $18 , fnro paid ; 10 dining room girl , laundresses , scrub girls nnd girls for general housework in every part of the city. Mrs. llrcgn Sc Son , 310 8 1.1th st. WANTIID-Mcat cook , $10 : pastry cook , 110 : second cook , (7 : dishwashers f4 nnd f5. Mon. Mrs lliogn& Son.1108 16th. 731 lilj At , * ANTED-rir t class second cook by Satur- dav next nt ( Jrnnd Central hotel , llent- rloe , Nob. No hams need apply. 740 la WANTED-GIrl for go nernlhousonork ! Mra. II. S. Smith , 208 California streot. 77B VyANTED-GIrl at Emmet house. 373 WANTED Women capnhleot taking charge of kitchen In restaurant. 317 8. 12th st. 784 15 * WANTED-4 fomato cooks , 2 pastry cooks , 0 dining room girls , 3 chnmbermalds , 2 girls for scrubbing , r > 0 frlrla for general house work. Oniuhu Employment Ilurunu. 77313 W ANTKD A good girl nt 1120 Jackson st. Wages f 4 per week. 727 HJ WANTED 2 middle aged women lor chnm- bermaids , * . " > per week , commence 9 o'clock finish 7,107 North 12th. 069 13 * W ANTED A nurse girl nt the Windsor Hotel , npply to Mrs. Prince. 071 13 WANTED 2."jOcnnvns ors , ladles or gentle men , wages from fl.M ) to f.'i per day. Omaha Kin p. Uurcnu , 119 N ICtn st. OW IU \\"ANTED-A good girl for gonoial houae- work , must bo good plain cook. 1917 Cuss st 51U - IS to 15 - WANTED-Nursoglrl , ycni-soldot 1222 N 10th St. 730 13J WANTED At once , a good negative ro > toucher , lady or Kent , at Hej n'a gallery. Cila W ANTKD-Two glrla at Donxn house , 422 S 16th St. , near Bt Mary's avo. 024 VVANTED-A woman to do general bouse TT work , none need npply unless a first- class cook , good wages to right party , 1818 Webster. 168 SITUATION WANTED. WANTED-Sltuntlon. flrst clnss French cook. Address O. Dehn , Oermanln house , OlOS. 10th. 741 l.i * VI7ANTKI ) A position by a young man of 21 to learn H trade , or where no can earn his board and goto school Addicss U Rl , lleo ollicc. 74414 \7"ANTED A flrst class dressmaker would T like n few engngcmcnts In prlvntu fami lies. Address U 28 , lleo. 74318' \\TANTEI ) Situation by young man In nn ' ' oHIco , several years oxnerlonee as book keeper nnd cashier In largo packing house , ref erences tlrel clnss. Addices McK.caro Lord Si ThomaF , Chicago. 758 H WANTED -Ilygraduato of business college situation In wholesale or retail house , peed referencei. Addioes H. N. Lynn. Hod Oak , la. § 79 13 * WANTED-Poaltlon as bar-tender , 1 year's experience. Address U M lice oltico , C9t ) 17 ] WANTKO-Oy an experienced business man , a situation as bookKeeper , clerk or salesman In a tlrst-class house ; salary no ob ject. City references. Address U Ml. live olllco. G4' ( 13 * WANTF.D-We have situations for 6 dlnmg room girls , 10 girls for nlco private fam ilies , 3 cooks. 1 nurseand one nlco girl fo- fac tory work. City Labor Agency , N , W. corner li > th nnd Farnam. 5'j'J ' WANTED Ity young mnn of experience , work to do evcnlnga. A sot of books pre ferred. U47. lleo. K515 ] rpo CONTHACTOIIS-Wo nrepropnred to f ut. -L ntsh any kind of laborers you want. City Labor Agency , n w cor , 16th nnd Farnam. Ground floor. ZG'l \\7 ANTKD-SUuntlons for 10 ghll for general TT housework. City Labor Agency , nw cor. ICth and Farnam. Ground floor. 203 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \ \ r.\NTED-Doard by gentlemen and children , In private family where liorso can be kept.Addrnss _ UC2 Dee ofllco. 701 14J \TITANTED TO rent a ten to twelve room T house in good locality. Also two or three roomfc for light houaekeeplng. Itccord Adv. Co. , 1.113 Farnam' 76.1 14 ANTED To contractor * and others. We can supply you with good laborers , team- ter , carpenteri , gardeners , mm to tend horses , and useful boya. Wo have a largo and irrowlnf list to select from. HatHfaotlon gtiar- nntot'd. Personal and careful supervision given IH.I'VJ'1 ' Ubor ? rdor , recelTiHl. Dayton 4 Arford , 1804 Dooglasat. Employment Agency. T59 13J A\7ANThD-Fnrntibo < l and unfurnlahcd v hou c and room * . We have a very largo Hit of applicants. Unfurnished houtea with from 4 to 10 rooms in demand. Unfurnished rnomi for light housekeeping much sought after. List your houses and rooms with ua. Dayton * Arford , 1304 Douglas et. Renting Afc-jncy. 748 13J TIT ANTED Ltdv room-mate , good musician ami amiable. Inference required Ad- drtnSin. Jlca , 661 13j \STANTED. Small house or part of house in VT re p ctable locality. Two In family. A * , droia U U lleo. CM io \\7'ANTKD-To know why glrla will tire T theinsolvei out running down adver- tlnemrnta whn they can be mppllcd with nlco placet lu private fumllioa at good wages free of chatgv. Mrs. Ilregn It Son , 3Id So 15th it 731 14 ] WANTRD exchange , a almost new Hack fort cod norm. C. K. Mayne K. E. It T , Co , N W cor. Kiln and Fcruam , --HOP8E8 and LOTS. TJJAOB irKNF Nrw bouseen rooms , city X1 wnt r and bath. 27th and Parker st. In- qulro 1708 Jackaou it. 840 19 ] RBNT-FiirniiBeJboute ot 10 rooms , M i4 itore. Inquire at 1211 eia OB RKNT New atoro ud living rooms on Curaluf It oar P undfr M. Apply Rar- FOIl HKNT A basemom good place for barber shop , s TV corner"11th nnd Iayen- worth sts. fcv > * 18 Itr.NT SIXTJOtn horflij Just nnlshod , t , bot. I'nrkor ailfjiUccntur st. FOlt KENT 2 hollies , onn n room , ono 3 room. Inquire 1. .N , Plorco , 16W Doug- las. | 7M13J 1I10II ItnNT--Sccond floor of brick building , -L outhwest corner of Tenth and Leaven- worth streets , containing twelve rooms ; also water closets and wnsh room. Will sell lessuo the steam heatlnx apparatus In said bulldlnir. KnqulroofJ. It. Mnnchrster , claim agent , U. 1' . U'y. , corner 9th and Farnam streets. 707 1'j cottages , 4 rooms cncli , in block 40 , X south front with nlley , city wntor. etc. This week J1.T > 0 each und'\ery easy teims E. T. Uadd & Son , 1.U1 Farnam st. 7 < M 10 FOH URNT Flat of 7 roojns. Cor. ICth wnd Howatd sts. Apply 610 S. 10th . 7G316 * _ _ fOH ItKNT- . " room house nicely flxcd on jHamilton. . Inq. nt'J2tl Cummirct. 700 14J FOH RUNT New house , pae , hot and cold water , furnace , 1.1 rooms , near street cars , ! J mile from opera house. Address lr Kl llco olllco. 75J 17 Foil HKNT A now 7-roomcd house with porch , well , etc. , trees , on S. 17th st. nnd Vlnton , iicai1 street cut line : beautiful sur- louniliuk'p. Apply to Mm. Julia Stein , 1111 DOtlglBBSt. iiOll 13J FOH HKNT Second nnd third Iloorovcrtho Pnlnce snloon , U'UI rarniun st. Inquire nt II. Nou innn's clothing store. 700 15J FOlt HKNT Two Inrgo ncn- stores nnd two tints of live rooms raoh. City water nnd gas. On Founders st. C. W.J.'nln.irJOUhlo st Blii FOH HKNT 0 loom house nnrt barn , 17th and Center sts. , hoiifo heated by hot water and nil modern lmpro\oinots , KVi. Also a" room house us nbovu 140. J. I * Welshaiw , 31U S. 16th -itrcet. _ _ 16I I7KH ) HENT Front offlcc , second floor , 16th t ? st , between Fntnnm and Hnrnoysts ; K. L. Iregory , 3i.'U S 15tli St. 000 FOH HUNT Now fl room houses , pnntry , cellar , city water oto , ? - ' - per month. K. I G i cgory , .T-'O S 1 Jtlt s' . 607 FOH HI'.NI' A dwelling house with seven looms ono square north ol llanscom park nil two squares from street enr. Immediate loescssion. Apply Samuel .1. Ilowcll17 S 14th t. 7NI 16 FOH HKNT-Now 8-roomed houso. K1S Chi- Cttjo st . tlKI. J. U. lllngwalt , 218 B. 1Mb. 778 OlIOlCi : Ix > t for Lease. Southeast corner 4Sx9' > U Ijcuvi-nwortb and l' rk nve.or will Hilld to suit tenant. Hobble llros. : IT > 'J FOH HKNT-Smnll office in excellent loca tion. Enquire of F. Barrett 4 Co.il4H ; a 15th. 227 mOR HENT-Throo room houso. 1108K S.7th . 345 FOB RENT BOOMS. FOR HENT-Furnlshed Trent room , 1HS3 Dodge St. , 684 17 FOH HF.NT Furnished rooms with board , HW.1 , Farnam. 6f5 18 * TjlOU KENT FiirnUhPil rooms for gentle- -I ? men. Apply at Collect/ft olllco , loin i'ur- iam , J C63 31 FOH HKNT n rooms , unflhnlahad. cor 13th and Dot cas. gj ! : (170 ( 13 * FOIt Itr.NT-Furnished rooth In Orounlp blk. cor 13th ami Dodiro st. litnulrn of Davis , V "lothorlngton , Mlllard Hotel Ullllnrd room. 211 HUNT riogunt furitfrtiod rooms with board. 1C21 Fnrnnm st " 312 POH HENT-Furnbhcd rooms , 181 Dodgo. } STTnuiM" TC10H HDNT Hooms on groirnd floor for hcnvv L'storage or rannnfnuttirlng purposes. Hani or 4 horses. Corner 13th nnd I/ard. 494 13j J1OH HKNT Deslrnblo furnlsucd looms. 1811 1 Capitol uvenuo. 54211 ] OH ItENT Two well furnished rooms with flrst class board if deslrcil , pleasant locn tlon , private family. 6 K cor 0th and Farnam. 558 jylPJ "TfOH ItF.NT-Part of office room.Inquire X ? 12121)011 ) glna St. 913 FOH HENT-Newly furnished front and back parlors , slnglu or suites. Ga. < , bath , mod ern conxcnlenccs ; private family ; near busi ness. 1015 Cap avo. 8fi7 17 ] TjlOK KENT 1'iirnlshod front room , near car - ilino nt corner of Dodge and 24th streets. Inquire of A. H. Comstock 1S23 Farnnm st.C38 C38 FOH lir.NT A furnished room for gentle men : pleasant nnd cool , nt 809 Howard Bt. JIO per month. 473 FOH HKNT Ware room cor. 14th nnd Cnll ifornla on Belt Line , lor particulars en- ijulro nt Union Nat bank. 184 WOK ItENT 2 clegnnt rooms , nicely fur- . nlshod on street car line : modern con veniences. Gentlemen only. Excellent loca tion. 1917 Cnss. 071 fjlOH HENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin- > - gloor ensulto , with use of bath ; electrlo bells In every room. First class restaurant at tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner 10th nad Webster. 050 H HENT Suite of furnished rooms for gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. , 315 N. 17th , OAO TTIOH HKNT Nlco room with board for two J- gentlemen , with homo comforts , 812 South 22nd , 733 18 TJ10R HENT-Nowly furnlbhod room , 2025 Far- JD nnm street 724 18 FOH RENT Nlco furnished rooraa with board , 840. , St. Mary's ave , 718 14J FOK HENT-Hooms , $ - ' . , $0 , $ f , f 10 , $12 to $ ar per month. Wo have rented so many we must nave more on our list , llecord Adv Co. 1511 Farnam. 713 13 FOH HENT One nicely furnished front room on first tloor , to gentlemen only , 170 Capitol nvo. 712 13J FOlt ItKNT- Cool , well-furni hod room with tlrst-clasa board for gentlemen and wlfo on car line , 1718 Cuss st 715 14 ] FOH KENT A large double front room In the elegant now Campbell block , Inaulro Bt 1711 Dodgo. 1MB 11 > FOH HENT-Furnlsliod house , 2017 flowan at. 710 It _ FOH HENTLarge , cool and pleasant rooms furnished,8423 Farnam. 70817 * FOH HENT Furnished room with board private family. 2J19 Cbttjes st , near Satin ders f % 703 14 ] FOR HENT-Two furnished rooms , 105 N mh st. : ' * V. 704 14J FOR RENT-Furnlsbcd reoin , (7. 80ft S22d at. P- 55U 14 ] | 7KH RENT Rlegant ulteTwt rooms , referen X1 c s required , 1007 Dougl i'at. 107 FOH BENT-Nicely furn'Mted ' rooms , 11,1 S. S3d , bet Douglas and ljgo. ) ) fBO FOH HENT Furnished iiiiont room , ono block south Bt. Msry's are , 2300 Johnson troot. 74315 * FOK RBNT-3 unfurntahefrooma in good lo- cnlily near car line a-jftAblo tor married rouplo. Iteforonool required. Addrnss 8 10 , lleo olllco. ri f 53 13J FOH ItENT Nicely furnished back parlor and board , 1813 Chicago. ' 747 14 * FOH HENT-Furmshcd Xroat room 1013 Chicago at. 78.1 15 * TJIOH ItENT Hooins with board. 504 8. 18th. * ? 785 Bug 12 * R RENT-Handsomely tnrulihed front room , 1713 Dodge at. 715 15 T71OH HENT-Furnisbed rooms , 1813 Dodro. J 7tkl OR HENT-Fiont room with bay window , gas. etc. , for 5 Urn-class gentlemen. 14th and Jackson. 7fc5 15J FOH HENT-Furnlthed rooraa at Hoeen- mund'8,1013 Tarnam tt. 578 15 OU HENT Furnished rooms and board by the day or week , 104 and lOi ) Boutn Eleventh at. Smith & Thompson. M71' , ' ir > OH RKNT Nice/ ] furnished front room , 1 } nice shady yard. Call at 1UAI Hurt a. 6 0 U' OH HENT-Large furnished rooms , gas. dat nnd all modern Improvements. Nirw bouse , new furniture , 17U7 Do < lgo si reel. 35,1 "I71OH HEN Stoic room for buTcher , Iflth and J ? Masou. , . . . . . yat fTOft HENT-PurnlsUetl room on car line. J eultnble for two gentlemen , or man nnd wife. 313 S.2.kl > t. ' V62 _ r H KCNT-OIDce rdom f 10 'per month. 2nd L1 lloor. 010 S. 15th st. 4.M | ? Clt lir.Nr-Nlcoly furnished room. 19JI L1 Dodge at. 108 _ HENT- Furnished rooms , 714 N. ll'th st. 4tMJyl7 SALEv-HOUSES LOTS. 1JAHTIAL list of selcctixl bargain" . J , A. Hlcstnnd , 1,111 Dodjjo street , $ ; ifil > X'ono- ' hlnl cash , tor 44 feet on Douglas. K'fi.WO , 10,000 cash , for n good corner onChlcngO ! mprovmnuuts tent lor ? 1,700 f-'i.OlV , f s.WJ cash , for full lot , corner Jones nnd 12th , This is a good thing. f 11,001,11,000 cash , for a good business lot on Cumliig , f4no'j ' , ftnoocn o , for S2 feet on Davenport. J5.700 , fl.SHWcash , tor n superb lot , 5UxlS7 on 1 iirnntii , 1,500 , JI.BOO cnsh , for50 Icet on Park nvonuc , n Hres' Place. $ -,000 , Jl.tUOcaih , fornn oust front on Vir ginia nvoniio , In llanscon Place. f.VOU , (1,0)0 ) cnsb , for u full CO foot lot In sane & 5-elden's. Jl.tXXl. * ! ,400 cash , for : : ux40 ! , on 2Cth street , cable line ) in Harbach's2nd ; improved. Jl.S'O for a beautiful enst front In Kilbyl'lneo his is n deoldod bnrgnln. Terms easy. $ - ' . < ) , JSV1 cash , for n lot In Kount/e Place , f l.HO , $ UX ) ca h , for south front in Daton- mrt's sub : Ju t wont of Kount/o Place nnd minders street. fl.rxiO , tJW cash , for another fouth front in ) a\cnpoit' sub. This is n snap , fttoo , fMio cash , lor a lot on Dnonport tieot , In llattthorne. $ l,40i ) , fjUlash , for n mngnlflcont CO feet , outh front lot In Lowo'a. Comiimnds n view or he city. l , .V'i ' , JCOO cnsh , for n sightly , south fronts , comer Houlovnrd nvonue and Corby street , Ciolghton Heights. You ought to sen the lew from these lots. ? J2tit > , $ vi oimh , for lU ! f cot , south by 1 CO cast ; a corner in Kendall's ! will innko three rood south Ironti. ono block west ot Sfauudcrs trect pnd Oak Chatham , f'mi. ' $ iO cash for n good south front In Mc- Cormlck'-olnd If you wish to buy n lot or sell first mort- gngu notes , glvo me n c.ill. J. A. Hlcstnnd , Hoom P , Arlington block , lull Dodge stieot. Ol'ECIAL Unrgalns llniiso N rooms , barn , kJ etc. , all new , Dcnlso's addition , tJ,700 , r 1,00(1 ( eii'-h , balnnco good time. Four l-room nousen lu Lowe's nddllion , now , LIOO each. J2IIJ cash , balance to suit. House ii rooms , barn , full lot. Yntes & Heed s subdivision , $2,500 , J750 cash , balance to suit. Ix > t In Ambler Place inw , ' 4 cnsh. Corner lot , Snuml'jis , V Illmebaugh's. within blocK of llcnson line , fC50 , H cnsh. Two lot" , on corner. Grand Ylow , nlco build- lu ; sltn , fKHi ( , > i rash , balance long time. Lot in Itosurv lr , souih front , very cheap nt tt.OOO. II. R. Ball & Co. 113 North Iflth st 723 WE have special bat gains In 4 to B room res idences and lot In Soulli Omaha onery easy terms , E. T.Ondd & Son , 16. 3 Knrnam street. 78. ) 10 \rKiailllOII , look here Do vou want to buy 1 something sure to make you some money jetoro the snow tiles. Look at these , nil good ; 100x150 east front Hawthorno. will make 4 lots ns they front on 35tn nvo nnd flflth st , cnn bo bought for t.l.'Ml , 1-4 cash , balauco easy. M'lXllW , Capitol nve , with house 7 rooms , J7.000. : i3\120 , Capitol avo. with house Brooms , new J4.5UO. 60x100 south front , Arlington , fl.50a 4UxlJO caot front near Lake , 1.IJO. : A Inrgo list of propnrty both business anrt rssldcnco. Cnll nnd be suited. J. L Plorsnn. Hoom 3 Omnhn National Hank building. 701 14 rpllIHTEBN acres for snlo ; scaled bids will bn 1- received nt the otHco of A. M. Clnrk , 1U7 S. 14th ht. , until the 15th mst. Hnlcl thlrtoon acres lloonomllo from the business center of Omn- lia , and are described as tax lot 11 , In section M , township 15 , ranuo 11 east ; terms , one-third caoli , the balance to suit. The right to rolcct any or nil bids reserved. ( U'lMJ ' EXTRA Lot on Tarnum , Inside , high and slchtly. Hl/i ) 50x187 , $5,700 , one-third rush A lot Just east of It sold recently for * tnOO. ) Far- nnm Is now bolng pavort bv this lot. J A Hols- tnud. H'J Ailhitfton , 1511 Dodge filB SPECIAL bargains If sold soon. 6 high , oKtitiy | south front lots In Crolirhton Heights. Will sell together or separate. Hart's Oreat Western Heal Estate Agency , Cielghton block. -N ) . IF you want to tiny , sell or trndo , cuh on L. V. Cruin , 12UN 15th st. 10U lots U of a mlle of U. P. depot for sale or trade. U room houhe for rent. TwolO-toom houses for rent , sale or tindo. Idlewlldo. By 8)5 ) L. V. Crum. 120 N 15th St. FOH SALB-BO No , 1 fnrms within n radius of SU miles of Omaha , Alsr. n tew good busi ness chances In two live towns. J. U. Silvia , Heal Eetute and Loan Agent , Elkhorn , Neb. 57B Aug. 8 G HEAT BAIKJAIN-50 feet on Hamilton street with a good H roomed house , having all modern improvements , t-,800 ; only IHOO cnsh rciiilrod. Active Honl Estnte and Property - erty Kxchahgc , 1S24 Dodge street. 721 H * OH SALE-Cornor lot on Virginia ave with two good houses , cheap nt J7,000. Terms easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. H. 8. Campbell , 310 8. ICth st , Chamber of Com merce. 273 IJAHflAIN Ono hundred foot front on BIG South Eleventh st , rornor lot , only $5,000. Parton tlmo. V. L. Vodlcka , 6-iO South 13th it \\7 E Can so ' 1 for n few days only T T Lot 1011 Olso's addition for $0,403. 1,0 171 Glso'ts addition , (0,300. niockl Itoyd's nddltlon , I8.VM. One-third cash , balance 1,2 and ,1 years. Hemlngton 4 MoCormlck , 220 Soutn loth at. FOH 8ALK Ono million acres of land In Ne braska. Speculator's landsrailroad lands , ranches , and farms In nil parts of the atato. Send for pnmphlct containing descrip tion and price of over one thousand farms. A line topographical map of the state lent free upon application. E. H. Andrus , for 10 years Gen'l Land Agent n. & M. K. H. Eighth and P streets , Lincoln , Nebraska. 240 SPECIAL-3 beautiful , high and sightly south fronts , cor. Iloulovard nvo. and Corby st. , Crolghton Holghts.FO cheap you can't help buy Ing tncm. Thosu lotl must be sold , and with the motor cars running haid by in n tow day * will be 8Uio to provo n good paying Invest ment. J. A. Hlcstand , It. 9 , Arlington , 1511 Dodge. fill ) OMAHA lot" , farms , wc3to.rn and southern lands , hotels , stores , mdsu. furiiituroc , for sale and exchange Our rates of ndvor tlslngnre CO cents per mo. Itccord Adv. Co. 1513 Fnrnnm St. 713 13 FOK SALE Two fine lots In Meyers , Hleh nrds nnd 'I'lldon's ndd. South fronts , f C60 eachC. . W. Hayes , 1513 Farnam street 705 13 HEHE is a bargain. Lots 3 and 4. in blocx 4 , South Omalm , (900. Terms half'cnsh and balance easy. Marshall & Lobeok , 1509 Far nam. Telephone 73. 282 rp EN acres of high nnd sightly ground I1 J. miles west of boutb Omaha for sale.'J per acre If taken quick. Patterson llros. 1)1414 CHOICE LANDS-SI per acre. $80 makes Is j ear's payment on 100 acres. Write for li formation. W. F Paine , Sidney , Neb. t/JOJy'JS FOR SALE At a bargain , 641 ncros of flrs class tunning laud In Howard county , thl state ; flrst class soil ; close to two lines of nil roml , nnd surrounded by well improved farms Can divide to suit purchaser , nnd will mam this a bargain If Hold quick. Small cash pay ment ; very euay terms. Address Ueorgn N , Hicks , 2l58outh Fifteenth street BMIJIt SPiCIAL--Elegantlot50xlSO. : Ileos place , rn Park ave , a short diHtanco s of Leaven- worth , $4fiOU , M cash , bal easy , cheapest thing on the avenue , J , A. Hiontand , r P , Arlington , 1511 Dodgo. fil9 DAVKIN A now town , ] ust laid out. In .lnfTcr- son county , Nebraakn , on the Imp of the Kansas City 4 Omatm H. It. In tne mlilit of a well settled and splendid farming country ultli no competing towns near. A line opening for nil Kinds of business. For particulars nddruss J. C. Kestornon or George Cross , F-.lrbury , Neb. , Proprietors town situ , 764 FOH SALE Good farm 4 mlles from Itatlon , IfH ) acres well Improved on favnraHe tormi , House cost $800. Inquire of W. A. llmuk , Pawnee City , or W. W. Waunn. Fair- bury , Neb. -K > IS * FOH SALE A trw hnrgnlns. House of 9 rooms , lots of closets , well , cistern and barn , close to paved street and street r r. lies tnan one mile from poatutlieu , ninti forlJ.VW per month , J4.0U ) ; f 1,600 cash , bnlanoo In two ) ear * . t or Sale A house of 4 Thorns , collar , wr-ll and cistern , lot 07HXI4714. Thli Is in ( HUo' add , close to Sauiidont street And KounUa place. Price $ ' ) , 'iOQ ; $500 cmh Hii-1 $ K < J Nov. 1 , 18S7 ; balance to suit. For Hale-Good bouse of 7 rooms , cellar , well nnd cistern , lot 3JX14Q. This Is on N. U'tti ' vtrcot nnd less than a mile from poitoRlce. Price , $ % WO : fViOO cash , bulanc * in one. two anu three yt-ars : For hale-A new home of C to.-.wi , louth trout , lot 75xl' > 0 , one block from Ctunlnf htieot , In Walnut Hill , Price , t3IOO. ( iooti tarms given. Would like to call your attention tn tl.e fact If you lire looking for cku.ip loll I haru tun cheepcst you can find In tbe murkej. and in almost every add to th * city. . jRme 8toc J lell8X UtU it ' ' " ! - FOll BAI.B-Or trade , 25 lots tn the western part of Omahn near the llcnson car line , price $41)0 ) each , iV ) due on contracts paynblti In 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for NebrasKu land. MeCulloch ACo. . , 160U arnam t 10JO Fut.M IMpoVF.I ) of 1 < W acres near Central City , for sale , or will exchange for Omaha property , luqtilroofj II Laronr , 1101 Doug- la s street , olllco of N , i' . Life Ins. Co. _ _ _ T.X ) 18 ] SFECIAL Ono of theory flnest en t front lots In Kllby Place for $1RW. The lot next to It Is held llrmly nt f-.oOJ , wlillo M-orncr lot In the next block , lying no bolter , sold somu tlinti nito for (2tM. If you want to make nn Investment nt ouco coiuetvnthc and rood paying , In the best end of the city , here Is > our opportunity. J , A , Hlcslnnd , 11. V , Arlington , 15U Dodge , _ 6IU | 7UH ) SALi : 1 good dellvriy wagon , sec- JL' end hnnd . $ M 1 irood dellvnry wngon , second hand . 75 1 neat light bticktMiard " " . M 1 good strong buukbonrd " " . M 1 top end spilng buggy " " . 06 1 vnry light toji box buggy , Mcndlmhcr make . IM 1 two-teat Democrat wagon , second hand FO 1 ton box buggy . " " . . K ) 1 Mendlmber ] ump sent buggy. . . . . I'M I no. custom-mndo box top buggy . l- " > 1 now enrt . 45 1 nearly now Simpson bucVboard , T\lth top . 110 1 side spring top box buggy . 7'i Jobs all painted and In good repair. Win. H , Driiinniond ACo. . , 1315 Hartley st. 761 IP HENT-Nicely furnished rooms , nil modern Improvements , 202 1 I'm mini st , 748 IB' _ \\7EOtTRH flof the llnest lots ono n corner , ' in block ; ifl , South Oniiiha , If taken Ibis week , can bo bought lor ? IW1 loss than market pi Ice. 2coinerlots nnd one ndjoklng them , block ro , South Omaha , laclnir on the parK , $200 to JJOO below nnirki t value. Also lu block 21 , one corner nnd one adjoin ing It , sumo terms. Must bo sold tins week , For prices and terms call on K. T. Gndd A Son , 152.1 Fnrnitm st. 78J 10 _ PECIAL 2 lots , 132x100 , s o cor Komlall's addition , Just west of i-nutidors st nnd Oak Chatham , only $2 , ' . > 00. These lots will innko 3 S fronts , ono a corner 44x10 ? . With similar lots In Oak Cathnin nt $ . ' , K)0 ) and $3,000 ; these lots are unquot-tloncd bargains , 'terms easy. J. A. HclMBtid , ItU Arlington , 1511 Doilgo. 510 IMMEDlATi : silo wITltVkofi l < > ts or le s only 5 or li blocks from Krchauge bid nnd Union Slock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen hou < e under contract in same block. twant what they are worth. I dou'tvant fancy prices I wnnt to sell quickly. K. II. llranch. 20J Notion tn ContrnctorH. SEALED proposals will bo rcoetved until July 2,1 , 1W7 , nt this olllco lor the material nud workmanship required in tbo erection nnd completion of n bank , hotel and store building , to be built In Ashland. MaKe bids on building above foundation. PInns and spcclllcntlons can bo seen at the office of Henry Voi > s , ntchl- tect , in Omahn , or ntthu Fnrmura tc Merchants banK , Ashhuut , The i Iglit Is rcscr > od to reject nny or all bids. E. A. WKKJENHOHN. Olllco of IX A. Wlggonhorn , Ashland , Neb , .luljSdllt "VTOT1CK to Contractors : lllds will bo ro- Jcehod until 10 n m , July 27.1B87 , for the construction of u porn packing house located nt south Fremont , said building to be com * plotedNovl. 1887. Plans and Fpcolllcatlons nt our olllco In Tribune block IllKht reserved to reject any and nil bids. Fremont Stock Yards nnd Lund Co. , Fremont , Nob. JIO 7t Proposals for Stationery , Supplies and Printing , JEALED ' Proposals will bo iccelved nt the of- ITJllcoof Ihe Fcciotary of the board of IMII | cation , untilS nT'inir'Mondny , July leth , 1K87 , for sujiplvliiK tlio boaid of education of the city of Oiuahu , during the ensuing your , with stationery , supplies nud printing , to bo deliver ed nt such times nnd plncfis .mil In such quanti ties ns may bo icqulrod for the use of tbo school , and as the board nmvdliect. 'Iho boaid reserves the right to reject nny or nil bids By order of the committee on supplies jj'lld7t Clt/MlLKSCONOVKIl , SCCK ntnry. ! I'roposals 1'or District 1'nvini : RnntiH. City TroiiBurcr's Ollico , I Oniith.i. Nub. , June 26 , 1S87. f SEALED PHOI'OSALS will be reuolve.l at this ofll < o until .luly 2 , 1837 , nt 12 , noon , for the purchase ot J1-IM ' < | of District Paving Honds of tbo city ot Omaha Snld bonds arc dated July 1,1SH7 , and will be duo in one , two , thiee , four , live , six , seven , ulght and nlno jcars fiom their date , n s.milar ninount becoming due eauti year : nro In Bums of live hundred nnd ono thousand doliare each , and boar Inter est from their date at the rate of six per cent um per annum , paynblu annually. The princi pal and interest are both payable ut the olllco of Koimtia llros , In New YorK. Snld bonds am issued under tno charter pow er of mid city , and will be dolivuro.1 tn pur- thnserd , on payment thorolor. nt the city treasury In Omaha ou August 1,18S7 , Iluls will bo nddrosssd to the undersigned nnd marked "Proposals for District Paving Honds. " nud must state the full natne and address of the bidder , the amount of Enid bonds desired ( a similar nmountduo each year from ono to nine years ) , nnd the price proposed to bo iiald , vrlth ncurticd Interest ' 1 ho right Is reserved to reject nny nnd nil bids. JOHN HUSH , City Treasurer. Jun2ti-dliUt Proposals for Grading. SEALED Ptoposala will bo roculvcd by the undersigned until 11 a. m. July 14th , 1HS7 , for grading ) ih nvonuc fiom Hickory street south to Ed Crolirhton avenue to a temporary Kindo. In nocoiilnnco with plans nnd specltlca- tlons on file In the olllco oC the bomd ot public works. Illils will be mndo on pi luted blanVs furnished by the board , nnd to bo accompanied by ti cettltled check In the sum of $500. payable to the city of Omaha , an an ovldnncoof good faith. 'ibo board reserves the rlijht toioject any or all bids and to WBlvo defects ST. A. D. IUr.coMnr. , JySdCt Notioc t Contractors. SEALHD iropo nls will bo iccelvod at the olHeo of tliti eounty eomniHslonors up to noon of July 22nd , A. D. 1 7 , for building a ( ounty hospital In Omaha , Douglns county , Ne braska , Recording to the plans and spccllca- tlons on tile In the county commissioner's odico. Enc'.i bid must be accompanied by a certified cheek In the amount of flvo hundred Tbe right is reserved to reject nnr nnd nl bid * . lly order of the board. a P. NIIDIIAM : , County Cleik. tnllidaiv Notice to AroliitociH. T1HE Hoard of Publlo Lands and tlulldlngs will recolvo plans nnd specifications at any time before August 1st , 1H87 , nt 2 p m , lor the hospital for the inourahto Insane , at Hastings , Nebraska. Building to be a three story brick , with stone bnsoinent.and not to cost over ? 75- 000 , Including steam heating and plumbing. Hlght reserved to reject nny or all plnnssub mltteil. lly order of said board. July 0 , IBiT. July 8 to Allif 1 O. L. LAWS , Secretary. Proposals for Lumber. SKALEDPropos-al'i will ho received at tlio of- Ilileo of thobt'UiciRry ol tlio boaid of educa tionuntil 5 p. m. , Monday , July 18th , 1 7 , tor supplying the board of education of the cltv of Omalia , during the ensuing year , tt Ith lumber , to be delivered nt such times nnd pl.ieo.i and lit * ueh iiiunitltiof , us tliti hoani mnydlioct. The lioard reserves the tight to reject any or all bids. lly eider of the committee on supplies , ] ylld7t CIIAHLKS COHOVKII , Scciettiry. Proposals for Wood and Coal , SEALED pioponals will bu recnivod nt the ollico of the Secretary of thu board of oducntlnn , until fi o'clock p m. . Mon day , July IHth , 18W , for runplylnir the board of oducntlon of the city of ( Imuliii , dur ing the etifiiilntr year , with wood , ( hnid nnd soft ) nnd coal ( haid and soft ) , to be d ll\crod nt such times nnd places , nnd In nucli quanll tlca ns mny bo required for the UFO of ih schoolsand as the board may dlroct All coal to bo weighed on the city caln . Tlio board reserves the rlsht to reject any or nil bids. lly order of the committee on supplies , JylldTt Uii uii.r.4 CoNOYUt , Scciotary. Proposjl for ilia Construction of the Superstruc- lure of the City Hall Building. SEALID pioM)3als ( will bo reiolvod by the tin * del signed until 11 o'clock n. m , July .loth , 1887 , forihu construction of tlio supuivtructuro of the rith Hall HiilKllng , In nccor.Jancn with the planu nnd spnulltcntions on lilo in the of llco of the IIOAII ) nt jiuhlhi worhl. llid3V.'lll bo mndd ou pi intcil MunUrt ftu nNlieJ by tbij board , an 1 to bo uccomnnnlod with ncor- tilled check lu tlio suu of 110.XJ , as an evidence j of good fdltb. Thobourd rficrvcji the right to reject any or ull bids and to walvi : detonu. Ht. A. D. P.ALCOMIir , ChHlnnan 1'i.t.rd of Public Works. Omnluv , Neb . Juno''lib , 1K17. ] 27d'itiv ) Proposilj for Curbing , SKALEI ) Proposals will bu received by tlio undoislgned until II o'clock n m , Julv'itlh , 18H7 , for ourblng struots or portion ! of itri'Ut'j , as follows , vl/ : 'I lint part of Cnss street from lOtli to 2.'d st , , In narliiy district Nu. Ul. That part of 17IH from Farnnm to Harney streot. In paving dIMiict No. l.'l. Tbnt | mrt of 18th from I'unmra to Hnriicy ttni'its , In paving district No..l \ That part of California lr et Between 10th and 17tlMtrcots , In pixvlng dUlrltt No. IS } . T hi work to bo duo * In Accordance < vith plbnt nnd spocincatlon * on 1'le In tlin olllco of the board of public woi tt. IIMi Kill be iiinJa on printed blnn1 > n furnlshhiV by thr , , pnd to h Kcu > iiiipHiiiud by a err- tilled rhcck III ihf uui of lii < , pajm/U to the ultr of Oiinli.i , a < un 7Mniiii > of good faith. Thii board rcnerroi thy ri htlo relcct nil ) ' cu- all nidi and to nlv df > ; U. 61 A D. HM.COMSIK , C'unir/iiin ikurJ L | I' blio WorKs. J Omnhs. , Nib : July Ulb , lit : . JyU-lB./J * omt THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMA11V. Arri\o Uinnlm UNION PAOtFIO. Depot lOtli nnil 1'icrco sts. 1'ncllic K\l > ti' s.i 7.V3ain : SM : jim Dotivor Kxprcss f > : SOim | 10 : M i\m Local ICxjinnt 11:00 : nm CW : pm Except tiumtny. H. A M. 1C. It. 11. Depot K'tli ' nnd 1'nclUc sts. Maltatid Kxprt'33 5t3l pin 10:05 : nm Night Express 10:00 : urn 7:45 pm o. n.o. u.H. Depot lOlh anil 1'iwltic sis.j Mall nnd Express if 0:00 : am 0:00 : pm Clilc.U'o Express < 105 : Din S:40 : nm K. f * . Ol . J. , au 41 . n. Depot 10th Mall 05 : prn 8:4U : nm Exprcs. . . . 7:00 : am 8W : pm C. St. 1' . M. * O. DcpotlStlinntl Webster t. Sioux City Kxpres s Hmiprnlt Kinross . , lOMOntu * l:45 : pm lllalr I'rtSM'itKi'r. . . , 6'J5pm : Kxcopt Sunday MISSOUIUI'AOU-'IO. Depot IMIinnU WebstersL Day Express . o.a" am 11:10 : am Nlfilit Express rupm , : ; ) SM10 pra Lincoln EMircss llilOnm fiitO P DUMMY TIIA1NS. Hitnnln' : between Council HlnlTs nnd South Omnlm. In addition to the stiitlniii iiion- tloncil , trains.stop ut Twentieth ami Iwentj- fourth btieets , nnd nt Summit , In ( Jumna. Westward. ICiiBtwnrct. COW NOUiJlI i V K FH I I.eavo , Arrive rnNNECTINQ LINKS Trnnafcr TraiiHfpr vw" ' depot depot C. U.J. * ! ' . : 0:50 : n in ti5 ) ; m All Trains run Dally. ! i40am ; 6:21 : pin 0 40 p in ! 7:00 : ji in C. & N.V. . 015n ; m 0:15m : ( Alltrnlns run dally 0:40 : p m 7:00p : m C. B. A Q. 0 : Da m ot58 : m Alltrnlnsrun dally. . . . { 0:3iin : | 7:00p : m C.M.&SI. P. 0:15 : am 0:15 : m All trains run dally. . . . . j 0:40 : pin 7:00 : on K. C. St ,1. & C. B , 0:25am : 0.-33am All tia ns inn d.ill > . ! 0:15 : pin | 0:13 : p m i W. St rlA"u J 213 ; pro 12:15PM : All trains run daily 8 0. * 1\ 7:05 : m1 : a m All trams run ( Lilly. . 0:25 : u m :50pm : THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee &St. . Paul By 27 < c Vest Jtonte. from Omaha atul Council JlltijJ'ti tel THE E.A.ST Two Tiains Daily Uelween Omalia and Council U hi UK Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKuuids Rock Island , Kreeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuqtic , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Tanefcvillc , Iteloit , Winona , La Croste , And nil other Important points East , Noitheait mid Soutlii'iist. tor through tickotscnll on the ticket agent at 141)1 ) I'urimu. st , In 1'nxtun hutul , or ut L'alua 1'uclflu dnpot. 1'iilliniin tilcopera and the finest Dining Carl In the world mo run on the main line of th * Chicago , Mlhvnukce&Sl Paul Hiillwny and ev ery aiumtioii li piild to pitssungerii by courte- oiiiuiiiilo | > cui ! of thocouiptiiiy. U. MII.I.KII. Doiioinl Munnger. .1. ! ' . TUCK Kit , AsilstnuiduiiDrikl Manager. A , V. It UAiii-KKTEii , ( lenurul 1'uiseiigur and Ticket Agent. Gr.o.K. IlKAfiont ) , AsshtantOcnoral 1'alioir ger and Ticket Agent. J. T.CI.AIIK , Oonornl HuperlntonU MORTH- w WESTERN " RAILW. And Chicago Tti * Bly roMl to take fur Pea Holnea Mar- chUli WTi , Odtr Itnplda , Clinton , Dlxua. Chick- ITO , MUwkUb and U polnu tuHt. To th * poo- ol of hmsli'i , Colordo , Wyoming. Utah , jilRlio , HoviuJa , Or gen , W ihlnrton and Call * fornU , K err ra superior adrantagea not pout- hie by any other line. /inosur f wofth numaroua polnta of su periority * njoyd by th putrona of tbla roHd lietween Omaha * nd Chlcaso , re lt < two trnlin adny at WAV UOACKKH , wlilch r tu durst thit humns urt and Imronultr can iirot * . Ita I'AI.AL'HBljRIl'lNU UAK.S , which art ruoloij of comfort and | K IICIU 1'AHI.UK UKA W. 1HJ ( XOUM OAHa , unturn itd br Mr , ivuU la ! widely Plebrnted 1'ALATUJ , niNlKOCilUi tb * quaJ of whioh cancot b * foiiDd liovkcrx At C'ciUDOtl Hluffl Ui trtlni of the Uulou Ptr.lKn Ity. oocn c < in Unloo Drput vitb tko * of thu CfileigO li Northwestern Ky ID OWIoagn the trnn ! Df tkti line mike close oonneotlon with Uio * of M e lt rn linn * . Vor PUutl. C'oliimbut , lodlnnupoui , Clnclu- ruti , Nlg / " , KuVilo , J'ltubtirr.Tororlo , Wc.'nxr1 , lloei > , Mew Vor . fbUMlelphU , . H ) rlDM , WiuMe top ind til polaU l the i eut , Mk { K ttefcvt rl * tin I If you wWi tW toMl az c * MZ Uak * via ute tint , H.RI.-aKm' ' . . " . .Pi ' " W , M. Afeut . Cltj Ouaaa ,