Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    P ! * - " ; d + gi # . ' * , y .e w.l , i rr. . dt ' 7gyqu lq , r v R1
' Dellvcrcd by rarrlcr in tiny pnrtof thoclty at
- twenty cents per week
jB. W. TiLTolf , lfanajer
BneitiTRsOmc. No , 43 ,
NIOnTEDtroll No.rH
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
Reiter , tailor. Summer goods Chen' .
A now brick yard has been started up
en Marlin Ilughcs' old land.
'The signal ling on the wentiier bureau
promises a much cooler day than ycstcr-
Any ,
Permit to wed was yesterday given to
: Henry Hannor and Diary Sublet , both of
Houoy Creek ,
hose curt No , l in exercise yesterday ,
again lost its crowbar , line hndcr will
eoifer a favor on thu boys by returning
For rent , a desirable house of seven
rooms , two blocks from tillltllny depot.
s Apply to Dr. Lawrence , 723 { Vlllow uv
Officer Dane yesterday found a fellow
Sleepnig oll'a drunk in Bayliss park , lie
had himu linish the cup lit the city cooler.
The fellow was booked as George
harry li , lull and Blanche Brink , of
a' Omaha , applied for a license to wed yes.
terdn , but as the young miss was under
" ago there had to be a delay until the tie.
cesnry permit of the parents could be
There are 108 teachers enrolled In the
Institute nosy entering upon its second
week. I'rof , .1 , It. Kirk has the charge
of the classes ! n arithmetic , Superintend'
ant Dlc\ntighton of the 'ramtnar classes.
Prof. J , Lawrey in phvsSlology , Prof , u ,
111. { Vilson in history and Mrs. Ware in
Lizzie M. , Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. F , McCune , tiled yesterday morn
injt at 330 ; o'clock. 1'ho funeral services
will be held ou Wednesday afternoon at
3:30 : o'clock from the residence of Mrs.
Di. Lockwood , Mrs. McCun&s mother ,
No. 814 South Sixth street. Friends of
the family are Invited.
' Lyman has been requested -
quested to suggest some name for the nay
sition of resident professor of law at thn
state university. It appears that the red -
d ' gents are getting suggestions from vari
ous prominent men in the state in order
to guide them in selecting wisely a titan
1 for that Important position.
Two of the fellows who were playsnq
the shell game hero durla gtho race week
have got into trouble at Fremont , Nob.
One of them named Gleason has been put
R ' .
ion , who called himself Hughes , was al.
lowed to go as there was not quite proof
enough to hold him. Afterwards It was
( liscuvered Unit he had been helping hint-
. self to somebody else's pantaloons. It is
understood that ho inns returned to tints
' citY , nut ! the police ehoulll litill him out
and tell him to move on. Iio is a young
inon t vine stands abort nix feet , dark
complexioned , wears a moustache , dark
l clothes , black soft lint , and dark Itneni
I duster.
When you are m the city stop at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass the door
every fifteen minutes for all the depots.
. Meals u0 cents each.
One thousand head of one , two and
throe-ycar old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A.
J , Greenamayer , Creston flousc ,
Cold Water Injunctions.
County Clerk Shea Is having a good
deal of trouble about his water. Owing
to sonic disagreement between him and
' the waterworks company , the compan
borne week or more ago shut off the
water at his house. lie turned it on
again , only to have it turned oil again.
'Then ho got an Injunction in Judge
Ayleswortli's court restraining the corn-
pany from turning ell the water , or
otherwise interfcrn with it. Ho
thought that would settle it until the
merits of the ease could ho hoard , but to
his surprise the water was cut our again.
Ile thous caused the engineer of the corn-
' ' pany , harry Birkmbsne , and the bookkeeper -
keeper , Mr. { Varren , to be arrested for
contempt of court in thus violating the
Injunction. The water has been running
for several days all rigltt , but yesterday
It was turned off again. Another warrant -
rant was sworn out for Mr. Birkinbino.
Tine cases have been set for Thursday ,
and an interesting result is expected.
Tine bonds ! n tine contempt case have
been fixed at $200.
" We still have a few olegnnt refriger-
ators. We arc closing out at cost to
make room for our heavy stockof heaters
duo next linonth. Cola & Cole , 41 Multi
For female diseases and chronic diseases
oases of all kinds , call on Dr. Rice , No.
] 1 Pearl street , Council Blui s , Iowa.
r : Personal t'araeraphs.
Mrs. H. May , of Cincinnati , is visding
Mrs. 11. Friedman.
Leonard Everett and his mother loft
left evening over the Rock Island for the
Now England Status , where they will
spend the summer.
J , C. Lewis has returned from Kansas ,
' where he has a large ranch. Hu is stiller.
' lug from the effects of a runaway but is
slowly recovering. In tire accident he
hurt is neck so badly thutit was thought
that ho could not live.
- + - - -
J { V. & E. L. Squire's abstract books
are a marvel of systematic accuracy.
have you seen their now lien book ; it Is
n monster and contains 300 pages.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr.
c Itico's new invention , it makes a man
of you inn live minutes. No , pain. No.
11 1'enrl street
u _
Cole & Cole are putting furnaces in
now houses for H. 11 , Cory , J R. With.
row , J. II. 1)uflt and a number of others.
They have exclusive 'sale of the Fuller ,
Warren and Richmond lines , Repro-
muting the largest and most oxporlenced
l furnace concerns in this country , H. A
I Cole is a scientific furnace man and has
l personal supervision of this department.
arties desiring furnace work tare invited
+ to Inspect our lines. Cole & Cole , No. 41
Main street.
At the Pacific house von will save from
1100 to $1 per day. Try it and be con.
The drawing card at the Salvation
fi army last night was the "Seal. " This is
a little deformed titan who used to palm
himself oil in a sideshow as u seal. Ho
would clothe himself in a skin covering
and be on exhibition in a tank of water.
flu now claims to be converted , and is
made a captain in the army. Salvation
is ton cents higher for those who want to
sea the curiosity ,
- - + -
The Saloon Cases.
The saloonkeepers and the property
, owners intorostpd In the injunction cases
are requested to moot thus , afternoon at
5:30 : o'clock sharp at 404 Broadway , upi
stairs. Business of lmportanco.
Latest improved gsoiino stoves at N
50.4 Main street. ' Vt. A. Wood ,
t J. W. & E , 1. . Squire make beuutifui
f abstracts of title and deserve the success
' t they ate epjoying ,
i v
A Great Boulevard Being Planned For the
The C. , B. & Q , OBletals Invlting Com-
pininants-The Street Car Grlov
anoc-Herd Itoad to Travel to
Nanawa Counoli Doings.
A Bottom For the Boom.
"have you been watchdngtho way the
Unlon 1 acifie is working ? " inquired an
old and eaglaeyed resident. "I tell you
there's souething more to it than just
getting dirt for the new bridge. I've
been watching proceedings , and from
what I can hear and from what I can
see I'm willing to bet $100 that the Union
Pacllic is planning on pushing a line east
to Chicago. They are getting dirt for the
approaches to the bridge , but they arc at
the same time making an awful good
road through the city , which will be a
good way out when the road wants to
Push on eastward , There Is just enough
dirt being taken out to make a good
double track road. In some places there
isn't ' more than six or eight foot cut out ,
and then the road Is pushed right along.
If it was only the dirt that was wanted
why don't they go right along into a
blttlr and get what they want in
stead of building the road right along.
You look over tine ground nod see if l'ni '
not right. I tell you the Union Pacific is
getting ! cady'to go cast when it wants to
and when it wants to it will have its road
already through line city. The road up
by Munster springs is the old route surveyed -
veyed a lung time ago. ' . ! 'here has been
a survey tunic lucre rcc'y and that is
in about the same direction , { Vith all the
rumors : afloat It scents that this eastern
line is not all talk. It may not be com-
nioncod right away , but tine Union 1'n
chic is going to ho in shape so far as getting -
ting through' the city is concerned , so
that when the time comes that much of
it will ho ready , "
Wetl , the round house of the Union
Pacific is settled , it's located. The work
Is to go right along. "
"You haven't had any doubt about its
being built sooner or later , have you P"
"Wlny no , but the Union I'neifte officials -
cials have now fixed to go ahead. They
were over here the other day , and had
the plnus laid out before them in Mr.
Burn's office , and I know that was what
they were up to. They looked over the
ground , too , and I'm certain now. You
see it looks to reason that the big round
honse shtnld be here , for what's the use
when a train conies ! n , of sending the
engine over to Omaha , and then running
It back again when the train was read
to start out again ? Mr. Potter put it-
pretty well the otter day when
Inc said "there's no sense in haying
ing a stable seven miles away
from where you have to keep your
buggy. " Tine passenger coaches are to
be kept on this side just as soon as tine
bridge is hinisined , and it will be cheapest
and best to keep the engines here too-
so that thoround-house will have to be
done by the time tine bridge is eonspleted-
Tiiit's one thing that makes me sure that
when line officias were unrolling tier
} Mans over inure the other day the round-
mouse was what they were figuring on.
1've lneard sonic tings , lee , but you
nlusn't give me away. Yau can just say
in a general sort of a way that the roundhouse -
house is located , and the work will corn-
mence very soon. You can bet your
money ant it , too. "
: "
"I'm pretty well satisfied , " remarked
Dr. Jei eris yesterday , "that the Milwaukee -
kee & St. Paul is figuring on putting in
its railway bridge up the river , above the
waterworks. I know that it is only a short
distance to bed rock there , and the railway -
way bridge can be put in easily. 7'hero
have been a lot of surveyors making
soundings and running lines. YouseeI've
been living there since I squatted on
that land , and I've had a good chance to
watch. I've asked these nun what they
were doing , and they generally told me
that they war a1ust taking oservations
to see how much the river bed was changing -
ing , or how tine height of water
with 1881 , or something of that
sort , as if they were taking observations
for the government , it's more hkel
that they are figuring on having a rd ly
way bridge there. They have been figuring -
ing on getting some land on the river ,
too , so that it seems that they have not
given up the bridge scheme by any
means. "
Dearborn & Rica jtru planning on
tiug up a good many cottages on their
, property near the transfer. They tire
building the first one now , and they intend -
tend to put up as many as they can soil
oil easy tennis. With the completion of
the Union Pacific bridge three will be a
great deal easier and cheaper communication -
cation between the two cities , and houses
will be in demand. The change of the
gang which attends to the passenger
coaches will necessitate the removal of
about forty families from the other side
to the Council hulls side , and it is understood -
derstood that tine Union Pacific intends
to build this season sixty cottages for its
employes. There is every indication
that a good start will be made this
season towards covering tine bottoms
with dwellings , factories , store-houses ,
r" .
Tlncre are numerous conjectures as to
what tine Union Pacilo bridge will be
when completed , and how it will ho man-
aged. It looks to many as if the plan
was to be for a motor llno , instead of a
cable , but It matters little so long as the
publio gets the quickest and ceapest
communication possitle. ] t is predicted
that the wagon ways will be put into
condition tor actual use , and that time
will be allowed between the running of
trains , so that there will be no danger of
horses being frightened , and no delay
beyond a few minutes under any cireuin
The completion of the Union Pacific
bridge will open for actual settlement a
large amount of bottom property , which
will advance rapidly in price. These
lands are located so near Oniaha and are
so convenient and so cheap that they will
afford opportunities for many to secure
monies near their work and at prices
within roach. An arrangement is being
manic for the securing of a large number
of lots for actual residents , which can be
bought on easy terms for about $200 a lot ,
on condition of the purchaser putting up
a house upon the lot thus bought. This
price will be a special one to accommo-
unto those who want homes and to encourage -
courage the building of houses. 'fine
price is about half of what the lots are
actually worth. It is believed that with
such an arrangement the number of
actual residents wnll muitlply rapidly.
Another plan bein ggarranged ns for a
grand boulevard along avenue G , and
them iurnung southward to Ninth avenue ,
and then east again on that avenue right
through the Omaha addition. It is the
intention to have this boulevard made so
85 to render it one of the best'drives'pos
sable. A double row of shade trees Is to
be planted on each side of tine boulevard ,
Those owing property' along , the '
posed'route are quiteenthuslasttq over it ,
and tine enterprise will doubtletts be
pushed through , for itwould enhance the
value of other property more than the
cost of making the iuprovemeut.
Bad On BngRles.
Soniethiig should bo doio to widen the
road to Lake Manawa , and that at once.
The board of county supervisors or some
one in authority should see that the road
Is put in proper condition before another
Saturday and Sunday approach , as tine
cltfzens are becoming tired of thus negligence
gonco , and a largo amount of it certainty
rests on t e shoulders of the county an-
'l'hat the road to the lake lies in two
townships , Kane and Lewis , is certainly
to be regretted. Did it lie entirely in
Kane , then the city : nthoritics would be
respoinriblo to a certain extent , and perhaps -
haps they could be induced to give It
proper attention. The city inns graded
and opened several streets n tine south.
ern portion of the city for thu only
reason that tine tralfio in that dl-
rection is so extensive on account of
Lake Mnnatva that they deemed it
necessary to have mnre driveways.
Tine road supervisor of Lewis township -
ship , Mr. Wright inns stated that he intended -
tended to grade the road but as yet ho
has not done so , lie claims now that
just as soon as they get throegh plowing
corn , work on tine road will begin. But
after tine corn is plowed it ma be too
late to begin the grade. Several
may have lost their lives by the negll-
gonce of these persons wino prefer to
plow corn. If it Is not possible for these
people to leave thoircorn fields , cerhninly'
there are other persons in tine workl
who can be put to work at once. This
.Is not a matter that interests tine tow
People who reside In Lewis towinslnip ,
but a case in winch seven out of every
ten persons who reside In Council Blnlls
era deeply interested. A case that interests -
ests ninny who do not reside hero. Those
from Onnaha and other places who risk
their life ttnd limbs by riding in coy kind
of a vehicle to Lake Manawa.
Ladies have been knocked out of bug.
pies , onus lady has been knocked into line
slough , twelve to fifteen others have hind
their buggies broken--all for the reason
that part of the road is too mm-row.
' 'ine new bridge is a help , but with a
double driveway bridge and a single
drivewa road at eltiner a pnroneii , the
double driveway bridge is 01 little value.
Before any serious damage occurs tints
should certainly be attended to ,
Asking For Complaints.
Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock tine
special car of tine general manager
of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
railway company pulled Into the
city depot of the road , bearing a died
tinguished party. There were General
Manager H. B. Stone , General Freight
Agent E. P , Ripley , General Passenger
Agent Paul Morton , Division Superintendent -
tendent { V. C. Brawn , Division Freight
Superintendent W. J. Davenport and
Attorney J. { V. Blythe , and State Railway -
way Commssiouers Boy and Coffin.
Commissioner Smith jointed tune party
after its arrival , line gentlemen were
hero for the purpose of hearing any corn.
plaints the people of the city had to make
concerning thenperalion of the road and
to receive any suggestions that would ho
of mutton ! enefit. Among tine cnti-
zens present were 1' . J. Evans ,
Mayor Groncweg , Aldornnan Wells. E. H.
Merriam anti others. General Manager
Stone invites any one present toolreruiy :
suggestions or make any complaint they
chose. Mayor Groneweg , representing
the lira of Groneweg & Shoentgen ,
called attention to the disproportion in
rates between Chicago and this , city on car
lots and barrel lots of sugar , thuro being a
dill'erenceof only 3l cents in favor of car
lots , which gave tine Chicago shipper a
disastrous advantage over the Council
Blutrs shipper. Thu rates between New
York mind Chicago were 20 cents in favor
of the car lot of sugar and 17 cents bey
tweon Baltintore and Chicago on canned
goods. This gave the eastern wholesale
merchant a serious advantage over tine
western wholesaler , This was the only
complaint made , and Mr. Steno promised
to give it attention , although , lie said , it
was the same old knotty problem that
they had boon trying to settle for some
time past.
The matter of a now depot was then
discussed , and Manager Stone stated that
for the past four years the company mad
kept in bank $12,000 that was appropriated -
ated for the purpose of building a new
city depot at this point , and which was
ony not used for tine reason that tine
company expected to be called upon to
enter into a union depot and did not wish
to build a $15,000 or $20,000 building and
then not OCCnpy It. A good dotal of very
cattiest conversation than ensued concerning -
cerning the union depot prof act and sonic
very flattering promises were given , tine
future performance of whfon will be a
matter of great importance to the city.
The officials and the commissioners go
from hero to East Nebraska City ,
- - -
The City Council.
An adjourned meeting of the city coun-
oil was held last evening.
Mayor Gronewog was requested to at
tend tine meeting of tine slate board of
equalization now in session at Des
Moines , He is to start this morning.
The mayor was also instructed to correspond -
respond with other mayors in regard tea
a meeting to bo hold to prepare a plan of
action in regard to assessment of city
property and the limit of city Indebtedness -
ness ,
'l'ine ordinance for changing the grade
of High School avenue was passed Pnani
piously , and all members present except
Alderman Danforth ,
The committee on streets was empowered -
ered to put Woodburyavenueln passable
Captain Hight appeared ! n behalf of
the Council Bluffs Scavenger company ,
offering an nmendment to the ordnnanccs
now existing , so that they might get the
exclusive privilege for a series of years ,
it was referred to the city attorney and
judiciary committee.
Mr. Thomas Ul6cer desired the council
as a body to see the electric light on the
court house , lie had assured then individually -
vidually tint there would be distinct
shadows cast at a distance of 2,600 feet.
He wanted a chance to sinew that such
was not only the case , but that the light
was thrown nearer 4,000 feet ,
Tine city engineer reported that the
water pipes were in the way of tine Fifth
ayemio sewers. The water works company -
pany did not want to move them until It
was decided who shall pay the expense.
Referred to city attorney.
Tine council then adjourned ,
- - * -
Better Street Car Service ,
It certainly did Council Blufls soma
good when tine Iowa railroad commission
held the Union l'acitle investigation in
this city.
If in nothing else , it has caused numerous -
ous Improvements in tine street car service -
vice ,
'rite then manager of the Union Pacific
Mr. Callaway , refused to ride to anti
from the invcstlgation in tine miserable
apologies this city had for street oars.
Shortly after the investigation , and
through Mr. Callaway , there were new
cars put oU and tine service was greatly
{ F. H. Burns , the manager of the line ,
has run the cars to the best possible ad.
vantage since his removal to this city
front Omaha.
And now another improvement takes
It has for some time been the trouble
that the oars in eachdirection have boon
'run too closely together , one being right
behind the other and then a vacancy inns
taken place for fifteen minutes. This
has been the trouble on Broadway , bey
twoen the up-town terpiinuo and Pearl
street. Nowtwo new switches or sidetracks -
tracks are boin put in whnett will give
liroadwy between Pearl atritet and the
- _
_ _ v-H i n
- At'T ErktJ
jNar.s f , o-K.-teaa. ; , . [ , _ : .aorv1C ; , wte.a
C. R , ALLEN ,
t :
DI nverf Surveyor , a U IS er
Over No. 12 North 11Iuin St.
countymaps , of cities and counties
Friccs Very Low ,
w. S. HOMER & CO. ,
yo. 23 MAIN ST ,
Justice of the Peace.
Oficoover A merlcan Express ,
Sfar Sale Stables and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council Blues , Opp. Dummy Depot
1'p R
'p K
Horse and mulls kept ou ista ntly
hand , for sate itt retail or in ear Ion
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHLUTER & BOLEY , Proprietors ,
Telop Mono No , 11
Form orly of Keii Sale. Stables corner
1 st.aveand 4thi at
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Reddences and
Farms. Acre property lit western part of city.
Alt soiling cheap.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Itoom 5 , over Officer A Pnsey's Bunk , Counci
uptown terminus a ear every seven and
a-lutlf minutes in etnch direction. Tine
next move that is needed is fur tine public
to be become educated up to taking the
street cars instead of walking , and thou
some other improvements may be forth-
Looked Llkr + a Doodler.
J ilartcry , who travels for Merrill &
Co. , of Chicago , was in tine city yesterday -
day , "What do you think about my
looking like a boodlerP It's a fact. I
wilt taken for one at Rock island. Do I
look like a boodler ? Well , anyway , as
tle train was at that place , two Bock
Island detectives Jumped on board , and
running throegh the cars looked me
over and asked me where 1 came from ,
1 told them from Chicago. Then they
asked me my name and my business. I
didn't know who they were , trod it made
me hot. So I told them it was none of
their business. Then they said they'd
have to arrest me ! Tinny said I was Con.
nnliy , a Chicago boodler. I had quite a
tune convincing them , and had to show
all my paperS and my business before
ttioy would let me go. Say , do I look
like a boodlerP"
In dyspepsia and indigestion the use of
Dr. J. II. McLeun's Strengthening Cordial -
dial and Blood Purifier strengthens tine
exhausted coats of the stomacinpromntes
a healthy flow of tine gastric juice , which
is tine solvent of the food and impels the
organs which secrete it , to perform their
functions vigorously and wall regularity.
The theapnese or Copper.
Copper is today , the cheapest article In
the conmurcial 'world. The price is
lower than it hints ever been in tine history
of tine arts. It low price has induced a
wide range of new uses amid an enlarged
consunnption in ohl channels. The attention -
tontion of capitalists inns been attracted
to the comparatively low price of this
metal , and it is lattlly to be presumed
that prices will remain as low for many
months longer. The cause of the low
price of copper seems to be largely from
the mistaken policy of the large copper
mining companies in presuming that the
best way to keep up olti tune dividends is
to double the products of their mines.
If they could adopt tine policy of reduo-
ing their production , they would soon get
a remunerative price from what they
did mina. Again , notwithstanding the
law prce of copper , it is a somewhat
notable fact that the price of copper
wire , sheet and bar copper has not fallen
in proportion'and the consumers of the
various products of copper Kaye not
been benetilted from this fill in price so
much as ca ttalisun who control copper
rolling mils. Appreciating this point ,
sonic arge Boston capitalists are erecting -
ing a line plant for rolling copper at
Ltnke Superior , anti it is to be hoped that
tin oousumcrg of tlua valuable metal
will scion be ap1e to participate in tine ad.
vantages which low priced nuetal atlorda.
Belle of Bourbon Ten-Year-Old Whla-
ky. No fuseloil : Aosoiutely ure , Cures
malaria , chills and fever. Pace , $1 ,25
per quart bottle. For sale everywhere ,
Special advertisements , such as Lost , Found
'ioLnanFor Bale , To Rent , Pants , Rom ding ,
etawill boinserted in this column nit the low
ratoorvENCENTS 1'En LINE for tine arst litter-
fonand DiveCents rerLinoforoaclnsubsoquont
Insertion. Lcavo advertisements at our oiaco
No 12 I'ourl street near lroadway , Counod
0 LENT-1'urnlshcd front room one block
from Broadway on ( lien avouuo. Inquire
of Swnnsun Mueio Co. , No. 3J Iiroadwny.
ANTED-Situutton In store or onice by a
young nunn. Itofureneos furnished. Address -
dress DeV , Ileo oinco , Council Bhia's ,
J JANTED-Girl for general houowork In a
emah family. Apply nut No. lea s. Flrst
FOit IIENT-Cott ) sheds , ot ice and scale , , one
live-room house , 0. Mayne SIletit ave.
colt SALE-Or Trade-Sir sections of good
1 land in Lincoln county , Nob. , on U. P.
railway. Call on or address Odoil Bros. k Co. ,
103 Pearl et „ Council Bluffs.
Council BlullsTowa.
Establihed 1557.
Has acomplete tine of
MidsE111lIllIq ' 1i 11i 1 1 f
Largehntsluwhiteblack and all colors. Pat
tern bonnets , huJ and toques , a specialty.
No 1514 DougiaL , Owaha ,
Justice of the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Crest'oll House ,
Main Street , Councit Bluffs.
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Acconunodations first Class ,
And Rates Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Tine finest of driving horses always on
hand and for sale by
lit Amber ,
Tel toiseShell
etc.Hair On
, \ nnnlcnts , ns
well as the
' Newest n0Y
cities in hair
zra lluir goods
- madeto older
M ri. C. L. Gillette
29 bfnin St. , Council lllufle , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Finest Landaus
C oaches and Hacks in City.
No , 418 Broadway-The Manhattan ,
Telephone No.
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 93 ,
oHN Y. , TONS. JACOB arY (
S'OME & SlMS ,
Attorneys. at Law ,
ctice in the state and'Federa Courtt
Roams 7 ind,8 Shugart-Reno Block.
. .t ,
.x.x x x. .t
For Everybody to Come to
Sale ! '
We shall close out without regard to cost
Ill Summer Dress Goods ,
Wash Goods , Hosiery , Etc.
Come Early
And Secure the Best Selections ,
e are Headquarters or
Carpets of all Kinds.
= . . .rN = ss BROS. 7
Council Bluff's.
N. B.---Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us ,
Instruments Tinted and Repaired. We nee er fall to give sallalacllon.
Over 20 years' Experleneo Ins I'ituto mud Organ Work.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa
o _ aooi , ,
Real Estate Broker and Dealers '
Council HI ulrs Office , Masonic
'Temple. Omaha Ohilee , No 111
North 16tht street.
I'nrtienlar allotitiou given to . l11
vesting . funds for 114)11 rest-
dcnls. Special bargains in lots At
acre property . In Omaha & Count-
eH fled. Illulb. Correspondence solle-
_ _
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : : Boarders : - : Reduced : : Rates.
On Furniture , Household Goods , Stoves , etc. , to make room
for Fall Stock ,
A. . MANDEL - - No , 325 Broadway
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa a
' ' ' , ' ' ' '
A E111'Id'l'E tSStlt'I'ME1'
Fancyand : Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign. .