Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1887, Image 1

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General Bonlanger Departs From Paris
Amid Scenes of Qreat Confusion.
After n I jo n nnd Spirited Debatein
, the Commons tlio Irish Crimes
Illll I'Aftscs Its Third
Vivo Iloiilnngnr.
t JAW t > U Jcrnw Gorrliil Tlfnnrtt , ]
1'AiiiH ( via Havre ) , July 8 , [ New York
Herald Cable-Special to the HIK. : | General
Doulanger to-day had a veritable ovation.
He passed the afternoon lu his room , No.
2-18 Hotel du Louvre , writing letters and
arranging his private affairs before leaving
Paris for Clermont Ferrnnt to take command
of the Thirteenth army corps. As early as
half past 0 crowds gathered In front of the
hotel shouting "Vivo Uoulanger , Vivo Honl-
anger , " and slnidne tbo famous air , "Kn
lllvenant do la Uevue. " At 7:15 : the general ,
accompanied by two stalf officers , stepped
Into an open cab and drove to the Garo do
Lyon. The cheerlnc was tremendous. The
general , who was dressed In a Dlack cutaway
coat , dark brown trousers , white and black
checked cravat , a new shlnv stovepipe hat ,
bowed to the crowd every few seconds. Aa
the cab , which was , by the way , a rather
shabby one and bore the number 2.19S ,
reached the Hotel de Vllle , a young
cavrocho , In a white blouse , Jumped
up behind , waved a red paper
banner bearing the words , " 11 Hov
111 Kevlendra. " shouted "Vive Houlanger. "
The crowds at the corners of the streets sang
the Marseillaise and a few cries of "A bas
Grovy ; a baa les Prusslons" wcro heard.
When the cab reached the Hare de Lyons It
was accompanied by over a thousand of the
general's zealous admirers , half a dozen of
whom wcro perched on the axles and behind
the cab like crows. The general himself
looked as If bored to death. At 8 o'clock
the cab pulled up at the enhance to the sta
tion , the general Jumped out and , almost
mobbed by the populace , managed to get
through the passage outsldo the platform
where an ordinary light stoker express train
was awaiting him.
Hut at this moment one of the most 10-
markablo scenes that ever occurred tn Paris
took place. 1 stood on the plattorm of the
rear carriage reserved for the general. A
strange buzzing and rumbling nolso like
that of an earthquake was heard. Then
came a crash of falling railings , and In an
instant a perfect wave of humanity burst
Into tlio vast stationwearing red ribbons with
the motto " 11 Hevlendra. " A hundred popular
prints ot the idolized warrior In full war
paint moved In and among the crowds. I
noticed nil sorts of people , from solid bank
ing cleiks to tbo hyena-like faces of an
archists from Uellcvlllo. Show keepers and
their wives or mlsstresses were theio , na
were hundreds of noisy , shrill-voiced stud
ents from the Latin quaiter. Nearly all
wore white btraw hats , and as they swarmed
Into the station through the doors and windows
dews , seemed like the Incoming of a flood
tldo of foam-crostcd waves.
The 8 o'clock express for Genoa managed
to get safely out of tha station , but In less
than ton minuted 5,000 people had taken com
plete possession ot everything. Ono of the
most dangerous lircbrands of Europe , Paul
do Koulcdo , dressed lu a Ionic groy coat ,
stovepipe bat reddish Henri Quatrc , had
fierce , glilleilng eyes , made a tiger-llko
bound train a pile of trunks on thn
platform and landed on the steps
of lioulangcr's compartment Tricolor
flags were waved nnd Do llouledo
pronounced ono of his most impassioned
speeches , which was received with deafening
cheers , lint I must say that although I stood
within twelve jardg of him , the only words
of his oration I could catch wore "France , "
"the Ficnch army , " "tho lost princes , " and
"Vivo Uoutaugor. " The crowd then sang
the Marsolllase nnd shouted "Vivo la
Llglro. " Boulauger ! drew back Into
tlio further corner of his compartment.
The sweat rolled down his face and ho looked
tired out and Intensely bored. The air was
perfectly stilling. Ten policemen tried to
keep the crowd from Jamming themselves
n to the windows of the comnartmcnt. Hun-
difdH of youngsters clnmberea up , heaven
only knows how , on top of the train nnd
began dancing the can-can and shouting and
nhrickluK like wild Indians. The people
seemed to spilng up from the erotind.
Men and women got jammed between
the carriages , and frantic students took
possession of the locomotive , decked
nil out with flags and laurel
wreathes , and gummed Into its crlm Iron
Bides portraits ot lloulangor , surmounted by
the watch word " 11 Kovlludm. " An oUh-
teen-year-olil gauorocha with handsome
Gypsy features made tremendous lilts by
climbing up the smokestack , standing on
ono leg , then turning a summersault nnd
landing on top ot tbo boiler. Thou ho
jumped up , pulled a huge pleco of chalk
from his pocket and wrote on the locomotive
the following inscription : "Vivo Buulan-
ier : ; a bas Gievy ; vlvl da guerra ; n bas
les Prusslon , a bas les ministers ,
a bas Forron ; a baa Kerry ;
n baa lo government" At leabt two hundred
people were wedged on the track In front ol
the locomotive , that stood pulling away Its
waste steam and ready to stait off. Hut thl
would ha\e Imolved the sacrifice ot human
llfo far exceeding an > thlu < achieved by tha
Juggernaut car. It was now half past U ,
General lioulangcr and his staff were nearly
sullocated. The windows of tlio compart
me tit were chocked up by dozens ol
pairs of Ions dangling from th <
roof ot the carriage. Shouts resounded on
all hides , "Don't let him leave Paris , "
nnd an attempt was made to tear up the ralli
In front of the locomotive. The situation
seemed desucrate. Scores of anarchist * cried ,
"AlElysee , a bns Grevy. " General Uou-
Inncer poked hU head , streaming with sweat
out of the window , aua motioned with hh
liund for the crowd to remain silent A hap
pily inspired band of .students nt this mo
ment turned thn ugly threats Into laiightei
by appearing with large glass pitchers o
beer , which they , after n frantic charge
managed to bear to the door of UoulatigerV
compartment. The general smiled am
emptied ono pitcher ot beer n
a single draught His staff ofllcrn
Rlworbed the contents of the other pitchers
It was now a quvter to 10 and the trail
Reomea no uonrer getting under way than I
did an hour and a quarter ago. Suddonl )
General Uoulanzcr put his head out of tlu
window again and Implored the crowd to tw
silent Then his Rtaft officer , with a loud
stirring , martial voice , shout * ! , "In the In
terests of Franco and In the interests ot tin
republic , will you lot ( J uii-rM licit
langer get out of hi ) { rsla am
KCt Into A special carrU'ju furthc ,
forward. " The , crowds shouted "jes , yes ,
we will. " In an Instant the gcnonl. fol
lowed by tils staff , got cut of his cotupart
uient and was literally carried by the eiowdj
tntilumph to another carriage , to whtu !
ipeclat loromotye ! was attached alwit i
luudied yards culsldo tliot KUtiau tul a
five minutes before 10 the general's carriage
was able to start.
The scene was perfectly Indlscrlbablo.
Thousands of voices sang the Marselllals ,
alternated witli "Ulvenant do la llovuo. "
Do/ens of people were Injured by being
jammed Into trains and Iron parts.
Hundreds of luckless travelers and
distracted females sat on their baggage In
utter despair. The crowd held for two
hours complete possession of the cntiro sta
tion. At 10 o'clock the mob broke up , and
although the leaders waved flags and shouted
"Down with the ministry , " "Down with
Grevy , " "To thu Elysee palace , " It gradually
melted away enrouto toward the Latin qutvr-
tler and Belleville ,
I afterwards drove pist the Elysee palace ,
President Grcvv's residence , which is luckily
about four miles distant from Garo do Lyons.
1 found all quiet the lights out , but the
guards doubled. The same wise precaution
of thu German
was taken In the neighborhood
man embassy. _ _
The Crimes Illll Goes ThrouKh By a
IJlR Mujorlty.
Loxnox , July 8. Lord Hartlnston In the
commons this aftcinoon , continuing Uio do-
uato on tlio Irish crimes bill , said ho recog
nized that eveiy portion of the majority bup-
porting the measure must bear Us full onus
of responsibility for what had been done.
So long as the liberal-unionists weru sup
ported by the thinking and cultured classes
of England they would continue wltli conll-
denco in their course. "For , " said ho ,
"surely the masses cannot have a better
knowledge than tlm educated classes ot the
relations between England and Ireland. "
John Ulllon said ho was prepared to loyally
acknowledge the duty of the Irish member to
the empire , but ho held their lirst duty was to
the welfare and liberty of the Irish people.
Ills party represented the vast , overwhelm-
liu majority of people whose fortune the
bill affected , and those who contended that
the bill of the majority ought to prevail
ought not to assist in passintr the
measure. The opinion of no civilized
country in the woild was of moro value
to Intelligent Englishmen than that
of America. It was absurd to assert that
line-tenths ot the educated people of Amer-
-Ca were not on the side of Ireland. Un
questionably the whole American press was
on their side. Ho maintained thatO'Urion's
ulsslon had been a conspicuous success both
n the United States and Canada.
Sir William Vernon Harcourt criticized the
bill at length and in conclusion said tliat
every town nnd village in the kluirdom
should understand that the government ro-
tused to Irish tenants that protection from
an old oppression , against combinations
which they granted trades unions.
Goschen then rose to speak , whereupon
the Parnellites left the house in a body.
( ioschen t > ald the Kovornmont's contention
was , not that the bill was justified be
cause otncis as diastic had been
passed , but that It was necessary.
Goscher denied that the literature ot the civ
ilized world condemned the government's
policy. The Ameiicans In their strungle lor
the maintenance of the union were not in-
luoncod by thu opinions of English states-
inon.andit the Ameiican opinion was against
continuance of thu union ot England and
Irelaud , which ho did not believe the
unionists would not bo influenced
by that opiniou in their defenses of so treat
a clause. Kedinond concluded the debate
amid signs of impatience.
At the eonslusion of the debate the bill
passed the thlid reading 319 to ! 2 < W. 1 ho
announcement of the vote was received with
cheers and counter cheers.
The Distinguished American Shut
Out of a Keccption.
Emxtiuno , July 8. The freedom of the
city was conferred upon Andrew Catnegle
to-day In recognition of his gift to the city ot
5250,000 with which to provide n public li
brary. The ceremony took place In the coun
cil chamber. James G. Blalno was invited to
bo present , and went to the city hall and at
tempted to make h's ' way Into the chamber ,
but was unable to do so on account of the
Tlicro is a great deal of iudUuatiou rnanl-
foskullover the failure ot Blalno to obtain ad
mission to thu council chamber to-day during
the presenattlon of tbo freedom of
the city to Carnegie. Now that
it Is known It appeals that the oc
currence was biought about by official lack
ottaet. Illaino and Senator Halo arrived
halt and hour late. All the approaches to
tlio council chamber were crowded anil the
visitors had a hard time reaching the cham
ber door. When they got there they found
they were without tickets. The Janitor did
not know them and would not them.
Cainegie was at the tlmo dellveinu' ills ad-
dross. Ulaluosent n messenger to the pio-
vest stating the situation. The provost
waited until Carnegie finished his address
before sending orders for tlio admission of
tbo distinguished Americans , lly this time
both Blaine and Halo became disgusted and
retired. Carnegie. , when ho learned what
had happened , became \ery anury and would
scarcely listen to the provost'a apologies.
The workmen ot this city to-night presented
Carneu'lo with an address welcoming him to
Edinburgh and thanking him for hisuiftof
the library to them. Blaine and Mis. Car-
were present.
Stanley's Trials.
LONDON , Julv 7. The latest news from
Stanley , the African explorer , is tliat on his
journey from Leopoldvlllo to Lonkolela ho
encountered and had oveicomo serious obsta
cles. Ono ot the eravest dlflicultios was to
replenish hla commissary. The tlueatenei
Bcaruitv of provisions greatly excited a num
ber of his men , and it became necessary to
put.lsli thn malcontents with pieat severity
to i educe them to subjection. On the saint.
expedition Stanley himself boeauin ill fion
an UKOUSS ot heat. The expedition left
HolDo on the llth of May , and it was ex
peeled to teach the Congo at It continuancli
alien with the Aronhcim by the Cth of Juno
Points Krom Pnrls.
I'ATtis.Juiy 8. Minister Spuller tabled the
bill in the chamber of deputies yesterday foi
a credit of fXW.OOO francs for tt.'O temporarj
establishment or an Opera comlquo com
puny In a hired theater.
It Is reported that General Ferron Invitee
Umiera ! Boulanger tn t.ikn a luncheon witti
him. but Boulangcr declined the Invitation
on the ground of previous engagement.
The country In the vicinity of Paris Is suf
ferine from drought.
Houvier , prime minister and minister o
finance. Informed tlm budget committee o
the deputies that the superior railway com
mission opposed the proposed experiment o
mobilizing the nrmy , on the ground tlmtttu
defects lu the transportation sorvlco are tor
great. Mobilization will probably be post
poued. The extreme left has decided to ralsi
the question of thi entire policy of the gov
eminent Jtouvler has accepted the challenge
The debate will open Monday nlfiht.
A. Hnnltnry Congress
LIMA. Peru , July 8. The Peruvian covern
incut ln > Uc > t the republics ot Central ant
South America to co-operate In the tormatlor
ot an j\mrricHii sanitary conference to bi
bold m this city the 1st of uext November.
Convicted lit Treason ,
Lnsi-ic , July S. Klein and Trebert , twc
ot the mnn who had been on U'lal here on UK
charge of treason , hitvu been sentenced to &l >
ami nvujcais lu tb penitentiary respect
A Pnrdon l < 'i > r Itehula.
BOMHXY , JulyS. Tdo ameer of A fnhanls
tan ibsued a proclamation offering fno iat
driti and remission of two years' taies to nl
rebels who surrender.
IJo.n liiilltttny Dead.
PORTLAND , Ore. , July 8. BUD Unllldaj
died at 8:10 : this evuiinr , aUei llugwlu ,
ijalnlesjly foi Ictty-elgiu Lours.
A Trusted Official In tbo Treasury De
partment Goes Wrong ,
Oscar J. Uttivcy Forces I'niiers to
Swindle the Government Out of
Thonsamls or Dollars Contests
For Henntorliit Scats.
A Clerk's Crookedness.
WASHI.NOTON , July 8. Something of a
ensatlon was created In the treasury do-
lartmont this afternoon by the discovery
hat a trusted olllclal In the department has
> ecn cuilty of a systematic attempt to do-
raud the government. The ollicer was ar-
ested at Wllkes-barrc , Pa. , yesterday after-
iLon. as ho was obout to take thu train for
Washington , and his dismissal from the scr-
Ice VNas ordered by Secretary Falrclilld tills
afternoon. His name is Oscar J. Harvey ,
and ho has been employed in the department
incoJune , 1S35 , when he was appointed
chief of thu horse claims division of tlio third
auditor's olllce. It was while ho held this
lobltion tliat ho perpetrated the frauds with
vlilch ho Is now charged. On thoM
M of Juno last ho was trans-
erred to the head of a division
n the second comptroller's ollleo ; a division
which has charge of claims of tlm same na-
lire as those In the division which he had
iibt left. Austin 11. Drown , of Indiana-
polls , succeeded Harvey as chief of horbo
claims , and soon atter ho took charge ha dis
covered the frauds of which his predecessor
tad been cuilty. These consisted of the
lassako of forty-three tiiuiduletit claims for
lorses , aggregating 59,200 , and the prepara-
tian ot money additional cases of n .similar
nature , which were under consideration In
he olllce. In moat cases the claims are for
lorscs lost during the late war
ind are presented in the rmmo
of officers ot I'ennovlvanla and New
Jersev regiments. All of these cases ap-
leaied to have been prosecuted by "W.V. .
IVynti , " lifbt of I'liiladelphia , and then of
Washington , and the services ot "J. U. Man-
lord , " notary public , In Philadelphia ,
ivere called into requisition in
Connection with the necessary allidavits.
I'ho work Involved the stealing of
numerous Incriminating papers from thoiiles
of the department. In thirtun claims It was
found that the signatures , Involving tlio
names ot thlrty-elulit ollleers , were forgeries ,
jubscquently it was found that the second
auditors name lias been forged in thu cer-
ilieates received from tliat oftlce , an.t also
that nouo of the Pennsylvania anil Now
Jersey cases In \ \ liicliVvnn was attorney
were entered on tlio records of that ollice.
The claims which bad been allowed were
then overhauled , and In almost every in
stance it was found that the second auditors
certificate as to the slgnatuies had been ab
stracted together with other papers. Tlio
stamp of the mall room , In the third auditor's
ofllce , and tlio stamp ot the horse claims di
vision had been torccd and the dutes ar
ranged so as to bring them within tlio limita
tion fixed lor tlio tilinc of tliChU claims. The
htamp of the quartermaster general's
otlico was also forged. Drafts were
reeularlv issued , and an examination of such
as had been returned as paid shows that
Harvey and Wynn are one and tlio same per
son , and that although the drafts weie drawn
in tavor of the claimants , the money , with
ono or two exceptions , went directly to
Harvey or some ot Ills inlatlves. He had se-
cuied their payment by forging the signa
ture of the payee and then endorslni : the draft
witti Ills own name. Monfoit , the Philadel
phia notary public , like Wynn , tlio attorney ,
was found 10 be a myth. Most of the nota
ries and persons named In the claims are un
known to tlio department. In addition
to the forty-tnreo cases passed
there have been ISO similar cases
adjusted aegregatlng ? ! .0,000 , and there are
still pending and unadjusted sixty-eight
cases amounting to 510,000 , making a total ot
101 fraudulent cases which niUht eventually
have been paid but for this discovery. Har
vey was biought to this city by officers of the
secret service who had kept him under sur-
veilanco since lie was hrst .suspected. Ho
asked to sco tbu secretary , and when ho was
informed of the evidence acalnst him , broke
down completely ami unilu a lull confession
of his guilt.
ScninUnnnl Contcitq.
WAPUINOTO.V , July 8. [ Special Telegram
to the UIE.J : The reports that Senator
Hearst , of California , Is not to bo allowed tn
take ills seat without a contest , together with
the fact that there will bo a strngu'lo also be
fore the West Virginia and Indiana sena-
torships are settled , causes uneasiness among
the demociatlc politicians , who had counted
on celling Hictdleberger , of Virginia , tci
abandon the lebublican side of the chamber.
With Illddlcherger voting with them tlu
democrats would tie the republicans , nnd tin
latter would have trouble In retaining con
trol of the senate , but it two or three seats
remain vacant for a season , or until eveiy-
thing Is under way lor the session , there will
be no hope for any caln for the democrat ;
with or without Itlddleberger. The opinion
has been expressed that the senators holding
the certificates will , as Is the custom In the
house of representatives , bo allowed
to takn their respective beats
pending a decision of the contest , bill
such Is not the case. The senators are noi
allowed to take any part in tlio proceeding
it their ciedontlals are questioned until the
matter has been examined into by the com
mittee on privileges and elections , and tin
senate comes to a decision touching the rec
ommendations of the committee's report ,
Democratic politicians nro doing their lies !
to natch up a truce with the opponents of the
dllferent senators whoso scats. It Is under
stood , will bo contested. Tlio ollidavlt-
which it Is aliened have been liied atTeetlnc
the election of Senator Hearst , am said tf
come from an unexpected quarter , and art
based upon the conversation which he was
reported to have been a party to at Chamber
line's in this city , wherein tlio senator ha1
been quoted as saving that while hi-
election did cost him a pile of money
ho was determined to " < cratch his name a1
senator. " In the West Viiglnlacasetho lulu
Is wholly among tbedcinocrats.and memberi
of that party are afraid the light will be con
tinned in tlio next legislature , which Is t <
elect a successor to Senator Kenna. Luc.v
Mill claims , to be senator-elect by virtue 01
his appointment by tlio governor of hi <
stite. the certificate of which he holds , whili
Faulkner has no certificate , thonch chose i
by the legislature. The questions Involvet
In the case as to whether or not the leirlsla
tuio had a rl'jht to choose him when It did i !
a new one in the history of senatorial con
tests , nnd It Is not known how It will bo set
tied. Though Faulkner's friends nreconli
dent , LUCAS has been hero and demanding o :
the public printer the removal of certain cm
ployes ollcgcd to have been Klven places ot
tbo recommendation of Faulkner. From present
sent appearances the breach wltiiln the rank :
of the West Vliginlit democrats canno
hold , nnd there Is n irood chance foi
the election of a republican In j > Iaco o
Kcnnn by the next legislature to bo elected
The charges avalnst Hearst nro said to emo
note from his own ptrty , which , if true
leave ? the Indiana easy the onlv ono were ;
contest Is mmfn ' y the republicans for th
soit. It Is fair to presume that all thre
states will lack their full representation ii
the senate during the earlier part at Itust o
the coming session.
Tensions Granted.
WAsiuxmoN , July 0. ( Special Tele
grumtothirUKK. ] Nebraskans were grnntci
pensions to-day as follows : Viola , wido\
of LevlStovor , Sidney ; Simon II. Clayton
Jlrowiivlllo ; William Cotes , llrownvillu
Thomas Sorrels , Lcrton ; Henry Tobej
Ulygjes : Henry Williams , St. Helen * ; Gas
per ( J. Tr.amoo , York : Charles 11. Klnnej
J-Iucoln : George W. Nell , Nemaha City
Horace V. Gould , Inman ; William A. Me
Mullen , Overtonaclurlas ; Dledine , Mln
den ; IxsvlStover. Sidney ; James "W. Utfj
mer , Grand Island.
l w yeuiloaa ; Uzabctb , widow
'hom 3 O. West , Clarlnda ; George W. ,
athcrot Oliver 11. Miller. MtIon ; Jane ,
nether of Elijah Knight Creston ; John
iioxournoyKrankKlsner ; , Fort Madison ;
ames Hutchlnson , Exllno ; James McCol-
urn , Mairnolla ; B. Shlukharuer , Cherokee ;
Tohu Spidlc. Bartlett ; diaries S. KcIIon ,
'ostvlllu ; John W. LaMimu , Ottumwa ;
riiomas S. Webb , Itoofe ; George M. Scott ,
) skaloosa ; Gilbert Mark , Kellerton ; William
'urry , Uunnells ; Joseph Cunnliigliam , New-
on : Abraham Palmer , Iowa Falls ; Alvln K.
toe'-rs , Iowa Cltv : Charle P. Judd , Mcclian *
csvlllo : Aaion Tlnd.iwood , Astor : Morgan
Smith , WoodatdVllllamG. : . Louc , Bedford ;
lenry Lamb , Norsman : H. Kencke , East
) esMolnes ; Jefferson Hunt , Gosport : Samuel
I'homiisoii , Washington ; Lewis It. Koor ,
Vapelio ; Joseph A. Latlmor , Shenandoah ;
ames Kennedy , Big Mound ; W. W. Hawk ,
lingo. _
Attorney Usher Kxplnlns Certain
ltcm < * to the V. ! > . CnimiitHHloii.
KANSAS CITY , July 8. Tha Paciiic rail-
vay commission to-day examined at great
encth Judge J. I * . Usher , the attorney of the
Cansas Pacific railway , and now one of the
Attorneys of the Union P.icitic , and the man
vho drew up tlio mortcago consolidating tlio
Julon and K.UISIS Pnciilcs. Judge Usher
larrated tlm story of the Kansas Pacific from
ts Inception. Commissioner Anderson In-
errosated the witness with regard to the
crtlllcates of stock of the Lcaveuwortli ,
awnee & Western road , xrhlcli General
Stone had said had been distributed In
arco quantities to poisons supposed to have
nlluence with members of coo cress. Judge
Jshcr denied positively that the certificate
ttrlbutcd to him had ever been In fact de
lve red to him. Ho characterized the certifi
cates as spurious and said ho had not learned
of their existence till after the passage of the
act of July 1 , IbO'J. Ho had no knowledge of
any attempt to Influence members of con
gress. The witness described at great length
lie prozress of the Kansas Pacific up to 1878 ,
vhcn vigorous efforts were made by the
company to aequlio by legislation tlio right
of through freight over the line of the Union
'acliic by compelling tlio latter company to
accept and deliver through freight
it Cheyenne. Witness and others went
o Washington In the winter of ' 78. There
10 met Jay Gould who suggested that Kan
sas Pacific stockholders sell their stock to
ilm ( Gould ) . All the Kansas Pacific stock-
lolders agreed to cell at VJJ } per cent and
he bargain was eoncl tided In tbo spring of
71) ) . A peculiar feature of the moitgagiMvas
, special provision by which the securities ot
fay Gould and Kussell Sauo were
) xempted from commutation rates and
vero entitled to bo retired at a speel-
led sum , 53,400,000 In bonds. Tlio
amount In bonds to which their sccuri-
les would have been entitled at commutation
rates pi ovided for other holders was 8 J'X- ! ! )
XX ) . Judge Usher could not remember why
his provision had been Inserted. Tlio only
iistructlons he had received were from Jay
lould personally. The witness was then
\amincd with regard to a number of Items
'ound on the Kansas Pacillc books showing
mynients for "legal expenses. " Among
hum were 57,500 to William E. Chandler
n ' 71 in assisting to get a pro-rate
till passed by concicss. An item
of S. " > ,000 lor "extraordinary expenses" at
I'opekn by Attorney Dennis , S4.7-1U to John
! . Henderson , of St. Louis , S74.'i paid Horace
ace White , S'-.OOO to R M. Shoemaker , 811,000
> aid to II. G. Ingersoll , of Washington , for
isslstlng In thu passage ot bills. Judco
Usher said ho had never had anythine to do
with such bills. The Dennis item had no
loubt been expended lu entertaining inem-
icrs ot tlio legislature at Topeka. Will-
am E. Chandler's bill ho considered
' " business " to
'or "soliciting , explaining
members of conzrcss tlio necessity for
bills becoming laws , vtc. John B. Hender
son's bill was for 'legal argument Horace
Willie's was for proDUring and delivering a
speecli before a congressional 'committee on
a pie late bill and other bills he knew noth-
ng of. Judge Usher criticised tlieofticlals'jf
the war and postolllco departments for not
givlni ; tlio Union Pacific a larger share of tlio
; overnnicnt transportation business. As to
the debt , the witness thought if the government
ernment would take Its securities
and out the interest In two making
it "M per cent , and lirst mortgage
Bondholders would do likewise the road
would p. iv Its debt and tliat plan would enable -
able Iho Kansas and western states to take
an immense stildo forward as they could
then have cheaper freight rates. The princi
pal ollico of the compauv should ho lemoved
to the west wheio itn Inteicstsaro located.
The commission will make a personal ex
amination of tlm Kansas Central road next
and then go to Denver.
Ijnlior TrniililcH.
UNIONTOWN , Pa. . July S. Although quiet
reigns at West Lolsciirint : tills nioinlng , there
Is a fear ptcvallsua that trcublo will occur ,
The excltemenl ot last nljjht occasioned by
the report that four men had been killed and
others wounded .subsided , but the most bitter
feeling Is crowing every day against the orli-
cers on duty and the operatois at lame.
oPirTMit no , July 8. The report conies
from Seottdalo bv a Chronlcln-Telegraph
special , that tlio strike In the cokn regions
has been declared off bv a convention repre
senting M.OOfl of the strikiiiK cokers , and that
work will be. resumed Monday. The report
Ins not yet been confirmed.
Later A Unlontwon , PH. , special says :
Thn cokers' stilko has not yet been declared
off but a general resumption Is now regarded
us a question of only a few days. The
Miners' association , representing nearly
8,0.10 strikers , held a meetingat Everson , Pa. ,
to-day and decided to return to woi k at the
old wages , If the operators woulrt agree to a
sliding se-tle. The reply of the operators ta
this W.T for the men to return to work lirsl
nnd the sliding scale , would bu considered af
terwards. Notices were posted throughout
the coke regions ordering thn men to leturn
to work or vacate the companies' houses.
Field nnd His Friends.
NEW YOIIK , July 8. In a lettter to the
aircnt ot thu Associated Press from Cyrus
W. Field , thn writer savs himself and asso
elates did sell 7SJOO ( thousand shares of Mali'
battaii stock to Jny Gould unconditionally al
5t"0 n er share , and ho stated that Gould had
aeted throughout the transaction In a per
lectly stralirhtfoiward manner , mid that the
most friendly feeling existed between them ,
Field al o Pavs ho has no Idea of reslmilnc
as director of the Manhattan railway com
I lie Drought. '
STT.III.INC , Colo. , July 8. The reports
wiied Irom Wa lilnzton a couple of duys
ago that eastern Colorado Is suffering from
diought and that homesteaders were com
pellcd to lea\o tholr claims In search of food
aie without foundation. Tills section ol
country has lately had two and sometimes
three heavv rains e cli week , and crops anil
stock aic doing well ,
TlnsHln Th'fnkp , It Illegal.
ST. rr.TEiisnuna , July 8. It is seml-offi-
dally stated that ( ho government attaches no
serious Importance to the decisions of tlir
sobranjo and will not modify its attitude
towards Bulgaria. The recent action of tin
sobranjo Is regarded as not only Insiilllcien
to secure a prince for Bulgaria , but in tin
opinion of thn Uissjan | government entlrel )
Illegal until such nction has received tin
sanction of the powers.
No Ilrlp For Mnxwell.
ST. Louis , Julys. P. M.Founileory.onco
the attorneys for Hugh M. Brooks , alias Max
well , now under sentence to be hanced Au
gust 23 for the murder of C , Arthur Preller
stated to-nUht that ho would make no fiirthe
effort to save hU client He hasconcludet
not to carry the case to the federal suproun
Too Much lluubcr.
PnoviiiKNCE , II. L , July 8. The Natlona
rubber works at Bristol , on account of th
Is run amount ot manufactured goods 01
hand , has suspended work for an Indetinlt
period. Twelve hundred operatives ar
thrown out of work.
The Hebrew Convention.
, July 8. The annual qonven
tlou of the union of American Hebrew con
gre-ations will bo held in this city nt'X
week , commencing Tuesday , the 12th , In
fitead ol to-day u pievlqualy et&ted.
Omaha Again Suffers a Defeat nt tbo
Hands of Lincoln.
InstlnitH Wins Another Game From
tlio Donvcra The Licnvcmvorttt
Team Mold lloilily teNet
Not Suoh a IIuil Defeat.
LtNroi.N , Neb. , Julv 8. JSpectiU Telegram
o the BEK. | To-day's game between the
jlncoln and Onnha teatus waa the most
loscly contested of any slnco the homo team
Iropped a game two weeks ago. Uoth sides
ilayed ball and at times the outcome was Tlio homo club was victorious ,
low-ever , by a score of 7 to 4. The lollow-
ng Is
Huns earned Lincoln ( i , Omaha 4.
Bases stolen Omaha it , Lincoln 1.
Bases on balls By Bartson b.
Double plays Lang to Uolan to Beckley ,
Walsh to BAiidle.
Threo-baso hits Dolan , Swartzel.
Two-baso lilts Beckloy.
Struck out Bv Bartson 2.
1'assed balls ICrelimeyoi 3.
Wild pitches Swaruel 1.
Left on bases Lincoln G , Omaha 4.
Umpire Deagle.
Time of game Two hours.
The Lnavonworth Clut > Sold.
LEAVIINWOUIH , Kan. , July 8. JSpcclal
Telegram to the Bin.J : It was a bad day
for Leaven worth to-day , the homo club bclnp
lefeated by a score of 'Jl to 1. Score by In-
lings :
jeavenworth . 0 1000 1
Topekn . 213 5 1 1-21
The came was called nnd stopped at the
end of thu hfth inning by agreement The
jcaven worth club has been sold and transfer
red. nearly unbroken , to Hastings. This will
irobably bo the last game played , as a league
rame , this season. The teain hero now is
finitely too weak to cope with the Topeka
line and did not furnish them occupation.
riio hot season has come and base ball lau-
uished. _
Another Victory Kor Hastings.
HASTINGS , Neb. , July 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIE. : 1 The home club scored a
victory to-day over Denver by Uio follow-
n g score :
Hastings . 1 0 3 0 3 U 0 6 3 11
Denver . 1 0021110 5 11
Ituns earned Hastings 10 , Denver G.
liases on balls By Daniels ) , by Sproat
t. StrucK out Sproat 1. Two-base
ills Hun lies , MeSorloy , Brlggs , Ilels-
ng. Thu-o-base lilts Whitehead , Phillips.
Home runs Lauman.l'hllllps. Passed balls
O'Noil 3. Batteries Daniels and Ebricht ,
bproat and O'Nell. Umpire Pcnglo.
The American Association.
CINCINNATI , July 8. Tlio game between
the Cinclnnatls and Metropolitans to-day
was postponed on account of rain.
Si. Loi'ifl , July 8. The gnino between the
St. Louis and Baltimore teams to-day re
sulted as follows :
St. Louis . 1 01000010 S
Baltimore . 0 00000004 4
1'itchcitj C..ratlnns and Kilroy. Basi
hits St. Louis 15 , Baltomoro 10. En orb
St. Louis 2 , Haltimoru L Umpire Fergu
son ,
Ci.ivii.ANn : , July s. Tha game botwne.ii
the ClovcUud. anil Athletics to-day resulted
as follows :
Cleveland . 0 0-f
Athletics . 1 * t
Pitchers Morrison and Seward. Base
lilts-Cleveland 8 , Athletics 17. T.rtors-
Clevcand4 , Athletics 2. Umpire Barker.
National Ijencuo Games.
WA IIIV < ITON' , July S. The iramo be
twcon tlio Washington and Indlauapolli
teams to-day leaulted as follows :
Washington . I' ' 00010000 1
Indianapolis . 0 0 0 0 3 0 S 0 2 H
1'iiclieis Whitney and Henley. Base hits
Washington 8 , Indianapolis 13. Errors-
Washington 8 , Indianapolis S. Umplrc-
"Vnlentine. .
Niw YOIIK. July 8. The game betweor
the New York and Detioit teams to-day re
suited as follows :
A'ewYoik . 01010103-1
Detroit . 1 0301000- !
I'ltcheis Baldwin and George. Base hit !
New-York 15. Detioltn. Errors Now Yorl
3 , Detroit 4. Umpire Doe.scliBr.
I'nii.ADr.i.riiiA , July H. The game be
tween Philadelphia and Chicago to-day re
si'ltedas follows :
Cliicai'o . 0 10000130-1
I'hlladelnhia . 0 0000120 0- !
Pitchers Baldwin and Biiflinton. Basi
lilts Chicago 12 , Philadelphia 13. Errors-
Chicago 4 , Philadelphia 2. Umpiie Council
BOSTON , July 8. The irauio between tin
Boston and I'itisburg teams to-day rebultoi
s follows :
Boston . 0 !
J'lttsburg . 0 0100300 *
ai'ltchers Conway nnd Galvln. Bas >
hits Boston U , Plttstnirg 8. Errors-Boa
ton 4 , Pittsburgh. Umpiio Powers.
"Washington 1'nrk Knees.
WASHINGTON PAIIK , July 8. The weathc
was warm , tlio track fast and the attoudauc
larco. The following is the summary :
Two-vear-oids , fho furlonirs : Jack Cock
won. Flutter second , Wheeler T third. Thin
1 :03. :
All aces , onn mlle : Lucy Johnson won
Carus second , Volntllo third. Time l:43Jj :
and upwards fui
Kour-yenr-olds , seven
lonL's : Emma Johnson won , Revoke sue
end , Wanderoo third. Time li : Jf.
All ages , ono and one-sixteenth miles
Woodcraft won , Parairon second , NIcK I'lti
zer third. Time 1:50.
All ages , ono and one-sixteenth miles
Grey Cloud won , Insolence second , Lislau
third. Time 1:49. :
All ages , blx furlongs : Bannall wor
White Mose second. Queen Bess third. Tlm
1:1. %
All ages , six furlongs : Snaldlne won
Blue-eyed Bcllu second , Font third. Tiiuo-
1:15. : _
Ilrlchton Beach Kncc.s.
UHIOIITON BKACII , July a. The weathe
was very hot , the track fast and the attendance
anco good. The following is the nummary
Three-fourths inilo : Racquet woo. 1'iilfi
Note second. Klsa Rosalind thiid. Timo-
1:1H. :
1:1H.Sovcn furlongs : Annlo Martin wor
Amber second , Llz lo Walton third. Tituo-
l : ) Jf.
Seven furlongs : Blackjack won , Crafti
second , Calera third. Timu-1 : SO'r.
I'hree-tourths mlln : Battledoru wet
Petersburg second , Eftlo Hardy third. Tlun
Mlle 'and one-fourth : Tonsawvcr woi
Wlnddxtl end l.utu Arnold ran a dead heifer
for second place. Time 3:12) : ) .
Mile and ono-olghth : Susie I'Wbcs wo :
Compensation second , Hay Loy ! third. Tun
Trottlnc nt
Nn\v YOKK , July 8. The second day
trotting a ; f Icetwood was very vicll aUeude <
'crplexed took the seventh and last heat ot
'in ' unfinished a : ? ) class , winning the raco.
Imo-2tt. : :
In the ZA'i class Vernotlo was given the
rst heat , Col wood , who came In lirst being set
i.tck tor running. Calwond took the next two
eats. Lowland Mary won the tourth heat
, ady Klnsetto won the lift ! ) and sixth heats ,
iest time 3ai : ! . The race will bo finished
In the three mliittto class Company won In
ireo straight beats. Best tlmo 2SCV. :
of the Ncwmnrknt.
LONDON , July 8. At the Newmarket meet-
ng to-day General Owen Williams' colt
enanus had n walk-over for tlio Prlnco of
Vales' private post stakes for two-j ear-olds.
Ono of l-'oxlinU'.s Sons.
Ini .Aimc-s f'onl'WJcmiflM
LONDON , July 8. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BKK. ] American
ports-men who remember the successes of
{ ( . olio's Foxhall hero may bo Interested to
earn that to-day thn lirst of his sons , Sweet
ilart , owned by Mr. Fmicctt , nnd starting fie
o 1 against Wanstanton , In a plate ot 1,000
; ulneas at Worcester , won by two lengths.
lo was entered to bo sold for 50. Ho was
longht by Mr. Lapldtis for 100 guineas.
American AtlilotcH In K
lf'oji ! lo'it ' JSS" bu Jiimet ( ? ( inl u
LONDON , July 8. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BKI : . | On account of
! io severe Illness of Mr. Gus Sacks , whose
ccovcry from spiking his foot has not been
avonible , Messrs. Lange and Young of the
ilanliattnn athletic team , have cancelled
heir engagements lu England and icturn to
lew York to-morrow per the Etrurla. M.
S. Page , at the request of Mr. Sacks , remains
0 attempt to break the world's record at a
unning high jump , at the Stone Bildge Ath-
ctlc club sports. August 15. The English
ithlotlc team , consisting of six of the most
iromlncnt athletes of all Kngland , who have
accepted Mr. Sacks' Invitation to participate
, t the annual champion championship In
America , September 17 , will ball for Now
York about August 20 , and will be the guests
ftho Manhattan Athletic club during the
tay. _
A Theatrical Gnino.
Sunday afternoon a base ball nine from
ho Olympic theater will contest with a nine
rom the Fashion theater for the theatrical
hanipioiishlp. It Is expected n lively time
will be had. Anyone kicking on a decision
if the umpire is to be promptly killed.
A Ilanquot to Aberdeen.
ST. PAUL , Minn. . .July 8. Two hundred
rish-Amerlcana and other clti/eiis last night
at down to a DaiKiuct tendered to the Earl
it Aberdeen , Into lord lieutenant of Ireland ,
low on his way east from the Pacilio coast
! n an address of welcome Bishop Ireland
tescrlbed the guest as tlio first Englishman
vho ruled Ireland for the Irish and declared
hat the name of Gladstone would
ako Its place with these of O'Con-
icll and Parncll. Tlio carl , replying ,
leclarcd such demonstrations had
1 peculiar slgnllicanco at the present junc-
ure In promoting the success of the cause of
lomo ruin. Wo must rccoenbu the fact that
ho speedy passage of homo rule depends on
ho votes ot British electors. 1 do not speak
of whether home rule Is eomlnir , but when ,
and It will Da when tno British public Is dis
abused of its misapprehension as to the
operations oL advocates of home rule , "
Freight flutes Fixed.
CHICAGO , Julys. Representatives of lines
ntcrested in Council liluff.s , Omaha , bloux
3lty , St. I'atiU Minneapolis and Minnesota
; ransfr traffic mot hero to-day to consider
their proposed agreement for the mainte
nance of rates. The day wasspont lucanvass-
ng the document section by section , and It
was finally adopted to take effect on a date
.o bo fixed by chairman Kaithorn and bo sub-
ect to ninety days' notice of withdrawal.
It Is understood that the agreement makes
penalties tor an Infraction of the tar I If"rates. .
A Terrllilo Scourge.
MILWAUKEE , JulyS. The Evening Wis
consin special Irom Cheboygan , Mich. , says
Captain llallock , of the fishing tug Messcn-
cer , arrived at that place yesterday and re
ports that a terrible scourge Is raging on
Doi'kburn Island , Lao ! Union. The disease
broke out last week nnd fiom Friday toTucs-
duv nine deaths have occurred and the mor
tality was seemingly on the iucicaso. There
is no doctor on tlio island and tlio people aio
fleeing for their lives.
The Friendly JnrorN Flrod.
CHIPAOO , July 8. At the opening of tlio
"boodlo" trial this morning , Judiio Jamison
< * ave his decision In the matter of Jurors
Tate , Ostrander and Parks , who , It was
charged were friends of ex-Warden Varnell ,
and wcio so preludieed in ills favor that they
could not render a fair and Impartial verdict.
The court decided that the evidence given
yesterday by the .statH was sufficient to war
rant him in excusing the tlneo men.
Knit Acnlnnt the Northern Pacific.
Nr.w YOIIK , June 8. In the United States
circuit court to-day the suit of the Oregon
and Trans-Continental company against the
Northern Pacific Railroad company was laid
over until tint next motion dav. The notion
Is brought to restrain the defendant tiom
building certain branch roads.
Fatal Dlaptitn.
Torr.KA , Kan. , July 8. Some tlmo ago a
dispute arose between Wearon J. Cannon , a
resident of Harper county , and two neigh
bors named Woodruff , over some land owned
by Cannon. To-day an encounter between
the three men on Cannon's property resulted
In thu shooting of Cannon by tlio two Wood
ruffs and in his death. The assailants have
been arrested.
July S. Pteshient Fink of
the White Illll Sewing Machine company.
which assigned yesterday , says the assets of
the company are largely In excess of the
liabilities. The impression pie.valls that the
works will be closed , thus tin owing 100 men
out of work ,
MOSTKKA.L , July S. McDougall. Loclo A
Co. , painth , oils and varnishes , nsilgned to
day. Liabilities , 8150,000 ; assets the same ,
The Hnlnon Question.
ST. Louis , July 8. Judge Noonan , of the
court of criminal correction , to-day dis
charged ( several saloon keepers , arrested foi
violating the Sunday law on tbo grouud thai
thu old law Is inoperative. This leaves the
Baleen question h ro as It was before the re
peal of [ ho law of ' 57 , am ! on Sunduy saloont
will bo allowed to run with open doors as Do-
Jnmmlu Carroll Hentanond.
GAI.KSIIIJUO , HI. , July 8. The Jury In the
Jcnimle Carroll case nuurnod n verdict ol
guilty and tixcd the ptinlMimeiit at twelve
years In tha penitentiary. Carroll Is the lasl
ot the celebrated Farmers and .Me''tnuilcs
bank robbers to be punished.
UnlonlHtA Moot.
LONDON , July 6. 'Iho Marquis of Hart
Ington presided to-day over a meeting ol which assembled at lil
London resliliincQ In response to his call tr
adopt muasntes for concerted action on tin
Irish land olll. The meeting decided U
support thu bceond loading ol thu bill.
Oil Walls In Toxan.
Nttw ORT.F.ANS , Jiily 8. Thn Tlmns-Dem
ocrat prints this morning an account o ! thi
discovery of oil near Nafiogdooliej , To * . ,
where Six wells lia\e been bored.
June's Tire .
Ni'.w YOIIK , July S. The Oomn'orchl JJul
letln sayJU.e , Juno firft record shows' r < < > v <
Ipssof SlO.lS'J.CKX ) , the ] urb'rit Joasot nn ;
JuuO oxccp that yf 1(77 ,
Mombora of the Bar Meet to Nominate )
Non-Partisan Candidates ,
Proceeding ntut n Very
Lively ] Contest MystoHoiiN Donth
of n AVntioo Man nt Hchtiylcr
Thirty Homes Cremated.
Kqunlled n Party Convention.
Nonnii.K , Neb. , July 8.-Speclnl ( to the
HBI : . | Thubnror the Seventh Judicial dis
trict mot lu this city last iiUM to make MOM- nominations for the two district
judgeshlps. ono ot which Is nn\v held by
J. 0. Crawford ( democrat ) tuul the other by
Isaac Powers ( republican. ) A petition call
ing this convention hud been circulated In
the ten counties comprising this district , and
generally signed and ciulorseil by the bar.
Over thirty attorneys were- present , repre
senting Ml but four counties. The call was
Rotten up on the beautiful theory tlu.t Us ob
ject was to elevate the judccshlp tibovo party
politics , but the meeting proved to bo a most
undignified travesty upon the theory. It In
dulged In wrangling over paillanienUry
points , personalities , rising to question of
privilege , and ouo nicinbur of the "b\r" from
Cumin ) ; county gave n lamuntablo exhibition
of tlie ebullition of the spirit that does not
grace a sober assemblage , and had to ba
pounded down so often tbu members took
to tlliiiK out when ho rose to spe.ikV. . M.
llobertson , of Madison , presided with Job-
like patience , though he was KreAt deal non
plussed by the quibbles presented , lu order
to got down to business n com in It tee on reso
lutions was selected , with Thomas O'Day ,
the democratic light of Antelope's oar , ai
chairman. Tills committee Btibinittod a ma
jority report , as follows :
Thomas O'Uay presented the majority re
port , vl/ :
Whereas. We , tlio monibcrs of the bar of
the Seventh judicial district In convention
assembled , do belitnr that It IK to the txist In
terest of the pnlille to hu\o a non-pat tlsau
.tudlciary ; tliat the laws will ho morn lalth-
lullvand Impartially executed by judges who
aio not dependant upon the ciprice o ( par
ties for tlielr teniuo of ollleo ; that learning ,
imp.irtullty and liitegilty are vastly prutera-
blo In a judge than udhesion to p.uty tenets ;
therefore bu it
Resolved , Tliat wo nro heartily In favor of
tbu selection ot two candidates tor Judges
of this district without retuienco to tholr
politics , who possess learning , Integrity anit
Impartiality , and
Kcsolved , That wn nominate two candi
dates for Judges at tills convention and earn
estly request the patty conventions to en-
dorao these nominations , and wo pledge our
selves to do all we can to have saul nouilim-
tlons ratltied bv the various parties.
0. 0. McNIsh piesentod the following
minority report : !
\\'o deem ItlneTppdlont to place In nomi
nation any candidate nt this time and bj tills
convention tor the 1 allowing ic.isons :
First This convention does not represent
the people ot this Judicial district , nor either
01 both of the political parties of this dls-
Second The members of tlio bar have na
right to assume the prerogative ot sayinir to
the people that they must either elect two
men pained by the tur , or waste tlielr votes ,
by scattering them among a multitude of
An effort was made to adopt thn minority
report , which failed , and atter this the inin-
orltystrugif led to ndjouru Blue did , and to an
other and later date.
The majority repoit , however , was adopted ,
and n motion prevailed that the mcetlnc pro
ceed to express by ballot tlmlr pielercnee for
candidates for Judges. The ballot resulted
as follows : J. 0. Crawford , 15 ; Isaac Pow
ers , 10 ; J. McLniik'hlin , ti. The convuntioa
then adjourned at a late hour.
MyHterloiis Doatb nt Scluiylor.
SnuYi.Kii , Neb. , July 8. ( Special Tola-
gram to tlio Bin. : ] About 9 o'clock thla
morn lug there was found near town a man
nearly dead , and who died shortly nttet
noon. He was a joung man about twenty-
two or twenty-three years of ago , live foot
ulno or tun inehei high , well built , light
complexion atidsandy lialr. An Inquest waa
lichl and tlio following tacts elicited : A.
fdarch throtiKh his pockets brought
nit a small toy Iron horsq
shoo with tlio letter "M" cut
on one side ; n paper with the tiatno of (1.
Moiitfort , Wahiu ! , written on In pencil and a
lew copper coins. At tlio place where he *
was found a torn up druggist envelope waa
scattered about on the ground. When these )
pieces weio put together tlioy read , "Mn-
ganon A ; limner , Fremont , morphltio poi
son. " The body was idcntllied by a boy
eleven years old named riinilio Koudolo ,
from Wuhoo , who Is vlsltlnc hero , as beingj
that of a carpenter fromVa -
hoe named Mnntfort. Tlio boy'a
sister , 6oino years older than he , la'
also here. Him was not present at the In
quest , but says she saw Monttort at the cir
cus which was hern yesleiday. Thocoionon
adjourned thu inquest until to-morrow , whoa
ho hopes to hear Irom Wahoo , having toln-
graphcd the sheriff at that place. He also
telephoned Mnuanon it limner concerning ;
the case , hut upon relerrlng to thuir records
could li nd no such nanio. When told that
ono ol their envelopes was found they said
it made no dllToroncn If a do/.en were ,
It wa none of Schtiyier's business , and re-
tused to answer any moro questions. The
coroner itlsowroto to Valparaiso , where tha
noy said Montfort had two brothers living.
The remains aio at Ilio undertaker's , where
they await further development of the caso.
The majority think it was a case of suicide ;
that the deceased had probably lost heavily at
betting ; while others think there \vas foul
Closn of thn Cliaiitniiiiifi. |
CiurK : , Neb , , July S. Telegram
to tlio llnii.l To-aay closed the Chautnuqua
assembly , the most successful of any and nil
sessions held , both In the. numbiirs In attendance -
tendanco in the event results of work , and In
the talent ot the lecturers who have dellghtetl
the people in attendance. The assembly
closed bjr a great concert under the direction
of I'rof. Slieiviii , with Mlas Lilian as sola
soprano. The concert was greatly enjoyed
mid was a lilting closa to the ten cbiys' worta
of the asbpuibly. At'J o'clock Dr. Duryen
lectured to a very large aiidlonco. Fnuila
Heard gave another Illustrated lecture la
trio morning and scarcely any C
tlm tenters loft thn ground dining the day.
The ChautaiKiimris held a round table talk
at 5 p. m. , and thrre are nieinbct * of circles
In attendance fiom every lection of the btat .
The closing work of tliu lnfun
try band , undercharge of Lieutenant Bone-
steel , wan very line and the ( mud and tlio
nontenant will vl lt Fort Omaha Saturday.
The lieutenant's visit has been greatly on ?
Joyed by filtnidn Mid acquaintances on tha
giound nnd lunny have called on him
at his tent to view a ImnrUomq
picture ho brought with him , The closing
days of the assembly have seen
many Important movements for future
Improvements. Stock was taken to day fern
n 85.000 summer hotel building , and T. 1C.
Calvert tendered the assembly JMX'O to b <
useil with building a homo lor the lecturer *
and workers. Tlio Baptists have bough !
grounds and put the % voik of u iicriimneiit
huildliig In the hands uf a committee. . The
Mulhudi'-U. ' Ks | | < 'opallans and other denomi
nations > s 111 also build. Kveryono U ready
to leavu the grounds delighted vtllt. tne teq
days in
Firft ! Ciluinhti < * .
COI.UMHUS , Neb. , July 7 , lbpecial Tfilc *
Hmn to thu Uiijc.J - U 10BO : to-night the
Irirgc Iwrn qf ( J ir ; c XqottVM destroyed by
hi . Tlilny hoaJ ( if hotfvs. HOUIB of them
liuii re\ijter.vM'ei ! < > coiisiiitieili with all tha
coitont ( of thu llvMVfitiblr. After almost
< nt"ilfiiuan ) cxtirt'oiis tiy tlm Hiemen tha
( li'MrlMniul'iig c ' .t ot the barn OB
Uir aiii < s ( < > l vtM > * n > ei | . It 'secifttil at onoj
linn ! b''rnd hJiiii'r ) ! | > < nUT in saIt. .
M jjoTU JifO is uoW umltr couttol ,