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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1887)
n 4 51 tf3 > ijtV& ? & THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUliY 12. 1887 : IDE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Opens Strong and Higher , But Suf fers a Decline , MISLEADING CROP FIGURES. Light HufllnssB Transnctcrt In Corn and VnlnoH AVcnknn a Trlllo Oatn Quiet and roatnrclcsn General Quotntlons. CHICAGO I'llonUCE MARKET. CHICAGO. July 11. [ Special Telegram to the UEK.I The wheat market opened stronc nnd blglicr to-day , remained Una ( or a time , then weakened , and closed at about the lowest range of the day. Tlie fluctuations In prices were within ? 6@Kc limits and trade wan at no time very active. The early Btrenirtli was duo to the crop dainngo reports from the northwest , and the later weakness wns attributed to the development of the be lief that the damage was not so bad as had been represented , and that at the worst the Increased acreage would about offset the re duced production per acre. Thegovornment estimates of spring wheat are so notoriously wrong that they have censed to mislead men In trade , but as the "official figures" are all that the public has to no by , more or less confusion as to the facts must neces sarily exist. The covernmont bureau Is doubtless correctly Informed as to the relative condition of the crop as compared with pre vious years , but Its total yields are ildlcu- lously out of the way. If the worst that has been tola of the crop In Minnesota and Da- kota'provcs true , the actual yield should not be below the government report of the yield last year , which % vas not less than a'i.OOU.OOO bushels wide of the mark. Hut enough of this , The reports of real damage done are becoming more conflicting every day , whllo harvest returns from the western and south western wheat fields are getting more jug- handled. The reports of damage seem to be confined to Kansas In the west and Mary land , Pennsylvania and Virginia In the east The opening trades In August were 73c. The highest uolnt attained was : % and the lowest 7273c , which was also the close. September opened at 75 @ 75 > ic , ranged 75 0 high , and 7475c low antl clo.icd. October ranged 7676 > < c and closed at the bottom. Corn opened pretty firm In the speculative market , but weakened on encouraging re ports from all parts of the west regarding crop nrospects. Free selling by Ilutchlnson and the disposition on the part of the crowd to discount the long futures also helped to weaken values , and deliveries this side of October closed V@3 c lower than on Satur day. Just a fair aggregate amount of busi ness was transacted and the fluctuations were not violent , % c covering all of the changes. Seller August ranged from SGXc at the opening down to Htt c , which was the market at the close. July rested at Jtt c , September at 37J < c , October at 37 c , and May at SO c Oats wurc quiet and without feature. Cash and July ruled steady at about Saturday's quotations , while August and September closed * e easier at t5Jfc ! and Cfij c respec tively. Seller May ruled linn and closed at 30c In the provision pit the Interest developed was confined lamely to .short ribs. In tills article the reputed leaders of the long tutor- est made an open showing of their strength early , and before the day was very far ad vanced they succeeded In forcing prices up 17Kc. Thu later portion of this improvement was lost , though at the close the maiket stood fully 1'Kiil-J ' c higher than on Saturday. Aside from the movement In short libs , willed were not only advanced but also quite active , tno day's trade was uninteresting. Laid received , If anything , less attention and ruled with an easier tendency , averaging 2Kc lower at the close. In pork the only sale made was one round lot for the year delivery at 311.25. Cash cork was quoted at $17.00. In lard and short riDs the active futures were August and September. The short rib deal falls as yet to command confidence , and on the upward turn to-day the purchases of the managers were larger than their sales. The bears , however , were cautious and conserva tive. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , July 11. [ Special Telegram to the BKE.I CATTI.K Trade was fairly active , with little or no change In values as compared with the close of last week , on nice handy and good light steers. In fact , desir able cattle of this description sold a shade higher this morning than on Friday. On big steers , however , values were barely steady. There were about 100 loads of Texans , and they sold steaay , In some In stances at an advance over the close of last week. For the stlllers on the market 84.15 was bid , and they probably sold for S4.UO. A lot of twelve loads of good Nehraa- kas , averaging about 1,200 Ibs. , sold for 94.40. more than they would have sold for last week. There was no business of note. The stocker and feeder trade and native butcher's stock , especially rows , sold down as low as ut any time. Shipping steers , 1350 to 1WX ) Ibs , St.K ; > < 3.20 : 1200 to law Ibs , S3.CO@4.50 ; 950 to 1200 Ibs , 3.80 3N ) ; stookors and feeders , S1.75rti.OO : ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.2. ' ( < $ ; Texas steers , S'AU : ! < 3i.35 ! ; cows , 31.75 ( < tf.30 : 348 Ne braska half-breeds , 1020 Ibs , 3.05 , the first of the season. Iloos--The market was active with a slight upturn at the close. The bulk of the sales were within a ranite of 95.25(95.30 ( , a few lots of fancy at S5.3.5 , and a few lots of common at > : light sorts , Jo.l5@5.SO ; V or le ers at 85.25 5.30. LIVESTOCK. Chicago , July 11. The Drovers' Jour- Dai reuoru as Inflows : Cattle Kecclpts. 1,000 ; steady ; shipping steers , > 3.30t4.90 ( ; stockers and feeders , C1.75@3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed. 91.259 2.W5 ; Texas cattle , 81.75(33.35 ( ; Nebraska half- breeds , 3.05. Hogs Receipt , 19,000 ; strong , rough and mixed. Sft.OOCt5.25 : packing and shipping , es.15Ct5.85 ; light , 85.05 < $5.30 ; skips , 53.00(4 ( Sheen Receipts , 8,000 ; steady ; natives , 3.00Q4.a5 ; western , SS.SCKSa S ; Texans , 93.00C t3.60 ; lambs per head , 91.50@4.00. Natioii l Stock Yard * . Ka t St. Lnnli , 111. , July 11. Cattle Receipts 1,700 ; shipments. 400 ; steady ; choice heavj native stners. 94.25(34.40 ; fair to good ship ping steers 33.7.'K < t4.20 ; butchers' steers , fall tncuolre. 9i.fiOgM.10 : ; feeders fair to good ,''O ' ' ; stockers , fair to good,32.lO@2.90 Hogs Ui celpts , 4,000 ; shipments , 200 steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selec tions , J5.20i35.30 ; packing and Vorkers 85.05 ( 5.20 ; pigs , common to good , 84.50a ( 5,00. llutter Firm ; creamery , 16@l9e ; dairy , 12M10C. Hainan City , July 11. Cattle Receipts 1,200 ; shipments , 1,100 ; weak and a shadi lower ; common to choice corn-fed , i3.soq ( 4.05 ; Mockers , jf'i2.yftiW ( ; feedlug steers g2.A033.10 ; cows$1.50 ( < p.OO. flom Kneel ) * * , 4,5 < X ) ; shipments , l.fOO strontr and 5c higher ; common to choice 94.60(35.15 ( ; skips aud pigs , 83.00(34.00 ( , FINANCIAL. New Youtc , July 11. ( Special Telegran to the URK.I SIOCKS The stock markc opened stronger , with fractional advances There was little disposition to trade and thi market showed llttlo animation. Londoi ' was reported dull and consols lower. Kua slan securities In London were weak and I per cent due , a scare article In the Uerlli press depreciating the Investment in Kus Man securities In London. The weakness h London , however , had little effect , as tin short Interest was largely Increased durtni the closing days of last week , and operator were disposed to cover. The feeling w& nervous and the least bullish symptom reared the bears Into buying. Gould' brokers bought Missouri Pucifia and West era Union , and later sold the latter on th qulr * . Their buying produced a better feel I nit. and advances of MQK per cent were it corded on a few active stocks , while the re rounder were -qultt and barely steady. I was said that the government would advei llio to purchase bonds within ten dayi This , In connection with the good showing made by the , banks , created the Impression that still lower r.vtes for money would soon be In order. These points , In connection with the fact that the general business of the country Is healthy and carnlncs continue to Increase , made strone bulls more active , but as the market was nothing but a traders' one , the advance was duo almost entirely to the shorts covering. The bulls wore disap pointed , and about midday weakness set In and the early advance was lost. The Ualtl * more &Ohlo deal Is still attracting atten tion. Its present condition Is not as favora ble as expected. Oartett has practically no tified Ives and Staynor that ho Is dissatisfied with the manner In which they have com plied wity the terms of their contract and that unless they meet their engagements properly the negotiations will bo at an end. In the negotiations between Gould , l\esand Staynor over the Baltimore and Ohio tele graph Him them Is r. difference of 5500,000 , but the latter have conceded that , and Gould cu ; > take possession If he desires. It Is said that the deal will be finished this week. Most of the loans obtained by Ives and Staynor were Indirectly secured with Mr. Gould's aid , and the Impression Is that the latter Is running the deal and the others arc merely figure-heads. The only sensational feature In the market was the change from r 2 to 43 > In Wheeling & Lake Erie , duo to the rumor that 53,500,000 of new stock was about to be Issued. A rally to 49 followed , ut the last sale was at 44 % . The final trad- ng In the active list was light , and although 'lonty ' of stocks were offered , the market loscd steady and M@7 per cent higher than attirday on all stocks except Lake Shore , .ackawahna and Union Pacific , which de- lined M per emit. Trade with Chicago ouses was light and of no Importance. The otal sales weru 140,085 shares. GOVEU.VMKNTS Government bonds were ull but steady. YESTiitDAV'S ; QUOTATIONS. MONEY ON CAr.L Was easy at 3@5 per cent ; last loan 3 per cent ; closed , ottered 3 per cent. PUIIIB MEUCANTILB PAPEH 5f $5X per * HTKRUNR EXCHANOE Dull at 54.tM } for ixty day bills , and 14.83 for demand. PUODUCE RIAUKKTS. . July 11. Following quotations nra the USO : closing figures ; Flour Finn , unchanged. Wheat lluletl quiet nnd firm , closed easier cash , 71 ( ii > 72c ; August , 72 15-lCo ; Sep- ember , 74 l.VlOc. Corn Moderately active , ruled firm , opened MOIiXc higher nnd iclosed } < o below Saturday : cash , : Kc ; August , Mj/c ; Sep tember , S75/C. Oats Dull nnd steady with very llttlo shanee ; cash , ! ! 5c ; August , 25UHUcSep- ; ; ember , 26 } < fc. Rye-Quiet nt 48c. Barley--Steady , September , G4c. Timothy Seoa-Prlme , 82.22(3125. ( FlaxSeed-81.10. Whisky 81.10. Pork-Quiet and tirm ; casli , SM.50@iri.00. Lard Moderately nctlvn and lam ; cash , W.43 ; Augiibt , SC.50i4 ( < U)2K ; September , Butter Quiet ; In peed request ; creamery , WJiOlOu ; ttalry , 18 > aiOc. Clicoso Quiet ; full cream cheddars , 8'r@ ' " " 'e ; lats , Kb ; Young America , IHaUKo ; 1111 Si Bulk Meats Shoulders , 55.70@5.bO ; shoit clear , S8.15 ( 8.20 ; short ribs , 7.75 > i7.bO. ; Hides and tullow Unchanged. Receipt * . Shipments. Flour , bbl.l 14,000 44,000 Wheat , bu Sfl.t'OO ' 3-i.OOO Corn , bu 87.000 448.000 Jats , bu 16,000 -iO.OOO Hye , bu 0WX , ) 8,000 Barley , bu 1,000 1,000 New Jforfc. July 11. Wheat Receipts. 4lU,000 ; exports , 100.000 ; spot lots of winter .JftGiJi'c lower , spring , K@lc lilulior , closing steady ; options variable and irregular ; July advanced J c early , later declined Ific , closed weak ; other markets opened % @ % c better , closed with Improvement lost ; ungraded red , 8li ss { c ; No. 3 red , nominal ; August No. 2 red closed 8.c. Corn Shade lower , options opened tilde better , later declined ) .f(3 ( > c , closed weak. Iteoolnts , 82,000 ; exports , 25,000 ; uiiRrndeil , 444r ) > icNo.'J ; , 4444c elevator , 44 < @ 45c delivered ; August closing at 45Vc. Oats-Kecelpts. ; mixed western , 85c ; white western. sy@43c. Petroleum Steady ; United , CO fc. Eggs Rather easy ; western , 12l4 } c. Pork Moderately active and steady. Lard Quiet and a shade hieher ; western steam spot , closing at 80.85 bid. Butter Quiet but firm ; western , 10@20c : western creamery. 10@20c. Cheese Steady but quiet. Kansas city. July 11. Wheat Steady ; Mo. 'i red. cash , 6'Ic bid. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 29c bid , 29 > c asked ; August , 29c bidSOcasked. Oats-No. 2 , cash , 2lc bid , 23c asked. Milwaukee , July 11. Wheat Easier ; July , 73c ; August , 7Uc ; September , 75c. Corn-SUadr ; No. , a6c , Oats Quiet ; No. 2. 31 { c. Rye-Dull ; No. 1 , 55c. Barley Easier ; September , ClUc. Provisions Firm. Pork July , $14.50. OlBotnnatl , July 1L Wheat Firm ; No. 3 red , 74c. Corn Strong and higher ; No. a mixed , Oats Strong ; No. a mixed. S031c. Rye Irregular ; No. a old , oOc ; sample new , 57c. Pork-Fair demand ; 815,00. Lard Firm at SG.20. Whisky-Steady at 1.05. Mlstneapoilsj , July 11. Wheat Strong nnd higher ; No. 1 hard , cash , 7.r > Xc ; August , 76c : September. 77) ) < c ; No. 1 northern , cash. 74He ; August , 75c ; September , 76Kc ; No. 2 northern , cash , T-Kc ; August , THc ; Sep tember , 74 c. On track : No. I hard , 77c : No. 1 northern , 70c ; No. 2 northern , 74c Flour Firm ; patents , 4.'J5 < 4.50 ; bakers' , | 3.853.60. Receipts Wheat , 152,000 bu ; flour , 130 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 31,000 bu ; Hour , 27,000 bbls. bbls.New New Orleans , July 11. Corn Dull , weak and lower ; mixed , 47@47Hc ; yellow , 47K@48c ; white , 5455c. Oats-Quiet but steady at 30 < a3fiXc. Cornuieal-Quiet and tirm at 3.SO@2.35. Hog Products Unsettled , but generally higher ; pork , 15,00 ; lard , refined , tierce , 80.55. Bulk Moats Shoulders , S5.S7 > i ; long clear aud clear ribs , 57.75. Ht. Loulri , JUT ! 11. Wheat Strong and hlglier ; cash. 74X@74K'e : August. 74 > fc. Corn-Steady ; cash , IBXfia'Wtfc ; August , Oats Easy ; cash , S7o ; August , 24c. Whlskv-Steadr at SI. 05. Pork-Steady at $15.5a Lard-86.80. Butter Steady and firm ; creamery , dairy , ISQIOc. _ OMAHA LiIVK HTOCK. Monday , July 11. Cattle. The nin of cattle to-day was liberal for the first of the week. The nullc were western steers. The market opened dull and slow , Later In the day a few bunches changeti bands. Uoou native steers , medium weights , are barely steady , whllo westerns are weak lower. Tiiert ) was very HUln Inquiry foi butchers' stock of any kind. There are verj few cows and heifers coming In and the butchers appear to prefer Unlit steers. Hoc * . The recejjts of hors were very fair foi Monday. The market opened about stead ] with Saturday's market and a few load : changed hands at those prices. The uiarke advanced 5c almost Immediately after tlu opening and continued strong and actlvi until the close. The highest price wu reached for some time back , one load golnit at 85.WJ { . Tim buyers were all represented on the market and everything woa sold at an early hour. BliRirt. There was an unusually heavy run of sheep to-day. The demand , however , wns limited and only four loads chanced hands. llcoolpU. Cattle 1,006 Hogs 2,100 Sliccp 2,000 Horses 1"7 Prcralllnic Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for II vo stock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..83.00(314.00 ( Choice steers. 1100 to ISOJ Iba. . . 3.70 < 3UK : ) Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.50Vt3.fK ( > Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 3.40fi3.fiO Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 8.73H.OO Common to medium cows 2.00(32.50 ( Good to choice bulls 2.00 < a2.50 Light and medium hogs 4.7Wt4.S" Good to choice heavy hogs 4.00(35.00 ( Good to choice mixed hogs IteprcHontauve Hales. JfAltVE STEKltS. No. Av. Silk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 47..2fi9 VM F4.02K IS.Ml 120 U5 52..203 100 4.75 07..219 2CO 4.W 40 84. 0 . . .211 so 4 i 81. . . .232 bO 4.bO 63. . . .208 200 4.K'i b2..212 bO 4.bO 7S..2-J7 40 4.8.1" 70 . . .B.TO 80 4.N ) 71..231 240 4.W Cf . . . . ' a 300 4.hO ! . . . .210 40 4.H7J 74..211 2003 4.SO s 5J..24S 4.h7 78..21U 100 4.S ) 7S..2.)0 4.h7/ 6,5..270 100 4.K5 6' ) . . . ,2W > 100 1.10 00. . . 250 200 4.S5 (11..271 bO 4.IU ir.yX > 4.W 72.32 120 4.00 fiO. . . . 8-JO 4.8.70.,22fi K ) 4.K ! ) 03..210 120 4.b,5 00..240 120 4S > 0 04..214 80 4.85 70..24r > 101) ) 4.K ! ) G3..Si 120 4.K1 55..250 400 4 IK ) 77..232 200 4.S5 70..267 2SO 4.SH ) . . . .285 bO 4.K5 02..2.Sr 240 4.05 OS . . .225 200 4.S5 C2..2b9 120 4.1O 74..213 100 4.b5 50. . . . : 4 40 4.115 63..200 120 4.S 58..311 120 5.00 65..250 80 4.85 58. . . . 233 5.02X Jjivo Stock Bold. Showlngthu number of head of stock sold on the market to-day : CAlTf.K. G. H. Hammond & Co 318 Local 0 Sblpp rs 153 Total 477 lions. Anglo-American Parking Co 218 [ ! . U. IlSmmond & Co 418 Armour A ; Co 1,12S Squil es it Co 510 North tt Co 441 Total 2,715 sii Enr. Harris it Fisher 200 Stevt-nsit Uamllton 209 Shipments. Showing the number ot cattle , hogs and sheep shipped Irom the yards during the day. CATTLK. No. cars. Rt. Di > st. 10 Mil Chicago HOOS 8 R. I Jolict BHKhP IIOUIII.K I1KCK8. 11 N. W. Chicago All silesof stock in tins market are made per cwt HVO weight unless othurwis tated. Dead hogs soil at Me par Ib. for all weights "Skins , " or ho s weighing less than 11 > J Ib3. no value. Pregnant sows are dockud 43 IDs. and stags HO Ibs. by tltounblio itispectou Live Stock Noteu. No hogs held over. Heavy run of sheup. Hogs leached SS.O--M. A weak cattle market. Hogs averaged 07 to the car. A few early hogs sold at steady prices , The week starts out with a gootl hog market. North & Co. , the Boston packers , were buj er's on to-day's market. D. S. Shields , Chapmans , was In nnd marketed two loads ot hogs. Clay it Forrest Intend to put out as feeders about 25,000 ot their cattle this coming fall. J. b. Tewksbury , Weopinsr Water , was in with three loads ot cattle troni Havens , Neb. J. M. Hedge , Yutan , a frequent shipper to these i arils , was In and sold two loads ot llO.-JS. Alex Rogers , of The Dalles , Oregon , was at the yards with 11 double-duck cars of sheep. Our solid German friend , John Lemke , of Millaid , was In with two loads of cattlu aud one ot hogs. Jeff. Taylor , Shelton , marketed a very fine load of ? J3-lb hogs which brought $5.0 % , the top for the day. J. A. Hunt , Paplllion , was in and marketed 116 head of 1290-lb native steers , of his own feeding , at 83.70. W. V. Morrison , of the firm of Morrison Al Wirt , York , was at the yards with two loads ot cattle and one ot hogs. A. U. Emarlne , Council BlulTs , a wel known shipper , was over with a load ot cat tle. They averaged 10711-lbs and brought S3.70. A. S. Wright was over from the Uluffs with three loads of 1274-lb native steers , of his own feeding , which brought 83.70 on the market George Morehead , a well known shipper of Dunlap , la. , was visiting friends at the jardsaud took home with him a peculiar looking package. George Meisuer , Shelton , Neb. , came In this morning with four loads of cattle and one load of hogs. Mrs. Melsner followed on the express and George donated the proceeds of the hogs to her for shopping expenses. E. W. lianks , of Shelton , the happiest shipper to these yaids , was in with a load of cattle and one of hogs , Intending to take In Barrett's show in tilts city , but owing to the low prices on cattle took the next train for home. A. F. Nllmrt , "the little Dutchman , " at Risings , Neb. , has sold out his business to J . A. Crane , and was In to-dav with his last load of hogs. He will take a two month's va- tlou in Colorado before locating at some new point on the Northwestern. The regular meeting of the Nebraska Live Stock Shippers association will bo held at the Exchange hotel , South Omaha , Wednes day. July 13 , 1887. at a o'clock p. m. This will be a business meeting and It Is expected that all members will be present. Those shippers not members are especially Invited to attend and connect themselves with the association. II. B. DIIIIIUE , president JOHN WIGGINS , secretary. OMAHA WHOLKHALB MARKETS. General Produce. Monday. July 11. flie following are tlie prices at which round lots of produce are told In this ; mtr * hct , EGOS The receipts continue liberal and about equal to the demand. The bulk of the stock sold to-day went at lie. BUTT EH As usual at this season of the year the receipts of butter are heavy. An occasional package of fancy dairy butter brings 15c , but there is rery little that brings more tban 13Kc. Good butter Is selling at 9 ( JHc , while the poorer grades sell all the way troui 5c up to 6c , according to the grade. GAME There Is very little game coming In excepting snipe , which tell readily at 81.25 per dozen. PouLTUT-Oid fowls sell fairly well , H choice , at about 13.00. There are a good many very small spring chickens coming In which are slow sale at any price. Sorue-ot the smallest go ai low as Toe a dozen and from that up to 13.00. Large chicken * sell at CHERSK Full cream ] chcddcrs ( single , 9' < c ; lull cream flaltj , twins. lOc ; Young Americas , lie : fancy Swiss , 20c ; Swiss im ported , 2' c ; LlmbuTger , 12c : brick , 13@lCc. POTATOES Old potatoes are practically out of the market. Now homo grown potatoes are now supplying the demand but as they are not plenty the market Is hi h. There is a wide ranee In the quality of tlie stock and a corresponding wideranee In prices , good slock selling all theM , y from C3(3 ( ) c n bushel , OAuronstA BEANS New white beans from California have arrived In the market antl are sellliu at ? 2.10 pur bushel. UKIIIIIKS Strfiwberrlcsfaro practically out of the market and only an occasional small lot Is arriving. Raspberries are also becom ing scarce. Verv choice , large blackberries are arriving in liberal -quantities from Mis souri. Home grown stock is Just beginning to put In an appearance. Black raspberries. per 24 qt case. 54.00 ; red raspberries , per 24 < it case , 83.75(34.00 ( ; blueberries , per 8 qt drawer , 81.50. PMJMS The market Is well supplied with lar/e red wild goose plums which are selling nt ! ' 2.oOil8.85 ( ] > er 24 qt case. PEACHES There are no peaches on the market of any account agldc from California stock. Good stock Is moving at S2.00@2.25 per box. CiiEiiniEs Theio is a small supply of cry choice stock on the market , from Oregon , both white and black , which Is selling at 31.75 per 10 Ib boxes. Arn.ES Good Missouri apples are selling at * 4.oo. CEI.EIIY Knlanm/oo celery Is arriving in liberal quantities nnd selling nt.'ttiaioc. LEMONS Reports from New York city in- dlcntu that lemons there continue to ml- vauco nnd the market opens for this month very strong and excited. Thu amount ot lemons on the way Is much less than at any time for three months past and weather In tensely hot. The last laige auction sale there marked a higher lan''o ' of miees than any sale thus fai this Benson. Thu supply ot lemons on this market Is not laigoand prices are lit m. Fancy , per box , $3.50 j7.CO ; choice , S5 . UANANAs-Cholcc stock. sa.SO'gn.rjO. ' ArniroTS There are none ot any account on the market. OiiANfiKS The unrkt't is almost bare. Theiunrea few Los Angclo ? In which are belling at S5.00 per box. Grocer's List. CorriiK Ordinary grades , 10f(320Kc ; talr , 20i2lej ( prime. 81@2S ; rholee , aJJ24 ( ; taiicy green anil yellow , 8325e ; old goveim cnt Java , 23s'i8c ( ; interior Java , 21@20o ; Moch.i , 2XU"Oir. ArbuekleX roasted , 24u ; Mc- L'iuuhlln'8 XXXX , 2l fc : Dll ortu's , 2-IKo ; Red Cross , 24 4'p. SYMUI--NO. 70 , 4-gnllon kegs , S1.82@1.-3S ; New Orleans , per gallon 3t ( 4Ge ; mania syrup , half bbls , "old time , " ppr gallon , 70c ; 1-gaflon cans , per do ? , S10UO ; halt gallon cans , per doS5.50 ; quart can' , S3 00. CANDY Mixed , SJ ailc ; slick. 8 @ 0 > < c. CiiACKEUS' Gnrneau's sodi ; , butter aud picnic , 4c ; creams , 7J < c ; giucer su ; ps,7 > c ; city sodn , 7 ; < c. Pir-KKt.s Medium. In bbls , $7.00 ; do In half obis. 84 00 ; small , In bbls. b8 00 ; do , in halt bbls 34.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , g'J.OJ ; do , In halt bbls , , 85.00. SuoAUiranulatcdeY < < 36 } c ; conf. A,0a ( 0' ' < c ; white extra C , 5 ? < C < i5 u ; extra 0. 5 } 5 > ic ; yellow C. 5 @ 5 c ; cut loaf , G.X@fc ; powdcted , 7@7'c. CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per rase. S8.OOffliS.10 ; strawberries , 8 Ib. per ca e , 82.30 ; raspberries , 2 Ib. per case , J2.3r2.45 ; California praispercaseS4"0g4.40aincots ( ; ) , per case , 83.AOCg3.00 ; peaches , perc.ts < > . P4.75 ® 4.85 ; white chcirlos , pei case , S5.0 ; plum * , JILT cnseS3.40(5t3.50bluebcrrlPSpercaseSl.S5e.'g ( ; ; plums , 21u. per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib. percale , S3.2 < 1(35.75 ( ; lib. mnckeii'l , per do/ . 81. 33 ; 1 Ib. salmon , per do/ , S1.50@1.55 ; 2 Ib. gooseberilos , pc-i case , SUM : 2 Ib. string beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib. lima beans , per case. $ l. 00 ; 2 II ) . marrowUl peas , percase. S'i.40(32.50 ( ; 2 Ib. early , Jiinii peas , per case , S2.75 ; 3 lo. tomatoe , S2.50 ; 2 Ib. coin , : in : Finn rs Apples , new , X's , CJ c ; evnpoi.iied , 50-lh rlnir'lii ' @ 18c ; raspberries , e\niioiitted,27-'Sc : black berries , evaporated , l/j ) > n ; pitted cliertk's , ll @ 12c : peaches , now , 'j's ' , 7J4'c ; ev.ipor.Ued , peeled peauhts , c ; e\aporatud , , c : ni'w cnirants , GffdJ'c ; piunes , 4H4J'c ; citron , 25c ; rai sins , London layers , ? 1.75 ; California , loose muscatel' , ; new Valenclas , 7 } c. Ri FINKII IjAini Tli-rees , 7t' : 10-ib square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , c ; 20-lb round , 7140 ; 10-lbpaiiS , 7K 5 5-lb pails , 7c ; 3-lb palls , ToiiAcro Lorlllard's Climav , S7c ; Splen did , 3Sc ; Mechanic's Delight , 40c ; Lvggett As Moyei's Star , 37c : Coincniloiie. 37c ; Uriiiu- inond's Horse Shoe , 37c ; T. J. , 31c ; Surg's Spearhead , 37e. TrAS Japan , per Ib , 20(71503 ( ; cnnpondpr. 25@KOc ; Young llvson,30ft(50c ; Congou , ( Jr > @ 70c : Oolonir , 30i(6 ( c. PUOVISIONS Hams , llj c : breakfast b , con. lOJ c ; bacon sides , 8rfi'Jc ; diy salt , ' < c ; shonldeis , 7J/c ; dried beet hams , 21Jie ; dried beef , legtifar , 12J c : hams , pic- n if. 7' < c. Wrrtnr.NWAKR pliurns , SO ; No. 2 churns , 8b ; No. 3 churns , 87 : buttur tubs , 551.15. STARCH Mil ror Gloss , 5c ; Graves Corn , 0/c ; Os\\ofti Gloss , 7c : Os\\ego Corn , 7c. BltonMS-ExIra 4 tic , S3.00 ; No. 1 , 82.50 ; No. 8 , 82.25 ; heavy stable , S4.00. llry Ijuniber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIHIt * . ' ' 12ft 14 ft 20 ft U ft'zi ft 2x2 17.50 17.80'lS.nO ' i no ' ' ' 17.50 17.S017.f > U18nO 19 50 --.M ' "J-BO ' ' ' ' Jin ! ! . . . . . . . . 17. M 17.5)118 ) .7.80 17.M 1 . is co isooi80Q ui.oo IS.tO I8.5J IS.M'lS ' W 2U 10 2J.O I'ffl ' 00 ItOAllDS No. 1 , com , s 1 s No.8 , com , s Is 17.51 No. 4 , com , sis 13.5i ) FENCING. No. 1,4 & 0 in , 12l4tt. roiiKh ? 10.oo No. 2 , ' ' 18.00 S1DI.NO. A , 12,14 and 10 ft S22.00 B , ' 20.50 C , " " " 15.00 D , " " " 13.00 CEIMNO AND PAItTITION. 1st com , % in White Pine Celling 8"4.00 Clear , % in. Norway PineCeiling 10.00 STOCK BOARDS. A13 Inch s. Is 840.00 No. 1 , com. 12 ins. Is. , 12 A : 14 20.00 " " ' " It ! ft 10.00 No. 3 " " " 12&24ft 18.00 " " " IB ft 17.00 FINISHING. 1st and 2d , clear , lif Inch. s. 2 s 850.00 3d. clear , 1 Inchs. 8 H. , S45:1J : < , IK , " in 47.00 B select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 830 ; 1) IJtf , " In 37.00 J'ObTS. White cedar , c In. , Hs. , l2Kc ; 0 In. qrs. , He General Markets. VARNISHES Barrels , per gallon. Furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 coach , extra , 81.40 ; conch , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Da mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltuin , extra , aJc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil finish 81.50. DRY PAINTS WhlteTead , 7c ; French zinc , 12c ; Paris whiting. Ko ; whiting , gilders 2 c ; whiting , com'l , l'/c ; lampblack , Ger mantown , 12c : lainvblack , ordinary , He Prussian blue , 65c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandjke brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c sienna , burnt , 4c ; slpoina , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25cParis ; green , common 24 : ; chrome green. N. ' V , 'Me ; veuuilllon American. 18c ; Inillan , raw and burnt umber , Mb cans , 12c ; rnw and burnt sienna 12c ; vandyke brown. U3c ; lehned lamp black , 12c ; coach black.and Ivory black lOc ; drop blacK , lOc ; ultramarine black , 18c chrome green , L. , M. A D. , ICc ; blind ant shutter green , 1M , A P. , Ific ; Paris green 20c ; Indian rea , 15c ; Venetian rod 9c ; Tus can , 22cAmerican ; vdrmllllon , L. & D , , 20c : yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M.O. I ) . , 18c ; good ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , 8c : graining color , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , 12c. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Acid caroolic 50c ; acid tartarle , 52c ; bakatn copaiba , per Ib OOc ; bark sasafrasa. per Ib , lOc ; calomel , per Ib , 78cchluchonldla ; , per oz,25B ; chloroform per Ib , 50c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81,25 per lbS c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , SOc ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c ; ofl , cabtor No. 1 , per gal , 81.00 ; oil , castor. No. 2 , per gal , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal , 81.40 ; oil , orlg annum , 50c ; opium , 84.50 ; quinine. I' . & W and K. its. per oz , 70c ; potassium , iodide per Ib. 83.85 ; gallcln. cer oz. lOo ; sulphate morphine , per oz , 83.35 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c strychnine , perez , 81.10. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , OmMia.Par 0 > < c ; white Ittad , St. Louli , pure , 7c ; M c seilles , green , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; French zin Kretnseal , 12o ; French zinc , red seal , lie Fronoh zinc. In Tarnish asit. , 20c ; Frencl tine , 75c ; vermlllion , English , in oil , 75c red , lOc : rose pink , He ; Venetian red , Cook son'i , 2c : Venetian red , American , IVc red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , vac cbromejrelrow , K. , I2o ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ochre , French , 3 c : ochre , American l c Wind's mineral , 2J < c : Lehigli brown , 2 } < c SpanUh brown,2 > ic ; Prince's mineral , Sc. . S Cologne spirits , ibb proof , Sl.lOj 0 101 proof , 31.12 ; spirits , second qtiallty , 01 proof , 81.10 ; do 19S proof , 81.00. Alcohol. SS probf , 82.10 per wlue gallon. Redistilled ioldon Sheaf bourbon and rye whlskle ? , L50@t.OO. ! Brandies , Imported , S5.tK'8.W ; lomesllc , Sl.30cfij3.00. Gins , Imported , 84.50 ® .00 ; domestic , 1.25 ( > t : < .oo. Champagces , 1m- lortcd , per case , $23.oo@33.00 ; American , per ase. 810.00010.00. HIDES Green butchers' , 5K(35e ( ; green ured , 7Kc ; tlry flint , ll@12c ; dry salt , OQ Oc ; green calf skins , 8c ; damaged hides , t\\o- hlitls price. Tallow ! ? c. Grease Prime white , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IJfc. Sheep pelts , 25d76c , HEAVY HARDWARE Iron , rate , 82.70 ; ilow steel , special cast , 4J < c ; crucible steel , Xccast ; tools , tin. 12 ( l.Sc ; wa on spokes , ier set , S2.00@3.60 ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; foi- oes , sawed tlry , 81.00 ; tongues , each , tOc ; xlos , each , 75e ; square nuts , perlb , 07c ; oil clinln , per Ib , Collie ; malleable , 8 10c ; ron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , Yc ; spring steel. 4fct5c ; Burden's horse lioes , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , 85.75. iarbed wire' In car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs. ron nails , rates , 10 to 59 82.00 ; steel nails , 'O W. ? It r. . MORTH- 1 WESTERN W RAILW. Ant QriHgo The onlj ronfl to tnko for Dos Motncs a , CcdKr HnuIds.air.'Tn , Dlxoa , Chtca- KU , Milwaukee nnd all point ! ) east. To the lino- > lo of Nebraska , Colorh.lo , Wyoming , Utnh , ilnho , Nevada , Oregon , WmlilnRton and Call- oriila , H oT ! ra euporior Hdvantagei not rostl- ) lc by ny other lino. Amontr a few of the numerous point * of iu- terlorlty enjoyed by the putroni of this rend letwoenOmaha nnd Chicago , nra Its two train ) ndar of DAYOOACHKS , which are the flnast Hint huninn art and luitenuitr can oreato. It * I'AI.ACSBLEBPINO CAU3 , which are model * of comfort nnd olejfnnco. Its PAHI.OIl DRA W- 'NO HCMIM CAHH , unfirpn \ < eil hy any , nnd Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS the equal nf which cannot b found elsewhnra At Council niufTR the trnlnn of the Union Puclflo ty. connect In Union Depot with thone of the : hloBiro & Northwciterti ly. In Chlcnpo the rHjiia of thl line nmke close oonnectlon wttb hose of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara/alls , Buffalo , PlttBbunr.Toronto , Montreal , Botton , Now VOIK , Philadelphia , Baltlmor * . Wasblnston nnd all point * IB th * east , art for a ticket via thn "NORTHWK8TBBN. " f you wtb the bst acoommodatton. All ticket RfronU * oD ticket * via this line. H. HUQHITZ , 1. P. WILSON , QenJL Manarw , Oenl. Pa'r Ar nt ChlCHro , III. W. M. BABOOCK , L. R. BOLLB8. Wet r = Auent , City Pass'r Afftnt. Omaha , Nebraska. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee fiSt , Paul Ry The Best Route front Omaha and Council Bluff * to _ THE E.A.ST 'ISvo Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council Bluflb Cliicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids Rock Ibland , Frtcport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Klgin , Madioon , Janesvillc , Beioit , Winona , La Cros e , And all other impoitnnt points Uust , Noithcnst . nd Southeast. lor through tickets call on the ticket ntront nt 1401 rnrnan. st , In Puxton hotel , or ut Union 1'uclflo depot. 1'iillmim Sleepers und tbo finest Dining- Cars In the world lire run on the iniiln line of the Clilcntfn , Milwaukee & St , 1'tuil Hallway anil cv- eiy intention la paid to puftsenscrs by courte ous employees of the company. It. MIM.KII. ( jeueial MatiHKer. J. F. , ARfistuntOoncral Mannper. A. V. U. , General Passenger and Tlekot Airent. GUI. K. llEAFKOni ) , Assistant General 1'assorv oi anil Ticket Aceut. J. T. ( Ji.AUK , Gene ral gupcrlutond trno is rvAcguAiiTEn winr THE aKouRArnr or TRU COCNTRY WILL BEE BI EXAXINIMO THIS Mil' TIliT 1118 CHICA60ROCKISLAND&PAGIFIGRAILWAY nyre&ionof Iti central position , eloie relation to lines Eaftt of Chicago , and continuous lints at terminal points Wtit , Northwest and bouthro t , la the true middle link In thnt trkntcontlnontal ny > t in which Invites anil fadUUtef Unrel unit trafflo between tlio AtUntlo and 1'n.clflc. The Hock Iclaml main line luM brajiches lnclud Chicago cage , Jolict , Ottawa , La Halle , Feorla. OencMO , Uollne and Hock Island , la llllnolst pavenport , Uurcatlne. Waihlugton , FalrHeld , Ottnmwa , OiValooia , Went Lib erty , Iowa City , IJcsMutnos , IndlanoU.WlnUraet , Atlan tic , KnosTllIe , Audutton , IlArlan , Outhrlo Contro and Council Bluffs , In Iowa ; OaJlattn , Trrnton , St. Josrpn , Cameron anil Kansas City , In Missouri : Leavenworth and Atchlson , In Kansas ) Albert Lea , Minneapolis and Rt. PaulInMlnnnsotai Watxrtown anil Sioux FallsIn Dakota , and hundred * of Intermediate cities &nd towns. , ' , 'Tho Great Rook Island Route" Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Its permanent way Is dlttloeuithcd for Us excellence. Its bridges are of stone and Iron. Its track Is of solid steel , Its rolling stock perfect. Its paisenger equipment has all the safety appliances that experience hasproved useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is unsur- papprd. Its Express Trains ronsUt of superior Day Coaches , elegant Pullman i'alace I'arlorand Sleeping Cars , tuperb Dining Cars , proTlJInf ? dellclou * meals , and ( between Chicago and St. Joreph , Atchlson and Kunsaa City ) reitful Itc llnlng Chair Cars , IU man agement 1 > conionratlre , IU discipline exacting. "The Famous Albert Lea Route" Ttetween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. I'aul Is the farorltc. Orer this line Solid Fast Kxprtis Trains run dally to attractive r < > < orts for tourlets In Iowa and Minnesota , and , via Watcrtown and Sioux Falls , to the rich heat and grating lands ot Interior Dakota. Via Seneca and Kankakee , the Hock Island offers superior Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian apolis , Lafayette and Council Bluffs. St. Joneph , Atchl- son , Leavenworth , Kama * City , St. I'aul , and Interme diate points All patrons ( especially ladlts and chil dren ) receheprotectlon , courtesy and kindly attention , r or tickets , maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , or any dcilred Information , apply to principal offices In the United States and Canada , or address , at Chlcag * , I. R. CABU , I. ST. JUKI , I. A. KOIIIOOI , ' Aii1ta1IUuir o. . . ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. THIS NEW ( ELASTIC TRUSS 'Uu a fad dltTerent from all Gthrn. l cnp uliape , wuli H lf. , p.,1UoBM bodj wblla tbe ball In the cup i iroaaaa back ttiu Intea- nea JM 8' DB ° pernon ith the ) f Inner , with fi g t' rrwiure ' tb ll rand - IViecarpl/'cikf anii nlirbtr and a radical cure certain It U easy , durable and cheap Rent bi mall Llr- colars tree , aMUVTO * TRCA CO. , Calw < < > , til. W UNDEVELOPED PARTS of the body enlarged and strencthtntd. Tull partle- ular ( sealed ) Irs . JUK 1UU ) . CO. , Dadtlo , N. Y. IhbTAUUUT JltVUCM OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agriculturot tmphments. CHURCHILL PARKER , Wholssala pfiiUr In Agricultural Implements , Wnpong , ! urtuea ami Uneaten. Jones ntreet , t twi > n 9th _ snill Oth , Omaha. yap. _ LINING ER M JHETCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , . Ban I" . Hte. , WhoUsalf , Omh . PARLINORENDORFA MARTIN Wholesale r > c lsr In Agricultural Implements , 'agon * and fluiilos. 901 , Wl , Wl tnil 9371 Jones it ylrr/'sfj' Mate fiat. A. JIOSPE , Jit. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1IS DoBilas Rt'Cdt , Om h . Builders' Hardware and Scales. 1IIMEBAUGH C TAYLOR , luilders'Hardware A Scale Kppair Shop Mechanics' Tools. and lluffalo Scales. UOu Douglas it , A Omatm , Neb. floor's and Shots. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. tit Farnam it , Omaha , N b. Manufactory , Summot trf ft. Huston. JS.T. LINDSET < C CO. Wholesale Itnbber Boot * and Shoes Htibber nml oiled uuutiliiir ana ten md Shoes , Bouthe t Corntr Uth Betr. STORK < C ILER , Lflirer Beer Hrewers , North 1'lh Street , Onmti * , Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , auiage Casings of all kind , always In toeli. 1115 Jones M .Oraaha Coffee , Spicet , Etc. CLARKE BROS. A CO. , Omaha Cotrco and Spice Mill Teas. Ooffee * . Spice * . Baking Powder. FlaTO tracti , Ijiundry Blue , Ink. Hte. 1(14-16 Ilnraey Plreet. Onmba. N b. Cornier. . EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. Manufacturer of Galvanised Iron anil Cornice. BJ3 luil o and 103 and 10k W,10th St. . onaaba , Neb. RUEMPING < C BOLTE , Manufacturer * of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals. Metallc Skylight , etc. 3108. 12lli itOmaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. GalTiinlid Iron Cornier * , etc. Spect'ilmprori ent Mi'tnllcHkyllghu sal and 610 9.12th nt..On Carpets. "oliL ± TlA CARPET'CO. ' , ' Jobbers of Carpets , Curtain * , Oil Cloths , BUSTS , Linoleums , Mnttlngs , Rtc. 1111 Dnug'at ' street. Crockery and Notions. Agent for 'lio Manufacturer ! ! and Importer ! ot Crockery , U lass ware , Lamps , Cliltmieys , etc. Ofllrc , 317 South 15th it Omaha. Neb. CLOTHING j 7f ELGUITER'S Mammoth Clothing House. Cornet l-nriiuin mill Tenth SUccts , Oiiiulm , Neb. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Butter , KKiriand Produce. Conalu menu solicited. Ileadquartera for Stoneware , Berry lloxo and Urape Ilaikela. 1414 IroitgtstreetOmaha. MIDI * ELL ! It I DD ELL , Storage and Commission Merchant * * , Specialties Butter , EKK * . Uieene , Po iltry , Game , Oysters , etc. , etc. 1128. llth St. FEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Prnrlsloni. Oiuaba , Neb. co. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Butter , Qame , Km In , etc. 230 8. 14th it Omaha. Neb. Coal anif Lime. UlU. ( .LAI1AOII , I'rel. C. T. OOODMAIf , V. PlOS. J. A. HUNDIHLAXD , B o. and Treat. OMAHA COAL , COKE C LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft , Coal , m South Thirteenth Street , Omnba , Neb. , r. , r. JOHNSON .p co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Pluster , IJme , Hair , r Ire Krlck , Drain , Tile and Sewer Pipe. Office. Paiton Hutal. Fanmm St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone Hll. Confectionery. Manufacturing : Confectioners , Jobbert ot Frulti , NuU nnrt Clean. Ull Kurnam St. Omaha. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER < 6 CO. , Jobbers of Cigari , Tobacco , Gum and Ammunition , 115 to 223 B 1Kb it. , ION to IVtl rarnamst , Onha.Neb. WEST A FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And \Vboleialo Dealer , In Leaf Tobacco , , No , . 10 * and HON.Uh street , Oraaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Roods & Notion * 1103 and 1104 Douglas , cor. llth St. , Omaha.Neb. Distillers. Distiller * of I.lqunrs , Alcobol and Spirits. Importers and Jobbers of WlaesanJ JJquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLS' CO. and ILER A CO. , Importer * and Jobbers of Fine Wines and Liquors Hole manufacturers of Kennedy's Kail Inrtla Bit- tun anil Domrillc Liquors. 1112 llarne ; ft. Furniture. DEWEY * STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Furnam Omaha , Neb. CHARLES Furniture , Hodding , Upholstery , Miner , , etc. IXC , 1108 and 1210 Farnam , t. , Omaha. Groceries , Y'AXTON , GALLAGJIER tf > CO. , Wholesale Groceries and I'rovislons , Nos , 700,7177,709 and 711 8.10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORI * , B.HADY t ! CO. , Wholesale/ Grocers , ltn and I.eayenwortb stOmab . Hardware. LEE , FRIED ft CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Phent Iron. Etc. Agents 'or Howe fettle , , and Miami PowderCo.OmahaN b. r. j. BROATCH , Heavy JIardware , Iron and Steel , Spring' , , W IIOQ Stock , Ilardware Lumber , etc. 120t and iil Harper > t. , ( lnj ha. EDNEY & GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood 8tuck , Hearr Hardware. Etc. H17 anil i l > l , T > pworlh , t , Omuhn , Null. MILTOJf ROGERS tt A'OJV'.V , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , , Oiate , . llrauOoods. Ull aud UU Karaa Btrett. . OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Iron Works. VIERLIXQ Iron Works , unit Cst iron Rallying Work , Iron * Mlr lUllliiK , llontni nnri ( Jlnlert , * lf m Knclnct , llra \Tork , ( Ivneril Founrtrr , Hnchla * tnd IVnckirallli Mat * . omct alWork , t.l' . rU. Pdmtnti t. ILK. SAWYER , nnn fact iirlna : Dealer in Smnko Stacks , llrltchlniis Tnfci , n < l ( leneral Boiler Ittpulrltif , ' KUJ Douulni itroet , lm ) h . F. II. MrMANtTI C. BtILlTAf. ) ! OMAHA WIRE C IRON WORKS , Mnmifnctnran of Ire and Iron Kailinirs , Desk Rallti , Window ( luardt. Flower Htftmls , Wlr Olini , IM 13 N. 18lh. OnlPMhr mMl promptly MUndndU. Lumber. OMAJLt TXTMBERCO. , ' lo ! r' . . AllKloiUof Bulldlnsr Material at Wholesale * lilh giro at tnd Union Partne Tr ok , Onuha. - LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lntb , Lime , Sash , Uuort.Mto. Yarili-CornerTth ml Douglui Corn * * Dtti and Douclii. * CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , BIIB.llthitretOmhN b. f.Colpctitr. M n in C. tf. D1ETZ , Lumber. 13th indCallforoliptratti. Omnri * . Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lnm ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto. Cor.Clh and nouglao ill. . Ornnhn. N x .UOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. 1L4RVEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlc * , 1103 Kirnam street , Clmnba. Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpati and Parquet Flooring. 8th and Dcngla4 ' JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland CVmrnt. Ptt ( Ag nt lorllllwnukeu Hydraulic ( ' trtut and Beit ( JulnCT Whltel.lme. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John K. Boyd. Superintendent. _ Lift Stock Commission. M. BURKE < C SONS , Live Stock Commission. . , Oeo. Ilurkt , llknager Union Steak Tardi.B. Omaha. Ttlaphona Mt. SAVAGE tP GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchanto , * i Shipment * of an ; and all klnria of Block tollott4. Cnlon Stock Varan. Omahi. NeU , Millinery and Motions. I b E F LJ Eli' rcoZ Importer ! and Jobbeia of Milliiiory and Notions , HIS and 1215 Harnej Bt.cet , Oioaha. Neb. Notions. j. T. ROBINSON"\OTION co. , Wliol e le ncil.irs In Notions and PiirnlsliliiR- Goods , d3and < OI > 8. Tenth Sc , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD Iff NuTACfuRINO COMPANY , Mannfnctnrers of Overalls , leans PanU , Shirts , Fte. 1102 nnd 11M Douiilm Street Omaha , Neb. CARPENTER PAPIsco , J Wholesale Paper Dealers. \ Carry ft nice Hock of I'rlnttiu , Wrunnlnu and WrIU IIIK imper. Hporlnl intention tilvon to car loud nt onlem. which will bo shipped illri'ct from mllln. All orders will rocelvo perional ationtliin. Weguiir- milee good poods anil low prices. 11U and 1I1IS DouglKsSU Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers. And Book Ulnderi. 100 and 108 Soutli 1'ourtoonttl itrott. OmnliK.Neb. WESTERN NEWS PAPER UNIO2i Auxiliary I'ubliHhers. DealoralnTrpe , Pronet anil I'rlntori'Bupplloa. SOI South Twelfth Btrret. Pumps. RROll'NELL & CO. , Manufacturers and Denlrrn In , Hoiloi'H iV. ( icneral Machinery Hliect Iron work , Stuura 1'umpi. HHW UI1U , Aetna Sbaf tlni , Uodf * Wood split Pullers , BelUaf. eta , Aliowuioni , serapers.aadti alatlas. Ten worth it. Omaha CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesiilo Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamand Water Hupnlltl. llcailqunrtors fir Mart Fo3 > tCo'aloo > ls. IfllliariiHm si. . Oinubn , Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. BalladarWInd lUllisi nleam and Water Rtipplle * . Plumbing Uoodi , HeftingHose. HID nml tt0 ! fur- Dam St. , Omaha. B. K. Kelton , Mnuuutr. Telephnna No. SIP. " A. L. STRA NG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Bteam , Water. Hallwar and Milling Hupiillo. EM MO , IMapdMOarnam st..Umah . Neb. Books and Stationery. A. T. KKNYON , f CO. , Wlio oimlo and Re'all Booksellers and Stationers , J522 DoufriRR st. . Omaha , Not ) . Telephone Ml. Correnpniuloticn sollciloil. Safes , Etc. P. BOYER C CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Leek Co.s' Jflre and Hnnt'ar Froot Rafes , Time Ixicks , VaulU jmd JtlHTorlt. 11B ) rarnam tr t Omnlia , Nab. G. ANDRE EN , Omaha Safe Works. Manufacturers nf Fire and llurelur Proof Snfcs , Vnul Uours.Jnll Wnrk.Bbutters and Wire Work. Cor. lUbaiid Jackson Hl . . Otiuhu. NJb , Sash , Doors , Etc. WboUiale Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Winds aud Mouldings , Branch o&ice , 12lu and I rd fit , , Orc = t : , Nt , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO.t Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldijuis.fimlr Work and Interior Hard Wood Kin I si Juit I'pened. N. K. cot. ( tb and l * venwortligu. Ouiaba , Neb. KLEIN HOUSE Johnstown , Neb , The I > c6t accoinmod.itiono for travelers. The best hotel in tnwn. F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor. THE CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Thp Ijcst known nml taobt populHr hotul In thoetatp. IiratlnVrntrnlRpi ( ) > ointm iitH nisi- cl g. llritiliitinrtoK for uoininorcUt raun ami all political iiuU pulillo r " ' " ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE , TEnnE HAUTE. IND. i * School ol Engineering. . . . . . ' . . ' " . . VWIlAUilowfilj.'rill fiullftd littVjmi'"S ' - | . - . . Klrttriltrt'h'-nil. * uk UDilCJfU * < * ' " * it ml Drawloc. Kileit l U1p uni l < nbnralf > rlt , . i'irC.UU uiniaJJIiT. U.ll.NUtWWALLH