Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    rHEOlVIAHA DAILY BEE : jFRIDAY , .TUL ? 8. 1887 ,
Advcrtlfwments under thU head,10 cent * po
Ino lor Iho llrst Instrtioti , 7 cents lor cacli sub
niiucnt InarTllon , and f I.IX ) a line per month'
No ndvcrtlMjinout tnkcn for IOBI limn 25 cents
for the nrst Insertion. Seven words nil Jlio
counted in the line ; they mult run ronsecu *
tlvrly nnd must no pnld In advance. All adver
tisement * mint bo handed In befoioltmo'olocK
p. tn. , nd under no circumstance ? will they bo
Tnkrn or discontinued by telephone.
Fames Hdrertitlnir lntno | column end bar-
Inp the answers addrowd In care of THE tier.
will plon n nek for n chock to enable them to ? ot
their tattersas none will bo delivered except
en presentation of check. All answcri to adver
tisement * Mionld bo cnclo r-d In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nro pul > *
> l hodln both mornlntr mid. cvenm ? editionsiof
-The HRC , the circulation of which
awrregatot more than 14,000 papers
flnlly , nnrtrlvos the ndvrrtl cr the
lcnctlt , not onlj of the city circulation of The
lire but also of Council Hhiffs. Li roln , and
other cltioiinnd towns throughout this part of
tbe west. _ _
. tnlonn on fnrm and city property
at currrnt rates. Lnrtro lonns on trllti-ditoil
business propnrty. Pee us. Murshnll fc l.o *
Bcck , irX)9 ) Farnam. Telcphono 7) ) . 2H1
ToTonn , no commission. Cole , nio a
to lonn to parties wjplilnir to bullJ.
MONKY Campbell , JJIO 8 IGth St. , Chamber of
Commorco. 750
T\i ONI.Y TO LOAN cm Improved city prop-
JJi erty In sums of fl.OOQto friOuQ at Bit per
cent Intcroft. hholcsi Crumb. 187
Xf7)Nl.Y TT"lIOAN-Orr"clty property In
* M ums of Jf > 00 nnd upward * at lowest rat x.
Money always on hand. S. 8. Camiibnll ilia
South Sixteenth street. 1G9
'nit ONF.V TO 7J > A N O F. Davis Co , real
i-'J. estate and loan ajrcnts , 1505 Karnam st.
IG'J '
. to lonn on real estate. No delay.
llnrris.V Sampson , Ifiir Douglna et. 252
, To lonn . on Omnhn city property at8
$500,000 cent. O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid.
OOI ) paper tnkcn for first payment on first *
class Omaha property.
Money to lonn on Imprme-d property ,
A line lot In I'lnlnx'lonr , only tl.'OO.
II.V. . Huntress 1508 Farnam at. I'M OJ
TVTONKV 1O LOAN-On city anil farm prop *
ITL orty , low intcs. Btownrt iCo.ltoom3
Iron bank. 171
_ _
MONKV to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. nnd K. U , Squire , 14U Knrnam Bt. ,
Taiton hotel building. 172
TVIONr.Y ' 1O LOAN on improved real * fltate :
jMi no commission cbargo < l. Leuvltt llurn-
ham.Jtopm 1 Crolghton Illock _ 173
MONJTY to loan on TiiiproNod city property
and farms from $ l,00i ) up. at lowest rate
Apply til Win , II. Loach , Heal Kstato Agent. I&OU
t'arnain. _ 5o4yll | )
LOAN Jlonoy ixians placed on itn-
. proved real estate In city or county for
Hew England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. IBth and Chicago M _ 175
* | 71irTY Thousand dollars to loan to parties
4 ? wishing to build.
$50,000 to loan on unimproved city property.
IOOIO ( ( ) to loan on Improved city property.
Hpoelnl rains for the next M days.
Odoll llros tc Co. , cor rarnain and 16th.
_ 152y29 |
NITY to loan on Improved elty property at
B per cent. Money on hand : do not have
* to wait. Have a complete set of abstract books
( Douglas county. I. N. Watoon , abstractor
.Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. . 820 S. 15th st.
_ 170
ONKY TO LOAN by the undersigned , WHO
has the only properly organized loan
encr In Omaha. Lonns of f 10 to $100 made
en furniture , pliinos , organs , horses , wagons ,
nnchlnory , Ac. without removal. No delays.
.All business utrlctly confidential. Loans so
jnndo that nny imrt can he pnld at finy Imo.euch
payment reducing the cost pro rain. Advances
tnado on nno watches nnd diamonds. Persons
hould carefully consider who they are dealing
Vltn , as many now concerns are dully coming
Jnto existence. Should you need monny call
and see me. W. 1L Croft , Koom 4 W'thnoll '
Jlulldlnc 15th nnd Harnoy. 177
ll IK OMAHA Financial Kxchango ,
N. W. corner of Ilnrnoy and 15th sts. ,
over State National bank.
Is prepared to make short time loans on any
v llabo ! security.
Ixmni made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time lonns made on Improved real estate
At current rates.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Pocured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Bhort limn loans made on second mortgage.
According to marginal interest , at collateral
Weal eitnto to exchange for rood Interest
fcenrlnir paper.
Uonornl tlnanclal business of all klndl transacted
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money nlwars on hnnd for approved loans of
f-ny kind , without dol.iy or unnocossarr pub-
_ 178
$750.WIO TO LOAN at 6 per cent. Llnnhnn *
> laboney , 1509 Farnam. 171) )
MONBV LOANK1) nt C. K. Heed & Co.'s Loan
Oil ) co , on furniture , pianos , horsos.wngons ,
personal property of nil kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without remouiL 319 S. 13th.
pvor lllnghtim s Commission store. All hual-
hosB strictly confidential. 1BO
U 11. C. Patterson. 15th ac.d Harnoy. 181
FOH BALE Grocery store in peed location
and dolntr treed business llrasou foi
tolling other business. Apply 1021 DouKlas st
4M K *
Troll -Hostnurant , cheap , best location
J-1 In the city. Address 1 * O box SK. Omaha
Nob. 454 7 *
'Ij'OH SALK Ono ot tlio ben payinir saloon ;
J In city. Fartlos nioanlnt' business ad
drosa at onoo , U : tl , lloo ollloo. < M IOJ
POH SALK The whole or half Interest it ;
ono of the best paving restauiants In the
city. It we soil halt Interest would prefer s
party capable of taking charge of tlio books nm' '
rash. For particulars address 0. H. Moore , ! . ! ! !
' t'urnain nt. 4(11 ( 7J
* EWH SALE Stock of groceries and 11 xturos
leplfiidlil location , ehoiip rent. oed reanoi
for pellliiK. A'ldress U S7 , lleo onico. au lU'J
A FINK business chance for ayounir mat
with pomo f-ot-up about Dim total.ohair
Intoroat In a llrst-clnsn bakery , must bo willing
to drive dollvuiy watton. Address U24 , Hei
bill ce. 407 Hj
"VX/ANTKD Harbor as partner , must bo i
T ( rood worKniBii. with or * Ithout capital
flavo a ppodjst blistied trade. Apply , A. L
. .Harbors' Supply IloiiRe , 130
_ 3'JO 7J
TJAHIUnislnoss chance : for oale , the stock
4-1 lUtures and ( food will of a tlrst-chiss cloth
Ing store dolnif tt good huslness , contrail }
Jocatod , only reasons Tor soiling the owner lull
ptbcr und more important business. Fnrtlt
tneanlnir buslnesa may U , It , Heo ollicu
! 14U
OH SALE 10 shares of tock InthoOinahi
1 oiin and llulldlnK ai-8ouiatlon. Addroi
17. flee olllco. 3)6 ) llj
TT'OH 8ALK-A No. 1 irtloon , Ice box Jhoap , a
f No. IIM Farnam st. so
H.CULA'IOHH opportunity. Inlornmtloi
on utookbonlv teli'tfraphod nnfier code li
nny subscriber. 13 , Sherman Fitch , 10 Wall st ,
fj. V. 712Jy .a *
HilOH SALII-Or rent , hotel. A choice open
r-L' Injf. Particulars , address , H. H. Wlldc
Usccolii , Nebraska. M ,1y llj
JH SALE First cla j tea iTcani parlor ani
confectionary store. Enquire 317 & Mth fa
ITIOH 8AI.i-Iloot : und shoo stock incliidlm
J,1 fiyonrs louse of store , best location ti
EUte Htid city. Address T lu lloo otllce.
, _ _ 475 Jy I7 _
TT'OH SALE A tint -class hotel property , twi
4-1 btory brlclc In excellent location anil dolni
nn oxtunslrj buslnesi. For partlcuiurg d
Ureas Ik 8. Lilly , rcul estate dealer , Hrokoi
llow , Nob. . 15 ( , Si
71011 HAl.K-A Koaii hotel In th live town o
I ? Lhmlron dolni * a rood business on vcr
hasy terms. Full partloiilnrs by uddrecdnir M'
it Lanttworthy. Ly < k , W > omlnif. 711 Jy iHJ
\\TANTI.n-l'artnor with IIM , uood imylnu
nicely furnished , well vstnlillHluvl otllc
Business. J. & Johmiou , Jli ] S 151 h , room 4
OH SALi-H : kery. Kwllent location. .
- . l > rgalu , f taken at ouee. Heoord Auv. Co
MI F.irnani. 4 07
H Palo Cheap-A good running grocer
- store , lu tht * t > c t part of thncltr. Inijulr
at the Union restaurant Ilnrudy street nea
EXOIIANOE-A stock of hardware I
Council lllutls for Omaha real tstato. A
II. Comstoot . mat Fornam su 60S
FOH SALE -A geol buslnoiH : iniHll caplti
wiulredl vocd reasons tor selling , A
dreiiTU lleooftce. _ VlO library , ohenp. Wheole
15th tt. t)41 )
TTIOH BALK A boarding house ami furniture
.J. dolnf good builnesi , 40 bourdon , goo
< re ion for selling. Call at Currio & Vollurr
Utb and Capitol a > e , Uxpoiltoo llulldlnv.
PEHSONAL I.ndlos or gentlemen wanting
good board , with or without rooms , for
short or long time , can nnd good ecconimoda-
tlon by catling at 504 b lull. _ 881 10 _
pEHFONAlr- young lady would like teX
X make the n-qtmlntnnco of seine nice
young mnn. Address , Miss Nelllo Wntwjn ,
_ _ _ _
PlTHSONAlj If you wnnt a drslrnble , cen
trally located oflico you can find It nt 310
BStht. 878
j -Private homo for Indies during
L confinement , strictly confidential , Infants
n-lonlod , address K 42 , lieo onico. 42Ja5
PEHSONAL Miss Jonnlo Morris , teacher of
music , terms lower than nnr otHer tea chcr
In the city. Call nt 410 N. 21st St. _ ! W7J _
PF.nsoNAL M"rs. Dr Nannio V. Warren
clairvoyant. Mrdlrnl and business Medium
Koom No. 1 , 121 North ICtli st. .Omaha , Nob.
LOST Alligator skin notecnso , containing
letters , cards and monoy. Uolurn to room
74 , Mlllaid hotel iindrctiiln money. 457 7j
- Ifith ft , between Farnam nnd Cans
sts.n Hank of Commerce pass book , con
taining nineteen promissory notes of various
amounts raado by illirorent parties to the order
of I' II. Corbet ! . Of noaluo to nnjono but
owner. KJndor pluafio lonvo at llnnk of Com-
mercoorat Omalm Financial Itxohaniro , N.V. .
ror. of 15th nud Harnoy , over StatO National
Jlank. 4'i4
YIID I'rotn corner of Castellnr nnd 21st
sit. red crn.lins but onu born iindiino o\o ,
liiiiui In hlnil log. { - ' rewnid for luformntlon ,
11 Odoll. 400 b >
1OST SntunKy afternoon , one Mg bay
J horse. A. II. Mujno , Orchard Hill. Ho-
turn to N. W. cor. 15th tind llnrnuy. 879
QhViNTY-FIVKdofnrBrrcwnrd. : Ptraycd or
fj stolen from rear ot 111 N 17th st , n lar o
roan hnisr , uliout 17 hands hluh , Mclrlilnj. lib-
twocn l.HOOond 1UO ( pounds , redlsh brown
niiino mill tall , hind niiklc ponic lint swollon-
* 2'i will bii paid for return of iinlmal to owners ,
nt lin H 14th st.imd If stolen the nhorllT of DOIKT-
las Co will pay n row iird of SW for the arrest
and coin lution of the tlilof. 6U6
5"OS1' On KlKhtcuntn , Micrnian avoortirnco
J St. , "Sppcltlciitlona. " 1'leaso return to
W > V North ICtli ft. , or P. J. Croodon , nrchltect.
opera house M. T. Murphy , contractor nnd
builder. ! U3
STOIIAGH Omnlia Stern o Warchoueo , ror.
Kltli and 1/Knl , nnifilo lacllltlcs for i-turaic ,
turnlturn , wiucnns , etc. Low rntos , adMinui-s
inado. Issue warchouao receipts. 4'J3 nut ; ° J
TWIUST-CLAS3 ritoratfo nt 110 N 13th ct.
J- 184
GTOHAOK Flrst-rliiflS stoinfro for nice rur-
nlturo or boxed ( roods , ttt I51J DodKC-at.
MIW. nnilANT Clnrlvoynnt from Iloaton.n
lellablo In ullalTalrsof Ilfo. unites Bepnrntod
lovers. KS N. ICth it room 1 B'Jl Jy2Sl
FOH Trade City property , for a Block of
Kiocorles. Harris & Sampson , Ililit I Unio
ns Bt. 602'l.IJ
"VTOTIC1. to the public 1 discontinued my
- - > loan business July 1st nnd request all persons -
sons having pledges In my store to take up
same withinaodays. F. Hlrsohbnrtr it Co , 612
. 10th.
71OH HRNT A team and wairon , carry 1100 ;
- with or without driver. Call nt 31)01 ) Loav-
onworth , or Helndorlf Clear etoro. 4Gi ! u *
AN eastern ( jontleman desires the acquaint
ance of n lady pos osslnif musical ability
and will establish her in a profitable business ir
founj worthy. Address J. U. Stewart , I'aztcm
bouse. 3" > 7 7J
CLEIIKS. accountants , xaloxmon , 001 respond
ents out of employment should plnco tholr
names on our books. Itccord Adv. Co. , 1513
Furnum ! Kr > l 7
TT Olt TltADK Farms , city lots , RtoelTofiner-
* chandlso , eto. 1'anott & Williamson , 14th ,
Douglas. i-5 !
. WlljU.TTS Trained male sick-nurse.
Toll-phone 370 , Y. 31. 0. A. rooms.
SCO 31 *
AKE NOTICE- . C Klin ? & Co , Honao
Moving nnd liaising , address 1320 1'lorco at.
1K83 pools and vaults cleaned nnd dead
J nnlraals roinovcrt by John Nelson , purbim'o
rolleotor lor 4th ward south of Douglas st. U15
Ilorncy St. Telephone nU'J.
F IOKKHNI Square Piano H montnlv. A
HoBpe.1613 Douifiaa. 187
rpo parties harlnfr houses for rent , Hontal
-L Agency. Henawa .V Co. . IDat. , opposite poat-
offloe. We hare turned over to them our rental
list W recommend them. McCugue llros.
TTIOR KENT Or cans , 13 per month , rioupe ,
-C .613 Douelas. 187
OL C. House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Uonnor , M15 Douglas st IK )
F Oil itENl' Square Piano , f t montn IT. A
Home. 15U Douirl'is. 187
[ F you wnnt to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N 16th. 190
FOH SALE Dog cart , prlco HO. Apply Kdl
Dodge et. , 4th lloor. 4bl 7J
FOH SALC-Horso nnd buggy. 20 II P boiler
8 H P engine , nil on easy terms. Corner
Wthand Jzard. 405 l.lj
'OH SALK Pair ponies , bugiry and hnriies s.
J150. OL II. Spray , 61U N tilth. 410 bj
FOH SAIiK SON oral pieces of furniture , u
parlor sot and stoves , nt20'J North llth st. ,
city 377 10
FOH SALE Carload of horses nnd mnros at
the corner of 2bth and Leavoiinorth , ut
the C. H. Webster burn. 31)1 ) 7
POH SALK Span of nice young horses. For
sale on time payments. M. F. Martin.
274 -
FOH 8ALI' Furniture of 8 rooms with privi
lege of loa o of house , 707 8. 14th bu
F [ SALI. Furniture and lease of sir rooms
1 In Hat , 5H7 S. Utli St. Koom No. 3. 3ftijyl5
FOH 8AM. One six-foot upright Mac * wal *
nut show case , Milton Honors & Son. 909
FOH 8A 1.B Hpan Hne matched bay drlvlnjr
horuos. U F. Harrison , 41SB15tbst.
Studobnkor buggies nt Seaman's.
Stiidebnkorphnetonsat Po.'imnn'e.
Stud lmkcroHrriagcs nt Scamnn's.
Mudcbakor spring wagons at Seaman's.
Studcbnker draft wagons at Seaman's.
Corner of Farnam and llth sts.
Fhcciii loads Just received. KJ2Jy24
\\TANTKO-AtLoaveuworth and Park avo. ,
T T urteen men with Bhovcl.s. Dolnncy & Co ,
451 7J
\\7A.NTEIl-nnrbor , steady work , * M wooV
T _ and board. Wrlto C. E. House , Norfolk.
471 7J
\\7ANTF.I ) Flrst-clHssshirt Ironer forStean
TT Inundry. Address , stntlng snlnry wanted
Kearney btenm Laundry , Kearney , Nob. 4728 ,
\\7ANTBn-Firstclani delivery clerk , trro-
T T cory. well acquainted in the cltjHoler -
cnces required , Call at USyth. 4578
"IVTAN'TED truck men and 10 brldifo car
TT renters for H H worn near the line of Col
orado. Mooro'a Employment Agency. SO ]
10th st _ 4 'j 7j
\\7ANTED-A proscription drug clerk , om
TT who spenks ( icrman and SwiMllsn pre
fcrrod , No drinker * . Address U38 , lloo.
_ _ 4-3 7j
WANTKD A young German to work li
saloon. CU North 18th et. DOT '
\\TANTKD-A partner with Rome cash t <
TT push a payliiir Omaha manufactory. Aa
dress U 3'i ' , lieu office. _ 4 PI IOJ
\\7ANTEO-A man who will Invest a fo
TT thousand dollars In an tronmanufnctor
now enrntn3S percent. Prefer ono who wll
dovotp hi time to the business. Addrer-s U SJ
lloo o'llco. _ 41 * ! 1 J
WANTKD-6 brldirc carpenters and 1 cool
for Colorado. Albright's Labor Agency
1120 Farnam. 475 7
VIT'ANl'I.D Ten first-class cornice men. Ap
T T ply at new court house , Council muffs1
452 10
j\\rANTKD 45e per hour for good nonu out
T T tors. Apply toV. . H. Tylor.Llntolii. Nel
" \\rANTED-Hailroad laborers for O'lorada
T \Vago9 for tonmstcrs , $ JO per month am
board , Albright's Labor Agency , 1U"0 Farnan
street , 471 7
VITANTHD A good barber at once , No. IB
_ r T 80. 13th st _ 4006 ]
\\7ANTED Experienced young man to drlvi
TT grocery delivery wagon and take orden
a Gonuan preferred. Address it once with rut
erence , U 3) ) , liee. 438 7
OTKO Ton harufii mokors at Mnrks
'ros , fc'nJdlery to. C 37
\\7ANlF.n Vofn.rra ) n of prnctlcnl business
' educntion wants Situation. Address I'm ,
Ileo > allied. 4C28J
WANTf''I ) 1'nrtndr to stnrt n steam
" ry , nlso do birr Ironlpff business. Apply
601 N ICth , Omaha , Neo. < V , 7J
W AXT F.D Cabinet milkers Imnutllntcly ,
West Davenport Furniture Co ,1'ls uiid
SMS. 14th iu 5U Sj
" \\rANTElJ 1'artncr ! live business niim nlth
13,10) ) to'i.000cnshto take Interest in No.
1 paying tmuiutncturlnir business located In
Omnhn. J. L. Hlco A. Co. , over Commercial
Hank. 441 8
WANTKD-dood barber. IS iruaran-
too per week. Apply tit onco. JohnO.
, Grand Island , Nob. Ub9 n
ANTED-Cook , U12 Douglas St.
" \ VTANTEUThrco persons to instruct m
' bookkeeping1 , pay when situations tire
furnished. J. II. Smith , 1613 Chlcniro street.
275 7
"YVANTin-25 : laborers , | J per day. first
National llnnk. Omaha. 4'JO 10 *
W ANTKD 2" . laborers , f3 per day , corner
11 tn nnd Howard. 421 10 *
mNTii-51 : men for Wyomlnir : wTTgeS $2 ,
. ! . " 'i nnd f'.W per day 1'reo faro. K. tf.
Albright Labor Agency , 112J rnrnatn Bt.
" \\7ANTP/D Sunrdonorfl. nonr city : 2 farm
' hands , nnd n few laborora In cltv. Mrs.
Drcpn & Son , 31B S 15th. I'pstnlrs " 93 ]
"IT7"AN'11'.n Prescription clerk , ono speak *
' Intr ( lernmn prcfurred. Address r. O.
box 13 , city. U35
" \\7ANTKn-Imbororsof all Xin(1'mpehnnlcs ,
' clorlts , etc. , to till vacancies City Labor
Agency , noithwcst corner ICth nnd Fiirnam ,
ground lloor. M7
A\rANTCI-'J Chambrrmnids nnd n dlnlmr
room girls for wo t , f20 , faros paid , call
today. LM cook for ICoarnov : dishwasher lor
Central I'lty : 2 chamboi multls and dining loom
girl lor Pouth Omnhn , roroity : III dlnluir loom
girls , 53 W ) to $ 'i per week : 2 polishes , $12 ,
kltclipti helper * , dlshnashcis , nurses nnd 50
girls for Runeral housework. Mrs. llrega * Son
< I1B S luth. 505 "J
\\rAN'ILI > l o > well ( h nt board-
TT ing hoii8o"0ll Iliirney st. 515 I'J '
WANTKI ) Nlco nont plrl to tend news
stand. Mrs. llrepaA. fcon , 318 S 15th.
501 7J
AA'ANTP.O A good girl for general hou e-
" ' work , must bo good plain cook. 1917 Cues
et. 61U
\\'ANTI.Il-fl dining room girls for city. 0 female -
' ' male cooks for cltv , 4 dishwashers , 4
clutmhormnldp , 50 girls lor gc'iieral liotiBonork.
Omaha Km p. bureau , 110 N' IGth St. 417 7
" \\/'ANTr.l ) Good girl forironoialhouscnoik.
S Hear ICth nnd Ilurdotto. 4'HJ UJ
Ty"A.VllH > Lady organist to join theatrical
' * company , mutt bo cnpablo of doing
sninU parts on stngo , addrosa U3U Dee olllco.
403 7 *
" \X7"ANTEr > At onoo apprentice girls for
V > dicssinnklng , 31ft N 15tu. 403 iij
W ANTl.t-C3lrl for irenoriil housework. In
quire nt SU6 S Itth st , 4.3 SJ
WANTRD A German or Scandinavian girl
Call nt M. Toll , 12th and Fainam , or 518
Fulrvlow st. 440 7j
WANTHD A girl to do general housework
in private family. Apply 1U15 Capitol nvo.
445 7J
\\7ANTKD Girl wlio understands housework
' and can cook. Pleasant homo and good
pnv to right ono. Hnforonces required. No.
200. ! . Docaturst. Take red car lino. 11,18
" \\7'ANT1.I ) A glil for general hou owork
T ? except washing. Apply nt largo house In
front of Crolghton college 4JJ7
VITANTI'-D Mlddlo-ntri-d or old woman , Irish
' or German , lor help In kitchen ; easy
work : good wages 107 North 12tti. 441 7 *
WANTKD A competent elrl for goiioial
hou owork at 10J4 S IWth avenue. Good
wages pnld , 401 u
" \ \ 7"ANTED A girl lor housework , 110 R. 25th
. ! ) A good iMrl for gononil house *
work lit 108 S 25th St. 4-8 12J
\\7ANTI.D-aiil lor general housework , 1004
' ' Farnuin. 4'J7
ANTED-rtinlnir room plrl , Union rostnu *
rant. 1217 llarnoy street. Vi7J
W ANTED A peed nuruo gul at 10 * So. i.5th
st. 360 11J
"ITfANTED-Cook at Emmet houso.
\V ANTED-DInlnit girl at Planters House
T f < ) * U *
ANTED Two girls nt Dornn house. 422 B
16th St. , ncnr St. Mary's nvo. Ml
\\'ANTKD 2Pgirls for ecn rnl honpowork.
' Apply at City Labor Agency , northwest
corner ICth and Farniun. on giound floor. 2CO
\\7ANTKD-A lady piano player. Call beT -
T > tween 12 and 2 o'clock. 151J Capitol avo.
A girl to do housework In a small
family nt 1112 S l.ith bt. 8')9 )
W ANTED Girl for general housework in
small family , 2112 Douglas et. 400
\\'ANTED A woman to do general house
' ' work , none need apply unlo-s a llr--t *
claps cook , good wages to right party , 1813
WolMer. ll > 5
W ANTED Situation as cashier in restaur
ant or nurse girl. Address U2D , lleo.
4.4 7J
\VTANTED-A first class dressmaker would
T llko n few engagements in private famil
ies. Address U2S Hoe. 431 llj
VVANTKD Position by stenographer , host of
T city and outside reforenccs , owns machine.
U 11 llee ollico 2U7U *
% l"ANTEU Position by stenographer , com.
petert. Understands bookkeeping. Ad *
dress U 21 Hco olllco. 414 8J
WANTED situation by a steady man ns
TT general work In a wholesale orrotnll
houso. Address -'U 20" Heo olllco. 412 7J
i\'ANTRD Situation by n young mniriii
' ' dry goods Btoie , ollico or bookkeeping.
Flvo j ears' oxpcrlonco. No objection to go out
of city. U. 22. lleo olllco. 415 8J
CmUATlONS Employers in need of clerks ,
IO trnvollng salesmen , accountants supplied
on short notice , Uecord Adv. Co. , 1513 Farnam.
351 7
WANI'F.D-Tounglady graduate from the
Knst In music , wishes position as teacher
nnd orgnnlbt In school or church. Addro s M.
V. W..OI3 Noith 17th Bt 325-OJ
\ \ " ANTED-Situations for lOgirli for general
TT housework City Labor Agency , nw
cor. Ifith and I'nrnnm. Ground lloor. 2ftl
r PO CON"THACTOltS-Wo are prepared to furL -
-L mh nny kind of laborers you want. City
LnborAgency , u w cor , IBth and Farnmn ,
Uroiind lloor. )9 )
WANTED About { 10,003 to assist an citnb
llshed munufuctiirlug buBlnens ; laigc
profits , ohofco Investments , rare opportunity ,
Address U .11) ) . Uoo olllco. 481 IOJ
A \rANTEI ) 'lu trade a nice traekngelot In
TT West Slilo for carriage , horse , barnosi ,
or will sell it cheap , $1,200. Address I'3't ' , lec !
plllce. _ 481 IOJ
\\7"j\N'TEI To trade one hundred acrci ol
T T land In llurllmrton county , N. J. , bet <
t ecnNow York and Philadelphia , for a stock
ol merrlianrtlso or Nebraska rial estate. Ad
dress 1T 3U , lice olllco. _ 4S1 IOJ
WAN I'El ) At once a gentle family horse
for riding and driving ; also a nlco piiuo
ton nud harness. Address U 3D , lloo olllco
_ _ 41 * ! IOJ
\\T ANTEI > Parties who desire to buy or sel
T T or exchange stocks of general merchnil
disp , dry Bonds , groceries , boots nnd shoes
hardware , drugs , Jewelry Improved or unlm
proved town oroity property , Unproved or un
proved farms in any part of the United Mates
to address Kriiu-o ft Foster , 810 S. 16th gt ,
Omaha , Noli. 601
\y ANTED Flvo or ten thousand dollan
T T cash to aid an established manufactory
Largo profits and sure Inxostnionu A ran
oppottunlty. Address U 30 , Hue office.
_ 4S1 IOJ
\\7 ANTED A furnished house ccntralh
TT located by a small family , no chlloron
Hont icasounble. Aildrcss U. 35 lleo. 4(1 ( ! > 9 *
\\rANlKD-To sell lurnlluro of bounliiit
TT house centrally located. Good trade
Hcuson for tellinir , address U 21 , Dee onico ,
'ANTED To trade a 1350 ladies' diamond
pin for a family horse , phaeton and bar
no-8 ! will pn.y cam ditfureoce. Address U 39
II oe om cy. si IOJ
\\TANTEU A gentleman having nicely fur
T T nlshed oiHco will aesoclate with persot
knowing paying builnoBs. Address U. 18 , thl
otncu. 36S 7J
\\7 AN 1 KD Immediately , a competent parts
TT to furnish cooking and eatlnir tenti am !
board for about fifty men for several months
on lines being count rucled for the M.P. Hall
way Co , In Nebratka. ( lood board must IK
furnlched at 1.1 W T > er week. All bill'
gimrantixl. Addrfti 1. L. OMirton , Supt. ol
C nstrucilou , Nebraika City , Neb. 3&J 7
\ \ * ANTED -Day boarders at private board *
' In ? house , 1313 Capitol tike-mio , tM 30J
ANTED-A few day sfcj\dcrs | ar.402 ! "it
Marj's nvo. [ | 434 fj
\\TANTI.D To trade an equity In one or five
Tl Farnant street lots for a nice 10 or 11 *
rootii unencumbered residence with nlco lot ,
outhouses , etc. Addro < s U-tJi , llee olllce.
_ 4P1 IOJ
\\T \TED-PartlPS wlshlmr to etchnngo city
T T property , farms or tnerchntidlso call , 1 can
sitltjou. J. B. Johnson , 310 8 15th , Honln 4.
If . . .4IW8J
House with 8 room7lO minutes'
walk from P. O. Aplljlo O'Donahoo &
Shorfy. MO 7
HKNT Now brick houno , 11 rooms , all
J-1 modern conveniences , flvo blocKs from post *
olllce. wl'l bo Ilnlshed on or about July 15. U
30 , lloo olllco. _ 4vr > IOJ
\\7 ANTED la rent comfortable room with
T T board by gentleman , wife , and child , aged
six. Ooodnclghboi hood , house lacing south.
Address Ernest Itlall , thu Paxton. 515 8J
FOH HF.NT 7-room boarding house on 1flth
near Ctimlngs : 10 steady boarders : rtnt $15.
Furniture for sulo. J350 ; elegnnt 0 room house
ntlfKWS 13th st , Co-oporntivo Land A. Ixit Co.
201 N Ifith st. 4SS 0
lH Itn.NT A basement. Rood place for bar *
bor shop , s. w. tor. Ifith ami Lca\euworth
streets. 513
OHHENT-Sroom house. Oeorgo 1. Gil
bert , Wltlmcll bullcllnif. 45J 10
FO H RENT 1'urnlshed house of 10 rooms ,
171 S Cuss st. 401 14 *
_ _
rOH HKN'T A new 7 room houso. well , cis
tern , 2 rlosets , double doors , sink and pantry -
try , fJ12th st , near Mnrthn. _ 412 f
T71OH HF.NT 7 room , modern new house , gin ,
Jcltj'wnter bath , sewer toniipotlons , on car
line , H4 mlle Irom P. O. $40 per month.
J. L. Hico & Co , , over llnnk.
_ 44'l PJ
FOH KENT il-room homo , furniture nlniost
now. lor snlo nt uroat sncrlllco Address U
2.Heo oilico , 40'i I'J
1710H HKNT fMoom hoti'o In line location ,
-L ; Inquire , Kaufman llros. , IvO ! ) iirnam st.
FOH HKNT New house , ten rooms , stenm
hent , all Impi vements. C.V , and C ! . E ,
Thompson. 314 H 15th st. 731
Fdlt HENT-Nino (0) ( ) room house , 14th nnd
Plorco. Apply toC17 South 13th st. t'57 '
_ _
71011 lll.XT-Utilf of Ptoro. Iiiiiulro at 1213
1 Douglas St. U13
FOU HKNT New store nnd living rooms on
Ginning st near Saundera st. Applj Har
ris Heal rptnto \ Lonn Co. , : r-o S. 15th st B > i3
FOU UHNT A biipoinont , good place for
barber shop , s w corner 10th nnd Leaven-
worth fcts. 81B
FOH HUNT A store room , 2 if,0 and base
ment of the < -aino sl/o. in u In Ick building ,
Fiiltablefor geneial nicrcnntllo buslnosi , I. .
Thelcn , Hlslng. Neli IH.711
FOH I1ENT A house of 7 room * , hard nnd
soft water , $30 a month. Apply to I. Dug-
gnn , 1112 South ir.tu gt. aiu
F I OH HiNT : 'J room house , 70J Pacific.
FOH HENT Two largo nejv stores nnd two
Hats of tl\o rooms each. Cltatorand gas.
On Saunders Bt C. W. Cain , i.2.10 Ohio st. 81- !
FOH HUNT U room hou o afla born , 17th and
Center sts , hou o heated by hot water and
all modem linpro\otr.e'ts , Jiv > . Also a 7 room
IIOUPO as above 140. J. L. Wjulstmus , 111 ! ) S. 15th
street. Q 407
FOH HUNT Two brick stores with baeo-
monts"4th ami IlamlUgn streets. Desir
able locution foi dry pood'f-and drill ? store.
Flats ntio\o If desired. Leavitt Uurnhain ,
loom 1 , Crelghlon block. BK , 071
rOH HHNT Thrco room ItUuso , " ( NVJ 1'aclflo.
For Kent-Six room honsp , UOil H 7th ,
For Kent Three room house , 1011 N2Jth 683
Lot for Lease.--r oiithuast corner
OHOIOli Lca\enworth ard I'ark avo.or will
build to suit tenant. Holibnrllros > M
HENT-Small olllcb-ia excellent loca
Foil . Kmiulio of F. Unrrctt Ic Co..ill1 ;
S. 16th. S , 227
FOHHUNT-Threo room B&uso , HOflii R 7th
V" 345
FOH HKNT 3-room hougo on 14th and
I'loiue sts. Inquire atSIT South 13t st.
FOR linNT Ono now Fov n-room house sit
uated on northeast cor of Klnir and Coif-
man st. Patrick llros. , Hoom- Arlington block ,
U3B Jy 11
F I OH IIF.NT Bed room and Sitting room 417
N. lltuSt. 512
FOH HKNT Furnifhod room ill GreunlR blk ,
cor 13th and Oodirost. Inmiiro of Davis *
Hothorintrton , Mlllard Hotel Hilllard room. 'Ml
FOH HENT-fl nlcrly furnished rooms over
Hloro , 1715 S. Kith Bt. Hont * SX ) per month.
Inquire Lee , NIchol te Co. , room tJ ! , Wlthncl
block. ! I64 11
FOH HUNT Hooms on principal strcots , $ to
15. Hooms listed with us rapidly filled.
Hcconl Adv. Co. , 151J Farnam t 331 7
IT'OH HENT HoaFonablo , lortre , cool , nonly
L1 furnished room with south bay window ,
Inferences. CO'J S 17th st. 21fJ H *
HKNT-Flojrant furnlshea rooms * , \ith
board , 1021 1 nrnara bt. 312
FOH HKNT Newly furnished front and back
parlorb , slnglo or suites. Gas , bath , mod
ern conveniences ; private family : near busi
ness. 1(115 ( Cap live. t 7 IOJ
\ HhNT-Hoom for two. with board for
the summer 1B13 Capitol ave. 327-SJ
"lilOH Itr.N'T rurnlshod iront rooms ; gas ,
JJ bath and board. CM PJcnsHiit. UI1y8 *
OH Hl-NT---TurnTs od rooms , 181fl Uodiro.
FOH HUNT -Furnished rooms 410 N. 18 , loom
4 , for genttomcn only. Hath. 407S *
TjlOH HHNT Hooms on ground lloor for heavy
J stoingeor maiinfactiirinir pnrposos. flarn
for 4 horsep. Corner 13th and Ird. . 494 UJ
F01 ! HKNT 4 unfurni'-lied 1001118,1110 Hnr-
noy. 611 < . ) J
F > OH HRNT Very nicely nnd new ly furnished
rooms ens ultu or slnglo. naw hou ° o with
all moUcrnlmprovomonts at MI , Douglas
50) ) 10J
FOH HENT Suite of fin imbed rooms with
or without board at 2402 bt. Man s ave.
! P2 H'
FOH HENT Furnished front room , near enr
line HI Lornor of DoOge and 24th streets.
Inquire of A. H. Comstoek 152J Farnam st.
FOH HF.NT-Nicely fnrnMiod parlor , Rult-
able for man and wife or two Rcntlrmcn ,
111 S. Ibth St. 13J 10 *
FOH l.KN'F-l'iirtof office-j in .In-in Ire
12121)011 tlns st. U13
F OH HF.NT 3 rooms in a lint cor 20th and
Nlcholos st. 112
FOH UI'.NT A furnished room for gentle
men : pleasant nnd coql.Hit 80U Howard st.
f 10 per month. tf * 47J
FOK HENT-Wnre room Kjr. 14th and Call.
Ifornla on Bolt Lino. < r"5r particulars eu-
ijulro at Union Nat. bank. \ i IBd
J10H HF.NT-Omco 2nd llodr , 310 S 15th , st.
ys' iu _
FOH HF.NT-2 elegant ; , Moms , nicely fur
nished on street caiVUno ; modern con
veniences , ( lentltmen oiflr , Eicellont locn-
tlon. 1U17 CHJS. m 1)71 )
FOH HENT One small And ono largo room
17JO Cnpllol avo. lj\ \ ! V > 0 7'
FOH HENT Olllce room on , Dodge street nn
elegnnt window , and other spuoo for rent-
Appl/to Mitchell vV L"yonmiick,151S | ( Dodo st.
FOH HKNT Furnished rooms : now houfio ,
all modern comenltfaccsIt Farnam
street. ' ' 4l ! > ! !
F Oil HENT-Nico furntsfic'l room,32 N IsTiT
418 8
DIOIl HKNT-S nlco furnlsheil rooms with
L1 board In private family. 71U S Ifith ft.
401 HJ
ITIOH HF.NT A very elegant largo trout room
L1 at 1711 Dodge ft. 4UI 7J
H HKNT-A nlco furnished room on S W
corner of lith und Jlaniey. 400 7J
I OH ItnST Two well funmhod room" with
first clusj board if desired , pleasant locu
tion , private family. S 1. cor 20th and Farnam.
6V ) JylPJ
OH HENT-Eloirant rooms , furniture and
house now , every modern convcnlcuoe ,
1709 Dodge street. Heferoocos rouulred.
FOH HF.NT I.nnro furnUhed rooms , zni ,
h ut and all niodarn Improvemonls. Now
hou"fee , n.ow furniture , 1707 DoilKO street. 851
IlOlt III.N Store room for butehofl 1
Mason. i
FOH RENT FurnliheJ room , 1901 Fnrnnm. .
t-'O 81
FOH HT.NT Furnlihed room on car line ,
suitable for two gentlemen , or man ana
wife. 313 S.iMdst. MJ
"I OH KF.NT 2 nlcelf furnlshCHl rooms , nnd
JL ? elepantly ftirnl hed front parlor , mod *
crn COM onlonces , COJ N , 17th st. 131
j II.NT Fine suite of unfurnished rooms.
L : Hefcrencosroxulred , 1711) Chteacto ,
| 118 3uj
_ _
FOH HRNr-'FtirnlshcKl front room , n block
from nostotiico. 173) ) Cuss st. 4..V > 9J
TTIOH IinNT-omco room 10 per month , 2nd
JD lloor. 310 S. 15th st. 4JO
Tj'OH HKNT Nlooiy furnuhod room , 1X1 !
J-1 Dodge st. 198
< OHUF.M Furnished room/.SO'
300 I'J '
1710H RLNT S newly and ekgantly lurni hod
-JJ rooms lit 1703 DoiiKlits St. 614 ] S
TT OH aKNT-Dcskroom. Enquire Younjr &
J BlacKninn. ' , ' 14 S ISth St. MO
F I OH HKNT Furnished rooms. 1707 Cnss.
EOH KENT Pulto of furnished rooms for
' gentlemen. A. llospo , Jr. ,315 N. 17th.
_ _ 080 _
Foil HKNT Elegant aulto of room ? , reforon-
cos renulrcd , lt > U7 Douglas st. 107
UUNT-rurtilihcil rooms , 714 N. Huh St.
1OU S.\lt : Siv room cottage. Snundo-s &
-L1 lUinbbnuirh ndti to Walnut 11111 , fl.UJJOO ,
one thousand L sli , bal uasy. U iiO Hco otllLo.
440 B'
Eljl (1 ANT residence lot n llnnpcom 1'laco
MX 150 feet , Bpluudld nolirhboihood , near
two line'ot street cnrs , iiiasnltlcent view , no
llnor luilKliiik' site In toun ; water ami RIIS
nlrcndy ontreet. . C'till nnd get price. Ooo.
N. Hlck < . 316 gotltli 1Mb st. 4SO 8
FI\15 room IIOIIFO on 10th nnd Ohio jrood
well and rl'torn , pnmpin l.ltchcn , $ J,000 ,
casj teiins. Currio & Vellum , exposition build-
. 13
nut bargains In this ad , and
- iIllackbiirn A : Kuntiody ha\o them.
'Jho Ilitt on this lint will bu unimproved property
ertyTV o lot-Mil double corner ) In Highland
plaro , smith nndenst Irnnt.'for n lew days at
$11,010 ; 't feet liont In HcdicK's sub , $1,000 : nu
lot In I'luinvlow , fl.HOO ; two lots In Ambler
place , hlooK 14 , noith and east front ( a double
coinoi ) , | lfCO ; ono lot In block 1 at too low a
pi Ice to mention : tuolots in Hainoy place for
JMHi ; ono lot in Heed's llr t addition , ono lot In
1'atiiclt'h addition , halt block from car line ,
81,800:40X151 : toot In I'urk place cheap.
And now look at the improxcii h t : One tlvo *
loom cottage nnd 3. ! foot lot , less than one mlle
from poMollIco , on rapltol hill , for ? I , " > UOono :
ot six rooms for $5,0)0. )
Ono ten loom liouso , full lot , ono and one-
halt block from street carJr > 00. Snafil 'Ihrco
cottages and lot , only hall block from street
car. f lUiUO. Wnvdown.
And many other bat tains In all partsof the
city. This is a small part of our list. Call and
ECO us. lllickburn \ Kennedy , 310S. IBth st.
AST front. lotr,2 , < , ft , ono mlle fiom 1' . O.
tl2.2JO. Graham. C.-olshton bile. 3'J8 B
17011 SALE Coiner lot on Virginia ave with
JP two good houses , cheap at f7,000. 'lerms
ea y. lloiiscs rent for f70 per month. 8. S ,
Campbell , 310 S. 10th st , . Chamber of Coin-
in c ice. 27J
FOH SAT.B-Allvory barn with etablo room
lor about sixty horses , sltuatod In a duslr-
able location , nnd now doing a good business.
Good reasons ( -hen for soiling. Enquire of or
address A. M. Comatovk , real estate broker ,
1UJ Farnam tt. 207
G OOI ) lot 52 ft front on Military road Just
aciossbolt line tl..OJ , Graham o'W U
\ \ 7Ihavosoino of the finest lands In Neb ,
TT that o will exchange for merchandise ,
located In nnv ) > nrt of the slatocorrespondence
Invited , a I'ark. Fowler * Kcnnurd , 10u7 Farnam
408 10
BF.API'IFt'L 'corner Delaware and Wool-
worth avo. lOOxllO foot , fronting south on
IliuiPfom I'urk. Water and gas pipes hilil In
front ol property .Magnificent view : only
two blocks Jrom two stioet car lines. Ono of
the finest residence sites in Omaha. Call and sco
it. Geo. N. lllcl.a. 477S
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V.
Crum , 120N ICth st.
100 lots ! < of a mlle of U. P. depot
for snlo or trailo.
U room house for rent. Two 10-room houses
for rent , Bale or trade. Idlewlldn. Uy
,815 , L. V. Crum. 120 N 15th St.
FOH SALE-50 No , 1 tnrrns within a radius ol
20 miles ol Omaha , Alsr. a low good busi
ness chimeoH in two live towns. J. II. Sllvls ,
Heal Kstuto bud Lonn Agent , Klklmrn , Neb ,
57U Aug. 8
GOOD lot , just north of Cuming st on 26th , OS
It front , tJ.200 , $1,000 cash. Graham ,
Crolghton blk. 3U8 9
S 1'F.CIAI. burgHlns If sold soon. 5 high ,
sightly south front lots In Crolghtoii
Heights , will soil together or separate. Hart'e
Great Western Itoid Estate Agency , Crolgliton
block. 2 o.
BAHRAIN-$10 per aoro. quarter section ,
farming or stock land , I'lattu Vidlov , neai
school , n miles from Junction town. Alsc
trco claim , folomdo. good land , ono mile
from store , six acres broken , $250 , Address
box Ih1 , Kencsaw , Nob. 470 ( > j
BEAUTIFUL Imlldliig Blto,7ri foot cast tionl
on Dunne St. , Iliuihcom I'luee. .lust rlghl
for guide CIoso to two lines of ftrect cars and
near the park. Water main ami pns on Hit
stiect. < mi iiiiil.c this a baigaln if sold < iulck
Gcorgo N. ) HIckM , a I.I S. 15thtreot , 4,8 8
1 > AKi : chance , lor sale. lot fi blk OS Soutl
Ji OiiKiliu,010. . Armour has Incutid thoic
and Ibis lot will double in price within the nexi
UOdaja. I'ark , Fouler i , Kenuaidlt)07 ) l.Hrnnir
49i ; 10
AHAHOATNFull corner lot fiOxlSO fcet.o'ghl '
blocks tills sldo ol K.\ehango hotel nnc
stock > arde.South Omnhn , Just right lot grade
1'ho cottages can bo built on this lot ttu.t irll
rent for fl5 per month , nnd pay 25 per cent
yearly on tlio tolnl linestment. Call and pei
this property. Geo. N. Htoks , 215 South 1" > U
street. 47G 8
HOUSKand two lots , coiner \valnut ltl.1
U.600,1-5 cash , Urnham , Crelghton blk.
3'Jj ' v
ONK aero Cllfo'a ndd. near Snundors st
f7OU , < ) , Ornnam , Croighton blk. 3'J3
A 1'KW Konulno DarRiiins.
- - JGito's uddltlon , u tow blocks west o
Kount/o Plnco , f 1,2. > 0 each.
Acros. Three ton ncro tracts platted , will
two trees planted on each lot. adjoins an ad
ditlon whore lots nro selling for f , 150 each , wil
soil for IHJO an acre. This Is a good invest
Idlowild addition on SWil street nrnr Lnko pt.
now U room houbo in llrst styloall moderi
Improvements , price , 15,500 : no tlner reeldenci
property in Iho elty InVustlgnto this.
A. S. Patrick's ndd a good south trent lo
MxlL'D on Cor by street , a bargain nt $ IC.'J. )
11 room house on Chicago street , all inodon
Improvements , barn , etc. , on piucd HI reft ,
minutes' walk ftom post olllce , a decided bat
pain nt $7,100 , f3,00)eush. )
8 room honsoon Hamilton stgooil lot , 50x11(1 (
south front , R splendid homo for (1,000 ; take
fsnocash. iml to suit.
Patrick's 2nd addu , 2 good lots , pilco $2IO !
nnd f-,400 each
Saunders i Hlmohnugh's adjn , bostlot In th
adilitlon for 575 , i snap.
Pruyn Park , If bold quick will take { 400 for n
Oii'hard Illll.n good lot nnlf block from HBII
lltou street forJ50.
Hitrnoy street near 27th street , lot 51xl3C
price fD.ODO , * 2/XJO cash.
Mitchell i Loyonmarck , Heal I'state , 151
Dodge st. 3847
I1AHGAIN Otio hundred foot front 01
South Klnvonth st , corner lot , only 15,000
Farton time. V. L. Vodlokn , 5JO South 13th st
11)8 )
17 * OH HA LU New house , 7 rooms , cltv watc
1 and hath , 27th uiid PaiKor. Imiulro 17C
Jaekpon et ijQ2 hj
ELiG : ANT lot on Georgia nvo , IJ,60f ) . Gri
ham , Crtlghton blk. 'J8 U
CHOlCi : LANDS-11 per acre. JHQ makes If
year's payment on U/l acres. Wrlto for it
{ urination.V , F Pnlno , bidnoy , Neb. o' OJy2J
may eoncorn. To parties wh
-L build hoiitcB costing from H.200 to fl,5M
we furnish beuutlful building lots In Hodlc
Park lequlrlng no of principal for
) cnrs.
Hcdick Park has elty viator. 350 maple an
elm trco3,45ro9llonce.4 undut "ontructto buli )
nonu to eopt less than $1,500. Its strcon at
gr deil ami turnplkod It M within the elt
limits opposite Kount7e Place , nnd nccosslbl
train tilthiirbaunilois or State , Prco of lei
until July 1st , $1.000
We also ollor
100 tt fronting llanscom Park , (0,000 , ! j _
C'or 100x110 , Georgia ave , (1,000 , (2,000 cash.
Full lot and 7- room houto In exccllont cond
tlon , Parker's ndd , W.SOO.
Ooreaxlt ; , Improved. i > llth near vladuc
( lu.OOO Mead i Jutnleson , Solo Agents , 318
15th st 718
_ _
FOH SALK Ono million acres of land In N
braskn. Speculator's latids.rnllrond land
ranches , and Inriiu in all parts of tt
ctato. Send fbrpamphlct containing descri )
tlon and prlco or oor ono thousanJ farms.
Itno topographical map of the state sent fr <
ii | > on upplicutlon. P II , Andrus , for 10 jea
Ucn'l l.nrifi Avut ( I. * M. H. H. l.lghtb nnd
\VKCnn sell for a few dnya only .
Lot IDA Olso's addition for (6,4)X
Lo til Gl p'.s addition , ( O. X ) .
Illock 1 lloyd'S addition , ( ! > .V .
One third cash , balance 1,2 nnd n years.
liemltiRton & McCcrmlck , 2CO South 15th ft.
TTOH BALK A great bargain , n beautiful lot
Jon20th and t-pilrir. at f I.IXM. Imiulrn for
particulars at the Klk Horn Vnlloy huttd barber
shop , llth and Dodge. 3.14 PJ
ONE hundred and twenty-fix ft on Saunders
t , corner , $100 per front ft. Grulium ,
CrolKhlon blk. S9i 9
BEAUTIFUL south front lot In , liuti com
1'lHco , Just the place for a nlco homo. *
1'rloo $ . ' ,700 , only $700 cash , balance In I. V , 3
nnd 4) ears. Call and ECO It. Geo. N. Hicks ,
2158. 15th St. 47U3
f iTTxtl VALLEY-Pprlni , Valley Joins the
city on the south , two mlles west from
South Omaha Stock Yird , half a milo south
of the Dirrks uianufactory. Tun Fromnnt ,
F.lkhoiu ft Missouri Valley jiasscs through the
addition , Eighty acres of it mo sold. Wo
offe-rllie remalnm * < o acres east of the Mis
souri 1'acllle railroad , the finest garden lauds ,
at from JK > 00 to $ V > 0 per aero , In lots of from
ono and one'-fourth to ton acres , on long time ,
only one-fifth cash ,
Nearest the Stock Yards wo hmo Lobook's
lubdivlslon of Spring Vidloy , nighty-four lots ,
MxliiOat00 to $ ; 50. Tcriiis , 10 per cout cii.'li
and $10 per month , or ouo-follrth ea u and bill-
lined In ono anil two years. Nothing as good
and cheap In neighborhood ,
llomombcr moro than IOJ per cent has been
inado on every addition pUttcd and sold by us.
Get lu on the ground lloor.
Marshall ft Lobock.
Telephone 73. 1601) Fartiam.
mi 7
HKHK la a bargain. Lots y and 4 , In blocK 4.
South Oinalin , fVW. Terms bait onsh and
bulanco easy. Marshall & Lobcck , KOO Fur-
nam. Tclophono Tl. 2S3
FOR SALE Atabnrgnin. C40 neros of first
class fur mini : land In llounrd county , this
btato : llrst clusj boll : close to t o lines of rail
road , nnd surrounded by \ \ ell Impiovod . . furms .
Tan divide to suit purchaser i , and will mnko
this n buririilu If sold quick. Small cash pay *
nifnt : very easy ten. . . Address Oeorg . . N
Ilklis , LTi South Fifteenth street. NW ] 14
I.OTW , Nelson's ndd$1iX)0. ) tiraham.Crolgli-
J ton blk. 3M D
"IOU SAM : A line faun of IfW acres , en-
Jeloped with 3 wire fence , 'W neics under
tultlvation , 11 acios of nsh tree in thrifty
growing condition , pilcoflO per acre , terms
unsy This offer good for thirty du > s only.
Address Chns. 1L Wilson , Otford , Furnas eoun *
ty , Nel ) B7JI } ! ' *
OOltNKIl lot on Cumin ? st. e and 8 front ,
Carthage nddlilUO. Urnlmm , Crolghton
blk. IIUS U
F OIl SALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western
part of Omaha the HoiiMm cur line ,
price J400 each , IAW duo on contracts payable
InSquatterly pajmonts , will trade Interest In
contracts for Nebraska lnn-1. MoCullouh .V Co. ,
15WI Fnrnam
S AT' et , 1MI ft frontage , tlOO per
front foot , Graham , Crelihtou ( blk. S'lS '
IMMEDIATE sale wllltskon lots or loss only
5 or 8 blocks from Kxchangp bid and
Union Stock yards on favorable torms. Hittoen
houses under contract In sumo block. iwant
what they are woith. 1 don't want fiinoy prices
1 want to soil quickly. R. U llrnnnh. iOJ
Sealed proposals will bo iccolvod until Satur
day. July 12th. 18S7. nt 12 o'clooK , noon , at the
olllco of the nnderslgned , tor the purchaau of
the east 41 feotol lot ! ) , In block lit , city , known
nsl43 ! nnd 1115 I1arno3 street , nltli the build
ings tboreon The owner lesorvos the right to
reject nny or all bids Tiill imnk ; liar- upon
npplicntlon ntthoollicoof 0 W. MOUNT ,
318 South 15th Stioot , Omaha.
Notion to Contractors.
) proposals will bo reccUed at the
olllto of the county Lommlssionoi8 up to
loon of Julv L'-'nd , A. 1) . 18V. for building u
county hospital In Oinnhn , Ilouglas eounty. No-
) raskn , aecoiding to the plans am ) specl'lca-
tlons on fllo in the county cominfoslonor's
Cacli bid must bo nccompnnUd by noortlOod
chock In the amount of flvo huiulred dollars.
The right Istuservodto reject nny nnd all bids.
lly order of the bonrd.
[ SUAL ] C. 1 * . NEI.DHAM , Coutity ! Cloik.
Notice to Property Owners and Lessees-
IN pursuauco ol Ordinance No 1408 , ordering
cnrtain stioets pa\ed , to-wit :
That part of 16th stioet , fiom Ohio nnd Wlrt
street. In I'aving lllstilet No. 114.
That pint of 2lth sticot from 1'ntrick nvcnuo
to Wirt street. In District No. llfi.
That part of ( ith street from 1'nclflc street to
1'lorco street , In l > l-trlct No. UK :
And that part of 18th street from Nicholas to
Ohio , In Dlstuct No. MM , nil In the city of
Omalm , you mo hereby notified to mane all
oeosMiry connections with iownraanml water
nalns. or latteriils , and to complete such work
onorbofoio July 30th. 18 7 , as it Is the purpose
tonavo thostrcota In said districts.
No poimltft for excavations or connections
will bo Issued to any property owner or lessees ,
m nny portlonof said streets uftor grading has
) uen commoncoil by pavlnir eontrantors , to put
ho streets In xhapo for paving ii'ir until Huch
puvlug is completed and accoptcd by the city.
ST. A. I ) . llAi.ciiMnr.
Chairman Hoard of I'ublio Works.
O malm , Juno 20th. 18 , jJOJyl-t
Notion < if Dissolution.
The partnership heretofore existing lictwcen
r. L Oregory and II. It. Iladloy. and known 119
: ho flrm ol Crogory k Hudloy , Heal Estate Ilro-
kers. is thlsdaydlHsolird by mutual content
K L Oreuorv , who will continue the business
nt the old stand , will collect nil accounts duo
the llrm and pay all liabilities.
J > 7d3t II. 11. IIAILiV. ) :
Scaled proposals will bo received at my olllco
until t ! ji. m , July I2th , lh7 , tor the construc
tion and maintenance of n complete nystem of
wntorworl.8 lor the city of Noifolk , Nob. Itiuh
hid must bo nccompniiiod with plans nnd ppctl-
The frnnchl o will ho R\PII | for twenty-five
years to the lowest and bet bidderwith imiper
and oqiiltablo eondltlons , us to the puicha oof
the Hs-ti m by the elty at tbd end ol thoterm.or
puch eat Her date as may be provided for. l'io-
po , iiis must bo dialed mid endorsed : "I'ropo-
IR | for ecnstriictlng waterworks. "
The city icsonoi the right to icjoctanyor
nil bld .
lly Older of the mnyor anil city council.
J7m&elt W. UllllECKE , City Clerk.
Proposals for Filling Certain Lots of Real Estate
' ' will ho received by the
undoislgiicd until 11 o'clock a. in. , July llth ,
1887 , lor Illllng with earth certain lots ol real
estate , located In llorbach'n 1st and 2d and E V.
bmlth's additions : paid lots Inivlng been declar
ed a nul-iinculiy ordinance No. ii7 : , vl/ :
Lots Ml ami fiT , Horliueh'sl't ndilltlon
I.ots5,6 , 7,8 ami' ' blk 2 , llortmoh'H add.
Lots3 , 4 , and 7 , fcIk 4 , Horlmch'slM add.
Lot I ) , blk 17 , i : . V. Smltli'e mid.
Such filling to bo done In aceoidatico with
plans and specifications on Illoln the olllco of
the bonid of pnbllo workx.
Ilids will ho inmlo on printed blniiKs tiiinished
liy the board , and to beaecmnpaiilod by u cur-
tilled cheek in the sum of $ VXI , pnyabln to the
citv of Omaha , as an evldoneo ol good faith.
'I ho bom d reserves the right to reject nny or
all bids and to wul\ UofoctH.
8T A I ) . II VtCOMIIK ,
Chairman llonid of Public Works
Omaha , Neb. , Juno 2Wtli , 1887. j.WJyl-7-8
Proposals for District I'nvlnu Ronrti.
City Treasurer's Ofllco , I
Ouinhu , Neb. , Juno 25 , Ihti7. f
; A LEI ) I'HOl'OSALS will bu iceolved utthls
Si olllco until July 25,1887 , ut U , noon , for the
purchuso ot fl2Jnoo of District Paving Uonds
of the elty of Omnliu Suld bonds nro dated
July 1. Ibb7 , and will be duo in onu , two , three ,
four , live , six , seven , eight and nine years
from tholr date , a Similar amount becoming
due each jear : nre In sums of flvo hundred
anil ono thousand dollnis ouch , and bear inter
est from their date at the ntto of sir per cent
um pot annum , pa ) able annually. The princi
pal and Interest are both payable at the olllco
of Knunizollros , lu New Yorn.
Salil bonda are issued under the charter pow
er of Bnld city , mid will ho dollvoiod to pur
chasers , on payment therefor , at the city
treasury In Omaha on August 1,1847.
Iliils will bo addiosAKd to the undorflgned and
marked "Proposals for DIMriot Paving llonds , "
ami must stnto the full name andodUioss of the
bidder , the amount of suld bonds doslrod ( n
similar amount duo each jrear from ono to nine
jears ) , and the price proposed to bo ( aid , with
necriierl Intercut.
'I ho right 18 reforved to reject nny nnd all
bids. JOHN HUSH , City Treasurer.
Ofllcu , 1411 l-ii rarnain.
Itcttldciicc. UOlh andC'ulil'oriiiii.SI
Qf House FiirnUuro , every
and Satuiduy tit CO ? S , IDtli St ,
ut 10 n. in.
i lit mid sohl. FiiTiilture told on mm
Clieapcst ] ) lac to buy tnrnt-
luruand liouauliohl iroodtt in thu city.
Copper , Brass , Lead , Zinc. Etc
Wlllpay good prices. Also bottles bought
nnd cold.
114 S. llth Street.
r. v.'AiKiuon' : : ,
Veterinary Surgeon
onifo , 417 s. niii sTuiiny :
Arrive i
Uniiilin i Onmlia
Depot 10th and i'iorco sts.
I'ftdlic Express 8CO : pm
Denver Kxpress 0v : > nm
* ljocal Express 11:00 : nm 6:05 : pm
* xcopi Sunday.
. * M. If. U. U.
Depot loth nnd 1'nclUe st3.
Mntlatid Exprnsa r > : : u pin )0:0.1 ) : nm
Kluht Express lU:00nu : ; 7:45 : pm
O. H. * O. K. K. .
Depot 10th and I'.icil.csU.
Mall and Kxpro s. 0:00 : nm 0:00 : pm
ClilMKO Express. .
K. c. st. J. * o. . :
Depot 10th nud 1'nclilcst
Alnll fi'r : > pm
Kxprcss 7:00 : am 8:50 : pm
C. St. I1. M. & O.
IK'poUStli nnd Webster st.
Sioux Ulty Express * i:45pm : 8:1K : am
lianerolt Express 10:40 : aml:45 : pm
Ulalr I'.ti-ienm'r 7-JOpm : 5:35pm :
* Excm > t Sundny
Depot 15tlt niul Webster st
fi.2.5amillO : m
Day Express
Express rmwptu vie : pm
Lincoln Express iiaoutn oio : pin
between Council Hhiff.snnd South
Onuha. In addition to tlio stations men
tioned , trains stop atTwcnllcthnud. Iwenty-
fourth btreots , and nt Summit , In Omaha ,
_ I Leave i A.r
depot i depot
o.n.1.- ; . :
All Trains run Dally.
C. A N.V. .
915a ; m 915a ; m
AH trains run
6:40 : p m 7:00p : m
C.I3.AQ. I
All trains run dally. . . . j c : i ni 0:15n : tn
1 ni 7:00 : p in
C. M. A St. P. t
All trains run elally. . . . . j ; ] i m 0:15 : n m
> m 7:00 : o m
ic c. st. i. AC. a
* Kxcept Satutday , 10.00 m10:35am :
t Monday. * 8:55piu : 5:30 : pm
W. St. 1.A1 . I
All trains run daily -I 215 ; p m 12:15 p m
S C. A 1' .
All trains run dully > 7:054 in : am
0:25 : u m : SOpnt
wno VUCQUAIVTID WITH ins oitnanArnr or THIS
lly reason of It * central position , cloao relation to Hurl
1' of ChlcnKO , anil continuunt linn nt terminal
lolnti Writ , anil f > outliwnt , U the truA
inKIJIo link In that tranir-Anllncntr.1 njitem which
InTltri anil facllltato traiel nnd trofllo Ixtwien th
Atlantic and 1'aclnc. '
The Ilnck Islnml muln linn and branches Inolnil * CJit-
cago.Jollct , Ottawa , l.aHnlle , 1'oorla , Uinetno , Wollno
nnil Uock ItUml , In llllnnlii lurcnroit , Xuioatlne.
WalhliiKton , Kalrflclil , OltumwaO.Vnlao > aV itI.II > -
erty , low a CityPen Molnci. In.lUiioU\Vlntn.rf . Atlan
tic , Knoxvlllo , Auilulion , llnrlan , Outlirl * Centra unit
Counrll HlulTs , In low * ) Oullatln , Tn nU/n , SU Joi pn ,
C.imeron nnd Kanian City , In Ml' ourli Learcnvorth
and AtchUon , In Kanioni Alltert ! . * . , Mtnneapolli and
ht. I'aul , lilMlniiriotr. ) WtUortown und Slous t'alll.ln
Dakota , and lmndrod < iof IntermMlIM * ) cttlrt an j totrni ,
' /Tho Great Rock Island Routo" '
Ouaranteo > p < d , cumfurt , certalntr and lafrty. lt <
runnanent ray l dlrtlnffui-htxl for fttcieollonca. It *
IrlJfc-ri nre or ttono and Iron , Il track U ol loll I
tCfllurollliiK lcnkiHrfi'rt. Itia > cnK > iri inlpm rl
has all thunarutyaiipllaurcn that ciperlrnealiaiprOTtii
usiful , and for liiiurlou < acc.nmmrjdatlons la uniur-
| ifi9acd. Its Lxprrss Trains conil > t of cuicrlor Pay
Cuarho , elegant I'ullnmu 1'alaco I'arlor and 8)oe.lni ) |
Can , euixib pining Cm * , proTldlng dellcloai mf l < ,
and ( U.twt.n Chicago and bt. Jonepb , AtchUon an 1
Kiiii-ns City ) lentful llrcllntng Cliafr Can. Its man.
ftfcmeiit li comcrrutlTO , IU dUclpItna electing ,
"The Famous Albert Lea Route"
Ilftween ChlcaKo and Hlnnuaiiolli and St , Paul li tht
faroMtu. ( iTer thli line Holld Fut Kiprnl Tralni run
( tally to attractive rciortf for tourletl In lo * > an4
Mlnnoota , and , Tla Watrrtoon and Film I'alti , to H.n
rlcli wheat and frailn-Iand | ur Interior Dakota. Via
Eenrca nnd Kankakuo , thaloc-c Inland ofTeraaurierlor
ln < hu c rnonti to traTclent betworn Cincinnati , Indlan-
anolU , I.afajrIU and Council Jtfieiih , Atclil-
f on , Lcanworth , Kan/aa City , Bt. 1'aul. and Interme
diate i lnl All i > utron > ( riparlaHy ladlvi and chil
dren ) iccflro protection , courteiy and kindly Attention ,
lor tickets , map" , foldwrf , copluH c { Westeru Trail , or
miy dealrcd Information , An > ly to iirluctpi.1 offices In
tbo United Btdtcs anil Uanotla , or adiironuXCtilcaea ,
. ft. CABlt , I. ST. JOHN , I. A. UOIIROOI ,
r > iri Qii1Micit l.ilOn.l.ukii' . ia.TU fu a < X
& 0aliees ! ! in Cow. t | Ik habtl Fillasial Sfil Wjit ;
Deattu from Ihem m iU > * rlllroi.V " '
tuiet , | iru > tMu Imi'l. vurlroielc , ula < iil r mil
clitnrilodl pn-i9 c u o them unit luu t ln > curnl IIT
llm Amhel Mmlent ) llumuu Kurupemi uil lAini'Ml.cit
( poiUllil | iUril < 1uu'i luenlBiiiJ Internal pn ( clrcni.
odlei or thu aTerer4 uruloit. Om phMlcU * udri
HUdbaulu wltb p rlluUri ! nndcure , ( roe iu
.J'Jl liroiid ay-NcvT xork