Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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fcy carrier In nnr part of th cttr * t
twenty centi per w ot
8. W. TH.TOIT , . . . Manager.
Bc8imt 8 Ornci. No. tt ,
Ifiour KDITOK Mo. .
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
Holier , tailor. Summer goods
County Clerk Shea has broken ground
for his now residence on Eighth street.
Dell ( J. Morgan and Miss Ada G. East
were Wednesday united in marriage.
The trustees of the Institution for the
duaf and dumb meet in Burlington next
The laying of the double track on the
Union. I'aciiic bridge is being hurried
right along.
The contract for frescoing the walls of
the new county court house was let to
K. A. Norling.
Headquarters for tickets of admission
to the races at the driving park at Moore
& Kiplingnr's , No. 411) ) llroadwtiy.
Elder Joseph Lull' , from Independence ,
Mo. , will preach at Saint's church this
evening at 8 o'clock. The public is cor
dially invited.
George Gcrspacknr who was injured in
the runaway on Wednesday was yester
day somewhat improved , although in a
serious condition.
The ladies of the Episcopal church
who have served mualH to the Oiidon
house guests this week concluded their
labors last evening.
A little son of Low Murphy , residing
on avenue F , is sulloring from having
stepped on a broken bottle. His largo
too was nearly cut oil' .
John W. Charrett , of this city , and
Jennie Johnson , of Nebraska City , were
married Wednesday evening by Justice
Schuris at his residence.
Mrs. Burhorn lias erected a Hue monument
ment in 1'airview cemetery to the memory
ol her husbatnl anil her little girl. It
weighs eight tons and is artistically fin
One hundred and seventy-five teachers
have been enrolled at the teachers' nor
mal institute of this sountr now in sea-
Hlon. After concluding the session here
July 23 , the institute will bo opened in
Avoca July 25.
The county board has decided to give
the contract for metal hook and shelves
for the new court house to Iline , Kelley
& Co. , of Chicago. The board also de
cided in favor of the United States docu
ment tiles , which uro to be of mctiil also ,
the Western File company , of Chicago ,
getting that contract. J. 11. Carnes , of
Omaha , is their local agent.
J. K. Graves , the motor railway builder ,
returned yesterday morning from the cast
and last night left for DCS Monies to see
the Hock Island people in regard to the
motor crossing. Mr. Graves said things
remained about the same as when ho left
here. Nothing definite had been settled
upon in regard to the crossings , but ho
was under the impression that in a day or
two the whole matter would be settled.
Host grade of corset for 25 cents at
Goldberg's , 18 Main street , for to-day and
to-morrow. Warner's , Dr. Hull's. ' Dr.
Warren's nursing corset , Duplex , all for
25 cents.
At the Pacific house vou will save from
60c to $1 per day. Try it and bo con
Ma n HUM Imiid.8.
Lake Manawa has gone down about
two feet during the past week. Forsomo
reason or other , probably because the
motor line is not completed , the bathers
have not been as numerous as the pro
prietors at Manhattan Buach had wished
for but they are nightly increasing in
numbers and a couple of nights with an
increased temperature will see crowds
rushing for the beach. As it is now ,
nearly everybody stops at Hotel Manawa
and only a small portion go across to the
beach to remain any length of time.
This is the harvest for the steamers ,
row boats will have thoir's later on.
Three steamers now ply between the
hotel landing and the beach , the Little
Gem being unquestionably the fastest
one. She is nicely fitted up bill is not
quite as largo MS the others. She can
carry about twenty comfortably.
On the beach the latest improvement is
n see-saw erected out in the water. It
nll'nrds much amusement to those on the
beach also. A Impose is to be put tn at
the end of the spring board , also hanging
rings above the spring boards. The beach
this year will probably bo patronized
nioro largely in the day time than it was
last year. The awnings erected afford
shade for those who wish to bo seated ,
while the bathers can supply themselves
with straw tiats.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A.
J. Grcenaniayer , Crcston House.
For female diseases and chronic dis
eases of all kinds , call on Dr. Uico , No.
11 Pearl street , Council Blufis , Iowa.
An Omaha Blood.
John Pierce came hero on the Fourth
from Omaha , where ho claims to bo a
clerk in a wholesale grocery house. Ho
loaded up with beer and then strolled
/ along Hroad way playing "amarty. " One
ti of his cuuningcst trioks was , us he passed
a lady to slap her on the shoulder and
then go on. About th second time he
played this smart trick ho was grabbed
by an iruto husband , who was merciful
enough not to thump the fellow , as he
ought to have dona. He turned him
over to the police. Pierce had the case
continued until yesterday , and tried to
square his act by an apology , but Justice
Schurz thought a line was needed.
Pierce had to put up $10 besides the
apology. It is hoped the lesson will do
liim good.
J. W. & K. L. Squire make beautiful
abstracts of title and deserve the success
they are enjoying.
When you arc in the city stop at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass the door
every fifteen minutes for all the depots.
Meals 50 cents each.
Too Many Spoons.
Harry Phillips is under lock and key
awaiting further investigation. Ho had
in iiis possession several tablespoons and
teaspoons , n sugar spoon and three nap
kin rings. The silverware was marked
"K. A. 0. " and is supposed to have boon
stolon. Ho gives no very clear explana
tion of how ho came to have them ,
For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr.
Rico's new invention. It makes a man
of you in five minutes. No. pain , No.
11 'Pearl street.
Latest improved gasoline stoves at N
601 Maiu street. W. A. Wood.
Police Point * ,
William ( ! ray was yesterday fined for
assault and battery upon Jack Shoup.
Fiank Johnson and James T. Mercy ,
ordinary drunks , wore fined.
H. Pakin and J. T. Maher were fined
for disturbing the peace , and two va
grants wcro scut down.
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real oituto olllces la { ho city ;
Idalia and Consul Win the Closing Races
of the Meeting ,
A Voting Omnha Iltond I'tinlohnd For
Infinltlng Lmcllcs A Suspicious
I'rotvlcr With Too Many
Hpoonfl Fatal Accident.
The Clotting Uncos.
The closing day of the races proved a
successful finish. The sun was hot , the
ky quitn clear and a line breeze blow
ing. The track was a little too heavy
with dust.
The music for the day was furnished
by a combination band , consisting of the
Fifth regiment , the Goi man-American
and the Dow City. It was , to say the
least , bettor music in quantity , if not in
quality , than was ever furnished auy
races hero before. The three bands
played together well , too , considering
that the combination was thus hastily
formed for the day.
The meeting has proved a very satis
factory one , both to the management
and to the public. By some strange
freak of good fortune rain did not inter
fere , as it his : with so many previous
meetings. The we-ithor throughout has
been favorable , the attendance good and
ho horses many and speedy.
Much of the success and enjoyment of
ic meeting lias been duo to Mr. Smith ,
f Earlville. 111. , the starting judge. His
larion voice , his sharpness in making
tilings and the lectures which he deliv-
red from the judges' stand served to
fhilo away the monstrosity of waits and
f tedious scoring. This promptness with
vhich he and his associates squashed the
ttompts at crooked work caused the
ublic to feel well satislied. The open-
ig day settled this feature of horse
'acing ' , and jockeys and bettors quickly
aught onto the fact that horses must bo
'riven to win and fair work must bo
The first event yesterday was the 2:48 :
rot. There wore nine starters , who drew
ilaccs as follows : Atlas , Barney Loscll ,
Cansas City ; Altamont , E. E. Greers , Co-
umbia , Teun. ; Colonel Sprague ,
'rice Smith. Minneapolis ; Idalia ,
Jharlcs Buckley , Crawfordsville , Ind. ;
Uncle Josh , J. L ) . Marten , Minneapolis ,
"Jaisy II. I. J. Starbuck , MeCook , Neb. ;
Janiel L. , M. T. Patrick , Omaha ; Miss
'owloy , Anderson & Mclntosh ,
Marietta , Ga ; Cora Stewart , Bob Stewart ,
vansas City.
Miss Cowlcy was the favorite in the
ool. It was a line field of horses , and
ather than allow the usual squabble
ver scoring , a quick send off was given
ut the start was a poor one.
To the half it was a snug race between
Atlas ana Idalia. Daniel L went oflf his
'cot ' badly. Uncle Josh , though far back
m the send oil' , pushed speedily into
lilrd place but then fell back. Miss
Jowloy made some bad breaks on the
trctcii but finally got down to her work
mil pushed along next to the winner
tnd came un.ler the wire lapping Idalia ,
, vho took the heat in 2J1 : ! } . ( Jra Stewart
was third , Atlas fourth. Uncle Josh fifth ,
\ltainont sixth , Daisy H seventh , Daniel
' eighth and Colonel Sprague ninth , all
ho horses getting it , though the Colonel
barely escaped.
The second heat was a hot one. Idalia
ed well to near the half , when by a break
ho fell back , clear to the end of the
trine , and then by a wonderful burst of
speed she closed up , getting into second
) lace at the three-qunrter pole , traveling
, 'ery fast indeed to make up this loss.
She kept up her speed to the finish , and
just as she passed under the wire broke
again , but the heat was won before
.ho break. Ora Stewart was only a
lose betiiud , and Miss Cowloy lapping
her sulky. Colonel Sprague got the flag
in his face. Altamont moved up from
sixth to fourth place. Time 2:31 : J.
The third heat proved a deciding one.
It was a hard send oil especially for
' ) amel L. , who got left entirely. Ho
tied to catch up by running , and while
lie was thus busy there was an inter
esting race going on at the front.
Idalia Kept the lead but she had not too
much room , and Ora Stewart and Miss
[ Jowley were continually swapping second
end and third positions , the others string
ing out. Idalia won the heat in 2:3J : } ,
Ora Stewart sccoud and Miss Cowloy
Idalld 1 1 1
OtaStcwnrt 8 3 a
MtssCowley 2 3 3
Altumorit 0 4 4
Atlas 4 0 5
Daisy 11 7 8 6
Uncle Josh 5 5 7
Datilnl L 8 7 8
Colonel Spraniio U dU
The special pace between Lottio P.
and Dan D. was a nulo dash , Both arc
noted Omaha pacers , Lottio P. having a
record of 2:17J : , is owned by E. A. Bon-
sou , and Dan D. has a record of 2:10. : Ho
is owned by C. . Muyne. The race was
for a purse of $1,000.
It was a tame affair. Lottio P. went
clear off her fcot after passing the quarter
polo and had to come to a dead stop be
fore resuming her travels , which from
then on could hardly bo called a raco.
Dan D. wont on , making thoniilo in 2:20. :
Lottie ran down the home stretch , but
did not get inside the distauco ling. ,
THE 2:23 : THOT
had seven starters , who drew their places
as named : William C. , Price Smith ,
Minneapolis ; Consul , C. E. Mayne ,
Omaha ; Elrawood Chief , K. T. Kneobs ,
Sioux City Orphan Boy , J. W. Volge-
song , Elyria , O. ; White Stocking , Bol
Stewart. Kansas City : General Hancock ,
George W. Farrier , Minneapolis ; Zig , D.
B. Staples , Stillwnter , Minn.
Consul was the favorite in the pools by
great odds. Judge Smith opened with his
Uhiial lecture , warning the drivers that il
must bo a fair race , and that no fooli h-
n jss or fraud would bo allowed to pass
by unpunished.
The first heat wns rather bobby. Elmwood -
wood Chief wont badly to pieces on the
first turn and again on the homo stretch.
Willsam C. also took a turn iu the air.
and on the second half Hancock bobbed
surenoly up. Consul led steadily clear
around , but the chief getting down to
business kept closing up , and on the
homestretch seemed to bo in a fair way
to get his nose ahead , but broko. Even
then as Consul passed under the wire the
Chief was only a neck short. White
Stocking third , Zig fourth , General Han
cock liflh , Orphan Hey sixth , William C
seventh. Timn 2:2U. :
The second heat was lost by Consul on
the first quarter. In making the first
turn ho broke badly , and Elmwood Chief
went to the head and stayed there. White
Stocking kept up in sticond and third
place. Consul , after catching himself ,
fairly Hew until on the half ho got close
upon the Chief. On the third quarter
Elmwood Chief went up in the air , and it
seemed for a moment tfiat Consul would
got MB nose ahead , but the Chief caught
himself so quickly that ho kept the lead ,
and on the homestretch Consul garo it
up and let White Stocking como in second
end , Consul taking thlrdj Orphan Boy
fourth , Zig fifth , General Hancock sixth.
William 0 was distanced. Time 2:22i : ,
There was a little delay caused by
both Consul and Elmwood Chief needing
the blacksmith. The pools were selling
Consul $20 to | 23 for the Hold.
The third heat was one of the most ex
citing of the meeting , although not so
speedy , Orphan Boy from the senU-otY
\vvut fey ing around au4 took the polo
at the first turn , Consul made a little
break. Elmwood went oil' his feet , but
made ono of his quick catches , and gained
rather than lost. At the half they wcro
all bunched closely , but Elmwood made
another break. On the third quarter
Elmwood led , followed by White Stock
ings , Consul and Orphan , r.ach lapping
the other. Consul went oil' his feet again ,
and , as usual , lost time in catching on
again. This was his last attempt to win
the heat , and ho saved his strength by
being content with fourth place , leaving
the contest to White Stockings , Orphan
Boy ana the Chief. NMilto Stocidngs
cnmo under the wire a length winner :
Elmwood Chief with his nose ahead of
Orphan Boy , but the judges , on account
of the Chief's running , gave the second
to Ornhan Hoyj Elmwood Chief third and
Consul fourth. The tlmo was slow
2:2-J. : |
Judge Smith iutorjcctcd a warning that
ho understood there was a probability of
thn race being fixed , and that all must
drive to win , or other drivers would take
their places. The crowd cheered as
usual , and took fresh interest.
The fourth heat got a good start.
Elmwood Chief and ( Jonsulled out , and
the others strung along. The heat was
steadily trotted , " Consul getting to the
front and keeping there , Elmwood Chief
a close second. White Stockings pushed
up into third place at the half and kept
there , while Orphan Bov was fourth ,
General Hancock fifth , and Zig sixth.
Time 2:22 : } .
The judges then ordered a change of
drivers , a now ono taking White Stock
ing and another Elmwood Chief , Judge
Smith announcing that , money had been
oilered to keep White Stockings back ,
and that other overtures had been made ,
which caused the judges to decide it was
better to have a change of drivers in the
interest of the turf. A like change was
made at the Marshalltown races , and
White Stocking ? and the Chief fell back
instead of going to the front , as the
judges oxpoctetl.
The pools were selling Consul $10 and
the Ik-Id $5 previous to the iiftli lieut.
General Hancock was drawn.
The fifth was the deciding heat , and it
was ono of the prettiest of ttio whole
mooting. It was steadily traveled , Consul
keeping in the lead from the start to the
finish , but being cloaoly followed. The
horses kept h-indsomcly nearly all the
way around , and they came down the
homestretch each lapping the other. It
was a fine finish for this most successful
meeting' Consul won the boat and race
in 2:24J. : Zig second , Elmwood Chief third
and White Stockings fifth.
Consul 1 3411
Elmwood Chief a 1323
White Stocking 3 2134
Orphan Boy 6 424 5
Xlg 4 5502
Centtral Hancock 5 G 0 5 dr
William C 7tls.
Time 2:23 : , 3:2J : / , 2:25 : ' , 2:2 : % 2:24 : f.
This , as on previous days , was ono of
the most enjoyable sights to many of the
crowd. It was yesterday won by the
man , the lady being gracefully defeated.
Time 1:50. :
Probnbly Fntal.
News received last night indicates that
the accident which befell William Hall ,
baggageman on the Kansas City railway ,
will probably prove fatal. The train was
just leaving Uigclow , and young Hall
was passing along the foot rail on the
side of the mail car just as the train was
passing through a close bridge. Ho was
struck by the timbers and fell. When
found he was laying in the middle
of the bridge just outsiao of the
rails. Ho was taken up to St. Joe where
10 is now being cared for. Ho is terribly
hurt and his chances for recovery arc
very slim. Ho is suffering from a con
cussion of the brain and a fracture of the
skull. There is a cut across his head in
rent wide enough to lay a linger in.
This is sad news to Mr. Hall's many
friends here. He has for a long time
been running between this city and Kan
sas City , and lias been making his
homo at the Pacific house. He is very
highly esteemed hero , and the keenest
interest is felt in the result of his injuries.
His father and mother livoinDusMoincs.
A peculiarly sad feature of the case is
that the young man was to bo married
within a month to a young lady in Peoria ,
Personal I'arngraphs.
Henry Atkins left last night for De
W. H. Freeman , of Oakland , is at the
S. A. Jones , of Carson , was in to thoraces
races yesterday.
J. D. Cook and wife , of Lincoln , wcro
iu the city yesterday.
A. E. Huchanan , of the Waliash road ,
was iu the city yesterday.
F. L. La Hue , of Corning , was at the
Pacific house yesterday.
J. P. Tufts , of Marshaltown , was u
Pacific house guest yesterday.
Colonel McKissock returned yesterday
Irom a trip to New York and other east
ern points.
N. J. Ilouin , C. M. Cowan , It. Jones
and wife and It. M. Carpenter , of Fre
mont , were at the Bcchtolo yesterday.
E. P. Savage , J. E. Blackmail and W.
G. Eliding , stockmen of South Omaha ,
dined at the Crcston yesterday with Mr.
Mrs. T. A. Clark and her daughter ,
Miss Sadie Clark , left last evening for
Idaho to there join Mr. Clark , the well
known locating engineer of the Union
Pacific. They expect to be absent uulil
Other agents may talk as hard as they
please about the Hardman piano. It gets
away with them for all that. Those pi
anos are hard to beat. The Mueller
Music Co. soil always only the best.
How it Varies In Different Cities of
ttio Country.
New York Sun : "I got up ten minutes
ago to give my seat to a lady , " remarked
a passenger on a Broadway car last
Wednesday evening , when'it was raining
as if another deluge had como , "and that
dude in the corner took it , and has
stuck to it over since. "
The standing room in the car was
thronged with women , young and old , u
number of them evidently weary shop
girls , for it was the hour for the close ol
labor in the stores. The "dudo , " who
had taken the scat indicated , was attired
in ttio best custom made clothes , and hi ;
delicate hands and complexion showo <
that ho had not spent a toilsome day. Ho
adhered to his seat with a patiimce worthy
of a better cause , and stared fixedly at the
bustle of a girl who was hanging to i
strap in front of him.
"In Boston , " remarked another pas
senger as the big drops trickled down Ins
neck from the roof over the back ulat
form , "no gentleman would sit while a
lady is standing , unless it might bo Dr
Mary \ > alkor , and not in her case , bu
for the pantaloons. I've been in sovcra
of the leading cities of the couiury , um
Now York rather takes the lead for iu
difiercncc to tliu comfort of women 01
the street cars , although It used not bo t <
so. In Chicago the native Americans am
hotter sort of foreigners all give
way to women as a rule , allhougl
\ used to notice in Chicago thu
th fellows called anarchists never
showed any disposition to give up thei
share of sitting room , however willing
they might bo to arcopt a share o
another man's property. "
"How is it iu Philadelphia ? " asked the
passenger who had first spoken.
"Well , " was the reply , "it is hard to
toll what a male Philadclphian would do
U a street car was crowded and a woman
On Furniture , Household Goods , Stoves , etc. , to make room
for Fall Stock.
A. J. MANDEL , - - No , 325 Broadway
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Mo. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
O. J . OOX
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Ulufft Oflfco , IMiKioitlo
Temple. Oinuliii Oltlcc , fto ill
Xorlii Itifli Htrcct.
I'urtlctilnr uttenllon given to In
venting I'll n cN lor neil - resi
dent * . Special bargain * in lot * &
aero properly in Omaha & Coun
cil Itlud'Nt Correspondence nolle-
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : : Boaidcrs : : Reduced : : Rates.
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Iiulriiincntg Tuned nnd Repaired. We never Tail to give NiltUliiclloii.
Over ! 2O years' Uxpcrienec In Piano and Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 327 Broadway , Council BlulHsIow a
Attorneys at Law *
ctice in the State and Keilera Courti
Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block.
should bo standing. The street cars there
have no ver. been crowded except during
the centennial , mid then , jou know , the
crowd was nearly alletraujjcrs. "
bee Ihtt Tatl.l lUmp U c
Isild. of ( ort.l.
OwInK to the UllbOltL rmill ITT o ( tlio clolli ( lilcli
our | > MrnU coter fidu l ely ) will III nrrfrrtlr flr t
tlniMwurn KKquiinnotirraklneIn nnSKriik.1l.KMtI )
by lellerafter WIIIL' wnrnttiilaft If nut fiilu < l IhiMnurtl
rnurm-i1 rrrrixu. IIIIAI.TIIPITI.
niul < 'nminriitiiluCorict e'er wofli. * Void by ll
" '
"Vli'oTTY 1IH08. . Chlcutfo , III.
And other * lullcrin from
HTTOUI deblltl.rxhauiHiiitf
I chronic dln-a * * ? * , punialurtf
1 lecllne of juuntf or old ro
* lively cured tiy 1'r '
urne's fjimoui 1'lrrtro-
Mvcnrtle Itvlt. ThouuiKli
-hUto In the Union have h in curnt.
? ty Instantly ftlt I'atcntwland fold JO
family.c n * t r wnit1 belt K let trie
mpank'n Klectrlo Truut fur
JMHin'MS. htnfl ktanipforimiuphlet *
iHvttiTOR , 191 WABASH Av. , CHICAGO.
tMr I > cll * * ftc..rtttulilrff from inditcrtljoriior
ltMf c r 4 vllhi Ml * > r I * * lr4laln * .by ibt )
SbouM taTjMjby Faihfrt
EngineerSurveforMapPublisher , ,
Over AY > . Ifi Forth Main St.
countv maps , of cities and countloi
I'ricca Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JVO. 23 MA IH ST. ,
The linest of driving horses always on
hand and for sale by
Star Sale Stabfes and Mule Yards
Uroaawuy , Council Ulutls , Opp. Dummy tciot ) |
sa 3"
3 g
3 S
P * " B S.
llorhcs and mules kept oAitintly
hand , for saio ivt refill or in ivir loa
Orders promptly tilled by contract on
short notieo. Stock sold on commission.
SHLUTEH & Hoixv , Proprietors.
Tolop hone No. 11
Form brly of Kcil Silc. Stable corner
let.avo. and-1th st . .
X X X X ,
For Everybody to Come to
No postponement on account of the weather.
"We shall close out without regard to cosfc
In Summer Dress Goods ,
Wash Goods , Hosiery , Etc.
Come Early
And Secure the Best Selections ,
We are Headquarters for *
Carpets of all Kinds.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
mail. N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Special advertisements , uch s Lost , Found
'i o Loan , For Sulo , To Kent , ft until , Ho a nil tit : ,
etc. , will lioinsortvd In thin column nt tlin leif
ratoof TENCKNTSl'EK LI.NK forthonm Inser-
iomuid i'vo ' Cents PcrLlnufo.'caoh nulmuquont
Inaurtlon. I.cavo nclvorllsoincntH nt our ofl9co
No. \ l'cnrl street , uunr liroailwj/ . Council
WANT ! ! ! ) Situation Inu dru more. Two
yeiuH experience ) . Uoocl reteroiice. I ) .
8. , Ileoonice.
WANTED A competent plrl for cooking
ml Kcnerul housuwork , good wugod. In-
qulro No. 105 1'earl it.
WANTKD lly man and wile , thrco rooms
for light uoiiBokueplnK. or Imunl with un
furnished room In quite prlvktii family nlthln
ntlcon inlnuten wnlk of the police atinion. Address -
dross for thrco dujre , Bintlng terms , -MS Kabt
Washington avo.
"TOOK HAI.i : Cows and hoisos for Biilo ; one
Jynur'H tlrao trircn.
( Iood pasturage near city for nmt.
] 6i ) acres Roo't land tor Hiilo just cast of Colonel -
onol Pnpp'B fitrm.
Apply to llomco Evorott.Coiinoll Illnirs.
CHKAI' A 4-burnor conl ill htiivit , rookltiir
nttiirliinciit tun ! nvon. ( lest I'niil oil > > t < ) vu
In inaritnt ; lius liocn UKI-U ono st-iiion. A. J
JlunJcl , No. iK.'i llroiulmiy.
ANTKO Fifty rallroiul teams anil IIT l
tULMi toiiraetur , whculor holilcrn , lu a
liolJcrn , Krulibdis iinj HI men for r.nlro n
work n lirnnoli of ! ' . , B. & .Mo. Vnll y , ru
nlnir from Illv miles nnrlliwcst ol' Omnli
to 0. St. 1' , , M. k 0. It It. WRKCR for team
t'JM per ilar , tenmstorn { 25 per nintitli , > la
mun from l\.W \ to f 2 per day. Apply ul work
rjouldt'ii fc Mftltby.
OK HII.N'T C'ouI rboill , olllco anil icnles , onu
lUo-rooin tioiiBo , ( l , Mnynu , KMCtli uvo.
l Olt HAl7l 0r TraTIn-SIx sertlom of yooa
X' lana In Lincoln coui.ty. Neh. on U. P.
nillwttjr. Call on or a < lilrxil Utlull llroa. & Co. ,
lO'l IVurl at . Council Illiiff" .
Vacant I.oti , I.nndB , City Itcelilunccs iuid
KurmB. Aero property In western p it of > .lty.
All bollltiir vliutip.
Real Estate & , Insurance Agent ,
HOOIU / > , over Onioer i IHisey's Hank , Co u tic I
/ : . , S. It A ItXKTT ,
Justice ot the Peace ,
41fi Uroadway , Counbll BlUfTi.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
Collection * a
Council LlulTs.Iowa.
Established 1457.
Iu Amber ,
TortolseSliol , !
etc. , Hair On
namcnte , M
well as the )
newest nov
elties In hajr
goods ,
1 Hair gOOdd
rnadeto order
Mrs. C. L. Gillette
20 Mr.iu St. , Council JiluttM , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orderu promptly attended to.
Finest Landaus
C ouches and Hacks in City.
No , 418 Ilroaihvay The Manhattan ,
Telephone No.
Na. 015 Main Street , Telephone No , 93.
Justice of the Peace.
UMUoovur A meikan Kxpti s.
lima complete line of
, , ,
Lnrgeiinta hi white. * ! aolc nn < \ nil colors. I'a | ' *
torn liotmuts , huta pud to'inos , aii > ecUlty :
Mo Itlt I > Uf l i Bt. , Uai u . .