Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1887, Page 12, Image 14

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. I1lt1trat1Eg the Pacsion for Gambling
Among the Gentler Sex.
CIoticl ) fletter Thnn CUIIt1t SIinri
JbhotogrzIIIcr 4trNenIcaI IjoZCfl
gcr-Two CIIItIfl8n Gtrli-CIara
.flcIIcN Letter.
NEw Yoni , July 7.-Corrcpond.
Once of the Bii-Woiiieii ; : ] nrc goIng.
to the racc more tliin : over this season ,
- I must say that , as a eiicrnI t1i1in. , they
ftro 1)lflhIl ) nntt unattractive ropresenta.
; twos of the sex. Moreover , an astolkisli.
Jnc number of them e fat. Not a
plump , CUbby fatness , but a gross , mate-
rhil deposit of adipose tissue that com
I plotoly destroys all syiuotry of form nod
: grace of movement. At least half of
; tliciii arc elderly or positively otd , and in
some cases It scorns diflicult to reconiclo
: the dignity of years with the staking of
money on a pooi ticket. For they all
. bet , the wife with her iiiother lii law , the
old lady with her daughter , aint In one
case at least with liar grnndlaughtor (
: slw. The case retcrred to Involved a
: . group of eleven ; )000le who had gone to
Shcepslicad bay together. Many other
persons on the grand stands know
them , and exchanges of nods nod
conversations with pnssiiig men were
1reqtent. In the front row sat a
WIZ000L old lady , with one of those faces
that betoken considurablo iiffiiritig in
Jib. Although she plncct her bet with
duo deliberation on every race , anI kept
the tally of the jockeys on her prograninie ,
tier eyes wandered during the internils.
Mons , and she saw only the scones of the
troubled Past. 11cr son and his wife sat
with her. They verc all plain people In
fco and drcs. Just back of theta was a
heavy-featured nuni and ojie of tito fat
women. She was stylishly dressed and
lout ! in her talk. I could not toll whether
they wererelated to their friends in front
er not. The other 1)001)10 ) ) In the party
were certainly all of the saiiie family.
Three of the women were fat : a silver.
haired matron with eye glasses , two
daughters approaching forty , 80(1 ( 0 fair ,
iiandsomc girl of about eghiteeii. The
intlor was evidently thin daughter of one
of the "forty" women. All except the
girl giggled and Iaugliou behind their
prograiiiines hinmoderately. The iiicn in
the party wont to the betting : tvi1lIon at
the conclusion ofench race , and prcsentl.y
returned with worl as to how bets were
running on.tho next race. Then ensued
a lively discussiOn of the chatiecs ,
aIM ! , after a good deal of backing
itnil filling , the women drew forth
their inirses and turned over live tiol-
Jars picco to the men with instructions
how to lilaco It. And after the iiien had
gone It was no uncommon thing for one
or more of the women th call a white.
cappctl messenger boy and scud another
five after the first. 1)urlng the race
itself they all craned ffeir ncek and
strained their eyes to watch the progress
_ of the horses , and evinced the keenest cx
citoment ni it drew to a close.Vhioii
they won there \vaS a good ( lea ! of 113's.
terical laughter 811(1 exultant exciama.
tion , 1WL ( when they lost there was the
snub atilotitit of pouting , 011(1 head sliuk
Ing. ILnhL nlent..y of Insisting that after all
their juilgnient 1111(1 been right , for the
trouble Inyin the unlucky position of the
horse at the pole , or in the stupid vork
of the rider. For it seems that the race
gambler cannot err. The tvo olil women
alone commented little on theIr yentures.
Their niantiors IndIcated that tile ) ' were
schooled to dIsnipointnient , itiitl that
they know fioni long experience with
life that the successes of the day nrc in
signihicant trillcs unworthy a serious
thought. lint I would wager 5 even that
not one of them lost or won
without bonnet and dross pro.
sects being mentally varied accordingly.
these 1)001)10 were fairspecimens in their
demeanor of the majority of the women
present. 'iliore vere hero uid there
lnslilotiably dressed , hinudsonic women
but they acted ver.y iiiiwhi alike. At
least one in three varieti the monotony of
horse talk with chewing gum. I know
the chew of gum at sight ; it was not
caratuels. and if I wanted assurance of it
1 should have heeti satisfied when 1 over
heard a young lady recall a messenger
after givIng hiliii instructions how to bet
har money , aint say to hiliii : ' 'Take this
iiiokel ftnd ttrop it in the niachino by the
door , Afll get inc a panor of gum. " A
few ininutelftter _ her chops vere wagin. ?
happily. Ajure rule on the gum nilittor
is this : if tim mouth is kept open , or
opens at every other chow , it is gum. If
kept closed it Is cnraiiiels.
More are
seen at the grami stand. A large mid.
dlo-agod woman With a baby In her
Rims. She sat in the front row deeply
absorbed in the contests. Before the
long afternoon was over tile baby grew
imptioiit , and in that skillful way that
.all women know , the mother managed ,
without attractIng embarrassing nttcn
tion , to SUIly ( tto infant with natural
food. The impatient whines vern at
once stilled , nod the baby restel jieac (
fully In her arms. hut presently the
racers caine speeding down the quarter
Btrctch. It was nip antI tuci between
two favorites , nnd one of them was the
one the WOlUOtI ltittl backed with lwr live
dollars. 11cr eyes dilated with cxcito
merit , and her lips separated In the agony
of suspense. Leap by leap her horse
drew away froni his rivnl , and its they
pasct ( her inni Vcnt muter the wire she
flaw that she was a viiiner. six for ouch
She almost screamed with exultation.
Certainly she 111101(1 seIne kind of a noise ,
but what It svns could not be told ; It was
lost in the hiowlingof tlecp.throated nien.
11cr left 11011(1 svnved her handkerchief In
the air itiitl she smiled aini 8111110(1.
When the storm wits over a feeble vail
went up from the bat oc her arm.
it recalled the moth n her ditty. 1111(1
the infant was rtnui .3ted. 'I'hie inactIon
IltLOflhItflt UO11 vtniiing a hot 1111(1 thrown
lattcrs out of balance toiuptorarily , and
th6 baby failed to enjoy the sItuation.
A mellow-eyed brunette in widow's
weeds. She was a fair picture to look
upoa and at tier side VtS her niothier lii
ti.olidsy attire. The mother SVLLS eagerly
1nvcttng In her OJItiioIl of the ulerits of
$ bore nIItI the widow 1111(1 prudently bet
on bar favorite for a lncu. Another
elderly lady caine from her seat near by
* Hd shook hands with the widow nail her
awther. After the change of civilities
the widow sunk back Into her Jnhigult
attitude and tile frIend 8111(1 to the mother :
"ild you muako anything on the last
racol' "No , " was the rcily , " 1 never
back the field. 1 don't care niuch for
inysoif , 3011 know , but 1 wish we mIght
wiu something zitco Oil Julie's account.
We ha're hackett ExIle for this race 1(11(1 1
do hope we slial get It ; 1 thInk It might
divert Julio so much. She liasan't taken
* I1V iutrest in anything , jeer dear. since
Alrett died. Anti that was fIy six
* iontbs agol
Two sombrely dressed WOOlOil stand.
Ing silently sIde by 81110 at the stcp lead.
from the gramiti stand to the betting
; i.vaion. ' 11103' are within twenty feet of
Ike ginbllimg mnmtss of inca vhmn staitil
dl ( lug before the plztctrds : of tin' Imok.
ur. } .soli lmoltis a 81111111 black tag
bi in her timuat cmiii they cast htirim :
lances at the iiioii vhto pass helen' thelil
ow iind ( lien a IIIaII who goes by tirop
calms Into the outtreto1ied hiamiti of one
of drn wonien. It "oeS at oiico lute the
black bag , thin lips oF the receiver move
; zkus , ad the jlcut , t1cut attitude
I tti. . _ - _ - . _ - - _ - - - - _ - - _ _ . ' . .
- - - - - - - -
tI- :
is rosunmod. 1"rom where they stand
they can look out from tinder their black
bonnets and see the horses cantering
dowii the qUarter stretch. Maybe they
do not do It ; amy be they keep their
eyes 8tea(1faStl Oil ( lie ground ; but when
It Is over they glance keenly about for a
winner 811(1 unloubtedly hope ( lint his
exultatIon will immake hmltmi generous to
the church as vell us to the poor blind
Iimtn : who stands with an outstretched
hat not far away.
how curious it is that ladies of the
most fntIdlOus character will sit itt a
crosviied nuilltorltinm amid laugh at profan.
t3' ittiti tiotible inemmning on ( lie stage ( 'mt
would be shocking In their drawing
rooms. Now , them Is Marie , who will
mit lot her hmusijaimmi's best friend visit her
because ho occasionally swears an easy
word , but she will sercani with laughter
vhmcri tIm actor StOIittrl : ( 1)tIlgeS his eyes ,
imimke : a mouth like a newly caught cod.
lish , : ttmd rmp out a snorting oitli. : She
vll I rock vlthi mmicrrhmnunt when old .Jotimi
( hlhert , stuck tip on his stilts of legs ,
gets red him the face and makes time upor
: iir about hiliji blue with profanIty. I on
atnuist cxpect shin vill go IIOIIIO itimtt
swear chieerftilly herself that sentences
they will accept from tIme siiie : source. I
remuemnler not longago ; : t iay at Val.
lack's hittl : soiie risky lumi"ungu In It. A
matron hmmiml sat It out witlotit a blimhm In
cOillltIi3 ! ) ritIm her chmilmlrcn. Next macrn-
itig at hjrcakfast , Kate , the terror , began
to tell nit cider sister , vhio lent miot at-
tt'ntlctl time pcrformmmtnce : , about tIme piece.
'I'lmo nuiglmty : limit bright timings citing to
liar mnenmory , and she begun repeating
them with great gusto.
' 'My sensesh" burst out mother , ' 'how '
dare 3'otl Sty : stielt
i'm aihmaniud or you. "
'II heard it last night , ' ' whunlcrcd ! )
' 'Never IllitlL if you dill-you simotild
kiio' better than to repeat such horrid
thmimigs. " Kate looked be'i1dered. It was
beyond her to understand a rule that ad-
iiiittctt lmt'tring : such things said in a
crowded timeatre amid fqrbado their rope.
titloit in time seclusion of her own fanimly
Little Johnny Fresh aged sI , , walked
litto his mother's ( lravng room before a
marty of guests. hmavmmmg conic dowmi front
his ( lVeflIflg'Il birth with his imelt to make
801110 commmpltint. :
' 'Goothimess , " shrieked omme , ' 'take away
that child. Vlint a dreadful sight. ' '
"I nint no tlrcadfullcr than him , ' '
shmotmtod back Johnny , a lie pointed to a
big statue of Cupid , "and I got more
clothes on. Look at my porous plaster
onto my back. "
It lutist lie admitted that here and thmcro
a mini understumils : time nature of wonan.
Down at Coney Island photographic
tents abound , and the competition is so
brisk ( lint each cstmlblislimuent keeps a
solicitor outside. There is one excel-
( iou to this rule. A plausible photo-
guaphier , its soon as ho is through with
one job , stops out of his place , waits mimt
l it group of excursioustscojjie along
containing one or nforb llttldihmiIdrcn ,
and thou politely Says to time macthor :
' 'Beg itttioim , muadan. but can I borrow
your clmild for mt imilmiuto or two ? 1 ama
going to make a fancy picture for a cus-
tomner , nitl , 1 neett just such a
IrettY girl ( or boy ) to put into
it. 1 won't ttettin : you long , anti i vill
be ii great favor. " Thdpr tul , fotidpa.
rent coimsemits , of course , and tIm operator -
ator gravely poses amid photographs time
yoniigster. lie cxpre.ises ' lrofonnd
thanks , and says never : t word about
selling COPIeS of the picture-a chictI ; )
tintype. The mother asks if he will let
her buy omie , or ProbablY lucre , : is slme is
treiueiimlotmsly flattered by the chtoice of
her olThpting : is a model. Thus time elmap
keeps his business going through dull
The greatest : tlarnt spread over the in
habitants of a great lInt house uptown.
Little Johnny JuflIpil ) ) hind found a box
of his nmothor's arscimicai loxemmgos that
she took carefully three a day for her
comllexiorm , mtitt he lmad eaten all at one
sitting. Servants how for doctors , anti
doctors flew for the lint. Every knowit
remedy for arsenic poisoning was admuin-
istered. One phmysiclitmi rattled dr iI his
CoUJU to time maker of the beautifying
pills. lii hmasty accounts lie related time
case , amid begged to know what vroior-
tion of arsenic infested a box of his
' 'lie under no alarni , ' ' soul tim doctor ,
"take the stomach pump out of little
Johnny. Timere isn't
in a barrel of 'eta. 'rJicy contain some-
thiiimg thmitt prolimotes ttikestiomi and stirs
tIme torpid liver. Johnny's liver may be
abnornmnily actIve for a few days , : tmitl lie
CtTt : emit a paporof tacks with as macli con.
hidemico as it ho were an ostrich , , but no
further ciTects vmIl be felt from my
nmatcimlcss vnfers. ' '
"There is no arsenic in arsenIcal lox.
cages thicul" .
"Not a grain ; but women do lmankcr to
take something with arsenic in. The
annie Is a great success , amitl my pills are
saving lots of ladies from tIm damaging
cliocts of arsenical solution Itntl otimor
preParatIons of that fatal drug. ' '
'J.'hmo report of the ( hector : tt the Al.
dobells flats relieved our fond mother's
heart , but ever so many ladies arc disgusted -
gusted tlmmtt they hntve ticen takimmtr rhubarb -
barb nitti looking tinily in their anxious
faces for the work of arsenic.
Among tim children who have boon
brotmn'lmt to time attention of thio Society
for tie Proventmon of Cruelty arc two
Chinese gIrls. it was claimed that thmey
hitml : 1)0011 kidnapped in San Francisco
two years ago , amid wore held hero for
time PUPOSU of selling thoni as wives to
resident celestials. 'I'hmo charge was not
proven , nod for tim present : tt least , time
case huts beeii abandoned. The
hero. As in other places , the Chinese do
not permit their wives or daughters to
be seen on the street. ' [ 'hero mtro several -
oral Chinese woimmen in timis city , amid
whmemi it hiappeimed that they have been
brought Into cotim t. or into time resenee
of people v'mtit a missionary spirit , they
hayc said that they had not been out of
the house before for niontlis , sometimes
for Inorti timan a year , : ttiti iii one vell
: itithmtinticated case tt was a little over
two years since afenialo resident of MoLt
Street hunt set her foot outside her tone.
meat. It was not quIte so bad In the
cases of tIme pins , but for weeks at a
tinio it has been the habIt of their
guarthiamis to keep them shut up at imonic.
'l'iie ' 'hmom& ' Is near the head of MoLt
street , iii a four-story building ilevotod
partly to trade and nianutneturo. Cigars
are nitute on the first floor and there Is a
store thcre itiso , Up stairs is another
commercial estabhishmens , and in the
tOj ) stories arc tenements. Time rooms
mire , of course , small and ihhlitted for
habitation. In that respcc time heathen
girls arc as vehl elms thousands of their
christian fellow beings of tue east sub.
One of thicimi is dressed in thm American
tmtshiion , nod but for the old vaddio that
passes for nor gait would hot be taken
for it Chinese at a distance. 'rite other
vcars a native costimamo. It consists hirst
Iii a 1)101150 that lmangs front the neck to
the knees , hot beltcu or caught In mitmy
S'fl3' itt ( lie waist. Loose trousers are
over the kgs itimd bound at
time bottout closely around the ankles.
'rime shoes nrc thick soled ,
wooden nilairs tanihhiar as the foot ccv.
orlngs of conmnion lsumulrymon , but tbmtty
are cxecsivoly mmnmall anti bear witness to
the eranmpliig of the feet customary wIth
the Chinese. hiotim blouse and trousers
are of a vale 1)1110 color unadorned with
ilgurtis , it is the ordinary costimmue of time
Chimieso of ( lie poorer class. 'I'he lilminy
lmhmtiik hair of the girl tirossod . like an
Aliierlenn was hmrusiicd straight back
from time brow cmiii wound into a great
knot at the unek of time head. Time other
mirusseit her hair in ( lie native style.
Over each ear was a flat , (1mm cir
cuhar disk QI hair ( hint looked as If it
ittight have been IntIttu of rtItic1t1 umir
. . .
' " - -
amid stuck to the head. All Chinese
women learn early how to do this. A
gummy ponmade is essential to the task ,
bitt it takes considerable skill to YCZIYO
ittiti vImmt1 this hair into its timlit antI cmr
cuhitry mOSItIOIi. So lIttle hair Is used lii
thieso disks that cmtougit Is left for it large
coil which Is fastemiod at thom top amid back
of time heath. Neither of these gmrls , Otto
ton and the otimor twelve years old , could
SPeak a word of liuiglisli.
liuiglisli.CLAIIA iimLLE.
lhmo Great ItifluIol' FIoqticumt Eulogy
on ( tie l'rhnco of I'ithplt Orators.
Froimi time hicecimer Meinorlitl Vohummem
hicitryVard ilcecher was bent iii a t'url.
ttimi penitentiary , of which hums father was
uncut ( lie svardens-a prison vitii very
mmarrow amid closely grtttcd windows.
Uimdcr its valls wore tim ravlcss , hiohie-
less ammd mncttstmreiess uiungeomis of tIme
dutnmned , anti on ita roof fell the .shmnulow
of ( ; oa's eternal frown. In this prison
time creed auth catechIsm svere lirimnors for
children , and from a pure sense of duty
thmcir loviumg hearts were stained anti
scarred w'mthi the religion of Jolimi Calvin ,
In timose days the hmonio of mat ortlmodox
muiiimster vts tilt liiuitiismtiout lii yhmictu
their babes vero tortured for time good of
their sotmis. Cluildremm thcmi , its miov , re-
belIed against thu Infanmous absurdities
amul cruelties of the crecil. No Culvimmist
wits over :11)10 : , aimless with blows. to answer -
swer ( lie questions of his ehmiltu , Children
vcre raisint in what s'mts called ' 'the nur
tare auth adimionition of the Lord"-thmat
is to sa y , their wills wcre broken or stub-
ulued , their liatuires deforitmed or dwarfed
their desires defeated or destroyed , and
their developnieumt arrested or perverted.
Life was robbed tf its spring , its summer
:11111 : its atmttmuiin. Children stopped from
time cradle iimto the smioss' . No laughmtcr ,
no suitsimine , no joyous , free , uitiburtteumud
tlays. God , tin infinite detective , watched
thmoni from above , taut satan , with imma
licious leer , was waitimmg for their souls
below. Between thmes nmommsters life was
PI1SSeII. Imihinltc comisequenecs 'Vere pro-
thicted of time smimahlcst action , aild a burden -
den greater than a god could boar s'uts
placed iiioim time brain tummd heart of every
chillit. lo think , to ask qtmcstioiis , to
( lOtibt , to luivestigato. wote acts of rebel-
lion. To express pity for time lost , writii-
big in the dungeons below , was simply
to give evidence that ( lie emienmy of souls
hind been at work witimmui their hmt'arts ,
Anmong all the religions of thm'ms world-
from time creed of eannibats who devoured
flesii to thimut of Calvinists who hollutctL
souls-there is none , thorn has beemi none ,
there viil be none niore utterly heartless
amid inhnmmimamm ttmui : svais the orthodox
Comigregationalismu of New Englamiti in
time ycar of grace I8li. It despises every
imattmral joy , hated pictures , abhorred
statues u.s lewd and lustful things , cxc-
crated music , regarded mmature as fallen
and corrupt , mmmii as totally depraved ,
amiti women as sommietliimmg worse. The
theater s'as time vestibule of perdit'moim ,
actors time servants of satami , and Slinks-
Pette : a ti mliiiig wretcim , wiiose' words
were see(1s of deutit , And yet time virtues
found a welcommie , cordial amid Sincere ;
duty was done us tiuihtirStOOl ; obliga-
tiouis were discharged ; truth was told
sell-denial was mmaethced for tIme sake of
others ; anti hearts were good timid trite in
51)ite of book : miid creed.
Iii this atmosphere of theological mmii-
asnmn , iii this hideous dreani of superstition -
tion , iii this penitentiary , immoral amid austere -
tore , this babe hirst saw the imprisoimod
Time miattural desires tmngrntihicd , time
laughter suppressed , tIme logic browbeaten -
beaten by mnmthmority , tue humor froxtiti by
fear-of mommy generations-were in this
child , it child ( iestimmed to rend aiitt wreck
the prison's walls.
Through time grated windows of his cell
this chumid , this box' , timis immttm : , caught
glimpses of tIme outer world , of holdsanti _
skies. New thoughts were in imi brhmn ,
how hopes withulmi imis heart. Another
iieaven bent above his life , Thmero came
a revelation of tIme bonutiftil amid real.
Thmeology grev fllCOIi mmmiii smmmall.
Nature wooeti and w.n itmiti Saved this
mighty soul.
11cr coumitless hiaimds were sowing seeds
withiirt iims trojmic brain. All sights anti
soumids-all colors , forimis , and fragments
--were stored witimin time treasury of his
niiiid. ills tlmouglmts were molded by time
graceful curves of streanis , by wiimduii'
jmaths in woods , time cimarni of quiet couti-
try roads , and laiiu.s grown indistinct
'itit weeths mimi grass-by viimes that
cling : tiiil Imitle vitim leaf and hlover time
criiimibhiuig vall's dc o.iyby cattle stamid-
log iii time sminmimier iiools like statues of
Thucre was within 1is worus the subtle
spirit of tIme SCOSOII'S cimamige--of every-
tit'iig that is , of evor.ytiiiuig ( hint lies be-
tweerm ( liii siumimbering sceuis. that , lmalf-
awmkoneti : b3- tIme April rain , have ttrcamns
of heaven's blue : immmi feel the amorous
kisses of time stmmm , : ummtt that strangu tonib
wherein time : tlclieniist dotim give to
deathm'tt cold dust thu throb atmd thrill of
lite again.
lie saw with loving eyes the willows of
the mmieadow streams grow red beneath
time glance of spring-tue grass along the
nmamshm's edge-the stir of life bemiettlm : the
withered leaves-time nmoss below time tmrip
of snow-time ilowers timat give their bIos-
souims to tIme hirst south wind ( lint wooes--
the satE anmi titan ! violets that only bear
time gaze of love from eyes half closed-
time ferns where fancy gives a timousand
fornms with but a single 1)1011-time green
and suimmmy slopes enriched with daicy's
silver taut the cowslip's gold.
As In time leafless voods some tree
ailaiiio with life stainis lmke a rapt poet
In tue imeeuliess crowd. so stood this mami
aiimommg Imis fellow-muon.
All thire is of leaf and bud , of flower
ammtl fruit , of paimmteI insect life , : tmmti nil
time witmgetl and happy children of time
air timat suummimer holds bemmeathu imer ulommie
of blue , s'ere known and lovut by hmiimi.
lie loveui time yellow nutimumiti fields. the
golden stacks , time hmtppy : lionies of inca ,
time orchard's bemidiumg bows , tue stminneim's
hlags of hltmne : , time maples s'ltim tramis-
tigtmre.d letvcs : , the tender yellow of tIme
beech , time woimdcrous hiarinoimies of
brown maid gold-time vines whore hnmmg
the clustered spheres of wit amid nmirthm.
lie loved time winter ilays , time vhmid timid
drift of snow-all forums of frost-time rage
amid fury of tIme storm , when in time forest ,
tiesohiute and strimed ; , mmmiii time brave old
pinetowers green mimiti grammd-a prophecy
of spring. lie Imcmtrd time rhiytlmnmie sound
of nature's busy strife , time hum of boos ,
the somigs of birds , the eagle's cry , time
imiurimiume of the streams , time sighs and
luiminitations of the wirmuls , anti mill the
voices of time semi , lie 1o'ed the shores ,
the vales , time crags and cliffs , time city's
busy streets , thom introspective , silent
phalli time solenmn splendors of the night ,
the shyer sea of dawn , and evening's
clouds of molten gold.
TIme love of nature freed this loving
One by one time fetters fell ; tlmo gratings
disapmcnredtlmo stmnshiiiie smote time roof
amid emi time floors of stomie higimt streamed
froni open doors. Ho realized time tbark-
11053 amid despair , the cruelty antI hate ,
time starless blamkimoss of tue old mahig-
nant creed. Tue lbower of pity grew and
blossonmeti In his heart. 'I'lm selfish
"coiisoiathoii' ' hilled his eyes with tears
lie saw that whmnt is calieti tue Chiristisim's
hope is that anmoimg time countIessbhlions
wrecked amul lost a meagre few perimmips
laity roach the eterlmal shmoro-a hope
that , liKe time dessert rain , gives neither
loaf nor bunt-a hope that gives mio joy ,
110 PeaCe to ilumy great and loving soul. It
Is time dust elm which the serpent feeds
tImid coils in Immnirtless brcmtsts.
1)113' i ) % ' tiny the wrath and vengeance
faded froimm time sky-time Jewisim God
grew vague mtnd Uuimi-tlte thmreatiu of tor-
( tire and eternal pain grew vulgar mimmd
absurd , and all the mimirneles soenmeti
strangely out of placo. They clad time Infinite -
finite in motley garb and gave to nuro.
olcut hemuls time cap anit bells.
'l'Ouieimed by the. pathos of all hmunmnn
Iif. QWU th hitiows tbt JaIL 'zi '
. _ 4 * . . '
every hmcart.-thio thorns tim every path ,
time sighs , time sorrows , cmi time tears that
lie between a n'.othmav's arias anti tlcathi's
embrace-this great anti gifted iiinii tin-
notmaceil , denleti maid dammiutemi vmtii all his
heart time faumgcii amid frightful dogimmit
that souls ivere immadu to feeti time eternal
hmunjer-ravenous as a famine-of aGed
God s ravcmmgc ,
' [ 'mike omit timis fearful , fiendish , imcttrt-
less lie-eommmparod witit which all other
I es are ( rime-anti ( lie great arch of or-
tihmodox religion , ermmmmmbllng , falls.
To tIme average muon time Cimristian hell
atmd hmea\Tn mtre emily words. lie lies no
scope of timouighit. lie lIves but imi a dint ,
hmlmhmoverislmeit how. 'I'o hminm the past is
themd-time : ftmttmre still tmmmbormm , lie occu-
imles with dois'imcast eyes that , mmarrow l'mume
of barren , sitiftimig saint ( lint lies betweemm
thin hiawimig seas. limit genius knows nil
tlimic. For lion the death nil live utimut
breathe almtt act their coimntless harts
migain. 1ll iuiimmui : life is in his mmiv , mtiiui
every moimmemmt feels tue thrill of mGI to be.
No one can overestlimitte : time good no-
comiiphishieit by t his nmarvelous , tmmmum3-
sided muon. lie helped to slay time hmemtrt-
tievoiirhimg mmionster of time Churistlaui
world. 110 tried to civilize time ehmurchi ,
to hmutrnmomiize time creeds , to softeit hiotis
breasts of stoime , ( mike time fear from
immothier's hearts , time cimniti of creed froimm
ever3' iii'aiii , to mtit ( hue star of 1101am In
every sky and over every grave.
Attacked on every side , unaligned by
those who pretcimctl : time law of love , hme
wavered not , but foughmt witole-hmearted
to time end.
Obstructiomi is lmut virtue's foil. From
thwmrteti : light leaps color's home-the
Strt'ammm imimpetietl a3 tt soii' .
l.o passed froni harsh : tmid cruel creeds
to that scruime im1loophmy that has imo
place for lriuhe or lade , that threatens no
revenge , that looks on slit as sitmimiblings
of time bhiimd tumid pities those wlmo fall ,
kiiowing that lii ( liii souls of mull there is it
sacred yearuming for time light. lie ceasett
to tiiitiic of mmimii : as soinethilmmg tiirmmst upon
the worl'1-an exile froni sonic other
sphere. lie felt at last that mcii are part
of ntttire's self-kindrea of all hife-thiu ,
gratimmal .rm.os'tii of con otless years ; that
till time sacred books were helps ummtil outgrown -
grown aimtt all roligiomm's rough amid de-
vhotms pttthis timat immati lies ivorn ivithi
we:1r3 : feet 1mm sad atid painful search for
truth and peace. To hmhimi these patims
were svromig , yet all gave promise of smme-
eess. lie kimew that all time streams , no
matter how they wamider , turn , mid curve
amid time hills and rocks or linger in time
lakes anti pools , must sonic tiumme reach
time sea.
These views enlarged his son ! atiul
11111(10 ii'ini patiemmt with thu world , amiti
while time wiimtry snows of age were full-
immg on his heath , sirimig , vitii all her
wealtlm of bloomim , was in his hietirt.
Time nmemory of this ample man is now
it pm.rt of mmattmre's wealth. lie battled for
the rights of intum. his heart was witim
time slave. lie stood against the selfish
greed of nilihiomis btnded : to protect thu
pirate's trade. ills voice was for time right
whmcn freedoimi's friends were few. He
tnmmglmt time churCh to think 011(1 doubt. .
lie mtiti imot fear to stand alone. his brain
took counsel of his heart. 'l'o every foe
lie oirered reconcIliation's hand. lie
loved this lttiul of ours , timid atlded to its
glory tiirougim time world. lie was tIme
greatest. orator that stood ivithiin the pul-
lit's iiarrow curve. lie loved time liberty
of speech. There was no trace of bigot
iii hir blood. lie was a brave mtimtt gini-
erotm&fimnim , immid so , vithi reveremmt immuids ,
I 1)hitce this tribute cmi his toummb.
ltoiumirr : ( L INocmmsoIL.
A Tropical Etteti in time Mititile 01' ( ho
Colorado 1)csert.
Frommi tIme Argonaut : in the mmmkldle of
the Colortuio desert there is a curiotms depression -
pression ill time emrtim's : stmrface , through
wiumclm time Somithiermi Imciiie railroad rumis.
i'lme lowest 3moiiit is 2th ) feet below the
sea level , : uid lucre is a great body of stilt
more jtmre than aimy kmmown to coimmmnerco
immiti in : tll abtmimdanco that. may supply
time world if alt otimer resources simoimht
be oximausteti. From a. ; moimmt cmi time road
called Indlo time descentis rnpit1 to this
place of suIt : It was ommee n inland sea ,
from Ililichi the waters have npparoiitly
passed ltmVity by ovtmpormttion , leavimmg a
sttlt tbeposit thmit : resembibs ice. Statmtling
tiimomi its immargin , We looknmimon a lcrfectlY
level and white ciist of salt ,
sonic thiirty or forth ) mmmihesmn lemmgthi by
ierhials tweimty in wimitim. \ tramway
is itmid over tIme crust to a ( listmmmce : of
nvmrothian a amile , over .ivhucim a steamii
ttummimni ammit train of freight ears rmnm to
time mlii wimore time suit iH ground. But
yond time mill a sandIer gnghne pumsimes its
smualler cars further oti upomm time salt
crust where ( lie salt is gisthereuL Labor-
cr5. provitmed oncim w'mthm : t .wimeelbarroiv ,
shiovel atmU maize , go omit upon tIme stilt
field , pmek the smmriaco to time tieptit of tam
imiehi or two , gather barrow lotimi , and
wheel timeiii to time ctrs : Time stht : crust
varies iii thickness ; in sommue Pitices it is
btmt a few iimchies above the mmmd : ummi
water , aunt in somimo ihtLCeS nearly live feet
iii thickness. IAverpooi stilt must be
kiln ( lried before being groummd. Nmiture
scuds thmls to time mmmiii SO dry that it iimtt' :
bo groummd as line as flour. tt the immill
it is btmggetl and marked for slmipimmeimt ,
mmd is ready for table or dairy use. Tiuis
salt is 99 per cent pmmro , amid is piticeth
01)011 time nmnrket as "New Liverpool. ' '
It is undoubtedly time best anti purest salt
in time nmarktmt.
' 'it is on time rising slope from tills stilt
iiiiiie , sonic twciity nmiles : iway nimtl in
time very limeart of time great Colertulo
desert , ( lint tIme Soutimern l'ttciiic 1)001)10 )
hmave struck artesian water. At a deptim
of 450 feet a how of 1,800 gttllons aim Imour
has been brought to time smirftice. 'I'hie
bore ma being imimsimeti dowimward for fur-
tImer ulcmoimstration. 'this discovmmry of
artesian ivater imas caimsod time location of
about two townships of lmmimd , which is of
good soil , heimmg cmvered withm a growth
of muesujimite shmrmmbbory 110(1 weemls. At
tIme stmtiomi : , ' 'lmmtiio , ' ' where tim conm-
P0113' hmtmtl fomtmmd water for train use by
pmimpimig , tlmere is a growth of pepier
locust , cottonwood utah imalimm treus , : tl
doing ivehl aimd attamnimig gretut growth.
Grapes , waterimmelomis , tommmntoes , roses ,
geramminhmis amut iimoriming-ghories are
there seen iii hlourishmimmg condmtion.
'Grapes and wateriimeloims will ripen timis
fliOiitii of Jtmime
TIme gentlemen who Imave located this
trolicutl Euhun will eXhcriiiieflt In tue dm-
rectiomi of tropical 1)rotiumctmons. Already
they talk of cottomm , eofle and tobacco.
Timid It wIll protitmco beimmier oranges thmomi
Son hhorimarthiiio or itiversithe they do not
doubo. San Francisco is to receIve fronm
this larmttlise its early wnteriiielomms , Its
berries amid sweet potmttoes. Only a few
miles from the line of time road is a grove
of 1,000 dtte : palnis , rcttehumng a great
hmeiglmt , and bearing time real hut very
snmall and inferior date. Time foot hills
are skirted till alommg with these imalumi
trees. In these mountains , it is said ,
are lrouimmtttive valleys well sill ) '
plied with water , bmmt it
sinks when it reacimes time level of
time plain. 'rums is a mmirveloims
and wouiderfiml Ittitti , and mmothmhimg causctl
time writer greater surprise than time soil
uinti ivater discoveries coiistantly beimmg
iimule in tiiese desert places. l'laces that
are very inacce&iiblo , thmttt are emmmbcthdett
in mountain eammons tind away trommi
civilizatIon are LeCOfliflk the limxurloims
homes of fumdtmstriotms enterprIsing
people who have time I10i'VC to go some-
wimid. beyond time conIimmesimid bomimiukirmes
( it present "goimteel' ' life. % % hint a Gotl's
blossimig It would be to the umemubers of
Henry George's Anti.PoVeTty party If
soiiie kim ! , powerful genie would clothme
theft all , uinti then lIft them tipoimt of the
city slums , teneimmcnt-imousespolitics , glum.
Idionoss and crane , into these nmoummttihim
auiti desert imoimmes where poverty is only
known ammd destitutIon only felt by those
ivlio are unable or uuiwihllimg to toil.
- -
Thmroumrh time efforts of 3l1s Emunma htarrl-
iliac tile California leglslaturd has iasseC a
bIll ProviuImmE ! for scheimtlmie teimul.cruimcmm. hum-
sttuIlon In ( Lw publJescbuol
_ _ _ _ 3as - . - ' . .
The Pirst Legal Execution in wectwater
. Coummty.
how the Icatim or Jacob Van V lict
Vau ; Avciigcti-A ( 'ommipoims Ixecuu-
thou in Which tue Con-
uiciiiimnti Took l'rkhe.
Ktuiss Ci13Tinmost Time recent liming-
ing of Sumeod recalls mimi execution lii
\\yoimmimmg territory , away buck in tIme
early ( lays. Thin execmitioim was it mmovel
oiie , mitmit ss.ns bug regarded as time umiost
stirprlslmmgiy unique athitir vhmmeh hiatt ever
clttinieul time nttemitiomi of time timeit rough
PeoPle of ( lie boruler-simiiply bcciuse : It
iwims a legal oume. Time lynciiimmg of a mmmtiti
would huive beomi regarded as a very ordinary -
nary tifliir aunt vommlti have attracted ito
more attention thiami a spirited dog lighter
or a suicide , but thu Idea of a imman corn.
iiilttliig a mmmurder , beimmg arrested , iii.
tticteti , tried , convicted mutt hmmimged : in a
PlmrolY legal ummanimer was a stramigo oime
to time inhmnbitammts of ( tint frontier town.
Omi this .eension the vietiimi was lL
Commmstock , kmiowmm ii ) elite circles as ' 'Big
Foot , " itati time c'irctminstatmces : ttteinl.
ing time crimime for i'hmichl ho wtts so oddly
roptiti into eterimity were as near as I can
recahh tiieimm , : thoitt tms folioivs :
Johiirmtmm Vhiet hind lommg beemm s'orkiimg
a placer elttiin near Iltuhmn's hmtmmtk , and
ttk'iimi : out whmat lie behmeveti to be stiilicietmt
tilist to PISS over tue rcmiituiimttcr of the
journey of life very eommifortably. lie re
u5ohvel to go bmmck to ' 'time states , " nimd
with thims timid lmi view sold time elaimim ,
lotuied his thumst aimd persommul Property cit
it 1)tCk hmorst , aimul set out across time ummoun-
tniums for time mmeurcst sttmge sttmtioum.
' 'Big Foot Eti' ' lied missisteti time mnmncr
in all his lreparatiouis for time jonriiey ,
amiti his covetous eyes hiatt rested tmpomi
time treasure , whuichi was stowett ttWiy : lit
bimckskiii bigs. : lie rcsolvetl to secure
time tlimst , and after Van Yhiet had tnkcii
time tortuous trail over tim raimge thin
bumrhy ( htsperndo ivent by a shorter cut
amid plmtntel hhnmself behminti a large rock
iy wimichi time mimmner immust lnss. \V lieu
time latter roachiei , time slot hue heard time
coummnmammd , ' 'Thmrov imp your hmtimids , " and
siv a brmtco of heavy revolvers looking
iii his fmce : si'ithm a cold , grini , deternmimictl
stare. Vami Vilet was a brave miian , amid
immsteul : of stabbiumg tIme : mtnmosjihiertm overhead -
head with trembling hmamids , as nmalm.y
would howe done , lie made a grib : for hmis
owii pistol , but crc lie could tiraw it front
its sctmbbnrd there ivits a hlnshm , a loud report -
port and lie fell deati on time trail. TIme
mmmrilcrer bitt time body of his victim in
the rocks , took a lag of time dust for
lresent use , : iehitmtl time reimmaimider ,
turrmctt the horse loose mid returned to
'i'hmat same afterimoomi Ime was a prisoner
iim time imamitis of tIme vigmlaimct , coummilmittee.
a 3'olmimg mmmaim ivhmo ivas imuimtimmg in the
mmmotmumtttimms vitumessetl tIme mnurder from a
1)1:1cc : of commceahimiemmt : mbove time trail ,
0:11110 : ii amid reported it , : uid Eu's arrest
SlI'icLJIIY ' ( followeti.
, Jimuhgc L3'imchm ivas soon in his terrible
seat , tuid time culprit WtS mtrraigmmetl for
trial at what tIme rougims mmsel to , lenonm.
limate ' 'a lois' gnome iii svhmichm till thin Ptur
cemmttge : i'tms in ftvor : of the bank.Vhwmi
time selection of : t jury wfl5 alomlt to begiim
'l'omii lltiiimltt , a grizzly old-tinier ,
' 'Most imonorable jedge timid fellow citizens -
zens : It isii't miie as 'ti laick : tgmn the
wishes 0' tIme ) eopIe. It isn't mmmc as ' .1
have tIme oimrecormstrmmcteti cheek to even
lmiimt at ammytiming , tim ( 'U tmirn time title o'
imnmronmltu latv froimi its course thmrougii
time channels o' this hmonoritbic court , but
I immivo an idee. Mark yomi , s-er imommor , I
have aim bloc. I have the immterests o' this
toWil ttt imetirt , fur I hmave proPerty 'var ,
: iim' s'ztt hurts the town ' 11 Imurt ' 1'oui
llanmma and time follow chmmlstitmns as hold
interests 'var likewise.
' \Vc all know that Phimtm City lmtis bin a
buekiii' agin our prosperity for mmmontims ,
nmmd every tiimmo shin immakes a point , she
crows till time clarion tommes penetrate time
thickets way beyomith time Missommry river.
Now , they hmnmii.r a mmitimi over there last
ivuoit--tmimimg immmmm 'cordmn' to time iaiv an'
thi&prohits arter a reg'lar trial in time legal
court , an' since ( lieu. yer liommor an' feller
citizens , time I'iume gtumg litis beeim pmmttiimg
Oii mimoro agony than it imt'tcoek : svmthm his
tail unftmrled. Time" tahk to us nboimt
t lme'mr progress , eiviliziii' advammceummemmt ,
time Chmristitin sperrit o' their nets , their
trtmtmstmmogmihieahion front bonier igimor-
once an' brutal immstincts to reiiumenment
tim ) ' thick seat culture , tam ' yer hmoimor ,
they Ituighi tmt au , tail say we are so fur
belmind 'iii time race that we can't even see
tIme dust niisiii' froimi their varloims hoofs ,
"Now , I jest want ( or suggest , ver
hiommur , tlmat we can't atiorti to let l'ine
City occupy time entmre area on (01) ( 0' tIme
dimughmill o' jmriuie mmii' progress an' do all
thai crowium' , tin' I thon't believe it'ti re-
hlect a mite alien our personal ehmttracters
fur rectituile : mn tmprilmteomisumess to shtmt
Ett up till imext mimonthm s termmi o' court tat'
tlmeim try lmmin aim' huaimg ham with tippro-
pr'mtmte coreimiommies , an' anmid nil tIme POUiP
an ' 1)immOlIY ( , ' legal justice. "
'lime mdea it new ommo , anti Ed was
by a imotmimitmmomis vote , held to await time
action ot tIme griipl : jmiry. 'I'imms action
mimet witim time imiiqmmauiiicmt auproval of time
1m001)lti ; tt ltirgtm. , Jolmii Stimmisomi , time store-
keeimtmr. ivhmo boasted of imavuimg a semi
teacimiimg school In Iowa , reiimurking that
"legal legality was far more open to ap-
irovmmblmmiess , iii this ( lay an' gimmeration
tiittn illegal illegality could ever be , "
mumul , too , ho tlmotmghmt time sport o' witmmess-
iii' time execmmtioimtil obsequmies 'ti interest
time United States hmomi'aiiltm jedge an' sort'
er weld imis aikctioums to time towim , "
I slitill not cutter iumto time ttetails of tue
tt itml. Il was comiv'icted timid scnteumccd
ivitlm all thmmO solenimilty to ho imimmged : by
tIme mieck until tleui : , time semitommce wmimd'mmmg
imp w'mthm tIme usual jmra er , nut ! I nitty amid
thi only hrt.ver : a wcsterii jumuhge ever ier.
mnitted to guilt egress froumi bmis lIps.
"Is evtirythilng arrziimgetl in proper
shmttpe , 'foimi i' : msked } 1 of time shmermhl'on
time ilmormilug ii ! time duty sot for time exceum-
"Notlmin' has bin left undone , Ed , out' .
time thmiumg's a-goiii' to be : t grammd success.
'I'ime Imosts o'tlmo scailoid s bin feseimooimetl
with hbowurs iy time girls , tin' they've tied
red , white an' bitme ribbomms on ( lie rope
above time . An' ' '
noose. timey'ro gomul' ter
sing a 501mg , too-they're mi practusmim' elm
it imosv-a sotig that hegmrs :
"Puloo , ntloo , vaiim world muloo ,
4vaimiit sum' uimmlt may sitbt ,
For sooim i'll cross time rtmbicmmimd
To realmums 01 tluicflclmlest light.
Auion 01' miarutners of the caumip ,
Vtmoumm I mmmus'Ieuve beimlimut
1 feth ( iii not rerethtmh , fmmr
't'imo mill o' time gomis immus rrhumd. "
"It ivar' writ by John Stinmson , time
store-keeper , an' tie says it is time one
crowiimii' triuiimpimant efiort of lmis deehium-
iii' years. I tell 3'oml Eu , yomm'd ortor bo a
imroud luau to got sich' a gorgeous sommtt-
oil. "
"I mini , an' I man gQin' to do amy level
best to immak myself worthy o' timu oceti-
sioit nh' immake it ilqfsII ' an' intorcstmum'
fur time 1)03'S. lint say , woultint mt niuke
Phime creek looksiek ml. we camluL ring iii
it gospel iflttfl to taper time timiimg oir in ii
st3'le , by hlirtiti' hIs jaw on a suitfiml
prayer , an' sort o' consolin' of mime , 30mm
know , dunn' time progress o' time enter.
tatimmimeiit. 'i'imoy oilers do it Iii time
's'o tiumtmgimt o' that , , Eti , butt timir : isn't
a sk3 imliot out time rammgo ulmi' we cufl't git
nobody to Play preachier. W'n beggoul
Ike ioimg to (10 It , fur ha looks like ti par-
soii , 3oum kimow , but Ito kickeil baek'nrds
wIth both imum' said ( limit was nxmn' ' too
; mmueim. lie said ho was tvihiin' to do : imy-
timing in reason to add to time joy o' the
festivIties , but. lie Iiatt a cimarnc.tcr mit
stake , mm' a fmummhly time states , an'
lie iitiii't Perhmnse to imerhiuse to sully oimo
nuid pain time other by mminkli' , sieim a wild
1)103' miS flint. Aim' Imu wits right , too , Ed ,
you atios' ( hint. ' '
' 'Course lie ivits. I ivotmitln't tie it amy-
self , Val , we'll ' make it go oir lletisalmt ,
nii3'imrW. i'll gie time boys it speech
thmut'll llOttse 'ciii , ami'tlmnt , svhthi time girls'
sl ngmmm' mmmi' t lie d rim I ) iifl' t im SiibSi'ilmemi ( t
muuioral'll do fust rate fur time first at-
tcmtilt. )
TIme sertihbld was erected on a lint oim
time banks of time creek. It was , as time
slmtmrihl' told time cozmdcmiimied , tastefully
tiecorated with wild iluwers , Piimu boughs
timid rmbbomms mitmil preseumted a very immund'
SOimmu ) utmul iittraetIvo apetiraimce. 1mm tIme
editor of timtu cross bemimm : , froni which time
rope dmiumgleui , was a wrcatim of cedars en.
ci rd I mig tim e son t I mmmcli t
i"amoist'li , farewell , our brutimer uier ,
'J.'imi loss ivihi leave us loimely hoer.
'fimu floor ( If time scafl'old was strewn
with freshly emit grtiss , amid two frammmetL
elmroimmos , borrowett Irommi tIme Chiplmer sa
loon hmumng on time imurighit posts. Nothmiiig
tiltit would emmiumumce time beatify of ( lie
scout , or coimtrlbimte to tIme pleasure of time
coimtheimmiietl seemmich to imuive bceii over.
looked ,
It ss'as a gala ( lay ium time little mactin-
tauim town. At tam early imotmr tIme Immhmmibi-
( nuts were astir , 1111(1 tIme conimug eimter-
taimtmeuit was time one timetmie of conver
satiomi. 'flmo inca put on their best
clothes , amiL tIme ' 'girls , ' ' time luleVitablm
mtuljimmmet to every tmimimiumg cammm ) , arrayed
timeir frail forums iii nIl their hlmmer.y 1mm
imonor of time occasion ' '
gent , 'Big F oot
1 : ut" was time hero of tue ( bay , ittid isisimm
that his jourimey alomig thm mimystie trail
ivlmiehi conmmectotl this is'oritl utimul tIme
mmiysterioims realnis beyond were drmmmik
lii mmmimy : bummmmbers of flurry hiqimor.
tmi Imoumr bufore time ( hue set for ( lie cx-
creises to begin time ) ) eOPle begttmi to
flock to time spot wiicre time gaily decor-
tiLed gallows stowl , its gaimiy ( trapimmgs
smmggestimug : inytimiiig but tleatim , stid It
was soon tIme cemmter of a nmotely crowd
of immlimcrs , gtummblers , hmmtuiters , frail
wonieim aiid a slighmt smrimmkhiimg of In-
'fhme uimmmoummmcenment soon sreatl among
time croivi that time Processioum was itI )
proachmiumg. Eu walked beside time simerhil'
vitIi a proimd Step , nut ! snmilett cordially
uipoui time imitmltittmde ivhien lme had as-
cItibed ( the scahrold. lie was provided
with a seat amm'l ' Shierihi Samu atldrcssed
time neotmle as follows :
' 'Fellow citizeuis : 'J'lmis is : iim orspicious
occasiomm , aim' I'm prouti to be able toolli.
ciitt' : Imero in amy ohl'mciomis eimaracter of
slmeritl'of this 'ore eoimnty. The success
of time ' event is a tieut : sure tIming ,
mlii' its gout' to go oil' iii a very pleasur-
tibIa nmunmmer. I now limivo time felicity to
munnoumuce ( hint , Johmm Stinmson , tienior lii
ginerul umercimuiuidise , nmimiers' supplies ,
gummis , auimmuimitiomi , whmitky , etc. , as he
imas requestett nme to : mnnouncewili recite
an original 1)001)1 originated expressly
for Limo occasion , ' ' , , , ,
Mr. Stitmmomi ai'tl
bowed initeriouislt' . ' 'Time good simerifi'
imeglected to add 'cimcap for casim , ' " lie
saul , ' 'but timat immakes un ptirticular dif-
lereilce , itS time miiost on you know amy an-
hiitmcimabie terms. ' ' lie then , in it really
dz'ummmatic : immtiuimmer , recited time fohlouvhmig :
ivuiA.r is niATIi : ?
l'ray , what is death ? 'TIs fiat a , trip ,
lheyoimd thmhs i ! 'bf tears- '
"I'ms but a simppiih ; of time grmp , ,
A bursting of tim gears. '
Au' ( lien we sleep to wake agin
_ hieyommd time cares of omirthm
' 1tI jiiay tIme hmeaveumIcimermmblma
For all the timing Is worth.
'l'hils lIfe is bumt a fitful dream ,
As gittcd pen hias writ ,
Aim' is'imeum across the nmystic stream
Otmr timcu spirits lIlt ,
Ommrselves we'll soon habituate
Arm' imeser stied a tear
Fiim' ijrammdy smumimsim aim' whisky struigimt ,
'I'Imat soothes those spIrits hero.
We're nil asseimibled here to-clay
' [ ' ( ) ivitimess Jiivamtl's doorum ,
'I'o see hihum immake his final play
4 ii ' mlii bie a p thu II ( mine.
Aim' as lie sits hero quietly
Ills face If all tmhiglmt
\Vhthm joy aim' priio , to think that ho
Caii dye LiS sick doilgimi.
F'arewell , dear Ed , timomi gay galoot ,
\ ' ' mmmmss timee frommm emir mIdst-
But therm thou stmommhdst not execmite
'i'hio timomighmtiess deed lhmnui dhtist.
lhmomi scoim sviist mhangtu uuoumi a rope ,
An' each hnttimise spectator ,
\Vhli see ( lice dammglo , ivItim time hope
'rzmat be vihi see thee lat r. ,
Like eager traveler ulost thou m\It ,
'I'o heave by the imeek's straimi [ Applatmsej'
'I' ( ) latmd ( ii ) by tutu gohdem : gate
An' ume'cr retumrim imgahn.
'rimis last advice ( room worhul of strlto
I give isiUm t'armmest breath
I'Oim hover were kimouva to "idck" lii life ,
l'ray do not klcd In death.
There was loath mupplause anti the g'irls
groupeti tiiemusolvcs on tIme scalthld : ind
Su1)J ( lie song referred to , respoimdmum to
it vmgoromms encore whit " 0. lemmi Goi7leui
Slippers. ' ' dumring time rormmhition of ivimicim
time coimionmned nman frequmtmimtl % ' cast his
03'OS ulowmmwarti to his robust feet as if
ivoumtterimmg if lie could secure mt fit. 'l'hme
lttst iiotcs of time sotig were swunmimeti be.
mmeatlm amiotimer torrinit of alllaumse ,
time girls doscendeti from time seufl'oiti.
'l'hmo shierihi'oiiee nmoro canme t ( lie front :
' 'i'iie timing's a gem' oil' apieimdidly ,
lie smii. : , "It smmrptmsses amy nmost sangmmiim-
ary expectations. Feller citizens , timis is
it jmroiid tiny for all of its , an ' imo ommo can
full . more itimletmOmls ( pride tuna I do. I
ibis. have time felicitous imoimor of intro-
ihumciimg to 3'Otm Mr. Eu Comnstoek , time
gemmtleinmti : as will sooum take time trail for
kiimgdoni conmo. As you : mll sce , lie his :
commdimctei , himself wmthm time mmmost proper
i'cctitude mim all time lerccetIins' ) , an' 1 atmi
projimi it hits fallen to inc to Iman.rsiichm a
perfect gentle immaim. "
EtI alvaumceI , to thin froumt timid wimea
lommd applause suisiiuti ( begaii hmi care.-
fuiil' lrepared SIeeeimt
' 'Ladies : tmmd gcmmtleimmeumVords : tire
too weak uhliirs iii ivimich to express tim
Si'fl3'iim' . sumrgin ' , feelimi's ivimicim : mre imov
pit-chin' ttiOtit iii lily soul. This gramid
uiemmmoiistratvemmess : , gottt'mm iii ) lii mimy
imoimor , is wortimy of a kimmg. You imra
hero to see mime elTon immy journey , itmi' I
assure you that I will not forget your
kiimtl eilhrts to immako time partin' 1)leiSammt :
to nme.
"I imave a ivife alt' two kids ilack him
time states. : mn 0 , wimat priuhe ivili stvell
time bosoms o' them boys while tellin'
others thud timeir ol' nina war thai fast one
to be lawfully hmummmg mu Stveetwatcr
coil mu ty.
' 'liegarulin' time crime for uvhmicim I sttmimd
here I will simply say timttt time earIS run
ngium mmmc. If that youumg fellow its saw it
itiuiumt ( a been thur at that puirtleutlar
imionmemmt all svotmltb hmmvu : been well , an'
I would have been it lmvmn ' ainoimg you
to-dumy tin honored an ' respectable dli-
Zen. himmt I aimt't a kicklim. ' 'I'lmms gramiti
tienioimstrntion hills mime full o' imighm grade
rct'onclliuttioim , mutt' I 'Ii go ( lOivum timrougim
this trail like a jo.'Jtimdy : , ( Applmmmso. : ]
I ( IX1)eCt ) to meet till ! \ mum Ammuiti , 'J'ommm
\'iikes , l4iiigtiiy l'rmmnk , l'okcr Aleek ,
tin' all time boys timut's : imtssett : in timeir
checks , : mmt' ivu'im I tuull 'ommi 0' this graumd
iiOW(1it ( they'll be sorry they tiled afore
i,00lim' It.
"I hmahl imot detalim you bug for I kumow
\.omi arC anxious to see time griumtt climmmax.
'I bid you oum mmii' nil goodbye , an' if 3'omi
ever emuam lii ) may sviy : ho sure miii' lmummt
IflO .lr . , Slmcmihl L' yo'r ' imittY. '
Ills hmaimda immiti fiict were qmliekl3
boimnd aimui time rope lmlueeuh : tboimt iims
imeck i13 imis ouvum request mme , bhaek COIl ,
ivas uirtwn over hmis face , I hue slierlil
stoot witlm imis hmaumd cii t Imu lever aumtl I lie
spectutors : lucid their bremthm awnitmimg the
final pet , . .
' 'ttmnce moore goodbye , ' ' time uooimn'l ,
mann simomiteut. "J"urtIm to enrtii , mimmst to
uttist , tisimes tmimtq itsties. i he that shied-
uitmthi immmiim's hmloo'l bs' _ immuiim itimall ito. i.e .
Ilkewiso simuiluled. Au imyc itir aim (3't' ( ,
an' ii tooth fur a tuthi , fur voru1 ( I ray
uhio yQ that thar's taprujoy in imcaydim
S . j. ' . . , . , .
. ' e ' . ' . . .
- -I
over a lost shmeop than over a huh hmcr (
( limit umo'er left .tiie corral. Mr. SimcrifT'1
uvhhl let 'or ' '
yomm kintily go ?
Time simermil nceoimiiimotiatlumgly did as re.
quested , amid lt1 shot thirotugit the traps
lIe seomiieui to throw hmms whmoia soul into
titiit cue last eflbrt , mud went doivim with
Ii uioterimmlmmed vigor tlmat elicited woris o
praise front everyone lii the crowd , lie
liiiumg there witim it sort of still' pritio aunt
thignit3 its If coiisclomis that lie ( intl tlomiu
his whole timity lii hits ofl'ort to please imis
Aitd thins cmmdoU time first legal oxocu.
tion In Sweetwater coumnt3.'1mN JACK CnAvt'omw.
She Tells or llcrI.oumg , happy Lhtd
S hhi time Comivicteil lSiami ,
From time New York World : Onl'
twice thmriuig rcceiit years has favor Dccii
shmoivmi to imrmsomiors in Lmmtllosy streo
jail to time oxteimt of uullowimmg mu immami'a
wife to share his linprhsouimimouit. Both of
these exceimtioims were 1mm notable cases ,
'I'iie first was wimemi gty : , hmatmdsommmu , fash.
iommnbhe 2.lrs . , F'crdintndVarti : reiimtihtmetV
with her hmmmsbammti to nurse hmnm timroumgi
time illness wimichi overtook imini timerc
'l'hme second case is ( hint at prcsemmt befortl
otmr eyes-time frail , loving oltl wife ot
Jacob Shmurp : slmmirimig his cunfiiieummemit.
'J'o oiie imimoti ivhmoiii sucim a bartlett ima
never comae , time tiresemico of Mrs. Sharp
iii time COumimt3' jail ivitim her iiiislmummt'
seomims emily ii imiost mmattmrtul auth easy
thmiimg , but it is provimmg to her ii bmtr'itng
almost greater timmin simo cttn bear. Mrs.
Simiirp roummalims beside lmer Imusbttmmd everg
imight-nmmd nil nighmt-sittimmg b3hmis bett- "
side , eagerly tmlmticiatlImg his every wisitI
' 'God gave tue immy dear husband , ' ' shun
says to all ivhi ( ) try to comfort her , ' ' : mmit
lie huts givemm ums great Iimppiuicss : togetlmet- ,
I trust hint , "
l\trs , Simirp : Is a delicate wonirtmm , dignia
fled a'md ehiarummimig for one who immust ho
nearly seventryears oluhVimeim mt womiman
ati'.i ' a stronger sent iii a ctird \Vetimmcs. .
day mormmiimg. word Caine buck at ommeof
' 'L\lrs. ' Siitirp does , iiot remi'eniber the
Imamiie , btit sue ivili be gluut to receive
you. " Afl(1 wlmemm time visitor entered the
ehmeerftml broakftmst roonm timat hooks tllOU
tim coumrt yarit in time cemiter of time Jaihi
1uirs. Sharp stood whim hmmunhs oimtstrt.teimef
to a woimman she hover saw before ,
' 'Vhtit Otin I do for yell , amy cimildV'
sue sail. ,
There wts : no smile on tIme thelmcnepni (
face , nmmi time face was weak uunti ahimmost
broken , bumt time look as well as tIme tone
was ( lout of ut gentle womatm , whose first
thought , even In lmet trouble , was thma
she could "be of use" to sonic one elso.
Time uncommveimtional speeeii niuui.e tIme
coiivcrsation that wotmld so easily laivo
lCeim ) straineth , natural anti free. Mrs
Sharp very soon spoke of
her "dear Imusbamid , " its she itlwumy
calls 1dm , in time tenderes-
mumd most tiiiafl'tictcti wtiy. At
time saummo tinme sue spoke
fceliimgly of time bmmrtien timat timey hitivo'
been currying together amid ivimmehm hma
seeimmed so umumimucessarily severe. " [ 'hey
arc killing mms both , ' ' she Laid passionately -
ately , "we are old imeoPhe now 011(1 every
stroke tells on its. " Mrs. Simarp speaks
of imcr.scif tim this ss'uiy , as if situ were imca
time cud of tmt' ! days sue might expect to
Ime graiutcd her , bmmt imo oncseeing her for
time first ( hue woumiti ( hunk q her as licing
' ' 01(1. ' ' limuiced , a immaum wfio has sceum tier
a mimmimiber of ( limes about 1tiie jail , spoke
of liar its being about forty-eight or iifty
years of age. her hair is qtmitc grimy nose
anti is worn lii soft wmives abo'mt her fic : ,
11cr eyes are gray aumd clear , real woin.
anly eyes. 11cr nose is straight : miitl fine ,
amitt the whole typo of her face is , as imea
as it many be expressed , timtmt wlmiclm is til-
SVti3'.S recogumized as beloimgimig to "ti New'
Eimgiitmd : lady. ' ' Not time stroimg , deterin-
inc'd New Eimglamui wommimiui's face , but timo'
qtmiet , rtmiined , soiimewlmtt : peitsive commute-
ounce tiittt follows years of repression
atmil care. In imeighmt , airs. Shmumrp
is abommt five feet two or timree , aunt in fig
tire iieitlmer gemierotis mumr shighmt. fi
simort , taken all in all , time wife of thmi
mmmaim , whose imamne is emi every tomi'mie ,
is jtmst time wonmuti whommi his disgrace'
immost cruelly lmimrts , but ivimose love ivill'
omit last it till. Iignihied , syrmipatimetie
lovmmmg mutiti a clmrmstaiu ivommmuum , it is summalf'
wonder that the bommd betweeii timeni'
aimomuld be so close. lion' close this bomitti
has been Sirs. Sharp's own wortls tell
best. Speaking of their Imapy life to.
gather , .simo said :
, ,
\se hitivo beeum so hitippy , ummy tlear lmim-
bimid : amid I. lie lots beamm"'everythiimig to
imme timtmt it Woniaui could asic oi' mlesiro.
My every wish , immy slightest fancy It hums
always been imis pheasmiro to fumihihi. 0 hg
we hirid been looking forward so to imex
year. Fifty years we should have beca
mtirried tIme 28tl of miext March , ' '
' 'Shmomild luive been , mIrs. SImaru' '
' 'Yes , yes , rimould hmavtm heemm. It is kill.
Immg my ( hear hmusbimud before mimy eyes
thmms tcrribltm trouble , amid I known that i
aimytimiimg shmommiul hmappeum to iminm I sbioumld
go soorm , too. Ve have bcemm httmpiy too
long for one to ho conteimt without ( Lie
otimcr now.
"lint stmrehy , yomm do not feel so seriously
altmrnmed about Mr. Sharp's comitlitiorm ,
lie is not \vorse ?
"Not , worse , perimaps , In one way , but
lie is so weak. No one bmmt myself and
his physicians knows how weak. lie hmium
been so bravo about It , so : tlmnost fool.
ishmly brave. It has seemed sonmetiimmeg
to nme as if Ime did not realize what it
mnetnt : ; lie hiss been so m.trict aixnmt allow-
mug amiythmimmg tboimo that could possibly be
construed into a desire for efleet , lie
lmtts not allowed mmmc to go to time court
for fear partly of time efThct it would have
emi inc tttmtl partly for fear it wottlui scent
like trying to create symnpathmy. lie has
sat boiL tmpritrhmt iii Imis sent for hours
i'imen lie wmts JOSiti't'Oly immihit to hiti omit of
his bed , and lie huts benim as elmeer3' aumd
itlml itS helpful to imma as ime coimlut be , Not
even to mime imas lie comnphaimmcd of time mmii-
necessary things tlmtt : have been tione to
immnke thin disgrace nmore ticep arid Itt.
ftmumiomms. ' '
Even whmhlo shio talketi , Mrs. Shmarp
ke p L gI aiml : img a ii x ioiis I y um t t I me m'oo at
vimnreiii her iitmsimaumd wmts trylimg 'aimmly
0 get a little rest. As she flimlsbied speak-
mig time triimm young ivonmmui : svhm ( ) fund
boon imtyiumg the tumble , ummotiiici ( to liar ,
bitt Mrs. Shmlmrp waved her : IWIY. : It
sceimmed as it it were a relief to her to
SPI'ai uumd pea freeiy
' 'Oim , if tlmtuy only kimeuv iiumm mis 1 knoiv
hiam , ' ' shme coimtinuci. , ' ' 1 have been hmi
wife for nearly iifty ycimrs , mmd I hmavo
been his conf'ulentlai friemmd mum ivehl , hut
I imavo novur known him to oven thmiumk
of doing nmmytimiuig ( hunt ivtis mmot imommor-
able , Even lum time immost trivial timings lie
imas believed that wimuit Ito hits said ho
would do , alil Limat hue wotmid not say hue
wotmlti tic nnyimiimg ( that was not right.
lie imas been imonor itself. lIe has prac-
tlecmt nlways svhittt lie prencimeil , and hue
hit : tried to bring up his children to be-
hove and act as he does. ' '
' 'Before I go , l'drs. Sharp , ' ' said thin
visitor ivarma I' , ' 'is tiuer , : uimyttmitig ( hunt I
or :1113' : 0110 else could do for your'
' 'Noiiiimg-imotimimig. ( I timnimk 3'Omi for
counhimg. It hits betam a commmfort to nme.
'I'hmcy imni'c heemm i'ory considerate amid
kitud to mis hero , but It is a horrible Still
stititto for our home. No ; thorn mire only
I iV ( ) hmelps for lily ( hear iuiishimd ant 1fl3'-
self now. 0mm is thm hlftimig of timms tern.
Ole black cloud , and ( he otimer is ticutli
for us both. "
Fotmnul Ills tsnvel.
l'uel ; : ' 'I ama Imoor. ' ' tie haitI to a Clii-
ctIg ( ) ! hrl ; ' ' 1111(1 ( YOU mire rids ; bmmt true
iOVC ltmvels liii elm ii i sti mm ittloim 4 , nfl ( I- '
Shiti interrmiptwl imimi ivhthu ( mime of thin
intit 1101tii'e imt'gatlves , If sutcim an ox-
imi'.SioIm Call lie tmllois'eil , over tittenumil in
( iii''ihimIV city.
' ' l'imis , 'I Imuim , is omy bust roort , ' ' tin said
leiitnat.'ly ; uuiiui hue displayed a silver.
m i m oil ii t mnl r.m % . ( , l t' r. .
' 'I'mui ougimt to get i5 or iU pu It , " re'
I.Pile'1 I. thit ¼ ( cii' ! eumumju ; 'lmiiimgty , .
. , : .
. - . ' ' ' S .
: '
4 _
( 4.
5- ' '
. '