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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1887)
r r ; \ . . . . . . . . . . L . . . . . 0 : . : . THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : SUN1YAY , J1JIT 10. iSTWELVJPACThS . . . . : flE DAILYBEE. , . } PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. - : i 1 ? fl % ( OP AUflCnfpTO7 : mI1y ( ) fnrnIa EdlUon ) Including 'tIfldR7 il a.Ono Year # tor8IzMonth . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ( ,00 , . orThrcoMonthq . . ' . . . . . , . 24) ke Omahi 5n0ny flIEflatIOc1 to any . j Mdros , Ono Ycar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ' * AA OFflCx No Oil ANn UV PAUfAM TR1fl 1 . Ev Yontc ( ) rrCL It'o' , TIitiIttfl : IJttIl.IING. ) . AaUnUTOf OrrIcr , Nu 5I FoUKTcXTU - . cnnnni'nsrnsci . All oommunIottion rolafing to newt and cdl. tOTIltI mkttor , thould bu it&h1rccd to the LUL' o1I or ri1 flir. flUINNS L11ERSt All buInos ottur and roinittancog should be * 1droiod to TIl } I& : 1'UIiIdSlIINI COMIANY , OMAhA. Drafte. check9 nULl potomco orilor3 : O bo inadopsyable to thu ordsro thu company. UE E ( PUSLISHINS COMPANY1 PROPR(1OAS1 ( : B. ItosEwA'rEIt , EnTTOH TiLE DAILaY BEE. 4 . Mworn Stateniccil of lJtrotslfttlon. . ' 7 ' math of Nebraska ; County of 1)ouzla ! . L 1 ( k'o. 13. Tzschucc , Becretary of The flen Publishing eoInInrnY , tiocs solemnly swear * that the actual circuiRtlon of tim 1)aIIy Bee for the week ending July 3 , 1S7 , was as SoIlows , 3aturday.JtiIy 2 14ltO t3unday.JuI q 14.200 3 Mnndav.juIv4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , Tuesday. July ! ff Wednesday. July 0 13,000 F Ttiiirsciay , July ' 1' trlday , July 1'3)0 ) , 4 ( ; EO. Ii. ' 1'zsciiUci. . ; worn to and subscrlbeI In my presence , thii Uth ilay of July , A. 1) . 1837. - N. P. Fatr. . . ISEAL.I Notary Public. 8tato of Nebraska. f Jouglas County.S5 . Geo. B. Tzsciuck ) , being flri.t duly sworn , depose and says that lie is secretary 01 The Dee l'ublislilng company , that the actual average daily circulatIon of the Daily lice ( or the month of , JuIy , 1830 , 12,314 copies ; , for August , 18'6 , 12,4G4 copIes for Septirn her , isso , i3oo coj'ies ' ; for October , ISSO : 12,539 copies ; for Noveiiiber. iSSO , , copies ; for 1)eccmber , ISSO 13,237 cejiles ; for January 1857. 10.2C6 copks ; for February. 1887 , 14,108 copIes ; for Mardi. 187 , 14,400 copies ; for April , 1537 , 14Ul0copies : for May. bS7 , 14,27 cuplts for Juiie 1887 , 14,117 copies. Cr.o. 13 , Tzscrnic. $ ubscribcd and sworn to before me thIs 1st dayotJuly A. 1) . , 18S7. 1t3E4t1.1 N. 1' . 1axr. . Notary l'ublic. ( Contents of the SUfllfly BOO. Page 1. New York herald Cailegrams- pecials to the 1Jiu.-GeiieraL Telegraphic News. Paco2. Toleeraplile News.-Clty News- 1Isce1lany. Page : Special Advertisements. . Page 4 , Edltorlais.-l'rcss Comments.- Iisee11any. Page 15. LIncoln Nows-Miscoliany-Ad vertisoment. ' . CouncIl Bluffs . l'ngeO. Ncws.-Miscollany. -Advertisements. I'agc 7.-General and Local Markots.-Ad- yertiseinonts. Page 8. ( leneralCity Nows.-Local Advcr t1temeri ts. 1ago 9.-Society In Oniaha.-Marquis do lAfayette , by Frank ( i. Carnonter. Page 10.-Sweet Fields of Canaan.-Prlncos * 8 I'ivoteers-'IIao Cunning of tue Spider , by Mr. B. 11-The hebrews of Ittissia.- S. . Church FigIit Over a Window.-Naturo's Najestic Vondor.-A Duel to the 1)eath.- , Advorttscmonts. rage IL-.1)un't Forgot the Dorll.-Tliat Coward , by Thomas M'1'4aIiy-Tbe Quaker Wedding.Connubialities. . - Educational.- Impletio3.-The JlIgh-Boun.Ung . Bronciio.- lloiiey for the Lad Ies.-Reilgioiis.-Musical * nd Drainatlc.-A I'oetlcal Appeal to ' [ en lerfoet.-Fepperinlnt Drops-Slngularltles. -Advertisements. . Page 12.-Three Types of Femininity , by' ' lara Boile.-Ingersoll on Bceciier-A. hirsty Paradise.-Conistock's l'roud ieath , by Captain Jack Crnwford.-Mrs. Sharp's ' GTrow. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE number of celebrated mysterious murders which have taken Iiaco In Con- fleoticut within the past eight years is In excess of likmurders in the balance of . the United States. For ways that arc dnrk.and crime that Is hidden the Con- eotIout murderer loads all others. AFTitR almost two years delay of jns. tico , Maxwell , the eminent St. Louis . nlurlorer , lint arrived itt the conclusion . that his fate is sealed and ho will hang on I the 28tn proximo. The crank women of the Mound City arc still lionizing the culprit by SOfllIflg ( him tiowors daily. WHEN Thurston discovered that his clients had put their foot In It by falling to got a majority of the council on record ' : for the resolution awarding to the Bc. r siblicatr the -contract for official advor- . tlalng , ho boldly adapted himself to thc t iltitation by claiming that there Is sic - contract yet , and could n3t be until th burt has dissolved the injunction. Thea ' why hni tim Rcpublican been flauntin the Inscription , "Ofltcal paper of thc city" at the head of its local page foi - * i2Oio titan a week ? GOVFUNOE IYArrISON is still trylel , ' hard to hfld somebody wIse could expliir i , ' - some of those alugular U. P , vouchers ' When Mr. Fopploton's able colloagur Judge Usher was before ttio Commis sion at Kansas City the Inquisitive chairman called isis attention to the following - lowing legal expense bills. E. W ' ilennis , Washington October 1870 .F1.31,6 ( -Cigars and liquors for legislators * 5.044,80 , R. 0. Ingersoll for legal ser 'vioes \Vaslilngton In assisting to gel ro rata bill passed In 1974-7.&OO. Judge Ushoroxplained that there wer , , ' quite a number of men Interested in th ; , UnIon Paclilu stationed at Vnshington In those days anti they were very hungr3 nd thirsty. l'lio Br.n has no doubt of it. Thosi cli room follows always arc awful dr : nd hungry. We venture to sy : uobod 3n these parts knows that fact bettoi ' than John M. Tisurston and we can : Iroyo it by hint If ho is not decoyed oi another cat fish ooursion the next tun , ' . be Is wanted. TIIEIIF : are sonic very Interesting con , 'tributions to ancient history being snail 'by tim Pacific railway commission While relating the history of the struggli for the location of the eastern ttiriuluu . ml the Pacific railroad before the cons L. Ission at Kansas City Judge Usher , wisi was In I4IflCOlIiS cabinet at that time ; : aaid : "Thu advantages of Sioux City ' Xitnsaa City aitit Omaha wore vigorousl irdvooated , but Omaha was Ilnally sic looted as the terminus of the main road the other cities being roitelied b . . branches which wore designed to con ectwsth the ninin line at the 100th use 1 Idian. When the advant8gos of Omish ere first presented to L'rcit1erit Lineoli . I. lie remarked ; 'Why , I've got a quarto ' . ( section of html near there , and if 1 beat ' . . the terminus sit that POiUt people wil , lay th&t I ai porsntilIy Interested in th attor. ' The fear of this , ' continued Mi ' . Ijsber , "did not prevent Lineolfl from th siding finally In favor of Oiuitlst. " But Induo time Lincoln was overrule I asid the terminus Sya.S relocated by Shtno ' IJUbons' nephew , wAo was then 'Unite $ t&t455 circuit judge and Is now the gee ' ri.I conauiting attorney of theUnIo , ' seIibo. . . . , : . . ' $ . . ? L . . . ' - A A. ' The FiorhI Humor or It. The supreme Joke of the injunction Nuit against the city yesterday was the statement in 1toscsvater's petition that tue 1ejithllciin ? "contract'Is so loosely drawn ttiat It * places it iii the power of said coiispany to defraud - fraud the thxpayer , ad ilbitum , and said contract is vicious and contrary to soumi business prjflcipi3i 'i'Iio liorid humor or this lies In the fact that the contract was copied verbatim from the oise tinder which the Brn has acted for a year , the only change betiig in a substitution of the titles of the papers. 'l'lio truth Is that , like everything else In the iietitloii , this was sworn to recklessly , without any knowledge of the contract , or witiiotit any rigard for the truth. In its % vay it Is funny , iiowevcr.-flcpublt- cast. cast.This Is by no means the first time that the power of tiiocourts had to be invoked in Omatia to restrain jobhcry and reckless - less methods lit ( iso letting of municipal contracts. The suproino joke of these Injunction stilts has been tue disconslituro of booder ! , and tIm florid humor of it is that John M , ' ! 'htirston Is nearly always on hand to plead in dofcnso of tue law- lt'ss and eOrrUt methods pursued by dishonest contractors anti unprincIpled councilmen. It i so again in this injunction - tion case. With all duo dofcroncc to the veracity of our amiable contemporary , we still maintain that this bogus contract is loosely drawn , vicious and contrary to Sound principles. TIm florid humor of it lies in the proposals and tue bid , which leaves to tlio publishers of the Itopubikan the option to print tue ollicial ativerLiso- meats lii any typo they may see lit to use , and illeasure the same by any standard which wIll yield titans the largest income. Tisis Is the dill'urcnco betivecil this po- collar comitract and those horctofore made by time city. Last year and every preceding year tue published - lished proposals for atlvortismmmg insults nonlarell type with ten lines to cacti square time basis of time bid. This year no standard of typo or basis of measure- snout was exacted , stud the bid of the Republican behmmg blank on this vital ijoint , leaves its iUblisimers free to c3tab- lish their own standard of typo and measurement. The florid humor iii this case relates also to time course of proced- sire by time council and the metimods of procuring the award which we arc assured - sured was lOentical this time with tue letting ef last year , This is very funny. Last year the council directed the clerk to invite proPosals for advertising by rca- elution requiring each bidder to submit a sworn statement of circulation and to take as his basis ton hues per square nonpareil nscasuremont. This was done on time first Tuesday ma June. Bitls were opened on Juiso 10th and referred to the printing committee. That committee reported - ported a week later that the 1ln was the only bidder that had coinllied with the requirement as to city circulation. After two weeks of controversy the Bun was finally awarded Lisa contract which wits voted for by a majority of time entire council and approved on tire stone miigimt by president of the council Becimol vimo was then acting mayor. There was nothimig crooked or irregulitrin the whole transactioum , nor was the rate excessive. Oil the contrary while the mercantile rate for advertising had been raised by the BuE because of its large increase of circulation , the contract gave the city the rates of the preceding year How was it this year ? Without reference to time express prvisIons of the charter , and contrary to common usage , a notice was Inserted inviting proposals for time fiscal year ending July 1 , 1889 , for hay , oats , Ice and printing. Rothaker and Taylor were in the clerk's office up to the last moment that bkis wore to oloso , cx. pecting , doubtless , that they wore to be time only bidders. When they discovered a competitor In the hag , tlmoy deposited three sonarato bids with the clerk. Taylor swears those bids were identical as to rates. Who over heard of a eon tractor filing three bids for a job and all L three the sanus In terms ? Time discrepancy between the time fixed on tire proposals anti the time sot by tlmc ' charter for letting tire official advcrtisinj was such as to raise a doubt in the mind of time editor of tue Ban as to time validIt3 of the proposals , oven if they had nol been altogether too indefinite about thu basis for measurement. The city attor : fl03' WaS asked for advice on timis point and expressed tins belief that no contrac could be legally let for the porlod of omit year from July 1. CouncIlman Has call , chairman of the judiciary committee too , oxprossoti the same views , and won so far as to say that ho would introduc a resolution directing the dente to re-advertise in accordance with tin provisions of time charter. Thorcupoi after personally conferring with a ma jority of the council , who each agreed ti support tire resolution for reativertising ) the laE's bid was witimdrawn and tisi editor retired. And now Rotimakur am Taylor begutsi their undonimuinded work L Taylor vitiu1row his two biuls and wires the only romainingbid was opened andre : 3 ferrod to the committee on printing Tisy S br hint this bid , which properly shoub have gone to Mr. Kitchen , the chairman- r who tvns tcmporariiy absent-niacod ii the lianits of Manville , a member of tir S connnltteo. Then Taylor drew up a roper awarding the contract totho Bcpubticasi r This was copier ! by Manrillo ant , signed by Pat Forth and Manville. hut the report was not presented unti :1 : after midnight when eight oouncilmei S had retired and a bare quorum remained Then Rothakor had tire report sprunj on the counemi , The charter requireD that ouch contract or resolution iuvoh D mug an expenditure of money shall enl , ; be passed by a recorded vote of a ma S jorlty of the entire council , Instead c : . ordering the vote taken by ayes and nec : ; the contract was awarded by a more vlv voile vote-in violation of the law. Thi bare faced job was railroaded throug L : early start morning anti the mayor's a provat procured to a contract at varisiuc In terms with the bid under which it ha ; boon awarded by the council. The cot - tract was then deposited witim the cit - comptroller. Anti the most florid 1 of timis swindle Is that the mayor was in n P0301 on by the conniving city at r torney who solonspl.y declared , time 0 the mayor's signature to a con tract begotten by illegal method : C was fluid and the courts alone could ac it asido. And when title samAo city at ) . tornoy appeared before tire court iso Ic aisted that there was no contract an that time copt chuid not legally In crfer y because the prOylsiont of the cbartc it which requires a recorded. ratificatibu c each contract before it is valid , imad sic a been complied with. In other words th mayor could hot crass or strike out hi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ' _ - ' , . . . 1& _ , - signature to a paper which had not yet received the required votoof ton council. men1 nor could the court restrain time cityonicials : from carryingmt Into died. This is very funny , isn't it , osiooially when tire same attorney had insisted all along that time council hal done its work and the concurrence of tire mayor limb mndc the Republican tire official paper beyond roonih. The Goidon Shore Excuraion. The PeOPiO of San Francisco and time Pacific coast ma general are smow upon time verge of cestacy , so to speak. It is given out by time passenger agents of the various railroads at time cast timat arraugo- mcmmts have boon perfected for the transportation - portation of lmvards ) of 60,000 oastcrn tourists from Now York , New Jursey , Pennsylvania , Connecticut and New England to time gzolden shores of time l'acl. flu tins fall , Sami Francusco already recognizes - cognizes its inability to properly care for this great Inliux of sight seers and possi. blo Investors. It is. promnisod that they will ho given a cordial welcome. They will be givers time freedom of time city at time rate from thrco to ten dollars nor day. The golden slope metropolis hopes there will be a irundrou thousand and "more the nierrier. " Thu tickets ripen which time : umtiounccui OO,00P vIll travel will be good returning three months front ( litte of startmmig. Sixty thousand people will leave a surolums of cash ma time golden city at , the lowest possible figure , 3 a day for cads traveler , For one day this means a revenue to time hotels of San Francisco alone $180,000. Fr ninety days ti'e ' voitmmne would swell to sl6,2OO,0OO. San Francisco cami well afl'ord to provide for their visitors In imandsomo style. In mubditiomi to hmottl cxpcflsos every tourust Is good , at the loivest vossible estimate , for 3 nioro pr tiny. Thus it vii1 be seen there will be nulded to tire vol tunic of ciretmiatung nietliuni Its that seetiomi upward - ward of $ JOOOO ) , anti it is safe to pre- annie It sviil renoir ii9,0OPOO before tue umisophistleated oastorlier3 have boots uI- bowtd to turn their faces tosvmud time na- jag simmi. Are not these Ilatering prosPects - Pects quite suluicient to create broad smiles , and Itching paling ? Time San Francisco papers , are much wrought Ui ) at tIme thought thirst thuro are siot hotels enough to give time necessary accommodation. They advise ttro build- lug of more hotels , new theatres and a cleaning up of the city in general. 'ruse latter , of course , is badiy needed. What seems to exercise the editorial issind most is tire : tbsolute absence of batlrng privileges. Tins latter appeal to capital and cuter- pnise is possibly subject to ni'maeonstrue- tion , and it mlgimt be well that an explan- utica be maths before tire excursionists cuter upon their journey. It niigirt be taken to mean that in the absence of the necessary bath privileges , that tins auxilary to elcamsilneas and good health Is not a custom of the San Francisco people. Upon the other hand it may be construed Into meaning that timocastcrn people will stand more in need of baths thrurn anyt4rlng else-that timoy arc unaccustomed to such convent- onces at lmonie. Then again the San Fran- ciscoian may know sonscthmiug of the eastern custonis , and In order to keel ) the tourists within their benders the ninety days , it will be necessary to provide - vide thorn with such accommodations as they are in time habit of having. This is a very important question , and there should be no delay in settling it. The 1Cndcrgarten. There huts boon a markorL growth of interest - terest within a few years In the kindergarten - garten as a nmeans of primary instruction , and the success achieved whore tins sys. tern has been most carefully employed , notably in St. Louis , has served to stimnu- late this interest. The advocates of time kindergarten insist that it is the most ra- tiomral and scientific systenm of primary instruction becaimse time irmat natimral. It employs tire methods and means timat every child uses in becoming familiar wIth its surroundings. It goes on the assumption that play is an im portant part of child - life , and therefore makes use of time gaines r of the children to imiart in. struction. It happily combines work and play and makes both contribute - buto to the mental imrmprovememrt of time child. its method rightly pursued is a constant and healthy stimulus to tire 3 child's desire to acquire knowledge. The underlying theory is that spontaneity , or play , is always serious in a child and not t frivolous , and thrust this should be di- roetod to external fact and truths. 'rimims these spomitaneotma powers may be di reeteti and developed into solf.culturo , r Indoliendent action anti the love o knowledge. Tins process is synthetic ) Time object Is placed before the child ant moans amid opportunity gives In a rational and liarinoni- uniter for the child's mind to work spontamrcously. 'rime cimilc observes , mutates , reproduces and in yjfl5 tennis. Every step , no matter how small , has its signmtleemico and almost un consciously incuicatoi its lesson. 'rumoro - Is the same change anti variety that is tc be foend iii oimiid's play , and no one gains 0 or lesson is oontinueu long eumough tc t weary time child. The games imicludc 8imnplc ontochisius thrust bring into pla t tire various muscles of the body and in. sure physical as well as mental develop. mont. Romping is organized and math a to do thti servbco of the educator , and tin delicate fancies of time child are trained in useful ways and with right models be S tore it. ft Is easy to see that the etThct o P. such a system. wisely conducted , suns be to make the children cager seeker - after knowledge , while at tire same timn f it is a moans of enjoyment and hoaltim 5 promotinmgrooreatiozr. No child having a normal conditions and qualificationt a would quarrel with such a system , nut hi time great majority could be depondet upon acquiescing In its requirement 0 wills delight. The first free kindergarten in St , Louhi 1 was cstablisircd In 1873 as an experiment y 1ronr timat have grown sixty.clght , witl r an oiirollmoimt of nearly seven thousand cimiidntsn and conducted at an annual cx pease of about 50,000. Oimiy children t over six and under seven years are ad mimiitte&t to the kiudergarton amiti alto s ouo 3car's instruction thelo they entet t time primary schools. Kindergarten cnl Ldren attend but one half day , so thrust tim I. ' Oxponsie of training is kept within tim it cost of primary iimstnumctiou. Each kiu U dorganten is tinder time charge of a dirco r . tor who lists thoroughly stunicul the was if.aisproved methods. and who I' aided b it Oslo Ut mnoro salaried assistants , accord 0 iii tothonumbor of' pupils. Volunteer Li uupaidassissaats are received Into thos . , a _ _ _ . ; A FC % .t , : . . . . . . - . , , , sclmoois'to tudy tho15yoni and receive Instructions arid prutcL : iI training from tho'thlreetors. When qualified tooy arc employed as putid assbtahtg. During time last school year thiru wore otis- ployod in time sixty-erht kindergartens - tons fifty-two directors , , paid assistants , and lifty volunteer assistants , tire aggregate expeumditttro being a little over $ l5OOO. The rc4tilts arc stated to intro been in time iiIglioatiogrce satisfactory - tory , I Time merits and advitmitages of time kiss- dorgarton system lmtrvc , certainly booms most conclusively demonstrated iii St. Louis , amid wimmle them-p 'mhy ho difllcultics iii time way of adoptiimg it us a 1)art of time public selmool systomrs , IL has been siiosvmz that these are hot immsurnmouutabIe , Time most dhlllcsmlt question to solve appears to be timat of adopting time primary instruction - struction to kindergarten motirodn , but evidently this is possible of accomplish- mont. Time matter is ccrtamnly one winch may very properly engage the attention of nil progressive educators , as it Is now doing of many of them. fljy ? Iloutaflger. " Such was time acolaiimi tirsit resounded through tue streets of Paris on Friday whomr time favorite general of Frammco was about to leave time capital to assutrie comsrmand of time timmrtcentim army corps , to wimich lie was recently assigned by time minister of var. 'first cry , with tire cx. irossious of poptmlar hostility to time government - ernment wnictr accompanied it , was heard by time veteran president of the republic - public , tvhmo doubled time guard snbommt his palace , anti was listoired to by tire imsinis. ters whose appointment was contingent tuba time rejection of Iboulangor with probahiyfrtr from agreeable foelings. No sopular iroro in Frammcc siucoGambotta has received such an ovuntlois , and had lJou- langer titan proclaiisred that tic would hot leave Prinis ire mrriht have remained there surrounded by a folionving which time governmozrt would imas'e found it cx- troinely diflictrlt to control. No reasonable trials can doubt , after this denronstrzttioim , that Botslaimger is ox- tramucly Popular wiLls tim F'renclm PCollO , If indeed ire is not tire most poiuiar mmiii in Iranco. It plainly showed that tire eul'orts of President Gravy and time ruin. isters of iris creation to disparage time favorite general in the estimation of the people , and to break down lila influence have not been success liii. It is not improbable on tire contrary , tirat tue course of time government toward liosmianger has had the cflct to urake him stronger with the people. lila ovn course lists been reserved , undonsomi- . strativo , and to all outward appearances patriotic , He gave sb encouragmncmrt to tire vast crowd that aqplautled him iii the same breath timtt' It denoujiced time government. in aI1 thim he lass acted with a prudent d1cret3on wimicim the French people will takcnt its full value. At the lread of the thirteenth corps Bou- langor will not be fokgottcn. What are thme , osslbilitles of the riot far futurd ? It flay be idle to conjecture The present week may be a most evontu1 one for France. It will witness tire closcof the national osseiribly , which it jmas .been predicted would snake tire beginning of atirnisrg events. 'ihoro is nofailk in time porma- nanco of tire prcse'srt ministry. It is hardly possible that its downfall could fail to bring Boulanger again to time front. In that evomit there might be hap- pcnings in winds all the world would take an interost. iligim Sounding Titles. There is a suit at present on trial in a Ilaltinroro count under the majestic arid impressive tmtle of "William H. I'orkins , worthy ruler of St. Thomas' lodge , against Augustus Thomas , grand royal king of the united and consolidated order of brothers and sisters and sons and daughters of the knights of four men and tire nuemnbers of 'tire ' supreme grand royal honmso. " 'rime grotesque ribS surdity of tins will not uecd to be ins- pressed upon time attention of time reader. But rt suggests time question whether there is not "something too much" of .thls sort of Liming in connection vitim all societies essentistliy American Iii their origin. : Those organizations which hail their beginning ginning in tire old world , umrdcs forms of government where titles of royalty amid nobility abound , most naturally bor rowed from these the designations of their oilicimnls. Not only were the originators of ' such societies most familiar with this class of titles , but their adoption haul tire excuse or justmllca- tion there of being necessary to indicate grades of authority amid dignity which tvero understood by everybody. 1'Imis irmude them convenient for use , besides which they imnparteti to the orders a ocr- turin importance and impressiveness in r time popular irsind , In America , however , these considonmitiomis do not apily , Not L only have sooietiesorlginatiumg Irene other titles which they can rise so timat tire rank amid power oftlmomr oflicimnis sisal ! be prop- crly graded but time use of which would be mucir snore sippropnlato. how mnuein better , for oxansple , S than mmcii a nidicimioualy cx- travagant combination as "Orsuss.I Royal S King" would be1OSt Eminent President - dent , ' ' allowing that somirethmmng snore r than time simple title of vresident or governor - ornor shmouitt at any time be nocessary. Furthermore , thom ' 4' i titles numat be supplensentod with all the trappings amid ) parapimcrnaiia that are utcomod mmceossmnry L to mriark anti distingmiishthu persons upon whoimi Lucy are bestotvod. In time meetIngs Ings of the societies afid on public oc. casmomis timeso favored lttdiviuuals are S tricked out and bospunuglod often in the most gorgeous manner , making objects of themselves svimieiigrOitly entertain t the ciriidron but 1ook xtotuuiy nidiou- S to older people of sense. . fiicro may be no offense in this sontol thing , unless it be to good taste , bust its isconspicnously a nonsensical , it ought. to Lie reformed , so far us till societies of American origin at least are concerned , Au simoh simoulil eliminate every title , symbol and mimsig- ida that s borrowed from or suggests royalty , amid muakti their official dcsigmmsi- lions amid timeir forms amiui iuetimmls eon- form to tire diameter of time institutions - under whietr timusy live. They will not r thereby imnpmtlr either their usofuimsess or 5. their tmL'pressivenoss , wisilo Lucy will ho lii imarmmu.mny with time views and feelings 0 of Americans. U _ _ _ _ _ Our Clans flakr , - ' Time citizens of the cultured east , cspo- t cmaliy arciund Now York , arc noted for V their stupidity and general ijuorauco about matters at tub groist atid boundless West. The average Now Yorker is sollisir , Q .mnoroen.ry and the proud possessor of a heart colder than an iron wedge. In Plainer language , lie is a hog. Time guam- ( irous hearted POollO at tue west would hot cxcimange dlspos1tion with time ulumdcs of time etrete cast It time ensUre wealth of Mniiimttan Island was givers In boot. Deep , dark , green jealousy of the cuter- prise amid puisii Of Omaha is lnmrkimig iii timeir bosoms. Because at Omaha's recent - cent ox roast a clam bake was as well a Part of time tiny's festivities , merciless New York millers arc atteummothuig to create time imprn3stosr timat Omimaima is be. coming too large for Its clothes , amid its citizens wish to make believe ttmat bccmumse it can support a cluitii bake It is a seaport. Onialma is not a seaport and no one hero lusts clmuimucd mmcii , but time duty Is not far distant wimcn this , time most en- terprisumig unit rumpitily growing city on time Missouri river , vhi1 ho a port of entry. Omsulma clamsi bakes , like tire city , svrhl be- cosmic one of tire great institutions of time west , Little Sami Francisco also attempts to pimt our airs amid turn U ) its wino coi- ored mioso at Oumiaisa's cmiii bakuss , uVc lusty riot Irma a great deep salt water frc'imt , but as time city is fast uipproacimimig 150,000 ioltmisitioim ) ) , SO rihl grow time clutusi bake neil all Its sweet iniluencos of culture anti good times iii general. We are prepared to proutimee an nub- davit tlmat a clmtmn was baked in Omaima cu time glorious Fourth , A Spurious Report. TIme Onsaima umanager of Dumsn & Co.'s mercantile ageircy most emphatically proirotmurces as spurious tire so.calk'ti rim- view of building activity in leading Amrmoricamu cities winch was sent out by tire Associmtotl : mjross last week as cmmsairat- mug from Duusu & Co.-so far at least as it relates to Oinmnhra. 'J.'hicru certthurly : is a most decided discrepancy botwusemi time report ciroumlateml by time Associated press -iii whmich Onmaima rs singled omit ins one of tire cemiters whore time building imrdus- tries irmi reached time stage of stugusation -amid time printed circular of 1)tmmu & Co. dntett July 1 , which embodies tire gems- oral business ommtlook compiled review of conimmiorcimil and linrammeinl oltmruttiOfls and general coirdition of time bumihtilmig interests anti real niarkot. This circular comituimss time following nuder tire head of Onmaima : 'rho busimioss oumtlook , in Nebraska , has not in twenty years been brighter timan to-slay , with time one exception , that s'iren time reaction 1mm remit estate speculation , winch provades every city , town and hamlet conmes , anti it is expected within twelve niontims , trouble must ensue for those uumrclmnmits and dealers who have gone outside of tlroir legiti- irude hues , and in their iraste to got rich as- suined obhigittiours in time inrrchaso of cois- tract real estate-really optlois gamnsbilng- which nmmmst be met from their comirmorcial gains , and , as a rule , time very ones who thus Spocmiiato have not all the capital tiroy should have for their business wants ; with this cx- ception , Nebraska merchants are prosperous and content. Nearly 1,500 nmhles of railroad are building withimi the statol now bridges , waterworks and gas isiants are belngput 1mm ; manufacturers from adjacent states are seek- jg sites and erecting bmmihtliugs. Basikimig capital , which has been soniewhmat tlotlcient In tue interior , Is being supplioti by eastern men attracted by the rapid and apparently permanent growth of our towns and cities , and the higher rate of interest obtainable. Loan and Immvostment companies find this Is a safe market for their firnds , and our peopie are enabled to borrow time capital so imsimeli needed in a now conmnimy at reasonable rates. islucli doubt and fear of results were ex pressed In time irassage of time inter-state coun- merco bill , but these have been , In a great measure , allayed. as it was found tlmat Iiimau- Ination made tire btmgbear greater than It was , nut ! confidence is now expressed that tire bill will prove benotlelal to tue state , entire tire wirolo , imn tIme long run. Nebraska hiss good catmso to be comrtont with its share of favors this year , with ainsost a certainty of heavy crops , amid with commercial anti and- cultural interests in excellent shape , and internal - ternal improvements hiberaiiy ontere4l upon , we hope to pay 100 cents at mimattmrity , mmii have a healthy surplums. Collections have been fair-and the rate of money Is 8 to 10 per cent per annum , msmostly tine latter. There hits bcesn manifestly a mistake made by time reporter who coisipiied timis review for the Associated press. There Is nothing in it to justify the report that Omaha is one of the progressive western cities whose growth is on tire stammuistill , anti we feel timat it would be great injmms- tice to hold ltimrn & ( Jo. , or its local manager - agor , responsible for misrepresentations irsadc by somue reckless or careless no- porter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The King Goes flown. The climax in tue nund career of King Kunlunkaniun , of time lisuvali islanti , has been roacised , anti time king , timougim still oecu pying the throne , has been almorim of isis prerogatives. Ills cabinet 1mm been hurled Irons power anti a now administration of ministerial officers have been placed iii charge of time government. At this unonsesit the wife of time king , Queen Knpaolanha , is uiisoii tire bosom oh time Atlantic onrormte Irons Lorsdosr tc New York , and will vrobably reneim thmc latter city about Monday. 11cr mission to Eisglanti was to misc funds with which to aid this king in re taming possession of time govenmnemmt , Iii winch it is reported shme was unsuccessful , The dusky queen can not know of thmc uprisisig of her P001)10 ) until she sails u ; time bay at New York. It is true alma war one of the royal guests at time jubilee 01 Queen Victoria , and timmut may comispen sate her for the loss of it timnone tc winch imimo imas no longer a tub. Time practical dethronement of ltin Kalakaua is not unexpected. Ho 1mm been carrying things with it high hand He lost sight of the interest of his veoplt and was plunging his govornnront imopu- lossiy ma debt , amid ho imimseit living a hif of debancirory. ignoring all somises of morality and self respect , and isis down fail is but retributive justice anti does nd conic too soon. This hiss not boon irosPerous year for kings. in tim Old Pashsion. A cmmrrcmnt item states timat C. Ii , Over- man , a Minneapolis evangelist svhmo attempted - tempted to preach cmi time streets of Sa- vaminaim , Georgia , without a porurit from time mayor , has bean sentenced to tbc chain gming for thirty days. Anoti5oi itonl ruins that lr Bacon , who declared fromis tire ltIiPht imi Sivamimiaii : that lie be lieveul time mmorth was right In time into var1 lists ctuiseti : great intiigmmatloit imi that cosim niunity. Georgia proudiy claims that it is the most uttlvamreed amid progrossivc state In tIme soutir. It 1mm made very do. cided unateriuti progress within in fast yours , and it time assumrannes of time heading - , ing oratOr antI editor ot that state sissy be accepted without question it has , also impro v eU hilts moral amid political character. lint it smiumit be granted , that such facts as time above coimmiiig from the 'sepond cIty of time state are cnmlouiated'tc musit a doubt U0fl such missunnurcos , ' As - . . . . . . . .4 to the first of those maitors it insist ho confessed that time ovnngeiist committed mi error in dmsreganuiimmg tiso municipal regnmimitiosn requiring hue to got a permimut fromri the mayor in order to vroncim ems time streets. lie should have constilleti witim the law , regardless of hits owmi view of it. it ; nmay also be said that It ma limo sovereign right of time people of Smtvairaim to mnako such a rogniatiomi if they' do mmci ss'amrt time gospel preached to linens Imi time ) ritliitms'o svsty by amsybody and everybody svimo usury see a denraud for this sort of uuis- siourary work ma that city. limit we think everybody miot of Sstvansiaum svlll agree timat umttimrg a ismami hut time cimutin gmnimg for stick ass ouromise as that of time ovams- gehist In qumostion is in pumilatrmnent wholly out of proportiomi. Savoring of that sort of neraceution with svhiioin the present timune is svholhy out of symnpatimy. As to time other fact , it siniiiy shows that a great dcnl of time old sourtimerii spirit still lhimgors notsvltimstandimig time roimotoricai asaur- mnmrcos of Mr. Gramly timid others rcgarilng ( time chmangcd seimtimomii of time now south. Obyleusly time two facts miotoil go ivell togotiner. A eomssinunsmity that comidenumis ass Evangelist to time chain gmlimg for ii trilling oi'flsmmse ciummot : be expected to imesur with equmanlmnity timat time courtest for time ummioms was m'gimt. Evidently Savamiiuaim needs to be snmt to its purgatiomi botim rusomally anti politically , l'kumulAi'S St. Louis can induce Colonel laim Lamnomit to pny : It a visit. lie would niche : t good substitute. The l'rivlioges of Laiwycra. act. Louis Globe-Democrat. ' [ 'lie observer of current events in our courts amid our legislative bodies cams not fai1to woimdcr fr'osri tmnso to time lion it cornea that so sunnily privileges are given to lasvyors wimicim are denied to all otimer classes of citizens. Bytomrme curious process - cess of favoritism all time ortiimsary rushes of responsibility amid Irohriety ) seeni to have beemr suspended for time benefit of this pnrtieuinr : fraternity ; mtmstl to be a lawyer - yer nownulays Is to enjoy insmrrumrltucs that mumsounrt to hractictl ) : exemption front me- staiuitswimiehr in time casts of time great majority of 1)001)10 are supposed to be him- dispcurshble to time safety nail ss'olfaro of society. Hardly a day passes that this fact is not glaringly illustrated , Under tine Pica of professional prIvilege , time most lligmaust : breaches of persouial rigid-s amid cotmrtcsy are commstamstiy being cmii- unitted ; arid time victims of timeso outrrmngcs sure expected and required to subunit , omm the singular tircory timat a man who contrives - trives to gain stdmnissioir to the bar is by thmat happy cirammets imuvested with time au- timority to violate time very lasvs and obli- gatiouns which ho undertakes to defuse amid enforce. rhmero are imismilts iscapeti upon svitncs- ads in commoii legal proceedings by attorneys - tornoys pretending to be anxious only to discover time truth , which servo to make a mockery of time dignity aunt decency that should prevail in time hails of justice. Time lawyer would snot think for a mo- usient of tmustrting amid provoking a nrau upon time street in any such fashion ; nor ivould a man tinis insulted Imi airy other Phaets be obliged to forego the right of self defense. Individuals arc proumiptiy anti properly vuimls'hicd every tIny for offenses - fenses which lawyers persistently tisduulge lii for time umiero P5rPoe of confumsimmg honest witnesses tumid nmaking tire worse appear the better cause ; snud it time witness - ness asks for better protection , the judge savagely imuforms him that time lnnvyor is a nsucim privioesi ! person , who nisist he allowed to c'oose ( his own unetinecha of examnrination. i'hero mnro curses , sue doubt , where time btmlldozinn' of men oss time wit- imess stand is justitiaTile ; lust they into cer - tsrinly not so niunicous that time attor- hess SumOUl ! be nerirritteit to assumrie mis a general rule thirst witnessies sire always ready to perjure ttmeinsclves , anti can only be prevented from tioingso by gyg tenmatle rudeness on tire part of tine qmucstsoner. A stnll wider amid harsher license of in- suit is prumetleed towards Imtlgnmits in tIme speeches of time lawyers to judges anti juries. Time urmost pronounced slanders sire frequently nuttoreti ; Inca's issotis'es are isuupugmsed anti their acts aimito as it matter of course , It happens far ottener that the ruirtios te a suit are treated witir violent injustmeo timami that they are dealt withi in a spirit of evomi toiormtblo firmness. Time lawyer must make a vigorous and stirring atidress , bnd if thin material Is lacking ho pro- coets to invent it , regardhess of the rights or feehhmigs of the persons concerned , In short , It ; is held that wimunt a private citm- xcii smmny smot do svithout being knocked dowsi or comuipuliod to pay dammuges a lawyer may do with time approval or time court , amid be accounted a mirodel of professionl force and skill. It is difUcmmlt for time average observer to understutmid why blackguard- lam shoulut be tolerated as ass agency iii tire emmforcemnent of time lass's under amry circuimstmiurcos ; bust there cmiii be no doubt about the fact thud it isso reeognizodanml that all protests against it are snot with the nssurunmueo simply that it is a privilege vestoti by custom and lreccdemlt ) in tine legal profession. Vts arts also tuuigimt that a lissvyor may with icrfect propriety accept a fee for aetisig as lobbyist and helping to nass or defeat given selmemm of legislation. If miss editor , in ministuir , a phiysiolmnn , or a nuorcimant takes money in that way we say Ito is bribed , anti time conmnmutuity tils- trusts amid utemuounces hinr accortilngiy. But in man imaviung license to practice ( sin nma y go Into a legisiittssro or a city commneil amid , upon time nro- text of being empioycd ins aim attorimoy , do trvcrythming iii his power to cmrmbnmmmass tire iroior course of bmismsos ! and to thwart the sviil of time people , amid we are catolpurd frouum Busying that his behavior is dishiosmest anti msiiscimicvotms. Time courts will not even reqmimre him to appear ins a switumess and toil whmsit lie kuows about time corrupt apphirsmcc.i : which nisy have been used , by imimsoif or others to bring about in psurtioniar no- stilt. lbo has only to say that ho can net give 8uieh testimony witimout divimightig facts Possessed its imhs capacity as a lawyer - yer , antI lie is at once excused. The shield of rofcssIonal privilege convoum- iently protects mliii In all contingencies at timid sort. No matter hosv importaust imis testimnouy musty he to time ironmotlon of time public lmmterests , or time dotcctioim of actual unul mousatrous crime , lie Is ai lowcsi to svmthiioid it by nieroly plcasliimtt that hits inns a cik'nt in the case , ivimo lists listiti him a rotaimier , tunii whose secrets lie is bound to keels. This is called isro' fess'ionsti hmousor ; amid learmuoul jmmttges russo- bitchy amid soionmnily uphold it as suiclu. Possibly it is necessary to grant to ii sieciui class So mmmcii lii time tt'ay of privileges to prevent the pritici. isles said imiotisods of immature. morality simsu propriety , svhumcim era rigidly applied to all othiCr classes ; bust if so , it lists yet to be satlsfluc'torily tienmonstrsttod-simmd thu arera"e ' obers'er iuiuty therefore lie par- slomuctf'for ontertnumirng some doutt upon time subject , tosimmy tire least. 'nn Vyck'i. Excellent Work J'ot ! , JSed , : 1"lal , Ex-Senator Vamm Wyck did hoiuiti excellent. svork lim isis expose of time II. & M , latuil innS- ters , anti by time ttccisiomi of time Interior do- partmnent the gross frammits that railroad has beemi perpetumutihg against the govern muonS and against the noopie iii the selzuro of 'lands out. 'ot it's Jurisdiction and above its just dues are to 'be overhauled. 'rimero is , however , wore syork for tisu vigorous and , , . . ' - energetic lmt gentleman to do. Let bim smmmotlier lila fnlomuulshmip for Charles Franohi Atiamims nut ! thmo Union l'actflo roati amid give that Institution a similar overhauhimug. When liii opens out bravely on one of time ismosi soislims mnommopoihes thinS ever ground a peo- ide amid brings time Uimioir l'noiflc railway coimipany to umiderstsuimd lust sine icople have rights that utmost ho respected , then time Flail viil again take him limb Its comuhidenco aumd assist muir tim simcceetiing l'miulock , wire Is likely to ho at the most , a liguireumeati for tlro Uirltcd States sosmate. Time Maim for Oinnimit. St. Joe ( lazette , Jaunses 'rayloy , of Texas , killed four nien at a sitting and it wasun't Imis day for killing either , Oimmahma wonmid like to enmploy Mr. 'i'aylor to work around a spell aumioug tnot base bail nine. Time Charter Tinkers. Grtmnti Isla mid Iitlependcit , , , It looks as though time Osumaha Republican anti seine other tinkers got snore than they bargaimmed for winen they iwcmmt to tammmperhumg with the charter. It is certain timid thou local troubles in regard to police amid fire do. psurtisments are serlousiy injuring the city in botin reputatloim mmd progress. Time liritige Oontrovorey. lrct l'otit , I' It tiucro ever was a sot of hoodituimus they settled amid ilveti antI are still living him Cmiii' cli Iliults. As mmmcii as they ticuest tire Umsiomu l'aclilc railway , a roati which hiss dommo timemis mimore tinimiago tunis any other rontl has good , they take it up amid fondle it its a sniothmol would lion cimihti , Couuieli Illuulra hiss always been lifty years beinimul time humus. Oust of iti 'VamrVinkle sieeii it nantinily awakommed last spring to Ibid time seed lItmus past , and imotim' lug but in summall harvest of ceths to graze uilnon amud till Its sickly stoisrachi. It wuimuteti bridge. A coimmunmisy orgunmizeti anti asked time city for $ i0,000 , which was granted. ammil thiero was a great blow of trnnmpets which asvakened even a fussy of time duck raisers on time sandy bottosmm , But 11103' ditimm't build I imo , they roliesh overnnd svemmt to sleep again mmmlii time Nebraska Cc'mftrmrl asked for a silo umimiler a cloister svimicin It held-amid tlnomr there symis bedlaimu. 'I'hmcseold toggles , hneaded by Evans , whose only purpose is to make a stake , fought bitterly time road which would imat'e divldeti tine tratile with tine Uiiiomi l'a- citic and cast in saint ray of light ovcu this densely darkemmeti antI ubeati cIty , By conniviumg with Major Sister , governumuomil engineer , a tool in time imaurds of time Iiimion i'acilic , they vroctmred a ulecisioms 1mm favor of tine Coumicil Iliusits Bridge comimpaimy , which , in truth , is a tiecisiosm 1mm favor of time Union I'aciiie road. Anti smosv thn'smo is the place ishere time stick is iii time immuS. 'l'imis coin- isami3' is composed of four cailtaiists from time uluutrs amid lour ( rein Oiunaiimm. But time Oiinaha mmmcmi , hero they are , Uumiomm Paeliio isbn , every oimo of thnenm. 'I'liero is ( iuiy liar- ten ; mdl who kimow imimuu kuosv lie is a Usrion Pacilic uman. 'l'here Is Joe Millard , who is one of the foremost in the schonno ; Joe handles nil time Usmiomi Paclhlc money through iris bank. Frassk Muipimy and another maim , both Uurioim I'acitics , syoro pist In to liii up amid share smut titter a svoru agnimmst the Union i'aclfle With these eight icon , four froni time llltmffs , who are wily wait- 11mg to soil out to the hmlghmest bidder , amid four from Omaha who do snot want time bridge , and when it conies to a dime point wiil mnot build , what can Council Blumifa do ? And else lists worked with nil her power to uphioiul thomir In their base treachery , ' , Vithm- out this Nebn'aska Ceimtral bridge Council Bluffs will ito osm in Imer sleep and Oniaima ivihl be set'iouusiy crippled. it nosy effect West Point anti It mrmay not. Our advIses amid Imupresslons are that the Nebraska Coin- trai will buIld , aitimotmghm they have great tlmiuis to countund with. Tue romiti is able to do as it nlcascs wltir time hulls and Onsaha , anti it usury tleciiin to build at any risk. But there is mimmothierplasi , which svc will hot mmmcmi- tion just at presemit , which time l'rogress would like to see acted upon. l'lsis nation lists iii past beomr run by amen , in a great measure , who are tire cheekiest mortals in existence , until they have bcmm coimmpietoiy sat tupems , and who arc tools of great corpora- tioims. A ihttho "setting" in this instance wotmld be comuisrusuidabho. hearing a Kangaroo Baby on a Bottle. Pimilmuiciphula Record : Keeper iSlurrusy and his baby sure time priumeipmii features of imsterost 1mm thu Zooloictsm garticims juist at present. The bahy is a long-hs'ggott anti awkward little kangaroo , wisicir was for- saieim by its nmotimur amid taken in charge by tine keeper , wIno is bnimnglng up the little waif on a bottle. This is us state of affairs that Irmuamseverbeen kmmowis to exist before in this country , if , inieod , it bass ever been hremird of anywhere , Its is well known to .s'ientists : , tue fismimurlo takes thus yotsmug 0mb :15 : its births and places it in time pouch wimmeim imnture lies provided for time purpose , carrymimg it there stud nourish- mug it fr : about live nnuonthms , svinemm the youmimg jummptsr is old emnousghn amid strong enough to look out tom' itseif. About four months ago time young kangaroo sit this 'Zoo wmns borir mmmii at Quiets placed iii tints iosmchm by time ummotluer. i'hmere It renialneul usmntlh lust W'eulmsestlty : , when the muotimer becanre fnighutemsod or violeimtiy sngltntei ( froiss sonic ummiksnowir cause , anti sumdulenly throw out time young oum rho bait insets curryimig : , 'J'iie little Oslo WflS not abio to care tar itself , avid this keepers minute seveniti attempts to no- PisuCe it iii time niotimor's 1)011011 ) , Euicii timemts soon as time keepers witlmdrewthe mother threw out time youummz one , isuid it booanmo ovnmiomrt that the little waif must be proviiietl for sin scum other silty. It was so weak amiti helpless , numd its untimely - timely apCarahice ) wts : so commtrnry to timtm imahih4 amid nature of time kangaroo timid times fmituro of tlno little one looked cx- trennely tioumbtful for a tinie. lecper ISiusrray hind a bright idea. lie bethmouigiit hums of the bottle systenm of time humnsusu funnily , anti tietermuinoti to try it eli ( lie charge svhiichi hail heosm heft iii hui hands. A hmumaltiny Amngorn gaunt u was limit to isastuiro chose by svhnere time kangaroos sire kept , ammti Keeper Murray milked her iii it tuuvnmbier. lie timoim fitlemi a large nuiiher ) mmihpio to it mnuirs- big bottle , amnui lii hug tine bottle ss'htim mnmmhk hue trneti time usovel ercpeniuumont mrmnul found to isis great satisfaction thnnmt time little struigtir : took to it mus immntuirah ass life. 'J'ho isuilk was founul to n"reo with time inmtbc , snail thinS munetinoil o ? feeding lists beomu cuimtmnumotl anti is now in pro- gross. About every two hours dimming the tiny time little kiimugmiroo lists a mmmcmii irons time bottie , anti to sill mtpposnrancoi is thriving upon thin mmovuri troathuont. \Vlserm first takursr in cimargo it was too weak to stammd on its long logs , but iron it is mtbie to imp about ii little. Its hotly is aimotut : ms large as that of a amnil cat , hut Its hiomd : , luigs stud tail are ummmssntii rally large. 'Fimusro ii. buit little hair on miss hotly , nuuui to Irotcet it ( room time air it is nut hun It box lihieti smiths eottomm , Iii which time little ono hairrosvs miami imidus. Should It live , mumul ovorythmivig so ismilientes , it sviih ho it case without jnrcccuiusmst n'r far mu's is k umow mi. - _ - Pchunebcies ( iitN a , Joh. l'Auius , .huily ti.-Schniiaebcies , tIme arrest of sviioiim by time ( lemnsamm iohle us camsme very vissr istri is g a Cassius beh i I botsveemm ( i er initisy and France , has beets appointed to a hiighcsr iol. 110mm at Leon , lie wanted to ngniii be ltlacetL diii hiss frontier , bill tiui the guvenznneimt , io- fused to do. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ An llnlinathiful I'Incn for JtnhIrsrg. Em.i'.tso , 'lox. , July SJ-Jolsn Vanstiim still J. ii. Cmiii , Aismericamnsstere arrested Tlntmmss- slay imigiut at J'.trso del Node , Mexico , fir smnmnsl-bngghus tumid hslglmway nuibbury , 'Jim Mexican coiie iiiakO * hiighwa' mobbery a capl. huh crime , aimul ttiuiy sviil hrohuliiy ho alter , as tIme vyhlenco Is clear agaivust tiunn. - . . flanic Slatevulosmt. ' Nisss' Yomtmc , July 11-TIne weekly bank stsntonioimt shows tIme reserve incirnnwid 82,701,000. 'l'hse bamuimmuisow hold IO,82Dt * ) 1 * excess of legal reQuirements. ' . ' _ 4 4fip - 1 ;