Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    OMAHA DATLY BEE : TiOTESDAY. ' JTJJjTi * 12P 1887.
Advertisements under tills hend.10 cents pe
Ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
Affluent Insertion , find tl.Wa line prr month
Iho ndvortlMiiiicnt token for lesstnnnSfi cents
for the nrst Intortlon. Ho\en words wll jbo
counted to the line : they must run con ecu
lively nnd must DO nald In advance. All nchcr-
tUemcntH must Ito hnndtd In before 1 : .TO o'clock
p. in. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued liv tcleiihono.
Parting advertising In these column midnnv.
In * the answer * nrtrlronsod in care of Tin BKC
wllipirnfon'k fern check to enable them to ( rot
tnclrluttnrft.ns none will ho dollvcrod eicoot
on orocontatlon of chock. All answers to ndvcr-
tisetnrnts should 1m enclosed In cnelopes. .
All adTertt oroenn In theie columns ro pub-
Jfsiicain both morning and evening editions of
The llr.E , the circulation of which
Mgrogntc * moro than 14.000 paonrs
daily , and plvf * the aryertl ) or the
Tiencflt , not onlj of the city circulation of The
B K but alpo of Council Bluffi. Mmcoln , and
other cities nnd towns throughout this PBr * ot
ItTONl'.Y to lonn , no commission. Cole , 310 B
J.U. IStlu MO
_ _
4JS 7&O.POO TO LOANntfl per cent Llnatnn
4 > .Mnhoney , 1&09 Fnrnam. 179
6PKR CENT Money.
B. C. 1'nttorson , IMli nnd Harmr. 181
$11110,000 to lonn on rcnl o tnto. No dolny.
Harris A Hainpion , 1MB Douglas st. 2i2
M ONEY TO LOAN-O F. lavH Co. , real
estate nnd loan agents , 1W5 Farnnm st
$600/)00 ) To loan on Omaha city property at 8
per cent. O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid.
170 ;
M" TO LOAN-On cltv nnn farm prop-
crty , low intcs. Stewart & Co. , Room 3
Iron bank. 171
MONEY to lonn lo parties wishing to bull , ! .
8 , 8. Campbell , U10 8 1Mb St. , Chamber of
Commerce. " 60
MONEY to lonn. cash on delay.
J. W. nnd II L. Squire , 141J Fnrnam st ,
Tnxton hotel bulldlnz. I'2
, ONP.Y TQ LOAN-Lonns. of $10 to $100
L mndooti furniture , piuuoi , horses , wagon * ,
. , without romo\nl , .1. J. Wilkinson A Co. ,
Ill'-'I Farniun street , over HurlliiRton ticket
plHca ( U2auirU
HONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
orty In sums of Jl.OCOto 15,000 ntsUpor
, cent Interest. bholcsA Crumb. 16'
"MONEY TO LOAN on improved renl eitntoj
i ATA no commission charged. Lenvltt Burn-
'tnm ' , Room 1 Crolghton Block. 1T3
MONEY to lonn on Improved cltv property
and fnriiiH from fl.WO up , nt lowest rnto.
Apply to Win. B. Lonch , Ronl 1 stuto Agent , 1D09
ll'iuimtn. 604Jyl9
IJITONEY TO LOAN-On city property In
> j.'l sums of f > OU nnd upward * at lowest rates.
[ Money nlwnys on hand. 8. 8. CninplmM.310
IBoiitli Bixtconth street. 16
ITONKY to loan on farm and city property
-TL at current rates. Largo loans on gilt udircd
business property. Pro us. Marshall & to-
bcck , IMS Farnam. Tclophono T3. 281
_ 1AN Money l/oans placed on improved -
_ proved real ostnto in city or county for
( Now Englnnd Lonn ft Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16th and Chicago sti. 175
M"ONEY to loan on Improved olty property at
1TA 6 per cent Money on hand ; do not have
to wait Hare a complete get of abstract book *
f Oougln * county. I. \Vntson.nbstractor
BarrlsBeal Estate and Lonn Co. , KOB. 15th st.
ffpIFTY Thousand dollara to loan to piirtloS
p ? wishing to build.
$50,000 to loan on unimproved olty property.
100,000 to loan on Improved city proporty.
Special rates for tbo next 30 days.
Ortoll Bros Ic Co. , cor Furnam and 18th.
152y29 |
HlTONEY LOANED at C. F. Ilcod & Co.'s I an
jlTi Olllce , on furniture , pianos , horsoswagons ,
toersonal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. Uld B. 13th.
Eier Blngham s Commission store. All biul-
ess strictly confidential. 180
tlTONEY TO LOAN by the nndorslgned , who
U.-l b 8 the only properly organized loan
Mtcnoy In Omaha. Loans of (10 to $100 made
an furniture , pianosorgans , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac. without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans go
Bade that any part can bopuld at any Imo.each
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
uade on flnewatuhea and diamonds. Persons
Ihould carefully consider who they are dealing
lth , M many DOW concerns are dally comlntr
nto existence , f hould you need money call
ind ee me. Vf. B. Croft , Boom i WHhnell
Building 15th and Ilarnoy. 177
TII1B OMAHA financial Exchange.
N. W. corner of Ilarnoy nnd 15th it * . ,
toror Btato Nntlonal bank.
r If Prepared to make short time loan * on any
< Available security.
Loan * made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans made on Improved real estate
t current rafes.
Purchase money mortgage * negotiated.
Beoured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short time loans mono on second mortgage.
Ccoordlng to marginal Interest , at collateral
Real citato to exchange for good Interest
Bearing paper.
( lenornl financial business of all klnda trans
acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
* y kind , without delay or unnecessary pub-
fty. Corbett. Manager. K8
* t > OH BALE Grocery store * m good location ,
iT and doing good business. Bcason for
Celling other business. Apply 1021 Douglas it.
450 12 *
TTIOB BALK-Stock of groceries and fixtures ,
r - ' iniundld locution , cheap rent , good reason
for selling. Address U 27 , Bee office. 399 12J
BABK business ohancei for xale , the stock ,
niturcs and good will of a llrit-class cloth-
Jng itoro doing a good buslncas , centrally
ocated , only reasons for telling tbo owner hiu
( other and more Important business , parties
taeanlng business may addreae U. IS , Bee offlco.
IOB SALE 10 shares ot stock in the Omaha
I-oati and Building association. Address
17 , Bee olllce. 348 UJ
Oil 8ALK A boarding house and furniture ,
doing good business , 40 boarders , good
reason for telling. Cell at Currlo k Volliim ,
} 5th and Capitol a\o , Kxpotlton llulldlnir. 839
Sl'KCUIuVTOlia opportunity. Information
on stocks onlv tolugruphnd unfior code to
subscriber , K , Klienimn 1'ltch , lu Wall st ,
Kiy r. 7iajy gg *
T7\Olt \ HAI.K-Or rent , hotfU A choice open-
- pf ; Ing , Particulars , address , B. 11. Wliae ,
Tosceola. hcbruska. M Jy llj
"ITOU BALK Boot and shoo itock Including
JK years Itmso of Ftore , belt location In
Mate and city. Address T10 llee office.
475 jy 17
"LfOIl SALE A llrtt-clasn hotel property , two
Jstory brick In excellent location and doing
mi extonslvj business. For particular * aa-
dress II. 8. Lilly , rual estate dealer , Broken
ilow , Neb. 1&811
TT1O1I 8A1.K-A good hotel In tbo live town ot
JChadron doing a good business on very
easy terms. Full particulars by addressing M.
It l.angworthy. Liisk , Wyoming. 71J Jy 23J
TTrANTKD-l'artner , WOO ; $10 dally. 816 S.
Tt loth at. 60Jab
TT'Olt 8AL11 A first-class bakery , good lo-
JU ontion and big trade. Only I-W. Address ,
jlox 2o7. Arapuhoo. Nob. 687 K *
TTUllt BALE-Meat market , tools , fixtures ,
fl ? horse and wagon , over ) thing complotu.
uood location ; good trade. Address U 16 , lluu.
ttfOaug 8J
tl SALE-tlOOukesoneof the best located -
od boarding houses In Omaha. Itent onlr
10. Itegular run ol boarders 30. Address 0
, Bee ofllco. 6-N5 18
will probably bo 20.000 or more at-
--tcnJlntr the North NeorosKik '
- - soldiers' re
union at Norfolk Auir. S3-87. I'artlos desiring
booth privileges on the ground ! for any repu
table business should address W , 1L Wldaman ,
Norfolk , Neb. CSO 16
\\TANTKl-A man who will Invest a few
< thousand dollars In an Iron manufactory
now earning U5 percent , 1'rofer ono who will
Devote hit time to tbe buslnoas. Add rest U 3) ,
Jlcu ollico. _ jUl 10J
TT'OU ' IvXCIIANOK-A stock of hardware In
J-1 Council IllufTs for Omnha real estate , A.
II Conn toct , I6JJ I'immm it. 60S
\\rANTKD Vortles who desire to buy or sell
T T or exchange stocks of general murchan-
Alee , dry goodt , grocerlot , boots and ehoel ,
hardware , drug * , jewelry Improved or unlm-
torovttl town orelty property , Improved or un-
fcroved farms in any part of tbo United Mutes ,
lo addreif Krause A Koiter , 816 ti. 16th st
Omaha. Neb. 501
_ _
R tiALB-Law library , cheap. Wbeeler it
Wheulf r , Douylat ana 13th tt. 41
8 ALE- good builnein unall capita
required ; good reasons forsolllnif. Ad
tint T u llee offic
Partner to nart restaurant , cl-
gar and fruit butlueM bett location In the
Address 1' . O. box rj. , Omaha , Neb ,
FOIt SA/.R-A No. 1 taloon , Ice bor cheap , at
No. 1120 Farnam st 179
PERSONAL If you want a deilrab'e ' , cen
trally located oOlce you ean find It at U16
B 15th st 78 _
home for Iddlos during
J confinement , strictly confidential , Infants
aloptcd , address U < - ' . lleo offlca. 4Ka5
P K1180NAL Mrs. Di Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical and builncia Medium
Boon Ko. t 121 North ICth st .Omaha , Neb.
IN *
AKEK uf'-Bny hone about 1100 to
North 15th street 11 IB > ft 1 PJ
niAKKN UP-A whlto cow , right eye mlss-
JL Ing and a wound on face. Owner can
have same by tolling on Gustavo Paul. Twenty.
seventh and Center struct. ll ! SO 30. Jy. 4-11.
'I ' USl Hook witii t > contracts In botwnen
JJ Omaha and South Omaha. Rowanl , re
turn to Oust Ruff , South Omaha. 085 14J
- ulll book containing n sum of
IOST-Rcd nnd piipors. Reward will bo paU
for ( nmo If returned to this offlco. ( W ) 12 ]
STRAVKI ) or Ftnlcn-Mubt bay 4 year old
colt , had both ears split at top , whlto spot
In forehead , and white hind foot. Unilor will
plonBo lvn\o him at now city hall building nnd
bo rewarded. L _
OST-Black anil tnn dog with collar tills
morning : reward given ; retutn to 10.2 Burt
gt. MS UJ
LOST July 4n dark rod cow with whlto spots.
Finder will plon o return to owner , 1 > th
and Douglas and get reward. N. B. Falconer.
IOfeT MaHtlH puppy , yollovr color , black
Jpolntp , linthur collar about his neck with
no murks on it. lluturn to Mil I nrnam st , nnd
recolvo good re\vnrd. J. A. Robinson , of Rob-
It.son & ( larinon. 574 llj
STRAYKD-A light bay horse , tall nnd slim.
left front footsore , rlirbt hind foot white ,
whltu spot In forehead : neck hitching strap , b.
F. Ringer , 119 N 13th st. CSO 11
OST A child's gold bracelet between Fnl-
T -1 Conor's store nnd Itth nnd Chknt-o. 1'lndor
please return to W P. Hudson , 1110 Farnam
street Suitable reward. 647 1"
SKVF.NTY-F1VE dollars' reward. Strayed or
stolen from roar of 111 N 17th st , a largo
roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing bb-
twocn 1,300 and 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown
mane aud tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen-
J25 will bo paid for return of animal to owners ,
at 110 8 Hth st.nnd If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a row nrd of tuO for the arrest
lid conviction of the thief. 090
LOST On Eighteenth , Sherman ave or Urnco
St. , "Specifications , " Please return to
110 ! { North 18th St. , or P. J. Crecdon , architect ,
opera house. M. T. Murphy , contractor and
builder. : °
ClTOKAOE-Omaba Storage Warehouse , cor.
013th and I/ard , ample facilities for storngu ,
furniture , wagons , etc. Low rates , ndianoos
mado. Issue warehouse receipts. 493 aug OJ
IfUUST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th PL
STOHAOE First-class storage for nice fur
niture or boxed goods , at5U Dodce-st.
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real Dilute examined , per
fected and guaranteed. 07B
MKr ) . DO BANT Clarlvoj ant from Boston , is
tellable In all affairs of life , unites separated
lovers. U22 N. 16tb st. room 1 691 jj 281
mo EXCHANGE-For good family horse and
J- phaeton , BO acres of land , free from en-
oumbrauco , wlthm three miles of county seat.
Chas. P. Benjamin. 1512 Farnam st. 555
F ) ll BENT-A nice uprljrnt piano , nearly
now. C. L. Erlckson & Co. , 212 N. inth st
GO I 11
/"lASIlbuyera of furniture , stoves and house.
\J holil KOOdR don't go to the Ion ? tlrao hlirh
priced stores , they go to 117 N 16th. 647 aug 7
FOll Trade City property , for a stock of
groceries. Harris & Hutnpson , IB1C Doug
las St. ' KB 12J
EXCHANdB Bouth Omaha lot free from
TO encumbrance for span of Kood horsos.
Cbas. P. Benjamin , lf > 12 Karnam et. 655
ONIiY talks lor furniture and household
( foods at 117 Nlflth , Your price for cusb ,
518 ug 7
FOK THAIE Farms , city lots , stock of mer
chandlse , etc. 1'urrott It Wllllauison. llth
Doujflus. 26
JF. WILLF.T18 Trained male sick-nurse.
Telephone 370 , Y. M. 0. A. rooms
26031 *
rTVAKE N01ICE-W. 0. King A. Co. , House
JL Moving and Raising , address 13201'iorco at
Cl'SS pools and vaults cleaned and dead
animals removed by John Nelson , garbage
collector for 4th ward south of Douglas st 1415
Hnrncy st. Telephone rail. WUjj'JS
TnOHBIN'l tiquare Piano (4 montniy. A
J Hospe.lB13Iougai. ! 1ST
TO parties having houses for rent. Rental
Agrnoy , Bennwa * Co. . l&st. , opposite post-
office. We hnvo turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend them. McCagu * Bros.
TOOK RENT Organs , f a per mentis ,
Jl UlSDouirlaf. 187
OL -House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or mat aliment ; lowest prices at J.
Conner , 1315 Douglas it. 189
TTWn RENT Square * lane , ft montblv. A
-T Hoipe.U13Dou la . 18T
you want to buj or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's m N Ifith. 190
1011 SALE Family horse nnd phaeton
cheap. Addroil U 41 Ueo , 575 11
Oil BALB-Medlum sized second hand safe.
Apply to Crane liro'a U f g Co. 6lv
FOR SALK-IIorto and buggy , 20 H P boiler
B II P engine , all on easy termt. Corner
13th and JziirJ. 495 Uj
F I OR 8ALR Span of nlco young horsos. For
tale on time payments. U. V. Martin.
* ? 4
FOR BALK Furniture of 8 roomt with privi
lege of lease of bouse , TOT B. 14th Staw
"CYMl BALK-A thoroughbred Jersey cow
-I ? new mllcfa. Apply at once , ItC ! Uodirn st.
17X311 BALK A second-hand Rhlpman engine
-L' In good running order by Jolin C. Kilner ,
York , Neb. 663 IT
F 1011 SALE Furniture and lease ot nix rooms
In flat , KIT 3. 13th st , Room No , 3.
FOR SALE Ono six-foot upright blncK wal-
nut show case. Milton Rogers A Son. 909
TOOR 8AL.K Span flno matched bay driving
J ? hortwt. U. F. Harrison , 413 S Uth it.
btudobakor buggica at Seaman's.
btudobuker phaetons at Seaman's.
Studcbaker carnages at Seaman's.
btudebakor tprlng wagons at Seaman's.
Btudehakor draft wagoni ut Seaman's.
Corner of Karnnm and llth eta.
Five ear loadt Juit received. KS jy 24
WANTED A flrst'class bread and coke
TT baker. 1906 Cnmlng. 6X > 1SJ
od olloltor , will pay salary ,
1011 N. 16th st. 6 8 IT
' Two good carpenter * for flnlth-
Ing. The llrunswlck , Balke , Collender ,
Co. , 407 mul 4W S. 10th street. Upitatr * .
"lirANTEU-A good foundry moulder , by
John C. Kllnor. York. Neb. 66717
W ANTED -Railroad laborer * for Colorado ;
wages for tcamstari per month and
board ; itendy work. Albright' * Labor Agenoy ,
UiO Farnam : t3T
WANTED-Two men of good adJreas cap
able of selling a line of ipeolaltle * Call
4 t South 10th St. 671 13 *
\ \ fANTBIltlood man to put ID ttockgen-
T T ra ! raerohondlse : imall country town.
Store nu > t f 10 per month ; boat * freet amall
capital requireU. AddreM poitmuUr. Fotttr ,
Neo. 4M14J
WANTKD-Breom makeri , Our n Oly
Droora Co..jlom FalU. Dak. e43H
\\7ANTED-A good lUler and torter. Apply
TT at once , fruitier Buaa Laundry liljs
W - good blacksmith by Frank
White , Waco , York , Co. , Isob. 6TO 11
WANTED A first class , genteel , mnnly bar
ber : first-class wages to the right man. Vf
H. tllll , Wahoo , Nob. ffZ 1IJ
WANTED Three young men ot Intelll-
( renee and business ability. J , M. Vroticli
& Co. , room /0-flushman block. C3I 10
WANTED-Cook. 160 per month. Men for
> Viown. l > .o O'kcero.soos. must , csaiij
WANTED Traveling men visiting hftrncss
and shoo trade , to sell our goods. Liberal
commission. Samples light. Saddlorr hard
ware and whip drummers preferred. National
Harness Oil company , Detroit , Mlcb. 683-U *
"VXTANIBD IinmoiJlntely , first cla s broad
TT baker. No. 1032 N.SIth it. 824 11J
WANTKD-10 brleklarers , corner 20tb and
Harnoy , wages 11.60 for 9 hourc. It B.
Iitreser , Omaha. & .M UJ
WANTED Shovolora for 18th and
streets. Wugei $1.75. COO 11 *
" \XTANTKD A good salesman to solicit orders
TT from bu lno * men ( no ciuivnssltiu nt resi
dences ) , In caeli town la the south and south'
west. Wo solicit reply from good men , who
wish to cnrn a salary of not loss than $25 a
week. M. 1) . 1 * . Co. , 18 Pearl St. , Grand ItapUU ,
Mich. 5fi7 UJ
WANTED 4Co per hour for good stone cut
ters. Apply to W. H. TylorI.lnroln. Neb.
WANTKD-3 gardeners , near city ! S farm
hands , and a fovr laborers In city. Mrs.
A Son , 810 S. 15th. Upstairs. L"J3 1J
WANTRU-8 good washorW , 2 plain Ironcrs
and - polishers at the Otnuna r.aundiy ,
C04 North ICth st. 070 H *
Tl/ANTni ) 2 middle agea women for chnm-
TV bormaids , t' > per ncok , commence 9
o'clock tlnlsh 7.107 North 12th. C6'J 13
WANTKD A nurse girl at the Windsor
Hotel , apply to Mrs. 1'rlncc. < > 7l 13
WANTKD Glrltocook. wash and Iron In
private family. Apply 11)15 ) Ciinltol n\o.
WANTKD-2"iOcaiivas nri. ladlpfl or gentle-
mi'ti. waccs from $1 W to 11 per day.
Omaha limp , lluroau , 119 N ICtti st. 682 19
WANTKD--A good , Rtcmly , ovporlonced
housekeeper : good wnircs pnld. Apply
at once between the hours of 4 and fi o'clock
p. in. at 101 N. Uth st. Lulu llopcrs. 0341J *
\VANTKn A girl for general housework ,
* ' Bouthoast corner Galliot ma and SOth sts. ,
good wages , small family. 55 (
\ \ AMKO-A good girl for general hn e-
' \voi k , must bo good plnlu cook. 1917 Cuss
Bt 51U
WAN'lED At once , a good nex-ntno ro-
touchcr , Indy or gent , at llejn's gallery.
W ANTED-Girl for general housework In
small family Address 19CO Farnam.
500 11
TVANTED-50 girls for general housework , 6
* ' dining room girls , 4 dlswashors , 3 cham
ber maids , 1 girl for silver pantry , 4 plrls for
dining room out of the city. Omaha Bu
reau , 119 N 10th. . 68111
WANTED First-class second girl. Apnly
Mrs , J. S. McCormlck , V02 Noith 18th.
5W11 *
\\7ANTED-At308 N. 22dst. a irlrl for gon-
T' oral housework , must bo a gond plain
cook and laundress. 6t7 11 *
WANTED I panwasber , 1 dishwasher , fi'i
and board each ; 4 male cooks for citj" , 2
for country , 20 teams for It. H. work , $3.50 per
day in the city , 20 men toilrlve teaino , (25 nnd
board. H. i : . White , upstairs , 119 N ICth st.
0".l 11
V\ , ' ANTED Good female cook at 912 Douglas
* 571
" \TTANTED-A good girl for general house-
T > work at 10P S. 25th St. 423 12J
WANTBD-A good nurse girl at 10S So. .25th
at. * y ) ( llj
TV'ANTED-Cook at Emmet house.
WANTED Two girls at Doruu houte , 422 S
18th st. , near St. Mary's avo. ' 924
\\7ANTED-Awoman to do general house
> work , none need apply unlecs a first-
class cook , good wages to right party , 1818
Webster. 11.5
WANTED By an experienced business
man , a situation as bookaceper , clerk or
Balosman in a Qrst-class house : salary no ob
ject. City references. Address U 60 , lice
oltlcc. 64V13 *
WANTED-A position as clerk In a first-class
hotel ; had experience ; can igtvel refer
ences. Address , A. L. tarrar , Fairfax , Mo :
' "t
WANTHD-SltuaUon by young man who
understands tbo care of horsey , and oarc
milk. Good references furnlsbed.SiAiIdrosgti
10 , Boo olHco. 3ol ) )2j )
WANTED Situation in hardware , stoves ,
etoitonyearsezporiunce : best references ;
irofersoino small town. Hurry Wlnn.Coun
oil Bluffs , Iowa , care It , IloKonzlc. 6(8-12 *
lUI'PLYof girls at the now employment of.
5 flco. 50J N. 19th St. t > 05 11-
o the nuslness 1'tibllc and OthersWe cnn
lurnlsh jou with peed responsible help ,
such as clerks , bookkeepers , engineers , yard
men , firemen , porters tmil help In anycitpaclty ,
[ raclo or occupntlon. City Labor Apoiicy , N.
W. cor. 16th and Farnnm 5M 11
WANTED-ly ! a young married man ugod
27 , experienced In both double nnd single
entrv , position In eomoolficoas booK keeper.
Ucst of references. U5b lloe office. (173 llj
WANTBD-Posltlon br No. 1 experienced
y oung man In Implement buslnesa , Ad
dress U 54 , liee. C64 12j
WANTED-We have situations for A dining
room girl * . 10 girls for nlco private fam
ilies , 3 cooka. 1 nurseand ono nlco girl for fac
tory work. City Labor Agency. N. Vf. corner
loth and Farnara. i&9
"VITANTEl ) Ily young man of experience ,
T r work to do evening ! . A sot of books pro.
forred. U47 , lleo. 62515J
AN experienced Ixiokkeeper , age So , with
flrst class reference ! , wanti a position
about August I. Address U 48 , llco. 624 llj
W'ANTHD Situation by young married man
prefer offleo work. Have kept books , best
of references and bond If required. Would
accept position with view of tottering comll
tlon after having gained experience. For tbe
present address IX T. Uadd & feon , 1K3 Fnrnam
st , Omaha. 57 : llj
\\TANTKD A flrst class dressmaker would
T i llko a few engagpmcnU la private tain 11
les. Address U2S , llee. 4J1 llj
TO CONTHACrOHS We are prepared to fur
nish any kind of laborers you want. City
Irfibor Agency , n w cor , 16th and Farnam
Uroutid floor. 2 < W
\\rANTEU-Sltuatlonsfor 10 girls for general
T housework. City Labor Agency , H w
cor. ICth and Varnam. Ground floor. 263
\\rANTBn-Ladr room-matq , good muslclai
> T ana amiable , lleferencc required Ad
dress S 10 , lloe , Ml 1'Jj
WANTED To buy a5-rooin cottage , cheap
for cash , with full lot , Including cistern
and city water. InsUe of Belt line. North o
Woolworth at , wott of 24th st. Reply at once
2117 I.onvenworth st. Williams , ces
WANTED. Small house or part of house i.
respectable localltr. Two In family. Ad
dress U 6 , ' Bee. 53 10 *
TITANED Second-hnntt broom machinery
T Queen City llroom Co. , Biour Fallls. Uak (
64113 *
TXTANTBDSecondhand pony cart an
Tt harness. Address U 4J , Bee office.
FOH KENT 8-room house and barn , Capito.
avenue , 910. Brunnan & Co. Chamber of
Commerce. ( at H
froTTHKNT-Nlne-roooi flat Furniture for
1 ? lole : terms easy.
Twelve-room boarding bouse , f IS per month.
Furniture for sole cheap.
tiovon-room house , with barn ; rent V35. Tor-
nituru for tale very cheap.
Ten-room boarding bouse ; good location.
Furniture for sale.
Two eight-room house" , nicely furnished ,
Ice cream parlor fixtures for sale.
Els room list , furniture for sale.
Boarding house. Bear B. ft M. round home.
Seven-room bouse ; a rare bargain.
Co-operative Land 4 Lot Co. ,
657-13 305 NSixteenth Street ,
FOB HKNT New home , seven rooms , city
water and bath. 2Uh and Parker ft. In-
qulre 1TP Jackson at. ate 13J
POR BtNT riratotaedkouf ot 10 rooms ,
ITU Cats it , 48114 *
T7UB HKNT 6-room house wltk iummer
X ? kitchen , hara and toft water , on Sixth ,
near Pierce. Inquire at drug store , corner lib
and Fierce. Acajoh , 601 fierce it. 888 ,
OBRBNT-BaJf of rtoriT Imyoin t ini
DouftMtt , (13
FOR BENT Now house , -tjji rooms , steam
heat , all ImprremonuTSVCX Vf. and O. E.
Thompson. 3U 8 1Mb St. TM
THOU nENT Kew store a Jiilvlng rooms on
-U Cumin * it near BaunaflHot. Apply Bar-
rls Heal Estate & Loan Co. , j f. Itth t. > t9
IjlOR HENT-A bnsemeMHgood place for
JL1 barber shop , s w cornorZIpth and Leaven *
worth sts. K 818
Fit ItnNT Six-room lioiB | Just finished ,
r.rith st , bet. Parker anflpbocattir st.
' 7S3 17 J
FOH HENT Good"s"toflpiri iind""collar.
Inquire on premises , llfRi. Ifith st.
- 6M 13
TJlOH RENT A basement Apd plaro for bnr-
.1 } lie sbop , a. w. cor. 16fHhd Lcavonworth
F IOil KENT A large barn , tboi stalls , c\ory
convenience. Inquire , 1SW ! Dodge. C9.J 12
FOHUKNT Barn sultahlo for four (4) ( ) horses.
Apply to (117 ( H 13th st 076
FOH KENT Store room suitable for grocery
store or butcnor shop , on the southwest
corner of 7th aud PaciHc sttcots. C73
FOll HUNT A store room , 22x60 and Imio-
ini'iit of the saincsbo. In a brick bulldlnir ,
suitable for general mercantile business K ,
Theloti. lliilng , Neb. v > 11
FOR HENf A house of 7 rooms.hard and
soft water , f 10 a month , . Apply to L. Dug-
gan , 1112 Bouth Kith st. Ml
F IOH JtCNT U-room houso. 703 Pacific.
1OH 11ENT Two largo now storts and two
Hals of to \ rooms Pilch. Olt v witter and KM.
On Sounders st , C. W. Cain , 22. < 0 Ohio ft. $12
FOll IlENT-9 room house ana barn , 17th and
Center sts. , houpo heated by hot water nnd
all modern Improvcmets , $ H5. AHo a 7 room
hoiiBo as abovu $10. J.I. Welshans , 31D H. 15th
street. . 407
FOH IIBNT Front olllce. second floor , 15th
ft , between I'lirnaro and Harno } sts ; I' . L.
0rcgory , 3M b 15th st. < WO
FOll HENT Now 0 room houses , pantry ,
cellar , cltv water ute , $ 'J per month. F. I *
Gregory , KO 8 15th s . 607
FOH 11ENT Two brick Ftores lth bnse-
montslMtb and Hamilton streets. Desir
able location for dry goods nnd drug stnro.
Flats above If dcslrrd. Lcavltt Hurnham ,
room 1 , Crclghton block. fi74
/1IIOIOK Lot for Lea o. Poutheast corner
\J 4i < Tt > ) U Leavenworth nnd 1'ark avc.or will
build to suit tenant. Hobble HroB 354
FOH linNT-Small odlco in excellent loca
tion. Enquire of F. Barrett & Co. , 314'-J
S. 15th. 227
F IOR11ENT Three room house , IIWS'4 S 7th
F ) ll RENT 3-roum house on 14th nnd
1'lorco fits. Inciuiro at 017 South 13th st.
FOR BENT One new seven-room noueo fit-
untril on northeast cor of King and Cotf-
man st. Patrick Bros. , Boom 2 Arlington block.
< WB Jy 11
T7IOB KENT. Furnished room. P37 South
-13 24th St , suitable for two gentlemen.
Within two blocks of car lino. 649 12
FOB BUNT. Front parlor for two gontle-
gentlemen , one block of postolUce , tileas-
ant lawn. IMI Capitol av. 04512 *
IlKNT-Furnishcd front room , 1817
Dodge SU 681 17
rNB BENT Furnished or rrnf urnlsbed room ,
also first cniss board by.tbo eok,1707 Cuss
ptieet S\v. ese llj
F I Olt BUNT Furnished ro'dmB ' with board ,
Fnrnam. Wf > 1C *
TjlOll BENT Furnished rooms for gentle-
Jmen. . Apply nt Collection ollico , 101. ) Far
nam. / fiCJSI
FOll BENT 3 unfurnlshoiffooms in good lo
cilll } near car line B'lRgblo toi mi'rrled
rouplo. Iteforonccs re-qulrBk Address S 10 ,
Bee ollico. '
POlt Itr.NT 3 rooms , unfuftillb d , cor 13th
and lorcs. i < 070 13'
FOll BKNT-Furnished ro < * fil In Oreunlg blk.
cor nth and Dodge st. Tnaulro ot Dai Is &
Hothorint'ton , Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. 21H
T71O1111ENT-G nicely furnished rooms over
-C Btoio , 1715 S. ICth st. Bunt $ 0 per month.
Inquire Lee , Nlchol A. Co. , room 23 , Wlthncl
block , " : C4 II
B > Oli KENT F.legant furnished rooms with
board. 1021 Fr.rnam st. 31 *
11 RENT Furnished room * , 1811 Podge.
877flugl *
| OK KENT Hoorns on ground lloor for hoHvr
. _ . . . . . _ ,
- Astorngo or mannfauturln ? urposes. Darn
for 4 horses. Corner lath and lurd. 494 13J
F I OK KKNT Ucslrablo furnlsncd rooms. 1811
Capitol n\nnuo. fi42 MJ
TjiOH HBNT Two well furnished rooms with
J ? flrst class board if desired , pleasant loca
tion , private family. 8 K cor 20th and Farnam.
FOH RF.NT Nicely furnished front room
I-'UIO 1 urn nm st. 537 llj
'll ' ltrNT-Part of office m .Inquire
. > 12Douglas st. 013
FOll KENT Nuwly furntphcil front and back
parlors , tingle or suites , tint , bath , mod
ern coincidences ; private famll ) ; ncarbusi
ness. 1815 Cap nvo. W7 17J
FOH IlKNT Furnished front room , near oar
line at corner of Dodxe ami "Itli streets.
Inquire of A. II. Comstock 1023 Farnam t.
FOH RENT A furnished room for gentle
men ; plpasnnt and cool , at 809 Howard st.
10 per month. 47J.
FOB UENT-Waro room cor. 14th and Call
Ifornla on Bolt Line , tor particulars en
quire at Union Nat bank. IBs
FOB KENT 2 elegant rooms , nlroly fur
nished on street car line ; modern con
veniences. Gentlemen only. Excellent loca
tion. lUlTCass. 71
FOU HENT Furnished rooms ; now house ,
nil modem conveniences , 2214 Farnam
street. 419 11 *
F OH HENT 3 rooms , furnished or unftir
nUhed , for light houeckeoplng. 1600 Daven
port _ . 11 *
FOH KENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin
gloorcnsultewith use of bath ; electrio
bolls In every room. First class restaurant at
tached , at Norris European hotel , corner ifitl
and Webster. C60
'OK HENT Suite of furnished rooms for
' gentlemen. A. Hospe , Jr.,315 tf. 17th.
F I OR BENT Elegant tulto of rooms , rcferon
ces required , 1DOT Douglas st 197
F OR HENT Nicely furnished rooms , 113 8
2&I , bet Douglas and Dodge. fOO
flOR RENT Furnished rooms nt Rosen
1 round's , 1013 Farnam tt. 57R 15
FOll RENT Furnished rooms and board by
the day or week. 104 and 108 Boutl
Eleventh st. Smith & Thompson. STT 15'
T > QH RENT Nicely furnished front room
1 nice shady yard. Call nt 1609 Burt et 58013
FOR RENT Largo fUrnltWed rooms , gnR
heat and all modern Improvements. New
house , now furniture , 1TOT UflUK" street 35.1
FOR REN Store room fofDutcher , 19th an'
Mason. tar , 239
FOB RBNT-FarnteBed nfom * , 1001 1'arnnm
. '
4.0 1IJ
F'OR RF.NT Furnished rrirfra on car line ,
suitable far two gentlsrfron , or man and
Wife. SKI S.21 It. f ,
T7KH RKNT-Offlce room > iO-per month , Znd
J ? floor. 3168.15th st / ' 4.10
CXK BENT Nicely furotihed room , toil
J Dodge tt. T f 196
T71OR RENT Nicely furnlfted room , south
J front , npply 6J4 Park at ts BJT 11 j
HENT-FuruUhod roolis , TI4 N inth st.
It 466 Jy 1T
miURTBKN acres for sale ; sealed bldi will bo
-L received at tbe office of A. M. Clark , 107 S ,
Uth st , until the ISth mst. Said thirteen acres
lie ono mile from the business center ( if Oma
ha , and are described ns tax lot 11 , in section
20 , towntlilp 15 , range U east ; terms , one-third
cash , the balance to tuit. 'Iho right to reject
any or all bids reserved. ti39 Uj
EXTRA Lot on Farnam,1 Inside , high and
sightly , size SQxlBT , ti.700. one-third rash. A
lot just cast of It sold recently for (6,000. Kar
nnm la now being puvod br thla lot J A Hels-
land. It Arlington , 1511 AoUge. ' 51'J
TIVE room bouse on 15th and Ohio , good
Jwfll and cistern , pump in kitchen , 1,000 ,
casytermi. Currle * Vellum , exposition build-
> ng. , 4sa n
SPF.CIAL-2 lots. 132x100 , s e cor Kendall's
addition , just west of faiimlers st and Oak
Cnatham. only f 2'JOa Those lots will make n S
front * , one a corner Oxicn. With similar loti In
Oak tathant at tJlO Hnd 1,1,0 A ) ; thrso lot * are
unquetttooed bargains. Tnrinv easy , 4. A.
HiUtaud , H Arlington , 1MI IJodge. 519
SPECIAL bargains If sold teen , 5 high ,
sightly south front lots In Crolehton
{ eights. Will sell together or separate , llnrt's
IreatVeitern Real Ketato Agency , Crolghton
block. 2v 0.
R ABB chance , for sale , lot 6 blk 64 South
Omaha , f 2,000 , Armour his located there
and thu lot will double m prlco within the next
BO day * , Park , Fowler & KenunrdlGOT Karnam
459 10
IF you want to buy , soil or trade , cuU on L. V.
Crnm , 13)N Ifith st.
10U lots H of n mile of O. P. depot
'or ' sale or trade.
U-room house for rent. Twn10-room houses
for rent , sale or trade. Idlewlldo. By
815 * L. V. Crum , V.'O X 15th st.
FOR SALE-M No , 1 forms within n radius of
ZU miles of Omnhn , Alsr. a tow good busi
ness chance * In tno live town * . J. B. Sllvls ,
llool Estate and Loan Agent , Ulkhorn , Neb ,
ftTV AUP. 8
| ; 01t SALE Corner lot on Virginia nvo with
P two good hou cs , i-hcnp nt 17,009. Terms
easy. HOJ CS rent for ITO per month. H. H.
Campbell , 310 S. 16th st , Chamber of Com
merce. 27J
FOll SALE -A livery barn wlttt stable room
for nbout sixty her n , situated In a desir
able location , nnd now doing n good business.
Uood reasons given for selling. Enquire of or
nd.lress A. H. Comstock , real estate broker ,
16.SJ Fni nnm St. SOT
BlO IIAROAIN Ono hundred foot front on
South Eleventh st corner lot , only f&,009.
Partontlmo. V. L. Vo.Ilekn.S'O South 13th st
\\'K Can soil for n few days only
> > Lot 10(1 ( Use's addition for M,4U
I.o t71 OlsoV addition , JH.JJJ.
nioc k 1 liojd's addition , JS.M ) .
One third casb. tiaiancu 1,2 and 3 years.
llcmlngton tt McCcrmlck , 220 Soutb 15th st.
F SALE One million acres of Innd In No-
- braska. Speculator's lands.rallroud lands ,
anil farms In nil parts of the
Flute. Send for pamphlet containing dc crip-
: lon and prlco or o\ur one thousand fnrm < < . A
flno topoginphlcalinapoT the state 6 < nt free
upon application K. H. An < lrus , for 10 jcnr.J
Cen'l Land Agent II. A. M. II. It. I'.lghth and l >
streets , Llnooln , Ncl-raslia. ' . ' 10
l'KCIAL-3 beautiful , high nnd sUhtly > outh
Ci fronts , cor. lloule\ard avc. and Corbv St. ,
urolghton HolglitB.o cheap j on can't help buy-
Inir tncm. Tlie u lots must bo sold , nnd with
tin- motor cars running hard by In a few days ,
will bo HUIO to pro\o n peed paving lnv < nt-
ment. J. A. Hlcsttiiul. U. 9 , Arlington , 1511
Dodge. 519
niOWHOMIt may concern. To parties who
X build houses costing from 11,200 to ? I,5JO. liuautlful building lots In lledlck
1'ark rcrjulrlng no payment ot principal for 5
Kcdlck I'ark has city water , 350 maple and
elm trcos,45 residences under contract to build ,
n-jno to cost less than $1,209. Its streets are
gn'dcrt and turnnlked It Is within the city
limits , opposite hount7c 1'lace , and accessible
Ironi either Saundora or Btato. 1'rlee of lots
until July 1st , f 1,000.
Wo also oHor
100 ft fronting Hanscom I'ark , ffl.OOO , M to 4
Cor 100x150 , Georgia a\o , J5.0CO , 12,000 cash.
Full lot and 7-room house In excellent condi
tion , Parker's add , f3,500.
Cor < HJxl32 , Improved , S 11th near viaduct ,
JIO.COO. Mead acJamleson , Sole Agents , 318 S
15th st 713
HKHK Is n bargain. Lots 2 and 4. In blocx 4 ,
South Omann. fOO. Terms half cnsh and
balance easy. Marshall & I.obcoX , 1509 Far-
mini. Telephone " ) . -S3
rpBN acres of hiuti and slrhtly ground IK
± miles west of toiithOmahn for sale. 9500
pur acre If taken quick. Patterson Bros.
C HOICK LANDS- * * per aero. W1 manes 1st
"year's payment on ICO ncros. Write for In
formation. W. 1' Paine , Sidney , Nob.
FOH SALE At a bargain , 840 ores of flrst
clewt farming laud In Huvrard county , this
Plate ; llrst clans soil ; close to two lines of rail
load , and am rounded by well Improved farms.
Tan divide to xult purchaser , and will make
this n bargain it Bold quick. Hmall cash pay
ment ; very ea y terms Address Uporgn N ,
Hlrks , 215 Bouth Fifteenth street. H08 J14
SPEClAL-ElogantlotftOTlW. Hcos place , on
Park axe , u short dlMMico B of Leaven-
worth , $1,100 , Ji cash , bal easy , cheapest thing
on the avenue. JA. Hlostnnd , r U , Arlington ,
1511 Dodge. 51
FOll SALE At Bine Sprlnics. Neb , two busi
ness rooms and one dwelling , on Main
street , on tiso corner lots. Address , J. C.
Herbert , P. O. Box 346 , Blue Springs. Neb.
FOll SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
part of Omaha near the Benson car line ,
prlcb f 4 ( each , jiao duo on contracts payable
in 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest in
contracts for Nciorosua Ian > L MuCullocn Ac Co. ,
1WJ Farnam tt. 1000
SPECIAL One nt the very flnoat eat front
lots In Kllby I'lacofor f 1,850. The lot next
to it Is held firmly at ( J.30) , while auirnor lot
lu the next block , lying no bettor , hold some
time ago for 12,400. If" you wont to make an
investment at once conservative and good
paying. In tbe belt end of the olty , here Is your
opportunity.- J.A.lllestanil , , U. 9 , Arlington ,
1IU Dodge. „ . „ . 610
IMMEDIATKialo wllltoKe niots or loss only
& or > blocks from Kxohango bid and
Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen
houses under contract In same block. jwnnt
what they are worth. I don't want fanoy prices
lwnt to sell quickly. E. B. Branch. 200
to Contractor ? * .
QEALEDpropo'als will bo received until July
O 1 , 1887. at this odico for the material and
workmanship requited in the erection and
completion of a bank , hotel and Etore building ,
tfi be built In A hlancl. Muke bids on building
alxno foundation Plans nnd pneclflcatlons
can bo seen at the oflico of Henry Vo s , aichl-
toct. In Omaha , or at the Farmcis & Merchants
bunk , Ashlnnd.
'I ho right Is reserved to reject any or all bids.
n. A. wuonNiioiiN. ;
Office of E. A , Wlggcnhorn , Ashland , Neb.
Notice of Registration.
To tbo legal voters of Sicoud District , Flrit
Ward , In tbo city of Omaha.
Vn are hereby notified that the undorblgncd
will sit s registrar for Second District , First
Ward , at 1119 B. 6th street , Tuesday , July Uitb ,
at 11 o'clork a. ra. , for the purpose of rogrletei-
Ing all qualllledot8rswlttilnfald hooond Dis
trict , First Ward , nnd for such purpose the un
dersigned will set nnd keep his book of registra
tion open at the place aforesaid from II o'clock-
a. m. until 7 o'clock p. in. , when said hook of
registration will be closed. All qualified \otori
are notified to attend and sec that tholr rmineg
uro propeily registered. Ar.riiRn VINKT ;
jyll Hcifistrar 2il Dlstiict , 11 Ward.
Notice of Registration !
To the legal voters of First DIstrlct.Thlrd Ward
In the city of Omaha.
You ara hereby that the undorslg nod
will sit as registrar for First District , ' 1 bird
Ward , at 1-J ) Noi th 10th street , Tuesday , July
12th , at II o'clock a. m . for the ptir | > o < u ot reg
istering all qualified \oters within bald First
District , Third Ward , and for such purpose
the undersigned will sit and keep his book r f
rcglitrutlonopon at the place aforesaid from 11
o'clock n. m. until 7 o'clock p. m. , when said
book of registration will bo closed. All quail
fled voters are notllled to attnnd and see that
their names are properly registered.
FIIAMI W. Poi-our ,
jyll Registrar 1st District , 3d Ward.
NOTICE to Contractors ; Bids will b ro-
cehed until 10 n m , July 2T , 1S. 7 , for the
construction of a pork packing house located
nt couth 1'remont , said building to be com *
plctodNovl. 1SVT. I'hmi nnd specifications nt
our office InTribuno block. Ithrbt reserved lo
reject nny nnd all bull. Fremont Stock Yards
nnd Lnml Co. , Fremont , Nob. J10 Tt
Proposals for Stationery , Supplies and Printing.
WKALKD Proposals will bo received ut Urn of
fice of the Secretary iif tbe board of cclu-
uatlon , until 5 p.m. , Monday , July IMh , U87 ,
for siipplvlntr the board of education of the
city of Omaha , ilurinsrthe ensuing year , with
stationery , supplies and prlnttnir , to bo deliver
ed nt eucli times and plates and In such < | uuntl-
tics as may bo required for the use of the
schools , and as the board may direct.
Iho board reserves tbe right to reject any or
nil bills
By order of the commlttco on supplier
JylldTt CiMHiiysCo'vovKH , Secretary.
Propo l for Qradlnir.
SEALED proposals w 111 bo recoil el by the un <
dertlgned until 11 a. m , , July 2 * > tb , 1" 7 , fur
grading 2uth utrcet , from Cumlng street to
( Iraco etre < t.
Inae-eordanccwllh plans andspcclflcutlonaon
fllo In the ollico of the board of public works.
Bids will be made on printed tlankd furnished
by the board , and to be accompanied by u cer
tified check in the sum of | 'iU ) p > abl to the
city of Omaha , us an evldenco ofgooil faith.
The board reserves tbe right to reject any or
all bids and to. wulvo defects.
br. A. D. ll.u.cOMiu : ,
Chairman Board of Public Work * .
Omaha , Neb.July llth. 1837 jyll-lMS-lg
Proposal for the Construction of the Superstruc
ture of the City Hall Building.
SEALED pioposnH will ho received by the un
dersigned until 11 o'clock u. m. July 3tnh.
l t > 7..fartho construction of the euperstructuru
of the Ctth Hall Building , In vccordanco with
the plans and tpoclttcattons on lllu in the of-
Qco of the board of public workl.
Bids will be made on printed blank * furnished
by tbe board , and to be accompanied with acer *
tlflod check In the turn of I10X ) , a an uviduncc
of good faith ,
The board reserves the right to rejwct any or
an bUi and to w tv dafecu. _ _ . . . '
, St. A. D. BALCOMnE ,
Cbafrrntn Boaid of 1'uelio Works.
OmahaNo.JoJr 91th , 1 HI ,
Proposal * fbr Dlfltrlnt Pavlna ( lonrli.
Olty Treasurer's Office , I
Omaha , Nob. , Juno 2A , 1MT. I
QHALKD PUOPOSALB will bo roi-olved atthlt
O office until July ! * > , 1S87 , ut 12 , noon , for the
purchnso ot 1J,00 ( ) of District Pavlnv Bonds
of the city of Omaha. Bald bonds are dated
July 1 , 1M7 , and will be due in one , two , three ,
four , lire , six , sown , night and nine years
from their date , a i.rallar amount becoming
due eacn yeart am In sums ot five hundred
and one thousand dollars each , and bear Inter *
est from tholr data at the rate of six per cent *
um per annum , pa ) able annually. The prlnol-
pit and Interest are both payable at the office
of Kountio llros. , In New York ,
Said bondt are Issued under tno charter pow
er of SAld city , and will bo dulhcrod to pur
chasers , on payment thcrotor , at the city
treasury In Omaha on August 1,1SS7 ,
Bids will bo addros.ssd to the undersigned and
marked "Proposals for Dlitrlct Put lug Bonds , "
and must state the fullnamo and address of the
bidder , the amount of said bonds deslrod ( a
similar amount duo each year from ono to nine
years ) , aud tbe prlco proposed to be paid , with
accrued Intorett.
The right Is reserved to reject any and nil
bids. JOHN HUSH , City Treasurer.
Sewer Proposals.
SRALI3D Proposals will b recoiled by the
undersigned until II o'clock a. m. July S.'th ,
in" " , for the construction of rowers In districts
Nos. 49 , 50 , M and 52 , as per plans and spcolll-
vntlnns onttlo In thoofllcoof the buard ot pub
lic works. Proposals to bo made on printed
blanks turnlshed by the board , and to bo ac
companied ulth n cortltlo'l ' Check In tbo film of
fWK ) , imjable to the1 city of Onmha , 113 an oil-
donco of good faith.
'I ho board toFcn cs the right to reject any or
all bids and to valiodolucts.
Chairman Board of Public \ \ orlss.
Omaha , Nob. , July Bth.lW. jll-12-18-19
Proposals for Grading.
SRAtiRD PioposaU will bo re-colvrd by the
undiislgned until 11 a. in. July 14th , 1XS7 ,
for grading 2Jtb aiciiuo fiom Hickory street
south to Eel Crulirhton avenue to a tompoian
grade. In accordnucn with plans and Fpee-IIUa-
lions on lllo In the ollico of the board of publiu
Bills will bo mndo on printcdblanVs furnished
by tbo boatd , nnd to bo accompanied by u
ccttlllod check In the sum of f" > UO , ( ujnMo to
tlie clfi of Oniabn , ns an 01 Idonco of uooit faith.
' 1 ho board reserves the right , to i eject any or
nil bids and to walio defects.
JySdOt Chairman Board of Public Works.
Notice to Contractors.
SKAI.RD proposals will bo rcceliod at the
olllce of tbe county commissioners up to
noon of July --'nil , A. 1) . 18S7. fet building n
county hospital In Omaha , Douglas county , Ne
braska , acc-oidlng to the plans and spccl3oa-
tlous on lllo in the county commissioner's
Each bid must bo accompanied by acortlQod
clii ok In the amount of five hundred dollars.
The right Is reserved to reject any and iillbl'ls. '
By order of tilt ) boaid.
r&iAL ) C. P. NKEUtiAM , County Clork.
1 18d5w
Notice to A.rolittectH.
Till : Board of Public Lands and Uulldlngs
will recoil o plans and specifications at any
time berore August 1st , 1SS7 , at2 p m. fur the
hospital tor the-liiouiablo Insane , at Hastings ,
Nebraska. Building to bo n thre-o-Htory brick ,
with Mono basement , ami not io cost 01 or I7. > , -
000 , ireluding Fteiim beating and plumbing.
Blffht reserved to reject any or all plans sub
mitted. By nrdcr of said board. July 8,1887.
July 8 to Aug 1 U. L. LAWS , Secretary.
SEALED proposals will be received nt my
oTlco-untll ( 0 p. m. July 12 , IbbT , for the
const ruction and maintenance ot n complete
81 stem of waterworks for the olty ot Norfolk ,
Neb. Knch bid must bo accompanied with
plans and speitllcatlous.
The franchise will be given for twonty-flvo
years to the lowest and best bidder with proper
and equitable conditions , ns to the purchase of
the system by the city at the end of the term ,
or such earlltr date ns may be provided for.
Proposals must bo pealed nnd endorsed : "Pro
posals lor constructing w t < i works"
1 bo city reserves tbo right to reject any or
all bids.
By order of tbo mayor nnd cltv council.
W. OEHUCKK , City Clerk.
Arrlio I Leave
Uuiaha Omaha
Depot lUlb and Piercests. .
Vacltic Express 7.Vam 8 0 pro
Peni or Express 5:20 : | fm lOtS1" . atn
* Local Express 11:00 : am 5:05 pm
Except Sunday.
11. & M. R K. B.
Depot loth and I'acilic sta.
Mall.ind Express firMpni 10:05 : nm
Night Express 10:00 : ittn 7:45 : pro
o. n.o. it it |
Depot lOtli and lVlUc sU
Mall and Express ' 0 0 am 0:00 om
Chicago Express iGr'Som 8:40 am
K. C. St. J. * C. B.
Depot 10th mid Pacific 3
Mail rt5 pm HMO am
Express- 7:00 : am 8:10 : pm
C. St. P. M. A O.
DepotlSth and Webster st.
Sioux City Kxpress * 4:45pm : am
Bancroft Express 10:40 am * : pra
Blair 1'u.sxeiiKHr 7:40 pm 5J5 : pin
* Excout Sunday
Depot 15th and WeDsterst
Day Express A. ! am 11:10 : tm
Nlght.Express 5:3cpui : ) 0:10 pm
Lincoln Express. 11:10 : am 0:10 : pm
Kunnlni between Council Uluftaand South
Omaha. In addition Uv the stations men-
tlonwl , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-
fourth Btieets , and at Summit , In Omaba.
Broad- TransOmaha. . Slieel'j s Stock.
way. er. Yards.
6:13 : 0:27 : 0:35 :
6:40 : :47 : 7:05 : 7:17 : 755
7 MO 7:47 8r. : ( 8:17 :
80 t:47 : 9:0. * 9:17 :
9:40 : 0:47 10ai : 10:17 :
10:40 : 10:47 11:05 : 11:17 : 11:25 :
11:40 : ll:47 : 12-.OJ ia:17 : 12 : 1
12:40 : 12:47 : 1:17 : 1.-2S
1:40 : 1:47 : 2:17 : 3:25 :
3:40 : U:47 : 8:0) : 3:17 : :85 :
3:40 : 3:47 : 4:05 : 4:17 : 4:25
4:50 : 4:57 : 5H : 5ti : :
5:45 : 5sa : r.r : 6J :
6 ' 6i7 : : 7oa : 7:11 V:18
7ir : 7:3J : iOoa ; 10:13 : 10'JO :
9:03 : 915 ;
lorJS 11:20 : 11:33 : 11:40 :
11:45 : 13:05 :
Storlc Sticel'js Omaha. 1'rnns- Broad
Yards. tor. way.
6:15 : 0-.S.S
f:50 : G:53 : 7:15 7:28 :
7:5.1 8:15 8SW
6 AS 9:15 : 9:28 : 9rw :
19:50 : 9W 10 : w 10:28 : 10:3.5 :
10.33 10:4-5 : 11:1:1 : :
llW : 12:15 : 12:23 : 13t5 : :
12 3 1:15 1:2.1 :
1:50 : l-M 315 23:2.S
8:15 3:2.S 3:35 :
4:15 : 4:28 : 4 : : J5
4:50 : 5:1.1 : r.:24 : 5a5 :
5:40 5:47 : 6U5 ; 6:18 : 6:2.1 :
0:40 : 6:47 : 7:00 : 7U :
7:2.1 : 7ii : ! 8:15 : 8:2S :
10:00 : lo-.n 10:20 :
10:30 : 10:33 : 11:20 : U:49 :
11-43 11:5) : 12:0r : ,
LINKS Transfer i r
I depot | depot
' ( i 50 a m 0:11 : nm
All Trains run Dally. ' | : $ 8:21 : p m
| m 7i)0 ; ) p m
C. * N.V. . '
Oil's am 9i'a : ! m
AlUralns run daUy. 6:40 pra 7:00 : p m
O.B.&Q. ' - '
( m 0i7a ; m
All trains run dally. . . . ] 0.3 i in 7:00 : p m
. . . . .
< - w. * vjiaam : Dili : a m i
AlltralM runlUUy j 8:40 : p in 700 ;
K C. St . * tU. .
t j j/ r7r n m 9:3 : la m
AMtia % _ < t , * ' t 0:15 : phi , fl :
' I
W.StUJtP. , 215pia2:15pm ; | :
AlUralni run daily > . .
' m a m
All traiujtruntiai'lr" C2
" " " ' ;
OzaiTE'X.A.T 3
H20 South 15th ttrcct , Omnhn.
Room 25 , Paxton Block , Omnlm.
813 South 14th Street.
.ttonxoy at
lloom 3 , Fronicr BlockOpposite PostoRlro.
im. c. itosiwATiit : : ,
Physician and Surgeon.
S14S. Uthst.cor. rurnntn. Iron llniik Build-
In ? . Tulophono DIM.
EIom.copa.tli. ,
Room 822 N. Kith st. , Omaha. Office hours
0 to 11 , , 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence , 605 ] X. 17th St.
O. 8. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
I'lxyaVcln.rL 0.13.53. Su.rfjeon ,
Office , N-W Cor. 14th nnd Douglas.
Office Telephone 405 ; Res Telephone , 42
Surgeon nnd GI
Otrc llnur , lOto 15-5 to 4-7 toll.
Officeironiownnt ntroot , Omaha ,
reon. a.zi 3.
Office , N-W Cor 14th anil Douglas t.
Office Telephone , 403j Res Telephone , 5C8.
Z'b.yslclaia. and. Siajrrjaozx ,
Residence , No. Ui)7Joiu ) < 6 street. OUlco , With-
ncll lllocK. Telephone , icdidenco Ua , oUlcO
61- .
EZoiM-caopa , tills t ,
Office , 313 S. 14th st. Telephone , fiSO.
J. V. CORNISH , M. D. ,
Cor. 20th and Lake Sis.
CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders
And Dlank book Manufacturer ! . No * . 109 and
1083.Hth street. Omnhn.Ncb. .I.F. Fulrllo , Super.
Intcndent Bindery. Toluphono No. 3ii
Union National Bank
Paid Up Capital , $100,000
Authorized Capital COO,000
W. W. MARCH , President.
J. W. RODKFRR , Cashier
Accounts solicited and prompt attention
given to all business entrusted to Its care.
Pay 5 per cent on time deposits.
No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av-
entiennd 16th sts.
Telephone No 8U.
3OSS. 15lh St. , Omfllin , Kelt.
Capital , $300,000
L.onnn Itlnde on Rcnl Estate.
School , County nncl Municlpxl Bonds No-
WM. A. PAXTON , L. B. Wi LUxus.
Prosiuent. vlc Pros.
Honr. L. OABMCII , F. B. JoiiKgoit ,
becroturj. Treasurer.
Cor 13th ami Douglas sts.
Capital Stock $150,000
Liability of Stockholders SOO.OOO
The only rogulnr Hnvlnrs bank m the am to Five
percent interest poM on deposits.
Loans Made on Boal itate.
OUTC. BAntos , rrealdent ; J. J. BHOWN , VIM
President ; U M. IIUXNETT , Jfanagmw Ut-
610 A'orf/t 20th Street ,
Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000
Oi:0. : E. BARKER , Prt sklent
BOUT. L. OARLICnS , Vico-Proildent
F. B JOIINSON.Cathler.
Stvrrer.R. JonxpOK , a to. E. BARRCII ,
F. B. Joiixtiox.
A general banking business transacted ,
lutertit allowed on Imodoim
$3 SHOE.
Stjllhh. Dtirabla. Cair Kitting.
The lifst JJ .Short lu Iliu WorlJ.
$2.50 SHOE
t < | nai Iliu ill Anm-n < Jyrr. butliLt drill * .
Our $2
HIIOH roil HOYS r1v erf at at1ef otton. All
thu abort aru rruul * In lliittnn , CnhRrtiii * iut fjn > ,
uUMylftH of tiw Hold by UfHX ) Aut.\tn \ tlumKhout tha
US If your ilcalor iU > i > not kcin them. Mini n m
en rx tal toV. . I. IXMiLA ) > 4 , llrmkton , MUM.
BEWARE OF FRAUD.unl'ao ' SS. oSl
uui > cni | > Mlriui ilMlxit ru orri-rliif ( oflior xonai i
rnliif , ami uWn si Weil why IDT tamp la not on tha
times , ttUe lluit 1 IUTO dtironllnuuii Its tun. I'llIS
! < KAI.SK. Tak'i none rrpre nt d to ) i , I tin ,
"W. I , IKwujiji Shorn , " nnlua n n > , warrUntrn
ami i > rl i un < t nin ( i | un bottom of euch
alineY. . I , . ) ) OtIlfAH , Itrucktoii , xla .
For sale by Kclley , Stiver * Co.cor
Dodge ami i.ritli-ttg. ) ; naury S rg at
Gor.Se\rarJ andSauntlers < sts.
_ _
PropcsaUfor U'mbcr.
SIIA I.I'D I'n > | > ouil4 will boroe l\od at tbe of-
Iliku of thu accrutary ot the buard of educa
tion , until r p. ui.Monilay.luly Uth. lt 7 , lur
Upi > lyln ? the board of education of the ollV of
Omaha , diinnT the eniulnir year , w Ith luml > er.
to bfilollvcrod at such time * and place * anil In
ctich fiunntlili'iiOH ' thu l.ouni may dliect.
Tliu hoard roianc * t'.o ' ilglitto reject miy or
all bids. ,
lly urdor of the conitnlttec on idppllcs ,
j > lM7t Ciuitu.ii Colonial , Bucrctory.