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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1887)
' - \ - I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ITOSSDAY , JTJLY 12 1887. THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TXTIUS or sunscrunio * : Dnfly ( Mnrnl J * Edition ) Including Sunday HER , Ono Year . $10 04 For Six Months . 6 TO ForTlireoMunthg . 260 The Omaha Sunday IKK ) , mailed to nny addroiw , Ono Your. . . . 00 OUAHA Ornre. No. 014 Ann Bid KHtr votiK OrncK. Ur on is. TitiniiNR WAIUINUTOM orrics , K t CORntsroRDiNCt : All oemmuntontions rotating to news nndcdl- torlal nmtter xhciuld bo ud'lrcuod to tbo Lin- ton or mis I3 * BCSIMMI LRTTtnSt AH bnilncM tetters and romlttancesihould tie dilroued to TUB IKK I'um.isitimi COM iA sir , OMAHA. Drafti , chocks * nd pootofflce orders to be made pa/ able to the order of th company , WE HE POBLISillTSPW , PBOPBItlOHS , E. ROSEWATEn , EniTort. THE DAILY BEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. BUU of Nebraska. I . _ County of Douirlao. [ " " Oeo. n. Tzschucr , secretary of The Boo Publishing company , does solemnly swear that the actual circulation ot thn Dally lice for the week ending July 8 , 1837 , was as follows : Raturday.July 2. U.ino Hundav. July 3 14.200 Monday. July-1 77. " > Tuesdnv. July 5 H.025 Wednesday , JulyO in.OOO Thursday , July ? 18.015 Friday , July 8 .l3h'JO Avcraco 11,132 GF.O. 11. TZSCHUOK. Sworn to and subscribed in my presence this Oth day of July , A. D. 1837. 1837.N. . P. FF.U , . FSKAL.1 Notary Public. Btato of Nebraska , ! , , DoiiKlns County , jss Gco. U. TzRchtick , being first duly sworn , dcposrs and tays tlmt ho Is Bfcrotary of The Bee Publishing company , that the actual avcrnpo dally circulation ot the Dally Bee for the month of July. 1880 , 12ai4 copies ; for August , IbSfl. li,4& ! ! copies ; for Septem ber , IfWO , 13,030 conies ; for October , 1BSO , 12,089 copies ; for November. 188(5 ( , 13U3 , : copies ; for December , 18bO. 13,237 copies ; for January 18S7 , 10,20(5 ( copies ; for February , 1887 , 14,193 copies ; for March. 1S87 , 14,400 copies ? for April. 1887. 14,310copies ; for May , 1897 , 14,227 copies ; for Juno 1887 , 14,147 copies. OEO. B. Tzscirocit. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of Jnly A. D. , 1887. [ HEAL. | N. P. FKIL. Notary Public. AN English woman is. about to start "a School for wives. " This may possibly grow into n school for scandal. OMAHA may not pack as many hogs as Kansas City docs. There are not ns many hogs in Omahn ns there are in Kansas City. YOUNU Mr. Uarvy , the dishonest treas ury clerk , wns an appointee of Samuel J. Randall. Unlike his master , ho waa op posed to hoarding the surplus. IT will bo well to withhold judgment on the president's declination to go to St. Louis until Senator George Graham Vest is heard from. War may yet bo de clared. THE first thing in order before the now board of education is the election of n secretary. It is to be hoped the bonrd will elect u competent nnd ellicient ranu to this responsible position. IT Is ploaslng to know tlmt if the presi dent is uuublo to visit St. Louis ho is not deprived the pleasure of spending a dny or two with Ins sister , Miss Hose Elizabeth , nt Holland Patent. tbo Union. Pacific rend seri ously contemplates the building of n line east to Chicago , it might not bo n bad idea for thnt corporation to first settle its indebtedness with the government. Now thnt Mrs. Lnugtry has declared herself to bccomn n citl/un of the United States , lot us hope nlso that abe will do something townrd making herself n good nctross. It is a proud title to bo nn American citizen , nnd America is always proud of her good artists. EX-CONGKKSSMAN IlEI'IlUUN , of lown , threatens to become the legal ndvisor for thu Northern Pacific railroad at n salary of f 18,030 n year. Thcro will not be the same opportunities for oratory ns a cor poration lawyer that ho found while in congress , but the colonel can lay aside moro of the glittering gold. Miss PIIIKUE COUSINS , of St. Louis , speaking of President Cleveland , says ; "I like to talk with him ; ho ia BO unassuming thnt ono fnels perfectly nt ease in his presence. Ho has all the polish of President Arthur and is gomnl and pleasing In his conversation. He has n line blue eye , which has such a kindly expression when he looks at you : but what I admire most ia his soft , well- modulated voice. " There Is method in the fair Phcebo's praise. Her paternal ancestor , who was appointed by Arthur , is still the United States marshal for Mis souri , and Miss Phoebe is chief deputy , and a good ouu too. FKKSIDENT CLEVELAND has manj things to make lifo a burden to him. He is no sooner through with the flag opl- Rode and the grand nrmy pcoplo , until ho plunges into a controversy with the telephone company. He 1ms decided thnt ho will no longer have the telephone service in the government department ! : unless llio rental 1s reduced from $100 tc f 80 per year for the use of each instru nient. The company will not reduce the routs , so out must come Iho 'phonos Hut why does Mr. Cleveland show i willingness to stop at $30 per year ? I the company could realize Imlf thnt amount for the rent of their inAtrumonta there would bo a handsome margin stil remaining. Auoirr the lirst ofllolal net of the now cabinet of the Hawaiian govorinuen should bo the prompt recalling of tbi Hawaiian minister at Washington , Mr II. A. P. Carter. lie is already convietei of the grossest falsehoods regarding thi condition of nfTnlrs in Iis ) country , tin object being that Queen Knplolam , 01 her arrival ' in Now York , could ncgotiati Joans' with which to carry ou the govern ment and assist her hutknnd , King Kala knua , iu satisfying his creditors. Up ti three honrs before the news came frcn San Francisco that the government hai passed Into the control of now mlnliterin olllcer * Mr. Carter assorted with grea emphasis that 'thcro wns nothing upoi which to bate tbo rumors of the uprislm ol the peoplo. There ia hardly a donb bnt what Mr. Carter was well Informe ; as to th'e fftcU , and if ho vraa pot it is yc u stiongor letisou why ho should bo re 'called. To resort to faUehuod , as dli " * Carter , imply menu the kind of punlsl , tunnt that would be Inflicted upon an , xs thur common ) inr.- Inadequate Accountability. The discovery that the government has been defrauded by some employe en trusted with duties which Involve a temp tation to dishonesty is not of such rare occurrence , unfortunately it maybe said , a to bo sensational. Yet n theft from the government , oven when the amount stolen Is not great , very naturally nt- tracts wldo attention and comment as in the case of the recently discovered defal cations by Iho late Levi Drown , financial clerk of the patent ollico and Oscar J. Harvey , n clerk of the treasury depart ment , now in jail at Washington , The nggrcgato amount stolen by those clerks did not much exceed 125,000 , though the former could have made his thefts much Inrgcr , whllo thu latter had nil arrange ments perfected for getting hold of five times the sum ho had dishon estly possessed himself of. It is not therefore so much the extent of the thefts ns the opportunities and methods for their nccoiuplishmout which gives them peculiar interest. These in dicate bad or lax business management for which there can be no excuse , and which ought to bo reformed , In the case of llacon , who had occupied the position of financial clerk of the patent oflico for many years , it seems that ho had absolute control of the money that went into his hands. Investigation as disclosed the anomalous fact that hero wns no accountability whatever ml supervision. Ho doubtless gave nnd cccived receipts , so that the parties who aid him money were protected nnd vlicncver ho turned money over to the ) flicial who should receive it ho wns pro- uctcd , but there appears to hnvo been no lystcm by which anybody but the ( iiiau- ial clerk himself could from time to imo know what amount ho had 'ccciycd ' tlmt belonged to the govern- ncnt , or if such n system existed no attention was paid to it. Ho had licon in the habit , as developed by the Oockrcll investigation , of conducting a partial bnuling business with nttorneys and with clerks in the dcpartmet without being accountable to anyone , nnd with out being required to submit his books or accounts to the inspection of any ono. It does not appear that ho appropriated ivny of the missing money to his own use , hough ho may and certainly could hnvo done so. He seemed simply to have oanud it out , taking the notes or due bills of the borrower , mostly clerks in the office whom he had helped out on their political assessments when that method of collecting campaign funds was In vogue. This spirit of accommo dation was carried to the extent of some f 10,000 , of which only a fraction over one-fourth wns repaid when denth closed the account BO far as the clerk was concerned. The duo bills which at- est lonns were nmong his papers , aud as some of those to whom the loans were made are still in the service the government will doubtless receive a largo part of the amount. This testimony will Use have weight in acquitting the mem ory of the good clerk of the suspicion of having ut'uit tlio missing money iu his own interest. In the case of llarvoy , nppointed under the present administration , thcro is pro- eonted nn instance of studied nnd most inglorious rascality , Ho was chief of the horse claims" division of the auditor's ollico of the treasury department , and ho seemed to have got fairly warmed to his seat before ho set about devising n way to rob the government. No ordinary ugeuuity for raicnlity was necessary to accomplish this. The way was some what intricate aud complicated , but Har vey pursued it with consummnto skill , getting a little more than $9,01)0 ) us his re ward and having in prospect a very much larger sum had not the doiicicney bill failed iu the last congress. An elab orate system of forgery was the means by which ho accomplished his work , and ho carried this on so skillfully that the fraudulent papers submitted by him to the auditor and controller passed without exciting any unusual attention thnt might have ! od to nu inquiry. llarvoy was an excellent clerk , and by his bright ness , diligence and dispatch of business find won the confidence of his superior officers. There scorns to hnvo been abso lutely no check upon him , nnd having thoroughly ingratiated himself into the confidence of hit ) superiors , had no ililli- culty m carrying out his well-planned schemes. In both those cases the thing lacking wns that thorough supervision which is on essential part.of good business man agement , and which is especially impor tant with respect to oillcers hav ing fiduciary trusts. Each of these clerks was permitted to conduct his busi ness practically without accountability to any ono wn * allowed a freedom and latitude which were essentially unbusi nesslike , nnd were nn invitation to the betrayal of trusts. The discoveries will doubtless have n good effect iu conducing to greater vigilance and a moro adequate and rigid policy of accountability through out the departments. Professional IJasu Hull. It must bo conceded that considerable intercut is tnkon in base ball , but It can bo questioned if the interest is not exag gerated. It fact it can be claimed that resource to advertising , and the misrep resentations of the true objects of the national game hnvo not n little contrib uted to the present status of the game , which can bo said to be woefully dogou- orated fioiu the day it was evolved from "town hall,1' to become the favorite na tional out-door sport. Base ball now is sporting. To-day the base ball clubs are composed of hirelings , men gathered from anywhere aud everywhere , aud with these mercenaries a rivalry ia begotten - gotten , or m.imrtncturcd between the alf- tcront towus and cities of a league 01 association , when , in fact , the pro fessional base ball club is not nropresen < tativo of the athletes of any community. When base ball took a beginning , 01 ilrst became so popular na to win the designation of being the national game , the clubs wore representatives of thoii respective cities. Thu Red Stockings ol Cincinnati were representative athletes of Cincinnati , ns were the Nationals ol Washington } and whatever game these clubs won , it rightfully belonged to the cities they claimed to represent. To-day however , a nine nro bunched together nl EO much per head for each mouth of the season , and dubbed the Omaha , St. Paul St. Louie or Chicago club , aud it h expected and demanded that over these mercenaries the respective communities which they pretend to represent , ahul become enthusiastic , while at the. sami time they shall exhibit .intense hostility to every ether ( own owning a club in the same league or association. The furor nnd fan parndo of our locnl con tempo raries over the battles fought by dunlin , Lincoln nnd Hastings clubs is becoming very tiresome to sensible peoplo. There is no reason why , over thcso contests , communities nro to become bitterly an- tasonlstlc ns if they were rivals in some great commercial or industrial enter prise , which would redound to the bene fit of the community winning It. Professional base ball : is played in this western circuit has become n public nuisance and it has degenerated from sport to sporting. Professional base ball clubs should bo rated nt their true vnluo. They nro private organizations for profit , speculation nnd gninbling , nnd are in no way representntivo of the com munities to which nccreditcd. The mem bers hired , bought nnd sold at so much per head for a season of four or flvo mouths. When base ball becomes rcprcsentntivo , then It will bo regarded ns linving won back the title of being the national panic , just as cricket is the national ganio of England. These clubs nro composed re spectively of the nthlotcs of this or thnt village , aud the contest between clnbs becomes ono enlisting the sympathy nnd enthusiasm of the spectators. Thcro are professional cricket clubs In England , but they play as professionals. They are enterprises to win money re gardless of local prldo or designation. And just hero comes in tlio claim tlmt professional base ball should be separated from nil local distinction in this country , nnd should bo regarded npart from ama teur base ball , or the games that nro iu- tor-colleglnto in character. Contests be tween university nines or local clubs would nnd do subserve the true objects of the sport , liaso ball games under such conditions are for the physical culture of the student , and for the develop ment of nthlctism nmong the pee plo. There is something Olympian in such contests. Enthusinm is then well bestowed in watching the development nnd achievements of college or village champions. Now n crowd applauds the bold athlete , and often among the spec- rUors there is many a homo ohampion who surpasses the paid champion in nil that goes to innko up muscle and skill. The Nation' * Wealth. No nation in the world over made such progress as the Unltod States. A cen tury ago it ranked with the feeble gov ernments of the cnrlh. To-dny It stands the first of all the nations on tlio globe in wealth. This has been accomplished in the face of difficulties which uo other nation had to encounter. When it began n government for itself , its people were stretched along n const line , with nn ocean n front of them , nnd with mountains and great rivers behind them , it was almost n hand to hand fight on their triumphant march toward the setting sun. Obstnclcs were gradually overcome , and n now nnd powerful nation wns baptised with the sweat of American perseverance , ingen uity and industry. Hut thcso dillleultlcs which the nations of the old world did not hnvc to face aroused such splendid in vention , such matchless courage , such daring enterprise , such restless energy , that the savage race wns almost obliter ated , that the highest mountains were crossed by Hying trains , that the wildest nnd swiftest strcnms were bridged , that the broadest prairies were occupied , and the densest forests were felled. The re sult of all this is that the feeble govern ment of n century ngo tins been brought to the front iu nil the elements thnt make n nation great nnd powerful. U has taken the supremacy of those occu pations In which men engage the world over. The United States loads all other na tions of the world in wealth , incomes ngiieulture , manufactures , , cattle , rail ways , steam power nnd industries. Na tions nro now taking rank in tlio order of their wealth. It is wealth that creates great armies , builds powerful navies , provides invaluable defense , schools Holaicrs , establishes institutions of learn ing , projects nnd executes great enter prises. Wealth is the honest expression of what n people have accomplished. The nntions of the old world had an immense start in the amount of wealth they had accumulated when this country bccnmo nn independent government. Everything the United Stntcs now pos sesses the older governments \vrtro in the full enjoyment of when our forefathers bared their breasts to the dangers of early timoo , nnd not only carved out for themselves homes , but laid the founda tion for the grnndcstgovernment beneath the sun. After but one hundred years of toil , the United States is now the richest nntion on the globe. The following tnblo from Mulhall's book , showing the wealth of the principal nations of the world , gives the United States the first rank : Nntion. Wealth. United 8t tes 847,475,000,000 United Kingdom 4:1,000,000,000 : Franco 40 , : X,000ooo' ) ( iermany 81,615,000,000 Uusdla 21,715,000,000 Austria ? . . . 18,005,000,000 Italy 11,755,000,000 Hpnln 7,1X50,000.000 Holland 4W5.,000,000 Sweden and Norway 4SS5,000,000 Jiclelum corooooooo Canada 8,2.W,000,000 Australia 2,2.10,000.000 Argentina Uepnbllo 1,000,000,000 The result is excuslncl.y Instructive and fthonld be especially gratifying to the American pcoplo. With the splendid re sults of n ccntry's achievements before them it should furnish to the ambitious , intelligent and industrious -American citizen renewed vigort while entering upon the second century of the nation's history. Agriculture , the solid founda tion of the nation , the United Stntes leads all others. The following' table shows the position occupied in this single branch of the world's industries ! Nations. Value of Products. United States 88,0 0,000,000 Kussla 2,515,000,000 Germany 2,200.000,000 France 2,2.11,000.000 Austria 1,610,000,000 United Kingdom 1,030,000,000 Next to bread and moat iu import ance in feeding the pcoplo of tbo v/orld and cattle must bo reckoned with wheat in estimating the resources of any country. It has already been shown that the United States leads the world in agriculture as is here shown it ns well takes supremacy m the number and value of cattle : Cuttle reduced to a common denominator : The unit lsa [ cow or horse , and sheep or pica are counted ten forone ; Nntion. . Cattle. l&SO. United States. . . . . . . . . . ; . . ; ifl.oou.oou Hiiula . . . . . ' . ; , . . .V > , OuoOOG , .Hirer Plate . ' . . . , . ' , , . - . . . . . . . . . . 32OU , , OCQ Get-ninny 23,000,000 Austria 20.000,000 Kranco 17,000.000 United Kingdom , . . , 10,000,000 Australia 10,000,000 Spain i..t 0,000,000 Italy o 5,000,000 , In bread and intuit ttio United States leads all other nations. In the matter of railways tlio United States ns well shows the grcntest mileage. At the present tlruo there Is In operation In this country 120b70 mhcs of rtulroad whllo iu Germany , which 1ms the great est mileage of othct countries , thcro nro but 23,100 , whllo th.o United Kingdom , which has the next largest , has but 18,405. The mental activity of the people ple is shown ns much In manufactories as in any other way. Wo must look to the factories and workshops to see much of the work of the greatest men of the ngo. As in all other things pertaining to the nation's progress , the United States heads the world in the value of manufactures. Air. Mulhall's book gives the value of the manufactured articles of the various nations as follows : Nation. Value of Manufactures. United States 85,500,000,000 United Kingdom 4,000,000,000 Kranco 2,470.000.000 ( Jermany 2,215,000,000 Jtussia. , 1,100,000,000 Austria 1,0.10,000,000 Italy. 6b5ooo.OOO Spain 4SO,000,000 Delirium 4CO.OOO.OOO Holland 200.000,000 Sweden and Norway lt5,000,000 1'ortugal 100,000,000 Denmark 80,000,000 " " ' "Thc'nim of all labor is the Income it brings. It is the harvest of work. It follows the clearing , the plowing , thosowiut > , the cultivating. It is the reaping. The position the United States has at tained in this respect in this short space of tlmo is marvelous. But a century ago it exported a little tobacco and a few hides , and produced enough at homo for the people to live well but it cut no figure among the nations of the world as a nation with an income. But since that time the activity , the enterprise , the genius of the people , pushed it forward until It overtook all the older nations of Europe one by ono and finally led them all to the aim of all people income. The following fully demonstrates that the United States takes the lead , the comparison made with six older coun tries which have the highest annual earnings : Nations. Annual Earnings. United States 57looooo,5oo United Kingdom 0,235,000,000 France 4,825,000,000 Germany 4,200,000,030 Kussla , 8bOO,000,000 Austria 3,010,000,000 Italy - . . 1,400,000,000 The figures in the foregoing tables rep resent the various resources of the na tions named in 1880 except in the statis tics of raUways , which has been brought down to the present year. The last seven years have been yca'rs of plenty and pros perity. When thoinext sot of tables are prepared showlng'thc ' greatness of the nations the United States will then be farther in the lead than the figures above cited place her. REKEHHINO to 1888 and Mr. Cleveland's luck , Cliaunccy Dcpew in a recent con versation permitted his fancy to picture the popular effect if a son and heir should come into the white house in the nich of time. Convulsively enjoying the idea , Mr. Depow remarked : "Think of it. We'd have baby's photograph in every household in the land , and instead of rail fences and canal boats for cam paign exhibits we'd liavo bibs and tuckers - ors and cradles. Soothing syrup would become democracy's bovcragro. ft would bo the most unique campaign over had in this country , " and the railroad presi dent shook his sides with laughter. A very amusing conceit , truly , but ono which it may bo hoped Mr. Cleveland will not bn induced to attach any value to. Ho will no doubt sedulously cultivate every means whlcli ho believes can con tribute to his success In 1883 , and it might be most ungenerous to mislead him In a direction he has thus far pursued appar ently to no advantage. The indications are that there will be a baby in the next campaign. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ So FAH as the bank clearings may betaken taken as an index of the business of the country they show the movement to have been comparatively quiet last week. The commercial reports , however , indicate ft generally fair trade for this season , and a prevailing confidence in the future that must bo regarded as at least reassuring. It is to be expected that for the next few weeks trade operations will bo kept well within the limits of actual requirements , and it is undoubtedly best that this should bo so. There has been quito enough of speculative activity in the past BIX months , and there does not appear to DO in the present situation anything to en courage a departure from legitimate lines. The prospect continues most favorable for abundant crops , the bal ance of foreign trade is in favor of this country and likely to continue so , the ap prehensions of financial disturbance have about vanished , and altogether the out look is as promising as could bo desired. IT is not surprising to learn that the agreement of the bricklayers and master masons of Chicago establishing eight hours as a day's work has Induced the carpenters to agitate for a similar conces sion. Such a consequence was to have been expected , and it is not easy to see why the demand of J the carpenters has not just as good grbu'nd ns that of the bricklayers. This appears to bo ac knowledged by Homo of the employers while others are disposed to resist the demand' . There is no'serious ' intimation of another luckoutand , it is to bo hopct both parties will havotho wisdom to first seek an agreement'through arbitration Meanwnllo it appear * * to bo inevitable that this eight honr 'question ' will event ually bo made an Iss'uo with all the trades and it is hardly possible that In every case an open conflict can bo prevented THE managers of the Omaha horse railway company should bestir them selves. If they want to retain the tratlic on the main thoroughfares they tuus convert their tracks road into a cable road. To make the change after com l > cting cable roads nave taken away their patronage will be rather lato. IF Congressman McSlianc ] has any iu fluonco with the powers that bo at Wash ington ho should bring it to bear on Post master General Vilas. The patrons o tbo Omaha postofilco axe entitled to better service. The number of clerks at the disposal of the postmaster ia entirely nsufllctent for handling the malls with any dogrco of promptness or efficiency * Our population has more than doubled within the last live years , and the com- ncrco of Omaha has more than kept > ace with the increase of population. This fact has been persistently ignored ! y the department. Now THAT that the Eleventh street via duct is open the Union Pacific and B. & M. railroads should bo required to devise some plan by which passengers coming into and going out of Omaha over their lines shall not bo exposed to the danger losing life or limb in crossing the approaches preaches to their depots. COMMANDER IN CHIEF FAfncmu ) says that Tuttlo's abase of tlto president was without the authority or the sanction of the order of the Grand Army of the Re public. It is highly probable Tuttle talked without something , though the public have concluded it was without good judgment. THERE is no doubt whatever that na tural gas has been struck over in Iowa within ono hundred miles of the Missouri river. If Omaha can't have a natural gas well of her own it is perfectly feasible to draw our supply from the nearest point in Iowa. Tun now publication from the ofllco of auditor of public accounts , showing the extravagant expenditure of money by the last legislature , will bo line reading for the taxpayers who have to bear the bur den of the various steals. Foil the last ten years wo have been as sured that the Union Paciflo would build a commodious passenger depot In place of that monumental cow shed , but that grand depot is always to bo built next year. _ Tun chances arc that death will claim Jake Sharp before the warden of Sing Sing will have him under his charge. Death loves a shining shark. OMAHA is always liberal when a circus puts in an appearance. Loyal nut Despicable.- ' riattsinoulh Journal. John M. Thurston Is Intensely "loyal , " but ho is a professional railroad lobbylst- the most despicable of all creatures , never theless. Hurry Up Jt'lcasc. Denver lltintbltcan. The Pacific roads commission should hurry up and come to Denver befoio all the valua ble witnesses start on their summer vaca tions. There scorns to bo no doubt that all the lobbyists will take a rest in some distant spot this summer. Keep History Correct. Sun Fiiitichco JiuIIctfiiml. ( . " ) There Is nothing to bo gained by blotting out the memory of the great struggle for the preservation of the union. Every child In the land ought to know what It cost in Human lives and treasures. lie ought to know that there is a difference between those who made sacrifices 1'or the union and those who made sacrifices for Us destruction. His tory cannot be obliterated. Tory Interesting Heading. Chiciuo Mail. The Investigation of the affairs of the Union 1'nc fie and other railroads now being made Is likely to produce what llornce Grce- loy used to call "very interesting reading. " It was to bo hoped that the country had heard the last of this kind of thing , of trades and dickers between trusted servants of the people ple and great corporations. Can It ho possible that a now stench Is to bo stirred up , and that the country will again bo compelled to go about holding its iiosu ? An Expensive Luxury. Hlalr 1'tlot. Hon. W. II. Hunger , the Fremont attorney , has been appointed a member of the state board of tailway transportation , and has cn- teicd upon the duties of the position. Muii- gcr Is a pretty gnod man and Is the demo cratic moniDer of the board. Hut the board Itself Is a burlesque upon railroad regulation , and ought never to hnvo been created. The taxpayeisof tlio state are taxed 82,600,000 , nearly 34 for every man , woman and child , to pay for such foolishness as this railroad commission. Xliurston'a Unll. Capital Cllu Courier. John M , Thurston , In an Imblcllo speech on lawyers' day of the Cuniitnuiiua assembly , said that the pictures ot all the editors In the state , If photographed , would only bo useful to scare c/ows with. If he means "Jim-crow" statesmen , of course John knows whereof bo speaks. Any one who Is Impelled to sneak away from homo for fear of his dishonest acts being found out would vt-ry likely quail be fore the humblest editor of the Nebraska fla ter nity. Getting Kvon. Kcw Orlcani Stale * . Ex-Senator Van W'yck , of Nebraska , was deteated for re-election by the railroad cor porations of tno northwest , and ho Is now celling oven with them by ferreting out and tarnishing tlio government with some valu able Information concerning their failure to comply with contracts on which lands were granted. Mr. Van SVyck is a shrewd man and a tireless worker , and the roads will noon have their eyes opened to tlie fact that Ills defeat will cost thorn a creat deal moro than the amount of money they paid to com pass It. Thnrston'n llotnrn. ftriiml Inland Inilrixnilcnt. Now that tto : Union 1'ncilic railroad Inves tigation commission Is gone , Mr. John M. Thurston turns up smiling as If nothing had occurred , and expresses a willingness to tes tify , which IB all very smart Uut will hardly hiitlsfy the public tlmt ho did not run away to avoid tlio necessity of revealing the secrets of his lobbying at Lincoln for that company. As long as men have memories they will probably not forget this little episode and will probably refer to It as a parallel with that ot G. M. Dodge , who , although a good soldier , could not stand lire before tlio Po land Credit Moblllur Investigation , but ran away and hid to keep from testifying. Mr. Thnrston may well be ashamed to reveal the secrets of the railroad lobby , but If wo mis take not his usefulness as an exemplary citi zen Is ended. STATE AND TKKIUTUItY. NebrnHkix Juttlmro. Lincoln is planting cedar in the streets. Tlio Burlington bridge nt Nebraska Cty | will cost $800,000. High five and Etud pokur are among the banished industries of Atkinson. of land Hastings Forty-seven acnm near ings sold for 110,000 last week. An expedition is soon to Btart out in search of the Blair board of trade. The Northwestern Christian assembly will open camp aUx > ng PineJuly 21 , and continue in session seven days. T.'io' project to bore for natural gas in Rising City hns bucn abandoned. J. C. Robbers has exhausted the supply in his recent assault on the eagle. 1 Vvillianr Dow died at Atkinson on Thursday from the rcault of Injuries received - ceived two cbvya before ) lie wns herding horses , und .just as'he was in the act of throwing tivs Jaaso hbrpouy collided with unothor and fell , and young Dew thrown violently to the ground. The United States land olllco nt Beat rice will bo closed and its .effects moved to Lincoln next September. Tlio olllco was first ojiciunl in Brownvillo In 1851 , uad moved to Beatrice in 18(18. ( Tlio rec ord of the olh'co chows 8,531) ) homestead entries , 1,710 final homestead proofs , MO timber entries , 00 final proofs , and 4-lSU cash entries. The amount of money handled was nearly (1,000,000. , Of the many Omaha orators who wont gunning In the country on the Fourth for ! . " bird" received t.o "proud none moro complimentary mention than the cfl'ortof Hon. C. J. Smyth nt Wood River. The Gazette says : "Hon. C. J. Smyth , the tal ented young ora'or of Omaha , who is rapidly acquiring n reputation for elo quence second to that of no man in the state , was then introduced to the nudi- enco by the presiding olllccr nfld for an hour or moro ho held it spell-bound with his masterly and eloquent address. When wo say that Mr. Smyth is eloquent wo do not moan to say that ho is an orator of thu spread-eagle kind. Ho is iluont and forcible and his words nro al ways carefully chosen and well put to gether. His oratory is of a studied and at the same time n natural kind , and his figures of speech give a beauty to his say ings that none can fail to admire. Ins reasoning , too , is faultless And his style as a whole is of the kind that pleases and nt the same lime loaves n lasting impres sion upon the minds of his hearers in stead of charming thorn for the moment only. Tlio speaker did not divest the proud bird of freedom of its entire plumairo. Ho left it in condition to bear ttio efforts of coming Fourth of July orators tors and devoted most of his time ton dis cussion of matters of more direct inter est to the people. Our national historv , n comparison of our system of govern ment with those of foreign countries ; our educational system ; the dangers that threaten us politically , together with n grand appeal to tbo women of the land to train well their sous tor all important duties of citizenship , were the main topics upon which the speaker dwelt. " Iowa Items , Colonel Hepburn has been offered a $12,000 legal position with the Northern Pacific railroad. Hotel men of DCS Moincs arc complain ing of poor businosss. They say the com plaint is general over tlio stato. , A company with $300,000 capital has been formed at Burlington for the purpose - pose of putting n wagon bridge across the Mississippi river. The farmers of northwestern Iowa nro urged to put up plenty of hay. The gen eral shortage of the grass crop olsowuero will cause n liberal demand. The elevator being built nt Cedar Rap ids will bo 180 feet long and have a tower 110 foot high. It is expected to have it completed by the 15th of August. Sioux Rapids still has a vigilance com mittee that was organized eighteen years ago for the purpose of suppressing horse stealing and other nefarious business. At the meeting of the district judges of tlio state , held at Dos Moines last Jan uary to formulate rules ot practice under the now law , it was agreed to meet again during the summer vacation , the chair man of the meeting to fix the date. Judge Ruddick , of Bremor county , is chairman , and he has called tlio meeting for August 2 at the Hotel Orleans. Spirit Lake. The iniquitous preacher , Rev. M. At. Wamboldt , D. D.who , married Miss Hen rietta Ticlienor , of Davenport , deserted her and her child and went to Alabama where lie continued his ministerial career , has come to tlio end of his tether in one placo. Gaming u reputation as a line prenohor in Montgomery , he received a call from Chattanooga , 'Icnn. , which ho accepted. There ho became the boss preacher of the town eloquent in pulpit and delightful in pastorate. Then came notoriety ns a suspect of licentiousness , which divided his church and ended in his bounce from the pulpit and the town. Dakota. Wool raising has proved n profitable industry in Hanson county this year. The rumors of hog cholera in the neigh borhood of Yanktou are without founda tion. tion.The The total assessment valuation of Sioux Falls will reach nearly $1,000,000. The city council is materially raising the per sonal property assessment. Two girls , aged ten and twelve , of An drew Hesdorfor , about twelve miles from Woonsockot , wore drowned in a pond , into which they had gone to bathe during the absence of tlioir parents. Sim Nichols , who received n coat of tar for boating and otherwise abusing his wlfo in Dcadwood is at Rapid , mm in forms the newspapers that ho was a much maligned man. According to his story he was nil tenderness and devotion to his wife , their married life wns an idyl of pence and happiness and the tarring wns done out of personal spite and malice. IOWA OIL msPJOTION. The DIsiiKreonient Concerning TcHts of OH In tlio Ilmvkoyo Stntc. Davenport Democrat : Manager Maxon , of the Tank , line is watching with inter est tlio controversy between Assistant Secretary Andrews of the state board of health , and Secretary McGovuru of the Standard Oil company. Deputy Inspector Buhrns , of thin city , ns well ns other inspectors throughout the stateuses what is known ns the Jowa test cup in his inspections. Last spring tlio Standard Oil company made applica tion to Imvo the test cup discarded by stale oil inspectors and tlio cup used by tlio Standard company substituted. There is about four degrees difference in flash temperature in the two cups. The one u.seil by the Standard is inclosed in n sand bath , while In lining Hint enjoined by the board of health llio heat Is up- plied direct to the cup. The claim of the Standard is that in using thn statn cup n film of nnplha IB generated nt the edge and near the thermometer , and thereby the oil ia Ignited nt n lower temperature than the character of the oil under other tests will warrant. The tenor of Air. McGovern's long and smoothly sarcastic epistles is that Iho oil being rejected by Iowa's inspector.1) ) is gooil enough for anybody , is up to the oOO degree test as accepted in tlio world's markets , that Iowa Is behind the times , and that the rejected oil is no more dan gerous than the quality demanded by the Iowa test. Further , that the Standard does not intend to suml oil of tlio Iowa requirement to lown , branded tiOO de grees , but will brand it "Iowa tost" or " 1110" or fcomo tiquivalunt term. On this head Mr. MuGovuru siys ! the Iowa test enhances the cost of oil unduly. Once in awhile , through mistakes of workmen nt the refinery , there will Do some oil Hindi ) that will meet the lowu tubt , and there will probably be < enough of this to mout the demand in lown. Mr. Andrews in his answer says that Iowa want * an oil that will burn nt above : i')0 ' ) degrees Fnhr. when tested in Her own oup , ami this regardless of what refiners In the world may say or believe. "She may bo right or wrong1 ; that is not the question. Hence , when the term "iJOO oil1' is u od in thisstain it means ! W oil ia determined by tlio JOWH cup , and Iowa rules of inspection. That is a fair and logical presumption under any and nil circumstances , and when an Iowa railroad or an lown dealer orders from a refiner 800 oil for u o In thin state , it is not necessary that ho should institute inquiry of the refiner us to what ho < luu'iii | iiOO oil to bu. Thu re finer , and all other persons tin ; prisuniul ) to know the law , and if tlio rotincr .fills the order'.lio , does 06 undertint nintrio-- tiona of Iowa law. ' Hineit April , Ic&i , no" 'other than n burning test ban been fixed for Vewi-oll.1 and no other method .in use for , letting it than the Iowa ( nip.It scorns strange that you should write ! "When you clearly state in j'otir in structions that the oil you require must bo 300 burning test , Iowa state cup , then consumers will call upon manufacturers r for an oil that will moot such require ments , but such oil will not bo known us 300 test. ' Rellnors can and will make such oil ns yon demand , but they will not do so until soiiio purchaser calls upon thorn for it. " The topio of this is that manufacturers nro anil hnvo boon determined not to comply with tlio requirements of the lown statute until compelled to. They seek cover under n mcro technicality , that the railroad companies nro dealers in Iowa , when ordering "UOO oil" do not knowwhnt "JlOOis. " That may bo true , ns mnnufncturers interpret tlio term , but they hnvo the right to presume , and it certainly IB the duty of refiners to know that the full terms of the Iowa law and methods of inspection will bo complied - plied with when their orders are filled. You say the BUbstnncn of thlu whole matter is that wo are demanding "that the world nt largo shall come to you , mid that cannot bo done. " "Yuu call for n special cup , in other words , you demand n now thing under nn old nnmo. " Wo do not cnro what tiio world do- niands. A few years ago the world de manded a burning test of oil made in an open cup. The world learned that was not n safe method. That method wns abolished nnd n Hash test In n closed cup adopted , lown , imbued with the pro gress of events , nnd ncluated by motives of self-protection , sought to take ad. vnnced steps toward perfect security , both in the nome nnd tlio railroad car , Tins it had the constitutional right to Uo , It is somewhat singular that of nil oil Inspected for use in railroad conches , that from the Stnndard Oil company ia the only oil with which any dillletilty is lnul in this stato. This solution is prob- nblo in your statement Hint your so- called COD oil is not intended to pass the test in this state. If it docs it is acci dental. It would seem to bo the better way to innkc an oil that will pass inspection m this atatc , and thus end nil diUiculty. " CANNING FUUIT. rncilic Fnilt-Growor : Canning fruit U n very etlieient menus of preserving it in n wholesome conditionbut it ia a procesa which demands careful management to make it a success. Tin cans are some times used , but glass jars uru now BO cheap and are so much better that they should nlWHYS be preferred. In the end they nro chenpcr. ns they last much longer than tin. Tin cans nro liable to injurn the flavor also. There nro several excellent kinds of fruit jurs on the mar ket. ket.In In canning fruit two things must bo most carefully attended or failure is cer tain : First The fruit must bo sufficiently cookod. Second The air must bo excluded and Iho can hermetically sealed. The best fruit nhould bo selected and that which Is not over ripe. It should bo kept as clean as possible , so that little erne no washing will uo required , : w this is injurious to many fruits. Pick over carefully nnd wnsh quickly , if washing is necessary. Either steam or stew , adding as little water ns possible nnd ns litlo sugar ns will sulllco to make the snucc pnlntablo. Sweet fruits require none nt all , nnd none is necessary to the preservation of the fruit. Steam ing is rather prufentblo to Htewiug or boiling , ns the fruit is less broken nnd its nnturnl flavor Is better preserved. A porcelain-lined kettle should be used , ns all kinds of metal kettles are likely to bo corroded by the acids of the fruit. The fruit need not be cooked so much that it will fall to pieces , but it should bu so thoroughly scalded that every part of it will bo subject to n high degree of hc'it , in order that all of the germs from which fermentation originates may bo destroyed. Simply heating is not suf ficient. Some kinds of cooking require longer cooking than others. The lenutli of time varies about ns follows : lioll cher ries live minutes ; raspberries , black berries nnd rlpo currants , six to eight minutes ; halved penciled , goose berries and grapes , eight to ton minutes ; sliced pineapples aud quince and halved pears , fifteen or twenty minutes ; straw berries , thirty minutes ; tomatoes , thirty minutes to two hours. While the fruit la cooking prepare the cnns in which it is to bo placed. Thor oughly scald them so that there may bo in them nothing which will induce decay. To prevent breaking when ttio hot fruit ia placed in the can , it may be heated by pouring into it hot water and quickly shaking itso that all parts may bo heated equally , or the can be placed in cool water and gradually heated to the requis ite degree. Dry heat is equally othciont , nnd may bo applied by kweping the onus in n rnoclorntoly hot even while the fruit is cooking. Some place the hot can upon n folded towel wet in cold wntor , which ceols the bottom nnd so prevents crnck- imr. This method is very convenient. When the ft nit is properly cooked and the cans are in readiness , first place in the can n quantity of juice , so that , ns thu fruit is put in , no vaennt place will bo left for air , which is sometimes qulto troublesome when this precaution IN not tnkon. Then add the fruit. If any bub bles of nir ehanco to be left still , work them out with n fork , Hpoonlinndle or Htraw. Fill the can lull and immediately put on the cover and screw tightly. If thu can is unpleasantly hot , it may be securely hold by passing n towel around it und twisting thu end * together. As the fruit cool , the cover can bo tightened , and this should be promptly dune , so that no nir may bo allowed to enter. Some times the fruit will settle so that A little space will upper at tlio top. If you nro mire the can is tight , do not open to refill , n * you will bo unable to make the can imito ns tight again unlet-s you reheat thu fruit , in which case you would bo liable to hnvo the same thing ooeur again. Some allow the fruit to cool about ten minutes before adjusting the covers. This gives tiimt for it to cool and settle. The can is then tilled with hot syrup nnd tightly coaled. After filling nnd tightly scnllng , plnco the cans in n cool place and watch them closely for two or three wcakswhon they may bu set uwnv If there nro no signs of fermentation. Should any such signa appear , open thu cans immediately , suahl the irmt thoroughly and seal as' before , being very enretiil to oxnmino the cover and see if there i.s not some imperfection which prevents the perfect exclusion of nir. DSmall fruit and tomatoes may be preserved - served m bottles or jugs Lgy sealing with wax. Thoroughly hunt the bottle or jug nnd put in the fruit , liiHt putting in juice us when using cans. Shako down well nnd rnfill. Mhen plnro two thicknesses of ( tloth over the mouth , insert n tightly lilting cork and thoroughly cover the whole with melted wnx. The following is n good roclpo for thu wnx ; One pound resin , two pounds beeswax nnd one nnd n half ounces of tallow ; melt nnd mix. When canning In glass vessel * , care must be iifcud to protect the vessels from driliiglits of cold air , or thuy will be liable to break. Apples , pears , quinces and pouches should bu pared and cut into pieces email unotigh to can conveniently. In canning they may bo arranged in thu can with n fork , if desired , the juice being nftur- ward but cnro must bo exi-rci e < l to get out nil nir bubbles , which nro Tory liable lu occur when this molhod h ? ndu.ytcd. ' The fckiiu imiy be very ox- fmimiously from peoche.1 \ > y' immersing Uium in boiling water for k minute or two and then rubbing with u courAOtowel. . This is bo t. ilono Wlien .they , liavu jiist ro.nclmd maturity , but have nut become vuny mellow.