Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    w. . , .w.
I' C0 B
I'7ICz ' , No. 19 , PEARL STREET.
DeUrercd by earrler nn any part of the city et
twenty cents per week.
- 111. W. Tzz rex , Manaror.
'rkLrpxoNr ; :
SvMNr.P i Omcr , No , l.1
IITmfT EDIrOlI No. Xl.
N , YPluniWng Co.
Moiler , tailor , Summer goods cheap.
r One of Gclsc's brewery trams look n
run yesterday and smashed the wuguu
badly ,
1 I'ermlt to wcd was yesterday given to
Martin Sorneson and Carrie fhotnpson ,
eon , both of this county.
S , D , From has bought of 1 'illinm Mn
loncy a half Interest In the Pacific house
sample rooms and billinrd hall.
Blanche , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Irimy , dud Tuesdny night at 1 o 'Clock ,
and wag burled yesterday at 3 o'clock ,
A wedding at the Salvation army hall
was the drawing curd host evcmrng. The
house was a well pitying 01se fur a dime
Attend the anniversary social at the
Methodist church to night , , i.totloodist
tonats , fee cream nod other refreahnients
will be served.
There tvlll be a meeting of the A , 0. 11.
Friday evening , July hi , al 8 o'clock , All
members are requested to attend. By
order of the president.
Mr , and Mrs. Peter heft yesterday received
coived the sad news of thin depth of their
, daughter , Mrs , , Jolu IV , llurd , at her
home In Carson. Sloe had been ill eight
months , She leaves , besidce her ions-
band , two little children.
Although the week day services in the
Fourth street tabernacle have been dis
continued , the Sunday night services will
continue to be held through the located
term. These Sunday night services will
be union owes , several churches uniting.
William Lewis buts ndd'd to his line of
street vehicles two elegant coupes , one of
which has already been pat into tinily
a ° 4orvico. The other is to be here by the
first of the month , 'ime will rove very
convenient to the public , and the old
, rates will be maintained.
The cases ngnlnst the water works com
pauy for contempt of court come up he.
( ore Judge Aylcsworth to-day. The
trouble grow out of turning oft County
Clerk Shea's water when the court had
tssued an injunction restraining the
company from interfering with it.
Mr. Allen reports that the new city
mats , showing both Omaha and Council
Bluffs , will be ready for delivery this
month. They will be in great demand ,
and the past work in this line done by
Mr. Allen is sufficient aesuranco that
they will be accurate and artistic.
Few shows have brought to this city so
many crookr and loafers as the last one.
There are a good many hanging around
the city , who came here during the races ,
; t also , and sonic who have been drlveii out
' of Omaha , 'l ho police should gather in
lr these fellows and prevent them from gct
ting any work her ,
, Arrangements ere being made for a
i baud concert by the Fifth regiment
at the opera house on the evening
; of the 21st. There will be in connection
I - with it an exhibition drill of the Dodge
ak. Light Guards , These two organizations
are bceotuing very popular , and the pub.
lie will doubtless give the boys a hearty
and practical support.
It Is understood that the council corn-
: tmltee on gas arc invited to meet the
officials of the gas company Friday night
for a quiet conference. The gas company -
pany Is probably paving the way for
e01ue now ordinance or proposition. It
' is safe to predict that there tvi11 have to
be a big reduction ht price and a big advance -
vance on quality before the public will
look very favorably on the granting of
afr any more privileges to the gas company.
° + Since the experiment of the electric
; , light tower is mottle the gas company
seems to be making a special effort to
r have its street lights show u an well as
possible. It saa little late to begin to
give nr > ro light , when so much batter
a light is found practicable , The public
cannot be fooled at this late day , and no
, a , Improvement in gas can be so brilliant
as to blind tilu eyes of the people to the
fact that the streets of thus city have not
been sufficiently lighted for years past.
fl The Quick Meal + solino stove leads
them all. Examine before buying at
Cole & Cole , 41 Main street.
- - - - -
Paciftc house Is the noa est hotel to the
majority of read estate ofleee in the city ;
$ w per day.
When you arc in the city stop at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass the dour
every fifteen minutes for all too depots.
Meals 50 cents each.
- - -
Fatally Stout.
Another victim of accidental shooting.
It occurred at the residence of M. S.
Cook , about a mile north of Fnster's
green house. Mr. Cook's two grand-
. Frank and Harold Westlako , aged
cloven and nine years respectively , and
who live with their grandparents , wore
left alone in the house. Walter Cook had
a pair of pants hanging up In the house ,
and In the pocket was an old revolver ,
loaded. The boys gut out this revolver
and were fooling with it , when Frank ,
the uldeiit buy , snapped the hammer and
It pas discharged , line ball , thirty-two
calibre , passed into the abdomen of his
younger brother , inflicting a wound
which will probably prove fatal , ' 'ice
father of the boy is in lnhanapolis and
the mother is dead.
Ono thousand fiend of one , two and
threu yeur nld steers for sale. Will give
credit to reiinble parties. Enquire of A.
J , Grcenamnyer , Creston house.
For femnle diseases and chronic dis
eases of all kinds , call on Dr. Rice , No
111'enrl street , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
r , J. Iv , t& . R , L. Squire's abstract books
, arc a marvel of systematic accuracy
t lime you seen their new lien book ; it ts
a monster and contains 800 pages.
I'ersnnal 1'aragraphs.
J , Giddings , of Woodbine , tvas at tla e
Facile yesterday.
Gcorgo hell , of Missouri Valley , wa s
at the 1'aciiie yesterday.
Mr , and Mrs. C. It , Sholes have gen
for recreation to 1)ovil's Lake , Dakota ,
A. E , ltuclianan , division superintend
ttnt of the Wabash , was in the city yes
Lucius 1Vells and family left last even
leg for St. Pnnl and Minneapolis for o
brief season of rest and recreation.
a Frank Miller left last evening fo
Chkatro , and front there will go t o
1)uhltli by boat , for a plcnsnro trip ,
Mr. Stephenson , of the Union 'Lumbe
company , has returned from Aiusloy
Nub „ wheru lie wits called t0 attend tit u
funeral of his father.
' - .
For rupture or hernia , cahl omit get Dr
. Rico'r new invention. It makes a ma
of yyap in five miuutes , No , 'pain. No
11.1 earl street ,
- - - - -
At the Pacific house von will save fro m
60o to $1 per day , fry it and be con
! lnced.
J..w. & K lr. Squire make beautii ut
abetraete of title and desorvo'the snccos
ditty are enjoying ,
A Boy Gives ills Brother a Fatal
The Police Gnthcring In Crooks and
% 'agrants-Crunibe or Church
{ York-The Methodist An
Cramping Crooks ,
There was a full docket ht the police
court yesterday and Judge Aylcswortlo
rushed through the cases as quickly as
possible consistent with justice. ' ! 'here
were a large number arrested as va
grants , that charge covering n multitude
of sins. In the gang were three well-
known codfdcnco mcn , against whom
there was no other specific charge than
that of being crooked. The chief gave
his name as Michael Murray , a gany
hatred mail who claimed to be lilLythree
years of age and a harness maker by
train. Ile hailed frolu Atchison , Kan , ,
Si riuglield , 111. , and other places. lie
was sent to jail for ton days. His fellow
workers were younger. One of them
gave his name as Jams hums , and
claimed to be a horseman , lie
said ho load been one of the
rubbers for Elmwood Chief , and
he wanted to be let free as he was on his
way to accept another job in somebody
else's stables , lie was n great talker ,
but had much trouble in ranking III ) a
straight story under the judge's sharp
exiunlnnlinn. After he bad patched one
up , showing Ii ittiself to he a hard working -
ing , honest fellow , an Otnotha ollicer ,
who chanced to be present , was called
to thin front , "Do you know him ? " was
asked of the ollicer , "Yes , he's a crook ,
: uul tun all around plan , " That settled
it. Ton days , He sloppe(1 back with a
wink at the officer , anti a smile , as if re-
liured at getting oft so easy. The other
of the trio claimed to be it railway man
named Spencer. He hailed from Georgia ,
but will be found for toe days at Jailer
0 Neill's ,
'rwo others , ehargcn with vagrancy ,
had stn interesting history. They gave
their names as Daly and Ievine. It ap-
nears that they were wanted in Omaha
for robbery. 't'hey ' had been in company
witho a third fellow , drinkitie ; , , and taking
in the city , and the third fellow got tired
and went to sleep in a box car. Thu two
others took advantage of his condition to
rub loom. As they were going through
his pockets ho woke , and they then took
by frce what they could not et by the
sneak act. They used the viol roughly ,
choking and beating him , got his watch
and some money , and then left him to
thou car , locking the door so that hecould
not get out , l'hey then skipped to this
slobo of the river , and when ho got
out of the car ho came over
here to look them up , Ito
pointed them out to the officers , who had
quite a chase in capturing them.
Nothing was said about this robbery
when they 'yore brought in. They were
booked simply as vagrants , ao.l they
were given a chance to get out of town
or serve a tore in jail. They naturally
preferred to leave the city. Marshal
Guanellit was anxious to satisfy himself
that they really went beyond the limits ,
so he accompanied them to the dummy
train and saw that they got over to
Omaha. As soon as they crossed the
state line an oflcer from Omaha took
them in charge , ootul thus they tvero got
into Nebraska without the trouble of a
There was trouble over a ame in one
of the gambling houses , which led to W.
Andrews being brought up for disturbing
time peace. Itseems that thefellow who lost
on the game claimed to have been swindled -
led , and that he roared so that Andrews
blacked his oyes. Andrews pleaded
guilty to the simple charge , rather than
have the matter aired up , and paid his
fine.C. . II. Curley was in for being drunk.
Ito had taken ofT his coat and vest at the
circus , it being so warm , and when he
woke up In the station In the morning ,
ho realized that ranch of his wardrobe
had gone , and gone forever.
There were several others who claimed
to have been with the show , but who quit
here and were left behind without money ,
havingspent their earnings foolishly as
they wont along , Most of these wore a-
lowed to go with the advice to hurry on
and catch up with the show.
The man Mayfield , arrested on suspicion -
picion of being concerned in the robbing
of Dickey's ' store , was held for further
inquiry , although little could bu learned
to fasten the charge upon him. He claims
to be a farm hand , and ndmits heaving
bought a nickel's worth of crackers at the
store , which cagsod suspicion to be directed -
rected towards him as possibly the one
who hail sneaked the pocketbook out of
Dickey's safe. He was hanging around
the show grounds until late in the evening -
ing , when arrested ,
Robbed a Preacher.
Rev. Henry DeLong was last Monday
a victim. He missed from his drawer
about $83 ha money and some sand tick
et9. Suspicion was directed to a boy
named S. Hull' , aged about fifteen years ,
and ho was watcltect closely. Yesterday
morning the boy hired a livery rig and
was givmg some of his companions a
rode , and treating them liberally to
lemonade and cigarettes. Enough cvi-
dance by this tine haft been secured , and
so the police nabbed the youngster , lie
weakened at once , and told whore they
would tlncl some of the money and where
the tickets and othur stuff wore buried.
Out of the $ S1 there was only about $21
left. The rest the boy head Ipcntt lie
had bought a revolver , a pair of shoes , a
hint , a dirk knife , and sundry smaller ax-
tick's , The rest of the money missing
hind been spent in foolishness. Young
huff wss arrested once before on the
charge of stealing a revolver , and it was
urged at the time that he should be sent
to the reform school. Friends inter-
ecdoti and saved him , but uow iteeuis
that ho will have to be oared fur perula-
nently ,
Twenty Years Ago
next Sunday the Broadway Methodist
church was dedicated. Phis week n
series of anniversary services and entertainments -
tainments are arranged , to be concluded
by appropriate services next Sunday.
Last evening was given over to the listening -
ening to rominiscuneea from some of
those who went through the struggle to
get this building up , which was , twenty
years ego , the tinest In the city , and yet
now is deemed ancient ,
ltev. Henry Ie Long , who started the
first subscription for this church ,
t gave an interesting address , In ray
torrimg to the struggle to get this
r church built , ho sold that it would ho
easier now to start ht to build a $100,000
church than it was thou to build this , lie
r paid a high tribute to Rev , Joseph
Knots , one of the earliest pastors , and
tvho is still a resident of this city , The
speaker told about the old cottonwood
church , which was occupled'before tiils
, brick ono ,
a Captain D , B , Claris , anolhoer old settler
and inuthodls"also gave an address , ito
spoke of the great , asslstauco given by
the % vontnn in luihiing this church. Time
innmbership of the nhurch when Rev , Mr.
- Knotts took the pastofato was stxtyflve ,
Atthoeloseot his term It was 214. In
1505 the population . of ' the r city
was iesB than 8,00 , The ' mum
S bership wife now 425. ' Captain
Clark gayo the largest cash aubserlptio
of anyone In the bullding of this church.
Rev , Joseph Knotts waa not able to be
present , but Mrs. Knotts was called oil
to represent him , Shio tdado a few ap
pro'Lrinto ' remarks.
Mrs. 'rosteviti gave an necnunt'of the
work done by thin ladles , 'rue first festival
val held by them was in what was then
kmow n ar 1'alnmer's hull , the building
now occupied by time Nonpareil. After
the churchn was enclosed a fair was held
in that , The first moncy raised by the
lathes was paid for thou lot on which the
church stnilds.
The ladies raised the money for plas
teriiiK and frescoing. While the church
was building the ladies raised in all over
$ . ,000 ,
Mr , Gallup , another of the early workers -
ers in the church , spoke of the sacrifices
and the toil necessary to get this church ,
but yet she was glad It had been built. It
had done great good ,
lather Shinn , who had been connected
with 3lothodism In Iowa for thirty years ,
also spoke briefly of its growth In time
state , Council ltlufs hind kept full pnco ,
It was no small thing to tear away a
saloon and rear such a church upon its
ruins , In this good tvurk the
woniin hind done grandly. 'rime
speaker had succeeded Rev , M. Knutta
and ho never knew of such a bond of
sacrificing women as were here , The
noblest work was however , the number
of souls saved and helped ,
Rev. R , T , Smith , thou present presid-
I g older , spoke briefly. lie first niut
, other Knotta and Brother Fleming in
lillsdale , Mills county , in 1865. Brother
Knotts was on his way to take charge of
this church and Brother Fleming to take
charge of this district. The speaker was
just settling in a two room parsonage
and ho entertained the visitors over Sunday -
day ,
hutchVork ,
From the thirty-fourth annual convention -
tion report of the Episcopal church in
Iowa we glean the following items of interest -
terest regarding St. Paul's ' church in this
city. There are 140 families connected
tvrth the churnh and 4bO individuals.
luring the past year there have been
thirty-eight baptisms and sixty-one per.
sons have become members of the church
by confirnmation , cloven have been added
by letter , nicking the total increase for
this year seventy-one. This parish leads
the state in the number cnnlirmed , amid
has done so for two years. Also in the
number of marriages , the rector having
married thirty-eight couples , the largest
number reported y any other church in
the state being fifteen. It is so also in
funerals , l'he value of church from
being among the lowest iii the state hats
increased to second , Dubuque heading
the list , Council Bluff's being a good sec.
old , with I53,000 worth of church property -
erty ,
For Pale ,
Cheap lots near the now bridge to parties -
ties who will build at onto.
J , R. Rica ,
No , 110 Man street , Council Bluffs ,
A Tramp Shot ,
Officer Hendrick yesterday afternoon
shot a met whom be had arrested for va-
grancy. Ile had the fellow near the
Nothwestern depot and was just turning
in a call for the patrol wagon when the
fellow broke and run. The officer fired
at him and the 1)all struck limn in the
fleshy part of the thigh , lie was taken
to the station and there cared for , ! 'he
wound is not considered dangerous , and
time city ptmrsician will endeavor to remove -
move time ball thus morning. Officer
Headrick says he did not intend to hit
the man , but that he fired at the ground
and the ball struck souelhiug sand
A Trade Ito Lovely wontnn That Has
No Parallel ,
Says the Pittsburgh Coummercial Grizot-
te : About five yea's ago .Josbph Miller
was married to Miss Elizabeth Mine-
march , time tiaughtor of m respected and
well-to-do West eil family , Miss ( line.
march was a highly cultivated young
lady , of a pleasing disposition , and made
a good wife , Ilr. Miller was a Huddler ,
and waa employed at Lindsay & Mc-
Cutcheon's mill , in Allegheny , 'rime
young couple lived happily for nearly a
year and they made their hone in time
.lhmrtytifth ward , this city , Mr. Miller
was overtaken with adversity , H0 got
out of work and loft for smother city. In
search of employment leaving his vile
at their homy in time ! ! 'asst , end , Shortly
after he went away news of his deathm
reached his wife's ears amid some was
stricken with grief ,
But time imealed her sorrows , and in a
year she became the wife of R , E , Con
mwr , a fornmer bosom friend of husband
No. 1 , They Dud not yet lived together a
year until , to their amazement Mr. Miller
} nut In an appearance , lie had never
been ill , but seine evil niuded persnn hind
circulated the rumor of his death for
801110 unkuuwn reason.
In the face of these circumstances all
putties were : d a loss to know what to
do. Both men wad been warm friends in
their boyhood days , ' 1'hoy had worked
and lived together and regarded each
other as brothers. A consultation was
lucid and resulted in husband No. l very
badly a reeing to release all claims to his
wife tour , Connor , time latter agreeing
to support and care for her ms has lawfully -
fully wedded wife.
In lime course of a few months the usual
amount of unplcnsnntries that are to be
expected in such Gases showed themselves -
solves in Mr. Conner's life , and things
bean to go crosswise. 'T'hen he was
wfiuincr to resign his position its husb nth
and gave back to Miller Iris wife , The
release was made , anti husband No. 2 returned -
turned to the solitary life of a bachelor
and took up his abode on Anii street ,
South side ,
Mr. Miller then lived with his wife a
few months when ho also found that life
would be more plonsant if he parted
with her , and therefore they separated.
Miller wont to beard on Rebecca street ,
Allegheny , hits wife remaining lvilh her
mother in Slalersville. It was not long
until O'Conuor learned of the separation ,
and Ito again presented himself as a coin-
didatU for her supporter and lmusbmd :
and was accepted. But a short tame ago
a hitter feeling begins to sprhm" up in
both men that shiowed signs ofsermous
culmination , and it was det'nsed best for
husband No , 2 to withdraw and give up
IPossession to the rightful owner.
Thomas Ilinemnareh , the grandfather
of Mrs , Miller , ( as she now is ) , came to
alderman Rictmnrd8' house in time Thirty-
sixths ward , Aloilay evening last , July
4th , with hisdaughter , to have some ar-
rnngoment for ' ) L'Ren made As n result
time foilowlmg document was furnwhtteti
before the magistrate :
l'IT'rsuunn , July 4,1b87 ,
"Articles et agmeuwnt minute this day be-
twern .loseph Miller , Elirabethi Miller and
! t E. ( 'minor :
"I , , Joseph Miller and Elizabeth 3flller ,
agree to live as man and wile , and it E. Connor -
nor agrees to leave her , imer lawful husband ,
and not ; n near while they remain together
as wile and husband , from this tiate.
JosErn tiGra.Eir ,
ELIzA iltl'n .Ml LLEii ,
If. E. CoNBoi. "
The document was brought back to the
office by Mr. Miller himself and agreed
to before the 'squlre. 'l'he parties all
left time oftlco in good spirits , Mrs , ihrller
appearing to be the best satisfied , Mr.
Connor will return to lira bachelor home
on the sculls aloha lie is a boler maker
by trade , and has quite a respectable income -
come , , Mr. Miller will live with his wife
at her mother's home in Shaletsvillo.
- - - - - -
Should have luforrngd tilee lrnlb
San Fragcroseo'Chroniclo : ' hero yvas a
veryimportaut state official in California
nia who thought eot7hOlIy knew him or
: ought to know , bias. Ho was one day.
. e i
O. I lA r \ TwCt273Let11PF .
.4/ ,
idIft o99ce ;
t t
Ineef ! Surveyor , a U IS er
Oecr No. 12 North Nutt St.
county maps , of cltice and counties
I'riecn ic IJ I.oiu ,
w. S. HOMER & CO. ,
A'0. J3 MALI' ST ,
CO ( LN'L'IL 11 UFFS , IA :
R ; SCAU1tZ ,
Justice of the Peace.
Omliceuver A 1lll'llean Express.
1 t :
Star Sale Stabks and Mule Yards
Broadway , Couucll Uluas , Opp. Duwmy Depot
a +
b r + > r
, m b
Horsc3 and mules kept aa'msta ntly
hand , for sale at retail or in car Ion
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SIir uTEIt & B0LEY , I'1'oprietor's ,
Telep hone No , 11
Form erly of Keil Salo. Stables corner
1 st.avo anti tth st
Vacant Lots , Lnnds , City ilesidunces and
1'arnis. Acre property lu western part of city.
All seliinu cheap.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
( loom L , over Oficer & l'usoy's ] tank , Cuuucl
walkinc through a fiolti , whet a bull ad-
dtrssetrhim in an undertone , and nmtde
for Iona with its load down told horns in
a positIom to raise tutu , fie was a state
official , a man of dignity and political
power amid natural ponmposity , but lie
rout , lie rau surprisingly well lie ran
oven better than he did for ofice , told ho
got to the fence first. Ire clanberod over
out of breath and dignity , and found the
owner of the bull camly contempiadimg
the operation.
"What do yon mean , serf" asked time
irate official , " ! That do you mean by
having an infuriated amiunal like that
rooming over thou fiuld ? "
" 11'oll,1 guess that bull hits some right
in the field-- "
"Right ? Right ? Do you know who
I an , sir ? Do you know who 1 tau ? "
Thu farmer ook his head ,
"I , sir , non General-- "
"IVhy in thunder didn't you tell the
bull ?
( Y
r rM1'
1 1tittylill } ; sf
f ! fi , ll
' .
Yf ' 1
, . I .i
s . silip
I . il 1 'r'i ' ,
a e inidaf ( wail.
nwina to the UTAUOYAL LAI1RiTT of the cloth ( which
our p.trnts cover earlpt'ely ) will alt efectl fir t
timeworn. aeyulrdi ndtdwaklnit in. ao1rY RETlattU
by seller titer being worI , e.n dq. i r not fnund the mo.t
I'Emo1'l'v : : t 1'1 rxu , IIFAIl/'IIFUL
nnA e'otnfortnhle Curet ever eon , . Hold by all
gtet ciae. dealer. . }
CIIOTTYaRON. , CAica o , Iii-
& Dlabelet are Cured by the Alahel Mintral Spring Water
Deanne tram them areeacriaco.S nlecharge , , stria
turn , , prortale amend vurlcueeme , bladder and
chronic dt + ene.caueotieul , and must bo cured by
the Auhel Atedlcal Bureau European and Amerlean
epeciaitstpirdciufl'Ilocaiund , htternaI pefectreuu
ediea nrthe nlaerera ate mu. Old pllyteht 'e advice
turd book. with pnrUcuiare andcure. free atfl
2'J1 ' Broadway „ Icw York.
Will audlustwhatt eyneed-AFuuL N C
' IISTLLMSNT utatalta berl'tx ( o. , Erle.l's
ii ] . ' ;
pf the body .nlarted ahd etrengtheucd , gull parole-
' ulars ( tealt4) ) tr ( ( . I&li M , CO. , naaslo , tf Y.
, , , ,
Speoial advertlsemente , such as Lost , Foiled
'o Lean , For Bolo , To itont , w ants , ] loardtnr ,
etc. , will boineertsd in tide column et the low
rateofTENCEN'1'S Veil LINE torthoarst loser.
lonand ! lvo Cents per U no toeaelo eubsoquont
ineortlou. Leave advertisemcuts at our utaca
No. U Pearl eh eet , flour Uroadwar. Council
WM Te.
Olt thN'r p tTh1shed front roomn one block
from Broadway on Inut avenue , In ) urge
orswansonMueto Co. , No. nam iiraadwey.
'I TANTED-Situution In story or otDce by n
V/ young man. noferences furnlsbcd. Address -
dress BoV , ieo o1Oco , Councll Bluffs ,
WANTED-Olri for general housework in a
small famhy. Apply at No. 113 s. First
I 1oit ItENT-Coal hods. omco mind ecnlee , one
-L 11ve-room house , (1 , Mayne , S2tiGth eve.
1 ) it SALE-Or Trade-Sts , action , of good
land in Lincoln county Net , . , on U. P.
rnliway. Call on or address ddoll BroL & Co „
1oJ I'oarl St. , Council iiiufl .
Council BIufsIowa.
Established 1857.
lies a complete ilne of
t e
Iidstititier !
Lnrgehntsliwbitoblack and nil colors. Pat
tern bonnets , hetu and topics , a epeclalty.
No 1514 Dougiae sL , Omaha ,
E. S..BAR11 ETT ,
Justice of the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluff , .
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Creston Hoilse ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escapee
Electric Call Bells.
Accouuuodallons Fiat Clary ,
And wale' Rensounble
Max Mohn , Proprietor
The finest of driving horses always on
hand mud for sale by
In Amber ,
etcilair , On
o , 3k.Z , as
'a ' . weH aR the
r a newest nob'
, ' elti es in hair
' 1
. i , goods.
\ a. truly goods
' ; mad'lo m'dur
M ray. C. L , Gillette
20 Main St. , Council Bluffs Iowa , Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to ,
Finest Landaus
C oaches and llaakA in City.
No , 41S Broadway-The Manhattan ,
Telephone No.
Na , 815 Main Strest , Telephone No , 93.
oils y. stoss. JAC.IaIIY :
Attorneys at , Law.
ctke in fiqSlgtc toad ,1edrra courti ;
'RoJn1t 7. and SShugart-Beno.Bloek ; „
( OU iCiLI1.U1f8 }
: . .
. . . .
. ' : , . " . . : ' 4
FARE or Everybody to Come to
Crand Mid-Sumifior Sale !
We shall close out without regard to cost
Ill Summer Dross Goods ,
Wash Goods , Hosiery , Etc.
Come Early
And Secure the Best Selections.
We are Headquarters or
Carpets of all Kinds.
I = = BROS. 7
Council Bluffs1
N. . attention all orders
B.---Special given by
mail ,
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will final it to their interest to
call on us.
Iustrumetle Tuned turd Hcpnlred , { Ve never Intl to give sali fueiton.
Over 10 years' Espericnce In Piano turd Organ Work.
No. 829 Broadway , Council lilufrsl Iowa
- -
a _
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Comtell UluRY Office , 1tlasonlo 11
'Icunple. Omniln Omce , No 111
: lortlt IBlli street.
Particular attention given to In.
vesting funds 1'or eon reel-
dents. Special bargains In lots &
acre properly In Omubu A , Coun-
cll Illull , . Correspondence colic-
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates ,
On Furniture , 1 louseluild Goods , Stoves , etc. , to irlale room
for Fall Stock.
A , . NIANDELf - No 325 Broadway
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
- , d
No. LDI Main St. , Council Bluffs } Io rva 1 c
Groceries. ;
Both Domestic and Foreign. ' '
. . .
.mow i