THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; . THURSDAY.TUIfY 14. .1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Failure of the Bulls to Sustain Any Ad vance in Wheat. TRADING AT LOWER PRICES. A Hotter Demand For Corn at Higher 1'rlcen Oata Also Appreciate In Value , Hut higtitly Xincletl In. CHICAGO I'ltODUCB MAKKET. CmcAfio. July 13. [ Special Telegram to the UKK. | The situation In brief to-day was corn and oats selling at higher prices because they aru regarded as cheap too cheap at the present liftires and wheat bulling down , not because It Is not too cheap , but because there Is too much of It , and bocnuso It Is partly of a questionable quality. Theio were not outside advices to greatly effect grains In any way. The lines are pretty well de fined between the bulls and bears , and the light from now on promises to be on the merits of the stun" traded In. The failure of the bulls to sustain any advance on wheat thus far this week , although It took two or three little spurts , left the market to the bears to-day. 1'rlce.s at the opening were steady for leading futures and J c under for October and December. The volume ) of tradIng - Ing during the early part of | the day was per- liaps greater than on yesterday , but at lower prices. August sold tiotn Ti ) c down to 71JXc , then up to 72'ffc ' and later steadied about the 72o point. September followed on an exactly .similar line , beginning at 74 c , soiling at 73c and steadylne at 74c. October opened o under the close of Tuesday , sold as low as TftJ/c , and became firm at 75Xc. December sold between 7S'B'c ; ' and 7Uc , with 78&c for a resting place. Corn opened steady and was In good specu- latlvo demand without any apparent reason beyond the limited amount la store and the belief that August corn Is plenty cheau at ! ! 0c. A gradual advance In prices sot in early. AVhllo wheat dropped Kc corn sold up In all futures. The fuel that corn Independently moved up several polntH set thu crowd talkIng - Ing and there were predictions that it would climb to the point held In June near 4Uc. July Hold IromiW c to 35c , August ironi SCc to MKc , September from 37 to 37Mc , clos ing at 37 ; ) < c. October closed at ifi c and MtiyatSUtfc. Oats were traded In sparingly , but at better prices. The feature of the market was the nulling of July at > { c premium over August. Oata acted In apparent sympathy with corn , and while tilt Increase In price was small , It occurred on persistent buying by those who thought L'rain cheap at the present prices. July sold from 25Jc to 20e and August from 85Kc to ZWc. May sold from HOM'c to 'Mfc. Short ribs were active , but an unsettled feeling prevailed. The Impression was that trade In all articles of provisions would im prove In the near future and that the dullest season has passed. The good consumptive demand IB having Its elTect and the shorts were anxious to cover and everybody nppar ently wanteU to get a few short ribs. The competition among buyers was , and the offerings being light , prices advanced 30 ( rtT ; ! c. Armour sold on the bulge and a re action of 25c followed , but the market closed steady and 12 > fc higher than yesterday. August opened at S8.02X. sold to SS.I13K. but closed at 3S.07KJanuary sold at 50.00 ® 6.10. Lard was quiet but steadier at 80.G7M@fl.05. but closed at 30.57K , with November at SC.OO. Mess pork received fair attention and the year sold at 11.4 12.00 and closed at SI 1.50. CHICAGO IjiVE STOCK. CIIICAOO , July 13. [ Special Telegram to the BUK.J CATTI.K Hecolpts , 11,500 ; Rhipments , 2,000 ; market dull and lower. Shlppinit steers. 1350 to 1500 Ibs. , 83.b5Ci5l.lG ; 1200 to 13.V ) Ibs. , S3.00@l.25 ; U50 to 1200 Ibs. , 83.25Q3b5 ; stockcrsiind feeders , S1.80@3.10 cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.tO.ii'-i.GO ; slon-fei steers , S3.tKK' 4.60. Texas cattle were ir > ® ' . ! 5i lower , with receipts over 4,000 ; cows , 81.756 ! 2.20 ; steers , 82.25 3.15 ; Indians , 8i.oo : < a3.40. 'llocis Trade was active , with a sllcht up turn , a few tancy heavy selling at S5.4-.u ) 5.45 , the great bulk at 85,35(35.40. ( Anything below the latter wax very coinmun. Llghi sorts , Including Yorkers , S5.35Q5.IO. LIVE STOCK. Chicago. July 13. The Drovers' Jour nal rouorts as follows : Cattle Receipts. 11,500 ; dull and lower ; shipping sle < ; rs , S3.25@4.15 ; stockers and feeders , Sl.bO@3.10 ; cows , bulls uiul mixed , 81.50@-J.fiO ; Texas cattle , 81.753.40. Hogs Receipts , 15.000 ; market a shade higher ; rough and mixed , $5.10 < tf5.40 ; pack- Inir and shipping 85,20. & 5.-15 ; Ilglil , 35.10 ® 6.40 ; skips , 83.00@Q5.10. Sheep Receipts,4,000easier ; , natives , S3.75 @ 4.80 ; western , 83.40.T4.0 ( < > ; Texans , 82.75 ® S.70 ; lambs per head , 81.00(34.00. The Drovers' Journal special eable from .London quotes best American cattle at 10 ( j IlKc per Ib. , sinking the otlal ; values weak but considerably better than last week's de moralisation. Nation- ! Stock Yards. Kant Ht liouls , III. , July 13. Cattle Kecoints , 8.000 ; Hhipmonts. 7,000 ; market was easier ; clioice heavy native steers. S4.20@4.40 ; fair to good shipping steers 83.75ii4.15 ( ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , 83.50 ( .10 ; feeders , fair to good , S3.00a3.bO ( ; stackers , fair to good , 82.00(32.b5. ( Hogs Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments. 200 ; active and strong ; choice heavy and butch ers' selections , 85.300/5.45 ; packing and Vorkers , medium to prime. S5.10g5.BO ( ; pigs , common to good , 84.60@5.05. K niiai City , July 13. Cattle-Hecelpts , 1,500 ; shipments , official yesterday , 2,000 ; weak and rxtflOc lower for corn-fed ; common to medium , 13.35(43.05 ( ; stockerg , 2.25@2.00 ; feeding steers , 82.G5 < ci3.U ) ; cowsS1.50 ( ( .05. Hoes KflCtitpts , It.OOO ; ahlpments , onicial yesterday , 200. Market tiriu and 5o higher tor medium weights ; good to choice , 85.15 ( 5.25 ; common to medium , 85.15 ( 5.25 ; hklpH and pigs , S4.00jj4.bO. ( F1MANCIAU NKW VOUK , July 13. ( Special Telegram to the BKB.J STOCKS The stock market continues dull and heavy and a period of liquidation has taken possession of nearly everybody , and everybody appears anxious to sell. Th largo traders White , Cammauk , Durand and Batuman are abs nt from the city and do not think thn market worth bothering about. Tim weak holders who have tailed on to the Baltimore it Ohio deal , have become discouraged at the failure of fr the Ives and Staynor party to cany out thuli Intention , and the reiult was painfully visi ble In the manner In which stocks declined. Heading had the lead and broke IX points , Lackawanna 1 point The Grangers and trunk lines weto also heavy and dropped % Q1 point. Thn selling of thu above stocks brought out others , and th market was well filled ll the morning. The short Interest was laiguly Increastui , but the fact tint the bulls were completely demoralised while thi bears were encouraged by their recent sue cess and showed a bold front , inado It un comfortably warm for the weak holders. Tin Baltimore A Ohio deal is In every tr.iJer'f mouth and Is the chief topic of conversation , Gould is master of the situation , as l\es ant Staynor are unable to carry the deal througt without Gould's assistance. Thny offered tbo llaltlmoru & Ohio telegraph for 83.SCO- i 000 , but ho considered the sum too large , am AS Ives wan uuuble to show satisfactory au thorlty to transter the property , aud until he can do so , there Is no probability of anythlnt coming out of the negotiations. Gould , Ir an Interview , said that ho found that most o thn Western Union directors were not In ullned to buy opposition lines at any pi Ice nnd added ; "I do not think wo ihall los n > thing by waiting a wlulo before wo bu iy ; out opposition Hues. I am satisfied we cm get them whenever we please. " The fallur if of the Baltimore & Ohio deal caused a co ! ] lapse In Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton , In which the Ives and Staynor parly nro th head center. A short time ago It sold n IS. ' , but to-day offersere madeal 110 , wit 75 tb bo l bid. Ive * , when asked to explai in flit cause ot the drop , remarked that he hai nothing to vay , ud added : "If the pcopl wlsli to sell the stpnk they can. do It" The slump In Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton created the Impression tlmt the rising young financier.1) Iind moroon their backs than they could carry , nnd ivcro nt the tender mercies of the bears. The conditions of affairs noted nbovu were not at nil favorable to hlcher prices , and the last hour witnessed frco sellIng - Ing aloni ? the ( 'oticrnl Hat , nnd further de clines of 'f(3Jf ( per cent were recorded. A flight rally occurred on a few stocks , but the majority closed at Inside lltcuros and estab lished net declines uf } { ( &ZS points , Union Pacific showing the greatest loss. The total sales worn 'JT8.2S1 shares against fcO,5'JO shares yesterdav. UovniiNMKNTS Government bonds were dull but steady. YESrKltH.W'S QUOTATION ? . U. S. . 4's coupon. . 127 < C. & X. W . 115 , " U. S. 4K'scoup..losg do preferred. . . 145 Pacific eW'(0. ( . 123 N. YO ! CanadaSouth'n. , fil' ' O. H. &N . Central Paclllu. . 37 O. T. . Chicago Jc Alton. 150 PacllloMall . do preferred..ICO P. , U. &K . C. , H. & ( ) 1411Pullman Pal.Car.148 1) . , U& W 130 } Heading. D. &R.U 27 .Rock Island . . . .12S Kno 20 % St. L.&S.V. . . . 37 , do preferred. . , . Mdo \ preferred. , . . 74 Illinois Central. , laitf C. , M. & St.P. . . 1. , B. * W 20 do preferred. . 110 K. & T 27 St. P. & O 4 < ? ; LakeHhoro Ulf do preferred..lO'.ij L. &X 00 i Texas PaclUc. . . . BSJf Michigan Cenfl. . 84 > Union Pucilic. . . . 53) ) Mo. Pacllic 100 > J W. . St. LJsP. . . . 17' , , Xo. I'.iclllc . . . . 33) ) do preferred. . ! ! 0 ; do preferred. . . . r/J W. U. Telegraph 74'i ON CAM , Was easy at 4(20 ( per cent ; last loan 5 per cent ; closed at 4 per cent. PitiMB MEUCAXTIM : PAPEII " ( ftC per cent. STKHUNO KXCIIANOK Dull but steady at 84.8-J lor sixty day bills , and 84.83K tor demand. _ i'UODUOK MAUKKTS. Clilcncn. July 13. Following quotations are thu 8:30 : closing figures : Flour Steady and unchanged. Wheat Weaker and somewhat lower ; opened at about yesterday's close and after fluctuating ruled quiet and closed } ® ( , lower ; cash , 71c ; August , 72c ; September , 74o. 74o.Corn Corn Good trade reported to-day ; mar ket ruled rather quiet early but later consid erable activity was developed and the mar- knt ruled sttonger , closing jffiJJfn higher than yesterdav ; cash , 30c ; August , StiJ c ; September , ; :75-10. : Oats Firm , August and September closing at J/c advance ; cash , 20 1-lCc ; August , 25 c ; September , UCi c. Kye Quiet aU4Sc. Barley--lull but steady. Prime Timothy Seoa-S2.20@2.25. Whlsky-81.10. Pork Active and firm ; cash , S15.50@16.00. hard Advanced 5@7K'c and closed steady at Inside prices ; cash 80.50 ; August , 80.57 > i ; September , SC.07 > 30.70. Bulk Meats-Shoulders , SS.OOac.OO ; short clear. 88.20fft8.80 ; short ribs , 88.avas.10. Butter Quiet but steady ; creamery 15 ® lOXc ; dairy , ! 2OlGc. Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 8Jfe ; Young Americas , UQ'-Wc ; flat skims , 4@5c. Eggs Steady at 12W@13c. Hides and tallow Unchanged. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 2J.OOO 22,000 Wheat , bu 20.000 IS OOO Corn , hu 12S.OOO 121.000 Oats , bu Ib2,000 101,000 Kye , bu 5UOO 5,000 Barley , bu 4,000 0,000 New York. July 13. Wheat Receipts. 110,000 ; expoits , 171,000 ; spot lots Kc lower on spring and Ji@lVc on winter trades , clos- 1112 heavy ; ungraded red , bOi ( < jS5Xc ! ; Xo. 3 red , fc3 > i In elevator. 84f < ii > 4Xc delivered : No. 1 red , nominal ; No. 2 red , July , 83@84c ; August closing at 83 ? < c. Corn Receipts , 52,000 ; exports , 3,000 ; spot lots firm , closing a simile hlcher ; options opened We lower , but later recovered from the decline , closing weak ; ungraded , 43 5 43 > | c ; Xo. a , 44c In elevator , 44J c delivered ; August closed at 45c. Oats Kecolpts. 29,000 ; exports , l.OoO. Mar ket steady ; mixed western , S5@37c ; white western , 89@43c. Petroleum Steady : United closed COVc. Pork Stroncer ; old mess , S15.CO@15.25 ; now mess 810.00 ® 10.25. Lard Opened stronger and 5@7 points hlirher , closing weak ; western steam , spot , Buffer Firm ; western , 10@20c : western creamery , 10ffi20c ( , Cheese-Quiet and barely steady. i Finn , with fair demand ; western , Mtniic poil8.iuyl3. ! Wheat Unsettled August , 72J c : September , 73c. On track : Xo ! 1 hard , 7ficNo. ; 1 northern , 75c ; No. i. northern , 7I ! < \ Flour Quiet ; patents , $1. 5 ( 1.35 ; bak ers' , ja.3.r ) ( < f.50. : ! Kwelota Wheat. 70..WO bu. Shipments Wheat , 15,220 bu ; ( lour , 23.C.M bbls. Oiuclniiatl , July 13. Wtieat Stronger No. 2 red , 74Kc. Corn In oed demand ; No. 2 mixed , 41 Oats-Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , Itie-Dull ; No. 2 , Vic. 1'ork Firmer at S16.00. hard-Firmer at Sfi.ur , . St. Imiils , Julr i : ? . Wheat Weak JfOKe lower ; No. 'J. red , cabh , July , TJc : Aimust , T.i' &TA c. Corn Lower ; cash , 3J e ; August , S3c. Oats-Dull ; cash , 2SKc ; July , 24 c. I'ork-StroiiK at SIO.UO. lard Firm at f 6.40. Whlsky-Sl.O. . . Butter Steady ; creamery , 10@10c ; dairy , 1210c. tfanuai OUy. Julr IS. Wheat Steady Jlo. 2 red. cash , r,2Kc bid ; August , COHc bid. Corn-Cash , 28/ < c : August , 2 ; c Did. UOc risked ; September , : SOc bid , :50sc : asked. Oata-August , 20c. lilT rnonl , July 13. Wheat Steady , de- niand ( air , holders ollur moderately. Corn Firm ; nothlnc doing ; new mixed western , 4s K per cental. New Orloaua , July 13. Corn Firmer ; yellow , 4Sc. OaU Stronc and hlcher nt 37c. Corniufal-Qulet and weak at 52.80@2.n.r. . Hoi Products DUBettlsd , but Renerally higher ; pork , 815.75 ; lard. 80.50. bulk Meats Shoulders , S5.S7K : long clear and clear ribs , SS.12K ; clear ribs , S'.SO. ' Milwaukee. July 18. Closing Wheat No. a , 72Kc ; Aiiiiust , 72-Kc ; September , 74 , c. Corn No. 8 , MWc. Oats No. 2 , white , Hye No. 1 , 5 Hf. Hiirloy Septomlwr , rrovlslons-ateady. 1'ork July , S14.50. OMAHA MVE STOCK. Wednesday , July 13. Cnttlu. There , was a very noticeable tailing ott In the receipts to-day as compared with yester day. Tliu market was very weak and lower , good handy native steers bulug baiely steady. lines. The run of hogs wa about the same as yes terday. The m.irkot opened activn and 5o hlelier. Everything sold early lu the day ; S4.U5 and 5 OJ were the prevailing pncen to day , and although there vt ri ) heveral loads that reacheit S5.10 , theroare still a good man y very fair IIOKS. goliiK at S4.05. If there wore a few rough hogs In the loid or It the IIOL'S did not run very even , the buyers did not like tc. bid overSl.W. Hlicup. There was nothlns doing lu the market JUooelpu. Cattle MOUe ' Uo 's _ ' LZ 4' ° ° N C Prloo * Showing the pravalllnj prlcai ptM for live stock on this market : Choicosteen. 1300 to 1500 lbs..S1.S.5'353.05 Choice steor-s. 1100 to 130J Ibi. . . 3.70 t.S5 Fat Iltllo ste rn SWO to 1053 lln. . . . 3.20j3.50 ( Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 3.SOirt3.00 Good to cl.olco corn-fe'l ' cows. . . . 2.75jfU.OO ! Common to modlum cuwn 2.00 .60 ro Uood to choice bulls 2.00M2.50 Light and medium \ > n 4.00M3.00 ( iimd t < ichoice lieavv lio.'s . . . . 5.00 < ( iMO Good to choice nuvu ii" h 4.90j ! 5.00 lie nt aitlia. th No. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. Pr. 70. . . . V06 83.20 S7..1434 83.00 19..1166 3.30 SI..lliia 3.00 tie 54..1110 8.30 M..1033 3.C6 20. . . .1013 a40 12. . . .1137 3C5 18. . . .1141 3.W ) B7..1175 aOT 3./.11M S.fX ) J8. . .1320 3.70 I..ai70 ASO 78..1.T80 ! > .70 100. . . . 115.1 * 8.5 > 18 . . .1153 3.75 > o. Av. Tr. 27. . . 7 1 83.20 YRAltMNO Hr.lFKIlS. No. Av. 1'r. 27. . . . OW 82.50 noos. No. Av. 8hk. 1'r. No. Ar. Hhk. Pr. fiO . . .UK ) 100 4.W 00. . . . 25.5 40 t > . ( 78..1t 7 100 4.85 07. . . .248 80 5.00 79. . . . 218 40 4.W ) 03. . . . 253 bO 5.00 71. . . .255 100 4.1H ) C4..2 , ' 2 W ) 5.00 75. . . . 1W ) fcO 4.SO 71..2.V3 240 6.00 43. . . . 210 40 4.90 M. . . . 260 100 fi.OO > . . . . 227 120 4.03 5S..208 40 5.00 71. . . .228 120 4.UO 0.8..2' " . ! M ) 5.00 M.200 ) 40 4.00 fil..2T,7 tO 6.00 7J..221 120 4.SH ) r S..a63 bO 5.00 70. . . .214 40 4.W ) 73. . . .211 100 5.00 53 . . .210 40 4.03 C'J..2J1 40 5.00 CO. . . . 210 200 4.H5 02. . . . 204 120 5.00 00..2.-.0 . 120 4.9-1 51. . . . 287 40 5.00 02. . . . 1I51 180 4.0,1 75. . . . 225 W ) 5.00 70. . . . 200 40 4.0 > C2..241 100 5.00 74. . . . 215 ! WO 4.05 CO . . .241 40 5.00 NJ..2U 120 4.0j 53. . . .247 120 5.00 62. . . . 228 fcO 4,05 57..2SO 6.05 73. . . . 240 200 4.05 57. . . . 274 5.C5 70..2.4 100 4.05 1&8..245 120 5.05 03..2IW 200 4.P5 DC. . , . . . 243 bO 505 04. . . . 241 120 4.03 54..2.S ! bO 5.05 04..2HO 120 4.05 03. . . 270 5.05 61. . . . 275 120 4.05 03. . . . 284 5.05 IM..21M 40 4.05 74. . . . 24 ! ) 40 5.05 65. . . . 216 40 4.05 47. . . . 318 100 6.05 07 . . .244 40 4.0 03. . . . 254 40 5.05 04. . . . 215 120 4.05 01. . . . 277 40 5.05 G5..2.TG 100 4.05 71. . . . 270 5.10 04. . . . 210 120 4.01 09. . . . 257 100 5.10 63. . . .237 100 4.07' 07..2S4 510 03..2C2 120 4.07J4 60. . . . 275 5.10 hive Hlook Sold. Showlugthe number oHioad of stock sold on the market to-day : CAITt.R. ( i. II. Hammond & Co . 215 Swift & Co . Ill Local . 50 Shlppurs . 8t > 2 " Total . 758 1KHIS , Anglo-American Packing Co . 3,003 U. II. llniiiinomiib Co . C09 Armour & Co . 053 Squires it Co . 514 Harris & Fisher . 53 Total . 4KO Shipment ! . Showing the numbar of cittlo. ho s and sheep shipped Irom the vards during the day. CATTLE. No. cars. Kt. Dest. 20 . N.V . Chicago 4 . H.I . Chicago 22 . C. U.AiQ . Chicago HOGS. 8 . .U. I. . Jollet All sales ot stock in tins market are made per cwt. HVQ weight unless otlierwisn stated. Dead hogs soil at Mo per Ib. for all weights "Skins , " or hogs weUhlng loss than 1W ( Ibs. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 49 IDs. anil stags83Ibs. by theonbllo Inspector. Iiivc Stock Noteti. Hogs 5c higher. Common cattle weak and low. Hoes continue on the up irrade. Good handy native cattle steady. J. Plattner , Eustls , was In ulthaloadof hogs. H. C. Dawson , with M. Unrke & Sons , was In to-day. Mr. MeCloud has returned from a week's visit home. J. K. iilenklron , Bancroft , was In with a load of hogs. T. J. Aldrttt , Friend , came In with two loads ot cattle. I. Manson , Wabash , was in and sold two loads of good hogs. A. L. Davis , Syracuse , was on the market with three loads ot cattle. II. ( ! . Van Wlckle , Kennard , was hero and maiketed a load of hotrs. A. 1) . Kenyon , Danneburir , wasat the yards and sold two loads ol hogs. Five loads of cattle were lecelved from Ldlck A : Dunlap , Tekamah. Mr. Pendnrvis , Friend , Nob. , was in nnd sold a lo.ul ot 275-lb. hous at 55.10. 11. F. Church , Pierce , a heavy shipper , wab In and sold live loads ot cattle. U. McKin/.io was In irom Craig with bO head of cattle ot lih own feeding. J. D. Stone , Friend , was here with live loads of cattle and one load of hogs. / . liaughn , Randolph , was nt the yards with two loads of cattle ami one of hos. Peter Klinke , Ml I lard , took homo a Here ford bull , one bred by O. W. Uarto , Sewnrd. Keno ite Storrs , Oakdale , were In again to day with six loads of cattle mid two of hogs. William Uobnbaum , Waco , a well known shipper , was among the visitors : it the yards. F. Hey , Siher Creek , brought in a load of hogs and was present at the shipper : , ' meet ing. ing.J. J. U. Hall , Gibbon , was In with n load ot cattle and attended the hive Stock Shippers' association. Among those inuith hogs was A. H. Kmrine. who marketed two loads from Coun cil lilutR The North Loup Cattle company , Elba , had a Heretord bull shipped to their rancl troin herr. Among those In with hoes was It. Hlaco , of lilair , who topped tlio market with a load of 270-lb. hogs. P. Sullivan , Wavne , Neb. , was at the yfird ? with a load ot cattle and one of hogs lor Sla ter it Fra/.ler. W. Weyant , jr. , Gennantnwn. was herewith with a load ot hogs and to attend the ship pels' meeting. Paul Frauen , Loekwood , was here with i load of cattle anu n load of hogs , which brought 85.05. Mr. Smaltey , of the linn of Potter Smalley , Kim Creek , was in with a load o : hogs and a load of cattle. II. It Falkner , a well known shipper o Plum Creek , came In with a load of 204-lb , hogs , which brought the top price. Henry Emerson , Cedar Uaplds , Neb. , waa In nnd marketed three loads of hogs. They averaged 240 Ibs. and brought $5.05. Jaiiirs Irvine , Nysted , who came In yester- dar , sold four loads of 13NG Ib western steers at $3.70. They were of his own feeding. A very successful meeting of the Live Stock Shippers' association wua held at the Exchange building. A full report will be found elsewhere in this paper. OMAHA AVHOIiljSALE MARKETS. General I'rodiice. Wednesday , July 13. flic JnlUnt'lng arc the prices < tt which round lots of produce arc j > oW tn Mils jmir- M. M.EGGS EGGS The bulk of the stock Is moving at lie. with an occasional case at HHc , but the receipts are light and thu tendency is toward higher prices. UUTTKU The receipts of choice butter are becoming lighter , while there Is a corresponding spending increase In the poorer grades. On account of the extremely hot weather all the butter Id coming in very poor shape. An occasional p.tckngn of fancy dairy butter brings 15c , but there Isveiy little that brines more than 12 > - c. Good butter Is selling at 9 ( glle , while the poorer grades sell all the way tiom flc up to 8c , according to the grade. GASH : There Is very little game coming In excepting snipe , which sell readily at bl.25 per tlo7en. Poui/niT O'd ' fowls sell fairly well , If choicB , at 83.00 < 3i.2.1) : . There are a good many very small spring chickens coming In which are slow sale at any price. Large opting chickens sell st S2.25f ( 2.'iO. CHEESE Full cream chedders , single , O c ; In" cream flats , twins , lOc ; Youug Americas He : fancy Swiss , 20c ; Swiss im ported , 25c ; Llmbureer , 12c ; brick , 13@tOc. The receipts of now potatoes are heavier and choice stock can be had in bulk tit COOGSc. ) CAJ.IKOHNIA BKANB Now white beans trom Cnlltouila have arrived in the market and are selling at S2.10 per bushel. BKIIIII -There were a few black rasp berries in this morning , which sold at SI.5U. Ked rmpbeirles are cettlne poor , but they sold at 15.00 to-day. There were some very Unto and fancy Lawton blackberries In front Michigan , which hold at $2.25 per 10 qt case. Griod stock sold at S'.VX&I.OO per 24 ( it case. PI.O.MS There were a few California plums In , which sold at $1.50 per 10 Ib box. TOMATOES Choice stock Is arriving frorc Mississippi , and St. Louts homo grown will bo on the market this week. Good stock Is selling at 75Xc ) per box and Si25 < a2.50 per bushel. CeLcnr Kftlauuzoo celery Is arriving In liberal quantities and selling at 40c. CAULIKI.OWEK Very larre , tine heads are coin , ; at (1,25(91,50 per do/en. market U almost bare. There ore a few Losk Angeles In which ate selling at S5.00 per bot. Kodl , ! 0.00@ < V > 0. WATF.KMKt.o.SrV-Thertf ate > ery few on thu market nnd prices fire good. Choice large stock would sell nt SWOOper hundred. PKArtins There nro no peaches on the market of any account nsldo from California stock. Good stock Is moving at 82,00 ( 2.25 per box. CiiKiiniER There Is a small supply of very choice stock on the 'market ' , from Oregon. both white and black , which Is selling nt S1.75 per 10 Ib boxes. Ari't.r.P Good Missouri apple * are selling at 3.50Q4.00 per bbl. Choice red Astrlcaus are selling at Mta per ) < bushel box. LKMO.NS Reports from , Now York city In dicate that lemons there continue to ad vance nnd the market opens for the month very strong nnd excited , The amount of lemons on the wny Is much lets than nt nny time for three months past and weather In tensely hot. The last large auction sale there marked n higher rnnije of prices than any Kale thus far this season. The supply of lemons on this market Is not large and prices are firm. Fancy , per box , $ fi.50a7.CO ( ; choice , S5.60@6.50. MA SANA- } Choice stock. 52.50,33.50. APHICOTH There ore none of any account on the market. _ Groccr'a Ijet. | COFFKK Ordinary grades , 19VA2o/lc ; fair , 200 < 21c ; pnim21Q23 ; choice , U-J24 ; tnncy Itreen nnd yellow , 2.325u ! ; old government Java , 23 < ji2ic ; Interior Java , 24@aV ; Mocha , 2i30c ! ; Arbuekle's , roasted , 24 ? c ; Me- Laiigldln's XXXX , 2lVc ; Dllworth's , 24Xc ; Ked Cross , 24 fc. SYRUP-NO. 70 , 4-gnllon kegs. S1.32@1.35 ; New Orleans , per fznllon 3S@40c ; mnplo syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , ? 0c ; 1-gnflon cans , per doz , glO.CQ ; halt gallon cans , per dor , S5.50 ; quait cans , 3.00. , Ci'.ACKints Garnean's hoda , butter and picnic , 4 } c ; creams , 7) < c ; ginger snaps,7Xc ; city soda , 7J < p. Pinuii.s Medium. In bbls , 87.00 ; do In half bbls , S4 00 ; small , In bbls , k8 00 ; do , In halt bbls , $4.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , 89.00 : do , In halt bbls , S5.00. SiruAii Granulated , 8VQ6XC ; conf. A , < V3 O's'c ; white extra C , 5 ? f < t5 , { e ; extra C ; yellow C. 5t5 ; < c ; cut loaf , powdered , 7@7 } < c. CANNID : ( > oo s Oysters , standard , per case. S2.OOtfM.lO ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per ca e , 82.30 ; raspberries , 2 Ib. per case , : > @ 2.45 ; cnseS3.40(23,60bliieberrlespercaseS1.85ei5g ( ; ; plums , 2 lu. per case , S3.60 ; pineapples , 2 Ib. per case , 53.20@5.7S ? ; 1 Ib. mackerel , per doz , ! . . ' ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz. Stl.60Ql.55 ; 2 Ib. gooseberries , per case , 1.00 : 2 Ib. string beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per case , Sfl.CO ; 2 Ib. marrowfat peas , per case , S2.40@2.50 ; 2 Ib. early June peas , per case , $2.75 ; 3 lo. tomatoes , 82.50 ; 2 Ib. corn , 52.50. DIIIKD FRUITS Apples , new , Jf's , O'fe ; evnporated , 50-Ib rlne , KWcfflSc ; raspberries , evnpointcd,27(328c ( : blackberries , evaporated , lW@ Kc ; pitted cherries , Iltf@l2c : peaches , now , U' * < * 'fc ; evaporated , peeled peaches , muscatels , Jsi.fx'i ' ; new Valencias , 7K KKFIKED LAIIO Tierces , 7c : 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , c ; 20-lb round , 7/c ; loibpalis , 7Kc ; 5-lb palls , 7 c ; 3-lb palls , 7/c. TOIIACCO Lorlllard's Climax , 37c ; Splen did , : ! Sc ; Mechanic's Delight , 40c ; Lepgctt & Meyer's Star , 87c : Cornerstone , 87c ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoe , 87c ; T. J,3lc ; Sorg's SjK-arhcad , 87c. TIAS : Japan , per Ib , 20(5i50c ( ; eunpowder. 25(7ixc ( ; ) : Young Hyson , 30@50c ; Congou , C5@ 70c : Oolong"XXgtVic. . PROVISIONS Hams , ll c : breakfast bacon , lojfe ; bacon .sides , bJi Oc ; dry salt , 8C''S/c : hhouldors , 7Jjc ; dried beef hams , 21e : dried heel , regular , 12 c : hams , pic nic , 7 > c. ' Wooii.N\\Aiu ) : : Two-hoop palls , per do/ , ; 3-huop palls , 81.05 ; No. 1 tub. S0.50 ; No. ii tub , 8.1.50 ; No.-3 tub. S4 50 ; wash boards , 551.75 ; assorted bowls , S2.25 ; No. 1 phiirus , SO ; No. 2 churns , SS ; No. 3 churns , 87 ; butturtnbs , § 1.15. SrARcii Mliror ( Jloss. 5 fc ; Graves Corn , O'ac : Oswcgo Gloss , 7e ; OSWP O Corn , 7c. liuooMs Extra 4 tie , 5f.00 : ! ; No. 1,82.50 ; No. 2 , S2.2.J ; heavy stable , S4.00. Dry Lumber. DIMF..VSIOXH AND la ft u ft IG ft lit rt 20 ftS ( ! ft24 | ft 17.Nl'l7.r ' > 0 17.GO lb.50 111.60 02.5 17.60 17.60 K.fiO 18.50 i 60 "j.FiO' ' 17.70 17. W ) 17.W 18.50 IV.W 22.&OJW.WI 17.M 17.M 17.50 IS.50 19.50 ' 'J.M i-J. It. . 00 IH.tK.1800 ) IU.UO 20 00 SI BO LM.50 18.50 18.60'I8.M ' 19..V ) 20 W ' \ ft ) 21.00 11OAUDS No.lcomsls $19.0g No.2 , com , s Is 17.50 No. 4 , com , s 1 s 13.50 FF.NCINO. No. 1 , 4 40 In , 12 1411 , rough ? No.2 , " ' 18.00 RIDING. A , 12.14 and 1C ft S22.00 H < " 20.riO ( ; , ' " 15.00 D " " " 13.00 rnll.INO AND PAIITITION. 1st com , % in White Pine Celling 8"4.00 Clear , % in. Not way Pine Ceiling 10.00 STOCK BOAKDh. A 12 Inch s. Is 840.00 No. 1. com. 12 In B. 1 s. , 12 & 14 20.00 ' ' ' " If , ft 19.00 No.2 " " " 12&24U 18.00 ' ' 10ft 17.00 FINISHING. 1st and 2d , clear. lj inch , H. 2 s 850.00 Kd. clear , 1 Incu.s. 2 s. , S45 ; 1 > , IK.2 InO0 B select , 1 inch , s.2 s.,830 ; 14' } , IX , 2 in 37.00 TORT. ' . White cedar , C In. , Hs. , l2Kc ; 0 In. qrs. , lie General Markets. VAHNISHKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 51.00 ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , SJ1.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan. 70c ; asplialtum , extra , 85c ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil finlbli 81.50. DKV PAINTS White lead , 7c : French zinc , 12c ; Paris whiting. 2Ke ; wlutlne , gilders , 2c ; whiting , com'l , life ; lampblack , Ger mantown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8ci Pnisslan blue,55c ; ultramarine , IKc ; Vandyke brown , 8e : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o/ oienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4e ; 1'nri green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common , 2Zc ; chrome cieen , N. Y , ' Oc ; vermilllon , American , isc ; Indian , raw and burnt umber , 1-lbcans , 12c ; raw nnd burnt sienna I2c ; vandyke brown. 13c ; rehned lamp black , I2c ; coach black nnd Ivory black IGc ; drop blacic , lOc : ultramarine black , 18c ; chrome green , L. , M. * D. , 16c ; blind and shutter ereon , U , M. & I ) . , 16e ; Paris green , 20c ; Indian reu , 15c ; Venetian redOc ; Tus can , 22cIAmerican ; vermilllon , L. it D. . 20c ; yellow oclire , 2c ; L. M. &O. D. , 18c ; good ochre , ICc ; patent dryer , 8c : graining color , lleht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash 12o. Dittius AND CHEMICALS. Acid carbolic ; 50c ; acid tartarlc , 52c ; baKam copaiba , per Ib , 60c ; bark sasafrass. per Ib , lOc ; calomel , per Ib , 78cchlnchonldla ; , per o/,25cchloroform ; , per Ib , 50c ; Dover's iiqwdern , per Ib , 81.25 ; rpsom salts , per Ib , SKc ; plycerine , pure , per Ib , : c ; lend , acetate , for Ib , 2Uc ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal , 81.00 ; oil , castor. No. 2 , per gal , 81.40 ; oil. olive , jifer'irali 81.40 ; oil , orlg- aniunn , 50c ; opium , S54.50 ; yuinlne , P. > t W. and K. it S. per OL , 70c ; potossluni , iodide , per 11) . S3.2.5 ; salicln.jper olOc ; sulpliato morphine , ire i / , S3.35 : . sulphur , per Ib , 4c ; rynhnine , per o : , , si. o : ' PAINTS IN On ' . - WnTte lead , Omaha , [ ' a , . . , seilles , ereen , 1 Ib caiiN , lOc ; French zln ereenseal , 12c : French'Inc. . red seal , lie French zinc. In varnish asst. , 20c ; French zinc j , * n 75e _ - ; _ vermilllon _ _ . - _ ! _ . . , Kngllhli _ _ i J _ , - In _ oil 1 , ft _ 75e t _ ; son'i rt'dl . chiomo yi. . . . . . _ . , _ . _ , . nohre , French , 25 c ; 'ochie ' , American Uc ; Winter's mineral , 2fcrLehigh brown , 2 > < c ; Spanish brown , 2' < c : Prince's mineral , 3c. Si'iuiTs Cologne spirits , ibb wroof , Sl.lOj do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spliits. second quality , lOlproot , 81.10 ; do 18a proof , 81.00. Alcohol. 1SS proof. 82.10 per win * gallon. Redistilled whlakles , 81.00@1.50. Gin blended. 81..VQ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. 52.00@0.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.0P@1.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , SL50@3.00. Brandies. Imported , S5.00fffi8.50 ; domeBtlc , 81.30qc3.00. Glus , Imported , C4.5n@ 6.00 ; domestic , fel.25@3.00. Champagnes , Im ported , per case , S28.00@33.00 J American , per case. 810.UO@10.00. HiDKfl Green butchers' . SKd c ; Kreen cured , 7J < c ; dry tUnt. Il rl2c ; dry salt , 0@ lOc ; green calf skins , be ; damaced hides , two- thirds price. Tallow Sc. Grease Prime white. 3c ; yellow , 2ct brown , 1K& Sheep pelts , 2.Vg75c. HF.AVV HARUWAHE Iron , rate , 82.70 ; plow bteel , special cast , 4Kc ; crucible steel r > Xc ; cast toolx , do , i2 ( < C5c ! ; wajon spoke-s , per set , 82.00@3.50 ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; fel lees , sawed dry , SI. 00 ; tongues , e.tch. Ke ) ; axles , each , 7tc ; square nuts , j > er Ib , C07c ; cell chain , per Ib , 6j @Uic ; malleable , rx < il ( > c ; iron wedgeif , Oc ; crowbara.JOc ; harrow teeth , 4V < ! * , Kprinir steel. 4 ( 5c ; llnrden'd lior o Mioes , 94.75 ; Bunion's mule shoes , 85.75. BartMd wire' In cnr lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 60 82.00 ; steel nails , 82.75. rno ti rxicqi'iifTiB WITH TIII oioomrnT or tmi COf ItTRT WILL BT KXAHINUIO IU11 XAr TIUI TU1 CHICA60.ROCKISLAND&PAGIFICRAILWAY Ily reason of Hi central poiltton , eloce relation to lln i Eait of Cblcapo , and cuntlnuoun Ilnri at terminal polati Weit , Kortliwrnt and Bmithwuit. li th * trua mlildla link In tlmt tranirontlncntal rjrttrm wblch Invltei and facllltntti travel and traffic between tLe Atlantic and 1'aclflo. The Kork Iiland main line and branchen Include Chicago cage , Jollct , Ottawa , La dalle , I > orla , Oenrneo , llolln * and Hock liland. In Illinois | D ? onport , Muicatlne , Wxhlngton , Falrflcld , OttutawaO'lcaloof , We t Lib erty. Iowa City , DeeMulnei. lndI nolaWlnter rt , Atlan tic , Knoxvltlc , Audubon , Hnrlan , Guthrlo Centre and Council llUufl > , In lowaj ( lallatln , Trenton , St. Joseph , Cameron and Kanmn City , In Mlsiourlj Lea\enworlh and AtclilsonlnKania Albert Loa , Minneapolis and M. Paul , In Minnesota AVatcrtown nnd Sioux Falls , In lakota , and hundredsof Intermediate cltleiand towns. "The Great Rock Island Route" Guarantee ! upecd , comfort , certainty and nfety. Ill permanent war l > dlstlnul bcd for III cicellento. Ill brldcei arc of stune and Iron , ltd track Is of solid tee ) , It * rolling dock perfect. Jt pnsseneer equipment has nil tlic safety appliances that eiperleneo has proved useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is unsur- paMed. Its Kxpress Trains consist of fuperlor DAT Coaches , elegant Pullman Palace Parlor and Sleeping- Cars , superb Dining Cars , providing dellelons meals , and ( between Chicago ixrul St. Joocph , Atclilaon and Kansas City ) re tful Itecllnlng Chair Cars. Its man agement IB conservative , Ita discipline exacting. "The Famous Albert Lea Route" Tletwton C Men fro and Mlnnenpolli ttnd fit. 1'aul Ii th fftTorttf. OTOF this line holJd Fait Eiprc * Trains run dally to attractive rpiortu for tourists In Iowa and JtUnncvota , nnd , \VatcrtownandBloux Falli.tothe rich * heat and ffrntln Inndi of Interior Dakota. Via Bencca and Kanknkeo , the Itock Inland offers tuperlor InduoemcntH to trardors l > ttvcen Cincinnati , Indian * apolls. LnfayptU and Council IHulTi , Rt. JoFrph , Atchl- ron , Lea\enwurth , Kanrati Cit > , fet , 1'aul , andlntcrme * dlate points. AU patrons ( rppfcUUr Hdlea and cliil- drcnroceh e protect Ion , courtesy and kindly attention. For ticket ! , innpn. folder * , copies of Western Trail , or Any deft red Information , npply to principal offlccu In the United Statci and Canada , or address , at Chicago , I. R. CABIC. E. ST. JOHN , E. A. HOUROOi , O. FRANK 0. MEM , Carpenter and Builder , FINE CABINET WORK A SPECIALTY Telephone 6GO. ao South Nixtueiith Street. 4 TO 7 PER CEXT INVESTMENTS $250.000 Douglas Co. ( Omaha ) , Neb. 5's. 100,000 Toledo , Ohio , 4's. 20,000 Danville , Illinois , 6's. IiO.000 Illinois Drainage , G's. 20,000 Comanche County , Kansas , G's. 100,000 Elgin , Illinois , 5's. 53,000 Travis , County , Texas , 6's. 25,000 El Dorado , Kansas , 6's. 25,000 Red Cloud , Neb. G's. 14,000 Fairmont , Neb. 7's. 200,000 Topcka , Kansas , 6's. Aud other securities : Government , Locnl , & c. For more than twenty-live years we have dealt m similar securities , and no one through us has ever lost a dollar by default of either principal or interest. \Vo receive deposit accounts , all ow in terest on time deposits aud transact a re gular banking business. S. A. KEAN& CO. , BANKERS , ( Successors to I'rcbton , Kcaii & Co. ) , 100 Washington Street , Chicago. N. Y. OFFICE : United Bank Building. For Individuals and Institutions , in eluding Universities , Estates , .Vc. Kl U. S. DEPOSITORY , Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 42,500 H. W. Yules , President. A. E. Tou/.ftlin , Vice-President. W. 11. S. Hughes , Cashier , UIKECTOIISi W. V. Morse , John S Collins , H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Heed. A. E. Tou/.alin. HANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th nnd Farnam Sts. A General Banking Business Transacte N.W. Harris & Go. M5-ll7MONiiOEST.CHICACOnBlfCOO 68 DEVONSHIRE IT. , BOSTON. DAIHlCNd n'Conntl BCltiOBTowni.W&tor , GM , Htrect. K. K. CO.'B a > ; > iaJty. CorroiiHiudcuco lollcitvU. Inirtnnt re- VARICOCELE caseactirrd. No knife , clnitHorclnmps iinfd AUd. V. O. Supply Co ItoxTSfi St. Ixiuis , Mo. The Best and Safes Vapor Stove Made , C. W. Sleeper , head of St. Marys' Av- enve. J aiuea & Smith South , Omaha. PENNY ROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " The OrivlnHl ud Only Mvnuln * . > B w > n ' w rtkl M ImlUtloit Alk DrocirUt M ADIES. four . , 'l * t * to m r , r ' ' M'UiiUn In lillir J re t r. mmO. ' ChemU.I C. , PAPER. I'hlUxUr . ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE , TERRE HAUTE. IND. I A School ol Englneerlnj. \\cllrndijwtili ell fiulppcj ilrp rlnitnti of M ch. nli UnUCIfIKnKliieerliiir | , EUctrlcltrd'htiiiiUtrr n < l Hr wlng. hi l n i e Shorn nhil l. tor toilt . Ver UUl f ut , 44tii 1 , C. V C.NDEKUALL , VIM. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural tmpfemenlt. CHURCHILL PARKER , WholeuU I ) * Itr In Affricultnral Implements , Wngona , and lluagli'f. Junes drool , tetwecu Vth nSldth. Omnhn , Null. L1XIXGER C AlETUALF CO , , Afirrlcnltural Innilcnicnts , yranoni.r rrlM , Huitles Hte. , WlinUmlo , Om.-.h . I'AXLIX , O II KXDO HF.V 9 WliulctnloDcnleraln Agricultural Imiilcments , s anil llutnloi. Wl , 1W , W5 iind W7 , Jones st Artists' MatoriaT. A. HOSPE , , TJ { . , Artists' Uaterinls , I'lanos ami Organs , 1SIJ IHinnlm Stffft. Omelii\ . Built/era' Hardware and Scales. HIMERA UGIT C TA YLOR , BullderslHardwaro&Scalo Repair Shop llecbanlo'Toul > * ml Ituffalo Scilui. lliXi luugl it , " 4. Om li . Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ Boots and Shots. jr. r. MOUSE c co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1111 Ftrnttu it , Omaha , N b. VniiufAClorr , Summat itreet , lloitnn. Wholesale Hub bar Boot * and Shoes Kubliur null Oiled Clolhlut : itna H-il IkuiH and Sbooi. 8outhoa t Cormr llh DJ Uoualaa. Beer. STORZ C ILElt , Lsger Hecr Brewers , IWt Nnrth Hlh Street. Omi > h . Neh. Bulchtn' Tools , LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , luata CtiluR * of nil klndi nlwujilu tock. 1215 t it.Omaha Coffee , Spicti , Etc. RKE BROSrS Omaha Coirco and Spice Teaf.Ooffres , Spleen , llaklng Towder. tracti , laundry Illue , Ink. Ktc. UK 16 Ilara/ ttrectOmntia. N b. Cornier. . EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. llannfaeturtr of ( Jaltanlied Iron and CornK * . 9O led < a and 101 and 106 N , lOtli at. , omalm.Neb. RUEMJ'IXG f5 BOLTE , U nuacturcr of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dorunr Wlndown , Finals. MelnllcSkillgbt , tic. 3108. 12th it. , Umaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spceht , Prop. Salranlied Iron Cornice * , cte. Burct'i Improred Pat nt Melallc Skylight. UM aud 610 8 12tUM.OniKlia , Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobbds of Carpets , Citrtainn , Oil Cloths , Bugs , Linoleums , Matting * . Ktc. till Dnuc'ai afreet. Crockery and Notions. Agent for 'hu Maiiufacturen and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lnmpl , Cblmneyi , i'tc. niflcc. HI South 13th It. Oniaba , Kub. CLOTHING M. ELG U'l TEIt'S Mammoth Clothing House , Corner hurniim nnd Tenth Sheets , Onmlm , Xcb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Ilntter , Itgimand Produce. Compliments lollcltrd. lleailquHrtors for Hlnnewar , Hurry lox , a ouJ Urnim JlRikuii. 1111 Dodgeitreuf , Umahii RIDIiELL c RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant * , 6uccluttloB-lluttor , KCIM. Cbcc c , I'o tltrr , Uatuo , Oysters , etc. , otc. 112 8. llth St. FEYCKE ItltOS. , Commission Merchants. Fruttfl , Produce and lroTlilonfl , Omaha , Nob. WIEDEMA f < C CO. , Prodnco Commission Merchants , Poultry , Ilutur , Uame. Kiults. etc. : w B. luhit Uiunhft. Neb , Coal ana" Lime. Uiu. r. I.AhAun , l're . C. F. QOOPMAN , V. 1'ici. J. A. KUNliElll.AND , 800. and Trem. OMAHA COAL , COKE tt- LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. m South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. , T. , J. JOHNSON , tCO. . , Mannfucturars of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of ( Vml anil Cuke , Cement. 1'la'ttr , IJrnv , linlr. Mr llrlok , Drain , Tile ami flcwer 1'lpp. onke. I'.uton nutul. raniani et. . Oumlia , N > 'b , THenhoni1 Ml. Confectionery. FAY < e 'eo.r ManufacturinK1 Confectioners , Jobbers ( FruitiNuti and Ol aie. 1211 1 nruarn BU Otnatia , Cigars and Toliacco. MAX M EYE R 1& CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Gunt and Ammunition , 21S tuK3 8. lllhil. , K40 to Vttt rarnamit , ( ) ra'iliaNeli. WEST A FR1TSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cijrars , And Wkoiesalo nealrrt In Leaf Tobaccos , Not. 106 and 110 N. Vita itrvet , OmnMa. Dry Goods. M. E.'hr.\flTlf & CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods ANotiona 1103 and 1W < IXiunlnn , cor. llth St. , Oniaba.Nub. Distillers. Distiller * of Unworn , Alcohol nJ Spirits. Importer * and Jubberxof Wlnesun > l Liquors. WILLOIV SPRINGS DISTILLE' J * CO. and ILER tC CO. , Importers and Jobberc of Flno Wlnf s and Llqunri. Hole inanu ( > etur rsn ( RvunxilrV Bast India lilt- ten mill Duinrsilc Liquors. 111 ? HTiiuy HI. furniture. EWE Y , STONE , WholcsiiloDealeis in Furniture. Varuam St. . Oiimlia. Ktb. CHA HLKS Sill I'Kit ICK , Furniture , lioiiaiinr , Upholstery , Ulrrnrs.etc. 1 ) .H03 and 1310 Farnum ft. , Omana , Groceries , r'tcTJoi Wholesale Grocorie.s and Provisions , No. . 7K,1in , TUD Hiid 711 8.10th ft , Omahn , Neb. McCORD , BMADY .t > CO. , Whnlcsalo Grocers , Ifln and I.csvenwortti Ms.Oonha. Hardware. Jobbers of Hardwarn and Nails , Tinware , Sbcat Iron , Ktc. AirunU for Hotro hi-alos , and Miami 1'mxlcM o OniHliN. Ne'u. W. , / . .im Heavy Hardware , Iron and SteeJ , BprlnT i < m Mock , llar < l' ro I.iiuibar , etc. 1201 nd 1211 Ilsrnrr si imxL- . EDNEY cC GI It BOX , Wliolesalo Iron and Steel , Waionaort Carriage Wood Htoct. Hta r Knrrtwato , Kir. 1117 and HIS I. rnwur\h n.Om * . NVb , Wfi7foRoWws 3 > 'soMr Sloven , Haiijros , Kurnaeos , Tiles , Mutlil , Otkles , rasiUcra4i. 1UI aud 1231 bir t. OMAHA JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY Iron Workt. C VJKRL1SQ Iron Works , hl and Cast Iron HtilMln Work , Iron Ptnlr * IlallliiKi lleanii andllrdri , Sttani ICnilnri , llrau > Vorkl > nera | ITgunilry , Machlna and Illarkimlta \frnt. umrtanlWurki.D. P. Ily.andlTllintivot. Jl. JC. SA H'l'Elt , Dealer in Smoke Stacks , . TnnV < , and lpnoral Duller lUnalrlnf. Ul.'i lo , tri > * ttru ) lia. F. II. MrMANl ) . P SIILUTAN. OMAHA WIRE , C lltOX Mnniifncliirero of ire nnd Iron Kallinga , Desk Kalis , Window ( luard * . Hotter Hlnnd * , Wire Slunn , Ha IJ N. If.tb. Urdcri by mnll pmniptlr attnndndt * . Lumber. OMAHA fUMnEll CO. , Dealer' . . All Klndd of Buildluir Material at Wholosftlo. 18th Street and Union PaoHo Track , Omaha. LO UJS Jt HA l > fOlil ) , * Dealer in Lumber. Lnth , Limp , Snsh , Uoori , Ktc. Vardf-Corner7th and Dounlai ) Corn * * 9th and Ooui la * . CHICAGO LUMltER CO , , Wholesale Lumber , Sll S. 14th ttrcet , Omaha , Neb. f . Colpclier , Manag rt C. N. D1ETZ , Lumber. lith and Callforrla Streeti , Oman * . Neb. . Gil A ri ' Lam ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Ctb. and tiouglai iti. , Oma'.m..N x HOAGLAXD , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. OBIee , 1403 Farnam atruet.Oiuaha. CHAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carped and 1'arqnet rioorlng. Oniaba. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholcsalo Lumber , Etc. Imported ml Amerlciin I'ortlmiil Ccmwnt , Flat * Anent forilllnuukco lltJnuillc Couivut uud Ueit ( Juliicy Whitel.lme. Life Stock. UA'IOJTli'l'OCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John K. Boj J , Superlntecdwt. Lne Stock Commission. M. BURKE M SONS , Live Stock Coiuniisbloiu . CIoo. Ilurkr , iUnnuor Union flock YnnlF.H.Omnhn. Teltpliflne (81. SAVAGE t GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipment * of any ml all kinds of Block sulloited. Union St < ick \ nitiK , uiuaha , Nvb. Millinery and notions. Importers mill Jobbers of Millinery anil Notions , H13 nd 1215 Ilnrney f < t , eot.OmMin. Neb. Notions. Jr. T. ROBINSON Wholes lie Denial In Notions and Fiiriiishintj Goods , < al and 4ii ) H. Tenth Ht , Oianlia. Overalls. CANFIELD "MA COM I'A NY , Mannfactnrei'ij of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Slilrts , Etc. Ilr2 ( nnil 1104 DOU IHH Street , Omnhii , Null. PAPER CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Torrj n nice Htd < k of I'lliilliii : , Wrapplnit innlVrlt liiK paper. Hpuilnl I'tli'iitlcm Klvi'ii to rnr loiul or orders , nhlcli will Im uhlppail illroct from ruillv All orucr * will rcculvo pcrsnniil ntiontlnn. WoRimp- unteo c > nil ii'ioils ' anil Inn price * . 1111 niul 11114 Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , J'lank Rook llakon. And Ujuk IllnOcm. 10(1 mid Ids huulli I'ourtacntll street. Omtthi , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. DOHloro InTrpo , I'IBUBH ml Printers' tiupplloi. (09 Houth Twelfth Street. Pumps. BJtOU'NELL , C CO. , Manufttcturt'H an < l Deutor * In i , BoiliTH it ( it'iicral Miidiinery o.iuut .run work , Steam I'umiif.Sw > 1I1U , Aoiua BbaftlrjK , Dodgt Woudipllt Pullon , llaltlnu , atj , Aliowaitoui , ior perinnili > UH , Ntt-lUSUav TCnwortliiit. Oniahn CHU1WIIILL PUMP CO-7 AVholositlo PiniipH , Pipe , FittiutfB , Btommund Wttur Hunpllv * llfailiiiiirtpr | fnr Man * toutCn'iUuo'li. llllLHriiniu nl. , oinahn. Neb. U. S. JF/A7 > ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. nnlUcInr Wind Kiln : m and WMer Rnppllei , i'luuililn Uoorts. lleltliiK. llo-c. .iK | inul leu jtif iiaui it. , Oui h . H. K. l-Bliiiu , VHiiBkor. Tulri'lionu Nu.'lO. A. L. STRA NG CO. , PumiiH , PinoH anil Enpines , Btc tu , , lltllway and Mllllni : Supnhcc. Rt 830 , Illiuna l 4 l-nrnam t. . Panlm. Nul. . Books anil Stationery. A. T. Kt'XyoN CO. , Wl o'ofntn nnd Ro ull HookHolIiTs ami btutionorH , iL'S Dou lns nt , Onmliii , Ncl' . Tflrpliono 601 , Safes , Elc. " J' . BOYER CO. , Apents for Hull's Saf & Louk Co.s' Klre and llurs r front 8 ffl , Tims Inck , Vaultl BnU Jill Worn. 1WI Knr mm xlruot Oiniilm , NeU. G.AA'DRKEN , Onmlia Safe Works. Wniiuf ct ro. of HrunuU Ilarirlnr Proof Suits. VauU loonJ.ill nurL.Mintlcrs uni ! Wlrnnrk. . Cur. lltbuiuljHLkiuu Bin. , Cliuuliii , Niit ) , ' Sasfi , Doors , Etc. " v co. , Maniiftcturcriuf Sash , DOOVH , UliiKls anil Jlrnncli ohc ! ,12lli nd Utr.l kti. , uwnt sN N BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sasli. Doors , Blinds , Moiild'jiKi.f-lHlr WorkKiiii Intnrlor llrinl Wood KloliJl Juitopenud. N. K lor. btli mid J.OAVcnworlliSl * . Ouiubit , Noli. KLEIN HOUSE Johnstown , Neb , The best accoininod.uions for U.wclcrs. The lest hotel in U wn. s F. G. HHTX , Proprietor. HIE CAPITOL HOTEL j Lincoln , Neb. Tim litbt knn niul mu.-t jioinilar hotel Iq the staio. l.c tl'iiicjntr ! lapKlMliiir.iiti | ) Siei clasn. llcniliiUHiKitfi lei ( oiiuueri , nl kiij III ! polltiLul uud jnihlio KlUliuilllL-R K. I1. UOUOKN I'lo.irletnr. I-'INIS CUT A.NU PI Incompwmbly ttj Uj t. 1"J -1"